#doll box mockup
81gb · 11 months
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⠀⠀⠀ ⁀⠀⠀⠀PLASTIC LIFE ⋆ a 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐨𝐱 template
a free doll box template to fulfill all your plastic needs ! this template is made entirely from scratch & requires decent photoshop knowledge ── smart objects , slight knowledge of layer masks & effects ; there is a glitter & plain option , the label sticker color can be changed from its designated smart object , the fonts used are bartex & avantgarde ; download those here . if you have any questions , my inbox is always open ! happy editing ! ♡
⠀⠀⠀ credit not necessary , like + reblog appreciated .
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gargyshmub · 1 year
DELTARUNE; Gargy's Fairytale Theory
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So, lately I've kind of had an itch in the back of my mind about DELTARUNE, more specifically the secret or hidden bosses in the game and a little correlation they all share. I'll try to keep this under 100 pages but i promise nothing (tee hee hee)
If you've played the game to the extent you're looking at a tumblr blog dedicated to it, you're probably familiar with the character's jevil and spamton. These are the two characters coined by the community as "secret bosses", since you have to stray away from the games intended path to find them (in most cases.)
When you defeat spamton in his 'NEO form', a neat little song will play with his dialogue "a real boy!", this is a nod to the fable/fairytale "pinochio" I'm sure everyone's familiar with. It's a story about a doll that comes to life in search of becoming 'a real boy'. This corrilation made me realize there are A LOT of similarity's between pinochio and spamton. The strings, his regular form being a mockup of a doll, even his goal to become "big", its almost like becoming a 'real boy'. He knows he's not 'real', and just like at the end of pinochio, he too becomes renewed (reneo'd).
This made me wonder if the other secret boss, Jevil, represented something other than the Joker card. Then I realized whenever he was hit in his fat empty head it actually sprung out like a jack-in-the-box. I initially discarded this since it wasn't really a fable or fairy-tale, but if you do some digging you'll find it actually is!!!@! back in the 1400's somewhat, the jack in the box was originally named 'The Devil in the Box', essentially it's a story about a man who trapped a devil in a boot in order to save a village in france at the time, kinda like that one story about the court jester who got locked away by his magician friend in order to save their kingdom (haha. hahahahha. thats from deltarune. hahaha.) just to run home my point, jack-in-the-box; Devil in the box. Jack; Devil. What way could you fuse them together? Dack? Jackil? maybe some other 3rd way that has some importance to Yea thats right you know you've always known its Jevil.
Obviously, in deltarune fashion, its easy to overthink most elements in the story. Granted, toby will make an entire 2nd game about a hypothetical character you've never met but no you've only ever POSSIBLY met through a 1/100 chance door where he'll show you his asshole and then disappear into a million pieces, but yea, it's easy to make certain correlations that aren't even really there. In this case however I'd say that there's one more correlation that seals the deal that makes this theory WORTH theorizing.
Yea gaster. even though he's not even technically a character yet, every piece of information regarding him seems to lead people to believe he's not only the narrator at the beginning of the game, but he's also the 'man' behind the tree (since the way you find 'his sprite' in undertale is almost exactly similar ['theres a room in-between, theres a room, in-between']). I'm assuming you know what there is to know about gaster so im not gonna go into it, so onto the correlation.
I've read before someone talking about how gaster represents easter eggs in video games, not only physically (egghead) but metaphorically (the way you find him, his implied involvment with the secret bosses, the fact he gives you an '''''EGG''''' when you DO find him). Well if he is technically involved with the secret bosses, wouldn't that make him a fable too? I'm here to tell you he is. he is HUMPTY DUMPTY from SECOND GRADE FAIRY TALE PLAY.
I've already gone over his physical and metaphorical symbolism relating to eggs, but the story of humpty dumpty is also very, haha, hahahaha, hahahhahahaha
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall (The Core)
Humpty dumpty took a big fall ("Fell into his own creation")
All the kings horses and all the kings men (Who did gaster work for again?)
Couldn't put Humpty together again ("He was shattered across time and space")
What could this mean? for the future it means that if this theory is right, EVERY secret boss we meet is gonna represent not only a lightworld object, but an actual FAIRTY TALE, a FABLE. I mean, how many fables are out there. I know theres one in particular, one that the game is named after, one that has to do with an ANGEL. an ''''ANGEL'''' with ''''TATTERED WINGS''''''.
but then again idk
Last edit: also this has no grounds as an actual theory but uhhh that mf that made the Undertale RED boss fight got hired on the team. Huh. I wonder what Red was a reference to. Huh.
