#grandma florence
indecentpause · 1 month
Happy MerMay!
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The Fairy Portal is about twin siblings, Blake and Emily, who love tromping through the woods, hiking and exploring. But only Blake believes in magic and the Fair Folk until he and Emily accidentally enter a fairy portal and Emily carves their initials on the pathway through: a giant, old white oak. A fairy curse falls down on their heads and they seek help from their grandmother, Florence, and her friends, two resident cottage witches, Clementine and Dix.
When Clementine and Dix give Blake and Emily the Fairy Sight, not only do they finally get to meet their source of ill fortune (a tiny, grumpy woodland fairy named Tassie), they have to make a deal with her to repay the woods for what Emily has damaged.
Meanwhile, there’s this beautiful Merrow boy who keeps following Blake from lake to river to stream…
YA Urban Fantasy. M/M with a bisexual male lead and multiple queer secondary characters.
Ao3 || Wattpad || Playlist
HAPPY MERMAY IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN come on an urban fantasty adventure with a merrows, faeries, witches, and two teenagers who are in way over their heads.
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace
@drippingmoon @athenswrites @magic-is-something-we-create @idreamonpaper @winterandwords
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maidenmystic · 1 year
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ꕥ she’s so me ꕥ
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i spent all morning looking for the cheapest ways to get to venice next monday and i feel like i've cracked the code or something i think i got it
#i have to talk it with my mum cause she's the one with the money#but i've seen some good ideas#i have 5 options for now#for some reason flights to and from venice from madrid are expensive as fuck#so i'll have to get to another airport first#here are my options. keep in mind the exam i have to take is on monday 10 at 9:30 am. also ideally i wouldn't want to pay a hotel room#in venice. cause they're expensive as fuck#so let's see. you can also help me out all help is welcomed:#option 1. on sunday i get on a train to barcelona. i sleep in bcn (most likely in a hostel at the airport)#and at 6:35 am there's a flight to venice from bcn for 64€#i arrive at 8:25. i go take the exam#and there's another flight off from venice to bcn at 16:45 for 75€#this is the cheapest flight out of venice i could find so this will always be the flight back#and then i arrive at bcn at 18:45 and have cheap trains to madrid at around 20:00#option 2. i think this is the most likely one. it's similar to the previous one BUT instead of bcn i'd be flying from alacant#why is this important? because i have family there#more precisely my grandpa's sister. who just had a surgery#and my grandma wanted to go visit her. she was literally talking about this two days ago#so. if my mum agrees to it. she could drive us three to alacant on sunday#we would sleep at my great aunt (?)'s place#and then i'd have a flight at 5:45 to venice for 70€#i'll get to venice at 8:00 and then the going home plan is the same#if she doesn't agree i have trains to alacant for 49€. and even if i wouldn't sleep with family (i have tons in alacant not just#the great aunt) hotels are definitely cheaper than in bcn#option 3. there's a flight from santander on sunday 9 for 14€ !!!!!#i could get on a night bus to santander for 71€ and be there at 6:30. the flight is at 10:10 and i would be in venice at 12:15#i would have to sleep in venice but i think it would compensate for the flight being so cheap#and then you know the drill with the flight to bcn#option 4. this is also quite likely i think this is the cheapest and my favourite i think.#i could fly on sunday to florence from madrid for 54€. i would arrive at florence at 12:15
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doggirling · 6 months
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kirby's long gone grandma
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weather-mood · 1 year
Just adding more and more family to Claudia in my head (and in the ITTM fic sequel) I guess
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sibelin · 2 years
i swear if i see another person calling a 40yo musician elderly or a senior citizen i'm going to snap
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rottendecomp · 2 years
I haven't lived in a place with actual seasons for years and the cold is NOT doing me any favors. I'm chilly unless I'm under blankets for hours on end, preferably with layers on. My feet are always cold, even when it's relatively warm- and they have been ICE the entire night. Poor circulation insane the further you get from my torso the worse it is
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maddipoof · 11 months
face down in a puddle of regret at not getting myself a purse in italy
0 notes
manysmallhands · 1 year
My Albums of 2022: The top 10
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Was 2022 a great year for music? I don't know tbh, though I think that I can confidently state that it was at least quite good. But certainly, I heard some records that I liked this year and since I've gotten back into the habit of writing now, I thought that I might make the effort to say something about my favourites. Also, my girlfriend likes to read these reviews so i wrote them in the hope of making her happy.
