#dw trolls fic
passive-poet · 25 days
Trolls fic teaser from my notes app??? (post BroZone reunion, disabled floyd, multi-pov)
TW!!! extreme whump, self-harm, intrusive thoughts, body shaming, implied eating disorder/body dysmorphia
Branch was worried.
Worry was no stranger to the faded blue troll, but this wasn’t the usual anxiety present in his day-to-day life. He’d double and triple checked the village’s defence systems, went through his ration supply for expired items, and even stole a glance at Poppy’s calendar to make sure he wasn’t forgetting some ultra mega important holiday (although there are so many). Branch wasn’t worried about a what, he was worried about a who.
Three days after the BroZone Reunion concert, Floyd started acting weird. Sure, a lot has changed in 20 years; Branch has no right to assume he knows what Floyd’s ‘normal’ is. Yet, there was someone that felt wrong about the pink-haired brother’s demeanour compared to the last few days. The usual softness of his eyes was replaced by a cold exhaustion, and he would suppress a grimace every time he sat, or stretched, or  did…anything, really. 
Branch wasn’t the best with words — that Lady Glittersparkles incident was an act of God. Whenever it came down to voicing his own feelings and concerns, his vocal chords always seemed to tighten up while his brain turns to goo. So it’s no surprise that Floyd’s response to Branch’s worrying wasn’t the warmest…
Floyd was fucking pissed.
He didn’t know who or what he was mad at. Maybe his mind, for waking him (and everyone else) up from his night terrors; or his captors, for being the ones who inflicted that kind of trauma; or his body, for failing him and constantly aching.
Or he could have be mad at himself for blowing up at Branch. Sweet baby Branch, who isn’t much  of a baby anymore. Branch, who always wanted to help. Branch, who Floyd left in favour of a stupid solo career-
He slammed his head against his knees, the sharp pain welcomed. This, this was the only hurt he was able to control. The short intensity of it was so soothingly different to the constant dull ache that consumed his entire being. 
Shame tugged at Floyd’s gut. This isn’t how you solve problems, logically he knew that. But the idea was persistent, worming its way throughout his mind.
[insert Bruce & Clay’s pov here, I don’t have enough energy right now]
Reality came rushing back. He could feel himself in a familiar warm embrace. He’s still on the floor of his room, but his arms and torso were being restrained. There’s blood on the floor. His blood.
Blue eyes stared concernedly into his own. Floyd’s eyes flickered up to see shocking green hair — Clay’s hair. 
But if Clay’s looking at him, then who?…
“Hey buddy, you back with us yet?” Asked SpBruce, his comforting baritone caused Floyd’s muscles to unclench, leaning into the feeling of safety his older brother brought.
Still a little dazed, he tried to ask what happened, but his throat felt like he swallowed a thousand tiny knives, his head pounded violently, and overall he felt like he’d been run over by a catterbus. He started to feel warm, yet all of his (admittedly weak) attempts to push off the older man were rendered useless. 
Bruce tightened his hold, “Nope, I’m not letting go until I know you’re not a danger to yourself.”
“Yeah bro, it was scary seeing you hurt yourself like that,” Clay chimed in, wringing his hands together while he stared at the crimson that stained the previously green rug. 
Shame rushed through Floyd’s body and his chest tightened. Why the hell did he do that?? Now his brothers are worried, and it’s all his fault. Stupid stupid stupid!! You just can’t have a single good thing without ruining it for yourself, huh?
“Clay, go get the first aid kit?” Bruce asked softly, breaking Floyd out of his spiral. But with Clay out of the way, all the purple haired troll’s attention was on the younger brother. “Floyd…what happened? I’m not going to be mad, I just need to know so I- so we can help you.”
Floyd refused to make look into his brother’s eyes. He assumed something like care or love were in those eyes, but he dare not look. There was still that mistrusting part of him, the one that’s controlled his life decisions for the past 20 years, that whispered in his ear that the only emotions held in Bruce’s eyes were ones of disgust and worst of all — pity. 
