#earth royal family
badgermolebender · 7 months
I so desperately want a massive political history of The Earth Kingdom. If I could have any other thing from the world of ATLA/LOK — book, show, comic, game — it would be that. Bc I am so interested in it.
🚨 Spoilers for every thing — Yangchen and Kyoshi books, ATLA, LOK, Comics, etc. 🚨
The earliest we hear about an actual Earth Kingdom and Earth Royal family is in F.C. Yee’s Yangchen books. At this point, the Earth Kingdom has just gone through a civil war, wherein the White Lotus manipulated the Water Tribes and Fire Nation to sponsor a challenger to the throne, which is wild. The challenger was defeated and the Earth Kingdom entered a period of intense isolationism. There are a handful of port cities where foreign trade is allowed, with incredibly powerful governors who actively manipulate the system to build their wealth at the expense of the citizens. The Earth King is paranoid af, to the point that he is donning disguises and sneaking around to catch plots against him. And some of these governors are actively plotting against him and inventing new weapons of mass destruction (combustion benders) in order to usurp him.
The next we see of the Earth Kingdom is in the Kyoshi novels were it’s a devolved mess of warlordism. Various daofei groups had taken over parts of the inner provinces and the Earth Monarch was incredibly weak. There’s also the whole Wars of Secrets and Daggers scramble for the throne, which is only mentioned.
According to the Wiki, in the online comic Escape from the Spirit World, Kyoshi pressured the ineffective 46th Earth King to adopt a constitutional monarchy in order to prevent further oppression. This occurred in the aftermath of a peasant revolt that occurred after the death of Chin the Conquerer.
Avatar Legends then gives us a King Jialun, who reversed many of the progressive changes of this constitution and murdered the sages who agreed with Kyoshi in “The Night of the Silenced Sages.” The government was recorrupted, but no other successor had the same power as Jialun. So the Earth Kingdom monarchy was corrupt but weak.
Then we next see the Earth Kingdom with King Kuei (the 52nd Earth King). According to the old website, he ascended to the throne at the age of 4, which is why Long Feng — who served as regent — was able to essentially takeover.
But based on what we see in the show, the Earth Kingdom has completely splintered. The Earth King only has power in Ba Sing Se, and that power is only ceremonial. He is unaware of the 100 year war and completely inept to rule. Then it’s Azula and the fire nation takeover.
In the comics that come between ATLA and LOK, King Kuei, without the influence of Long Feng, takes an active role in the governance of the Kingdom. He is willing to go to war over the colonies in “The Rift,” but is also willing to be shown wrong. He was instrumental in the peace after the war and fully restored the monarchy as the full power of the Earth Kingdom government.
Then we get to LOK. Hou Ting is a fairly powerful, incredibly corrupt monarch. She tried to exert more control over the people, especially the outer provinces. She’s then killed by Zaheer. The power vacuum is ultimately filled by Kuvira, a non-dynastic dictator who rules by force and sponsors brain washing and the forced removal of Fire and Water nation descendants. The next dynastic ruler is Wu (whom Kuvira had usurped). He is Hou Ting’s great-nephew, and at least third in line from her. He is the only surviving member of the dynasty and seems unprepared to rule at his coronation, after three years of living in Republic City.
After the whole Kuvira thing is taken care of (Book 4 of LOK), Wu then decides to abdicate and democratize the Earth Kingdom. The post-canon comics (Ruins of Empire) show the struggles and setbacks of this, but ultimately reaffirm this path.
And I am so obsessed with this whole history. There are, according to the Wiki, at least 2 dynasties, the Hao and the Hou Ting. It resembles Chinese history, but doesn’t just follow it. There’s dynastic decline and really interesting incidents that I wish were more fully fleshed out. Not to mention as the centralized monarchy weakens, you see the rise of local powers, like the King of Omashu. I just find the whole thing so fascinating and I wish I had a comprehensive book.
