#diluc hurt/comfort
cecilxa · 1 year
hi is it alright if i request kaeya, diluc and thoma (separate) with a reader who feels very insignificant next to them and their achievements, hurt to comfort pls <333
i see you, i cherish you
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contents: hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationships, gn!reader, monologues in each part so have fun with that haha
cw: negative thoughts, overall sadness and insecurites, feelings of emptiness, crying, food
a/n: first of all, ty anon for being incredibly patient! i'm so so sorry this took so long to fulfill, but i really hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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kaeya– pavo ocellus
Even with one eye, you consider Kaeya to have achieved and gone through so much you couldn’t even imagine happening to yourself. From losing his parents to another parent, and on top of that, his rather- for lack of better words- rocky relationship with his brother, he’s gone through so much and emerged so strong. This comes to the problem at hand. You. Even though he may not have such a clean and honest reputation, people still respect him, evident through their affirming glances and the straightening of their backs whenever he walks by. You, on the other hand, are merely thought of as an accessory, an addition to his ever-growing collection of precious items, tagging along for the sake of it. 
It’s draining to keep thinking like this, you know, but you can’t help the thoughts that constantly invade your mind, constantly reminding you of how insignificant you are compared to Kaeya. You’ve done nothing of value; you’ve done nothing to help the people of Mondstadt, and you’ve done nothing for yourself at this point! He seems like such a respected figure, and you seem so little compared to him, you might as well just live your life inside forever and no one would notice you were gone. 
Tears start escaping from your eyes, and you don’t bother to try and catch them with your mouth like you did when you were younger, because what’s the point? You’re going to eventually start crying again, and again and again. You’re just not important enough and you haven’t done enough and you just feel so small, and so empty. Curling up into the foetal position, you let the sadness wash over you.
Kaeya hurries back to your shared home. He’s been looking forward to this, the thought of holding you in your arms and being able to kiss your delightful mouth is enough motivation for him to be tying up any loose ends his (interrogations) job may bring and finishing up the stacks of paperwork his other colleagues have piled up out of laziness. Honestly, some people these days have no moral integrity!
Unlocking the door, and walking in, he immediately notices how quiet it is. That’s strange, considering how he can usually find you either in the kitchen, preparing some form of dinner whenever he comes back home late, or in the hallway right in front of him, welcoming him back home instead. There’s no one in either of those rooms, and when he calls out your name and no one calls back, he begins to get worried. He can’t lose you, not ever, so when a fresh wave of panic tries to take over, he tries his hardest to stay calm and think about things logically. The next thing to do would be to check upstairs. He’s bounding up them, two at a time, his strides revealing how much he’s actually worrying about your welfare, but he doesn’t even reach the top when he hears your cries. 
Not even caring anymore, he bursts inside your bedroom to find you curled up on your bed, body wracking with tears, shaking periodically. A myriad of emotions swirl through him. Anger, at whoever made you feel like this- he stores a mental note to free up some time later that week- relief- well, at least you aren’t missing or gone, but most of all, sorrow. Sorrow at your sorry state, sorrow at the fact you feel like this, sorrow that echoes deep in his bones; a sorrow that makes his heart twinge in uncomfortable ways. He walks over to the bed, and lies next to you, facing your body. 
Gently wrapping his arms around you, he whispers sweet nothings as you cry into his chest, each one making his eyes soften, and grip tighten.
“Please tell me what’s troubling you. I can’t have my darling all wound up, can I? It’s my duty as a knight to make sure all the citizens of Mondstadt are happy and healthy, wouldn’t you say?”
You don’t respond to his questions, like he thought you would anyway, so he changes tact.
“Darling, I beg. I don’t like seeing you upset, and know I’ll deal with anyone who tries to harm you, so please tell me what’s wrong. Whatever you say, I’ll make it right, you don’t have to lift a single finger, I promise.”
You sniffle a bit at this, tears coming slower, and you can feel his warm stare on your head, hands stroking your waist in a way that’s always made you feel relaxed. Or maybe that’s just his arms. Voice cracking up from all the crying, you respond, albeit with a wobble.
“I-I just haven’t done enough, Kaeya. I haven’t done enough!”
Bursting into a fresh set of tears, you wail into his chest once more, and once more, Kaeya shushes you. He kisses the top of your head, one that he hopes conveys his patience for you, and your words. He lets it linger for a couple of seconds before speaking again.
“To me, you’ve always been enough. Why else would you have stolen my heart, and why else would I have allowed it to happen?”
“But, you’ve just done so much and I’ve done so little!”
Kaeya frowns. He now knows what the problem is, but he feels clueless as to how you could ever feel this way. To him, you’ve done so much both for the people of Mondstadt and himself, helping out whenever you can, and always with a smile on your face.
“I’m going to stop you there, darling. Know that nobody thinks lowly of you. I may be the Cavalry Captain, but I have no horses; you may be my partner, but you are also a person. You may not see this, but everyone else can. You have done, and helped so many people that they come up to me- even when I’m out in the tavern- to talk about how you had helped them that same day. Apart from seeing your face, those little conversations are the highlight of my night, and they should be yours, too. So don’t worry, darling, from now on, I’ll tell you those messages and we’ll see how truly significant you actually are. I love you, wholly, and I never want you to feel like that ever again.”
His arms tighten around your waist as he presses a lingering kiss on your head. You squeeze back with the pressure of a feather, and a soft smile breaks through his face. 
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diluc– noctua
There are many ways you can say the name Diluc Ragnvindr. The Darkight Hero, saving grace of Mondstadt, free from the shackles of the Knights of Favonius, or perhaps, Master of the Dawn Winery, filthy rich, yet hard-working, producing possibly the best wine in the whole of Teyvat. No matter what name people utter, it always comes along with bucket loads of respect and admiration, constantly failing to hide the fact that they hold him in extremely high regard, much higher than what you could ever hope for. People speak of his courage, perseverance, and determination (well, maybe apart from Kaeya) when all they say to you is to ask how Diluc is. 
It’s frustrating, no- it’s angering and belittling, and it’s as if you don’t have anything to stand for other than being his partner! He gets all of this respect and you just have to stand by his side! It’s as if they don’t even see you as a person with achievements, which- well, what have you done that’s worthy of praise? Nothing, you guess, maybe becoming Diluc’s partner was the peak of your life; it’s only going to go downhill from here, you’ve done nothing good, you’ve done nothing worthy; maybe you don’t deserve him at all. And- oh there the tears come, hot and salty, droplets dripping down your face. 
There are many ways Diluc says your name. He says it gently, with hushed undertones and comforting hugs; he says it passionately, with longing in his eyes and a bold thump in his heart. But most of all, he says it so full of love, as if you had hung all the stars in the sky, full of unending, fulfilling, admiring adoration. Whenever your name leaves his mouth, people can’t help but stop and stare; it’s just so obvious how much the Master of the Dawn Winery cares for his special someone. Whenever your name leaves his mouth, there’s an ever-present look in his eye, one that reveals everything he feels about you, a look that proclaims out his devotion. 
So when Diluc finds you- alone, sobbing violently into your pillows- he doesn’t hesitate to place you on his lap, arms cradling your fragile figure, as he utters your name again. He says it again and again, stroking your hair softly, waiting patiently (as if he wouldn’t wait an eternity) while he lets you cry into his shoulder, eyebrows slightly furrowing at the sight of seeing you so upset to get to a point like this. It’s not fair, he thinks, for you to feel like this when you deserve nothing but the opposite, and- he shouldn’t blame himself for this- but what if it has to do with him? You know he’s busy, and he knows he’s busy, but what if you’re feeling as if he doesn’t love you anymore?
Oh, what a lie, as if he could never love you, what a lie, as if he could never look forward to seeing you, as if he could never touch and kiss you as if it were his last. Those people weren’t lying when they said that he was truly in deep, too deep to ever get out of the hole he had dug for himself. Diluc doesn’t mind, though, if he’s in there with you, he would stay like that forever. 
This doesn’t fix the situation at hand, however, and as much as Diluc would like to be able to fix all of your problems, the world doesn’t work like that, and so the next best thing is to help you try and feel better.
You’re still crying, and with every sob that you let out, a piece of his heart seemingly shatters into the void, and he thinks the only way to repair it would be to see your smile again. However, you’ve changed positions to where you’re both hugging each other. You on his lap, arms around his shoulders, and his arms around your waist, sporadically kissing your cheek every once in a while. He sighs, though not at you- never at you, eyes heavy with sadness at your state, and whispers gentle words, cradling your head with his hand.
“Look at me, darling. I love you eternally. I love you with my whole heart, and I can’t even fathom how much it beats for you. I do not know why you’re crying so, but I hate it. You do not deserve whatever this is you are feeling, and I know you as much as I know the back of my own hand. To me, you are the greatest person I have ever known. You have the ability to make me feel things I didn’t know I could, and you made me love, the most important thing of all. I have slain and destroyed, but at what cost? You have healed, and perhaps that is what I love about you so. So please do not cry, darling. You have done so much for me, and you have done so much for others. I know that much, so please, can I see you smile again?
You gaze up at him, eyes widening, as they fill up with tears once more. But not sad tears this time, happy ones instead. You kiss him, salty and passionate and thankful. It’s rather amazing how he manages to find the exact words to comfort you. 
Diluc may be considered stoic, and quiet to most, but for you, he’d recite the longest scripture he could just to wipe your tears away. 
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thoma- rubeum scutum
The past few days for Thoma have been particularly busy. Both the Kamisato siblings required some type of assistance that had needed to be by their side for an extended amount of time, often just accompanying them with daily tasks around Inazuma that they may need to be called to. He doesn’t mind though, because at the end of each day, even though he may arrive late, even though he may find you asleep on the couch once he finally arrives back home, he gets to see your face, and gets to carry you gently off to bed, pressing some kisses to your forehead as he does so. 
However, what Thoma doesn’t get to see, is the constant emotion of insignificance you feel next to him. You’re truly proud of him, you really are, and you’re glad he’s so busy and looked after all the time, but sometimes you wish that you could feel that way too. Sometimes you wished that you could receive the same workload as him- just to be able to say that your superiors trust you to be able to deal with larger things, like him. But you don’t and now you feel useless. Especially now, since he’s been kept working late for the Kamisato Clan, you’ve been chased by negativity for the days that he’s arrived late home, and it’s catching up to you.
It’s suffocating, you just want to be recognised by someone, for someone to be proud of you and to be able to say that they respect and admire your ethics and hardworking nature. But instead, you do mundane tasks everyday, get home, wait for Thoma, then go to sleep. You want something more; you yearn for some sort of sign in your life that you’ve achieved something, that you’ve created meaning for someone else. You just feel so tired of it all, you just want to go to sleep.
Staring at the wall blankly, you don’t even notice Thoma creeping in with a smile on his face, only to be replaced by a concerned frown. It’s the end of his gruelling week of assisting and accompanying, and there’s nothing more he wants than to be able to lay in bed with you, the one he loves with all his heart. He even prepared a cake for you to share, your favourite flavour! But when he sees you, devoid of emotion, a grim expression on your face unlike your usual self, he doesn’t hesitate to place the cake aside- all but forgotten- and rush over to where you’re sitting. 
He whispers, almost scared to raise his voice, as if he would upset you even further. When you don’t respond, he gently raises you up to your feet, so tenderly, you know he’s done this before. He tilts your head up to look at him, and he gets scared. He gets scared at the empty look on your face, and he musters up all the love he can get (which- to be frank- is a lot) to smile at you. Even though he’s scared, the eyes are the window to the soul, and his truly reveal how much he cares for you. He searches for feeling in yours, and when he spots just a glimmer, he leans down to give you a gentle peck on the lips. 
“Do you want to tell me what’s troubling you? I’ll do my very best to sort it out, you know I’d do anything for you.”
Comforted by the sound of his voice and affirmations, you regain some feeling in your body, and you feel less exhausted. 
“Sorry, Thoma. I just- I’m not feeling too good.”
“Oh, would you like anything then? I have a really good soup recipe that I can make for you, just get some rest, and it’ll be ready in just a few minutes! I would prefer for you to feel better sooner rather than later.”
You sigh. 
“No. That’s not what I meant. I mean- well- you’ve just been so busy and I’ve been… here, doing nothing. You’ve done so much already, and I haven’t done anything at all, I just want to feel as if I’ve done something… significant like you, that’s all.”
Tears start pooling at the corners of your eyes, and Thoma hurries to wipe them away with his hands. His heart clenches at your confession, worry evident in his eyes. If only you knew how much you mean to him, how much he thinks that you’re the significant one in the grand scheme of things, and how much he values your existence. 
“No, don’t say that kind of stuff, it hurts. You know I love you so, so, so much and that I think you’ve done so much- too much- that I can’t possibly repay you. You don’t know how much you’ve impacted my life, and that I’m so grateful you came into it. I think others would agree too. I look forward to seeing you every day, y’know? You’re the highlight every single time, so don’t think of yourself as worthless, or insignificant, because I think if you weren’t here, my heart would have a massive gap right down the middle! I love you so much, baby, and it pains me to see you hurt like this, but I want you to believe that compared to me, you’re the one who shines bright. You’re the star here, not me.”
He pauses when you don’t respond. Maybe you need some time for yourself, sometimes that’s just the case. 
“I’ll make the soup now, okay? I love you.”
Turning around to head out, a pair of arms from behind him encase his waist. 
He laughs, turning around again to face you. Stroking your hair gently, he presses a kiss to your forehead, and wonders whether you can tell how much he truly loves you. How much he would do for you, and sacrifice for you. Thoma mutters a quiet ‘thank you’, and you look up at him, confused, tears still in your eyes. 
“Surely I should be the thankful one, Thoma? Thank you, though.”
Your voice goes quiet at the last part. 
He smiles softly, eyes drooping ever so slightly in admiration, in patience and in understanding. 
“My pleasure.”
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a/n: tysm for reading to the end! likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! ❤️
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ode-to-spring · 2 years
diluc is worried when you come home late from an expedition, you do all you can to comfort him
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ੈ♡˳ diluc x reader (romantic ♡)
ੈ♡˳ category :: kind of hurt/comfort?? diluc is worried and gets comforted does that count, established relationship !