So, he did what he does best. He tried to push the bigger troll away. 
“Floyd I’m not gonna let go-“
“Fuck. OFF!!” Floyd snarled, struggling against his well-meaning captor. 
“Just go away back to your perfect fucking life!!”
“It’s not like you ever gave a damn about any of us before!!”
“All you ever cared about were girls and your looks!!”
“Well you fell off old man!! You fat fucking bitch!!!”
Floyd tipped over, almost falling flat on his face. He turned to look at Bruce’s face, and was met with that expression: Disgust. Pity.
Bruce’s voice wavered, “I know you’re hurting right now, and I’m trying to keep that in mind. But if you want to push me away, then wish granted. Talk to me later when you figure this shit out; I need to be alone for a while.”
As he watched his brother walk away, he knew that he went too far. He knew it as soon as those idiotic, cruel words left his lips. But somehow he couldn’t find the will to apologise. This is what he wanted, right? 
Bruce stopped at the doorway, looking back just enough to make the heartbroken expression on his face visible.
“I love you, little bro. See ya around.”
And that was when Floyd broke.
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nafohcnis · 3 months
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More fanart for chapter 9 of "John Dory's Quick and Concise Guide to Survival" by Rytheoneandonly on AO3. auugh,,,..!!!
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metalheads-trash-bin · 4 months
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May or may not be a future snippit from this
I mighttt actually turn this sketch into a drawing
I dunno yet
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 3 months
the branch agere 🤲 give it right now
It’s a work in progress but here’s a snippet
Branch looked up at him, sadder than he’d been in the last day or so that he’d magically become a baby.
“I’m so glad you came back,” he said, practically launching himself into a hug.
JD stood stock still for a moment, too stunned to hug back, but Branch didn’t let go.
“I was so scared,” he continued, “you were so angry the other night, and you left, a-and then Sprucie, and Clay, and,” he sniffled, “and Floyd,” he added miserably, “y-you all l-left. I was scared you weren’t coming back.”
Oh. That funny twisting feeling in his chest was not something he was excited to feel.
“I’m sorry for ruining the show,” he sniffled, backing off the hug to look up at him with big, teary eyes. “I’m really really sorry Johnny.”
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fruitytrollroll · 5 months
hey, who ordered the post-canon chef/creek slow burn captivity situationship? 🔪😈
no one???? 🤔
savor each moment like it's your last
Chef's second exile from Bergentown is more informal than the last—but far more unequivocal. A Keeper of the Trolls serves no purpose with no Trolls to keep. Nor need there be a Minister of Happiness, when Bergens decide they are capable of making their own—happiness, that is. Evidently, there has been a bit of a boom: the market of happiness inundated with delusions of self-sufficiency, rendering the cure Chef peddles void of all value. Chef cannot vouch for those claims of 'all-natural, cruelty-free' happiness, having been tacitly excluded from the delirious fugue induced by proximity to hordes of celebrant Trolls—due to that aforementioned exile, of course. But no matter. She would make her final glimmer of happiness last.
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nos4ay2 · 3 months
Just realised I hadn't posted this here. My broken String Au has graduated to ao3.
It's got a proper title now.
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clussygang · 5 months
My fucking shitty fanfic is #1 in the bisexual branch tag on ao3 im very proud
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cinellieroll · 3 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 2!
asmodeus, levi and barbatos ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part three (beelzebub, belphegor, solomon)
part four (satan and diavolo)
cw: some small nsfw on asmo's part :p
small note: thank you so much for the likes and reblogs! i never expected such a large majority of people to enjoy my content so it's very dear to me. once again, thank you!
☆ asmodeus:
- kinda bad at cooking. his way of slicing and dicing vegetables is very mediocre if not clumsy looking. there are days where his cooking is acceptable and days where it's to seasoned or too bland (always convinces himself its good tho and posts it on his devilgram)
- though he's kinda bad at cooking, his baking skills are okay! his favorite pastry to make are cookies because he can design them the most.