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mrkida-art · 1 month
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Dís, a child of Thráin II
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leantailean · 1 year
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Toph and Zuko in the palace greenhose. Toph trusts him so much she is keeping her feet off the ground.
See more of my art here: leantailean_art
Follow me on Twitter:   @Alesha_Dima  
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woahkana · 1 year
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[Harry & Meghan] the world was watching us but when we were actually at the altar as far as i was concerned it was just the two of us. H and I are really really good at finding each other in the chaos when we find each other and we reconnect to like oh it’s you. it’s you. 
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take-that-you-rock · 9 months
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One Scene from Every Episode
2.18 The Earth King
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oompahloooo · 5 days
i’m currently hopped up on cold medicine but anyone ever notice how in fantasy games the default accent is almost always British? the conclusion? British people are fake and are from a fantastical realm of tea, crumpets, and they worship their deceased God whom they call The Queen, who’s place has been taken by her son who does not have nearly enough meme potential to transcend not even one reality.
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ettelenethelien · 2 months
I really like to think there is some debate among scholars on whether Tol Fuin is part of the Reunited Kingdom on a technicality, since its Kings are straight-line descendants of the last Lords of Dorthonion.
The opinion of His Highness King Elessar on the subject: It would, you know, make about as much sense for me to say we're still the Lords of Andunie.
The opinion of Her Highness the King's youngest daughter: That would actually be immeasurably cool and dad is a spoilsport.
The opinion of any given random inhabitant of Middle-Earth: I mean Gondor-and-Arnor is welcome to it; no one lives there for a reason, but if they want a barren wasteland with a feel altogether too similar to Mordor on sentimental grounds, who am I to stop them?
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nighttimepatrons · 5 months
>be Gil-Galad
>your husband does something Suuuuuuper illegal
>now you have to go talk to Prince Finrod
>(who is your uncle in law)
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Don't Worry, the group Elrond was with only very illegally kidnapped an elf. For once it was not feanorians doing the taking.
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Lotura Week 2023 Day 2 - Earth Culture Exploration
A Puzzling Game
(Rated T)
Lotor sipped his herbal tea from a Sleeping Beauty Disney Princess mug—courtesy of the Holt household—as he sat at the kitchen barstool, peering over a curious collection of cardboard pieces. Then, he glanced back at the box from which all the pieces derived. “Most fascinating,” he said. “And this is a standard…familial procedure?”
Allura sat beside him, giggling as she snapped a puzzle piece into another. “Yes, it is a standard pursuit among many humans, both friends and strangers alike. Pidge’s family invites all the paladins over at least once a month for such games and a campfire in the backyard.”
The Galra man hummed and turned various pieces right-side-up, glancing back at the main puzzle picture. It was a painting of an idyllic landscape, complete with a warm sunset over sprawling mountains and a log cabin with a fire. The fire was reminiscent of the bonfire that raged outside, carrying with it the laughter of Samuel Holt and Shiro as Lance lost his s’more to the fire and Pidge and Hunk playfully sparred with their roasting sticks. The rowdiness left a tired Lotor amused and content to watch from afar.
“And you,” he asked, “would rather stay indoors with me and teach me puzzles than enjoy the Earth nighttime with your fellow paladins?”
Allura’s eyes crinkled in delight, and she dared to bump her leg against his under the table. “It’s rather cold out tonight, and you radiate heat.”
“Ah, so you seek to use me for my body.” His voice turned with a wry deadpan as she stole his mug of mint tea and sipped from it. “And for my drinks.”
“You just have such good taste,” she whined, lowering the Disney Princess mug. “I never know what Earth drinks will be tasty by sight.”
Lotor’s face softened, and he bumped his nose against hers. “I shall gladly offer my senses and my heat to you, then.”
She bumped noses with him back, giggling before she snapped another puzzle piece into place.
Lotor glanced back at the mess of pieces on the table, and he ran his clawed finger over her pieces in awe, their knuckles brushing together.
He connected another piece to hers. “I do like this game of puzzles,” he murmured. For the first time, the line of stress between his eyes had disappeared in simple delight. “It challenges the mind while inviting a simple sense that the world has an objective order.”
