#does charlie actually speak spanish or is he like me and bad at the language his parents speak
gremlinshipper · 10 months
I want a shot of Charlie speaking spanish and then Nick saying "oh I get it now"
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neko-loogi · 4 months
Alright! It's time for me to give my thoughts on episode two!
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I actually managed to watch the whole 6 episodes that have been posted (thanks to a friend) without wasting my money on Amazon Prime! So yeah, that's pretty good.
Anyway, let's begin!
Warning: minor spoilers!
So to start off, in this episode we get introduced to Sir Pentious and The Vees (Valentino, Vox and Velvette).
Alright so, I actually liked this episode to be honest! It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I still wanna give my opinion on a few things!
So far, Sir Pentious is the one character that I actually don't dislike compared to everyone else, he's the character that they butchered the least. He's still the silly and goofy villain that he was in the Pilot, so yeah, he's my favorite now!
Then we have The Vees, I'mma be honest, I actually like them all, well except Velvette, she's a bit too rude for my liking. I also have mixed feelings about her voice, like her VA sounds okay, but the voice doesn't really suit her. The British accent just sounds a bit off to me. I was legit expecting her to have a really high pitched girly voice and a Harley Quinn personality, but she's the complete opposite of that. It's not a bad thing though, but eh, it's not my cup of tea if you know what I mean.
Then there's Valentino. To be fair, I don't like him as a character, he's a terrible person and all the shit he does is disgusting, but I have to admit, like his design! But again, I also have a bit of issues with his voice. The thing is, Valentino speaks Spanish (I mean, I guess the name makes sense), and I recently discovered that his VA is from Puerto Rico (I'm from there too!). But I don't like that he speaks with the stereotypical Spanish accent you see in movies. It almost feels a bit.. offensive. I also don't like how he speaks full English sentences, but sprinkles in a few Spanish words, again this is a huge stereotype, we don't speak like this-
As for Vox, I think he is alright, I mean, there's not much to say about him, he's an attention seeking business man. But I actually like him, I think his electricity and hypnotic powers are cool. I also really like when his voice pitch shifts, it's a pretty neat detail! Like this clip for example, I like when he gets angry at Val and screams his name really loudly. I dunno, I like that sound effect.
Anyway, moving on. This episode also features two songs (yeah, I've noticed that every episode has at least two songs, it's honestly a bit unnecessary since they don't add much to the show, but eh, some of them are alright-). So the first song "Stayed Gone" I absolutely love- it's hella catchy, and I really like the rivalry between Alastor and Vox. I'm happy we get to see more of those two since the Pilot didn't show us much (except for the comics). This is kinda random but I find it funny how I've seen people complain about Alastor using modern language and slang in the song, personally I don't mind this, I mean, it's not a big deal. I just like to think he's adapting.
Later in the episode we find out that Sir Pentious was actually working for The Vees, because Vox wanted more info on Alastor (and planned to spy on him with a camera). But then Charlie decides to forgive him for his mistake and let him stay at the hotel. And then we get another song. I don't know the name of the song, I'm assuming it's called "It Starts With Sorry". This song is not that bad, I mean it's a little lackluster, but I like that Sir Pentious is actually singing! So that's alright in my book.
And yeah, that's it! I think this might be the episode I like the most, but I still have yet to give my opinion on the rest of the episodes! Which I will do later- just give me some time.
Anyway, I'm done for today, bye!
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spidercookie18 · 7 months
Which of the Lost Boys do you think is the most likely to…
Be mistaken for a celebrity?
Have visited the most states or even countries?
Have a collection of books that they may or may not have read entirely?
Speak a foreign language fluently?
Identify types of flowers?
Have the most body count?
Be a sadist?
Be the best at math?
Give someone the wrong directions (intentionally)?
Be an extra in a zombie movie?
Have read a Harlequin book?
Win at trivia?
Give the best hugs?
Fall from the tree?
Enjoy pineapple on their pizza?
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My babies!
ALSO: I mention 'adult topics'. So kids, fuck off okay?
Aightttt let's get this shit staaarteeddd
Which of the Lost Boys do you think is the most likely to…
Be mistaken for a celebrity?
I actually know fuck all about celebrities. But I’d think that Paul and Dwayne would get mistaken for celebrities, or rock stars, just because they look so rocker. Mostly Paul, but when he’s flustered he doesn’t know what to do, so the others have to come and save him like, “yeahhh we’re in a band. A rock band. Wanna come rock out with us?” Of course they’re gonna eat the groupies, but why not have fun with it?
Have visited the most states or even countries?
David- he is old as balls, he's been in at least the US and Canada, and he's gone through most of the contiguous states with Max. Least is Paul, he’s kinda like Charlie from IASIP when they try to leave Philly and he does everything in his power to stay there, lol. Gripping the cave walls while all the boys pull on his legs trying to get him to leave, sweet baby loves his new home and doesn’t wanna go anywhere, “you can’t make me!” type stuff when they’re just going down the road.
Have a collection of books that they may or may not have read entirely?
Collection of books? Dwayne, but he reads them for Laddie; they’re a combination of children’s books, philosophy and romantic nationalism. Books for themselves, David. He's a hoarder, and secretly looooves romance books, especially the dirty kind of dramatic ones. Paul probably has some comics or manga’s, just cause he likes looking at the pictures. And Marko has a few books on different species of birds and flowers.
Speak a foreign language fluently?
All the boys do! Marko and Dwayne’s mother tongue is not English. David and Paul were bilingual from childhood. David speaks French, Marko Italian, Dwayne Russian and Spanish, and Paul speaks German. But of course, they’re all teaching each other how to speak their language. Kinda like duolingo, except if you don’t practice it’s not an owl coming for you, it’s a big scary ass vampire.
Identify types of flowers?
Marko, David and Dwayne because of their mothers, and Paul because boyscouts.
Have the most body count?
Before death? Close call between David and Marko, but I'd say Marko. AD? Between Marko and Paul, or maybe Paul and Dwayne? They all b fuckin, and honestly when you get old enough you stop counting. Buuuuut David is the least promiscuous, just cause it's hard for him to find a compatible partner. He likes to flirt, but he usually turns them into a capris sun before he even gets his pants off.
Be a sadist?
Sadist??? In a vampire??? Naaaaaah. Lol. From most sadistic to least is Marko, David, Dwayne, and Paul. Sweet baby Paul is more sub than dom, Marko is dom/sub but you have to drag it out of him. ALSO, depending on how someone fucks with the boys (like pisses em off) they can be 0 to 100. They all have the capacity for it, just mostly Marko and Dwayne stay ready to fuck someone up for their family.
Be the best at math?
Best at math?...... Paul, but only because he thinks it's a "party trick."
Give someone the wrong directions (intentionally)?
All of them?? lmao. They're assholes, love. Depending on their mood it can be not as bad, but also who would ask these specific boys for directions???? Not me, and I am obsessed with them.
Be an extra in a zombie movie?
Marko and Paul would love the attention, but they might get too into character so David and Dwayne would have to tag along to make sure they didn't actually eat someone alive on film. They'd have sooooo much fun with it, and the boys would steal soooooooooo much shit from set lmao.
Have read a Harlequin book?
*Googling what this means* ooh, you mean smut? Yeah, no all of them have. Dwayne started it. He’s got a solid stash hidden somewhere, then Paul found it, blushed and Marko saw him. Paul, sweet thing was giggling and then got embarrassed, so Marko went to investigate. Marko got bricked up, then started keeping a stash. Then he became a problem with it, David had to confiscate it and then HE got bricked up. Anyways, the boys share books now 😂😂 it's a group effort to maintain and add to the collection.
Win at trivia?
(Technically they all could bc telepathy, and you KNOW they would cheat) but id still have to go with David. But only when he is belligerent levels of drunk. This fucker is so gd old he knows everything. Yes, even the nerd stuff. Then the boys have to leave early because he'll start saying some, "back in my day it was actually..." shit, talking about the 1800s.
Scaring the hoes type behavior, smh.
Give the best hugs?
I gotta skip this one, thinking of the kinds of hugs they would give made me giggle like a bitxh in heat. I'll come back to it later. Probably Marko, because he secretly loves giving hugs. He will pretend he doesn’t but if you ask him for a hug when you’re crying or something he will never let you go. Then Dwayne, just cause hes so big, like it would be a bear hug. Then David, because he is so warm with those damn jackets. Last is Paul because he'd accidently stab you with his safety pins.
Fall from the tree?
Paul. My hc for Paul is that he is a MAGNET for bad luck. Sweet baby would be dead if he was still alive. He’s fallen out of the sky while flying, like he thought it would be funny to freefall and then forgot to stop before he got to the bottom. He broke a SHIT TON of bones when he hit the ocean surface. David told him not too, and he didn't listen. Also fallen off his bike quite a few times, also Marko’s bike and Dwayne’s bike. Got thrown through a window and ate glass, like he just got it in his mouth and swallowed it. Got hit by a train, bus, multiple cars, David’s ran him over on the bike too lol, and almost sucked into a jet engine. Tried to do the Houdini escape thing and fucking drowned. David just sat back and told the guys not to free him, said he "had to learn to stop doing shit like that" and they just watched him drown. After a few minutes Paul just stared at them and pouted, David half contemplated leaving him there, but Paul started crying. Got Attacked by wolves, a flock of seagulls, one time a rat bit him, and he got bubonic plague. So yeah, he’s definitely fallen out of the damn tree. I can see him bouncing up and down in excitement before feeding time and slip and fall like 10 feet lmaoooo, the guys all got caught sitting in the tree because they busted out laughing. This poor baby has full-blown bad luck.
Enjoy pineapple on their pizza?
Dwayne lolllll. Marko would give him shit for it and Dwayne would be like "shut up and eat your pizza before I throw you in the ocean."
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dwtsfun · 2 years
Dancing with the Stars Season 31 Week 3: S/O to Bond...James Bond (I had no other ideas for a title, I'm so sorry)
It was Bond Night and things went a lot better than I was expecting. I'm actually not minding the theme nights this season. They're being executed tastefully. What I mean by that is that lately, theme nights have been brought down by the extreme need to overproduce everything. It's nice to have a theme night not be overtaken by production. And even though we got 75 billion rumbas, most of them were very nice. Now, I still have issues with the scoring. We will talk about that as my recap/review goes on. But just know that we're dealing with some funny business. And Bruno is the biggest one to blame.
Charli and Mark- Rumba (Score=33)- This was a good start to the night. Charli is a very good dancer and I appreciated Marks' choreography. I thought it was really beautiful. A few things though. For the first time, I felt like she was very uncomfortable with the character of the dance and really performing it. It makes sense, she's young. I also felt like she could've pushed the hip action more. But, what a great start to the night.
Cheryl and Louis- Rumba (Score=24)- I was glad to see Cheryl really nail a dance. She improved immensely. I liked a lot of her lines. Like Charli (and most of the rumbas) she could've done a little more with the hips. But I enjoyed it and even though she left, I'm glad she got to have this moment.
