#discovering feeling through writing
yeeiguess · 1 year
I’m writing an ADHD Zuko fic and this is one of my favourite scene (also the angstiest)
TW for: Child Abuse, physical abuse, ableism, internalised ableism
In the intimacy of his room, Zuko admitted to himself that he didn’t know how to handle it.
The way he could see himself reflected in Sokka and the envy twisting his stomach at how natural the boy was. He was all the things Zuko was never allowed to be. It was obvious he’d never been reprimanded for the way he fidgeted; obvious that no one had ever put a burning palm to his arm so he would focus. He was painstakingly comfortable with being himself everywhere he went.
Zuko didn’t want these things to hurt him. He didn’t want all the things he’d been told he couldn’t be, but he’d never been able to snuff out that flame. Even if he had learned to hide it, he knew. He knew the way he sometimes slipped away just to realize he couldn’t remember half of the conversation. He knew the way he bent his toes and bit his tongue so no one would see the energy burning in his veins. He knew whatever it was, wasn’t gone, and he’d since long stopped hoping he would grow out of it like his mother used to say.
And Sokka just did it.
Alone in the dark, he allowed himself to feel angry at Sokka. The corner of his eyes prickled, and he closed his fists tighter. He could let himself rage, but he couldn’t cry (that, too, he’d unlearnt under burning hands).
He’d let go of that anger with training the next morning. Or maybe he could throw some things around and burn a blanket or two right now. It wouldn’t be the first time.
It was supposed to be a good night. They had fun, and it had gone so surprisingly well until the music had stopped and then…
(Though he lived with it at every moment, it wasn’t often he let himself really think about it. Agni, he just wanted to be normal. He just wanted to be good. A good son, a good nephew, a good Prince, a good brother. A good… friend, maybe. And he knew you couldn’t be like he was and be good both. It was one or the other; it had never really been a choice at all, had it?
Sokka did it effortlessly, but Sokka wasn’t Fire Nation.)
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togaki-kun · 8 months
Okay but if I wrote a “kid gojo goes to find kid nanami in his time” spin-off for konpeitō, what then? Huh?
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encrucijada · 3 months
okay this wolf book is so fun actually
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grkuvus · 2 months
remember in 2012 when i was scared to be openly homestuck because i didn't want to look uncool to my superwholock followers. do you remember that
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stergeon · 2 months
for the writer ask
💭🚦💛 💌
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
this is a real marketing major-ass answer (from your local marketing major), but i love sharing knowledge and telling stories. writing’s one of those things that’s a bit of a compulsion for me—i’m always writing something. i took a five-year break from fiction writing before i stumbled ass-first into fanfic last year, but even in those years when i was focusing on my career, i was writing guides and trainings and a ton of other stuff—just not anything fun, lol.
writing is also so cathartic. sometimes i set out to tell a specific story, but at other times, a particular emotion gets me in a vice grip and i have to put it to words before it’ll go away. my stories tend to wind up as emotional dumping grounds as a result.
i don’t write things pulled directly from my own life, but there are bits and pieces of myself and things that have happened to me scattered throughout stuff i’ve written, and usually when i’m about 75% of the way through a piece, i’ll realize it’s absolutely related to something i’m currently going through. funny how art works that way, even when you don’t intend for it to.
and occasionally i just have a fire lit under my ass about an issue and i get so hot about it that i gotta compile my thoughts. looking at you, silver snow
🚦 What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
look, i would love nothing more for them girls (pick whichever girls you please) to have a happy ending where they kiss and are stupid in love for the rest of forever. i love reading those kinds of stories. but in my heart of hearts, i love an ambiguous ending. i like when there are still questions after the story ends. i like thinking about where things could go or how the characters will go on after the events of the story. like, shared space could be read as having a happy ending, but i don’t really think it is. and with the victors; the vestiges, well. you’ll see :0)
come to think of it, i’m not sure i’ve ever written a happily-ever-after, but i don’t think i’ve ever written a 100% bad ending, either. i read too many bury-your-gays stories and watched too many sad european queer coming-of-age films in my youth to ever be happy putting that kinda thing out into the world. i want to write about love with all its ugliness, but not despair or hopelessness. i think what most appeals to me about an ambiguous ending is that lingering feeling of hope. it’s not the same as the kind you get from a happily-ever-after, and something about it speaks to me.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
honestly? how to take criticism. i took a creative writing class in high school where we had to read our work out loud and then receive feedback on it from the other writers in the class, and that did a lot for me. going into that class, i’d already been writing for forever and had won some little local writing contests and such, so i was a wee bit of a pretentious douche. but i’d never gotten real critique before beyond, essentially, spelling and grammar checks. it humbled me lol. it made me grow so much as a writer, and i could see where i needed to improve or where my head was wedged way too far up my own ass for others to follow. it also helped me recognize strengths i didn’t know i had, and that was huge. it’s easy to get into a self-doubt spiral when making creative work, and good, constructive criticism can do so much to help avoid that.
