#dun dun daaaa
calvinandhobbes · 1 year
love the succession theme so much. literally dun TINGGGG dada dadada dadada dada dahhdadada daDaDA DAAAA dah dadadadadada TINGGGG dada dadada dadada dada dahhdadada daDaDA DAAAA dah dadadadadada DUN Huuuu DUN H uUU DUN HUUUU DUN HUUUU DUN dada dadada dadada dada dahhdadada daDaDA DAAAA dah dadadadadada MMMMM BUN UH BUUHH BUN UH BUHHH
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h31fd3ad · 2 months
Duh dun da daaaa!! Blossom’s lore, ok to explain his story I am gonna lay down a bit of head cannons, ahem. There are two different types of pearls, basic pearls and customized pearls that are reserved for the highest of the high, a.k.a the diamonds and the people directly below them. Basic pearls are the ones usually in CL4M, they don’t have the exact same gem placement or color as their owner, and our rejuvenated when they’re given to a different gem. Bloss was a basic pearl and shifted around multiple gems in blues court, but eventually he was placed into pink’s court, during the war he was given too many quartz that would get shattered during during the war, causing a very thin time frame of him getting rejuvenated, this caused mental damage after the war he had a much longer time frame of different owners, and during Steven universe future he moved to little home and started making some friends and developing a normal life, and dealing with his trauma
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kyogre and groudon battle theme lyrics
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Random writing prompts (based on my wild imagination during higher maths).....
LET'S START! Only pt. 1/4 btw..
- (a switching pov story btw) u switch from parents to detective and a ghost. This ghost is the murdered girl in her apartment she, has to guide the detective through not just a hard case but terrible issues (up to u). The parents seem toooo sad for what it said in the girl's diary (add a few flashbacks if I were u). It turns out it was them but they were working for someone but they were mysteriously shot before they could answer.... DUN DA DAAAA *intrest intensifies*
-an unknown musician, break outs of area 51, more UFO sighting. MC will meet an alien but it's not how everyone depicts them..... They're just REALLY beautiful humans. The musician creates hypnotizing music.... But MC seems to be immune. He ventures with his alien (crush) to find this musician in the middle of a desolate house (similar to his own). It turns out (after stopping the musician) that he was just the future version of MC. Even after all the alien did for MC she says, " You were a good companion, but your purpose has been fufilled. Now leave. Go! " MC cries as she disappears. The future version admitts that she was the soul reason why he came back to save MC from her. He also says that she'll return but only to conquer and kill everyone without mercy.
ANYWAY thx for reading (rlly appreciate it)
Sorry if it was TOO long
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kit-penman · 2 years
A slightly unhinged Interview with the Vampire theory of mine:
tw: references to episode 5 and also mention of suicide, nothing more than what's in the show.
Also; spoilers for season 1 and the Vampire Lestat (and if I'm good at theorising, potentially for season 2&3)
Ok, so, this may be a bit wild. But I've binged Interview with the Vampire and reignited an old passion for Lestat as a character. So, this is not unbiased. Also, a lot of this is a compilation of parts of theories I've seen circulating around the community, so I don't claim to be the originator of a lot of this, but also there are too many posts for me to competently credit here.
As much as I loved the show, and all the tiny details in Sam Reid's performance, episode 5 left me with some 'feelings'. I know I'm not alone when I say that that episode and that fight felt quite out of character. I mean, Lestat and Louis never fought like THAT. Sure, their relationship was toxic, but it seems very strange that the showrunners would call Louis and Lestat endgame when they've made their relationship that much more violent and abusive. Not to mention that it goes directly against what Lestat says about never showing Louis even half his power.
Plus the scene was shot in a weird way; the oh so rarely used first person perspective, the shot hovering over the city so far up that the background faded away...
Almost like...
It could be anywhere...
New Orleans,
PARIS!!! (Dun-dun-daaaa)
So, I re-read the Vampire Lestat and re-watched the show with the context of that book combined with the knowledge of Armand hovering around Louis while his is telling his story. It provided some extremely interesting depth on Lestat as a character, the way that he thinks and what might be happening in the more questionable moments of the show.
