#ec prompt list
my-deer-friend · 3 months
Play along: Amrev codebreaker!
While browsing through some primary materials reading up about John Laurens’ mission to France as special minister to the court of Versailles, I came across a letter that he wrote to the president of the Continental Congress on 9 April 1781 that included a coded message using a numerical cipher. 
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I took a shot at deciphering it – here’s the process I followed, and you can play along too!
1. The first step, of course, was to determine which specific encryption was being used. After a bit of digging, I came across the immensely useful United States diplomatic codes and ciphers, 1775-1938 by Ralph E Weber. He explains that the cipher in question was “prepared on separate encode and decode sheets, the latter contained 660 printed numbers, with usually 600 words, syllables, and letters of the alphabet scattered randomly throughout the sheet.” So, for example, the word “congress” is “143”, the syllable “el” is “593” and the letter “r” is “215”. This cipher was an updated and improved version of the one used by Benjamin Tallmadge, and Weber explains that Laurens was the first one to use it. Weber also handily provides the decode table in an appendix. 
2. The second step was to design an efficient way to decode the hundreds of numbers Laurens used in his letter, and the obvious answer was my good friend the spreadsheet. I transferred the table from the book to Google Sheets, which was mildly tedious but hugely time-saving later on.
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3. Now the fun part! I typed out the numbers from Laurens’ letter, and then used a simple LOOKUP formula to match the number to the decoded text.
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The cipher also includes two nuances - an underscore beneath the word means a plural, and an overscore denotes adding an “e” - so I marked these in the cells with pink and green highlights respectively.
4. The final step was correcting a few errors in my table, refining the decoding (some numbers have various iterations to save space, such as 103 which can be any one of “ec/eck/ek” depending on which syllable is needed), and extracting the final text. 
It all reads very smoothly, with the singular exception of “ght-f-t”, which is the way Laurens rendered the word “gift”. The obvious explanation for this mangle is that he mis-wrote 340 (ght) instead of 170 (gi).
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That’s definitely 340, 304, 196 which decodes as “ght-f-t”.
While it seems like a strange error to make, bear in mind that the encoding sheet (the one Laurens was using to change plaintext into numbers) would have been listed in alphabetical order to make finding the numbers easier (while the person at the other end has the sheet in numerical order, to reverse the process just as easily). And when we sort alphabetically, we can see that 340 and 170 are right next to each other:
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A simple slip to make for someone writing coded letters late at night in low candlelight.
If you want to play along:
Here’s the code/decode spreadsheet. 
And here is the transcribed text (underlines for plurals, asterisk for added “e”). I've given the solution under the cut!
I have employed the most unremitting efforts to obtain a prompt and favorable decision relative to the object of my mission_ 381, 304, 543, 437, 366, 377, 276, 75, 75, 226, 269, 385, 426, 377, 17, 465, 197, 481, 428, 593, 381, 355, 153, 278*, 428, 333, 70, 18, 405, 184, 226, 291, 197, 376, 524, 330, 446, 362, 449, 143 The Count de Vergennes communicated to me yesterday his most Christian Majesty's determination to guarantee 381, 59, 594, 18, 9, 205, 330, 497, 254, 401, 376, 503, 306, 503, 467, 428, 226, 236, 330, 278*, 245, 205, 506, 99, 376, 381, 381, 256, 184, 90, 340, 304, 196 ...and the value of the military effects which may be furnished from the Royal Arsenal, 418, 330, 497, 428, 197, 380, 377, 196, 376, 45, 278, 245, 205 I shall use my utmost endeavours to procure an immediate 467, 208, 491, 18, 278*, 9, 205, 45, 278, 42, 381, 230, 215, 355, 18, 237, 330, 497*, 215, 167, 290, 377, 376, 341, 278, 182, 302, 75, 376, 59, 594, and shall renew my solicitations for the 357, 34, 197, 18, 203, 291, 491, 481, 484, 34, 325, 89, 113, 392, 197, 269, 336, 458, 278*, 97, 18, 245, 205 may not be 126, 21, 215, 497, 376, 341, 296, 75, 477, 226, 103, 196, 481, 278*, 483, 215, 553, 75*, 18, 238, 377, 59, 374, 478, the providing this article I fear will be attended with great difficulties and delays as all the 476, 490, 481, 36, 228, 351, 392, 226, 197, 18, 237, are remote from the sea, and there are no 441, 420, 50, 563, 503, 197, 18, 377, 59, 278, suitable to our purposes. The cargo of the Marquis de la Fayette will I hope arrive safe under the convoy of the Alliance_ 481, 341, 78, 465, 75, 426, 408, 596, 115, 76, 376, 174, 196*, 291, 103, 197, 75, 75, 184, 226, 197, 281, 5, 171, 278*, 428, 593, 381, 355, 492, 194, 236, 376, 45, 574, 408, 504, 366, 381, 506, 197, 197, 193, 213, 75, 197, 199, 291, 377, 197 The Marquis de Castries has engaged to make immediate arrangements for the safe transportation of the pecuniary and the other succours destined for the United States_ 481, 350, 215, 167, 450, 196, 376, 34, 381, 75, 473, 376, 76*, 458, 278*, 72, 208, 449, 577, 114, 89, 405, 486, 497, 197, 113, 126, 34, 361, 376, 269, 278*, 277, 291, 104, 381, 113, 278*, 401, 230, 408, 550, 552, 342, 291
Have fun!
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I have employed the most unremitting efforts to obtain a prompt and favorable decision relative to the object of my mission_ after many discussions, difficulties and delays with the details of which it is needless to trouble congress.
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The Count de Vergennes communicated to me yesterday his most Christian Majesty's determination to guarantee a loan of ten millions to be opened in Holland in addition to the six millions granted as a gracious gift.
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...and the value of the military effects which may be furnished from the Royal Arsenal are to be deducted from the six million.
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I shall use my utmost endeavours to procure an immediate advance of the ten millions from the treasury of France to be replaced by the proposed loan,
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and shall renew my solicitations for the supplies of the ordinance and military stores on credit that the present of six millions may not be absorbed by thousands objects and the purchase of necessary clothing
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the providing this article I fear will be attended with great difficulties and delays as all the wool and manufactories of France are remote from the sea, and there are no
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public magazines of cloth suitable to our purposes.
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The cargo of the Marquis de la Fayette will I hope arrive safe under the convoy of the Alliance_ and by satisfying our immediate necessities prevent the delays above-mentioned from having any disagreeable consequences
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The Marquis de Castries has engaged to make immediate arrangements for the safe transportation of the pecuniary and the other succours destined for the United States_ and has repeatedly assured me that the naval superiority which will be established on the American coast the ensuing campaign
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manonamora-if · 7 months
New Pinned post. Old Navigation Post.
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Hi, I'm Manon. And I create Interactive Fiction for fun. Sometimes in French, sometimes in English, and in both when I can. Currently a dozen playable games in various state and free templates and guides.
I post weekly dev logs about my project progress. I also write reviews of IF games (@manonamora-if-reviews).
I also made a whole resource list for Twine (guide, macro, templates).
Ask me stuff about stuff :P
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If I'm not there, I'm also in a bunch of other places (cause nothing is forever with social media), where I'll post updates about stuff. I also have a carrd about this. But really, I'm usually most on the IntFiction forum or the @neointeractives Discord.
Website: on neocities (i'm trying to set up a RSS feed)
Blog: manonamora (WordPress)
itch.io: manonamora
Cohost: manonamora
Mastodon: manonamora (on gamedev)
Pillowfort: manonamora (IF group)
Discord: I'm on a bunch of different IF-related servers, if you see a manonamora with this icon, it's probably me. 🤫
Note: not all links above are as active as here currently, but they will start to be more from now on, because I don't want to rely on one place only to share news. This was always going to happen, but now it's concrete.
