#either way thanks for sharing your thoughts anon 🙏
dailyfigures · 5 months
bestie i have absolutely no idea what possessed you to send me an ask about the 2012 argentinian disney show violetta but i respect your passion
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zyonsay · 6 months
People do not appreciate Max's thighs enough so Max x male reader where reader just appreciates his thighs 🙏 maybe suggestive? Tysm 😭
You look good MV1
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: Getting to know Max a little... better
Reader: Male
Warnings: Suggestive
Now playing: 'Brooklyn Baby' by Lana del Rey
AN: ANON YOU'RE SO REAL FOR THAT. I've been thinking about his thighs so much lately istg. Like they are so meaty i just wanna bite into them. Thank you for the request anon, i hope you enjoy!
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You’ve been ogling him for the whole evening, little did you know that Max was well aware of that. Currently, you were enjoying some margheritas on a sleek, white yacht in Monaco. The night settled in; you didn’t know what time it was though. Originally you had arrived with a small group of friends, but by now all of them either left with a man or were currently emptying their stomachs over the rim of the toilet bowl.
You were part of Redbull’s PR team, so you’ve gotten to know Max and Checo a while ago. Though you worked more with the editing of videos and social media posts than actually talking to the two drivers. From time to time, you all shared a hello or a goodbye, but nothing more.
But this evening was different. After Christian had urged you to relax, so you took a couple days off. This was also when you saw that Charles Leclerc would be hosting a yacht party. ‘perfect’, you thought. This was your chance to let loose and maybe meet some new people.
Not a new person, but Max Verstappen himself came up to you. He signaled the bartender to bring you two drinks, while keeping his eyes on you. His smile was sweet, but something playful glinted in his eyes.
“You look really nice.”, it was a simple, direct compliment, but it was the way he said it and the look he had in his blue eyes. His smile was as sweet as honey, and he looked at you like you hung the stars and moon in the sky. You felt a warm feeling flush over your face and your heart skipped a beat. Thank you, you too though.”, feeling a bit nervous you began playing with the hem of your satin dress shirt. “This might be sudden – but I want to get to know you.”, he stated it so bluntly, but after all it suited the type of person he was. Your eyes widened lightly as the meaning of his words kicked in. Though shortly after a shy smile made its way to your lips, before you took a swig of your drink. “Me too.” Max was enjoying seeing you all flustered and smiley. He slid a careful hand onto your thigh, though stopping his movement a bit above you knee. His eyes met yours, as if asking for permission. You weren’t sure if it was the lighting, but suddenly he was glowing in golden hues and everything around you two became a blurry mess.
A string of curses left Max’s form as he tried swiping his card key. His posture was a bit wobbly, and his skin felt like it was burning. Your hands roamed his chest as you kissed along his neck, sucking, and nipping occasionally. Finally, a quiet beep erupted from the lock and Max let out a grateful sigh. He pulled you inside, closing the door and slamming you right against it in quick motion. While groaning lightly, your hands found the buttons on his shirt, tugging at them and opening them one by one. Max was also working away at opening your shirt and pants. His tipsiness didn’t stop him from undressing you surprisingly fast though.
But this night wasn’t going to go the way he intended, no. The room was dimly lit by a lamp on the nightstand, you could barely see enough. With a mischievous smile, you pushed him backwards with your hand on his chest. He obediently backed up until the back of his legs hit the bed. After giving him a sweet peck, you pushed him onto the bed. His eyes widened lightly as he fell, but soon after hitting the mattress, he propped himself up with his elbows while a slight smirk played across his face. The night was clear, there wasn’t a single cloud in sight. The stars sparkled and shimmered while the moon watched over them. You crawled onto the mattress, caressing Max’s legs and thighs.
One last look into his eyes and you began kissing the inside of his right thigh while massaging the other one with your hand. A desperate sigh escaped the man under you, he now threw his head back while panting with passion and anticipation. His skin reddened quickly as you sucked and bit it. One of your hands reached up, lacing your fingers with his. His thighs were littered with love bites and sweet bruises. Your teasing had Max seeing stars, just like the ones outside in the nights sky.
His hand found its way into your fluffy hair, tugging on it as he whined desperately.
You chuckled darkly, “Use your words”
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Ehhh hi! I love your work so i wanted to ask for hcs with star rail men and kafka (choose whoever you want) with gn!reader or s/o who has a lot of childhood trauma. I mean brutal emotional and physical abuse from a really young age, a lot of scars, blood, sa, ect. How would (star rail character) react to s/o telling them about their past/ seeing s/o's scars? Pls angst🙏. If you dont like the request, just ignore this. Have a nice day/night! -anon
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ old scars die hard
âŠč character(s) - sampo koski, kafka, jing yuan âŠč word count - 1.3k âŠč notes - gn!reader, TW!! themes of abuse both emotional and physical, self-harm tendencies (not touched on as much but possibly implied?), etc. please read with caution and heed the warnings!!!
hi anon omg I hope you're okay (ዎ ﻌ ዎ) I don't know whether this is personal to you and your experiences or not but regardless!! this req touched me I know it's been sitting in my ask box for a while but I wanted to do it proper justice. I love you anon and I hope you are doing well <3!!! thanks for the req!
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âŠč Sampo Koski
He's not super concerned at first when he sees the first signs of scars
I mean, he's had his fair share of run-ins with disgruntled "customers". His scars are more numerous than yours, he'd assume.
That is, until he remembers you're not really in the same line of fire that he can typically find himself in
That's what gets him wondering.
Sampo's not really one to get into emotional vulnerability, and I don't think he'd ask you first
Unless of course, you started to gain new ones under his watch
If he's known you for a while, I feel like he'd have questioned it often until you told him to stop, and then he'd be kind of reluctant to bring it up again.
However, if you two are fairly new friends/partners, he'd dance around the issue but try to confront it regardless.
Especially if the abuse is current from people currently in your life or something you recently inflicted on yourself, he'd try to mention/address it in a roundabout way.
"That doesn't look so hot, Y/N! Might wanna see Miss Nat for it. What, you getting into the business of scam—aheh, I mean, customer service—too?"
Sampo tries to keep it light, but when he notices the way you tremble at the acknowledgement he makes of your wounds, his face crumples.