Trevor and Emma- Tango (Score=27)- The judges got so worked up about the alleged steaminess of their dance, that they made themselves believe it was better than what it was. Their reaction to this was almost like, "meh, it was cool, but we expect more from you now". But this dance was as good as his rumba. It just wasn't gonna make them moist (yes I am intentionally choosing that word) in the nether regions. His footwork was pretty bad and his posture needs a lot more work. But it was better than his quickstep, so progress!
Daniel and Britt- Rumba (Score=31)- Okay so this was a good dance and it was much better than last week. Daniel did everything well and stayed on time, even with the obvious issues he had with not being able to feel the music. Now, three 8s? No. His shoulders need more work. They still creep up as he dances. Even though his arms are a lot better also, I want him to work on his lines some more. But, it was an improvement and I think he could've tied with Jordin or Shangela and been fine. SN: I've noticed that Britt is learning sign language and being very intentional in trying to speak to him in his native language in order to help him understand better and I truly appreciate that as someone who works with a lot of students that are native Spanish speakers.
Jordin and Brandon- Rumba (Score=29)- Jordin is actually a really talented dancer and I don't think she quite realizes it yet. She's got everything going for her and when she does things right, she's amazing. This dance was really good. It was actually one of the best of the night from a technical and performance aspect. I know she was nervous about being sexy, but she had that down pat. Her turns were definitely a problem and she's gotta work on that a bit more. I feel like once she gets more confident in herself, these two will be a force. SN: Make sure you all vote for them. I don't want them out prematurely.
Sam and Cheryl- Samba (Score=25)- Oh boy. Well, the choreography was strange. The dance wasn't very good. It was a mess from top to bottom. But he had fun. Bruno throwing him a 7 when it was worse than Cheryl pissed me off though.
Selma and Sasha- Rumba (Score=28)- I think this was a nice dance as well. I don't really feel like the blindfold thing was necessary, but I guess I understood what they were going for. Selma really is such a pretty mover. Her lines are gorgeous. Her arms, minus her wrists, were so nice for the most part. And her legs were much better this week as far as not getting stuck. Now, I need her to just be more fluid in her movements and I would also want her to get the right kind of hip action.
Wayne and Witney- Tango (Score=33)- I think this was the best dance of the night. Wayne still has some technical issues to work out like his feet and his posture from time to time (gotta get that butt tucked in), but he was all in and PERFORMED a pretty proficient dance. And I really loved Witney's choreo.
Full transparency, I had a really bad day today and I am struggling to get through these last six couples. I'm trying, but just know that these ones might be a little lacking compared to the other eight.
Vinny and Koko- Rumba (Score=23)- Vinny didn't do terribly. But it was a struggle. I think the judges came down kinda hard on him though. He needed to work on his hip action and really just getting all of the details much cleaner. But it wasn't the worst thing ever and I enjoyed him better than Sam.
Heidi and Artem- Argentine Tango (Score=32)- So this was a good dance. I won't take that away from these two. But I think it was overscored. Heidi still needs to work on her flexibility and sometimes her posture crumbles. But the biggest issue that I had is that she moves too softly. I need her to move with more conviction. More fervor. I need FIERCE. I'm not getting any of that. And especially in a dance like the Argentine tango, that is extremely necessary.
Shangela and Gleb- Rumba (Score=30)- Now this was a performance! Shangela killed that aspect. Now the technique was a bit of an issue. She needs to work on her feet and getting the right leg placement to create better hip action. Other than that, it was really really good. Heidi could take some lessons from Shangela about moving with purpose.
Jessie and Alan- Rumba (Score=26)- Eek. Okay. This was hard to watch. Jessie did the first move with a flexed foot and my face turned up so bad. And then she kept doing it. It would be one thing if she was a better dancer, like Joanna Krupa. But she's not. So that foot means so much more when she's not working with much to begin with. I can also tell that dancing just doesn't come naturally for her. She's trying but there are issues. I want the judges to be real with her though. 7s were too high. Straight 6s would've been fine.
Joseph and Alexis- Argentine Tango (Score=29)- I really liked this dance for the most part. Joseph really handled the lifts with ease and I thought they were perfect for the dance unlike Len. He's handled the switch between Daniella and Alexis super well. Now, his feet needed work and his posture wasn't good (tuck that butt back under). The 8 was too high. But it was definitely his best dance so far.
Gabby and Val- Cha-cha (Score=33)- This was scored way too high. I thought her VWaltz from last week was better. I felt like Gabby was stiff this week. And she still suffers from Bambi legs. Why won't anyone call it out??????? It's obvious. That's all I got for this one.
So Cheryl L. and Sam ended up in the bottom 2. Cheryl and Louis were eliminated and while I don't agree with that decision, I understood why they chose Sam over her. But they were pretty equally yoked, so it was a difficult decision for sure. Next week is Disney+ week and we already got the songs and dances. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon! Thanks for being patient as well. The past few weeks have been a struggle.
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sagamemes · 3 years
quotes from tabletop games, part i.   thank you to whomever decided in the first game i was in to start collecting quotes being said during the table—here’s a sentence meme featuring 100 sentences that have been said out loud or written down during various tabletop roleplaying games i’ve acted as a game master for, or in conversations surrounding it. sentences edited to fit written roleplay better. it’s a mixed bag, y’all. tw:  implied sexual content and jokes, death and violence mentions.
❝  holy shit, /i'm/ the professional in this situation.  ❞
❝  i don't think there's a lot of water in her birth chart.  ❞
❝  you know how much I love goading you into bad decisions.  ❞
❝  [i/you] did faceplant.  ❞
❝  i hope you know this is all your fault, [name].  ❞
❝  wouldn't it be nice if you could bite it back?  ❞
❝  [person] could've bonked the knob to death.  ❞
❝  a little bit of making out in the cupboard is not a security threat.  ❞
❝  no-one else can see it, but [person] is definitely being haunted by an ex-girlfriend.  ❞
❝  she's a new yorker, leave her alone  ❞
❝  we've all known each other for about four hours and we're making goblins of ourselves.  ❞
❝  you’re laughing!  [name] is dead and you’re laughing!  ❞
❝  god, what a weird little man!  ❞
❝  i don't speak [fandom/media].  ❞
❝  because, of course, you don't immediately run out of blood in your head—  ❞
❝  technically shoes are skin without feet.  ❞
❝  if it helps, she does have a youtube channel.  ❞
❝  should we even play d&d, maybe we just do therapy instead.  ❞
❝  oh great, what can i do with a dead body?  ❞
❝  the man with no face is just a raccoon.  ❞
❝  or whatever the victorian equivalent of reaching into the fridge and grabbing a block of cheese.  ❞
❝  i do not acknowledge more men than i need to.  ❞
❝  he footless because he got paws.  ❞
❝  [i am/they are] intrigued by the bundle of scarves.  ❞
❝  i thought she landed on her wrists?  ❞
❝  i'm glad i didn't faceplant, at least.  ❞
❝  it is not resistant to bonk damage.  ❞
❝  my interpersonal skills are shit!  ❞
❝  is he made of bees?  ❞
❝  oh well, she's got one of those as well.  ❞
❝  —which is objectively the wrong way to eat books.  ❞
❝  no teeth, no feet. simply vibes.  ❞
❝  we're going to have to listen to soft ballet while we fight this thing.  ❞
❝  that was my third frowny face.  ❞
❝  puff puff pass but instead of getting high you have a coherent thought  ❞
❝  oh yeah, i killed your neighbour, didn't i?  ❞
❝  we're city kids, we know what traffic is.  ❞
❝  give me a gay vibe check.  ❞
❝  doesn't matter which of us die because i'll see you all again on hell.  ❞
❝  you know how when a person's decapitated—  ❞
❝  i don't even have my eyebrows on.  ❞
❝  we will create chaos.  ❞
❝  i heard g-string.  ❞
❝  i have a masters degree in library science and i googled  ‘ feetless man ’ !  ❞
❝  am sad. want ham.  ❞
❝  you are the most powerful person in the room with that cheese tray.  ❞
❝  you'll wake up to something you don't wanna see  ❞
❝  buff mice.  ❞
❝  —but it would've been a sexy thing to do.  ❞
❝  it’s mice mentality.  ❞
❝  i know the implication was not that we were little beans but shh...  ❞
❝  it's your turn!  ❞
❝  charlie's angels, more like [name]'s headaches  ❞
❝  it's me, the bitch who failed  ❞
❝  i'm really good at that! ... no, i'm not.  ❞
❝  i love this absolutely doomed party.  ❞
❝  unless someone wants to try to overpower two peasants.  ❞
❝  we don't make good leather.  ❞
❝  you could definitely be mistaken for a respectable person now.  ❞
❝  unfortunately, my alibi is dead  ❞
❝  you would not think that english was my first, and frankly my only, language.  ❞
❝  what the fuck happened to my music?  ❞
❝  [name], that's gay behaviour.  ❞
❝  i truly just want u to imagine putting a hand on a titty and feeling a sack of dust through the skin.  ❞
❝  we've conspiracy theory'd this ghost and now it's a feral raccoon.  ❞
❝  does the number of heads you have factor into how easy you are to hit?  ❞
❝  i wanna do something weird.  ❞
❝  are you trying to reason with a drugged cat?  ❞
❝  what die do i roll? the one with numbers?  ❞
❝  i'd avoid plants if i were you.  ❞
❝  i want to be the burger king of a ruined world.  ❞
❝  just because i can be charming doesn't mean i will initiate conversation.  ❞
❝  that scream didn't have an american accent.  ❞
❝  i guess he was just two horses in a trench coat in the end  ❞
❝  make meth, i dare you!  ❞
❝  holy shit, you read french?!  ❞
❝  i've already put down two frowny faces on my notes.  ❞
❝  [person/animal] doesn't have good stamina, actually.  ❞
❝  we've established that the bees are trustworthy, [name]!  ❞
❝  i can't find the fucking d!  ❞
❝  frostbite'll do that to you too. you're not so special.  ❞
❝  we laugh in the face of a vengeful god  ❞
❝  sorry, but for the sake of the mission, i gotta drown everyone.  ❞
❝  i don't know anything about... men.  ❞
❝  i didn't consider all the emotional implications!  ❞
❝  it's a little known fact, but the h in  ‘ goth ’  stands for hrt.  ❞
❝  thank you for giving me an opportunity to murder you.  ❞
❝  don't worry, i'm a very gentle dom  ❞
❝  i'm gonna stay riding it, then.  ❞
❝  just two dudes who may or may not have done a murder  ❞
❝  you can't even count on [name] for numbers.  ❞
❝  'twas the night before christmas and all through the house not a person was stirring, because they were all dead.  ❞
❝  how is that rat bastard looking?  ❞
❝  maybe [name], because he has rights  ❞
❝  maybe [name], because he has no brain  ❞
❝  i'm cruel but i'm not an asshole.  ❞
❝  we're just two cartoon dogs vibing in the fire.  ❞
❝  in the spanish dub, [person a] and [person b] kissed before [person a] left  ❞
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peaxhcringe · 3 years
Katsukoia Headcanons
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This is for my lovely mutual @vhskenma for Christmas. I absolutely love you so much and I’m so happy we became friends. I love our simping nights and talking about anything and everything. You are so sweet and I love you so much! 