ੈ♡˳ warnings :: again hurt/comfort, diluc assumes the worst happens but nothing rlly graphic is described, everything is fine in the end
ੈ♡˳ a/n :: written instead of my algebra homework
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"where have you been?"
diluc's worried voice nearly echoed throughout the halls of the dawn winery. other than him, the whole mansion was devoid of any sign of life-- the maids and butlers had already finished their duties and gone home, the place tidy and clean for the night. from where you stood at the large doorstep, you could see a flame crackling in the fireplace, the embers burning brightly as if they've been newly re-lit. and finally, a shadow traveled through the wooden floors of the mansion, it's owner hurriedly making his way to your direction.
in an instant, you felt yourself held by the shoulders, worried eyes piercing into yours before scanning every part of you for injuries. "do you have any idea what time is it? theres a storm outside, not a star in the sky-- the knights promised you'd all be back by sunset, are you hurt? did something happen?"
"diluc, i'm fine," you started, cutting off his concerned mantra. "the rain slowed our travel, but we didn't run into any problems," you swiftly shook yourself from his near iron grip, putting some distance between yourself and his flood of questions.
you told the truth, of course. you went on a quick expedition with a few knights of favonious to the neighboring nation of liyue, and the turbulent weather made the trip longer than intended. your proof was the drenched coat dripping rainwater all over the hardwood floors under you, but diluc didn't didnt seem to buy it.
"but still, are you sure you aren't injured? i should never have let you go without me, what if you got ambushed? the bandits in liyue are especially known for being notorious, you could've gotten separated from the rest of the knights, and--"
before he even realized what was going on, diluc's troubled monologue was interrupted by a pair of lips on his. the kiss was soft, passionate, as if pouring everything you wanted to say without uttering a word. it served as your personal way of reminding him that you were right there, you were together, and you were okay.
for a moment or two after he simply stared at you in surprise, then relief, then affection. he held complete disregard for your sopping wet clothes when he suddenly held you in a tight embrace without breaking your kiss. you could feel his hot breath intermingling with yours, as if he was trying to calm himself down for you.
due to numerous less than happy experiences in his life, it was no surprise that he'd expect the worst in every situation-- especially those that involved your safety. he had enough trust in you to know that you can handle yourself well enough, even personally helping you with knight training (despite his initial distaste for your chosen occupation, but he'd support you anywhere you went nonetheless), but he could never stop his own mind from drifting off to the darkest places. he held onto you tightly to ground himself, remind him that you were right there in his arms, just like you promised you'd always be.
absentmindedly, your slightly wet fingers started carding through his fiery red hair. you found it comforting, in a way, and it helped both of you stay in the moment. an unspoken promise was interlaced within what otherwise was loving affection: no matter how long it'd take, no matter where either of you went, you'd always find a home in each other to come back to. and just like that, soaking wet at the doorstep of the dawn winery, you stayed for several moments-- a comfortable silence enveloping the both of you, as if flooding out all the feelings neither of you could put into words.
"i'll always come home to you."
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You can count on me...you know?
♡♡-Request: Diluc, gn!reader, hurt/comfort; he walks in on you crying, you usually don't show negative emotions like this. He's here to comfort you!♡
☆☆-Warnings: crying, reader is upset, self-doubt, negative talking (by reader), mentions of anxiety, coworkers (he kinda likes you though)
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Diluc wouldn't say he knew you well. From the two years you worked at Angel's Share, he never once saw you without a smile on your face. Making small talk with the customers, offering refills even if the patrons were less than civil. He didn't know how you did it, but he admired you for it. Diluc wasn't often expressive, but you could definitely tell when he more or less didn't like someone. Or couldn't be bothered to deal with certain troublesome matters. But you were different, and he had to admit, after much debating with his heart and mind, that he found that attractive. Had even started to feel things for you. Not that he'd ever tell you.
Which is why he was in stunned silence when he heard quiet sobbing come from the break room. Only you and him were scheduled to work today.
He didn't know what to do, but listening to your quiet sniffles had his heart twisting in pain. With as deep of a breath he could take, he knocked lightly on the door. He couldn't very well just barge in; you were vulnerable. The sound of tissues and the scraping of a chair caught his attention. Then, roughly three minutes later, the door cracked open.
Your usual bright eyes and even brighter smile were replaced. Tears stained your cheeks, and your eyes were puffy. "Diluc…I, I'll be out in a moment. I know my break is-"
"Are you okay?" He found himself asking, resisting the sudden urge to capture your tears with his gloved hand. You winced, the hold you had on the door growing more firm as you tried to calm yourself. Not wanting to unload all your issues onto your boss. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, there's no need to worry." His brows furrowed; obviously, something was wrong. Something was bothering you, and he wanted to help. But he also knew that pressuring for an answer could possibly make it worse.
So, instead of asking, he simply nodded. "If you wish to keep your troubles to yourself, I won't insist. But…" He hesitated, shifting softly on his feet. "I'll be here if you need an ear. You can count on me.."
His eyes widened as soon as he saw fresh tears form in your eyes. Your body shaking slightly as you attempted to contain it. Immediately, he tried to apologize, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean -" the door flung all the way open. Your body rushes through and wraps your arms around his waist. He was frozen again for a second time. Only now, there was a hint of pink on his cheeks. You rested your head on his chest as you continued to sniffle into the fabric. "Thank you…I've been feeling so anxious lately. And have been pretty hard on myself…thinking I'm not good enough. That I haven't accomplished much."
There it was again, the painful twist of his heart. Slowly, his hand came up to pat your head softly. Afraid he wasn't being gentle enough.
"I don't know you well, and perhaps that's partially my fault. But what I do know is you change the lives of everyone you speak to. In positive ways. Including me." He heard your sniffles pause, your head craning up to look at him. "Really?" And it was in that moment, for certain, he would do his best to make you remember this.
He smiled, genuine,"Really."
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huboi · 2 years
ft big brother diluc
summary : diluc comforts you, his younger sibling, when you come crying to him in the middle of the night after dreaming about your deceased father
reader is gender neutral
genre : hurt/comfort (?)
cw/tw : reader dreams about death, mentions of seeing a dead body lmk if there are any more!
where were you? you can’t exactly tell right now, everything’s too blurry. a sudden groan interrupts your train of thought, so you decide to investigate. slowly treading along the unknown path, a gruesome sight beholds you, crepus, your father, in a puddle of his own blood.
jolting up, you double check your surroundings, sweat soaking your body, breath short and labored, and are those tears cascading down your face? recognising your surroundings as the dawn winery, you’re thumping heart calms a little.
quickly jumping out of bed, you proceed to somewhat sprint out of your room and towards your brothers’. even in stress, you desperately knock on the door, praying to the archons that your brother is awake or home.
the door opens, revealing diluc, who at first seemed confused, but as he realised who it is, he quickly kneels down to the ground and opens his arms, to which you don’t hesitate and run into his embrace.
diluc picked you up, holding you upright and rubbing your back. you noticed that your breathing became less labored as you melted into his warmth, which in a way was very similar to your fathers.
no words were exchanged throughout the night, yet diluc could tell that you dreamt of him yet again. the red head insisted that you slept with him tonight, and that it won’t be any trouble at all.
you begrudgingly agreed to his request and slept in his bed, snuggling right up against him throughout the whole night. surprisingly you didn’t have another nightmare that night, you only dreamt of the happy times when your father was alive and your brothers were close to each other.
content belongs to fluffyganyu on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER
the only content that doesn’t belong to me is the characters, they belong to hoyoverse
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
hihi!! i saw your event and i love the theme jdbsjs <33 also happy (early?) birthday to both you and koi!!
can i request a 4 star pull for genshin impact? the trope would be they forgot your birthday (hurt/comfort pls) ☺️☺️ with xiao, diluc, and gorou?
thank you so much!! if i didn’t request correctly pls feel free to dm me :,)
when they forget your birthday...
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etc: established relationship, modern au![character] x gn!reader, gn pronouns used (they/them/mx.), food mentions (not descriptive), probably very ooc i'm sorry
notes: the favoritism is real in this one :,)
reblogs > likes ! <3
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preface: he gets home late from his work and has yet to say anything about it being your birthday. reasoning that he has a surprise for you, you decided to stay up. but as the hours went by, you drift asleep, the creak of the door when he finally returns waking you up. pretending to be asleep, you could barely contain your excitement. he whispers your name, but no response (you have to commit to the act after all), so he showers and gets ready for bed. as he gets under the blankets, he pulls you closer and kisses you goodnight. yet there's still nothing about your birthday...
doesn't realize until he sees his reminder too late
it's already the morning after: he wakes up to find that you're not in bed but hears the kitchen sink running so he assumes you're doing the dishes 
picking up his phone, he notices the notification he had failed to see the day before "y/n's birthday - yesterday"
sits up in a panic, thinking back to see if he had even wished you a happy birthday (he realizes that he did not)
he even goes so far as to remember how sad you were that he was scheduled to work on your birthday (but you brushed it off, saying that as long as you could spend some of it with him, it'd be alright)
he scrambled to throw some clothes on (he has not checked the time yet but it's 11:48am - he doesn't wake up early, anything before 12 is a miracle)
reasons that he should at least get you something, so he thinks back, desperately trying to remember anything you stared at for too long or tried to subtly hint that you wanted (he knew what you were doing and always tried to keep a mental list of everything)
remembering something, he rushes out (you don't hear him as you were listening to music as you were doing some house chores to keep yourself distracted)
makes it to the store with the item still in stock (it was the last one) and immediately buys it (doesn't even look at the price tag, just shoves his card at the employee - but politely because he's not rude)
notices a flower shop and stops by to get you a bouquet of your favorite flowers (he asks the florist for the prettiest and best arrangement they could make, assuring them that he could pay for it and not to worry about that)
when he gets home, he notices that you made him lunch when you didn't have to since you were bound to be at least very upset with him if not extremely (his stomach growls, he's used too much energy on an empty stomach)
he's not the type to make lame excuses, he gets straight to the point, apologizing that he forgot that it was your birthday and asking if there was anything in particular you wanted so that he could make up for it
also hands you the gifts he got for you, noticing that you're trying to fight back your smile (he thinks the way you're trying to keep up your anger is adorable, but he knows that now's not the time for that)
does absolutely anything and everything you ask (within reason of course), treating the day as if it were your actual birthday
finally earns a thank you kiss from you at the end of the day and lots of cuddles 
is up before you (he has to supervise today)
but is most definitely stalling, savoring the time that he gets to see you as he gets ready to leave
kisses you softly, whispering that he'll be back soon and not to miss him too much
doesn't realize until one of his employees mentions it casually ("oh, mr. diluc, what did you get mx. y/n for their birthday?")
he freezes, like actually freezes and is like "what did you say?"
never once has he forgotten your birthday, and to think he's started now makes him literally sick to his stomach
he's demanding to know the day and when he learns that he indeed did forget your birthday, he flips
gives everyone the day off and puts up the closed sign
he makes lots of stops afterwards
the first is the jewelry shop (he decided last year that he was going to get you a ring this year, and so he does)
despite being in a rush, he takes his time with his gifts - he's looking through all of the displays, finally deciding on what he deems the most perfect and purchases it
next is the supermarket, he's going to make you your favorite so he takes his time to choose the best ingredients
third is a flower shop to get you the basket of flowers you had always wanted (yes he remembers even though you mentioned it once on your first date together)
his final stop is the bakery to choose out the best cake and if there wasn't any, he would go to each bakery within a 10 mile radius to find one
it's later than he had hoped when he returns home to you - he finds you sitting on the couch hugging a pillow and watching a show on the tv
whether you noticed him or not, he didn't know, so he set everything on the kitchen table and walked up to you, hands gently holding yours as he pulled you into a hug, burying his nose deep into the crook of your neck, whispering how sorry he is for forgetting and promising that it would never happen again
he then takes your hand again and leads you to the kitchen to give you all the gifts he had gotten you today
he spoils you a bit more than he usually would but he doesn't mind, because the smile you give him afterward makes it all worth it
is tossing and turning as he slept - something itching the back of his mind kept him from sleeping peacefully, as if he were forgetting something
shoots awake as he looks at the time (03:17) when he notices the date too
is flipping out and he looks at you with your back turned to him, the steady rise and fall almost lulling him back to sleep, tempting him to fall back into his pillow and cuddle with you until he fell asleep again - almost
but he shakes you awake, "let's go somewhere"
you're both in your sleep clothes as you walked around the neighborhood, making it to the street lamp where you both had shared your first kiss
his heart always beats a little bit faster whenever he passes by this street lamp, lips tingling as they remembered the feeling of yours on his 
he spins you around before his hands find their spot on your waist, and as he gently pulls you in, he whispers “sorry i’m late, happy birthday, my love”
and of course he kisses you (you’re literally at the place where you shared your first kiss with him, why wouldn’t he)
he’s tempted to make it a tradition now (but on time obviously) so he does
next year, you can expect him to pull you out of the comfort of your shared bed, walking through the neighborhood to the lamp
but today he calls in sick (he told you that he was lovesick, and therefore needed the day off to spend cuddling with you - he didn’t tell his boss that of course)
would also vow to himself to just take the entire day off on your birthdays from now on as to not let this happen again
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love, koi
p.s. ALSO I DON'T HATE GOROU OR ANYTHING I SWEAR it's just that i got super carried away with xiao's and diluc's :,)))))))) thank you miso so much for joining!! <3
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xzho-writes · 2 years
don’t let go
pairings: diluc x gn!reader
genre: (reverse) hurt/comfort, ragbros angst
wc: 700
warnings: spoilers for diluc and kaeya’s backstory, mild angst
summary: you comfort diluc during one of his restless nights (mainly ragbros content really)
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“archons, it— it terrifies me,” diluc sighs exasperatedly, hands balled into fists and clinging to the sides of your nightwear. “i tried to kill my younger brother, (name). do you understand me? i almost—”
“diluc,” you plead. nothing made your heart bleed more than listening to him in this state, so afraid and so painfully vulnerable.
you knew of diluc and kaeya’s estranged relationship- of their long and complicated history. it was the youngest of the brothers who had opened up to you first about their situation long ago. it was only recently, a few moons ago, when the eldest confided in you about his own inner turmoil.
it tore you up inside, it did.
knowing both sides of the story, one left unknown to the respective brother.
this was never going to be an easy conversation. it never had been an easy conversation.
but you knew this already.
with great effort you manage to pry diluc away from your chest, your gaze set sternly on his puffy, tear-stricken face. you were close to mirroring his own expression but you willed yourself to stay strong for his sake.
