#elriel fic rec
duskandcobalt · 8 months
Echoes in the Hallway
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Elain didn’t know why it bothered her so much. Yes, she’d been prepared for a cozy night in with her nephew - just the two of them - but an additional presence in the house wasn’t usually something that would set her off like this.
Typically, she’d welcome having someone else around. She knew she wouldn’t be feeling like this if it was Cassian or Mor that had stayed back with her.
But Azriel…
18+ pls
Azriel finds himself playing chaperone again, this time for the girl he’s been avoiding for months…. What could possibly go wrong?
This is like 7.7k words of shameless angst and smut????? enjoy!!
Read on AO3
“Azriel.” Rhys’ voice broke through Azriel’s concentration. Their eyes met as the Shadowsinger looked up from the reports he’d been diligently reading for god knows how long, reclined on a couch in Rhys’ office after their morning debrief with Cassian.
Azriel raised his eyebrows at his brother, already wary of the conversation they were about to have based solely on the seriousness in which Rhys had addressed him.
Rhysand leaned against the corner of his desk. “We’re all going to the Court of Nightmares tomorrow…”
Azriel nodded, shuffling his papers together and setting them to the side so he could sit up straight.
“I know you were supposed to come but something’s come up and I’ll need you to stay here.” Rhys continued.
“Why?” Suspicion laced Azriel’s voice.
“The twins aren’t available and Elain…” Rhys paused, carefully watching his brother’s reaction.
Azriel tensed at the name, frustration immediately building under his skin. He hadn’t let himself even think about that name for almost nine months now.
Solstice felt like a fever dream - a night that had gone so wrong, so quickly that he deigned it easier to just try to forget any of it had even happened. Even if he’d quickly realised that was easier said than done.
“Elain is staying back to watch Nyx.” Rhys finished. He was still studying Azriel, waiting for a reaction that wasn’t coming. Anger flowed through Azriel but he pushed it down, wouldn’t let that icy exterior that he’d spent so long perfecting crack.
It had been Rhys after all that had put an end to everything before anything had even had a chance to begin.
“And you want me to stand guard?” Azriel inquired, quiet and steady, no sign of that underlying anger as he spoke.
“No.” Rhys sighed. “But we need Nesta to come with us and Cassian refuses to let her out of his sight after everything happened with the Blood Rite. Feyre’s already stressed about leaving Nyx for the night, with everything that’s happening. Elain and Nyx, leaving them for the first time… she insisted you be the one to stay back.”
“Why me? You told me…”
“I know what I said, Az.” Rhys cut him off. “And please don’t get any ideas. I stand by what I said.”
“So then why me? Why not someone else?”
“Because Feyre trusts you, Az.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “We both trust you.” ‘
“Do you?” Azriel scoffed. It was the first obvious display of emotion he’d let Rhysand see during this conversation.
They’d both be lying if they said things hadn’t been a little tense between them since that night where Rhysand had exercised his power, his ranking, in a way he hardly ever did. And for him to use that ranking to call Azriel off for a matter of the heart… Azriel had struggled to move past the decision even if he had done his best to obey.
“You are my spymaster, Azriel.” Rhys leaned back into his chair but his eyes stayed fixed on Azriel. “ You are my spymaster and my brother, of course I trust you.”
Azriel said nothing, only dipped his chin in acknowledgement of the clear sincerity in Rhysand’s tone.
“Don’t do anything to undermine my trust, Az. Just be here tomorrow night and keep an eye on things. There is to be nothing more. Is that understood?”
“I’ve stayed away, haven’t I?” Azriel stood, gathering his things before rolling his shoulders back and allowing his wings to flare behind him. A slight show of power to let his brother, his High Lord, know exactly how he felt about the situation.
“Is that understood, Azriel?” Rhys ignored the display, repeating his words with that same sense of command that he'd used on Solstice.
“Yes.” Azriel replied, words sharp as he swiftly exited the office and made his way out of the house.
“I just don’t understand why I need a chaperone when I am the chaperone.” Elain grumbled, avoiding even looking in Azriel’s direction.
They were in the kitchen, Nyx balanced on her hip as she bustled around getting a bottle ready for his first feed of the night. Azriel was standing across the kitchen from her, one scarred hand braced on the counter as he flipped through a thick stack of paper with the other. Also avoiding looking at her.
More reports. His distraction for the night.
The rest of the household had just left for the Hewn City mere minutes ago. Rhys and Feyre had chosen to only inform Elain that Azriel would be accompanying her and Nyx right before they winnowed away.
“It’s a safety precaution, with everything going on…” Azriel replied, his voice barely above a whisper. His hazel eyes stayed focused on his papers.
“Ridiculous. This house is protected within an inch of its life.” Elain threw back, her words cutting.. She saw him tense out of the corner of her eye, clearly unused to hearing this tone of voice from her.
Elain didn’t know why it bothered her so much. Yes, she’d been prepared for a cozy night in with her nephew - just the two of them - but an additional presence in the house wasn’t usually something that would set her off like this.
Typically, she’d welcome having someone else around. She knew she wouldn’t be feeling like this if it was Cassian or Mor that had stayed back with her.
But Azriel…
She couldn’t even justify being upset at Rhys and Feyre for not telling her sooner. Why would they have thought to warn her? How could they possibly know that spending even a moment alone with the Shadowsinger wasn’t exactly high on her list of enjoyable activities these days?
Having him in her space after all these months apart had completely thrown her off, had her fumbling as she tried to put together a simple bottle. She cursed under her breath as she attempted to screw the top on for the third time. Nyx was entirely unhelpful as his little hands tugged at her hair, pulling curls loose from her braid and further distracting her from the task at hand.
“Need some help?” His low voice was closer than anticipated. She hadn’t noticed him come up behind her.
Alway so damn quiet - something that she’d found endearing once upon a time.
“I’m fine.” She bit back, silently willing her hands to stop shaking as she tried yet again to get the lid on the bottle.
“Elain.” Azriel sighed. Gods, she’d forgotten what her name sounded like on his lips. The effect it had on her body. “I know you don’t want me here. At least let me make myself useful.”
She set the lid down on the counter and turned to face him, making eye contact with him for the first time that night. For the first time since Solstice, really.
It’s hard to make eye contact with someone that seemed to do everything in their power to avoid her.
She could see the exhaustion in his hazel eyes but his face was as beautiful as always. The summer months had leant him a healthy glow, his already tan skin a couple shades deeper, a few freckles dotting the bridge of his nose. His dark hair was just a little longer than she remembered and a slight curl had developed along with the length.
How she had once ached to run her hands through his hair.
Anger flooded her veins again, a fresh wave, this time at herself for even allowing herself to think of him like she used to do.
He was infuriatingly expressionless as he watched her, patiently waiting for her to say something.
“I’ll take him to the great room. Bring the bottle and a cloth.” She relented, shifting Nyx in her arms as she quickly stepped around Azriel. His wings retracted to let her through.
Azriel took his time putting the lid on the bottle and grabbing a cloth in order to give Elain a little space.
He felt terrible about this - about having to be in this house, a looming presence that she very clearly didn’t have any desire to be around.
He didn’t know what else he had expected from tonight. He certainly didn’t think things would be like they used to be, back when she’d welcome him into the house with a shy smile, when they’d spend hours quietly talking to each other in the garden. He hadn’t even expected for them to exchange more than a few words.
He just hadn’t been prepared for the anger that radiated off of her.
It was so unlike her, so different from the girl he’d come to know. Of course, he knew that Elain wasn’t as quiet or demure as everyone seemed to think. She was kind, yes. Soft spoken compared to her sisters, yes. But she was also intelligent and sharp and funny in a way that often caught him off guard.
He’d seen her upset in the past, seen her frustrated, but he couldn’t remember ever seeing her like this. So angry that the same raging fire which had once been a constant presence in Nesta’s eyes now infiltrated Elain’s.
He took a deep breath in, picking up the bottle and taking a cloth from the cupboard, steeling himself to face Elain again.
Multiple centuries of life - all those terrifying people and places he’d dealt with in his line of work - and somehow he still felt wholly unprepared and nervous to interact with Elain Archeron.
Azriel found her in the great room, as promised, sitting in a large navy velvet armchair. Her feet were tucked under her, her skirts a never ending cloud of soft pink fabric around her. Nyx was cradled in Elain’s arms, the fire in her eyes nowhere to be seen, her features soft as she babbled back to the babe happily babbling to her. The last bit of light from the setting sun streamed in from the glass doors that led out to the river, illuminating them from behind and Azriel’s breath caught - she looked ethereal.
Elain saw him then and watched as Azriel approached her, flames immediately igniting again as she met his gaze. He held out the bottle and she reached for it, careful to avoid touching his hands in the process. She looked away finally, adjusting Nyx against her chest and watching as he latched on to the bottle.
Azriel found himself fighting back the emotions that came to the surface at the sight before him. Of Elain with a winged babe in her arms, humming softly as she fed him. It was a glimpse into what might’ve been. In another life. Another universe. What he might’ve had if the cauldron had only deemed him worthy.
He tried to push the thoughts down, attempted to let them frost over in the depths of his soul as he shook out the cloth in his hands, doubling it over once before tentatively stepping forward and leaning down to drape it neatly over her shoulder - matching what he’d seen Rhys do for Feyre time and time again. He didn’t miss the way Elain stiffened, the way her breath hitched until he was standing upright again. He hadn’t let his hands so much as graze her skin, as much as he might’ve wanted to.
