#eds in media
seasononesam · 2 months
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Stackednatural- 272/327
Ghostfacers (3x13) April 24th, 2008
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queerly-autistic · 5 months
I don't think I'll ever be emotionally over the beautiful queer journey represented by these two kisses.
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Firstly, we have Stede, a repressed gay man who has probably never even entertained the idea of loving a man, being kissed by a man for the first time and (although enjoying it) clearly being a little bit stunned and nervously keeping his hands down because he has no idea what to do with them.
And then we have Stede a few months later, the very next time he gets a chance to kiss that same man, having gone on such a journey of self-discovery that he's absolutely figured out who he is, and what he wants, and this time he's ready to grab what he wants with those same hands (literally).
Stede Bonnet is the character of all time and I could cry for thirty million years over his gorgeous arc of queer discovery, queer love, and queer joy.
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seance · 1 month
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Human connections were never easy when I was alive. And now that I'm dead, they seem to bring somehow even more baggage. There are these feelings that I'm not used to. I thought those feelings were never to be spoken of. But once you have them… it's hard to hold them back. And that terrifies me.
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fright-designs · 3 months
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throwback to the Our Flag Means Death embroidery i made last year 🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️
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cataclysmic-cathexis · 8 months
Can we take it... slow?
Because I am once again completely normal about a piece of media, here is a visual essay on You Wear Fine Things Well Take 2: Faces and What Those Faces Are Doing (It's Kissing, But Also Emotions)
(I lightened all these screenshots up so the faces are more visible)
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Ed is telling Stede his very sweet fishing story. Stede is reacting totally appropriately - gasping, eyes wide, interested and adorable. He's genuinely loving spending this time with Ed, hearing about his day.
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He even leans forward to examine the lil fishy. CUTE. He's just so happy to be here, with Ed, talking about their days, spending time together. ("I love being near you.")
Stede tells Ed his abbreviated "cursed suit" story, where Ed delivers the "that wasn't a long story at all" line deadpan with this hilarious face:
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(Why is this face so funny? Scientists in the future may know, but alas, this mystery will not be answered within our lifetime.)
Ed then ups the ante - going from that hilarious face to this SCORCHING HOT ONE after uttering the line that ruined the life of everyone on this hellsite
You wear fine things well
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Those big brown 'come hither' eyes are HITHERING (it's a word, don't Google it tho)
What I also like about the refrain of "you wear fine things well" - Ed is signaling to Stede that he is ready to take another step. In the last episode, Ed put down a firm boundary - "you don't get to say that to me." Stede, in his adorable, desperate, determined, stubborn yet respectful way, backed off (by delivering an arguably MORE romantic speech but whatever - he respected Ed's boundary and didn't say "I love you"). Ed is pulling from their shared history, from a beautiful moment where they both felt something (although it's arguable as to whether or not in the moment Stede actually knew what he was feeling - he certainly with hindsight was like OOOOOOOOHHH).
So Ed is giving Stede the ok to take a step forward - which he does, while making this face with is the human equivalent of the heart eyes emoji:
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Stede then looks away - and he stays in place, letting Ed come to him, making sure it's Ed to initiate. I think Stede wants Ed to be sure, doesn't want to push, since he knows how badly he fucked up and knows how deep Ed's hurt is.
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Stede looks back up, but stays in place. Ed is looking at him with such vulnerability...
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..as he slowly does his adorable little teenager-about-to-have-their-first-kiss shuffle...
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And he leans in for that sweet kiss under the waxing moon.
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Initially it's just Ed who is leaning in, but then Stede leans into the kiss as well - and deepens it.
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Ed is then like "ok weird for ME to be the one saying this but it's probably healthier if we don't skip straight to banging each other's brains out on the deck of the ship and like, make sure of our feelings first"
After Ed says "We're whim-prone, as you said," Stede goes through a little mini crisis. First, fuck why did I say that:
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Then - before Ed can finish what he's saying, Stede's face falls. He's so worried he's messed this up. Ed gave him a kiss and he tried to go too fast, and he's getting rejected again.
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He tries to put a brave face on it, but our lil guy is SO SAD
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Then once Ed finishes his fish metaphor ("You can't catch a fish unless the fish wants to be caught") Stede realises that Ed isn't rejecting him. I think Ed's vulnerability here and how unsure he is ("we're the fish, I guess. Maybe. I think.") helps Stede to remember hey, this isn't about me and my stuff right now, this is about Ed and Ed's stuff.
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Stede gains a little confidence back. He's reassured. Ed is still trying to figure out who he is without Blackbeard, and Stede gets it. And Ed still wants him to be a part of who the new Ed is ("we're the fish"). He's like ok, I got u babe.
So he pulls himself back, but he still wants Ed to feel his affection, and to know that Ed is loved. So he holds Ed's hand and asks for permission.
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"What about this? Is this alright?"
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"This? Perfect."
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Then they have their adorable little hand moment - just happy that they understand one another, happy to be touching, happy to be together.
"You won." Stede whispers.
Ed looks away, beaming:
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And, in contrast to the last time they stood on the deck, under the moon, and said "you wear fine things well", this time they walk off together.
