#depri mood
a-solas-frente-al-mar · 5 months
Tener un buen corazón me hace sentir estúpida
- A
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fck-yall-off · 1 year
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Anime: Unknown
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falskeforventninger · 9 months
hallooooo hvorfor har jeg været i mit vinter-depri mood siden juli!!
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vaxxy-the-raven · 1 year
(The Legend Of Vox Machina - Season 1 Episode 3 - The Feast Of Realms)
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Episode Rating - 5 out of 5
"They were so cruel with this opening and I love it.
Am I a bit peeved over the family tree rewrite? A little, I admit.
Cassandra should be younger than the twins and we're missing both Vesper and Ludwig.
Also Percy being too depressed to appreciate Vex looking like that is not as funny as the memes about it are, but is it still pretty funny.
Keyleth being her usual Disney Princess self is lovely! But her reaction to Vax's greeting is annoying, he has food in his mouth Keyleth, what did you expect? Vax singing good morning? Come on, girl, give him a break lmao.
Then Grog ruining Vax's day before he even has breakfast is such a brother thing to do. A+ sibling representation there.
Then Allura!! The door!! Vax getting revenge!! Scanlan flirting with Pike!! This scene is so good, poor Percy trying to save face with an unimpressed Allura always cracks me up.
Then the dinner!
There's a slight animation error that has Vax looking a little depry when they first arrive, but the curtsey more than makes up for it - also, he looks so pretty!
("No thoughts, just pretty boy" is the biggest mood of the season.)
Also petition for Vax to have a ponytail in season 3 if we don't get the beads and braids. So much nicer than whatever he has going on normally.
Also everyone looks great here, Vex especially so. Hooo boy. Her and Percy having matching necklaces and chokers is so cute, I fucking love them.
Pike and her fancy shots, then her telling off the audience.
Scanlan flirting with Reginald. My new favourite otp.
The Briarwoods' entrance, tho.
Sylas walks like a man who knows he's the sexiest man alive and that his wife is the hottest woman alive. Love that for him.
Also Vax immediately wanting to help Percy? Asking what he needs? Offering to snoop?
Love him. Love him. Love him.
The safeword bit is funny, but it doesn't make sense without the earrings??? Like, what???
Then Scanlan failing that charisma check so bad was funny, Allura totally knew he was lying through his teeth.
The dinner scenes are a bit grating, but still kinda funny.
Vax and his stealth roll is beautiful, love that sneaky boy!
Then we get to see Simon! Yes!
I hope we see more Simon next season! I adore him!
Also the long shot on Vax's crotch while he picked that lock was so fucking rude. 10/10 thank you
Then the scene where Delilah has Sylas charm Uriel to stop him from drawing suspicion on the pair and Whitestone?
Sylas touching the sovereign and nobody stopping him?
I do think he should have said "You don't need to do that, Friend." rather than just "You don't need to do that.", but maybe that's just me?
Still hot though!
And only Keyleth seeing it? Does she realise what's happening or ???? Baby girl, what do your (Half) Elf eyes see? What do you know?
Also the tension when Delilah finally addresses Percy, everyone panicking - thankfully Vex is there, they'd be lost without her sometimes.
Syals saying "Charmed" like that, though, and right after charming Uriel? Perfect. Beautiful. Amazing.
The beads joke is a bit… eh.
When Delilah tells her little story in a passive aggressive attack on Percy? Percy's reaction?
Fuck me. That was good.
The Briarwoods feigning offence as they leave? They know.
I bet Delilah's things had some sort-of alarm spell on them.
There's another animation error in this scene - as the scene opens we see a servant giving Sylas dessert, but as the Briarwoods leave he has his dinner in front of him again.
(Not mad about this! Genuinely find it really funny.)
Then of course, Vax having his attention stolen by the fire - he had plenty of time, surely.
Then we see the Briarwoods' walking past the mirror to their room and Syals has no reflection while Delilah does? Finally confirming that Delilah wasn't a Vampire while Sylas is one? Because that did confuse people during the campaign. Love it.
And the confrontation! Vax panic-flirting! Then, foolishly, running into the couple instead of to the side and away???
That fucking staredown???
Percy telling the others about what happened to his family, the group rushing to help Vax.
Sylas caressing Vax's face and talking about him being curious while Delilah watches from the bed, the vibes suggesting so many different possibilities???
"You look delicious."????
The bite???? Ahhh????
The ensuing fight, Delilah's spell hitting Pike in the back and looking like when Pike hit her back off the wall in Episode 2???
Keyleth's clutch thorn wall???
