#echo x medic reader
knightprincess · 2 months
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) Part 23
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Words: 1.9K Warning: This one is a little heavy - mentions of depression, PTSD and Torture (Reconditioning) Pronouns Used: She/Her - (use of Y/N) Note: I am having trouble accessing the series masterlist. I will link it as soon as I can.
5 Months Later
(Y/N) wandered around her lab on Tantis, a depressed sigh escaping her as she continued her repetitive routine—one she hated as much as she did the empire. Snap should have been happy, even hopeful Omega had escaped the secret scientific base with Crosshair, but instead, she felt the opposite: terrified. The empire had discovered how valuable the young clone was and would hunt her down as if she were their prey. 
"We have a new subject for you," came a demanding voice from behind (Y/N), the voice of a female scientist. Snap hadn't bothered to learn her name, as she hadn't expected to be there for so long. The plan was to get as much information as possible within a four-week period, and then she'd be extracted. (Y/N) turned, nodding silently, before retrieving her datapad, if only to find out who the poor soul she had been charged with tormenting this time was. She preyed on the maker. It wasn't another clone she knew, a prayer that was quickly rejected as her heart sank the moment her saddened eyes found the identification number. CC-3636. 
"Wolffe," quickly whispered Snap, as her voice became trapped in her tightening throat and the familiar anxious feelings of the walls closing in around her and being trapped reared its head again. She'd hoped to see the Commander again, but not like this. She still hadn't forgiven herself for turning Tech into a Shadow, one of the many operatives at the empire's beck and call. She knew Wolffe wouldn't be as terrible, but it wouldn't be easier either. He was a friend, a brother to her, and now she was tasked with turning him into another of the empire's shadow assassins. 
(Y/N) soon left her quiet lab, and with dread clouding her mind, she headed toward the large round room reserved for the reconditioning she was to put all shadow operatives through. The torture room as she had unceremoniously labeled it. Ever since Omega and Crosshair had escaped, security had been far tighter; Mistress Nala Se had been locked away in a cell as punishment for her part in the breakout. Where as Emerie Carr had been promoted to head scientist of Project Necromancer. The base seemed colder and grew colder the more the empire strangled the wider galaxy. 
The moment Snap entered the rounded room, she was met with silence. Two TK Troopers stood guard over Wolffe as if he were a dangerous criminal; the Commander himself at least seemed peaceful. There was little doubt in (Y/N)'s mind that he'd been dosed with something before being transported to the secretive scientific base. 
"You may leave," spoke Snap, her voice cold and sharp as it cut through the silence and ricocheted off the durasteel walls. Both plastid-clad men seemed confused by her dismissal of them, sharing a glance before turning their attention back to her. 
"Negative, Ma'am," replied the taller of the two, shaking his head as if to convey the message quicker. "We have orders to stay for your safety. The clone is a dangerous insurgent," he uttered; the unnamed soldier had expected to see fear flash across (Y/N) features. Instead, her expression remained neutral, even more so as she buried the truth she knew. Wolffe wouldn't hurt her, although she'd admit she was terrified he was there. She questioned whether Tarkin had figured out where Wolffe's loyalty truly lay or if the commander had done something to earn the wrath of the empire. 
"That was not a request," replied (Y/N), her bottled-up anger and self-hatred slipping through ever so slightly. "If you wish to stand guard, then do so outside the room. Being within will only distract me from my work," she added, turning her attention back to the datapad as she walked over to the small office and storage area, retrieving the medical supplies needed to complete the first of many tasks. 
Wolffe seemed to regain consciousness as Snap went about the assessment. His sight blurry as he glanced around the room, but as it began to focus, the commander panicked, even more so upon becoming aware he was in an unknown place, a laboratory of some kind, restrained by the wrists, ankles, and several other areas, including his head. He'd been able to yell out to be let free of the restraint demand even when (Y/N) came into view, reaching to release the restraint around his head and loosening those around his torso and wrists. 
Although some relief had washed over his clouded mind, it was quickly overcome with concern. (Y/N) was before him now but far different than he'd observed her to be in the past. There was no warmth to her now; she had closed herself off completely as if to protect herself and what remained of her fractured heart. Her touch was still gentle but didn't have the same comfort as before. It was as if the empire had broken her down and molded what remained into something else. As they did with his slowly disappearing brothers.
"(Y/N)," whispered Wolffe, wanting to reach out to her but found it impossible with the restraints. "Snap," he called, thankful that she had turned her attention to him. She quickly moved to wipe away the stray tear running down her cheek as if rubbing away any sign of weakness the empire could exploit. But despite her best efforts, she couldn't suppress her true self when someone called her by the affectionate nickname. 
"They want to repurpose you," whispered (Y/N), a ragged sigh escaping her as she tried to recompose herself long enough to explain what she was tasked with doing. "I'm supposed to recondition you and ensure you're loyal to the empire. You'll become a shadow like Tech and Cody," she added, unsure how to feel when Wolffe had understood so quickly what that meant, what he'd be put through to achieve the goal. 
"Were they successful?" questioned Wolffe, digging for even the littlest shred of hope. (Y/N) only nodded, Cody had been one of the first she'd succeeded with, he stopped fighting after she took over from Rampart. Tech had been successful, too, although his deviant nature had yielded some interesting results and a slither of hope. "Remember Wabani?" asked the commander, resigning himself to the fate ahead. He would have fought tooth and nail to escape if it were anyone else. He would have made things as difficult as possible. Snap was different. Only now did it truly resonate with Wolffe the meaning behind Gregor's words. Snap was the weapon the empire had against the clones. 
"Forgive me," voiced Snap, gently squeezing his hand before the interrogation droid floated closer. Just like with Cody and Tech, she intended to botch the reconditioning, if only so it could be reversed. However, it didn't bring her any comfort, knowing each of them would remember the torture, the agonizing pain, and the scary after-effects of it all. Like Crosshair did, although (Y/N) wondered if the sniper had realized he was the key to finding the secret scientific base. 
The reconditioning had only partially worked on Crosshair; his deviant and defiant nature had prevented most of it from sticking. Although the torture had left its mark, the nerve damage was a constant reminder, as were the flashbacks and nightmares. Upon realizing nothing wouldn't permanently stick with the sniper, Snap had taken a leap of faith, implanting a small microchip with the information she'd recovered and the coordinates of the base. Crosshair had everything, even if unknowingly. Even if she were caught, her mission would succeed the moment those fighting against the empire recovered the information. 
"Mistress," voiced CX-2 from beneath his helmet, his voice mechanical and unrecognizable via it. With his return, Snap knew he had successfully retrieved Omega. The civvi medic knew why he'd come to her. All Shadow troopers knew to find her upon return to undergo a medical evaluation. 
"Are the others okay?" questioned Snap, adverting her eyes away from Wolffe's torture. His screams and howls of pain would haunt her, just like the others before had. CX-2 could only nod, moving to block her view of the interrogation droid and Wolffe helplessly strapped down to the operating table. As if shades of his old self shone through, the shadow operative reached for her datapad, turned off the droid with little hesitation, and completed the actions that Snap was paralyzed to do. 
Carefully, he nudged her to the small lift, the round observation tower servicing as her medical bay for all the Shadow Operatives. Upon perching on the end of the examination table, he removed the black helmet, placing it at his side, his vision turning blurry now, only outlines of objects and shadows moving across the room. (Y/N)'s presence being the clearest thing there. 
"Your injuries are almost healed," spoke Snap, her voice calmer now as her gentle hand traced the scars scattering his face and neck. "Is there any pain? Your eye, neck, or cybernetics?" she asked, detecting Tech's inner struggle. His deviant nature had prevented the reconditioning from permanently sticking but had resulted in what was equal to two worlds colliding within his head, essentially doubling his suffering and pain. "The migraines, are they any better?" 
"Anyone else would have deemed me a lost cause," Tech commented in response, focusing his blurred vision on her. His miss-matched eyes were similar to Wolffe's now. One is golden brown, and the other is a cold, clouded silver. "There is little you can do to fix my vision, Cyare. My goggles shattered the way they did, and the shards from the train did more damage than I care to admit." 
"And I did further damage with the reconditioning," replied (Y/N), stepping back in an attempt to regain her slipping composure. She'd reached her limit weeks ago but forced all her feelings into a little box and buried them at the back of her mind to try and fix those she was forced to break. She did this to pull off a facade of confidence and hide the true terrified little girl she truly was inside. 
"CX-2," called Hemlock the moment he entered the tinted room. As per usual, he had a calm and reserved aura about him, yet his eyes glistered with anger, even malice—an unusual sight, to say the least. "Take her into custody. Ensure she's properly secured in a cell," he ordered, ignoring the confusion and fear appearing across Snap's features. Instead, Hemlock's attention turned to Wolffe, helplessly strapped to a table, in and out of consciousness as he tried to order his scrambled thoughts and senses. The recent call with Tarkin only proved to shake Hemlock's trust in those around him, even more so if the admiral's theory was correct. (Y/N) was working with the tormented commander and against the empire. 
"It's only until my investigation is complete. Admiral Tarkin brought a concerning theory to my attention," reported Hemlock, cluing the civvi medic in and alerting her to her dire situation, even more so when it dawned on her that her time for escape and rescue had passed. The only way she was likely to leave the facility was if the empire wanted her to. 
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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webslinger-holland · 3 months
Boys Will Be Boys | Hunter or Crosshair from The Bad Batch
Summary: In which the team's medic always finds herself patching up Hunter and Crosshair after one of their 'disagreements.'
Warning: language, mentions of rough fighting and severe injuries (inflicted by one another), bruised bones and knife wound, mention of stitches and needles, slight blood, and quarreling brothers
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Medic or Crosshair x Fem!Reader Medic
Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 2.8k
Note: Fully inspired by Echo's line of dialogue shown below
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For the first time in a long time, the Marauder was nearly empty and entirely quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the soft humming coming from the team's medic who'd chosen to stay behind on one of the missions. You made sure to keep yourself busy, opting to organize a few bins of medical supplies on the nearby shelf.
The peace and quiet had suddenly broken when the familiar sound of Wrecker's booming voice called from the outside of the ship. You didn't really think anything of it at first because Wrecker naturally had a loud voice. But what you didn't realize was that he was calling for you.
The chaotic mess that accompanied them began to trail into the entrance of the ship. Their loud footsteps and intermixing voices filled the space, calling for you once again. And this time, you heard them more clearly.
Rounding the corner of the cockpit, your gaze immediately fell on the horrific sight in front of you. You gasped a little louder than anticipated, hands flying up to cover your mouth.
Currently, Wrecker had one of his bulky arms underneath Hunter's arm to support his weight and help him into the ship. The sergeant was barely able to stand on his own two feet and was clutching the side of his abdomen, wincing at each movement due to the severe pain. His bottom lip was also cut and bleeding slightly.
Behind them, Tech was doing the exact same thing only with Crosshair beside him. Now Crosshair didn't look any better. He walked with a limp and he had a black eye on the right side of his face which was only growing deeper in color with each passing second.
Both Wrecker and Tech were careful to escort the other two into the cockpit. They helped them onto the medical table, double checking to make sure they were settled before beginning to help them strip away the parts of their armor. They meticulously took off each piece with great care so that they wouldn't cause further pain.
Once they were finished putting the spare armor pieces to the side, Wrecker and Tech went to step away and silently joined Echo in the background. The two of them sat in only their blacks. You hurried to stand in front of them, taking a brief second to take in what was in front of you.
"W--What the hell happened to you two?" You demanded an explanation because you had honestly never seen them in a worse state. The two of them kept their eyes closed as they continued to writhe in pain.
"Nothing," Hunter grunted out while still clutching his side. He keened forward in his place in hopes of easing his discomfort.
"We knew what we were doing," Crosshair added. He was panting slightly as if trying to catch his breath. You glanced between the two of them with furrowed eyebrows.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You wondered. You were curious if they were keeping something from you as their vague answers did not satisfy you.
"Ask him," Crosshair hissed. He seemed to glare at his older brother through the corner of his eyes.
"Can we not talk about this right now?" Hunter pleaded. The pain was becoming almost too unbearable for him. He withdrew his hand from his side only to show that his hand was caked in his own blood.
"I'm not doing anything until one of you tells me what the hell happened," you reminded them. Waiting for an answer, you crossed your arms over your chest and glanced between the two of them. Neither of them wanted to look directly at you.
Hesitantly, Hunter lifted his head and looked at his brother sitting right beside him. He breathed steadily to himself to maintain his composure. He desperately needed some medical assistance, but he knew how stubborn you were. So he needed to come up with something.
"M-Mercenaries," Hunter spoke through gritted teeth.
"Mercenaries? Really? " You repeated with a cocked eyebrow. He nodded his head. "You need to work on your lying skills."
"I'm telling the truth," Hunter reassured her. He made a point to hold your gaze, but you still didn't believe him.
"Tech?" You called from over your shoulder without looking away.
"They were otherwise occupied in one of their fights," Tech replied without hesitation and without looking up from his data pad.
"Again?!?" You spoke with such shock that it caused both of them to wince at your words.
"Look," Hunter began. "We didn't really mean to take it as far as we did--"
"Bullshit," you interrupted him. You gestured to his side that he still clutched to help with the bleeding. "He stabbed you for crying out loud!"
"He was really asking for it," Crosshair commented. His eyes still flashed with anger. "And he started it anyways."
"I don't want to hear it," your voice rose a little louder to speak over him. You raised a hand to stop them. "This is the fourth fight you've gotten into this month. And I am here wasting precious materials to fix and bandage you both up each time. It's getting ridiculous!"
"We're sorry," Hunter spoke timidly.
"Don't tell me you're sorry. Tell each other you are sorry."
Neither of them were willing to do this which just proved how narrow-minded and stubborn headed they were towards each other.
Quickly turning away from them, you hurried towards the neatly organized shelf of medical supplies. You reached for various materials, stuffing what you could carry into the contents of your arms. Returning to the medical bench, you laid out the tools to view and inspect clearly.
Using your own data pad, you quickly took a thorough scan of the both of them to survey the extent of their injuries. While Hunter had sustained a knife wound to the left side of his abdomen, it had thankfully not pieced anything important. His knuckles were incredibly brushed and bloody. His lip was cut roughly. He'd definitely feel sore in the morning from taking such a harsh beating.
On the other hand, Crosshair managed to sprain his ankle during his tumble with his brother. He had two bruised ribs which he was lucky they didn't break. And he sported a nasty black eye right over his tattoo.
You quickly assessed that you'd need to help the sergeant first given that he had a knife wound and was still bleeding slightly. You handed the sniper an ice pack for his eye to temporarily ease the pain before you directed all of your attention to the other brother. You gingerly stepped forward to stand between his legs, reaching forward to grasp the edge of his top.
