#do u think u can make a good movie again answer quickly
Too Good To Say Goodbye pt7
Warnings: cursing
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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I wanted to cry in the middle of the Wingstop. I wanted to break the news on my own terms but thanks to whoever runs the ‘F1GossipRoom’ account on instagram, I couldn’t. They ruined one of the biggest moments of my and Lando’s life. I know I've done this twice before but I wanted to witness all of Lando's firsts with this baby and the surprise pregnancy announcement was off the table.
I knew I was being overdramatic but I couldn't help it when the one thing I wanted to do got ruined and all these pregnancy hormones going through the roof I wasn't thinking clear but there was one thing I was sure about. I was going to find the person behind this gossip account and I was going to make their life a living hell.
"Baby, it's okay. It sucks because I wanted to just randomly drop this in a cute instagram post but we can still do that. We can't let these random no-lifers ruin this moment for us." A small chuckle escaped my lips as Lando had placed the wingstop down on the table and embraced me in a tight hug.
"I know baby, I'm sorry" I started to sob into Lando's shoulder which only further upset him.
"No, no baby please don't cry. How 'bout this: we go home, eat our food and we can watch Tangled again. How 'bout that? That sound like a plan?" Lando tried to negotiate while rubbing his hand up and down my back.
"And the second Captain America movie again?" I said as I pulled back from the embrace and wiped a few tears away from my face with a small smile becoming present.
"Anything for you" Lando said as he placed a quick kiss to my temple.
It took us about 30 minutes to get home, Lando had to make a quick pitstop at our local Dairy Queen because the baby really wanted a Mint Oreo blizzard.
"Okay babe. This is STRICTLY dessert. You AND BABY," Lando started before poking my tummy "need to eat actual food first"
"I know that, but I don't know if Baby gets it yet because they want a teeny tiny bite." I gave Lando puppy dog eyes
"Does the baby want a bite or do YOU want a bite?" Lando smirked as he cocked a brow in my direction
"Potato pahtato" I shrugged whited caused Lando to let out a laugh
"Just ONE bite." An excited shriek left my mouth as I quickly grabbed my blizzard and took a huge spoonful before letting out a satisfied moan at the taste of the cold, minty, chocolaty goodness that exploded on my tongue.
“Okay babe, I need you to get home now so I can eat because this is too good!!” I almost took another spoonful but Lando took it out of my hand, put the lid back on and put it in the cup holder on the door to make sure that it was out of my reach.
“That was so unnecessarily rude Lando. You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” I said with a huff as I shifted my whole body to face the door with my arms crossed.
We’d gotten home about an hour ago and we were about halfway through Tangled (and our blizzards) when we heard a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it baby.” Lando said as he placed a quick kiss on my temple before getting up to answer the door
“Oh hey Logan, did you forget something?” I heard Lando say as I watched him side step to let Logan and Yelena in the house.
“I need to talk to Y/N, where is she?” Logan sounded a bit angry when he said that but Lando brushed it off. He probably thought it had something to do with Yelena and he thought it best to not push him further.
“She’s in the Living Room. We’re watching Tangled and eating.” Logan just handed Yelena over to Lando before brushing past him to get to me.
Lando held Yelena for about 5 seconds before he smelt a strange smell, lifting her up to smell her diaper before cringing at the smell radiating from it.
“Mmm girl, you stinky. Let’s give you a bath.” Lando cooed as he bounced her up and down before taking her up to our room to give her a bath.
While Lando was upstairs giving Yelena a bath my eyes stayed laser focused on Logan whom was still angrily walking over in my direction.
“Y/N, Really?!” Logan almost screamed as he finally reached me.
I just stared at him dumbfounded because who is he to barge into my house and start talking to me like this.
“I would really love some context here Logan.” I said as I placed my already melting blizzard on the coffee table.
“You’re pregnant?!” I should’ve sensed this coming given that it took months of convincing me that I wanted a baby for I even tried for one with Logan.
Being a mom wasn’t in my ‘To-Do Life Agenda’ but being with Logan and seeing how he was with his nieces, nephews and younger fans started to make me feel like maybe I wanted to be a mom.
“Logan, please. I was going to tell you before we told everyone else.” I tried to keep our voices hushed because I didn’t want Lando to hear how everyday of my life was after the loss of Theo when Logan and I was still together.
“No! That’s bullshit! It took me MONTHS of convincing you to get pregnant but you let HIM knock you up less than a year after having Yelena?! I should’ve known you were just a whore.” Logan murmured that last part and I wasn’t even sure if I heard him right.
“OKAY LOGAN! You’ve outstayed your welcome. Get out of my house now.” Lando’s voiced boomed as he was coming down the stairs with a clean, sleepy baby in his arms.
“What did you say to me?!” Logan challenged
“Get. The Fuck. Out. Of. My. House. Now. Before I call the cops.” Lando said sternly as he held the front door open once he reached the bottom of the steps ushering Logan through it.
“I’m not done with this conversation yet Y/N/N. We will-” was all we heard before Lando slammed the door shut cutting Logan off.
I wanted to cry, I felt so humiliated. Was I really a whore for being pregnant with Lando’s kid barely a year after having Logan’s? Maybe I was.
Lando quickly pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Let’s go to bed, we have our clinic tomorrow to make sure Lily picked up the gender reveal envelope so they can start planning the reveal and we can see if maybe Lily and Oscar can take Yelena too?” With a quick nod of my head Lando made his way to the nursery to put Yelena to sleep while I started to clean the mess up in the living room.
after about 10 minutes I entered our shared bedroom to see Lando scrolling for a movie to watch.
“Oh let’s watch-”
“Captain America: The Winter Soldier? It’s already waiting to be played” One thing about Lando is he knows what to do to make me feel special.
I got in the bed and cuddled close to Lando while also being cautious of my belly. I didn’t make it 10 minutes into the movie before I knocked out.
The next morning I made my way into the clinic while Lando and Yelena stayed in the car. I need to be the one to make sure that Lily did her gender reveal planner duties.
“Can I help you?” the nice young lady at the front desk asked
“Hi, yes. Could you tell me if the gender reveal envelope under the last name ‘Norris’ was picked up yesterday?” I asked politely
“Yes ma’am it was.” The lady said, her voice laced with nervousness “Was it not supposed to be picked up yesterday?”
“Oh it was! I just wanted to make sure!” A sigh of relief echoed through the air from the lady “Thank you!” I cooed as I walked away from the front desk and out the door into the car that was double parked waiting for me.
When I got in the car the look on Lando’s face asked if Lily picked up the envelope, to which I nodded my head before saying “Let me call Lily and ask if we can drop off Yelena while she’s planning.”
After a few rings Lily picked up the phone
“Hey Lily! I saw that you picked up the envelope yesterday. I was wondering if while you’re planning today if we could drop Yelena off, Logan came by yesterday and I have to deal with him” I said joyfully into the phone.
“Hey girl, sorry but I didn’t pick up the envelope yesterday. I had too many meeting to attend to, I was actually on my way to get it now” Lily replied back
A nervous look coated my face.
“If you didn’t pick it up. Who did?” my voice AND hands shaky
“Babe! Hang up the phone now and look at instagram! I’m gonna fucking kill him”
Lando’s face was 50 shades of red when I looked over. There was no way my worst fear was gonna come true. He’s not THAT disrespectful.
Unfortunately when I opened instagram it confirmed my worst nightmare.
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@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy
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kayvsworld · 7 months
marvel watching their new quantity-over-quality projects flop, realizing exactly how hard they fumbled the bag on setting up an ongoing Avengers Team Movie Series and frantically being like “ok ok maybe we uhhHHHHH try to get the OG avengers back. the circa 2012-2016 mcu zeitgeist avengers those ones were popular we can bring back the interest” is so sad.
like babe do u think u can simply turn back the hands of time. do u think u can simply bring back the characters u killed off for shock value and expect the same level of engagement. more importantly do u think you can simply afford a 2023 robert downey jr
accept ur failure with grace. steve is in the 40s now & tony you CHOSE To Do That,
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horrorartsworld · 4 months
valentino/shy bunny based demon f!reader
warnings: 18+ nsfw content duh
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Valentino takes a long drag of his cigarette as he sits next to Vox in his booming night club, “Club Hell 666”, speaking about the recent activities and work related stuff that’s been going on between the two of them.
So involved in the conversation the moth man didn’t realize the tiny figure that walked up to him.
“U-ummm…excuse me Mr. Valentino sir…” Your soft voice could barley be heard over the obnoxiously loud music that was playing that you could practically feel the bass thumping along with the rhythm of your heartbeat.
You rub your arm awkwardly standing there for a moment before Vox nudges Val in the side nodding over to you.
He blows out his red smoke letting it swirl around you causing you to cough a little and scrunch your nose.
“My…my~” He tilts his head with an amused smirk as he eyes you up and down letting his heart-shaped sunglasses slide down for you to get a better view of his piercing eyes.
“What brings you to me, cariño?~”
You hug yourself closely trying to not let your eyes wander to the dancers or workers dressed in skimpy clothing walking past, you were quite nervous as it is to talk to the Overlord of Lust for a job…
“I-i’m here for work…”
“Work hmmm? Well you came to the right person, sweetheart. A pretty thing like you~…” He dramatically pauses for a second taking in your figure once more before continuing, “oh~ I definitely have a few positions open…”
You shift uneasily as you weren’t use to all this attention making your cheeks automatically burn which didn’t go unnoticed by him.
Snickering, he leans over to mumble something to Vox who sent you over a wink before Val turned his attention back to you.
“Come, let’s have a little interview shall we~”
Valentino stands up towering over you as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and another around your waist as he takes you towards his office in the night club.
Shutting the door behind you he gestures you to take a seat infront of him as leans back in his chair lighting back up his cigarette from earlier and taking a nice drag before sitting forward, looking down at this little….bunny.
“Now that I got you here doll I gotta ask you some questions to see if your worthy of my establishment..”
He smiles wickedly as you nod gingerly understanding of his terms.
“Are ya loyal? And i mean realllllllly loyal…”
“Y-yes i’m very loyal…” You spoke again softly knowing at this point you were so desperate for a job you were willing to just please him with the right answers.
“Good to know~”
He pauses for a moment, considering his next question.
“Now….you don’t mind getting a little filthy, do ya?”
“Oh no….i mean i can um be filthy…” You mumble the last part coughing a little as the smoke lingered your way once more as you feel your cheeks burn at the idea of the question.
Valentino lets out a pleased purr at your answer and seeing your shyness just turned him on.
“Mmmm….I think i’m gonna love you, bunny.” His voice husky as he rested his elbows on his desk with his cigarette between his fingers and his cheeks in his hands looking at you with a lustfully taunting gaze that makes you squirm in your seat.
“How do you feel about people touching you?~”
“I surely enjoy it…”
Valentino snickers at this as he glances over at the calendar admist pictures of all his successful movies. “Oh do you now?…” His expression still amused, but his voice had an underlying hint of danger growing to it as he went on to ask you more questions practically pulling any indecent thought out of you and putting it to fruition.
“This interview is definitely going great….now let me see the goods baby~”
You look at him innocently now as if playing dumb as you ask, “t-the goods sir?~”.
“The goods…” He gives you a nod insinuating for you to stand up. In which you quickly did practically shooting up out of the chair.
He chuckles at this and then he glances down and sees the way your outfit accentuated your body so perfectly that he just had to see the back. Not hiding his anticipation as he makes a swift gesture for you to turn around. You nibble your bottom lip hugging your fluffy chest as you turn around showing a little cotton tail poking out from your leggings catching Valentino by surprise as it was wiggling vigorously.
He slowly rises from his desk shrugging of his coat and putting out the cigarette, never once taking his eyes off your behind. He takes a deep breath in appreciation as he then gives a small whistle.
“Damn…you’ve got quite the looks from this angle baby~” He then pauses once more to savor the view before he walks closer to you.
“So far i’m liking everything i’m seeing…” He stands right behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, slowly giving them a playful squeeze before he leans down, so close that his breath grazes the back of your neck.
“l think you’re gonna be the perfect little bunny toy~” His voice low and teasing. Your breath hitching as your behind gently rubs against his hard-on the heat radiating between your thighs started to get to your little rabbit mind.
Valentino smirks, now feeling how hot your body has gotten. Your body temperature steadily rising.
“But… first we’ve got to take a look at one last thing..”
One of his hands goes to your lower back forcefully bending you over infront of him on his desk, your heart jumps as you realize what’s happening but you obediently stay bent forward and arching your ass out of instinct so that it was on full display seeing the outline of your thong through your leggings.
Valentino’s breath is heavy as he stares at you bent over and so vulnerable infront of him. He strokes your rabbit tail with the tips of his fingers, caressing it making you whimper out to how sensitive it was to his touch. Making you embarrassingly wet within seconds.
Almost like he sensed this he swiftly tugged both your thong and your leggings off wasting no time as the cool air hitting your now exposed pussy made you whine.
“Shit your perfect for this industry baby~” He hums as his body weight seems to shift behind you as it sounded like he was grabbing for something..
Valentino held a cam recorder in one hand, as the others clung to your hips rather tightly as he roughly started pounding into you. Cock bullying your pussy with its big size as he barely gave you time to adjust making you cry out pitifully.
“Fuckkkk….you’re so tight.” He groans aiming the camera down at your entrance showing how much he was stretching you out as he used another hand to grab a handful of your plush behind to help guide himself in.
“Look it how well you’re taking it baby bunnni~ like a true fucking slut….mhmph fuck i’m gonna make you a star!~” Val growls behind you as his pace starts to pick up and becomes more aggressive.
Suddenly you feel him yank your head back by your bunny ears, causing a squeak to pass by your lips because of the sensation it admitted making you arch your back more into him, hitting a certain spot you didn’t know he could that made you immediately see stars.
Pointing the camera down toward your face, Val shows your already fucked out expression with your eyes all hazy with tears spilling down your cheeks and a filthy pout playing at your lips. You felt like your fragile body could barley take anymore of this torment and as if to make matters worse a hand went to play with your sensitive tail again making you clamp down on him with your thighs trembling.
“Ngh!! Valentino!”
The camera practically is shoved in your face as if to get the winning glamour shot as you come undone all over his cock. Though he doesn’t stop there as he tries to reach his own release, thrusting deeper and faster into you until he eventually cums too with an exasperated sigh.
