#dev is so extra
mooncello · 3 months
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What a fun Sunday so far. ⚡ thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch (LOVE seeing some of your writing process), @shrekgogurt (still haven't recovered from ch 13 of ikabikam in the best way possible), @emeryhall (happy anniversary!) & @you-remind-me-of-the-babe (anguished Baz is such a vibe fr).
For today's update:
Enter Niall & Dev.
Truly one of the most unexpected delights of writing this fic has been the insistence of Niall and Dev to show up and take a prominent role in the story. I adore them. I adore them as individual characters, and I love who they are for Baz.
Here's a little from chapter 2 of lost boys. This chapter will publish next week! I'm traveling this week, so I'll post once I'm back.
Under the cut because of length. It's a 30+ sentence Sunday, y'all.
Baz POV, 16 yo, year 12 (school).
Towards the end of lunch, I hear a familiar booming laugh across the canteen. I figure I have two minutes until impact. I tuck my sketchbook and pencils away and twist the lid back onto my thermos of tea. “Just a head’s up,” I say to Niall, who is still contently working away, “we’re about to be interrupted by the demon of chaos hims—” “Bazza!” There’s the solid thump of a hand against my shoulder and the dramatic collapse of tall, muscular limbs into the seat beside me. “My favourite nerd. How’s it going, cuz?” Dev flashes his white, perfect teeth at me before snatching my remaining bourbon biscuit. His fingernails are painted turquoise today, his dark hair is swept away from his face, and he’s wearing eyeliner. The bastard looks amazing. Despite being cousins, we never really hung out as kids. Always kept to different social circles. Which is to say Dev constantly had a roving pack of friends, and I had nobody (save for the lost boys in my dreams). But when I got outed this past spring, Dev decided to take a more active presence in my life. He even convinced me to join the football team with him. He’s charismatic and popular in his own way, and so unabashedly and loudly himself that even the nastiest bullies don’t bother him. It's been nice, having Dev in my life. Even though it means I now deal with his chaotic, abrasive personality all the goddamn time. “Dev, this is Niall.” I make a small sweeping motion to the boy across from us. Dev raises his chin in greeting. “New kid. Hey.” Niall smiles faintly. He looks rather disoriented. Possibly awestruck. I don’t blame him. Dev tends to have that effect on people. I’m almost envious of it. Another smack hits my upper arm. “Did’ya hear about practice this afternoon? Thirty minutes later than usual.” “Yes, I received the same team-wide notification, Dev, thank you.” Dev is now peering at Niall’s drawing tablet without shame, while continuing to talk to me. “A bunch of us are getting ice cream after the match on Friday. Wanna join?” “That’s a very solid maybe,” I tell him in a tone that communicates I’d rather eat grass laced with slug poison. I like playing on the pitch, but I’m not about to huff dairy with a bunch of footballer lads. “Great.” Dev stands, all six feet of him, and squeezes my top knot. I sigh and bat his hand away. Clearly I need to have another conversation with him about acceptable physical contact. “See you at practice then. Nice meeting you, Niall.” He’s off in a swirl of flair and overpriced body spray. “Sorry about him,” I murmur to Niall. I really hope he’s not scared off.
hellos & tags! xoxo
@thewholelemon, @best--dress, @facewithoutheart, @cutestkilla, @whatevertheweather, @artsyunderstudy, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @fatalfangirl, @youarenevertooold, @raenestee, @orange-peony, @ileadacharmedlife, @nightimedreamersworld, @rimeswithpurple, @iamamythologicalcreature, @shemakesmeforget & @arthurkko (your merwolves ... still thinking about your merwolves)
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virsancte · 4 months
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the-pale-3lf · 5 months
as much as I love Durge/Astarion and all of the content we get specific to the two of them, I wish Larian had leaned more into Durge/Shadowheart because their stories work so well in parallel: they both have amnesia, work for/with a dark power, and can choose to either accept that darkness or resist it
I feel like Larian could’ve pushed their relationship, even if not romantic, way more simply because of their shared similarities, but afaik, there isn’t even a mention between Durge and Shart about their respective amnesias, despite that being such a unifying and bonding feature between them, not to mention the pull they both feel towards a darkness that’s hidden by that very same memory loss
I was never interested in Shadowheart until I started a Durge run and found out exactly how similar the two of them are, and it makes for such a compelling story, especially if they either enable each other towards darkness or encourage each other towards lightness
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hallowxiu · 1 year
i love obey me, but i'm going to be very honest, i do find it extremely annoying that they lock leveling up cards behind joker cards, that are kinda hard to get. like... bffr
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asleepinawell · 1 month
one of the biggest things I've gotten out of this replay of dark souls 1 is that not being able to warp between bonfires in early game and only being able to warp between a few specific ones later is one of the game mechanics that really helped define the mood and atmosphere of the game for me. yes i absolutely complain about this when I'm stuck somewhere, but the feeling of being this tiny person lost and a million miles from home and cut off from the safety of firelink shrine is so vital to the game
being near the start of tomb of giants and wanting to go back for something but knowing I'd have to go through a chunk of the catacombs again made me feel like just a little guy stuck in the dark with monstrous enemies and that is exactly the feeling that makes me love the game
i want to be a nobody stranded and alone in the land of ancient gods who don't want me there. the fact I'm a pawn being set up to relink the fire and perpetuate this dying age, fated to never have my name remembered, is the point to me. I'm walking through someone else's story and have so little control over my path and that's perfect
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devicecontact · 1 year
Was looking for the clip of hakita saying the doors closing is apart of the lore! now we know about hell being alive n such it’s just fun to look at old clips :)
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reel-fear · 2 months
Hey if anyone wants to check out Moving Pictures Redrawn [a fan-made remake of the first chapter of BATIM that Mike n Meatly may have ordered to be taken down? It's unsure at the moment] Guess who downloaded a copy before they did that~
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hinsaa-paramo-dharma · 11 months
I just watched Luv Kush: the warrior twins and MY LOVE FOR THIS MOVIE WENT OFF THE CHARTS WHEN I HEARD RAM JI'S VOICE
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vvitchering · 6 months
Gale hate feels especially rancid to me because it’s always people dragging him for being “annoying” or “weird”. He talks too much, he gets caught up in tangents and spirals, he over or under reacts, etc. All the things I found relatable and comfortingly familiar about him are the things that people hate :’)
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ffxivtribehydrae · 9 months
With The Rising and its Letter Forest, wouldn't it be fun if we all wrote letters to the devs and had someone who is scheduled to visit Fanfest London deliver them all in person?