You made sure to help him out of the top of his blacks carefully, being extra mindful of the wound on his left side. He winced slightly as the material bunched around his shoulder. With great discomfort, Hunter managed to raise his arm in order to slide and remove the rest of his top from his arms. He discarded the piece of material onto the floor without a care in the world.
Now Hunter was sitting shirtless on the medical bench. His hand returned to the spot on the side of his abdomen, which was caked in his dried blood and still oozing with fresh blood under his fingertips. Taking the bottle of alcohol disinfectant, you doused a cloth in the clear liquid. You needed to clean the wound before you'd be able to stitch it up.
"This might sting a little," you spoke honestly.
With some hesitation, Hunter removed his hand from his side to allow you space to work. You carefully brought the wet cloth to his bleeding slide, pressing it into the gaping skin. As if on cue, Hunter practically lurched forward in his place. He gripped the edge of the table so tightly that his knuckles started to bleed again. His eyes squeezed shut to block out the pain.
"Sorry," you added because you hated seeing him in pain.
You went to wipe away some of the remaining blood around the wound and cleaned the skin thoroughly. Tossing the bloody cloth onto the table, you went to retrieve a needle and thread so you'd be able to sow it shut right afterwards. You threaded the string through the eye of the needle, leaning forward slightly to begin stitching his skin back together.
This wasn't the first time you'd given any of them stitches since they had many wounds inflicted to them over the years. However, this one could have easily been prevented if Hunter and Crosshair hadn't gotten into their little fight. You worked swiftly and steadily with the needle.
"What was it this time?" You asked out of pure curiosity and you could have sworn that the sergeant tensed under your touch. The two of them glanced at one another as if trying to secretly trying to relay something.
"Like he said: it was nothing." Crosshair spoke for the both of them. He drew his gaze away from his older brother. He recalled the conversation leading up to their fight, but it only made him angrier in the moment.
"Tech?" You repeated without looking away from your work.
"They were fighting over you this time," Tech replied without missing a beat. You raised your eyebrows in slight surprise at this confession, but your thoughts were quickly interrupted.
"Such a fucking tattletale," Crosshair scoffed. He sent his twin a deadly glare, but Tech didn't even seem to notice. He was too absorbed in the contents of his data pad. "He's always been like this," Crosshair said to his brother beside him.
"Yeah, I know. I was always there," Hunter grunted as the needle threaded through his tatted skin once again.
"At least I wasn't a biter as a cadet," Tech shot back. That was when he decided to lift his head so that he could look directly into his brother's narrowed eyes.
"You did bite a lot of people, Crosshair." Wrecker released a hefty laugh. He arms crossed over the length of his chest. He smiled at the fond memories of them as little cadets. "The regs especially."
"Just leave already," Crosshair growled at them.
Not wanting to anger him any longer, the other three members filed out of the cockpit and retreated back into their bunks for the night. They sealed the cockpit door behind them.
"Going back to this fight..." your voice seemed to betray you and trailed off into nothing. You glanced between the two of them as if searching for some kind of answer. "You were fighting over me?"
A quick tie of the thread and a cut with scissors meant your work was done for stitching. Neither of them seemed to say anything as you retrieved some more gauze from the side. You took one of the sergeant's big hands into your own, turning it over to begin wrapping his cut knuckles.
"Yeah," Hunter breathed steadily. He didn't even realize what he confessed to at first, but it was much too late now. "We were."
His eyes were transfixed on the way your fingers moved so delicately against his own. His breath had since caught in the back of his throat. He no longer felt the severe pain coursing through his side. You always managed to make him feel better and it wasn't just your medical skills that did the trick.
For the longest time, Hunter had been utterly fascinated by you. It went far beyond your medical knowledge and expertise in the field. You were known to be an honest and genuine person; someone who every member of his squad had grown to love and respect. You were a gentle-hearted soul which brought a newfound warm light to the otherwise hardcore company of brothers.
Slowly, Hunter watched the way you raised your head to look at him through your lashes. You had just finished wrapping his knuckles, gently laying them back down in his lap. He could feel your breath fanning against his face as you stood right between his legs. He briefly glanced down at your lips. And he wanted nothing more than to capture them in his own. But he knew better than to do something so careless.
You missed the quick glance he casted to your lips, but your eyes were fixed on his cut. You really couldn't do anything about the cut on his lip; it would heal in its own time. He silently thanked you with his gaze alone. And now your attention went to his younger brother sitting beside him.
"Why were you fighting over me?" You asked them with a hint of genuine concern behind your facial expression. You wondered if you'd be able to get a response out of the sniper now that all your attention was directed to him.
"We...we share...a common interest," Crosshair confessed honestly. He would have never said if the rest of his brothers were present, but there was just something about the way you looked up at him that made him cave.
Kneeling down onto the ground, you were able to hoist his bad leg onto your lap. You began to wrap his ankle carefully because you didn't want to cause him anymore pain than he was already in. You looped the stream of gauze around the backside of his ankle, bringing it back over the side and to the front. You briefly glanced up at him.
"In me?" You wanted clarification.
Both Hunter and Crosshair silently nodded their heads in response.
Avoiding their gaze, you went back to tying the knot on the wrapped ankle in your lap. You rose to your feet in a slow manner. You reached for the end of the sniper's top, carefully helping him remove it until he too was shirtless like his brother.
You had seen them shirtless countless times before and you always managed to remain medically professional. But there was something different about them now. This newfound revelation made you look at them in a slightly different light. The mere sight of their bare chests had your breath catching in the back of your throat. You knew if you weren't careful in regulating your breathing, Hunter was going to catch on sooner than later. Hell, he might have already caught on at this point.
You began to wrap a supportive brace around Crosshair's torso of bruised ribs, knowing that they'd need the extra support to help heal over the next couple days. You made sure not to make it too tight or too loose, watching for any discomfort behind his eyes. But you never saw any.
Now, having finished tending to their various injuries, you took a single step backwards and stood timidly in their presence. You still weren't able to look either of them in the eyes. When you realized how long you'd been silent and that they were waiting for some type of response from you, you tried to find the right words to express yourself.
"This is unexpected," you spoke softly. You just couldn't believe that two brothers had gotten into a quarrel over you. It went so far that one of them got stabbed this time around.
Had they fought over your before this? What were they fighting over specifically? Who else knew about this? And what else were they willing to do for you?
"You don't have to do anything with this information," Hunter wanted to reassure you. "And I hope this doesn't make things weird between us."
"It doesn't," you confessed with a small shake of the head. The corners of your lips twitched into a smile. "I'm certainly flattered...and honestly at a loss for words right now. I'm not really sure how to feel."
"You can have all the time in the world to think about how you feel," Hunter replied. He didn't have any expectations of where he wanted this to go for him, but he did want you to be comfortable around them. And you were going to need time to do that now that they had confessed to you.
"I'll...see you both around," you mentioned rather awkwardly.
Taking another step backwards to dismiss yourself from their presence, you wanted to get out of the cockpit before they could see the evident blush creeping onto your cheeks. You sent them a small wave and slipped out of the cockpit before they could say anything else to you.
Just as the door closed, Hunter and Crosshair seemed to breath a small sigh of relief. Their gazes were now directed to the solid steel floor underneath them, thinking about the confession and conversation that had just transpired.
"Well, that's out of the bag now." Crosshair spoke up first.
"Give her some time. I'm sure it's a lot for her to process. She'll come around," Hunter shrugged his shoulders.
"When she does come around, I hope you won't be too heartbroken with her choice." Crosshair taunted him. A sly smirk curved near the corner of his lip, knowing the mere power of his words and how they always managed to irritate his older brother. A deadly glare was sent his way in response.
Crosshair knew just the right thing to say to get under his brother's skin and if he wasn't careful, Hunter was bound to start another quarrel with him. But that's just something brothers do.
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toska-writes · 1 year
“Sleeping/Cuddling Clone Headcannons”
Clones x GN padawan reader
(I guess it could be read in a different way butttt I wrote it with the intention of reader being younger)
Enjoy this because I couldn’t sleep last night!
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• He would definitely be the one everyone goes to for a post mission cuddle
• I mean can you blame them? How could you not feel safe in his arms??
• Rex is 100% the one that would trace small patterns over your arms or back to help you both sleep
• He sleeps wherever as long as you stayed asleep and were comfortable- losing feeling in his arm? That doesn’t matter
• His arm is like a weighted blanket around anyone that he shares a bunk with, it doesn’t matter who it is he has to be holding them tightly
• I think Cody is the type to wrap his entire being and soul around whoever he’s sleeping with
• He just gets so close and it’s not even his fault because he’s asleep
• Would be the person to nuzzle his head in the crook of your neck, and vise versa
• Definitely the big spoon but occasionally will switch
• If you are in the same bunk as Cody I think you would start off barely touching but by morning it would be like you were stuck together.
• Fives is a complete starfish in his bunk and will take up as much room as he can
• However of course if you do ask to bunk with him he would definitely move over, but don’t be surprised if a leg or arm invades your space in the middle of the night
• If you struggle with falling asleep or nightmares I think he would be a verbal comforter and would whisper things in the dark
• His head would probably rest somewhere on your stomach or on your back
• He honestly loves when there is someone else in his bunk with him and can’t remember the last time there wasn’t
• Sleeps on his back like he was trained too
• You would just show up one night a snuggle right into his side melting into his stiff shape
• Over the course of a few minutes, whether he his conscious or not he will turn more and more ‘out of regulation’ until he has you in his hold
• He definitely holds you so that his chin can rest perfectly on the top of your head
• He practically radiates heat and it feels so nice on cold campaigns
• After joining the bad batch you found that’s it’s much better for the both of you if you just sleep in each others embrace
• Snores like an absolute freight train
• He use to be a very heavy sleeper but after the events of Umbara Hardcase feels a lot better if your in his bunk too
•He will absolutely be the big spoon and will put his head on your shoulder and by your neck
• Ok but just imagine Hardcase’s bed full of stuff animals- if that’s not the cutest thing then idk what is
• they are all named and he would definitely give you one to cuddle with along with him
• Loves when you trace over his tattoos, it puts him right to sleep
• Kix doesn’t get enough sleep as is, but using the excuse that if he lays with you you’ll go to sleep too
• You can practically feel how exhausted he his with his tense muscles when he lays down
• In this case he is definitely the little spoon. With everything this he deals with being a medic it’s the least he deserves
• You love making up funny stories to try and soothe each other as you both lay there together
• Kix definitely sleeps with some sort of white noise to try and drown his racing thoughts
• He would protest a little bit saying that he likes his personal space, but my boy is so touched deprived and will think that this is the highest form of trust
• It’s like sleeping with a warm weighted blanket
• Wolffe would be that person that wouldn’t really fall asleep until he knew you were alright
• He would definitely be a head scratcher because of all the times that Plo Koon has done it for him
• Wolffe wouldn’t tell anyone really if his padawan stayed in his bunk or not but everyone could definitely tell by his attitude and that there are no bags under either of your eyes
• 100% the small spoon. I will fight you on this one don’t try me, I believe this with my whole heart
• Just to be held like that He would pass away
• Following the same theme I think he would grumble about it and not really want to give up some space in HIS bed to you
• He completely melts into your touch and will find a way to get closer and closer to you
• Fox would definitely sleep in the fetal position
• I think he would be one of those people that wouldn’t get nightmares if someone held him tight enough and I stand by that
There will be a part 2 to this with the bad batch and others!
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @pb-jellybeans @padawancat97 @floffytofu
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All of the fics from the Clone xReader Gift Exchange are up! If you missed some of the amazing fics written for this event, here is a list of them!! They are organized by character and are in alphabetical order by title. 
If you liked a story, consider reblogging it! Reblogs are a great way to show appreciation for an author’s work. reblogs to signal boost this list are greatly appreciated as well.
NSFW fics are strictly 18+ and are marked as such. 
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Across the Stars by @wanderer-six (NSFW)
Somewhere to Start by @cioneo
The Way You Look Tonight by @miseries-mistress
Untitled by @mayonnaisepudding
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Always by @writing-positivelyexisting
i told you not to follow me by @burningfieldof-clover
Sunshine by @moonlight-sonata99
Untitled by @techs-ass
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don’t you know by @221bshrlocked (NSFW)
enough for you by @miaowshacat
Heart Made of Flesh by @dragonrider9905
Just in Time by @pizza-writes
Meeting the Family by @haven-is-happy
Not Just For Show by @ghostofskywalker
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By Your Side Tonight by @toomanybandstocare
Challenge Accepted by @of-stardust-and-dreams
Open Your Eyes by @tecker
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Crescendo by @wizardofrozz
Insidious Visions by @agenteliix
Let the Sun In by @exxasperatedauthor
The Escape by @chicknstripz
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A Match Made in a Classroom by @melliejellybellybean
Begonias by @diviluscorner
Bleed For Love by anonymous (hosted on @staycalmandhugaclone)
Don't Be Afraid by @echos-girlfriend
Growing Into Love by @ladysongmaster
Jealous by @knightprincess
Personal Tastes by @l-lend
The Force Works in Mysterious Ways by @staycalmandhugaclone (NSFW)
Yours & Mine by @embeanwrites
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Falling For You by @masterjedilenawrites
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Born For This by @arctrooper69
Lucky by @snippy-tano
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i remember... by @221bshrlocked (NSFW)
Into the Forest I Go by @fives-lover
it's always been you by @obixwan
It's Gonna be Fine? by @loving-the-cambridges
Just This Once, Everybody Lives by @l-lend
Precious Soul by @wizardmando
Slowly But Surely by @ghostofskywalker
This New Reality by @angelltheninth
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Circumstance by @captainpains
Jogan Rolls For Two by @theunderscorekinginyellow (NSFW)
Logical by @photogirl894
Pretty Boy by @manofworm
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Don't Let Me Go by @rainydaydream-gal18
Fine Line by @homie-one-kenobi
Pack Mentality by @corona-one
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I Like You a Lot by @imarvelatthestars
476 notes · View notes
kometqh · 21 days
Captain Rex X F!Reader You aren't special. You don't have any form of magical connection to the force. So why then, are you constantly plagued by vision-like nightmares straight from the pits of Mustafar? Word Count: 4,632 Warnings: Minor swearing, minor cut to thumb, concussion, horror, mention of character death, feelings. A/N: This took so long to write when I have to spend my evenings stressing at work T_T but its here and its out, even tho no one asked for it lol. I'm quite happy with this one, it's a mix of a few different genres (?) and I'm happy with how it came out <33 hopefully whoever reads it will enjoy it just as much <33
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Pure, blinding light ignited the hallways in a sterile white glow until you could almost taste the smell of disinfectant on the tip of your tongue. Distant whirring and humming of machinery filled the inside of the building, drowning out the raging storm outside. You had no kriffing clue where you were.
In a flash, the lights blacked out, one by one, until the hallway was swallowed in a momentary darkness. Your eyesight had a hard time adjusting, as the power promptly came back on, and once again you were blindsided.
