#eli Thompson x reader
I was thinking of making more fan fics of boardwalk empire but with new options!
Jimmy Darmody x Fem reader
Richard Harrow x Fem reader
Mickey Doyle x Fem reader
Eli Thompson x Fem reader
Nelson Van Alden x Fem reader
Jimmy Darmody
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Richard Harrow
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Mickey Doyle
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Eli Thompson
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Nelson Van Alden
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soupbabe · 1 year
Can I get an assortment of the Dano characters you write for with a s/o that loves to garden? Or a s/o that enjoys painting/sketching them? (I wanted to send you a request but I'm so bad at requests EEK SORRY!)
Gardening with Paul Dano Characters
Featuring: Louis Ives, Jay, Eli Sunday, Hank Thompson
T33TH HI!! I loved your idea and I think it's a cute prompt for the warmer months!! Tbh I just used this to write some of my favs + get some practice in writing some characters I barely written for! <33
Eli Sunday
- I think he would help you create a garden, whether for extra money or just for you to enjoy
- Don't exactly rely on him to do a lot of hard work though
- Sure Eli will provide the supplies and everything you need throughout the day
- but after you're done planting, he would want you to pray with him for a bountiful garden, for rain to come and bless your crops, and then that's it
- Would go on about how "we're" making great things together and how it's wonderful that you both are giving back to God's Earth
- Even though all he didn't do anything and you had to cater to the garden throughout the entire season
- Don't bring it up he'll deny it
Hank Thompson
- Hank just loves watching you garden
- He doesn't know a thing about gardening, he doesn't understand how you keep everything alive, but he is so enamored by it all
- I think he likes gifting you random seeds and house plants he thought you'd like
- Okay okay hear me out: Hank would totally love crafting those native wildflower seed bombs that are made out of mud and stuff
- He loves getting messy!! He loves spending time with you and playing with mud!!
- While it's not a traditional way of gardening, I think it could be fun night out if you and Hank went around throwing the seed packed balls into people's lawns and random patches of grass
- Then a couple weeks later, you two can go on a walk and admire your work!!
- He's so adamant about gardening, he has the greenest thumb out of the bunch
- Jay is sweet he probably has matching sunhats for the both of you
- All of his food comes from his own vegetable garden and he's so so proud of what you both accomplished together
- Even if there's wonky looking and small veggies, it happens sometimes and it doesn't deter Jay
- And if you love planting various flowers and plants? Oh he's just as in love!
- While it may not be your intention, he loves what you're doing for the local pollinators <33
- If you two had your own home I could guarantee that it just looks like a giant greenhouse. House plants everywhere.
Louis Ives
- Oh she admires your hobby so much!!
- She thinks about starting a garden of her own, planting strawberries or keeping a few succulents around all the time
- But honestly she just doesn't have a whole lot of time, so she just sticks to reading a whole bunch around it
- Yeah she's the kind of girl to think too much about flowers and it's meanings and she gives you them to show her love
- Please let her garden with you, teach her the basics of rooting and how to fence off wild animals and insects please she is begging
- Fun dates at the nursery !! Her being amazed at all the different kinds of plants and it's just an afternoon of ooo-ing and awe-ing
- Once she grows something and it blooms/ripens, she's so excited! She's sending you pictures asking if she did it right and immediately wants to gift them to you!
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Finding purpose | Male OC (or male reader)
Chap 1
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Summary: In a world that is dying and there is no way of saving it, the humanity takes mater into their own hands. They flee from their home planet with hope of conquering another in order to survive. Among them, a couple of brothers with no idea what they’re doing.
Pairings: Jake sully x Oc (friendship), Tsu’tey x Oc (friendship), Neytiri x Oc (friendship). [No current love interest]
Warnings: Mention of violence, death, use of drugs or alcohol, bad ways of coping mechanisms and obscene language.
Note: - This is not a request and it’s the translation of the original story in wattpad. - My native language it’s not English - The Oc’s name is Eli Thompson.
Masterlist - Next part
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This is what the elderly people called the approaching age of the earth. Only those with memories of what life was like 100 years ago can agree with the idea.
Forests were cleared and replaced with concrete and metal buildings. The oxygen of the atmosphere was contaminated with carbon dioxide. People going about their day to day became more isolated in their own lives and what was known as mere courtesy to others was lost.
But it wasn't all bad. Science, technology and medicine made unimaginable discoveries that in the past would only be dreams.
This is how in the XXII century, genetic problems were nothing more than a simple matter of paying enough to fix the problem. Physical defects and most of the mental ones were easy to cure. But what happened when they were twins? After the year 2098, when the world declared itself over populated, a new law was declared where women had the right to give birth only once, the number of children that appeared at birth was irrelevant. For people of higher status it was no problem. They only had to choose to keep only one child or easily pay the economic expense of both. But for those without the resources, having twins was like a curse.
That was how Eli and Jonathan Thompson came to the orphanage. A careless mother with no desire to bear the responsibility of two lives left them at the door of an orphanage.
Luckily for the babies, orphanages are under the protection of governments. Their education is paid for and supervised by capable people. But the coexistence between the children is not the best. Fights that lead to loosening teeth are quite common since caregivers only choose to have a job that gives them money, not out of interest in the well-being of minors.
Eli, the older of the twins, grew up defending his younger brother. He wasn't afraid of having to break noses if someone messed with his family. As for his brother, Jonathan, he was a sweet soul, his strength was in his intelligence and his heart in science books. It was normal for the two of them to spend the afternoon together away from the others. While Jonathan reads aloud, Eli pays attention to whatever his brother says. Even though he often finds it hard to understand what he says. He even had to get a dictionary to understand the complex words in the books that his little brother loved.
Growing up was not a problem with the dynamics they had. It was like this, when leaving school, the 13-year-old brothers hit the road to the park to have their precious free time before returning to the orphanage full of children with testosterone to the maximum and desires to hit something to de-stress.
What they did not know was that that same day they would meet 2 other people. Thomas and Jacob Sully.
Another set of twins.
From the first sight, the 4 children were intrigued to meet the opposites. It was normal, twins were not common in a society as strange as the one they live in.
But what was unusual, was seeing how the children found a balance between themselves.
The oldest Sully, a kind-hearted and highly intelligent boy, instantly hit it off with Jonathan's desire for adventure and knowledge attitude. While the youngest of the Sullys, Jacob, found it amusing to have to face the older bother Eli in whatever they can think of. Sports, wrestling, food races, etc. In short, growing up was... interesting.
Difficult, without a doubt, but very interesting. The Sullys changed school to be with their new friends. It was easier that way.
Upon reaching 17, Eli and Jake made the decision to join the military and the other 2 brothers were going to fulfill their dreams by studying at the university in the RDA with the hope of entering the program that would take them to Pandora.
But not everything was going to go so well. Jake was discharged from the military due to a spinal injury that left him paralyzed, Eli opted to leave when there was a problem in one of his missions, which ended with a chest wound and returning with fewer people than they had gone. Jonathan was diagnosed with cancer, one of the few diseases that not even science has been able to cure, but he ended up giving his life in an attempt to save his best friend Thomas. But the result ended in the death of both and his twin brothers having to take their jobs as avatar drivers. Jonathan couldn't even break the news of his brother that he had cancer.
It was like this, that in the year 2149 both soldiers were put in a cryo-sleep with the purpose of taking them to Pandora. The most hostile planet known to man.
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After almost 6 years of traveling in space at high speed, finally the ship that the soldiers got on began to slow down.
The scientists in charge of the voyages woke up all the passengers who had been put into a cryo-sleep to save resources and energy during the trip.
One by one, the passengers opened their eyes inside their pods. Two of them in particular are somewhat disoriented by the process. They had only been given a week of preparation to learn things about the journey that usually takes years for others. It was obvious that much of the information had not been given due to time constraints, but the essentials had been learned, and that was what mattered.
Eli blinked a couple of times to dispel that feeling of hangover and exhaustion that he still felt. Having to wake up from a long sleep in zero gravity was not pleasant at all.
Row by row, the pods opened automatically, allowing doctors to check each other's vital signs before unfastening the belts that prevent their bodies from floating out.
"Are we there yet?" Jake asked, still a little confused.
"Yeah, we’re there, sunshine." Answered the doctor who was checking his vital signs. He could tell that he was a little dizzy, but other than that there was nothing out of the ordinary. "Be careful in zero gravity." The man told him as he unbuttoned and continued with the next passenger.
Things were moving fast, they had to overflow everyone in the estimated time. The number of trips in and out of the atmosphere were counted.
"Jake" The soldier who had floated to the lockers turned around seeing his best friend floating in his direction.
He put a smile on his face when he saw Eli's appearance. "Wow. Who kicked you in the balls?" he teased him.
Eli rolled his eyes and huffed. Five years, nine months and two days frozen in capsules and that was the first thing he told him. "Yeah well, it's not like you look better. Have you seen yourself in a mirror?" replied the friend.