“listen to me,” you hushed softly, for any sudden changes in your tone or volume could set him off even further. “you didn’t ‘try to kill him’. you were angry, yes. bestrayed,” you soothe, “but you were never out for blood.”
there’s a tremor to your voice despite how much you steel yourself, subconsciously gripping onto diluc’s shoulders tighter. “you’re speaking from a guilty conscience, my love. i mean it when i say that kaeya forgi—”
at the mention of his name, and before you could so much as finish that one forbidden word, your poor lover shakes his head vehemently, his breath ragged. he looks like a cornered animal fighting tooth and nail just to keep himself sane.
forgiveness is not something i deserve.
“no,” he insists. “no he doesn’t. he shouldn’t.”
you know very well the stinging sensation behind your eyes and in your nose but you push through regardless.
“do you trust me, diluc?” keen eyes don’t miss the way he swallows before giving a single nod. “do you think me a liar, then?” again, a single gulp, but this time a shake of his head. “then you must know i’m speaking truthfully.”
watching his bottom lip tremble shoots an indescribable pain straight to your heart. it pangs away as you keep your hands steady on diluc’s shoulders.
tears well up behind those gorgeous carmine irises and before you know it the man all but collapses back onto your chest, screaming his throat raw and sobbing his lungs dry.
you hold him in silence as he weeps. there was much more you wanted to say, so many things you wanted to reaffirm, but you knew it wasn’t the right moment for reassurances.
you’d give them later- when he’s more able to process your words so as to let them sink in.
time, inconsequential to you now, flows past as you rock your grieving lover back and forth as one would a baby. every sob that slipped past his lips was like a punch directly to your heart, tenderising the organ until it bled the colour of the ragnvindr’s hair, and the colour of the blood that spilled on the battlefield that day.
it’s a long while before either of you manage to speak.
it’s diluc who breaks the silence, but you wonder if silence would’ve been preferable after what he had to say.
the man struggles to formulate his sentence, what with the way his crying had resulted in his breathlessness and hiccuping. there’s a sharp intake of air between each word.
“i— i don’t know what to do,” he chokes.
his voice is a mere whisper and if it wasn’t for your close proximity you’d swear those words would be lost to the wind.
“oh, darling…”
there was only so much you could take yourself before you succumbed to the pressure in your chest.
before he could watch you crack like porcelain beneath him, you gather diluc back into your embrace. his response is immediate; hands fly to grasp at your form as he tucks his face back into the safety of your shoulder.
familiar fingers go to run themselves through his thick tresses as your lips press delicate kisses to his forehead- these actions had always managed to ease the ragnvindr and you could only hope that it would elicit a similar response now.
change wouldn’t happen immediately, you knew this well enough, but you’d vowed long ago to remain by diluc’s side through thick and thin.
this was a situation that only the brothers, and the brothers alone, could fix, but you’d be his rock for however long he needed you.
if it meant sacrificing your sleep in favour of cradling him throughout his restless nights then so be it.
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diludae · 1 year
i’ve been lurking your page for a while now and i love your works 🙏🤭 If i could please request y/n waking up after a pretty bad nightmare and diluc comforting them? and diluc being like “You have nothing to worry about my love, i’ll always be here with you”. GN reader if you could. Thanks so much 🫶🏻
𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵
gotta get me one of those big hawk hugs
diluc x gn!reader // hurt/comfort // anon suggestion // enjoy! <3
TW: Nightmares
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You felt dark. Cold.
All alone, in a realm of sheer fear, agony, and dismay. You were haunted by the worst thing imaginable, your own thoughts. 
You awoke in a cold sweat, the duvet feeling like ice against your skin.
The only force keeping you from bolting straight upwards was the large pair of protective arms your lover had surrounded you in; his self-proclaimed “Hawk Hug”. You noticed Diluc held you tighter than usual, and as your eyes started to focus in the dark, his furrowed brow and sympathetic gaze became more apparent.
“I see that you’re awake”
No words came out of your mouth, only soft whimpers escaped. Diluc placed his hand on your head, wishing to immediately whisk away all of your worries and sorrows even if he knew he did not have the precise and all-mighty power to do so.
“You do not have to talk about it if you wish not to.”
Diluc could practically hear your body shivering against him.
“Would you like for me to prepare you some tea-”
“..don’t go..”
“..What did you say love?”
“Don’t go. Please.”
You wrapped your arms around his torso, hoping to pull him in closer than he already was. Words could not escape your tongue of how much Diluc meant to you in this moment.
“All that matters now is you and me. Lying here. Safe, warm, and most importantly, together.”
A kiss was placed on your forehead, a sign of love, compassion, and care from your one and only.
“Get some rest, my darling. There is nothing you need to worry about. I will always be here for you when you wake up.”
“..couple more..”
“What was that?”
“I wanna hear you talk, just a couple more minutes?”
“What should I talk about?”
“Anything, your voice soothes me.”
As Diluc rambled on and on for the next half hour to your sleeping figure, he knew this was right. That you and him were right to be together. Whatever you have, will have, or had to go through, he would be here for every second. For your heart was his just as his heart was yours.
Oh how he loved you so.
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himeryu · 2 years
Two Birds (Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader)
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CH NOTES: heavy angst, open ending, arranged marriage, gender-neutral reader, mental breakdowns, anxiety
Pairing: Diluc x Reader
Summary: A marriage between 2 friends where one leaves but the other tries to stay but fate has other plans.
A/N: a oneshot that I might continue. After this, I’m gonna finalize Love Affair 02 and fulfill requests!!
. . . navigation masterlist
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Diluc’s 18th birthday was the day when everything was supposed to be amazing. He expected to blow the candle with his father, his fellow knights from the Ordo Favonious, his brother, and you– his beloved fiance from Inazuma– by his side.
Yet why did his father die by his hands? Why did his fellow knights betray and disrespect him and his now deceased father? Why did his brother– now estranged– deceive him and the nation they have sworn to protect? Why did everything fall apart on his birthday?
Devastated and enraged, he left Mondstadt– forgetting that he left someone dear to him in the place he called home.
It’s been a week since Diluc left and oh god you were a mess. The death of Master Crepus and Diluc’s absence took a horrible toll on your mental health. Not only that but the political climate in your home country is starting to eat you up. Your parents– who stayed in Inazuma– begged you to stay away from there as you are a vision user, but you can’t just leave your parents alone!
You worry about your friends in Inazuma, will the owner of Naganohara fireworks stay safe? Or the Kamisato siblings? Would the Kaedahara wanderer and his friend be okay? How about the red Oni who swore to beat you in an Onikabuto match once you return home?
And God you worry about your runaway Fiance and his now estranged brother. Will Kaeya be alright? His 2nd father just died and now his brother left him all alone.
The entire day you have just been worrying about everyone you hold dear. The more you think about your current situation, the more anxious and angsty you got. You replay the conversation you had with Diluc, which happened the night before he left.
Did he really mean what he said? Tears start to well up in your eyes as you recall the things he said to you that night.
It was the night where you both screamed your heads off, the night where your true feelings came to light, and the night where he rejected you in the most brutal way possible.
You have been worrying about others these past few days but how about you? will you be okay? Will you and Diluc be okay? Tears start to roll down your cheeks at a rapid speed, you cover your mouth with both of your hands, hoping that none of the maids check up on you from your loud whimpers.
Right now you are in a foreign land— a place where you used to call your 2nd home because of your Fiance— all alone.
Your string of thoughts was disrupted by a knock on your door, “Master [Name], there’s a visitor who wishes to speak to you”
You quickly wipe off your tears. You turn your head facing the door, “Yes Adelaide, tell the visitor to make themselves comfortable in the Drawing (living) room”. You gulp slightly, hoping that Adelaide didn’t notice your husky voice from crying.
“Understood, Master [Name],” Adelaide says, walking away from your room– sounds of her footsteps growing faint.
You ponder for a few seconds on who might be the visitor as you didn’t expect anyone today. If you did expect anyone, then you wouldn’t be crying your ass off.
You sigh, not wanting to entertain the guest, but you have no other choice. You hope the visitor is someone you know, to make things less awkward.
You walk towards your vanity mirror, fixing your appearance to make it presentable, at most– though, your slightly swollen eyes from the intense crying session aren’t making things any better. You look at your reflection in the mirror one last time before you leave your room.
You walk down the stairs and then towards the drawing room-- now the door is right in front of you. You take deep breaths to prepare yourself. You put on a smile, placing your hand on the doorknob. You twist the doorknob and then enter the room.
And are you in for a surprise as your gaze falls onto the visitor sitting on the couch. Your eyes widen as you recognize your visitor, a blonde-haired man wearing a bright red jacket with a pyro vision on his waist.
Noticing that a person entered the room, he turns his head towards the door. Realizing that it is you, he immediately stands up and walks towards you– you freeze on the spot, What is Thoma doing in Mondstadt?
Your heartbeat quickens, hoping that nothing horrible happened to the people you love. Thoma looks at you with a worried and desperate expression. You look at him– mentally preparing yourself for any news this man would bring to you.
“Hello there, Thoma. What brings you to Mondstadt?” You smile.
You observe him as you wait for him to speak. You notice how his eyes look at you desperately, you notice how his hand is shaking, you notice how he slightly opens his mouth and then immediately closes it– as if he’s having a hard time trying to break the news to you.
The more he tries to say something the more your anxiety rises. Did something bad happen to your parents to the point he ran to Mondstadt without informing you beforehand?
After what felt like forever, he speaks up, and god how everything came crashing down from the things he told you.
“The situation in Inazuma is worsening, some citizens have started to revolt, making the country split in two.” He continues, “Lord Ayato is trying his best to tame the situation but it isn’t enough”.
“What about my parents?” you ask.
“Lady [Surname] is doing well, she’s been spending time with Lady Ayaka” he says. You sigh in relief upon hearing your mother is doing just fine. A bit relaxed, you ask about your father “How about father?”
Thoma tenses at your question, which isn’t helping your now rising anxiety at all.
“Lord [Surname] is helping Lord Ayato trying to tame the situation but,” He takes a deep breath then continues, “His health is starting to deteriorate to the point he is currently bed-ridden.”
Your eyes widen and tears start rolling down your eyes. Thoma immediately tries to reassure you that everything will be alright as Ayato hired talented doctors to take care of your father but it isn’t enough. You cover your mouth with your right hand as you sob.
Slowly, you start to calm down, after all a question has yet to be answered. You take deep breaths as Thoma looks at you worriedly. Then you look at Thoma straight in the eye— determined and still a bit tear eyed. You need to do something.
“So, what brings you here to Mondstadt, Thoma?” You said in an eerily low voice, almost as if you weren’t having a mental breakdown.
Chills went down his spine at the tone of your voice. Thoma gulped as he looks at your messed up face desperately, “Please, come back home, [Name], we need you.”
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bonus a/n: tbh i want to make this into another love angle but w/ ayato for the extra angst but idk,,,,, should i? hehe
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windwheeler-aster · 1 year
okay i’ve finally made my mind up about the event BQJFJWJKF— it was a hard pick between prompts “a sword” and “a necklace with a picture of you inside it” but!!
could i pls request some hurt/comfort with diluc for prompt "a necklace with a picture of you inside it” and trope "forbidden love"?
no pressure to do the req ofc!! i’m excited for whatever releases 🥳
what’s wrong?
summary: your secret lover, prince diluc ragnvindr, comforts you after a crappy day
masterlist | event
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pairing: diluc x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader is a servent, and reader is not traveler
word count: 638 words (2 mins~)
genre: royal AU, romance, hurt/comfort, forbidden love
format: one shot
warnings: relationship between royalty (diluc) and servant (reader), reader gets jealous, and slightly suggestive 
a/n: happy to start off this event with a bang >:3 i hope you enjoy this ten, and have a great day!!! (and also the anon who’s on the same wavelength as ten, heh)
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Diluc stood on the end of his balcony, pawing at the necklace that dangled from his neck. The young prince stared out at the bustling kingdom encompassed in a shroud of darkness. As he leaned further on the balcony’s railing, entranced by the scenery, the wind picked up. And while it was refreshing, the night’s breeze also rustled his red hair and white tunic. Diluc’s skin prickled, small little bumps decorating any of his bare skin. And yet, a shiver ran up his spine as the wind ghosted over the marks on his neck. Marks left by you, for that matter.
You, who was a simple servant that captured the prince’s heart. A person who was so easily dismissed by everyone, and yet garnered Diluc’s attention more quickly than anyone thought possible. 
Of course, he tried his best not to show his favoritism. Diluc had a reputation to uphold after all, and you both had agreed to keep your relationship a secret for the time being. Just until I am King, Diluc assured you, caressing your cheek gently, then I will be yours, my heart.
Yet, that day had not come. Diluc was still prince, and you were still his secret. His most precious secret, one he treasures more than anything else.
Although, as of late, Diluc feared that the secret may get out.
His precious necklace— a gift from you, with a small portrait of you within it— was the latest gossip in court since he first wore it. Many of the servants whispered behind their hands, chittering and chattering like a bunch of cowards. If they were so curious, they could just ask, Diluc thought. But even he knew that no one would dare ask the Prince Diluc about his jewelry. 
He toyed with the necklace absentmindedly. Then, he heard a knock from his doors. “Come in.” Diluc looked over his shoulder and beamed when he saw you. Though, when he saw your empty gaze and weary eyes, his smile wavered. “Dearest?”
At once, he strode over to you and embraced you within his loving arms. He patted your head gently as your arms roamed his torso, gripping onto his tunic for dear life. Diluc gently cooed at you, patiently waiting for you to speak.