He's instantly apologizing, instantly doing anything to make you feel even a little better.
Offering to take you out to lunch, buy you something nice, or just get some takeout food and watch a show together.
I feel like Sampo, being relatively unequipped to seriously handle stuff like this (considering he's very much a humor-cope kind of person) would be especially frantic in trying to assuage your troubles
Whatever you want! Seriously, he'll bend over backwards for you, especially when you're vulnerable.
Sampo Koski may not be the most sensitive or empathetic, but he knows when to hold the quips and jokes.
He's a very good listener, though. It's honestly pretty shocking.
Now, Sampo's not much of a violent criminal.
Yes, he's a conman, but usually his plans involve escape over actual fighting back.
Still, when he hears about those who have made you suffer, he's not going to stand by.
In the cover of night, after tending to your wounds (both physical and emotional), he'd be off.
He won't kill them. But Sampo sure as hell will make sure they wouldn't even think of coming within five miles of you ever again.
And you'll never find out about it, either.
All that will happen is your life improving because your abuser will be out of it, and Sampo is perfectly content melding back into his usual joking self, bringing as much normalcy to your more peaceful life as he can.
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âŠč Kafka
At first, I think Kafka sees your scars/wounds and is kind of... uninterested? Or perhaps less uninterested and more just unconcerned.
Sure, there's questions and thoughts to be had, but everyone has their pasts—especially those among the Stellaron Hunters.
However, over time and with careful, calm observation, Kafka notices more about you.
She takes a special interest in you that she doesn't quite hold with her other fellow Stellaron Hunters.
How you apologize endlessly over small mistakes...
Or even how you flinched back when Silver Wolf of all people got angry and shouted at one of her video games.
I mean, Silver Wolf! The smallest of the Stellaron Hunters—outside of her abilities in manipulating the data of reality and hacking, she physically couldn't hurt a fly.
So, Kafka takes matters into her own hands.
She's pretty upfront, seeing no reason in beating around the bush.
She was content before in letting it slide as "everyone has their secrets", but she eventually develops something akin to concern for your situation.
"Darling, I just had a few small questions for you... Don't feel pressured to answer if you're not inclined."
The second half of her sentence shocked her a bit.
She has abilities relating to hypnotic suggestion—if there's something she wanted to hear or know, there's no reason she couldn't acquire it. And if there's something she wanted someone to listen to and obey, she could do it with no questions from the other party.
So really, it was awe-inspiring that she afforded you the luxury of choice here.
After hearing what happened to you, Kafka is not the type to go on a vengeance-path.
She knows the past is the past, and that you're with the Stellaron Hunters now, so your abuser is long gone from reach.
I think Kafka mostly focuses on comforting you in the moment.
Especially if you're partners, she'd be very inclined to give you a shoulder to lean on, a person to cry to.
Kafka may seem flippant, but she holds a deep-seated affection for you and she treats your trauma with the utmost respect and seriousness it deserves.
She'd definitely get more protective of you after hearing your past.
As long as it's not against Elio's script, she's accompanying you on any mission you need to attend to.
And, well, if someone happens to trigger any unpleasant memories, be it a stranger or otherwise...
They're taken care of. Quietly.
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âŠč Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan, teddy bear of a man he is, is likely the most forthcoming of the three about any scars he sees on you.
He's the General and goes into battle so that you don't have to get scars like his, and yet, what are these past wounds he sees on you?
The man isn't an idiot, though. He knows the circumstances behind them are likely far from pleasant.
He also knows how to treat a matter with the delicateness it requires.
"My dear... May I ask about that wound on your arm?"
So, so gentle.
He's already got you in his arms before you can say a word, cradling you gently and soothing you before you can get the story out.
Listens to every single word you have to say, only breaking your continuous sentences to hush you now and then and calm you down
Doesn't matter how much work he has to do, Jing Yuan would stay with you for hours or days on end to make sure you were okay
He, like Kafka, is not the type to be overly vengeful or seeking of retribution against those who hurt you.
Rather, he's more of the mindset that the best revenge is a life well-lived, and that's exactly how he intends to get back at your abusers—by making your life as wonderful as he can.
That's not to say he won't do anything, though.
If your abusers were still alive or around, he'd definitely pull some strings.
Nothing violent, of course, but the abuser(s) lives aboard the Xianzhou Luofu would never be peaceful again if he knew who they were.
Jing Yuan is more focused on you and your recovery.
If you ever feel like hurting yourself, or the past comes back to haunt you, he's dropping everything for your sake.
He doesn't just treat you like glass or tiptoe around you, though.
He knows how strong you are to have made it through such experiences and still be alive—to a long-lived species, it's especially admirable that one could sustain themselves through such things
As such, Jing Yuan respects you greatly. And he demands the same from others.
Not that he didn't already, being that you're his partner or closest friend (however you'd like to interpret, but he is most certainly in love with you!)
He's just more conscious of his own actions henceforth.
Jing Yuan wasn't the type to raise his voice or get visibly upset with you even in moments of disagreement or conflict, but he's especially more gentle after hearing your past.
The man is literally a walking green flag, I don't know what else to tell you!
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meowcatsposts · 11 months
Hey there I have an idea for an avatar the way of water fic its slightly angsty but hear me out pls!
So y/n sully, has been missing for most of the day and no one seemed to notice, until they show up at ronals hut cover in bruises, cuts from weapons, even the hair on there que has been choped off and there que has cuts on it. All of this was caused by the teens of the village, who brought them outside of the reef and attacked them, leaving them for dead. Y/n is a tired, bloody mess chooses to run to there bansie/ikran with the plan to leave. And well they do and no one noticed they left, not even there family. Only ao'nung noticed and it shook him with grief, he loved y/n.
Whether or not y/n comes back, is up to you! You don't haft to write the part where y/n gets the crap beat out of them if u don't want! Thank u!
Alone [Ao'nung]
✎    notes:
angsty at first!
reader is metkayina & characters are probably OOC
I really needed some inspiration, so tysm for your idea anon! I'm also really sorry it took me so long to write this, I hope you'll forgive me 🙏
I changed some things from the req to fit my previous story, I hope you're alright with it!