to this day i love critique. i like knowing what worked or didn’t work so that i can continue to improve as a writer and do better next time. did my themes land? did something really work, but another part fall flat? i’d love to know!! i try to treat everything i write as practice for the next thing, and frankly that’s helped take some of the pressure off so i don’t go into total Perfectionist Mode.
i know critique is kind of a sensitive topic in fan spaces, but i think that’s because a lot of people have gotten unsolicited criticism that is purely critical and isn’t constructive. but getting good, constructive criticism will do so much to help a person grow as a writer. it’s scary, and sometimes it hurts! writing is very personal for most people, and it stings when things aren’t received the way you think they will be. but i know i’ve grown more from having my failures pointed out (and, very importantly, having the good things about those efforts acknowledged) than anything else.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
actually Just answered this in another ask!
#sterge.eml#foxyjeongin#thank you for playing my little game and letting me talk about stories (and about me lmao)#sorry this is kind of a long post#i talk too much#i think i sound pretentious in this ask whoops. sorry#unfortunately i kind of am. i’m working on it.#… ​i guess the short answer to that first question is ‘emotions and mental illness’ lol#if you follow me on twitter (not recommended as it’s just me complaining about the weather and not being able to ride my motorcycle)#you know that every time i bring up my writing in therapy my therapist rocks my shit by revealing the story is#in fact.#NOT about what i thought it was about#or more accurately ​it’s ALSO secretly about whatever’s going on with me in real life lmao#y’know what’s really fun? looking back at something you wrote in a manic or depressive episode and going ah. hm. interesting.#the signs were. in fact. there.#(this is in fact not fun and i don’t like it. but it always happens.)#everything i write is accidentally Also about being bipolar. no getting around that#i tend to have issues organizing my thoughts and feelings to even figure out how tf i’m feeling#(forget making any attempt at doing so verbally. i have chronic foot-in-mouth disorder and accidentally say shit i don’t mean all the time)#but writing stuff down has always helped me sort through whatever mess is going on in my noggin and i love it for that#learning how to take critique is my no. 1 piece of writing advice but no. 2 is to read#read the classics. find out why they’re classics. read weird shit. read shit you don’t like. find things you like about em anyway.#and importantly: figure out WHY you do or don’t like it#it’s funny to re-read a book i haven’t read in a long time and discover OH. that’s where i get that technique from.#or that’s where i got that idea. or that’s why i had X thing happen in this story.#or why i like this type of character or scenario#nothing’s truly new and original#we’re all an amalgamation of influences and that ruuuuules#celebrate it!!!
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gayemoji · 7 months
for how bad killing eve got the books are infinitely worse.
#youve gotta believe me phoebe walker bridge worked miracles on that source material. jesus christ.#the story is dogshit bc there are no stakes. it is literally just implied cat and mouse between eve and oxana#implied as in the book will just SAY theyre chasing after each other. and TELL you they feel anything.#in reality the characters do not interract do not acknowledge the other and are literally just doing their jobs the whole time#no b plot . just villainelle kills someone > eve investigates while villainelle kills someone else > eve investigates whi#the first book also just immediately dived into ALL of oxanas backstory. so its like. we dont even get to discover WITH eve.#we just get it handed to us through dream and nostalgia and flashback exposition .#and then eve just magically figure out who she is based on sheer fucking divine visions or some shit.#like she gets told the name of a perfume and just INSTANTLY knows thats villainelles callname.#and thats before we even talk about the male gaze writing of lesbian sex scenes. which are certainly male gaze writings of lesbian sex .#but seriously theres no Konstantin plot#no real niko drama other than the stress eves work puts on thei relationship#no caroline. shes just not even a character. her son isnt a character. her son doesnt die.#eves coworker gets murdered and im convinced she didnt even care bc her divine spidey sense immediately prompts her to say some shit like#'its villainelle sending me a message'#girl what#how tf . can i see you do any research . can i witness you do any work .#where its your passion for criminal psychology. where is your OBSESSION . who ARE you#they are truly both just little dolls luke jennings put in a lesbian fantasy world. theyre not anything. tbeyre not interesting .#i hate them actually. theyre so fucking boring it grates on me.#whatt he FUCK did phoebe walker bridge see in this shit man . oh my god.#killing eve#code villainelle
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citruslullabies · 1 month
looking at that thing of Cooper you reblogged ... YOU READ SMUT??