Although the hallways were barren of any life, your gut churned. Anything and anyone could be lurking about, deep in the shadows where no artificial light could reach. Just like in the deep ocean, creatures lurked. They peered from below, anticipating the right moment where they could strike. Like an innocent, disoriented animal, maybe you were being carefully observed by some predator of a higher strength and intelligence. Maybe they were watching through a camera or watching you from behind the glass.
As thunder roared wildly, a loud creak travelled through the walls, all the lights in the room flickering out with a crackle.
You waited a moment, observing the ceiling expectantly. A small spark crackled from one lamp. But nothing. The power was dead.
Your gaze moved to watch the glass, the waves crashing against it with a vile ferocity, blanketing the facility you found yourself in, in further, deeper darkness. Droplets of water hung onto the glass, racing downwards with the pull of gravity, similarly to bleeding paint on a canvas.
Your body was stuck in a state of distress, and you wondered how you even got to this place. The last thing you remembered was laying in your cozy, warm, queen-sized bed, enjoying the absurdity of some comedy-based holofilm.
The last thing you expected was to find yourself standing in an unknown, bleach-scented, derelict, straight-out-of-a-horror hallway.
As the waves continued to claw at the windows, a shiver ran down your spine. A sudden coldness enveloped you, icy shadows embracing your body.
Anything could be lurking within the darkness, waiting, inching closer, anticipating.
As your vision adjusted to the darkness, you noticed something.
Your reflection moved, but you didn’t.
You blinked furiously, leaning forward and hoping that if you squinted hard enough, your eyesight would adapt to the darkness faster. Your arms wrapped around yourself, providing some warmth amidst the freezing air of the facility.
You could almost feel frost settling in your lungs.
For a split second, you wondered if this is what it felt like. If sheer cold and anxiety embraced one moments before death.
Something moved. Again.
A flash of clarity struck through you. This had to be a really, really shitty dream, you realised.
There was no possible explanation other than this being a nightmare. An overly, awfully vivid nightmare.
But there was a dull ache crackling in your fingertips, and it settled deep within your knuckles and bones as you tightened your grip on your arms, on something.
Something cold. Something hard. Something almost… Metallic.
Your subconscious seemed to clock the nature of the object before your conscious mind could.
You grazed your thumb across the object, feeling for that familiar ridge. You counted six, perfectly equal elevations. Your thumb trailed higher, feeling for the gradual thinning out of the instrument. Until the pain registered in your mind, and a warm sensation enveloped the delicate pad of your thumb in a pooling droplet of blood.
A… Scalpel.
Bile teased at your throat, burning and scratching its’ way up, yearning to see the surface. You quickly averted your gaze, the tool dropping to the floor with a hollow clank.
This felt too real to just be another shitty nightmare.
As you glanced into the window again, you caught a glimpse of a shift in the shadows. It was slight, so subtle you were convinced it was just your imagination playing up again.
Suddenly, you felt movement.
At first, it felt like a shiver on a cool spring morning. Almost as though it was nothing to fret over, something you could insist would pass. But then you felt the unmistakable sting of sharp claws digging into your waist, and the panic settled in. You weren’t alone.
Foreign limbs strangled around your body, suppressing your chortled scream with a hand, pulling you deep into the shadows of the facility. Your vision was slowly blocked, until you could only see a fine line ahead of you.
Your hands clawed at the thin air before you, begging to latch to any foreign surface that could save you from the darkness, and pull you back into the light.
Thunder roared and lightning cracked, igniting the room in a blinding white glow for a split moment, your screams suppressed as your eyes landed on the reflection in the glass.
Your arms fell limply to your sides, the veins in your sclera’s a stressed, bulging red.
A body.
Your eyes fluttered open in a hurry. Your lips were gaping in a silent scream, beads of sweat trickling down the side of your temple. Blood pulsed loudly in your head, almost hurting as you brushed the sweat away.
An involuntary, guttural groan escaped your chest as you crawled backwards in your bed, your hand frantically searching behind you for your bedside light as your gaze never strayed from the space before you.
Whatever that thing was, it was following you. It could be anywhere. It could be hiding in plain sight, and you wouldn’t know it until the lights were on-
The familiar click and the spread of a warm amber glow illuminating your room eased your senses, your fingers lingering on the switch. It took a moment to register what just happened.
You were safe. There was no creature. There was no body.
You took in a deep, shaky breath and hid your face away into the safety of your palms.
It was that dream, again.
Ever since you left med school on Coruscant, your mind has been plagued by these nightmares. Each time they increased in their intensity, in their detail, in their vividness.
Your heart rattled against your ribcage, and your mind raced at thousand miles per hour.
What the fuck…?
This couldn’t be normal, you thought as you slowly settled, your body drenched in cold sweat. Those weren’t just silly images conjured up by your mind.
There was something else at play.
You shook your head as you leaned back against the headboard, looking down at your palms. Shadows hung over them, deepening the scars and creases.
Those nightmares… They meant something.
You weren’t quite sure what they meant, yet, but you were determined.
You’d find out, someday.
But for now, you needed to catch some Z’s, after all, tomorrow was your first assignment.
Blaster fire and pained howls of men coddled your brain like a swarm of wasps.
You couldn’t catch a break. It was constant analysing, bandaging and praying as one soldier after the other were hit with plasma bullets, their agonised screams and cracking of bones and barely contained groans playing in a loop like a broken record.
Heat from explosions blew charred smoke in your face, drenching your skin in more sweat with each passing second. Your hands were painted with ash and dried dirt. No amount of disinfectant was adequate enough to sanitise at a faster rate than the one of injured men coming to you.
You were more of a surgeon than a field medic, but a shortage of medical staff in an already politically unstable Republic was not something you could fight against. You had no choice.
Sure, the GAR could afford to train their own medical personnel, or even better, invest in droids, but the hostility between its soldiers and the mech wasn’t something that could be easily treated.
Either way, you were a surgeon stuck amidst a raging invasion and piling injuries and corpses.
“What’s your name soldier?” You asked as you scanned him over, brows furrowed, lips narrowed into a tight line. At this rate you were simply following a script, offering a false sense of comfort to the injured.
“R- Rex. The name’s Rex.” He coughed out, groaning as you gripped his shoulder. Or well, his pauldron. The metal beneath had been grazed with a bullet, cracking under the initial impact.
“Rex?” You mused, testing it out before removing his armour to quickly assess his shoulder for any injuries. Your fingers quickly found your scissors and got to work in cutting some of the black undershirt he wore. “That’s a pretty name, for a pretty soldier.” You joked, sending him a quick wink and your prettiest smile.
You gave him no chance to reply as you moved the piece of fabric, your eyes quickly analysing the extent of the damage.
The armour did absorb most of the impact, though it didn’t prevent him from coming out completely unscathed. There was visible swelling, his otherwise tan skin becoming discoloured where most of the impact had been taken, and tiny, raging, red vessels were swimming aggressively in the bruises. You had seen similar injuries before. This would be a piece of cake.
Something felt off, though.
Something about his demeanour. You weren’t sure what specifically, just yet, but he was brimming with confidence, with experience.
“This’ll need to be checked over later, but a bacta patch will do just fine.” You slapped a patch over the bruising, before placing his armour back into place. “See me after the battle, soldier.”
A smirk tugged at his lips as he thanked you, checking his armour was in place.
“That’s Captain for you, doctor.” He threw over his shoulder as he placed his helmet on, his voice quickly turning robotic under the modulator.
Recognition flashed in your eyes as you scanned him over, spotting the navy blue kama, the markings on his helmet, the pauldron that sat proudly atop his shoulder. He was the Captain Rex. Right hand of your new General, Anakin Skywalker. How could you not have realised the moment he spoke his name?
“Kriff.” You hissed out as another explosion erupted, shielding your face. The captain glanced back at you, and without missing a step he hauled you up.
“Come with me. It’s not safe out here.”
The two of you ran, narrowly dodging bullets as Rex manhandled your body out of the way, expertly aiming for the droids’ weak spots. He had done this a thousand times and would do it a thousand times more.
The doorway was just a couple more metres, the clear glass reflecting the colour of plasma bolts and fires. But as always, your luck seemed to run out at unexpected moments, as a droideka pulled up in front of the two of you. Rex pushed you behind him, shielding you away from the mech. It wasted no time in raising its’ shield, had its guns drawn before you could even blink. But Rex wasn’t the Captain of the 501st for no reason.
The droid was blown up almost in slow-motion. From the rolling of the grenade to its downward look as it pierced through the shield. A yelp left your lips as Rex turned, bringing you into a protective embrace as the two of you were flung backwards.
Air escaped your lungs as if you were a deflated balloon, your body feeling hollow as you struggled to breathe. Unexpectedly, the air returned, and you found yourself gasping.
Intense pain bloomed in the back of your head, spreading through your body like a shockwave. Your eyes felt as though they were about to pop out, a heavy ache resting in your skull.
Something was ringing in your ears. All sounds were muffled as you slowly lifted your head. The Captain’s figure was blurry as he leaned over you, his helmet moving slowly, animatedly, his voice drowned.
Were you underwater?
His gloved hand lifted to your cheek, giving it two light taps.
And then, everything rushed in all at once. The sound of blaster fire, the screams, the metallic stomping of droids, the Captain’s voice.
“Talk to me, doc. We gotta get going if we don’t wanna get blasted.” He said quickly, taking your wincing as a response as he hoisted you up, draping your arm over his shoulder. His touch was warm and firm, it enveloped you like a warm blanket.
Confusion overtook you as Rex placed you down against a wall before he took his helmet off.
Your vision was blurred, spinning. But his voice acted as your guide through the blurriness.
“Doc, how many fingers am I holding up?” He asked, raising his hand up.
Squinting, you looked him over. The explosions outside seemed to quieten down as you looked from his hand up to his eyes. In your hazed state, you were stunned to silence. You never knew clones had such beautiful eyes.
They brought a sense of calm amongst the raging battle around you. You leaned closer, so close you could feel his breath fanning over the tip of your nose. Something sparkled in his eyes; and it drew you in like a bee to honey.
His irises were a perfect mirage of the golden dunes of Tattooine, coated in the amber glow of the setting suns.
His voice, coarse like sands of arid deserts, soothed your mind back to the present, back to his question.
“T- Two?” You asked hazily, rubbing your forehead. The confusion was slowly easing, only to be replaced by a stinging sensation. A hiss escaped through your teeth as you touched the spot, retreating your hand to observe your bloodied fingers.
“S- Stitches…”
“What was that?” Rex asked, rummaging through your backpack.
“S- Stitches… I’ll need stitches.” You huffed out, letting him handle you however he pleased. He was gentle as he pressed a cloth against the back of your head, his breath fanning over the tip of your nose.
“Stitches… That’s catchy. And yeah, you’re right.” He said as he retracted the cloth, the softness that accompanied it gone too. You heard a soft thud before Rex’s hands were on you again. He carefully wrapped a gauze around your head, his fingers careful not to cause more discomfort.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed the bloodied cloth laying limply on the floor. It was stained a crimson red, laying abandoned by your side. Surely the bleeding wasn’t that bad.
He ripped the ends of the gauze, tying them into a knot. It sat tight against your head, and you fought the itchiness in your fingers to rip it off. You weren’t usually one to be injured. Though you had to admit, the added gentle pressure kept you grounded.
“We need to go and get backup. C’mon, this way, Stitches.”
You concluded that the hallways were endless. Rex had been hauling your body for the duration of the journey, narrowly avoiding colliding into another clone. A Commander. After that, time became a blur yet again.
It didn’t help that you were feeling tired, sleepy, nauseous.
The three of you headed down the hallways, searching for any other lingering troopers. The sound of distant conversation caught your attention, your head turning in the direction it came from.
“You hear that, Rex?” Commander Cody asked, his helmet turning to face Rex’s.
“I hear that, Cody. We’ve got backup.” He proudly said, exchanging quick glances with him.
As the three of you rounded the corner, you were able to pick up on their conversation. They were discussing their next course of action, it seemed.
“What are we going to do?”
“We fight.” Rex replied as you came into view, his hands reaching to take his helmet off, your vision swayed though a steady hand quickly supported you. As the rest began talking, Rex propped your body against a wall, and you couldn’t help but glance over the other 501st members.
One of them, Fives, you heard his name earlier, had a goatee and a tattoo. He seemed fiery and so damn sure of himself – not in an arrogant way, no – as he spoke encouraging words to the young cadets. The other one, Echo, seemed shyer and more reserved, and was constantly glancing up at Fives. He looked like any other normal Reg. Freshly shaven, distinct regular haircut, no identifying facial marks like scars or tattoos.
Something twisted at your gut with a molten fist. He was so familiar, and yet you couldn’t understand why. The answer was settled just on the tip of your tongue, scratching at your brain like an unreachable itch.
The pain in your head had shrunk into a dull ache and blurry vision whenever you attempted to walk on your own, so resting and letting the actual soldiers do the rest was not up for discussion on your part.
With a boosted morale, the clone, 99, began talking about an armoury. Rex used that moment to kneel beside you. His gloved hand felt warm on your shoulder, his grip tight and comforting.
“I’ll be back for you in a sec, Stitches. Don’t close your eyes, understood?”
“Yessir.” You muttered in response, attempting a mock salute. He rolled his eyes at you before departing, his steps hurried and glances anxious as he disappeared behind a corner.
The walls were painted a filtered red, doing little to quench your own anxieties. Were you going to get out of here? Would Rex and the others come through? You had very little experience with a gun, nethertheless facing a whole group of bloodthirsty, unfeeling droids. You reached for the strap of your bag, fiddling with the bumpy material. A soft hand on your shoulder shook you from your thoughts.
“You’re a new face around here, what’s your name?” The clone asked, Echo, as he eyed the gauze wrapped tightly around your head. You eyed him up and down, the itch returning as you thought over your response.
After a moment, you let up, rubbing the strap between your fingers.
“I’m the new medic for the 501st.” Your reply was short and curt as you pulled the bag atop your lap, unzipping it.
“New medic? That’s perfect. But, what’s wrong with your head?” He asked as he watched you pull out a bacta patch. It probably wasn’t a good idea to put the substance onto your hair, but you had no other choice. Not if you wanted to avoid having to be stitched up.
Recognition flashed in Echo’s eyes as he watched you unwrap the gauze. His gaze followed it as you let it drop to the ground. It was bloodied, dirty with sweat and gunpowder and hair sticking to it in a weird mixture of odd substances.
“A concussion?” He asked, offering his palm to you. “Let me help.” He said, and you reluctantly dropped the unopened patch into his hand. You were hoping he’d know what he was doing as he gently moved your head away from the wall.