My IF games are playable on itch.io, listed on the IFDB (for reviews), with some backed up in the IFArchive. I sometimes post code on GitHub.
Other Tumblrs: @crimsonroseandwhitelily (sideblog IF), @neointeractives, @neo-twiny-jam, @seedcomp-if
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Since 2021, I've released a dozen of projects or WIPs, most of those being Interactive Fiction pieces. While the majority have been made with Twine (SugarCube), I've been testing other formats and programs.
I've also created templates and coding guides for SugarCube, as well as prompts. Both templates and prompts are free to use under the CC-BY license.
All projects and relevant links are listed under the cut.
In alphabetical order...
-> Crimson Rose & White Lily [In Progress] A multi-chapter interactive court intrigue story, set in a fantasy world inspired by the Victorian era and 18th century French Court, in which you navigate a world you have no recollection of. Tumblr | Game Post | Play CRWL | Rate CRWL | Tag
-> DOL-OS [Remastered] A sci-fi puzzle interactive game, in which you investigate inside an old computer machine. Game Post | Play DOL-OS | Rreview DOL-OS | Tag
-> Exquisite Cadaver [Released/Re-writes] A surrealist interactive word game based on the 'cadavre exquis' game. Game Post | Play EC | Rreview EC | Tag
-> Goncharov Escapes! [Remastered] A short quick-timed-event interactive game based on the Goncharov meme. Game Post | Play GE! | Review GE! | Tag
-> La Petite Mort [Remastered] A short puzzle interactive game, where you help Suzette, a 8-year-old get ready to meet her grandmother Game Post | Play LPM | Review LPM | Tag
-> Meeting the Parents [Remastered] An interactive story about going through the hoops of meeting your partner's parents for the first time. Game Post | Play MtP | Rate MtP | Tag
-> P-Rix - Space Trucker [In Progress] A Sci-Fi slice-of-life interactive game, where you play as P-Rix, a space trucker, delivering a strange parcel to a Mr. E. Game Post | Play P-ST | Review P-ST | Tag
-> SPS Iron Hammer [Released] A short sci-fi/mystery interactive story, set aboard the SPS Iron Hammer, where nothing is as it seems. Will you continue your content life or delve into the conspiracy? Tumblr | Game Post | Play SPS IH | RATE SPS IH | Tag
-> The Rye in the Dark City [In Progress] A noir-detective interactive story with the twist. A strange case lands on Detective Rye's desk. Will you take it and save the dame? Game Post | Play TRDC | Review TRCD | Tag
-> The Roads Not Taken [Released] A short parser-like game about choices. Play a being about to go through The Ritual, where you will have to make a choice, shaping the rest of your life. Will you take the correct one? Game Post | Play TNRT | Review TNRT | Tag
-> The Thick Table Tavern [Released] A chill bartender simulator set in a fantasy setting. Mix drinks, talk to trope-y patrons, get coins and fulfil your dreams! Game Post (temporary) | Play TTTT | RATE TTTT | Tag
-> The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt [In Progress] It all started with a letter... A Lovecraftian Interactive novel with a strange mystery and a plea for help from a former acquaintance. Game Post | Play TTATEH | RATE TTATEH | Tag
Other Smaller Projects:
À la Campagne [English, Hypertext]
Clarence Street, 14 [English + French, Hypertext]
Collision [English + French, Hypertext]
Entre-d’œufs coquilles [French, temp English, Parser-Choice Hybrid]
In the Blink of an Eye [English + French, Hypertext]
Intersigne [English + French, Hypertext]
Le Diner [English, Hypertext]
Le Jeu de la Dévotion [French, Hypertext]
I also published free assets and guide...
-> 100% Good Twine Sugarcube Templates I design UI for fun and release them as template when I feel like it. Currently Available: Simple Book (Landscape), One Page (Portrait), Space/Tech (Portrait), VN-lite RPG (Portrait) Also available: Ready-to-Use Tweego Folder, Setting Template. GET YOUR TEMPLATE | RATE TEMPLATE | Tag (x)
-> The ChoiceScript to SugarCube Guide Created for ChoiceScript creators wanting to make the transition to SugarCube (Twine), the Guide contains all code equivalence between the documentation, and potential useful add-ons. GET YOUR GUIDE | RATE GUIDE
-> 100% Good Twine SugarCube Guide Created as an alternative to the the SugarCube (Twine) documentation. The guide is organised by code proficiency. GET YOUR GUIDE | RATE GUIDE
-> Promps
Chonky Chicken (French + English)
Mission: Anti-Romance (English)
SeedComp! Meta Prompts (English)
The last book you'll ever write (English)
The last seed at the end of time (English)
The templates are prompts are under the CC-BY license (free use with crediting).
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crisiscutie · 5 months
FF Materlist V
Most recent Masterlist containing most of my listed works. Since I write a lot, I won't be listing everything. This list will contain most major works of mine for personal and future references. For every single work done for specific AUs, go to the end of the list and select the AU’s FAQ/Tag. This Masterlist (18+) contains both NSFW and SFW works, some that may be DDNE. Read at your own risk.
Please familiarize yourself with my updated rules before requesting/interacting with me.
For the fourth Masterlist, go here.
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🐊7R Sephiroth/Dissidia Darling🦋
Dissidia Safer Sephiroth Musings
Dissidia Sephiroth Musings
Yandere 7R Sephiroth Musings
Yandere AC Sephiroth Musings
Dissidia Darling's Pheromones
Dissidia Aerith/Dissidia Darling Headcanons
Seymour and Sephiroth Fighting Over Darling
Dissidia Sephiroth Teasing Darling
Seymour and Sephiroth Having a Discussion About Darling
Dissidia Sephiroth/JENOVA!Dissidia (EVA) Darling Musings
Fluffy Sephy and Fembot/Android Darling
Safer Sephiroth Reclaiming His Darling
Rufus Shinra With A Sleepy Smol Darling
Fluffy Sephiroth and His Triplet Sons
Dissidia Darling And Dissidia Kadaj
Dissidia Safer Sephiroth Headcanons
Darling Stealing Sephiroth's Jacket
AC Sephiroth Sending His Remnants After Darling
7R/EC Sephiroth And Nee-San Darling Headcanons
rest well, princess,
For Those Who Have None Chapter 1
DOMestic Darling/Fluffy Sephy Scenarios, 1 and 2.
Twin Sephiroths Breed Darling,
"Fluffy" Sephiroth and Pregnant Darling In Shower
Fluffy Sephiroth Comforting His Darling
Battle Of Wills
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Sephiroth With A Little Sister Darling
Which Sephiroth Cares Most And Least About Sick Darling
C.C. Ramble/Analysis/Rant about JENOVA
Dissidia Sephiroth Analysis/Ramble
Does Sephiroth Have An Oedipus Complex?
Sephiroth Really Loves JENOVA
Why C.C. Loves EVA So Much
Dissidia Darling and JENOVA
Female Sephiroth in HoS.
Brief Musing on Sephiroth's Madness
AC Sephy Collecting Darlings
How C.C. Would Write Sephiroth's Character in Rebirth
Dissidia Sephiroth and Darling Analysis
C.C's Unpopular Opinion About Sephiroth
C.C's thoughts on Sephiroth in Before Crisis
The Miracle Cutie Didn't Need To DIE!
Safer Sephiroth and His Darling's Oneness
Vincent And Sephiroth's Connection
Yes, Sephiroth Is Meant To Be Attractive
Sephiroth's Perspective On Normality?
Fluffy Sephiroth's Feelings About Hojo Creeping Around His Darling
How To Request From C.C.
Sephy's Favorite Sex Positions
Why Vincent Isn't (And Shouldn't Be) Sephiroth's Dad
AC Sephy Analysis
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Fluffy Sephiroth/Domestic Darling (Domestic AU)
Sephiroth’s Angel (Darling as Angeal’s Sister)
One Winged Masquerade (Dissidia Sephiroth/Dissidia Darling)
House of Sephiroth AU (Multi Yandere Sephiroth/Darling)
Sephthoughts - a collection of random shitposts thoughts about Sephiroth.
