#elmo is adventurous
liu7398 · 20 days
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playstationpark · 1 month
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Found the letter N! 'Elmo's Letter Adventure' PlayStation
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sollyglo · 1 year
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The circleeee
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muppet-facts · 4 months
Muppet Fact #989
Papa Bear is friends with Keith Lockhart, the conductor of the Boston Pops.
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Elmo's Musical Adventure: Peter and the Wolf. 2001.
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autistic-sidestep · 2 months
re: what I sent @villainsidestep that it was going nuts over
(Possibly) scrapped alternative to the steelsnap/shaken tag scene where he follows after you (or after hbvision revelations) from the public discord I rediscovered in my sticky notes looking for something else <3 edit: this was first put in the public server on 21/3/2019, i got the dates wrong.
21-03-2019 Malin: I just want everyone to know this is notes. Not even a scene
You swing without thinking, a reflex born in frustration and panic. It doesn't connect to Chen's face, he intercepts it halfway, his cybernetic arm moving with inhuman speed. His hand is like a vice around your wrist, if he wanted to he could have crushed your bones. Instead he holds you gently, like a trapped animal.
"You need to stop doing that."
"Let me go."
"I'm serious. I've let someone punch me exactly once, and that was deserved."
"Maybe you deserved this one."
"Then tell me. What did I do?"
"You stopped looking. You heard me and you stopped looking and now nothing is the way it's supposed to be."
"I'm sorry. [lets go.] I wasn't... right at the time. I didn't know what I heard. I didn' -- put things together. Not until later."
"You could have saved me. You're the only one that could have. (Ortega [illegible])"
"I wish I had. Is it still too late?"
"Of course it is. 7 years too late. I waited for you to come, you know that? You. (sentinel if trans). Anyone. I thought you... Maybe you..."
edit: and the original photo that was posted in the server
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motocrunch · 4 months
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You are so funny - thanks, it's all of the trauma.
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microwavedeggwater · 8 months
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I'm so sorry 💀
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gifs-of-puppets · 8 months
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A Magical Halloween Adventure (2004)
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Anesthesia Aftermath Part 2
Part 1
Giorno: Under anesthesia... how much did I talk about... well...
Bruno: Elmo the Safety Elephant?
Giorno, blushing in embarassment: ...yes...
Bruno: Apparently, Elmo the Safety Elephant rode on a pink unicorn waving a feather duster around and challenged you to a feather duster battle.
Giorno, blushing pink from embarassment: Oh my god...
Bruno: Then, you apparently had to be his lawyer in court against Fugo while riding on a unicycle over lava that tasted like cotton candy.
Giorno, blushing redder from embarassment: Oh my god...
Narancia: Did you tell him that Elmo's crime was training monkeys in lederhosen to juggle firecrackers on beach balls?!
Mista: No, no! Tell him that the judge looked like a striped kangaroo dressed in shades and boxing gloves and was named Jack!
Abbacchio, smirking: I liked the part where Elmo had to use monopoly money to get the judge to accuse Giorno instead.
Fugo: Which would already make Elmo guilty by default. I've been training as a lawyer in college. Only compounded by the fact that Jack, the kangaroo judge, was actually a spy in the name of Queen Fluff, who was a calico cat queen ruling over Saturn.
Bruno, patting Giorno on the back comfortingly: It was a very interesting dream, to say the least.
Giorno, burying his face in his hands, redder than a tomato from embarrassment: *internal screaming*
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cinderelmo · 1 year
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Vanessa Williams as the Queen of Trash in The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (1999)
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enthusiastofshit · 2 years
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starspaces · 6 months
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me in my too many types nuzlocke, pokespe style :3
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
It’s funny that I can only read/write AT fanfic that’s both (a) canon compliant and (b) not too sad by my (very sensitive baby) standards, bc ofc those things contradict each other a lot
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muppet-facts · 5 months
Muppet Fact #961
On Mrs. Bush’s Story Time, Count von Count read Strega Nona, Elmo read The Adventures of Frog and Toad, Big Bird read Arthur Meets the President, Oscar the Grouch read Gregory, the Terrible Eater, and Grover read Doctor De Soto.
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Mrs. Bush’s Story Time. Muppet Wiki.
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krissiefox · 1 month
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (Movie Review)
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While exploring the Sesame Street tag on tumblr, I discovered that there have been some Sesame street movies made! I figured as long as I'm revisiting the show, I can check these films out too.
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Elmo is having a rough day! Poor little guy.
Elmo wakes up one day and starts having fun with his favorite blanket, which seems to be sentient(?). Unfortunately, he accidentally spills juice on it, so he takes it to the laundromat to get cleaned. Once he gets the blanket out, though, things start to go wrong for Elmo. He gets in a fight with his friend Zoe, and then ends up losing the blanket, which ends up in Oscar's trash can and as Elmo goes to retrieve it, he ends up in Grouchland! Once there, a big meanie named Huxley steals his blanket, and Elmo embarks on a quest to get it back, making friends and learning a lesson about the importance of sharing and thinking of others.
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Elmo in Grouchland definitely has a different feel that the regular Sesame Street show - it feels much more like a traditional Muppet Movie where the usual educational material is replaced with a main story, and plenty of humor. This is actually a fun way for older adult viewers to enjoy these characters, because it strikes a very nice balance the wholesomeness of Sesame Street and the more adult (but not overly mean spirited) humor of The Muppet Show.
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Grouchland is junky, dirty, weird and cool!
The setting of the movie was a big hit for me too - Grouchland feels like a love letter to every person who enjoyed the weird gross-out humor that became popular in the 90s. Characters like Boogerman would be right at home here, and also like Boogerman ( I gotta show love for one of my favorite old games), it's got a fair amount of grimy visuals and gross out/toilet humor that still manages to be cute rather than nauseating. I love it!
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Another fun and Muppet-like trait the movie has is that the humor is occasionally very self-aware. Bert and Ernie show up many times through the movie to comment on what's going on, with Bert often being very worried about Elmo and his husband needing to console him.
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The greedy villain, Mr. Huxley!
Overall, it's a really cute and fun movie that I'd recommend, especially to any fan of Jim Henson's Muppets. It's got a lot of humor and heart, fun set pieces, and Muppet magic! There's another Sesame Street film I've found, called "Follow That Bird", which I hope to review next!
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pico-digital-studios · 9 months
Go and see what's been cooking up for FNF: Childhood Memories!
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