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Hours and many protocol processes later, both soldiers boarded a large ship with turbines strong enough to go in and out of Pandora's atmosphere.
Their cryo-sleep clothes had been exchanged for simple T-shirts and army pants. Despite not having exercised for a year before the trip, the habit of wearing other clothing was not comfortable for them. They felt better using military clothes.
And as cherry on the cake, now they had to wear some masks that would help them breathe in the atmosphere of Pandora.
Speaking of...
"Exo-packs on! Let’s go! Exo-packs on! Remember, people, you lose that mask, you’re unconscious in 20 seconds, you’re dead in four minutes! Let’s nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report." Shouted the official soldier in charge of those who were on the trip. It should be noted that his attitude was so sweet.
Everyone present put on their masks and closed the seals to prevent Pandora's toxic air from leaking through cracks in the mask.
The rattling of the ship was enough of an indicator that they had finally landed. Just seconds later, they all unbuckled their seatbelts and lined up to exit the plane. All except two soldiers.
"What do you think our welcome will be like? Will they have cakes?" Eli said sarcastically as he waited for Jake to pack up to go out. At first Eli helped his friend to do many things after the accident with his legs, but he learned that it was unnecessary. His friend was capable and also he became a curmudgeon when he wanted to help him.
Jake let out a laugh as he sat in his chair and buckled up. "There's only one way to find out."
Eli made a face that he was right. He grabbed his backpack and walked after Jake when they were finally ready.
"Let’s go, special cases, don’t make me wait for you!" the soldier shouted again with an attitude of sweetness.
When leaving, to say that they were impressed by the view was an understatement. Despite the fact that there is a lot of concrete and that it is a cloudy day, there is more natural light than on a normal day on earth. And the trees were so huge that their tops could be seen even over the great concrete walls put up by the RDA.
They were both so in awe of the sight that they had to abruptly move out of the way of a guy in a huge robotic suit that nearly crushed them.
"Careful airheads" Said the offended the soldier inside the suit. But neither of them gave it much thought. A lap dog attitude was common to be found among soldiers. It was a bad way of trying to show superiority.
They barely walked a few more meters when they had to stop again. A bulldozer of out-of-scale passed in front of them, arrows stuck to its wide tires.
Jake and Eli exchanged glances. Confused by what they had just seen. It was obvious someone wasn't happy with the machine, but those things were huge. An arrow seemed to be the size of a person.
The rest of his walk to the barracks was not interrupted by anything else. Upon entering it was the same type of technology found on Earth, only everything looked more scientific.
Finally, after getting lost a few times, the soldiers reached the conference room where the welcoming speech had already started.
"Out there, beyond that fence. Every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes."
'What a good start,' Eli thought as he entered the room and caught part of the speech of the one who hi has been instructed that his name was Quaritch. General Quaritch.
Since the room was full, Eli sat in one of the pews closest to the exit door, with Jake stopping next to him.
"We have an indigenous population of humanoids called na'vi..."
Eli leaned into Jake and whispered. "There's nothing like an old-school safety brief to put your mind at ease." The sarcastic tone was evident in every word.
Jake rolled his eyes and smiled at the reference to the general's less than comforting speech.
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After the general's charming speech, both friends left the conference room to continue their way to their rooms. Taking advantage of the time to make some stops and familiarize themselves with the place. They didn't want to end up lost later, it would be embarrassing. Better now and not later.
"Jake. Eli" The attention of the two soldiers was brought to a tall guy who made his way a little clumsily through the people in the hallway, only to seemingly reach them.
"You are Jonathan and Thomas's brothers, right?" Norm asked as he finally reached them. Noticing their confused expressions, he held out his hand to shake him in greeting as he introduced himself. "I'm Norm Spellman."
"You were a companion of our brothers, weren't you?" Eli asked, recognizing the name that was mentioned on more than one occasion during the calls they had. He shook his hand, clearly noting the soft scientific hands.
"Yes yes. Have you heard from me?" He ask with a clear slight nervousness when talking to people who are not scientists. "I hope only good things."
Eli gave him a sly smile before turning and continuing to walk alongside Jake. "Don't worry. He just told us that you vomited the first time you entered a simulation."
Norm stood still in the middle of the corridor, opening and closing his mouth in a vain attempt to defend himself, but the laughter of the soldiers only made it more difficult.
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“...into the bio lab." Announced Norm entering through the automatic doors of the place.
Taking advantage of the fact that the soldiers did not know the place, he took the opportunity to give them a tour and maybe be lucky enough to become friends. They will spend the next 6 years together so it was the best choice for him.
"Uh, link… here’s the link room-"
Norm's words faded into the background as the soldiers headed another way. A blue light practically hypnotized them and called them like kites to a spotlight. What intrigued them was not the light, but where it came from.
The huge glass containers that had just been unloaded from the ships were finally ready to be removed from their enormous packaging and connected to the laboratory instruments.
"Hey, welcome." One of the scientists present spoke when he saw us arrive.
He shook hands with Jake who was closer. "Welcome to Pandora. Good to have you"
"Damn. They got big." Jake said in surprise when he saw the bodies inside its capsule. The avatars.
Genetically engineered bodies based on human DNA and the DNA of the natives of the planet.
"Yeah, they fully mature on the flight out." Norm said, just as impressed by what science is capable of. But his surprise didn't take a second to turn into scientific fascination and bring out his brainiac side. "So the proprioceptive sims seem to work really well?"
"Yes, they’ve got great muscle tone."
The soldiers exchanged poker glances seeing how quickly they were forgotten for the sake of science.
With a slight nod, Jake motioned for Eli to follow him to the avatars on the other side of the room.
The closest one was Jake's.
"It has the characteristics of a feline." Eli mentioned as he approached the tank. He turn to look at Jake when he gets no response, just silence.
The younger Sully was in a trance, and Eli knew why. The avatar had the face of his brother. It wasn't strange since they used his DNA to create it, but it wasn't the same for twins. After spending your whole life living with someone who shares your characteristics, you find those little differences that make them unique. But what makes the situation even more strange is finding those features on the face of an alien.
"Looks like him." Jake whispered. He almost seemed to fear that if he raised his tone he might awaken the sleeping creature in its amniotic fluid.
Eli put his hand on his friend's shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. It was a silent sign that he was not alone.
"Umm. Which one of you is Eli Thompson?"
Both soldiers turned around to meet the scientists. Max, according to the name tag on his robe, looked strangely nervous.
"It's me." Eli answered, raising an eyebrow.
"There is something you should know about your avatar." Max said, slightly lifting the tablet in his hand. "Please follow me"
A bit wary, Eli glanced over his shoulder at Jake. But the uncertainty in his gaze was enough of an answer to know that he didn't know anything either.
Without further ado, he followed the scientist into a glass-walled office that gave him a full view of the lab and avatar tanks.
"What's going on Norm?" Asked the man in the wheelchair to the scientist who looked somewhat insecure in his place.
"They had some problems with Jony's avatar when it came to DNA matching." When mentioning the being, they both turned around to see on the other side of the laboratory how they removed the protective packaging from the last tank of avatars, exposing the aforementioned avatar.
It looked normal. Giant and blue just like the others, with a tail and pointy ears, but nothing different or out of place.
What could be the problem?
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“That Jonathan what?" Eli asked. Trying to process the information that is on the tablet and what he had just been told.
"Judging by your reaction…I guess he didn't tell you about his illness." Max said with a sad expression on his face. It didn't seem fair that the soldier found out that his brother had cancer that way. It could have been almost 6 years since his death, but for the one who just came out of the cryo-sleep, to him it is still a few days ago. It hasn't even been a month in the perspective of the soldier.
The silence in the room was thick. Eli still couldn't form a word, he felt trapped in a loop despite hearing how the others kept up with their own rhythm outside that office.
He took a breath of air to remove from his thoughts the gloomy thoughts that overshadowed his ideas and focused on what he had to do. He took the glass tablet and checked the information of his ( in all word extension) avatar.
"So…the avatar has my DNA." Although it was a question, his accent made it sound like a statement. But his gaze didn't take off from the graphics on the object in his hands.
"They were about to remove your brother from the program when they noticed his illness." Max began to telling, his tone almost unsure to follow. The expression on the soldier's face was incredibly serious. "They couldn't use cancer cells to create an avatar. But he gave a sample with your disease-free DNA and appealed to the elders to let him continue." Finally, Eli looked up to see the same empathetic expression on the scientist's face. "His cancer was stage 2 so they would let him stay on the project if he took his meds and got his chemotherapy but..."
Max didn't even have to continue anymore. The idea was clear.
The black-suited socks who came to tell him that his brother was dead were very tactful when telling him.
They needed him for work because the avatar was already completed and they couldn't waste the money invested. The avatar meant that his brother had accepted the deal, but had not even received a dose of medicine before his heart was pierced with lead.