- "ofcourse mc! you'll always be the first one to try my desserts! unless you want to taste something else?~ ♡"
- he has a collection of sanrios, hironos and sonny angels in his room. ESPECIALLY sonny angels. crazy thing is he always gets them for free from his fans and its always the limited edition ones
- he really enjoys watching old movies from the human world especially the romcoms. mean girls, notting hill, pitch perfect. he will pester you to rewatch it with him even though you guys have seen it multiple times already.
- he keeps a small jewelry box in his room but instead of jewelry its full of pics of you and him and the gifts you give him. theres some pics in there where the other brothers were cut or crossed out so it'll be just you and him lmfao
- he is a yandere and i stand by this. it's not as obvious but if he's really into you he'll constantly mark you with his scent and the stuff he wears. he'll leave a hickey or a bite mark if you're lucky ;)
- the type of guy to only bring a purse to school. if you ask for a pencil the bitch is gonna open his bag and say "oopsie! i only brought my makeup pouch and mirror today. sorry babe!"
- has his own private concert in showers every goddamn day
- he'll either fangirl with you about celebrities or he'll get extremely jealous because you're simping for someone else.
☆ levi:
- sometimes his ass crack will be on display when he's sitting down on the floor
- wears booty shorts religiously. sometimes he'll casually just walk out his room wearing a hoodie and booty shorts with prints on it
- has a tumblr account where he posts a bunch of hc, drabbles and other shit and until now no one knows its him
- had an amino and discord phase where he always roleplayed with other people. till this day it haunts him at night
- he livestreams twice a week on twitch and has been scolded by lucifer on stream once. there was also a time where mammon barged in his room half naked and suddenly all the views went up 10x
- trolls on roblox like it's a 9 to 5 job
- every once in a while he'll stay in lucifers room while lucifer is doing paperwork. he'll just lay down on his bed, watch and play games and even fall asleep
- makes his own persona in every fandom he gets into and writes very detailed backstories (dw levi, same)
- only reads "x reader" fics for obvious reasons
- went insane because human world games and animes are better than the ones in devildom. dont get me started about aot. (his favorite is levi ackerman obvi)
☆ barbatos:
- wishes he could get piercings but since he's the demon prince's butler he obviously can't
- started tweakin when you said some humans keep rats and bugs as pets. like he stopped polishing some plates and looked at you like you just dog shitted diavolo's name
- really enjoys your spotify playlist filled with metalhead and grunge songs. he really likes slipknot
- likes to order those cute, fancy tea sets when he has the time. when you gifted him tea leaves and a limited edition teapot set his love for you sky rocketed.
- gets annoyed when solomon manspreads
- has a really good voice when he sings. he used to sing diavolo lullabies when his father would get angry at him
- scrolls through levi and mammon's post for educational purposes cuz he wants to learn slangs just incase diavolo asks him what a specific word means
- "barbatos, what does 'runnin from da opps' mean?"
- "my lord, 'runnin from da opps' is a slang made by the new generation. it means fleeing from your haters."
- loves to tailor and iron his bed sheets so he can have a peaceful rest after a long day of non stop errands.
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gallerygourmet · 2 months
can someone pretty please tag me in good ani fics im bored DW IVE READ @vixxensvoid ‘s fic it is the BEST piece of fiction ever (i promise im not the troll)
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pearwaldorf · 1 year
we need to talk about Rahaeli
This is slightly tangential to the dumpster fire that is OTW, but it is something I think is important to also take into consideration.
If you're following the comments on the OTW announcement posts, you may have seen reference to Rahaeli (Twitter) aka synedochic (DW) aka Denise. She is a co-founder of Dreamwidth, where FFA is hosted.
Denise is a Fandom Elder, in both the descriptive and derogatory senses of the term. She's been around forever, since the pre-Livejournal days. She has no hesitations about throwing around that Fandom Elder status, in the same way somebody like Franzeska or astolat or anybody else in the clique that founded OTW would.