“I’ll be in the kitchen.” He mumbled, one hand coming up to run through his hair, turning on his heel and heading out of the room before she even had a chance to reply.
He couldn’t take it.
There was a reason he’d stayed away all these months and he was quickly remembering just why he’d taken to hiding himself away at the House of Wind with Nesta and Cassian. It was too much - being near her, being surrounded by her scent. Not being able to talk to her, not being able to touch her. Seeing her with Nyx. This unspoken tension between them. It was all too much.
He thought that the months apart would’ve helped, that the pull he felt towards her would’ve lessened with time. He hadn’t realised how wrong he’d been - hadn’t realised just how much he still yearned for her.
Azriel took a seat at the dining table, hands dragging over his face once as he attempted to focus on his reports. It was utterly useless, all he could think about was the female down the hall from him.
He had no idea how he’d make it through the night when the pain of this longing was eating him alive.
Nyx’s wailing had been echoing through the house for a couple hours now, so loud that Elain was concerned that the windows would shatter regardless of the countless wards Rhys had placed on them.
The poor babe had refused to settle, only sleeping for a few hours before he awoke just after midnight - tears streaming down his sweet face even after Elain had rushed down the hall to him, picking him up and cradling him to her chest.
She had tried everything - changing him, feeding him, singing to him as she sat in a rocking chair. She was at her wits end, bouncing him anxiously in her arms as she paced the nursery, only the moonlight streaming in from the balcony window providing her with just enough light to watch Nyx as he all but screamed in her arms.
She’d done her best to ignore the shadows at the foot of his crib. They’d been there all night, silently laying on the floor where they typically monitored Nyx whenever Azriel was in the house. She glanced at them now and saw that they were gathered together, a cloud of darkness that seemed to keenly watch her, just waiting to be acknowledged. Elain had a feeling they’d been instructed to mind their business and let her handle things tonight but she could tell that they had a different opinion on the subject.
“Go get him, then.” She rolled her eyes, frustrated enough to give in to what she knew they were itching to do. If she wasn’t so overwhelmed she might’ve laughed at the speed at which they vanished, off to find their master.
Azriel appeared seconds later, stepping through his shadows, fully alert with Truthteller clutched in one hand. His hair was a mess, dark circles beginning to form under his eyes. He was still dressed in his leathers so he clearly hadn’t made it to bed yet.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, eyes scanning the nursery - the empty crib, the corners of the room, the balcony, before settling on her.
She saw him relax slightly once he realised that Nyx was indeed safe but then his eyes were taking her in - ever so slowly grazing over her - head to toe. She couldn’t help the heat that spread through her at his gaze. His eyes burned into her skin as he took in her unbound hair, the thin silk of the nightgown she wore, her feet bare on the plush rug. She was too exasperated to care that he was seeing her in this state of undress.
“I… I don’t know.” Elain rasped, her throat scratchy from being abruptly pulled out of her slumber. “He just won’t stop crying. I’ve tried everything, I don’t know what to do.”
“May I?” Azriel stepped towards her, holding out his arms.
Elain paused for a second, looking up at him before gently maneuvering Nyx into his uncle’s outstretched arms.
Azriel took him, those beautiful scarred hands cradling the still screaming babe and bringing him up to rest against his leather clad chest.
She had watched Nyx fill out over these past few months and had often felt that he was growing too quickly for her liking. But now, seeing Azriel with him… Elain couldn’t believe just how small Nyx looked in the arms of the Illyrian warrior. How tiny his body was in those large hands, how fragile he seemed against that broad chest.
Azriel’s hand rubbed smooth circles over Nyx’s back - in between the tiny wings that were beginning to strengthen.
Just five or ten minutes later, Nyx’s wails finally began to die down, his cries fading into small whimpers as he nuzzled further into Azriel’s chest - one tiny fist clutching at his leathers.
“Go to bed, Elain. I’ll stay with him until he sleeps.” Azriel glanced up from where he’d been walking back and forth in front of the window. Elain peered up at him from the rocking chair that she’d fallen into once Azriel had taken over - fighting the exhaustion that threatened to send her to sleep in favour of watching in quiet awe as Azriel managed to calm Nyx down.
“How did you…?” She started.
“I think it’s the wings.” He shrugged. “They can be quite uncomfortable when they’re growing. Mine were so itchy when they were healing after Hybern. I’d imagine it’s even worse for a babe.”
“I didn’t know.” Elain remarked. “I had no idea how to help him.”
“How could you know? It isn’t your fault.” Azriel said softly, fingers still gently rubbing over Nyx’s back. “The leathers probably help too, feels familiar to Rhys.”
“If I’d been here alone…” Tears were gathering in her eyes, the exhaustion of the past few hours hitting her.
“You’d have figured it out.” Azriel cut her off, crossing the room towards her. “Please sleep, Elain. You’ve been with him all evening. I’ve got this.”
He adjusted his grip on Nyx, holding him firm to his chest with one large hand so he could extend his other hand out towards her.
She sighed, her eyes focused on his outstretched hand before she gave in and took it - doing her best to ignore the spark that coursed through her at the feeling of his hand wrapping around hers and pulling her up until she was standing in front of him. He didn’t let go even as Elain went up on her toes to peer at Nyx. Her other hand pressed into Azriel’s chest for balance as she leaned in to place a kiss on her nephew’s cheek.
“Sleep well now, sweet boy.” She said softly before backing up and finally letting her hand drop from Azriel’s chest.
“Goodnight.” He gave her a small smile and let go of her hand, motioning towards the nursery door with his chin - beckoning her to rest.
Elain couldn’t sleep even though she was utterly exhausted. She’d been laying in bed, staring up at her ceiling for hours now, her mind racing with seemingly no end in sight. She couldn’t stop thinking.
The way Azriel had looked at her was burned into her memory - the scan of his eyes over her hair, her nightgown clad body, the way his gaze softened as his alert eyes met her exhausted ones.
She pictured him with Nyx, that icy exterior of his melting as the soft side he kept carefully hidden came to the surface once his nephew was safe in his arms.
She thought of the feeling of his hand around hers - his scars grazing against her skin as his fingers wrapped around her delicate wrist. She remembered the feeling of his leather clad chest under her fingers, how the heat from him melted into her even through the thick material… how that heat made her want more - made her want to press her fingers to his bare skin, to feel the muscled chest beneath those leathers.
She pictured his full lips, how’d they once been barely an inch from hers - one hand on her throat with his fingers grazing her jaw to tilt her face up towards his, his other hand buried in her hair. She pictured what it would be like to have those hands of his on her neck again, on other parts of her too.
That all-too-familiar ache swept over her, settling deep in her bones just as it had for months now - night after sleepless night. The anger that coursed through her body during the day always seemed to shift into an unquenchable longing once the sun gave way to the moon and she was alone in her bed.
She knew it was wrong. Knew she had no right to think of him like this, to want him, need him like this. Not when he’d told her it’d been a mistake - even if the way he’d looked at her tonight had said otherwise.
She closed her eyes, breathing deeply to will away the ache in her chest, the ache between her thighs. She tried her best to try to find sleep until her keen hearing picked up on the sound of a door opening and closing.
Elain barely even realised what she was doing but suddenly she was out of bed and rushing to open the door to her room. She scanned the dark hallways until she found him standing at the top of the stairs. Azriel paused at the sound of her door opening but his shadows continued down the stairs without him.
“He’s asleep.” He turned to face her, those eyes once again quickly scanning her up, down, then back up again. “Why aren’t you?”
She took a second to look at him. Studied the way those leathers clung to him, perfectly contoured to every lean line of his toned body. He was so tall, so statuesque as if one of the gods had carved him out of stone with their very hands. His shoulders were so broad that they blocked out what little fae light carried up the stairs from the lower level of the house.
Elain ignored his question, months of that ache and anger suddenly coming together faster than she could even comprehend, combining into an emotion she couldn’t label. The words spilled out of her before she could even think it through.
“You haven’t spoken to me in months.” She seethed. “You told me I was a mistake and then you left me standing at the bottom of those stairs.” Elain gestured behind him. “You all but disappeared until Nyx was born. Even then, you stopped coming to family dinners, you only ever show up at the house for meetings with Rhys and Cassian and then leave the second they’re done. You go out of your way to avoid me, you refuse to even look in my direction. What did I do wrong?”
Azriel still hadn’t moved from where he had paused at the top of the stairs, his eyes fixed on hers in shock as he took in what she was saying.
“You…” He shook his head. “You did nothing wrong, Elain.”
“Then why?” Her voice broke as she took one small step down the hallway. “Why have you avoided me like this? You almost kissed me, and then you said I was a mistake…”
“I never said you were a mistake.” He took a step towards her. “You were not the mistake, Elain. I was the one who made a mistake by thinking I had any right to touch you.”
“Because you were with her? With Gwyn?” Elain’s hated how timid she sounded voicing the fear that she’d kept to herself all these months.
Azriel’s face fell.
“She was wearing my… I saw her wearing the necklace.” She corrected herself, leaving the rest unspoken. The crippling fear that Azriel had feelings for Nesta’s beautiful friend.