My tastes have broadened notably over recent years so i feel a bit out of my depth with some of this stuff. But tbh i'm such a fanboy that i tend to absorb facts about everything I that listen to, so i'm hoping not to come over as too poorly informed about any of these acts. Anyway, if I start to fall back on too many adjectives at some point for want of something to say, you should know that I did at least make an effort to write something that was vaguely interesting.
So, the main list goes in chronological order...
Charli XCX - Crash
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Watching Charli take pot shots at her label at the start of the year while indicating that this contract fulfilling album was a form of going thru the motions, I can’t say that I had high hopes for Crash. But if the build up was less than edifying, the record itself has ended up sounding a lot more worthwhile. Putting aside some of the more neurotic elements that characterised 2020’s How I’m Feeling Now, she instead falls back on a cartoonishly brash alter-ego, one that’s too busy berating her boyfriend for getting mushy or cheerfully remarking on how goddamn hot she is these days to have time for any deeper self-analysis.
Musically, there’s a lot of fun to be had in the summery 80s bombast of New Shapes and Lightning, where clattering electronic drums meet massive synth chords to create a charmingly trashy retro sound. Elsewhere, there are shuffling, club-friendly beats which project a more up-to-date vibe, most notably on Used To Know Me and the Rina Sawayama collaboration Beg For You. But while Crash always basically sounds like a Charli album, it’s clearly a move away from the past and feels a good distance from the glitchy hyperpop of old.
On sparkling closer “Twice”, our heroine reflects on the darker side of life but, in contrast to the self baiting Charli of recent times, decides that she's better off trying to live in the moment. One might say that Crash itself is an applied version of that idea, where weightier themes and experiments are put aside in favour of a more user friendly approach. I suspect that, record company pressure aside, this would have happened in the end anyway - most artists who’ve pushed at the boundaries eventually retrench a little. But I think the true measure of Crash is that, in its own way, it feels just as satisfying as its predecessors, as Charli sets her colossal talents to the task of making an album of fun, danceable tunes you can shout along to and aces it all with style to spare.
Ex-Vöid - Bigger Than Before
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If you know anything about Ex-Vöid, it’s probably that they rose from the ashes of the excellent but terribly named indiepoppers Joanna Gruesome. That ought to give you some idea of the noise they make: Alanna McCardle and Owen Williams’ twin vocal style is basically a trademark in itself and they still do that bit where they pinch the first chord from You Made Me Realise before they start half of the songs. However, Bigger Than Before is not just a retread of past glories: while some elements here do have a certain familiarity, its 70s powerpop vibe brings them closer to someone like Big Star than the speed jangle of previous efforts, giving them a sound that has all the languid charm of classic American Rock while retaining the urgency and fun of their origins.
One key difference here is that Alanna takes on more songwriting duties and the album is better for it: there’s a strong sense of her angsty female perspective on tracks like “(Lying To You) Baby” which offers a sharp contrast to the slackerish feel of the music. The cover of Arthur Russell’s “I Couldn’t Say It To Your Face” is another highlight, as they add some energy to Russell's beautifully maudlin ballad whilst still retaining the song’s essential gloom. CD hold outs will get cracking early single “Only One” as a bonus but, despite the album’s brevity, its ten song run is flawless in itself and requires nothing to shore it up. Old Joanna Gruesome fans ought to be happy enough with the results (I am anyway), but Bigger Than Before feels like a record to win over new converts as much as one that preaches to the choir.
April: Jeanines - Don’t Wait for A Sign
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Jeanines debut found them more often that not in something of a panic but on Don’t Wait For A Sign they manage to balance that out with a more cheerful disposition. Alicia appeals to ideas of trusting to fate and seizing the day just as often as sinking into gloom and the results lend a brighter and more optimistic sheen to their folksy indiepop sound.
The guitars strum and jangle as appealingly as before but as ever it’s Alicia’s voice which is the star, swooping around with an assuredness which belies the nerves so often on display. Singles “Any Day Now” and “Who’s In the Dark?” hit with a sugar rush immediacy but there’s plenty of strength in depth too, with tracks like the insistent “Gotta Go” and the wonderfully ambivalent “Turn On the TV” creeping up on you after repeated listens.