When Max started to feel the silence getting a bit uncomfortable he decided to give him a moment alone. "If you need anything, I'll be outside." He turned to leave the office, but two steps later he was called.
"That won't be necessary. Let's get done with what needs to be done for today. Allow time for pity later" Eli said. He hand over the tablet, shoving it into the scientist's chest as he walk towards the door.
Max winced, both from the blow and from the man's heavy words. "O-Okay."
With nothing else to say, they headed off to continue the tour. The most important part was still missing.
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andtheafterglow · 2 years
Little Rebel (18+)
Chris Evans x f!reader (reporter) 2K words
Summary: Your first encounter with him left you needy for more. But are you just another fling for him? Part 2 of Troublemaker. (Though you can follow along without having read it).
Warning: This work contains sexual content. Please use discretion before reading.
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only! Please do not share or reference this work in public. Also, please do not copy or translate without my permission. Enjoy!
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The film studio definitely knows how to throw a party. The lavish event hall is decorated from top to bottom with balloons and floral arrangements that definitely cost more than your rent. People congregate in clusters, chatting and laughing as the DJ plays a remix of the latest pop music.
Many of the guests are familiar faces, both because it's your literal job to know but also because you've interviewed them many times. Many are friendly and smile your way as you pass. You're not sure where you're going, but hovering by the door, looking hopefully around the room is starting to feel weird. Eli, the photographer the network had sent to accompany you, is already throwing you a funny look.
“Make sure to get many shots of the cast,” you tell him, hoping to dispel any awkwardness. “The happier and livelier they look, the better.”
“Document all the phony,” he repeats diligently with a nod. “Got it.”
You laugh appreciatively.
“Hey, if you want to take advantage of the open bar to help you get through it, I won't tell your boss.”
He smirks at you and it hits you then that he's actually quite handsome.
“Technically, tonight you're my boss.”
"Then get to it, Thompson,” you return playfully, without missing a beat.
Eli salutes you. “Yes, boss.”
You both break into laughter before he disappears into the crowd, camera at the ready. 
Now, all there was left for you to do is document enough details to write a piece for the network's magazine tomorrow morning. Frankly, it was a piece of cake. You could leave now and still have enough material to churn out an article in less than thirty minutes.
But you don't want to leave.
You shift nervously on your high heels, glancing around the room again. Part of you hopes to catch a glimpse of that devilish, handsome face—the very same that has occupied your fantasies since that last time you saw him. Another part of you, a more rational part, hopes he's not there and you can finally move on.
The amount of time and effort you put into getting ready for tonight is embarrassing. And though you will never admit it out loud, you picked the sinful, body conforming red dress hoping he would see it. You could just imagine the way his blue eyes would darken as they traveled along the scandalous leg slit.
“... wonder who that is?” someone is saying nearby.
“A girlfriend, maybe?” another person in the group speculates.
“Please! Chris Evans doesn't do girlfriends.”
“He does fuck buddies, though.”
“You know that from personal experience?”
“Yes, ma'am. Best two weeks of my life.”
With a sickening feeling in your gut, you follow the neighboring group’s line of sight to the bar. There, leaning casually against the expensive mahogany, looking much more handsome than you remember, is Chris. His hair is styled neatly for the occasion, his beard meticulously trimmed. He wears a simple blue suit with no tie that has no business looking that good on him.
That roguish smile he gave you through the mirror's reflection as he made you moan is present on his face. Except this time, it's directed at a willowy blonde in a black dress. Her perfectly manicured hand reaches across the bar and rests on his forearm.
You look away, stung.
Something cold clamps your stomach unpleasantly as you turn on your heel. And all at once, you feel like an absolute idiot. Both for your body's reaction and for thinking he'd be waiting here for you. Why does it matter that he's openly flirting with a beautiful supermodel?  That's what he does. You knew that.
Did you really think you were special?
You bump into something hard.
“Whoa. Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
It's Eli.
You don't reply, your throat too tight.
“You okay?” he asks, his smile vanishing when he takes a good look at your expression.
“I'm fine,” you assure him. Mustering your best smile, you nod at his camera. “You got everything we need?”
“Almost. I still need to track down the main cast. Maybe another twenty minutes?”
“Perfect, then we can get the hell out of here.”
He laughs. “A-fucking-men to that.”
Despite yourself and despite your insides feeling like stone, you laugh. Eli watches you, hazel eyes lingering on you thoughtfully. The lighting casts the sharp angles of his face into contrast.
“After this, do you want to go get a drink?”
“You want to hit the open bar?”
“Nah, not like that. I know a really good bar a few blocks from here. My treat.”
You consider him. He's a nice guy and handsome beyond belief. Definitely your type… 
Before you can stop yourself, the memory of Chris laughing with his blonde companion flashes before you and your mind is made up.
“Great. Meet you here in twenty?”
You nod.
Eli gives you a charming smile that you return before he disappears again.
When he's gone, you feel strangely alone in the crowded room. 
Before you know it, your feet carry you to the restrooms. The respite from the music feels like bliss as you step into the desolate room. It's perhaps the nicest restroom you have ever seen, appearing more like a lounge with the plush, leather sofa and mahogany oak coffee table. An ornate mirror hangs above a ceramic sink and the actual toilet is house in a separate room.
It is the perfect place to sit and kill twenty minutes on your phone.
Before you can plop on the sofa, however, there is a knock at the door.
“Busy,” you call back.
Another knock.
“Someone's in here!”
You know for a fact there are many vacant restrooms lining the hall. Whoever this was could just fuck off and find another—
More knocking.
“There's other empty—” you say as you swing the door open angrily. You stop abruptly when you catch sight of his face.
“You hiding from me?” Chris says by way of greeting. The insolent smirk he reserves for you, however, is nowhere to be seen.
“You think you're that important?” you return.
Again, no hint of humor. Instead, something dark lurks beneath his serious expression. Vivid blue eyes stare over your shoulder, as though looking for something.
“Where's your boyfriend?”
This takes you by surprise.
“What boyfriend?”
“That golden retriever who was following you around all night.”
“Eli? He's—”
You stop, remembering you don't owe him anything. Besides, he has some fucking nerve when he was the one openly flirting with that beautiful blonde at the bar. Your annoyance returns in full force and you straighten, staring him straight in the eye.
“Is there anything you needed?” you ask impatiently.
Chris laughs darkly.
“Waiting for your golden retriever?”
“Yes,” you lie.
“Bullshit. You're not that much of a rebel.”
"You don't know a damn thing about me.”
“You're wrong.”
You're practically staring each other down pressed nose to nose. If you wanted to, you could kiss him. 
Despite yourself, you wanted to…
Especially when his eyes darken even more, his smile turning dangerous.
“I know you would never be quiet enough to fuck in public,” he informs you in a heady little whisper.
Your body reacts at once, your nipples hardening against the fabric of your dress.
“Those little moans of yours would let everyone here know you're getting fucked like you deserve.”
“By Eli?”
Anger flickers in his eyes.
“By me.”
“Prove it.”
He kisses you. 
Devilish hands grip your waist as he claims you with his mouth, pulling you close. Bodies pressed together, he pushes you into the room, closing the door behind you and pressing you against it. The smell of his luxurious cologne floods your senses, leaving you drunk and needy as he kisses you.
“You look—” he starts between kisses. You bite his lower lip and he grunts.
“Good?” you supply.
“Beautiful,” he says, moving down to kiss your neck, his hard body pressing you further against the door. His needy hands move down to the slit you had hoped would drive him crazy. It does more than that because he groans, his hips pressing flush against yours. “This dress. Goddamn.”
Already, he's deliciously hard for you.
“Mmm, Chris,” you moan.
“For you, baby,” he assures you breathlessly, kissing the tops of your breasts. “No one makes me this hard.”
Your hand reaches down to grip him through his trousers. He's thick and hot through the fabric, pulsing for you. Your pussy clenches at the thought of having him inside you, stretching and filling you.
“I need you,” you tell him. “I've been thinking about you since the last time.”
“That so?” he asks, arching a challenging brow at you. For some reason, that makes you wetter. God, how you wanted to ride that handsome face of his.
“Mmm-hmm. I think about your fingers inside me when I touch myself at night.”
This unravels him. With a dark groan, he guides your body away from the door. Seconds later, you're falling on the couch, Chris kneeling before you.
“You're a goddamn tease, Y/N,” he tells you, his fingers bunching the fabric of your skirt. “You've been teasing me for months.”
You arch your back, impatient.
“And what are you going to do about it, Evans?”
His response is kissing your inner thigh, softly at first then with hungry abandon. His tongue flicks out, teasing the skin, moving higher and higher…
“Chris,” you beg when he stops right at the apex of your thighs.
Your hips quiver, ready to have his face buried between them.
“Chris,” you moan again, more desperate.