Overview: You get beaten up by some assholes who happen to not like the Sullys, so you run away. Heartbroken, Ao'nung sets out to find you.
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Ronal stifled a horrified gasp. Gashes, everywhere. Deep purple bruises, all over your skin.
“Who did this to you?” she whispered madly. “Come.”
Every touch, no matter how light, stung sharply. Why me? you thought bitterly. Hot tears welled in your eyes but you furiously blinked them back, refusing to give in to the hurt. Time blurred by and you vaguely recalled Ronal asking you a few questions, but couldn’t remember what. Was it about your queue? The blood? Everything seemed to fade away, and you couldn’t care less.
You were gliding across the water with your ilu now. At least those pricks didn’t dare to touch your ride; they were smart enough for that, it seemed. Its hide was smooth, no blemishes in sight, and a tiny smile threatened to ghost your lips. The salty sea, on the other hand, burned your skin raw, but you paid no heed to it. Your heart ached far worse. 
Tenderly, you ran your aching fingers over the piece of fine jewelry on your neck, thinking of how badly you wished for Ao’nung to be here with you. You reminisced about the day he gifted it to you. How red his cheeks burned, and how red yours were, too. Another sad smile ghosted your lips. What would he think of you now? Gone and grieving, probably. You loved him, so so much and you choked up with tears. Maybe you could leave Awa’atlu and find another island. Find different, kinder people. But to leave Ao’nung behind

You gazed down at your ilu, and it whistled somberly.
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Ao’nung wondered where you were. He hadn’t seen you all day, and it was driving him mad. Did he say something to upset you, to hurt you? Heart pounding, he combed through your conversations in his head. To his relief, nothing. Then
surely you were curled up in your marui, feeding the tiny fish, right? He had to be right. 
But he was utterly, terribly wrong. 
There was no sign of you no matter how hard he looked, and his stomach began to churn. His heart raced. His breath ran short. Where were you? Maybe you were lounging at the seawall terraces, where the both of you would share stories together. Not there. By the shore, playing with Tuk and the ilu? Not there, either. In the Sully family’s marui? No. Heck, he even asked Neteyam and Lo’ak about your whereabouts, but the boys just pursed their lips and shook their heads. Ao’nung searched everywhere like a rabid dog, his eyes blown wide, ears keen to any sound of you. He needed to know where you were. He was utterly empty without you.
Finally having enough he stormed into his family marui, tail thrashing and ears flattened. A pungent aroma attacked his senses, but he couldn’t care less–at least for now. In his sight appeared his mother, sitting on the woven floor and grinding furiously.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” he pressed. Sure, he knew to keep his temper in check–especially around his parents–but this was about you. He had to know.
“I don’t know.” Ronal’s eyes were as somber as his, as she huffed, “I asked questions, but no answer.” Her eyes flickered back to the mortar in front of her. In it was the source of the odor–a paste, still gritty. 
“What’s the salve for?” Ao’nung pressed. His heart sunk, just a little lower; deep inside, he knew what it was for. He just knew.
Ronal pursed her lips, knowing her son would hate her answer. 
“(Y/N) came in with wounds. So many of them
” She sighed, pressing and swirling the pestle. Her face was torn with anguish, and so was her son’s. “I don’t know who did it, and I tried to ask, but nothing.”
Ao’nung paced around madly. The only assholes who’d even think of hurting you was that dishonorable, abhorrent lot. Sure, maybe he’d been one of them, but not enough to hurt. Never enough to hurt. Ronal gazed at her son worriedly, for it was a first of him to be this uptight. She could feel the bitterness boiling over him.
“Ao’nung–” she started. The last thing she wanted was her son missing, too.
“I’m going to find (Y/N).” 
And with that, Ao’nung flew out of the marui.
“Ao’nung!” Ronal rushed out after him, but it was too late. He was gone.
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It was nightfall now. The waters turned black, and dim candescence webbed its cool surface. You sighed, tears pricking at your eyes. You were tired, hungry, and hurting, and your ilu was, too. It didn’t help that murky thoughts clouded your mind, either. Your ilu chirped forlornly so you stroked its neck, littered with luminous marks, in hopes of soothing it. Guilt overcame you. Perhaps it was better to return, you thought. The poor creature was suffering as much as you, after all. Biting your lip, you rubbed your glittering necklace between your fingers. What would Ao’nung be doing now? you wondered. Is he wondering where you went? Did his heart ache as much as yours did? Was he even looking for you? More tears burned your eyes as they threatened to spill over and you suppressed a shudder as another wave of anguish crashed into you and then–
You’d recognize that voice anywhere. How could you not? The sweet voice that calms your nerves. The rough voice that you roll your eyes at. It was so long–too long–since you’ve heard him, and your heart leapt with joy? Fear? You couldn’t tell, but one thing was certain: it was him. Him whose gaze turned soft when looking at you. Him who could listen to you talk forever. Him, who was home. But what were you going to tell him? Would he listen this time? You steadied your breath and gripped the handle between your ilu’s queues tighter, eyes flitting to find him.
? Wh–”
The ocean engulfed you, cold water rushing all over your skin. When you broke the surface Ao’nung was there, right in front of you. 
“I missed you,” he cried, taking you into his arms. “I missed you so much.” 
He held you tight and stroked your hair with shaky hands. He almost lost you, after all. 
“It took me so long to find you
I didn’t know where you were,” he blubbered. “I looked everywhere, you know, and I still couldn’t find you! I was about to give up, but–” Ao’nung cleared his throat, remembering he needed to be strong for you. After taking a few shaky breaths he murmured beside your ear, “But now you’re here. With me.” 
Tears poured down your cheeks. Your heart pounded against your ribcage. Just for a little moment, just for a little, you forgot about the pain. You hugged Ao’nung just as tight–even tighter, perhaps–feeling his warmth against your cold fingers. The tears wouldn’t stop as they ran in streams down your face, onto Ao’nung’s shoulder. He couldn’t care one bit; you were in his arms, alive, and that’s what mattered. His hands tenderly ghosted over your back, your nape and arms, and they rested on your waist as he pulled slowly back to look at you. To his dismay you shrunk away, trying hard to hide your battered body. 
“Look at me.” Ao’nung sighed as he wiped the tears beading at the corners of your eyes.