Genre: Fluff and smut (the last scenario) 😈
Paining: Bakugou and Sequoia ♥️
Songs and Lyrics:
I see us dancing by ourselves
We do it better with
No one around, yeah
Just you in my imagination, yeah
In my imagination, oh, oh
'Cause I loved you dangerously
More than the air that I breathe
Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going
Didn't care if the explosion ruined me
Baby, I loved you dangerously
Cooking w/ Katsukoia
Will always end with one of you covered in flour
No matter what you’re trying to make flour will be EVERYWHERE
There will be a few stolen kisses here and there
The first thing you guys try to make will be a cake as in Bakugou’s words
“It’s simple enough for a dumbass like you to make”
Well...it wasn’t
A few dropped eggs, spilt sugar, and some stray bowls later you had a pretty good cake
He wouldn’t let you eat the cake batter though 😔
Every time you tried he’d knock the spoon out of your hand and call you a dumbass
Now there was a time where you guys ended up burning cupcakes
It totally wasn’t because you guys ended up making out on the counter top and forgetting about the cake....yeah totally not that
Just...don’t remind him about it unless you want to tease him of course 👀
Study Sessions
Study sessions could go 1 of 2 ways 
A typical study night that ends in cuddles 
With you underneath him covered in marks littering form you neck down to your thighs 
It all really depends on how you do during your studying
Remember that scene with him teaching Kiri? 
Yeah, he’s like that
It doesn’t matter that you two are together 
He is here to help you learn 
Typically study sessions consist of him drilling the questions and answers into your brain until you could say it in your sleep 
He can be a bit harsh at times, but he never means it truly
On the nights where he’s a bit horny though? 
He’s completely different 
He makes rules for you to follow 
For every question you get right is one orgasm
For each wrong one is one taken away 
Best expect him to pick a hard subject some days, but then a very easy one that WILL leave you overstimulated by the end of the night 
And on those nights...
You will not be able to walk for the next day 
When you told him that you were clumsy he didn’t think it was that bad 
It was that bad 
You’d trip over air or bang your fingers in the cabinets as you grab a bowl 
Mans really thinks of you as a child sometimes 
He’s always bandaging you up
He’s also very rarely seen you without a band-aid on your face or ever around your fingers 
He’s very carefully around you sometimes, because you seem to always have a new bruise on your body 
You really hit the limit though when you showed up in his room with a cast on your arm 
He just looked up from his phone and rolling his eyes at you, before opening his arms
He didn’t bother to ask what happened, knowing it most likely something stupid 
Which is was 
He was very correct 
You had actually broken your arm from falling down the stairs at UA 
How did it happen?
You blame it all on Denki and Kirishima 
You all were running through the halls (much to Iida’s dismay) and you didn’t watch where you were going and fell down the steps
Of course you all laughed after you got up
that was until the pain set in 
Recovery girl was not pleased so she only healed you halfway 
Bakugou might act like you get on his nerves, but he does love taking care of you 
He does like cuddling with you for hours when you get hurt 
Mans is just touched starved
Spanish Bakugou Smut 
When Bakugou began learning Spanish you though it would be great idea, him focusing more time on that than training almost all hour of the day. Well that was until he began using the Spanish in more way than just typical conversation. You blame all of them on Sero, that man knew exactly what he was doing when he agreed to help Bakugou.
It was about a month after he began learning the language when he started using it in the bedroom. Although you didn’t understand what he was saying much, the tone and his voice said it all. His deep voice speaking in such a fluent and smooth way made your stomach flutter every time his whispered or growled words into your ear.
You still remember very vividly when he first used it in bed. Your head was pressed into the mattress, your hands trying to grasp onto anything to ground yourself. One of Bakugou’s hands was placed on your lower back while the other was holding down your head, his fingers tangling themselves into your hair as his cock was burrowed deep inside you.
You could barely speak, your brain turning into mush as his cock hit your g-spot at every movement he made. Your legs trembled as you held your ass high up into the air for him, your toes curling at the pleasure.
“Katsuki~” You moaned, his name being the only thing your brain could comprehend
In a swift motion the hand that was deep into your hair, pull your body up towards his your back now pressed against his sweaty stomach as his other hand came and wrapped around your stomach, his fingers tilted downward towards your clit.
“Te sientes tan bien princesa (You feel so good princess) “ He mumbled into your ear, his lips pressing against the shell of your ear 
Your pussy clenched against him when he spoke, the deepness of his voice and the words making your body feel 10x hotter. You felt him smirk against your, before his lips kissed along the shell of your ear down to you neck.
“Oh? A mi princesa le gusta mi español? (Oh? Does my princess like my spanish?)” 
Although you had absolutely no idea what he was saying, the words lit a spark inside of you. You body keened forwards as you felt his fingers brushes against your clit, one of your arms raising up and wrapping behind his neck in order to keep your body up, your fingers tangling into his unruly hair. 
“Answer my question princess” He spoke, his fingers pressing softly against your clit, careful to not add enough pressure to send you over the edge 
You bit your lip, unsure of how to respond as you couldn’t understand. You eyes fluttered closed as his began to place careful circles around your clit, your climax so utterly close. 
“Yes! Yes! Whatever you asked yes~” You moaned, your hands tightening in his hair causing a deep groan to leave his throat 
“Buena niña (good girl)” He said, his hand removing from your hair to travel down to your breast, his fingers finding your nipple and twirling it 
Your eyes closed at the pleasure, your heat beating heavy against your chest. 
“I-I”m gonna cum” You moaned, your head leaning back against his shoulder, your legs trembling as your feel your high on the tip of your tongue 
“Cum para mi princesa (Cum for me princess)” 
At his words you felt your body keen forward, this being the hardest you’ve ever cum. Bakugou groans behind you,as he cums, his hand move from your breast to your face moving your head towards his. His lips press against yours into a  loving kiss, the room falling silent, only the sounds of your breathing filling up the space.  
Ever since then Bakugou has always made sure to tease you, whispering random phrases into your ears while your doing homework or just randomly in class, which of course always ends up with your bent over something and his cock shoved deep inside of you. 
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pikaflute · 3 years
hi, sudafed cleared my sinuses long enough to think so here’s a giant post about most of my charles headcanons
OH btw here’s my 4 hour and 23 minute playlist for Charles. Enjoy. Yes I know I’m insane: https://open.spotify.com/user/pikaflute24/playlist/4DBxaaxbqsmJt9Fvl8AgwZ?si=OcXlYCdFRzOhuKa4p_HdUQ
General Headcanons
He was born November 24 1965. He’s currently 56, but I usually write him in his late 40s in most fanfic and content I make. So there’s this middle aged man....
He has hazel eyes. Sometimes they look green, sometimes brown. Sometimes they’ll be white but that’s when he’s using his magic so mind your business
Gear brand over his heart >:)c
:) i think he has piercings and tattoos, a skull (dead man teehee) on his upper arm, a tattoo of a date (the date pickles and him first met TEEHEE) on his left arm also has a tattoo on his arm of the day he “died” on his right. had his ears pierced when he was a teen.
Has a sweet tooth so hard. Smuggles in treats into the drawers of his desk just to snack on during the day and has a mini fridge just filled with ice cream and also sorts of other goodies. He loves brownies and cookies the most
Likes to work out and keep himself in shape. it takes his mind off of stressful things like work and the boys, and just take his morning practice sparring and doing various exercises in the mordhaus gym. 
he’s uh also very flexible so he does yoga a lot when he exercises. don’t. look too deep into that
cannot cook to save his life. he almost burned mordhaus down trying to make himself a sandwich
he can play guitar! he used to play it more often when he was younger but he rarely has the time to play it nowadays. when he does get to play it, it’s usually in private (and mainly songs by dethklok), or it’s to show off to a certain lead guitarist that yes he is playing that solo wrong
he’s ambidextrous but prefers using his right hand. he’ll use his left hand to spar in order to go easy on his opponents because hes a smug cunt
he’s 5′7 but intimidation factor adds a couple inches doesn’t it
has a scorpion named princess as a pet. he lets her sit on his desk sometimes and it scares the shit out of dethklok which makes charles laugh on the inside
hes also a cat person. one time toki brought a cat home and it settled on charles’ lap and he almost cried
loves to be a smug asshole and relishes in it. will not take shit from anyone, especially from some asshole who is trying to pull one over on him
he has no idea how social media works at all. will print memes out to show to dethklok, he’s very fond of cat memes specifically (i can has cheeseburger type beat)
he has no idea what any internet memes means he isn’t going to start learning. he is going to misuse internet phrases. are you boys, ah, finding the imposter? [cue five groans from dethklok]
knows a lot of languages. not a comprehensive list but: french, swedish, norwegian, spanish, italian, japanese, chinese, german, russian and korean
is very competitive. scarily competitive. once he starts losing in smash or mario kart all hell will break lose
very bad at showing emotions or affection, when he gets compliments he gets all red and quiet and mumbles a thank you. 
weird about being touched as well and will usually avoid it unless it’s with someone he trusts
speaking of, his love language is acts of service :)c
hates being called charlie or chuck, unless the right person calls him it ;)
he’s autistic. was nonverbal for most of his life and only talked to certain people, or anyone at all. he stims with his hands and uses his pens to fidget.
has a collection of novelty socks. he likes the ones that have polka dots or stripes
sleeps with a garfield plushie he had since he was younger. it helps him with the nightmares
when any of the boys need help sleeping (usually toki or pickles), he’ll sleep with them in his bed. after dying he had trouble sleeping some nights, so dethklok returned the favor and all piled up in his bed and helped him sleep. he didnt have nightmares after that night
hes nearsighted, and prefers to wear glasses over contacts
lactose intolerant, hes still eating mac n cheese and paying the price
metalhead but pretends to not be just to mess with his boys
crippling addiction to match 3 games. also loves to play minecraft.