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viaetor · 11 months
as much as i love genshin interactions, lately i've been craving writing aether in other universes/fandoms or maybe exploring more about his past pre-teyvat. i have so many ideas for him, and i'd love to explore the process of him slowly developing a heart and a mind of his own (instead of just being an order-keeper that travels through worlds guided by the stars). just!!! the process of him relating to mortals and falling in love with mortality yknow! itd be pretty neat 🥺
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shouts-into-the-void · 11 months
Book Recommendations that you can find on Audible because sometimes visual reading is just Not Going to Happen:
How to Be Eaten by Maria Adelmann
A modern fairytale reimagining in which five women join an experimental support group in order to confront their very public trauma under the supervision of a seemingly sympathetic but suspiciously persistent male therapist.
Each of their stories mirrors a popular fairytale except for Ashlee, whose story is a call out of the manipulative and borderline abusive side of the reality tv industry. Blurs the lines between fiction and reality, so it's difficult to know what parts of each story are real and what parts are a coping mechanism to deal with their trauma. It's explicit, bizarre and sometimes really uncomfortable, but definitely worth a shot.
TW: Gore, Sexual Assault, Eating Disorders, Abuse, and Torture
CW: Public Humiliation, Misogyny, Violence, Mental Health Issues
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
Lily Hu is a Chinese-American teenager living in the midst of the Red-scare. As the government threatens her father's citizenship and she grows increasingly frustrated with her childhood friend, Lily meets Kath, a social pariah with dreams of becoming a pilot. As she and Kath grow closer, the two begin sneaking out to attend nightly shows at a local lesbian bar called The Telegraph Club.
The narrative bounces back and forth between Lily in the 1950s and the journeys of her mother building a life in America and her aunt as Lily grows up. The ending is more realistic than happy, but it is hopeful.
TW: Racism, Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Child Abuse, Underage Alcohol Consumption
CW: Misogyny, Outing
Until We Break by Matthew Dawkins (Audible Original)
Naomi is the only black student at a prestigious ballet academy and has structured her entire life around the art. When her closest friend dies and Naomi suffers an injury that means she must take a break from ballet right before the Grand Prix, grief begins to eat away at her. Meanwhile Saint, a street artist, is struggling to keep himself and his younger brother afloat as their father's health deteriorates. After a chance meeting, the two attempt to find their place in the world together.
A beautiful story, although there are certain parts of the narrative that felt unresolved (which is not uncommon with Audible Originals so grain of salt)
TW: Racism, Self-harm, Suicide, Child Abuse, Abuse
CW: Mental Health Issues, Violence
Young Rich Widows by Kimberly Belle, Layne Fargo, Cate Holahan, and Vanessa Lillie (Audible Original)
All four partners of a law firm die in a mysterious plane crash, leaving their wives to unravel the circumstances of their deaths— and find a way to pay back the large sum of money they owed to the local mafia.
Audible Original's Magnum Opus, it's legitimately the best they've released in my opinion. It has a bit of a detective noir vibe and the plot twist at the end is wild, although it's got a few plot holes here and there.
TW: Sexual Harassment, Homophobia, Alcohol Consumption, Implied Torture
CW: Violence, Child Endangerment, Misogyny
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth
In 1902, two students are found stung to death by wasps, with the only thing in their possession being a book by Mary MacLane that they were both obsessed with. After another student is found dead with the book in her possession, the headmistress and her lover attempt to quiet the distress and suspicion among the students and staff as a decades old curse turns it's sights on them.
In the present day, Hollywood darling Harper and former child actress Audrey are cast in a movie based on the biography of the original students' deaths under the direction of a famous horror director, the book's prickly author Merritt, and the now closed school's owner Elaine. As the filming begins and strange things begin to happen, it seems as though the curse may have found its newest victims.