His fingers were delicate, practiced, as he moved some hair away. He remained quiet as he opened the patch and applied it to your injury, but a soft huff bubbled in his chest at your relieved sigh. The cool liquid was amazing, to put it simply. It latched to your scalp, tiny cyan tendrils reaching out for your skin. A quiet curse left your lips, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you let yourself lean against the cool metal of his armour.
“Thank you.” You muttered against him, relief blooming in your chest. Your heart swelled as he caressed your hair tenderly.
Rex’s voice cut through the barracks as he, Cody and 99 returned, essentially interrupting your strange, little moment with Echo.
You lifted your head, resting your chin on Echo’s shoulder as you looked the three of them over.
They had stacks of guns in their arms, the cadets cheered as they crowded the three of them. You quirked a brow at Rex, noticing his quizzical expression as he looked you and Echo over. What you failed to notice was the stunned look and deep blush adorning Echo’s face.
“Ready up, boys,” Rex spoke, handing the last gun to Fives, “This might be a tough one.” His sight fell upon you again, his stare stern and yet tender as he remained focused on you, and you only.
Your body stuttered at the sound of a voice, your shaky hands almost dropping your datapad. “Captain?” Your voice was laced with confusion as you looked up. There he was, shoulders relaxed, gaze tender as it locked onto some feature of yours. “What are you doing here?”
“I’d like a follow-up on my shoulder, Doctor.” He replied almost instantly. He’d only ever gone to Kix for medical examinations, but unfortunately – not - his usual go-to medic was suspiciously nowhere to be found.
“You can look at me, y’know.” Your voice softened as you set your datapad down. Guilt began to tug at your heart as his gaze met yours. The last time the two of you were in a room together, you had made a grisly confirmation of 99’s death. He had not only protected the others, but he even risked his life to save yours. He hadn’t even known you for more than a couple of minutes at most. He was a soldier, through and through, no matter what cruelties life and Kaminoans had thrown at him.
Your attention snapped back, your body taking in an involuntary breath. Rex’s eyebrows were furrowed, a small wrinkle formed between them as he eyed you.
“C’mon, let’s see what’s underneath all that armour.” You breathed out, hoping to distract him. You didn’t need the Captain to study you under a microscope.  
Rex nodded, remaining quiet. He began to carefully remove his armour, one by one, his touch careful, practiced. He had done this a thousand times, and he would do it a thousand times more.
You distracted yourself by reaching for a medical cart. His armour would not be going on the floor, nor the bed. As you returned to his side, cart in hand, his stiff figure had you quirking a brow. His hands were hesitant to lift his shirt, itching at the hem.
Rex wasn’t a shy man by any means, he had been friendly with many fine women. So why did his heart stutter at the thought of being undressed around you?
“I’ll need to watch to assess for any impairment.” Your voice startled him. His throat grew dry, his fingers restless. He wasn’t expecting you to be so forward. This is just a normal checkup, Rex, he scolded himself internally.
With a quiet nod, his arms crossed over and tugged at the hem of his shirt. He lifted it, hissing a little as his shoulders shrunk in. It was nothing to worry about, you noted, as that was where the bruising was.
However, you supressed a choked gasp. The sight of his naked chest had your well-practiced professionalism struggling. Tan, sun-kissed skin, taught muscle and broad shoulders, numerous scars littered across the expanse of his chest, stomach and waist. A few freckles here and there.
Something bloomed in his chest, something warm, and a smirk tugged at his lips, his chest almost puffing up with pride as you stood motionless for a few seconds. His hands were resting on his lap, and you wondered for a moment whether the flex of his biceps was forced or natural in this position.
“Doctor?” His voice was raw, guttural as he leaned his head to the side. That was when you finally averted your gaze, settling on looking at his shoulder instead. The bruise was still there, discoloured skin and blood vessels swimming around in patches. It must have hurt like a bitch.
“Let me get a patch for that.” You said quickly, moving to rummage through a drawer on the side of the bed. They contained all sorts of supplies and materials, in case of emergencies. “We’ll check for your range of motion – in case the damage is deeper than just surface level.” You mused as you placed the bacta patch and gauze beside him.
You moved around him, poking at different muscle as you inspected him. So far so good, no abnormalities or bumps.
“Try and raise your arms above your head,” You requested, observing as he does so with little difficulty, “And now stretch them behind your back.” You continued, placing your palms on both of his shoulders, applying gentle pressure.
No swelling, no stiffness, no difficulty in movement.
“Now place your arms by your sides, then slowly lift and extend them until they’re above your head.” You requested, showcasing an example with your own arm. Starting from your hip, you kept it straight before slowly lifting it to the side, from your hip to your head. Rex followed your instructions, and you found yourself quickly dismissing any concerns about the damage to his shoulder.
“Your shoulder seems to be doing just fine, Captain,” You said as you stepped away, typing away on your datapad, “Try not to apply pressure onto the bacta patch, or else it might pop. Come back in two hours and I’ll take it off for you.” Your fingers were careful as you placed the bacta on, softly smoothing it over as you ensured it stuck.
You reached for the gauze, your arm brushing against his.
“Sorry.” You muttered, facing him.
Your breath hitched, realisation striking you like lightning.
His face was just inches away. His breath fanned over your nose, his warmth reaching out to you.
You could count every freckle, every scar, every imperfection across his features. Thousands of tiny stars and speckles flickered across his face, the light above you serving as his little sun, casting shadows to dance over his features.
And just like a shooting star, you disappeared from his orbit in the blink of an eye.
His gaze remained trained on you, observing every little movement and twitch. He was studying you again, like bacteria under a microscope. A blush fought its way to your face, painting your cheeks a shade darker.
You moved away from Rex wordlessly, keeping your attention fixated on wrapping the gauze over his shoulder.
As you stepped back, Rex uttered a small thank you, easing back into his shirt.
The two of you remained silent, you watching him put his armour on, and him fighting to keep the poker on his face. His heart was beating fast, hard against his ribcage and he worried you could hear it in the silent confines of the medbay.
You continued watching, quietly, even as he uttered another ‘thank you’ and headed for the exit.
Your voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Doctor?” He asked, his body half facing you.
You swallowed, taking a sudden, deep breath.
“Thank you… For saving my life back there. I owe you.” You said, offering a small, rigid smile.
He shook his head at you, mirroring your smile. Much softer, though.
“I guess you do, Stitches. I’ll see you around.” He said, before stepping outside. The doors closed behind him with a woosh, and you should have felt relief. You could breathe again. But your chest ached. He saved your life, he took care of you, so why did you feel so tense in his presence? So nervous?
Stop being silly, you thought as you made your way over to your desk, the screen of your holopad lighting up. You did your best to focus on the reports at hand, and yet you couldn’t fight off the giddy smile that ghosted over your face, or the nervous, unsteady racing of your heart.
Or the recurring memory of his lips so close to yours.
Tags: @flamingbisexual08
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arctrooper69 · 9 months
🎊 Congratulations on the milestone!! 🎊
Your writing sparks so much joy, you deserve every single follower (and the many more yet to come!) 😄
I'd like to drop a request for Kix (beloved..), from the hurt/comfort prompts:
"How long did you think you could hide that?" + "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
And if I may be so bold, reader is the one chastising him? 👀
Thank you so so much for your love and encouragement ❤️❤️❤️ I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to write this! I realize it's been in my inbox for several months now but here it is! I hope you enjoy!
ALSO... I loved this prompt so much and had a similar idea for an OC of mine, so there will be a Kix x OC version of this as well!
Prompt #20: "How long did you think you could hide that?"
Prompt #26: "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
Beta-read by the amazing @staycalmandhugaclone
Busy, Busy
Kix is stubborn. He's ways taken care of everybody else. Maybe it's time you took care of him.
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Warnings: Mentions of sickness and injury.
The med bay on the Resolute was quiet for once - not that Kix would ever say that aloud. He didn't want to jinx anything. Every healthcare worker knew that once that Q-word was uttered, all hell would be soon to break loose - a silly superstition, but one that had been proven true time and time again. Kix, however, did not have time to prove or disprove anything like that. He was just glad that none of his co-workers were here to tell him off for being so careless. Especially you.
He must've been allergic to something down on the planet they'd just been on. It was stupid, really - clones weren't supposed to get sick or have allergies.
I'm supposed to be better than this. Kix thought miserably. Yet here he was - snivelling like a child, sinuses so clogged that it felt like his head was in a bubble, and he was so damn tired.
Kriff... if it wasn't for this karking brain fog, maybe he wouldn't have slipped off the loading dock like that - landing on his side among boxes of medical supplies that he just now finished cleaning up.
The med-droid on duty stood quietly in the corner, ready to be turned on should an emergency arise but Kix quickly passed it by, opting to take care of himself in secret.
He groaned quietly, holding his side as he reached for the bacta at the back of the cold-storage unit. He grimaced, gingerly palpating his side with practiced fingers. Nothing felt broken, that was good. Just bruised. Nothing he could really do for bruised ribs. Maybe that was for the best. Kix still had a lot of work to do - reports to file, miles of inventory to catalog, and two med-droids to repair. Just some bacta for the pain and stiffness and maybe a stim for good measure - that would keep him afloat long enough to get all this shit together. Kix was short staffed, very short staffed. You had just finished up a triple, going on quadruple shift when he'd ordered you to get some rest.
"Makes no sense having a sleep deprived medic on the field, not to mention how dangerous that is," he'd scolded, now internally wincing at his own hypocritical actions just hours later.
But you're a clone. You can take a lot more than any nat-born. He nodded to himself, scrambling to find any justification for his actions.
"Alright," he grumbled, "quit stalling, Kix. You've got work to do. Then you can sleep."
He settled down in the small office behind the medbay, bacta on his ribs, a stim in his system, and a large cup of caf in hand - not the best combination, but it would work for the time being.
It seemed like only minutes had passed when the door slid open with a hiss. Kriff. He knew it was you despite the boxes of medical supplies that blocked his view and the stacks of datapads littering his desk. He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face, and stood up. He gripped the edge of the desk as a wave of vertigo nearly brought him to his knees.
"Hey, I'm sorry," he grunted out, surprising himself with the way the rough edges of his voice seemed to grate against the dryness of his throat. "I lost track of time."
He heard you shift and lean against the doorway. "That's alright. I figured that's what happened." The tone of your voice did not match the carefree understanding conveyed by your words.
You knew something was wrong.
Kix winced quietly as he eased himself back into his chair. Staying seated and unmoving was the best way for his side to heal up on its own. It was better for you not to see him. Until he could finish these reports, it was better he keep to himself.
"You wanna join me for breakfast?"
Breakfast!? It couldn't be time for breakfast yet. Maybe you'd just woken up early. Very early.
"Kix?" Your voice startled him from his thought-drifting fatigue.
"I asked you if you wanted to join me for breakfast."
This time the worry in your voice was apparent and Kix felt his heart sink. The last thing he wanted to do was worry you.
"I'm really busy. Another time maybe."
"Your shift doesn't start for another three hours. You shouldn't be here." He snapped.
"Uhh...actually it starts in half an hour," you responded slowly. "Yours on the other hand, was supposed to be over like six hours ago. What are you still doing here?" The question was laced with the same sharpness he'd just directed towards you.
"Quinn called out. Their kid is sick." He spoke of the civilian contractor they'd been assigned.
The black and gold zabrak made a great medtech but, between various other assignments and six children, their appearances in his medbay were few and far between.
"So... you're going on four shifts in a row now?"
Kix grunted. He wished you would stop asking him questions. Talking made his throat feel as though he'd swallowed the general's lighsaber. "I'm fine."
"When was the last time you ate? Or slept!?"
He shrugged absentmindedly, concentrating on the datapad in front of him when it was suddenly snatched from his hand.
"Hey!" His head snapped up, glaring at his fellow medic who met it with an equally annoyed fire in her eyes.
"Give it back!" Kix made a grab for it but was suddenly and painfully reminded of his aching ribs. He collapsed back down into his chair with a defeated hiss of pain at the way the muscles balked at the tension. The movement took his breath away for a moment.
"Kix!" Your surprised cry pounded through his head as you dropped to your knees beside him, eyes widening as you thoroughly surveyed him for the first time since stepping into the room.
"Oh Kix..." you shook your head, reaching for a handheld scanner. He watched with heavy, lidded eyes as you swept the scanner over him slowly and methodically.
You set down the scanner with a sigh, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Kix, what happened!? Your shift was supposed to end at 2300 hours! You need to go to bed!"
Kix rolled his eyes. Only a few more things to do and then he'd gladly follow your direction.
"Relax, I'll just be a few more minutes! It's only -" he paused, looking at the chrono around his wrist. It read 0725. "Oh."
He winced at your deadpanned tone. "Sorry. I guess I lost track of time."
"I'll say." You placed the datapad back onto the desk but didn't remove your hand. "You didn't answer my question."
"What question?"
"What the hell happened to you!? You look awful, you sound like your entire head is clogged, and you've got two cracked ribs!"
Oh. Cracked. Not bruised.
He opened his mouth to respond just as one of the datapads let out a beep. You frowned and put a hand up, cutting off yet another desperately fabricated excuse. "And don't tell me Quinn called out. You just got a message from the Admiral asking you why you canceled Quinn's shift."
He sighed defeatedly, suppressing a wince at the twinge of pain in his side. He didn't meet your eyes. "I fell."
"You...fell!?" you questioned, sounding a bit incredulous. "When? How?!" He'd seemed fine when he'd ordered you to take off.
"'Bout an hour after you left," he admitted. "Must've been allergic to something in the dust planetside. I was unloading some supplies, got dizzy, and fell off the loading dock."
"And how long did you think you could hide that?" Your voice had once again taken on that scolding tone which for some reason made him feel both guilty and proud. You'd been a timid shiny when he first met you. Now here you were, taking charge of the situation with an air of authority and sass he likened to one of his generals. He shrugged.
"As long as it took to finish all of this." He motioned to the cluttered desk, immediately regretting the movement causing his ribs to tense painfully again.
Your eyes were piercing - full of concern and disbelief. "Why are you acting like everything is fine!?" you snapped, suddenly angry at his seemingly unphased attitude.
He didn't answer.
You shook your head. “Why didn’t you call me, Kix? If I’d known you weren’t feeling well, I could’ve at least helped you with the work!”
Kix didn't blame you. He'd probably have reacted the same way if he were in your shoes. He looked away.
"I just... I didn't want you to see me like this." he muttered softly. He sounded hoarse and miserable.
You sighed. "Let me get this right....You didn't want me - a medic - to see you sick and injured? So you - also a medic, who should know better, might I add - decided to hide it from everyone so that you could get your work done!? You sent away our best medtech so that you wouldn't be bothered by them realizing something was wrong!?"
Kix frowned. It did sound bad when you put it all out like that.
"Guess that sounds about right."
You stared at him. "That was really dumb, Kix."
You sighed. "How long has it been since you've eaten anything?"