He's teasing you with his fingers, getting you ready for his tongue. Masterful swipes move your wetness up to your clit and then back down. He watches you, enjoying your pleasure.
"Enjoy it, baby. Enjoy how I make your body feel.”
Then, when your hips buck desperately against his hand, his own restraint vanishes. Lush lips find your clit, teasing it. His tongue laps at you, making you clench in ecstasy.
“Oh my God,” you whimper as he adds his tongue.
“Shhh,” he says against you, taking your clit between his lips and sucking gently.
You grip the cushion on the couch behind you with one hand. Your fingers cling on to his hair with the other, biting your lip to stop yourself from crying out.
He's eating your pussy like an expert, making your thighs clamp around his ears. His gruff hands pry them apart, opening you more for his eager mouth. Between muffled cries, you grind against his face.
“That's right, baby, ride my face.”
You cum right there, quivering against his beard.
“Fuck,” you breathe.
With gentle little kisses, he helps you come down from the high.
“That was—”
There are no words that come to your mind.
Chris smirks, understanding. He presses one last kiss to your thigh before he straightens. He moves to the mirror, fixing the tangled mess you made of his hair.
“You're leaving?” you ask, sounding disappointed.
“Someone will come looking for me any minute now,” he tells you, straightening his jacket.
Your heart, not fully returned to its proper rhythm, sinks. Stupidly, you realize you were hoping to spend more time with him, maybe even reciprocate or finally have him inside you. You fix your clothes as growing resentment boils in your gut.
“This was nice,” he tells you, turning away from his reflection. “We should do it again some other time.”
The words, meant to be teasing, hit you like a slap.
“I don't know, Evans,” you return coolly. “You think you can pencil me in between all your other fuck buddies?”
He blinks.
“Fuck buddies?”
“Isn't that what they are? What we all are?” you retort, unable to stop yourself now. “You fuck them for two weeks with no titles and no commitment. Then you move on to the next one.”
“That's not what you are, Y/N.”
You laugh—a humorless cruel laugh—as you finish rearranging your dress.
“You're right. In order for me to be that, you'd have to at least be seen with me in public. Instead, I'm your dirty little secret.”
Fully incensed by now, you storm out.
Note: There will be a part 3
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ayylovley · 6 months
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₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚ 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ˚ ˑ༄ؘ
𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤
Billy Lenz NSFW Alphabet 18+ 2020
Charles Lee Ray “Mine” 18+ 2020
Charles Lee Ray “Bloody”18+ 2020-2021
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙
Elaine Parks headcanons slight nsfw 2021
Elaine Parks and Tiffany Valentine poly headcanons 18+ 2021
Elaine Parks and Tiffany Valentine “I did it for love” 18+ 2021
S/o doesn’t know how to be in a relationship 2020
S/o washing blood off of Billy and Stu’s clothes 2020
S/o who loves the 80’s aesthetic 2020
DBD Ghostface with a deaf s/o 2020
Nancy Thompson headcanons 2020
Slashers giving hugs 2020
Jason Vorhees “Companion” 2021
Jennifer Check headcanons 2021
Charles Lee Ray ask drabble 2021
Barb from Black Christmas nsfw headcanons 18+ 2021
All Slashers with a vintage s/o nsfw 18+ 2021
Slashers that would love the 1950’s Alice in Wonderland 2021
Video Games
ℝ𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔼𝕧𝕚𝕝 𝕍𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕘𝕖
Lady Dimitrescu drabble male reader 18+ 2021
Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters nsfw headcanons 18+ 2021
Miles Upshur headcanons after the asylum 2023
𝕆𝕟𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤
Lady Dimitrescu and Tiffany Valentine “Inside the Castle” Pt.1 2022
Lady Dimitrescu and Tiffany Valentine “Inside the castle” Pt.2 2022
Joker x fem! short reader 18+ 2024
Joker x fem! reader “All mine” 2024
Wooin x fem! reader oneshot 18+ 2024
Olly Wang x fem! reader “numbing the pain” 2024
Boyfriend headcanons part 1 2024
Boyfriend headcanons part 2 2024
Gun Park x fem!reader shower sex/breeding 2024
Windbreaker characters with a lolita fem! S/o 2024
Sweet/Spicy prompts {CLOSED} ୨ৎ
2. Taking a shower/bath 4. aftercare with Samuel Seo
9. They’re obsessed with you after your first time with Jake Kim
8. They’re insatiable (tw; multiple orgasms) with Gun Park
2. Taking a shower/bath with you with Jake Kim
4. Aftercare with Samuel Seo & Jake Kim
7. They start to develop dirty thoughts about you 9. They’re obsessed after their first time with you with Eli Jang
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rusty-phasma · 2 years
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Songs in my spotify that remind me of Paul Dano Characters
I really love music and i thought i'd do this, i hope you like it <3 also i love Paul dancing like a slut so i may watch For Ellen but i am probably gonna suffer lol.
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Tim Klitz:
Pretty Fly (for a white guy) — the Offspring
When you sleep — My Bloody Valentine
Iron Lung — Black Marble
Rose Blood — Mazzy Star
Brian Wilcox:
Dad Vibes — Limp Bizkit
Putting Holes in Happiness — Marilyn Manson
Hank Thompson:
Dead Weight — Jack Stauber
Elephant Gun — Beirut
Edward Nashton:
Choking on Flowers — Fox Academy
Exit Music (For a Film) — Radiohead
Alex Jones:
Canción para los Dias de la Vida — Luis Alberto Spinetta
There Will Be Rain — Million Eyes
Dwayne Hoover:
Nude — Radiohead
Say It Ain't So — Weezer
Nick Flynn:
Original Sin — INXS
But Not Tonight — Depeche Mode
Eli Sunday:
Sunday Light — Choir Boy
Bad Believer — St. Vincent
Percy Dolarhyde:
Take You Back (The Iron Hoof Cattle Call) — Orville Peck
Bad Moon Rising — Credence Clearwater Revival
Joby Taylor (i haven't watched the movie but i know he likes White Snake and i had to include him lmao):
She Rides — Danzig
Black Dog — Led Zeppelin
Strange Overtones — David Byrne and Brian Eno
Snow Borne Sorrow — Nine Horses
Pierre Bezukhov:
Hopelessly Devoted to You — Olivia Newton-John (help me i am down bad)
Radiohead — House of Cards
Bryan Wilson:
Dream a Little Dream of me — The Mamas and The Papas
Strawberry Tea — Tiny Tim
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imagine--if · 2 years
Hey!! I love ur Dano fics so much 😍 just wondering if you do matchup with his characters too? Thanksssss
Absolutely!! Send them in and I’ll do it also with my other fic requests 💚
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Characters I’ll match are:
• Edward Nashton
• Eli Sunday
• Calvin Weir-Fields
• Percy Dolarhyde
• Brian Wilcox
• Dwayne Hoover
• Joby Taylor
• Jay
• Klitz
• Pierre Bezukhov
• Hank Thompson
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dressmywounds · 2 years
i go by rowan on here and i'm a practicing writer!!
this is a writing archive at this point. i've had terrible writers block and danonation hype has died down, so i've had no asks or activity. it was a good run! <3
my writing tag is rowan.hc! itll be in the tags on this post :]
(this post is newly updated! last updated october 13th ⭐️)
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danowh0re · 2 years
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Literally taking requests anytime! I only write gn and male reader. Fluff, angst and smut is all welcomed! ☟︎︎
Haven't wrote for jimmy tree, David Sweat, but i am taking requests for them too!!
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One shots!!