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the-enzyme · 4 days
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I promise I didn't ask myself, " can I make a hyper-cutesy-looking-doll, hyper-creepy-looking, or what!" Lol! I always wanted to try my hand at repainting one of the Lol OMG dolls, particularly the male ones. When I got my Rocker Boi back when the doll released a few years ago, I thought he would be perfect for me to try. I got two, so I could keep one in box (he comes with Punk Girl). Sadly, he is a plastic shade of sun-burned red IRL. So, I kept putting that repaint off. I did make a mockup, and even planned on replacing his default body with the Mattel BTS body (I own too many, and don't really need any of them now! Lol!). His default body is too tiny for my taste, I would rather have a taller broader version of it, but there's nothing of the sort, that I know of. I am not a fan of the BTS body either, but that's probably the palest mass-produced body I own too many of, that I don't have to import and already have a million of them. So, I'll be keeping this dude on that body for a while.
My mockup for this repaint/mod has tinier eyes, and chipmunk cheeks. I don't know why I did that with the cheeks, there's no way in hell I can do that to this sculpt. I do want him to have much smaller eyes though. But I had to fill in the sculpted eyes with my old rusty Aves Apoxie Sculpt a million years ago, when I got this doll, because the LoL OMG eyes are massive!! And they are literally sculpted to be deeply carved onto the head. I had a huge pain in the lower back sanding all of that as flat as possible, without making the sculpt completely flat or ruin it in the way. I still need to mod/flatten it a bit further (the eye area), but I didn't have to add any filler as I had feared. The first time I modified him, and repainted him, I feared I had done a sh1tty job because my Apoxie was so old. However, I lucky didn't had to do any additional, additive mods. Just needed to sand a million years more! And I'll probably need to sand even further to get the tiny eyes I want, next time!
That will be the next time I am feeling energetic! I layered the paint way too thin at first, to match the much paler BTS body, so I kind of shot myself on the foot doing that. I do appreciate texture on realistic HS, but not on hyper-sylized ones as much. At least, not bumpy texture. I don't mind painted/faux/pigmented on texture on stylized heads, but I kind of mind this kind of thick texture from too many layers of paint (love it on 1:6 realistic-ish heads, but not on melon-headed anime-ish ones). It was my mistake, however. The next time I'll probably try to get myself a can of white acrylic spray paint first, or go thicker on my initial paint layers, for the color matching aspect. He's a vampire, so I don't want texture of any kind of him, I just want him to look dead-pasty-white-kind-of-pale, and I'll probably rebody him by then. I quite like him for now, I wish there was no texture to speak of, but live and learn I always say! (;
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xiaojuun · 2 years
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happy birthday HYEONGJUN ♡ 30 nov 2002 ✧ click for full quality, and please, do not repost. ✧ credits and creator’s note below the cut.
⏤ credits !! . fonts used: bm jua, arial black . mockups: x, x, x , x . brushes & textures: x , x . photos from cravity members official twt
⏤ creator’s note :: i think all of us have had the experience of first laying eyes on a bias and being like, where have you been all my life you are so for ME it's insane ... that was my experience with hyeongjun, i'm pretty sure only mere hours before cravity had their comeback in the spring with 'adrenaline' (thanks ro), and since then i've become a hardcore luvity and even more certain that juni and i were meant to find each other. i was first drawn to squishy cheeks and magnetic stage presence, excitable energy, and the otherworldly cuteness hyeongjun exudes; but he's much more than the performance he puts on. when i finally worked up the courage to watch pdx, it was clear why he was a fan favorite, and even more clear why he made so much sense for me as someone who always tends to root for the kids that things don't come easy to. i see jun work hard every day to challenge people's expectations of him, and even his own perceptions of his abilities. he doesn't want to be placed in a box - the world is far too big and opportunities are limitless. but he also never forgets his roots, his home in tongyeong, his first dance teacher who he still keeps in touch with, and his family who is so loving and lively and has fought fiercely alongside him in order to live his dreams. you can see his passion and love for what he's doing when he dances on stage or just for fun on vlive. you can see how much he doubts himself sometimes but how he pushes through anyways. you can see how loved he is, and how much brightness he brings to his members. i admire hyeongjun for all that he is, for showing his true self and his heart even when he isn't entirely sure of it, even when he doesn't think it's good enough. i wish i could tell him that it always is, always has been, and always will be. though i've only known him less than a year, i have a feeling we're in it for the long haul. i'm not even remotely surprised that our birthdays are within days of each other - i think juni and i are a lot alike, and that makes me incredibly proud, because he's incredibly special. happy birthday to my little sunshine, who looks like a doll but is so very beautifully human, my beloved junibear ♡
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vigilant-shadow · 3 years
🧸 🎵🤝
[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
Xiao does have a few sentimental items, and they are all neatly stored in the sub-space he had created a long time ago, immune to the passage of time or its effects on them.