The mixture of your juices practically pours out of you as Val pulls out and is more focused on the film that he just made, taking the hard drive out of the camera and shoving it in his coat pocket.
“You’re a natural…expect to be here by tomorrow morning and don’t be late..”
Valentino leaves you to clean your own mess without another word and didn’t even bother to mention what he’d do with that tape now that he had it. You just watched as your now boss put his coat back on and went into the atmosphere of the club once more.
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shy4turcs · 9 months
Hii could u do a thigh riding fic for quinn pls?
“Can I?” Quinn Hughes
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Best friend older brother!Quinn X innocent!reader
Summary: after your best friend jack cancels on movie night last minute you decided to invite his older brother Quinn instead…
A/n: this is a bit long but enjoy also sorry for the long wait I have some personal stuff going on!
Warnings: smut, thigh riding, praising, innocence kink, I think that it
Tags: @drysdalesv @hvghes @sunkissed-zegras
Setting up pillows, blankets, and snack in the living room for yours and jacks weekly movie night before your phone started ringing;
*incoming call from Jacky boy🙄*
Picking your phone up to answer, barely get a word out before Jack starts rambling
“Y/n I’m so sorry I can’t make it tonight, got a last minute call from Bauer they want me back at the rink tonight” he huffed out, now just sitting in silent until you spoke up.
“Jack I had everything all set up already, but that’s okay I’ll just do a movie night to myself” You sighed moving to get comfortable on the couch waiting for jack’s responds.
“No no no I don’t want you to just be alone tonight…” he paused half way through his sentence to think “Quinn staying at my place tonight maybe invite him over, I bet he’d be down” he quickly spoke
“Okay i guess I’ll text him” you spoke, put jack on speaking then clicking onto yours and Quinn’s messages
“hey I need to get going though, again I’m sorry next week i promise I’ll be there” he rushed out, both of your said your goodbyes and loves yous before hanging up and continuing to text Quinn.
You don’t even know what to text him, unknown to most but you had the biggest feelings for your best friend older brother and inviting him over would be the first time you guys have hungout alone without jack.
Y/n: hey jack canceled on me last minute, I already have everything set up for movie night if you wanna drive over and hangout
You sent the text letting out a nervous breath just staring at your phone shocked to see Quinn typing so fast.
Quinner 🫣: just us?
Looking at the text thinking to yourself ‘oh god he probably doesn’t want to, I’m definitely annoying him’ before texting him back
Y/n: yea…
Y/n: is that okay?
Tapping on the back of your phone anxiously waiting for his text back, few seconds later his notification pops up.
Quinner 🫣: yeah that’s fine
Quinner 🫣: leaving now
You liked his messages while getting up and running to your room to change in spandex and a big tee, you were originally wearing old sweats and one of jack hoodies. You looked homeless before which is fine for jack to see but not Quinn.
-time skip 15 minutes later-
When Quinn had arrived, there was a short knock at the door followed by the ding of your phone. His contact name with a message notifying you that he was at your door. Slowly getting up from the couch and shaking off your nerves as your opened the door saying your hellos before inviting him inside.
“What movie do you wanna watch” You shyly asked looking at him as you sat down on the opposite side of the couch from him
“I thought you would already have something pick out, um let me think” he spoke as he jutted his hips forward getting comfortable, full manspread. Your face went red at the sight, he just looked too good in his grey sweats and black hoodie. Quinn cleared his throat causing you to snap out of your daze making your eyes instantly look at his, your face now even redder then before as he just caught you staring.
"Um usually Jack picks out what we watch" you softly spoke still flustered by the sight of Quinn. Quinn just let out a hum trying to think before scooting over closer to you and leaning over your small frame to grab the remote next to your head putting your faces just inches apart.
You just stared at him doe eyed completely speechless feeling very hot all over. you needed him and god he just looked so good, full manspread and his beautiful thighs on full display you were practically drooling at the sight. Quinn loved this just watching you eye-fuck him, it truly boosted his ego. He loved the way you were so innocent about it just becoming a flustered mess, he had such an effect on you it drove him crazy.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours mhm” Quinn spoke snapping you out of your thoughts making your cheeks flushed at the pet name, also the fact he had caught you staring twice now.
“Um nothing, did you find a movie” you quickly spoke changed the subject this made Quinn laugh, he knew what you wanted he just wanted you to say it.
“Yeah, Friends With Benefits?” Quinn questioned cocking his eyebrow up while looking at you.
“Um yeah put that on” you spoke not daring to take your eyes off the screen in front of you as you felt Quinn’s eyes roaming over all your exposed skin, your skin felt on fire with his lustful gaze.
Quinn started the movie finally taking his eyes off of you while you both just watched in silence. Your body had finally calmed down after 15 minutes until a sex scene came on causing you to become hot again, clenching your thighs together and your mind racing with thoughts about the older Hughes brother that sat across the couch from you. Quinn took notice to this, watching you as you clenched your thighs together every couple of seconds as loud moans played through the tv speakers.
“Quinn can you pass me a blanket please” you quietly spoke, you just needed to cover up from Quinn gaze you could practically feel him undressing you with his eyes.
“You know I’m pretty cold too and there only one ou-“ Quinn spoke before getting interrupted
“I’ll just go grab another” you said quickly standing about to walk pass Quinn to your room before Quinn grabbed your waist pulling you into his lap causing you to gasp.
“We can just share, you comfy?” Quinn whispered in your ear, his lips brushing over your cheek sending chills down your spine. You let out a little “yeah” before moving your hips to get comfortable in his hold causing his grip to tighten on your waist as he let out a small grunt.
“Please stay still” he groaned out as your shift your hips once more finally getting comfortable also letting out a small “sorry”. The groan that left his mouth made your core throb, clenching your thigh together to relieve some of the neediness of your pussy. You were quickly snapped out if your needy thought at the feeling of Quinn growing hard beneath you causing your face to grow bright red.
“Your in control pretty girl, tell me to stop and I will” he rasped out kissing down your neck, marking you up causing breathy moans to leave your lips feeling his beard scratch against your neck. The movie had been completely forgotten about, now just playing in the background
“Turn around for me baby” Quinn whispered kissing your sweet spot before you got up sitting back down, now straddling one of his thick thighs moaning out at the feeling of your clothed clit against his grey sweats.
“Is this okay” Quinn spoke cupping your face into his hands making you look at him, you nodded your head not trusting your words in that moment causing Quinn to smirk.
“I need words beautiful” he said moving his hands from your face to your hips gripping them harshly.
“I- um yeah I just don’t really know what to do” you shyly spoke looking away from Quinn’s eyes in embarrassment. Quinn let out a slight chuckle cupping your chin with his hand turning you to look at him again before kissing you hard.
“That’s okay princess, just tell me what you need” Quinn spoke brushing his lips against your jaw line to your ear before kissing right below it. Quinn gently gripped your hips slowly rocking you against him causing you to moan out holding onto Quinn.
“I need to feel you please” you whimpered out, Quinn pulled you off of him stripping himself of his sweats and boxers looking up at you for your consent before pulling your spandex and panties down in one go.
“Oh sweet girl your dripping” he mocked you making you blush in embarrassment. Quinn slipped one of his finger between your folds barely grazing over your clit making you whimper out, slipping his finger into his mouth moaning at the taste of you on his tongue. Your knees almost buckled at the sight.
“Taste so good, so fuckin good” he said to himself almost like you weren’t there
“Wanna ride my thigh baby mh? You’ve been looking at them all night” Quinn spoke grabbing your hips once more dragging you down onto his thigh, Quinn groaned at the feeling of your wet cunt on his thigh slowly starting to rock you against him. Quinn swore he’d never heard anything prettier then the little whimpers leaving your pillowy lips as he rocked you fast despite for you to make a mess all over. Quinn abs tensed at the feeling of your delicate fingers gliding down them under his hoodie stopping right above his throbbing cock.
“Can I?” You questioned looking up at Quinn doe eyed, Quinn just nodded his head. Hesitantly you grabbed his hard dick leaking with pre Cum as swiping your thumb over his slit spreading it all over before slow jerking him.
“So so so good for me baby” he groaned throwing his head back, his grip on you tightened grinding your faster on his thigh as he starts to bounce his foot making pleasure shoot through you.
“Oh fuck Quinn, please don’t stop I’m so close f-fuck” you moaned out completely stopping your movement on his cock as you began to tremble letting out a scream of his name cumming all over over him. Taking a breathe before looking up at Quinn and kissing his slightly chapped lips.
“That’s my good girl” Quinn softly spoke while brushing the hair out of your face. Quinn massaged your hips and thighs as you just laid against his chest listening to his heart beat basking in the pleasurable silence between you two before you quietly mumbled something.
“What was that baby, I need you to speak up love” Quinn spoke pinching your chin between his fingers forcing you to look at him.
“Wanna ride you” you whispered barely getting your words out as you looked away from his hungry graze, your cheeks turning pink in embarrassment.
“Wanna be full of me mh?” Quinn smirked grabbing your hips helping you hover over his cock before you sunk down on him, both of you letting out loud moans at the feeling of eachother.
“So big, so full” you whimpered, Quinn’s long cock filled you to the brim hitting places you could never reach with your fingers. Slowly beginning to rock against him
“Do you trust me pretty girl” Quinn questioned as he helped guide your hips against his. Not trusting your words you just nodded your head leaning forward against his chest.
“I need words baby, words” Quinn rasped out running his hands up and down your back before reaching down and harshly grabbing your ass forcing a moan out of you
“Yes I trust you” you whimpered into his ear running your hand through the hair on the back of his head tugging it lightly making Quinn groan
“Gonna make you feel so fucking good” Quinn spoke before holding you close to his chest his arms locked around your waist thrusting himself up deep inside you, he was losing himself in you
“Quinn!” You scream out of shock pleasure coursing through your veins as he constantly hit your g spot over and over again, gripping the back of his head and kissing down his neck to conceal your moans as the pleasure became to much.
“Come on baby I know your close” Quinn groaned speeding up his thrust moving one of his hands to rub tight circles on your clit
“Fuck oh my, I’m gonna Cum please” you screamed holding onto Quinn for dear life as the most powerful orgasm washes over leaving your legs shaking as Quinn kept thrusting into close to cumming
“Quinn I cant it too much” you whimpered trying to push away as Quinn thrust became sloppy
“I know I know I’m almost there pretty girl” Quinn spoke letting out a loud moan before spilling inside of you releasing his tight grip on you. Quinn pulled you off of him before standing and grabbing a towel to clean you up quickly returning, he squatted down in front of you slowly kissing from your ankle to the inside of your thigh stopping occasionally to praise you for being such a good girl while gently wiping the mess between your legs. He then picked you up carefully laying you in bed as you were practically almost asleep before laying down next to you pulling you into his side and kissing your head.
“Goodnight my sweet girl” he softly spoke before passing out.
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tlouadditc · 11 months
roommate!ellie x f!reader [cont.]
WARNINGS: smut, 18+ ONLY, switch!reader, switch!ellie, reader is an anxious and shy ass bitch, strap on usage, ellie has a potty mouth [LMAOOO], degradation, praise, pet names [mostly baby and princess again], oral [e receiving], fingering [e receiving], a bit of dumbification and dacryphilia if u squint
word count: 1.7k, rating: MATURE
a/n: thanks for 300+ likes on the 1st part!! i hope u guys enjoy, im working on my writing so pls lmk if anything is confusing/weird, lmk 😭 enjoy! + this is not proofread sorry
she flashed a small smile before saying, "i'm okay, baby. get some rest." before you could protest, she got up and planted a kiss on your forehead. "let's get you to bed, princess."
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the next day was awkward as hell. you don't know why, but you felt like you shouldn't talk to ellie at all that next day. maybe it was your fear of her getting randomly disgusted. maybe scared she'll bring it up and use it against you. she wasn't like that.. but your fear still made you ignore any unnecessary contact.
halfway through the day, your phone buzzes in your pocket. you check, and you see it's ellie. you nervously open it;
ellie: u okay? why rnt u talking to me?
you sigh, not wanting to scare her away. you quickly type:
you: im sorry, busy day :((
ellie: busy? maybe i can help you again, princess
that name again. maybe she still wanted this, you think. you exhale deeply before texting back:
you: movie night tonite?? ill be home by 6 :o
ellie: those lil emojis r too cute.. also hell yea!
you smile before hearting the message and putting your phone away. you're just overthinking again. everything is good.
you finally finish your last class of the day, quickly packing your stuff and prepare to walk to your dorm. suddenly, your phone buzzes. it's ellie again.
ellie: outside! :))
confused, you walked outside to see ellie in her car, waiting for you. you happily walked [practically ran] to the passenger side.
"els!" you say, putting your bags down while looking at her with a big smile on your face. "you didn't have to."
"i wanted to." she said, just as happy as you. "don't want my princess walking home when i can pick you up."
she chuckles when she sees your face heat up, starting to pull off. "so," she begins, "what movie you wanna watch tonight?"
you think, long and hard, before answering, "a horror movie!"
she nods in approval before asking, "any movie in particular?" you shake your head and she says, "good, because i have a movie already; hereditary."
you slightly cringe. "sounds scary." no response from her, just a smirk. you take this as a moment to study her look her hair is down, meeting her shoulders, her lips slightly chapped, but still looking as soft as a pillow, her eyes attentive on the road ahead of her, her arms slightly muscular and defined in the sunset. as you take in all of her features, she glances over and smugly mutters, "like what you see?"
you snap yourself out of your trance, sitting up in your seat. "sorry," you mumble, making her laugh again. "don't be sorry," she replies, "when you're in those cute little skirts, i do the same."
your face flushes again, but before you could answer, you realize you're at the dorms and ellie's shutting the drivers door. jumping out the car and walking up to ellie, you utter, "thank you, els," and begin walking with her.
getting into the dorm, you quickly walk to your room. "ill order pizza," ellie yells, "be ready in an hour!" you were gonna yell out, "for what?", until you remember your movie night. "okay!" you yell, gathering clothes to freshen up.
in the shower, all you can think about is how tonight could play out. could you just watch the movie and never talk about what happened last night? would it happen again? would she completely reject you? it was too much to think about, too much to worry about. you wore your usual lounge outfit- shorts and an oversized shirt- and let your hair airdry.
walking out of the bathroom, you see the living room set up for your movie night [or date at this point]. "fancy set up," you utter, coming around to sit by ellie. "well, i wanted to make tonight special." for what? you want to ask, but you ultimately decide to not question it.
the movie starts, you're both eating pizza and actually paying attention. you can swear you feel ellie's eyes falling onto your bare thighs, but you ignore it. let her make a move, you tell yourself. don't wanna embarrass yourself.
as the movie goes on, you slowly lay onto her and get closer, feeling her wrap her arms around your waist. if you're honest, you can't even pay attention to the movie anymore; your body craves more of her touch, just how she did it last night. you whimper, getting flashbacks of her fingering you into oblivion.