Perspective from older fans is absolutely valuable, I want to emphasize. You want people who were there to explain why we are concerned about restrictions on explicit/queer/legal but "morally objectionable" fanwork, or how younger fans embrace purity rhetoric. But it's different the way Fandom Elders wield it, the implicit assumption that because they are older and have Seen Some Shit, they automatically have some sort of wisdom to transmit to the young'uns.
Denise knows a great deal about social media moderation, anti-harassment measures, and the legal obligations surrounding the discovery of CSEM/CSAM* on sites you're responsible for administrating. That expertise is extremely valuable when explaining to people why/how everything with OTW is very very concerning.
She also knows fandom very well, and exactly how to calibrate her words to push buttons. I remember her meltdown about Cohost, another social media site that looked like a viable competitor to Dreamwidth at the time. Here is a summary of it I wrote at the time.
I'd like to get into criticism of the part of that Twitter thread where she throws a random non-sequitur into an already extremely long thread. (I know this is already a long post, please bear with me.)
At this point, she's gone on about OTW, their gross neglect of volunteers, Rebecca Tushnet, and a bunch of other stuff for like three or four screens. They are all things we should rightly be appalled by, so we're on her side for saying things that need to be said. We are probably also getting a little tired and not reading things as closely as we should. I think this is absolutely deliberate.
She then pivots the thread to EndOTWRacism (hereafter EOR) with what seems like an offhand comment about how she doesn't agree with their goals. She wrongly characterizes the end goal of EOR's campaign as a desire to moderate fic on AO3. This is patently false and is explicitly stated on their call for action under What Do We Want. They want AO3 to come up with anti-harassment policies and content policies for abusive and racist fics (what some people would characterize as troll fics), which are clearly written to degrade and harm fans of color**. We are not talking about fics with bigoted stereotypes or racist characterization.
EOR links heavily to work by Stitchmediamix, a well-known and outspoken Black anti-racist advocate in fandom. They write a column about race and fandom for Teen Vogue, and have been the target of incredible amounts of harassment. Denise thinks it's biased and kinda weird EOR does this.
The reason EOR relies so heavily on Stitch's work (and that of Dr. Rukmini Pande) is because very few people actually write about this stuff. It's horrible, thankless work that doesn't get you good attention but needs to be discussed anyways. (Acafandom, such as that which gets published in OTW's journal Transformative Works and Cultures, is racist as fuck, but that's a whole other topic.)
Here we see yet another impossible standard white fans are never held to, the one where non-white (but especially Black) fans must be ideologically pure with no lapses in temper or frustration. Whomst among us would be able to respond with perfect grace every single time they were set upon by racist mobs?
We depart from the Twitter thread here because Denise has made a statement on Dreamwidth about why she included all the stuff about Stitch when she was making a critique of EOR. The summary of the post is basically "A bunch of people told me stuff, I saw screenshots, but I won't even share redacted ones, so just trust me OK?"
I don't know Stitch (we have corresponded exactly once) or follow their work***, but I feel like if there were actual evidence they send harassment towards other fans surely it would have come up on FFA by now. The nonnies don't like them over there, and I suspect anything that proves they have actually done anything of the sort would be like throwing chum to piranhas.
Probably the most galling bit of Denise's post is this:
Under no circumstances should anyone use my writing, my own arguments, or my repetition of the concerns of the fans of color who have reached out to me, as an excuse to engage in racist harassment of Stitch or of anyone involved in the EndOTWRacism protest.
She knows exactly what she's doing. It's like dangling a steak in front of a hungry dog and telling it "Please don't lunge towards it because I'm telling you not to."
The second most galling bit is the way she, a white woman with a great deal of institutional power, justfies pointing even more racist harassment towards a Black fan known for continued anti-racist activism even though it makes their life hell and calls it solidarity.
Fuck that noise. As Dr. Pande says, there are many ways to discuss incidents like this without identifying individuals. Denise could have posted a person's account, in their own words, of their harassment experience. Even in an attempt to demonstrate faux solidarity she denies POC fans a voice.
