#dream appreciation
patchesjam · 1 year
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mahikamihan · 1 year
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positive/encouraging youtube comments under Dream's antartica video
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ignorethisemma · 2 years
Dream support and appreciation
not that this post will reach anyone at all, let alone someone willing to read a dream defense essay, but in light of all the dream negativity lately, i just want to clearly express why i support and love his content and also respect him so much as an actual human being. LONG thread btw, sorry 😵‍💫
1. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! dealing with controversies
nobody’s born woke, obviously. dream’s open about the fact that he was a middle class white boy who grew up in florida; of course he was going to be raised somewhat conservatively and not very exposed to diverse perspectives. and of course through his years of creating content—since when he was a child—he has done and said plenty of things i don’t agree with or even just think he could’ve handled a little bit better. but that’s not the deal breaker for me.
dream never shies away from apologizing and taking full accountability for his actions, even the ones from years and years in the past. and sure, sometimes you can tell it’s difficult for him to own up, but that’s human, and i honestly can’t fault him at all for it. but what really sealed the deal for me was that hasan abi stream—hasan, who’s actually so woke lol, and they’d had tension on twitter until dream decided to come on stream and talk it all out. in that ONE stream, you could actually see dream actively growing and expanding his perspective and shape his views and opinions?? i don’t think he gets enough credit for this at all.
when i outgrow my old and often misguided beliefs, it is an active and constant battle. i have to convince myself and consciously choose to let my old beliefs go, and with that, a lot of my pride and stubbornness, and mould and shape and mould and shape until i eventually am able to accept that i’ve grown for the better. it is a long, difficult, sometimes painful and humiliating process. i need time; to unlearn, to let go, to swallow my pride and deal with the shame of having been wrong, to introspect and then talk it through and hear from people whose opinions i trust, and then finally realize my new opinions. dream was doing this in a huge platform, with the pressure of his status and in front of a live audience that was ready to pick him apart in ONE stream. he was listening to and learning from hasan. it was difficult, but it was happening, and you can actually see the moments he lets his defensiveness go (which i also can’t fault him for considering his internet reception) and really grow into his thoughts more. i don’t think i could do that now—nevermind if i was a white boy from florida.
and you can see how much dream continues to progress and grow and change so quickly! i can’t even compare him to who he was last year or the year before, because that’s how fast he’s growing and learning. that’s the moment i gained so much respect for him. and i see this so often in a lot of his online presence. sure, he’s not perfect, and i have no doubt there’ll be more moments i don’t entirely agree with him, but how can i hold that against him when i can’t imagine anything that could be as deserving of respect as this is? when it’s undeniable that he is purposefully taking advantage of his platform to educate and better himself?
2. not rlly smthn he specifically did, ig, but his views on sexuality made me lose it
i won’t go too much into it, but his views on sexuality and also just, relationships with close friends. i’m just so grateful to him. i’m a lesbian, but i do have some turbulence with my sexuality, identity, how others perceive me or their idea on how sexuality should work. but the way dream approaches his and also clearly explains his views when he’s comfortable really helped shape and develop my own views on mine. when he said it’s hard for him to identify with even one label a little bit more than another, because he feels it’s so much more complex than that and he doesn’t know how to compress it to just one word—something slipped out of place in me.
i won’t talk about all the nuances of my current perceptions on sexuality, mine or as a whole, but i respect him so much for this, and it was absolutely heartbreaking when every attempt dream’s made at seriously addressing his sexuality has been met with the assumption of insincerity. i honestly see a lot of similarities in our outlooks and situations in all of this, and i’m just so grateful and appreciative of him for helping me get a stronger footing of who i am.
3. he’s just a silly, goofy little guy
he’s just so fun and entertaining to watch. i love him, i love his friends, i love watching them dick around with each other. i love how close they are. and i’m so excited to see more of it now in the new era. his videos are so funny and i always look forward to them. simple as that.
