thepoetsvortex · 2 years
I hate James Potter with a whole passion (as I should!) And honestly, I want to here your thoughts on how Sirius continued to bully Severus in Ootp and no one really gave a shit..
Because everyone in the series were blinded by the Light and Dark side of magic and never saw who was ‘good’ / ‘bad’. When in reality no one in the whole series were good nor bad. I’m straying away from my hatred to James Potter since I pulled out the Sirius Black card but James is dead. And we’ve covered his bullshit excuses on why he decided to become ‘rivals’ with Severus. (I know they weren’t rivals)
This ask doesn’t really make sense, as it is 10pm and my brain is slowly turning off.
Have an amazing day/night <3
As promised:
I think the way Sirius treats Snape in OOTP is very much a reflection of his current living situation. Here he is, a grown man thrust back into the childhood home he hates, forced to lay low, forced to stay out of the action and be cooped up day after day in that awful house. As many others have said, this really mirrors Severus's situation in HBP where he can't fight either for fear of exposure and is also stuck in his childhood home where he was abused.
Why does no one give a shit? Because Dumbledore needs Sirius happy. He knows he's pushing it having him locked up there, knows his reckless impulses, and so he ignores Sirius's snide comments. I think I also must point out Severus makes his own share of snide comments too, but it doesn't really compare. Sirius starts the whole thing and Snape really is looking out for Harry's best interest (and maybe Sirius would know that if he looked beyond his own insipid, stupid prejudicial views and saw Severus for who he was).
Also- don't get me started on how in GOF, Dumbledore treats Sirius and Severus as if they are both at fault. Which is not fair because Snape is really just reacting to the presence of the man who nearly murdered him and made his life hell for years and traumatized him because he existed. And he's supposed to be happy to see him?? Nah fam. They aren't equally in the wrong because, as you said, they aren't rivals. It's very annoying.
Ugh. I really hate Sirius Black.
Also yes it did make sense!!
Thanks for the ask, I hope it got the point across! Please, please send more
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astronova-00 · 2 years
How do you think Snape would comfort an infertile S/O??
Wonderful question!
Severus would comfort his infertile S/O, by saying adoption is always an option. Especially since his past (of his father and his abuse towards his family) Severus knows that there are always kids who want to escape and need a better home. A home that he is willingly to provide, but with his S/O permission
If his S/O started to sob over the fact that they couldn’t have children, Severus would wrap his arm over them and muttered small sayings of ‘Everything is going to be okay.’ or even ‘I love you’. To calm them down since he remembers all the times where he had a mental breakdown and his S/O helped him get through it.
Overall Severus would not care if his S/O is able to have children or not because the fact that he is with them, is enough for him. The fact that they chose him, keeps Severus going with his love for them.
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artsydevotee · 3 months
fuckin love ribs guys they're so fucking good
0 notes
Remember You Even When I Don't (9)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 5.5K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: Thank you to everyone who continues to like, comment, and reblog! They are so unbelievably appreciated.
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed! All of the thanks to her and @mak-32 for being the best cheerleaders and friends I could ask for!
You find out a few days after your hospital trip that an article you wrote before his accident is being nominated for an award. He doesn’t care if he didn’t understand a word of what it said or recognize any of the names cited in it; he’s so damn proud of you. 
He tells you that you should celebrate. Go out with all of your friends and have a proper party in your honor, but you shake your head at his suggestion. 
“I just want to celebrate with you.” 
He’s not a great cook, and grilled cheese doesn’t seem celebratory enough, so he orders the two of you Thai food that’s a touch too spicy for him and that you eat like it’s nothing, and you pair it with a few cans of your favorite sour beer that you keep stocked. When the plastic containers are cleared away, he pops a bottle of Prosecco that he grabbed from your wine fridge. You grin at him so hard that he feels like he’s missing out on an inside joke, but can’t figure out what it is. You giggle when he asks, holding out your glass for him to pour instead of giving him an answer. He doesn’t pay attention, too busy staring into your eyes, so he startles when the glass almost immediately bubbles over. Your giggling turns into full fledged laughter. 
“I knew that would happen,” you smirk. You swipe some of the overflowed liquid off the glass and bring your finger to your lips. Bradley is entranced, watching you lick it away. He knows he’s staring, and you raise an eyebrow at him as you hold your glass up. Your smirk is making him dizzy.
He raises his own glass, clinking it against yours lightly, “Cheers to you, Sweetheart.” 
“Cheers,” you murmur, eyes locked on his as you take a sip. 
The two of you settle onto the couch, the bottle of Prosecco on the coffee table in front of you. Your socked feet nudge against his thigh as you sit facing him, and he only hesitates for a moment before he lets his hand comfortably cover your ankle, his thumb ghosting up and down the joint as the two of you lose yourselves in conversation. He asks you about work and the article you had written; he was interested in the material, sure, but he also knew how passionate you were about what you did and that you could ramble about it when you wanted to, and he loved listening to you talk. 
You make it through the first bottle easily, and he opens the second one in much the same fashion as he did the first. He enjoys watching the way your face flushes and the way you giggle more as the champagne hits your system. He finds himself scooting closer to you as it hits him, too. Your legs are draped over his lap at this point and while one arm rests on the back of the couch behind him, the other is laying across your legs above your knees. Your black leggings are soft against the palm of his hand, and he finds a loose thread at the outer seam of your thigh to pick at. 
“Do you miss it?” he asks, “working full time?”
“Sometimes,” you admit with a shrug. You were only doing a few hours a week now, writing or offering commentary when it was asked of you. He knew that you were asked to be part of a panel covering the election earlier, but that you had declined, knowing it would put you in DC for a few days and unwilling to leave him, despite how great of an opportunity it was. 
“You can start back anytime, Pumpkin. I don’t want to hold you back.”
“You aren’t,” you promise, and your smile tells him you mean it. “I like spending time with you like this. Unless you’re getting sick of me already? I’ll make some calls tomorrow and see if they need me in Washington if that’s the case.” 
Your voice has taken on that familiar teasing tone that he loved so much and he laughs, shaking his head. 
“I don’t think it’s possible to be sick of you. I’d miss you too much if you weren’t here,” he teases back, though his words were true. 
“I bet you would.”
“I would! Who else would cook me dinner or drive me around and keep me entertained?”
You throw your head back as you laugh, and his smirk turns into a tipsy grin at the vision you create. It still shocks him, this effect you have on him. 
“That’s all I’m good for, huh?”
“You’re good for a lot of things,” he promises, and though his voice still has that little bit of a teasing lilt to it, neither of you can deny how serious he sounds, either. 
You stare at him for a long moment, your bottom lip drawn between your teeth in a way that makes his heart beat faster. Your cheeks are flushed so prettily, your eyes wide and bright. You look like you’re calculating something and he patiently waits you out. 
“I’m so glad we’re here,” you eventually whisper, and the quirk of his eyebrow asks the question he doesn’t verbally. “Things could have ended differently.”
“They could have.” He knows you’re right, but that doesn’t mean he likes to hear it. You cup his cheek and your soft hand against his scruff is the best kind of juxtaposition. He turns his head just the slightest bit, pressing a kiss against your palm. Your lips part slightly at the action. “But instead, you’re right here with me, and things may not be the same, but…they’re getting there. I don’t have to miss you when you’re right in front of me anymore, not completely, at least.” 
“What do you mean, completely?” 
Your eyes widen briefly, like you just embarrassed yourself with your own words. The heat that takes over your face is different from the flush you had from the champagne. It draws him in closer, his hand spreading out on your outer thigh. Your hand is still on his face and your eyes are growing darker, but you bite your lip and shake your head. 
“It’s nothing.” 
“Pumpkin.” Your eyes flutter shut for a moment and you shiver, then, and Bradley suddenly has an idea of what it was you were thinking. You may not have to miss him emotionally, for the most part, but you’re still missing him in other ways. His mind flashes back to the photos he found in his phone. And maybe it’s the champagne in his system or the way you’re looking at him, or maybe just how familiar you feel to him lately, but he finds himself wanting to be bold. “Do you miss…being able to send me pictures, like you did before?” 
You gasp out a sharp, surprised sound, your eyes widening more than before. He feels you tense against him and for a moment he questions whether that was the right thing to say. 
“I found them,” he tells you before you could ask, and his hand has started slowly trailing up and down on your thigh as it lays in his lap. “When I was going through my phone last week. I hadn’t meant to but I was reading our messages and then saw a picture you had sent me and remembered that there were more. Maybe I shouldn’t have looked at them.” 
But you’re already shaking your head, murmuring that it was okay. 
“Did you…did you like them?” you stutter, and your voice is smaller, more insecure than Bradley had ever heard, and he didn’t like that tone - he never wanted you to feel anything but confident with him.  
He hooks a finger under your chin, raising your eyes so that they’ll meet him again from where they had fallen in your sudden display of shyness. “I did,” he promises, and your lips part again.“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Pumpkin.” 
Your breathing intermingles as he leans forward, and he can taste the Prosecco on your lips when he kisses you. 
You pull away after only a moment and Bradley chases after you. You duck your head, and his kiss lands on your burning cheek instead. You won’t meet his eyes.
“Hey,” he murmurs, and you shake your head. “Pumpkin?” 
“I’m a little embarrassed,” you admit, and it seems unimaginable to him, knowing how comfortable you usually are in your body, especially when it comes to him. But then he realizes that while he may know that, you don’t know that he knows that, because this is something he’s kept to himself since that very first morning waking up beside you after weeks without it and the shower it forced him into afterward. 
He takes a deep breath and moves his hand higher on your leg. Your leggings are pulled tight around your butt, but he squeezes lightly and your eyelashes flutter as you draw your lip between your teeth again. 
“I don’t think you were embarrassed when you took them.” 
Your eyes open just the slightest bit, and he swallows thickly before continuing. 
“I don’t think you were embarrassed when you went in our closet and got my uniform hat out as soon as I left for work that morning, and how you undressed yourself and put it on for me to tease me, knowing I had a hop that day that would get my adrenaline running. I don’t think you were embarrassed when I came home that night, and I found you on our bed, touching yourself while you were waiting for me. Or how that hat stayed on the whole time and I didn't take it off until you were almost asleep on my chest afterwards.” 
Your breathing quickens as he speaks. The whimper you let out when his words clicked in your head sent a shot of heat straight through him; not all of those things were mentioned in your text thread or documented in that scandalous little secret album he had made of you. Which means it was something he remembered about you - about the two of you, together. 
You’re the one who kisses him, this time, and he’s immediately opening his mouth for you. As your tongues tangle together, he grabs your ass a little bit firmer and before he realizes what he’s doing, you’re straddling him there on the couch. You hover above him at first, but he shakes his head into the kiss and pulls you flush down on him. You moan into each other’s mouths and Bradley kisses you harder. 
Hands wander and tongues explore and Bradley thinks this may be what heaven feels like.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers into your skin, his lips trailing up and down your neck as you heave for air; your chest presses against his with every exhale. “I don’t say it enough.”
“You always made me feel beautiful, baby. Every day.”
He doesn’t like that word - made. Because that implied he didn’t now, at least not in the same ways, and all he wants is to love you and cherish you and make you feel wanted, because he does and you are. 
He pulls back just enough to meet your eyes. They’re hooded. Dark. Full of a desire that’s still guarded even if you’re trying to hide the fact. 
“I’ll tell you everyday from now on. I’ll make sure you know.”
He cuts off your response with another kiss, catching your moan in his mouth. His hands trail back down over your body, feeling your curves in the most delicious of ways, to settle back on your full behind. He squeezes harder this time and his hips buck up at the same time you grind down. He knows that you can feel how hard he is; he can’t bring himself to be ashamed. He repeats the action and when he feels you tug on his hair, he rips his mouth away from yours to let out a long, drawn out sound. 
“Fuck,” he moans, and you pull on the strands again. “I like that.”
“I know,” you hum before Bradley connects your lips again. He keeps a solid grip on you and uses the momentum of the moment to his advantage, twisting the two of you so that he can lay you down on the couch cushions with him bracketed between your legs without ever losing contact with you. Your heels dig into his lower back as you arch into him.
He loses track of how long he holds you down and kisses you; all the time in the world would never be enough for him. 
He angles himself up just the slightest bit so he can fit one of his hands between the two of you. He’s desperate to feel you against his fingers. But it’s when he’s slipping past the waistband of your thin pants that you grip his wrist. 
“Wait,” you pant. Bradley pauses immediately, his chest heaving. “Wait, wait.”
“We should stop,” you insist, nodding your head when he shakes his at you. He knows that even if the words are coming from your mouth, you’re fighting them. 
“Because,” you say, “I want you so much, baby.”
“Then I don’t understand why we’re stopping. I want you too. I want you so much.” He places a few featherlight kisses against your cheeks and forehead. To his surprise, tears well in your eyes at the action. “Sweetheart?”
“That’s why we have to stop,” you croak. You push against him again, and this time, Bradley moves so that you can slip out from underneath him. He lays on his side on the couch, partially propped up by one arm as you stand in front of him.