❤︎ - (Calvin weir-fields) trans!reader (ftm) grinding on knee while calvin is writing (nsfw)
❤︎ - (Calvin weir-fields) male!cis!reader annoying Calvin while writing and he ends up doing something about it (nsfw)
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❤︎ - (Edward nashton) being close with waiter!reader
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❤︎ - (Alex jones) character hcs
❤︎ - (alex Jones) in a relationship
❤︎ - (Alex Jones) crushing on reader
❤︎ - (Alex jones) crafting
❤︎ - ( Brian f.f.n) relationship
❤︎ - (Brian f.f.n) cuddling
❤︎ - (Brian f.f.n) road trip
❤︎ - (luis ives) bf treating his princess
❤︎ - (percy dolarhyde) wooing y/n
❤︎ - (percy dolarhyde) relationship
❤︎ - (Calvin weir-fields) relationship
❤︎ - (Calvin weir-fields) partner with daddy kink (nsfw)
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) relationship
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) first kiss
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) meeting his family
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) dwayne crushing
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) social s/o | part 2
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) cuddling
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) finding out he's colourblind
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) y/ns birthday
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) y/n having a nightmare
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) y/n having a panic attack
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) y/n being short
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) teaching German
❤︎ - (hank Thompson) male reader relationship
❤︎ - (hank Thompson) icons/gifs
❤︎ - (jay - okja) relationship
❤︎ - (Edward nashton) having a dog
❤︎ - (Edward nashton) s/o with glasses
❤︎ - (Edward nashton) comforting y/n
❤︎ - (Edward nashton) eddie x Bruce x reader having a panic attack
❤︎ - (Edward nashton) y/n talking about interest
❤︎ - (eli sunday) relationship
❤︎ - (eli sunday) crushing
❤︎ - (eli sunday) crushing on male reader
❤︎ - (joby taylor) relationship headcanons
❤︎ - (joby taylor) first kiss
❤︎ - (joby taylor) comforting y/n
❤︎ - (klitz) crushing on goth reader
❤︎ - (klitz) dating him
❤︎ - (klitz) dating opposite
❤︎ - (klitz) comforting soulmate
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❤︎ - (Brian f.f.n) gifs
❤︎ - (nick flynn) icons/gifs
❤︎ - (klitz) gifs
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) smiling icons
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) icons
❤︎ - (dwayne hoover) icons/gifs
❤︎ - (joby taylor) layout
❤︎ - (jay - okja) gifs | part 2 | part 3
❤︎ - (Edward nashton) icons | part 2
❤︎ - (paul dano) gifs
❤︎ - (percy dolarhyde) gifs
❤︎ - (eli sunday) icons
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❤︎ - (klitz) nsfw headcanons
❤︎ - (eli sunday) nsfw headcanons
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pastafossa · 3 years
The Red Thread: Chapter 38
whoops forgot to post these here after my all-nighter last night These next two chapters are fairly long and there’s not a lot of breathing space, so be ready!
Ship: Daredevil x Reader
Chapter Summary:
You finally make it back to the villa, and you aren't prepared for what you find.
At least you have Eli and Agent Thompson as backup.
Wordcount: 8,015
Warnings for this chapter: guns, blood, the visual aftermath of torture
Read me on AO3 because my author is a wordy bitch.
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Tagging 🔥The Church Of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist (to be added, please click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @supreme-tantrum @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehaveone @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​ @juniebugg​ @astral-violet​
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Warmth of the sun and the man beside me
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Eli Thompson x Fem reader
Warnings: Fluff, Smut! mention of injuries.
A/n: 18+ NSFW! If you don't like the warnings please don't read! I love Eli, he's an amazing character. My favorite quote from him has to be "What is he? King fuckin Neptune?"
"How is she doc?" Eli asked.
"She'll make a full recovery, but be patient with her. That bullet wound needs time, she will be in quite a bit of pain."
With that, the doctor grabbed his shit and left the house. Eli walked over to Y/n's bed side and pulled up a chair. He leaned forward resting his left arm on her pillow above her head, while he gently ran his right hand through her hair.
"Wake up, honey." He whispered.
Y/n opened her eyes and smiled. Leaning in Eli pressed his lips to hers, he rested his forehead against hers and just took in her scent.
"I thought I was gonna loose you, Nucky wasn't gonna do a damn thing and I-"
"Shh, it's okay." Y/n cut him off with a hushed tone.
He smiled and brushed her hair back kissing her forehead.
"I just love you so much, all I heard was a gun shot and you....you were laying on the floor. I didn't know what to do....I thought he killed you."
"Elias, I'm okay. I'm not gonna die."
All Eli could think was that he nearly lost the woman he cared most about. There was a sudden hunger in his eyes, the thought of this being the last time he could touch her feeding his arousal. Eli crashed his lips to hers and slipped his hand under the blankets.
"I need you, Honey." He whispered.
Y/n let out a quiet gasp and arched her back when she felt Eli slip his fingers inside her. He groaned at how wet she was, he attacked her neck, biting and sucking. Pumping his fingers in and out of her while rubbing her clit with his thumb.
"You like that huh? You crave my fingers inside you?"
He smiled at the sound of her moans, watching her squirm under his larger form.
"I-Im gonna cum." She choked out.
"Cum for me baby, just let go."
He felt her hot liquid pour over his fingers, she let out a whimper making him smirk.
"Good girl." He got up and headed for the door.
"You're not leaving are you?" She then heard the click of the door locking.
He turned back to her. "No, we're not done yet."
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Finding purpose | Male OC (or male reader)
Chap 3
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Summary: In a world that is dying and there is no way of saving it, the humanity takes mater into their own hands. They flee from their home planet with hope of conquering another in order to survive. Among them, a couple of brothers with no idea what they're doing.
Pairings: Jake sully × Oc (friendship), Tsu'tey x Oc (friendship), Neytiri × Oc (friendship). [No current love interest]
Warnings: Mention of violence, mentions of death, use of drugs or alcohol, bad ways of coping mechanisms and obscene language.
Note: - This is not a request and it's the translation of the original story in wattpad. - My native language it's not English - The Oc's name is Eli Thompson.
Prev part - Masterlist - Next part
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Like 3 cats mesmerized by seeing a laser dot on the wall, there were Norm, Jake and Eli, watching as they took out the huge bodies of the avatars and prepared them for the link.
"It's a bit crepey. Those things are alive." Eli confessed, rubbing a bump on his head that Jake had given him in the morning from waking him up with a water base on his face.
"In fact, they can't be said to be alive at all..." Norm said, letting the nerdy side of him come out. "Unless someone is connected the only thing they are able to display is-"
Norm froze at what he was saying, turning to see Eli with raised eyebrows at him. A clear expression that says. "That's not what I meant and I'm not interested in further explanation."
A little intimidated, Norm looked back at the avatars. "Of course." He muttered under his breath.
Jake shook his head, maintaining a slight smile. At least the scientist was starting to get used to them and their different behaviors. He just had to wait a little longer and they would too.
The heavy, demanding footsteps revealed that the person about to pass behind them was Dr. Grace.
"Come on, we’re loosing daylight." Ordered the woman without stopping to look at them.
Eli rolled his eyes in disgust. It was barely the second day and he was already annoyed with the woman. That was a new record.
With the men's attention finally on what was important, they moved around the lab to the MIND machines (direct neural interface machines).
"Norm, how much link time have you logged?" Grace asked, walking over to the nearest machine.
"About 520 hours."
Grace nodded in satisfaction. "That's good." When they got to the empty machines she pointed to the one next to her. "You’re in there." She instructed him, then turned to the soldiers, completely changing her countenance. "You. Come with me."
A few steps to the right were enough to reach another basic machine. "How long have you logged, Eli?" asked the woman without taking her eyes off the controls.
"Never. But they told me how it works."
The doctor finally turned around only to look at him with an expression that showed disbelief. Eli's nonchalant tone was driving her crazy. "You got to be kidding." The shake that Jake made with his head was the answer. She sighed heavily and turned back to the controls. "Lay down and don’t touch anything." She ordered heavily in her words.
As Eli sat at the machine Jake came rolling to poke at the gel from the edges. "It's cool." The marine expressed with a smile on his face, causing an equal expression in his best friend.
They couldn't deny that science could be interesting. The boring ones are the scientists.
Eli lay down on the machine and tugged at the collar of the shirt they had given him, somewhat dissatisfied. The three new avatar drivers had been dressed in the same clothes they used to put them in the cryogenic capsules, and they couldn't be more uncomfortable. The doc grabbed the first part of the cover, which consisted of a plastic mold with some electrodes, and put it on his torso.
Curiously, Eli raised his head to see what was covering him, but the woman's hand on his forehead pushed his head back down. "Head down." The soldier grumbled under his breath. He raised his hand to adjust the tight collar of his shirt again, but again, the woman stopped him. "Geez marine. Can't you hold still?"
Eli rolled his eyes at Jake's laugh as he kept looking at them.
In one quick move, when Dr. Grace was busy with the machine's controls, Eli reached up for his hand and gave Jake the middle finger. He lowered his hand when he heard a snort, he could only see the ceiling from his position, just in time before the doctor turned around. "Okay. Just relax and clear your mind. It shouldn't be too hard." She said, then lowered the last lid and turned to Jake, not seeing the middle finger that dried her as she turned her back on him.
The only one who noticed the action had been Jake, who turned to look away to avoid being seen laughing.
Eli was encapsulated in an almost completely dark space when the lid finally closed. It let out that significant sound that denoted that it had been pressure sealed. He felt the machine moving towards what from his point of view is above and he heard strange sounds, but he didn't feel that anything was really happening.
However, from the outside the scientists were aware of everything that was happening between his brain and the one they were going to connect to him.
"Link ready to load." Announced the scientist on the computer. Max, who was next to her, was looking attentively at the screen.
"Biometrics?" he asked without taking his eyes off the screen at the same time, more attentive to the brain of her avatar while she watched the human brain.
"Ideal and obtaining the first congruence."
Max nodded. "Good. Executing sequence on 2... Go." With just 2 movements of his fingers, he create a connection between two bodies that initially should have never been united.
"Activated" she announced, confirming that the process had started. "Phase-lock at 40%".