No Mercy Percy? Poor Desmond? Scanlan coming out in the end and realising his party fucked up big time?
When I say this is my favourite episode of any show ever...
That being said, Vex'ahlia was robbed of two nat 20s in this fight! She should have hit Delilah!! Twice!!! Ahhhhhhhh-"
Vax Suffering Rating - 5 out of 5
"My boy is paralysed and then felt up by a (very sexy) Vampire?
He gets bitten by said Vampire?
He throws himself out a window?
He hits a flagpole during his fall and lands on concrete?
He gets torn up by Vampire claws after grabbing a broken shard of glass and cutting his hand trying to protect himself?
Then he nearly gets choked out?
Before being hard yeeted onto concrete again?
And he still looks so pretty?
Baby Boy, Baby Boy-"
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julian-juls · 2 years
If a woman can change ur mood from depri to happy, my friend then u have found something really rare, make it secure that she will stay forever in ur life!
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speedcoredufotze · 3 years
Ich fühle mich gefangen in diesem Loch von Traurigkeit und selbstzweifel.
Bin ich den nie gut genug?
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drxnk-gxrl · 3 years
Warum immer ich?
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dreamofloneliness · 2 years
Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me?
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Currently staring at the ceiling wishing I was dead, hbu?
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destroyed-girl · 3 years
Ich vermisse mich.
Ich vermisse mein altes ich. Ich vermisse mein strahlendes Ich. Das glückliche Ich, dass Ich was Sorglos, lauthals lachen konnte. Das zufriedene und anspruchslose Ich. Das Ich was sich selber lieben konnte. Ganz einfach, dass Ich was verloren gegangen ist, irgendwo da draußen.
Ich vermisse mich, komm bitte heim wenn du das liest. Ich sitze hier und warte auf dich..
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a-solas-frente-al-mar · 2 months
Sí la depresión vuelve y gana está vez, espero ser tu recuerdo bonito.
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schwarzeslichtx · 4 years
Es ist momentan nicht mehr aushaltbar
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fck-yall-off · 1 year
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Anime: Unknown
Follow @fck-yall-off for more☁️
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unbe1ie6t · 3 years
Ich bins mal wieder
Ich die versucht dir ja genau dir motivation zu schenken damit es dir gut geht und selbst keine Ahnung hat wie es ist sich gut zu fühlen. Ich weiß es nicht und Versuch trotzdem anderen menschen die ich nicht mal kenne das Gefühl zu vermitteln von Glück, dasein und aufpassung. Das mache ich weil mir andere Menschen mir mehr wert sind als mein eigenes leben. Das sehe uch unter Nächstenliebe, menschen die man nicht kennt haben trotzdem eine Seele so wie ich, das bedeutet sie nehmen alles auf was man ihnen sagt und verarbeiten es alle anders. Dich was uch weiß....
...selbst der Härteste Muskel protz hat einen weichen kern. Auch wenn er ihn nur mit sich selbst nachts in seinem Bett teilt er besitzt ihn, so wie du und jeder andere der sagt ihm gehts gut, du kannst einem Menschen nie ins innere Schauen du kannst nur mit ihm reden der rest besteht aus vertrauen. Alles was man sagt hinterlässt spuren manche kommen damit klar die meisten werde Depressiv und bringen sich am ende um! Das muss gestoppt werden und jeder trägt einen teil dazu bei. Schaut auf euch, was ihr für wörter benutzt und zu anderen sagt, schaut auf eure mitmenschen und nehmt ihr auftreten wahr. Seid da für Menschen die euch lieben und brauchen bleibt auch ihr stark redet mit anderen, wenn ihr denkt es gibt keine Menschen zum Anvertrauen schreibt mir! Wir kennen uns nicht und wir haben beide Probleme also kannst du dir 100% sicher sein keine weitere Menschenseele wird von dem gespräch mitbekommen.
Aber bitte denkt nie das es keinen gibt der euch mag, das sind gesanken die sind komplett falsch. Sie führen in eine sackgasse in der ihr dann alleine nicht mehr raus kommt also lasst es nicht zu das es so weit kommt.
Jeder für jeden♥️
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"Wann habe ich aufgehört glücklich zu sein?" Diese Frage habe ich mir heute den ganzen Tag über gestellt.
Habe keine Antwort gefunden, da ich nicht weiß, wann ich das letzte Mal richtig glücklich war...
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speedcoredufotze · 3 years
Erst wollte ich es nur ausprobieren,
Dann wollte ich damit nur Spaß haben &
Jetzt brauch ich es um zu funktionieren.
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