Kix thought back. When was the last time he'd eaten? His stomach revolted with just the thought. There was no way he'd be able to eat anything right now.
"I...I don't know," he admitted, not meeting your eyes.
You sighed. "Okay, come on. I'm gonna go get you something to eat."
He shook his head, resting it in the palms of his hands, rubbing his eyes. You were right about one thing, he was exhausted. But duty came first.
"I can't. I have so much to do." He nodded to the screen of his datapad. It was full of messages, requests, reports, and a number of reminders and meeting invitations flashed across the screen.
You laid your hand on his shoulder.
"Just humor me, please. Eat something, take a nap - "
Kix shoved your hand from his shoulder, then instantly regretted the action. Maker, if his ribs weren't killing him, he could just scream. All he wanted to do was sleep. But he had work to do. Why couldn't you understand that? He knew he was irritable but his rude reaction towards you - his friend - flooded him with even more guilt.
"I can't! I just can't! Admiral Yularen needs these reports in by tonight and I'm only halfway through them because I got interrupted by General Skywalker needing additional information for the next mission, so I spent two hours tracking that down, come to find out it was all for nothing because the kriffing Jedi council decided to send them elsewhere."
He took a gasping breath. Fire burned through his side, igniting a feral panic that gripped his chest with an icy grasp. His ribs were screaming. His head felt as though he’d been forced beneath the rabid jaws of Kaminoan ocean waves - descending ever downwards, pressure rising in painful crescendos. His hands were shaking and he couldn't make them stop.
"Hey! Kix, hey!" Gentle pressure pulled him from his spiral with a grounding hand rubbing circles on his back. Concern clouded your face as you knelt beside him.
"Breathe, Kix. I need you to breathe."
"Can't," he panted.
"I know," you responded evenly, holding an oxygen mask to his nose and mouth. "Just do the best you can."
"No!" He swatted the mask from your hand. He really had to get this done. Just a little while longer, then he'd rest - then he'd let you do whatever you needed to do.
You pursed your lips looking at the delirious medic in front of you.
"You know, I really didn't want to have to do this but I - "
Kix rolled his eyes, unconsciously gripping the oxygen to his face as he took another short, gasping breath. He knew what you'd say next. It was the same thing he'd say to Captain Rex, or even General Skywalker when they fought him on coming to the medbay.
"Are you really gonna pull the medic rank card on me?" He interrupted.
"Do I have to?" You looked pointedly at him. You were annoyed, yes, but you were also concerned. He knew you'd seen dying patients with more life in their eyes than he currently did.
He looked down at the long list of tasks he had yet to do and sighed in defeat. "No. I guess not."
He couldn't identify the look on your face as he allowed you to lead him to a bed. Your hand lingered on his arm for a moment too long as you delivered a sedative into his veins. But for some reason he didn't mind.
"Don't worry, Kix." you said softly as you watched his eyes flutter shut. "You're safe. I'll take it from here."
Kix allowed himself to succumb to the peaceful allure of sleep even as your words echoed through his brain. "Let me take care of you, you stupid, beautiful, stubborn man."
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clone-anon-after-dark · 11 months
Clones with an Asexual / Acespec Partner Headcanons
I’ve never written headcanons on here before, but thought I’d give it a go.
Word Count: 2915
Warning and Author’s Note: Some discussion of sex.  Some asexuals have sex.  Also mention of sex-repulsion because some asexuals do not ever want to have sex and both are fine and good.  There are a lot of asexuals who are interested in partnership - romantic or not - so I thought I might write out some ideas about what that might look like with some clones
Included are Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker, Crosshair, Mayday, Rex, Cody, Gregor, Wolffe, Fox, Kix, Hardcase, Fives, Jesse, Dogma, and Tup
Hunter loves a partner who is passionate and wants to do the right thing.  He would never be with someone who doesn’t also have the Omega stamp of approval.  Domestic Hunter? Yes.  He loves the steps you’ve taken to have a home that is friendly to his senses.  No strong scents in the soaps or detergents. Blackout curtains. Towels, blankets, and sheets that are friendly to his sense of touch.  You showed your love by making your home friendly for him and he has never been more in love.  Hunter pays attention to other people and takes care of his family, so he was incredibly moved by someone caring about his needs in this way.  Hunter will do little things around the house to show you he cares about you.  You’ll come home to clean dishes, a tidied bedroom, or freshly cleaned clothes.  Sex might be too much for his senses and sometimes touch is too much in and of itself, so he strongly believes in communicating what you both need.  He’s always open to finding ways to express how much you care for each other and creating a stronger partnership.
Tech is acespec in some way.  He might rarely or never experience sexual attraction.  This man expresses his love best in quality time and acts of service.  You will want for nothing.  He might be too busy to think about feeding himself, but he will have an alarm to remind himself to pick up some food and make sure you eat.  He’ll eat with you and want to hear about your day or tell you about what he’s working on.  Besides researching topics of interest and fixing things, he loves going to museums and aquariums with you, watching documentaries, and sitting together in the same room reading.  If you want cuddle time? He’s open to it.  You’ll have to tell him the details of how to hold you and what you want and eventually he will start figuring out what he likes too.  Tech is open to experiences, so if you want to have sex for closeness or to satisfy your libido, he would try it.  “Physical urges and attraction are not the same thing,” he says.  He’s always understanding that some people don’t or rarely feel sexual attraction and for him, it’s just a matter of fact.  It doesn’t change how he feels about you.  If you never want to have sex, he is completely fine with it.  He wants to tell you about his latest project working on the hyperdrive anyway.
Echo loves your desire to fight for what’s right.  He loves how you care about people and he feels so at home with you.  Echo doesn’t like solitude so the biggest thing is going to be spending time together.  He loves reading.  Sitting together, snuggling on the couch or in separate chairs and reading something that interests each of you? Yes.  Do you like hanging out with his family and have a good sense of humor? Those are big things in his book.  
I know there are some theories that Echo only lost part of his legs and other people believe he lost everything from the waist down (plus his arm). But guess what it doesn’t matter.  In either case, Echo wants to be loved for who he is.  He wants to love you for who you are.  What you both can or cannot do physically doesn’t phase him.
Crosshair is protective of his heart and does not easily open up to others. He does not like vulnerability and that also means he also doesn’t get sexually intimate easily.  I think he’s at least demiromantic, needing to know someone before opening himself up to a relationship like that, so he understands not having certain types of attraction.  He does like physical touch once you are close enough, but that can mean all kinds of things.  He likes little private moments with you where you can steal away time together.  If you want to blow off some sexy steam together, he’s game, but never pressuring.  It’s more about closeness and sharing something with you that no one else gets.  If you aren’t interested, he likes to cuddle.  Sometimes he wants to be the little spoon and other times he wants to be the big spoon but he would never want anyone to know he’s a cuddler.  After all he’s been through, Crosshair wants to feel safe with you and protect and love you at the same time.
Wrecker loves to show his love with physical affection.  He loves hugs and holding hands and picking you up and twirling you around.  As long as you are okay with some kind of physical touch, he’s more than happy.  He loves when you fall asleep on top of him.  He loves watching holos with you, eating snacks, and cuddling.  If you want to have some sexy times, he’s game, but ultimately doesn’t need that.  He wants someone he can have fun with!
Jesse is so incredibly sweet. He loves cuddling and pulling you in close to sit on his thighs.  The first time he does this he can tell you’re a little worried (maybe that he will try to take things further), so he is very reassuring, showing you he just wants to be close.  He loves touch, but only if it’s something you like too.  He likes consistency and so his primary desire in a relationship is someone he can trust and depend on and he also wants to be that for the person he’s with.  He understands that just because you don’t feel sexual attraction doesn’t mean you don’t love him.  There’s a reason you want to share your life with him, after all.  He lets you take the lead when it comes to any kind of physical touch, including sex.  He’s a lot of fun in bed if you go down that road for closeness or address your physical needs.  Otherwise, he loves cuddling in bed. He is most comfortable spooning and having an arm around you in some way.
While I don’t necessarily get ace vibes from Hardcase, I think he would be great with an ace partner. Especially if they are extroverted.  A typical day would involve waking up, eating quickly, and some kind of adventure.  Whether it’s getting up to shenanigans at a water park, or playing paintball, or spending the day at work for you and at the barracks for him, I see him happy to be busy.  I think he would love to come home and eat some good food. He loves take out.  He quickly realizes that you not wanting sex sometimes doesn’t mean he can’t have self-care time on his own.  If you like the idea, he would love for you to buy him a sex toy.  He sees it as a way to stay connected on that level without making you uncomfortable, which is the last thing he wants.  He is very open to learning what it means to be asexual, and quickly learns that not having sexual attraction doesn’t mean you have zero sex drive.  He loves taking the time to learn what makes you feel good physically and where the boundaries are.
Tup is a sweetheart who loves quality time with his partner.  He would love to explore hobbies like video games, baking, cooking, or anything with animals.  Tup loves anything that is relaxing and he is for sure a cuddler.  If you aren’t into touch, he likes things like sharing a blanket while sitting together or finding a happy middle ground like maybe holding your hand or sharing clothes.  If you want to satisfy your own urges together, Tup is absolutely up for it.  He thinks you’re incredibly sexy and gorgeous and likes to take his time and make you feel good.  
Oh sweet Dogma.  This man loves rules and boundaries.  He loves knowing what is on and off limits because it makes him feel safe and secure.  He also feels loved when you want to know his own boundaries.  It shows him you care.  So Dogma doesn’t really care about what the actual boundaries are so long as he knows them.  He is quite nervous to initiate physical contact, even kissing, but he does say when he would like to try something.  He’s very communicative.  He does not mind if something is off limits. He just wants to show you love.  He takes up baking, loving the precision of measuring the ingredients, so you can expect treats every time he sees you.  When it comes to intimate relationships, Dogma knows there are many different ways to be intimate.  He wants to be understood and show you that you’re the one who has his heart.
Fives loves a good time.  It was something that drew you in from the beginning.  When he first asked you out, you couldn’t deny he had some kind of magnetism.  He was a total goofball.  He knew about your asexuality before you started dating. You might have been a bit surprised when he asked you out, but couldn’t say no.  Fives tells you right away that you can take the lead on anything physical.  He likes kissing, but especially loves hugs.  If you’re up for fooling around, he loves it. If you never want that, he understands.  He just wants to be with you.  It takes him a long time to admit that he would absolutely love to shower with you.  A hot shower helps him relieve stress and he sees it as a way to spend some relaxing time with you, but he doesn’t want it to seem like he’s asking for more, so he might need some reassurance once he brings it up.  Ultimately though, he loves quality time together.  There will joking, laughter, and joy.  Fives is also a wonderful friend and partner who you can trust.  While you wouldn’t necessarily have taken Fives to be very serious, he’s incredibly serious about your happiness and making sure you have every little thing you want.  If you’re having a hard day, he listens and holds your hand.
Kix loves being your partner.  He loves the domesticity of coming home and snuggling on the couch.  He might love doing some other things on the couch if you want, but he understands if you don’t want to.  He loves laying on the couch while you lay on top of him and watch holomovies.  He loves little kisses and holding hands.  He loves reading in bed next to you before falling asleep.  He’s also seen a lot during the war and carries a lot of grief.  He trusts you with his grief and sometimes he just needs someone to cry to about it all.  If you like romance or are in more of a romantic mood, he will go all out.  Favorite flowers, candy, foods, whatever you love.  He takes the time to learn your favorites for those occasions. You want slow kisses next time he’s on leave? He won’t stop thinking about it.  You simply want to collapse into someone’s arms? He wants nothing more than to provide those arms for you.
Gregor is open to learning about anything, but his favorite topic is you.  He loves going out with you, dancing, and laughing.  He loves a good time.  If you’re shy, he finds a way to help you come out of your shell around him a little without pressing the issue.  He wants you to feel secure with him.  Gregor loves kissing and wouldn’t mind getting physical and when he asks about your boundaries going further, your heart sinks. You’re worried about where this is going and haven’t exactly told him about your sexuality yet. You quickly find that he just wants to express how he feels.  He asks a lot of questions about what it means for you to be asexual.  He’s inquisitive.  If you don’t want to have sex ever, he takes the time to hear how close you want to be and what feels safe to you.  He’s definitely not opposed to things like masturbating together if you want to go down that route sometimes.  Ultimately he realizes that his favorite thing to do with you is turn on some music and dance in the living room.
There’s actually a fic about this here.  Wolffe might be grumpy sometimes, but you make his life so much better and you get to see softer sides of him that no one else does.  You understand him and he appreciates your support.  He wants you to feel loved in the way that you want to be loved.  He is completely comfortable taking care of his sexual needs on his own.  He loves snuggling with you at night.  That’s his favorite.  He loves holding you and being held by you.  You’re comforting to him.  Before falling asleep, he likes chatting with you about how the day went and or reading a holonovel together.  
Rex is awkward around people in social situations, but you’re happy to help him navigate relationships.  He doesn’t think much about sex because frankly, he’d just like to make it through this conversation without getting lost in his own worry.  Over time he starts to relax more and you find that quiet time with the two of you is much preferred to going out.  He’s even nervous to hold your hand, but you tell him it’s totally okay.  Once he realizes how deep his feelings are, he has to speak with you.  He likes to know where things are headed and what kind of relationship you want. Queerplatonic? He quite likes that.  Or something with more of a romantic bend? Yes, sure, that could also work just fine too.  The only thing he really doesn’t want is to be with someone purely for the physical aspects.  His feelings toward his partner are so strong and he wants nothing more than to protect you and let you know he’ll always be there for you.
Snuggle king.  He is under so much pressure as a marshal commander and then later after the war, he’s dealing with a lot of mixed feelings about everything that happened.  He loves that he can be with you, go to bed or lay on the couch, and hang on to you. He likes little kisses on the top of his head while you hold him.  It helps him let go of stress and worry.  He can feel you right there with him and it’s the safest place in the galaxy.  You’re asexual? Great.  He just wants to love you the way you want to be loved.  You want romance? He will hold your hand and kiss the back of it.  You want domestic partnership? He will hug you and do your laundry. Do you need some space to yourself? That’s fine.  He will just be over here watching a holo and napping after buying groceries so you don’t have to worry about it.  You want a quickie to blow off some steam? He’s game.  You want to shower naked and wash each other’s hair and feel close that way? He’s good with that too.  You want to swap pillowcases while he’s gone so you can both feel close that way instead? He thinks that’s the best thing he’s ever heard.