Max scrolled the computer image of his screen onto the tablet next to him and walked over to the window that connected to the avatar medical room.
"Phase-lock at 70%. 89%" he hears his partner announcing how fast the connection was forming.
Max, finally looking up from the tablet, turned his attention to the huge blue bodies. "Let's see what this beautiful brain can teach us." He mumbled, hearing Grace's voice giving Jake instructions in the background…or maybe it was a scolding. He couldn't know.
The soldier, now accustomed to the metallic sound of the machine, closed his eyes and cleared his mind as the doctor told him. He took a long, last breath that relaxed his body. Consequently, letting his mind finally travel through the new escape created by the scientists.
He felt strange, first he was uncomfortable with his clothes and trying to ignore the sound of the machine and the next his nose was disturbed by the pugnacious smell of disinfectant.
"He's in."
He heard someone's voice in the distance, as if he was underwater. He tried to open his eyes, closing them instantly as he felt irritation from the strong white lights in the place.
"Eli. Can you hear me?" he heard the voice again, but this time clearer. Identifying it as a man's. Undoubtedly young.
He opened his eyes again allowing himself to adjust to the light. The blurry images became clear from incomprehensible points until they reached a definition beyond what his human eyes had ever seen. With his third sense in sync, the soldier was able to notice two scientists above him.
"Can you hear me?"
This time he was able to identify that the voice was coming from the scientist to the right of him. He blinked a few times to finish getting used to his new eyes and mumbled. "Loud and clear doc."
The confirmation put a smile on both scientists. But even so, to make sure that everything was in order, the scientist to the right of him snapped his fingers in both pointed ears. He showed a satisfied expression seeing them respond to the sound. "Normal Pinna response." He told his partner.
The younger looking one of the two nodded as he took out a flashlight from his suit pocket. "Eli, could you look up?" He asked the soldier in his new body.
"Yeah." Eli whispered, accommodating his head on the stretcher, feeling the braid above his neck.
When the light from the flashlight hit his new yellow eyes it caused his pupils to shrink to almost nothing until the light passed into the next eyes, responding in kind. "Okay, everything looks in order. Could you follow my finger?" he asked again as he raised his finger in front of his eyes and moved it from side to side.
He smirked as his eyes followed the movement of his troubled finger. "Pupillary reflexes look good and he does not seem to have vision problems." He informs to his partner.
"Okay, what we'll do next will be simple routine procedures." The older scientist told him, looking Eli in the eye. His experience in the area was evident in his tone of voice. "Please sit down." He indicated taking a few steps back when the avatar raised his torso. "Be careful, you could get dizzy."
Eli made an "o" with his mouth as he sat down on the table. He knew that avatars were big, but he didn't imagine that he would feel that way. His grip on the edges of the stretcher tightened to keep from wobbling. "Wow, it seems like everything has shrunk." He exclaimed with a bare-fanged smile. Still surprised that his ears twitched at any movement in the room, especially towards the stretcher to his left where Norm was talking to his fellow scientists.
The young scientist smiled, fascinated to be so close to an avatar. This was the first time for him as much as it was for the soldier. The other scientist, on the other hand, smiled more calmly. He had already lived with the scientists in their avatar bodies for more than two years. But that didn't take away from how good it felt to welcome a newbie.
"It's normal for you to feel that. Your avatar is 2.89m tall. It's above average for the avatars height, but well within the average for Pandora natives."
'1.09 m makes quite a difference in perspective.' Eli thought, watching his hands open and close into fists.
"Don't worry, after the training exercises you will be so new that you will jump like rabbits did in the past". The older scientist said when he saw the soldier rotating his neck and arms to get used to feeling them.
"And if I prefer as a frog?" he joked, he just wanted to contradict him just for having some fun. But it was a pleasant surprise that widened his smile when the other scientist joined the game.
"Actually it would be more like a cat," he said, using an enthusiastic tone.
The experienced scientist rolled his eyes, but didn't take the smile off his face. "Okay Eli, please get your feet off this side of the bed and reach out to me with your hands." He ordered the avatar driver.
He was again pleased when the man followed in his orders. When he had been told that the one who would take over as driver would be a soldier, the poor scientist had expected someone with an ego for the heavens, a frown that would create wrinkles and a honestly shitty character, but it's a pleasant surprise.
"Like this?" asked the soldier as he raised his hands palm up.
"Yes, now please-" Eli's ears flicked before the heads of the three to the worried voices of the last few scientists he had only just realized were in the room.
He raised his eyebrows when he saw Jake, awake and trying to get up from the table. 'Oh no.'
"Uh wait. Sit down Jake"
"Jake, listen to me."
The scientists spoke with concern clear in more than just their voices. But it was obvious that a certain Marine wasn't paying attention. The only thing that had his attention at that moment was his new legs. Some that worked.
"It's okay… it's all good. I got this." Jake muttered. He placed his hand on one of the room's panes after avoiding leaning too far back.
The poor scientist behind Jake and the one helping Eli had to back off as the soldier's new tail flicked erratically, hitting them.
"Jake, Jake. I need you to sit down."
"Jake," Eli called, trying to get his attention, but to no avail.
Jake got enough balance to pull himself upright only to do a quick turn when he felt his tail touch his shoulder. A PAM, called everyone's attention. The inexperienced avatar's eyes widened when he started into other yellow ones just like his, but full of indignation. His best friend was holding his cheek with his palm and his eyebrows were raised. But the most interesting thing was his expression that clearly reflected what he thought. "Did you really just slapped me with your tail?"
Jake let out a laugh as he took a few steps to the side, out of the small space between the window and the stretcher. "This is amazing." He exclaimed with euphoria.
"Jake, for God's sake. Sit down at once." Eli said a little exasperated and worried about his friend.
But it was still useless. "Of course not. I've been sitting around for years- Enough already." Jake answered with difficulty having to use the wall as a support to avoid falling.
"Sedate. Sedate him." Shouted the scientist who saw Jake, to his partner. "Thousand milligrams of Supitocam."
Eli had to stop the electrode monitor that Jake was walking away from before he hit one of the scientists. "Jake be careful."
When the scientist had the syringe in her hands she turned around, ready to inject it, but instead she had to get out of the way of a large blue inexperienced body before he could run over her.
"Someone stop him." They hear Max's voice over all the commotion, but it was too late. Jake used the new strength of his Na'vi body to basically slam the first door he faced on his way outside.
Eli let out an exasperated growl at seeing no other option, unconsciously lowering his ears. He got out of bed with some difficulty, removing the electrodes with quick hands.
"Eli, Eli. Please sit down." I speak to the young scientist.
"I have to go get him before he gets hurt." Eli responded hastily as he jerked his hand away to remove an electrode that stuck to his finger. Beside him he could hear Norm trying to do the same and arguing with the scientists. Three $5 trillion dolar bodies escaping from the labs was not the best possible scenario or a safe one. Even less when the bodies measure almost 3 meters.
"Someone please stop the avatars!"
Ignoring the chaos that had been caused in seconds, Eli staggered toward the door. He used the stretcher and the wall for support when necessary, but luckily the more steps he took the more he got used to his new legs.
"JAKE!" Eli called his friend who kept walking away from him. "Oh my god." He exclaim having to hold on to the frame of the last door when tripping over his own foot. "JAKE!"
He took a metaphorical leap of faith by letting go and jogging on the blacktop of the basketball court in front of the lab.
"Excuse me." He quickly told the avatars that were playing before being interrupted by an escaping soldier.
The avatar driver with the ball in hand didn't seem upset at the situation, on the contrary, he raised his hand with a smile greeting him. "Hello."
As fast as he could and without falling, Eli returned the gesture.
Behind him, Norm and most of the scientists came out of the same door, but the only one who didn't stop when he saw how far the soldiers were already ahead of them, was Norm. "Hey. Wait for me." Shouted the scientist who stayed behind. "Jake, Eli, you have to get back. You can't run yet." Ironically, contrary to what he said, both soldiers displayed excellent control in their new bodies, allowing them to stretch out their legs and use them to their currently maximum capacity.
To his surprise and his relief, Eli gave up trying to stop Jake, going from running to jogging to walking. "Eli."
The avatar turned around at hearing his name, startled as he instantly reached out his arms to catch Norm's as his foot wobbled away from him. "Are you okay?" He ask him breathless, exercise and laughter cause that. He found it peculiarly funny how Norm resembled a child trying to take his first step on a trampoline, not to mention his tail was wagging from side to side erratically.
"Am I okay? You were the ones who ran away." He finally answered him by standing tall in front of the soldier.
"And you were the one who followed us." Eli replied, turning around and starting to walk. Amusingly, his own robe exposed his bottom and calmly billowing tail.
"H-Hey, where are you going?" with shaky steps Norm followed.
"To find an airhead. Are you coming?"
