#disabled floyd trolls
passive-poet · 25 days
Trolls fic teaser from my notes app??? (post BroZone reunion, disabled floyd, multi-pov)
TW!!! extreme whump, self-harm, intrusive thoughts, body shaming, implied eating disorder/body dysmorphia
Branch was worried.
Worry was no stranger to the faded blue troll, but this wasn’t the usual anxiety present in his day-to-day life. He’d double and triple checked the village’s defence systems, went through his ration supply for expired items, and even stole a glance at Poppy’s calendar to make sure he wasn’t forgetting some ultra mega important holiday (although there are so many). Branch wasn’t worried about a what, he was worried about a who.
Three days after the BroZone Reunion concert, Floyd started acting weird. Sure, a lot has changed in 20 years; Branch has no right to assume he knows what Floyd’s ‘normal’ is. Yet, there was someone that felt wrong about the pink-haired brother’s demeanour compared to the last few days. The usual softness of his eyes was replaced by a cold exhaustion, and he would suppress a grimace every time he sat, or stretched, or  did…anything, really. 
Branch wasn’t the best with words — that Lady Glittersparkles incident was an act of God. Whenever it came down to voicing his own feelings and concerns, his vocal chords always seemed to tighten up while his brain turns to goo. So it’s no surprise that Floyd’s response to Branch’s worrying wasn’t the warmest…
Floyd was fucking pissed.
He didn’t know who or what he was mad at. Maybe his mind, for waking him (and everyone else) up from his night terrors; or his captors, for being the ones who inflicted that kind of trauma; or his body, for failing him and constantly aching.
Or he could have be mad at himself for blowing up at Branch. Sweet baby Branch, who isn’t much  of a baby anymore. Branch, who always wanted to help. Branch, who Floyd left in favour of a stupid solo career-
He slammed his head against his knees, the sharp pain welcomed. This, this was the only hurt he was able to control. The short intensity of it was so soothingly different to the constant dull ache that consumed his entire being. 
Shame tugged at Floyd’s gut. This isn’t how you solve problems, logically he knew that. But the idea was persistent, worming its way throughout his mind.
[insert Bruce & Clay’s pov here, I don’t have enough energy right now]
Reality came rushing back. He could feel himself in a familiar warm embrace. He’s still on the floor of his room, but his arms and torso were being restrained. There’s blood on the floor. His blood.
Blue eyes stared concernedly into his own. Floyd’s eyes flickered up to see shocking green hair — Clay’s hair. 
But if Clay’s looking at him, then who?…
“Hey buddy, you back with us yet?” Asked SpBruce, his comforting baritone caused Floyd’s muscles to unclench, leaning into the feeling of safety his older brother brought.
Still a little dazed, he tried to ask what happened, but his throat felt like he swallowed a thousand tiny knives, his head pounded violently, and overall he felt like he’d been run over by a catterbus. He started to feel warm, yet all of his (admittedly weak) attempts to push off the older man were rendered useless. 
Bruce tightened his hold, “Nope, I’m not letting go until I know you’re not a danger to yourself.”
“Yeah bro, it was scary seeing you hurt yourself like that,” Clay chimed in, wringing his hands together while he stared at the crimson that stained the previously green rug. 
Shame rushed through Floyd’s body and his chest tightened. Why the hell did he do that?? Now his brothers are worried, and it’s all his fault. Stupid stupid stupid!! You just can’t have a single good thing without ruining it for yourself, huh?
“Clay, go get the first aid kit?” Bruce asked softly, breaking Floyd out of his spiral. But with Clay out of the way, all the purple haired troll’s attention was on the younger brother. “Floyd…what happened? I’m not going to be mad, I just need to know so I- so we can help you.”
Floyd refused to make look into his brother’s eyes. He assumed something like care or love were in those eyes, but he dare not look. There was still that mistrusting part of him, the one that’s controlled his life decisions for the past 20 years, that whispered in his ear that the only emotions held in Bruce’s eyes were ones of disgust and worst of all — pity. 
So, he did what he does best. He tried to push the bigger troll away. 
“Floyd I’m not gonna let go-“
“Fuck. OFF!!” Floyd snarled, struggling against his well-meaning captor. 
“Just go away back to your perfect fucking life!!”
“It’s not like you ever gave a damn about any of us before!!”
“All you ever cared about were girls and your looks!!”
“Well you fell off old man!! You fat fucking bitch!!!”
Floyd tipped over, almost falling flat on his face. He turned to look at Bruce’s face, and was met with that expression: Disgust. Pity.
Bruce’s voice wavered, “I know you’re hurting right now, and I’m trying to keep that in mind. But if you want to push me away, then wish granted. Talk to me later when you figure this shit out; I need to be alone for a while.”
As he watched his brother walk away, he knew that he went too far. He knew it as soon as those idiotic, cruel words left his lips. But somehow he couldn’t find the will to apologise. This is what he wanted, right? 
Bruce stopped at the doorway, looking back just enough to make the heartbroken expression on his face visible.
“I love you, little bro. See ya around.”
And that was when Floyd broke.
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artistmarchalius · 5 months
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Give Floyd a service bat/emotional support bat!
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crunchycoookies · 2 months
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He’s so pretty….
Tried ibs paint for the first time. Not my cup of tea, but I loved these Floyd doodles I made while playing around.
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0ketlyn-s · 6 months
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chillingandtoxic · 5 months
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Hi chat. I’m still here . Check out these Floyd doodles I’ve made ranging from Just Finished watching band together to like a week later
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starsha-k-luna · 2 months
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Took me about a month to draw, write, outline, & colour, but I finally finished it!
A Fan-Comic based off @baykitthings Dreamworks Trolls Phantom Thieves AU!