Sephology 101 - A basic course offered by Shinra University, focusing on the study of Sephiroth. (Academia AU and Analysis of everything about Sephiroth)
Inbox is ALWAYS open. Please familiarize yourself with my updated rules before requesting/interacting with me.
If you are willing and able, I would greatly appreciate any donations on Ko-fi.  
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heyy how are u?
Can u please write an enemies-with-benefits/rivals x lovers prompt where they are always completing but have too much sexual tension based on this -
➢ "How adorable, your legs are shaking... Where is that prideful look of yours now?"
With hangman or rooster 😩
Idk if this sounds kinda stupid 😭
Hey dear, your request is far from being stupid. I loved it :D ! It even gave me the idea of doing 7 one-shots revolving around the Seven Deadly Sins, all related to a TGM character. ANYWAY, I hope you'll like it 💚
Summary: You beat your forever rival, Hangman, for the first time since you became a Dagger. Hurt in his ego, he decides to humble you. (Callsign: Nemesis)
Tags: 2.3k words of Unresolved sexual tension !! like high sexual tension to torture you
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Dagger’s results
1# Nemesis
2# Hangman
3# Phoenix & Bob
The number one was written beside your call sign with a thick black marker. 
Your fingers gently brushed the whiteboard’s cold and smooth surface, for you still could not realize your position among the other aviators.  A glimmer of pride shone in your Y/EC eyes as you read the other names on the list. Ranked right below you was Jake “Hangman” Seresin, your forever rival. A small satisfied smirk stretched your lips at the mere thought of beating Seresin. When Maverick first introduced the idea of ranking your performances daily, you were one of the few who disagreed. To be honest, even though you liked challenges you did not want to compete against the own member of your squad. According to your instructor, the board had nothing to do with competition but was about being aware of everyone’s progress. For most of the Daggers, Maverick’s idea was indeed a great one and helped them realize how they managed to progress throughout the weeks, but for Hangman and you it rapidly became a ground for competition. Day after day, Seresin beat you. Whether it was his tricks being better, his reflexes being sharper or his aim being more precise, he was always one step ahead.  And each time you looked at his name on the whiteboard with frustration, he would give you his cocky flat-lipped smile and tell you “How’s the rearview, babe?” . And each time, his words would feel like a knife stabbing your pride.  You did not care about being the less skilled of the group, as long as Hangman sucked more.
Jake stepped behind you, looking at the whiteboard - you were shorter than him, so looking above your head was clearly not a problem for him. He raised one eyebrow at the result of today’s training. Maverick was certainly wrong, you could not have been better than he, could you? His jaws tensed as he stared at his own ranking.
“Hey, Bagman.” You called him.
He looked at you, one brow still raised.
“How’s the rearview, babe?” 
“Is that all you have to say?” His voice retorted, colder than a frozen blizzard.
Jake had lost all of his arrogance in one blink of an eye, all remained was anger. To be true, you expected him to come up with some sharp comments or tell you that your success was only a matter of beginner’s luck. His bitter and quite aggressive reaction kind of confused you. He glared at you one last time instead and stormed out of the hangar with furious steps. 
“The hell is his problem?”  Shark asked, alongside Phoenix. They had just joined to congratulate your spectacular performance.
You shrugged, your pride quickly erasing any concern you had, “Nothing. Little Seresin got hurt in his pride and is probably sulking now.”  
The girls could not help but laugh at your sass: you were incredibly good at spitting sarcastic poison sometimes, and they liked it. Phoenix made a brief hand gesture to tell you to forget about Hangman, “Never mind Queen. You did a great job at humbling him.”
“I hope you don’t boast about your performance but rather give advice to each other.” A manly yet soft voice resonated behind you and your girl gang. You all turned around as one.
Captain Maverick was standing behind you, arms behind his back. His green eyes shone with a glimmer of amusement.
“Yeah, of course, Nemesis was telling us how to beat Hangman,” Shark exclaimed, bubbly. You nudged her and she let a small ouch escape from her mouth.
“Of course not, Mav”
“Good," He said, looking a bit more sharply at Shark, then his focused shift back on you "Y’all should leave, tomorrow’s going to be a big and exhausting day, so rest well.” 
You and the girls nodded and went back to your chair to pack your stuff and go. 
“Nemesis. One last thing,”  Mav called you. 
You looked at him above your shoulder.
“Well done.” 
“Thanks, Sir.”  Your voice answer, candy-coated in pride.
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The adrenaline of today’s training had begun to fade away, leaving a pleasant floating sensation in both your mind and body. Leaving the hangar in such a good mood was not something you were used to. In fact, Hangman always managed to get on your nerves one way or another. Fortunately enough, you found a way to relieve the stress: sex. Rough, steamy, and kinky sex. What was surprising in that coping mechanism of yours was the person you ended up having sex with was none other than your enemy himself. Admittedly, that was kind of weird but from your mutual hatred, a consuming desire came to life. The sexual tension that appeared between you from day one had soon grown out of control, that was when you more or less consciously decided to become rivals with benefits. During the day you were always competing, fighting, and trying to become better than the other.  But during sleepless nights - and hidden from the world’s view- you were lovers. And the fact that Hangman was the best stallion you ever encountered was a pill very hard to swallow.
While you were lost in your thoughts and making your way to the shower, two large and powerful hands grabbed your wrists and brutally pinned you against the corridor’s wall. You opened your eyes wide, heart pounding so hard in your chest that you felt like it was about to burst your ribcage.  Jake was standing fierce, blocking your body between his and the wall.  His green eyes dove into yours, fury burning in his irises.
“Was it fun?” He stated, icecold. 
You winced, moving your wrists in a vain attempt of freeing yourself “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Was it fun to laugh at me, Nemesis?”  His grip tightened on your wrist, causing the position to become uncomfortable.
“So that’s the problem! Hangman can laugh at people but when someone returns the favor it’s not fun anymore. Grow up Jake, that’s not how it works.” You hissed, as fierce as him. Kowtowing was out of question, “I beat the fuck out of you and you better get used to it, ‘cause it will happen again.”  
“She bites,” he said, bringing his face closer to yours. He stayed like that for a while, silent as his warm lips brushed yours. His scorching breath crashed on your face as furious waves breaking against the shore. You swallowed, intoxicated with the exhilarating smell of his cologne mixed with the back scent of his musky sweat. Arousal built in your body. 
“Yes I bite, but you know it, don’t you Seresin?” Your voice was merely a whisper. Still grazing his lips with yours, you lick the corner of his mouth in a soft, light stroke. A shiver ran down Jake’s spine.  His breath, at first steady, quickened and you could not help but teasingly smile when noticing it. You were giving him hell and you were determined to continue to do so. Even though your wrists were pinned above your head, you brought your hips closer to his until your bodies met.
“Challenging me again, Nemesis. When will you learn?” He gritted between his teeth at the sensation of your body collapsing with his.
“I never learn,” You said, giving another warm lick across his lips. You gently rolled your hips and sighed, for you could feel the shape of his bulge pressing against you.
“Fucking bitch,” He released your wrists from one of his hands, but the other was still strongly holding you. Jake was a strong man, thus overcoming you physically was not difficult for him. “I think you really need an ego check,” he concluded. 
“Are you really sure I’m the one who needs an ego check?” Words fell from your mouth with fire, but the look Jake gave you was ice-cold water that managed to extinguish you.
 You stopped talking, apprehending his next move. As ironic as it seemed, your pride seemed far too insolent in his opinion and he was determined to humble you… In the kinkiest way you could think of. Jake’s fingers tightened around your neck just enough for you to feel their pressure on your throat without it being uncomfortable.