overly self sacrificial. puts ones he love needs before his own, results in himself being very isolated and distant from those he cares about because he’s afraid of hurting them
his favorite colors are black and purple
coffee kinda guy. black coffee or bust
has a lot of cute novelty mugs to put his coffee in. he ones from places where dethklok tours, dethklok official ones (the only two that aren’t adorned with spikes), some cat themed ones, a couple that have ties and math references, and one from his boys that says “most brutal manager”. he drinks out of that last one the most
he has a couple of grey hairs and wrinkles, but he keeps them because they remind him that he’s human. also pickles said old men were hot but you didnt hear that from me
likes to play chess but he can never find a good opponent. all the klokateers are too scared if they win and dethklok is too distracted to ever play with him or they end up losing to quickly if charles plays against them
really wants kids. he babies his sister’s sons and daughters a TON (uncle charles always brings the best gifts :) ) and also treats toki like his own son in a way. toki doesnt mind, he really appreciates the love
speaking of, toki does call charles dad once and it makes charles cry for like. a week and a half
his favorite dethklok song is the gears :)
he likes to collect knives as a side hobby, his favorite of his collection is a sleek black one with skulls on the handle
he has a motorcycle and likes to drive it around sometimes to just be alone with himself. it’s all black with a red gear on it
lightweight but only if he drinks the amount dethklok drinks. can hold his alcohol fairly well if he drinks like a sensible human, prefers brandy and wine
he can smoke cigars to be sexy for me and me ONLY
likes to read in his spare time. he likes mystery novels and science fiction
he has soft spot for cheesy sitcoms, they’re his guilty pleasure
his favorite youtuber is lockpickinglawyer. yours should be too
usually sleeps in only his boxers but will wear a shirt if its’s cold. he tends to sleep on his side (also wants to be the little spoon when cuddled but he will never admit that)
takes vacations sometimes away from the boys despite his worry that something will go wrong (it will!). many of his vacations are usually going to visit his family and going to the shore with them, or travelling to somewhere new for a change (cue charles being a yakuza substory on his one vacation per year)
he can sew pretty well. learned from his mom and used to sew the whole his sister use to put through her soccer uniform.
can also do makeup, and usually does it for one of the boys of there’s no one else around to help
bites his lip when he’s nervous. which is a lot
likes chococat and gudetama. he’s a man of tastes
laughs really loud if you catch him off guard. he snorts sometimes too. he’s embarrassed by it, but i think its’ cute
loves law and order obviously 
he likes men
has a lot of pent up rage. very good at compressing it. sometimes
as high priest, he stays up very late trying to decipher the ancient prophecies that dethklok needed to fulfill. he doesnt sleep very much when he starts out because he misses home, so the band makes him come back (or else)
also as high priest he becomes more intune with magic granted to him after he died and he mainly uses his magic to protect his boys when they go back to being a band. also to fuck with them
the band he managed before dethklok was a band named savior who said they were a metal band with a unique sound, but that unique sound was actually just being a christian metal band that were bad at playing music. they also treated charles like shit and blamed him for them doing so poorly with sales and shows. had an unfortunate “accident” with a tour bus after charles had enough of their attitude towards him.  he denies he had anything to do with it (he did.)
He’s the baby of the family. Spoiled rotten to the max. He doesn’t admit it though but whenever he comes home you know he abuses the “:)c im the favorite” card
He has 4 older sisters: Caroline who is a high school civics teacher, Cynthia who is a librarian, Callie who is a coach for a soccer team, and Charlotte who is a lawyer/manager who manages Ladyklok, which gets awkward (and funny) when Abigail starts dating the lead singer Natalie
charles is actually one of the tallest in his family. his dad is 6’1 and his older sister Callie is 5’11. cynthia is 5’6, caroline is 5’6, and his mom and charlotte are 5’5.
his mom is a doctor and his dad is an accountant. his mom’s name is giovanna and his dad’s name is elijah
caroline is the oldest sister, followed by cynthia, callie, charlotte then charles.
Charlotte and Charles are sworn enemies since they were born on the same day a year apart and basically have the same job. They do love each other though
His father calls him Charles. Caroline and Cynthia call him Charlie. Callie calls him Chuck. Charlotte calls him Charles (derogatory). His mom calls him a whole slew of nicknames that she made up when he was young (she calls him cheese ball and he turns red)
caroline has a wife (lauren who is a chef) and two kids (evan and shelby)
cynthia is dating a coworker (viola)
callie has a husband (john who is a stay at home dad) and they have three kids (brenda, melissa, and jeff)
charlotte is dating ladyklok (and abigail). this is a weird flex on charles i think.
He had a race car bed when he was like 5
He also was also one of those kids at family game night. He almost killed Cynthia over a game of monopoly
Always got to lick the spoon first after his mom baked brownies
He grew up in North Jersey (derogatory) (also yes im projecting state shot)
He’s also Italian (derogatory)
He got bullied in middle school for a little bit but once his older sisters found out, oh boy did all hell break loose
Was in band in high school. He played flute (DONT TALK TO ME I LIKE PROJECTING), he was of course a soloist and incredibly smug about it
Took gymnastics as a kid. Can do a backflip on command. Also very flexible.
First manager gig was helping his sisters sell girl scout cookies. They raked in a lot of profits when baby bro was behind the scenes. His cut was eating thin mints for free
Loved Star Trek when he was a kid
Was incredibly gifted, and taught himself to read at a young age. didn’t talk that much though
was always sick when he was little. he would always get sinus infections and colds if someone even sneezed weird
was in mock trial in high school. one guy on his team was a jerk to him so charles made it a point to be this poor kid’s nemesis
was on the student council, treasurer of course.
was also in nhs, and he was treasurer there too
was that kid who insisted on doing the group project by himself because he didn’t want to wait on anyone to finish their part
was super rowdy as a kid, always got into trouble but his mom was a little lenient of punishment (hes a mommas boy)
when he was like super young he bit people cause he was just a little monster (charles' sisters: mom charles is biting again. charles, biting one of them: im not :/ sheesh)
wanted to be a lawyer since he was 7
put his own siblings and parents on trial and would win every trial and would always get the last cookie or a higher allowance
he shared his room with his sister Charlotte and they would set up a pillow fort on one of the beds and stay up late reading together 
loved going to the beach as a kid, his mom still has his collection of shells from the beach
on the boardwalk, he would dominate at claw machines anad carnival games. he won a bunch of plushies from himself (and his sisters obviously)
his dad and him have a super close bond. they watched star trek together and also like to watch how the stock market would do. his dad was also sometimes the judge in charles’ mock trials at home
they were very supportive when he came out as gay, he was also the first of his sibilings to come out of the closet
Got his masters in business management at rutgers and a JD (law degree) from seton hall law.
Started college when he was 18 (1983) and ended college when he was 26 (1991)
Wasn’t a party guy. Never got invited to many, but he never went unless a certain redhead was in town
Sustained himself off of ramen, coffee, and SSRIs to get his masters (hey man i feel ya)
Did weed like three times. Three of those times were because of, you guessed it, a certain redhead
Speaking of, his first time having sex was in his dorm with Pickles. Pickles also kicked him off of the bed (those beds are fucking tiny) while they slept, and almost burned Charles’ dorm down trying to make toast the next morning
Absolute did not do essays until the night before. Bad habit that made it’s way into Dethklok managing when he’s forced to write a legal brief before 12 am.
Loved calculus 2 for some reason. Nerd
Had a mullet. Pickles thought it was hot (still is) while Charles would rather die than remember anything about that horrid hairdo
Also went through his goth/emo phase while in Law School. He stuck out amongst the sea of sweater vests and polo shirts
Was in a band with his fellow college bandmates. The band was called Habeas Corpses and he was the lead singer who also played guitar. Their sound was kind of similar to TWRP’s first two EPs (The Device and 2nite). they had a grunge aesthetic, and yes charles dyed his mullet black (with a purple streak), for the band.
his bandmates were all fellow law students. dillan was on drums, margaret was their bass guitar, and nick was their keyboardist. all three of them also got tutored by charles while in law school. they are still best friends and write to each other sometimes
Was on the debate team, but uh kicked off due to be very competitive (he threatened to punch the opposing debater)
Was also in the chess club, also kicked off for being too competitive (lunged at a kid for cheating)
After being kicked from the two previous clubs, he joined fencing, his very competitive nature made him the best in the state
nick (the guy in charles’ band) was charles’ roommate the whole time they were in college. they may or may not have had a brief relationship before they realized they would be better as friends
nick also has a nes and charles loved to played zelda and wrote an entire guide for himself because he’s was that into the game (nerd)
occasionally would be found sleeping in the library on campus
wanted to be an RA but the resident association at his schools thought he was a little much. charles took this as a compliment
worked out a lot between studying and classes. a lot of jocks underestimated him because of his size but charles was just :) [casually lifts something heavy]
a lot of fellow classmates thought he was super cool cause of the leather he wore, and how cool and quiet he was, too bad they didnt know he was a huge nerd
tried skateboarding. once.
had a cadillac that barely started and drove like a piece of shit but that was charles’ baby
pickles tried to have sex with charles in said car btw, charles almost killed him for even daring to suggest to tarnish his beautiful baby
has damaged his back permanently because of all the books he used to carry around in his crappy back pack
did some modelling for one of his friends in college. he was very attractive and got some other modelling job through it. he tries to hide that from the boys in the future because he thinks it’s embarrassing
Relationship with Dethklok
Pickles - he’s known the drummer the longest out of any other member, and if you couldn’t tell by now, he had a brief relationship with the drummer back in the 80s (and maybe also still has a crush on him :)). charles respects and admires pickles’ talent as a musician and sometimes they play together when they have time alone. he tries to be there when pickles has a relapse in either emotions with his family or something else, but still tries to maintain a distance because he thinks that pickles doesn’t feel the same as he did in the 80s. (he does btw). nothing could break the bond these two share. not even death
Nathan - understands nathan’s quiet nature (nonverbal kings!) and strive for perfection in everything dethklok creates because he is the same way. their similarities allow them to connect on a level that allows nathan to open up about his feelings that he likes to lock away. nathan also gets charles to open his feelings up and actually care for himself for once in his damn life. charles also helps nathan with the depression he develops after charles dies and how to deal with it despite it being not brutal. nathan wants to give back and he does by becoming one of charles’ closest friends (and maybe even lovers hehehe)
Toki - charles has taken it upon himself to be toki’s father figure after seeing the way toki’s family has left him for essentially dead. ever since toki joined the band, charles has made it a point to be there for him whenever he needed it. even if it meant spending late nights reading to toki or sleeping over in toki’s room to help him sleep, he’ll do it. he blames himself for toki’s disappearance but toki assures him that he did the best he could. toki calls him dad a lot after doomstar. it makes charles cry.
Skwisgaar - unstoppable asshole meets immovable object. skwisgaar sees himself above everyone else like he does with the other dethklok members but with charles, skwisgaar knows that charles isn’t intimidated by him nor will he bow to the guitar god in anyway. this develops a game of cat and mouse between the two, with skwisgaar trying to no subtly push charles’ buttons and to see what makes him ticks, while charles resist him at every turn with a smug ‘:) is that all you got’ and it delights him to finally see the guitarist squirm under pressure.
Murderface - at first the two are very. distant to say the least. murderface used to see charles as unemotional robot and charles was fine with that and accepted the distance. overtime however, and especially after charles died, murderface warmed up to charles confiding in him things he hasn’t told the band, mainly things about his insecurities because charles is ‘fucking smart with crap like this’. and charles helps him and is happy to see him work out his problems and not bottle them anymore like the rest of his bandmates. charles also enjoys murderface’s company as a friend as well. and….he’s gonna help murderface the most with the whole traitor stuff too.