When he received no answer, Diluc finally asked the question, “Is everything alright, dear?”
You shook your head. “No, today’s been awful. First, I’m called in for kitchen duty even though Adelinde promised me I wouldn’t have it for another week. But then those royals from the neighboring kingdom show up and—”
Diluc shushed you gently. “It’s alright, my love. I know it’s stressful now, but remember that they’re only here for another few days.”
“I know,” you sighed. “But it doesn’t help that I saw their heir follow you around the castle, clinging onto your elbow at every opportunity. It makes me so—”
“Yes,” you grunted into his chest. “And they’re so infuriatingly picky with their room. Did you know that they demanded that I change their bedding from cotton to silk? Unbelievable…”
Diluc chuckled, finding your ranting to be oddly adorable. “I can only imagine what you go through with them, my love,” he pecked you on the cheek. “And if it’s any consolation, they’re a pain in my side too.”
“Oh, I’m sure a pretty thing like that would be—”
“My love.”
You sighed. “Sorry, it’s been a really crappy day. Forgive me?”
“Of course,” he gave you a proper kiss, putting as much of his love and adoration into it as he pressed his lips to yours. Diluc broke away and smiled, softly, as he gazed at you. “There is nothing you could do in this life— or the next— that would ever make me not forgive you. Now, let’s get some sleep. You deserve it.”
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@x-zho @cxlrosii @i23kazu @tiredsleep @ireallylikehamsters​
(send an ask to be added or removed)
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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fullybooked · 2 years
A Promise
Title: A Promise Pairing: Diluc Rangvindir x Reader Word Count: 3.4k Warnings: injury, blood mention, brief fighting scene Summary: "Who did this to you?" trope
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You were not, by any standards, defenseless. Quite the opposite, actually, and all of Mondstadt knew it. You hadn’t climbed the ranks of the guild so easily for no reason. Your skills with your (weapon of choice) were to be feared, not admired. 
And yet here was Diluc, watching you from across the room as you read a book peacefully while twisting your dagger in your palm, wondering if his line of work would ever come to haunt him. A morbid thought that he always tried to avoid. He was careful in the night, making sure he was never followed home for fear of an enemy spotting you through the windows. His one weakness.
“You’re staring,” you say in a sing-song voice, looking up from the book you were invested in. You close it in your lap, “you only stare when something is bothering you.”
Diluc snaps out of his nerve-wracking trance, “maybe I’m just admiring.”
The mindless flirt made you smirk, “you can admire up close, then.”
You push yourself up from the chair and take the few long strides required to get yourself in front of him. His eyes follow the entire time, a hand outstretching when he notices your path, welcoming you against his warm chest with a palm on your lower back. 
His red eyes. The way they stared at you, looked at you so softly. He seemed to always think you were delicate like a dandelion, waiting to break apart at a harsh wind. And no matter how many times you proved it wasn’t true, he still continued to look at you so softly. If anyone else looked at you like that, you’d threaten to make them into a skewer.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask, hands placed on his chest. He was always so unnaturally warm with his vision. But on cold mornings, like this one, you appreciated it. You tucked your fingers under the opening of his jacket.
Diluc sighs, defeated and admitting to you exactly what he was talking about, “be careful when you travel alone.”
The topic came up at least a million times in the span of a week, “this again? You know I’m careful.”
“Yes, but it puts me at ease to hear you say it.”
“Every day?”
“Twice if I could speak to you alone that often. I’d honestly prefer if you didn’t leave alone at all.” His usual argument fell on deaf ears and he knew it.
He’d been tryin to talk you into at least letting someone go with you on your commissions. Preferably someone he knew and trusted with your safety, but he would settle for anyone just to watch your back whe he couldn’t. He’d even entertained the idea of going with you himself but his hectic schedule never allowed it. 
You raise an eyebrow, “and would you consider letting someone go with you on your night patrols?”
The smirk that graced his features was answer enough for both of you. Both of you had no problem working alone, preferred it even, unless it was working with each other. Maybe that’s what made you so perfect for one another; being alone together was sometimes the best way to spend days off. 
“Point taken,” he sighs, his other hand sliding onto your waist so he could hold you asclose as he could, “be careful, that’s all I can ask.”
Your smile is he reason he fell in love with you in the first place, the one you given him right now, “you worry to much. Besides, I’m around the city all day today, easy stuff.”
You lean up on your toes, he was always just the slightest bit taller than you with his shoes on, and place your lips gently his. A kiss that was a promise to each other without saying it out loud for others to hear; come back to each other, at all costs. And even when he deepened it, begging you silentnly to keep that promise even closer than usual, you couldn’t stop yourself from bringing your hands up to sneak them around his shoulders.
You could’ve kissed him forever, archons knew you wanted to. And the way he ignored he sun peaking through the windows, his alarm to get started with his day, he didn’t want to be the one to pull away.
“You’re going to be late,” you inform him, barley parting your lips to get the words out, “Adeline is going to get up her any second to get you.”
The footsteps heard beyond the door, the squeak steps the maids couldn’t seem to fix, is exactly who you said it would be. With anther chaste kiss from him, ther’s a knock on the door.
“Master Diluc, are you awake?” Adeline asks from the other side of the door. You chuckle, yet another thing you were right about. But your boyfriend groans and finally does the honor of pulling away from you.
You hadn’t bee lying when you’d told Diluc that it would be “easy stuff.” It was supposed to be, even Cyrus had said it was going to be an unusually light week. With that traveler going around and clearing up all of the bigger messes, it was going to be a while before anyone got anything too complicated anymore.
So why was this Abyss Made standing in the center of the hilichurl camp?
You stood a safe distance away, eyeing the small area in confusion and out of their sight. It was hopping around he fire in the center of camp, speaking in a language that nobody alive could understand. It looked right at home, like it belonged there. But it didn’t.
The Abyss didn’t work with hilichurls, or they didn’t normally. But the hilichurls walked around it like it was a guest.
You’d dealt with the mages before, usually with Diluc when they krept too close to the city during the day. But even as a team they were a more dangerous enemy than you were used to. And your Anemo vision wasn’t the best option for going agains a Pyro mage.
For just a second, you feel yourself hesitate on this commission. Maybe you were better off giving this to someone more capable? Someone with a hydro vision, probably. Or there was always the option to ask Diluc for an assist… What were you thinking?! You were Y/N! You didn’t need help! And Diluc would drop everything to come and help you, even the more important things. So what if this was a difficult fight, it would just make you stronger in the end when you got it over with.
“I’ve got this,” you whisper to yourself as an assurance, despite the bubble of doubt in the back of your mind, “last commission, then I can go home.”
You gripped your (Weaponn) tightly, reminding yourself to grip it properly before a difficult battle, and you trudgd towards the camp and towards the mage.
“Hey Fuzzball!” You shout, getting the attention of every hilichurl in the camp ahead of you. Even the mage, who looked away from the fire and towards you with empty eyes and a sickening laugh.
The hilichurls yelped, lifting ther weapons and running with no sense in their heads. They would be easy to take out, and you were right, but the mage was around. If lifted itself off the ground, a fire bubble forming around it as a shield.
“I forgot about that trick,” you mutter and start in a run towards the small group of hilichurls you would deal with first. 
You raised your weapon, ready to hack down th first wooden club that tried to hit you. The hilichurl was a foot away, perfect striking distance. The mage was still hanging to the back, and you wonder if maybe this would be easier han you had thought.
Something appears between you an the hilichurl, cutting off your path and catching you off guard. It was a…fireball?! 
Coming too fast for you to dodge it immediately. By the time you can register what it is, and that you need to get out of its way, your arm is already burning every nerve ending it has. You dive to the side, hoping that only your arm would be what’s hit.
And there you sit, on the grass, weapon clutched in an injured hand. This was definitely going to be a fight you would be lucky to get out of.
Diluc walked into the winery, pulling his gloves off as soon as he shut the door behind him. A sigh left his lips, exhausted from the endless meetings and contract drawings that he had been attending. Merchants were slippery people, always trying to give him the short end of the deal.
“Master Diluc!” It’s Adeline, standing in the middle of the hall as proper as she had always been, “I’m happy to see you’ve arrived in one piece. I’m afraid I don’t have any good news to give you.”
He lifted his eyes, brow furrowed. Adeline never had news in general to give him when he arrived home. Maybe a question about his dinner preferences, to which he always said to ask you instead, but never good or bad news. 
“News?” He asks, arms sliding off his black jacket to hang it on the rack by the door, “what news, then?”
“It’s Y/N,” the headmaid said carefully, probably knowing what his initial reaction would be.
His head shock up, eyes widening. The way she said it didn’t scream anything happy or good. And his stomach was already dropping when he pushed for further information.
“What about them?” He asks immediately, taking a few fearful steps forward in case he had to run to your rescue.
The Abyss, did they know he was the Dark Knight? Did they know they only had to get you to get to him? Or did you take some ungodly commission that landed you injured or even dead? Adeline’s unchanging exression didn’t give him any clues, and it felt like forever before she finished her news.
“They’re in the master bath,” she says and uses a hand to motion to the stairs that would lead to both your shared bedroom and shared bathroom, “I advise you go to them immediately, I was given strict instructions not to tell you.”
Okay, you were alive. That was the best thing he’d heard all day. You were alive, but what had happened? What had she been ordered not to tell, and who ordered it? Were you hurt? Archons if you were hurt….his blood boiled in his veins as he thought of that possibility. 
His feet couldn’t move fast enough up the stairs as he shouted, “Y/N!”
He flung the door open to the masterbathroom, no knocking for privacy. He just needed to see you.
And there you were, standing in front of the sink, a bandage gripped between your teeth as you struggled to wrap it around your own arm. You jumped when he burst through the door, eyes wide and dropping the bandage.
You were covered in dirt and grime and…blood. It was the first thing he noticed. He couldn’t tell bruise from dirt on a glance, he just knew that the blood was definately your own.
“Diluc?!” You say in shock, “what are you doing home so early?”
You had, indeed, come out of the battle with the mage alive. Burned and scared and cut by crude spears, but you’d done it. Just as you knew you could. You’d come back alive, as you always promised each other. But it seems that wasn’t enough for your distressed partner.
He stood, frozen in the doorway of the bathroom, hands holding the door open. His red eyes were scanning all over your body, stoping on every visible mark. Every injury that was, without a doubt, causing you pain. He could tell in the way your jaw was clenched, and the way your hands trembled every so slightly as they held the antiseptic alcohol and bandages. 
When he didn’t respond to you, you wondered if he was somehow malfunctioning. Normally he would be livid, accusing everyone involved in the matter of not protecting you. Was he perhaps…calmer than usual?
His eyes began to darken, his jaw setting, and his hands clenched on the golden doorknob he was still holding. No. He wasn’t calm. He was angry, pissed even.
“Who did this to you?” He asks next.
You sigh, knowing this was coming, “it’s nothing, Diluc, I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine,” he lets go of the door, and you expect his grip on you to be a little more rough than normal given his emotional state.
But his fingers were soft, hesitating to touch your burned skin directly for fear of his unnaturally warm body temperature making it worse. The other hand reaches for your chin, holding it so sofly you wonder if he would stop you from resisting his turn to face him. And even though his expression was one that could stop a mage in its tracks, you didn’t turn away. You knew it was a look of anger on your behalf, not against you.
“Who. Did. This?”
There was no point in arguing against telling him who it was. That was an argument you would lose every time.
With heavy shoulders and a look of defeat, you frown, “there was an Abyss Mage at the hilichurl camp I cleared out. Pyro, if you couldn’t tell.”
It was meant to lighten the mood, to make him more at ease because you were fine. But his grip tightened ever so slightly on your chin at the confession. He hated those things enough already, always griping about how they were nothing but a nuisance to his life and city. He had it out for them enough without this adding on top of his pile of resentment. Now he would never stop hunting them down every chance he got.
“Is it dead?” He asks.
No. It wasn’t. You finished off everything in the camp except for it.
“Yes.” You lie, not wanting him to go running off into the night to hunt it down. 
But he knows you too well. He knows the way your eyes flit away from his to say it, the way you lean into his touch just the slightest bit more. Those were the tells.
Diluc raises an eyebrow, that you don’t see. “Y/N.”
The way he spoke your name. You knew now wasn’t the time to dance around the topic because of it.
So you huff, “no.”
He lets you go, finger tips lingering on your skin, and turns around. For a moment you wonder if you’ve upset him by lying. Surely he wouldn’t leave you in this state, even if that was what you had originally wanted. He’d seen you now, would he still leave?
“Adeline,” he speaks to the maid who had been aptiently waiting in the open doorway, “take care of them until I return.”
“Diluc.” You call out as he starts to walk out of the bathroom, “please don’t. It’s probably long gone by now, this isn’t worth it.”
He doesn’t look over his shoulder, “it hurt you. I’ll hunt it to the ends of the Teyvat.”
You wondered why he wouldn’t look at you as you follow him out onto the hall. You watched him march down the stairs, fists clenched and grabbing his jacket and claymore from where he had put them moments ago. He could never walk away from a fight, even if someone begged him. And you tried so many times to beg him. Just like you would try now.
“Please…Diluc.” You say, voice quiet and almost a whisper to him.
He stopped at the top of the stairs, the sound of your voice rough from smoke inhalation making his steps falter.
“Later, you can get it later. Please don’t leave me like this.” You begged, hoping your voice got across how desperate you were for him. For his presence and affection. Even if he left you in the capable hands of Adeline, you wanted him. His touch and scent and voice. You always wanted him to be the one to take care of you when you were hurt.
You opened your mouth to tell him that you didn’t want him to, that he could let it go just this once. But he had his hands on his claymore by the door and was storming out on a rampage to find who did this to you.
Sleep wasn’t going to come easy and you knew it. Diluc had gone out on Dark Knight patrol almost every night, but this was different. He didn’t have his sense right this time, and that was a recipe for disaster. He could lose his head in a fight and get seriously hurt.