“I don’t understand,” he mutters again, feeling just a little bit hopeless, and he watches as you fight to catch your breath. You’re twisting your ring again, and as was common recently, he feels the lack of one on his own finger. 
“You said-we said we wanted to go slow, remember? That we would wait…wait until things were how they used to be.” 
Bradley sits up, then, eyeing you carefully. He goes over your words in his head, wondering what it was you meant. He thought things had been getting better. From what he remembers, how the two of you have been acting with one another and how he feels is how things used to be. He licks his lips as he considers how to respond. He can still taste the coconut of your chapstick. 
“Are they not…how they used to be?” 
“That’s not what I’m saying!” Your eyes are wide and he believes you. You’re fighting with yourself right now, an inner turmoil that is manifesting itself in the way you twist your ring and run your hand through your ruffled hair. “I know I can’t have it exactly the same. And I’m okay with that, really! But I-I don’t want to do this if we aren’t on the same page, okay? I won’t be something that you regret. I don’t…I wouldn’t be able to handle that.” 
There’s something you’re not saying. Something you’re scared to say, and Bradley knows that whatever it is is because you don’t want to make him feel bad. 
It clicks, then, that he hasn’t been the only one holding back. He had been fighting himself, trying to be considerate of your feelings and not overwhelm you with something he didn’t understand yet, all the while you had been doing the very same as you fought yourself to protect him from how you feel. You hadn’t asked for another I love you since that night on the porch, not wanting to hear it if he didn’t know he meant it. You really didn’t know how he felt now, because he had been too scared to share it with you. He can’t believe he hasn’t put together how much the both of you need that until this moment. You had made yourself vulnerable for him that time, and he needed to do the same with you now.
Bradley stands from the couch, calling your name softly. You stop your pacing, your gaze still as dark and hooded and worried as it was a moment ago. You chew on your bottom lip as you look at him. He grabs your left hand, pulling you closer to him, and takes your place in rubbing his finger over the ring he had placed there 3 years ago. Your breath catches, and it doesn’t escape him that this is the first time he’s intentionally touched the jewelry. 
He thought he’d be nervous at this moment. In all the times he thought about it, it shook him to the core so vividly that he kept it to himself. But he didn’t feel any of the anticipated butterflies in his stomach, or a whirling in his head. Instead he feels completely at ease - calmer than he has been since he woke up in that hospital bed almost two months ago. 
He doesn’t remember everything, but he remembers enough to know not only you, but how he feels about you.
He knows you prefer iced coffee all year round regardless of the temperature outside. He knows that you keep chapstick in almost every room, and that even if you don’t admit it, sometimes you wish you had a better relationship with your parents. He knows that building this home with you was the first time he ever touched his mothers life insurance policy, because he knew that’s what she would want and it made him feel like she was a part of this experience, too. You preferred putting up Christmas decorations the day after Halloween and you miss the snow that came with living in the northeast. You watch way too much true crime to the point you sometimes make yourself a little paranoid when the lights are off, but he always enjoyed holding you a little closer when you felt that way. He knows that you make him smile and feel things he had never known before. You protect him and you love him and he wants to be with you, always, and would do anything for you. And he thinks he knew those things even before he knew you, both times around. 
“I love you.”
He sees your lips part, and your eyes immediately fill with tears again. He hates making you cry but he knows, he knows these are good tears, and so long overdue. 
“You do?” You ask, voice trembling with emotion. Bradley nods, feeling a lump forming in his throat. With the hand not holding yours, he pushes some of your hair out of your face, letting his fingers trail over the smooth skin. 
“I’ll always love you, Pumpkin. I promised you that, remember?” 
You let out a sob, then, nodding your head rapidly and squeezing his hand. “I do. Do you?” 
He hums in response, and a small smile quirks at his lips. “Loving you was the easiest thing I’ll ever remember, baby. I don’t think it’s something that I ever really forgot.” 
You kiss him then and it’s desperate in a way that it hasn’t been up until this point. He bends his knees and you jump to wrap your legs around his waist and it feels so good, holding you closely like this. There was a certain kind of thrill knowing that he was the only thing keeping you upright and that you trusted him so fully to not let you fall. Your arms are tight around his neck. He wants you, maybe more than anything he’s ever wanted before. 
It’s a fumble of kisses and moans as he carries you up the stairs. He trips near the top, and you let out almost giddy laughter when he slams you back into the wall to avoid an uncomfortable trip back down to the first floor. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he pants, kissing you again, pulling away only to press his lips to your cheeks and to nip at your jaw. The wall gives him leverage and he pushes his hips hard into yours; he swears he can almost feel how wet and warm you are through both of your clothing already. He’s harder than he can ever remember being and the breathy little moan you let out makes him throb. 
“Take me to bed,” you accompany the request with a tug of the curls on the back of his head and he crashes his lips back to yours before you can even get another word in. 
He pulls you away from the wall and finishes the climb. Your tongue tangles with his the whole way to your room and it’s not until he sets you down at the foot of the bed that he pulls away. It’s silent for a moment, the only sound is your combined heavy breathing as you stare at one another. 
“Are you alright?” you ask softly, and Bradley thinks he could cry, all of a sudden. He’s not sure what he did to deserve someone who cares about him the way you so effortlessly and willingly do. 
“I’m perfect,” he says in response. A beat passes and he sees you slowly reaching for the hem of your shirt, but he grabs your wrist, stopping you.
“Let me,” he rasps. Slowly, he slides his hands under the fabric, feeling the skin soft and burning under his fingertips. You lift your arms above your head and he takes the hint without a question. The material comes off easily, but he doesn’t linger; he wants to see all of you.
The wide surface of his hands rest against the soft skin of your waistline, his thumbs briefly caressing the skin just under your bra, before he lets them trail down to your hips. Without a word, he sinks down to his knees in front of you. He looks up at you, meeting your eyes, and though no question really needs to be asked at this point, you answer him anyway with a small nod. He leans forward and presses a featherlight kiss against your stomach. Slowly, he peels the stretchy material down your legs. It pools at your feet and he looks up at you again, your eyes blown dark and wide with desire and love. 
“I love you,” he says again, followed by another kiss to your panty line. Lingering, gentle. His eyes flutter briefly and he lets himself breathe you in for a moment before continuing on the mission he set out to do. 
He tugs the pretty pink cotton down your legs. His lips follow, kissing first your hip bone and then the top of your thighs, and your fingertips dig into his shoulders that you’re holding onto for purchase as you lift each leg to let him remove the material completely. 
He rises slowly, and you don’t hesitate to thread your fingers through his hair again and tug his lips to yours as he does. His hands glide up your spine, feeling each ridge as he goes, and he loves the way you shiver for him. He only fumbles with the clasp of your black bra for a moment before he feels it give. He takes a small step back, admiring the way it looks as it falls down your shoulders. He swallows thickly as he tugs it gently, giving it that last little bit of momentum to separate from your body and fall to the ground between you. 
You don’t move to cover yourself, completely bare before him, and he marvels at the work of art that you create. You’re beautiful, astonishingly so, and he can’t believe that you’re his; he can’t believe that you chose him. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes out. With those words, he learns that you flush all over. 
He tugs at his own shirt, quickly ridding himself of that and the pants he had been wearing, and when he’s down to just his boxer briefs, he pulls you against him again, already missing the feel of your lips on his. He picks you up once more, only to lay you down on the soft blanket covering your bed. He climbs on top of you, and seeing you like this, spread out underneath him, is nearly his undoing. 
“I love you,” he whispers, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. Then to your nose, brief and chaste, before continuing down, ghosting of touches to your chin and your neck. His lips make it to a freckle on your clavicle, and it’s warmer, open and wet, and you arch up into him with a gasp. When he circles your nipple with his tongue, you moan for him. 
But he’s not done yet, wants to taste you all over. A hunger grows in him the closer he gets, and you must know what he’s intending because you let the thighs you had been rubbing together fall open before him. He can see how wet you are, how you glisten against the small smattering of hair you have there. His mouth waters as your scent hits him, musky and floral and something that is just you, and he doesn’t hesitate as he flattens his tongue against your folds. You taste devine. He groans against you as he does it again, licking all the way up before he wraps his lips around your clit. 
“Bradley, oh god.” 
Blindly, he grabs your hands from where they’re clenching the comforter. He threads his fingers with yours and you squeeze tight. He feels the pressure of your rings. 
You’re whining underneath him as he continues lapping at your core and he thinks he could come just from the sounds you’re making and the taste of you. He pushes his tongue inside of you and he can’t help but look up at you from his position. Your head is thrown back, your lip between your teeth, and oh, no, that won’t do. 
“I want to hear you,” he pulls away to say, diving back in once he sees you release your lip. As he closes around your sensitive nub again, he’s rewarded with a loud gasp, followed by a keen of his name. 
Yes, he thinks, that’s more like you. 
Your orgasm hits you faster than he anticipated just a few moments later. Your hips grind up into his face as he sucks furiously at your clit and god damn, he can’t believe he could have ever forgotten you. 
He’s panting when he pulls away, licking his lips to chase the taste of you. He rests his cheek on your thigh, watching as you come down. Your chest heaves and your whole body seems to tremble in the aftershocks of it, and when you open your eyes and look down at him, he’s a little bit startled to see them glassy with tears. 
“Come here,” you gasp, tugging your hands loose from where they were still intertwined with his to pull him back up your body. You kiss him, desperate and wanting, and he knows you must be able to taste yourself on his tongue. He pulls away, panting from the lack of oxygen. 
“You’re crying,” he notes. 
“You’re real,” you return, clutching at his bare back, and he understands immediately - he had been right here, but still out of reach for you for way too long. “I love you, and I missed you so much.” 
“I’m right here,” he promises, pressing a kiss to your cheek, your nose, your lips. “I’m never leaving you again.” It’s not a promise he’s guaranteed to keep, but he knows he’d do everything in his power for the rest of his life not to break it. 
“Off,” you command, trying to push the green material of his briefs, the only thing still separating you, down with your feet like they had personally offended you. “Baby, please. Please, please, please.” 
Seeing you desperate like this makes him dizzy and he’s quick to appease you. When he settles himself flush on top of you, you both moan at the feeling. He’s hot and heavy against your warm and wet center; Bradley doesn’t know how he’s going to last. He places a tender, chaste kiss to your lips as he lines himself up, whispering again that he loves you against your mouth. 
Sliding into you feels like the first time, and he supposes in a way, it is. You feel like home and hope and everything good and he never wants to be away from you again. 
It was too much. It wasn’t enough. It was everything, all at once. 
“Fuck,” he rasps. “You feel so good, baby. So fucking amazing. I’m not going to last,” he pants, desperately trying to regain some control over himself. He had never felt this close this fast, but the emotions of the night mixed with how long it’s been were proving to be detrimental to his stamina. He needed this, so badly. You both did. You shake your head and assure him that it’s okay. You clench around him and his arms shake from where he’s holding himself up above you. He drops to his forearms, unable to take it. 
“Move,” you gasp, and who is he as your husband to deny you anything? 
Bradley slowly pulls his hips back, enjoying the drag as he goes, but relishing in how much better it feels to sink back into you. Over and over again he repeats the motion. A tremble climbs up his spine as he kisses along your jaw, nipping at you softly and soothing it with his tongue. He settles his face into the curve of your neck, panting against your skin. 
His chest is pressed against yours, your nails scraping down in his back in a way that he hopes he carries with him for the next few days. Your heels press into the back of his thighs and urge him forward with every thrust, meeting him move for move. The sounds you were making were like music and with every gasp and moan of his name, he craves more. 
“Let go, sweetheart,” you murmur in his ear, nudging your nose along the scruff of his beard. But he shakes his head, unwilling to lose himself before you did, too. He brings his hand down to your center, circling gently at first before rapidly rubbing at your clit with his fingers to push you closer to that edge he was already precariously dangling on. 
“You’re so tight,” he murmurs, delighting in the way you immediately clench down. “I want you to come for me, Pumpkin.” 
“Bradley,” you whimper, clutching him closer. He knows that you’re almost there, knows it like he knows how much he loves you and how lucky he is to be married to you. 
“My perfect wife,” he breathes, and that’s what finally does it. 
You break with a sob, and oh. Having you come on his tongue is one thing, but feeling you come around his cock is something almost otherworldly. He knows he’ll never feel anything like it again outside of you.
He loses his rhythm as he chases his own end. You’re impossibly tight around him and he knows nothing but you at this moment. You moan his name again and his orgasm pulses at his core and sweeps through him. He releases inside of you with a shout of your name and you clutch at him as he rides it out. 
It’s almost too overwhelming, everything that he’s feeling right now. You run your fingers through his hair as he tries to catch his breath, softly combing through the damp strands. He gives a few lazy after thrusts and you whimper at the oversensitivity it causes, but shake your head when he goes to pull out. 
“Stay,” you murmur, voice tired in the best of ways, “stay.” 