Open wounds littered your skin. They screamed at Ao’nung, and his blood boiled. Who dare touch you like that? He bit his lip to suppress the slew of curses bubbling in his throat. Not in front of you. Not now. That’d be saved for later, he decided. 
You shifted under Ao’nung’s intense scrutiny. Thinking it’d help him calm down, you cupped his face and whispered, “Look, the necklace you gave me.”
Ao’nung’s gaze drifted to your neck, and a smile ghosted his lips. You still had his gift on–a sign you were his, and his only. It was tarnished, sure, but it was there, resting beautifully on your skin. He slid his fingers through yours and squeezed tightly. 
“Let’s go back,” he said, tilting his head toward the ilu. “Together.”
blue line dividers by @/firefly-graphics
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honey-minded-hivemind · 28 days
I am so curious about what your thoughts are concerning what happens after the reader, Logan and Victor break out in the feral experiment au 👀
do you think Victor eventually gets to the point where he shares a leadership/second in command sort of relationship with his brother and they get to be a little messed up family unit that will destroy anyone who comes by
Does Victor sort of treat the reader and Logan with the same protective streak that totally isn't related to them being so mistreated within the au. He doesn't ever let go of control of being a leader in fear of 'going soft' and having it be possible that Logan + reader would be captured again
đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ€đŸŠŠ thank you for giving me so many ideas to think about when it comes to platonic xmen yans🙏
That's a really good question! May I call you Lucky Otter Anon? But this is a good question-
I can see this going either way, but it depends. If Logan starts to reconnect with Victor, and eventually stops trying to run, and even helps keep Reader with the two of them, then i can see Victor giving up most control over him and trying to be a team rather than the sole leader of their f*cked-up little family. If Logan keeps fighting him, or refusing any drugs or medical attention given to him, keeps trying to run, and actually attempts to take Reader with him, then Victor will decide to keep full control. He might loosen his hold in the future, but he wants Logan and Reader to feel better, yet wants them reliant on him while they heal. He wants a family, he wants to reconcile, but he won't get anywhere if his brother is too stubborn or if anything happens to him or Reader. So the best he can do is take care of them (forcefully, if he has to), and hope they start seeing him as trustworthy, or as their brother/dad/uncle...
(Woooooo! Someone finally asked about that AU! Thank you thank you thank you! I love answering questions for all of you!)
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fantomette22 · 4 months
Hello there! ^-^
It has been a while since I sent an ask but I miss your beautiful Gehrman drawings and posts
I was wondering if you had any ideas on who Mr. Gehrman’s parents were?
Hope you are well
Smiley anon!!!! :D Always a pleasure to see you're still around! Thank you for the great compliment đŸ„ș And I hope you are doing well too!
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Yeah you are right I need to draw our scythe boy man more !
For real I really want & need to draw him more but I have lot to do as well and either don't managed to find the time or don't know what to do... still I managed to draw him a couple of time this year already so that's cool!
Anyway about his family! I'm glad you ask! I still haven't ALL the details (such as names I'm bad with names) but I do have a timeline of events and a couple of more precise ideas. (not gonna share everything here)
I really wanted to draw him and his family since a while as well but never got the occasion before, so thank you!
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And it’s one more picture drawn from the old workshop! (Yeah one day i will draw all my headcanons of the photographies of the old workshop. It’s one of them. I like to think at least one is from his family).
Now, for me his parents are more in OC- Original Characters territory. And I headcanon he got a little sister (around 4+ year younger than him. Born the same year as Laurence. You see what I did here 👀).
They’re a pretty basic XIX/19th century working class-farmer family really. But I mean we're in bloodborne world so with chance, the level of life is a bit better (especially in education) than in real life. So yeah I imagined at the beginning he came from maybe a farmer family living in periphery of Yharnam or Hemwick when he was a child. With his parent, sister, + grandparents, cousins of his parents & his aunt ( a badass lady!) near. Thanks to his family & parents, Gehrman learnt almost everything he needed in life (work, repairing things & craft, surviving skills, hunt, cook, sew etc). I also like the idea that he could have foreign origin from either one of his parents or his grandparents at least. (But compared to Laurence who have half foreign origin too mr hunter actually inherit the tall genes compared to his friend XD)
The only thing missing would be a thirst for knowledge and he only had books & museum (& maybe a bit school too) to help it. Until well Byrgenwerth.
Also Gehrman was quite an unusual kid compared to his peer and that sometimes did worried his parents. Either he got interests far from kid his age or he was straight up out of the norm. (pretty oblivious he liked typical girl toys for exemple but was kind of a loner too. But also mean, one day they found a hurt bird on the ground. And the first thought the kid had was to mercy kills it... instead of just idk letting it here let nature do it's work... well in the end they took the bird in and heal it until it could fly again👍)
But he did fantastic things as well and they are very proud of him for that! He found huge meteorite in a field one day, he saved his dad life (kinda drama too), he killed a sick & dangerous wolf who was attacking cattle and almost lost his leg! No not because of the wolf but because of a trap... yeah he got hurt way too much on his right leg way before losing it...
Then I guess the mom passed away?? And his dad, sister and him moved to Yharnam, when he was a teenager. So yeah not always easy and even if his father probably tried hard at first, the more time pass the more he kinda suck. That lead to lot of yelling and almost fighting between the two men. (thanks god the sister was there🙏 yeah crying if not getting mad at them usually calm them both very efficiently). His father except his kids to basically take care of things at the house and that everything should ready when he's almost never here to help. And when he is, he's generally not in a good mood. So yeah I thunk he missed his mom (and aunt too) quite a lot...she was very nice and very kind and he misses her presence for sure.
Wen he got his majority or close to it, the big epidemic strike and his sister sadly passed away from it... it brokes him, nothing hold him back anymore so he leaved from his dad's and went to find some work. Still, a bit later they did reconcile! You know typical father/son activity! Like hm hunting...
Then I guess his dad passed away?? Yeah it's not very clear for me either maybe he could still be around, but I know that he ended all alone at some point and Gehrman got sick. He went to get heal at Byrgenwerth but they had to cut his leg to save him. Then he leave the region for a couple of years before coming back to study at Byrgenwerth!