So you were curled up at the table that sat in the center of the winery, draped in his jacket that he’d foolishly left behind in his hurry to get out of there. Your eyes were on the table, tracing designs on the wood as you waited.
Adeline had patched you up like a pro and had given you a pain potion, but it did little ease your anxiety about Diluc’s wellbeing. The maid had gone to bed, leaving you to wait for his return.
The moon was high when the door opened, and your foggy brain seemed to clear almost instantly when you perked up.
His claymore was gripped in his hand, though loosely this time. His anger had subsided, so that must mean he had gotten it. The mage. Or at least a mage. 
Of course he did. You didn’t doubt that he would find it and kill it, you were just concered over his well being. And he was fine.
You stood up, legs arcing as the bandages rub against the burned skin. You ignored it, rushing towards the door. His head lifts when he hearts the approach, probabl assuming everyone was asleep by now.
With your arms thrown around his shoulders, you collapse against him. He drops the heavy sword and catches your waist, hands as gentle as ever in their touch. Even with rough fingertips from years of training, he always touched you like glass.
“You should be resting,” he mutters, pressing his face into your hair and wrapping his arms around you now, “you’re hurt.”
You press your face into his shoulder, “you think I could sleep? You ran off.”
There’s silence. You were right. He had run off, leaving you in the care of someone else when you begged him to stay. Guilt filled the gap in his chest where anger had once settled, outshined only by his love for you. His arms tightened, holding you closer and almost lifting your feet off of the ground.
“You’re okay,” he says, as if it was just dawning on him, “you’re okay. I’m sorry.”
“I’ll forgive you…” you say and slowly pull away from him so you can look into his eyes, which werelined red from the holding back of tears he was doing, “if you promise me you’ll always come back.”
The first time their promise had been spoken out loud by either. After years of silently kissing and hoping that the point was gotten across, you needed to hear it out loud. You needed to know that he would always come back to you just as much as he needed to hear it from you.
“I promise,” he says just as quietly as you had, afraid someone would hear and steal that promise from you two, “can you promise the same?”
You nod, “yes, I promise.”
You kiss him, quickly passioantely to seal the deal. Only then do you both relax, the events fom the long day settling into your bones. Both of you were exhausted and wanted to curl into each other and bask in the fact that you were both alive.
“Diluc,” you mutter against his lips, “you’re gonna have to carry me upstairs.”
He laughs, the sound echoing around the empty bottom floor of the winery. A sound that was alien to anyone outside of this building, and one forgotten by many others. But it was a sound only you had committed to memory anymore.
He leans down to scoop up your legs, and carry you off to bed with him.
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mccnstruck · 1 year
いかないで (don't go.)
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characters: diluc & gn!sibling!reader + kaeya
tags / warnings: spoilers for dilucs and kaeyas story, main focus on diluc and reader, references to genshin webtoon, first attempt at proper angst?, this fic is best read while listening to ikanaide (any cover), not proofread, long fic, canon divergent, fic with lyrics, most likely ooc? i tried
a/n: this was such a pain in the ass to complete but this is my first attempt at writing angst, so please reblog with comments! helps a small blog like mine. enjoy! <3
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何でもないと口をつぐんだ — "it’s nothing," i kept to myself.
ホントはちょっと足を止めたくて — truth is, i wanted to stop those footsteps for a moment,
だけどもきみは早足ですっと前を行くから — but you’re gliding forward with such quick steps
ぼくはそれを見つめてる — and i’m simply watching.
"fine! don't consider me a knight anymore!" a dark, loud voice echos through the headquarters.
"don't you dare forget....mondstadt exists thanks to people like my father." the voice demands low and threatening. you stand outside, a door away from diluc's sudden rage.
it all happened so fast. all of this should've never happened. you were supposed to celebrate diluc's birthday and bring out his photo book and tease him for his and kaeya's photos. you were supposed to go to sleep with tears of laughter still in your eyes, and to wake up to another day filled with the chaos you love.
the tears of shock and confusion already fell from your cheeks before tears of laughter could ever be considered.
you never were supposed to be stuck in the chaos of your father dying. you were never supposed to be stuck between the coldness diluc gave off, and the sudden distance kaeya had created between himself and the cruelty of reality.
you never wanted any of this. you never wanted your life to change in mere hours.
the door burst out open to show diluc in all of his fury, his gleaming vision suffocating in the grasp of his hands. his outfit was disheveled, and permanent anger was over his face.
“'luc, what happened?”
he turns away from you and looks at the main door. “it is none of your concern, [name].”
your voice was strained, yet you were stubborn. you needed answers. answers for all of this. “i’m your sibling, diluc. he was my father as well. i need to know as-"
"it is none of your concern, [name]!"
diluc turns around and stares at you with the same fury you heard from the other door. you flinch back at his voice, yet you will your own to speak. you take a deep breath, before you open your mouth.
"diluc ragnivindr, tell me what happened."
a tense, heavy silence echoed through the headquarters.
he grits his teeth and turns his head away from your sight. you furrow your eyebrows in worry and try to get his attention. he shuts his eyes to hide the tears from you, yet it only burns.
archons. he hated yelling at you or kaeya. but if kaeya and the knights of favonius could disregard the honor of his father, who knows what you could do?
he looks back at you, but the softness of your brother you saw a few hours is completely gone. the softness of your brother, replaced by the coldness he inherited from someone who knew his thoughts and intentions without a word, protecting mondstadt in both light and dark.
“i’m leaving the knights of favonius.”
your eyes burst wide open, and the words ready on your tongue is gone. “what.. diluc-“
“i plan to leave mondstadt as well.”
your face snaps to look diluc in the eyes. you try to look in his eyes for the diluc who proudly held his role with honor. you searched for the diluc who chased you around dawn winery as kaeya and you ran from his affection.
in his dull eyes you search for your brother. but as he only stares at you back, you find that your search was to no avail.
“you can come to dawn winery before i leave.”
not home. not the place where your father watched you three catch crystalflies. just… dawn winery.
he turns around from you and walks to the doors of the headquarters; opening it to let the sun of mondstadt shine through before it abruptly shuts again. you stand in shock without realizing how tears fall from your cheeks. only this time, father or kaeya or diluc wouldn’t be there to wrap you in their arms and wipe your tears.
you could only hug yourself and wipe your own tears as the sweet innocence of childhood was ripped from you in cold blood.
遠くへと 消えていく ぼくを置いてって — on the last train, you board, leaving me behind,
もう随分 見えないよ 夜が崩れていく— it departs on, slowly, and the ground slides away.
泣いちゃだめ 泣いちゃだめ — don’t cry, just don't cry,
でもホントは言いたいよ — but the truth is, i want to say it out loud,
「いかないで」 — “don’t go.”
no matter how hard you attempt to convince yourself that you would not be affected, you ultimately decide to see him off. after all, you didn’t know how long he would be gone for or if he would come back. just the thought of his departure and the next time you would see him churned a uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.
the knights were nice enough (pitiful, in your words) to let you slumber in one of their break rooms as the impending hour of diluc’s departure soon loomed in your mind. you sit in the chair looking out to all of mondstadt.
how dare the clouds not stay to accompany the tightness of the pain in your heart? how dare the ever joyful citizens of mondstadt continue on with their lives, while you were left in shambles?
the cloud of fury numbs your mind from the reality outside the door. time passes as your fist grips harder on itself. you only snap out of your thoughts when you look at the time.
you should get ready. it's almost time to leave.
grudgingly getting your weapon, your belongings, and putting your messenger bag around your shoulder, you finally step outside of the headquarters and make your way through the stairs and towards the path near angels share. although there were less people here, the people who do see you give a sad smile, which may as well translate into hopelessness and pity. you hated it, yet you could only give a soft smile back, saying 'it's fine'.
from there, it was the gates of mondstadt down to dawn winery. the path there was long and excruciating, but not for the reason that it was tiring, but of the memories that brought itself into your mind. the walks down these pathways and the image of vanessa's tree at windrise numbed your mind as you walk through springvale.
you don't realize how much time has passed until you find yourself to stare at the home you were so familiar in. as you make your way to the path towards liyue, you find diluc fixing the horse's saddle and adelinde standing nearby. his eyes widen slightly at the sight of you before returning to his dull expression and getting on the horse.
you walk up next to him and look up. diluc is the first one to break the silence.
"you actually arrived."
"yes, i did."
silence once more. adelinde's face shifts to unease as the once tight-knit siblings were nothing more than strangers in mere days.
"when do you plan to arrive home?"
that's what gets diluc to lower his head, either in shame or sadness. he doesn't know if it's the uncertainty of the question or the thought of home in a city that had disrespected his father. and yet where else would he come back to one day? if at all?
"i don't know, to be fair."
"well truthfully diluc, this whole thing isn't fair."
a silence fills the air once again. his grip on the reins of the horse grow tighter. you only could hold your own bag closer to yourself.
the sun begins to set as father's orange and red strokes take over the canvas; making way for dark blue and the million flecks of white to take it's place.
you are reminded of innocent memories where father took just you outside as diluc and kaeya were playing elsewhere. he painted eagles and peacocks while he explained to you the meaning of his name "crepus". he told you in a humble manner how he chose the opposite name for diluc because even he was no perfect and wanted diluc to be better, which you passionately replied, "you're the best father anyone could hope for!"
crepus chuckled, and continued with his painting, adding another silhouette of an eagle. "i don't think i am the best father, firefly. there's certainly lots of things i could've done for you three."
"but father, you play with us! and you spend time with us, you don't like to yell at us, you listen to us, you chase us around. you even make diluc share adelinde's cookies when he tries to take them for himself!"
he smiles. "firefly, there's absolutely no doubt i do all this for you three. but everyone can improve on themselves, can't they?"
you pouted. "do we have to better ourselves? i, for one, think i'm not all that bad!"
he gently put his free hand on your head and patted it at a slow pace. "i don't think you're all that bad either, firefly. but you wouldn't consider diluc as an ok brother when he does steal the cookies, does he?"
you comically brought your finger to your chin. "you're right, that isn't a 'brotherly' thing to do to his own siblings."
he chuckled. "i'm not talking specifically about the cookies, dear. but you do see how even if diluc steals the cookies or kaeya doesn't play fair sometimes, you also stole diluc's and kaeya's crystalflies as well."
your face flushed in embarrassment and shock. "what... how did you-"
"don't think i don't hear diluc and kaeya searching all over for their jars while you sit there innocently."
you turned away from him in shame. crepus softly laughed before patting your head once more. "i'm not mad at you. but you do see the lesson that everyone has their own flaws, yes firefly?"
you nodded your head.
he continued his painting once more. he started to add blue peacocks and accents of green as well. "do you know why i call you firefly?"
you thought for a moment before you shook your head.
"because i believe fireflies -although small in size- have their own strengths."
your face morphed into confusion, letting father talk again.
"diluc, although powerful and more esteemed, tends to do things on first thought. kaeya, who's a bit more quiet, is very smart with his words and what he does. i-"
"i'm sorry father, what does es...esteemed...mean?"
he smiled. "it means more respected, dear."
he put his paintbrush down before fully facing you. "i have a fear that no matter how much diluc and kaeya's personalities mix together, one day something will happen. firefly, you are more quiet, yes, but you are the most down-to-teyvat out of the three of you. i believe you are the one who focuses on being there in the moment. i trust you, firefly, to be not just diluc's and kaeya's mediator, but to remain honest and true to yourself no matter what happens, alright?"
you tackled him into a hug and wrapped your arms around him. he let out a grunt, before laughing and wrapping his arms around you. the eagles and peacocks in his painting contrasted yet mixed so beautifully with the gentle glow of green bringing the whole piece together.
"alright, father. i'll make you proud."
he patted your head once more. "that's my firefly."
you watch the sunset slowly dip into the ground as diluc and you stay silent. adelinde waits paitently for any of you to speak up. when neither of you do, she speaks.
"master diluc, i believe if you want shelter by nighttime, you must start heading out now."
wait, he has to go? no... no, no, no, no. he can’t be going. surely he's going to let go of the reins and get off the horse, right?
diluc once more grips the reins of the horse as he mutters under his breath. "you're right. i should be going."
your face turns into disbelief and despair, as you try to form words out of your mouth. you wanted to scream, yell, rage on about how siblings stay together but your mouth only remains dry of words.
"are you...going right now?"
"it seems i must. it's getting increasingly more difficult to get to wangshu inn at a good time."
you look down onto the pathway and grit your teeth, waiting for his horse to run past and to engrain the last memory of his fading figure.
when you instead feel a hand gently pat your head and smooth out your hair, you look up at diluc. his expression is still the same, but the gentleness of your brother is all too familiar.
“take care of yourself, [name].”
with one more pat to the head, he reluctantly lifts off his hand and takes the reins of the horse. the horse slowly paces itself away and soon enough gallops in its path to liyue.
you could only watch as the dusky skies embrace your brother and the stars guide him in his endeavor. your legs are stuck to the ground and the words burns inside your tongue.
how badly you wanted to sprint,
to catch up to him,
to let him see all of your emotions laid out,
to tell him to stay.
but as adelinde puts a hand on your shoulder and you both watch him leave the mondstadt wind, you will yourself not to bring yourself to your knees and sob.
don’t cry.
don’t cry.
don’t cry.
the sting of your unspoken words is now only a mere thought in your mind, yet its wish remains as ever present in the dull ache of your heart.
wait. stay with me. don’t go.
帰り道 暗いけれど 一人で大丈夫かな — the way home, it's somewhat dark, but i guess i’m okay on my own
街灯に 照らされて 影ができている — Street lamps, they shine on me, making a shadow.
一人ぼっちさ — i’m all alone…
your pen stops for a moment as you read the words once more, before scribbling out the sentence and sighing.
the days of the windblume festival was upon the citizens of mondstadt. wine enthusiasts were savoring the taste of different drinks. the children were running around, giggles sounding throughout the main plaza. lovers kissed underneath the statue of the wind archon, letting the freedom of the wind guide their love.
you would be working on any commissions, but the custom of not giving or receiving any works during the days of the festival had you pouting in the comfort of your apartment, pacing around your home for any work. when you found that your home was spick and span and your paperwork was signed and organized, you dropped onto your bed and groaned.
what do i even do right now?
you thought of the conversations you decided to eavesdrop on when you opened the window. none of them sparked your interest as you stared at the ceiling, until one popped up in your mind.