If you go into this one expecting everyone to be good people and the story to be neat and tidy, you are going to be disappointed. It's a very hit or miss story. The narrative feels like a fever dream and the driving force of the plot is that the characters are all disaster gays. Sometimes the present day plot can feel rushed or pointless, but I personally enjoyed it. The ending isn't what you're expecting, but it feels consistent with the flow of the narrative.
TW: Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Self-harm, Purposeful Induction of Paranoia, Sexual Assault, Suicide, Emetophobia, Alcohol Consumption, Drug Use, Gore
CW: Graphic Depictions of Death, Wasps (No, I'm not kidding), Mental Health Issues
Web Comic Recommendations
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robyn-goodfellowe · 5 months
hey girl. crying
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Forever heartbroken over Yoosung's grief
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puthyflapps · 2 years
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#I’m about to write y’all a novel in these tags I’m so sorry#the wilds#shoni#shelby x toni#shelby goodkind#toni shalifoe#n e wayssss#I’m in my “emotional devastation era” because I can’t stop thinking about a shoni unrequited love au where the two of them are best friends#and Shelby is hopelessly in love with Toni who is so incredibly oblivious and too wrapped up in her newly blossoming relationship with Regan#to notice that Shelby has been steadily pulling away because she can’t bare the sight of them together. It makes her feel like her head is#spinning and her chest is going to cave in and if you were to try and identify the final nail in the coffin or the straw that broke the#proverbial camel’s back well it would have to be the night Shelby cried alone in Toni’s bathroom after discovering that#Toni had given Her™️ sweatshirt away. The sweatshirt with the yellow elbow patches that technically belonged to Toni but had#long since been claimed by Shelby. The sweatshirt that had brought her so much comfort and warmth. Shelby had rummaged through drawers and#searched the closet desperate to find the piece of clothing – the piece of Toni that was supposed to be reserved for her but she found#nothing. Perhaps it was ridiculous or a tad bit overdramatic to be that upset over an article of clothing but when the words:#“oh I think Regan has it” fell from Toni’s lips with an appalling amount of nonchalance it felt like in that moment her world had stopped#spinning. The devastation was swallowing her whole and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Whatever flicker of hope that Toni could maybe#someday learn to love Shelby was promptly extinguished and it pained her beyond belief to think about it but Shelby understood how Toni#could love Regan. She was the opposite of Shelby. Everything about her was real whereas every facet of Shelby’s being was fake. There was no#trace of shame to be found in Regan either. She was beautiful and confident and out. She had no qualms about holding Toni’s hand in the#hallway or kissing her in front of crowd of peers. Regan was bright; she was sunshine personified.#Shelby was dark; she was made up of shadows and rain clouds. She couldn’t blame Toni for wanting to stand in the sun
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surrender-souls · 9 months
they dont get jack ryder like i do. hes genderfluid.
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jonny-b-meowborn · 11 months
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this weird thing my brain does before, but basically seeing a picture of someone, or engaging with their art, makes my tiny rat brain feel like by doing that the person gains access to my thoughts, location, and whatever I'm doing at the time. Like let's say, if I scroll on Instagram and see a pic of my beloved musician Aurora, now for a moment she can read my thoughts and see me through that pic. Or if it's not caused by an image of them, but for example music, they can still see me, just not from any specific angle. I have no idea why my brain does that but y'know, it's pretty distressing sometimes, especially as a fan artist. I know none of that is true but sometimes the feeling gets so strong that it prevents me from watching/listening/drawing them for a while, until it calms down a bit. For example, I used to listen to music while showering/taking a bath, but over time this feeling got so strong that I felt like the musicians I'm listening to can see me naked, so I just stopped and couldn't do that for literal years.