Without waiting another second Norm began to follow the avatar. For anyone who saw them from far it would be a curious scene. A scientist walking with a small step but as fast as he could behind a taller avatar that was now keeping a firm step.
Taking advantage of the fact that his back is to him, Norm gives him a dirty look when he almost stumbles again. He envied the ease with which someone who had 0 hours of training could adapt.
Instead, Eli was too busy admiring the surroundings to notice the scientist and the two left feet of his. It was the first time in his entire life that he saw so much green, so much nature around him that it purified the air that filled his new lungs. It’s refreshing. A word that made no sense on earth.
Finally, after walking a few more meters in Paradise, Eli saw the back of the idiot he had been following for a while. "Hey, Airhead"
Jake jumped in his place, turning to see his best friend with a smile full of juice from the fruit in his hand. He hadn't quite gotten used to the ability of the new Na'vi ears yet, and possibly he never would.
"Bro, you have to try this." Jake told him. Ignoring what he called him, he tossed the fruit to Eli who caught it with ease.
He looked at Jake then at the fruit with some uncertainty, but finally took a bite. His taste buds exploded with euphoria upon contact with the fruit juice.
Inadvertently his eyes widened and his ears perked up in delight.
"Damn," Eli exclaimed, earning a laugh from Jake.
"Hey, check this out." The soldiers turned to see Norm finally arriving with them. He spread his arms and began to pose like a bodybuilder. "I'm a Greek god. This is amazing-agh"
They both laughed when Norm ended up tripping over one of the roots in the garden, but it was funnier to see him get up and clean his robe as if nothing had happened.
"I'm fine. Nothing to see here."
Eli's ears twitched at an unfamiliar laugh. He turned around, surprised to see a woman in an avatar appearing from behind Jake.
"Hey Eli, you won't believe who she is." Jake expressed to his friend that he was still not taking his eyes off the woman, but to his surprise, his friend was good at recognizing human faces beneath Na'vi features.
But the astonishment of seeing the same doctor in such a fine and delicate body, with extravagantly undulating hips was not something he would recognize in the woman's human body, it was still hard for him to believe it possible. She not only looks good (in fact, she looked stunning but he would never accept it) but she also looks younger.
"Doc?" Jake raised his eyebrows at the quickness of the response.
Grace gave him a closed-lipped smile with some amusement. "Wow. Not so stupid after all."
Eli snorted and shook his head. Of course that would be the first thing she would say, it was no longer new.
"What are you waiting for standing there? The bodies have already been released, now we have to work on them." The doctor clapped her hands to get the three's attention and motioned for them to move on to the cabin. Herding them like a group of children.
Although it was not that far from reality. Just a few minutes ago you were taking your first steps in a new body.
The doctor snorted a laugh when she saw the naked and blue buts of the 3 adults.
'This will be interesting' thought the doctor.
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A few hours and a lot of training later, all the RDA avatars were in the designated cabin preparing to sleep.
All in their pajamas and many even with towels drying their hair, they circled inside the wooden structure arranging their stations. Their every move was controlled to avoid hurting the human scientists walking among them.
Eli was crouched in the trunk at the foot of his bed going over what he had been assigned to use with the avatar and making a mental list of what he needed. He moved his neck and shoulders from time to time to release the tension in the muscles, generated by the day's training, trying to follow the routine that he uses as a human in a new body had not been the best of his ideas. But still he bet that without training his avatar body is still stronger than his human body.
"Hey, Eli. Look at this creepy thing."
"Mm?" Not paying to much attention, he turned around. He ended up leaning back when in front of his face were what looked like the tentacles of an octopus moving. "What the fuck is that?" Now with more distance he could see that the tentacles were at the end of Jake's braid.
"I don't know. But it seems like all the avatars have it." He answered without further explanation. He couldn't take his eyes off that thing.
Eli grabbed his own braid and lifted it up. He was astonished to see that, indeed, when the hair at the end of the braid fell, it left waving pink tentacles. "How creepy!"
"Very creepy." He answered him.
Grace rolled her eyes as she passed them, but she stopped in front of his bed and put her hands on her small waist. "Don't let those things get entwined between you."
Both avatars jumped in their place, turning to see the woman with ears perked up as if they were children found doing something they shouldn't.
"Why not?" Jake asked.
"Do you want to end up being married on Na'vi terms?" Both soldiers instantly leaned back, pulling as far away as they could with a disgusted expression. "I thought so." Without further ado she takes her way ordering the scientists. "Hurry everyone. Go to sleep kittens."
Jake and Eli exchanged a last couple of glances before continuing with what they were doing before that stupid incident.
Was that really possible?
Getting married to connect some braids did not seem to have any kind of consistency.
But they were on a hostile planet light-years from Earth, driving blue bodies and twice the size of what they're used to, so consistency didn't have much to do with it.
When the scientists were finally out, Grace closed the metal doors and locked them to make sure no animals could get in and harm the avatars while they were gone. She then headed over to the light panels. "Lights out." She said to herself as she turned off the light switches. "I'll see you at dinner kittens"
Even when the veil of darkness fell over them, many kept turning on the huge beds of their avatars. Especially Norm, Jake and Eli. They couldn't find a comfortable position where the tail or braid wouldn't get in the way.
But even between them, Jake, despite having found a sleeping position, still didn't close his eyes.
He turned to look to the side, finding the back of a scientist and looking at the other bed, there was Eli's avatar deeply unconscious. He had already logged out.
It wasn't that easy for him. He didn't want to return to a reality where he couldn't feel or move his legs, and doing the simple things of everyday life was difficult.
In the end, he closed the eyes of his avatar, ignoring the sounds of the unknown animals in the wild, and traveled in the newly formed bond to his body.
It was time to wake up.
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Finding purpose | Male OC (or male reader)
Chap 2
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Summary: In a world that is dying and there is no way of saving it, the humanity takes mater into their own hands. They flee from their home planet with hope of conquering another in order to survive. Among them, a couple of brothers with no idea what they’re doing.
Pairings: Jake sully x Oc (friendship), Tsu’tey x Oc (friendship), Neytiri x Oc (friendship). [No current love interest]
Warnings: Mention of violence, mentions of death, use of drugs or alcohol, bad ways of coping mechanisms and obscene language.
Note: - This is not a request and it’s the translation of the original story in wattpad. - My native language it’s not English - The Oc’s name is Eli Thompson.
Prev part - Masterlist - Next part
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"Is this thing on?" Eli asked as he pushed some buttons on the camera. He realized that he was recording until he turned to see the screen next to him. "Oh yes it is."
Behind him were Norm, Max and Jake in their respective seats doing whatever on their computers. Jake, like him, was practicing on his first record.
"My name is Eli Thompson. After being asleep for 5 years and 9 months I am finally on the planet Pandora." The soldier started making a face trying to think of what he has to say. "My purpose is to take my brother's place and lead an avatar body that looks like one of the natives here... or something." He scratched his head in some confusion. "Aaaaaand… I think that’s it." He turned to see Norm and Max who were behind him. "Hey Norm. Is that all I have to say?"
The scientist turned when he heard his name. "Yeah, we just have to make sure we document everything we see and feel." Said the man.
Max poked his head from behind Norm's shoulder. "It's what will keep you sane for the next 6 years." He joked.
Eli gave him a small smile, shaking his head and turned to the camera. "Okay. Eli out."
He reached out and turned off the camera.
End of stream.
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"Grace Agustin is a legend," Norm said with great admiration evident in his tone of voice. So much so that Eli couldn't help but roll his eyes at him. He had already heard many things about that woman and not many of them were good. "She's the head of the avatar program. She wrote a the book. I` mean, she literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany"
"Well, that's 'cause she likes plants better than people." Max said, backing up Norm's idea about the female scientist.
Jake looked at Eli and raised his eyebrows in a gesture that said "Won't they really shut up?" bringing a smile to his friend.
"Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball." Upon hearing the aforementioned, both soldiers turned to face the front, finally arriving in the presence of a woman with an aura that gave off arrogance.
'This will be good' Eli thought as he saw the doctor.
"Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, Eli Thompson, and Jake Sully."
With very little interest in the newly arrived, except for one of them, the doctor turned around, removed her glasses and pulled her cigarette from between her lips, showing that he had her undivided attention.
"Norm, I hear good things about you. How is your na'vi?" she asked in a surprisingly soft tone.
Norm, clearly nervous, raised a hand in the form of support to search for the words he wanted to say. He was in front of his idol. "May everyone's mother… smile upon our first meeting."
Eli brought a hand to his forehead to massage between his brows. The idea of having to use that new language that his brother tried to stick on his head like a mantra wasn't very appealing. He could understand most of the words, so it wasn't hard to form an idea of what they were saying, but speaking it on his own was out of the question.
And it was worse when he saw how pleased the doctor was at having received the words of greeting.
"Not bad. You speak a bit formal."
Norm let out a nervous giggle, but went on with his talk with more confidence. "I studied five years, but there is much to learn."