“oooohhh! don’t you have a crush on him, dude?”
you could only assume the other person was blushing by his hesitance to speak.
“shhh! not so loudly, what if he appears all of a sudden?”
the wingman (to your judgement) laughed, and the person hopelessly in love (again, to your judgement) could only groan.
“you should write a poem to him! to get your feelings across and not gross me out with your lovey-dovey stuff.”
the person in love hesitated again, and then hummed in acknowledgment.
“ugh, fine. but do you have anyone to write a poem to?”
the wingman sighed, before continuing. “i heard these poems are not just for romance, but just for building up your relations with other people. i guess i’m writing one to my sister then. she’s been really sick nowadays and gets really upset when i can’t visit her. i just hope this poem tells her i’m always there for her.”
the person in love let out a soft huff. “i’m sure she knows how much you care for her. c’mon, you ready to write random words and hope for the best?”
the caring brother laughed and ruffled his clothes. “yeah, lets go make some poems.”
you could only hope their feelings got across as you smiled.
but…that did give you an idea, you thought.
a horrible idea, you think a few hours later. the idea of heartfelt thoughts in the language of poems sounded cute!
…until you actually had to write out your thoughts.
the problem was not with kaeya. you easily wrote paragraphs on the way he always pretended to be a pirate, the way you both could laugh over books in father’s library, the way you wish you could talk again. but when it came to diluc…
it was assumed you were not happy with this man. torn up lines of poetry were in your trash can, and the now scribbled out lines of words was just you cursing him out.
you groan and slam your head onto your desk. archons, you wish there was a festival where you yell at people instead.
you get up from your desk and stretch your arms; easily finding out that writing insults for someone in poetry is quite exhausting.
the sun slowly lowers from it’s peak, and you find that time is slipping away from your grasp.
maybe walking around can clear your mind.
you grab your weapon and your messenger bag and some other things before heading out. the chatter of the citizens is still at it’s peak while you smile at the kids running from each other; subtly helping the kids running away and chuckling at the kids chasing the others. you head to the main plaza, but you instead find a very familiar face smiling at you.
“[name]! over here!”
you smile, and catch up to the voice.
“hey amber!”
she suddenly wraps her arms around you, and you couldn’t help but giggle and reciprocate it.
“it’s so good to see you during this festival, [name],” she lets go of you before continuing. “how have you been? how has commissions been going?”
you give a small sigh. “it’s been alright, although there’s been nothing nowadays due to the festival.”
amber grins. “and that’s a good thing! lately i’ve seen you when passing by, and you look like you’re about to sleep on the concrete!”
you entertain amber’s thought, and place your hand over your heart in faux disbelief. “how dare you assume i’m that sleep-deprived? i sleep for a good 6 hours on weekends!”
amber laughs freely, and you join along in her outburst.
when you both calm down, you smile at her. “how’s your exploring going? see anything exciting on your check-ins?”
amber pouts, and you could only assume she didn’t get to fly around anywhere. “i didn’t get to fly around anywhere! whenever i do have the chance, some hillichurl is always chasing me!”
you laugh. knew it.
“not funny, [name].”
she notices the extra things you packed in your bag. “ooh! are you writing a poem to anyone? or even… a secret lover?”
you pretend to gag and amber scoffs at your acting. “oh quit playing around, [name]!”
“yea, like i haven’t seen you with eula.”
she blushes, and you give out a mischievous laugh as she turns away.
“um…m-moving on. but… wanna tell me about this poem or is it something super top secret?”
you sigh. “i wanted to write something for kaeya and diluc.”
her face turns into understanding and she lets out a hum.
“ooohh, alright! have any luck?”
“mmm. i finished kaeya’s but i had no luck with diluc’s.”
“it’s been a while since diluc’s left mondstadt, hasn’t it?”
“yea, it has been..”
amber gives a soft smile and puts her hand on your shoulder in comfort. almost as if… she knew something about what happened.
or you’re just going delusional.
“maybe going to dawn winery will help? when i’m stuck on something i usually like to visit something related to it to get any ideas!”
you thought about it. it’s been so long since i’ve visited dawn winery. but…
do i really want to go?
“you’ll feel more motivated to finish your poem. i might not understand the whole situation, but i’m sure you’ll feel better visiting old memories.”
you sigh, and turn your head to smile at her.
“thank you amber. i really needed to hear that today.”
she gives you a toothy smile. “anything for you! now, you might wanna get going if you don’t wanna fight hilichurls in the dark.”
“i might as well. it was nice catching up with you, amber.”
“hehe, i enjoyed catching up with you too! i’ll see you around, alright?”
you nod and wave her goodbye. amber giggles before running off to the main plaza and disappearing. you take a deep breath, and set your destination to dawn winery.
when you make your way to the gates of mondstadt, you hear a familiar smooth voice before seeing the anticipated blue hair and eyepatch as well. when you both make eye contact with each other, you both widen your eyes before he gives you a grin. you give him a smile back, leading him to walk up to you.
“quite a while, hasn’t it? my dear sibling?”
you smile at kaeya and fiddle with your fingers. “it’s been a while. how have you been?”
he dramatically sighs, which causes you to chuckle at his antics. “oh, poor, sufferable, me. instead of absolutely enjoying the refreshing taste of death after noon on my lips, jean has cruelly tasked me to do a check-in on the festival. how naive of me to assume they wouldn’t assign me anything on a festival so freeing and joyful as this!”
you scoff at him. “oh dear calvary captain, i believe you get paid for doing the bare minimum.”
“is it so hard for a man to enjoy the evening with wine in his hand?”
you laugh. “oh, what pain, calvary captain! whatever will he do without his daily glass of wine?”
“see, you understand my agony!”
you laugh freely, and kaeya chuckles along with you. he soon notices the paper and writing utensils inside your bag, and gets curious. “say, my dear sibling has paper and writing tools and is heading out of town. any particular reason...?”
you get quiet at the remembrance of your journey. “ah..actually…”
he lifts his eyebrows, now intrigued.
“i was writing poems, and for inspiration i wanted to visit dawn winery.”
his grin turns into a sad smile, and he looks down to the ground in thought before looking at you once more. “ah, i see.”
a silence of knowing was shared, as you both had the recollection of a sibling. a close friend.
to save yourself from the silence, you decide to sacrifice your pride and dignity impulsively. “um, actually. i have one for you too.”
you pull out your previous poem and place it in his hands. you turn away from his smirk and direct your attention to your hands.
“oh, for me? is this a invitation for wine-tasting? or better yet, you have the heart to pay for my next drink?”
you scoff. “oh please, in your dreams. just read the damn thing.”
you look at the bridge, at the sky, at the scenery of mondstadt, anything to evade his eye. but what you didn’t notice was how kaeya’s eye widens at the memories he thought you forgotten. how kaeya smiles when he remembers father’s books. you didn’t notice the tears he quickly drew back when he read the last line.
"to kaeya alberich. may we meet again once more, and may we go through father’s library and blow off the dust again.”
“so…. how was it?”
when kaeya looks at you again, he smiled at your nervousness and how you fiddled with your hands. he wrapped you in a tight but comforting hug, and let out a breath of relief when you wrapped your arms around him back. he places his chin on top of your head, relishing in the way you still used to hug him like before.
“i will always accept your offer to go through his library again. you’re always free to come by my office and chat, alright?”
you nod, and he squeezes you one more time before letting you go.
you are reminded once more of time ticking, and your smile drops to a small extent. “i’m afraid i have to cut this short if i want to make it on time.”
he softly smiles. “i understand, [name]. would you like me to walk you there?”
“i think i’ll be fine. thank you though, yaya.”
his eyes widen at the nickname, and holds back a goofy smile at the name. “so you still remember that?”
“why would i forget?” you ask, grinning at his reaction.
you slowly walk away from him, but when you look back you see him saluting as if you guys were pretending to be knights again. when you give him a salute back, he grins before stepping once more into mondstadt city.
you walk towards springvale and head towards the path to dawn winery. the sun has once again let the moon rise, and the sacred sunlight was slowly decreasing. you didn’t mind too much, but you were much more catious of any monsters to come up and attack you.
you laughed when diluc ran up to you after killing a hilichurl. "why so protective, 'luc?"
diluc grinned and lightheartedly pushed your shoulder. "nothing will ever harm my siblings under my watch."
"what you're basically saying, is that only you’re allowed to chase kaeya with a spatula?"
"he kept on taking all the cookies adelinde was making!"
"pffft, that's revenge for how you used to take them as well!"
“so you’re on kaeya’s side? shame.” he grinned and his hands outstretched towards you. you realized diluc’s plan, and immediately walked away. when he start running, you sprinted out of fear. “get back here, [name]!”
“you’ll never catch me alive!”
you smiled at the memory before finally realizing your surroundings. the sun was completely down and the orange skies were now a blue color, slowly turning into a very dark blue.
it’s quite dark outside.
a part of you wishes you took up kaeya’s offer, or even have diluc here with you, but you quickly shove that feeling down.
you’re ok on your own.
as if to assure you of your thoughts, the green glow of fireflies slowly appeared one by one as you got closer to dawn winery. when you reach for one, it accepts your invitation and glows in your hand.
"... i believe you are the one who focuses on being there in the moment.”
father’s voice rings in your head. you heed to his message and look around.
the sky is void of any sunlight now, yet the stars replace it with its gentle shine. the fireflies glow and fly around, and the one on your hand flies to the rest of the bunch. shadows take their place to contrast the moonlight. your own shadow is big and mysterious next to you, yet it envelops you in its darkness as a reminder of how alone you are.
you're not truly alone. you say hi to the merchants and talk and laugh with other people. you catch up with friends and meet newcomers.
yet, everything has felt a little more dull ever since you saw him leave.
your steps fasten to try to shove the thoughts down, and soon enough you find yourself in the vineyards of a place you once called home.
you sigh and decide to greet adelinde later, sitting on the steps in front of the main entrance. you pull out the paper written "to: diluc" and pull out a writing utensil. after the events of the entire day, your hand writes and crosses out and writes again.
adelinde could only watch in surprise and awe from the window as she witnesses how much despair and anger one person could have at someone, yet still have the conscious desicion to still come back and miss them.
you stay there for archons knows how long, writing and being in the past, the future, in the present.
"to: diluc
father once told me 'he believes i am a person who focuses on being in the moment.'
but truthfully, every moment without you feels so out of place. as if my consciousness is never truly there.
i am not that person. truthfully, i am someone like the rest of us. insecure. worried about the future. scared of the past.
our past is quite bittersweet. how three tight-knit siblings could walk different paths in mere days. mere hours.
my shadows when walking to dawn winery were lonely without yours right next to me.
but it's funny. when everything happened. when i tried to be in the moment, you were already looking at the future. kaeya was looking in his past.
i miss you.
you left me alone while you wanted to find father's and kaeya's past, and what you would do with your future after all of this.
knowing you, i bet you haven't even ate a proper meal. please do.
if you ever come back, im still waiting. i don't know why i do.
i'll always be waiting here and now, diluc ragnivindr."
泣いちゃだめ 泣いちゃだめ — don’t cry, just don't cry,
でもホントは言いたいよ — but the truth is, i want to say it out loud,
“yes, i have! i wonder who truly is behind the mask…”
“i heard monsters BURST into flames when this person fights.”
“agh, i wanna see them now!”
if you hear about this darknight hero one more time, you are going to go up to this person and personally make them catch your hands. because seriously, do people not have anything else to do with their lives?!
you were originally supposed to go out and give kaeya some reports on threats outside of the city. when you arrived at the knights of favonius headquarters. you were told that, “when it’s a slow day for the knights, captain kaeya usually heads somewhere else besides here.”
you sigh and walk out of your apartment in annoyance. you knew instantly where he was going to be.
that lazy bastard.
you set your destination for angel’s share, and along the way everyone and their grandmothers were talking about this supposed darknight hero.
now to the present, you spot the famous tavern and get yourself ready to chew out kaeya. you open the door, and start ranting. “kaeya, it’s a weekday, why in barbatos’s name-“
red eyes widen at you as you finally spot the red hair behind the counter. kaeya sits with a death after noon in his hand, with no usual remark.
no, no no no no no.
why was he here?
four whole years, and he appears all of a sudden, as if everything’s normal.
he stares at you, and you selfishly look into his eyes again to try to find the brother you knew; like how you did 4 years ago.
you slowly walk up to kaeya and drop the papers in front of him. “here’s the reports.”
you turn away and dash to the door.
you wanted to scream at him, yell at him, tell him how dull you felt, tell him how he was a selfish, careless, heartless man.
but most of all, you wanted to cry. sob on the wooden counter and tell him you were so glad he was safe, how much you missed him.
you will yourself not to shed any tears and you stay silent. pushing the door open, you’re about to head out and never come back.
you pause when you hear diluc’s breath hesitate. whatever thoughts you pushed down diluc brought those same thoughts back.
you hear the brother you were searching for when diluc softly whispers,
「いかないで」 — “don’t go.”
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notes for context / any details:
diluc's name means daylight or dawn, while crepus's name means darkness, dusk.
diluc's namecard description: "master crepus painted many eagles during his lifetime, but he never could've foreseen creating an eagle with such fire.”
firefly symbolism: "Fireflies remind us that it's the small, simple things in life that matter the most. They inspire us to take a moment to slow down, ground ourselves in the moment, and appreciate all that surrounds us."
spoilers for genshin webtoon: the moment diluc resigned from the knights of favonius, amber was hiding in one of the closets when trying to surprise her grandpa, unintentionally hearing the whole situation.
reposting or plagiarizing of my works is not allowed under any circumstances.
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goldfish-afterhours · 5 months
Genshin Characters Apologizing After a Bad Fight
Characters: Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli x Gn!reader
Type/genre: Bulleted headcanons, angst/hurt comfort?