I am glad Denise can contribute her technical and legal expertise to explaining precisely how the OTW has been negligent in their responsibilities to their volunteers and how they are noncompliant with important laws regarding extremely harmful material. I regret she has undermined this important work with unnecessary detours into racism and incitement of harassment.
I am extremely angry about having to make this post. It's another pile of shit on top of an already giant dumpster fire. But apparently upholding racism and white supremacy is still something people in fandom are going to do, even as an important organization within it burns down around our ears.
*There is a difference (cw: duh) between the terms! I did not know this until yesterday.
**I'm not getting into definitions or hair-splitting about this because it's not the point of this post.
***If you are interested in actually reading Stitch's work, here is a great place to start.
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mrsbsmooth · 1 month
Ok I've been in the fandom for about three years now, but I still sometimes feel like I'm on the outside - how do you make close friendships? because I've spoken to many people in this fandom, including you, and I call you guys friends in my head, but I'm too anxious to just talk to people in their inbox just because I like them and I don't wanna be annoying or overstep if you get what I mean
You'd be surprised how often I get asked stuff like this.
Honest answer?
#3: Engaging on tumblr Reblogs, comments, etc. Nothing better than screaming at each other in the comments of a post. I think I'm weird in that I prefer comments to reblogs because it doesn't clog up everyone else's dash. #2: Engaging on Ao3. If you're looking to snag a writer friend, read their fics and comment on them. Then have the same URL on tumblr and send them an ask about it. We are simple beings and easily tricked into friendship if you tell us you like the thing we spent 45 hours writing.
#1: Discord.
I've made so many wonderful friends through tumblr. It's one thing to reblog something or comment (I think comments are better than just a blank reblog, personally), but my friendships within this fandom only kicked off really once I started talking to them on discord.
Of course we've got the Writer's room which is just me, Emma, Bia, Elle and Tammy, and there's a private server for dedicated fanfic writers (although you have to be a writer and also have somewhat of a highly visible presence to be invited to that one. They've had HUGE issues with semi-anonymous people wanting to join and then being trolls or starting drama and wrecking the wonderful friendly vibe.) But there is also an amazing fan server which I believe is still run by @caitkaminski @oliverslove and @rebelrayne. It's an absolutely wonderful place and there's almost always discussion going on in there, especially on episode release day. It's WILD. I highly recommend it. Check their blogs, I think the link is in their bios.
Also, I don't even know who you are (anon obviously) but you're my friend in my head too dw xxx
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nafohcnis · 3 months
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More John dory freak out. there'll probably be a lot of this.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 4 months
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Clip from my breek fanfic ;) little doodle because fuck putting insane effort into such a brief scene
Read chapter one down below! There’s more to come~
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 3 months
got any snippets or sneak peaks of upcoming fics you're working on?
“He looks just like him, though!” JD insisted, eyes practically bugging out of his head. “But how did he turn into a baby—?”
Obviously, none of the brothers had an answer to that particular question. But the aforementioned baby took to respond to it anyway. “You guys say I’m not old enough to know about that stuff,” he pouted, crossing his arms.
The boys shared a collective look. “And,” Bruce asked, kneeling down to be closer to level with the child, “how old is that, again?”
Branch — or what was probably Branch, he hoped — giggled, like it was the funniest question in the world. He held up one of his hands, proudly displaying a total of two fingers. “This many!”
“Oh my god.” Floyd mumbled.
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4tty · 27 days
New chapter of my fic up now!
