#emily murphy
indecentpause · 30 days
Happy MerMay!
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The Fairy Portal is about twin siblings, Blake and Emily, who love tromping through the woods, hiking and exploring. But only Blake believes in magic and the Fair Folk until he and Emily accidentally enter a fairy portal and Emily carves their initials on the pathway through: a giant, old white oak. A fairy curse falls down on their heads and they seek help from their grandmother, Florence, and her friends, two resident cottage witches, Clementine and Dix.
When Clementine and Dix give Blake and Emily the Fairy Sight, not only do they finally get to meet their source of ill fortune (a tiny, grumpy woodland fairy named Tassie), they have to make a deal with her to repay the woods for what Emily has damaged.
Meanwhile, there’s this beautiful Merrow boy who keeps following Blake from lake to river to stream…
YA Urban Fantasy. M/M with a bisexual male lead and multiple queer secondary characters.
Ao3 || Wattpad || Playlist
HAPPY MERMAY IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN come on an urban fantasty adventure with a merrows, faeries, witches, and two teenagers who are in way over their heads.
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace
@drippingmoon @athenswrites @magic-is-something-we-create @idreamonpaper @winterandwords
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rebouks · 2 years
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Emily: Hi… Wyatt: Is your dad home? Emily: Who’s asking?
Wyatt: Would you fetch him for me, please? Emily: Uh, sure. Wyatt: I’ll wait here.
Sean: Some guy? Emily: Yeah, he’s waiting on the porch. Sean: [tuts] You shouldn’t be answering the door at this time of night.
Emily: [shrugs] Sean: Don’t scoff all the noodles without me. Emily: You snooze you lose.
Sean: What the hell are you doing here, Shaw? Wyatt: You live rather more modestly than I would have expected. Sean: [scoffs] I’m a beat cop, not a millionaire. What do you want?
Wyatt: I want to know where I can find Ames. Sean: The Bay. Wyatt: That was easy.
Sean: You’re not one to waste your time without good reason. Wyatt: Why was she transferred right after arresting Oscar? Sean: Why do you think?
Wyatt: She tried to recruit him? Sean: Hardly! She’s not an agent anymore, she can’t do shit. Wyatt: She could still point him in the right direction without getting involved herself.
Sean: He didn’t seem interested; walked out on her. Wyatt: Are you sure? Sean: I’m pretty sure your father would have made it clear he wasn’t to speak to her again.
Wyatt: And she left it at that? Sean: I doubt she’d risk pursuing it, not after Spencer got involved. Wyatt: What if he approached her?
Sean: That’s a big if. What’ve you got against the guy? Wyatt: Nothing.. it’s just a hunch. Sean: Guess you can’t argue with that.
Wyatt: Some people do. Sean: [snorts] I’m afraid I can’t help you in that department. Wyatt: I suppose not… Thanks for being helpful at all.
Sean: If you slip me a little on the side now n’ then, maybe I won’t tell your old man you’ve been poking around behind his back. Wyatt: He should be grateful I bother. Sean: Perhaps! Nighty night, Wyatt.
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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alltears · 1 month
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the intrepid heroes reached new levels of Accurate Teenage Friendship tonight (see also)
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starful-emporium · 2 months
i love seeing the thumbnails for intrepid heroes seasons bc they're always dressed like
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and then brennan is just
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counterspelling · 1 month
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Endless Fantasy High
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imsodishy · 1 month
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The Bard and the Rogue when the Cleric decides to try radical honesty to build bridges with the enemy.
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cntbtchthevapegod · 1 month
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‘More hole’ wife or ‘Honor the cock’ husband?
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emptyjunior · 1 month
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THEY ARE ROLLING to pick characters in the live show, no wonder no-one knew nothing, THE CAST DIDNT KNOW
The combinations the combinations, I can't stop thinking about the Combinations
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sylvansleuth · 3 months
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Riz, you fucking cracked it!
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indecentpause · 1 year
The Fairy Portal: Chapter One
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Happy MerMay!
Twin siblings Blake and Emily love tromping through the woods, hiking and exploring. But only Blake believes in magic and the Fair Folk until he and Emily accidentally enter a fairy portal and Emily carves their initials on the pathway through: a giant, old white oak. A fairy curse falls down on their heads and they seek help from their grandmother, Florence, and her friends, two resident cottage witches, Clementine and Dix.
When Clementine and Dix give Blake and Emily the Fairy Sight, not only do they finally get to meet their source of ill fortune (a tiny, grumpy woodland fairy named Tassie), they have to make a deal with her to repay the woods for what Emily has damaged.
Meanwhile, there's this beautiful Merrow boy who keeps following Blake from lake to river to stream...
Read chapter one on Ao3!
Or, if you have a wattpad account, you can read it there!
General taglist:  @ohsugarfoot​​​​​​​​ @abalonetea​​​​​​​​ @only-book-lovers-left-alive​​​​​​​​ @poore-choice-of-words​​​​​​​​ @leadhelmetcosmonaut​​​​​​​​ @jasperygrace​​​​​​​​ @drippingmoon​​​​​​​​ @viskafrer​​​​​​​​ @thelaughingstag​​​​​​​​ @athenswrites​​​​​​​​ @kaiusvnoir​​​​​​​​ @magic-is-something-we-create​​​​​​​​​ @fictionalbullshitter​​​​​​​​​ @idreamonpaper​​​
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from this particular list!
Updates Tuesdays and Fridays.
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lemonfawn · 16 days
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Say *Hi* Intrepid Emos
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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hamable · 1 month
One last thing, I CANT get over how during the reveal, Brennan looks to Murph and goes, “Barbarian healing? What the hell is barbarian healing?”
Murph. Rules lawyer dungeon master Murph. Married to Emily “read-the-book” Axford. How did he miss this. How did we miss it. There is NO barbarian feature that resembles healing. It was right there. It’s been there for years. It was right in front of us.
And he dangles that revelation right in front of Murph bc he KNOWS that one’s gotta hurt.
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Really into the fact that Zac Oyama cannot resist becoming a little sassy. He WILL start as a clueless Himbo and he WILL end up throwing shade in the most deadpan way. It's the Lapin we never got, it's all of Pib, it's S2 Ricky Matsui, it's Squing. He's absolutely delivering with the bits and TRUST that I'm eating it up. Junior year is truly his season.
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twobeesornottwobees · 14 days
porter saying, "so no one wants to engage with my philosophy?" when he's trying to enrage the bad kids and tempt them to his side and the responses being "of course we take responsibility for our actions" and "we can all see that you're on steroids and it's sad" is a very teenager reaction and i love it
there is nothing more cutting than a teenager looking at you like "you're tacky and i hate you"
devastating. porter is devastated.
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