"you alright, princess?" ellie asks, concerned tone, "movie's too scary?" you gulp, glancing up at her before shaking your head slightly and laying back down on her shoulder.
everything's becoming overstimulating; the rhythm of her breathing, the warmth of her fingertips under your shirt and on your waist, rubbing up and down- you need something. crossing your legs and rubbing them together, you create friction to stop the throbbing in your core. you can feel ellie move her hand from your waist onto your thigh, making your breath hitch. you let out a quiet mewl as she moves her hand to your inner thigh, spreading your legs. she slowly moves her hand closer and closer to your cunt. "ellie," you silently whimper, breathing heavily under her touch. you hear her groan and whisper, "fuck this movie."
you turn your head to face her. she crashes her lips onto yours, passionately kissing you while cupping your core with her hand. your hips buck up, attempting to get any sort of pleasure. she smirks in the kiss, pulling back to say, "be patient, baby, i promise i'll make you feel good." you slowly move your hand over her crotch, palming at her soaked heat. "m'not letting you neglect yourself again," you say, locking eyes with her. "let me help you."
you kneel in front of her, small smile on your face. she hesitates before sitting back and helping you remove her shorts. the way you gaze at the glistening wet spot on her boxers makes her look away in shame. "it's okay," you reassure, making her bright red face look back at you as you slowly peel them off her body. her pussy is glistening with slick, puffy red lips hiding her swollen clit. you only do one touch and she's slightly squirming, gripping onto the couch for support. light touches on her dripping slit turn into your pointer finger stimulating her bud as you tease another into her sopping wet hole. she throws an arm across her face, attempting to muffle her whines. "am i doing good?" you ask, looking up with doe eyes. all she can do is nod before you fully extend your finger in her cunt. "god- so good, b-baby," she breathes, trying to keep her composure. without warning, you pump the finger in and out, filling the room with obscene sounds. kitten licks are applied to her swollen bud, making her moan your name with her head tilted back.
"m'gonna- fuck- cum all over your face, p-princess," she practically sobs, bringing a hand down to push you further into her pussy. you speed up, letting her take control of your head, as her heat squeezes around your finger and soaks the bottom half of your face.
both of you are catching your breath, completely fucked out. removing your finger, you pop it into your mouth, watching ellie's eyes lock onto your mouth. "you... you dirty slut," she mutters, getting up from the couch. you worriedly watch as she walks to her room, rummaging in a drawer. you start to freak out, thinking you did something wrong. you hear something.. buckling. you think she's leaving until she walks out something on:
a strap.
"get on the sofa," she demands, looking down at you with hungry eyes. you get up, and sit on the sofa, waiting for the next command. "so obedient for some cock, huh?" she teases, leaning down and slightly pulling at your waistband, signaling for you to take them off. you comply and she pulls your legs up, making you lay on your back with your legs thrown over her shoulders. she runs her hand over your heat, collecting slick and applies it to the strap. "you ready?" she asks, genuinely this time. you slightly nod, nervous about how she's gonna fuck you with this thing.
"such a pretty little cunt," she coos, slowly inserting the entire strap into you. the painful sensation causes you to let out a loud sob, making her shush you lightly and whisper, "i know, i got you, angel." once you adjust and she wipes your tears, she moves out slowly. "you okay?" she asks, keeping her eyes on your face as she moves. you nod, whimpering when the tip hits your cervix slightly. "i'm gonna go a little faster, okay?" she speeds up, just enough to make your mind go blank as you keep your eyes on her.
her calloused hands hold onto your hips, keeping you in place. she can feel herself getting wetter by the second just from seeing how fucked out you look, eyes rolling into the back of your head. "mm, going dumb on me, slut?" she utters, a stupid smirk on her face. you're unable to make sentences as you moan her name. all you can do is whimper and babble about how good it feels. "so pathetic," she'd breathe, "can't even speak properly from my cock." she speeds up, adding a thumb on your clit, making you go crazy. "m' so close," you cry out, eyes tearing up from how good it feels. she looks down, breathing heavy, before she says:
"go ahead, princess, cum on my cock like the slut you are."
your walls convulse around the strap, legs shaking while ellie continues to pump into you and talk you through your orgasm.
"go ahead, baby, just like that." she caresses your face and plants small, soft kisses as you come down from your high. "i got you."
after you completely recover from your orgasm, she slowly removes her cock from your cunt and goes to get things to clean you up. when she comes back, the strap is off and she has towels and some water. "you okay, angel? did i go too hard?" you shake your head and utter, "no, no, it- you were perfect." her face flushes as she helps you clean up.
as you guys cuddle, you have the urge to ask her the daunting question; what are we? you guys just started this, but you don't wanna just be a fuckbuddy.. but is now the time to ask?
[to be continued >:^) hope u guys enjoyed this long ass smut JESUS!]
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vioartemis · 1 year
Madly in love
(Amber Freeman x fem! Carpenter! reader)
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Summary: After being attacked two times by Ghostface, you find out your girlfriend is one of them. The moment you think everything is over, she talks to you, and the story take a whole new turn... a/n: In this it's not Amber who attacks in the opening scene, it's Richie (I know according to the timeline and all it's impossible but I didn't how to do otherwise TT) Request is here :)) hope that's what you wanted Warnings: blood, injuries, death (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
“Y/n can you try and convince your girlfriend to come over? I don’t like to be alone a night..”
“Well you’re not..? I’m here too”
“You know what I mean”
“No I don’t”
You took two plates out of the drawer and set them on the kitchen’s counter.
“Come on you don’t like it either. We get bored way too easily, Amber would find something fun to do” Tara said, filling two glasses of water
“You’re not wrong… I’m gonna try something”
You took your phone out of your pocket, turned around, took a picture of your upper torso, and sent it to your girlfriend.
Her answer was quick, as you expected.
“She's getting ready” you informed the brunette
“How did you- I’ve been trying for twenty minutes!”
“Let’s say I gave her two good reasons to come”
You winked at your sister as she opened her mouth wide, understanding what you did.
“What? You told me to convince her!”
“Not like that! Really you-”
You both jumped when the phone rang. Unknown number.
Tara answered.
Everything seemed alright, so you went into the living room to grab some chips, texting Amber about the situation.
When you came back, Tara looked panicked.
“What’s wrong?”
She put the phone on speaker and showed you a video of Amber brushing her hair in her room.
“Oh hello there. You didn’t tell me your sister was with you Tara.”
“How do you know I’m-”
“I know many things about you, Y/n. To answer your question, I suggested we played a little game. Stab movies trivia. You wouldn’t want your girlfriend to die, would you?”
“Wait no! I’ve never seen these movies and neither does Tara! Choose something else, It Follows, The Witch-”
“Warm up question, who is the protagonist of the Stab movies?” interrupted the person on the phone
“Sidney Prescott! It’s Sidney Prescott!”
“Good, you see you know the movies. First question-”
“Wait we got it right! It should count!”
Once again, he didn’t listen to you.
“Who wrote the original book that the Stab movies are based on?
“It’s um the chick from tv!” Tara said
“‘The chick from tv’ is not gonna cut it, Tara”
“I-it’s Gale Weathers! It’s Gale Weathers you motherfucker!” you said, trying to call 911 at the same time, hands shaking in fear
“Correct. Amber might live to see the sunrise. Unless you finish typing 911, then she has no chance of survival.”
You froze, finger hovering over the last 1.
“Question two: Who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of Stab 1, who answers the phone and gets carved up by the killer?”
“Fuck you.” you spat
“Is that the answer you’re going with?”
Tara opened a new tab and Google the cast of Stab.
“A non-answer counts as a wrong answer. Time’s running out. Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock..”
“Heather Graham!” Tara suddenly said
“Correct. You pulled that one out. Now for the final question: who was the killer in Stab 1?”
Your sister answered quickly.
“I know this one, you fuck. It’s Billy Loomis! I got you asshole!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Tara, but that’s just not correct.”
“The correct answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. There are two killers in the original Stab.”
“No no we got it right! You said killer not killers!” you said
“Don’t play on words Y/n. I’m afraid someone’s got to die now.”
You felt your heart drop as a knife showed in the video. You didn’t think twice and grabbed a knife before running to the door.
Tara followed you, and just as you opened the door, let out a scream. A Ghostface was standing right in front of you. He tried to stab you, but Tara pushed the door on him, resulting in him just cutting your abdomen.
You help her close the door, punching him in the face so he backed up a little.
“Lock the door!”
“I’m trying!”
The blood on your hands made it difficult to press the buttons on your phone so you handed it to Tara.
Systems armed.
“The police are on their way asshole!” she yelled
All systems disarmed.
You looked at each other in fear. Tara pressed the button again.
Systems armed.
You backed up in the kitchen.
All systems disarmed.
Systems armed.
Then the landline rung again. You were the one who answered this time.
“Bonus question Y/n.”
“Please stop…”
You put him on speaker again.
“Do you think I could make it inside your house before you could rearm?”
That’s when you saw a dark silhouette behind your sister.
“Tara behind you!”
She didn’t have the time to move before the Ghostface grabbed her and sunk his blade into her stomach.
He threw her on the counter. You punched him as strongly as you could, but he was quick to grab your hair and slammed your head on the said counter. You felt your nose break on the spot.
You hissed in pain as he pushed Tara to the ground. She kicked him, only for him to break her leg right after. You took the nearest object, a coffee pot, and threw it on his head.
He grabbed your arm and twisted it harshly in the wrong direction, breaking it at the elbow, before sinking his knife in your stomach and pushing you on Tara.
You both screamed in pain and tried to reach the door. Ghostface stabbed you both at least 3 times, and when Tara turned on her back and held a hand in front of her, the blade passed through her hand.
You kicked him in his private parts, hoping it would hurt enough so you could escape before getting killed, but it only took him a second to stand up again.
You were less than thirty centimeters away from the door when he grabbed your feet and pulled back. You could see the police’s lights reflecting on his mask as he raised his knife, ready to kill you both.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
When you woke up, in a hospital room, you were surprised to be alive. You turned around a little to quickly, searching for your sister. She was in another bed beside you, already awake, in the phone with someone.
“Yeah okay of course…”
She turned to look at you and smiled a little when she saw you were awake. She took the phone away from her mouth.
“It’s mom. Do you to talk to her..?”
You shook your head. Tara pulled the phone closer to her.
“No Y/n’s not awake yet. …. Yeah I’ll tell her. …. Bye”
She hung up before turning back to you.
“How are we still alive..?” you asked in a weak voice
“I don’t know…” then, after a little pause “I texted Wes and the others, they should arrive soon”
Indeed, they arrived ten minutes later, all worried.
Amber rushed to you, concern written on her face, while the rest of them sat hesitantly around your beds, not wanting to hurt you by hugging you.
Your girlfriend wanted to take your hand, but noticed your broken arm and froze.
Before she could sit beside you, you asked her to help you move your bed next to Tara’s.
“It would be easier for you all to sit around us, and I’d like to be close to my beloved twin”
They helped moving the beds quickly, understanding your need to be close to Tara. Even though you were twins, you didn’t look much alike physically.
Amber sat on your bed next to you, her left hand making its way to your hair. You tilted your head slightly up so she could kiss you, which she did softly, before resting your head against her.
You talked a little, before your older sister came in, to your surprise, followed by a guy. Almost immediately, she knelt next to Tara and you.
"How are you feeling?" she asked
"You came.."
"Of course I came" then, turning to the guy "This is my boyfriend Richie”
You greeted him with a little smile, and so did Tara.
Sam introduced everyone to her boyfriend, before Amber spoke.
“Look guys, they are really tired. Maybe we should give them some space”
They all agreed and started to leave. Tara looked at you, seeking your approval to her silent question. You nodded slightly, understanding what she wanted.
“Not you Sam” she said
“We want you to stay” you continued
“Okay” Sam smiled a little “If it’s okay with you, I could sleep here tonight..”
“I’d really like that”
“Me too”
Everyone was gone now, except from Amber.
"Do have your extra inhaler?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine"
"Okay, be safe Tara…” Amber looked down at you “You too baby…”
She kissed you softly. Sam looked at you with wide eyes. Amber and you had been dating for three years now, but how could she know, as she’s been gone for five whole years?
“Call me if something’s wrong..”
“Will do”
“Okay, bye, I love you baby”
“I love you too”
You smiled at her before she excited the room, followed by Richie.
As soon as the door closed, you started to tear up. Both you and Tara.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
After Ghostface attacked you again at the hospital, you all decided it was time to leave Woodsboro.
"Can we at least stop at Amber's house? I have to say goodbye, tell her we're leaving..."
"Y/n, I'm sorry but it's just not safe"
"Why? You don't- you don't think she's the killer, right?"
"... I don't know..."
You looked at her in disbelief.
“She would never do that..!”
"Guys I don't find my inhaler..." Tara suddenly said
"Are you sure? I think I saw it before we left the hospital.."
You helped her search in her bag with your valid arm.
"I have an extra one at Amber's. We have to go pick it up, her house’s on the way”
Richie and Sam argued for a while, before he gave up and drove to your girlfriend's house.
"Welcome to act 3"
You were too shocked to say anything. Your girlfriend just shot Liv in the head and revealed herself as the killer in front of everyone.
They all started to run away, and you were about to do the same, but Amber grabbed your hand and pulled you into an empty room.
"Baby I- I'm sorry for everything... for lying to you, for hurting Tara, everything... He forced me to.. He said he would kill you if I said anything..!"
"'He'? Who? I don't understand I-"
"Richie! He's the other one..!"
She started to mumble nonsenses, completely panicked.
"Amber stop I don't understand anything- Amber! My love!"
You grabbed her face and kissed her to shut her up. When you pulled away, she looked at you, confused.