Among those items are: a small doll that a child from Liyue once gifted him as a 'thank you' for saving them from a bad situation. It sits on a small desk placed in his room. The doll was handcrafted by the kid, made to resemble Xiao, though, unlike him, the doll's constant expression is a soft smile.
Another item is from an even longer time ago, before Xiao was under Rex Lapis. It's an old golden spear, one he no longer uses for the fact that it'd probably break immediately. The spear was a gift to him from the older yaksha as a way to welcome him to the family. He also has a bunch of small minerals that he found with the others, before everything turned horrible. On some nights, these rocks make him smile, on others, just seeing them is enough to make him cry and scream. The spear rests leaned on the closet, while the rocks are stored in a box, sitting on the desk next to the doll.
Yet another item he cherishes with his entire heart, and the newest in his collection is the flowercrown he got from Venti on Windblume. It's frozen in time, as fresh as it was on the day he got it. It makes him smile and fills the room with the comforting smell of Cecilias, reminding him of his lover. The flowercrown is neatly placed on a mockup head made from bamboo wood, sice that's what he found easiest to carve, and the head rests on his bedside table.
Lastly, he has a golden ring with the name Alatus carved into it. It was a gift from the old god, when they decided to take him and make him their personal toy, pretending it to be love, when in reality, it was just lust and a desire to control something. Even though that is behind him now and he knows it wasn't even a sliver of love, Xiao still has times when he falls into his old habit of thinking it was, and it was the kind of love he deserved, gaining it only when he was good and did as he was told. When he is in such a state, he'll cradle the ring in his hands and cry, blaming himself for how things turned out, blaming himself for the pain the god's actions brought him. When he isn't in that state, the ring reminds him that, even if he was broken in the past, it's behind him now and he won't be getting hurt like that again anytime soon. The fact that it isn't on his finger means he's free from the god and their torment and that he has found actual love now, no longer needing to just do as he was told to experience it.
Side note: I wasn't listing things he still uses such as his spear or flute for example.
[ 🎵 ] is there a specific song or songs you associate with your muse? why is that?
I have a few actually!
Firstly, to get this out of the way because it feels like cheating: The Vigilant Yaksha by Kin Sen. I feel like it's obvious why I would lol also Lover's Oath, considering that the first time we hear it is with him.
Okay, now onto actual songs that aren't just straight up his theme or smthn lol:
The Horror and The Wild by The Amazing Devil -> It feels really fitting for him, especially in a scenario where he is to face the god that used to own him, now a million times more powerful than the god could ever be.
Protector by City Wolf -> He's solely focused on protecting everyone, and he'd do anything if it meant keeping those he cares for safe. It just feels right.
Little Bird - Rachel Rose Mitchell -> The entire song is very reminiscent of his loyalty to the old god, doing everything as he was told for that small bit of love he would get as a reward, and then that last verse is for a hopeful future, one where he no longer has to worry about that, where he is free to make his own choices.
I have a bunch more but if I listed them all this post wouldn't be done till next year sooo I think three is good enough to cut it at
[ 🤝 ] how does your muse approach intimacy? are they hesitant, or do they like it? what types of intimacy do they like and dislike? (ex. physical intimacy, sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, etc.)
Getting intimate with Xiao is... Hard, to say the least. He's very cautious around it and hesitant to do anything, knowing how easily hurt he could be from it. However, he loves it, craves it even, which puts him at war with himself.
Emotional intimacy with him is hard to accomplish purely because of the habit to bottle up all emotions and hide them behind a wall covered in spikes that is his outward coldness. He keeps people at arms length, fearing that if he opened himself up to them, they would realize he isn't worth the trouble. Plus, he doesn't wish to burden anyone with his feelings, since he was trained into considering them invalid and unimportant. He's trained into considering himself so insignificant that just a few nice words have the capability to make him break down.
Physical intimacy is hard for him as well, feeling he deserves nothing but pain. However, that boy is so touchstarved, please, he needs all the hugs and cuddles and kisses in the world. Due to being unused to them, even the smallest acts of physical intimacy like brushing hands against each other can make him unbelievably flustered. Whenever he gets overwhelmed by something, there's always one surefire way of calming him; and that is taking a nice, warm, long bath with him, just cuddling him and running hands down his body, not in a sexual way, but rather in a calming, comforting one, helping him wash his hair, the entire thing would have him melting into the person's arms, possibly even falling asleep as fingers gently run through his hair and massage his scalp.
