alpanasposts · 2 years
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captainwaffles · 3 months
One thing I remembered that I love about the Dead poets society is how everyone is important
Even the background actors that say a few things or nothing. You can all see the effect Keating and others have on them. They are real people and I’m so glad someone made sure that happened
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demonboyhalo · 2 years
Charlie Slimecicle is a gift from god holy SHIT his monologue??? y'all i am so, so, so hopeful for c!Quackity now that he's gotten it kicked into his head that his empathy is his most persistent, most inevitable, and most crucial quality. Quackity watching Slime evolve on the harshest lessons of life, taught by both Purpled and him...then having that product of their cynical natures kill them both? having Slime say outright to his face that 'the same human ruined our lives' before making him fall from his creations? Quackity watched as the rules he built to protect himself ended up getting him killed, and then learned his lesson! he says he's making his last chance count bc it's the last legacy he'll get to leave behind. he knows he can't bottle his emotions bc he'll get attached regardless, so now he might actually communicate about issues and meaningfully resolve the tensions he has between Dream, Purpled, and - oh yeah - Karl and Sapnap.
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my-fancy-hat · 3 months
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This may be one of the best chapters so far. Mami's character address so realisticly a issue that girls (all girls) face when it comes to establish platonic relationships with men, a unspoked "life rule" that says friendship between men and women can't exists, one of them is plotting something- as Masumi said. Mami resonated with me a lot because one part of the reason I am nb is because I've struggle with gender roles my entire life, and one of them is this. I want people to see me for a person first, my gender and clothes are accesories of who I truly am, I want to connect with people beyond this body that erodes everyday and will eventually dissapear. You can say all things about this toxic troglodyte mindset but at the end of the day it's just another way in which we isolated ourselves because we are view as a trade object: you give I receive, you are kind = you must want something from me; either loved or hated, never accepted for what it is. I lost so many valuable guy friends in the past because they saw me as "an opportunity" for romance or hit, and I can't deny I didn't feel betrayed and stupid. So when my current guy friends call me "homie/bro/my g" etc I feel happy too. It's the first time I've seen a manga address this issue, I'm glad.
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crazybiaatch · 3 months
reading a silly little fanfic in the middle of the day and getting to a scene that so perfectly mirrors my own experiences with one of my friends that hurt me so deeply I still worry about it 3 years after the fact and feeling like the author just ribbed my ribcage open, hollowed out my insides and spilt them on the page
it was a fucking atla modern au and I started sobbing 😭
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mrmunchgaming · 7 months
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rlly minor artstyle change but i rlly luv the lil differences so im posting this B]
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haru-chi · 6 months
I can't express well enough how loving and excited I am about the mask reveal from the recent chapter !!
It's just the best and shocking part of the recent chapter for me !
Natori clan being relevant again just prove to me what I was saying back in Natori's cousin arc ..
It was clear there's something more about the Natori than Shuuichi himself is aware of yet ..
Natori said he feel there's another reason why people hate the Natori and treat him badly, but he just doesn't know why and only feel they once had some kind of fearful power so that's why no one was glad about the Natori's return by Shuuichi ..
There's also the fact someone destroyed the barriers that Shuuichi put around his family houses .. was that done out of wanting to kill them without lefting a fingre or was it out of someone searching into their houses ??
The Natori do collect the masks of those they exorcise to show off so hmmmm
But is the one hanging in his uncle house a fake one while the real one hidden or ... ??
Also was Clara's searching for this mask too hmmmm
ANYWAY ... I'm really excited and wanna more info .. this mask might be the missing link I've been searching for about the Natori ..
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athena-xox · 5 months
Ok this has been in my head for the past few days, so is there a fanfic out there that’s essentially Epic Winter rewritten? Like without the snow king because he’s boring and evil Crystal and Snow Queen. And then crystal slowly becoming nicer.
And possible Ashlynn x Crystal
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ziggityzigg · 2 months
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This is lazy because i’m planning on making a animation lmao
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ignoring how thats literally not whats happening they're "toning it down" Not removing it. i am kinda starting to get offended that this apparently sokkas big character arc thats like less then two eps
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literally every comment on every Post of this topic
SHUT UP OMG yall just LOOKING for a reason to hate
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polito0 · 5 months
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voidandabyssal · 7 months
Wombo Combo, crossover time! How would your siren!sans from “Below the Ice” react to outertale!sans and vice versa? Y/N and Pluto looking at each other and just “There are many benefits to being a Marine Biologist”.
ohohoho this ask fills me with joy.
Pluto would be fascinated. He'd have definitely joined the research team and would probably be the most competent one in the group. Pluto would probably try and come up and talk to siren! sans. Which given siren! san's history,,,, would not be a good idea.
Siren Sans would probably just react the same way he treats all the scientists. Which is just him trying to eat them lol, he even tries it with Reader, multiple times.