Mayday wants to be with you, preferably on a planet that rarely gets snow.  You fell for his dry sense of humor and how much he cares about the people he’s close to.  He worries about losing more people in his life, so he was cautious to approach you.  Once he realizes you’re around to stay, he starts to relax. Mayday likes to do little things to show he cares.  He really gets into cooking hot meals.  He loves making fresh soups and gardening.  When he starts baking bread you swear you will never buy a loaf ever again.  After all he’s been through, he’s happy to have the chance to be with someone and feel at home.  Getting physical? He likes hugs, cuddles, and kisses if you’re okay with it.  Just chaste kisses or little pecks on the cheek all you want? Absolutely.  Whether he addresses his own sex drive on his own or as a mutual endeavor (if you’re open to it) doesn’t matter to him.  It takes him a long time to open up in some ways, but once he does he’s always making sure you’re on the same page.  He will always cautiously wait until he gets a green light.
He’s just happy to come over to your place and sleep in a real bed.  This man is all about relaxation when he’s with you.  Whatever that looks like, he loves it.  It can be the simplest things, like having extra comfortable shorts to wear around your apartment, or folding laundry together before putting fresh sheets on the bed.  He feels so comfortable with you and that’s the most important thing to him.
Tagging: @kixs-husband @staycalmandhugaclone @wreckers-wife @dukeoftheblackstar
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knightprincess · 1 month
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) Part 24
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Words: 1.7K Warning: None Pronouns: She/Her - Use of Y/N
Setting up a new secluded and hidden base after the attack on Teth was anything but easy. The new direction had forced all other priorities to be put on the back burner. The Senators slowly coming together would be fine under the watchful eye of Riyo Chuchi; the same couldn't be said for (Y/N), whose extract was long overdue. Despite the best efforts of Echo and Gregor to focus on getting her and Wolffe out, something else that needed their immediate attention popped up. Something always prevented the pair from seriously sitting down to plan the finer details. 
"Umm! That's not good," worded Gregor, the weight of the latest intel crashing down on him. Quickly, he scribbled down what the contact within the Empire was telling him on a piece of flimsi. Wolffe had been compromised and sent to Tantis to be questioned and interrogated. If (Y/N) had been in danger before, then she would be in dire straights now, even more so if Hemlock was as smart as Crosshair had claimed. 
"What's up?" asked Rex, appearing behind Gregor and creeping along through the shadows of their latest base. No matter how hard the Commando tried, he found it difficult to hide the concern swimming through his golden eyes, even more so when his gaze landed on Howzer and Echo. "How bad is it?" sighed the former Captain, wiping a hand down his features before pinching the bridge of his nose and mentally preparing himself for the terrible news he was about to be hit with. 
"Our contact confirmed Wolffe has been compromised," spoke Gregor, trying his hardest to keep his voice even despite the urge to scream out in frustration, despite wanting nothing more than to charge into Tantis and pull both (Y/N) and Wolffe from the fingers of the empire. "He was sent to Tantis for interrogation days ago." 
"And Snap?" questioned Rex, suspecting Wolffe being arrested was just scratching the surface of the bad news to come. Briefly, the great captain turned to where Echo slouched over a makeshift table, a bowl of soup and datapad before him. Howzer was close by, trying to set up the communication table; every now and again, he'd swear about something not going right and wish Nemec and Fireball were there to help. 
"Our source says (Y/N) was taken into custody, and the Dark Trooper project has been put on hold until an internal investigation is complete. They mentioned something about CX-2 but couldn't make it out," replied Gregor, his words whispered now as if he attempted to hide the truth from Echo and save him the crushing guilt and regret for not getting (Y/N) out sooner. "On other news, though, Devika is back within the senate; I hear she's quite the sneaky one," he laughed, attempting to lighten the mood, as he handed over a piece of flimsi with scribbled notes on it. "Message from Devika, all the senators that may pose a future risk against anyone who speaks out against the empire." 
"Call Hunter and the boys," replied Rex, patting Gregor on the shoulder as if to convey silent comfort before walking away with the scribbled list. The idea was clear enough; the batch was intending to get to Tantis to rescue Omega, no matter the cost of doing so. The four there would be targeting the facility soon enough; it was better to work with each other rather than get in the other's way. They had a common goal, and working together would get them there faster. 
With a heavy sigh, Gregor got to work on sending a quiet message to the boys of the Bad Batch, or at least what remained of them. He understood his goal loud and clear: keep Echo in the dark for now until they could be sure about Snap's position. Despite the urge to go into Tantis guns blazing, they didn't know for sure if the news of Snap was true or an elaborate trap designed to pull in rogue clones who'd attempt a rescue. 
"Echo," called Rex, setting himself up to deliver the bad news. Upon gaining the Arc Troopers' attention, the captain gestured him to follow to the quiet corner shrouded in shadow not too far from their position. Already, Rex dreaded the response, dreaded giving the news of uncertainty. "Intel suggests Snap may have been compromised. She's being detained at Tantis," the captain said slowly, feeling the dread build in his stomach and his confidence begin to dwindle. The horror etching itself on Echo's features did little in the way of comfort. Instead only brought more guilt. 
"Message sent to the boys," called Gregor upon realizing nobody was being kept in the dark this time. "Apparently, they already have a way to find Tantis. They broke some Imp out of a labor camp." 
"Cause that doesn't sound suspicious in the slightest," replied Howzer, suspecting it was all a trap. This was even more so when the Empire wasn't known for its willingness to spare those who failed them. Execution was normally the preferred method. "Who is this imperial anyway?" asked the hero of Ryloth, allowing curiosity to get the better of him, if only for a second before he pushed it aside to return his attention to more pressing matters. 
"Admiral Rampart," said Gregor, seeing the harsh disappointment paint on Echo's features. He then rolled his eyes as he figured out which of Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker was responsible for breaking the untrustworthy weasel out of prison if it was the admiral who had mercilessly destroyed Kamino. 
"I'll go to them," Echo said, reaching for his helmet. He knew the boys of the batch were going to do something crazy again, and this time, they were willing to risk it all to get Omega back. "Whatever they're planning, they're not going to wait. I'll signal if we need backup." 
"We'll have everything ready for your return," called Gregor, raising his voice so Echo could hear him as he left for the makeshift hanger bay. The Commando refused to think negatively thrust forced himself to believe Echo would return, and among all their missing brothers, Wolffe and (Y/N). 
"Any idea who the Shadow on our trail is?" asked Rex, turning his attention to Howzer at the makeshift table. At first, they believed it was the one marked CX-2, but they soon figured otherwise. Whereas CX-2 seemed to have a personal vendetta against the members of the Bad Batch, CX-3 seemed to have it out for all of them, as if he knew each of them. 
"My first thought was Fox, but intel suggests this mysterious Sith apprentice killed him months ago," started Howzer, a wave of sadness washing over him, another brother lost at the hands of the empire. Destined to be forgotten as those who perished during the war were. "After a bit of digging, I found Bly was within the imperial ranks until about three months ago, and Cody's been listed as Awol for almost seven months." 
"What about Scorch and Sev?" questioned Gregor, knowing his fellow Commandos were likely still within the ranks of the Empire. They were loyal but never truly believed in the republic. "Could one or both of them be these Shadows?" he added, allowing another sigh to pass his lips. Deep down, he knew there were only two ways of finding out who the operatives were. Either by capturing and removing their helmets or getting intel from the person who'd created them. (Y/N). 
"Remind me to shoot whoever created these guys," commented Howzer, quickly noticing when the air seemed to have been sucked from the room and how it had fallen into a deathly silence. 
"Snap created them. It's why there was such a high bounty on her," answered Rex, hearing Gregor begin to chuckle from across the darkened room. 
"That's why they're so effective," laughed Gregor. "These X troopers only started popping up after we sent her in. They're a part of the Dark Trooper program the Empire wanted her for." 
"They're protecting her?" asked Howzer, confusion evident in his voice. Was that why none of them answered when asked questions? Was that why none of them said anything when asked who they were and who turned them into the operatives? 
"Snap created them. The odds are she knows how to reverse it," added Gregor, choosing to think on the bright side and have faith in his friend. He doubted Snap would have tortured all the clones and turned them into empire loyalists and assassins without a way to reverse what she'd been forced to do. Even more so when so many knew she would do anything to protect them, even at the cost of her own well-being. 
"Note to self: Don't shoot her. I'd rather not be the recipient of Echo's wrath," noted Howzer. As he allowed himself to think, he suspected it would be more than just Echo he'd be dealing with. Wolffe and Gregor, too, perhaps Rex as well. 
"It's better than being on the receiving end of his disappointed look," voiced Gregor, recalling the last time he'd personally been on the receiving end of the expression of irreparable shame. The Arc Trooper had mastered the art better than anyone else he knew. "I still haven't forgotten when he threw it at me, when I helped (Y/N) prepare for her mission." 
"Howzer, make a list of everyone who could potentially be a Shadow. We'll get (Y/N) to confirm once she's back," commanded Rex, choosing to focus on what they could do rather than dwell on everything that could possibly go wrong. From losing more brothers to the impromptu rescue mission going horribly wrong. 
"I'll work on getting communications up and prepare the packs in case we're called for backup," spoke Gregor as he stepped toward the communications table, kicking some of the thick wires from his path. "Snap, Wolffe, Echo, The Batch, and all our brothers out there need us. Let's not let them down when the time comes," added the commando, refusing to allow the doubt to creep into his mind. The empire had already taken so much from clones; he wasn't about to let them take away those his brothers loved, too. 
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Dumbass (Fives x Reader)
Because Fives is def a dumbass. This is really short. Like me.
Warnings: medbay, mention of mild injury, Hardcase is a warning. What the hell Fives might as well be a warning too.
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“Kix, I swear to the maker somebody better be dying at this hour.” You groaned, slapping the button on your comm and blinking the sleep from your eyes.
You jumped up, already headed for the door. “Had better not be dying.” You cut him off.
Kix laughed. “Just a mild injury. He’s asking for you though. I’ll let him and the boys explain what happened.”
“I’m on my way.”
When you eventually got up to the medbay, you saw Fives seated on one of the beds, surrounded by Echo, Kix and Hardcase. A med patch was adhered to his forehead right next to his tattoo.
“Fives, Dear, what the hell did you do? You sighed, resting your hands on either side of where he sat on the bed.
“Well, uh, Mesh’la.” He stammered with a blush and a shy smile. “Hardcase and I, sorta had a bet? And….I think I lost.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You did, huh? Wanna tell me what said bet was about?”
He blushed a little harder, out of embarrassment you assumed.
Echo spoke first.
“In my defense I told him not to do it.”
You turned to Hardcase with a questioning look. He snickered before falling into a fit of giggles.
“He said he could hang upside down on the bunk with just his feet. I told him no way.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to look at Fives. This man was going to be the death of you.
“Honey, you’re a dumbass.”
He leaned forward to nudge your nose with his. “I’m your dumbass though.”
You smirked. “I don’t know how much more of it I can take.”
“Well then. Guess I’ll have to come up with something good to keep you around.”
Before you had a chance to respond, he pulled you forward and gave you a kiss.
“I suppose that’ll work for now.” You smiled. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
He smiled again. “I’m lucky I’ve got you.”
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Hello! If you are still taking Bingo requests, would you please consider doing "you're never going to believe this" with Hunter? All I can picture with this is that scene from Community with the guy walking in with the pizza to find utter chaos has broken out. I think it would be great with Doc but please do as you'd like. Thank you! :)
"You're not going to believe this" - CRB
Okay so maybe it was just the topic. Cranked this baby out yesterday, but was too tired to proofread, so yuh get a morning update!
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If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved!
Clone x Reader Bingo!
Warnings: Fighting, broken nose, blood, light medical procedures, mild guilt, bit of sexual tension, reference to bullying
WC: 3,797
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“It’s actually been quite the subject of controversy among numerous scientific circles.” Tech didn’t bother looking up from his datapad as he rambled, food untouched on the tray before him as his leg bounced with an eager anticipation that shook the entire bench. “The planet has long been presumed to sustain intelligent life, but, despite several well-supplied scouting expeditions, not so much as a broken piece of pottery has been found to support that theory.”
“We’re not going there to search for new sentient species, Tech.” Echo reminded, words torn between a weary exasperation and the fond smirk touching his lips.
“It would be unwise to rule out the possibility of unknown lifeforms being responsible for the disappearances we are being sent to investigate.” The pilot rebuked, glancing up from the screen with a look of petulant determination that left me biting back a grin. As though only just remembering that we were in the dining hall after his meal happened to enter his line of sight, he absently reached out to take a quick bite of what I hesitated to call ‘pudding’ before returning to his research.
“Are there any other theories on what happened to the last two squads sent down there?” I asked, knowing he’d be only too happy to grant me everything known about our next assignment that was conveniently omitted from the mission report.
“The precious metals they were sent to find are notoriously difficult to detect with long-range scanners and have proven… troublesome in large quantities as their magnetic qualities can impair proximity sensors and even short-range coms.” My lips tensed into a thin line, just managing to refrain from letting my face twist into the fear that threatened to flood my veins with adrenaline, pointedly ignoring Echo’s apologetic cringe.
“So, they crashed.” I stated bluntly.
“Likely, yes.” He answered without hesitation, attention never wavering from whatever document had captured his interest. I drew a deep, slow breath before speaking again.
“Tech.” The crispness with which I called his name immediately pulled his gaze toward me. “I want you to lie to me and promise me you won’t crash the ship.” I stated with neither shame nor apology, carefully emotionless expression unchanged beneath the flash of confusion that stole through him.
“…That seems… counterintuitive…” He objected.
“Yup.” The word left in a quick chirp. I watched his jaw shift, as though testing various responses as his mind worked over what, exactly, I was asking for.
“I,” he started slowly, “am fully aware of the potential dangers, and, as such, will be far better equipped to anticipate and safely navigate any undocumented mineral deposits.” Echo turned purposefully toward his own meal in a vain attempt to hide his smile.
“Thank you, Tech.” He hesitated a moment longer, confusion almost worsened by my routine reply.
Even above the roar of countless soldiers conversing and squabbling about us, the bark of laughter rang with painful clarity. I didn’t try to keep from glancing toward it, but, the instant I saw the slump of Wrecker’s shoulders as he made his way towards us with his second tray of rations, the way his gaze seemed to carefully avoid looking anywhere he might accidentally meet someone’s eyes, sent my heart racing, blood warming beneath a quiet rage.
“Hunter and Crosshair still stuck in tha’ meeting?” He asked, vainly forcing some hint of nonchalance into his voice.
“Yeah; no word yet on when they’ll finish.” Echo answered, offering a sympathetic smile to his brother as the tall clone sat just opposite him at our table.
“It is unlikely”
“What did he say?” Despite the way those words left in a whisper, it was enough to silence Tech instantly. I felt the soft smile settle over my lips as I looked up to find Wrecker chewing nervously on his lip, searching for any excuse to dismiss my concerns. “What did he say, Wrecker?” I asked again in a gentle murmur. He finally gave a dismissive shrug.
“Nothin’, really… jus’ the usual ‘all brawns, no brains’ stuff – wasn’ even that funny.” He tried to brush it off, but he still wouldn’t quite look at me.