So basically about a month ago, I sent an Ask to @baykitthings for their Trolls AU asking about how Floyd adjusted to having to use a wheelchair after an Injury & how his brothers (BroZone) help to accommodate & assist Floyd during this.
When designing their clothes I just used the canon clothes, while giving them t-shirt because I wanted too, except Clay, I gave him a smart casual look along with a sweater vest.
And yes, I gave the BroZone brothers Tails, I’m apart of the Trolls Community who Headcanons they have Tails! I may change my Tail designs in the future.
Anyway, here’s what everyone is saying in the Comic:
Page 1:
💙Branch; “Are you Excited to finally be coming home Floyd?”
❤️Floyd; “I don’t know Branch, now I’m in a wheelchair everything is going to be a struggle now.”
💙Branch; “Floyd you shouldn’t worry, me and our brother’s are here to help you and adjust, you know we all love you and are here for you, right?
💜Bruce; “Look Bro’s, Branch is back with Floyd!
💚John Dory; “Alright Bro’s, Let’s do this!
Page 2:
💛Clay, 💚John Dory & 💜Bruce; “WELCOME HOME FLOYD!
❤️Floyd; “Thanks, It’s really good to see you all brother’s.”
💙Branch; “Actually Floyd, we have a surprise for you Floyd.”
Page 3:
💛Clay; “We’ve actually renovated to accommodate to your needs Floyd, such as an elevator (or a lift) and ramps for you to get around and adding wider doors, a disabled toilet and we’ve even given you a bigger bedroom on the ground floor.”
💚John Dory; “Yeah, Clay went all out with this, he and Bitty B did this!
💛Clay; “Woah, Johnny slow yourself, I’ve not just done this, nor Branch, it was a team effort! Especially Branch setting up the computer.”
💙Branch; “Yeah, I remembered you saying you got into computers, so I got you this set up with the latest software and everything.” (Featuring Chibi Branch)
Page 4:
❤️Floyd; “Sniff, sniff.”
💙Branch; “F…Floyd.”
💜Bruce; “Floyd are you alright? Did we do something wrong? Are you upset? You’re crying!”
💛Clay; “Oh no, did I do or say something to upset you?”
❤️Floyd; “No, I’m OK, I’m just so happy you guys did all this just for me, I’m touched💖.”
💚John Dory, 💙Branch, 💛Clay, 💜Bruce; (They are Crying right now)
❤️Floyd; “Thank you for everything, I love you all so much.”
💛Clay; “We love you too, Floyd.”
💚💜💛❤️💙The End!💚💜💛❤️💙
I’m extremely Proud with how this Fan-Comic turned out!
I hope you like the Fan-Comic @baykitthings
See you all next time👋
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orangetubor · 6 months
Wait hold on. Wait hold on I'm still on branch and Floyd from trolls having physical deformities. (Their ears).
Like my ear is a weird shape because of a cyst I had a while back and my eyelashes and eyebrows grow weird because of picking and my lips have permascabs because of cold sores and my fingers are bent and my feet don't fit in shoes and I have several small dents in my face from acne and scars on my scalp and my ribs are messed up and my right wrist is a weird shape also from a cyst and. And. .
Idk it's just the way that TWO good guy characters, one of which a MAIN PROTAGONIST have physical deformities. Even if they're small. Even if it's unnoticeable. I just. I just. Oughehehehshsehehehehw.
Cuz normally we just get scarred up villains and the only deformities that protagonists have are eensy weensy scars over their eyes.
AND THEY HAVE DISABILITIES TOO?? like branch being grey is clearly a metaphor for depression which, I am so glad he didn't just stay vibrant blue after the first movies ending and instead is slowly recovering his colours as he grows and heals, and he has paranoia as well. And Floyd having white roots and not just being completely recovered in the end like magic, and I bet you anything he's got chronic fatigue now.
Idk it's just that TWO good guys in a KIDS FRANCHISE have physical disabilities, deformities, and mental illnesses and it's SO IMPORTANT TO MEEEE
(also barbs dad being a self driven wheel chair user was awesome and the fact he had independence but was still given help DHFBEHSNSNAM)
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vivianthepigeon · 6 months
My favorite thing ever is when people draw/hc Floyd with a crutch
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koppaiterocker · 5 months
Floyd has chronic migraines after getting out of the perfume bottle
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constellarcreator · 4 months
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Throwing my hat into the ring for post-Band Together Floyd!
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The ramp into the building was not following wheelchair accessibility regulations 😔
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artistmarchalius · 5 months
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Floyd and the newly named Billie the service bat!
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bluedancer9000 · 5 months
Ok here’s an idea:
Floyd likes rock, right? They’re pop-rock. So Branch is showing his siblings around and Floyd spots the hard rock area. They just go, “ROCK CENTER!!” In the most thrilled tone, and immediately tries to run over to check it out. And only gets around 4 yards away before their body gives up on them. Because, ya’know, being in a tiny bottle for 2 months with limited movement and food will be hard to recover from. So their siblings witness them getting excited, trying to run, and then face-planting into the ground.
And THATS how Brozone found out that they were a pop-rock troll!
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trollsluvr · 6 months
i am being so for realsies when i say floyd should use a mobility aid in any other trolls media he shows up in .
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sweetsncandies · 4 months
thinking of disabled branch au... he has chronic pain bc of an accident that happened around the time he was building his bunker, and even though he was a gray trolling, ppl looked at him with pity much more than usual, but they were much caring and respectful since they care a lot for the elderly and injured.. he also carries a cane (the one with a lil seat) stored in his hair
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froggieyeah · 19 days
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floyd on his crutches bc the floyd disabled headcanon has my heart
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