I happen to be scheduled for a Fanfest London visit
Please reblog so I know just how wide spread the opinion is ♡
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amiryllisthorn · 4 months
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The new design for Cpl. Adehide Ly'sarii(Ah-de-he-de Lie-sa-ree)
The next thing we will be working on is probably some backgrounds and UI
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dev-the-dm · 2 years
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Resource: Curses, Revised: Part Two
Ever felt the official content on curses is too limited by the two spells and handful of rolling tables, and wished for more? Then this is the series for you. I’m working on a multi-chapter revision of curses in D&D 5th edition, which helps you to create and use curses that fit in your setting and that make sense. This is part two of at least three, which are still a work in progress. Keep your eyes peeled for part three :) I will also link it here once it’s posted.
Part one can be found here: Curses, Revised: Part One.
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virsancte · 4 months
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i compiled a little before and after for the gen 4 characters from their high school designs & current for my own eyes, but might as well post them now that i'm back 2 legacy storytelling ik some of them aren't that familiar, i was going to play with them more in gen 3 but unfortunately my pc could not handle all my mods AND hsy so i ended up quickly abandoning a lot of ideas ;') i have some screenshots though, might post someday top to bottom: ellie (she/her), sola (they/them), dev (devin, he/him), averie (she/her), clementine (she/they)
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What class is Dorian and who’s usually in the travel party?
dorian is a trickseter cleric, and their patron is is tymora, goddess of luck. i alays thought the idea of a clerical bhaalspawn super interesting, bc at first i thought it was kind of odd the game would let you pick that class as the progeny of another god, especially one like bhaal. but i think w the fiddly aspect of durge's memory and just how fuzzy the canon timeline is for durge, i think you can finess it to work.
like for dorian, tymora was primarily worshiped in their warren. herengon actually have fae luck canonically, bc theyre from the feywilds. so my hc is that harengon are a favored race of tymora.
for party config, the main group is dorian, astarion, shadowheart, and minthara, with shadowheart and lae'zel swapping. along the way they end up losing wyll and gale, and karlach passes when the netherbrain is defeated.
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megafreeman · 4 months
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Shapeshifter Games Winds Up Clockwork Revolution
We’re happy to announce that the newly formed Shapeshifter Games—formed of ex-Volition developers—is working with us to help bring Clockwork Revolution to life. [...] Shapeshifter Games Studio Head, Matt Madigan added “The talented and experienced team that joined Shapeshifter has hit the ground running. We’ve had a lot of support from former Volitionites, and are truly grateful to inXile and Microsoft for the opportunity to assist with the development of a great new IP.”
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bahoreal · 10 months
"learn to code" as advice is such bullshit. i have learned and used four and a half different coding languages through my career (html/css, java, python+sql, c++) and when i say used i mean I've built things in every one but the things that i actually used these languages for??? these earn zero money (with the caveat of until you have seniority in, e.g. front end web dev) what people really mean when they say learn coding is "learn to code. go into investment banking or finance startups." coding does not inherently have money in it. my absolute favourite part of coding? my peak enjoyment? was when i was developing for a visual coding language (you put it together like a flowchart, so say youre using a temperature sensor and you want it to log the temperature once every four hours, you can put the blocks together to make it do that. i was writing the code behind the blocks for new sensors) and i was earning £24k a year and that wasn't even part of my main role. it was an extra voluntary thing i was doing (i was working as a research assistant in biosensors - sort of - at a university, and was developing the visual code for students who didnt want to learn c++) like. i want people to learn to code, i want people to know how their electrical equipment works and how coding works, but dont believe the myth that there is inherently money in coding. the valuable things, the things people are passionate about are still vulnerable to the passion tax (if you want to do it you dont have to be paid for it). skills arent where the money is, money is where the money is.
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