But, you'd think that engaging with pure fiction would help, right? There's no one watching me if I look at a screenshot from an animated movie, right? Turns out, no! Sometimes it works with even 100% non existent fictional characters that are not real and never were real. Even if the whole "I see them so they can see me" thing was true somehow, which I know is not, it couldn't be true for fictional characters, there's just no person that could do this whole mind reading thing. And yet here I am, feeling like the cartoon or a game or whatever is staring back at me, knows my thoughts and sees me. What the fuck, brain
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bl-inkstone · 11 months
hello! this is a draft for the orv thoughtspost that's been rattling around my head for a good while and i realized that i haven't posted in like months so. hi. hey, i'm still here haha :"D
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covertblizzard · 2 years
Full offense but DC is straight up losing audience by their over focus on Batfam. Besides all the obvious issues that mamy people have mentioned (losing audience who already love other characters that aren't getting any attention, the Batfam having so many things going on fans cannot keep up, the Batfam having so many things that the storyline are re-used and stale and things are not allowed to properly progress or change too much because it will disturb another storyline), there's just the thing that more diverse / different storylines and vibes would attract different (and by extension more) audiences. It feels like it should be something that is OBVIOUS but I feel like this is REALLY under mentioned. Each hero or fam or storyline have different themes and powers and characters and personalities. They appeal to different people. Not everyone is going to only want or enjoy dark edgy emotionally repressed super geniuses or sunshine hopeful all-powerful alien. Sometimes, the aspects of other storylines are much more appealing to some people. By not bothering to create good stories or promote them properly, DC is losing a lot of potential audience. This is just my personal opinion because I started reading the different comics and reading Green Lantern and Titans especially just made me realise how much I genuinely don't enjoy Batman storylines as much. I can't get through the stories as fast, it's dreary to me, and it simply doesn't appeal the same to me at all. Sometimes the comics get so boring to me it feels like a chore to even get through ONE issue. 
They're all comics, they're all superheroes, but they're not even CLOSE to the same. The vibes of the comics can be so different and how much you enjoy one DC type really cannot determine how much you would enjoy another. It's something I didn't realise because I just thought comics were Like That so you just live through it for characters and themes and the plot, even if the writing is dreary or the setting doesn't appeal, or whatever it is that bothers me or bores me (because I don't actually know myself yet). When majority of the people enter with ideas of Batfam or Batman mostly, they are GOING to start with Batfam-centered stories. If it doesn't actually appeal to them, they will end up thinking "all comics just suck" and that there is no point so they end up either ONLY engaging with fandom (hence getting stuck in the whole batfam loop, irritating to other dc fandom because it makes dc fandom spaces so heavily batfam focused, but also irritating to some batfam fans as they become more and more like caricatures as opposed to proper CHARACTERS and become increasingly mischaracterised because so much of the fandom hasn't read the comics or isn't interested to). I've seen people say: Try a different one because there are interesting storylines and characters to explore. Try a different one because your dc world surrounding Gotham only is boring. 
All those are true! But also, try a different one because maybe Batman / Batfam isn't even REALLY the comic for you, you just think it is because it is the only one with enough media attention for you to get a vague understanding about the idea and dynamic of to get interested in. A different one might actually capture your attention. A different one might actually make reading comics properly FUN.
#dc#green lantern#teen titans#anti-batman#mypost#dc thoughts#(i tagged the anti because i was expressing disinterest but i don't actually think ALL of it is bad)#(there are some arcs i like more than others)#(but it is very clearly not for me as compared to other heroes/storylines)#(it can be for other people though and that's great for them!)#(i just want people to consider sometimes when they feel like 'this is not really for me')#('this' might be batman comics not ALL dc comics bcos this discovery surprised me)#this is just me discovering that dc comics aren't just storylines to get through but can actually be enjoyable to read#there is still 10292910 problematic things usually but that's dc for you#i am still going to suffer through the batman comics mind you i have gotten attached#to some characters#but genuinely... so many other storylines appeal to me so much more#this shouldn't have shocked me tbh i am VERY character focused#when consuming media if i do not like a character it's almost impossible for me to get through a book for example#and unfortunately i do not enjoy bruce in most writing... this is... very difficult#suffering through post-crisis jason now because i love jason but i cannot imagine the next batfam step i'm taking will be fun#because it's steph meaning lots of tim and bruce being mean to her from what i understand i'm going to cry#i will be starting flash at some point i have mixed feelings about that one because last time i read it there were some i enjoyed and some i#it's been a while i think i DID enjoy it at least up to the point before they started going HIC i thinkkkkkk#but i am so obsessed with the flashes soooooo (also i wish there were more girl flashes or at least more attention for them)#(i love barry and wally and bart but jesse and avery seem so cool from the little bit i've seen too)#i always have to swallow my bitterness about the lack of female characters (especially heroes) in comics T.T
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