He presses his forehead against yours and your breaths mingle together. He forces his eyes to stay open, wanting to see you in the afterglow. It occurs to him, then, that this experience was entirely his own. There was no tingling in his brain or fuzziness in his line of vision that always came when a memory hit him. This was new. A refreshed start, not muddled by the confusion of what was and what is. It’s just the two of you, here, together, finding peace and pleasure and love no matter the circumstance that got you here.
“I love you,” he whispers. It must be the fifth or eighth or maybe even the twelfth time tonight, but he doesn’t care. He’s gone so long without saying it that he feels like he had to make up for lost time. 
“I love you, too.” 
He wants to stay in your arms forever, and for the first time since he woke up in the hospital, when he was overwhelmed with emotions he didn’t understand, he feels like maybe he can. 
Part Ten :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: The moment I feel like people have been waiting for! I hope you enjoyed! Just a few more parts left :)
Tag List: @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 2 months
lover - p. parker
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a/n: hi guys so sorry it's been a while i meant to finish this a million times and im still not thrilled with the ending but oh well! i want to make a quick note that as someone whose hard of hearing i am aware that being hoh/deaf has a lot of rheotric around it and there's a lot of positive associations with being hoh/deaf but reader in this fic is not always happy with being hoh because being deaf/hoh has a LOT of complciated emotions associated with it! just keep that in mind as we go forward. warnings: hoh!reader, cursing probably, suggestive behaviors, lots of kissing, lots of fluff, a poorly written ending, gn!reader, reader having a lot of complex emotions about their hearing, talks of weddings, and reader has a mom and a step dad who love them. AUTISTIC PETER BTW ITS ONLY MENTIONED ONCE BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO ME word count: 4.0k summary: peter parker is quite literally the most amazing boyfriend ever. even when you realize you're hard of hearing. pairing: tasm!peter parker x hoh!reader now playing: lover - taylor swift "my heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue/all's well that ends well to end up with you/swear to be over-dramatic and true to my/lover"
Going to the grocery store is a nightmare.  
Especially when you go on a Saturday in New York City, on a relatively nice day out.
You’re pushing the cart through the grocery store, trying to focus on what’s right in front of you as Peter comes up behind you, placing a box of cinnamon toast crunch in the bag before you check it off your list.
This is your system—Peter runs around grabbing your assorted groceries for the next two weeks as you check it off the list, then there is two people making sure you have all your groceries. This pretty much eliminates the possibility of having to run out to the store during the week.
And usually, you do this very early on Sunday mornings—Like, you and Peter are the first patrons at the store.
But you’re out of just a few things that are essential—Toothpaste, Milk, coffee—You pretty much just decided to get it out of the way for the next two weeks.
The problem now, is that you’re in this crowded store, full of people talking, machines beeping and carts wheeling.. You’re struggling to focus. That’s what you pass it off as, at least.
Peter’s hand lands gently on your arm as he says your name gently.
“Huh?” You tilt your head to look at him.
“I just wanted to know what was next on the list.” He smiles at you. You glance down at the list,
“Uh, Bread.” You tell him, planning on making grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” He hums, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. You smile softly. You’re not the biggest fan of PDA but Peter can recognize when you’re feeling upset and just need a reminder of your worth.
A few minutes later, as you’re struggling to ground yourself in the middle of this Trader Joe’s, Peter spooks you when he comes up behind you, his hand resting on your upper arm.
“Fucking Christ—” You gasped, “You terrified me!”
“I’m sorry, Baby.” He says gently. “I called your name a few times, was yapping all the way down the aisle.”
“Oh..” Your face softens. You don’t really know how to say all the things you’re feeling.
“Hey, I’ll—I’ll finish up here, how bout you step outside for a few minutes? Wait for me by the carts?”
Your list is almost finished up so you nod, smiling gently before leaving the grocery store, finally getting some peace and quiet. You lean against the wall of the grocery store, watching people pass the grocery store. About twenty minutes later, Peter walks out of the grocery store, holding your grocery bags. He hands you two bags but carries about four. Your boyfriend is Spider-man, and as much as you hate taking advantage of that.. You can’t’ deny how nice his strength is for situations like this.
He shifts the bags around to pull two candy bars out of his pocket—
A Snickers for him, and a standard Hershey bar for you.
You eat your candy as you make the short trip home, not saying much. The candy bar helps, but this looming truth lingers in the air, and you don’t want to be the one to say anything about it. So the pair of you make your way into the apartment, putting away your groceries wordlessly. But in the quiet of your apartment, you stop, suddenly plagued with a new trouble.
“My ears are ringing.”
“What?” It’s not something he’s asking because he did not hear you, but the statement catches him off guard.
“My ears are ringing.” You repeat. He gently takes the oranges out of your hands, scared that you might dig your fingers into them and destroy them half an hour after he picked them out.
“Okay,” he says softly, putting them to the side. “Why don’t you go sit down in the living room while I make some tea and put the groceries away?” He gently prods. Too busy wanting to literally claw off your own ears, you nod and head over to your couch.
Peter’s by your side a few minutes later with a mug of tea on the coffee table. However, it goes quickly forgotten as you climb on top of him, cuddling into him. His hands rub your back gently. You sit like this for a while, until he decides to ask—
“How long have you had trouble with your hearing?” His voice is soft. You reflect for a little while, before responding with a soft,
“A long time, now..” You remember being a teenager and having trouble hearing your friends in the lunchroom and lectures being a nightmare during college. “I think I’ve been just ignoring it for a few years..”
He had a feeling that’s what your answer would have been—you’re rather in tune with yourself, and something like this would’ve been something you picked up on a long time ago. But he doesn’t blame you for ignoring something like this.
“You know we should probably go to an audiologist, right?” He asks.
“Yeah, I know..” You sigh, cuddling into him further, as if you can hide away from the entire world.
“I’ll take you,” he says gently, not wanting you to worry about going alone or being anxious. You’ll be anxious anyways, but maybe he could help. And he will help, his fingers always brushing against your skin, making sure you remember that he’s there and not going anywhere. It’s the best way he can help-- By making sure you’re not alone.
“Thanks..” Your voice breaks, and he frowns, his hand coming to find your cheek, pulling you into his view. The sight of you crying makes his heart squeeze.
“What’s the matter, baby?” He asks softly, his thumb wiping your tears.
“I don’t..” You bite your lip, trying to form the words. You’re not an idiot. You have done some research on Deaf culture. You knew that it was an enhancement, something to be proud of. And that was phenomenal—You had done a lot of courses in college on disability rhetoric, and you knew how important it was to reinforce positive associations with disabilities, as well as the fact that most deaf and hard of hearing people did not consider themselves disabled.
And all that pride lived inside of you—But you couldn’t help your struggle about the subject. It would take time to adjust to, and Peter.. Peter deserved an easy life. He was Spider-Man for Christ’s sake!
“I don’t want you to have to worry about me if it turns out I do have trouble hearing. I don’t want to be a burden to you.”
He frowns at this, tilting his head.
“Hey,” he tilts his head, looking at you with admiration. “Did you know when I was adopted by my aunt and uncle they told them I would be a challenge to raise? That my autism and lack of social skills would make me.. harder to love..?”
“You’re not hard to love.” You immediately say, and he smiles.
“I know. My aunt and uncle proved that to me, they went into raising me knowing that I would just have different struggles as other kids my age. Even if you are heard of hearing or deaf—You’re not hard to love. You just have different experiences and struggles from other people our age. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want every part of that journey.” He leans forward and places a kiss on your forehead. It makes you smile a bit. “Now, no more tears. Let’s watch a movie, and we’ll start our research tomorrow, okay?” He hums.
You nod and grab the throw blanket behind him, pulling it across the pair of you as he grabs the remote and turns on your favorite movie. His hands stay on you, rubbing comforting patterns into your skin.
He turns the subtitles on without you asking.
• • •
The audiologist office has lights that are too bright. You and Peter sit side by side, as you look around at the other patients. Your chest tightens as you realize you are surrounded by people in their 70’s and 80’s—Except for you, a twenty something year old, a young boy, around seven, and a teenage girl. You all share similar looks of discomfort, but in your anxiety, you notice that there’s a sense of.. familiarity in seeing people your age here.
You decide to put a pin in your thoughts, as Peter’s hand finds your thigh, and you glance back over to him. In the past two weeks, He’s been giving more physical cues to get your attention, a small way he’s trying to make you feel more comfortable.
“Stop bouncing your leg,” he says softly, “You’re just working yourself up.” He says gently. You nod, and then your name is called, so you gather your things, and before you go, Peter grabs your wrist, before throwing up the sign in ASL for ‘I love you’. You grin and throw it back, before following the nurse into the back.  
Peter waits, for around half an hour, making sure not to draw too much attention to himself. He makes pleasant conversation with two of the older ladies who are there, after finding out that they all grew up in Queens.
After that half hour, you come back out of the back rooms of the office, and Peter grins at you as he says a quick, respectful goodbye to the two older women, before handing you your jacket.
The pair of you stay quiet until you’re out of the office, and only when you’re a few steps away does he slip his jacket on before asking,
“How’d it go?” And with this, he clumsily signs along. The pair of you have been practicing ASL—Short phrases here and there.
You hesitate for an answer, going into your bag and fishing out a small ASL dictionary. Inside, in his sort of messy handwriting, Peter has written you a note that you take a glance at every time you open it. It reads, ‘Don’t forget I love you’, and it never fails to make you smile.
Another challenge you’ve been facing in your journey to learn ASL is your facial expressions—You’ve never been good at properly matching your face to your emotions or words, so it’s been a struggle.
“Fine,” You speak and sign. Then you pause. “Actually, not fine.” You sign, and then you drop the signing, because you’re only a beginner. “It’s sort of what we expected—My hearing is.. bad, and will probably get worse as I age.” His hand finds yours.
“Okay.. What did he say about hearing aids?”
“That If I felt like I needed them to schedule a follow-up.” You tell him. “But they’re expensive and I’ll need to do research to see what sort of health insurance coverage I have.”
He nods gently, his thumb rubbing your knuckles gently.
“Well, we’re gonna cross that bridge when we get there, yeah?”
He throws up the sign for ‘I love you’. You throw it back. And it might seem stupid, but every time Peter holds up that sign, your heart melts a little bit. Maybe it’s a low bar or something like that—And it’s true. But Peter is learning a whole new language for the sake of making sure you’re comfortable and for your comfort. No one has ever done anything close to that for you.
• • •
Peter has become in tune with your body. Which is a weird way to say it, but it’s true. Those heightened senses of his come in handy, and mostly, he watches for tension in your shoulders and your jaw, perfect indicators that your ears hurt.
Usually, it’s this painful ringing, and usually, Peter just tries to make you as cozy as possible while you ride that out.
But tonight, you’re at a family party, celebrating your sister’s birthday. She’s getting married in a few months, and she’s been so busy with that you haven’t seen a lot of her. Peter holds your gift for her in one hand, and your hand in his with the other.
The party goes well for the most part, you’re just relaxing and hanging out with your family. It’s a nice party, and you’re grateful for your entire family. Your mom holds your nephew in her lap, your sister laughs with your aunts and her fiancé, and your brother and uncle are yapping about some football game.
You, Peter, and your stepdad stand in the kitchen, talking about all sorts of things. Your sister’s wedding, the cruise he just took your mom on, Peter’s recent promotion, and of course..
“Have you considered hearing aids?” Your stepdad asks.
“Yeah, they’re just.. expensive.” You laugh, nervously.
Your stepdad gently taps his own ears, “Well, you’d be part of an elite club.” He grins.
You roll your eyes playfully, before your attention is grabbed by a tugging on the leg of your pants. You glance down, and see your young nephew, gazing up at you with wide eyes.
“What can I do for you, little man?” You ask, a hand coming up to brush hair from his face. He says something you can’t quite make out, so you put your drink on the counter and crouch down to hear him properly, tapping right below your ear, “One more time, bud.”
“Can Peter come play?” He asks, still a little shy around the man you’ve been dating for a while now. You grin and nod,
“Of course he can.” You glance up to Peter, then to your nephew. “What do you wanna play?”
“Dinosaurs.” He requests. So, you pick him up and turn to Peter.
“Peter, our friend here would like to play dinosaurs with you.” You grin.
The way your hair falls into place, the way you hold your nephew close, the way your smile pinches your eyes together.. Peter wishes he could freeze this moment forever because you look perfect.
“Dinosaurs?” he repeats, before grabbing your nephew from you, and then positioning him so that he’s riding on Peter’s back. “Dude, I love dinosaurs!” that’s the last thing you can make out as Peter carries him off to the living room to play dinosaurs. You watch with an affectionate smile, taking small sips of your drink.
“So… Nice kid..” Your mom says as she walks into the kitchen.
You assume she’s talking about your nephew, so you shrug, “He is a good kid.”
“No, I’m talking about Peter.” Your face flushes as you realize where this is going.
“What about Peter?” You hum, looking over to her.