“There are many benefits to being a Marine Biologist” Says Pluto, with a mischievous smirk on his face. Your face deadpans, "get away from the water Pluto! For the last time!"
then eventually, months later, you join in with Pluto's strange ideas, much to the lamentation of everyone else on the team
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moonilit · 2 years
Ok one last post about the Hidden strife event, since it's about to be over I kinda wanted to talk about Diluc character Development in it, or the lack there is.
you see, there was no build-up for the fact that Captin pyro is on speaking and working terms with the Knight, they just dumped that information on us, unlike Xiao in the last Archon quest, Xiao gets a proper setup, he is given a cast that can relate to him personally or to his experience, he is in a situation that calls out his issues, he gets to act then be saved by his lord who he values, then by the end of it all, he comes to the conclusion that maybe he does have a form of insanity that isn't normal, and possibly, he can be better? it's not perfect but the outline is good enough IMO, Xiao has moved one step toward healing.
but in LuLu situation, we get none of that, yes I know Diluc has an event while Xiao has an archon quest, but we get most of our info from events anyway, so I don't see it as an excuse. the way I see it is this event should have been what led Diluc to be on speaking and working terms with the KOF, that he can't do everything alone. Say for example There was a huge Fatui plot (which will even line up nicely with kaeya ordering all that food from a few updates ago) the KOF knows and Diluc knows, maybe we find the letters and get an understanding of what happened in the past, he is stubborn as usual but we get to convince him to work with others, that what matters is the final results, he does that because he values our opinion and sees for himself this isn't the same KOF he remembers, that things have changed, and by the end of the event Diluc writes those responses and send them out, making him finally taking a step to restoring his relationships with the friends he grew up with and finding his peace.
But we don't get that, prior to this event literally everyone was under the impression that diluc won't speak with the knight, and will rather work alone, that his relationship with his friends and brother was formal at best and damaged at worst, sure there were signs that diluc cared like him keeping the vase and speaking highly of Jean, but the problem is these few actions are swamped in a sea of him being rude and disrespectful and uncooperative with the KOF, and when we spent all this time being fed this information, suddenly out of nowhere the game comes and say "oh you didn't know? Diluc is on speaking terms and even exchanging letters with others and probably will have some of his friends at dinner next week lol" I feel cheated and left out honestly, there was no build up to any of this wth.
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nimhmistsong · 2 years
More Kingsley things~
Don't know if this counts as angst headcannons, but warning just in case.
Kingsley doesn't blink.
It's something that freaks out the Nein once they notice. And they try to subtlety figure out if he's just doing it for the joke, or if something is wrong. Worried about echoes of Lucien or something. In reality, Kingsley doesn't even realize it's a thing until they awkwardly beat around it.
Kingsley is a lot like Lucien, noticably more than Molly was, and it worries them sometimes. Sure, he has Mollymauk's sense of humor and bond with the Nein. The sweetness and mischief and habit of handing out nicknames like candy. Candy which he loves to bits because of he has the same sweet tooth Molly did. His care and his laid-back attitude, but he has moments where it feels like Lucien.
When he's upset he goes dead faced and hides it by pretending it's no water off his back. He has looser morals and has no problem manipulating people for his own benefit shamelessly. He prefers violence as a solution to his problems with others. He's efficient and competent and oh so talented at making others afraid of him. Eventually earning him the title of 'Kingsley the Cutthroat.'
He has more of Lucien's tastes. Preferring practicality and darker clothing. He's not fond of big showy tattoos. He journals like Lucien did before that habit was twisted by the Somnovem. He finds Jester's card readings amusing, but never takes to them like Molly did. Thinking they're sweet but silly. He has Lucien's ambition and when he becomes Captain of the Mollymauk. He takes to being the leader seamlessly. Enjoying having the responsibility and feeling of being needed by his crew. Not backing down from any challenge and earning his place in the Revelry with bloodied teeth. His crew follow him like the Tomb Takers had followed Lucien, but instead of brainwashing and cultism driving them. His crew follows from love and respect. Believing in their captain, like the Tomb Takers had believed in their God.
Unlike Molly who didn't want to lead. Who wanted to be part of a group. Not the head of it. Unlike Molly who couldn't stand responsibility to a place or job. Wanting to bolt at the first sign of trouble. Unlike Molly who convinced bandits not to continue a fight and talked his way out of it. Who used his devils tongue to subtly manipulate people and his friends. Unlike Molly who would take insults on the chin and turn the other way. Who didn't see the point in arguing and fighting for respect from those around him.
He's so unlike Mollymauk in many ways. It worries the Nein. But Kingsley never hits the deep end like Lucien did. Never has the venom in him that corrupted his predecessor, never gets backed into a corner alone. Because he has the Nein and his crew and confidence in himself. He doesn't look back and worry about the echoes of the past.
He looks towards the future proud and unblinking.
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osoaioi · 2 months
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someday they'll be real
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 3 months
*nervous chuckle* Hey guys, how many chapters can yall wait until Zachary finally pops up?
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