#dexter is asexual
canniba1cl0wn · 1 year
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This is now canon as far as I’m concerned. Happy transition Luna Morgan!
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puppychase · 2 months
look I’m gonna say it okay. Worst autism representation of all time hands down but. I love him so much
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bowie-boy · 6 days
The version of Dexter where he’s actually asexual is so much better than the real show that exists and it haunts my dreams
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quecksilvereyes · 1 month
watching dexter is so funny because he will stand there and go "i am a monster without feelings. i cannot love and i am intrinsically broken" meanwhile he's literally just autistic, asexual and severely traumatised with no support system because his asshole of a father convinced him he was, like, intrinsically evil and should never seek company ever.
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sarrai · 10 months
Pt 2 of my collection of aroace Dexter Morgan moments from the books that made me laugh:
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I love him lmao. He's the worst but also... I Get It, Buddy.
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villainous-queen · 9 months
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Anyway, speaking of Dexter here are some aromantic and asexual Dexter Morgan icons because that's my headcannon (+ the transparents to make your own icons or use as is if you wanna). Free to use but credit might be nice ;)
Dexter my aroace icon
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catzspine · 1 year
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i wish you a happy pride month, stay safe and be yourself! :o) ♡
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ryxmix · 2 years
"everyone in ____ was gay" "everyone in _____ is gay" what about everyone in ever after high?
there was not one single straight person there.
raven, bi and asexual dexter, trans and bi (and malewife) apple, femme lesbian 😌 darling, bisexual with a preference for apple women cerise (my love <3), she/they and queer melody (my wife <3), lesbian cupid, pansexual briar, bisexual wreck faybelle, the mean lesbian
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eddieheart · 1 month
Thought I’d share the best dexter fanfic I’ve ever read. It’s amazing and you will love it!!! So well written and enthralling to say the least- Dexter being officially diagnosed and getting treatment for his trauma!!!!! Soooooo good!!
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lionmythflower · 2 months
alistair wonderland, Dexter charming, Madeline Hatter, and Ginger Breadhouse are all asexual/on the ace spectrum
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What I want if Ever After High came back:
A Darling x Apple Arc:
Homophobic Adults (teachers and Snow White)
Snow White trying to force Daring with Apple and when she sees that he belongs to Rosabella's story she'll try and get her and Dexter together.
Apple denying her feelings
Roommates to lovers with Cedar and Cerise:
I just want a romance because yeah.
Briar x Fayebelle:
Enemies to lovers
Briar's Family not being accepting of Fayebelle. Because she's "evil"
Villain Blondie:
I want Blondie to put stuff in her Mirror blog that's personal to her "friends"
I want her to out Darling and Apple.
I don't know why
Random stuff:
Hopper getting a boyfriend (like a new character)
More Charming Sibling moments.
Maddie saying she is aroace (because she is)
More Cupid x Hopper x Briar (platonic)
I don't want Alastair and Bunny together.
Apple to realize all the crushes she's had on girls
More of the parents. We just don't see enough of them
Duchess admitting she had a crush on Ashlynn.
More Ashlynn x Hunter because they are cute.
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senor-quacken · 1 year
Aces out there help please
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morbyds · 2 years
short pause in my vampire content to say: rita was so loyal to dexter (ik she cheated keep reading anyway) that i feel that even if she eventually found out that he was a s/erial killer but that he had an honor code and didn’t kill people who didn’t “deserve” she might have covered for him. she wouldn’t like it......... but she’d be oddly understanding. she was still extremely thankful for dexter and she loved him so much, he helped her heal so much so she just would trust him to be reasonable and good despite his “impulses”.
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greenreticule · 2 years
I hate the passage in Jedi Quest that this is pulled from. Really, I hate 90% of what Jedi Quest does with Dex.
But also? That's me. I'm Dex's acey pal.
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[ID. Novel excerpt: Dex chuckled, "So I got my pal Acey to break in and I moved it myself behind a dumpster." End ID]
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meteor752 · 4 months
I rewatched ever after high with my girlfriend after like, six years
We had…thoughts
Do you guys think fairytale people look down on those who aren’t from a fairytale? Because, Ever After High seems to be the most like prestige school, but not everyone can go to it. Is there like racism going on between fairytale people and normal people?
It’s said many times that Apple will be like, the future queen, but when we meet Snow White she’s a fucking capitalist. Also Apple being queen means kinda nothing cause half the school are royalty and will grow up to become kings and queens. That title doesn’t mean anything
We had like, ten kids from wonderland, but no Oz kids? I feel like a Dorothy child would be very obvious, like what the hell, same with the witches
The school actively encourages evil people to be evil, then become surprised when they are evil. Like, Evil Queen cursing Wonderland and almost taking over the world? That’s on you, principal
Also can we place lock up the principal in jail? He lied and manipulated his students, stole from Raven, and kept his brother cursed and locked up in the basement. Like, ???? The brother comes back and is just like “Oh I missed you so much brother” like no!!!!!! Get that man out of here!!!!!