Sexual intimacy with him is the hardest to achieve. He is deeply traumatized after all. It's gonna take a bit of time for him to feel comfortable enough around his partner for that to even be a possibility. Even then, his initial reaction to any touch will probably be to flinch away for a long time and he's going to need a lot of encouragement and whispers promising safety, that he wasn't hurting anyone and that he wasn't going to get hurt. The sexual intimacy isn't as important for him as the other two, but it still makes him feel happy, to know that his partner feels safe enough around him, and to know that he feels utterly safe around his partner.
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the-goddamn-queen · 5 years
The Girl I Thought You Were
Bucky Barnes x Readers
Warnings: swearing, brief death/torture mention, zero knowledge of the legal system
Word Count: 2058
Summary: Scoring a position working for the Avengers reveals a lot more about your past than you anticipated.
A/N: For @sunmoonandbucky​‘s 1.5k Constellations Challenge! My prompt was the Legally Blonde line “if you’re going to let one stupid prick ruin your life, you’re not the girl I thought you were.” Post-Endgame, but no one died.
You were lucky, you suppose, with the job you’d managed to find. The snap yanked you out of your senior year of college, and when it spit you back out, you didn’t have a degree or the money to finish it.
A non-descript assistant position wasn’t exactly ideal, but it was something, plus they were offering housing for people who’d been ‘blipped.’
You walk up to the shoddy office building, second guessing yourself at every step, but what other choice did you have? You reach the door and give it a firm tug, stumbling backwards when it doesn’t open as you expect it to. You try a few more times with the same result. Had you gotten the time wrong? The address? What this a set up? Your anxiety spikes, and you begin to back away when an Irish woman’s voice prompts you for your name and appointment time.
You manage your name through chattering teeth. “I-I’m just here for the assistant interview.”
“Ah, yes, Mr. Stark’s 3:00.”
Mr. Stark? As in Tony? It couldn’t be.
The door swings open of its own accord to reveal a completely normal office space.
Completely normal, that is, until you step through the hologram straight into a very high-tech elevator.
You barely have time to register the change before the door slams behind you and the elevator starts to drop.
A few moments later, you’re spit out the other side of the elevator into a surprisingly plush conference room.
“Six months away from graduating top honors in political science and intelligence from Columbia University. What happened?”
You snap from your daze to focus on the voice in front of you. The man who spoke was still covering his face with your file, but you’d recognize his voice anywhere. “You’re Ironman.”
“And you were on course to be recruited by the CIA. What. Happened?”
You cleared your throat in attempt to rid your voice of any nervousness. “The university wouldn’t reinstate my scholarship when I, uh, came back, and I didn’t exactly have the money to finish paying since my accounts had been closed for…five years.” It felt weird saying it out loud.
Tony dropped the file to look you over. “Well that’s shitty.” His blunt choice of words shocks you a bit. “I’ll have to have a word with board about that one.” Tony stands and flicks his wrist, opening up a holographic screen that he starts tapping on. “Don’t worry, kid, you’ll get your degree.”
“Mr. Stark, I don’t understand. Is this part of the interview?”
“Interview?” He shakes his head. “No interview. You have the job,” he says as he rounds the table, “this is more of an…” he gestures vaguely to the room, “orientation.”
“So, am I to be your assistant, Mr. Stark?” you question. You’re still pretty confused considering the situation.
Tony gives you a strange look. “Assistant? Is that what FRIDAY posted?” He huffed a laugh and went back to punching at the hologram. “And you can do away with the formalities, kid, ‘Tony’s fine.”
“I don’t…I don’t understand.”
Tony waved away the floating screen and faced you. “I had FRIDAY mockup an ad to attract you specifically,” he said pointing at you, “which is funny to me ‘cause your resume’s too damn good for an assistant.”
You stiffen. He was right, of course, but your field wanted a degree. “Who’s Friday?”
“My assistant.” He takes a step forward and claps a hand on your shoulder making you jump. “And you’re our new government liaison. Welcome to the Avengers.” He pulls away. “Let me show you to your room.”
 The fake office/bunker, it turned out, was temporary while the compound was rebuilt, and being the government liaison basically meant you were the face of the Avengers during negotiations. And no matter what you said, Tony insisted that you were the only person for the job.
You were pretty sure, though, that he was just desperate because the first assignment he gives you is the renegotiation of the Sokovia Accords.
You spend the next month pouring over the original documents and interviewing various Avengers for affidavits.