“Oh no.” I drawled in some pathetic mockery of remorse as I swatted the remaining half of my bowl of ‘veggie crisps’ onto the floor, “Guess I should get something to clean this up.” I was halfway across the room by the time they recovered enough to react.
“Uh… sh… should we…” Wrecker started, stammering slightly. The table with the man who’d insulted him all turned to me as I approached, each of them sporting some combination of curiosity and haughty excitement, some even blowing kisses. I said nothing as the one I was focused on turned to see what his brothers were staring at, offering no warning as my fist lashed out, driven by the full force of my body coiling behind the strike.
“Yeah – yup. Kriff.” I only vaguely heard the screech of chairs over Echo’s gasped reply as they jumped to their feet, but my focus was locked on the clone before me, on the rush of crimson flooding his lip and slipping between his fingers as he belatedly threw himself to his feet, reaction just slow enough for me to get another hit in. He nearly dodged it, but my knuckles still grazed his brow enough to split the skin.
“Not so clever now, are you?” I snarled, rushing forward in feint to punch him again. He swung his arm up to deflect it, granting me ample opening to slam my forehead into his already ruined nose. I didn’t hear the chorus of shouting around me. Someone grabbed my arms, hauling me back.
“Say it again!” I roared, thrashing in a vain effort to tear myself free, only vaguely noting that the man restraining me wasn’t one of mine. “Say it again! I’ll make sure you have to drink those damn ration bars for the a month!” A quick glance over my shoulder confirmed that Echo, Tech and Wrecker were straining to fight their way through the crowd of regs that swarmed the pathways between tables for a better view.
“Hunter, yuh might… might wanna get down here quick.” Wrecker’s voice carried easily over the deafening cacophony of shouts and jeers booming through the massive room. I couldn’t make out even the deep hum of Hunter’s reply, but nearly chuckled at what Wrecker said next, “Yeah… you’re not gonna believe this…”
The clone I’d struck finally regained his composure and stormed toward me, lips twisted into a scowl as he drew a sharp breath, but I didn’t care to allow him time for whatever attempt at a reprimand he intended. In a single, fluid motion, I careened my head back to crash into the face of the man holding me at the same time as I drove my heel down atop his foot. Caught off-guard by the assault, his hold loosened just enough to throw myself forward, tackling my target to the ground.
The violent huff of air being forced from his lungs was satisfying in a way few things are, but I allowed myself not even a moment’s pause to enjoy it before twisting to wrench his arm up, locking it between my thighs as I jerked his hand toward my chest, straining the elbow with just enough force to draw a bark of pain from him. I knew he was barely fledged, knew he likely wouldn’t even be fit to leave Kamino for several months, and I’d used that knowledge mercilessly. He was cocky and brash, and he was certain to underestimate me. Against a fully trained soldier, I’d have stood no chance, but one hindered by youth and overconfidence…
“Doc! Stand! Down!” Hunter shouted every word, forcing himself through the crowd toward me, and I almost felt some hint of remorse at the anger in his eyes. In the torrent of my own rage, however, I held the foolish soldier for just a moment longer. “Now!” He growled, stalking across those final feet between us. Only then did I notice how near the others were, hands flared, uncertain how best to help as they stared at me in shock.
Finally, I released him, making no move to stand as the clone threw himself clear of me, strained arm held tightly to his chest. Without a word, Hunter grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet. I didn’t try to fight him as he turned and dragged me from the mess hall.
While our barracks was far from nearby, I was still slightly surprised when he veered away from it toward the hanger. Still, that silence lingered between us through each endless minute. His grip never left my arm, but, the instant we were out of sight of the others, his touch had softened into something I couldn’t bring myself to want to pull away from, allowing him to guide me through the maze of immaculately kept identical hallways, across the open expanse of the nearly empty hanger, and up the ramp into the relative privacy of the Marauder’s cabin.
The instant that ramp closed behind us, shrouding the room in a darkness the emergency lights did little to lessen, the instant we were hidden from wandering eyes, he wrenched me against him, arm locking around my back as his other hand tangled into my hair in a desperate embrace. I could feel the faintest shutter in the deep sigh the escaped him, felt the warmth of his breath flutter atop my scalp sending a flush of gooseflesh across my skin; felt his lips rest lightly atop the crown of my head as he curled subtly around me, and I couldn’t help but freeze.
“Are you okay?” The depth of concern in those whispered words left me staggering. His hand slipped free of my hair to gently cup my cheek, leaning back just enough to meet my gaze. “Are you okay?” he asked again.
“Y… yeah.” I was surprised to find how my voice caught, stammering slightly. “Hunter, I’m… I’m fine.” I tried to reassure him, reaching up to let my fingers trail softly over his wrist in an innate need to offer some manner of comfort in the face of his… what? Fear? Was he afraid?
He let out another deep breath, shoulders sinking as some of the tension coiling through his powerful form began to ease, but he didn’t pull away from me.
“When Wrecker said you’d gotten into a fight with a reg…” He started, trying, failing, to explain, but he didn’t need to say more. I knew what horrors plagued his memories of such things; knew why, even now, such a rift lay between his brothers and most every other clone born of Fett’s DNA.
“Didn’t think you’d find me torturing one in an arm bar?” I offered with a small smile, and he left out a reluctant scoff.
“No.” He admitted quietly, but then he fell back into that silence, jaw tensing as he thought carefully over his words before granting them voice. “You got lucky, Doc… and you know that.” An apology just lingered beneath the unmistakable accusation, and I couldn’t dismiss the way my chest tightened at the truth in his words.
“Yeah.” I whispered, refusing to turn away from him even in the admission of my foolishness because he and I both knew I didn’t regret it. I knew no clone would have killed me under those circumstances; however, one with more experience, one who’d seen the horrors of war and knew not to hesitate… His thumb swept slowly over my cheek, touch barely caressing my skin as though he were worried even that might break me.
With a final sigh, he stepped back, hands dragging against me greedily for those fleeting seconds of contact before turning his gaze toward the aft of the ship.
“Come on.” He murmured, already treading down the hallway. I paused for just a moment before following a few steps behind him. He’d already retrieved my scanner by the time we reached the medbay.
“Your hands.” He explained at my confusion. I glanced down, hands flaring out between us to find the skin atop several knuckles torn and smeared in blood that had long since darkened into a tacky coating already beginning to flake at the edges. Without waiting for me to get over that initial shock, he swept the device over them in search of fractures, and I didn’t need to read the results. The relief that stole through him confirmed little more than soft tissue had been injured.
“I can do that, Hunter.” Even as the claim left my lips, I knew it was useless as he gathered what basic supplies were needed to tend the minor wounds. He merely let out a quiet hum in response, already reaching for my left hand. Resigned, I merely watched in silence as he carefully cleaned away the blood before covering each knuckle in a fine layer of bacta and wrapped them with a precision that spoke of a lifetime of treating this exact injury.
When he let his eyes wander back to mine, he again brought his hand up to slide over my cheek, and I couldn’t dismiss the way my heart jumped, but then he drew a rag up to sweep over my forehead and I was briefly shocked to see the crimson stain the fabric, but then his brows drew together in confusion.
“Did you… You headbutt him?” He asked skeptically, and I couldn’t help the quiet laughter from escaping me. With another scoff, he dragged the cloth once more over my skin to rid the final traces of blood before releasing me.
“They changed the schedule. We’re leaving tonight.” He stated, absently cleaning up the mess of used supplies as he spoke. “Think you can finish restocking by then?” Swallowing back the lingering thrill from his touch, the chill I so wanted to pretend didn’t exist in that very moment he’d turned away from me, I had to tear my gaze away from those powerful hands before I could answer him.
“Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem.” I replied, finally drawing some motion into my limbs to help him finish up.
“Alright; I’ll go fill the others in. We’ll meet you back here.” He paused after into a single step into the main hall. “No more picking fights.” The weariness in his voice nearly managed to silence my rebuttal. As I drew breath to argue, the hint of a glare that narrowed his eyes proved enough to stifle that final trace of rebellion urging me to justify my actions. Still, I granted myself a short huff of air in an unspoken rebuttal, and the way his shoulders shook beneath a nearly suppressed chuckle left my heart soaring.
The crate beside me was quickly filling up as I loaded it with various goods, mindlessly checking my list every few minutes to keep track of my progress. The sound of the door hissing open didn’t warrant even a fleeting thought. This was one of the main supply stores. It wasn’t uncommon to find numerous people in here at once. Only when that deep voice I’d heard countless times from countless faces breached the stillness of the large, cluttered room did I finally grant them any notice.
“Hey, you got a minute?” The innate openness in my expression as I turned to answer the clone instantly hardened upon recognizing the split eyebrow and freshly broken nose, but he quickly raised his hands in a plea for peace. “I’m not here to fight.” He reassured me quietly. I studied him in silence for a moment longer before letting my gaze soften slightly. I loathed the twinge of guilt that twisted through my chest at the painful swelling plaguing his nose, at the dark bruises stretching up his eyes, and I couldn’t bring myself to simply leave it. With a slow breath, I reached down to close the crate.
“Sit.” It wasn’t quite an order, but neither was it an invitation.
“What?” The word fell from his lips before his mind had fully processed what I’d said, and, without my needing to repeat myself, moved to obey me. Helping myself to the supplies around us, I began with his brow. While it had clearly been granted a rushed cleaning earlier, I addressed it as I would any wound until it was neatly sutured before turning my attention to his nose.
Whatever reason he’d actually sought me out seemed to vanish as he sat frozen beneath my ministrations, eyes just a bit too wide, breath just shy of shallow, pointedly trying to look anywhere but me aside from the accidental glance the left him quickly turning away, cheeks flushing.
“Do you know what chemical you can add to a droid popper to turn it into an incendiary grenade?” I asked without preamble, delicately palpating his nose with my thumb to gauge the severity of the break. The instant his attention shifted, mind flitting between focusing on my voice and thinking over the question itself, I quickly wrenched the cartilage straight, tucking a rag against it to catch the fresh surge of blood before he’d even finished biting back the sharp grunt of pain. I cocked my brow expectantly when he looked back up at me.
“Uh… n… no.” He finally muttered, clearly fighting the urge to grind his teeth.
“Hold this.” I instructed, shifting the cloth slightly. Once his hand replaced mine, I began applying a thick layer of bacta over the inflamed skin.
“Know who does?” I continued as though nothing had happened. I saw the moment understanding swept through him, and he yielded beneath the need to tense his jaw, gaze quickly dropping to the far corner of the floor. “What’s your position in your squad?” His tongue darted out to wet his lips, mind churning in a vain attempt to anticipate why I’d asked.
“Heavy gunner.” He answered, and I was surprised to find his voice free of resentment, to hear a softness in the following silence as he waited for me to speak.
“I assume you’re the only heavy gunner in your batch?” He nodded, glancing almost timidly up at me. “Having that specialty… do you think you make your squad stronger because of it?” There. Before I’d even finished the question, his eyes nearly closed, shoulders falling slightly. He was young and impulsive, but he clearly wasn’t as foolish as I’d initially written him off to be. Even as he reached the conclusion I’d yet to voice, he maintained that quiet, granting me as much time as I wanted to breathe life into some grand meaning.
“Wrecker’s quick thinking and kindness in addition to his strength have saved my life several times during this war.” I continued, carefully applying adhesive strips across the bridge of his nose to stabilize the cartilage while it healed. “If you hurt him again, you’re going to need more than a tube of bacta to patch you up.” I spoke those final words as a simple statement of fact as I stepped away. His head tilted down slightly in a useless attempt to hide the grin he couldn’t quite fight back.
“How’s the elbow?” His gaze flicked back up me to before turning to the joint. He briefly stretched it before answering.
“A bit stiff, but it’ll be fine by morning. That’s not the first time I’ve been caught in one of those.” He explained, and I could hear the smirk still playing with his lips.
“Good.” I chirped, “then get up – I still have work to do.” He didn’t move for a fraction of a second before quickly jumping to his feet.
“Um, I can… I can help.” He offered, “Least I can do since you spent all that time fixing me up.” I nearly turned him away, but I was in a bit of a rush. Just as I began to respond, however, his com chimed with an incoming message. The rueful look that he shot me left me rolling my eyes as I nodded toward the exit dismissively.
“Oh,” He called, pausing halfway through the door. “What chemical is it?” It took a moment for me to realize what he was asking, but then I gave him a halfhearted shrug.
“You’d have to ask him.” I answered. “I have no idea.” His grin fell for barely half a beat before returning with renewed vigor.
“I will.”
Mere seconds after he left, the door slid open once more. Brow hitched, I glanced up expecting to find that same clone returning, but was surprised to see Crosshair stepping into the room just enough to lean back against the wall.
“Flirting with regs, now?” The familiar rasp of his voice held the faintest hint of resentment that almost gave me pause.
“I swear, you’ve got to be the only person I know to mistake ‘threatening’ with ‘flirting’.” I nearly groaned before resuming my task.
“No mistaking his grin…” He retorted, and I could feel the unspoken words sitting like poison in his throat, but he forced himself to remain silent, instead reaching into a pocket to grasp a toothpick.
“Did you just come here to throw accusations around, Crosshair?” I sighed wearily, unwilling to devote the energy into bashing my head against a wall in some futile effort to change his mind.
“Hunter sent me a com; said I should keep an eye on you. Clearly, there was nothing to worry about.” He added, narrowed eyes shifting back to mine as he flicked the sliver of wood over his lips. Returning his glare, I roughly dropped the box of fresh bandages into the crate.
“If you want to be jealous and pouty, go ahead.” I sighed dismissively as I turned away from him. The silence lingered heavily between us, but I refused to grant him the satisfaction of yielding beneath it. When I finally finished my list and hoisted the crate up to lean against my chest, he finally spoke.
“Were you?” I paused midstep at the quiet question, shifting to find him staring blindly at some distant point past my hip.
“Was I what?” I pressed when he offered nothing more.
“Flirting.” I nearly dropped the crate.
“Uh, n… no, Cross.” I answered, cursing the heat crawling up my neck. Without a word, he pushed himself away from the wall and, with just a few long strides, tread towards me. I barely had time to think before he was pulling the box from my grasp and found myself staring dumbly at the broad expanse of his shoulders as he began walking down the hall. Forcing myself to draw a steadying breath, I followed quickly behind him.
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Fanart!! - by @like-a-bantha
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Click here or message me if you'd like to be added to a taglist!
Click here for my Masterlist.