I don't have precise names as well. I'm bad to choose them and it's not like I absolutely need them either. Still, on my list of names for OC I might had a few that could work. Hm ok I actually might have a more precise idea for his father. I think it would be very very funny if his father's name is like Herman or a name very similar to his own just for the following exchange :
"Oh that's your dad's name ? I see... he must have been very inspired to name you when you were born then đŸ€Ł"
Gehrman : Actually my parents named me after the legend of this guy but ok I guess 😑
but a few months ago i came across this beautiful painting! And immediately it made me thought of Gehrman or his parents back then! Either Gehrman in a very specific AU of mine hehe but i think it could also just illustrate his parents đŸ„ș
In the end you are right too. I should share more ideas / thoughts and headcanons on him as well when I find the time. The ones I could probably never wrote in a proper story so better draw + write some posts about it (such as : conflict with Laurence + with everyone + his grief after Maria passed away ; I swear I'm gonna draw him with his dog I SWEAR it's on my wip list ; I finally got an idea for an halloween costume for him 3 months after halloween 💀 ; hm đŸ€” idk some lil shenanigans with the others too; how he got his red scarf 🧣 ; ah and more time while as a student supporting Laurence bullshit or encouraging him).
Thank you again smiley anon, I know I can always count on you! I hope it answer your question, there's a lot of mixt ideas. I'm curious about your ideas as well on our dear mister Gehrman! If, idk one day you wanna share or talk about it more (even on private). It will be my pleasure!
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robogart · 9 months
first of all i really love your art and have for a long time! and i’m sorry you’re getting some nasty anons!!
i’m also an artist who gets some nasty anons from time to time, and i’m not gonna say either way whether or not you should answer them (it’s your blog, and you’re tagging them, so i think you’re doing it as well as you can!) but i will suggest that you could try to screenshot the messages and sharing them as a stand alone post instead of replying directly! i find that it deters some anons from your inbox and turns it more into your own post that you can speak from, rather than a conversation between you and anon made public, if that makes sense. regardless, i think your reasoning for why you respond makes sense— i never thought about it that way, and i respect it. wishing you the best!
First off, thank you so much - I’m so glad you enjoy my work and this is so kind of you to say! đŸ„ș🙏💖💕
And secondly this is SO helpful to know oh my gosh???!! This never occurred to me to do!! 😳 Oh man thank you so much for sharing this, I’ll definitely be doing this in the future!! I really appreciate this tip and your time!! 🙏💖💖💖
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singsweetmelodies · 6 months
different anon, but there are so many (okay, not that many) fics where charles used to be with pierre and ends up with max, or pierre is pining while charles gets with max that i just really like when it's max->charles <--> pierre. something about how lestappen only has racing (if that) but pierre and charles have a relationship that developped beyond racing and they maintain the effort to keep it going despite increasing engagements. it's about pierre being chosen and not having to fight for validation or love.
oh my god, anon, YES. i was reading your ask nodding all the way through it like đŸ™â€Œïž you are SO correct, friend!! in fact, this is something @boxboxbrioche and i have discussed at length - how we'd LOVE to see a fic where the "standard" (and in our opinion sickening, sorry, lol) trope of pierre-pining-for-charles-who-loves-max is INVERTED. let's have max pine for charles who is perfectly, beautifully happy with pierre!!!! because exactly like you said, anon: lestappen don't have any sort of relationship outside of racing, and even in racing, it's... they're friendly coworkers, at best. not friends. (charles has repeatedly said that pierre is his only real friend on the grid!!)
pierre and charles, though - they're genuinely friends and they genuinely love each other's company. like you said: they make an effort to stay close despite increasing engagements and hectic lives. they make an effort for each other - and if that isn't love, then what is? (not whatever charles and max have, that's for sure.)
perhaps i'm a bit petty, and too much of a pierre girl at heart - but oh my god, i HATE the way pierre tends to be portrayed in charles/max fics. either he's an asshole, or he's not even there (lol) or there's this whole idea that he might love charles but he can never have/deserve charles. i'm sorry, but to me that's BULLSHIT. charles has chosen pierre over and over - what more do you need? in short, anon, i couldn't agree more with you when you said "it's about pierre being chosen and not having to fight for validation or love." you are so so so SO right for that take 🙏 i am right there with you, and i crave a fic where it's never even questioned that pierre is the one who charles chooses. and it's max who has to fight for scraps of validation/love (because let's be honest, this is the most accurate portrayal, anyway!)
maybe briony and i will write this fic one day đŸ‘€â€ïž but until then: thank you SO much for sharing your thoughts, anon, and i think i can safely speak for briony too when i say that we both agree COMPLETELY and you are 100% correct đŸ™â€ïž
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merakiui · 9 months
Helloooo! My first time participating in one of these ask games, I couldn’t resist!
1. Seaglass! I ADORE the tweels in there, and while I haven’t read it in a whiiile, I love how unsettling and quiet the scenes are! They’re so strange and scary, but I can’t resist reading more and more— but one scene that stuck with me the most was waking up, the way you wrote of the body and the blood and the pain, I ADORE IT!
7. Probably DRU! Before stumbling upon your blog, I’d just gotten through a little obsession with a fic called Bloodlust (on ao3, by a user named F_Smutt_Fitzgerald), and I was head over heels for contrast of calm and chaotic/“savage” (not really sure what to call it), and while Jade doesn’t exactly fit into that little box, the thought of such a calm and composed character having such a side to him blew my mind, and lord I am thankful for it.
9. MOONBROCH (seaglass 2, if my memory isn’t messin with me again)! I’m so ready for it, and jumped to the poll you posted as soon as I saw it on there. Was a bit sad to see it didn’t win, but I’ll wait as long as needed for it 🙏 anything for Moonbroch!
11. More Jamil! Me and a friend love him, and while he shares a bit of similarity to Jade (the j’s strong together hehe), I find that he’s more normal. He certainly isn’t as infamous as the more courteous fish mafia member, and since Azul’s established the livestream was really just a call to Kalim and the likes, his reputation isn’t even ruined. He’s just an outstanding babysitter to the rest of NRC, which leaves much more room for deception and shenanigans >:]
12. Many! One I didn’t expect to read as much as I did was Rollo’s letters in your Lunar Love Hotel event. I don’t really like Rollo’s design (his bowl cut is too funny for me to thirst over him), but how you wrote him was AMAZING. Reignited my love for characters who know what they’re doing is bad, but can’t resist. A tear of morality and desire, which I adore so much!