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/53961181"><strong>I’m Blue!</strong></a> (6227 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/oakley_the_tree"><strong>oakley_the_tree</strong></a><br />Chapters: 5/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Trolls%20(DreamWorks%20Movies)">Trolls (DreamWorks Movies)</a><br />Rating: General Audiences<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Branch & Bruce & Clay & Floyd & John Dory & Poppy (Trolls), Branch & Bruce & Clay & Floyd & John Dory (Trolls), Brandy/Bruce (Trolls), Delta Dawn/John Dory (Trolls), Branch/Hickory/Poppy (Trolls)<br />Characters: Branch (Trolls), Poppy (Trolls), The Snack Pack (Trolls), Kismet (Trolls), Creek (Trolls), Queen Barb (Trolls), Delta Dawn (Trolls), Prince D (Trolls), King Quincy (Trolls), Queen Essence (Trolls), King Peppy (Trolls), King Thrash (Trolls), John Dory (Trolls), Bruce (Trolls), Brandy (Trolls), Bridget (Trolls), King Gristle Jr. (Trolls), Chef (Trolls), Brandy and Bruce's Children (Trolls), Clay (Trolls), Viva (Trolls), Floyd (Trolls), Velvet (Trolls), Veneer (Trolls), Chaz (Trolls), Tresillo (Trolls), Marimba (Trolls), The K-Pop Gang (Trolls), Hickory (Trolls), Dickory (Trolls), Tambora (Trolls), Val Thundershock, Holly Darlin' (Trolls), Original Troll Character(s) (Trolls DreamWorks Movies), Cloud Guy (Trolls)<br />Additional Tags: These characters are so out of order I’m sorry, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Branch isn’t grey yippee!!, Grandma Rosiepuff didn’t die, BroZone is part Rock, They’re also Latino, Its canon in my eyes, Trolls Have Tails (Trolls DreamWorks Movies), Creek is still a traitor ewww, Branch has some trauma from almost getting killed by a Bergern, he’s fine tho da, I cannot spell 😭😭😭, No beta read we die like Grandma Rosiepuff, Branch is an architect!, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Nonbinary Clay (Trolls), JD and Delta have a kid, His name is Timber, He’ll show up dw, Bruce’s kids are a bit different, they’re named after cocktails, I changed the ship to Brickoppy cause their silly, THAT AND I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM IN THIS AU, THEYRE SO CUTE GUYS TRUST, CANT WAIT TO START WRITING ABOUT THEM, Okay I’ll stop rambling, I need to lock in, Genderfluid Branch (Trolls)<br />Series: Part 1 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/4118653">Trolls Aus</a><br />Summary: <p>An alternate universe where Grandma didn’t die and Branch is happy and has his color’s called Blue Branch Au!</p><p>Will follow the course of all three movies + the holiday specials</p><p>Title from “Blue (Da Ba Dee)” by Eiffel 65 and Gabry Ponte</p><p> </p><p>Trolls 1: Chapter 1-?</p>
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4-orest · 6 months
“Everything dies ; But I would give everything for you to stay…” (Trolls. angst fic)
TW:grieving a de@th ,heavy disassociation, delusions,death (not in this chapter dw)
“This is the 3rd time this month Barb hasn’t showed up to any meetings , She hasn’t even tried to contact anyone about WHY she’d be absent! At this point it out right disrespectful!” Delta yells as she slams her hands down onto the table.
All the other tribe leaders make noises of agreement and aggression towards the empty seat, reserved for the missing hard rock troll.
Poppy is quick to come to barbs defense “Hey, maybe she’s just busy, or something?!Barb has been really polite- well as polite as she’s capable of being- but I don’t think she’s blowing us off on purpose… its just not like her, she always at least sends a letter that she won’t come,shouldn’t this be seen as more of a concern rather than a conflict?
Poppy’s words sink into the other trolls at the table.
Delta places her hands onto her hips. With a sigh, her tense shoulders dropping slowly as she considers Poppy’s words.
“… your right poppy, maybe… she has things going on Rock city and she just doesn’t have the time. Wait what about Val her ambassador? Where is she?” delta says now noticing both of the rock troll’s absence.
“Val said that Barb needed her in rock city for a while. She told me she would be back in a week, but that was four weeks ago , right before Barb started missing the meetings!” Holly speaks up with concern in her voice for her friend.
Delta sighs “Welp , guess we’re making a trip to Rock City. King Quincy would you do the honors.” She looks to king Quincy and Queen Essence as she gestures to the Funk trolls UFO.
King Quincy nods and bubbles them up into the funk trolls UFO.
End of chapter 1
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