"You don't hate me...?"
"I should. I really should. My sister almost died twice, I almost died too, our friends.. our friends died. But I don't. I don't hate you. I am still madly, deeply, completely in love with you"
You felt her relax almost instantly at your words. She wrapped her arms around your waist and hugged you tight. You ran a hand through her hair.
"It wasn't me... The Ghostface that attacked you at your house.. It wasn't me.. I wouldn't have laid a hand on you.. I swear.."
"It's okay my love, you're okay..."
You pulled away after a moment. Amber handed you her knife and took her gun in hand. Before you could take the weapon, she was hit from behind by a crutch. She was so surprised she fell on the floor.
You didn't expect Tara to use her crutch this way, so it took you a second to react.
"Tara stop! It's not her fault- Tara!"
You grabbed her waist and dragged her away from Amber.
"What are you doing? Let me go Y/n! She tried to kill us! Twice!"
"I know. But it's not her fault I-"
"Not her fault? Y/n I know you love her but you can't find her excuses! She literally killed Liv in front of us!"
A scream came from the kitchen.
"Can we talk about this later? We need to get rid of Richie before someone else dies. I'll tell you everything after, but I need you to trust me for now"
She stopped struggling against you and nodded slowly. You let go of her and walked to Amber, taking the gun from her.
"Stay here, I don't want you to get hurt more"
"No I'm coming with you."
"No you're not. Call the police and hide. Please.."
She hesitated, but finally agreed and went upstairs with her phone.
You went to the kitchen, where Richie threatened Sam, Gale and Sidney. They must've arrive when you were talking with Amber.
"What took you so long?" he asked his accomplice
"They fought back"
Amber pushed you in a corner of the room, not too hard, scared she might hurt you. He frowned a bit. Shit, you thought, he's understanding.
You reached for the gun you hid behind your back, but Richie was faster than you and shot you in the leg. You dropped the gun and fell on the floor, holding your thigh.
Right after, Sam threw herself at Richie, who tried to shoot her, but only managed to shoot you again, in the stomach this time. Sam bit his arm and ran away from the kitchen, before he followed her.
Sidney grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Amber when she tried to get close to you.
The next minutes were a little confused. You were bleeding on the floor, trying to recover, when you heard Amber screaming. That brought you back to reality pretty quickly.
You got up painfully, and saw Gale, gun in hand, ready to shoot Amber.
"No no no! I'm sorry about Dewey!"
"Fuck you."
Just as she was about to pull the trigger, you stepped in front of your girlfriend.
"What the hell? Move!" Gale said, pissed
Sam entered the room with Tara and looked at you with wide eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Y/n you can't protect her this time! We all saw her!"
"I know but-"
"Move. The fuck. Out of my way." Gale interrupted you
"She's right, move Y/n." Sam added
"Can you listen to me for a second?!"
No one said a word, and Gale put the gun down with a sigh.
"Thank you." you stayed in front of Amber, just in case, and continued "I know she's one of the killers. But, he manipulated her. He groomed her into doing this. She's a victim too."
"She told you that?"
"Yes. And I believe her."
"Y/n for fuck's sake! She's lying again."
"I know her better than you. All of you. We've been dating for three years, and not once she lied to me. Not once she hurt me. Not once she raised her voice at me. Not once. So yes, I believe her. I love her. You have to trust me. Please..."
You were not one to trust someone without a good reason, and your sisters knew it. They looked at each other, and Sam sighed.
"I trust you"
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Eight months after these events, everything seemed back to normal. Your sisters didn't hate you for protecting Amber, even though she killed people. They even said they would try to forgive her.
When Amber knocked at your door that night, Tara was the one who opened the door.
"Y/n! Amber's here!"
When you arrived downstairs, you saw them hug. That made you happy.
"Where are you guys going?" Tara asked
"Can't tell you, it's a surprise"
Amber winked at you playfully when she saw you arriving.
"You're beautiful tonight baby..."
"You too..."
She was wearing a black dress with flowers on it, and a leather jacket on top of it.
"Have fun" Tara said, smiling at you
"We will"
You took Amber's hand before going out of the house.
"So, where are we going?" you asked
"Like I said, it's a surprise, so I'm not telling you"
"Oh come on!"
You pouted, but she didn't give up.
You walked for twenty minutes, before arriving to a house you had never seen before.
"What's that?"
"You'll see in a minute"
You climbed on the roof, where a telescope and picnic were waiting for you.
"Happy anniversary baby"
You had always dreamed of watching the stars with her. You talked about it many times, but never actually did it. It was the best gift she could've found.
She led you to the blanket on the floor, making you sit on her lap. You were quick to crash your lips on hers in a feverish kiss, locking your arms around her neck, her hands on your waist.
You made out for a while, until your lips were all red and swollen. Her lipstick was all messed up, and so was yours. You both laughed and tried to take the makeup off your faces.
After a minute, you reached in your pocket and took a little box out of it, which you handed to Amber.
She opened it, curious. It was a little black box, with a red rose on top of it, kept behind a plastic glass. There was a little drawer under it, with a necklace in it, with a heart shaped pendant.
"Look in the little orb in the middle of the heart"
She was a little confused but did as you told. She gasped as she saw it. Inside the orb, "I love you" was written in 100 languages.
"Happy anniversary my love"
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garoujo · 2 years
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you and your boyfriend decide to add a little more thrill to your relationship.
♱ warnings — ghostface!hanma, f!reader, cnc, knifeplay, reader is a great actress, predator x prey kink, mask kink, creampies, shuji is a tease, fingering, choking. ꒰ word count : 4k ! ꒱
♱ note — here we go ! probs the kinktober piece i was most excited 2 write so hopefully u guys enjoy it 2 . tysm 2 rekha @/21-06-1996 & paradis @/blueparadis 4 reading through some of it 4 me <3
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it’s somewhere between 11pm and 12am you’d assume by the way the sky seems to have darkened outside of your apartment. the day had went by normal enough, you went to work, turned down some plans for drinks with your work colleagues and then you came home as normal — as planned.
but there’s a tinge of anticipation that’s present from your fingers to your toes, something you can’t quite place as you flick through the channels on the tv, sinking deeper into the couch when you settle on some cheesy slasher flick with a shrug, october and all. it’s the season for them.
your boyfriend, hanma is at work, so you’re home alone tonight — bowl of popcorn and a blanket that felt warmer when his daunting figure was underneath it with you.
for about an hour, you’re content — fishing around for the sweetened kernels at the bottom of your bowl with a sigh. your movies just kicking off, not that you’re paying much attention as you flick through the stories your friends are posting on instagram, trying to ignore the fact that he should’ve called by now, he normally did around this time.
but now you’re restless and worried, deciding to make another round of popcorn to soothe your nerves before you start pacing and it works, for a moment, before you’re back on the couch in the exact same position watching the exact same movie.
then you hear it, the first ring and you reach for your phone a little too quickly for you not to have been waiting, except it’s not him — it’s a number unknown, but maybe it’s because he’s at work.. you tell yourself to ease the uncomfortable shift in the air.
“hello?” you answer after letting it ring a few times, and you let hope linger in the air where you take a breath before it’s swallowed by the unfamiliar, distorted voice that answers back.
“hello.” their voice is smooth but.. not who you were expecting and you can’t shake the way your shoulders seem to slump with the reply. “hi, can i.. help you?” you ask, trying not to sound too disappointed that it wasn’t the man you seek.
“who is this?” the sound of the television on your end goes from near full volume to something a little lower, and your brows furrow almost instinctively at their question.. because, didn’t think they call you?
“who are you trying to reach?” you snort and you hear the person on the other side of the phone hum in a way that tells you they’re not too sure. “i’m not sure.. what’s your name?”
there’s another change in the air, one that makes you bring your feet up onto the lip of the couch at their question before you reply quickly, not wanting to let the silence they let stay linger.
“i’m sorry.. i think you have the wrong number.” a beat of silence followed by a cocky reply, “do i? then how about you tell me your name and i’ll tell you mine.” before you breathe and continue “no thanks, im waiting on a call but have a good night.” you don’t give them an opportunity to answer this time, and you’re pretty sure you cut off whatever they were next going to say.
but you feel cold suddenly, acutely aware of the noises outside your apartment as you sit your phone facedown on the table, and try to focus on the film you suddenly don’t feel like watching anymore.
but then it rings again, and you want to mentally punch yourself for letting your head turn a little too quickly — another unknown number, but maybe just a coincidence.. right?
“hello?” followed by a reply that’s a little too quick. “oh, i’m sorry. not the call you were waiting for?” but you curse yourself for the way their teasing seems to make your lips break into a whisper of a grin. “not this time..” you breathe and they don’t stop with that. “no? don’t wanna talk to me instead?”
“yeah, nice try. again—have a good night, see ya.” you feel a little unsettled when your phone hits the table this time, the caller was probably innocent but something seems.. strange. your neck feels unbearably warm and it takes a few moments for you to pull yourself off the couch before you’re retreating to the kitchen — splashing your face with some cold water to calm yourself down.
you let yourself take a moment, look in the fridge like the contents will have changed since the last time you were in there. but then even from the kitchen you hear the ring of your phone from the living room, and you’re suddenly aware of the goosebumps ripping across your arms.
but you stride quickly, not bothering to give the caller id a second glance because — it won’t be, right?
“uh, hello?” you repeat, and you think you’re suddenly sick of hearing the greeting. “don’t hang up on me.” there’s a drop in their tone this time, but it’s the same drawled out, smooth sound — followed by a long exhale like they’re smoking a cigarette or releasing a held breath.
“what do you want?” you shift, suddenly not feeling like sitting back down in your previous spot. “to talk, kill some time.. nice night for it, don’cha think?” you can’t see them, but you can tell they’re smiling with the way you hear their words curl around the expression.
“i’m kind of busy.” you’re lying but your hairs suddenly standing on end, “oh? but your movies almost over.. isn’t it? so how about you play with me instead, doll?” the petname is a low growl, but your heart pounds at the words before it, sucking in an uneven breath as you let your gaze dart to the movie still playing on the tv then the rest of your darkened apartment.
“how.. how did you know i was watching a movie?” your heart pounds with your sentence and you swear they must be able to hear it when they breathe out a chuckle in response.
“don’t look so scared, babydoll. you just look like you could use a little.. company.”
the line dies before you have a chance to hang up, but with the few steady knocks on the door of your apartment that follow in the silence you feel a shock of something shoot down your spine, and you can feel the uneasy pants you’re taking against your palm when it slaps over your mouth to muffle your shriek.
but then the silence settles, again. besides the pounding of your heart and the ringing in your ears, it’s still quiet enough for you to be able to hear the lock click when it turns — making you push yourself up against the wall in the hallway as you try to steady your breathing, putting you out of sight from the doorway.
this can’t be happening.
it’s unnerving the steady, slow steps you hear sound around the corner behind you, the way they enter your apartment over the erratic beat of your heart, combat boots against the hard wood floor that feel like they kick your feet out from underneath you with each step.
you could probably make it to your bedroom if you ran fast, maybe the bathroom so you can find someone to call — you’re not supposed to call him while he’s at work. but you think this might be an exception when you hear the door slam loud enough for it to startle you, followed by another low chuckle.
your palm is pressed so tight against your mouth you can barely breathe, your lungs feel like they quake but you can’t risk him hearing you — finding you, as you try to inch yourself further away from the front of your apartment.
you don’t give it much more thought, you hear his steps fade into the kitchen and you decide to put the adrenaline coursing through you to good use — it’s all part of the game, his game. but you feel your head twitch in the general direction down the hallway before you’re off.
but it doesn’t take long for him to hear you, you’re running.. but he’s not, not yet atleast. but he knows where you are.
you’re listening over your shoulder, following it with a glance and you watch the way his taller, intimidating form rounds the corner and his shadow seems to be gaining on you alarmingly quick considering you got a head start. he lets you see the peak of the blade, then he sprints, and he’s faster than you — long legs taking long, purposeful strides towards you as he enters the long stretch of hallway.
your heart is throbbing, a lick of fear curling down your spine and you can’t afford to waste any breath with a scream — but you gasp despite the way your heart feels like it’s about to burst out of your chest.
the distance he’s closing is quickly filling your ears, you can feel the warm air rush over your too hot skin as you run and the floor slams under your shared footsteps.
your decision has to be quick, the bathroom or the bedroom and you allow yourself a few moments you don’t have to think it over — opting for the bedroom, the doors open and you don’t have the time to kill to turn the handle to the bathroom.
but he’s trained, reflexes honed, he’s a killer after all — he can see your movements before you even make them, he can pick up on your body language or follow the direction you even do much as glance in.
and he’s right behind you when you when you make your little decision, fingertips already outstretched to reach and curl into the skin around the back of your neck.
you twist to your right, nearly losing your footing as you go to dart into the bedroom and slam the door, and your trip catches him off guard, makes him spit out a curse, only for a second. but he’s faster — your attempts to lose him, to shove him away are all in vain when you hear the heavy thud of the door hit the boot suddenly logged in the doorway instead of click into place when you try to slam it closed.
you can’t run anymore, you’re frozen when he comes into view as it bounces back open and you feel like you can finally take him in.
you can’t see his face, it’s covered by a mask — one you’ve seen a lot recently, october and all. it’s the season for them. but he’s a daunting presence from where he looms in the doorway, a muscle tight black shirt and black jeans—one arm resting against the doorway above him, not that it stretches far given his height. while the other almost mockingly, playfully lets the knife sway by his side — like he’s swinging intertwined hands or a purse, but it’s anything but.
no, it’s much more dangerous than that, he’s dangerous.
“gotcha. you’re a slippery little thing, aren’t ya?” he drawls in a sweet tone that almost turns your stomach, you can’t see his expression from behind the ghostface mask—but you can hear that he’s smiling, like he’s toying with his prey.
“please don’t! m-my boyfriend will be home soon, he’ll.. shit—he’ll track you down if you hurt me.“ you sound pathetic, whimpering and pleading, but fuck—he loves you like this, it’s exhilarating letting the blade tap along his covered temple like he’s scratching an itch before he’s cutting you off with disorienting grab to your jaw.