“I’m just saying, I think—”
“You two are gross together.” Your stepdad chimes in, but there’s no malice behind his comment. In fact, you only laugh because it’s something you used to say to them when they started dating.
“Yeah, I know,” You hum. “I really love him.” You confess, before shrugging.
“You know, with your sister’s wedding coming up, I’ve been thinking a lot about—” Your face flushes, as you finish your drink.
“When Peter and I are ready to get married, you two will be the first to know.”
“Oh, so you do wanna marry him.” Your mom smiles. Your face is warmer now.
“I’m gonna go mingle, you two should try minding your own business.”
You find Peter rather quickly, and he just smirks at you, before signing, ‘Talking about marriage?’
You roll your eyes, signing back, ‘Shut up.’ He just puckers his lips and blows a kiss at you. He wants to marry you too.
• • •
After dinner and cake, you sit in your old bedroom, rubbing your ears as you try and come up with an excuse to leave.
Peter finds you a few minutes later and sits next to you on your bed. You lean into him, your eyes heavy from dealing with the ringing you’ve been dealing with.
He gently prompts you to pick your head up before signing, ‘Ringing again?’
You just nod.
“Pete, I wanna go home.” You tell him. Your brother and nephew left a little while ago, and downstairs, your aunts and uncles are getting ready to head home.
“I know, baby. Let’s get you home.” He hums softly. He gently rubs his hand up and down your arm, before pressing a sweet kiss to your neck. Then, one at the base of your ear.
• • •
A few days later, you’re just doing chores around the apartment when your phone buzzes. When you take a minute to glance at it, you find yourself grinning.
It’s the link to an article, sent to you by your mom—Besides Peter, she has been the greatest support through your journey in figuring out you’re hearing. And she knows you have a bias towards Spider-man as far as vigilantes go (wonder why).
The link leads you to a photo of Spider-man, who is swinging across the city, holding up the sign for ‘I love you’. A grin breaks out on your face, just in time for Peter to crawl back into the apartment.
You find him with his mask off as he starts to calm down from a long day, and before he can do much else, you make your way over to him and pull him in for a long kiss.
He hums, his hands finding your waist as your arms wrap around his neck. When you pull away he grins.
“Hi.” He hums.
“Hey..” you smile. “I didn’t know Spider-man knew sign language,” You tease, and he just laughs, a light pink dusting of blush across his cheeks.
“He knows it for you.”
“For me?”
“For you, baby,” he leans in and kisses you gently. His hands begin to travel from your waist to the hem of your shirt, and then up, resting his gloved fingers against the skin of your sides.
• • •
Your hearing aids come in just in time for your sister’s wedding.
You pick them up and hold them in your hands as you go back and forth, worrying. Worrying about Peter not liking them, worrying about breaking them, worrying about everything, really.
But you stand in front of the mirror, and put them on carefully, before turning them on. You take a moment to adjust to how certain sounds are now. The drip of the faucet is more pronounced, and the sounds don’t just melt together like they usually do.
You can even hear Peter shuffling around outside, giving you as much time as you need to process the look and feel of them. When you finally step out, you’re nervous, and he must be able to tell.
“Look at you,” he grins, peering at the hearing aids. “Can we get a spin?” You immediately let out a nervous giggle, and then do a little twirl for him, and he just laughs and claps.
“You like them?” You ask nervously, and he nods.
“Absolutely.” He tells you. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to the side of your head, right next to your hearing aids. “I have something for you.” he tells you, before handing you a small black box. For a moment, you freak out. He probably senses the panic and shakes his head, “Just open it.”
You do, and when you realize what you’re looking at, your heart absolutely melts. It’s a gold star earing that has a chain that hooks onto your hearing aid, and another chain with more star pendants that dangle. It’s gorgeous, and you wonder what you did to deserve him. You lean in and kiss him gently.
“Thank you.” You say softly, and he can tell you’re going to get emotional, so he kisses you again.
“I think you look very pretty.” He hums, “Complete.” You grin and lean in for another kiss.
You’re beginning to feel it, too.
• • •
The morning of your sister’s wedding, you’re texting Peter as your sister gets her makeup done. You’re pretty much all ready, you’re just inclined to stay with her until she needs you.
‘Bug Boy
Attachment: One Image’
The look of Peter in his suit makes your heart melt.
you look very handsome, pete <3’
‘Bug Boy
Aw, thank you, sugar. Do I get a photo of you or do I have to wait?’
nope! gotta wait.’
‘Bug Boy
: (‘
‘Bug Boy
How are your hearing aids feeling?’
good! they’re helping with all the commotion. i’m glad i got them before the wedding’
‘Bug Boy
Me too. I love you. See you soon?’
see you soon <3 i love you.’
 You wear all black, as per her request, and you ask her a few days before if it’s okay if you wear your hearing aids, mostly because you don’t want the attention on you if you must answer a bunch of questions about your hearing aids.
But she’s more than happy to have you wear them, especially if it means you can hear everything that’s happening, and that your ears won’t ring.
The gold hearing aid jewelry goes well with your outfit, and you’re anxious to see Peter again—You’ve been so busy getting ready and helping your sister get ready that you haven’t given him a chance to see your fancy new outfit.
Just before the ceremony, as your sister is having her first look with her soon to be husband, you manage to sneak away, finding Peter mingling with your extended family, enjoying a drink, and eating some appetizers. Your spider boy and his appetite.
You tap on his shoulder when he’s alone, and he turns and quite literally gasps at the sight of you.
“Look what we have here,” he hummed, his hands running down the sides of your outfit. Then, he puts his drink down and begins to sign while speaking, “You look gorgeous. Your jewelry looks lovely.” He grins.
You blush, before signing back, “You don’t think it looks weird or clunky?”
“No,” He shakes his head, “You’re glowing,” he tells you, leaning into place a soft kiss on your lips.
“I love you,” You sign, “Do you want this?”
Your question catches him off guard, and he signs back,
“This,” You gesture to the area around you. “A big wedding.”
His answer is simple but effective—
“I want whatever kind of wedding you want.”
“Even if I want big obnoxious flowers and a big ugly pastry gown?”
“Even if you want all that. Although..” He trails off, shrugging his shoulders.
“Although?” You question.
“I always imagined you in something simple. Something that shows off your features, not outshines them… And now, your little stars and hearing aids to go along with it..” He hums, grinning at your reddening face. “And pink tulips.”
“Pink tulips?”
“To go with the white roses.” He hums. You never really thought of Peter as a guy to have dreams and plans for his wedding, but he’s full of surprises. You know that better than anybody else.
“I love you.” You say softly, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. On your side, the flash of a light goes off and you start to giggle when you realize that one of the many photographers your sister has hired, and you realize that the photos of you and Peter will forever be known as from your sister’s wedding when you were just dating.
“I love you,” he hums as he holds up the sign for it. “How much time do you have before the ceremony starts?”
“Twenty minutes?”
“..Plenty of time.” He has this wicked grin on his face. Your face flushes, before you take his hand, letting him drag you off to a quiet corner of the venue.
“You better not ruin my hair or my makeup, spider boy.”
“I’ll be nice and gentle- I can be mean and rough later.”
“Peter Parker, I swear to god—”
He cuts you off by pressing you against the wall of an elevator, and as the door closes, he runs his fingers over your hearing aids, before pressing another kiss to your lips.
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bratshaws · 5 months
through the hourglass 322. brb x oc
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a/n: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia
No response.
This time he heard a little groan.
“I made you breakfast.” Michael says from the door, holding the plate with the bagel and cream cheese…and orange juice. He wasn’t a cook, a shame to the Italian roots they all had, but he didn’t want his sister to wake up and not eat anything. He was spending the night there because,well, she had a rough week/day and he wanted to help “...are you alive?” he presses his ear to the bedroom’s door, “Bea?”
The door opened slowly, revealing Beatrice with a disheveled appearance, her hair a wild cascade around her face. Her eyes,squinted at her older brother, “...what?”
Michael smirked, holding up the plate and juice. "Breakfast is served, oh queen of the wild hair. You look like you wrestled a tornado in your sleep."
Beatrice sighed, rubbing her neck with a wince. "You didn't have to make breakfast, Mike. But I appreciate it."
"Consider it a strategic move to prevent you from becoming a hangry hurricane," he teased, stepping inside as Beatrice stepped back, allowing him entry.
Michael glanced around the room, noting the scattered covers and the general signs of a sleepless night. "Looks like a battlefield here. What happened?"
Beatrice rubbed her temples, the events of the past week catching up to her. "Just had a rough night of sleep, nightmares and all…I’m just glad you didn’t hear me,cause you’d come check on me if there was the case…" she flops back down on the bed, “...the kids are still asleep?”
“I fed the dogs too.” he says, kicking some of the covers away as he approaches the bed, looking around in hopes he could place it somewhere. “Do you wanna hold your breakfast or should I put it somewhere?”
Beatrice sat up, giving Michael a tired smile. "Just put it on the nightstand. I'll get to it in a minute. Thanks, Mike."
Michael did as instructed, placing the plate and juice on the nightstand. He perched on the edge of the bed, eyeing his sister with concern. "You've been through the wringer, huh?"
Beatrice nodded, running a hand through her tousled hair. "Yeah. The whole situation...it's a lot to handle.And I know I dealt with Miranda already but,uuuughhh..." she rubs her eyes again, “I’m tired is all…I…I wish Brad was back home,I really miss him this time, more than the times before.”
"I get it, Bea. Here." he holds the plate to her level, “Have some.”
“I still can’t believe you made me breakfast.”
Michael shrugged, ruffling her hair a bit. "Well, don't make it a habit. I might lose my tough big brother image if people find out I can be domestic."
Beatrice chuckled, taking a bite of the bagel. "You? Tough big brother? You've been a softie since you taught me how to ride a bike."
He feigned offense. "Hey, that's confidential information. Can't have my reputation tarnished."
“I’m sure Hannah is aware of that already.” she chuckles, then chews her breakfast, “Thanks though,I appreciate it a lot.”
Michael grinned. "Well, she does know my secrets. Speaking of which, she's been worried about you too. You should give her a call later."
Beatrice nodded, sipping her orange juice. "I will. And tell her thanks for worrying, but I'm okay. Just need some time to process everything."
"Fair enough." Michael leaned back, studying his sister. "So! What are your plans for today?”
"I dunno." Beatrice sighed, setting the half-eaten bagel back on the plate. "I gotta take the twins to the doctor for a checkup and…uh…check on stuff, maybe buy halloween decor,it’s on sale at Mackenzie’s."
Michael raised an eyebrow. "Halloween decor already? It's barely the end of August."
Beatrice grinned, the prospect of the upcoming holiday bringing a spark to her tired eyes. "Early bird catches the sale, Mikey. Plus, it’s going to be the kids’ very first Halloween.And Nicole is already more aware of her surroundings so..."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Kids these days. So, you're taking care of all that by yourself? Need any help?"
Beatrice appreciated the offer, but she waved him off. "No, no, I got it. You've done enough by making me breakfast. I can handle the doctor's visit and the shopping. You go do...whatever it is you do."
Michael smirked. "Secret agent stuff. Can't divulge too much, you know."
"Right, right, top-secret brother business," she teased, then turned more serious. "But, seriously, thanks for being here. It means a lot."
He nodded, a rare moment of sincerity in his teasing demeanor. "Anytime, Bea. You know that.” he pauses, “But…I think I’ll join you anyway.”
Beatrice's eyes widened in surprise. "You're joining me?"
"Yeah. I've got some free time today, and I could use a distraction from the usual covert operations at the gym. Plus, who can resist the allure of discounted Halloween decorations?"
Beatrice chuckled. "Alright, you're in. But no complaining about the early Halloween spirit."
"Deal." He grinned, finishing off his own bagel. "So, what's the plan after the doctor's visit and the Halloween haul?"
She thought for a moment, sipping her orange juice. "Maybe swing by Mackenzie's café, grab a coffee, and catch up on some work. Then, if you're up for it, help me with the kids while I prep for lunch."
Michael saluted. "Aye,aye ma’am. Consider me your partner in crime for the day. Now, finish up that breakfast. We've got a full day ahead."
The doctor's visit went smoothly, with the twins passing their checkup with flying colors. Beatrice couldn't help but feel a burst of pride as the pediatrician complimented the twins' health and development alongside Nicole who,while not in need of a checkup like her preemie siblings, was too excited to remain still. 
Beatrice was trying very hard to make sure all three of her kids remained healthy. Especially the twins.
After the doctor's visit, Beatrice decided to treat the kids to a small outing. The sun shone brightly overhead as they strolled through a nearby park. Nicole giggled as she chased after butterflies, while Gavin and Aurora, securely nestled in the double stroller, observed their surroundings with wide-eyed curiosity.
 Beatrice couldn't help but marvel at the progress they had made since their premature birth. The doctor's reassurance was a soothing balm to the worries that had lingered in Beatrice's mind.
Too often.
As they approached a playground, Nicole's excitement reached new heights. She tugged at Beatrice's hand, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Mama,shwings?"