4. i have a dumb little cat who reminds me a lot of patches. i have a parasocial relationship with patches specifically. my cat, too, drools on me when she’s sleepy and is a little challenged in the braincells apartment. patches my shining star
anyway that’s it i just wanted to get this out there. i have a lot on my mind and it’s been really hard to see a creator i care about get dragged so much both online and by people i know. i just need to defend my boy a little here—especially since i’ve long thought he’s been held to a ridiculous standard and pedestal and is kinda undeservingly the easy punch for so many online communities. so: i love u dream, i’m so proud of u for face revealing, i’m so proud of you for a lot more than just face revealing, and i’m so excited to see what comes next. (also my best friend and i guessed pre-reveal u’d kinda look like sapnap but just in a different font and i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry but i think we kinda nailed that one. it’s like papyrus to garamond istg. but that’s just confirmation that now there’s three pretty best friends <3)
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playerdream · 2 years
i posted this on twitter but idc i’ll say it here too !!!!!! i will personally pay everyone from the dsmp going 2 twitchcon to visit legoland while they're here ... yes it's 40 minutes away from the convention center ... i simply do NOT care i would DRIVE them there Myself, i just know they would have so much fun :(((
imagine the photos they’d take at the entrance and in front of the lego sculptures and the vids of george trying park food and them trying to drag dream on rides and they could go to the water park and (bc it's halloween) they'd be able to attend the halloween event too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dreams-in-blk · 8 months
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cowbutchbait · 28 days
me and somebody’s daughter
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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i now understand how certain people felt when harpy eda was revealed 😳
prints here
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madeleinefjall · 9 months
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when you thought it was a raccoon in your yard but it's just a vampire eating rats
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erebusfinn · 24 days
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My official contribution to the lamb. Praise be to thy lamb lol
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Some photos I took of the Columbus Module at the National Space Centre
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patchesjam · 1 year
they were so excited oh my dreamieeee
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mahikamihan · 2 years
pls watch this, it's adorable and cute and the colors are everything and the subtle storytelling it just melts my heart <3
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libraryofgage · 10 months
Steddie brainrot continues to worsen to a concerning degree but here's a crack idea that is absolutely sending me:
Famous Spicy Six in which Jonathon is a director who decides to work on a passion project: a Scooby-Doo movie. His ideal cast is as follows:
Nancy Wheeler (investigative journalist with a few special appearances on crime dramas) as Daphne Blake
Argyle (an actor with a habit of playing small parts; he acts only because he thinks it's fun, so he's not concerned with significant roles) as Shaggy Rogers
Robin Buckley (a well-known voice actor who is more well-known for her social media posts and clap-backs) as Velma Dinkley
Steve Harrington (basketball star who is also more well-known for his social media clap-backs and for being Corroded Coffin's number one fan) as Fred Jones
Eddie Munson (frontman for Corroded Coffin, an insanely popular metal/punk/rock band and "infamous" for unashamedly posting Steve Harrington thirst tweets) as the voice of Scooby-Doo
Corroded Coffin is also creating an entirely new, original soundtrack for the movie
And because I think it's funnier this way, this is also an AU where the Upside Down still happened, so Jonathon just calls his friends up and is like "Okay, so hear me out"
The absolute insanity that breaks out when both the movie and cast are announced because nobody can figure out how Jonathon managed to convince all these powerhouses to join his movie.
The further screaming online after one of the movie promo interviews where a reporter asks how they all agreed to the movie and Nancy hits them with, "Well, Jonathon asked, and he never asks for anything."
Which leads to the discovery that they all knew each other in high school, and the reporter jokingly asks if that means they've all dated each other, too, which leads to Eddie jumping in with absolute delight like, "Well, that's a funny story, there. See, Stevie here dated Nancy, who then dated Jonathon when they broke up, who then dated Argyle after they broke up. And I thought Stevie and Robin were dating, so I was very confused when I saw Robin and Nancy kissing. But then I found out that Robin was a true-blue lesbian, which meant Stevie here was open for the taking, and we've been banging ever since."
and Steve is just sitting there, head in his hands while Robin cackles and decides to tell the reporter all about Steve's "fuck I have a crush on Eddie" crisis
This interview, of course, leads to even more freaking out online and comments like "I know I asked for poly Scooby gang, but this is ridiculous," and "I can't believe that in this, the year of our lord 20xx, ScoobyXFreddy became a canon ship," and "if I had a nickel for every romantic relationship the Scooby gang actors have had with each other, I'd have five nickels, which is way more than any of us fucking expected to have," and "suddenly Eddie Munson's thirst tweets make a lot more sense, but can we talk about Steve Harrington's CC tweets now," and "everyone say thank you to Eddie Munson for revealing that mess of a relationship map," and "finally, the canon lesbian velma and daphne we deserve"
The movie is a box office hit, btw, and bloopers from filming roll with the credits, among which is Eddie Munson making Steve Harrington lose his shit laughing on set while dressed in a Scooby Doo onesie and singing Corroded Coffin songs with his Scooby Voice
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fefairys · 1 year
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had a dream that someone made a homestuck plugin that let you see the characters going about their lives outside of the events of the comic and i had to recreate this image
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dreams-in-blk · 6 months
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foundfamilynonsense · 9 months
Mace Windu said fuck the rules fuck the law fuck tradition the Chancellor is a Sith Lord and has made himself an emperor and I’m not going to sit by and let it happen.
Mace Windu said if I do nothing I’d be betraying the democracy I thought I was fighting for this whole time, which means more than the crimes I’ll be charged with when this is over.
And yet people try to praise Anakin or Dooku for “leaving a corrupt system”. As if that was why Anakin left. As if Dooku did anything but make it worse. People praise the Mandalorians for only following their own rules. As if we’ve ever seen the Mandalorians truly stand for anything.
As if we don’t already have the most metal anti-authoritarian, badass character for people to praise.
And yet these parts of the fandom hate him. I wonder why 🤔
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