Warnings: Curse words, probably not the healthiest coping mechanisms/apologies
His apology comes out strained, as if the words are clinging to the back of his throat
His fists are clenched tight by his side. He prepares himself for you to yell, to scream at him
But you don’t even turn around to look at him
Diluc always saw you as his rock, his lighthouse in the stormy night, the one who keeps him steady as his duties of both vineyard owner and vigilante shake him back and forth like a ragdoll
But right now, it hits him for the first time how small your back is, how human you look
Has he been taking you for granted all this time?
When you don’t respond to his apology, he calls your name, and you finally turn around
His eyes widen when he sees the tears streaming down your face
His heart absolutely breaks. How could he have made you, his love, his everything, hurt this much?
Before either of you says anything, Diluc flies towards you, cradling your head gently in his arms, as if any slight pressure would cause you to break and shatter like glass
“How pathetic of me to make you cry. I’m so sorry.”
His heart could rival the weight of the world right now
Childe isn’t used to disappointing others. No, he’s always been the golden boy, the prodigy, the one who sets the bar and breaks it at the same time
So how come you are sitting with your back to him, refusing to say a word?
And why can’t he find it in himself to say something, anything, to make this better?
He is petty person, someone willing to drown an entire city rather than admit defeat. Any word of apology is almost impossible to force out of him.
Instead, he drops a book in front of you. It flips to a random page, and you can see the photos and names of people listed on it
Not unlike a cat bringing their owner a mouse, this was Childe’s form of an apology, even without the actual words being uttered.
“Choose any person from this book. I’ll bring you their head.”
His fingers are restless, constantly scratching the back of his hand or twisting each other
His jaw is clenched, shoulders slumped forwards as he refuses to look you in the eye
“I…I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
You knew that Kaeya had a hard time with apologizing—not because he was arrogant and thought he could do no wrong, but the emotional and physical toll it took on him was great
He often finds himself caught in a dilemma
On one hand, he has a difficult time admitting he is wrong as it forces him into a vulnerable position. To be wrong is shameful, an embarrassment.
On the other hand, he knows he fucked up. And he knows there are only a very few amount of fuck ups people let slide before they get fed up and leave.
And having you leave is not something he can afford
Kaeya’s seen this before. Faced again and again with abandonment, he knows a simple “I’m sorry” is not enough to make most people stay
But it is all he can offer
He prepares himself for the worst, but he was not prepared for the way you gently lifted his chin with your hands, a soft kiss melting away his fears
When you slam the door to your room, Zhongli doesn’t try to stop you
He doesn’t knock on your door, nor does he try to coax you out
He knows your type of anger—it’s like fire, and feeding premature apologies or sweet nothings would only fan the flames
So he sits outside your door until you’re ready to come out
Slips you snacks and books from under your door, in case you get hungry or bored in your anger
When you see the treats and novels slowly appear from under the door, you’re still fuming, but it’s difficult to be furious knowing your thoughtful lover is on the other side, not pushing you to calm down but trying to make you comfortable as you sit with your anger.
When you finally calm down enough to unlock the door and step outside, Zhongli is waiting
There is not a trace of annoyance on his face, but you can tell he relaxes a little from relief that you are willing to come speak with him again
Takes your hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze as he apologizes for his behaviour earlier.
“Please accept my apology, my love. I never meant to hurt you.”
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bohbee · 1 year
Do you think you could do some genshin characters reacting to you flinching during a fight? 👉🏻👈🏻 Im not picky with which characters as long as Childe is included
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Flinching During an Argument, Genshin.
Part 1?
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Wanderer.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, misunderstandings, past abusive relationships, insecurities, yelling, blood (unrelated), potential harming.
Notes: There are some kinds of spoilers for The Wanderers but yeah >:). Sorry for not writing for a long time, there's been a lot of stressful things happening in my life right now but I'm trying to write more :). There will be more parts to this I just don't know when.
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Childe (Tartaglia, Ajax)
The room which was usually filled with laughs and smiles now had a dark aura. Both occupants of the household argue with each other, in a fit of rage and hurt. "Ajax please just listen to me! I could've lost you!" You said, wiping the tears from your eyes, a shudder left your chest as your boyfriend's eyes darkened towards you. His boots took a step forward and he pointed his finger toward you.
"You always underestimate me!" A vein popped from his forehead, the air getting thick causing your heart to speed up. "Ajax I di-" He cut you off with a shout causing you to back up into the wall "No! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I SUFFERED THROUGH TO BE SEEN LIKE THAT"
He went to push the hair out of his eyes, his gloved hand swayed in front of your face causing you to cover your eyes, frightened of his next course of action. Your knees buckle slightly. Childe's movements came to a halt, and his annoyance quickly left, now filled with shock and pain.
"Dove... I-" he started to speak, his hands gently grabbing yours, delicately not to strike for negative emotions in you. As he moved your defense, he winced at your fear-struck face, tears he caused painting your skin. "I would never... ever harm you... I'm so- so sorry" He opened his arms slowly, trying not to frighten you, offering for you to hug him, and you pounced into his grasp. Small sobs emitted from your throat, "I'm sorry- I just don't want to -hic- lose you, and I-" your rambling was cut off by a small hush from the ginger.
"I would never leave you... I was being unreasonable, let's just drop it for now, come on I'll take you to the bedroom."
The rest of the day was filled with soft hums, and both of you enjoyed each other's presence. "My dove?" Tartaglia's voice was soft, you looked up to meet his eyes questioning him. "C'mon let's go to a restaurant.... let me treat you?" He said, well more of asked... still not knowing how much you were willing to do. "Of course.... let's go."
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Nothing was different from today than any other day, you went on commissions and came home to your loving husband. However, the crimson irises begged to differ. "You need to stop being so reckless! You've come home yet again with a new bloodied bandage!" His tone was deep, filled with irritation and worry. Though, that didn't do much but annoy you. "Luc, please listen to me, love. This is a part of working for the Guild!"
His eyes shot toward yours, pure frustration filling his pupils. "Every. Day." He started, his body slowly getting up from where he was sitting. "I. Have. To. See. You. Get. Hurt." His body was slightly in front of you, a two-foot gap in between your bodies. "EVERY. DAMN. DAY.!" His booming voice shook the air, causing you to flinch and stumble onto the ground.
A few seconds of silence went by until he kneeled to where you fell. "I am deeply sorry, I- it was never my intention to frighten you, my love." His eyes were filled with shame and insecurity, his gloved hand reached out to you slowly. You softly grabbed it allowing him to pull you up and into a hug, watching for your injuries. "I'm sor-" you started but your husband shushed you "No need dear, I must be the one to apologize. I was being rash, just promise me that you'll be more careful?"
You nodded softly and hugged his torso a bit tighter, the both of you stood in the common room for a while before he broke away from the embrace. "Why don't you let me re-bandage your injuries and then after we can go for a walk?"
As the day continued on, the well-known couple could be seen walking down the paths of the outskirts of Monstadt. Hand in hand, soft delicate smiles painting both of their features.
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Sadly, petty arguments with Kaeya always happened, it was all fine though. None of it really went far, that is until now. The two of you were in his office at the KOF building, snapping at each other. Snarky comments and shouts were heard throughout the whole building, though no one dared to enter not even Lisa nor Jean.
"You are being unreasonable!" you shouted at the blue-haired male who only scoffed back, he stood from his seat and turned his back away from you. "For the last time, now listen real closely and get it through your more than thick skull." He slowly turned towards you, his deep frustrated tone quickly shutting you up. "She was NOT flirting with me, just because you're insecure does not mean you get to PROJECT your feelings on me nor the poor lady who was being nice."
His words made you wince, stepping back in shock as you look up into his eyes with hurt, no more than hurt..... betrayal "oh." Your head bobbed in a quick nod as you went to leave the room. "W-wait.... (y/n) shit... I didn't mean-" he chased after you. The people in the city watched in shock which only rubbed the salt more in your wound.
You finally made it to your home, your boyfriend rushing in behind you. No words were spoken, his strong arms yanked you into a hug as you sobbed into his chest. "I....... I am so so sorry snowflake......" your loud cries pulled at his heart strings. After gathering your emotions, you went to respond, feeling guilty for the situation. "You were ri-" his soft lips slammed onto yours, effectively stopping your words. "Don't even think about finishing that sentence."
The two of you made an executive decision to take some time off together in which Jean more than happily approved of. The two of you were now in the amazing city of Sumeru, sitting together in the Grand Bazaar. Your head laying on his soft shoulder as both of you watch the amazing dancers.
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Wanderer (Kuni)
You and the umbrella hat male were walking down a trail in the outskirts of Gandharva Ville, when suddenly a random root appeared from nowhere, which caused your body to fling forward into the ground. The Wanderer turned around slightly shocked, he laughed slightly and swung his hand to help you up. But the sudden motion frightened you and caused you to cower backwards. "I'm sorry!" you yelped out while closing your eyes, preparing for the hit that would never come.
Kuni looked at you shocked, no words left his mouth, he was truly stunned at the scene in front of him. You soon opened your eyes and looked to the side embarrassed, "I- uh- sorry heh, that's embarrassing.... well lets uh continue." You stood up and brushed your pants off and walked past your "new" boyfriend, expecting him to follow you. Though his next words, stopped your movements.
"What......" he paused before slightly hanging his head in shame "I know I used to... treat you unfairly....... just know that I am trying to get better." he muttered before walking to you and gripping the back of your shirt. "I don't want to lose nor hurt the one I love...." he mumbled before he slowly and awkwardly hugged you from behind.
"I know you are trying.... don't think I've given up on you Ku.... I trust you."
Over time, the two of you slowly dropped your walls with each other, becoming closer than ever. He was a completely different person than the one you used to date. Same face..... same body.... same soul..... just different purpose.
I hope this is good :), I love you guys... also dude why are genshin characters written so WELL gah damn!
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mmmairon · 7 months
Hi mairon! I love the self insert comfort you did it was so cute! Would you be able to make some more? Possibly diluc taking care of someone like the girl you did in the last one — maybe putting them to bed because I’m suffering w my insomnia right now 😅 if you can’t dw!
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oh, to be tucked snugly into bed by Diluc Ragnvindr
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amber-sekio · 4 months
Oneshot -Diluc needs a hug
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Ships: Diluc x reader
TW: ooc? ; borderline panic attack? ; nightmares
He was too slow, just like last time. He couldn’t save you. Must he lose everyone he cherished? Must he always be too slow or weak to save the ones he loved? Did Celestia hate him so? 
He cradled you in his arms, your body was cold, much too cold. He couldn’t stop the tears or sobs that escaped, unrelenting. 
Diluc jolted awake, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His breaths are short and heavy. Next to him in bed -where you should be- is much too cold. He panicked thinking his nightmare might actually be his reality until he heard the click of the bedroom door opening. There you stood with a cup of tea in your hand. 
“Diluc, are you alright?”   
Tears brimmed his eyes, threating to fall as he looked at you. Closing the door you quickly walked over to him, placing your tea on the nightstand next the bed. When you sat yourself on the bed, Diluc’s arms were immediately around you holding you so close as if you’d disappear into thin air if he didn’t, and to him and his still panic stricken mind, that was a very possible outcome. 
“Do you want to talk about it, love?” You spoke lovingly, voice barely above a whisper.    
His response was a simple shake of his head, opting to instead pull you closer to him. 
“There’s still some tea left, I could go get you a cup if you’d like?” You whispered fondly.   
His response was a simple “Just hold me please.” His voice wavered slightly as he tried to will himself not to cry. 
You pulled him impossibly closer, his head in the crook of your neck, and as you whispered sweet nothings into his ear, the dam finally broke and his tears fell. His body shook with silent sobs as his tears stained your shirt --but you couldn’t care less about your shirt, your mind was only set on calming Diluc. 
“Please... Please d-don’t leave me.” His voice broke through the silence. 
“I’d never dream of leaving you, my love.” You cooed at him as you shifted yourself and Diluc into a more comfortable position. As his tears slowly came to a stop, so did his rapid breaths as they evened back out in the comfort of your embrace. He eventually fell asleep, not long after by you, falling asleep to a pleasant dream with Diluc in your arms --the tea by the bed long forgotten.  
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so long, loneliness 
warning: hurt/comfort - (reader is ignored, talked over, feeling alienated by friends) 
includes: Childe, Diluc, Thoma
character x gn reader | anthology  
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he notices ... 
the energetic way you were talking has fizzled to nothing, like a sparkler whose flame was doused in a puddle 
the power of your laugh has faded, been replaced the the obnoxious cadence of those around you 
the way you try to interject, only for the opportunity to be stolen by another 
he notices ... and he won’t stand for it
Group outings were not your jam. You knew this, and yet you convinced yourself to go out with your friends, and their friends, because, well, it had been a while and it was good for you to get out of your house sometimes. Still, you wished it wasn’t such an exposed place, and that you’d chosen a spot more in the middle so it wasn’t easier for you to be left out of the conversation. 
The group had been talking about their jobs for some time now and though you worked in a similar field, it was hard to interject with so much going on. Not to mention you kept feeling like someone was trying to get your attention, but maybe that was your imagination. 
“Oh yeah- I’ve had customers like th-” you started, only to get nowhere. 
“Ugh, one time this lady came in a few minutes before we closed and wanted to order like seven things off the menu!” One of the others in the party interjected, pulling the attention away from you and back toward them. At this point, you felt like it was on purpose, but you had to remind yourself they’d done that to everyone, you were the only one that stopped trying. 
The edge started to feel lonelier and lonelier. The bustling harbor drew your attention since the conversation wasn’t worth your time anymore. You watched citizens pass underneath on the main strip. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as they stopped by the vendors to peruse their wares, or follow the tantalizing scent of freshly cooked food. If you could have it your way, that’s what you’d be doing - at least then you could more easily slip away.
There was a crash behind you, another table knocked a cup onto the ground but when you looked past them you saw a familiar face leaning against one of the decorated railings. Shooting a quick look at your table you realized you were the only person who noticed him but when you waved he didn’t respond. Instead, he looked upset, though you couldn’t figure out why. 