Elain had seen the necklace around Gwyn’s neck a few months ago when Nesta had invited her to the House of Wind to have lunch with some of the priestesses that she was training. She had done everything in her power to smile at the kind priestess, to try to make polite conversation and not break down in tears when she’d caught a glimpse of the stained glass rose sitting just under Gwyn’s collarbones.
She had willed herself not to think of how that necklace had ended up in Gwyn’s possession but had utterly failed. Had sat in silence, her mind racing as Nesta laughed with Gwyn. The priestesses' musical laughter like a soundtrack to the thoughts infiltrating her mind in that moment - had he looked at Gwyn like he’d looked at Elain that night? Had he put the necklace on her? Had his hands lingered on her throat? Had he kissed her like he’d almost kissed Elain? Did he visit her in the darkest hours of the night? Did she share his bed?
Jealousy swelled within her, the roaring in her ears so loud that she could barely even hear him when he spoke.
“Gwyn is a friend, Elain.” Azriel took another step forward, one hand coming up to land over his heart in earnest. “I help train her and we’re friends. There’s nothing more, I swear.”
“Then why?” She still didn’t understand, couldn’t work out how things had changed in a single second that night.
“I don’t know - I wasn’t thinking clearly after Solstice and I ran into her that same night and we spoke. Then I found the necklace with my gifts…I didn’t know what to do but I couldn’t keep it. So I went to the library and asked Clotho to give it to her, to any of the priestesses. I shouldn’t have done it, I know that now.” This was the fastest she’d ever heard him speak, his hands balling into fists at his sides as if he didn’t quite know what to do with them. “I don’t even think she knows it was from me.”
“No. I meant…” Elain shook her head. “If you weren’t seeing Gwyn then why was it a mistake? Why was it a mistake to almost kiss me?”
“You have a mate, Elain.” Azriel’s expression faltered. Even in this dark hallway, she could see the pain in his eyes.
Elain laughed. Just one single exhale of air at the reminder of her mate. Red hot rage once again seeped through her.
“That means nothing to me.” She shook her head. “I am so sick of everyone telling me that that means anything.”
“But it does.” Azriel replied. “The mating bond is… it’s rare and it’s a gift to be treasured. There’s nothing like it. To not acknowledge it, to not try at the very least, would be… it would be a mistake.”
“I don’t want to acknowledge it.” Elain’s throat felt like sandpaper, her frustration building with each second that passed.
“He’s a good male, Elain.” Azriel’s shoulders dropped in defeat as he broke eye contact with her, gazing at the floor before dragging his eyes up to meet her searing gaze once again. He looked defeated. “He’ll be good to you if you give him a chance.”
Elain took three steps forward, the distance between them becoming smaller although the was still so painfully far away.
“He may be a good male.” She paused, a shaky breath escaping her. She was unable to stop the tears that were falling from her eyes, didn’t have the strength to hold them back anymore. “He may be good, but he is not you.”
‘Elain…” Azriel tried to speak but she held up a hand, silencing him.
“He is not you, Azriel.” She sobbed.
Azriel’s knees threatened to buckle under the weight of her words. His ears buzzing as he desperately tried to focus on Elain, beautiful as ever in the moonlight despite the tears cascading down her cheeks. The tears that were there because of him.
She’d never said his name before. Not that he’d ever heard, anyway. Maybe she’d used it in conversations with the others but she had never once, in the last few years, ever used his name when speaking to him.
He is not you. He is not you, Azriel.
Those words, the way she said his name, ricocheted in his mind.
He took two long strides towards her, the distance between them minimal now - if he simply reached forwards, he’d be able to touch her.
“Azriel.” She repeated his name, her eyes searching his own. He still hadn’t said anything. “Did you hear me?”
He nodded, opening his mouth to say something but there were no words. He couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Could only stare into the depths of those brown doe eyes, glazed with tears, and listened as she continued to speak.
“Lucien… he tries with me because he feels like he has to. He tries because of the bond. He’d have no interest in me if there wasn’t this thing between us.” She was fighting to speak, her words interrupted by deep, heaving sobs.
Azriel fought every instinct that was roaring through him to reach out to her, to hold her against his chest and wipe away her tears.
“No one has stopped to think about what I want. They think that just because there is this bond, I must give myself over to him. That he is who I must be with. It’s not right. It doesn’t feel right. The bond is there. I can feel it and it is like a knife in my side. There is a pull to him, yes… but I’ve always felt a pull towards you, too.”
Azriel couldn’t believe what he was hearing, could barely keep up with everything she was saying as she bared her soul to him. Not even his shadows were there to guard him, to allow him to shroud himself in the safety of darkness. He was left to face her all on his own as she confirmed what he’d long suspected. That she felt that same pull, felt that energy that seemed to radiate between them since they’d first met.
“I felt drawn to you long before I was forced into that cauldron. You were there for me from the very beginning. You were the only one - the only one - to listen to me, to sit with me, to see me. They all thought I was losing my mind. I thought I was losing my mind. You were the only one to know. The only one to understand me.”
Azriel could tell she had thought this through - over and over again. Every word, though pained, was spoken with clear intent. He could tell that this wasn’t just hysterics in the heat of the moment. Elain meant every word she said and it rendered him absolutely speechless.
“My life was taken from me.” She went on, her voice quieter now as she took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “I lost my fiancé, I lost my humanity, I lost my father. So many choices were stolen from me the second I was changed. Do I not deserve to have a say in what I do now? Do I not deserve to have a say in who I love? Do I not deserve to have a say in my own happiness?”
“It’s complicated, Elain.” Azriel finally spoke, his voice barely a whisper. “You deserve a choice but that choice comes with endless costs…there is already so much tension between the courts.”
“I don’t care!” She took another step closer until there was no space between them at all. Her hands reached for his and though he should’ve taken a step back, should’ve pulled away, he let her take them, let her intertwine her perfect fingers in his.
“You came for me once.” Elain’s voice was soft as she looked up at him, her eyebrows knitting together as she stared into the depth of this soul - forced him to recall when he’d risked his life to rescue her. “You fought for me then, will you not fight for me again?”
Tears were still streaming down her face but her sobs had subsided, her voice stronger as she challenged him.
“You know I would, but it’s just… it’s complicated.” He reiterated.
“Do you not want this?” Her face fell, her hands dropping from his as she went to take a step back. The confidence that she had exhibited just a second ago, faltering.
Azriel moved without thinking, one hand landing on her hip to keep her with him.
She gasped as his fingers pressed against her, calluses snagging on the smooth silk of her white gown, the feel of his skin through the thin material warmed her from the inside out.
His other hand landed on her neck, just as it had months ago - his thumb tracing a gentle path along the soft line of her jaw.
“Of course, of course, I want this.” He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe she’d even had to ask. His voice was so low he wasn’t sure she’d be able to hear him despite her face being mere inches from his. “I will always want this.”
Her eyes searched his, her shoulders dropping as all the tension she’d been holding in her body flooded out of her, causing her to slump against him. Azriel fingers flexed, his grip on her hip tightening, keeping her steady.
“I want you.” Elain whispered, tilting her face to look at him properly. “It will always be you.”
She was on her tiptoes then, her hands sliding up his torso until they were on his chest for the second time that night - her nails pressed into his leathers until her lips were just barely against his.
“Please, Azriel.” She all but whimpered.
Her plea cracked something in his chest and he could no longer hold back. All the work he’d done to stay away all these months, all these years, all of it was undone in a single second at the sound of his name on her lips. At the feel of her body against his.
Every wall he’d worked so diligently to build, came crumbling down faster than he could even comprehend.
Azriel closed the distance between them, his hand still on her throat as his lips brushed hers for the first time.
There was no going back from this.
The second his lips pressed against hers, tentative and sweet, Elain knew in her heart, in her very soul that nothing, no one, would ever compare to this. To him.
Every thought, every worry, every doubt she’d ever had slipped from her mind as Azriel finally kissed her. His lips were soft as they moved against hers, gentle and careful. He was committing this moment to memory just as she was - both of them desperate to remember every second of this, every possible detail. His tongue slid against her lips and she opened for him without a second thought, allowing him to deepen the kiss as she met him stroke for stroke.
Elain couldn’t get close enough to him, her hands frantically coming up from his chest to tangle in his hair, fingers tugging him down in a silent request for more, more, more.
His groan as she pressed her body tight against his reverberated through her and she couldn’t help the desperate moan that escaped her in response. Every ounce of blood, every nerve in her body seemed to be screaming for him - for his attention.
“Touch me.” Elain begged. His face was buried against her neck now, his lips and teeth and tongue grazing the sensitive skin causing her to arch further into him even though there was barely any space between them to begin with. “Please, Azriel.”
He relented, his hand slipped from her throat, one finger slowly skimmed along the delicate neckline of her nightgown before traveling lower. After what felt like a million years, his fingers grazed her peaked nipple, circling once, twice, before his large palm covered her breast and squeezed gently. His other hand released her hip to slip behind her, gripping the generous curve of her ass and pressing her firmly against him - allowing her to feel exactly how hard he was for her.
Her head tipped back, exposing more of her neck to him as her mouth fell open, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of him in between her thighs. Elain rolled her hips against his as if it was second nature, seeking out that delicious pressure against her core again and again all while cursing the few despicable layers of fabric that separated her from truly feeling every inch of him.