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There's just something about the dads in Mike Flanagan's works that fuck me up. None of them are perfect but they're all trying their best and love their kids so damn much. The horror of knowing the world is gonna eat your kids alive no matter what you do. The tragedy of never knowing just how much your dad loved you until it's too late. I just-
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areyoudoingthis · 5 months
I am SO grateful that ed and stede exist as characters exactly as they are. I'm so grateful for these two men who are traumatized and messed up and struggle to even like themselves, who are terrible at communicating, who make enough mistakes between the two of them to fill an entire ocean. I am so grateful to watch them struggle and be seen and be loved and reach out for the things they want and are maybe starting to believe that they deserve. I'm so grateful that the show lets them fall in love and get together exactly as they are, that it doesn't say they need to wait until they've become some unattainably perfect version of themselves before they have permission to have that. i am so grateful for ofmd
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deonideatta · 1 year
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In this time of drought and famine I offer you some Eden AU twiyor 🤲🏾
Based on this post by @lady-charinette!!
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crownspeaksblog · 8 months
People are so used to the idea that queer romantic relationships matter so little to the story til the point they will call romantic displays of affection and domesticity fan service in a character driven show, a show where the main queer relationship is THE plot.
Ed and stede having moments of affection and love is not fan service. You're making it sound like the show is pandering to the fans when this is literally just a continuation of the story, this is just the next level of their relationship, the next phase of the story.
To me calling it fan service is just diminishing the show and when you call it that, it just validates what people who completely missed the point of the show are saying.
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milkymooshi · 2 months
I sometimes think abt Ed’s submarine…bc he absolutely could’ve built it to be piloted by one person. He 100% could’ve. He built the thing. From the sonar system to the rest of it. It was all his work. He could’ve built it to be piloted by just one person and handle only one person, but he didn’t.
The fact that’s he didn’t will forever be my Roman Empire for Nygmobblepot (besides the library scene) bc he 100% planned to leave with Oswald. He wanted to take Oswald with him.
He WANTED to take Oswald with him.
AND!! He came back to the GCPD to fight for Gotham for Oswald. Bc truly, he didn’t care for the city. He didn’t care abt the people in it. He didn’t care abt the GCPD anymore. The underground. The Narrows. He didn’t care and was willing to throw everything away, but he wasn’t going to leave Oswald behind.
He never planned on it.
When Oswald said that his blood was in the concrete this city was built? When he said that he saw Gotham as himself? When Ed came through saying “I like this city the way it is”?
Ed loves Oswald the way he is and Oswald loves Ed for who he is. It’s everything to me…
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queerly-autistic · 4 months
I've been turning over the 'boyfriends' deleted scene in my head all day, rotating it gently in my hands to get a good look at it from all angles, trying to figure out why it hit me in such an emotional place, and I realised it's because it's so...young?
It just perfectly captures that wonder and surprise and joyfulness of being in love for the first time, and realising that you can suddenly use words like 'boyfriend' and they mean something tangible to you - testing out the language and definitions of your relationship for the first time and being absolutely giddy with it all.
And the fact that it's two middle aged men, who have both been on their own specifically queer journeys, gives it a whole other layer of meaning and importance.
As queer people, so many of us were denied the opportunity to have these experiences when we were kids; standing on the sidelines and watching our peers go through all these rites of passage, whilst never quite able to reach out and touch it ourselves. And I think many of us live in perpetual fear that because we didn't to get to have this as kids, then we've missed out, and we will never get the chance to have those experiences in the same way.
But it isn't too late.
My mum came out as gay at 50, and I watched her go through the same thing when she met her first ever girlfriend (who is now her wife): the absolute excited youthful joy of being in love and getting to do all the things she never got a chance to do when she was younger. As a twenty year old, I was a bit annoyed and embarrassed by my mum suddenly turning into a lovesick teenager, but looking back on it now as a thirty-something, it actually makes me well up slightly thinking about how absolutely beautiful it was.
And that's why the 'boyfriend' moment puts me in such an emotional headspace. Because what this silly show did was cup my face gently in its hands and say 'it's never too late to have this'.
I'm so, so glad that we have so much representation for younger queers these days; that young queers get to see themselves represented on screen, having all these experiences that every young person deserves to have. But it's so much rarer for us to see older queers represented in this way, too. Older queers getting to have this is so important, and watching these two men in their 40s experience this, being allowed to revel in the giddy joy of first love - omg we're boyfriends! - like the happy lovesick teenagers they thought they'd forever lost the chance to be, it's just everything to me.
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misoiimiso · 10 months
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celluloidbroomcloset · 7 months
Something about two touch-starved men who have rarely, if ever, been touched by another man without an undercurrent of violence, casually touching each other in increasingly intimate ways even before they process their developing romantic feelings for each other.
Something about this show actually looking at the complexity of toxic masculinity and how it warps men but also how they can be slowly unwarped by letting them have and express emotions other than anger.
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taskmastersource · 5 months
somebody thought the s17 cast was gonna be announced after nyt24...... hehe 🤭🤭🤭
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i'm fucking dying with how he announced it with that photo. literally failed the task. this sequence of tweets is so brilliant lmaooooo
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why is my follower count going up. what did i do. u weirdos are freaking me out. buddy whats up
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I've said this a billion times before and I'll keep saying this until the day I die.
Pirate all your favorite shows, movies and games while you still have the chance.
Keep buying physical media.
And for the love of all that's good in this rotten world, stop paying for these shitty overpriced streaming services!
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