“oh, what’s wrong, doll? scared?” he grits but he knows you won’t answer with his palm now resting along your mouth to squeeze at your cheeks. black kanji barely visible under the dimly lit room, sin and punishment.
you can feel tears in your eyes, maybe it’s the way his fingertips are digging into your cheeks or maybe it’s him, his daunting presence and the blade in his other hand, and you feel yourself sway when he makes you look up at him.
you try to shove him off, turn back to try and run again but you’re snagged in his web now when he yanks you back down to earth. he takes you down heavily until your chest is hitting the mattress and you feel his hand clamp around your waist — reaching up between your breasts to squeeze his hand around your throat and drag you back a few measly inches until you’re against his chest.
“too bad, you could’ve made it too. but i think it’s about time i take my prize.” he growls, giving you a shake as his palm presses hard against the middle of your throat, making your eyes flutter before they widen when you feel cold metal smooth along the curve of your waist, and you finally go limp.
“atta girl. see, you’re a sweet little thing, just need a little time.. right?” his hips rub up against your ass with his words, letting you feel the impressive strain of his hard cock through his jeans, but then you feel him pull off of you to let his hand mould to your trembling thigh instead.
his fingertips squeeze at the skin before he’s twisting you onto your back and standing between your legs — almost menacing from this angle, but he lets you breathe.
“but you’re mine now.. so where should i start, hm?” he spits, voice straining under the weight of his desire as he lets his blade trace up the skin his hand used to occupy — featherlight along your thigh before it’s tracing along the waistband of your sweats, and he pauses with his next growl.
he lets it trace along your skin, up your abdomen until you’re tensing under his touch — adrenaline still making you shake when he groans and just barely drags the blade higher. “here?” he hums as he lets it rest against your chest, his movements careful and steady before he’s bringing the cool metal back down to your waistband. “or here?”
you really were the perfect, helpless victim.
“p-please.. please.” your voice is tight with need, lifting your hips to try and rock against his before his large, free palm is pressing you back tight against the mattress — tall stature looming over you as he lets the blade trace up by your neck, and he groans in delight at the wild look in your eyes he’s meet with.
“there we go, babydoll. that’s more like it, let me hear you beg for it.” he goads loudly, amused but wrecked when he lets his fingers trace down to squeeze at your pussy through your sweats, chuckling at the mess and warmth he can already feel beneath the fabric.
“oh, you’re a twisted little thing, aren’t you?” and fuck—does hanma love it.
you nod quickly, panting out sweet like uh-huhs followed by whispered pleas, like you’re chanting mantra’s as you squeeze your legs around his middle. “fuck me.. please, i’ll be good.. i’ll be quiet. just please.” you sound so pretty, like the perfect prey he knew you’d be — and he can’t wait any longer.
“that’s it. good fucking girl.” he breathes through clenched teeth before you hear the knife clatter on the floor at the other side of the room. he’s much too preoccupied with tearing through the fabric of your sweats and panties, panting hard when he yanks them down just enough to hang around one ankle, before he leans back to rip his pants and belt open afterwards.
finally seeing his cock twitch with the first sting of sexual freedom makes you arch, yearning when you let your eyes sweep over the thick curve of him.
his chest is heaving with heavy breathes as he takes you in beneath him, letting his fingers swipe through your folds to tease the slick gathered between them before he’s sinking two into your cunt. grunting when he’s not met with much resistance, but you hiss at the stretch his thick fingers provide you with — feeling it burn and sizzle into something that burns along your body.
he sinks them into you a few more times after that, scissoring them until you’re a puddle of mewls and whines and you’re basically fucking begging him to just hurry up and fuck you when you send him a doe-eyed look, thighs twitching when he rubs a few sticky circles into your clit before pulling his fingers out of you with a growl.
his slender fingers in sin wrap around the base of his cock before he’s letting his head roll back with a few rough strokes of his palm, pinning your hand above your head when you reach for him as he leans over your figure to rub the blunt head along your slick folds.
you’re not sure if it was the adrenaline, the chase and the anticipation igniting your veins but you’re fucking soaked, feeling the first silky grind of his cock split through your folds before it’s catching on your clit, making you both gasp and moan at the wet tacky sound that follows. “fuck sake, doll.”
you feel his palm press back hard against your throat when your legs curl around his waist, pulling him close as he pushes you so deep against the mattress your back arches.
you can hear the way he’s panting even behind the mask, fingers twitching into your skin everytime he pulls himself deeper into the desperate hug of your pussy.
“fuckin’ knew you wanted it, a pretty little thing like you all alone on a scary night like tonight.” the way your nodding is instinctive, driven by the way your desperately rubbing your slick along his throbbing cock — greedily trying to force him closer through each growled ramble from his lips. before he finally parts your folds and sinks into your twitching cunt. “f-fucking asking for it, weren’t you?”
you’re barely prepped and so fucking tight hanma thinks he might pass out now that’s finally wrapped in you, his large palms dragging your hips down onto his cock as your body shakes — lips parting to moan as your fingers twist in the fabric of his black shirt.
“look at me. fuck, eyes on me, babydoll. that’s it.” his words are an order, natural dominance dripping from his tone as he pushes past the spots inside of you that make you twitch. his fingers twist along your jaw once more to keep your gaze on him, until his hips are pressed tight against your own with a shameless, ragged moan that makes your long lashes flutter and kiss along your cheeks.
the way he drags his cock out of you is slow, wet after he’s given you a few moments to get used to the thick spread of him, and the first draw back of his hips feels like it lasts forever until only the blunt head remains.
but then he gives your cheeks a playful tap before his hands are back squeezing at your hips again, and the slap of his hips back into you almost knocks all of the air from your lungs.
everything about this, him. the chase, the hunt, the way he looks over you has only drove to this point, added to the twisting pleasure you feel stir in your abdomen, you’re wound up so tight and you feel like you could already burst when he grinds his cock into you, you’re already so close.
but his pace doesn’t let up, he’s driving his hips into yours like an animal as he fucks you into the mattress — pressing his pelvis tight against your slick folds with every wet connection of his hips as he swirls his hips into yours. “already? yeah? feel so fuckin’ tight.. pussy’s real fucking greedy.”
you can barely breathe with how deep it feels like he reaches, and his quick, intense pace only seems to grow heavier — your body jolting as he digs his cock up into your pussy.
hanma can hear your need, your want for him in the way your moaning pretty with each sharp exhale as you head tilts back, his grip dragging you along the bed as he pushes himself even deeper into you. he’s pressing up against the swollen spots inside of you and when you feel his fingers come to squeeze along the sides of your throat once more, all you can do is take it as you lose yourself in the controlled anaphylaxis that makes your head spin with pleasure.
“shu-shuji! it feels so good.” you gasp, and the sweet sound of your slip up, the sound of his name makes him shudder against you and grunt before he’s rushing to pull the mask over his head, throwing it on the floor beneath you. “holy shit—i know, babydoll. don’t hold back on me now.”
you’re finally able to take in the way his hair is flat, framing his handsome, flushed features and the blown, amber in his gaze when he sends you a crooked grin followed by another low groan as he sucks his lower lip between his teeth.
hanma curls himself over you with the next tight squeeze of your cunt around him, before he’s pulling you in for a kiss, it’s needy and wild and so much of him that it makes your pussy throb when he sucks on your tongue. he’s been waiting to taste you all fucking night.
his thrusts begin to lose their pace as he presses deep into your body, stuttering just as he begins to lose himself in you. in the pleasure he’s earned, the pleasure he owns. “my babydoll. ran so hard for me, did so fuckin’ good.”
you feel hanma’s palm squeeze around your thigh before he’s hiking it higher around his hips and the new angle only fans the fire your orgasm sparks along your veins, feeling him pull away from your lips to mouth at your throat as he digs your orgasm out of you himself.
“fucking cum for me, doll.” he grits before your body seems to listen, your orgasm hitting you so hard and good that it almost hurts as your toes curl, fingers moving to claw along hanma’s shoulders as you cream around his cock.
but he doesn’t stop, not even when you’re panting and gasping with each shockwave of bliss below him — the vibration of his groans echoing somewhere deep in his chest as his cock throbs inside of your soaked cunt.
“pussy’s made to fuckin’ take me. mmm, shit.. yeah? my fuckin’ pussy.” his pace stutters at the milking compression of your walls, gritting his teeth before he curses and groans sharp. his amber gaze is narrowed between your bodies to watch your cream pool around the base of his cock, your walls throbbing with every unforgiving push of his hips before hes kissing you once more as he cums, just as he likes.
hanma cums thick and heavy inside of you when he feels your tongue push against his, swallowing both of your groans into the kiss as he pushes his load into your puffy cunt. he’s slurring curses against your lips as he almost pins you completely, continuing to fuck into your sensitive pussy until you’re both spent and he’s rolling off of you with a long sigh.
you let the silence settle as you both catch your breath, turning to meet his gaze from where he’s peeking at you underneath where his forearm rests over his eyes.
“shuji, you’re too fast! it’s no fair!” you start, and your usual tone of voice only seems to draw hanma in as he returns to his place leaning over you, pressing a gentle kiss against your pouty lips that’s a sharp contrast to how hard he’s just fucked you.
“that’s ‘cause im a killer, doll.” he hums before he’s playfully biting at your cheek, chuckling when you swat him back into his previous position on his back with another cute pout that makes him pull you against his chest anyway.
“i so wouldve got away too.” you try to reason but it only makes your boyfriend chuckle, amused as you brush the dual coloured hair away from his face when he looks at you — catching your hand with his own before he’s giving your fingers a short peck and resting them both against his chest.
“bullshit, they always kill the hottest ones first. you were never making it to the sequel.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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poetryandfluffycats · 2 months
Just one time~
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A/N: I'm working on requests I swear I just found this in my drafts and felt the need to post🤍
Pairing: Izumi Sena x fem!reader
Warnings: very suggestive, dub-con, izumi is a bitch, mentions of makoto, yandere themes, biting, established friendship
Content: Izumi is your friend, a close friend, he'd never do anything to hurt you. You hardly even notice when he starts getting a bit too close for comfort.
Words: 1.5k
Oneshot under cut!
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It started out slow. So slow you didn't realize what was happening.
You'd see Izumi in the halls. He'd greet you and you'd greet him. He'd ask how you were, you'd ask how he was.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then the texts came.
"How was your day?" "Are you busy" "Do you wanna hang out?"
Still normal, still friendly. You were always happy to talk to one of Yumenosakis top models, so you'd answer him.
"it was good" "nope, not busy" "yeah, sure:)"
You'd hang out together. He'd take you out to lunch, or shopping, or he'd invite you back to his dorm to watch a movie. It was always a good time, you'd always have fun.
Sometimes his hands would linger on you, or his hugs would last longer than needed, but you just wrote it off as him being affectionate. Maybe he was this touchy-feely with all his friends? You preferred over him being rude and unpleasant towards you, like he was to most people, so you never said anything.
Besides, what was the worst that could happen?
Soon, his texts started to become more frequent.
"i'm bored, wanna come over?" "did you see the photos from my shoot?" "are you awake? i cant sleep"
Still, you didn't mind.
He was charming, kind and fun to be around. He had such a way with words that could make any girl swoon. It was hard not to blush at how much attention he was giving you. And also hard not to notice how mind-blowingly atractive he was.
He was everything a guy should be and more.
And he seemed to like you alot.
So, you kept texting him. You'd always say yes to his invitations. You were happy to oblige, happy to ignore the lingering touchs and longing looks, and you quickly found Izumi becoming one of your best friends.
It wasn't until the texts started to become more forward that you started to notice something wrong.
"mao and kuro are out, come see me;)" "wish u were here" "are u alone right now?"
They were... odd, to say the least. But once again, you tried to write it off as Izumi just being Izumi. He was always flirtatious, but there was no way these texts meant anything right? After all, he was in love with Makoto Yuuki, right?
"can u come over? so lonely:("
You were about to reply when another text popped up.
"need u here"
Your heart fluttered at the message, you couldn't tell whether it was from excitement or uneasiness. He needed you. You were wanted, that was a good thing, right? You had gone over to his dorm at night many times before, even slept over before, surely this time wouldn't be any different.
Not giving yourself any more time to dwell on your doubts, you typed out a response.
"on my way"
The walk to Izumis dorm was a long one, since he lived on the top floor, but thankfully it gave you enough time to compose yourself and beat down that growing feeling of anxiety in your stomach. There was nothing weird about wanting to spend time with a friend, that's all he wanted to do. Hang out, watch a movie, talk late into the night then go to bed. Just an ordinary sleepover. He would never try and...
No, it was wrong to think that. You shook the thought out of your head, quickening your pace. He wouldn't do that, not to you.
Not to a friend.
The anxiety didn't stop however, even as you stood in front of Izumis door. Your hand trembled as you raised it to knock on the door, and you let out a surprised yelp when it opened almost immediately. Almost as if he had been waiting right by it.
Izumi stood leaning against the door frame, his usual smirk playing on his lips. "I was starting to think you wouldn't come," His eyes scanned up and down your body and his smile grew wider, "you look nice"
"Oh, uh, thank you..." You mumbled, feeling your cheeks flush red. It wasn't like you had gotten dressed up to see him or anything, just wearing a plain crop top and sweatpants set, but if he thought you looked nice then it must have been true. Izumi did have pretty high standards of woman after all.
"Are you going to come in? Mao and Kuru are out, so we have the whole dorm to ourselves... its quite romantic, don't you think?" He winked at you, the redness in your cheeks intensifying under his gaze.
You took a step into the dorm, forcing a smile and giving the silver haired male a playful nudge on the shoulder. "If you wanted romantic you should've invited Yukki-kun over, not me" You teased, trying to lighten the atmosphere as much as humanly possible.
"Well, I didn't" The playful tone in Izumis voice was suddenly replaced by a more serious one, his smirk falling and curling down into a frown. He stepped in front of you, effectively trapping you between himself and the wall and blocking you from going further into the dorm.
You swallowed. His perfume was strong and intoxicating, clouding your senses. He smelt so good...
"I invited you, so lets not talk about Yukki-kun, alright?" He rested his forehead against yours, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His voice dropped down to a whisper, hot breath fanning over your lips, "How about we just focus on each other, huh?"
You knew where this was headed, and you hated it.
"S-Sena, please" You whimpered, pressing your hands flat against his chest in a feeble attempt to push him off. However, he refused to move, his hands snaking down your body to firmly grasp your hips and pull you flush against him.
Izumi hummed, ignoring the discomfort in your voice and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply, "So annoying... god you smell good, its driving me crazy..."