His lips were on hers once more, all his previous gentleness nowhere to be found, replaced instead with pure heated passion as he claimed her with bruising kisses. She was dizzy - all she could feel was him, all she could taste was him, all she could smell was him - the combined scent of both of their arousal was heavy in the air, permeating every square inch of the hallway.
Azriel’s hands slipped under her ass as he continued to kiss her, bunching up the silk of her gown until he could get his hands on the back of her bare thighs. He let his thumbs drift over her soft skin once before lifting her up easily. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms draped around his broad shoulders. He carried her with him, walking backwards until he could set her on a small console table in the middle of the hallway.
That familiar energy between them sizzled, only amplifying with each pass of his lips over her lips, her neck, her collarbones. She could’ve sworn there was a glowing aura around them as he lowered his face to her breasts, tongue laving at her nipples over her slip. The sensation of the damp fabric sliding against her skin was enough to have her seeing stars.
“Azriel.” She pleaded again, unsure what she was even asking for.
“Tell me what you want, Elain.” His mouth was still on her chest, hands raking her nightgown even further up her thighs as he raised his eyes to watch her. “Look at me and tell me what you want.”
Cool air hit the heat of her core at the exact same time she met his eyes.
The sound that she let out at that moment was almost embarrassing, her face and chest flushing. She felt him smile against the curve of her breast as he watched her. His eyes were darker than night, darker than she’d ever seen them. His tousled hair fell over his brows, casting shadows that only added to the darkness. Despite their darkness, there was a certain softness, a reverence in his gaze that she knew was reserved just for her.
She still hadn’t answered him. How could she possibly form words when his lips were on her breast? When his fingers were pressing into the flesh of her thighs? She couldn’t think straight, not when the soft ridges of his scars were sliding over her sensitive skin, going higher and higher with each pass as her legs widened for him on their own accord.
His eyes bore into hers as he straightened, raising up until his face was inches from her face. Azriel watched her carefully as he dragged a knuckle up her bare center - an absolute tease of a touch, so light that she almost wondered if she’d imagined it.
“Is this what you want, Elain?” His breath fanned over her as he spoke, their lips almost touching.
He pressed his forehead to hers. “Tell me.”
“Yes.” The word left her mouth in a gasp at the sheer command in his voice, at the brush of that same knuckle over the nerves at the apex of her thighs. She clutched at his neck, nails surely marking his skin as she kissed him.
Azriel kissed her as if he’d never get the chance to kiss her again, a searing kiss that caused a whole new wave of arousal to crest through her. But even his hot mouth pressing over hers couldn’t distract her from the feeling of two of his fingers slowly sliding through her, parting her, before his middle finger dipped into her just once.
“Look how wet you are for me.” He murmured in awe, pulling away just enough so he could bring his hand up between them. Azriel studied his fingers, the way the moonlight caught the wetness gathered there and made it glisten.
Her eyes went wide as she watched him take that finger into his mouth, his lips wrapping around it. She blushed when his eyes fluttered, savouring the taste of her.
“Do you have any idea how good you taste, Elain?” He returned his finger to her core, adding another, and then sank them into her once more in one slow thrust.
She couldn’t say anything, didn’t have the opportunity to when his fingers curled inside her, searching her upper walls until he found what he was seeking.
Those nimble fingers stroked a place that she hadn’t even known existed within her and Elain’s moan echoed in the hallway, her chest arching up into him - the friction of his leathers against her nipples only adding to the feeling of ecstasy that coursed through her.
Her hands roamed, grasping frantically at his chest, at his back. Azriel continued to steadily move his fingers within her. She needed to feel more of him. Needed the warmth of his skin.
“How do I…?” She whined, frustrated that she couldn’t find a single button or zip on his leathers. He’d have to do it. “Take this off.”
“No time. They’ll be back soon.” Azriel took her lower lip in between his teeth, tugging once before letting it go. “Just let me do this for you.”
She started to argue but Azriel kissed her again, increasing the pressure of his fingers as he stroked her over and over again.
“Another time.” He whispered, moving his lips to her neck and biting down lightly at the same time his thumb circled her clit.
“Fuck.” Elain cursed, immediately blushing as Azriel laughed against her throat - both of them surprised by her choice of words. She swallowed her embarrassment, choosing to focus on the desire burning low in her stomach instead. “Do that again.”
Azriel obeyed her order, running his thumb in smooth circles over her as he pumped his fingers into her, maintaining that same rhythm and ensuring that the tips of his fingers bumped against that spot inside of her with each pass.
Just a minute later, before she even knew what was happening, Elain’s vision blurred, her eyes squeezing shut as every nerve in her body came alive. She clutched at his hair, grabbing fistfuls of the silky strands as she clenched hard around his fingers. Her mouth fell open in a silent scream as she came for him.
Seconds, minutes, hours passed before she regained her sense of self. Azriel’s fingers had slipped out of her but he’d pressed himself against her instead, alleviating the emptiness that she felt without his fingers filling her. Azriel’s arms were wrapped around her, holding her tight to his chest, one hand in her hair as she attempted to catch her breath.
“That’s it, Elain.” He whispered into her hair, hands drawing soothing circles low on her back. “You did so good for me.”
“That was… I’ve never…” Elain breathed against his neck.
“You’ve… never?” Azriel stilled, his hand paused its circles but he continued to hold her against him.
“I mean, I’ve had…” Elain said quickly, trailing off. Her words were muffled as she spoke into his skin, “But no one’s ever done that for me. I’ve never…”
“Finished?” Azriel completed her sentence.
She nodded, face still tucked in the space between his neck and shoulder. Despite what they’d just done, she felt shy admitting this to him.
She pulled back slowly when he didn’t say anything further. The sweat from her body caused her slip to stick to her.
Elain swallowed her nerves, looking into his eyes - searching them for any sign of regret.
She found none. Only saw simmering lust and adoration.
“You deserve to feel like that every time, Elain.” A small satisfied smile tugged at his lips. Some primal part of him secretly fulfilled at the knowledge that he was the first person to make her come. He tucked a strand behind her pointed ear. “You should really go back to bed now.”
Elain’s eyebrows furrowed together. She wasn’t ready for this to end, wanted to stay here, safe in his arms, in this blissful bubble, forever. But besides that, she could still feel him - impossibly hard - where he was pressed firmly against her.
She kept her eyes on his as she reached down in between them, fingers itching to feel him but Azriel’s hand wrapped around her wrist, stopping her before she had the chance to touch him.
“They’ll be home soon.” He shook his head, bringing her hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss to each of her finger tips. “We have to save something for later.”
His words warmed something deep within her.
The promise of more.
“You won’t disappear again?” She allowed herself to voice her insecurity. The worry that things would go back to how they were before.
“No.” He didn’t hesitate. “I’ll seek you out. We’ll find a way. There’s more I want to do for you. With you.”
“Okay.” She nodded, leaning forward to kiss him again.
“This has to be just between us for now.” Azriel’s face was as serious as his voice. His large hands moved to cradle her face, fingers tracing softly along her cheekbones. “I’ll figure out how to make this work but for now… just between us.”
“Just between us.” She promised, repeating his words back to him.
She’d take whatever she could get. For now, this would have to be enough.
To have him in secret was better than not having him at all.
Azriel kissed her one last time before he backed out from between her legs, fixing her night gown to cover her before helping her down from where he’d perched her on the narrow table. His hands stayed on her waist, brushing over her curves until he was sure she was steady on her feet. “Goodnight, Elain.”
“Goodnight, Azriel.” She gave him a soft smile before walking away from him and back to her room.
The Shadowsinger watched until Elain’s door shut behind her and then he sighed, smoothing a hand over his unruly hair as he tried to figure out how the hell he was going to get the scent of them out of this hallway within the next hour.
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damedechance · 2 hours
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𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
so I compiled a list of 26 of my favorite fics (some all time faves, some more recent). If you want to give me a present, please read one (or all!) of these and then come back so we can scream about them together. Drop an emoji in my inbox if you want to know more about a particular fic. The numbers are chapter counts!
🐦‍⬛what hath night to do with sleep by @iftheshoef1tz (14/14) 🐮Howl by @iftheshoef1tz (12/12) 🧠tell them i'm the worst by @witch-and-her-witcher (1/1)
💾You Look Like Bad News by @the-lonelybarricade (2/2) 😈Bow Down by @shadowisles-writes (1/2) 💘all is for love, is for mind by @shardminds (1/1) 🌕full moon, white honey by @shardminds (1/1)
👑The Thief and the Rake by @popjunkie42 (3/18) 🤍Down Bad by @shadowisles-writes (1/1) 🍀Good Luck Charm by @whatishowedyouinthedark (4/4) 🖋️A Tight Little Skirt by @separatist-apologist (1/1) 📺and they were roommates by @whatishowedyouinthedark (1/1) 🪈whistles far and wee by @foundress0fnothing (1/1)
🗡️the gods grow tired by @shardminds (1/1) 🪩Little Thief by @bibliophiliaxvignette (2/2) 🔥hotter than hell by @lalunaoscura (1/1)
🪢Glitch by @thesistersarcheron (4/5) 🫀listen through the wall by @shardminds (1/1)
🦇Why Do My Gods Look Just Like You? by @asnowfern (1/1)
🥀A Woman So Heartless by @velidewrites (1/1)
Rare ships:
🍽️Everybody Knows by @melonsfantasyworld (1/1) 🌞Embers by @ultadverb (4/4)
☄️It must have been a mistake by heidini (1/1) (Caleb) 🌟Cool Off by Rei_Lemon (1/1) (Zayne) 🪐Trichotomy by kirotaan (1/1) (Caleb/Zayne/MC) 🌊Siren's Call by mostsincere (1/1) (Rafayel)
🩷Last year's fic recs
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wingedblooms · 7 months
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I took a much needed break and returned to this bewitching fic by my friend, @ultadverb. It has the best witchy vibes and I’m already obsessed. Please go read it and give it some love.