Abigail - mlm and wlw hostility. but seriously they’re good buds. he sympathizes with having to deal the moronic actions of dethklok on a daily basis and also thinks she’s really intelligent and overall fun to hang out with. they take lunch breaks frequently together and like to make fun of people at dethklok dinners together as a fun activity together. abigail will bully his ass once she finds out she’s dating charles’ sister and WILL bring up those baby pictures to get a higher raise thank you very much
Knubbler - can you say coworker besties! like abigail, he gets along because they both have to deal with dethklok being, well dethklok, but with knubbler, charles can relax a little more. the two cause problems on purpose just because they can. the two are also close friends and knubbler tries to get charles to relax for once in his life, and despite charles protests and objections, he sometimes caves and hands out with his friend (maybe boyfriend OOOOO who knows)
Sex Headcanons (IM SORRY)
um maybe he can have a giant dick (10 inches for me), it do be swinging though
daddy kink (everyone stay on this side, ill take care of him….come to daddy ;)c)
likes to do roleplay. he has a lot of costumes prepared for when his partner wants to do a scene with him
likes to bite and be bitten during sex. after a very long night, he’ll be covered in bite marks, it’s kinda hot
no gag reflex ;) he likes to deepthroat but good luck trying to get him to go down on you without him teasing
remember how i said he was flexible like eight times? yeah he uh, uses that a lot to his advantage. likes being fucked in weird positions because of it
the suit stays on during sex
he likes topping because he likes to be in control of everything he does all the time, but really wants to be told what to do sometimes and will let those he trusts do that for him
he has a dick piercing i know it
he's a very busy man, so he relies on his huge collection of toys he keeps in his bedroom and office
really good with his hands. as soon as those hands are on you, its game over
he loves to do it on his desk, makes him feel powerful. when he gets blown under his desk, it really takes all of his willpower to not cum immediately
really sensitive in weird places, specifically his ears
he likes to cuddle after sex, hes the little spoon :)
likes to be tied up, sometimes he’ll get tied up under his suit
mating press and riding are his favorite positions, giving and receiving
size queen, likes large toys and well ;)
has a private room that he sometimes goes to relieve stress, it has a fucking machine that he likes to use often when his job gets too stressful
he’s sucking people off at the klokateer glory hole, he’s uh, very good at what he does
likes to be spanked and like to spank
uses collars and leashes
maybe the klokateers can fuck him, if they’re good ;)
likes cum on his face but doesn't seem to realize that means he’ll get cum on his glasses and will need to clean them
he can wear a chastity belt :) for me
likes being came in but will still complain about being gross after
pretty much up for anything, he’s not picky, he just wants to be in control and get off
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ghostsofmemories · 4 years
WIP Introduction - The Lake Won’t Let Us Dream
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So, this book has been theoretically brewing for a few months but I’ve been super busy with poetry and life, so it was on hold. Technically, I’m still busy with poetry and life, but I decided I want to start it because it makes me happy and I’m having a particularly rough month that looks like will turn into a rough year, so, new WIP time.
This project became a ‘thing’ when my sister and I were talking about the place we grew up. Everyone who’s lived there has a very special attachment to it, and it’ll always be home to me, but a lot of bad things happen there all the time. We came up with a theory that it’s cursed - if you live there, you’re doomed to have bad luck for the rest of your life unless you leave the state entirely. That’s the only way to get out of the curse. And if you move back into  state, you’re re-cursed until you leave again.
We built up a crap ton of evidence for this. Everyone who’s lived in this town either has terrible health, terrible luck financial, is followed by death everywhere, has/had an abusive home life/childhood, or had a house burn down or got struck by lightning or something along those lines. It’s a super small town and my mom + grandparents all grew up there, so we counted the people that have lived there that aren’t still struggling today, and there’s 7. Four of them moved to Montana, two to Florida, and one to Tennessee. 
Anyway, back to the book. I was really enamored at the kind of cursed hometown gothic thing we had created for ourselves, where bad things happen for no reason and people give up trying to explain why, they just coast between all the bad things. And so I took my hometown, kicked all the people out of it, and stuck characters there. Here’s how it goes:
Eden Milne
Our narrator. She gives off mythical, majestic vibes but also very violent ones, sometimes. They don’t really conflict with her, they just... fit. She was raised by her grandmother and now she’s finally old enough to start her own life, but she can’t because her grandma can’t live on her own and they can’t afford to put her in a home. Eden also feels like she owes it to her grandma to take care of her since she raised her after her mother overdosed.
She has a sense of fascination for the world and everything in it, and has always been pretty content with her hometown, but she knows how things go here. It’s not talked about, but everyone knows that until you leave, things will only get worse.
She seems very kind and almost goddess-like in some ways, but she has a lot of thoughts that she doesn’t like to talk about (for example: how she’s slowly grown to despise having to take care of her grandmother, but also loves her. She can also be very manipulative at times).
Points of interest for character: big insomniac, total workaholic, kind of a bitch sometimes, biracial (black/white), gutsy, impulsive to the point of stupidity at times, yet always super graceful about it somehow because that’s how she is.
Addison Hunt
Eden’s grandma. Very sweet lady who’s gone almost completely blind over the years and can no longer take care of herself. Her husband died 1 year prior to the story and her daughter (Eden’s mom) overdosed 19 years before the story. All she really has is her house and her granddaughter, and she would die before watching either one get hurt.
She’s so nice and innocent that she sometimes fails to see the bad parts of people. She’s also incredibly inept at hiding her sadness for Eden.
Points of interest: doesn’t really get angry ever, sometimes people are weird to her because her granddaughter is black and she isn’t, a very calming presence to be around. Quite a lovely lady, but she’s pretty depressed.
Charlie Paltros
Love interest??? We’ll see. I haven’t decided yet. But there’s definitely chemistry. This boy is from the same graduating class as Eden, and the main thing they have in common is they’re both stuck taking care of people when they’re at the point in their lives where they’re supposed to be in college, finding their passions in life, and partying. Only he’s taking care of his younger sisters so his parents can work dead-end jobs at the nearest grocery store - the only place within a daily walking distance that they can work, since they don’t have a car.
Except, the thing is, the problem is his house burning down and his family dies. His mom and sisters all died in the fire, and his dad dies a few days later in the hospital. And he realizes pretty quickly he didn’t hate taking care of people. He wants to take care of someone, but turns out he’s a lot more in need of being taken care of (since he doesn’t even have a HOUSE).
He’s a character I honestly don’t know much about yet, but that’s chill because we learn as we go.
Points of interest: asexual biromantic (I knew this about him immediately upon creating his character, no clue why), does not care to be stereotyped, just wants someone to help. 
Also, origin tidbit that’s actually kind of important in the story much later on: His mother was born in Mexico and moved to the United States, where she met his father, who’s parents were from Mexico and raised him in the U.S. He speaks Spanish just as well in English, but he’s confused because neither feel like his native language. He’s been told he has an accent in both.
There’s definitely more to come, but I don’t really have much else to say about this story besides that no, the town isn’t totally cursed. What’s actually going on is a poverty cycle. Bad things happen everywhere, it’s just that when they happen in this specific place, they affect people a lot worse and they have a harder time getting back on their feet.
However, it’s at least a little cursed, because there’s no other good explanation for the drownings and the fires and car accidents. Maybe we’ll see a bit of magical realism, maybe not. I actually have no idea.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. What kinds of genres of music do you listen to? I listen to a variety of music.
2. Are there any types of music that you don’t listen to at all? House music, trance music, dubstep...
3. Do you own any band tees? Yes, I have a few.
4. Name some of your favorite male solo artists. Charlie Puth, Post Malone, Ed Sheeran, Drake, Shawn Mendes, John Mayer, Stevie Wonder, Usher, etc.
5. Name some of your favorite female solo artists. Stevie Nicks, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, Halsey, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Megan thee Stallion, Lana Del Rey, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, etc. 
6. Name some of your favorite boy-bands. Jonas Brothers, NSYNC, BSB, New Kids on the Block, 5 Seconds of Summer. 
7. Name some of your favorite all-girl bands. Hmm. Only girl groups are coming to mind, but that’s different than a band. The only one that comes to mind at the moment is Aly & Aj. 
8. Name some of your favorite bands/groups in general. Linkin Park, RHCP, Coldplay, Foo Fighters, 3 Doors Down, Maroon 5, Destiny’s Child, Paramore, Fleetwood Mac, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco...
9. Do you sing in the shower? Yeah. I have a shower playlist on my Spotify I listen to.
10. Do you sing along with the radio in the car? Well, my family plays their Spotify in their cars, but yeah I often sing along if I like the song playing.
11. Do you listen to music while you are cooking, filling out surveys, or cleaning the house? I listen to it when I’m cleaning, getting ready, taking a shower, in the car, or just chillin’.
12. What’s the name of the song that you’re listening to right now, if any? What’s the name of the band/singer? I’m not listening to music at the moment. 
13. What kinds of music do your parents listen to? Do you think that their music taste differs greatly? Whose music taste is better, in your opinion? My dad listens to a lot of classic rock, rock, and country, but he likes some top 40 type stuff. My mom listens to a variety of music like I do. Since I like a variety, I enjoy a lot of the same music as my both parents. Probably more so my mom, though. 
14. Do you ever listen to music without any words? Not often, but sometimes. Like some classical music. It has been awhile, though.
15. Are there any famous musicians that you’ve met? Are there any that you would like to meet? I met Drake Bell a couple times. I wish I could have met Chester Bennington. :(
16. What was the first concert you’ve been to, if any? How about the last/most recent? Which, out of all of the concerts you’ve attended, was the best? My first concert was a Christian alternative band with my first boyfriend. My last concert was Green Day with my best friend at the time. Green Day, Jonas Brothers, Drake Bell, and the Jingle Ball concerts (had several artists/bands perform) I went to were all awesome. 
17. Do you have a favorite movie soundtrack? What is it? Sweeney Todd.
18. Would you want to be a band groupie? Why or why not? No.
19. What is a band/singer you would like to see but haven’t gotten a chance to yet? There’s several. I’m really sad I never got to see Linkin Park. 
20. Do you care more about the beat of the music you listen to, or the lyrics? Both. I mean, there’s songs that I just like or are catchy and the lyrics don’t matter as much, but I love songs with relatable lyrics that just speak to me.
21. Does anyone in one of your favorite bands play an unusual instrument? I mean, they might in addition to the one they play in the band, but *shrug*
22. What are some of the songs that you listen to the most frequently? There’s a lot. I just hit shuffle on my main Spotify playlist, which consists of a variety of genres and arists/bands. That’s the playlist I listen to all the time.
23. Could you make a playlist of songs that describes your life? What kinds of playlists do you have made? I wouldn’t have the motivation or energy to attempt that. It would take a lot of time and thinking.
24. Do you remember listening to music on CDs and cassettes, not just on the internet? Yes.
25. What kind of music device do you use in order to listen to music? (iPod, MP3 Player, etc. I listen to Spotify on my phone.