“You… tear down my reason,” he did not let you the time to answer, for his lips captured yours. You closed your eyes at this brutal reunion, blood rushing to your cheeks, heart beating faster. Jake dove his tongue into your mouth to seek yours, forcing you to part your lips. You hold back your moans as your tongues swiftly danced together in a burning waltz. The taste of your divine lips lighted up fireworks under his skin. He could feel his hard cock twitching as your sweet saliva melted together. He released your throat only to grab one of your breasts in his large calloused hand, kneading him with desire. He pinched your perky nipple and rolled it between his thumb and index finger. The sharp but pleasurable pinching sensation made you sigh in arousal against his mouth. Burning breathing, wet kisses, his hand unzipped your overalls. The soft caress of fresh air against your moist skin made your very soul quake.
He moved his head back, breaking your hungry kisses, and stared at you. Your cheeks were red, your gaze begging and your lips parted for you were panting. Jake snorted, satisfied.
“Why are you looking at me like that, Nemesis? Want something?” He said, his face enlightening up with that peculiar cocky smile of his. A smile so big that his malicious eyes squinted. His free hand started to wander on your burning skin.
“Fuck Jake, I want you.” You muttered, trying to kiss him again but he backed his head off again. You hissed when you missed his lips.
“Come on, you think you deserved to have your pussy filled after what you said to me? After breaking my records?” He laughed - a sadistic and exaggerated laugh whose only purpose was to humiliate you. Jake’s free hand grabbed one of your wrists and brought your hand to his shaft. Your slit drooled when you noticed how hard he was. You gently moved your trembling fingers on it - if you focused well enough you could even feel the swollen veins that were drawing patterns on his erection, “open my overall.”
You obeyed, grabbing the zipper between your fingers. With Jake leading your hand, you unzipped and freed his muscular chest from the fabric that was hiding it. You bit your lips at the sight of his pecs and abs, glistening with his sweat because of a long day of training. How much you wanted to lick his body and bite his skin from there to here, but he was still holding you against the wall firmly.
“Touch it.” He whispered in your ear, and you knew what he meant.
Heat spread under your skin. You felt his green eyes on you, undressing you. Those two burning emerald stones.  But as much as he wanted you, he was not going to indulge. Obeying him again, your hand slipped into his underwear and grabbed the thick base of his cock. Jake grunted with pleasure at the sensation of your warm palm around him.
“See how you make it hard.” He said. At his words, you lowered your gaze and bit your lip when looking at the thick pinkish head, glistening with precum.  You squeezed your thighs together, feeling a surge of unbearable arousal in your dripping cunt, “I could rub it in your wet folds first to lubricate it properly… Your swollen clit would love that,” He whispered, gently biting your earlobe, “And then I could fill you with one big thrust, hitting that spot you like so much. You know, the one that makes your toes curl.” 
At this point, you drank his words. Your hand made up and down movements, stroking his cock shyly. He held back his moans, not wanting to give you any satisfaction. You could barely breathe - mouth dry, soul quaking - all you could think of was him. 
“You know, I’d love to feel your tight walls around my dick. That wet and warm sensation of you all around me, your pussy fluttering with pleasure. But you’ve been such a bad girl.”  He kept torturing you with his arousing words, to the point you lose all your composure. Jake suddenly backed off with one sudden movement, leaving you destroyed by the coiling tension between you. You looked at him, confused, as he zipped his overall to the top, depriving you of the wonderful sight of his hairy chest.
“And the bad girl you are don’t deserve my dick. We’ll see tomorrow if I’ll change my mind. But you’ll have to be extra nice to me.” He stated, smoothing his overalls with his hands.
“But- Jake-” You tried to bargain but he cut you off.
“End of the conversation, Nemesis.” 
You hit the back of your head against the wall behind you in frustration, goosebumps all over your body and nerves on fire. Saying you were wet down there would be a euphemism, you were dripping, almost literally flooded. You could feel your heartbeat in your swollen clit - all your body was screaming with arousal. You pressed one of your cold hands against your forehead, your legs threatening you to collapse as Jake proceeded with leaving the corridor. But before disappearing, he glanced at you with his wide flat-lipped smile.
“How adorable your legs are shaking,” He stated, amused. You looked at him with begging eyes and it made him even more satisfied, “Where is that prideful look of yours now?"
Hell had a ring for each deadly sins,
For Lucifer, Superbia was a frozen lake.
But for you, 
It was Jake Seresin. 
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barry-j-blupjeans · 9 months
24 for object and 20 for emotion? :>
object + emotion prompt list here!
24. Costume for a lizard or perhaps small rodent
Magnus was not good at sewing. In fact, he was the exact opposite. He was very bad at sewing. Incredibly, horribly bad. He took home ec in high school and he got an F in sewing. His mom tried multiple times to teach him and Magnus wished, not for the first time, that anything had stuck inside his little brain, but it hadn't. His other mom had tried, too, but she couldn't get past watching him attempt to thread a needle before she took him outside to play soccer instead.
His fingers were just too beefy, was the thing. And the thread was just so tiny.
Magnus was not good at sewing. But he figured it was time to make up for it.
He had to get the things to sew first, of course, which also hadn't been an easy task. He had to sneak into town, which was already difficult because of the aforementioned beefy. And if people didn't see him going into town, they definitely saw him squeezing his way into the small fabric store at the end of the corridor. This shop was made for people half his size. Both in a figurative way, where everything was tiny and fragile and Magnus was the bull in this china-fabric shop, and in a literal way, where the shop owner was a gnome.
But she had taken one look at Magnus's desperate, confused face and taken pity. She knew where all the good fabrics were— the ones that didn't make his skin itch or feel too heavy. And she patiently sat through showing Magnus how to begin sewing, threading the needle and all. Magnus was now wishing he had taken her up on the rest of the lesson she wanted to offer because this thing he was making was…
Well. It… was a thing that now existed in the world. What once was beautiful, soft pretty fabric was now…
Okay, nope. Magnus had nothing good he could say about this shit. It was somehow ten times too small and too big all in one. The head opening could fit around his wrist maybe? But the legs definitely needed… help. Lots of help. He had tried to remember all his mother's advice and while he had started with the fabric flipped inside out, as he was supposed to do, it had somehow gone onto the wrong side anyway.
"Magnus," said a voice from behind him. A soft hand touched his shoulder. A familiar body pressed against his back. "What the ever-loving fuck are you making?"
Magnus groaned, leaning back against Julia. She smelled like peaches today. Magnus liked peaches. The light from the window hurt his eyes when he looked up. He didn't know what time it was anymore.
"It was gonna be a surprise," Magnus said, hiding his face in his hands.
"Well, surprised is a word that could be used to describe how I feel," Julia said. "Amongst other contenders."
"It's— don't laugh at me."
Julia leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She pressed a kiss to his head.
"I make no promises, babe."
"Fair," Magnus said. "Fair— Fair enough— it's, uh— it was supposed to be a onesie. Y'know, for…"
He could practically feel Julia's smile, which had to count for something. And when he looked up at her, sure enough, there it was. She tilted her head at the… onesie attempt… and glanced down at him again.
"You did a pretty shit job," she said.
"Yeah," Magnus sighed. "I just thought— well, my ma made me my first onesie, so I just thought I'd try for— for them?"
"I currently don't think they care," Julia said. She circled around, pulling up a stool to sit next to the desk. She took the onesie from his hands, appraising it. Magnus leaned against her, moving one hand to rest against her stomach. The baby bump wasn't quite there yet, but he got giddy thinking about how it will be soon. "But I think we can figure this out before they will."
"You think?" Magnus asked. Julia set the onesie down, turning to kiss him.
"I'm sure," Julia said. After a moment, she glanced back at the onesie. "I like the fabric but I— I gotta know how you managed to do— …this."
"I don't know," Magnus said miserably.