A Shot in the Darkest Dark
It was always those who understood fate the least who spoke most freely of it, as though the future were a path carved of marble, all roads leading in one direction, and one direction alone.
It was always meant to be this way, they said, never understanding that fate was chaos and not order, madness with no clarity.
And fate could be changed, if you knew which strands to pluck.
Music inspiration:
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
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Two days had passed since he kissed her, and it was all he could think about. He’d kissed her and kissed her and kissed her amongst the tulips.
Visions of You by @thesistersarcheron
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meryisabella · 2 months
Are there any fics about those off screen moments or interactions between Az and Elain in ACOWAR, ACOFAS and ACOSF??
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casuallivi · 1 year
Elain Week March 2023. Day 7. Free Day. @elainweekofficial
A sweet kiss to my our brilliant friend @nikethestatue who gives us the best nicknames. Here I am, stealing your lore again 🎵 forgive me, love you 😊😚❤️
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The house felt oddly silent when there wasn’t a single loud-foul-mouth family member in it, the stillness balancing itself in the possibility of being disturbed at any minute, once one of them passed through the threshold. Her bet was on Cass, who had dinner with them nearly every night.
Elain’s love for her family cannot be measure in any metric system known for man or fae, but she won’t deny the peace and quiet is a soothing balm to her tired mind. The sounds never leave her. The creaking of worms digging the earth, the gentle unfurling of rose petals, beating wings cutting the air, water springing from between tiny rock, a cry of freedom, the quick legs of a panther chasing it’s prey, galloping horses marching into the battlefield, piercing screams of faceless men bathed in blood, waves breaking against the hull of a ship, the incessant cry of helpless females stolen from bed. Honeyed promises that demand compromise, complacency, obedience.
“Give in to me.”
Dread bristled the hairs her arm, lungs compressed, expelling everything there is inside, refusing to let her fill them back. She's trapped. No. She's drowning. Horror claws its way into her heart as water pools beneath her, soaking her gown, rising above her empty chest, threating to swallow her whole. A thousand ghost hands tug at her, dragging her down. Drowning her again.
“Breath.” The strong command doesn’t come from her daydreams, the male lying beside her wrapping her cold hand in his warm one, his patchwork of bumpy scars falling in line with the sunk gashes in her palm, fingers lacing with hers. “Breath.”
She’s desperate now, has lost any semblance of control, gasping for the air that won’t come.
“Water. Water is –”
“Not real.” The slice of her words is so sharp one might think he used Truth-Teller, leaving no place for second-guessing. The midnight voice, honed to conduct legions to glory, being spent in the mundane act of calming her down. A blasphemy of some sort, she’s sure.
Elain is lightheaded, body itching, changing, glowing. She had to lose her eyes in order to see the worlds with clarity, ancient power soaking her bones, the Seer woving itself within the fabrics of her soul, singing praises to the being that can finally contain her without shattering into million pieces. “Free,” it chants delirious, “I am free.” Elain isn’t. Elain is shackled. She’s back there, back at that nauseating day. Drowning. Dying. Dead.
Gentleness gives place to a bone-shattering grip that demands her attention. Air rushing back to her lungs in the shape of a painful whimper, desperate wheezes rattling her core. Tears stream past her dark lashes. “You are not there.” Stable words, confidant words, the constant swipe of a thumb moving back and forth over her clammy skin. “You are safe. You are with me. I got you.”
I got you.
In and out.
He got her.
Breath. In and out. Just breath.
Elain tames the white glow escaping the translucent skin of her eyelids, the tremor in her hands, pushing the lump that clogs her throat all the way down.
A voice in the back of her mind calls her useless for failing the simple task he presented to her, tells her she should be ashamed to waste precious time so kindly offered to her. Elain holds him tighter. The voice can go to hell.
“Good.” Her cheeks heat at the praise she doesn’t deserve. “Very good.”
“I was terrible.” She contradicts. “You can tell me the truth. I won’t break if you yell at me.” Despite her words, Elain is in the verge of crying, overwhelmed with emotion. Stupid tears. She wished someone would shut her lacrimal canal forever.
“I don’t yell.” True. Azriel was probably born with the ability to make himself heard without uttering a single word, the strong essence of a leader brewing in his soul. “You think I could yell at you?” is a teasing question, an attempt to lighten the mood, but she can sense the faint hints of apprehension as he waits for her answer.
Elain knows he cares for her opinion, he has told her so. Sometimes she wonders if it's simply the family ties that bound them together, or if he has an inkling to the feeling blooming out of control from the depths of her heart, wonders if him, by some miracle, has been cultivating similar boldness in himself.
“Nah, you'd be too scared of me never letting you taste my cooking again.”
Her surroundings are perfectly clear once more. No throne room, no boiling cauldron, no evil gazes, just the townhouse living room. Couch, armchairs and center table have been pushed out of the way, creating a hollow space in the middle of the room, wood burning quietly on the hearth, Azriel and Elain laid side by side on top of the fuzzy cream rug, the only point of contact consisting in the now tightly woven hands resting between their bodies. Her other hand rests above her stomach, feeling the undulations caused by every breath, Elain trying to keep herself anchored to the present and not a slave to her cumbersome visions.
After long days of strenuous research, walking through multiple shops in search of way to grant her peace of mind, Elain came across a certain shadowsinger who stole her materials in the blink of an eye. The stack of book that had seemed like a mountain in her arms now looking like a tiny pile in his.
“Dream walking no more, how to control your sleeping body. The cognitive ability to transcend space and time...” He enunciated the tittles without looking at the books, being his usual meddlesome self. Of course he had seen it, nothing escaped the spymaster. "What are you doing?"
“Anything I can help you with?”
“No need.”
“Are you sure? I am very good at keeping unwanted dreams at bay.”
“You don’t count.”
“Why not?”
“Because you accomplish that by not sleeping.”
The corner of his lip turned upwards. “Touché.”
Elain was nervous. Scared she’d take a wrong step in her journey to control her visions, and ending up losing them all together. She didn’t want to get rid of her seer abilities because of how useful they had been so far, but she wanted to tame them. She needed to. Time flow different in her head, visions stretching for days without end, seasons passing in front of eyes, vigilant months of agony that turned into years, Elain blinking back to reality to learn mere seconds had gone by, her glazed eyes the only indication that her mind had been far away.
When she voiced her concerns to Azriel, he said she needed to find an anchor to the present, introduced her to meditation as a way to stabilize her mind here and now. He told her, she should not feel pressure to unravel every vision as they came to her, comparing her hazed slumber to his unending reports. “Every information can be important for a specific cause, yes. But that doesn’t mean I have to read them all the same time. You control you vision Elain, not the contrary, remember that.  Learn to choose what you see. When you see it.”
“What can I use as an anchor?”
“Anything you want.”
“Hold me.” Elain doesn’t know who is more surprised by the request, she or Azriel. She clears her throat. “Will you hold me if it gets too much? Will you bring me back?”
There's not an ounce of hesitation in his answers. “Always.”
His determination reminds her of a turbulent escape from behind enemy lines, the fear of eminent death, her resolve to at least help him to get out. Ready to let go of his neck if it meant he could fly out of there without the extra weight. Azriel had to live, no matter the cost. She needed him to.
Their sessions began with a quota of formality that never lasted till the end. Azriel was a firm teacher, yes, but he was also gentle and patient, smiling at her attempts to slack off, amused with a few small complaints. He even joked and laughed at her expenses. Physical Touch proved to be an anchor that worked nine times out of ten. Except that this anchor didn’t please her very much.
Their goal was to have him touch her as little as possible, because that would mean she was gaining control over the powers. Elain trained alone every chance she got, trying bother him the minimal possible, but it was hard to progress without someone to bring her back. Elain was growing frustrated from the constant failing.   
“I don’t know if this is the right choice.” she confessed apprehensively.
Azriel’s hand laxed in hers
“Do I make you uncomfortable?”
“No! No, I fine with you, believe me. I trust you with my eyes closed,” she wiggled her brows, “quite literally. I just… I don’t want to keep depending on other. I want to be stronger.” Elain didn’t mind Azriel touching her, but Azriel wasn’t by her side all day long, no one was. All it took for Touching to be an unreliable crutch was she being alone. “I want to be strong like my sisters.”
“You are.” His proud tone didn’t escape her. “Let’s try something else. When the next wave comes, don’t wait for my touch,” he instructed. Elain relaxed her limbs, breathing deeply, his woody scent tickling her nose, calming her anxiety. “Think about the place you are, describe it in your mind. Furniture, shapes, color, smells, if there are people describe them too. Recall their clothes, conversation, mannerism. All that is information to keep you anchored, accurate as touching, without having you at the mercy of others. Sounds better?”
She nodded eagerly.
“Give it a try.”
“Yes, master.