26. Is there anyone in your family who is a musician? No.
27. Would you ever consider a career in music? No. I don’t have any musical talent. I played some piano when I was younger, but I wasn’t great. I really wish I took it more seriously, though, and kept up with it. 
28. What is a song that would describe your current mood? Who is it by? lol Jason Mraz’s song, “Sleep All Day”  just popped into my head because of the title. It’s almost 7AM, so I probably will sleep all day.
29. Are there any musicians of the past that you really admire? Absolutely.
30. Do you listen to Top 40 type music? Yeah.
31. What musical instrument would you like to learn how to play? Have you ever played an instrument before/taken lessons? What was it? Like I said, I played some piano when I was younger and I wish I took it more seriously and kept up with it.
32. Do you enjoy watching musicals on DVD or sitting through them as plays? Which method do you prefer, and which is your favorite? I haven’t seen a lot of musicals, but there’s a few I’ve seen and liked. Seeing them live is awesome, but I like watching them at home whenever I want as well. Sweeney Todd is one of my favorites. Side note, Disney+ just added Hamilton and I’ve been thinking about watching it. I remember when it was super popular, so now that it’s available to watch I’d like to check it out.
33. What was the worst concert you’ve ever attended before, and what made it the worst? I’ve never been to a bad concert.
34. Have you ever crowd-surfed during a show or been a part of a mosh pit? No.
35. Have you ever gotten into an altercation with a drunken concert fan before? What happened? No.
36. Have you ever dated someone who was a musician? Joseph plays the guitar and can sing. 
37. What are some of your favorite music videos to watch? Before a week ago when MTV did a Flashback Friday thing and played music videos from the 90s and early 2000s, it had been a long time since I’ve watched any music videos. They’re not a big thing anymore, I feel like. I mean, I know they’re still being made, but it’s not like back in the day when we had TRL and MTV actually played music videos. I remember getting excited back then to watch them.
38. Have you ever made a lyric video on YouTube? No.
39. Have you ever recorded a cover song and posted it? What kind of feedback did you receive? Noooo. I can’t sing, why would I embarrass myself like that?
40. Is there an album cover design that you really admire? There’s been a lot of cool album covers.
41. What are some of the most overplayed songs right now, in your opinion? I haven’t listened to the radio in like 3 years, so I don’t know.
42. Do you watch music awards shows on television? Yes.
43. Have you ever competed in any sort of singing contest before? No. I can’t sing. I mean, I sing at home along to my favorite songs, but I don’t sing well lol.
44. Have you ever tried to start your own band before? No. I told you, I have no musical talent.
45. What’s the name of a band/singer that you recently have discovered? I discovered this song called, “Dream Girl”,  by Ir-Sais. I heard the song on TikTok. I’ve found a few songs that way, but that’s the most recent one.
46. What are some annoying/weird/funny songs that have gotten stuck in your head? >> Barbara Ann gets stuck in my head all the time, but that’s okay because it’s fun and I love it. <<< Haha, now it’s in mine. I like it, too, so it’s fine. Anyway, yeah there’s been a lot of songs like that that get stuck in my head. I’m failing to think of another example at the moment, though. I’m too tired.
47. Are there any songs that actually make you cry? What are they, and who are they by? Yes, there’s a few. One is the acoustic version of Everlong by Foo Fighters.
48. Do you listen to any music in another language? Some in Spanish. There were also a few I liked in Swedish.
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theythemsam · 4 years
sam & charlie for the character meme!
favorite thing about them: everything? Mostly how strong he is and how much trauma he faced and yet he still chooses to be good and do good
least favorite thing about them: the bad writing? :P no, mostly the fact that he rarely ever stands up for himself and actually expresses his own opinion. it is part bad writing but :/
favorite line: “I’m ready to die and I’m ready to watch the people I love die, but I’m not ready to be your bitch.” cause i love a badass boy. also of course “there will be no new king of hell”. and every other line I have on this gifset asdfg
brOTP: samndean, cause they are brothers and i especially love their early season relationship.
OTP: sastiel? I guess. samxeileen, kinda. but im not big on romance either way :/ my sintp is definitely dark samifer though, r.i.p. to angst addicted me
nOTP: w*ncest & sabr*el, cause yike, yike, yiiiiike
random headcanon: he gay. :P hmmm, but seriously now i think sam has a duolingo account and while he doesn’t always have the opportunity to actually do his ten minutes of studying every day, which makes duo v sad :( he does use it regularly in order to learn new languages cause he’s just a nerd like that. I also think he can read a lot more languages than he can speak. i think that’s just canon though. (and yes, i am currently running from the duo owl bc i haven’t been keeping up with my spanish, do Not tell her where i am)
unpopular opinion: i love hurt!sam a lot? so uhhh gimme all that trauma for that boyyyyy. is that unpopular? idk. not in my circles, but i guess in other parts of the fandom. like... I’m just a fan of breaking him, especially by applying the dark stuff canon implies but then never actually shows as affecting anyone... so probably not that unpopular?
song i associate with them: *pulls up my spotify sam winchester playlist to find a fitting song, can’t decide bc it depends on the season so much* idk, listen and choose and imagine my reasoning here, if you want (be warned, sometimes its literally just a single quote asdfhj)
favorite picture of them: all of them? but definitely every single scene i included in this gifset bc this is and will probably always be the second most self-indulgent thing I’ve ever created (besides this lesbian!sam pride flag edit)
favorite thing about them: Nerd Lesbian
least favorite thing about them: Dead :/ and not enough AU!Charlie for me to care again :///
favorite line: I was drunk, it was comic con...
brOTP: DeannCharlie. I would like to say SamnCharlie but lbr the writers don’t think Sam needs friends sooooo they didn’t get many scenes lmao
OTP: CharliexGirls. All of them.
nOTP: CharliexGuys. All of them.
random headcanon: When Charlie isn’t hunting she’s playing at least 3 separate d&d games with people on the internet and tbh it’s what she deserves.
unpopular opinion: idk?? none? except that i hate the way she was written as a dean fan girl constantly, but that’s just the bitter sam fan and also not unpopular in my circles asdfgh
song i associate with them: anything by Hayley Kiyoko, I Guess? i dont really have anything
favorite picture of them: i can’t find any that i actually really like rn... but my googling has revealed that i am... apparently... not actually that gay for felicia day, which... i guess happens, but does make me sad for the missed rhyme opportunity of the opposite...
0 notes
kensingtcns-blog · 7 years
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( CHARLIE HUNNAM, MALE, HE/HIM ) —— [ BENJAMIN KENSINGTON ] is a [ THIRTY-FIVE ] year old that has been part of the [ HEATHENS ] for [ FIVE ] years. They have been working as a [ GUARD ]. The people in Boulder say that [ HE ] is [ CUNNING ] but also [ RECKLESS ]. Lets see what this wasteland has in store for them.
*uberhaxornova voice* alright helLO ( watch, no one else knows who that is ) its me, ur new resident trash queen & angst n pain lover, caitlyn. i’m 23 and i live in cst so like ?? yeah hi hello how are ya’ll ?? this is my baby benjamin that’s actually ?? a hot ass mess lmao ?? under this is a basic af bullet point bio, personality traits n stats & the three headcanons!! i’m so ridiculously excited to be here as well so that made my rambling worse ?? just like it is right now jfc okay i’ll stop. anywHO i’ve got a basic af list of wanted connections for him right HERE & i'll be working on making an actual bio for him over the next few days!! if you wanna plot w this hot ass mess, just like this or hop into my IMs bc i cannot wait to plot with all ya’ll!!
( TW: mentions of death, cancer, alcohol & weapons. )
was born and raised in denver, which means he’s always had a love for colorado.
ben’s the oldest of two siblings, his sister being ten years younger than him.
raised by two v loving parents who gave the pair everything they could have every wanted.
however, his mother did from breast cancer when he was 12 and that heavily impacted his father.
causing the older male to teach ben that having feelings wasn’t a good thing and that ben should bottle up everything because he wouldn’t get hurt that way.
something that ben took to heart and kept with him all throughout school.
speaking of, ben did really well in school, graduated at the top of his class and decided he wanted to go into the medical field.
so he did, went to medical school and started learning how to become a surgeon & to his surprise, he was really frickin good at it.
& along the way, he happened to fall head over heels for another student who was there to be a registered nurse. something his father frowned upon due to what’d happened to ben’s mother, but it was something his father quickly began to accept because he saw just how good the two were for each other.
ben ended up proposing to her about a year after they started dating & she said yes so they had a small courthouse wedding surrounded by loved ones... and a few months later they found out that she was pregnant.
this drove ben to be even more dedicated to his job because he wanted to be able to raise his son like his parents had raised him.
nine months later, along came his son and ben’s world quickly started revolving around that baby.
but all of that came to a screeching halt the second the virus hit.
benjamin knew that they had to get out of a populated city, so he packed his wife, his son, his father and his sister up and they were gone by sunlight.
however, his father and sister ended up getting separated from them and he didn’t know where they could have gone, even though he searched for days to find them.
things were okay for the first few month or so, they’d taken enough food to last from their home and the store but with an infant, keeping those supplies in stock wasn’t the easiest thin in the world and soon enough, ben found himself having to go out and search for formula and things like that.
those trips usually went pretty smooth, making sure his wife and son were safe before leaving them for a few hours. however, the one time he happened to be gone longer than a few hours was the one time they weren’t safe at all.
he came back to find both of them gone, something that hit him in the chest so hard that he sat in that buildings for nearly two days just waiting and hoping they’d just moved to somewhere more safe.
but all the hoping and waiting wouldn’t make up for the fact that they’d been taken from him.
this caused him to start being reckless, to go down this dangerous path that he figured would get him killed.
but not only did he do that, he started to have to figure out how to survive on his own. he didn’t have anyone, which meant he’d have to figure out how to shoot a gun, how to hold a knife, how to protect and fend for himself.
so he did, finding guns and ammo that’d been left behind by people, practicing by lining up the numerous alcohol bottles he’d killed off days before and firing into them.
sure enough, he seemed to be a natural with that and with knives.. or a natural for violence in general. he liked the feeling, and it wasn’t something he was going to deny anymore.
& he didn’t deny it one bit. if he met people, he’d resort to violence and threats faster then he could blink an eye because he didn’t trust them, didn’t trust anyone but himself with the feelings he now kept bottled up.
fast forward to about five years later, ben runs into a group that calls themselves the heathens and they instantly catch his interest.
offering him food, water, anything that was needed and gave him purpose.. something he hadn’t had in years. not since he lost his wife and son.
he took the offer almost instantly and has been a guard for them ever since.
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
has a motorcycle and it’s his baby..
a hot mess
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators at meetings with patients.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s not the complete asshole role that he plays on a daily basis and is actually a very hurt person bc if people started realizing that, he’d have to start feeling again and tbh, he don’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet??
will try to either get u to drink w him or take ur alcohol.. there's a v thin line between the two options tbh.
super, super intelligent but keeps that on the dl ?