I'm not sure how to put this, so I'll get to the point. I think Armand is manipulating the absolute shit out of Louis' story. I think three big moments for this are the fight between Lestat and Louis, the death of Lestat and the upcoming death of Claudia.
What I think happened:
I've arrived at the conclusion that I think that fight is likely real, but the end of the fight at least; is not in-fact a right between Louis and Lestat but instead Armand and Lestat. From what I've read Louis and Lestat never fight like that, but Lestat and Armand absolutely do. Particularly the 'dragging him along the pavement' was extremely similar. (Though, they never do fly up in the air and Armand can fly anyway... Though I'm pretty sure at that point in the fight, he wasn't able to fly anyway, since he was barely conscious and seemingly unable to use his other powers) I intend to make another post going into detail on this fight, as I don't want it to overtake the point of this post just being an overview of the theory. That said, I did read out the two fights (omitting some dialogue to not give it away) to someone not familiar with the books after watching the scene and they thought it was an adaptation of the Armand fight, so it's not just me. (also, that fight was in Paris, hence the joke at the start)
We already saw that Armand had likely influenced Louis to think he had Left Lestat for dead, Daniel was right and I think that Louis didn't think the death was justified, like in the books, and I think that was a big part of the Armand story making Lestat look worse. There are a couple of moments when Lestat's actions are framed very uncharitably; like in the theatre when they are talking before the show and Louis said he was trying to 'seize his opportunity to disarm me' but in reality, Lestat was likely reminded of the past, the theatre reminding him of Nicky, because he looks for a second like he's going to cry. It seemed more like a moment of sentimental vulnerability from Lestat to me, but I am biased. I think it's all part of a clearly well-rehearsed (as we can see when the interview is compared to the one from the 80's) effort to poorly characterise Lestat. (Something which makes sense since Lestat is the villain of Interview with the Vampire, but was re-written into a more nuanced and sympathetic character in the next book, so they had to account for people being against him for these first two seasons, but then routing for him in the next)
I believe that they are actually trying to sanitise the relationship between Louis and Lestat quite a bit, because if you look at what actually happens, like things that would be too big or unmotivated of a lie for the writers to write, he actually has a lot of tender moments, and the manipulations are cruelty are kept to only a few moments rather than weaved through the entire relationship like in the books. Claudia is a big part of that, they seem to be changing the relationship between her and Lestat quite a lot, I'm not sure how much of that is trustworthy, but one part that is obviously true is the change in how/why she was made a Vampire. In the book (and movie) Claudia was made because Louis was starving himself eating only rats and was in a plague district trying to find rats when he stumbles across a little girl and feeds on her in a desperate frenzy for blood. Lestat finds him and the girl and turns her to keep her as a constant reminder of Louis' guilt, so that he won't leave. But in the show, Louis is only kind-of indirectly responsible for her death and Lestat only turns her because Louis begs him, not out of a plot to force Louis to stay with him. This keeps the dynamic of Louis feeling responsible for her (though not out of guilt as much as because he wanted her to be turned) but now Lestat never really wanted her, so they aren't very close, she's just sort of in-between him and Louis. It's a little sad to see since Lestat was never a good parent in the books, but he clearly loved Claudia a lot. Though, they might be making Lestat and Claudia look more distant than they are because Armand has a lot of motivation to portray Lestat as hating Claudia.
Also, I almost forgot. When Lestat goes to get Claudia on the train- Antionette was shown in episode 7 standing in the park while Claudia is saying goodbye and I bet anything that she heard that Louis was considering killing himself and relayed it to Lestat, who then went to get her so that he wouldn't. That entire scene was very 'cartoon villain' of Lestat, like what a child would write of a parent she was mad at so it probably shouldn't be taken at completely face value anyway.
Speaking of which,
What I believe the motivation was:
So, in the Vampire Lestat, Armand is a reoccurring antagonist to Lestat. Lestat is not a fan of him (though he does think he's pretty, because it's Lestat and he can't not) and he is not a fan of Lestat (Debate-lorded his cult away, kicked his ancient ass as a baby vampire, had the absolute gall to be created by Magnus and born only a country lord (fake bourgeoise, they had to hunt to survive the winter) and, the worst grievance of all; he rejected him.) In the books Armand loves Louis, and travels with him after Claudia's death but Louis is unable to move past her death and it causes them to drift apart, clearly that has not happened to this Armand and Louis, so what changed? Could it be that he fixed Louis' damaged psyche by channelling that damage onto Lestat, so that he might feel as though he has closure? I don't believe this Louis knows that Lestat didn't come to Paris vengeful and get Claudia killed for standing against him, that in-fact, Lestat came to Paris to get help from Armand and was instead starved and tormented into saying it was her, by Armand.