Their carefully constructed bubble of concentration is popped in the blast of a canon. Wide-eyes mirror each other as their heads snap to the side. Shock, surprise, confusion. Different emotions cloud the air.
Elain keen ears capture the smirk in his tone, making her painfully conscient of the word she used, a word Nuala and Cerridwen say so much she picked up by habit, a word she only used as a joke when her friends were around.
“Say that again.”
His amusement fades as quick as it came. There’s a change in the air, subtle, or maybe she’s the one who is still learning how to identify it. Is this what they call a scent-change? Night-chilled mist mingles with something thicker, spicier, darker. There’s a dryness to her mouth there was not there before, the picked-up pace of a heart beat sounding almost indecent in strong gallops at her ear. Is it hers or his? Gods, she hopes is not hers.
Elain disentangle herself from him, sitting straight as an arrow, tense, smoothing her hair in a nervous habit. Azriel props himself on his elbow, watching her.
“The girls–” she stammers, not able to look at him. “The girls call you – I hear all the time, so – you know – you trained them, and now you train me –”
“You think this is training?” All color drains from Azriel’s face. His anxiety confusing her.
“Yes...?” Now he’s laughing at her, his leathery wing hitting her back, bumping her forward as he spams on the rug.  “I don’t understand, you offered to train me,”
“I offered to help you. We spend time together anyway, improving some skills while at it doesn’t hurt.”
“I thought these were training sessions,” Elain mumbled, feeling self-conscious. “You helped me stretch and everything.”
“You said you neck was stiff from pruning the buds.” He quipped, attentive hands finding her shoulders, gently settling her back down, “you can’t be my apprentice, flower.”
The endearment skittered across her skin like one of his curious shadows. It wasn’t the first time he used it, but Elain thanked the mother for being on the floor, because her knees were set on giving up every time he did.
“There are lines to be kept in a mentorship. Lines I do not wish to trace with you.” For a moment there it feels like he’s on top of her. “If I made you feel like a trainee up to this point, let’s get that cleared out of the way, shall we? I can be your master any time, but you are not my trainee. Bear that in mind.”
Elain clutches the rug, eyes rooming over his wings, looming wings that expanded under her attention, spreading proudly to their full extent. They take over the room, drooping things she can’t see or care about, shadowing everything beneath him including her. His hands are on either side of her head now, not a fleek of green in his darken gaze, zeroing on her.
Burning cedar invades her lungs, or maybe she’s the one burning up, imaging what it would feel like if he closed the distance and kissed her. Her face flushes. With a shaky breath, Elain gathers her flitting courage and ask,
“If I’m not a trainee, what am I?”
His wings snap back shut, Azriel settling on the floor, a tamed beast retracting into its cave. His answer is short, simple, declaring the five letters word capable of compassing all the feelings he couldn't find words to describe. 
It probably was.
Because she had a six letters word worthy of the same feature.
“Are you ready?”
“I am.”
“Good. Close your eyes.”
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vicioux · 10 months
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A COURT OF FATE & FORESIGHT by airelemental
Elain always felt it; like the looming weight of an arrow about to strike her heart. Impressions of the cauldron's talons lived all over her, manifesting themselves into a permanent noose around her neck. "But know this, you will come back to me, child."
popping in to rec one of my current elriel fic obsessions this one is so good y'all please don't sleep on it the writing is just beautiful and the author does such a good job pulling the you into elain's head and make you feel 🥺 the slow burn is topnotch and the ANGST! the PINING! the tension whenever the two interact is off the fucking charts!! also gotta mention the plots really intriguing always love me some witchy magic shenanigans to take down koschei ✨✨
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rosanna-writer · 2 months
ACOTAR Fic Recs: Monsters, Monsterfucking, etc
This is nowhere near an exhaustive list and in no particular order, just some of my faves! Please go leave these lovely authors kudos and comments (and add your own if there's a fic you love that I've missed!) <3
The Curse of Sleepy Hollow by @labellefleur-sauvage rewired my brain chemistry with with all the sexy possibilities of Lucien being able to take off his head
Five Times the Beast Was Subdued (and the One Time It Wasn't) by @the-lonelybarricade!!!! Feyre giggling and calling beast Rhys "Rhysand darling" lives rent free in my head
flicker in the night by @belabellissima beast!Rhys broke my heart in the best way in this one, I ADORE IT
Tarquin x OC
Calanmai's Pearl by @vulpes-fennec scratches that sexy merman itch like nothing else, and Tarquin SERVES "gentleman in the streets, daddy in the (underwater) sheets"
Oh Fanged Beast, Oh Trembling Fawn by yourstarsmyscars. WEREWOLF ELAINNNNNNN!!!!! Nothing makes me insane the way beast!Elain does!!!!
Stigmata by @damedechance is SO DELIGHTFULLY CREEPY AND DARK!!!! This fic makes you feel like you're sitting at a campfire and hearing a scary story and also it's hot af
Gwyn x Bryaxis
For the Girl Who Sings of Stars by sinflower81 is so unexpectedly sweet??? This one has my whole heart <3
The Danger in You by @yourethehero Mor and Emerie are even hotter as vampires, I don't make the rules, this one is a DELIGHT
When We Howl, the Moon Will Cower by @c-e-d-dreamer I'd be sold if it were just witch!Nesta, and I'd be sold if it were just werewolf!Cassian, but this incredible fic blesses us with BOTH!!!!
Lay Me on the Cold Dark Earth by @witch-and-her-witcher the banter!!! the dual POV!!! the knotting!!! it has everything <3
Howl by @iftheshoef1tz buckle up because this one is a novel-length masterpiece. Werewolf Azris from the QUEEN!!!!
Multi-Ship Series
Werewolves by @separatist-apologist (Feysand, Nessian, and Elucien) is just....*chef's kiss*, 10/10, a CLASSIC! You can't go wrong with any of MB's monster fics, but werewolves are my fave.
Meet Me in The Darkness by AcrossASeaOfStars (Feysand, Nessian, Elriel) demon batboys in a Victorian setting, what more could you possibly ask for? The vibes are immaculate
The Archeron Apothecary by HeadCanonHeadCase (Gwynriel, Elucien, Emorie) covers it all! Werewolves, djinn, witches, demons, it's SUCH a fun series!!!!
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What are some of your favorite fanfics? You can only include up to 2 LB fics
I was going to wait to answer this in the morning because it's so daunting an ask. But I have to be in office tomorrow and I know I won't have the time, and then I'll forget about this. It's been a long time since anyone asked me my personal favorites.
I put some of them in yesterday's list of elucien recs, so definitely start here. I have to cross post a little, though. None of these are in order, this is actually not a ranking but the opposite of a ranking in which every one is incredible, and written by very wonderful people worth following.
playgirl, by @damedechance. I love this fic. Lucien has an only fans, Elain moderates his chat. She was the first gwynriel writer I ever read. You know I'm weird about Azriel- I don't really enjoy him, but in bookclub, her fic was being recommended CONSTANTLY and I gave it a shot thinking I'd hate it, and she made me insane. The gwynriel fic is Things You Can't Have, and I suggest reading it, too.
Latch, My Fate is Yours; Latch, My Very Soul is Yours by @labellefleur-sauvage. Elucien mummy au and so beautifully done. The author is also an VERY funny person and I recommend anything she writes (such as her 1920's Neris fic And All That Jazz) on vibes alone.
Our Bodies, Possessed By Light @iftheshoef1tz. Azris at its FINEST. If you like Azriel and Eris as a pairing, and you want something that is both achingly beautiful and well-plotted, this is it. This is the fic. Honestly, even if you don't want that, you should read it anyway. It's sexy, it's funny, it's emotional and it's poetic. I think about this fic (the cabin specifically because I'm slutty) all the time.
Crimson Clover, by @thesistersarcheron. Baby's first elriel fic, I heard the sentence "Elain covered in blood" and dropped everything I was doing to learn more. Elain is, in fact, covered in blood and Azriel is pretty insane about it. This author also has a fic bookclub is obsessed with, Viciousness & Intelligence which is Nesta x Cassian x Azriel in a poly bond and another of my personal favorites, Bejeweled in which Feyre is Night Court fae made entirely of jewels and Rhys is...well...down bad as he always is.
Embers, by @ultadverb is my favorite Morlain fic in the fandom. It's so richly written and such a good exploration of Elain and her feelings. She really does Elain such justice. I have it on VERY good authority she's also working on a little monster elucien, and right after I typed that I saw she's actually posted the first chapter, Seven Tears for the Sea, which is selkie Lucien, coastal Elain, I believe. I will be reading that for sure, just as soon as I finish this list, but everyone else should too!
I Believe the Word You're Looking for is "Friends" by @kingofsummer93. Truly Elucien 101 required reading. It's actually on the made-up syllabus I just created in my mind. If you're wanting to settle into a long fic, canon-compliant, adventure fic, THIS is it. Also, people are always asking for BOE smut, well she has so GRACIOUSLY provided it with The Intimacy of Being Understood
Remember, We're Madly In Love by @velidewrites. Have you ever seen one of those really gorgeous mood boards floating around and asked yourself, is that person also an incredibly sexy writer, too? Well I'm here to answer that question with a resounding YES. This is hunger games Feysand and if you've been thinking about reading it, stop thinking and start doing. I don't know when I became a sales person during this sharing of faves, but here we are I guess.