"It looks like a costume for a lizard," Julia said. Magnus bit back a laugh. "Or perhaps a small rodent—"
"It's not that bad!" he laughed.
"Mags, baby," Julia said. "If you don't think it's not that bad, I'm not sure I can change your mind in T-minus eight months."
"It's— it's not that bad," he insisted. "It's got character!"
"I want the writer to kill it off," Julia said. Magnus cackled, his head falling against her shoulder. "I love you so much. We need to buy more fabric. You've fucked this one up too badly. How did you manage to use the entire godsdamn yard making a rat cloth—"
"I tried my best!" Magnus said.
"I am deeply afraid to see your worst."
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lovesomehate · 8 months
Anne sent me here. She convinced me to take part in Kinktober. Yeah, I’m gonna be very behind but whatever. Anyhoo … Mr. Klossek is the only one I don’t have listed for any of the prompts.
Of course she did 😂😂😂😂
Don’t worry about being behind, I am too atm ✌🏻😂 the only thing that matters is not giving it up completely.
Hmmm are you doing him with one of the guys or an OC? There’s so many options 😂😂😂😂
If you wanna throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks hit me up in my dms! I’m always open to talk EC and Daniel is one of my babies 😂😂😂
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[Flag One ID: a rectangular flag with 11 horizontal lines. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: thin, medium, thick, medium, 3 thick, medium, thick, medium, thin. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark red-brown, dark green, dull green-yellow, dark green, dull orange, pale yellow, dull orange, dark green, dull green-yellow, dark green, and dark red-brown. in the center is a dark red-brown circle. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal stripes. colors are in this order and reflected after the last listed color: dull purple, light grey, grey, dark grey. in the middle of the flag is a symbol. the base shape is a square with a vertical line through the middle. the symbol is the color dark brown. End ID]
Howapocalypec: a term that is both Howabeiyn and Mislypec; or a term for experiencing both in some way.
Etymology: howa(beiyn), (a)pocaly, ec
Pronounced: how-a-pock-a-lip-eck (howa pocalypec)
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[ID: a blue line divider with a blue spiral in the middle. End ID]
Melancholylexic: a gender connected to or best described by the word 'melancholy'
Etymology: melancholy, "lexic" a suffix for lexegenders
Pronounced: mell-an-call-ee lex-ick (melancholy lexic)
day 1 and 2 of @cocajimmycola 's 100 followers event; day 1 prompt: apocalypse. day 2 prompt: melancholy
@misapocalypec-archive , @ga-umbrellas , @lexegender-archival
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[ID: a blue line divider with a blue spiral in the middle. End ID]
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peyton-warren · 2 years
Scarf Drabble- Blinded by the Fog Drabble
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Characters: Jake Jensen, Reader Pairings: Jake Jensen x Reader Word count: 179 Type: tooth rotting fluff Warning: 18+. Minors DNI. teenage pining, teenage angst. adorable Jake Jensen
Summary: takes place roughly 10 years before Blinded by the Fog timeline. Another glimpse into Reader and Jake's time in high school together. Takes place roughly 2 months after the hot cider drabble.
Author's Note: As I've been struggling with Chapter 6 of BBtF, I saw this post of December prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting and am attempting to make them mostly Jake & Reader based so I get more of a feel for them to help Reader with her grief. And thank you to @adulting-sucks for her continued support, none of these would be done with out you. Also this is my 900th post. Which seems impossible and crazy but yay!!
Ask Box: Open Series Masterlist Masterlist
"It's a scarf!" Jake explained as you pulled the questionable piece of clothing out of the gift bag on the table.   
Holding it up, you looked through one of the many massive holes, locking eyes with him sitting across from you in the diner you frequented most of your high school career.  "You made this?" you carefully asked, well aware of the answer.  
"Yessss!" he gloated. "That was my super secret Home Ec project I've been working on." You nodded, knowing his super secret project was not very well hidden, especially with everyone else in his class working on scarves most of this quarter.  "Annnd it's your favorite color," Jake pointed out, as if you couldn't see that.  
With a soft grin you nod and wrap it around your neck, winding around you several times too many.  You watched his eyes dance with excitement as you did so.  "It's perfect, Jakey.   Thank you." You held a tassel from either end of the scarf between fingers in each hand and flicked them up in the air.  "I love it." You hid your ridiculously wide smile in the mounds of yarn below your jaw.
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Tag lists
General Tag List littleone65
BBTF Tag List Mis-lil-red @mysweetlittledesireledesire
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phantomtwitch · 7 months
@astatia-ghast tagged me in this like a week ago, lol, and I am only just now getting to it. Been pretty busy and out of it recently. BUT anyway, here's the rules for the game:
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So one of my WIPs is my EctoImplosion fic, which I can't really discuss. And I'm not going to name ALL the files in my WIP folder, just because of how I organize things, and a lot of them are the same fic but like draft 9 or whatever, and also I have a doc that's just full of random fic ideas I want to write but generally haven't done much with. Anyway, though, here's the somewhat edited list. Some are more descriptive than others:
Human - 6
Wayward/DP Crossover
DP Fae Deals
DPxDC Prompt Response
Valerie Wraith Draft 1
I think that means I'm supposed to tag 8 people, but I'm bad at this tag people stuff. Uhhhh . . . @summerssixecho and @paenling and @modordracena and @maebird-melody and really anyone else who wants to join in.
(And if I tagged you and you've already done it/don't want to do it, no worries! Feel free to skip it).
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multiship-brainrot · 2 years
The Owl House Fic WIPs
Seeing as I will never emotionally recover from kings tide and I'm still angry as hell at DIsney for cutting The Owl House short, I'll be writing fics like it's something that will genuinely help me with my emotional baggage :)
I kind of fell out of shipping but still love ships like Lumity & Raeda that are cannon, I just don't think my fanfics will be romance-centred anymore, Like we got to miss out on so many significant character dynamics and unresolved/ambivalent feelings. So here's a list of some fics I have planned! (These are my fanon interpretations of what could've went down)
Also, feel free to suggest any prompts to me!
Fic Idea #1: Amity & Lilith; Set somewhere within season 2A, the Hexgang finally visits the Owl House for the first time since the petrification ceremony in YBOS. Like Amity has to see one of the people who she looked up to the most just give the praise and attention she worked most of her life for so freely to Luz. And she happy for them, she really is, but it hurts a little.
Fic Idea #2: Hunter & Lilith; Set in season 2B, Going by the way Lilith talked about him in Separate Tides, She is openly resentful towards him which tells me they probably didn't have a good relationship in the EC. She was probably cold and dismissive of him and then he sees this woman he's known of his whole life give Luz what he probably thought Lilith was incapable of giving and just has a breakdown: She ALWAYS had the capacity to be kind and caring towards him but just chose not to be, or something by the lines of: he thinks Luz was worth change and he was not.
Fic Idea #3: Belos & Eda; Before the 2B finale (post Hollow Mind for sure), what if there's a Belos and Eda confrontation. Belos is doing what he does best and saying things like:
"Luz is not like you monsters and she never will be"
"Do you really think once she goes back she'll stay with you? The selfish-lonely witch who brought her here and made her go through all this"
"You know she will be better off without you"
"She's so much like me when I first came here"
"You know she doesn't belong here" "She's not like you!"
Fic Idea #4: Kikimora & Luz; Since Follies at the Coven Day Parade Kiki has warmed up to Luz and begins her redemption
Fic Idea #5: Belos & Luz and the Hexsquad + Eda; The others can see how Belos interacts with Luz and witness what an absolute fucking creep he is towards her and idk I really wanna write a fic about these two and their very particular dynamic/bond/relationship I'm open to suggestions and different ideas, I wanna do a few fics mainly about them (like AUs or 'what-ifs?')
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uniarycode · 2 years
I am very behind, but it is still technically @digiweek here, and if I do nothing else for this year, I need to submit this.