“Um, I’ll be back,” you said to the person sitting next to you. You didn’t really know them, but at least they nodded to show they heard you before returning loudly to the conversation at the table. 
You grabbed your stuff and carefully made your way toward the brooding man standing in the darkness. “This is why people don’t like you,” you teased once you got near enough. The tall ginger took a moment to react to you being there, but when he did his eyes seemed to finally find color. 
“What?” he looked confused, but unlike what you’d experienced all night, at least he looked at you. 
“You’re standing in the shadows with a murderous look on your face; it’s why people find it hard to approach you.” 
“Now hold on, I have plenty of friends,” he shot back as he pushed himself away from the beam and placed his hands on his hips. 
“Sure,” you rolled your eyes but laughed at the shift in his behavior. You weren’t sure how Childe came into your life - it was like one moment he just ‘poof’d’ into existence and never left. The amount of times you stumbled across him was strange, considering how mysterious he made his life out to be. “Anyway, is there something bothering you? You’re face looks --” you asked, mimicking the expression you saw on him before taking a look across the scene as if seeing it from his perspective would give you insight into what made him scowl like that. From what you could tell, the only things visible were patrons of the restaurant, and the tops of buildings. 
“Not anymore,” he responded and took a step between you and what you were looking at, “Come hang out with me.” 
“W-What? Right now?” 
“What better time than right now?” 
“Childe, I’m with people. I can’t just go.” 
“Yes you can. This place is dead. Besides, I’m way more fun,” he winked and took a step closer to you. It made your stomach flip, especially because he seemed to be boxing you in with little room to escape. This was another reason he had so many few friends - the intensity. 
“Maybe -- but --” looking back to the group, you thought about what they’d say if you just left. It didn’t seem right to just dip out ... but ... you did consider doing just that a few minutes ago so ... 
“Mmm, okay, I see where I stand. I get it, leave me here all by my lonesome ...” Childe bent toward the railing, his body crumbling as if the thought of your rejection physically hurt him. 
“Ah! Hold on a second -” you pushed his chest to try and keep him from falling over and making an even bigger scene than his ‘despair’ was already causing, “archons, you know I like you! Now stand up, we’re in public,” you couldn’t help but laugh at the puppy-dog like expression he had, but as soon as he shifted back to the intense Childe, it was your turn to avoid crumbling to the floor. 
“Hah,” he moved so fast. In an instant he pinned you in the corner, his hands gripping the railing to keep you in place while he closed the distance between the two of you, “so you do like me.” 
Blinking, taken-aback, you stammered, unable to form a sentence. The sharp grin creeping across his lips made your skin burn; why was it so hard to breathe? 
“And you said no one liked me.” 
“I - wha-?” 
Childe continued to look at you until his face became unreadable. He was looking at you, but it was ... more than that. It was like whiplash, and you weren’t sure how to survive it. Luckily, the group you came with erupted in noise and, in an instant, Childe moved giving you much needed space to breathe. 
“Hey, come on! Don’t keep me waiting!” he shouted, already half-way down the stairs, hand extended, beckoning you to take it. Biting your lip, you contemplated where you wanted to be. Option one would lead you back to the edge of the table where you had to scramble to be heard, while option two ensured you’d be at the top right next to someone who actually wanted you there. 
Rocking your head back and forth you gave it some more thought until your uncertainties turned into a nod. With a giddy smile on your face, you dashed toward him and grabbed his hand. 
You couldn’t feel it, it was hard to tell, but when you smiled at him he felt a wave of relief because this time it was real, this time, you gave it to no one but him. 
“Try and keep up!” he exclaimed but never ran faster than you could manage. 
he notices ...
the smile you had when you first arrived is hidden, is fake and doesn’t look like you 
the way you fidget, leg bouncing, head down, nails pushing back the cuticles that have seen many stressors 
the glances to the tavern entrance, your mind plotting the path to your escape 
he notices ... and he won’t stand for it
The tavern was always loud but for some reason it seemed louder today. Perhaps that’s why they couldn’t hear you when you spoke up, that makes sense? Right? 
Your friends burst into laughter and you appeased them by participating even though you missed what was so funny. 
“How can someone be so hot and so stupid at the same time” you heard as you took a sip of the drink you didn’t want in the first place. It tasted bitter, leaving an unpleasant tang in your mouth. 
“This is why getting to know someone first is important. Ugh, and he thinks he’s all that. You should just break up with him.” 
“Yeah -- but I like him,” the boy lamented across from you, his head dipping toward the wooden table in despair. In the back of your mind you knew this conversation wouldn’t go anywhere. How many times had you tried to convince him to break it off, and how many times did your suggestions go unheard? 
Still, there was a lull, perhaps you could interject, “I know you like him, but maybe this is your sig-” 
“Friend, he literally can’t find his way around Mond,” your other friend interjected, cutting you off. If anyone were looking, they would have seen how much you deflated when the two of them kept talking, unaware you were there at all. 
“It’s a hard to remember!” 
“He’s lived here all his life!”
“AND ITS A CIRCLE!” they shouted as they threw their arms in the air. The sudden loud outburst drew the attention of by-standards and you felt an uncomfortable amount of eyes on you. 
“See, that’s hard to remember.” 
“Honey, no,” they laughed and brought out a laugh from your friend sitting across from them before dropping their head in disbelief. “I can’t with you, hah.” 
“I’m - um - going to go get more drinks --” you said but were cut off, ignored, again. Normally you didn’t mind. The three of you had been friends for so long and they were both a lot more energetic than you so even though it looked like they were alienating you, they really weren’t. It’s just how they were -- there were plenty of times you got the chance to talk -- at least for a bit -- sometimes. With a sigh, you turned toward the bar, their conversation fading the further away you got. 
Most of the tables were filled so only a few spots were left open at the bar-top. A couple here, several loners there, and then you, sliding in between knowing you wouldn’t be here long enough to take one. 
“I’ll be right with you,” the bartender said while you pulled out your money to settle the bill. This was your chance to leave - it was getting late, you had things to do tomorrow - your friends wouldn’t notice if you left anyway. Glancing back at them you saw they were in a heated conversation, unaware you weren’t still with them. Yup, they wouldn’t even notice. “What can I get for you?” 
“Oh, nothing I just-” you looked up and saw Diluc Ragnvindr standing on the other side of the bar. He tugged at his glove before resting it on the counter and you lost your train of thought. If anyone thought Diluc was unattractive, they’d be lying. “Sorry I -” Fumbling with your money, you took longer than you wanted in opening the small bag, “I just want to pay my tab.” 
“Alright,” he left for a moment before returning with a small slip of paper. “That’ll be 400 mora.” 
“Wh-Wait? Really?” You counted the drinks in your head and, based on what you could calculate, that didn’t add up. 
“The last drink you had you didn’t like it, so I excluded it from your bill.” 
How did he know you didn’t like it? Was he ...? “Oh no, you don’t have to do that, Diluc. I don’t mind,” you fingered through the change in your pouch fully intending to pay more than he requested. It would be wasteful otherwise. 
“It’s no problem,” he reiterated and glanced at the table you came from, “Headed out for the night?” 
“Yeah -- I um -- I have to get up early,” you lied. 
“It’s late. Are your friends not going with you?” Diluc placed his hand back on the bar top. If you were looking at him, you might of noticed the way he stared down the loners within earshot of your conversation. 
“No,” you answered with a sad smile, “they’re distracted, and I don’t want to shorten their fun so -- anyway, besides, I’m used to walking by myself,” you added and placed your mora on the counter, putting a few extra coins down as a ‘tip’. Diluc groaned, but didn’t say much else. 
“Charles,” Diluc called out while you put your bag away and turned toward the door. There were a few people standing behind you, waiting to get close enough to order a drink; so you apologized as you pushed through them. When you reached the front entrance, you looked back to your friends to wave goodbye but they didn’t look up. 
Suddenly, a hand appeared on the doorknob. You stepped back to move out of their way but were shocked to see it was Diluc. The look on your face was enough for him to answer the question floating in your head. 
“I’ll walk you home,” he explained so matter-of-factly like it was expected of him to do so. 
Throwing up your hands, you shook your head, “That’s really not necessary. Besides it’s so busy right now ...” 
He opened the door and a wave of fresh nighttime washed over you. It mixed with the smell of cedar and wine, a somehow comforting scent. When he called your name you listened, “It’s late and would be unsafe for you to walk by yourself. I’ll ensure you get home safely.” 
The noise from the tavern seemed so distant now that the outside world was welcoming you. It was like everything paused. Normally you had to jump at the change to interject, but Diluc wasn’t like that. He waited; with his hand on the door and the other extended toward your back but never touching. He waited. 
“If you’re sure,” you hummed, a little overwhelmed from the intensity of him. 
“I am,” he replied and though you couldn’t feel it, though it was hard to tell, when you smiled at him he felt a wave of relief because this time it was real, this time, you gave it to no one but him. “Shall we?” he asked and willed his heart to slow at the sound of your gentle laugh and a soft, ‘okay.’  
he notices ...
the way you stand to the side as those around you block you out; you’re kind, and they’ve taken advantage 
the way you shake your head, say ‘go ahead,’ when you clearly wished they would have let you have it - at least once 
the smile you hold when you speak up and the frown it turns into when you’re left with no reaction 
he notices ... and he won’t stand for it
The shops always had the best things. Lately they’d gotten even better; mostly likely due to the lifting of the vision hunt decree that kept the islands isolated from the rest of the world. With less restrictions, the vendors and merchants were finally able to bring in new wares which made the shopping districts boom with business. 
You were excited to go with your friends, especially since you’d had to pick up extra shifts lately. It felt like eons since you last did something fun, something for you, so you made sure to take your time getting ready. 
At first, things were normal, lively, inclusive, but as the evening went on you started to feel left out of the group. While you were still looking at a shop, everyone else was rushing down the packed street to see the next thing. The amount of times you turned to share what you found with a complete stranger, or find yourself scanning the crowd for your group would have been enough to pay for all the items you found. 
Considering it had been a while for everyone to get together you tried your best to satiate the turmoil rising in your chest. It hurt to be left out, but would it hurt more to go home knowing you’d be left alone anyway? At least out here it seemed like you were a part of something. 
“Oh! Look at how pretty! Let’s check it out!” Your friend shouted, her hands wrapped around two other friends as she pulled them after her. You all had agreed to hold onto each other so you wouldn’t get lost in the crowd but as several people separated you from the rest of your group, you realized they had forgotten about it. 
You didn’t recall eating anything, so why did your stomach hurt and your throat feel clogged? Frustrated, you pinched the bridge of your nose only to be knocked to the side by some kids rushing through the bustle. You stumbled into a group of older gentlemen who asked if you were okay. Embarrassed, you bowed in apologies only to bump into some woman who was less accepting of your ‘I’m so sorry.’ All you wanted was to have a good time and, right now, you were doing everything you could not crumble. 
“Padron us,” someone interrupted your swirling thoughts as they grabbed your wrist and began to pull you through the crowd. You looked to see who it was but could only make out their bright red jacket and blonde, bouncing ponytail. “Oops - sorry about that,” he chuckled as he knocked into a group not paying attention to their surroundings, “almost through,” he said, seemingly, to you. 
When the two of you were finally free, Thoma made sure you were safely out of the way before letting you go. 
“Woah, that was wild wasn’t it?!” he chuckled and dusted himself off. He took note of his surroundings and you noted how he stood in front as if to shield you from the crowd. 
It was hard to catch you breath, but you did what you could in the safety of the space Thoma created. “Thank you, Thoma.” 
“No problem! It’s dangerous to be in a crowd like that alone.” 
“Yeah, well I was-- yeah, super dangerous,” you said, biting back the comment you wanted to say, i wasn’t alone, or at least, wasn’t supposed to be. “What brings you here on such a busy day?” 
Thoma ran his hands over his hair, the action pulled on the short red jacket he always wore, “Running some errands. I just needed to grab a few things, that’s all.” 
“You always work so hard. You need a day off,” you commented while your eyes scanned the crowd for your friends. It was a small hope that you’d find them, but it was worth a shot. 
“Haha, I don’t mind. Plus, if I hadn’t been out here I wouldn’t have stumbled across you. So, I’d call this a good day.” 
You turned your attention back to Thoma who was rubbing the back of his neck and sending you a kind smile. You liked Thoma, of course you did. He was always so warm, thoughtful, and capable, it was impossible not to like him. And here he went out of his way to save you from the crowd. Add this to the reasons why you had such strong feelings for him. 
“I guess I do owe you one for saving me.” 
He threw up his hands, “Its no trouble-”  
“Nope. It is. You’re super busy and I took some of your time. So, how can I help?” He seemed a bit shocked by your comment but after a moment he relaxed into soft laughter and resigned himself to accept he couldn’t wiggle his way out of it. 
“If you want to come help me run some errands ... maybe?” 
He looked so cute asking and you could already see his brain working on a way to convince you it was really alright. In the end, there was only one answer you could give him. 
“Absolutely. I’m ready to work!” You rolled up your sleeves and moved next to him, ready to dive back into the crowd for Thoma. 
He chuckled again as he turned about-face toward the slew of people. “Alright then. With two of us we’ll get it done in no time.” 
You beamed, excited and ready to go. “Mmhm!” 
With confidence, you took a step forward only to be stopped by Thoma’s hand around your wrist, “ah, maybe it’s better if I go first and you -- ahem -- hold onto me so we don’t get separated.” His cheeks looked a little red, and he could only manage to glance at you. Considering he was asking someone who wasn’t his partner to have prolonged physical contact with him, you understood how embarrassing the situation was (and hoped he couldn’t tell you thought the same). 
“A-alright,” you agreed and watched as he guided your hand to red fabric that stuck out above his belt. 
“Here we go, ready?” You nodded and took a step closer to him. The two of you shared flickering glances before he steadied himself and pushed forward, “P-Pardon us!” 
You couldn’t feel it, it was hard to tell, but when you smiled at him he felt a wave of relief because this time it was real, this time, you gave it to no one but him.
Tomorrow, you’d tell your friends something came up and to not feel bad about being separated because, even if you weren’t with them, you didn’t end your night feeling lonely. 
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