Vanserra Wildlife Rescue by @headcanonheadcase. In the haze that was elucien week, where everyone was creating and I was trying so hard to see all of it (and failing miserably), this fic was a gem. It's meet cute Elucien- he's a wildlife vet, she finds an injured fox. They're both on their way to a blind date (I wonder who they're meeting), and instead cancel to take care of the fox.
Can't Help It by @moodymelanist. This fic was literally why I decided to answer this anon. Nesta and Cassian are in a very toxic relationship but can't keep away from each other. I LOVE this fic, I love their dynamic and without spoiling it, there is a threesome I am still so deeply unwell about, even to this day.
Wonderland by @c-e-d-dreamer. The premise is SO GOOD. Nesta rejects the mating bond and Cassian rejects society. They reconnect later on, and the angst is SO DELICIOUS.
This list is getting really long- I could do this all day, actually. As for my top two @the-lonelybarricade favorites, which is cruel just fyi.
I'm gonna go with
You Look Like Bad News- Elain's neighbor has an annoying habit of fucking REALLY loudly next door.
And of course,
They Are The Hunters, We Are The Foxes, which is the best thing ever produced in the history of ever. Wonderland WHO? This is the shifter elucien romance we deserved, actually.
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nikethestatue · 11 months
Hey I love your new fic and literally everything you write!!! ❤️ I was just wondering if you had any fic recs of elriel with babies or pregnant elain? I’m obsessed now lol xx
Thank you so much!
@tswaney17 has a bunch of pregnant Elain/Elriel with babies fics
So do @theladyofdeath and @snelbz
@thefangirlofhp has a bunch of kids fics, her biggie fic is about single mom Elain meeting babysitter/crime fighter/tortured soul Azriel
@fawnandshadows has pregnant Elain fics
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duskandcobalt · 6 months
Strawberry Kisses
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While searching the River House for her sisters, Nesta accidentally stumbles upon Elain sharing an intimate moment in the garden with a certain Spymaster.
Please note, that while this is technically a bonus chapter to my series, Echoes in the Hallway, it can be read as a stand alone one-shot xx
No warnings, pure fluff. 1.4k words.
Read on AO3
The skirts of Nesta’s pale blue gown, one of many gifted to her from Rhysand, fluttered around her ankles as she traipsed through the bright hallways of the River House, poking her head in and out of various rooms in search of her sisters and nephew. They hadn’t been in either of the libraries, the nursery was empty. Even the kitchen, usually the epicenter of bustling activity, had been suspiciously quiet when she’d breezed past it earlier before making her way upstairs. 
Cassian was away on a business trip with Rhysand for the past few days and Nesta had been left to her own devices for just a little too long.  She’d done fine on her own for the first day and a half but she’d slowly been losing her mind without her mate’s company ever since, even if she loathed to admit it. It’s why she’d practically begged Azriel to drop her off in town this morning, hoping that the promise of bookstores, patisseries, and maybe even a leisurely stroll along the glittering Sidra would be enough to ease her gloomy mood. 
It worked for a couple hours but even then she had still felt the need to seek the company of her sisters. Something that had once been rare, but had slowly become a recurring urge ever since she’d found some semblance of inner peace.
Nesta huffed, cursing under her breath as she bounded down the stairs and back into the kitchen to take another peek around. She spotted a covered dish sitting to the left of the kitchen window. She lifted the plate off the top to find a tempting lemon tart, two small slices already missing. Abandoning the search for her siblings, Nesta took a fork from the cupboard and plated herself a slice, humming happily at the delicious tang of the lemon curd that she guessed Elain had made either this morning or the night before. She was halfway through her third bite when a bit of movement outside of the kitchen window caught her eye.
Nesta had always thought that Elain looked like Spring, like the very essence of life, itself - but never more so than when she was in her garden, surrounded by various plants and flowers. She wore a plain linen dress, the butter yellow fabric pooled around her, reflecting the sunshine in a way that set her face and bare arms aglow. Her long hair was unbound, the length of it falling in soft waves down her back. Elain had tied a sage coloured scarf around the crown of her head to keep the golden strands from getting into her eyes as she knelt in front of a flourishing patch of berries, one that she’d been lovingly tending to ever since the weather had started to warm a couple months ago. 
Nesta was just about to turn to make her way outside to say hello to her sister as well as enquire about the whereabouts of Feyre and Nyx but she stopped, eyebrows furrowing, when she realised that Elain wasn’t out in the garden by herself. 
Azriel came into view, his tall frame clad in the same black leathers he’d been wearing this morning when he’d dropped off Nesta in town. He’d told her he was headed Under the Mountain for the day yet here he was - more relaxed than she’d ever seen him - those enormous wings of his were flared out wide, the sunlight beautifully filtering through the delicate membrane as he approached Elain with a dozing Nyx cradled carefully against his chest.
Nesta watched, lips parted in disbelief, as he knelt down next to her sister. The Shadowsinger, usually so reserved and sullen, had a soft smile on his lips. His shadows were nowhere to be seen and there was a certain look in his eyes as he spoke to Elain that Nesta recognised but couldn’t quite comprehend.
She couldn’t hear the words they exchanged due to the wards Rhys had placed on every inch of this house but the manner in which Azriel conversed so freely and the carefree way Elain laughed in response to whatever he had said, was enough to pique her interest. 
She continued to stand frozen in place, afraid the slightest movement would alert them to her presence, as Elain picked out a strawberry from the wicker basket she’d been collecting them in. She quickly wiped the berry off on her skirt, ensuring any lingering dirt fell away before she lifted the fruit to her lips. Nesta’s attention shifted to Azriel’s face as Elain bit into the bright red strawberry. The expression she found there should’ve been enough to make her look away but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. 
Instead, her eyes stayed glued to the scene in front of her. Her gaze followed Elain’s hand as she reached out and extended that same strawberry to Azriel. She watched as he wrapped his lips around the fruit, directly over where Elain’s own lips had just been. His hazel eyes remained on Elain’s face through it all. Elain raised up on her knees when Azriel pulled back, watching the movement of his throat as he swallowed. She inched closer to him, one small hand landing on his shoulder for balance while the other came to rest on his chest. 
Nesta’s breath caught in her chest when Elain, with no hesitation whatsoever, gently pressed her lips to Azriel’s. 
The kiss they shared was chaste, as if they were being mindful of the babe between their bodies. Still, Nesta found herself blushing at the intimacy of it. The way their lips brushed together in a series of pretty, innocent kisses. The sweet way Elain held his face, her thumb stroking along his strong jaw. The firm grasp of Azriel’s free hand low on the swell of her hip, the linen of her dress scrunched up under his long fingers.
There was an ease, a natural familiarity between them that made it clear that this wasn’t anything new. It was immediately evident to Nesta, just from this singular moment, that this kiss wasn’t the first that they’d exchanged. It wasn’t even one of the first few. She’d go as far as to say that they’d done far more than simply kiss, if the comfort with which they touched each other was anything to go by. 
She’d picked up on some form of tension between them once. Last Solstice. She and Elain had passed by Azriel and they’d exchanged a certain look that made Nesta think that perhaps there was something between them. She’d let it go, had convinced herself that she’d imagined it because the two of them had seemingly stopped spending any sort of time together after that night. 
But now, seeing them here - together - it was clear that Nesta hadn’t imagined the yearning and desire in those shared glances. She felt a little thrill of self satisfaction zip up the length of her spine at the knowledge that she’d been right all along. 
She continued to shamelessly watch until Elain finally pulled away from him, a coy smile on her lips and a pretty blush on her cheeks that matched the Shadowsinger’s own pleased expression. Elain bent down to peer at Nyx - still asleep against Azriel’s chest, completely oblivious to the secret relationship that his Aunt and Uncle were cultivating that only he had witnessed. 
Until now.  
Nesta finally turned away from the window, unable to keep the smile from her face as she quickly and quietly made her way out of the house, miraculously undetected by the two lovers. 
She couldn’t stop thinking about it - about how much sense it made. How much sense they made. Azriel, who she was well aware believed he wasn’t deserving of love, and Elain, who loved so easily that it was like second nature to her. They were two sides of the same coin - sun and moon, day and night - perfectly balanced, the perfect complement to each other. 
Nesta knew why they’d kept this quiet, why those secret looks had transpired into this secret relationship. Elain’s situation would certainly complicate things even if Nesta firmly believed her sister shouldn’t have to comply with some predetermined destiny that she seemingly wanted no part of. 
Regardless, Nesta would keep this to herself until they chose to come forward, if they ever chose to come forward. She wouldn’t mention it to anyone. Not to Feyre. Not to Azriel or Elain. Not even to Cassian. Much like what she’d seen on Solstice, she knew that this was their secret to tell. Never hers.