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
is a highkey hoe but he also keeps it on the dl
super into keeping fit as it’s a way to keep his mind from wandering onto subjects such as his wife and son. so he’ll like ?? find random shit to use as a homemade gym ??
still wears his wedding ring but wears it on his middle finger so that know one knows the real story behind it.
also keeps a photo of his wife at baby boy in his leather jacket.
actually super loyal and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall??which is really hard to do due to his job but if u do it he’ll cherish u.
has a bad habit of smoking so he looks for packs of cigs like ?? everywhere he goes.
is actually super open to teaching other people how to fight / use weapons because it's fun for him but acts like it'll kill him to do so.
is a burnt cupcake who has really good intentions but has horrible execution skills.
Benjamin was raised solely by his father, who taught him that most emotions were bad things to feel or to talk about. Meaning that he usually hides all other emotions other than anger and lust. Which means that most people see him as an asshole, something that Benjamin is actually fully okay with because in his mind, having people view him in that light is far easier than having to address and/or deal with his feelings. But that doesn’t mean that Benjamin is unable to feel any other emotions other than anger or lust, but he does keep a wall up around him that not a lot of people can break down. If you can break past that wall, though, you’ll find that Ben is far from the ‘asshole’ character he likes to play.
( TW: mentions of death ) Before the virus broke out, Benjamin was actually going to medical school, hoping to be one of the best surgeons in Colorado, maybe even the United States. However, the virus took his wife and son from him and it caused him to break, causing him to give up on the little bit of hope he had left and away from the 'helper’ path he’d be heading down. Instead he found himself becoming extremely reckless, loving everything about violence and danger. He started doing things that his old self would have hated and not caring about the fact that it was risky, that he could easily get hurt or lose his own life in the process. But in all honesty? He doesn’t care about his own well-being, letting the grief that still sits deep in his soul cause him to drift towards dangerous things.
( TW: mentions of weapons. ) Due to him being on his own for a few years before he found The Heathens, Benjamin had to learn how to survive in the toughest ways possible. Meaning that whenever he ran into other survivors, he rarely trusted any of them and if it came to it, he’d resort to violence to get what he needed to survive, food, weapons, whatever it was. Not to mention the fact that he had to teach himself how to use knives, guns and anything else that could have been considered a weapon, how to hunt for the food needed to survive and how to deal with the infected anytime he happened to stumble upon them. After a few years of that, though, he started figuring out that maybe the life of survival and violence was something that he was rather good at, and something he really enjoyed as well. Which was the beginning of him turning from the 'helper’ he wanted to be before the virus hit to someone who’s actually rather selfish.
full name: benjamin rhys kensington.
nickname(s): ben, benji (used by his wife mostly).
age: thirty-five.
date of birth: october 31st.
zodiac sign: scorpio.
place of birth: denver, colorado.
gender: cis-male.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
religion: n/a.
occupation: guard for the heathens.
language(s) spoken: english, french, spanish, welsh, russian, korean, japanese, italian, romanian, greek, gaelic and bulgarian.
accent: american.
face claim: charlie hunnam.
hair color: blonde.
eye color: blue.
height: 6′ 1″.
weight: 225 lbs.
build: athletic.
label: the cataclysmic.
positive traits: cunning, adventurous, intelligent, charming, loyal & brave.
negative traits: reckless, hedonistic, cocky, impulsive, flirtatious & closed off.
father: gideon james kensington. ( undetermined. )
mother: marie ann williams-kensington. ( deceased. )
siblings: a younger sister ( undetermined. )
myers-briggs: estp-a
enneagram: type 8 ( the challenger. )
moral alignment: lawful evil. ( the dominator. )
temperament: choleric.
hogwarts house: slytherin.
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lorrainecparker · 7 years
AOTC with editor of the documentary “KEDI”
Mo Stoebe currently works as freelance editor of both documentaries and narrative films in Los Angeles. He got his start in the industry as motion designer and animator for commercials and music videos, but his love for film eventually brought him to editing long-form content. He’s completed five documentaries and a feature and loves learning something new about the art of editing every day.
Art of the Cut discusses one of his latest project, the documentary Kedi which has received praise form many fronts. It is currently available on Netflix.
HULLFISH: While there are English subtitles, the language spoken in this documentary is Turkish.
STOEBE: Yes, and my Turkish is very bad.
HULLFISH: I’ve edited in other languages myself, Spanish mostly, and I don’t speak much Spanish. But I feel that you can get a sense of the rhythm of the language. I don’t speak Turkish, but I always felt like the rhythm of the language as you edited it was good.
STOEBE: I am from Austria and grew up bilingual as my mother is originally from the Netherlands so I’ve always been interested in different language. In the case of Kedi, the producers had the forty or so interviews and many verité scenes they had captured fully translated and transcribed. That meant that I was able to see the words that were said transcribed as subtitles as well as their English translations in the frame. I tried to string out interview portions I thought were relevant in this way. Of course there was quite a bit of fine-tuning and adjustment required by Ceyda Torun, who is the director of the film and fluent in Turkish.
HULLFISH: So are you saying the actual video files had translations on them?
STOEBE: Yes we had a small army of people going through all of the interviews, and verité scenes, translating and transcribing them. So I would have a subtitle of the transcription of what was being said. And then underneath it a translation of that same text. So I could pinpoint which sentence means what and make selects that way.
HULLFISH: So, it wasn’t just on a text file.
STOEBE: We did have text files but we also had it was on screen which I thought was very useful to be able to get a sense of what was said and see the expression on the subjects face during the interview. There were also quite a few verite scenes that were translated and transcribed in the same way. It must have been about fifty or so hours total which was a considerable amount of work in the overall scope of the post production process.
HULLFISH: And was that something that your Assistant Editors handled?
STOEBE: Yes, that was one of the technical issues to figure out before we could get started with editing. The producers had decided to use a software called InqScribe. It lets you timecode the translation and transcription and turn the finished document into an XML which places the text back into the timeline at the correct positions.
HULLFISH: I’ve used Inqscribe in the past. It’s nice because it allows you to type and control the playback of the media without jumping between two programs, like QuickTime Player to control playback. It makes it very fast and there are shortcuts for jumping backwards 8 seconds, which is a perfect amount when transcribing. Now, for many of these interviews, I’m using a software called Speed Scriber. It actually does the transcription for you and then every word in transcription is linked to the audio so if you look at the reading and decide “That isn’t the right word.” you can click on the word and actually hear it to type the correct word.
STOEBE: Oh, that’s fantastic. I’ll have to look that up!
HULLFISH: So you were saying you cut in Final Cut Pro 7?
HULLFISH: Was that your last project on FCP7 before switching to Premiere?
STOEBE: It was the last project in Final Cut 7. I was a big fan of FCP7 and had gotten so used to it that I could really just kind of forget about the software aspect and just focus on editing. When I moved to Premiere about two years ago it took a few months to adjust. I have to admit I still think FCP7 was a fantastic editing system and I miss how fast certain tasks were compared to Premiere. But at this stage I have gotten very comfortable with Premiere.
HULLFISH: Tell me a little bit about temp music. There are extended portions which I think are absolutely lovely where there’s no dialogue at all.
STOEBE: The temp music was split up into three different bins. The first was a bin of several temp music pieces from Kira Fontana, the composer on the project to get a sense what certain parts would feel like. The second was a bin of Jazz and World Music. I had come across a jazz musician called Lloyd Miller during the editing process and I fell in love with his work so it was mostly his tracks in that bin. He is a very interesting musician and scholar who plays Middle Eastern instruments in a jazz tradition, he can play about a hundred of them.  One of his tracks on the album titled ‘Oriental Jazz’ felt perfect for Kedi, especially as an introduction to the cat called Psycho which pivots from being poetic and observational into showing the badass nature of the cat.
The third bin contained mostly Turkish pop tracks from the 70s and 80s. The director Ceyda had very specific ideas on how and where to use those tracks as the lyrics complement the story at points.
HULLFISH: I want to talk about the structure of the movie and – I could be wrong about this but – it seemed like to me that the structure was kind of you followed one specific cat for a while and told that one cat’s story and then there was kind of a general cat section and then another specific cat’s story.
STOEBE: That’s exactly how we approached it. The producers had identified about 35 cats and stories they considered capturing. At the beginning of the shoot that number was cut to 19. Out of those we edited about ten stories at the rough cut stage and seven made it into the final film. After we completed rough cuts for individual cat stories we tried to figure out out how they would sequence best and what would be the material linking various stories. We thought of a graphic approach using a ‘red thread’ type of device to link various neighborhoods and creating a journey that way. We considered animation. In the end we decided on aerial photography to give a stronger sense of the city as a character. The edit itself was very much like a sculpting process – we kept reducing the footage further and further trying to identify the core of each story. It’s not the fastest route towards a final result but for a partially observational film like Kedi it is the only way to do the material justice. The emotional peaks and valleys of the film were not very extreme which meant that attention to detail was even more essential. The only way to find brief but fun or charming moments is to go through all the material several times.
HULLFISH: Were you cutting while they were shooting?
STOEBE: Yes and no. The production team returned from Istanbul with about 180 hours of footage shot on various cameras. It was then all organized and transcoded to Apple ProRes HQ which was the format we edited in. Ceyda, the director had to take a break from visiting the editing room as her and her husband Charlie were having a baby daughter. It meant that I would have a good amount of time with the material to get familiar with each story. I used that period to create selects reels for each feature cat which we kept screening to find the core of each story. After that I began assembling rough cuts for each featured feline as well as string-outs of all the interviews. This whole process took about three months from start to finish. Once we had all our elements in place we began thinking about a structure for the overall film. It was a lot of trial and error.  Over the following three months or so we worked on 33 different assemblies of these elements and built many, many versions of transitions between them. At this point we had also decided that we wanted to use aerials in addition to material from the random cats and Istanbul bins to connect the individual stories. So over a period of a few months we periodically received aerial footage and cut that into the film.
After the 33 assemblies resulted in a structure we liked, we spent another month or so until we locked picture. So it was a process that took about ten months in total.
HULLFISH: The thing I noticed was there was two cats in restaurant areas and those were very much separated and then there were two kind of artist stories and those were separated from each other and there were kind of let’s feed a million cats stories and those were separated.
  STOEBE: (Laughter) Yes that’s very well observed. We knew that certain cats linked really well together but others could be moved around more or less freely. We had a few test screenings with friends and colleagues which also helped us decide on a final order. It became clear as we went on that the transition sections were a lot trickier to get right than the cat stories themselves. In hindsight, I think we spent almost more time working on the transition sections as we did on the cat narratives.
HULLFISH: And what was some of the feedback just from your feel of it, or the director’s or from screening audiences? What were some of the notes that affected that sequence?