Panic began to rise in your stomach again, the earlier feeling of unease from your walk here returning on full blast. He wasn't stopping. Why wasn't he stopping? You pushed at this chest again, harder this time, but he didn't even budge an inch. He simply chuckled, tightening his grip on your hips to the point where it was almost painful.
You needed to get out of there somehow. You couldn't let him take advantage of you. Not like this.
"Please Sena! You're scaring me-AuGH!-"
Your plead was cut short as a pair of teeth sunk deep into your neck, mere centimetres away from your pulse point. In fact, if he moved any closer he'd be ripping your throat out. The message was clear.
Shut up and stay still, or else.
"If you really care about me, you'll let me do this" He whispered, retracting his teeth from your neck and soothing the bruising mark with his tongue, "Don't you care about me? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I-I care about you, you're my best friend! Its just-"
"Just what? Are you really that selfish? I need this! Just let me have you goddammit! I need you!"
You gasped at the outburst, the panic that had been bubbling in your chest finally exploding as tears began to run down your cheeks. Izumi had never raised his voice at you before, he never shouted at you. And it terrified you.
Noticing the tears on your cheeks, his grip on you softened, his previous look of hunger and lust turning into one of guilt and shame. He took a step away, running his hands through his hair and sighing heavily.
"Shit, (name), I'm so sorry, please don't cry" He reached out to grab your hands, bringing them to his chest, "I shouldn't have yelled, I know you're scared but... please... I need this, I need you to trust me"
You stared down at your hands on his chest, a small part of you finding the gesture oddly comforting. Maybe this was how things were meant to be? Even after his outburst, he was so calm in his tone. So sure of himself, so sure of what he was saying even if it did sound obscene. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to help him out.
What type of best friend doesn't help her best friend out when he needed it?
You meet his gaze. He was so desperate, so vulnerable, so lustful. It was a look you'd only ever seen him direct at Makoto, the man he supposedly loved with all his heart, yet here he was using it towards you.
It confused you.
Why was he looking at you like that when he was meant to be in love with Makoto?
But that didn't matter in this moment, not to Izumi at least. All that mattered was him getting what he wanted, and what he wanted was you.
"Just one time right? That's all you need?" You mumbled, your voice barely audible.
He nodded eagerly, that oh so familiar smirk returning to his lips, "Of course, one time. I'll never ask again, I promise"
You bit your lip, thinking over the situation just one more time. It was just one time, one time then he'd go back to Makoto and then things would go back to normal, right? One time...
"O-okay, you can have me"
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somewosoloverrr · 11 months
hey! saw your post about requesting rory! :)
can u do a chilton rory x f!reader?
bunch of fluff in the beginning, rory and r just cuddling (r is smaller by like 5-6 inches) w forehead kisses and all bc yes
then during that time Emily and Richard come by unexpectedly for whatever reason and see them together. they don't approve of it and blah blah blah crying and drama and angst bc yes
it's up to you if you make them all good in the end I don't mind (I feel like they wouldn't b like this or would maybe warm up to the idea? I'm not so sure but I feel like Richard would be more supportive then emily but it's a ff and not canon so make them mean👍)
thank you sm! :) <<<333
Omg love this plot, thanks for requesting <333
Rory x fem! Chilton r
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Tw: slight homophobia, yelling, angst, heavy crying, making out
p.s happy ending:))
Times like this, you felt so safe, so protected, like the whole world was at peace. Your head on her chest, your arms snaked around her her waist as her hands played with your hair. Out of nowhere she would kiss your forehead and you would grab her hand and kiss it return.
Both of you just laying on her bed as you watched a random movie.
Afternoons like this were the best, after an exhausting day at Chilton, coming to her house and simply cuddling, then after a long while doing your homework together and of course staying over as Lorelai absolutely loved you.
At one point the movie was getting boring which lead to many kisses on your forehead, so instead of just kissing Rory’s hand back you turned your ear around, resting propping your body up with one of your elbows. You looked into those ocean blue eyes and closed the gap between the two of you.
Rory smiled against your lips which made you almost melt into a puddle. You were about the break the kiss however the blue eyed girl pulled you back in putting her hand on the back of your neck, now your lips moving roughly against each other.
You then moved down to her neck quickly for finding her sweet spot as she let out a hum of pleasure. You made sure to not leave a mark as Lorelai would come soon and you didn’t want her to think you had done it when you hadn’t and weren’t going to soon, you’re relationship was healthy and none of you wanted the other for sex it was only pure love.
After finishing Rory bent her head down to kiss you once again, what the two of you didn’t notice was a very shocked Richard and Emily standing at the door of the room, which apparently you hadn’t heard when it opened.
Emily shrieked as she saw the two of you kissing, she knew you were Rory’s friend and were a very good student at Chilton she never expected this between the two of you.
Hearing a shriek both of you jumped away, leaving you to fall from the bed because of the shock. “Oh my God, grandma grandpa what are you doing here!” Rory exclaimed as she looked at her grandparent with wide eyes, they finally caught her, she had been so careful in keeping her relationship private.
You quickly stood up and straightened out your uniform as you looked at the Gilmores, your parents were good friends with them so you often saw them and they absolutely loved you. However now they had a bewildered look, it was like hatred coming out of their eyes and slowly making your way towards you making a chill go down your spine.
“We just wanted to surprise you, clearly I should be asking what the hell are you doing to my granddaughter!?” Emily answered Rory but now her attention was towards you.
Just like that you froze, Rory picked up your nervousness and took your hand bringing you back to reality. “Grandma.” She said looking over at her “grandpa,” she added now looking at Richard, “the person I’ve been dating this whole time was y/n… I get you’re not used to this type of relationship, but we’re really happy with each other and I hope you can accept us, accept me.” Rory finished, her voice breaking a bit, she was on the verge of crying, she he never been so scared of being accepted.
You carresed her hand with your thumb, hoping to relieve your girlfriend a bit. “No, I will not accept this young girl! A woman is supposed to be with a man not another woman! You’re just confused with friendship !” Emily yelled, this wasn’t right in her eyes, it was crazy.
A few tears came out of Rory’s eyes, how could her own grandma not accept her. “Miss Gilmore, please, I promise what we have is real. I really love your granddaughter and she makes me happy and I make her happy. Please don’t be mad, it’s true love, we just love each other, we can’t control our feelings, love is love…”
“Y/n i have known you for a very long time, I always thought you were a brilliant young girl. I can’t believe you would do this, and raising your voice at me how dare you! I wool speak to your parents about this!” Emily shouted at you anger completely taking over her as Richard just watched, the man wouldn’t even move.
“Hey do not talk to y/n that way! You know what grandma ? If you’re not gonna accept me then leave ! Just leave!” Rory defended you as she shouted back at her grandma pointing towards the door so they would just leave.
“Rory, don’t talk to your grandma that way.” Richard finally spoke up, you looked between Rory and her grandparents not knowing what to do, this was just crazy.
“Hey, hey, what is going on here?” Lorelai asked as walked in with her keys in hand. Thank God for Lorelai’s timing.
As soon as the woman saw her daughters and your puffy eyes she knew what was going on and immediately pushed through Emily and Richard and stood in front of the two girls. “I think you need to leave.” She stated calmly but clearly enraged.
Emily shook her head “Did you know about this? Your daughter and y/n were kissing when we arrived… they’re both girls and they’re dating how can you let tha-“
“Shut up mom. Of course I know about this, Rory and y/n have been going out for a long time now, and I completely accept this. Y/n is soo good for Rory, if you’re not going to accept your own granddaughter for who she loves. Then leave .” Lorelai cut Emily off not likening the way she treated her daughter.
“All of you are a disgrace, we’re leaving” Emily replied enraged, taking Richards hand and turning around. Meanwhile the man looked a bit sadly mouthing a “sorry” as he turned around following his wife’s lead.
The front door was slammed shut and the three girls stood frozen, Rory’s cries was the only thing heard. Y/n placed a kiss to Rory’s head whispering in her ear “I’m so sorry” and then grabbed her backpack.
“I gotta go, they’re gonna tell my parents- I’m sorry thanks for letting me stay over Miss Gilmore”y/n let out, her voice shaky as she made her way to Rory’s door not daring to look back.
“Y/n wait!” Lorelai shouted in hopes of her daughter’s girlfriend coming back but said girl was already outside.
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periprose · 2 years
im sooo very interested in corey fic that man is submissive and they knew what they were doing putting him on his knees like 4 times in the movie (ive got like. tons of ideas too. if u ever need any thoughts i am here)
SAME ANON (I was lowkey hollering on the inside when they did that, like damn?? did they know a bunch of people were going to thirst over corey on his knees? Smutty stuff under the cut lol)
I'm thinking of a fic where you're throwing a halloween party and Corey desperately wants to be there because he's never invited to parties, but after he works up the courage to knock on your door, you're a classically pretty girl and you tell him (tease him) he's gotta make you let him in.
And maybe there's some awkward tension because he doesn't quite understand, he's really eager to impress you, he brings a box of candy as his ticket in, which quickly gets devoured/destroyed by some typical frat boys at the party, much to his disappointment, and he spends maybe a good five minutes apologizing because he wants to go home, just to be all sullen about your impending rejection (he thinks), but instead you're focusing how red and flushed and pretty he is when he's in your presence.
You pull him inside and sit him down in your room, maybe on your desk chair, maybe the bed, it doesn't really matter to Corey. You ask him what he wants and he's stupidly, deliciously slow about it, asking what you mean. He's not innocent but he just doesn't want to assume anything.
Not until you hook your legs around his waist and sit firmly in his lap, kissing up his neck and jawline and watching as he starts sputtering, as if he doesn't know what you're doing, but he's extraordinarily grateful when you kiss his mouth and muffle his moans with your own eagerness, and all Corey can think is how desperate he is to be inside you.
And you pull away, and ask again what he wants, and he's almost conflicted about what you mean, if you want him to beg, and he wonders if you're getting off on this- if in your little Halloween costume you're just wet and aching at the potential, as you grind on the hardness in his jeans- and Corey shudders and closes his eyes and says "please," over and over and over.
You're a little mean and you want him to clarify - "please what?" and Corey is in shambles trying to answer, letting himself ramble on a little about how he wants to stuff his dick inside you if you would let him, and he honestly doesn't care about the party anymore, but neither do you, and when you've finally just pulled your skirt upwards and pushed your panties to the side, and he edges himself in slowly, your wetness making it far too palpable and easy to let go of himself.
He begins to thrust quickly, losing his mind that the prettiest girl in his neighbourhood would want anything to do with him, let alone be draped over him like this, aching and throbbing and entirely his to feel, the heat between your legs wrapped around him in a way that is far more intoxicating than what he envisioned, and Corey doesn't know how to be quiet about this as the party roars downstairs.
He thinks he's got it under control until you start saying "good boy," and now he's really moaning into the soft part of your neck, where your breasts just begin, and he thinks he could get lost in there too- in the expanse of your undressed body, maybe the next time you do this, if he's lucky enough for a next time- and he cums just as you kiss him again.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
10 PM— Jack Hughes x Platonic! Reader
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request: “could u plsss do best friend/platonic jack hughes comforting u after a breakup and being all sweet and like giving u hugs and like touchy vibes but like in a friend way yk and just trying to make u feel better”
warnings: probably a curse word, crying, breakup, food mentions, rest is pure fluff UNEDITED
word count: ~660
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jack wasn’t expecting any company at 10pm, and he certainly wasn’t expecting his best friend to be at his door a sobbing mess.
“y/n?” he blurted out shocked.
he took you by the shoulders and led you inside and over to his couch. he grabbed a throw blanket off the ottoman and draped it around your shoulders before sitting down and tucking your crying form into his side.
“we’re done,” you choked out. “he left! he just left, j! no goodbye or anything. just an empty fucking apartment!”
jack’s demeanor turned ice cold. his grip around your shoulders tightened as he tried to level his breathing to prevent himself from going off. it wasn’t what you needed right now, and he knew that.
“i can feel your murder plot, jack, just let it be,” you mumbled into his chest.
“he left you y/n! a person shouldn’t-“
you sat up, “yeah, well, he did. and i just want to lay here with my best friend and not think about it right now. can you do that? please?”
jack sighed and relaxed his body. he pulled you back into his chest and slowly started to stroke you. he started towards the top of your head, trailed all the way down your back, and repeated this motion until your tears eased up.
“fries or ice cream?” he asked you.
“both,” you told him, slowly inching yourself up his body to nuzzle your head into his neck. “but i just want them to appear, i don’t wanna get up. i want to become permanently apart of you.”
jack chuckled at that and squeezed you tighter, which was the only thing he could do to help you get your wish.
“i could uber eats it?” jack offered. that got you to sit up and look at him. his face wasn’t angry anymore. it was soft, and sweet. it was a signal to you that the jack you needed was here, “i knew i kept you around for something.”
jack mocked a gasp, “hey!”
you two started laughing, a lovely refresh from your previously crying state. only jack hughes could do this for you.
jack quickly ordered you both mcdonald’s with all the works to help make you feel better, even if it was just for the night. fries, ice cream, and he even tossed in some cookies as a surprise.
while you waited on your treats, jack decided to put on a movie. your favorite: cars.
you rotated yourself so you were in between his legs with your back resting against his stomach and chest, low enough so that when the food arrived you could both eat in this position without his arms being held above your head uncomfortably.
“i hate that you can quote this movie in your sleep,” jack laughed.
“i think the word you were looking for is jealous, j,” you teased.
“right of course, i yearn for the talent of quoting the opening monologue with sound effects and everything,” he feigned agreement.
“damn right,” you nodded, smiling at the sound of your best friend’s cackles.
the food arrived when lightning and mator were knocking over tractors. you slid down off of jack and onto the floor while he got up to answer the door. he set everything beside him on the couch and grabbed you by your under arms to bring you back up to lay on him again. you were elated at the sight of the cookies to say the least, and that brought jack into a shit eating grin to know he did a good job.
“hey j?”
“thank you. i love you,” you told him sincerely. you weren’t looking at him, but you felt content enough to finally give him some appreciation for what he’s done for you tonight.
jack brought a hand down to scuffle your hair, forcing your body to cringe away as you laughed.
“anytime, y/n/n. because guess what?”
“i love you, too.”