13. Yes!! I adore your writing, and often talk to some of my writing friends about your works. Originally, I found your blog surfing tumblr with a friend (I’m a born n bred Floyd lover, and you definitely supplied), and have been sharing it with a few friends since!
14. Probably Sugar Dew Sewn Anew. I typically don’t read about Rook or anyone I don’t already like, but I loved how you wrote him and the scene! Unsettling, can’t-quite-place-them characters have my heart, and I love some good ole depiction of artistry and the reader’s artistic process.
I loved filling this out though, thank you for writing and sharing it. Wishing you well, and hope you have a wonderful day today!
(Also, could I be “Lionfish anon”? The floodgates of my mind are opening & I’m hoping to linger in your asks more!)
(ask game)
Hello, Lionfish anon!!! It's so nice to meet you!!! I look forward to hearing more from you!! Please feel free to linger in my inbox to your heart's content hehe!! >w< and please allow me to happily ramble my responses!!!
Sea Glass!!!! Yes, 'quiet' is the perfect way to describe it!!! I wanted to portray this feeling of quiet unrest in the fic. There's a dreadful peacefulness to the beginning scenes, but once the reader becomes entangled in a scheme that has been in the works for years things begin to feel so suffocating!! The tweels are absolute menaces in that fic. I'm glad you could enjoy them and the way I described the murder scene! I wanted to write it in a way that was so visceral you couldn't tear your eyes away. The entire plot came to me when I had the thought: what if Reader was the one who did the killing and the yandere holds that over their head? And thank you for looking forward to Moonbroch!!!! It's definitely going to be a wild sequel. >:)
After reading your ask, I went and binged "Bloodlust" right away and oooooo it did not disappoint! It hurt me in the best ways. >_< reading about Floyd grappling with his own monstrous whims and the desire to either hurt or help Shrimpy... it was so good. The emotions and feelings were written so powerfully. Azul's cover-up scheme... and Jade!!!!! GOSH. T_T the ending left me in horrified awe. Poor Shrimpy... the eels are the worst, aren't they? ;;;; I'm glad that DRU can evoke similar emotions in you!! I also love the contrast of composed and calm with secretly sinister and brutal. Jade fits into that trope so wonderfully!! I love writing about his secret sides as a serial killer. He's terrifying. <3
Oooo yes yes!!! I definitely want to write more for Jamil. The J's are indeed stronger together hehe lol!! Along with your points, I also find that Jamil is far more outwardly trustworthy and reliable. When compared to Octavinelle, whose reputations are all quite iffy, Jamil has this safety about him that makes you more prone to trusting him. I think that makes it easier for him to deceive you. He always downplays his own capabilities. He's really just a servant, or so he says, but the truth is that there is much more to Jamil than meets the eye... There is so much room for lots of devious shenanigans!!! I hope to write it more often!
AAAAA YAAAYY!!! It is my duty to spread the Rollo agenda!!! ( `ωŽ)9 I'm so happy you enjoyed that fic!! Writing in first-person letter format was very fun!! I love it when characters struggle with moral dilemmas and even go through with their terrible actions despite being aware that it's wrong. Rollo is perfect for that sort of character type!! I loved writing him continuously reassuring himself and the reader that he's so patient and logical and righteous when he's actually none of those things and is just a depraved, perverted stalker. I'm also glad you liked 11:11!!!! Rook's character is so perfect for so many yandere tropes, and I wanted to capture just a fraction of his off-putting creepiness. He's so unsettling, especially when written in a setting as isolating as a cabin in the woods. ;;;;
Omg I'm very flattered and honored to know that you have shared my writing!!! T^T <3 thank you for discussing it with others!! I hope to provide more yummy Floyd food for your enjoyment as I am also an avid Floyd enjoyer hehe!! I know I may have written it many times, but I truly am so grateful to read your kind message!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my stories and for always reading and enjoying them!!! I am sending you lots of love and good, happy vibes, lovely Lionfish anon!!!!!!! àŹ˜(੭ˊᔕˋ)à©­ à©ˆâ™Ąâ€§â‚ŠËš
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punch-love · 9 months
conflict anon here again and im SO GLAD you agree man. i think what really gets me about it is that i was specifically searching for conflict-packed fic and that's why i was so let down. i also feel like authors are entitled to write whatever they want forever but it just FEELS to me when im reading their fics like they would be happier writing something more domestic, and i want to find something where they're more feral.
i want the ID reveal and the relationship-confirming to cause MORE problems, hell i want them to get together and blow out into a massive argument and breakup then have breakup sex and get back together and then realize the sex didn't actually fix anything and then break up again but they can't stop being obnoxiously in each others space either way
but it feels like fic im trying to find like this fights the very concept of conflict so hard and wants one singular plot point to fix everything as quickly as possible without even walking me through the characters' insight as to HOW that fixed anything other than "problem over, let's be together forever now!" let alone the level of conflict that'd be so engaging like that with a million curveballs
im so aware its a personal taste thing its just been frustrating reading fic after fic after fic and finding so little of it. its no ones fault i can't find fic perfectly tailored to my tastes specifically, i just tend to ramble about my frustration. you and oprime and sci and a couple other authors are my favorite for writing it the way you do, she's not gonna die today will always be one of my favorite fics of all time because it gave me that ever persisting conflict driven by their obsessive need to stick together even when they're fighting every step of the way. i just always get into a longwinded ramble when this comes up and i was hoping youd like to share your thoughts so thank you for answering 🙏
I think this pairing kind of presents a unique challenge to writers (at least it did for me) that action and conflict is such a huge, borderline essential part of their canonical dynamic. If you're not used to writing/utilizing both physical and emotional conflict, your stories can often fall so, so flat for these two, specifically because that's the fuel that makes the engine run. The first true action scene I ever wrote was chapter two of love-punch, and I like, now I'm an action writer for life now (editing an action sequence as we speak) but I had to get out of my comfort zone because I realized that type of stories I wanted to write about them required them to beat the shit out of each other to work.