“An order that can be built together,” Allura said, reaching over his arm to grab another puzzle piece that looked to be part of the log cabin’s window. “Hence, its great popularity among families and friends to encourage connection.”
“And am I now family or friend to these humans?” Lotor asked.
Allura’s chin tilted up, and a beautiful grin split her face. “You are both friend and family to not only me, but to all the paladins.”
He glanced back down and awkwardly grabbed onto another puzzle piece, looking at the box to determine its placement. “It is curious how Earth places such value on friends and family—and how easily they allow strangers to join their ranks.”
The princess fell quiet at that, inspecting him. “After all the hard things we’ve been through together,” she said, voice soft, “even Commander Holt was glad to host you. I suppose that’s why I enjoy Earth so much. On Earth, families expand through not only bloodlines, but also through bonds, and the houses here feel warm with welcome.”
Lotor swallowed hard. His slit pupils slid to her. “I have never known family,” he admitted, “or warm houses.”
“I’m relearning the concept,” she said, managing a small, sad smile. She glanced down, grabbing for another puzzle piece. “The Holt family has glued and then framed every puzzle we have completed, as part of celebrating our togetherness. Once the fire dies out, the group will likely come in to play their games of the video and to help us complete this great quest in a single night.”
His white eyebrows flew up. “This is a 1,000-piece puzzle. We’ve managed to connect perhaps 50 pieces thus far—and you say these puzzles are typically tackled by morning?”
A mischief worked through her. “Do be prepared to switch out the tea of mint for a drink with a substance known as caffeine. And on occasion, Commander Holt will offer us adults something called wine, which is like a Nunvill. You might like it.”  
Lotor leaned against the table, somewhat bewildered. “However then does this family find time to sleep, when their nights are this full of festivity?”  
“Well,” she said, “it’s not rare for us all to fall asleep throughout the house by daybreak, and to be happily confused about time until the following evening, in which we all gather for a large dinner before we break for the Garrison or our lions.”
“And do you fall asleep over the puzzle?”
“Oh, ancients, no. The Holts have a collection of the most wondrous inventions, called sleeping bags.” Allura looked pleased with herself. “If you’re not adverse to a display of affection, we can share one for warmth.”
A puzzle piece slipped from his fingers in surprise. “You suggest sleeping together on a family night.”  
Allura made a happy noise, humming in innocence. “It’s called a sleepover, Lotor, not that we would do anything terribly inappropriate.”
The alien man sputtered. But then he reset his jaw and resolutely clicked one of his puzzle pieces into place against hers, the edges and dips fitting perfectly together. “I should like to prove to our human hosts that I am a respectable ally. Therefore, I shall sleep beside you in one of these…sleeping bags, but will not sleep with you in accordance with the human meaning of that phrase.”
She turned to him, searching his heated gaze. “This is deeply unfortunate for the both of us,” she accused.
He gave her a merry look, stealing back his mug of mint tea with Sleeping Beauty upon it. “What? You brought me here for Family Night. If you wanted a date night—what do the humans call it?”
“Netflix and Chill,” Allura reminded him.
“Right, yes. If you wanted a night of Netflix and Chill, then you will have to name the night accordingly.”
Allura nudged him with her elbow and then leaned in and murmured, “Very well. I’ll write it into your schedule, and our advisors will be none the wiser about Earth culture and colloquialisms.”
A sly mischief overcame him. “Perfect.”