Beatrice smiled, bending down to Nicole's level. "Well,let’s wait for uncle Mike first, mama can’t leave your siblings alone.” and she just sighs, looking down at her phone with her lips pursed.
Nothing from Rooster. God she hopes he’s alright and that the investigation is bearing fruit.
She felt a comforting presence beside her, and turning, she found Mike approaching with a casual stride.
"Hey, Bea! Everything okay?" 
Beatrice nodded, offering a smile in return. "Yeah, all good. Doctor's visit went well. Kids are healthy and growing like weeds."
Michael chuckled, ruffling Nicole's hair as he greeted her. "That's what I like to hear! Healthy, happy kids. Ready for some playground action?"
Nicole's eyes lit up at the mention of swings. "Unca Mike! Shwings!"
Beatrice laughed, crossing her legs by the knee as she looks up at her brother. "Looks like we're in for some serious swinging, Mike."
Mike nodded, his eyes glancing towards the phone in Beatrice's hand. "Anything from Brad?"
Beatrice sighed, her gaze dropping to the device. "No, not yet. I just hope he's doing okay. And that the investigation is making progress. He can’t really share a lot either, so…I can only wait.”
Mike sat down beside her, glancing at the phone with a sympathetic expression. "He'll be fine, Bea. He knows how to handle himself. Plus, he's got the entire squadron behind him." he smiles down at Nicole who just starts climbing his leg.
“Yeah…at least I dealt with Miranda. I hope she…stops now.”
“She can’t be that stupid.” he looks over at Bea, “Can she?”
Beatrice raised an eyebrow at Michael's question"Miranda is unpredictable. She's gotten this far. I just hope she got the message and backs off."
"If she has any sense, she should. But I don’t know her like you do.”
Beatrice sighed, a weariness settling in. "I don’t know her that well at all..only what she shared with me."
"Just keep your guard up, sis." he mutters “Is all I’m saying.”
Beatrice nodded in agreement. "That's exactly what Rooster said.It’ll be fine,we’ll be fine.”
Mike frowned, a protective glint in his eyes. "Well,if she gives you any more trouble, let me know. I'll have a word with her, with Guillermo. Sometimes people like her need a reality check…and a scare."
Beatrice appreciated her brother's instincts as…chaotic as they could be. "I'll keep that in mind, Mike. Let's just hope she realizes it's in her best interest to stay out of this."
Beatrice glanced at her phone once more. Still no message from Rooster. The unease gnawed at her, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the present moment with her kids and brother.
"Alright, everyone, ready for some swings?" Michael announced, lifting Nicole in his arms and carrying her towards the swing set.
The playground echoed with Nicole's laughter as she soared through the air on the swing. Beatrice pushed Gavin and Aurora in the double stroller nearby, enjoying the simple joy of seeing her kids play. She,however, kept her hand on her phone…just in case.
Her thumb idly traced circles on her phone screen, hoping for a message that would ease the knot in her stomach.
Michael noticed his sister's distraction, the concern etching lines on her face. He approached her, Nicole now happily exploring the nearby sandbox.
"You're still waiting for a message, huh?"
Beatrice sighed, offering a weak smile. "Yeah, it's just... I can't help but worry. I love him, you know?"
Michael nodded, his eyes moving to Nicole who just giggled grabbing fistfuls of sand. "I get it, sis…okay so..help me with this…what…will exactly happen if Brad gets the info he needs out of this investigation? Do you know?"
The question lingered in the air, the weight of uncertainty settling between Beatrice and Michael. Beatrice looked thoughtful, her gaze focused on the distant horizon as she considered how to reply.
"It's hard to say, Mike," Beatrice began, "If Rooster manages to uncover the truth about, it could lead to a few different scenarios. First and foremost, Mark could face serious consequences within the Navy. Unauthorized modifications, especially those related to tracking capabilities, are likely to be considered a breach of protocol."
Michael nodded, his expression serious. "So, what kind of consequences are we talking about? Dishonorable discharge?"
Beatrice sighed,rubbing her neck. "Possibly? It depends on the severity of the unauthorized actions and whether they're deemed a threat to national security. Dishonorable discharge, court-martial, or other disciplinary actions could be on the table." she frowns, “That’s what Evelyn told me at least.”
"And what about you guys? Will you get the fallout out of this?”
“Well, not us per se, not me since I’m not Navy but…" Beatrice admitted, her voice carrying a hint of worry. "If Rooster's investigation reveals something significant, it could have implications for the entire squadron. The Navy takes these matters seriously, and depending on how deep this goes, there might be a broader inquiry."
Michael's brows furrowed in concern. "Right…will that fuck up Brad’s promotion or…?"
Beatrice sighed, chewing her lower lip. "If Rooster's investigation is seen as thorough and successful, it might strengthen his position. On the flip side, if there are complications, it could cast a shadow on his leadership, even if it's not directly his fault." she frowns more, “But I know him way too well…I don’t think he’ll get anything bad in return…call it a hunch.”
“Well. I hope it works out for the best, for Brad and for the squadron."
"Me too," Beatrice replied, her eyes drifting back to Nicole, now engrossed in a sandcastle-building endeavor. "Me too,Mike.”
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40sandfabulousaf · 2 months
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大家好! Hari Raya Puasa fell on Wednesday in Singapore, marking the end of Ramadan. This year's holy month for Muslims has been sombre as they - and non Muslims alike - watched in horror at the devastation in Gaza. There was no respite for Palestinians; if they had anything at all to break their fast with, it was canned beans, lentils or peas. Ravaged by hunger - famine in Northern Gaza - babies and children wasted away and some began dying. About 300 aid trucks have finally entered the area, 60% of the 500 aid trucks which used to enter before the war. It's not anywhere near enough.
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The official Palestinian civilian death toll stands at over 33,000 to date. This doesn't take into account victims who remain buried under the rubble from destroyed buildings, deaths from malnutrition and hospital patients who perished because there weren't enough medicines or the hospitals were raided. Over 75,000 have been injured as a result of this war. The unofficial civilian casualty numbers could very well be far higher. It's heartening to see other countries fighting back against genocide and seeking to stop arms supplies to Israel.
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Since Hari Raya Puasa was a public holiday, I rested, exercised, spent time with Pa, caught up on current affairs and nourished myself with a bottle of birds' nest, a gift from N. I also had a simple breakfast of cheese and crackers out of compassion for Palestinians' suffering. Robbed of a truly joyous Aidilfitri this year by Israel's war in Gaza, many Muslims globally celebrated the festival of breaking fast with heavy hearts. Hopes for a ceasefire just before Ramadan, and then, in time for Hari Raya Puasa, were dashed.
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Moved by the extent of Palestinian suffering, Singapore continues to raise funds for Gaza. Malaysian Muslims also extended Aidilfitri wishes. As I tucked into a hearty breakfast of chicken, braised flower mushrooms and bee tai mak (short rice noodles), I felt doubly grateful. Nutritious meals are hard to come by for the thousands of Palestinians who struggle to fill their stomachs everyday. I pray that enough food will flow into Gaza so that the effects of malnutrition can be reversed.
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I no longer feel as sorry for low income people in rich countries who live in tents due to rising housing and rental costs. Their complaints pale in comparison to what Palestinians are going through. Over 1.5 million of them have to live in makeshift tents because their homes have been razed to the ground due to Israeli attacks AND fear for their lives everyday. In rich nations, the homeless can still access food banks, they can still eat, whereas up till recently, Gaza was under siege and arguably still is. Palestinians have no clean water, their children had started dying from starvation. Who is suffering way more? 下次见!
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stellarlascl · 2 years
Air fryer fried mac and cheese
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Crushed up as a coating for these glorious air fryer mac and cheese bites, Pepperidge Farm Frank’s RedHot Goldfish Crackers make this appetizer the. Next time I think I’m going to hide some broccoli in there as well. Don’t underestimate that smiley little fish.
I love how simple it is and that the kids can have a portable real meal they actually want to eat. Probably tonight if my 6yr old has her way. It worked perfectly and I will definitely be making more very soon. Working in batches, place 4-5 of the prepared mac-n-cheese balls into the prepared air-fryer basket. Lightly coat the inside of the air-fryer with non-stick spray. So I took 1 out and since it was already frozen I just cut it into squares instead of making balls. Remove the mac-n-cheese balls from the freezer and dip each into the egg mixture, then into the bread crumb mixture, and back onto the baking sheet. You know for those busy week nights, that unexpected company, or those lazy weekends lol. I usually make 2 or 3 extra pans for the freezer when I do Mac and Cheese. Definitely a new favorite so thank you so much. Basically I used your cooking method and my little monsters truly loved it. I have a Mac and Cheese recipe from my grandfather that I use and always will because you know how kids are about things changing, and it’s my go to comfort food. So meals I can make in advance and freeze are a must, and I absolutely love this one. Step 7 Cook in the preheated air fryer for 6 to 8 minutes. I’m a single mom of 7 time is not my friend at all lol. Place mac and cheese balls into the air fryer basket in a single layer, making sure they are not touching cook in batches if necessary. Simply scoop the mac and cheese into a ball and continue with steps 3-5. You can make these with leftover Mac N Cheese.Be sure you do not buy pre shredded packaged cheese as it does not melt as well as cheese you grate yourself.For an extra burst of flavor add cooked crumbled bacon bits to the bread crumb coating.I used seasoned bread crumbs, but you can use crushed crackers, crushed potato chips, or panko crumbs.Serve hot with your favorite marinara or Alfredo sauce for dipping. You may need to adjust the temp as the frozen balls may lower the temp each time you add them. Oil : I typically use vegetable oil, but you can also use peanut oil, or even lard to fry up these delicious bites.Fry the coated mac and cheese balls for 5 minutes, until golden brown and center is hot. Repeat these steps twice for each ball.įRY. Dip the frozen balls into the egg wash then into the bread crumbs. Pour your bread crumbs into another shallow bowl. Beat together your eggs with your 2 tablespoons milk and pour it into a shallow bowl. Shape the cold mac and cheese into meatball-sized balls and place them onto a waxed paper-lined tray. Fold in macaroni noodles and pour into a shallow pan and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, until macaroni is cold.įREEZE. Add both cheeses and stir until melted and smooth. Cook for about 2 minutes until sauce has thickened. Whisk in warm milk, working out any lumps. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Immediately drain and rinse with cold water. Cook macaroni according to package instructions. Serve immediately for the crunchiest and most satisfying results.NOODLES. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the rest of your macaroni. Once you have created enough mac and cheese balls to fill your Kalorik 3.2 Quart Touchscreen Air Fryer basket without them touching, place in the basket and Air Fry at 370☏ for 15 minutes, flipping halfway through cooking.Ħ. Close the Air Fryer and cook for 20 mins, mixing at about 7 minutes and 15 minutes. Mix in the rest of the ingredients and add the dish into the air fryer basket. Add the macaroni into a deep 7 cm Air Fryer dish. Finally, place in the panko, pressing to even out the coating.ĥ. Make the Air Fried Mac and Cheese Preheat the air fryer to 340 F/170 C. Top with mozzarella and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Transfer into a baking dish that can fit into your Air Fryer basket. Add pasta, parmesan, and cheddar cheese stir to combine well. Working one at a time, place your macaroni and cheese balls in the flour, making sure to cover well. Slowly pour evaporated milk, stirring constantly until flour is dissolved completely. Using a cookie or small ice cream scoop, form 1 ½ inch balls out of your cooled macaroni and cheese, enough for about 25 balls.Ĥ. Place the flour in one pan, the eggs and cream in a second, and the breadcrumbs in a third. Grab three baking pans, deep plates, or medium-sized bowls. Allow your prepared macaroni and cheese to cool and firm up in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.Ģ. Snack on these crispy mac and cheese balls this National Mac and Cheese Day!ġ box (6 cups) prepared macaroni and cheeseġ.
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eatingforever · 7 years
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Corn, Ricotta, Miso Rice //MakNMing
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Hiya! I’m Mak (like mac n cheese). I’m 23 and live in Washington. I am happily taken but in need of some queer homies in my life. I am totally obsessed with my cat, beer/coffee, cardio, binging Netflix and eating a lot of snacks, reading poetry, avoiding my homework, and so much more. If I sound like your cup of tea you can catch me at: @bigmakdaddyy
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viranlly · 4 years
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 #VGetsAround: his own damn dining room. At this time six weeks or so ago, I was laying by the pool, tits-deep in passionfruit gimlet in a hip and happening new--ishly opened day club somewhere in the island of Bali. Little that I know, that the world was ‘bout to go on a ride. And damn, it has been one *literal* hell of a damn ride.
Here we are, in the present day, where the word ‘travel’ is now almost taboo (just ask what Anna Wintour told Adam Rapoport of Bon Appetit). Flights are cancelled, borders are closed. Bid adieu to Coachella and your festival plans this year. This is depressing even for somebody who hates crowds and usually comes up with bazillion excuses to cancel plans *ME*.