These two are definitely not problem solvers so much as shit starters. I feel like for them, the problems they actually have to solve are the ways they perceive each other (because both of them heavily project onto the other) and what that means long-term for their relationship - every other form of conflict, to me, is up for grabs forever when it comes to their relationship. The shit talking, ass kicking, and fire starting is what makes them, them.
I've said this before, but a lot of people write fanfiction as an exploration of their own ideal relationships. (which is absolutely fine) I think spideypool is a difficult sell though, for that specific fantasy, because their relationship operates on instability and violence primarily. I think most people aren't looking for a relationship where your communication consists of name-calling, beat downs, and moral differences so severe it makes you almost kill each other a lot. That, does not make a good, a good or healthy real world relationship but SUCH a fun fictional one. People are going to write their fantasies out, though, and that fantasy is that one kiss/one fuck/one confession creates relationship fueled bliss forever because many people, hate conflict - both experiencing and reading it. It sucks, if you're a reader who likes problems. I also always say this, but I encourage you to channel that energy into writing your own work. It's what I did, and it paid off so great for me because now I have 12 works specifically catered to my own personal needs exclusively. Fandom is always going to suck, but you can be the change! (and if you don't want to write, that's cool too, sometimes it's good just to get your qualms out into the world and find people who agree)
tagging @primewritessmut again so she can read your praise straight from the source.
It's a tough fandom if you really like their canonical dynamic more than their fanon one, I feel you man. I am always holding a prayer circle that more writers who like problems more than they like easy resolutions joins in and starts writing some real fucked up shit.
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mister13eyond · 1 year
Do you have a tag for your one shots and/or more writing pieces about Diavolo & Doppio? :"-) I really have to say I appreciate the way you portray them both & how their weird quirks match together. It's more then just the typical big mean top and little twink boy stereotype.
Also if you ever resume roleplaying, please mention it 🙏
Ahhhh thank you so so much!! That's an honor to hear? I definitely think these two have such a rich possibility to be such delightfully weird little men, and to enable each other in some ways- they've spent their whole lives covering up for each other, and it's a mutually protective relationship, so I don't think either of them has ever felt the need to hide their weird quirks when it comes to each other, you know? Who can love you better and more unconditionally than the person who's lived inside your heart your whole life?
I don't have a set tag yet- I should probably change that!! I'll have to go back and add it to my previous drabbles/headcanons, but for now here's links to the ones I remember/can find:
Domestic DiaDop ft cooking
Slightly Better Dads Pink Family
Doppio Infodumps About Insects
Caring For Each Other While Sick
As well!! I also have some work on my AO3- i will bashfully admit a lot of it is NSFW, but I'll mark which is NSFW and SFW here:
He'll Find Him Waiting Like A Lonesome King- future NSFW, but SFW if full of Sexual Tension right now. Diavolo begins scheming a way to see Doppio, if only for a little while.
i'm gonna kiss you (like the sun browns you)- NSFW, explicit; fluffy, transmasc diavolo & doppio; stone top diavolo & lots of gender euphoria & body feelings & loving yourself via loving your trans partner t4t magic
double. - semi-NSFW; non-explicit, but delves into sexual awakening & exploration during their mutual puberty & will eventually contain some non-explicit Donatella/Solido. A study on how Solido Naso became Doppio & Diavolo; warnings for religious trauma, dissociation and all the gnarly canon-compliant contents of Diavolo & Doppio's backstory
they fit together like two hands- SFW! A quiet, peaceful little study about a post-separation Diavolo and Doppio making their way through their daily life, knowing that they'll never really stop dealing with paranoia, dissociation or mental health crises- but helping each other through them, because it's still better when not carried alone.
that's the kind of love (i've been dreaming of)- NSFW; explicit! tooth-rotting fluff and kink all rolled into one. post-separation, diavolo struggles to sleep because he can't keep his hands off Doppio. Doppio comes up with a simple solution: diavolo can do whatever he wants to him while he sleeps.
Also BONUS! If you like my work, check out the gothic horror AU tag, where I leave my art and thoughts about my DiaDop Gothic Horror AU. And if you REALLY liked it, all the works are arranged into a pay-what-you-want PDF on itch.io!
WHEEZE and that's all the DiaDop I have properly written out!! Thank you SO so much for the kind words anon- I love these two a lot! It's fun just taking them at face value as a babyfaced twink and a big mean goth, sure, but the reason I'm so drawn to them is how much depth you can read into them, the ways they have much more possibility beneath their surface... I just love them a lot a lot! ;0; and if I ever start another RP blog up, I'll 100% share here so y'all will know!! Thank you again!!!
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alittlefrenchtree · 2 years
After reading the notes, I was on the fence about reading your fic. On one hand I knew it was going to be good, so of course I wanted to read it, on the other I wasn't sure if today I was in the right mood to be confronted with "difficult" stuff, so I decided to just leave it for another day. But then I read your last anon, and they made me want to see for myself what it was about, so maybe I can thank them for that at least. I don't know where they get the idea that your opinions are so set in stone, so black and white. I got the exact opposite, and I am once again worried about some people's reading comprehension skills. Or maybe they just read your content warnings and decided what you wrote in the fic without actually reading it. Either way, I'm glad I read it and I'm glad you wrote it.
P. S. About your "what would you have Timmy sign?" question, I thought about answering my ass cuz he owns it but then I thought maybe it's one of those jokes that wouldn't age well, you never know 😉
Pssssst you want to know a secret? I kind of posted this last anon exactly for the ‘see for myself’ effect you’re talking about. Usually, this kind of asks immediately ends up in the trash like their second message did (actually not true, sometimes there is a screenshot and I send it around to some fandom and non fandom friends so we can all have a good laugh about it). But this time, I thought they could be a bit useful for once.
On a more serious note, thank you for your message 🙏
Firstly, bravo for taking care of yourself in the first place, with deciding to delay the read. Because 1) it makes me proud of you :) and 2) I’m glad to see there is at least one person (and what a person!) who is reading my babbling in the notes 😍
And thank you for the lovely things you said 💜. To be fair, I wasn’t even sure I was going to share it until very recently and reading your message made me glad I did.