Do the fairytale people reproduce like, asexually, or do we have a ton of inbreeding between the royals? Well, it would be the most realistic aspect of the show
Hot take: Apple is a great character. Like yeah she’s a little selfish, but when we’re shown how she was raised it’s fully understandable that she’s so obsessed with fulfilling her destiny, but she’s never rude or bitchy, not ever really to Raven. Also she gets better! Active character development! She’s one of my favorites
Why the fuck is Allister frolicking in Wonderland. Bro Alice came back, she left that place, yet everyone is just like “Yep he’s a wonderlandian”, like no! Also he’s a royal? Bro you can’t be a royal, you were actively rebelling against your story by going to wonderland early
It’s a little messed up how many of the kids are like, being forced to die. Like Ramona? She will be fucking gutted after eating her sister if she goes with her story. Like what is this school, what are these rules?
Apart from Sparrow, surprisingly, everyone of the boy designs are so fucking boring. Ew
I love the direction they took for Briar. I think they kinda realized after the first episode that shit, it’s kinda weird that this girl who’s destiny it is to sleep for 100 years to just be fine with it. Briar is also one of my faves
Speaking of the sleeping beauty story tho, do you think it’s rare for the school to have a sleeping beauty? Cause we’re shown that this school has housed like, generations of fairytale characters, but since Sleeping beauty clocks out for a hundred years, and probably only had a child after that, they must only get her like, every fourth or fifth generation. Kinda interesting actually
Daring X Cerise > Daring X Rosabella. Like idk, maybe it’s that Cerise can like, fully challenge him in his views, forcing him to become better in a way. Like, with Rosabella it feels more like an “I can fix him <3” mindset, while with Cerise it’s more “I can knock him down a peg”. I just thought they had a better dynamic, idk
Speaking of the Charming family, gf and I fucking hate Dexter’s name. Like, Daring and Darlings names match each other so well, not just that they sound alike but that they have meanings. Dexter is just a boring name
We tried to come up with name ideas, Dating was the funniest one to us, but we thought Dastardly was kinda fun.
Like, our thought process was that he was meant to be like, the classic jealous twin brother, always looking to sabotage his perfect older bro, except he wasn’t that at all. Like, a running joke would be that it would look like he was sabotaging Daring, or like being mean, but then the camera would like zoom out or smt and show that he was like, playing a video game or just doing something completely different. It would have been more fun, plus it would have given Dexter like an actual personality instead of just, inferiority complex the person
Dashing could also have been an idea for a name
Kitty should have a tail. As should her milf of a mother have. Also like, real cat ears instead of just a hat or a headband. It feels obvious
I mean Bunny has actual bunny ears, plus she can transform into a bunny, but why is the cat just like A Girl
How can Hunter belong to both the Little red ringing hood story, and Snow White. Is his dad just a mad multitasker, or does he have two dads? I like the second option honestly
The storybeat of the characters all living through each others story honestly should have been like, an entire special. It’s the most interesting thing the show did, and I wish we could have seen more, cause it lasted only like seven minutes. But that gives us more time to see that thrilling book all storyline, amiright?!
Briar’s moment was especially heart aching, and I wish we'd gotten more of it
But like, since Briar as the evil queen saw Apple poisoned instead of her mum, does that mean that Raven was talking to herself in her story
But at the same time, Blondie saw the current queen of hearts instead of Lizzie, so like what's going on
Snow White and The Evil Queen have like the vibe of high school rivals/ex girlfriends, and they did go to school together, but like Queenie is literally her step mom. Like what. If Raven were to live out her story, would that mean that she would marry Apple's dad? Whoever that is?
The more you think about the lore of this world the more it doesn't make sense, but it also becomes like incredibly dark
The Pied Piper is one of if not my favorite fairytales, but I hate how he is represented in this show. Like he kidnapped children and then drowned them, that man shouldn't be a teacher!
Also white queen is a teacher at ever after, yet her daughter is still in wonderland. Like bitch just left her there, what the hell.
I love that they didn’t make any of the princesses stuck up bitches, like Descendants did. Like, the girls are all kind, with vibrant personalities and a lot of love for the people around them. The closest thing to the “mean girl” stereotype is Duchess actually
But Duchess makes total sense! She fucking drowns at the end of her story, of course she wants another one. Why is Raven’s rebellion praised but Duchesses scorned? Also why is she a royal, girlypop is literally trying to steal other people’s happily ever after, she a rebel
There is more I can say, but this post has already been deleted twice from my drafts, and I am scared of it, so it’s better to get it out now
Also, as a final little send off, here’s my ranking of the characters, and the ships
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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Horny time
♡ poorly done NSFW hc ♡
König aka our zaddy for the night
Tw: miserable attempt at being smutty and NSFW, foul foul language, MINORS DNI, sexual themes
A/N: never have i being one to write nsfw, it took only one(1) tall austrian himbo to turn me into a whore. DISCLAIMER: I don't write smut and everything i have written here comes from very embarrassing google researches and poor sexual imagination so if it sucks, i know im sorry it is what it is. @bloodlst has gave me the final push to attempt at being horny on main ANYWAY ENJOY
Keep in mind that this is all coming from my asexual ass and my very little sex knowledge
The horrors I had to learn about to be accurate in this are not yet known to humankind
Anyways let's start by saying that könig, despite his usual attitude, is quite surprising when it comes to make love
I can't really decide how horny he would be
Like I don't see him being over the top horny but he does likes to have sex(?)