Steve and Natasha help you outline the full events of the Battle of New York, Wanda gives her own account of the battle with Ultron, and Bucky, poor Bucky, gives you every single detail of how Hydra tortured and brainwashed him.
Clearly, he liked talking to you, though, because after that, he started stopping in pretty regularly, bringing you food, coffee. One time he actually brought a pillow to your office because he caught you asleep on your desk.
A few days later, he brought a blanket.
 The day before the hearing, he brings you two takeout boxes and two forks.
“Am I supposed to double fist this orange chicken?” You’re surprised manage humor through your focus.
“Of course not.” He drags a chair from the corner and plops down across from you.
You glace up, brows furrowed. “I’m done with interviews, you know. You don’t have to hang out with me.” You weren’t trying to kick him out or anything, you just didn’t want him to feel obligated.
“Yeah, I know,” he replies with a mouth full of food.
You stab your fork into the chicken. “Why do you keep doing all this?”
“Why do you keep doing all this?” Bucky counters, gesturing to the plethora of notes you have laid out for tomorrow. You’d been studying them since daybreak to make sure it was perfect.
“It’s my job,” you say defensively, shuffling some of the papers out of his reach.
“A job that you’ve repeatedly claimed you’re not qualified for,” he points out.
“I’m just anxious, okay?” You sigh. “I’ve been going over old videos, and there’s this one fucking senator—”
“Who’s not there anymore.” You both know why. He was Hydra.
“Sure, but there’s always going to be more like him.”
“Look, if you’re going to let one stupid prick ruin your life, you’re not the girl I thought you were.”
You look up at him, shocked by his choice of words. “And who, exactly, do you think I am?”
“Why’d you take the job?” It wasn’t a question, really. He believed in you, they all did, he just wanted you to admit it.
“Well,” you have to word it right, “my parents were SHIELD—”
“You’re lying.”
Your eyes pop. He knows. Of course, he knows. Who else does? Tony, probably. Nat, definitely. Columbia, for sure. It was the real reason they took your scholarship, well before Thanos got to you. The history wipe, the name change. None of it could’ve lasted, anyway.
You take a deep breath, eyes down. You’re not sure you can look at him now.
“My parents were Hydra.” You steal a glance. Bucky’s eyes are sympathetic. You wonder if he knew them. “Hardly knew them, though.”
“You grew up in the Red Room.”
You nod. “I escaped when Hydra fell. I wanted to be better. I had to be better.” A tear drips onto the corner of one of your pages, but you can’t bring yourself to care. “But I’m a fucking pariah.”
You feel Bucky slide one of his hands into yours, and you squeeze down, using it as an anchor as you sob. “Me too.”
You stutter and look up at him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—” He shakes his head to cut you off. “I just tried to hide it but I couldn’t keep it up I got found out and kicked out –”
As you ramble, you don’t notice Bucky rounding the desk until he wraps his arms around you, effectively shutting you up.
You instinctively reach your arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder as you cling to him. “I just wanted to start over.” He lowers the two of you down until you’re practically sitting in his lap, your face still buried in his neck. Bucky smooths his hand over your back as the tears die down.
“You’re gonna get your second chance, doll,” he whispers into your hair, “that’s why you’re here.” Then he adds quietly, “that’s why we’re all here.”
 You could almost feel Secretary Ross’s eyes burning a hole into your head, but he’s not your problem at the moment. The panel of senators sitting in front of you were much more important. You’d given them everything, you just hope you can handle whatever they throw back at you.
A few of the committee members that had been convening finally pulled their heads away from each other. One of the women leaned into her mic.
“Miss, is it true you were once part of the Soviet training program ‘The Red Room?’”
Your heart clenched. “Yes, ma’am.”
“And how did you find yourself in this program?” she pressed.
“I don’t see how this is relevant—”
“Just answer the question.”
You take a deep breath and glace over to Bucky. He offers a warm smile, nodding at you to continue. He has faith in you, it’s all you need.
“My parents were members of the shadow organization, Hydra—”
“The Nazi organization—”
“If you would allow me to answer your question, senator,” you fire back, “and if I remember correctly, a number of your colleagues were involved in Hydra as well.”
“They are answering for their crimes—”
“And my parents died for theirs.” A stunned silence fell over the courtroom. “They threw me into the Red Room when I was three years old. Hell bent on turning their own daughter into a weapon.” You were half standing now, but still leaned in on your mic. “They ruined my life. I carry no allegiance to them or the organization that tried to brainwash me and countless others. I was lucky. I escaped and got to go after my second chance. Thanks to the Avengers, we all got a second chance.”