STOEBE: For example the first cat – which was called ‘Yellow Shit’ during the edit because that’s what some of the people around her called her, mostly because she was stealing food from them all the time – used to appear at a later point in the film. Eventually we moved her to the front because she was just such a strong introduction to the city and the film in general. We also tightened some sections considerably to keep the film moving along.
This is the cat known as Yellow Sh*t
HULLFISH: That’s a great example that a specific cat with a strong point of view leads off and that we need to pace our introduction of a lot of cats.
STOEBE: Please excuse my answers. English is not my first language. I always claim E.S.L. as my defense. (Laughter)
HULLFISH: Your English is excellent. You are Austrian?
STOEBE: I’m Austrian, yes.
HULLFISH: But you lived in London
STOEBE: Yes, I spent seven years in London, two years of those to follow a masters program in design and filmmaking. I love the city but eventually I think I wasn’t the right fit so moved back to Los Angeles where I had been living since I was a teenager.
HULLFISH: In your editing, you mixed it up quite a bit, but mostly you did not play the opening lines of a new speaker on the speaker in sync, on camera. You almost always wait sometimes 30 to 40 seconds before you actually see person speaking. Tell me a little bit about that.
STOEBE: The interviews were treated different than in other films, people were very much not the main characters and the interviews needed to feel like they were happening in the moment. Some of the people that speak are never shown on screen so the focus of the film is really on the city and the cats, and people are just on the sidelines. That is also we chose not to include lower thirds. This helps the audience to just kind of take in the atmosphere and stay in a more observational mode.
HULLFISH: One of the things I love is that you get a sense of the journey of these cats and a real story taking place. I’m guessing that the sense of journey or story had to be completely constructed. There is a cat in the restaurant that ends up kind of chasing a rat and I’m assuming the story had to be constructed from non-linear footage… out of sequence and non-chronological.
STOEBE: There is a bit of construction in that but not too much. It’s mostly compressing time and showing something that happened ten times only once. The scene in the sewer that you see in the film is pretty much how things actually happened. One thing I certainly learned about cats during the editing of this film is that they patiently sit around and wait a lot. And observe…or just relax. Then they act quickly… before you know it everything is over again. I’m sure this is quite obvious to anyone who has ever edited nature documentaries but it was new to me.
HULLFISH: There are also other really nice sequences of cats going some place where you get the impression that the cat has this idea to do something then sets off with the camera crew in tow.
STOEBE: That’s pretty much what they did. One of my favorite cat stories is that of Gamsiz, the black and white male cat hanging out at the bakery that fights the ginger cat. He did have this elaborate route which he would embark on multiple times every day. He would climb up on a tree, jump to a ledge and up to a balcony and try to get into an apartment where he would frequently be fed. It took the director and her crew quite a bit of time to figure out where he was going and how he was getting where he did. Once they knew the route they were able to capture events from multiple cameras.
I also think that some of the cats took a liking to the camera and literally performed for it.
HULLFISH:  Got it. Talk to me about organizing your footage and what were some of the ways you organized it. I was thinking it would be organized per cat…
STOEBE: That’s exactly right: per cat.
HULLFISH: Then random cats and then you also probably have all this atmospheric footage of the city and then the interviews?
STOEBE: Exactly you are pretty much saying the way I named the bins! We had one bin for the individual ‘star’ cats and then a bin for random cats. Additionally,  we had a folder for city shots and a folder for all the slow motion footage which was filmed on the Red Camera. The the organization was pretty much: City, random cats, and individual stories as well as interviews.
HULLFISH: Let’s talk about the decisions of when to have music come in and when to stop it and what to play “dry.”
STOEBE: Basically we were trying to have a signature piece of music to introduce the feature cats and selected a mix of jazz and Turkish hits from the 70s and 80s.
HULLFISH:  As a non-Turkish person I liked those, too. I called it “pop” music. I was going to ask you about the pop music.
STOEBE: Yes, it’s Turkish pop from the 70s (laughter) which I really fell in love with too. The lyrics relate to what is happening on screen as well, which is something you will only get if you’re a Turkish speaker unfortunately, because we decided not to translate the lyrics. But to answer your question, yes we very much tried consciously to let the sound of the city come to the foreground at times. For example during the section with the cat at the waterfront restaurant, we wanted create an interaction between the cat and the fishermen through sound. The cat was listening to the sound of fish being gutted which sparks her interest and kicks her into action.
HULLFISH: There is a section about a cat in one of the shopping bazaars and the cat, you almost think it’s dead for a while then you find out it’s just sick. Then you follow that with a sequence in a cemetery. Can you tell me a little bit about that?
STOEBE: They were interviewing this man who was caring for all the cats who live in a neighborhood market. While they were interviewing him, a friend of his came up with a kitten who had been attacked by an older feline and he stopped the interview and rushed this poor little fellow to the vet. We actually don’t know if it lived or died or what happened with it. That was one story. In addition to that, we had a couple of interviews which contained portions that deal with loss. First, a very interesting woman who was basically a kind of hoarder of all kinds of decorations and artifacts. She also hoarded mostly injured or sick cats and she talked about her difficulty dealing with death, not being able to let go of something and the pain and longing it caused. Her interview was very philosophical and kind of pensive. Second, we had an interview with a well known local comic artist who talked about growing up with cats and what it would teach him about death and about loss because the cats would get run over or just die and that was a way of for him to be able to come to terms with that. His energy on screen was very different from the other two, he was very funny and witty. So as we went about sculpting the footage down this sequence materialized: market drama to melancholic woman to quirky artist. This sequence allowed us to bring a balanced approach to a topic like death and loss. I think these sort of discoveries in the editing room are what I like most about working on documentary films. It’s like a puzzle finally coming together and when it falls into place it presents a new image, a new story that you couldn’t really have planned out at the start or thought up while shooting.
HULLFISH: There are also a couple of really nice moments where you really were able to develop some conflict. Especially cats that didn’t like each other or fought and then there was a cat that had a little box where it was keeping kittens. It was protecting its kittens and another cat came up and the momma cat was worried about it, so I liked some of those conflict moments. Talk about creating a conflict with cats.
STOEBE:  You probably have heard cats fight but I had never seen what actually happens. There is a lot of screaming and lengthy posturing involved with very short bursts of action. Here again we had to condense time drastically. Some of the conflicts you see played out over a number of days. We had a lot of really great material for the scene at the warehouse so it was possible to illustrate the POV of a cat entering a warehouse through a gap beneath the door and sneaking up to another cat with her kittens. Trying to capture the POV of cats roaming the city, cinematographers Charlie Wupperman and Alp Korfali developed what they called a “cat-cam” which was a rig that allowed them to move the camera close to the ground. They had also experimented with cameras mounted on RC cars, but it wasn’t as effective as the handheld rig because it scared the felines.
HULLFISH: With any documentary with animals you’ve gotta condense time and build a story from disjointed parts – especially with animals.
STOEBE: That’s absolutely true. There is a whole lot of scratching and cleaning and waiting. I think the challenge sometimes is to find key moments when the animal makes a decision to act a certain way. You kind of have to try to start thinking like the animal a bit.
HULLFISH: You ended up with seven “hero” cats in the movie that I saw. How many actual stories did you end up cutting together fairly completely? Just seven? Or more?
STOEBE: I edited ten full stories together and we ended up dropping three of them. There were also many short observational stories that are now part of the transitions.
HULLFISH: And how do you decide how to end it?
STOEBE: As with all documentaries I have worked on so far, editing an opening and an ending are by far the most difficult tasks and usually happen late in the process. It was the same with Kedi, we were struggling with the question for a while, how do we end this film. During one of our discussions about structure, the idea came up to re-visit each cat and take you back to each location and cat you have seen which is the approach we eventually took.
We also worked on various versions of an opening which was quite challenging. What did we want this film to be? Should it provide historical and scientific context about the relationship between people and felines in the region? Should we talk about politics, ruthless urban development and the Ghezi Park protests? We came to the conclusion to create an observational and visual poem interwoven with thoughts and stories about the evolving relationship between cats and humans in this ancient city. A tribute to these incredibly fascinating animals living in Istanbul and to leave politics and science largely out of it. I think once we had tackled the opening and especially the ending we really saw the full shape of the film and it began to make sense as a whole versus a collection of stories.
HULLFISH: I loved it. Was that wrap up with the boat and the final shot of the cat on the roof something that you found in what they had already shot, or something you requested that they go get?
STOEBE: The director and the cinematographer had done a couple of trips to Istanbul. The first was a scout to see what sort of stories they would be able to capture. The shot on the roof was captured during that first trip. I believe that they tried to find the cat again during the main production but that it had disappeared so it didn’t become a full story. As for the shot, it was perfect as it visually sums up the film: the cat overlooking its city at the end of a beautiful day.
HULLFISH: What’s your approach to putting these sections together from the raw footage?
STOEBE: I would have a bin of a specific part of town with random cats, and I would just lay out all the shots in the timeline in sequence and then make selects, pulling up the portions of shots that I like, keeping it in the timeline but just pulling up that little section one track higher. This would allow me to scroll through the entire timeline and the shots would stay in sync. I guess that could be considered somewhat old school but I always like that approach better than using markers. (laughter) After pulling up selects I could easily go back and see where I had chosen things and how long the shots were. I kind of created a star rating system by pulling better shots higher up. So for exmaple V1 would contain all the raw material, V2 one star material and V3 two star material which I considered best.
HULLFISH: That way stuff stays in chronological order no matter its rating.
STOEBE: Exactly. That’s especially important if the cat is moving somewhere, because you know what happened before or after, and also you can see where you chose the bit from and you can quickly go back to find things around there saving you from having to open multiple shots from the browser window.
HULLFISH: I also really loved the sound design.
STOEBE: Istanbul itself is full of amazing sound. We tried add in as many elements as possible during the edit to convey that. After we locked picture, sound designer Paul Hollman added more layers and details. Roaming through Istanbul one experiences this beautiful tapestry of sounds and I hope that we managed to transport some of that into the final film.
HULLFISH: Thank you so much for your time. I really enjoyed finding out more about this documentary.
STOEBE: Thank you so much for including me in your series of interviews. It’s been a pleasure to share a bit more information about how Kedi came together in the editing room.
To read more interviews in the Art of the Cut series, check out THIS LINK and follow me on Twitter @stevehullfish
The first 50 Art of the Cut interviews have been curated into a book, “Art of the Cut: Conversations with Film and TV editors.” The book is not merely a collection of interviews, but was edited into topics that read like a massive, virtual roundtable discussion of some of the most important topics to editors everywhere: storytelling, pacing, rhythm, collaboration with directors, approach to a scene and more. Oscar nominee, Dody Dorn, ACE, said of the book: “Congratulations on putting together such a wonderful book.  I can see why so many editors enjoy talking with you.  The depth and insightfulness of your questions makes the answers so much more interesting than the garden variety interview.  It is truly a wonderful resource for anyone who is in love with or fascinated by the alchemy of editing.”
Thanks to Moviola’s Renard Beavers for transcribing this interview.
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