P.S. we always love a good word joke 😁😂
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bluerose5 · 3 years
hi! i just found you via your “Scarred” fanfic (which was great by the way!). I thought it was sweet that Eddie’s memories about his top surgery were not pried into without his permission. I was wondering if you’d ever consider writing about a future where Eddie does decide to share the experience with Venom? Of course don’t want to pressure you to write anything, just wondering since those types of fics can be really comforting as a transmasc person :). Either way, thank you the trans Eddie content 🙏
Hey, anon! First, I'm glad you enjoyed the fic! It was actually my first time writing a trans character, and I'm so happy that it's received a positive response so far. I can't express that enough.
Secondly, yes, I would be open to writing such a fic in the future and would be willing to explore more of trans Eddie Brock. Of course, my main concern is the execution. Since I'm not transmasc myself (then again, idk what the hell I identify as most days 😂), I would want to explore the topic in a way that is respectful to those who are transmasc. I know that I won't be able to please everyone. Even then, I research to the best of my abilities and prefer firsthand accounts to other sources. Any advice is welcome! ❀
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hmsannlett · 2 years
Hi, there! How are you? Anon, here! I'm feeling pretty good today, thankfully! Thanks! 🙂 Oh, 'Good evening, Mrs. Strong.' ❀ Comparing that scene/dialogue to Jane Austen is *accurate!* đŸ™ŒđŸ€đŸ˜Š Honestly, Annlett would have been perfect in an Austen movie. TBC...
I can relate to the sentiment that spending time at home has been a blessing, because I can focus on writing. I've never truly done so, unless it was for school. Now I'm writing because I want to, and I've been wishing to do so for years. The downside, though is the circumstances. It can be draining! I hope that the busyness in your life adds to the joy and peace you feel when you do have the time to write! 🙂 TBC...
And, yes despite the urge to rush or to give into the temptation to be frustrated, etc., the story will unfold as it should in the season(s) it will! I can only speak to my own experience when I say that the story is so meaningful that I want to share it as soon as possible, and I hope that the other fans will enjoy it! And therein lies the temptation to rush through it! Thank you for your encouragement about research! I will keep what you shared in mind, 'all are steps forward!' 🙂 TBC...
Huh, good observation about March! I hadn't really thought of that too deeply, either. As far as dialogue goes, to me, it wasn't obvious that you struggle with that! I felt your dialogue was very in-character and natural. The expository writing (I had to look that up, lol!) I enjoy the way you write! To me, it's important to know what the character's POV and thoughts are, as though they are narrating it through the lens of their experience, and you do that very well! TBC.
Re: flower. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! I appreciate the detail you put into your replies to my asks! To answer your question about a scene with Abe, he's not currently in my fic and probably won't be. Only memories of him and her life in Setauket will be, and quotes that come to her when she is reminded of how he wronged her. In Hew's voice: "Mr. Woodhull need not make an appearance." *Insert gif of Major Hewlett bowing to Lt Tallmadge after the battle of Setauket* TBC
Try not to beat yourself up! For me, I know it's not always easy to resist those thoughts (or move forward in spite of them being there) It seems like we're both (and most likely other writers, as well) struggling with that pressure to rush, or write like we're on someone else's timeline. But it's so great that we can encourage each other to keep writing at our own pace, in spite of all those feelings/thoughts that indicate otherwise! Thank you for sympathizing! 🙏 TBC...
Re: Healing/recovery. Yes, it's true that all of the characters have experienced loss and pain in different ways, and it would be a great thing to see that! That is a theme worth rambling about, and one I would love to read! So, ramble away at will! You're welcome, it's always so fun to drop in! Thank you for welcoming me to do so! I hope you're well, too! đŸ€—
(Trying something new! I’ve seen other people do this to link asks together.)
I’m glad to hear that! ❀ I’m well, thank you!
Tbh, Annlett probably would have been endgame if Turn had been an Austen show. Ms. Austen would have done well by them, I’m sure.
That’s wonderful that you’ve been able to find more time for writing, and that you’re finally getting to write for enjoyment! And yes, all steps are steps forward! The story will come together in its own time, even if it's stubborn about it. :D
Aw, thank you! Dialogue is the hardest part of writing for me (and is a large part of why Chapter 5 took as long as it did to come together; I wrote about five different versions of the last conversation Anna has in the chapter before I was finally happy with it), so it’s quite a relief to hear that.
Re: the flower: Ah, I see! So does Anna see the flower somewhere and it reminds her of what Abe used the flower for/she mentally links the flower to him? And “memories of her life in Setauket” has me intrigued
 (Haha, I could only wish that Mr. Woodhull didn’t make an appearance in AEWTTS! He’s becoming more and more relevant to the plot though, unfortunately—“unfortunately” because he is at the same time easy and incredibly difficult for me to write. It’s a strange phenomenon.)
If what I’ve read of other writers’ struggles is any indication, self-imposed pressure is very common to writers! It’s a constant struggle/balance between motivating yourself to write but also giving yourself grace to rest and take breaks when you need to. And with the way the past two years have been, I don’t know who wouldn’t have needed a break (or two or three or twenty) by this point.
Hmm...I'll try to keep this healing/recovery ramble short, but I would have loved to have seen an exploration of the aftermath of Hewlett's torture/imprisonment, since it's largely shelved after he gets back home to Setauket (although there is this deleted scene with a little bit of that).
And, like I've said, I would have really loved to see more of Caleb's healing after Simcoe's torture, especially a scene where Ben more clearly and sympathetically acknowledges what Caleb has been through, rather than brushing him off as a burden. I also would have loved to have seen more of Mary and Caleb's dynamic explored, with a scene of them getting to connect and understand each other more, without the stress of needing to rescue Abe from his undercover mission hanging over them. I loved the "ye shall receive" scene with the two of them, and I think there was a lot of potential there for a really gentle and healing dynamic between them.
AND. Wildly AU, but I have long cherished the idea of Hewlett and Caleb meeting after the war, because as different as they are, I think they have more in common than they have differences, and I think there's fertile ground for a friendship between them, not to mention the opportunity to process their similar experiences (both orchestrated by/done at the hands of Simcoe, no less).
....That was....not short. I'll draw this to a close before my response gets even longer. Thanks for dropping in and take care, anon! ❀
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