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piggyjeans · 2 years
Can you do a Ryan Reynolds x teen reader? Maybe Ryan is in an interview and talks about how cool it is to work with the reader in a movie they are filming together and how he thinks of them as a daughter/son and is kind of like their mentor? And tag me in it please
Ryan reynolds x teen!reader, ryan reynolds x coworker reader, platonic ryan reynolds :P
(A/n) Hey! Ya ofc :) sorry it took a while to respond, and sorry this is kinda short I’m just trying to push through a bunch of requests as quickly as I can. I also didn’t proof read this so if there’s any problems lmk and yeah!!!! Also this isn’t my fav or anything. I wrote it super quick and I feel like it sucks ass so yeah let me know what u think please. Comments or likes or reblogs encourage me sm. Also lmk if u wanna be added to my tag list x <3 enjoy!
Requested by: @shycollectionwolfstuff
Warnings: maybe like mentions neglect or loneliness during childhood bc of acting but it’s not really that sad or graphically explained or anything. Aside from that I don’t think anything but correct me if I’m wrong <3
Readers pronouns: they/them
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You thoroughly enjoyed working with ryan. You had similar senses of humor and it was rare to find an adult who treated you like an equal human even though you were a lot younger than him.
During filming, you created a special bond. And on the press tour, you spent most of your days together and the bond only became stronger. Having done two interviews earlier in the day, you were now onto your third. And sometimes it can get really repetitive and difficult. Ryan knows that’s discouraging for you, so he always tries to make it more interesting for you if he can. That includes spicing the conversation up with humor, or telling jokes, or making sure he has a different answer every time even if the same questions are being asked.
The interviewer walks into the room you and Ryan are sitting in for the third time. You sulk into your seat slightly, not particularly looking forward to this boring aspect of the press tour. You give him a big smile to try to hide the fakeness you feel.
“Hello, how are you?” The interviewer asks, shaking Ryan's hand, then yours.
“Never better,” You say happily. The interviewer smiles back at you genuinely. Guess it’s understandable why you became such a big actor who got to work with Ryan reynolds.
“Really? I’m tired as hell,” Ryan exasperates looking over at you, before mimicking your sulk in your chair. You sit up straight and raise your eyebrows, giving the interviewer an unbelievable smile. You were always taught to be professional in interviews and workplaces. It’s difficult to be when you’re around ryan.
“Long day?” The interviewer asks jokingly, looking between you and ryan. You giggle and nod. Ryan closes his eyes sleepily.
“Alright, then. Let’s get this show on the road so y’all can get out of here,” The interviewer says. It’s always good when you have an interviewer who can play along with a joke. Ryan sits up, content with the predicament.
“So, how long did it take to film this movie? I heard there was a lot of trouble with production time, did that affect your work schedules?” The interviewer asks, suddenly dropping his joking attitude.
You start to answer the question without a glance at Ryan, since you both would rather get the interview over with. “It took about four straight months of work to wrap. Production took a halt because of covid, but not even the directors were really working at that time. So from start to finish it probably took four months,” You say professionally. Ryan glances at you, then at the interviewer, “what they said,” he added.
“Right so, you two only worked with each other for about four months, or?” The interviewer says lightheartedly. Again, you take the question right away, “Well, no. Filming started before the pandemic hit the United States. So we actually quarantined together for a little while before we had to abandon ship and go back to our respective families, you know? But after restrictions were let up, we got back together to film, and then we both caught covid at one point, so we actually had to quarantine together for a second time,” you say, laughing, looking over at ryan who sat with his hands in his lap, looking at you with a proud and genuine small smile on his face.
Whenever you watched interviews or anything of the two of you, you noticed that he usually just sits and listens to you contently whenever you speak. He enjoys listening to you and being around you, and it makes you feel really good
“Wow. So, how was it working and spending that much time together? You two have a huge age difference and I imagine it could have been like a culture shock, because of how different the two of you seem,” The interviewer asks, mostly to you, occasionally glancing at ryan.
“Well actually,” you start to take the question but Ryan cuts you off this time. “No no, you got the last two questions. This one’s mine,” He spoke. You look at the interviewer and smile, sitting back in your seat almost humiliated. You didn’t want to ramble on or take the thunder away from Ryan, and now you’re worried he’s upset with you or something you said.
“A lot of people said it might be difficult to work with y/n because of how young they are, but I think that makes it even better. I get to learn about them and their whole generation every time I speak to them. They teach me things that I never could have understood if I never met them, and I’m lucky to have worked with them. If you keep working with the same people… like Hugh Jackman for example… ugh, hate that guy. Anyways, it’ll get boring. But with y/n, they’re so cool that you never really get tired of working with them. And I would work with them again if given the opportunity. They’re one of the coolest actors ever. Cooler than Hugh Jackman, for sure.”
Ryan rambles quickly. You stay sitting back in your seat, trying really hard to not let tears cloud your vision. You’re 15, don’t cry over this, be mature, you think to yourself, fighting the cloudy eyes.
It’s just difficult for you because you started acting at a young age and a lot of people don’t ever encourage you or tell you what you’re doing right. People are so uncomfortable with being honest and usually actors are only in it to do their job and not create relationships or bond at all, and as a kid, or a teenager it’s hard because you’re already giving up a lot of your life and a lot of socializing for this. It’s necessary to have someone like Ryan in your life who isn’t afraid of encouraging you or lifting you up. Especially when nobody else does.
“Thanks.” You mutter, looking down at your hands in your lap. Feeling like you experienced severe emotional whiplash. You want to give Ryan a big hug and spend time with him, something that’s not professional at all. You can’t wait for these interviews to be over, but you remember you have to finish said interviews before you can be so honest with ryan. Unless you answer the same way he did, now.
“Well, I’ve never worked with someone as special as Ryan. It sucks I worked with him so early in my career because now No one will ever live up to the expectations I’ve formed because of him. He’s taught me half of the things I know and it’s been an honor to have him as not only a co worker, but a mentor. And even after the press tour and everything is over, I know the relationship we have will never be over. Because he cared enough to put work into me and I know he can’t just give all that up. He’s a narcissist so he probably wants to see how I turn out so he can like, brag about me or something. Always caught up in his own head,” you finish comedically to try to give your speech a similar feel to his.
You look at Ryan and he has tears in his eyes. “My heart.” He dramatically and jokingly says, fanning his eyes, then leaning over to hug you. You close your eyes and smile into his shoulder as the interviewer sits there motionlessly, smiling at the picture in front of him.
Two interviews to go, then the day is over.
Taglist: @ohworm-writes @spidyyparker @littlemortals @americaarse LMK IF U WANNA BE ADDEDDD :) <333333 have a great day x
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sturnioloscenarios · 5 months
Hey can u do a Chris x reader plz before u do it can u use my name plzz smut
So Chris and reader (my name plz) so are watching a movie with his brothers and Chris is give reader finger then carry on in the bedroom and the reader is very loud
BTW my name is Amber ❤️
Here you go babe. I hope you like it🫶
Let’s take this to my room
Chris Sturniolo x reader (Amber)
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Summary: Read suggestion
Warnings: kinda public, fingering, rough sex, swearing, use of babe.
Chris and i are watching a movie with his brothers. We are all gathered in their living room. Chris and I are laying on the couch sharing a blanket. My back is on his chest. We’ve been dating for the past 4 months and Nick and Matt knows.
“Nono no he can’t kill him. What is he doing!” Nick yells from the other coach where he is seated with Matt.
“Amber can you hand me my phone? I think you are laying on it” Matt asks. I run my hands up and down the couch looking for it and throw it at him lightly. “Thanks” Matt says and I nod at him.
A freaky scene comes on and i feel something growing under my back. Chris’ hands starts petting my stomach and i grab his arms. I feel him playing with the waistband of my shorts.
I turn my head to look at him and he just smirks at me. “Want me to make you feel good?” Chris whispers in my ear. I don’t answer him. I just grab his hand and pulls it down into my shorts. “No panties? Such a good girl Amber” he whispers.
I bend my knees up so blanket doesn’t show our movements. Chris places his fingers directly onto my clit. I gasp. Nick and Matt looks over at me. “You okay over there Amber?” Nick asks. “Mhm” is everything I’m able to answer with Chris rubbing my throbbing clit.
He starts running his fingers up and down my folds. “Can you be quiet for me Amber?” He whispers. I nod. With my assurance he pushes two finger inside me.
My abs twitches from the pleasure. I have to harshly bite my bottom lip to stay quiet. He starts pumping his fingers into my pussy. He curls his finger with every thrust hitting my g-spot continuously.
I quickly grab his hand. “Fuck Chris I can’t stay quiet” I whisper. Chris instantly pulls out. “Guys I’m getting pretty tired. You think we could watch the rest tomorrow?” he asks. “Sure” Matt and Nick answers.
Chris grabs my arms and helps me stand up. “Let’s take this to my room” he says grabbing my hand.
As we enter his room he grabs my waist and slams me against his door. He roughly kisses me making marks at my waist. “You want my dick deep inside you baby?” He asks. I nod. “Words Amber. I need words”. He demands. “Yes Chris. Please fuck me. I need you” I say desperately.
Chris lifts me up by my ass and I swing my legs around him. He turns around and carry me over to his bed. He throws me on to it so I’m now laying on my back.
He places his hands on each side of my head hovering over me. “I’m gonna make you feel so good princess.” He says. “Please Chris.” I whine. “Please what Amber?” He asks. “Please fuck me” I say. “So needy” he smirks.
He stand up and unbuckles his pants and throws them on the ground. He spits in his hands and covers his dick in it. He looks at me with hungry eyes licking his lips. His lips are so kissable.
He gives his dick a few pumps before hovering over me again. He grabs my waist and pushes me further up the bed. “Gonna be a good girl for me?” He asks. I nod. Without warning Chris slams his dick into me. “What did I say Amber. Use you fucking words” he grunts. “Fuck Chris. Yes. I will be good” I stutter. Chris smirks.
He starts thrusting in and out of me in a slow pace. I close my eyes shut. “Look at me Amber” he demands. I can’t open my eyes. His dick feels too good. Chris starts slamming himself into me. “Look at me!” He says with gritted teeth.
I try my best to open my eyes looking at him in the eyes. “Good” he says as he continues to thrust into me fast and hard. I moan loudly not being able to contain myself. “Fuck fuck fuck Chris it feels so fucking good” I practically yell.
“Yeah? You gonna cum for me pretty girl?” He asks. I am a moaning mess. “Yes Chris fuck!” I say. I feel the knot forming in my stomach. Chris puts his hand on my lower stomach adding pressure. He knows I fucking love that.
“Omfg Chris fuuuuck” i yell between moans. “Fuck babe. Keep clenching around my dick like that” he says.
I feel my feet go numb and I can’t control my self anymore. “I- I’m gonna” I whine. “I know babe. Let go for me” he says as I come all over his dick. “Uuuggghhgg fuuuuck” I yell not caring if Nick and Matt hears me.
Chris doesn’t stop. He keeps going pounding hard into me repeatedly. “Fuck Amber. You gonna let me fill you up like a good girl?” He asks. “Yes Chris. Please” I answer.
After a few more thrusts Chris releases into me. I feel his warm cum entering me. “Ugh ugh ugh fuck” he grunts. He pulls out of me and collapses beside me on the bed. After catching his breath he turns to me. “Fuck Amber. No one makes me feel as good as you” he says. He tucks a hair behind my ear and kisses me.
“I love you babe” he says looking at me admiring. My cheeks blush. “I love you too” I say curling up in his arms.
I hope you liked it. Let me know if you have anymore suggestions🫶🫶
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httpisaoki · 6 months
⋆ LAST GOODBYE ! (teaser)
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-> fluffff, it's supposed to be a sneak peek of my to-be-released series so it might not make senseIFJHDJ, low cap is intended -> warnings : mentions of arguments and self-harm, possible angst, slight swearing, that's it? -> i wrote this while listening to last goodbye by sunkis :> it's such a good song broo
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ur sunshine:< (@valdezbns) : thena? u there?  its already past nine thenaa  bob misses u sm :((
ur sunshine:< (@valdezbns) : dev said u skipped the bus athena im worried, reply please. please be safe? :((
ur sunshine:< (@valdezbns) : athena respond, I know u can see this please :(
rian frowned at the messages, athena’s safety was the only thing she could think of right now. The girl’s lack of response to anyone was what made her anxious. 
I mean athena wouldn’t do anything to harm herself not after what we went through together, right?
fuck, the girl cursed under her breath. devon had already told her that thena didn’t take the bus. who knows where the girl went. 
until an idea popped into rian’s mind, she could be on the rooftop. she nodded, determined to find the girl. sending the message before leaving her apartment.
ur sunshine:< (@valdezbns) : are u at the rooftop? im omw.
as rian was driving to athena’s usual hideout, a ringing came from her phone. the girl's eyes widen at the caller’s ID before quickly pressing the answer button. “hey” rian breathed out, “I’m almost there thena, stay where you are–” athena cuts her off, her voice shaking. “r-ria my head hurts. and fuck, i don’t know what to do. my parents–”
“I’ll be right there baby, just keep calm. deep breathes alright?” athena nods, muttering a small ‘okay’ before breathing in and out, to which rian smiles at. “almost there thena, just hold on.” 
10 minutes later, rian rushed towards the stairway to the rooftop— her and athena’s hideout. the place where they met. as soon as she opens the door, the sight of athena crying fills her vision. “shh, shh, it’s okay thena. I’m right here.” she soothes the girl, “tell me what happened thena” rian whispers as she holds the girl in her arms. 
“mom argued with stephen again, all the same shit. but one thing caught my attention, she mentioned something about moving overseas with me. And I– I just panicked. I didn’t want to move away. I can’t leave you. I didn’t know what to do so i just ran to the most comfortable place. And I’m sorry if I ran away so suddenly and I didn’t tell you sooner–” 
rian cuts her off by pulling the girl into a hug, “I’m thankful you called me, but please say something before suddenly ghosting everyone. But I do understand you. So why don’t we go to my apartment and watch movies and cuddle and all that stuff?” rian playfully suggests making athena slap her shoulder and laugh at her the love of her life.
as comfortable silence takes over, both of the girls could just stay in each other’s arms forever. 
‘whatever happens, even if I do have to leave you, I’ll do everything I can to make sure I can say my last goodbye.’