Day two: prompt sports day/relationship
Izumi dashed down the hallway, breaking into the first unlocked door she could find.
Sports day had never been her scene, she was athletic enough, and would likely excel at a few of the track events, but organized sport, in general, did not appeal to her.  And doing so in front of all her classmates even less so.  A few boys took the opportunity to not so subtly eye up all the girls.
(She was convinced the girls’ uniforms were more sexualized than the boys.  Why should she haft to wear bloomers that didn’t even make it halfway down her thigh while the boys' shorts were knee length?)
Last year she had attempted kendo, simply because the equipment would shield her body from view, but for some reason, this school was full of wanna-be samurai who wouldn’t take it easy on her even if she promised to kiss them to let her win. (except maybe Zenjirou, but giving him even the hint of the wrong impression was not on her to-do list.)
But on this year’s list of events, amongst all the pickup sports games and heats of events, one classroom had been sequestered for ‘dancing’.  Which, in this case, meant last year’s edition of Dance-Dance Revolution.
Keep reading
Izumi wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.  She’d spent hours mastering the game at home, and if she was going to be forced into sports day in this ridiculous uniform, she might as well have fun.
It went better than she expected.  She knew she was good at the game, but she wasn’t expecting to win every match she was in.  When Izumi arrived, the ‘punk queen’ Ruki had already amassed a following of fans due to her successes, and Izumi took her down immediately.  She’d also handily spanked the applituber Astoria, who had successfully completed a challenge to beat the game blindfolded, on nothing but rhythm alone.
And then her undoing had been, as always, a cute boy.  A blond underclassman she’d never met before in a stupid hat that he somehow pulled off had bet 5000 yen against her phone number.  If she had been less high on her string of victories, or his face had been less stupidly handsome, she would have declined.  But in the heat of the moment, she accepted.
He was by far not the best dancer she’d gone up against.  But then, most of them had dedicated more breath to dancing and not to flirting with her in the middle of the song.
The compliment had been so unexpected, that it had caused her to trip up, literally, taking the nerd running the system down with her.   She’d landed on top of the poor redhead, his face between her thighs, which had only caused her to panic more. Slapping the unfortunately placed student before running out of the room.
Which lead her to now.
What exactly was she supposed to do after that?  There was no way the whole school wouldn’t know about it by tomorrow.  Her success at DDR coming back to haunt her, ensuring there were many observes who knew exactly who she was. 
She’d have to transfer, it was the only sensible solution
The door burst open behind her, revealing the person she least wished to see in the world.
She stared at the redhead, limping his way into the classroom before he noticed her presence.  When he did, his eyes darted away, and he froze all his actions.
“What are you doing here?” Izumi accused.
“I was getting some Ice for my ankle.” He pointed to the fridge.  Izumi had been so caught up in her distress that she hadn’t even realized she’d run into the home-ec classroom. 
She felt her eyes lower.  “Oh sorry,” she continued to search the floorboards for answers.  “Does it hurt?”
“I’ve had worse.” He said simply, resuming his limp to the fridge. “Taichi doesn’t know the definition of ‘gentle’.  At least it wasn’t my wrist.  I can still work this way.”
“You work?” Izumi asked.
He pulled a bag and filled it with ice cubes.  “I do freelance coding work.  Mostly subcontracting for American firms. Nothing too big.”
Nothing too big? Did he realize he was still a teenager?
“You were very good.” He offered. “I only play that game when I’m forced to.  Are you part of the dance club?”
She rolled her eyes. “What’s the point of being in dance club in a school with two idols.”
The dance club would be forever overshadowed by either of the idols doing an impromptu performance, that’s just the way life was.  All the normal boys would much rather shoot their impossible shot with an idol than give normal girls the time of day, except for the flirts and the lecherous ones.
And to make matters worse, both idols were super nice too, so she couldn’t even feel good about hating them.
“I’ve never seen someone being better at me as being a good excuse to quit what I enjoy doing.”
She shrugged. In truth, she likely would have joined the dance club, if she thought she could be friends with any of the current members.  But they were just not her type, and she didn’t want to have to put in the effort of building bridges just to have them get broken again.  “It's not that, it’s just…girl drama, understand?”
“Not at all.” He said “but it’s normally a good sign to change the conversation.  So why are you here?”
That…wasn’t a better conversation.  Why wouldn’t she want some privacy after publicly sitting on the face of a boy whose name she didn’t know?  And in these bottoms too, that could pass for underwear?
The bag of ice clattered to the ground, bringing Izumi’s attention to the boy she’d injured. He must have been in pain applying the ice and winced hard enough to drop the bag.
“Here let me.” She said, closing the distance and swiping the bag off the floor, applying it gently to his ankle.     She began to slowly press on the wound. 
They stayed like that for a while, simply absorbing each other's presence as she tended to him.
“Sorry.” He apologized abruptly. “I know I’m not much for conversation.  Mimi always says is that why I don’t have  a girlfriend.”
“I don’t mind,” Izumi said.  She wasn’t lying, while she didn’t hate catching up, it was nice to sometimes just sit with someone and enjoy yourselves.  It was almost certainly why most of her friends were boys.  Speaking of friends:
“Do you mean Mimi Tachikawa?  You’re friends with her?” it was hard for her to picture two more different people in her life than the rambunctious cheerleader and this subdued nerd.
Well, she could.  He didn’t dress to show it off, but this boy wasn’t as ugly as Mimi’s opposite ought to be.
“I know it seems weird, but we make it work.”  He said. “Once you’re friends with Mimi, she doesn’t let you go.  It can be exhausting, but it’s good to have someone who forces you into things, you know?”
“I guess.” She said.  She wasn’t sure she had anyone like that, maybe Takuya, but for the rest it was her forcing them if anything.  Which left no one to force her to join a club or go out when she was down.
He winced again, and she temporarily removed the ice. “Sorry, about everything.”
“Don’t be.  It was Takeru’s fault.  He gets overly excited when he sees a cute girl and as you may have guessed, doesn’t play fair.  At least now he owes me.”
“You know him too?”
The boy waved his hand.  “It’s complicated.”
The conversation lulled for a second. Izumi couldn’t help but lower her voice. “… you think I’m cute?”
Somehow the boy managed to choke on air.  Which only made Izumi want to press harder.  “oh my, are you even injured?  Maybe you just wanted an excuse to have a cute girl fawn over you.”
“wha no- I. I….”
Izumi erupted in laughter.  For someone who supposedly spent time with Mimi, this was too easy.
She blinked. “What?”
 “Yes, I think you’re cute, ok?”
His face was red, his breathing heavy.  She’d never expected him to be so blunt. “Uhh, thanks?”
It hadn’t been said to make a pass on her, more of a statement of fact.  He thought she was cute.  He’d only said it because she’d been teasing him, and had somehow been putting up with him after she’d humiliated and injured him.   But for some reason, the admission had caused her heart to beat faster.
Sure, he wasn’t what she thought she was looking for in a boy.  He wasn’t athletic, his looks were questionable, but would be much better if someone taught him how to dress better.  And he was supposedly friends with Mimi, so he couldn’t be that introverted.  Plus he had a job.
It was crazy.  But her day was already crazy. “Well then, if I’m cute, do you want to kiss me?”
The blush on his face deepened. “I, well,  yes but.”
She let out a performative gasp. “Normally I would slap a boy for trying to kiss me.”
“I’m sorry, I-uh.”
She placed a finger to his lips, moving to straddle him. “but I slapped you earlier for no good reason, so I guess that means you get one for free, huh.”
She closed her eyes and hovered in front of him.  She waited there in silence for a few beats, heartbeat pounding in her ear.   Putting herself out there to be rejected by anyone made her nervous, but she knew this boy would not make the first move unless she goaded him into it.
Then, when she was almost about to pull back, she felt a pair of lips place a hesitant, chase kiss upon her own, lingering for a few seconds before withdrawing. 