 The world, as we know it, is upside down and inside out. People losing their jobs, businesses scrambling, trying to make it one day at a time. Bars and restaurants, those who survived that is, had to make the switch to strictly delivery and take out services just to keep their doors open. Gyms are closed while my pants, on the contrary, are not able to. 
Let me just say it, I miss my friends. I miss putting on my subtly loud Thom Browne suit to sit on a crowded bar, sipping overpriced exotic martini(s), while watching people watching me. I miss the feeling of getting buzzed after polishing the 4th bottle of wine over dinner at a restaurant, where you don’t have to do the dishes after. And I miss ordering the round(s) of tequila shots I probably shouldn’t even think about. I also, deeply, miss travelling.
But until the world recovers, what can we do but our part? Stay at home, wash your hands, and support our local favourites as much as we can. The upside, if any, is the fact that our group chats have never been more lit, we do our dinners and drinks over video calls - I even find out, that you can be hungover during quarantine. Little and simple things have now become something we all admire and crave every single day.
And for the travelling part, I keep telling myself, if I can’t bring myself to the destination, Imma bring the destination to me, right here to my dining room.
In an ideal world, I would’ve been roaming the streets of Mexico City two weeks ago and stuffing myself with tacos of all kinds. For the time being, the folks at La Taqueria get me covered with their build-yo-own-taco-bar at home. If you’re in the mood for a little trip to Japan, lucky for us Vancouverites, we have plenty of amazing sushi out there: Miku for their Aburi party tray for 3, which, I finished in one seating, twice; Yuwa if you feel extra fancy, even Coast offers make-your-own sushi kit (super fun date night idea, if you’re a couple or something). Mak n Ming also does really good bento boxes too, btw!
Fancy a trip to Spain? Take a #Como2Go for your tapas, conservas, and fun tipples (G&T kit, wine and vermut too!) OR if you want something more substantial, give Paellaguys a try. While we’re in Europe, might as well bring Italy in via. Ask for Luigi, Di Beppe, and Italian Kitchen. I heard Pepino’s and Caffe La Tana are also doing amazing take out. You cannot, well, more like, should not, miss what L’abattoir is doing during this time - a rotation of fancy-esque French cooking AND their iconic pastry baskets for the weekend. And while we’re on the topic of pastry... Leave it to Beaucoup Bakery for some flaky, buttery croissants (among other stuff) to go with your morning coffee. If you’re in the mood for more comforting Quebecois-French cooking, of course, there’s St. Lawrence Restaurant. 
I don’t know bout everyone else, but I do get cravings for fried chicken from time to time (by time to time, I mean at least twice a week). This is the moment when I call up on some friends at Downlow Chicken, which just so happens to make incredible burgers. *ahem* Speaking of burgers... Transam does a pretty killer one too! And juuuust in case you’re still craving meat, Elisa Steak and the legendary Gotham are now doing steak take out (their wildly popular cheese bread is now on the take out menu - you’re welcome). 
*I sound like a hungry kid with ADHD trying to decide what’s for dinner as I’m eating my second lunch, don’t I?*
And when ordering in gets overwhelming - trust me it does. Take the opportunity to brush up your cooking skills. Your trusty friends like Bon Appetit Magazine (both Healthyish and Basically too, obvs) and The New York Times Cooking got you. Spend the time making BA’s best bolognese, Alison Roman’s ‘the stew’, or the extra comforting brown butter toffee chocolate chip cookies for a change of pace.
I truly believe that great food can help us going through this less-than-ideal time. Soon we will be able to share a meal with our friends again, and soon we don’t have to do our dishes 70 times a day again. Until then, stay at home, support your local gems, and for the love of all things that’s good and pure, wash your damn hands.
‘Til next time!
instagram @viranlly
Food | Travel | Vancouver
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astronova-00 · 2 years
Finally updated my bio and feel much better about it!
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shadcwempress-blog · 7 years
a moment to breathe;
A gift drabble for @ominousdeer, based on her post here because when it comes to me and writing about food...I’m too much of a weird foodie not to jump at the chance. 
Bonus note: the two NPCs that appear are actually mentioned in one of my other fics; I needed NPCs in Batista and these two volunteered.
It had been a very, very long day. A long, strange day at that. As if her mark weren’t still hard to wrap her head around to begin with, today had escalated very quickly to traveling through time itself and being far too casually informed of the origins of The Outsider himself. Not to mention the fact that she’d changed the future, her present.
It was staggering, really. The Dust District was...so different. Cleaner, friendlier, calmer. There were no guards, just civilians going about their day. No turf war between the Overseers and the Howlers. Aramis Stilton was well and whole, and a force for good in Karnaca. So much had changed for the better, and no one would ever know of the place the Dust District had been before Emily Kaldwin had arrived. And all it had taken was a single sleep dart to Stilton’s shoulder.
The thought made her have to stop and stifle a laugh, but it’s a tired one, and her head drooped slightly. She found her feet hard to lift, and even though there were no guards in sight, she still felt paranoid, nervous -- her shoulders hunched and fingers curled slightly as if ready to pull herself away or shadow walk to safety. It was all adding up; slowly, steadily, the weeks away and the weeks as a fugitive were piling stress upon her shoulders, stress and exhaustion.
“Hey!” The voice startled her, making her spin on her heels and nearly stumble. It was an older woman, perhaps Corvo’s age, with her hair pulled into a braided bun and a flour-stained apron tied around her waist. “You. Yes, you,” she says, her Serkonan accent thick. “Ragazza with the scarf. You look like a whole herd of blood ox just trampled you underfoot. Come here, come in.”
Emily blinked. “I, um,” she tried. “Is it really--?”
“Sì, davvero,” the woman said in Serkonan, her voice lowering. “Come in, sua Maestà.” Emily didn’t know that much Serkonan, but thanks to Corvo, she knew enough -- knew enough to know exactly what she’d been called, and that coupled with the genuine smile on the woman’s face prompted her feet to approach and follow her into the building.
“Aldo, get the kitchen running again,” the woman called into the back of what Emily now realized was a restaurant. “We have a guest!” She turned to Emily with a smile and waved her to a booth. “It’s alright, mia cara,” she said. “We are no friends to Delilah or the duke here. None in Batista are, given the miners, but we two are...well,” she said, smiling. “We know your father.”
Emily’s eyes widened. “You know m-- you know Corvo?” She asked, tugging her scarf down around her neck. The woman grinned, and she heard some clattering from the kitchen -- a huge, burly Serkonan man came in from the back, dark muttonchops and moustache going grey with age and arms scattered with tattoos.
“Know him?” The man, Aldo, said with a grin, putting his arm around the woman’s shoulders. “Cara, we were his friends back in the day. Ran together in the streets as children. The two of us, our hard-headed Lucia Pastor, few others...Void, Aramis Stilton was part of our little group. We all were sad to see Corvo go, our Verbena champion, but he’s done a damn sight better for himself than most people that grew up in Batista.” He reached out to ruffle Emil’s hair, and her smile grew slightly watery. “Royal Protector to two empresses, and father to one of them. You tell that man he’d better come to visit us when this is over, you hear? It’s been far too long.”
Emily nodded. “I-I will,” she said. “When it’s over, I…” Her voice cracked, even though he didn’t mean for it to, and the woman knelt, putting her hand on Emily’s knee.
“Shh, sorellina,” she said. “You’ve Serkonan blood in your veins. You’re a stubborn girl, and strong. Your mother was a good Empress, and you’re hers and you’re our Corvo’s. Don’t lose hope. You’ve come to us like a whirlwind, freeing Dr. Hypatia, disappearing Jindosh, ruining Ashworth -- we’ve heard it all on the loudspeakers. We know it’s you, those of us that are rooting for you. And we’ll keep on doing that, too, until the arse on the throne is yours again.”
It took a great deal of willpower for Emily not to dissolve into tears on the spot, or hug the woman, but she smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “Grazie.”
Aldo laughed. “Look at that, Giada, the old crow’s taught her the tongue after all. Good to know he had time for that in between whatever endless duties he must have.”
The three of them laughed, and Emily felt a weight off her shoulders -- even if it was only for a moment, she was among friends. She could relax.
“Now,” Giada stood. “You look beat half to the Void, sorellina, and famished besides, so if you’ll indulge us, i’d like to get some good Serkonan food into you before you scamper off to take down that vecchio e brutto cagna di una strega sitting in your tower.”
Emily stifled an undignified snort once she parsed the insult, and nodded. “Well, it’ll have to be the duke first, but the point still stands, I suppose.” She smiled. “I’d love to. Corvo always told me how good food in Serkonos was, and I haven’t had a chance to try any. I’ve been so busy…”
“‘Course you have,” Giada said with a snort. “But you have to sit down and breathe, sorellina, or you’ll break. Every miner knows that. So here’s your chance to breathe.” She patted Emily’s shoulder. “I’ll get you something to drink -- and trust me, you’ll have some good memories of Karnaca to share with our Corvo when you get home. We put our heart into our cooking, you know.”
Emily smiled at that and rested her head on her hands as the two disappeared into the back-- she could see steam from the small window that separated the dining area from the kitchen, and it already smelled incredible. She glanced around curiously -- it was small, perhaps seating maybe thirty or forty people at most, though some of the middle tables could be removed for a party, and the furniture was all old and wooden, some of the cushions patched and the tables covered in scratches. The walls had paintings and silvergraphs, shelves with flowers sitting in coffee mugs and champagne flutes and other tableware sitting next to odds and ends like old umberwood statues and things like that. The lights on the ceiling were dim, but not enough to mak the place look gloomy; just enough to make it cozy.
The window had faded curtains hanging on either side, and though it took a little squinting, she could read the peeling paint on the window -- Trattoria Abbate. Was that their name, then? Aldo and Giada Abbate. Huh. She’ll have to tell Corvo all about this when it’s over. She hadn’t known...he’d told her some stories of his youth, but hardly any compared to his stories of Dunwall before she was born. She hadn’t known any of the names of his friends...and Stilton, too? That made her even more glad she’d saved the baron’s life and sanity; she’d been saving a friend of her father’s.
“Sorellina,” Giada called, and Emily was startled out of her thoughts. She turned to smile at the woman, who was setting down a plate and a glass of red wine. “Here,” she said with a smile. “Something to keep you busy while my old man and I finish lunch.”
Emily was more than appreciative of the wine, especially since the glass was very big and very full -- she sure needed it after today, she thought with some bemusement, taking a long drink. The plate caught her attention next, and she studied it curiously. There were two separate things on the plate, and she only recognized one. One dish, the one she knew, was a few small slices of hard bread with tomatoes, grated cheese, and olive oil on it; the other was some kind of leaf, she thought, wrapped around something. She picked one of them up and bit into it, surprised to find the filling was garlicky, spiced rice. It was delicious, though, and between that and the bread, she cleaned the plate in what felt like seconds.
It must have been longer than that, though, because Giada and Aldo came out of the kitchen bearing plates, sliding them onto the table and sitting down across from Emily. “We don’t start getting real busy ‘til dinner,” Aldo explained. “When all the miners get off for the day. So we’ve got time to sit and share some stories with you over lunch, sorellina.”
“That sounds amazing,” Emily said with a smile, looking over the plates. Each of them had a bowl of pasta that smelled spicy and warm, something that made her think of her father, and a plate of grilled fish and some sort of fruit or vegetable in a dark sauce, as well as a smaller plate of the funniest looking salad she’d seen - tomatoes, greens, and round white...somethings, all drizzled with olive oil. “What is all this?”
Giada chuckled. “Figured you’d ask,” she said with a grin. “Pasta all’arrabbiata is what that’s called; it’s a bit spicy, but you can handle it, I’m sure.” Emily wasn’t quite as sure, but Void, her father could handle it, so, why not. “That’s swordfish ‘n plantains, you’ll like it. The sauce is something Aldo came up with. And that’s, well, salad, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Emily agreed with a laugh. “What’s the white stuff, though?”
“Cheese,” Aldo said with a grin. “Go on, try it.”
The next hour or so was spent eating, Emily barely speaking a word -- not that she wanted to, far more interested in devouring the meal in front of her with barely restrained ferocity and listening to the older couple -- while Giada and Aldo took turns telling her stories about the Batista of their youth, and the misadventures their group of children got into. She’d never heard these stories from Corvo, and after the first few, it wasn’t hard to see why. He’d probably be beet red with embarrassment, with some of the things she got to hear about.
It was good, really, having this moment of peace. Sharing it with her father’s friends, in her father’s homeland, in the part of the city he grew up in. Even if he wasn’t here, even if he was trapped in stone hundreds of miles away...for a moment, it almost felt like he was. His warmth and the smell of spices on him, his soft, sad smile. This whole district was Corvo, in a way -- warm and weathered, old and dusty and battered, but surviving through the worst with a sense of quiet pride and determination.
Lunch ended eventually, and Aldo stood, winking at Giada as he gathered the plates and empty wine glasses. “Don’t go anywhere, now. We made you something special,” he said. “How do you like your coffee?”