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-> a/n : hii its been a while, so this is kinda like a spoiler for a new au i've been writing about. the prompt was just too cute that I wanted to write about it TT ... and this IS a spoiler for a taglish au! so aoki comeback..? :>
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meetmyothersouls · 2 years
💀 surprise me, but not THAT scary please. thank u 🥴💓
Happy first day of Halloween!
I’ve got you babe 🤗 I’m pulling some inspo from the movie Barbarian, and a few others that have a common theme that I’m intrigued by in what I consider “modern horror themes”
Also so sorry, this was supposed to post last night but I fell asleep before I got the chance to post it!
Wrong House
Warnings: slow burn, spooky, flirting, dark themes, adult themes, not proof read.
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You pull up to the airbnb that you reserved for yourself a month ago. It’s dark out and also rainy, so you can’t really see the other houses around you and you silently curse yourself for not checking out the area beforehand. Oh well, it’s late and you want to go to bed and get out of these wet clothes that were already drenched from a few minutes of standing in the rain.
You know how these things work, having rented a few air bnbs in the past, however, you never usually do this alone, you’ve usually got a few of your friends or cousins flanking you, keeping you company and easing your anxieties which is exactly what you wish for as you reach in the box that should have contained the key to your rental.
“Fuck,” you say as you pull out your empty hand.
You walk back to your car, mind blank as you think on what to do. It’s too late to call anyone, so you start your car, having come to the conclusion that getting a motel for the night may be your only option.
But a light flipping on in what should be your air bnb grabs your attention. You should turn around, drive to one of the six motels you saw on the way here, but damn it that air bnb is yours! You booked it a month ago, and payed good money for it, so you get out. You march up to the front porch, the rain soaking you all over again, and pound on the door.
“Hello!?” You say as you as you knock against the wood. You hear footsteps thudding through the house, but they aren’t running away or hiding they’re heading toward you. You hear the fast click of the dead bolt unlocking the door followed by the clinking of what sounds like a chain lock.
“Hello?” A man says as he opens the door. He looks tired, like he’d been sleeping before your arrival.
“Uhm hi,” you smile. This is awkward. “Sorry, but I think you’re in the wrong house.”
He rubs one of his eyes and chuckles, but it’s not one of amusement. “What?”
“I rented this airbnb on Vrbo last month, see,” you say pulling out your phone showing him your verification email.
He furrows his brow, takes your phone from you. A long, skinny finger scrolls as the light from your screen illuminates his rather handsome face.
“Listen, I’m not sure what to tell you. I also rented this air bnb about a month ago on Home Away.” He turns motioning further back into the house. “I can grab my phone, show you the receipt.”
He turns around before you answer, but you stop him. “No it’s okay. I’ll go. I passed a few motels on the way over. I’ll call Vrbo in the morning.”
You sigh as you turn around. You kick the water in a puddle as you trudge back to your car. How the fuck can they make this kind of mistake? You’re already stressing over what you’ll say to them on the phone tomorrow when his voice causes you to turn back around.
“Hey, uh, I’m not sure if you’ll get a motel tonight.”
“Why not?” You raise your voice a little as the rain comes down harder.
“There’s some fuckin’ medical convention in town. Everything’s booked.” You run a hand through your hair, and a few fingers catch on some of the tangles. You turn your face up to the sky, it’s requiring a lot of effort to not scream into the night. “Look, the rains picking up. Why don’t you come in, you can call around to some motels, see if they have any vacancies and at least you’ll be out of the rain.”
“Thanks,” you say unlocking your car. “But I think I’ll just call around while I drive.”
“I don’t really like the idea of you driving around at night. Alone. Lots of creeps out here,” he responds quickly. “Come inside where it’s safe.”
You consider his words, and while half of you thinks joining a stranger inside of an air bnb is a terrible idea, the other half of you wants to change your wet clothes and be done with this night, so you grab your bag and walk inside.
After an hour of phone calls, and no vacancies you give up with an exhausted whine. “You were right,” you sigh. “Not one vacancy.”
He’s holding back an I told you so, you can tell, but instead he says “why don’t you stay here. I mean we both paid for this place, there’s no real reason either of us should leave. Stay the night and we’ll call these idiots in the morning.”
“I don’t know,” you say. “I don’t even know your name. And staying inside of an air bnb with a stranger doesn’t seem like the smartest idea. How do I know you’re not some creep?”
He holds out a hand, “my names Timothee. Not a creep.” He’s got a nice smile.
You smile back and shake his hand. He’s charming, too, but you’re still wary. This situation is weird and you don’t plan on letting your guard down anytime soon. “Timothee Not a Creep. I’m y/n.”
“So now we’re not strangers,” he says, still holding onto your hand. He lets it go and walks over the the kitchen.
“Technically we are still strangers.”
“Well what do you want to know. I’m an open book. Wine?” He holds up a bottle with a ribbon on it as he speaks from the kitchen.
“No thanks, I don’t drink.”
“Okay then water?”
You hesitate, not wanting to take a drink from him. “Sure.”
Timothee sits the water down on the coffee table in front of you. You stare at it, but don’t pick it up to drink it. Not yet, you think as you decide to feel this dude out. You inspect if from a far, not being too obvious. It looks like, well it looks like just water. But then again you’re not an expert on how spiked drinks look. Nothing is floating in it or swirling.
“It’s safe,” he says, seemingly reading your thoughts. “I didn’t put anything in it,” he chuckles and you can’t tell if he’s offended or genuinely amused.
“Oh no, I wasn’t thinking that.”
“You can go get your own, I mean if you want to be sure, it won’t hurt my feelings.”
You decide to take a drink, feeling bad for assuming he’d drug you.
It’s silent. Awkwardly so, as you sit and he smiles at you. You crack one back, feeling stupid.
“You should take the bed,” he says, standing up after a too long period of silence.
“Oh no. No. Truly I’d rather sleep on the couch.”
“Why?” He asks, and it catches you off guard.
Because you took his Airbnb, because the couch is closer to the door for an easy escape if needed, because he’s kind of creepy and intriguing all at the same time. “I have a thing about sleeping on dirty sheets.”
Timothee disappears into the bedroom, returning moments later with arms full of bedding. You hear the washer open and the soft shuffle of blankets and sheets being loaded in. He starts the washer and reappears in the living room.
“Problem solved.” He smiles and it’s cute. “Though we’ll have to stay up until they’re done washing and drying.”
It takes a collective hour for the bedding to completely wash and dry. In that hour you and Timothee talk and get to know each other. You find yourself able to loosen up. You tell Timothee things you’ve told few others and he listens.
He’s a great listener.
You even take a few sips of his wine. You don’t like it but you feel content. Happy.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you say holding up your hands. “There’s no way you think I Know What You Did Last Summer is better than Scream. There’s now way!”
“Okay listen! Hear me out!” He stands up and walks around the coffee table to explain. “If you look at it from a filming standpoint you-”
The loud beep from the dryer sounds, interrupting Timothee’s speech.
“Guess that’s you’re sheets.”
“Yeah I guess so.” You check the time on your phone. 12:30am. “Fuck it’s late. We should get to bed anyway.”
“I’ll help you with your sheets,” he says. “Unless that’ll make them dirty again.”
He’s teasing you and you kind of like it. “I’d love your help, you jerk.”
Timothee disappears for a moment and reappears with an arm full of bedding. He jerks his head toward the hallway and you follow him into your new room.
It’s dark and smells faintly of old wood. Kind of like an antique shop. Timothee helps you with the fitted sheet and the pillow cases before heading toward the door.
“It was nice meeting you, y/n. I’m sorry they fucked up your reservation, but I’m kinda glad they did.”
He’s making you feel all fuzzy inside and half of you wants to ask him to stay in the room with you tonight, but you don’t do instead you say, “me, too.”
He smiles a big smile that’s extremely cute, but kind of shy and sad all at the same time.
“Goodnight, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Timothee.”
You jolt awake and it’s still dark outside.
You’ve only been asleep for a few hours, but the dreams you were having were…strange and you can’t sleep now.
You turn on the lamp on the bedside table and for whatever reason you notice a wallet on the dresser in front of the bed. Curious, you get up and grab it, bringing it back to your bed. It’s old, worn out leathers. Soft after years of use. The corners are tattered and tiny pieces of blue fluff from Timothee’s jean pockets are stuck to it. This makes you smile. You open it up and his New York ID pokes out of the top of one of the pockets. You shouldn’t be going through his stuff, but the Airbnb shouldn’t have made the mistake that they did, and you shouldn’t have drank wine earlier. Lots of things that shouldn’t have happened happened. So you continue to pull it out. You smile immediately at his ID photo. His curly hair looks soft and it sticks out in a variety of directions. You silently curse yourself for not touching it a few hours ago. His smile is that big one he gave you before exiting the bedroom for the night. Goofy and slightly shy. You shake your head, unable to believe that you’re falling for someone you’ve only spent a few hours with and don’t even really know. You move to slide it back in but something catches your eye underneath his photo.
Chills pepper your skin as you read the dates on his drivers license.
DOB: December 27th, 1958.
Issue Date: December 27th, 1985.
What the fuck?
You look at your phone, checking the date incase you’re still fucking dreaming.
October 1st. 2022.
There’s no way this guy is 64 years old. There’s no fucking way. He looks exactly like he did in his ID photo from the 80s!
Immediately, you Google his name.
At first nothing comes up and you almost give up, but page two of Google reveals many articles with Timothee’s name in it.
You click one.
-Suspected Suicide of a young New York male by the name of Timothee proves to be more.
- Suicide or Murder? Young New York local found dead in quiet neighborhood.
-Who killed Timothee? Was it him or was it someone or something more sinister.
You throw your phone as you hear his voice.
He sounds far away, like he’s rooms away. But you’re in the only bedroom.
You don’t answer.
And it’s eerily quiet.
This time it booms through your room and it sounds like it’s coming from under your bed.
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @chicchanelcigs @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @gatoenlaciudad @patronsaintofthetwinks
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aihoshiino · 8 months
hello! I really enjoy your way of looking at oshi no ko so I wanted to know your pov on something that's been bugging me throughout the manga! do you think Miyako remembers the twins being 'gods' early in their lives?? I feel that as much as her character has evolved past the whole 'i'll sell Ai's secret for money and fame as revenge' it's still weird that she, as someone who clearly was witness to something supernatural for AT LEAST a year doesn't like... bring it up at all? or seems to actually remember even...
like I can see it being explained away as 'oh maybe as they grow up they forget, so it makes no sense to bring it up now' but also I'm just curious as to when the twins stopped using that as a way to get whatever they wanted lol.
like idk I know that bringing up that bit of silly lore from volume one into the world of the movie arc is out of place at best but also! I just feel like Miyako either gaslighted herself into thinking she was delusional for a year or she's too afraid to bring it up because then she'll sound insane.
this piece of silly lore will chase me to the grave if it isn't brought up again and I need someone else's thoughts cause sometimes I feel like it was quietly retconned.... I'm rambling. anyway! I love your Tumblr!
THANK U FOR THE LOVELY MESSAGE, ANON!! I feel like i say this every single time but it really does make me so wibbly to know so many people vibe with my OnK takes to this degree lol
tragically... I do not have a clever answer for this one, unfortunately!!! Funnily enough though, I did have a bit of a chat about it recently with my friend Silvie (@relares) who has been watching the anime for the first time with me, and it kind of rattled some of my thoughts about the scene loose.
I think a lot of volume 1, while it works really well in isolation, has a lot of what me and Silvie ended up calling 'clunk' in hindsight where it's clear that Akasaka was just... not quite writing the Oshi no Ko that the story ended up becoming, if that makes sense. This is understandable given that at that point, he and Mengo were literally not working on the Oshi no Ko we ended up getting! The decision to kill Ai and re-adjust the series trajectory is one that was made during serialization and it meant the two of them had to course correct a lot of stuff extremely quickly. For the most part, I think they did a shockingly good job of handling that genre shift to the point where a lot of the more jarring elements actually just help in making that shift feel more effective - it makes the horror of Ai's death feel just as sudden and shocking and life-altering to the reader on a storytelling level as it does on a very literal one to Aqua and Ruby.
Unfortunately, it also means there's a lot of choices made in terms of like... punchlines and characterization decisions that I don't think Akasaka would necessarily have made if he had the benefit of foresight and I think Miyako is definitely a victim – or I guess more of a prime example of that.
Miyako as she ends up functioning in volume one is both shockingly different in terms of characterization compared to the Miyako we get from volume two onwards and also pretty transparently kind of just a vehicle/plot device to give the twins an adult ally without revealing themselves to Ai prematurely. The twins manipulating Miyako in such an overtly silly way is also exactly the kind of absurdist problem solving that works fine in a comedy, where your suspension of disbelief is a lot different. I think Akasaka was still very much in Kaguya-sama mode while writing those early chapters and that kind of comedy beat as problem solving bit would feel really at home in an Oshi no Ko that was more tonally in line with Kaguya-sama... but that ultimately isn't the Oshi no Ko it became, so it feels weird.
In a lot of ways, the timeskip between volume 1 and 2 is sort of a soft reset for the series in terms of tone and genre and it allows the manga to sort of smooth out a bit of that clunk going onwards. This is why I think the Sweet Today arc is the best post-timeskip arc in the manga because it's the one that best balances the comedy, drama and industry commentary in a way it never quite managed again - not that all the other arcs are bad, but they generally tip pretty far in one of those three directions in a way that leaves the others high and dry.
TO UH, ACTUALLY ADDRESS YOUR QUESTION THOUGH... I honestly think this aspect of the story has been retconned! Or at least, that Akasaka is purposely not addressing it because he realizes it was a misstep and so he's just quietly pretending it didn't happen lol. It isn't addressed even in places we would expect it to be and Miyako herself never even once mentions it even when we get peeks directly into her head, so I honestly think Akasaka kind of wrote himself into a corner with it and decided to just ignore it.
That's nowhere near as fun as an in-character explanation though so I like to think Miyako thinks it was just a tripped out dream she had once and since Ruby and Aqua don't remember it, it's just never come up again. If she got drunk enough around them, though, she'd ramble about it to them while Ruby and Aqua lock eyes with each other and just have a moment of silent sibling communication like. oh my god. did we really do that????
For as serious as it is a lot of the time, Oshi no Ko is a pretty silly manga when you get down to it, eh....
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