It wouldn’t make the top ten hottest kisses of the school year, but it still set something off in her.  “Did you enjoy that?”
“I did.” He gasped, blinking very quickly.
“Then we should do it again.” This time she attacked him, peppering the stunned boy with a rapid barrage of pecks on his lips, cheeks, and neck.
“Wa-wait.” He said.
She stopped immediately, worried she might have gone too far.  “what’s wrong?” she asked, heart still thundering in her ears.
“Izumi.” He said.
“Yes?” she asked.
“My name,” he explained causing her eyes to go wide. “You said you didn’t know it.”
“Your name is Izumi too?”
“No, I mean yes, I mean.” He took a deep breath. “Koushiro Izumi.”
She rolled her eyes.  Who would start with their last name in a situation like this? He gave her a heart attack for nothing.  “Izumi Orimoto.”
They stared at each other for a solid minute.
“Does…does that make you wanna stop?” Koushiro asked, the quiver in his voice betraying both hope and fear.
She thought about it for a second.  If they got married, that would make her Izumi Izumi.
But then, they were in high school, this probably wouldn’t even last a year.
She bent her face back to his lips in answer.
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belindarimbi13 · 1 year
Mitsuya Love Week
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Welcome, June! 🌈
June is known to be Mitsuya's birth month, and to celebrate our love to one and only, Takashi Mitsuya, I create a 7-days prompt-list for #MitsuyaLoveWeek🍯
This event will be held from June 6th to June 12th~
You can create arts/fics/edits for our beloved Mitsuya based on the each day's prompt 🧡
The prompts:
June 6th: Mural
June 7th: Impulse
June 8th: Fashion
June 9th: Sisters
June 10th: Toman Founding Members
June 11th: Home Ecs Club
June 12th: Birthday!
I hope you can participate 🧡 Let's shower the birthday boy with love 🧡
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gertiegarbage · 1 year
Top Marijuana Strains for Stress and Anxiety Relief
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Stress is a typical part of life that everybody encounters once in a while. Stress can motivate you to finish undertakings; however, in some cases, elevated degrees of stress can prompt anxiety and negatively affect your body.
Stress is a physical and mental biological response to an outside trigger, for example, a huge life-altering event, a traumatic event, or high-stakes academic or professional assumptions. In the event that your symptoms become relentless, overpowering, or start to influence your everyday personal satisfaction when no stressor is available, you might have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a continuous stress reaction that might feel like a predictable impression of fear or trepidation.
Anxiety is the most widespread mental illness in the US, influencing about 40 million people. While cannabis isn't a substitute for professional therapy and medication, many individuals have viewed it as a valuable guide to assist with dealing with their anxiety.
In spite of the fact that talking therapies and beta blockers can assist with treating the condition, a few patients find they're not exactly enough. That is the reason many are presently investigating whether marijuana and anxiety are a decent blend. However, we urge you to talk with your PCP prior to integrating cannabis into your health schedule.
How Cannabis Affects Anxiety
Anxiety is a sensation of stress, apprehension, and dread related to negative considerations about current and future occasions. It goes beyond the ordinary emotion toward unpleasant circumstances and could turn into a disorder wherein the condition becomes severe and incapacitating. You probably won't have the option to carry out your work or manage others, assuming you have anxiety.
Cannabis associates with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which keeps up with homeostasis in a few cycles, including memory, hunger, digestion, resistance reactions, and stress.
Nonetheless, it is important to note that high-THC cannabis in large quantities can exacerbate stress and anxiety, whereas CBD products can reduce stress and anxiety in high doses.
An excess of THC can cause you more damage than good. Rather than getting full-body unwinding, you'll have tense muscles and more space for your cerebrum to think, which will demolish anxiety and stress levels as well as cause you to feel very unsteady.
While utilizing cannabis strains for anxiety, ensure that you take them at the lowest dose conceivable.
Best Cannabis Strains for Stress and Anxiety
There are a huge number of various strains available; however, observe that these aren't all compelling for anxiety relief, decreasing stress levels, or alleviating depression.
We've listed the best weed strain and the accompanying strains that can assist you with treating anxiety and give you a soothing rest!
Granddaddy Purple
This indica-dominant strain, also known as GDP or Granddaddy Purp, is regarded as one of the most effective in terms of finishing mental excitement.
This hybrid of Big Bud and Purple Urkle won't ever expect you to do more research, particularly while you're managing chronic pain, stress, and anxiety. Having a higher THC proportion gives it better power with regards to anything that's overwhelming your brain.
Linalool, a quieting terpene, and camphene, a characteristic stress reliever, make the strain ideal for tending to nighttime stress or panic attacks.
ACDC is one of the greatest CBD strains around. ACDC has a 20:1 CBD-to-THC proportion, with CBD levels as high as 19%. This sativa-dominant cannabis strain is incredibly viable at reducing anxiety with practically zero psychoactivity because of its high proportion of CBD to THC.
Dominant terpenes in ACDC incorporate myrcene and beta-caryophyllene, both known for their anxiety-alleviating properties. The relieving gifts ACDC offers will convey unwinding and quieting impacts you've never experienced.
After consuming this earthy, skunky, and sweet strain, the impacts of the absolute most normal conditions like seizures, liquor abuse, severe pain, distress, and even disease can be mitigated.
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It doesn't seem like one, yet it really is a strain of the cannabis plant! The Headband is the lovechild of the popular OG Kush and Sour Diesel; from that by itself, you definitely know what's up.
This posterity of a power couple will give you the stimulating, euphoric, and elevating feeling you're searching for.
Known for effectively fighting high stress levels, the dependable impacts of this strain are known to intervene—even with specific symptoms and levels of inconvenience—by causing you to feel loose from your head down to your body.
Chocolate Chunk
This indica-dominant cannabis strain is an excellent choice for strains for anxiety disorders. Chocolate chunk is well known for its ability to reduce anxiety when consumed in small to moderate amounts.
With a THC content of 18% to 20% and a CBD of 1%, it will confer relief from stress, anxiety, worry, dread, and depression effectively.
A small amount makes an enormous difference with this powerful strain, which includes high convergences of carene and valencene, the two of which have calming impacts.
OG Kush
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OG Kush is a solid strain for those searching for stress relief. This strain creates an euphoric inclination and may assist with diminishing stress, anxiety, and depression. While using this strain, some users have reported relief from cerebral pains and headaches.
Numerous patients and recreational users decide to utilize this cannabis strain not just due to its upbringing and fame, but additionally as a result of how delightful, rich, and lavish the taste and smell are.
If you need "genuine" weed strains and you don't know which medical marijuana strain to go for, this cannabis strain will be the most ideal decision you can make.
Final Words
Weed can be a wellbeing wizard for some conditions, particularly for those managing anxiety. So, it might take a little trial and error to find the specific strain that works best for you. We generally suggest beginning with the most minimal portion, so you can feel open to evaluating another product.
While it is not a guaranteed cure, some people find it helpful in alleviating some of their symptoms. To experiment with cannabis strains, simply keep in mind any anxiety medications prescribed by your doctor.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
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I mostly write about Sephiroth and the different versions of him, but I can write for the other characters on this list too, case-by-case. 
Sephiroth (THE Crisis Cutie) I typically write C.C. Sephiroth (Pre-Nibelheim and Nibelheim Incident), OG Sephiroth (and Jenova!Sephiroth), 7R Sephiroth, Dissidia Sephiroth, EC Sephiroth, AC Sephiroth, and KH Sephiroth. That’s a lot of Sephiroths I know. They will be considered as separate characters in requests. Please note that different Sephiroths in requests are acceptable, so don’t be afraid to ask! 
C.C. Sephiroth (Pre-Nibelheim Sane/Fluffy) or 7R Sephiroth (Insane/Yandere) are often my defaults if there isn’t any Sephy specified in requests/prompts. Check the Masterlists for other Sephiroth-centered AUs.