It starts with one person, but it doesn’t take for the entire gallery to erupt into applause. The committee head practically has to yell into his mic about reconvening the next morning. It wasn’t over, but you sure as hell made an impression.
 “Don’t you think this celebration is a little pre-mature?” you ask as Tony hands you the glass bottle.
“No way, kid,” he insists, “you earned that beer. You did us proud today.”
You smile and start to turn from the bar but stumble back when you smack straight into a pillar.
“Shit, sorry, you alright?” Oh, okay. Not a pillar. You look up.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine,” you reply, not realizing you still had a hand on Bucky’s chest.
He smiles down at you. “Walk with me?” He offers an elbow.
The two of you wander the hallways for a while before you stop him. “You knew me didn’t you? In Hydra?”
Bucky parts hips lips for a moment and then nods, and you see his eyes get glassy.
“Bucky, what is it?”
“Nothing, really,” he shakes his head and you can tell he’s fighting tears. “Yeah, I knew you.”
“I didn’t know you though. Bucky why are you crying?”
A tear escapes and he chokes on a sob. “Because I watched you die.”
You feel it then. The echo of the electricity weaving its way into your head, latching onto bits and pieces of memories and frying them into obscurity. The realization hits you, and you grasp at Bucky’s face, forcing him to look you in the eyes. You let the blue run over you until your own tears start to fall. “I didn’t die,” you reassure him, smoothing with wet cheeks with your thumbs.
“They let me think it killed you.”
You choke out a laugh. “You know it takes a hell of a lot more than that to kill me.”
He smiles at that and pulls you a little closer. “You really are the girl I thought you were.”
You take a deep breath and lean in just enough to press you lips to his. Bucky sighs into you and returns the kiss. The two of you stay that way for as long as possible, letting the connection work a balm over the charred parts of your brain until all that was left was the memories of him.
“They made you forget me,” he murmurs against your lips.
“I could never forget you.”
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hnd2aje · 3 years
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Brand Slogan.
For this project we were tasked to create a new eco poster to advertise the slogan “Not all Rubbish is Rubbish.” I achieved this by created a dolls’ living room using cardboard and creating an informating poster explaining a Dollshouse is a great way to reuse old cardboard. excess cardboard has become more adbundant due to more online sales from the pandemic.
I edited these images by using free mockups I found on google which used displacement maps. I have screenshotted my workflow of how I made use of the displacement maps which made my workflow a lot quicker and easier.
I started by downloading the mockups and unzipping using 7Zip and used one of the PSDs avaliable for my design. Once opened there is an option on the working layer to change the image (circled in red) by double clicking this I can use the Place Embedded option to add my own PSD file, which can be edited if the writing or anything in the image needs to be moved. To ensure these changes are saved, I simple followed the prompt Photoshop gave me and clicked Save which automatically changes the image to fit on the mockup.
Wrexham Council
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This is all I could find in relation to recycling cardboard
However, I did get the idea of a dollshouse from this music video I saw a few years ago
Walk off the Earth: Little Boxes
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dollsonmain · 7 years
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Thinking out loud.
So, the left side is 100% Pocahontas dolls right now. I think I should raise up the back layer, made a shorter riser for the center, and then put some other dolls in the front to reduce the overstuffing of other areas.
Or make the risers as planned and move the Pocahontas dolls all to one side, put Aurora in the back, and then put others in front of her.
I think in the center, I will take apart Pippi and give her body to the Blondie head @queenofsquids sent. I don’t have a Blondie on the EAH shelf, yet. She needs deglued, first. I think that’s an Apple body.
My childhood Jasmine should probably be put back on a larger body (she's on a Clawdeen body at the moment) and reintegrated into the display. I do have most of her old outfit, but her head is so dark (and shrunken) now that she no longer matches her original body. So... Not sure what to do about that.
Obviously, I need MORE stands. I’d really like to make the stands I had thought up a while ago but $$$. I mean, I guess if I learned how to do 3D sculpting I could get them printed somewhere for not too many $$... But considering I need like... A hundred of them it would get pretty pricey pretty fast...
I need to find a body for Jane! (ee Jane!!) who sadly doesn't match any of my floating body stash, but DOES match Megara, and I happen to have a Megara with cut hair languishing in a box. I hate the TnT body, though.
So much.
I should probably put in the effort of finding and buying everyone's default outfits someday, but really.... Not that important.
And a mockup of the riser I'd like to make for the center shelf. The biggest problem with that is that I don't have the energy to do it, AND would need to go buy some stuff at the store. Foam board, I guess, and poster board, maybe. Buying stuff isn't a problem, really, but going to the store when I'm already worn down is.