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Taglist: @arctrooper69@ct-0113@padawancat97 @eclec-tech@kixs-husband @atomickidsoul @jennrosefx @echos-girlfriend @burningfieldof-clover @manofworm @merkitty49 @fives-girlfriend @starqueensthings @idoubleswearimawriter @abigfanofstarwars @chopper-base @daftdarling222 @pb-jellybeans @oldmanwithashield @skellymom @bacta-the-future @rosechi @legalpadawan @pentaghasm @actuallybarb @snow-dragon-rider @like-a-bantha @ew-wtaf @solstraalaa @drummergirl1701 @shersten-the-golden @shewhoneveryields @highlylunar @get-wr3ckered @dangraccoon @brokenphoenix99 @nekotaetae @rndmpeep @blondie_bluue
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ghostofskywalker · 4 months
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my original clone fics masterlist got too long, so i'm splitting up clones in groups!
Emoji Key:
☀️ - pure fluff
🌧 - pure angst
🌤 - both fluff and angst, but more fluff
🌦 - both fluff and angst, but more angst
👀 - multichapter work that is ongoing
🌲 - multichapter work that is complete
🍄 - platonic/no romantic relationship
✨ - gender neutral reader
🌻 - author favorite
My Main Masterlist || Main Clone Masterlist
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these echo fics specifically feature 501st!echo. bad batch!echo fics can be found on my bad batch masterlist.
Stolen Moments of Peace and Quiet ☀️ ✨
Unnecessary Matchmaking ☀️ ✨
Not Just For Show ☀️
Deep Space Delicacies ☀️ ✨
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Not Just a Game 🌤 
What To Do When The Lights Go Out Unexpectedly (Cuddle With An ARC Trooper) 🌤✨
A Little Loopy 🌤
Sleepy Mornings ☀️✨
Smitten ☀️ ✨
Memories Are Forever 🌧 ✨
No Flirting In The Jedi Archives ☀️
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Welcome to the 501st 🌤✨
“I think yellow is a fitting color for you” ☀️
Friends Don’t Kiss Like That ☀️🌻
Heart Eyes in the Holding Cell ☀️✨
The Strength To Keep Going 🌧✨
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Can’t Hide For Long 🌦
Close Enough: one || two  🌤 🌲 
Two Steps Forward ☀️✨
Bacta, Burns, and Bedside Manner 🌦
A Medic’s Touch 🌤✨
Long Hours Make For Tired Jedi Healers 🌤✨
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A Confession Long Overdue ☀️
Surprise ☀️✨
Slowly But Surely ☀️
A Work of Art ☀️
Seismic Shift 🌦✨
Ally, Rival, Friend? 🌤✨
To Keep The Shivers At Bay 🌤
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Welcome! Below there are a few different Masterlists for the fics I have been working on. I have a Captain Rex (pre 66) one as well as a Sargent Hunter (post 66) in the works. I also am working on some one shots but I’ll make sure I note who they are written for.
Also most of my stuff will probably depict the reader as a Mandalorian because I don’t find that very often. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave me feedback and definitely reblog if you loved it!
I'm going to add my taste in men here incase anyone wants to talk about it 🤣
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my stuff 🙌🏻
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Captain Rex Edition
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Credit to @freesia-writes for the divider 🖤 and @lornaka for the helmet art
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* The Bad Batch Edition
Posted Every Tuesday! If you want to be on my taglist let me know!
Prologue/Chapter One - here
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Four
I am not going to be posting to tumblr anymore but it can be found on Wattpad at this link.
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Credit to @djarrex for the kirffing awesome divider 🖤
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* The Mandalorian Edition
Head Cannons
Clones as dog breeds
Clone force 99
Commander Wolffe
One Shots
Captain Rex
First Date
Sargent Hunter
“Let her go”
Tattoos Part One, Part Two, Part Three
“It’s better this way” Part One, Part Two, Part Three
“A what?”
“Theres only one way to find out” (werewolves)
“I’ve never brought anyone home before”
Masquerade: Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Why do they call you hell hound? Part One, Part Two, Part Three?
Two photos the give the same energy
Please keep it going! It can be found here.
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*this divider was made by me 😊
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arctrooper69 · 2 years
Here is the long awaited Masterlist!
And if you'd like to buy a struggling writer a cup of tea you can do so here: Ko-Fi
Thanks so much for enjoying my work! (1000 followers and counting!) ❤️🥰😍
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If you wish to be tagged in a specific fic or in general feel free to shoot me a message!
I write for many fandoms including - but not limited to - LOTR, Star Wars (all shows/movies/characters), Marvel, etc - if you want to request anything please send me an ask or a message.
Prompt Lists (lists are not made by me): Hurt/Comfort | Fluff -- feel free to send in your own!
Clone Wars
Clone Medic Kix:
Come Here Often?
Stayin' Alive
The Hands of Father Time
My Sunshine is Sleeping
Born for This
Busy, Busy
ARC Trooper Fives:
All the Stars in the Sky
Everybody Talks
My Cinderella
If I Don't Make It Back Alive
Ghosts of You
Captain Rex:
Running Home
Commander Fox:
A Duty of Forgiveness
Good Soldiers
Eyes Like Champagne
Til the Last Shot's Fired
Commander Wolffe:
In the Middle of the Night
Don't Miss Me
Love is a Battlefield
Come Let Me Love You
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Jedi Come Down
Marshal Commander Cody:
Forgive Me, My Love
Shining Star
Mysterious Ways
Original Characters:
The Last Mission
What Hurts the Most
The Bad Batch
If It's Cracked... Don't Fix It (A Bad Batch crack fic)
Enemies to Lovers
Hiding the Hurt
Love is Good Medicine
Falling is Just Uncontrolled Flying
How Fascinating
Hold Still
Only You
The Tragedy of a Lothcat
Impractical Jokesters
Hate to Love You
Don't Forget
Dark is the Night
Unexpected Surprises
The Things We Fight For
Grasping For Hope
The Trees With the Pretty Flowers
Fire and Ice
As Iron Sharpens Iron
Training For Failure
Feels Like Durasteel
Other Star Wars Shows/Movies
Boba Fett:
Coming soon
Mass Effect
His Shoes
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in honor of one week until clone xreader fic exchange day -
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knightprincess · 9 months
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) Part 14
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Words: 2k Warning: None but a little bit of fluff ... I think
The moment the Marauder touched down on Anaxes, Anakin had been swept away by Obi-wan, no doubt to an immediate meeting with the Jedi Council. The Jedi Knight had little doubt he would be grilled for his actions and once again disobeying direct orders, as was the norm when he found a loophole. However, this time would be different as he had defied the order for any reason other than to help friends. Rex had told him of the theory Echo was still alive and brought his evidence, he couldn't turn his back on one of his closest and most loyal friends. (Y/N) too had been a reason. She hadn't been herself since Fives' death. She become far colder than before and determined to prove his innocence. Plus she all but rejected love from those around her, especially those who wanted to pursue a romantic relationship. He wanted to help Snap remember who she had been before Fives' died, before Echo had been lost at the Citadel before her heart had been shattered. 
Rex, on the other hand, had simply led the way to Snap's medbay, suspecting she'd be there caring for the troopers injured in the battles while they were away. The members of the bad batch followed behind quietly, the only sound escaping the group was the light tapping from Tech fiddling with his datapad and the subtle clunking from Echo's prosthetics. Nonetheless, the silence to settled over them was a comfortable one, it allowed them to find some sort of peace in the war raging on around them and truly allowed them to hear their own thoughts. Some of them thought about what their next mission would be, Would they be thrown in the jaws of doom again or be sent on something considered softer than normal? Rex on the other hand could only think of Snap and her reaction. He'd not told her when leaving for the mission to retrieve Echo if only to spare her the heartbreak, should it be a cruel trap by the seppies. The great captain knew for sure either Gregor or Wolffe would be around somewhere, keeping an eye on her as the senate had declared for all civvie medics in the field. 
Echo on the other hand thoughts had turned to all the things he'd missed. Gregor had apparently been found on the backwater planet known as the void, apparently with no recollection of how he ended up there. Fives, Tup, and Hardcase were gone as were many others he'd once called friends and brother. Soon enough his thoughts rallied to the impending reunion with (Y/N), he knew she'd changed, everyone in the war had. But still, he questioned if she would be happy to see him or even care for his return. He felt his nerves begin to rise, as his mind clouded with fear of rejection once more. Especially now when she was so different from his brothers and had done so much against those he once fought to protect. 
Before Echo really knew it, the group of troopers were passing over the threshold of Snap's medbay, Much to the surprise of Rex the area was completely empty besides (Y/N) and Gregor, the commando preoccupied with winding Snap up. Although he stopped the moment his honey eyes found the group, specifically the once missing arc trooper. After which his only action was to draw her attention to the group, even if that meant hiding her datapad for the time being. 
Snap had been about to reach for her datapad again when Gregor pointed to the quiet group. Upon turning to them she paled, so many emotions passing over her tired features. Slowly she stepped around her desk, trying to will her brain to catch up and to determine if she was seeing things or if her Echo was there. Rex and the members of the Bad Batch didn't say a word as they got comfy on the beds in the room waiting for their mandatory check-up before being released back into the field or receiving any treatment necessary.
"Hey, Snap" voiced Echo, mentally berating himself for saying something so stupid. They'd been separated for almost two years at that point, she deserved more than just a simple hey. He'd been about to say something else when he felt a hand collide with his cheek, sending his head whipping to the side with some force. His honey eyes were wide with shock as he turned to face her once more. (Y/N) seemed just as taken aback by her own actions, but there was also something else alight in her eyes now, something that hadn't been there before. Hope. 
"Sorry, had to make sure you were real" commented Snap, before repeating her actions, this time to Gregor chuckling and Crosshair making a snide comment. "That was for leaving without telling me the truth" she added before directing him over to one of the empty beds, a small grin coming to her lips although sadness was still present in her eyes. 
"Please spare us the drama and do him last" voiced Crosshair, wishing to be anywhere but there when the inevitable display of affection occurred. Even more so when it was obvious Echo was trying his hardest to stay still and do as Snap had commanded. (Y/N) simply nodded before starting with Wrecker, knowing the human wrecking ball hated medical checkups, probably more so than the needles that normally accompanied them. The moment she gave the lovable soldier his clean bill of health he practically jumped off the bed and ran for the exit, as if on the verge of achieving victory and escaping a prison. 
Crosshair had volunteered to be the next one, as per usual making comments, he didn't go far when Snap was finished with him, instead waiting for Tech and Hunter to be cleared or given any treatment needed. Once again Hunter was given something for his sensitivity and Tech flirted with (Y/N) even if he did so unknowingly, complimenting her work and skills as a healer. Rex too was released after a small dose of Bacta gel and a thank you from Snap. Gregor left with him, although he mentioned he'd be just outside the door should Snap be in need of him. 
Silence once again fell over the medbay, from a distance (Y/N) assessed what she'd need. Quickly determining she'd need to do both a physical and mental assessment on the man she still had the urge to call her Arc Trooper. At the same time, she came to the conclusion she'd have to look over all the prosthetics and implants the Techno Union had put in place. 
"Sorry about whacking you earlier. Almost two years ago I lost you, then without any warning you were here. I thought I was losing my marbles again" started Snap, admitting her reaction had been more from questioning her own sanity than punishing him for leaving her behind. Echo's eyes shone with surprise, Had he really affected her that much? What else had she been through for her to question the reality surrounding her? "Get comfy Mr. Arc Trooper, it's gonna be a long one. Gregor may as well go get some caf and enjoy a game of Dejarik with Wolffe" she continued, catching Gregor's salute from the door and leaving with Rex. 
"Thank you" blurted Echo, before he could truly grasp what was happening or the words to fall from his lips. Snap glanced at him in confusion, but there was no judgment as the Arc Trooper had convinced himself there would be, instead Snap looked at him as if he was the regular trooper he'd been before as if nothing at all had changed. When in truth everything had. "When I was ... when I was a ... alone. They probed my mind, you kept me company. Became my defence against them. Without you, I wouldn't have gotten through the isolation or the torment of being a weapon against my brothers, against the republic" whispered Echo, admitting she'd helped him even when she didn't know it. But refusing to admit the isolation had coursed far more damage than he would ever admit. Just as he wouldn't admit the other things he'd suffered through at the hands of the Techno Union or the thoughts of betrayal and abandonment his desperate mind had created. 
"Thank you for coming back" whispered Snap when she drew close enough. Her words served as a way to distract him from the injection, she caught him with. "Mental assessment is complete for now, your words gave a fair bit away" she calmly elaborated, making notes on her datapad, while resisting the urge to throw it aside and forget her manners. The man her heart set itself on was before her now, different yet still somehow the same, while her mind screamed at her to remain professional until her duties were done, her heart was yelling at her to give in and embrace him, to finally allow herself to feel the love she had forcibly shut away at some point. 
"You haven't changed a bit. Exactly the way I remember" warmly spoke Echo. After all the time to have passed and everything to have happened, the words others had spoken. He'd expected even prepared himself for Snap to be a different person. Yes, she was colder towards the Jedi and some other Civvi Medics, but she still had the same warmth and caring towards the troopers. She still accepted each as they were and called them by the names chosen. The only difference was, now she had an army of big brothers, and her bright smile had dimmed a little. 
"Save us the torment already and kiss" came a voice from the entrance. Snap could only chuckle as Jesse quickly dogged back behind the door, or rather was yanked back behind it by someone, there was little doubt in (Y/N)'s mind it was a member of the famed Wolf Pack or perhaps even Cody. 
"They haven't changed much either. Jesse's still one of the biggest flirts I know and Cody is still Obi-Wan's biggest fan" laughed Snap, letting a small yelp escape her lips when she felt arms wrap around her waist, pulling her in a warmish embrace. Echo was gentle not to hurt her with his scomp link or the implants scattered across his body. His left hand brushed through her silky hair, as he breathed in the familiar vanilla, jasmine, and peppermint scent. His only wish was to do as Jesse had suggested and kiss her, but somehow found his body wouldn't respond to his wishful command. Instead, the pair stayed in the locked embrace. 
As if on cue, Echo could hear Fives' voice ringing in his ears, a simple yet sarcastic "finally" on repeat, along with the normal grin Fives would have given and no doubt followed by a sarcastic comment on waiting far too long. Shortly after Echo's mind came up with the scenario of being chased around the base by Wolffe, acting as the big brother Snap never had and being overly protective of her. Rex following along behind with the simple request of keeping Echo in one piece, with Gregor near Snap and the many Jedi Generals being confused for the most part. 
"Sorry I waited so long" whispered Echo, before releasing her, at least allowing her to return to her duties before giving into the temptation of pulling her to him once more and finally kissing her. By the time the pair separated, Anakin had appeared from the Council Meeting, where his brows had once been creased, and anger had been displayed on his features. A sense of peace and a rare smile had taken over him the moment he entered Snap's medbay, finally, the pair had been reunited, finally, Echo was home again and finally (Y/N) was allowing herself to truly feel again, rather than locking all her emotions and feelings away in a durasteel box. Finally, there was a sense of love that had been missing for so long. 
Finally, Snap had more than friendship to fight for. 
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