How could it have been done:
Reading the Vampire Lestat has given me insight into the way that Armand treats people, even the ones he cares about and how easily he uses his powers to extract information, manipulate, delude and distort the reality of the people around him. I have no doubt that he has dabbled in the memories of Louis, making him a more unreliable narrator than the mere passage of time. Claudia's diaries are untrustworthy not only because despite how long she lives, she still has the brain of a child, but also because Armand has been tampering again. She is prone to exaggerate and dramatize with no thought to making a moderate and unbiassed account in her personal diaries.
There are two instances of Daniel pointing out that her diaries have had pages removed. The first was when she gets assaulted and the pages are torn, I believe that that was Louis being heartbroken and angry and tearing out the pages in the heat of the moment, he seems genuinely upset and protective over her memory, no reason to doubt it. However, the second instance, after Lestat's 'death' the pages are removed neatly, calmly omitted, Daniel says 'with a ruler' I believe that instance was Armand, trying to hide that Louis didn't want Lestat dead.
So that's mostly my theory for now. I'm still gathering screenshots and quotes from the book; I'm going to redo this post with a lot more evidence and probably better worded, but I wanted to float what I have so far and see if anyone had any feedback, areas that could use more elaboration, anything to add to the theory or counter anything I've said here. All feedback is welcome! I'll use it when I make my more polished post.
Also, just to be super clear, I absolutely love all the characters. This is my favourite show at the moment, and this is in no way meant to be unfair to any of the character, I'm just trying to predict what is coming since I can think of little else, and the next season is so far away.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry if it was a little jumbled, just trying to get my thoughts out there.
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caramelmochacrow · 11 months
hwough. ok a little note for myself that i'll transfer to the discord server for the dj au
drawings to make for the au:
haaaaapppppy arouuuuund! - dig delight and direct drive, or happy around days.
peaky p~keey!!! - electric chaos countdown or let's do the biiig bangggg
this is photon maiden dun dun dun - here's THE LIIIIIGGhhht
ririririririririririririri - the color of tainted sorrow.
meeeermmmmmm444iiiiiiiiid iiin daaaa houuuuse - flooor killeeeer woo!
rondo rondo rondo - movement.
uuuunichoordddaa! - syyynchronicityyyyyyy
aaaabyssmareeeeeeee - get into da abysmmayaaareeeeeeee
Couh AH - wooow wow wooow wow woooow tooniiiight or. doooo the diive or. we're alll friendsss or. i dont wanna looose or. actaully just do wow wow tonight.
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kits-shrine · 3 years
(Next prompt "From the second I saw you, I couldn't get over how beautiful you are." mwehehehehehe~)
so i'm supposed to write
stars this feels stupid
hey. so i read somewhere that writing down stuff that's on your mind as a letter to yourself or like a journal can be really therapeutic? or something. i dunno. i figured it couldn't hurt ta try. i know my family don't like it when i keep stuff ta myself, but... it's hard opening up on stuff some times, ya know? so writing it down as a letter seemed like a good idea... baby steps right?
so lately i've really had something someone on my mind.
like a lot.
i dunno when it started-
*there was a drag mark from the pencil as though someone hesitated before continuing*
well that's a lie.
looking back now i know exactly where it started.
from the second i saw her, i couldn't get over how beautiful she was, from the inside out. she had one of the most beautiful souls i'd ever seen, even when she was thinking about killing me her brightness outshone everyone else there. heh
then i saw what was making her so bright. she had a family. a happy one. a batshit crazy as they all seemed, it was happy. 'nd that made me happy for her. i didn't give it a ton of thought after than. i mean someone with a soul like that deserves to be happy.
or least that's what i thought. turns out it wasn't so happy. she lost her kids due to fate. her marriage fell apart. she got hurt real bad, in more than one way...
and she's still the most beautiful soul i've seen.
anyway. i've been thinking about her a lot lately 'nd i dunno what to do about it or how i really feel.
do i try to see her? i mean, she's been through a lot. i don't want to hurt mercy too.