And I need to be spending the energy I do have on things like cleaning. Which reminds me that I did finally dry that load of laundry but then left it in the dryer for a couple days... Oops.
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pabrikmug-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on http://pabrikmug.co.id/media-promosi-banner-jakarta/
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flypaperreviews · 7 years
Consolers: A Webcomic Review
Disclaimer: I am on familiar terms with the author of this webcomic, that is to say, I communicate with her on a somewhat frequent basis. I have tried to be objective, but best take my words with a grain of salt. These are my opinions, make your own.
Consolers, by Zanreo (@zanreosauce) is a webcomic about video games – but unlike several webcomics about that particular subject which makes use of the cliché of two men and a pair of milk jugs on a couch, or affectionately parodies the logic of video games, it instead adopts a perspective that could be simply described as “video game Hetalia”. In other words, “personification of video game companies” would be the vehicle that this webcomic uses.
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I am pretty sure that this concept is not exactly new. Conversations with the author, dimly remembered, indicate that this has been executed on deviantArt. Forgive me if I do not talk about those, however, for this is a review on Consolers.
Now, Consolers is a webcomic that focuses on video games, and on the history both comparatively antique and modern . While mostly on the Big Three of video games (namely Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo), it occasionally brings up the escapades of other smaller companies and game developers themselves. There is no overarching plot structure, which would have made absolutely zero sense otherwise, but it instead presents various vignettes of the video game industry’s history.
It has run for quite some while, stretching on for four years from 2013 to 2017. However, I have been requested to focus on the 2015 to the most recent strips, which I will do so, though I might occasionally bring up the earlier strips in order to make comparisons or snide remarks, should the mood strike.
Like now.
If one should read this webcomic chronologically, art evolution, ranging from better lines, speech bubbles and anatomy would be apparent. However, it does occasionally carry on the same problems it had in its early stages.
Firstly, what strikes me is the problem of anatomy. This is pretty much the bane of several people, myself included, so I will not be too harsh about this. I might be lying.
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Now, there are definite improvements. Zanreo’s grasp of the human body has improved to some extent so as to not create monstrosities such as Atari’s hand in the picture to the left (E.T. Go Away, 20th Oct 2014). However, there are occasional slip ups with the anatomy in the more recent strips – Nintendo, on the far right comes from a strip published on the 27th of January, 2017 (Meeting - part 2) , but her hand, however, reminds me of the frogs that I had to remove from my garden just recently. Furthermore, though the cropping of the image does not show it quite well, her leg seemed to be shortened.
There is, too a perennial problem with stiffness. The figures themselves feel a bit like posable dolls, or a bundle of sticks. Occasionally, Zanreo breaks out of this with a nonstandard pose – by which I mean, a pose that requires the spine to not be straight.  
Another problem is one of perspective and by association, backgrounds. Backgrounds are also rather simplistic, providing little detail save for situations when points are to be made, which are actually effective, for they draw the eye to the figures, who are definitely the main focus of the webcomic. But occasionally…
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You get pages like this (Metal Gear Barely Surviving, 19th August 2016 in the above example; Digital Homicide, 26th September 2016 is another one). Perspective. Needs work.
But do not take these as extremely jarring -  these mistakes are do not break the webcomic too much, and if Zanreo continues practicing her skills, more improvement should be seen. Her skill in shading, for example, has improved as time went on, giving depth to the figures, and the usage of panels was rather good.
The character design deserves some mention, however. With such a multitude of video game characters and designs, the companies should rather be pleasing, or entertaining to the eye, and be rather identifiable almost immediately. This, Zanreo excels in. She incorporates several features in each character, making them stand out from one another.
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Square Enix is my favourite of favourites and I will proceed to share with you the fanfic I wrote about Squeenix and Y2K zips -  erm. Back to the review.
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This is not totally perfect. A few designs are rather bland. EA, for example is presented as what is known online as a dudebro, if I’m correct. It works. It communicates his character as someone with an extensive catalog of sports games, but I feel that it doesn’t communicate the entire depth of EA’s catalogs, ranging from Star Wars to The Sims to cult hit Mirror’s Edge. Perhaps, however, Zanreo has not got around to addressing EA’s nature yet, outside of the Character page.
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Sony, however, is rather bland in design, taking the appearance of a black T-shirt wearing man. Other than his emblems, his design does not evoke any questions or make him stand out, which is rather a shame, really.