“Sweet,” Emily said with a smile. “Very sweet.”
Aldo laughed. “You get that from tua mamma, sorellina,” he teased, heading to the back. “Your father drinks his black as the Void.”
“Oh, I know,” Emily said with a laugh. “I don’t understand how he can have like five or six of those tiny little cups -- I tried one once and was awake for way too long.”
Giada laughed. “Corvo could slam down espresso doppio better than any one of us,” she said. “We were all shocked he could ever sleep with the amount of it he’d drink.” She laughed. “He put that to good use in drinking contests, too. Never saw anyone pound down mugs of Batista moonshine like Attano.”
“Oh, wow,” Emily said with a laugh. “I don’t even think I want to know what that’s made of.”
Giada snorted. “You don’t, sorellina, trust me,” she said with a wry grin, and then glanced up as Aldo returned from the kitchen, standing to help him with the trio of mugs.
“Espresso nero for Aldo,” she said, putting his mug down. “Cortado for me, and a caffè latte for you, mia cara.” Emily smiled and picked up her mug, full of espresso and milk, and took a long sip. It was good, a lot better than any coffee she could get in Dunwall. She wondered if Corvo thought the same.
She gasped, then, as with a flourish Aldo placed a plate in front of her. “Ohhh,” she murmured. It was a dessert, layers of soft pastry alternating with layers of soft cream, topped with chocolate, sugar, and some Morley raspberries. “It looks amazing.”
“Tiramisu,” Giada said with a smile. “It’s our specialty -- we figured you could need a last bit of pick me up, so I whipped you up some authentic Serkonan dessert.”
Emily smiled tearily again. “Thank you so much,” she said. “I-- you’re right, I really needed this, even if I didn’t realize it.” She picked up her fork and took a huge bite, making small delighted noises at how delicious it was, chocolaty and sweet with a hint of coffee and Orbon rum. It was so good -- she’d have to see if she couldn’t find someone to make it properly once she was back home and it was all over. If not, then she’d just have to bring Wyman, Jameson, and Corvo here to have this again. And again. Repeatedly, if possible. She was very close to just declaring herself allowed two holidays a month just so she could come back to Batista and eat here.
The thought made her smile, and with the coffee warming her up -- and the dessert warming her in a different way -- she stood. Giada and Aldo stood as well, the big man enfolding her in a hug that nearly made her cry again with how similar to her father’s it was. Giada kissed her on both cheeks and hugged her as well, smiling.
“Take care of yourself, sorellina,” she said fondly. “And we hope to see you back on your throne soon. We’ll be rooting for you.”
Aldo nodded, crossing his arms. “And when you get him back, tell that bastardo Corvo he should visit more often, eh? We hope to see him here soon.”
“I will,” Emily promised. “And don’t worry, we’ll be back. I won’t let anything like this, with Luca...I won’t let it happen again. I let Serkonos down, I know that now, and I promise I’ll fix it.”
Aldo ruffled her hair and Giada smiled. “We know you will, mio caro imperatrice. We trust you,” she said. “You’re young, you make mistakes. You’re learning. But you’re getting back up and fighting to give it another go -- and that’s why you’re our Empress. Not just Gristol’s, but Serkonos’ too. You belong to both isles, never forget that.”
“I won’t,” Emily said with a smile, and stepped forward to give both of them a hug. “And thank you again, you two. Grazie mille. I really needed this, and-- thank you. I promise things will be better soon.”
The older couple smiled, nodded, and waved her out of the restaurant with matching grins. Emily grinned back, tugging her scarf back over her face and slipping out of the building, glancing back to memorize where it was before heading back down to where the skiff and her friends were waiting.
Maybe she’d made them wait a little overlong, but she’d taken a break she’d needed desperately, a chance to breathe. She knew she wouldn’t regret it.
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Remember You Even When I Don't (6)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 5.0K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: Please note the updated warnings. These next few chapters are a new stage of Bradley and Pumpkin growing back together, and while I'm very excited about it, I know it may not be for everyone. For everyone who sticks around, please continue to comment and reblog, and my inbox is always open! I love to talk about these two :)
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed! All of the thanks to her and @mak-32 for being the best cheerleaders and friends I could ask for!
By the time the two of you untangle yourselves from the porch and make your way back inside, the moon was high in the sky, the sun long disappeared. Your stomach is rumbling, and Bradley realizes how late it is. 
“I can make something for dinner.”
Despite the emotional rollercoaster you’d been on this evening, you chuckle, and something eases inside of him. 
“Your cooking hasn’t improved in the last four years,” you tease softly. 
He rolls his eyes, chuckling at you. “I bet I can still make a mean grilled cheese. Take a seat.” 
Your grin is wide as you settle onto one of the bar stools at the island, watching him work. It’s the biggest smile he’s seen from you in the last two weeks, and his heart races knowing that he’s the cause of it. 
The crusts are only a little bit burnt, but you insist that you like them that way. You talk while you eat, and it’s like the tension that had been hovering over you has diminished. When the plates are loaded into the dishwasher and the kitchen lights are flipped off, you let out a shuddering breath and hold out your hand. 
“You can sleep in our bed,” you whisper, and Bradley’s heart clenches in something that feels like relief. You give a little shrug, self conscious of your own words, like he would ever possibly reject you, “Just sleep. If you want.” 
He takes your hand and lets you guide him. Your hand feels at home in his, the warmth of your rings is smooth against his calloused skin. 
Your shared bedroom was the one room he hadn’t explored yet. The furniture is wood toned and there are flashes of green and gold and orange. He can tell which side of the bed is his right away by the books on the nightstand, and there’s still a sweatshirt of his strewn over the chair in the corner by the closet door. There’s a jewelry box on the dresser and he thinks there may be a section in there for his uniform pins, too. 
He can feel you in here so strongly. More than that, though, he can feel himself, and the two of you together. He can sense, more so than in the rest of the house, that this space is purely for the two of you. 
You go into the en suite bathroom to change, leaving him in the bedroom to do the same, and he knows which drawers are his and which ones aren’t. He sinks down on his side of the bed, picking up the picture frame that’s there by an F18 manual and a Captain America comic book. A grin tugs at the corner of his mouth as he looks at it. You’re both bundled up in head to toe green and white Eagles gear and wrapped around one another. There’s snow falling and there’s crowds of people and the field in the background and the two of you look so happy, and Bradley knew the happiness had nothing to do with the game. 
“We lost that one.” 
He looks up and his breath catches. You’re walking toward him in a shirt that has to be a few sizes too big for you, Top Gun emblazoned across the chest. Your hair is piled on your head and you’re still rubbing some of your moisturizer into your face. 
He didn’t think he’d ever get used to how beautiful you were. 
“Did we?” he manages, and his heart thuds in his chest when you round the bed to pull down the comforter on your side, throwing all of the throw pillows onto the floor. 
“We did. It was actually a terrible game.”
Bradley looks back down at the photo, tracing the smile on your face before he sets it back down, and something tells him the score wasn’t what really mattered to him that day. He stands, mimicking your motion of turning down the bed. “We looked like we were having a good time.”
You pause for a moment, giving him a gentle smile and a nod. “We were. It was an amazing weekend.”
There was a distance enough for another body between you when you switch the light off and slip under the covers. The room is quiet and he can hear both of your breathing. Your eyes are trained on one another from across the expanse of the king size bed, and Bradley feels his fingers twitch. 
This didn’t feel right, laying like this. 
He scoots forward, closer to the center of the bed, and you do the same. Before he realizes what he was doing, he has an arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him. Your breath catches in your throat and he pauses. 
“What are you doing?” You whispered, and Bradley wondered if you could hear him swallow his nerves. 
“I think - we don’t sleep on opposite sides. Right? I usually…hold you?” He’s unsure now, panicking a little bit, but you slowly rest a hand on his chest over his racing heart. If you felt how hard it was beating, you didn’t comment on it. 
“You do,” you confirmed, your gaze open and full of trust and compassion. “But I want you to do what feels comfortable to you.”
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. A tickle is there in his mind again, and he reaches for it. 
The arm that had pulled you to him brings you a little bit closer, and he lets his hand rest on your hip. 
“This?” you murmur, and Bradley nods as he brushes a shy kiss into your hair. 
“Yeah,” he whispers with a gentle squeeze of your hip, “this is a lot better.”
Sleeping in the same bed with you is the best sleep he thinks he’s ever gotten. He feels rested in a way he can’t remember feeling before, and he knows deep in his bones that this has always been what it feels like with you. 
He comes to wakefulness slowly, and vanilla and lavender immediately fill his senses. Your hair is in his face and he marvels at how soft it is against his skin. Your back is flush against his chest, one arm wrapped tight around you while the other is trapped under your pillow. He’s so comfortable, so content having you in his arms like this, that he can’t help but press closer. It feels so right, so familiar, that he forgets that he doesn’t remember always having this for a moment. 
He nuzzles into your neck, finding your skin and pressing a gentle kiss there. 
You smell so good, and you’re soft, too. 
His hand spreads out where it was resting on your stomach. His fingertips circle over the material of the oversized shirt you’re wearing that he suspects might be his.  
You shiver, and Bradley can feel his body react to the movement. 
You’re invading every single one of his senses right now. 
You hum, reaching back to thread your fingers through his sleep mussed hair. His nose trails up your neck, inhaling the scent of you as his lips place fluttering kisses against your skin. His palm presses into your cotton covered stomach, almost as if to try and pull you impossibly closer. You let out a soft, sleepy sound that shoots straight through him. He thrusts his hips into yours from his spot behind you, grinding slowly. Your fingers tighten in his hair and he can’t help but scrape his teeth against your jugular, soothing it over with his tongue. 
“Bradley,” you moan. His name breaks through the fog that had settled over his mind and the two of you freeze. His breathing is heavy, and so is yours, and he doesn’t want to move from this spot. But you shift in his arms just far enough away to turn so that you’re laying facing him. Your eyes are wide and your face is flushed. For a moment, Bradley swears he can see you sprawled in this bed, your hair a halo on the pillow with your head thrown back as he moves on top of you. He blinks and the image is gone, but you’re still right here, staring at him with such longing and pure want. He knows he shares the same look. 
Your shared breathing is the only sound that fills the room for a long moment, and he swears that the more he looks at you, the hotter and harder he feels. No one has ever had this effect on him. The tension was thick over the two of you. 
“Good morning, Pumpkin,” he finally rasps. He doesn’t think you mean to let out the whimper that you do, but the sound makes him dizzy. He swallows, trying to reign himself in. 
Sleep, you had said the night before, just sleep. 
“Morning,” you respond, your voice breathy.  Bradley has to squeeze his eyes shut and take a calming breath. When he opens them, your gaze has shifted to something of curiosity, but the previous heat still simmers there, too. 
“How’d you sleep?” 
“Great,” you mutter, but your eyes have moved further down his face, “You?” 
“So good,” he breathes, watching you as you watch him. Your hand twitches on the sheets from where they rested in the small space between your two bodies. You raise it slowly, letting your fingertips graze the stubble that had appeared on his chin the last few days. You looked like you were almost in a trance, and he wondered if you could feel how hard his heart was beating. Your thumb ghosts near his bottom lip. He sucks in a breath of air, shifting just the slightest bit closer to you. Your eyes flicker back up to his.
You look as wrecked as he feels. He had to get out of this bed. But he also wants to prolong this torture for as long as he could. You were addicting, in every single way. 
“I’m uh, I’m sorry for the wake up call,” he stutters out. 
You hum in response, your fingertips still exploring his face. They trace over the scars, and he didn’t think the thing he hated so much could possibly be an erogenous zone until this moment, because a flash of fire goes through him again. “I thought I was dreaming,” you admit softly. 
Bradley gulps, but he doesn’t resist the urge he feels to settle his hand on your hip. Your eyes flutter shut and he squeezes softly. His thumb mimics yours, rubbing slowly back and forth. He wishes there wasn’t cotton separating him from feeling your skin. 
“Is that something you dream about?” he dares himself to ask. 
Your lips part and your breathing shifts. You turn your face into the pillow slightly, almost like you’re fighting against yourself. When your eyes open again, it’s like you’re staring directly into his soul. 
He wasn’t prepared for you to answer him, and he really needs to get out of this bed. He was finally getting somewhere with you after two weeks of awkward tension, and he really didn’t want to ruin it by moving too fast, despite every instinct in him saying this was completely natural between the two of you. 
He squeezes your hip again, lingering for a moment, before forcing himself to roll away from you. “I’m going to go take a shower.” 
His voice is hoarse, rougher than it had been. When he takes a peek at you over his shoulder from his spot sitting on the edge of the bed, there’s the smallest of smirks pulling at your lips. You know the effect you have on him. He likes that. 
“Use the en suite,” you suggest, snuggling back into the blankets that surround you. “The water pressure is better.” 
He finds it hard to look away from how your hair is spread out all over the pillow and how he can see the outline of your body through the white sheets. He forces himself to stand, but before he can take a step, your hand shoots out to grab his. 