Sephthoughts - a collection of random shitposts thoughts about Sephiroth
Sephology 101 - A basic course offered by Shinra University, focusing on the study of Sephiroth. (Academia AU and Analysis of everything about Sephiroth)
Fluffy Sephiroth tag for Pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth related stuff. 
Darlings FAQ for newcomers or those who might be confused. 
Aerith Gainsborough (THE Miracle Cutie)
Zack Fair
Angeal Hewley
Genesis Rhapsodos
Cloud Strife
Vincent Valentine
Tifa Lockhart
Rufus Shinra
Remnants of Sephiroth (Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo)
Other FF Characters (non FF7) will be written for occasionally and typically within the Dissidia AU, case-by-case.
If you are willing and able, I would greatly appreciate any donations on Ko-fi.  
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classmmorg · 2 years
Tukui client install
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Plugin allows for the creation of additional data text panels for ElvUI Plugin that provides 4 additional action bars to ElvUI. Plugin that provides additional user-requested tweaks and functionality to ElvUI.
Provides the core functionality that powers all the other additional addons and plugins.Īllows you to skin other addons to match the ElvUI appearance. Most plugins can be found in either the Twitch application or the Tukui Client. ElvUI can only be downloaded from or via the Tukui Client (Windows Only). Standalone ElvUI is not available in the Twitch application.
If you just want quick links to download ElvUI, we've listed them below.
Installation links and instructions on how to use the TukUI client, as well as Setup Tips for the Quick Installation process if you are brand-new to ElvUI.ĭozens of customization options including Action Bars, NamePlates, Tooltips, and Unit Frames. This guide covers numerous topics, too many to describe in a newspost, but here's a taste of what to expect. New Additions: Added options to invert the CastBar, AuraBars, and Power colors on UnitFrames status bars when in transparent mode as well as added custom backdrop options for these status bars.Check out the Comprehensive Guide to ElvUI! Version 11.12 Important Changes: ElvUI_Config has been renamed to ElvUI_OptionsUI. Which is the latest version of elvui config? In order to manually download ElvUI you can either click the “Download ElvUI ” button in the middle of the website, or click on “Addons” in the top navigation bar of the website, then click ElvUI and choose between “Download (Retail)” or “Download (Classic)” where retail means BfA / Shadowlands and classic means WoW: Classic. ElvUI is not a collection of multiple addons, like some people may believe.
What does elvui mean for World of Warcraft?Ībout ElvUI ElvUI is a full user interface replacement for World of Warcraft, which means it completely replaces the Blizzard default UI. This is a rather simple addon that adds a datatext for the Micro Menu (Character, Spellbook, Professions, etc). Relations This addon requires ElvUIin order to work. Is there an elvui addon for the micro menu? If you accidentally unbound it from the menu, then go to to the on foot tab, look for menu, and rebind it to the escape key. Then go to the setting you wish to bind the escape key to. You will be prompted to rebind it to a different key. How do I rebind my Esc key?Ĭlick where it says menu and lists the keybinding as escape. You can alter much more of the basic look and function of ElvUI than TukUI with no requirement whatsoever for. Is TukUI or ElvUI better?ĮlvUI offers more complex customization options than TukUI, with an /ec config menu that’s immediately far more in-depth than that of TukUI. though on the normal game interface which you can access to from pressing escape there is that option which is ticked for me. there isn’t an option for that on the elvui custom interface. elvui, unit frames, player frame, select health, and where it says health or something replace it with percent. How do you show health percentage on ElvUI?
Once on the website, you have two options to download and update your ElvUI.
Click the Game Menu button on your bars (you may need to disable any bar addons you have running if it’s being hidden)Īs you may have noticed, unlike other WoW addons ElvUI is not available on the known Twitch Client (Curseforge).
They are edits other people have made of ElvUI. All other addons, even with ElvUI in their name are from different authors.
Move them to the correct WoW folder: Either retail or classic -> Interface -> AddOns.Īvailability of ELVUI ElvUI is only available on, not on twitch curse anywhere else.
Open the extracted folders and check their capitalization -> ElvUI & ElvUI_OptionsUI.
Which is the latest version of elvui config?.
How do you download elvui addon for Wow?.
What does elvui mean for World of Warcraft?.
Is there an elvui addon for the micro menu?.
How do you show health percentage on ElvUI?.
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rootsanalysis · 2 years
The patient recruitment and retention services market is estimated to be worth USD 5.3 billion in 2030
A steadily increasing demand for participants in clinical research studies, coupled to the complexities associated with patient enrolment, have prompted drug / therapy developers to outsource this process to specialty service providers
 Roots Analysis  is pleased to announce the publication of its recent study, titled, “Patient Recruitment and Retention Services Marker, 2019-2030.”
 The report offers a comprehensive study of the current scenario and future potential of the players providing patient enrollment and retention services. The study features an in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of the various stakeholders in this domain. In addition to other elements, the study includes:
§  A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies offering patient recruitment and retention services.
§  An analysis of the most active regions (in terms of patient recruitment activity) engaged in this domain, featuring schematic world map representations that highlight key hubs across the globe.
§  An insightful 2X2 representation of the results of a competitiveness analysis of various service providers highlighting capable players in this domain, based on their respective capabilities.
§  Comprehensive profiles of patient recruitment and retention service providers (shortlisted on the basis of the number of services).
§  A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies offering patient recruitment and retention services, including information on over 10 types of patient outreach methods employed, types of services offered ([A] patient recruitment (including pre-screening and Institutional Review Board (IRB) / Ethics Committee (EC) submission), [B] patient retention (considering various strategies, such as the use of study-branded gifts, study-branded reminders, providing education and support materials, reimbursement programs, transportation programs, patient engagement web site, patient reconnect programs, mobile applications to track patient engagement and others) and [C] other associated services (including site identification and selection, study feasibility / protocol development, project management, clinical trial monitoring and other services), year of establishment, geographical location, and size of company.
§  An analysis of the partnerships that have been established in this domain, in the recent past
§  A review of emerging trends in the industry to overcome the challenges associated with patient recruitment and retention
§  A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of the current and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listed below)
§  Therapeutic Area
§  Oncology
§  Infectious Diseases
§  Cardiovascular Diseases
§  CNS Disorders
§  Respiratory Disorders
§  Metabolic Disorders
§  Others
 §  Steps in Patient Recruitment Process
§  Pre-screening
§  Screening
 §  Phase of Development
§  Phase I
§  Phase II
§  Phase III
§  Phase IV
 §  Key Geographical Region 
§  North America
§  Europe
§  Asia-Pacific
§  Rest of the world
 Transcripts of interviews held with the following senior level representatives of stakeholder companies
§  Simon Klaasen, Co-founder and Managing Director, Link2Trials 
§  Hagit Nof, Chief Operation Officer and Business Development Officer, nRollmed
§  Paul Ivsin, Managing Director, Seeker Health 
 Key companies covered in the report
§  Acurian    
§  BBK Worldwide
§  Bright Pharmaceuticals Services
§  ClinEdge
§  CSSi
§  CTM
§  Ignite Data
§  Integrated Clinical Trial Services
§  MMG
§  Pacific Groove
§  Polaris BioPharma Consulting
§  Topstone Research
§  TrialWire
§  Tudor Reilly Health
§  WCCT Global
 For more information please click on the following link:
 You may also be interested in the following titles:
1.     Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Pipeline Review, Developer Landscape and Competitive Insights, 2021-2030
2.     Squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Pipeline Review, Developer Landscape and Competitive Insights, 2021-2030
3.     Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): Pipeline Review, Developer Landscape and Competitive Insights, 2021-2030
 About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growing market research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights are driven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years of significant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growing business needs, get in touch at [email protected]
 Contact Information
Roots Analysis Private Limited
Ben Johnson
+1 (415) 800 3415
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