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sharlmbracta · 5 months
i've seen a couple of fics where azula and zuko has a third op sibling but i could find none, zero(0) fics where ozai has a sister over him-
i'm saying this because i want his ass pummeled and headwrapped by his (not too much) older sister. i want him to be raised by an older sister
iroh, being like a decade or two older than them both, would neglect them both serving war on propaganda during his prime and takes his leave after his loss not unlike canon
the sister would have a couple (or more?) years with her mother so she picks up some actual parental love and how it's supposed to be before ozai is born
(or not and they end up like zuko and azula except they have just a little more agegap then them, ozai is more ill-tempered than zuko, and the sister pummels him more than azula does zuko but not brutally (or not) and they have a lot of sibling fighting and bonding and normal sibling shenanigans minus the parental love so probably some angst as well)
and if it still somehow ends up like canon where ozai takes over the throne due to either by his plotting or some fucked up misogyny by azulon or sozin's law or whatever she will be fucking furious and she will show it
(if so ozai could team up with her for her support but betraying her when the idea of power gets to his head)
(or or ozai would keen to her after iroh's loss and she would be like "no you little shit i knew all of your antics even better than our elderly dad and ever since you were baby" but if somehow he manages to convince her to her that he'd "do well" on the throne with his personal method of pleading to his sister (you choose) and then betrays her-)
-boy would she be fucking livid. ozai is absolutely afraid of her but pretends he absolutely isn't. she is definitely going to pummel his ass for good
zuko and azula would be mostly clueless at first thanks to ozai's efforts. azula would be a bit more keen though. she may not completely understand what really transpired between them when she suddenly left, but when she finally finds her again bidding for her time she would find the whole situation so fucking hilarious once she got over the initial shock of reunion - the sheer idea of how her imposing father was so afraid of his own sister (who technically didn't actually even do anything to him) that he yeeted her out of the fire nation.
azula would fucking love her.
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stafftodoaboutnothing · 11 months
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Princess Eugenie shared these pictures on her Instagram page of her son, August Brooksbank, her niece, Sienna Mapelli Mozzi and her husband, Jack Brooksbank, on the occasion of World Earth Day 2023 -April 22nd 2023.
📷 : Princess Eugenie on Instagram.
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Catherine's Royal Closet (27/∞) ♚
↬ 'Tilda' Wool Coat
This staple Hobbs London Coat in its Fushia Pink Colourway was first debuted by Catherine in 2021 for her visit to Nower Hill Highh School and again wore it to visit to Windsor Foodshare along with William in 2023.
The coat features long sleeves, a single-breasted fastening, a Melton undercollar and a handy internal pocket.
It’s made from naturally warm and biodegradable brushed wool—a fabric that’s kinder on the planet. The lining is crafted from recycled polyester, which helps reduce landfill.
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leantailean · 1 year
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I can see you
Zuko and Toph
See more of my art here: leantailean_art
Follow me on Twitter:   @Alesha_Dima  
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The Crown depicting how George V turned his back on Nicholas *niiice*
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few minutes later
The Crown messing up the timeline showing the IF already in Ekaterinburg when the English withdrew their offer and implying that Mary is to blame for the murders *enough, you've gone too far*
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arcxnumvitae · 2 months
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The sensation that started was an odd one in his chest, one that had his brows furrowing. Until it bowled over him like a wave, sending the prince to a knee in the water, much to the shock and concern of his nearby guards. A hand clutched at his chest, the other pressed to the sand beneath. Plants dying, but not in the usual manner. A large amount of energy was being siphoned from them all at once. "What..."
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"What the hell?" From where she was at in Brecaea's party, Tara's knees threatened to buckle at the wave of power sapping from the land-- somewhere in the distance? Not close, certainly. She braced herself against a nearby stand, refusing to let any see Seelie's princess on her knees. She waved off her concerned guards' approach with a forced smile, ignoring the looks from the onlookers, and grit her teeth. She'd seek out her father, she supposed.
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The king glanced off into the distance, Seòras' words now only a distant hum in his ears. He sensed a disturbance somewhere. His knowledge of the geography of this world was still fuzzy, but it seemed to be in the direction of the other land, where the other half of this party was being held. A being was stealing away a great deal of power from the land. At Seòras' concerned words, for his advisor had now noticed his king's state of distraction, Oisean waved the other man's concern off and turned to a nearby guard. "Go find my children, and bring them here." He could weather this sudden instability just fine, but the children were younger and may be more sensitive to it.
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