“It’s okay,” you murmured, and he didn’t realize he needed reassurance of what had just transpired until he had it. He squeezes your hand in thanks and you let it drop, rolling onto your back as he walks into the bathroom. He debated for a second if he should close the door, settling on leaving it cracked just the smallest amount. He wanted you to know that if you needed in here before he was done, he was okay with that. 
Stripping down and stepping into the steam, he groans in relief. The water pressure was better here. 
The shower was spacious, despite there being a larger tub in the room as well. In what was meant to be a fleeting thought, he wondered which one you preferred, and suddenly he could see it so clearly, you laying in a bath full of bubbles, your hair on top of your head and candles lit throughout the room, beckoning him toward you with a coy smile on your face. 
He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head, trying to shake the visual away. He braces himself against the wall of the shower, letting the hot water rain over him, and he could just as clearly see your back pressed against the same tiles. He swears he can feel your weight in his arms as he holds you up. 
“Fuck,” he mutters, his hands curling into fists. He probably shouldn’t be thinking about you like this, right? He should give it more time. But then his mind conjures up the taste of your skin from just a few minutes ago, and the way your body felt pressed against his. 
He catches sight of your shampoo and conditioner bottles on the corner shelf and remembers how amazing your hair smelt when his face was buried in your neck. He reached for the bottle of conditioner, popping the cap and bringing it to his nose. He inhales deeply and has to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning. 
He shakes his head again, but it was a futile attempt; all he can think about was you. He can still hear the soft little mewl you let out when you felt him against you as you woke up, and the whimper when he said good morning. 
It takes him a moment to realize it might not just be echoing through his head.
It’s quiet, so quiet that he steps out from under the water to make sure it was even there. He stands completely still, holding his breath, and oh, fuck. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans, because he can hear you. Just barely, but when he strains his ears hard enough, the softest of moans floats through the hardly there crack he left in the door. A quiet hum follows it, and he knows, as surely as he knows that he’s falling for you quicker than he can comprehend, again, that you’re laying in the bed the two of you share, bringing yourself pleasure. 
He doesn’t stop himself this time from bringing a hand down to wrap around himself. He hisses at the contact. He’s so hard that it hurts; he knows he’s not going to last long. He’s slow with it at first, so focused on his ability to hear you. His grip is firm as he touches himself with complete strokes, squeezing when he gets to the base. As you speed up, so does he. 
He closes his eyes, tilting his head back as one hand remains braced against the tiles. He tightens his grip and through his shuddery breaths, he can almost feel what your touch would be like instead. Your hands are soft, not sporting the same calluses that he does. After a sparing moment of consideration, he reaches for your conditioner again, squirting a small amount into his hand before he grips himself again. The smell of lavender and vanilla surround him like a blanket and he groans. Yes.  
He’s hit with a muffled moan of his name, your voice catching and a breathy gasp leaving you, and he somehow knows that’s the way you sound when you climax. 
The shift in him is instant. He doesn’t hold back, jerking himself in earnest. He’s desperate for it now, picturing you spread out in that big bed, your chest heaving, and it’s the knowledge that just as he's thinking of you, he has no doubt that you’re thinking of him, too, that finally pushes him over the edge. 
Because you’re his wife, and he’s your husband. 
He’s still recovering from the power of it, fighting to catch his breath, when a soft knock echoes at the door. His eyes shoot in that direction, but the shower curtain blocks him from seeing anything. 
“Bradley,” you call, and the sound of his name from your mouth, so different from how he just heard it, almost makes him groan out loud again, “Do you mind if I come in and brush my teeth really quick?”
“Please,” he grits out, immediately flushing at the needy tone of his voice. He wants to be able to tell you to join him in the shower - to pull you in here with him and recreate the image of holding you against the tiles that he thought he saw in his head. He wants to say so much more. But instead, all he said was, “Be my guest.”
There’s a noticeable shift following your night on the porch and your morning in bed. There’s less hesitation from both of you. Bradley didn’t know if things would ever be whatever used to be the same, but they’re better, so, so much better, and he thinks that together, maybe you can find a new normal. 
He had been worried initially that there would be that same awkward tension that had filled the house after he woke you up the way he did on the first night he slept with his arms wrapped around you. Instead, though, there’s a different kind of tension. Something anticipatory and exciting. He doesn’t shy away from initiating contact with you anymore, and neither do you. 
He starts seeing flashes, after that night. They aren’t always full fledged memories, but it’s enough. His dreams are more detailed than that first week provided him. He doesn’t shy away from asking you about them anymore, and from underneath the blankets of your shared bed, you fill in the blanks for him.
You honeymooned in Mexico. The two of you only lived in your small DC apartment together for a few months before you moved to California, where you bought and renovated this home together. He’s developed a love for seafood, and you’re allergic to bees. 
He loves waking up like that with you, even if it’s only been happening for less than a handful of days. 
He knows, in the deepest parts of him, that he loves you. His mind may not remember, but his body does. His heart does. He knows it instinctively and that night and next morning gives him the courage to lean into it, to explore it, even if he’s not ready to really say it out loud again. 
He wants to do something special for you. His heart is racing in his chest as he makes his way up the stairs. You’re in your home office, catching up on a few emails from the last few weeks you’ve been on leave. You’re curled up in your desk chair in an oversized sweater, your hair bunched on the top of your head and your glasses perched on your nose; even now, you completely blow him away. 
He clears his throat and knocks his knuckles against the door frame. A smile instantly appears on your face when you turn to him. 
“Am I interrupting anything?” He asks. He’s so nervous his palms are sweating. 
“Never. What’s up?” 
He notices how your eyes shift down to his right arm, where his hand is noticeably behind his back hiding something from you. Inhaling a deep breath, he unveils a small bouquet of wildflowers, holding them out to you. 
You gasp, a look of surprise overtaking you, and your eyes lift back to meet his as you gently take the arrangement from him. 
“I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I feel like I’m maybe about to.”
The blush is instantaneous; you’re the only one who has ever been able to get reactions Iike this from him - no wonder he married you. You had no problem in keeping him on his toes and oh, he loved that. 
He clears his throat again, determined not to let you completely overpower him like this, if only for his own ego. He stands up a little straighter, sending you a smirk and a wink even as he could still feel the heat on his face. 
“Be ready to go by 7,” he tells you, turning to walk out of the room before tossing over his shoulder, “dress nice.”
His brain short circuits when you come down the stairs right at 7:00 that night.
You’re in a dark green dress that seems to flow down your body to your calves. The sleeves are billowy but clinch tight at your wrists. Your hair is down and your makeup is done and he wants to kiss that soft shade of pink right off your lips.
“Wow,” he whispers, “you look…”
For a second, he sees you opening the door for him instead of walking down the staircase. He’s seen this before, he thinks. 
When he fails to finish, you laugh nervously. “Nice, I hope?”
But Bradley shakes his head.  “Beautiful,” he says instead, “you look beautiful.”
He made reservations at a nice restaurant not too far from your house, and he’s glad he hasn’t been cleared to drive just yet, because there’s no way he would have been able to concentrate on the road with you in his passenger seat looking like that. 
His hand is firm on the small of your back as he leads you inside. Even in your pretty nude shoes, he’s still a head taller than you, and he can’t help but puff his chest knowing that everyone who saw you walk in together knows that you’re here with him. 
He gives the hostess his name, rubbing small circles on your back as you wait. You shiver at his touch and move just the slightest bit closer to him. He can feel the side of your body against his side. 
His bubble bursts, however, when the red headed hostess gives him an remorseful, panicked look. 
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Bradshaw. I was the one you spoke with this morning but I accidentally put your reservation for this time next week. I’m so, so sorry.” 
Looking behind her into the restaurant itself, he knows it would be futile to ask if there were any reservations available for tonight. He bites the inside of his cheek, trying to curb his frustration at the situation. She couldn’t be older than 22 or 23, and she looks genuinely apologetic at the situation. With a deep sigh, he musters a reassuring smile, telling the young girl that it was okay. 
To his surprise, you don’t seem upset at all. In fact, you look practically giddy at the disruption of his plans. 
“We can go somewhere else,” you swear, nearly bouncing in your heels, tugging him out of the crowded restaurant. 
“You look incredibly happy for someone who might not be getting dinner tonight.”
You throw your head back as you lead him toward your car, your laughter spreading through the full parking lot. “Like you’d ever let me starve.”
His lips quirk, knowing that no, he would certainly not. 
When you get to the car, instead of unlocking it, you whip around to face him. You had turned so fast that he doesn’t have time to keep himself from running into you. He grabs onto your waist to keep from knocking you over, but leaves them there when you settle your hands on his chest. 
“Forget trying to impress me with fancy dinners. What’s something fun you used to do on weekends when you were a kid? I want you to take me there.” 
He sucks in a breath and his hands tighten on your waist. 
Suddenly, he’s in another parking lot. It’s colder outside, but under the jacket you’re wearing, he spots the same green dress. Your hair is a little bit shorter, maybe a little bit darker, but your eyes sparkle in the shine of the street lights just as they are now. You’re leaning against the side of his Bronco, speaking the exact same words after another messed up reservation. 
When he snaps out of it, one of your hands has moved to cup his cheek, your thumb running over his skin. 
This wasn’t the first time this has happened on a first date with you, and suddenly your giddiness makes sense. The two of you are getting almost an exact do-over, even if he didn’t realize it at first.  
He leans in and kisses you. You let out a surprised sound, but don’t hesitate in returning it, your nails scratching through the scruff on his face before coming back down to settle on his chest. When he pulls away, both of you are grinning. 
“How do you feel about arcade games and pizza?” 
Two hours later, you had demolished an arcade bar pizza and mozzarella sticks, and he was sipping on a cheap beer while you had a vodka and ginger ale, and he truly can’t remember ever being so happy. He had beat you at ski ball and Pac Man, but you were giving him an absolute run for his money at air hockey. Seeing you so dialed in directly across from him was distracting, and when he tried to use that as his excuse when you inevitably beat him, your giggle mixed in with the loud games and music surrounding them.
He holds your hand tightly as you weave your way through the crowded arcade, trying to find the giant jenga you promised you’d beat him at. He’s starting to buzz a little bit underneath his skin, jittery in a way that he thinks may be a normal side effect of being in your presence. When you finally break your way through the crowd to the outdoor area of the bar, he pulls you away from where all the other people are, finding a corner outside of the reach of the lights they have woven through the palm trees and around the building. He pushes you gently into the brick, mindful of your head and your dress and the heels you’re still wearing. 
“I think I remember how this ended the first time,” he says, resting one hand on your hip while the other braces against the building beside your head, effectively caging you in. 
“Oh yeah?” you breathe out, threading your fingers through your hair. 
He hums in response, leaning in to whisper in your ear, all the people and sound fading away from around the two of you, “I told you I loved you.” 
Your fingers tighten in his hair for a moment, and he lets you tug him away from your neck to meet your eyes again. 
“I told you you were crazy then, saying that on our first date,” you provided, and Bradley nods, agreeing with you. You gulp slightly, but your eyes are still shining, hopeful and happy. 
“And now?” you whisper, bringing both arms to wrap around his neck, “how are you feeling now?” 
He takes a step closer until his body is flush against yours. He takes a deep breath, breathing in the scent of you, and places a lingering kiss on your forehead. “I’m feeling like I’m remembering why I said it the first time, and why I said it every time after that, too.” 
You push yourself up, capturing his lips with yours, and like he thought over three years ago, he thinks he could kiss you for the rest of his life and die happy. 
It’s after midnight when the two of you get home. He intertwined his fingers with yours as soon as you both got out of the car. He doesn’t let go when you step into the house from the garage, or as you kick off the nude heels you had worn all night. Florry perks her head up from where she’s laying on top of one of the pillows on the couch, but settles back down when she notices it’s just the two of you. You don’t bother turning any of the lights on, making your way to and up the stairs. He tugs you to a halt when you reach the open door to your bedroom. You raise an eyebrow, silently questioning him. 
“I know I’ve been sleeping in there with you the last few days,” he murmurs, “but I can’t walk you to your front door like on a proper date. The bedroom door seems like the next best thing.”
The small smile you had on your face the whole way home quirks up even higher as you take a step over the threshold and into the room, keeping his hand in yours as you go. “I asked you inside that night, too. Come to bed, sweetheart.” 
He holds you tight that night, his legs intertwined with yours and his arm draped over your waist as you lay facing him. You don’t do more than exchange a few long, lingering kisses, because despite how much he wants to take it further, he knows the two of you aren’t there yet. 
He’s going to earn it, to be certain that you love this version of him as much as you loved the version he doesn’t quite remember yet. He’s looking forward to proving it to the both of you that you can. 
Part Seven :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: I hope you liked this one! Nervous is an understatement. Would love to hear any thoughts you may have :)
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astronova-00 · 2 years
Guys should I check my username from eating-mak-n-cheese to astronova_00 or keep it as it is?
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eatingforever · 7 years
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Apple Tart with Cheese //MakNMing
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