Like it's not being horny it's about what he feels when he's doing it with someone he loves
You as a whole are a turn on for him
Like not in his always with his willy saying hi all the time
He just really likes you know?
He's utterly enamoured with you so you don't really need much to get him going
He definitely enjoys some playful flirt or teasing
not to be like a whore on main but just saying 👀 those hands? He really really knows how to use them
He has learned the secret knowledge that is not about speed but about the movements and how you work it
One could think that because of his job his hands are rough but they're actually kinda soft
Years of fidgeting with anything he finds at hand reach has make his fingers quite dexterous in movements
For some reason I picture him always on his knees when either doing a hand job, fingering or anything that has to do with hands
He likes to have a clear vision of you and your reactions
He quite literally is a menace with those hands both in and outside missions
I know everyone thinks of him as a gentle and lovely cinnamon roll
And he is, he definitely is
But he gets way out of character during the deed
He's…he's a lot, like a lot lot. But worth every bit of it
Just so you have an idea, he feels the most beautiful when he's making love to you and it's something he truly enjoys
I know I've already said but still
It's not just about the pleasure or the orgasms, it's about every new part he can discover of you and how much closer to you he feels after it
He definitely puts his whole heart and königussy in it
Doesn't really likes to be rough perse but he is very dominant in certain way
Even in his everyday life he leans more in the soft dom part
Although being shy it's not a submissive type of shy but more like a really and utterly in love shy
Is very different from just his awkward normal self who let's other people boss him around
I feel like he would be the type of lover who you can trust enough to let him guide you and be the one taking the lead
He's just so gentle you don't even feel like he's the dominant one in the relationship
Like the line between being dom or sub with him gets really blurry cause he seems to know when he should be more or less dominant
But back at him being a menace in bed
He loves, absolutely adores the foreplay
To him is even more fun and fulfilling than the sex itself
He likes to build up the moment, to takes his time and make every part of your body feel special
He's very selfless, it may sound cliché and corny but all he really cares about is making you feel as good as possible
That's all he needs to feel satisfied
Definitely has a thing for overstimulating you into fucking oblivion
He has his ways to make you feel everything everywhere is honestly quite impressive how well he ends up knowing your body and where and what to do to get a reaction
About reactions this man secretly loves to fuck in front of a mirror or in front somewhere he can see both of you
Not in a Patrick Bateman type of shit (that feels more like a ghost thing tbh DON'T COME AT ME. I LOVE HIM BUT HE WOULD BE AN ABSOLUTE MENACE WHEN FUCKING)
He wants you to see what he sees which is the most perfect and beautiful human being ever
He has that lovestruck smile while looking at you through the mirror
Guys guys
He's very open about trying any position you may find more comfortable or fun but his absolute favourite are you riding on top of him or hitting it from behind
Don't know how it's called but once he tries the one where you have to put your legs on his shoulders this man is gonna lose his marbles
He's always checking if you're doing good but doesn't ask like "Am I HUrtinG you?" "ArE yOu OkAY"
No. No. No, okay?
We're talking about our very smexy King
He has this raspy and soft tone of voice when talking during sex
"Do you like it like this dear?" "Use your words liebling, I need you to tell me what feels good"
His voice hitches and sometimes breaks from how much he's trying to control himself too
Not a big fan of calling you names tho, it just doesn't feels right even if you say you're okay with it
Maybe I'm biased but I do think he takes his time in making you come first even if it means taking a little extra time
This man can't fucking stand still for the life of him, what makes you think he would get tired or not last long?
The aftercare? Amazing, not even just good or great nono, plain amazing
Focuses a lot on cuddles even tho, as I said, he's not super rough while having sex so the cuddles are just a nice extra time together to talk or just relax
Definitely falls asleep holding you close but not before making sure you drink some water
Somehow manages to always wake up before you so don't be surprised if you find him making snacks for the both of you while running a bath
He always makes sure both of you are fine and relaxed
Always uses a lot of words of affirmation to remind you how much he loves you and how great it was and as I said in my other hc he never says things he doesn't mean so
He enjoys eating you out like everything about it it's particularly satisfying to him and honestly it ends up being to you too
The way you brush your fingers through his hair while he is down, how he can grab firmly your ass and hips and listening to you enjoying it and asking for more drives him crazy
I don't think he masturbates that much, to him sex is not a like need like i said but more like a intimate and lovely moment between him and his partner
He doesn't sees the point in touching himself tbh
Like I said everything about you is perfection to him
He gets the most turned on when watching you getting dressed or just doing stuff like skincare ecc
There's something deeply arousing in you taking care of yourself to him
For some reason I don't think he would mind you tying him up
He trusts you enough and you make him feel the most safe so if you want from time to time to take control and do something different he's all about it
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