"Um, Grace? This is Eli Thompson and Jake Sully." The smile on the woman's face disappeared as Max tried to redirect her attention to the soldiers.
"Ma'am." Jake reached out his hand to shake the doctor's. He was trying to remain respectful despite the scientist's clear distaste for having soldiers within 1km of her work area. Eli, on the other hand, stood idly behind Jake.
"Yeah yeah, I know who you are and I don't need you. I need your brothers" the cold words of the woman put a metaphorical wall between the soldiers and the scientist, causing the calm attitude of the soldiers to instantly change to a more hostile one with just an exchange of glances. "You know?" She asked Max, answering before he could. "The PhD who trained for three years for this mission?"
"They're dead. I know it's a big inconvinience for everyone" Jake's tone of voice was evidence enough that they were now on thin ice.
The woman, for a tiny moment, thought about giving them a chance. But her way of giving them that opportunity was nothing short of dismissive. "How much lab training have you had?" She ask abruptly.
"I dissected a frog once." Jake answered with complete confidence.
Eli snorted at the memory of the chaos of that day in class. "I blew mine up." The soldier laughed.
Grace gasped in shock and outrage. Intend to give them a try. "You see?..." she spat at poor Max. "You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I''ll talk 'm going to Selfrigd." The woman turned around with every intention of hitting someone, genuinely panicking poor Max.
"No, Grace. I don't think that's a good idea."
"NO, MAN, THIS IS SUCH BULLSHIT!" She complained without stopping to pay attention to them. "I'm gonna kick his corporate butt."
Max stopped in his attempts to talk sense into her. Instead, he turned to the soldiers to give them one last piece of news before continuing with the job. The tour was over. "Here tomorrow, 0800... Try and use big words."
Eli and Jake raised their eyebrows in surprise and somewhat amused to see the scientist leave with the last word from him. They were both sure they wouldn't listen to him. They didn't plan on getting along with the woman, but they would try to make an effort not to make enemies with people they will see for 6 years in a row.
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What I write and who I write for
Star wars
Boardwalk Empire
The Walking Dead
The Witcher
Star Trek
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
Stranger Things
The pirates of the Caribbean
The Hobbit
Gotham characters I write for
Oswald Cobblepot
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Jim Gordon
Harvey Bullock
Ed Nygma
Alfred Pennyworth
Mr. Freeze
Victor Zsasz
Butch Gilzean
Star Wars characters I write for
Darth Maul
Kylo Ren
Darth Vader
Han Solo
Poe Dameron
Lando Calrissian
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Din Djarin
Paz Vizsla
Spartacus characters I write for
Boardwalk Empire characters I write for
Al Capone
Richard Harrow
Eli Thompson
Frank Capone
Ralph Capone
Nelson Van Alden
Arnold Rothstein
Lucky Luciano
Gyp Rosetti
Marvel characters I write for
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes ❤️
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Quill
Yondu Udonta
Rocket (platonic! We ain't furries here!)
Groot (platonic)
DC characters I write for
Joker (Heath ledger or Jared Leto)
Captain Boomerang
Chato Santana
Rick Flag
Oliver Queen
Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett)
X-Men characters I write for
Victor Creed
TWD characters I write for
Father Gabriel
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Eugene Porter
Abraham Ford
Paul "Jesus" Rovia
The Witcher characters I write for
Salem characters I write for
John Alden
Cotton Mather
Beelzebub/ The Sentinel
Sebastian Marburg
Star trek characters I write for
Captain Kirk
Dr. McCoy
General Martok
Julian Bashir
Captain Archer
Malcolm Reed
Trip Tucker
Harry Potter characters I write for
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Lucius Malfoy
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Fantastic Beasts characters I write for
Newt Scamander
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald (Mikkelsen or Depp)
Jacob Kowalski
IT characters I write for
Richie Tosier
Ben Hanscom
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Henry Bowers
Pennywise/ Bob Gray
Barry characters I write for
Barry Berkman
Noho Hank
Monroe Fuches (As father figure)
Stranger Things characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson (platonic or as little brother)
Eddie Munson
Pirates Off The Caribbean characters I write for
Jack Sparrow....."Captain! Jack Sparrow!"
Captain Barbossa
William Turner
Bootstrap Bill
Davy Jones
James Norrington
Cutler Beckett
Lotr characters I write for
Samwise Gamgee
The Hobbit characters I write for
NCIS characters I write for
Tony Dinozzo
Tim McGee
Joshany Gibbs
YouTubers I write for
Mully VR
Josh dub
Your favorite Narrator
Eddie VR
Markiplier/Mark's egos
Angry Cops
What I will write
Male character x Fem reader
Traumatized reader dynamic
Mentions of abuse
Mentions of Death
Mentions of Blood
Slight torture
Knife play
What I won't write
Male Character x Male reader (Unless platonic)
Fem Character x Fem reader (Unless platonic)
Rape (depends on Character and how graphic)
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Gentleman with a dark side
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Arnold Rothstein x Fem reader
Requested by: @noonenobodydontask
Warnings: smut, fluff, swearing, Luciano so you know what to expect.
A/n: (18+) please if you are under the age of 18 go look at my non smut. Thank you 🌹
Arnold set the telephone back down onto his desk, and walked over to the large window. Y/n stepped into the room and crossed her arms.
"Arie, who was that?" She asked.
He turned to her and shook his head, Y/n slowly came closer.
"Who was it? Luciano? Lansky? Mazzeria? Rosetti? Torrio? Nucky? The President of the united fuckin states?"
Her last guess made him chuckle, taking a seat in his arm chair he held his hand out for her. She took it gently and sat on his lap, facing him with her legs on either side of his.
"It was Mr. Thompson, darling." He said in a hushed tone.
"Well why didn't you confirm it when I said 'Nucky'?
"Because, you didn't say Mr. Thompson."
Smiling she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, slowly pulling away Y/n undid his bowtie and threw it behind her. She unbuttoned his shirt half way down and planted gentle kisses down his neck.
"You remember when 'Mr. Thompson' and you were having that fight a month ago?" She asked.
He answered 'yes' with a breathy moan.
"Well, Charlie and I over heard him say that you were dead below the waist."
She smirked at him, and slowly palmed at his member through his pants...
"Boy, was he wrong."
Y/n could feel him harden under her touch, she let out a giggle and got up off his lap. She knelt down in front of him and unbuttoned his trousers, freeing his member.
Y/n looked up at him, Arnold ran his fingers through her hair and brought her lips closer to his throbbing cock.
"Come now, little one. Don't make me beg."
As she took him into her mouth, he leaned his head back and relaxed in his chair. He had been so stressed out with making all these deals, having all the other bosses at this throat constantly.
He was relieved to have someone who cared so much about him, someone who was always there for him when he needed her most.
"Don't stop, pretty girl." He whispered.
Y/n remembered Lucky asking her the day of the fight..
"So is he really dead down there? Or was that just bullshit?"
Y/n looks over at him with an expression that could only be described as 'What the fuck?'.
"Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is...does he-...does he please you or...do you have to look somewhere else for that kind of thing, because I'd be more than happy to-"
"No." She waisted no time with he answer.
"What do you fuckin mean no?"
"I mean no, I only love Arie."
"Love has nothing to do with it, and what did you call him? Fuckin Arie?"
She nodded. "It's called a nickname, Lucky."
"I know what a fuckin nickname is. Why don't you just call him AR like everyone else?"
"Because AR is a business nickname."
"What's the difference?" He asked.
"It's too formal."
AR let out a deep groan as his hot seed flooded into her mouth, she pulled away out of breath and sat on his lap again. He held her close and began lining himself up with her entrance.
"Just say when, darling."
She nodded and he slowly dropped her down onto him, Y/n wrapped her arms around this neck and rolled her hips over him. He leaned in and attached his lips to her neck, gently sucking and nibbling.
A/n: I'm legit falling asleep
Y/n let out a quiet whimper as he started thrusting harder into her, crashing their lips together there was a sudden knock at the front door.
The butler opened it, greeting the two men whom stood on the front porch.
"ah, Nucky and Eli Thompson. Mr. Rothstein isn't available right now."
Eli stepped in and looked around, he picked up a vase and examined it.
The butler looked back and forth, from Nucky to Eli..
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked.
Eli practically slammed down the vase, he marched over and grabbed the poor fucker by the front of his shirt.
"Where is your boss!?" He yelled.
"Standing right here." AR's voice sounded from the staircase.
The Thompson's turned and saw Y/n and AR, Eli let go of the frightened butler and went over to Nucky.
"Arnold, I thought you weren't available."
The Thompson's looked over at the butler with annoyed expressions. Y/n giggled and Rothstein gently rested his hand on the small of her back.
"Well, I'm here now. What is it you came to see me for?" Arnold asked.
Nucky stepped up to his level..
"In your office, let's talk business."
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