*there was an abrupt end to note, which was now crumpled as though someone quickly stopped writing and hid it*
(Mercy belongs to @rem-void)
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savage-rhi · 4 years
“ are you flirting or starting a fight ? ” chrisxjill.... you made me love them asddghl
Hahaha! Welcome to the club :D 💙
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Chris sighed as he walked into the shooting range at the Raccoon City Police Department. Crossing his arms, he discovered his partner Jill shooting off some rounds to blow off steam. It had become a weekly ritual for her to get over cases that hit too close to home. He had a lot of respect for it. Jill’s way of coping was much better than his, such as hitting the local tavern and drinking for a few hours. Chris wouldn’t admit he had a problem though, not even to Jill as much as he trusted her. She had her own problems outside of being a member of STARS. 
“Your stance isn’t strong,” Chris piped up, clearing his throat as he approached Jill. She was about to cut him off, until Chris came up from behind, using his arms to guide her own as he fixed up her posture. He peered over Jill’s shoulder, his face close to hers as he kept his sights on the target Jill had been firing at. 
“Now you’ll have more control and the recoil won’t come back to bite you in the ass.” Chris chuckled as Jill sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. She decided not to fire, instead resting the gun on a small stool in front of her person. 
“Are you flirting or starting a fight?” Jill asked amusingly, turning around and crossing her arms as Chris threw his hands up in surrender. 
“I’m doing no such thing on either end,” Chris said in his defense, smiling as his arms rested at his sides. “I’m just making sure my partner doesn’t lose her edge.” 
They both laughed, amused at each other's antics. The two of them would be lying if there wasn’t chemistry, but neither acted upon it. They were professional after all, the best of the best. Even so, both their personal lives would have gotten in the way sooner or later. That’s what they told themselves. 
“I take it you didn’t just come in here to give me shooting lessons.” Jill smiled as Chris gave a nod, his playful demeanor turning a bit serious as he sighed, looking at all the bullet holes on the target dummy that Jill slaughtered. 
“I guess we’re going to be shipped off tonight. Wesker said that the Bravo team hasn’t been able to make contact with our base. Something’s wrong.”
“Shit,” Jill murmured. “With the recent murder of another hiker in the area Bravo was sent to, this doesn’t look good.”
Chris nodded. “I don’t know why, but I got a bad feeling about this Jill. Something isn’t right.”
Jill furrowed his brows, curiously gazing over her partner. “What do you mean?”
Chris shrugged, not sure of how to explain himself. “Call it a hunch. Anyway, wrap up what you’re doing. I’ll be waiting for you in our office.” 
“Right,” Jill nodded, watching as Chris leaves the area. After the door shuts, Jill contemplates on Chris’s words. A shiver goes up to her spine as the murders as of late come back to mind. Whatever STARS were getting into, she had a feeling it was much bigger than what most in RPD assumed. 
Jill wasn’t sure if she was ready for tonight. 
**A link to my ko-fi account. If you enjoy my content and want to support me getting my monthly medication for fibromyalgia and arthritis, I would be eternally grateful. It is NOT a requirement however! All my work is free to read!**
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theballadear · 4 years
In a galaxy far, far away, there lives a singular occupant on One Small Planet. Known for witticisms, fun, and fandom involvements. She was known as.... the Geek. (Rip this attempt for the poorly written fanfic thingy lol)
No no no. I love it. I love it with my whole heart. I give you my whole heart.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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forthewoolfy · 5 years
Chapter 33 is a super long chapter at about 6320 words =D I’ll add a small snippet below the read more, in case you’re interested *warning: contains come swears*:
He leaned against the doorframe for a moment as a wave of despair washed through him. “Just to open a door…”
He needed coffee.
Aizawa wandered around the halls until he found a map, and was able to figure out how to reach the cafeteria. However, the café was closed, and the only coffee provider was a small vending machine in the empty room.
Oh, he had no money on him.
Of course.