Thank you for reading! If you're interested, you can find the rest of my writing in my masterlist xx
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keithal · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written :)
oh hello! beloved enterprisery this is my fave game to do of all time, so thank u for this :D three things before we get into it: (1) out of respect for u, the first two will be iwtv fics, (2) most of these are my least popular works LMAO and (3) this got pretty long. sorry abt that.
hell and you: modern day devils minion w old man daniel and armand. sometimes i forget how much i like this fic and then i'll remember "i wrote a fic abt armand being daniel's sugar daddy, LOL." it's very funny to me personally. i especially love this bit i threw in:
He fills the apartment with the smell of his cologne and something underneath that it can’t quite mask. A smell like water left to stand too long or flowers left too long in a vase.
i like the idea of vampires smelling like death. i can forgive this tho bc i think in the later installments of the vc anne rice said vampires smell like mayo? which is ... well. at least much more attention-grabbing than what i did.
damn these vampires: an armandaniel fic that takes place immediately after the season finale. this fic was majorly inspired by a thought that woke me up from deep sleep. armand and daniel have history. armand (i'm guessing) blocked daniel's memories. but didn't wipe them. daniel can't access them, but they're still there. so how funny would it be if daniel was jealous of louis being w armand but has no fucking idea why.
He smokes one on his walk back to the penthouse, thinking of how he had stood there in the aftermath, staring at Rashid—Armand—hovering over them like fucking Mary Poppins, his hand interlocked with Louis’s, and—instead of doing what a Pulitzer-winning, seasoned journalist of his caliber should’ve been doing in the face of being this royally fucked over—absurdly, inexplicably, Daniel noted the position of Armand’s thumb: on top.
i make myself laugh.
keep on keeping on, dean winchester: deancas s13 au where jack is a baby. i can't actually think of a part of it that stands out without any context (which, in my opinion, is a good sign), but i can say that i enjoy this part quite a bit:
Friday morning, as they’re making their way through the sticks toward the interstate, Sam says, “Hey, guess what I bought,” and holds up a dusty Sing-A-Long CD. “Fuck no,” Dean says. “We are not listening to Metallica all the way to Sioux Falls with a baby in the back.” “He likes it! Right, Jack?” he calls over his shoulder. Jack makes an incandescent gurgling sound. “See? Kid knows any music made after 1979 sucks ass.” “Singing in early childhood is important, Dean. It helps kids with language development, memory, and emotional regulation, and it entrains their social visual behavior.” “Thanks, Spock. You’re the pride of the Federation.” “Dean.” “Dude, I’m just saying, we can entrain his social visual behavior with the classics. We don’t need that baby crap. It’s the 21st century. All we need is Zep, Cash, some AC/DC—”
i worked really hard to capture dean's voice--like, harder than i've ever worked to scrub my own voice from a piece of writing. the amount of references and sayings in this bitch? sheesh.
i'm also very happy with how the relationship btwn jack and dean developed. one person who commented made a very intelligent observation that even i hadn't realized: i made dean see himself in jack. and it makes sense, doesn't it? jack's mom died bc of the supernatural; he wasn't allowed to process this loss at all; and he was left in the care of a father who'd lost a spouse. a father whose grief made him mean and treated his son like an object (hence the "it" pronouns used in the beginning).
anyway! very happy w how it turned out :)
long live the kingslayer: an elriel mission fic. i've spoken abt it like. a million times by now. and i still love it <3 there's just so much real estate to work w when it comes to elain. she's so underdeveloped that anything u say abt her is almost always pure conjecture. it was so much fun to take a character i loved so dearly and write a story where she was never punished for being who she is.
i'm still very fond of this part in particular:
“Wait,” he said before she could leave. His voice was nearly as hesitant as his expression, flickering between uncertainty and a strange, boyish shyness that was captivating on him. He reached into his leathers—where, she couldn’t know—and pulled out a small container. “Here,” he said, placing it in her hands. She opened it. Inside was a smelly, yellow ointment. “A salve,” he explained, “for your hands.” An unnameable feeling seized her. She hadn’t thought he noticed, never dared mention it out of fear of what he’d think, and this whole time he’d been carrying this salve with him. A salve for her hands. It was a terrible idea. She knew it as soon as it came to her, but she grabbed Azriel by the ears anyway, drew him down to her height, and kissed his cheek. She felt his skin go warm, and she imagined how surprised he must look, how shy. When she pulled back, she saw that his face was indeed dark with color, avoiding her gaze. Simultaneously pleased at her reaction and embarrassed by it. He was magical, she thought, and she loved him dearly. Loved him so much that it broke her heart. “Thank you,” she said. “This will be invaluable.” Finally, a smile from him. Unable to resist it, she brushed the back of her hand over his cheek, fond, and said, “I’ll leave you to rest.”
a lot of acotar fans hate it when ppl write azriel to be soft and shy and not particularly dark at all. me, personally? i think that’s boring. azriel was born into an abusive and violent home and suffered unimaginable torture at a very young age. he developed powers meant to protect him from the horror of his daily life, and those powers made him a great spymaster/torturerer. but it's so obvious that azriel hates his position within the court. he's starved of intimacy and tenderness. he has an extremely reserved and kind nature. it's a much more meaningful to have a character like that find someone who recognizes his gentleness and desire for gentleness in him and offers it to him. those characteristics don't make him any less of a man.
god never wrote a good play in his life: a god/chuck character study written in second person. i genuinely don't know how the toxic sibling relationship btwn amara and chuck doesn't make more people absolutely fucking insane. this story is chuck-centered, obviously, but i don't think anyone realizes WHY i did that. i don't like chuck! i didn't like writing from his perspective! i did it bc all of supernatural is chuck-centered. even when it isn't quote-unquote "his" story, it's still his. the point of the whole thing is for the reader to do what chuck/the show doesn't: break out of what's being told to u! look at the other characters! namely, look at amara.
chuck tries to scrub her from the story completely. the fic is 3k long, yet chuck doesn't mention amara at ALL unless she's onscreen. and even when she is onscreen, we can't trust a fucking thing he says! as exemplified here:
Maybe that wasn’t how it happened. Maybe you and your Sister were perfectly capable of creation. It would be absurd if you weren’t. Surely it wasn’t possible that you couldn’t create anything together. If you were in harmony, that should have implied you, together, would excel at it. She was an eccentric mind, designing balls of gas and entire solar systems that resembled you, right where all your rings met. (The most terrifying thing She came up with was the collapse of a star, where it became a gaping black mouth that swallowed everything in sight. You and I, She explained, perfectly in balance.) You were far less excitable, putting all your focus into the one planet you’d claimed as your own, but as you watched Her in those moments, you privately invented jealousy. Maybe you were lying about the lying. Perhaps They did give you counsel in a lapse of generosity, and your essence catapulted as you realized you would have to choose. Or possibly that day went like every other. Maybe She never met Them, and you only met Them much later, once you had shoehorned Them into part of your story. So instead of revelations and sacrifices, your Sister told you about centripetal force as you floated, listening, your rings spinning in slow, lazy circles, and you told Her about how little you cared for all this science and math She liked so much. Where is the pathos? you asked, and She sighed much as an exasperated older Sister should, and you realized that you loved Her very much. Or maybe you didn’t.
WHY? why is that? it's because the longer she's in the story, the worse chuck looks.
amara loved chuck from beginning to fucking end. she was born loving him. she chose him, always, over and over again. and chuck knew this! he used it! he would dangle the possibility of him finally loving her back to get her to do what he wanted. and what does chuck do abt this? abt his story, the first to ever exist? he recreates it. michael & lucifer; cain & abel; dean and sam (all men, curiously). to ... what? prove that he isn't the only brother to have not loved his sibling back? that in his position, u would've done the same?
i could talk abt that fic all day. best thing i've ever written.
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curiousity-cell · 9 months
finally finished crescent city 2!!! super excited for HOFAS - if anyone has any crossover fic recs that also somewhat incorporate elriel that would be awesome!!
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
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"You're here," she said, only half sure she'd said the words out loud.
"I'm here." He tugged lightly on her braid before pulling his hand back.
Recessional by @ultadverb
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elrielbliss · 2 years
Bestie drop your elriel fic list! Im sad we have to wait so long for the Elriel book.
i don’t read fanfics i’m sorryyyyy. im sure other ppl have some great recs tho 🤍🤍
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1islessthan3books · 3 years
Elriel fanfic writers
Hi! Here are some amazing Elriel fanfic writers! 
Icon keys: angst:  💔 fluff: 🥰 , nsfw:  🔥
AU:  🌍  in ACOTAR world: 🌠
@abraxos-is-toothless ​ Masterlist 🥰💔🌠🌍
@acciowests ​ Masterlist💔🌠
@dreamerforever-5 ​ Masterlist🌍🥰
@elrielllll ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@elriel-oblivion ​ 🥰💔🌠
@featherymalignancy ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@harmonyindark245 ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌍
@illyrian-lover-flower ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@inkedstarlight ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@insulindsay ​ AO3🥰🌠
@julesherondalex ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@lady-therion ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@librarian-of-orynth ​ Masterlist🥰🌠
@maastrash ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌍
@mardereads19 Masterlist🥰💔🌠
@modern-fae-female ​ Masterlist💔🌠
@nightcourtcinnamonroll ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@nikethestatue Masterlist 🥰💔🔥🌠
@queen-archeron ​ Masterlist🥰🌍
@rosehallshadowsinger ​ AO3🥰🌠🌍
@stars-falling ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@rhysanoodle ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@rhysismydaddy ​ Masterlist🔥🌠🌍
@snelbz ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@tacmc ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@tanaquilpriscilla ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌠🌍
@thefangirlofhp ​ Masterlist🥰💔🌍
@themissyvonne Masterlist 🥰💔🔥🌠🌍
@tswaney17 ​ Masterlist🥰💔🔥🌍
I hope I got everything right. If I have made a mistake or you know someone I should add, let me know 😊 
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