Speaking of communication, the webcomic itself aims to present video gaming news in a webcomic format.  However, it is rather insular to a mild degree – it assumes that you have an interest in video games (which is obvious, given the name), and that you have some knowledge of the industry’s messes itself.  Now this has lessened to some degree, but I have encountered this once in a while. Take the page Tecmo's Revenge (3rd Oct 2016) for one. I was a bit puzzled about what was occurring until I decided to scroll down and read the comments, which gave me a link to a previous strip for more context.
The writing in the pages and strips themselves is clear and concise enough, and comes off as natural. This is all good. There is also a good use of speech bubbles, but as with everything, it is not totally perfect.
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Now, this is really crowded, and gives me the impression of a text crawl a la Star Wars trying to escape this horrendous white circle. If it were up to me I’d have done this: separate each paragraph into their own speech bubble. A mockup is below.
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Now this is only one way to create break up such a text wall and arrange them. There are surely better methods and arrangements, but the end result is to actually give some breathing room and connections for the words and bubbles.
Structure-wise, the comic itself is in one word, scattered. This is one glaring flaw of the comic itself – it is not arranged in a logically pleasing, continuous manner, and to confess, one of the reasons I picked on the earlier strips was that the archive positively defeated my efforts to locate any of the  2015 strips easily. The archive itself is arranged in story arcs, but most of the strips are unchaptered. This arrangement defies any chronological sense, but I comprehend why one would do so. However, it does not make for easy reading.
Reading chronologically is also an issue. Some arcs are scattered between dates, with other strips, filler material and whatnot wedged in between. Flow is broken this way, and though no one truly minds brief interruptions, to have 13 pages composed filler material and a midway break is rather distracting. I am referring to the strips between the Meeting pages.
The site itself isn’t too distracting – the background wallpaper is fun to look at, but it doesn’t take away the attention. Its muted colour scheme works in its favor, but the header bar is rather clogged, filled with links to several other sites. A recommendation, if I may, is to condense it into one page of Links, or move them to the About section. It makes for a less cluttered header bar, which takes less attention away from the page.
Disqus, also needs some work. The text is black, making it blend in with the background. Perhaps make the background of the Disqus box itself white. Placing it above the disclaimer bar, in the main box would be a better location too.
The comic as a whole however does not offer too much to be damned to the blackest pits of video game comic hell, which I’m pretty sure exist, and that I’m going there one day to be tormented by loss.jpg and Penny Arcade’s new art. It is actually a rather good effort at portraying the inherent nature of the video game industry as one of constant wackiness hiding under a veneer of straight, no-nonsense professionalism, and shows that despite everything:
“Above all, video games are meant to just be one thing: Fun for everyone.” -Satoru Iwata
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Packaging Design & Mockup
The packaging is in this hexagonal box that would hold a benry doll inside. I wanted it to give off the notions this was a wild animal prepared for transit, with the added pentagram on top to somehow tie into the witching world.
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bjdlog · 7 years
BJDlog update April 26th
4/12/2017- Technically not a BJD, but I wanted to share here anyway: I ended up ordering 2 large size plushies from @renchanworkshop. Both are Peridot from Steven Universe, just with different expressions. I’m really excited to get them, and hopefully I will get them by a con in early July, to have them signed by Peridot’s freaking English voice actor which I am so so SO excited about!  I’ll probably post a box opening of them on this blog as well as my main, even though they aren’t technically BJDs. Still a big purchase with a long wait, doll people can empathize, right? ;P Won’t be for a while though. Art takes time!
4/19/2017- Ordered Doll Chateau K-body-11 in old WS from Mint on Card This will be the body for Vriska. I went with the old WS rather than grey as I really like the old white/ivory color, and if I change my mind (which I am not likely do do anytime soon but who knows?) I can always order grey later. See earlier posts for details.
4/27/2017- Stated time for Doll-Chateau pre-order submission by Mint on Card! Right before the limit for discontinuation, but the order will be officially submitted!
Other: I still have to buy the Dollove Cecelia head from Alice’s Collections. That will be Vriska’s head, though I expect to have to do some neck hole modding to make it work. I’m really hoping the proportions work out though! Cecelia is the perfect head in my eyes for Vriska, and the mockups I’ve made appear to indicate that she won’t necessarily have to have a sad expression, though if she does, that’s fine too! I’ll explore my options.
No word from Resinsoul, but it’s only been 22 days so I shouldn’t expect any anytime soon. I’m really excited both for Mabel and Raize’s doll! I wish I could give Raize some news, though she’s being very patient and is aware these things take a while. Having to wait with someone really emphasizes how long it seems to take though... :/
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