His legs trembled. He felt something press against his forehead, and he half-heartedly realised he was leaning against the machine. Even so, he couldn’t bring himself to pull away.
He’d never be a hero again.
That stung him more than he wanted to admit – far more.
Who was he if not Eraserhead? Shouta Aizawa? A tired barista who couldn’t even get himself a fucking coffee from a fucking-
He heard the sound of money falling into the machine and a voice asked him, “What’s the number?”
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rinas-ninjas · 5 years
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I want you all to know that I’ve been humming the Mission Impossible theme to myself for the past twenty minutes.
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merryfortune · 6 years
i couldn’t score a god tier canon url but this is more #onbrand for me
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also, i have the url @arcana-force and if anyone wants to trade, i’d be down
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Good morning! I had another thought to add to my longwinded ask from last night. I hope you don't mind. Your stories really stick with me. How much time was there b/w Prim leaving and Gale showing up and then Prim coming back and ripping into Katniss. It's not a big deal but just trying to put myself in her shoes here. She goes from thinking she's having a quiet night alone when Prim takes off with her "friends" to everything imploding in what an hour? She was probably just sitting there not
Thinking she was going to have a quiet night and then Gale shows up afer two years of nothing. Then everything that happened with Peeta which was her biggest fear come true. People both in review and in the story have really gotten on her for not going after him right away but her head must have been absolutely spinning. I probably would have reacted the same way she did. Then her sister shows up and immediately starts screaming and throwing things at her maybe an hour
After maybe an hour where she was probably just sitting there wondering what the hell just happened. Poor Katniss. Think about her responses to both Peeta and Prim. She was obviously confused and completely caught off guard and before her thoughts could catch up with the situation something else was thrown at her. Anyway sorry for dumping so much on you here. I just find people are so hard on K sometimes and just wanted to look at things from her perspective a bit. Thanks for hearing me out. 
Just saw your response to my first of rambling. It absolutely makes sense. Prim does seem to have mastered putting on a happy face and looking like everything is under control not just for Katniss and Haymitch but I believe she said something along those lines with her friends as well. Thanks for responding to my long disjointed asks! Tumblr doesn’t make it easy to go back and edit so I never know if they’re going to make sense.      
To answer your question, if you line up all the events from the two parallel chapters (Outside Chance 23 and Outside the Lines 8), from the time Ryen tells Prim that he and Peeta are both in Colorado Springs to the time Prim returns home and starts throwing pillows is no more than like two or three hours. Katniss says she’s not sure how long she sits on the couch before Prim comes home, but it wouldn’t have been that long. Thirty minutes tops.So this all happens very fast. I did that on purpose. Kind of like Haymitch says in OC 24 “adults responding to shit that’s happening faster than they can process.” Or something along those lines, lol I’m paraphrasing myself here!
Maybe it’s because I’m in both of their heads this time, but I feel for both Katniss and Prim. Neither of them are completely wrong and neither of them are completely right either. (Actually I feel for all four of them because I was not a nice writer oh well that makes the fluff fest you are about to endure just that much sweeter mwahahahahaha!!!!!)
Ahem. One of my favorite lines I gave Prim for this last chapter was “This night is not going how any of us expected it to” or whatever, again I paraphrase myself. I absolutely agree with you that poor Katniss’ head was spinning and she just needed a few more minutes to breathe and process everything that came flying at her, to figure out what the hell just happened, and the same thing goes for Peeta.
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*Gasp* dun dun daaaa
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mattithecatti · 2 years
da na na na dun dun dun dun daaaa
daaaa na na
da na na na na
na na
dun dun dun dun duuuuun
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kits-shrine · 3 years
Reila methodically went over the contents of her travel bag, ensuring everything they would need for the journey was in place. Once she was satisfied, she stored it in her portal device, before she could move from her kneeling position a chill shot down her spine. She turned slowly under the predators gaze.
“Oh, Reila, we need to have a little talk.”
The Avarian woman tried to run; what a foolish mistake.
(o.o oh my Reila)
After they'd walked a bit longer, batting a few ideas back and forth on wing armor Kagu looked up in surprise as Trahan slowed to a stop, half forgetting their purpose in their talks "Is this where your Treasure keeper lives?"
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