As ever with indiepop albums, its familiarity is a given, but the strength of lyrical insight and sheer melodic verve here marks Don’t Wait For A Sign out as a genuine keeper. On this showing, Jeanines remain one of the few current players in the genre who can make this deceptively simple art form so memorable and so satisfyingly rich with feeling.
Let’s Eat Grandma - Two Ribbons
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In a year where there has been no shortage of intensity in pop music, Two Ribbons still stands out as something else. Jenny Hollingworth and Rosa Walton have, to put it mildly, had a time of it since their last LP, dealing with the death of Hollingworth’s boyfriend alongside struggling to patch up the increasing cracks in their friendship amongst a huge weight of personal upheaval. While all of this has clearly thrown them hard in various ways, the album that it’s inspired is their best by a long distance. Every song feels like a message transmitted from a place of radical and unsparing honesty, whether it’s directed towards lovers past and present or, more often, at themselves and each other, as they attempt to understand the new, difficult and at times terrifying situations that they’ve suddenly been forced to navigate.
And yet…overwhelming it may be but Two Ribbons never gets bogged down in grim reflection: it’s always a pop record first and manages to deal with its baggage in surprising ways. Like all the best stories it starts at the end, with single “Happy New Year” acting as an upbeat celebration of the endurance of their friendship as well as a pulsing synthpop banger. And for all its anger, “Watching You Go” is also a fierce cry of resistance, with a wealth of bewilderment and brittleness bound up in its jittery, powerful rhythm track and a breathtaking melody to carry it across. Hollingworth’s top lines in particular are head-spinningly beautiful throughout and help raise the album beyond the merely impressive to something that’s jaw droppingly great. While nothing is resolved as the title track closes, Two Ribbons is still a powerfully cathartic record, a treatise on love, death and friendship as well as the ability of music to express the things that words alone can’t always explain.
May Florence + The Machine - Dance Fever
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Dance Fever marked a new high point in Florence’s ultra-confessional bombast, using the twin stresses of the pandemic and a mid-career crisis to fuel some of her most satisfying work in a decade. The title is somewhat misleading, with the concept for the album being less club culture, more nervous panic: the notion of Choreomania - where German peasant folk danced themselves to death back in the Middle Ages - provides a key image for the record, which Florence manages to map onto the tortured relationship she has with both her muse and her career.
The opening “King” is solemn and regal enough to befit such a title, but its gender swap accentuates the song’s toughness and that brutality comes back time and again, whether it’s in the frequent and unsparing references to personal conflict that pepper the lyrics or the occasional projections of Florence's inner turmoil out into violence against her own body. While single “My Love” is something of a banger, Floz generally skips between styles in her usual goth-pop modes, with the fresh and unexpected motorik of “Free” balancing neatly against the more epic, windswept feel of songs like “Girls Against God” and “The Bomb”. The rumbling rockers are less consistent but “Cassandra” in particular hits a richly theatrical vein, combining myth and drama with the wider arc of the album’s story to fine effect.
While many artists might have faded after 15 years in the spotlight, Florence seems to be using her longevity as something to power her onwards, tapping into her neuroses about stardom and the need to be seen to make a record that can only perpetuate it all for even longer. Given how tortured the whole business has clearly become, one might feel somewhat ambivalent about that result, but when it still drives her to spin it all into great art like this, I guess she must believe at heart that it’s worth the trouble.
Kendrick Lamar - Mr Morale and the Big Steppers
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Writing about Mr Morale is, in one sense, something of a treat because there’s such a lot to say about it and such a lot that it says for itself. From another angle, it’s extremely daunting: as a record with so much density and substance, it’s easy to get lost in all the layers on display. It’s clearly intended to be a Big Statement by A Major Artist but its playfulness is vital too: whether in the humorously conspiratorial nature of the lyrics, with Kendrick being prepared to goof around and openly mock himself while talking about issues which are obviously very personal to him, or the musical breaks from hip hop convention, where he strays at times towards more jazz based textures or even elements that wouldn’t sound out of place in a musical drama.
Kendrick’s message is often contradictory but rarely incoherent, as the point of the album is basically that we have to work towards understanding our own truths, with unexamined judgements and behaviours fuelling the worst aspects of our lives. He's often tough on himself, whether he's raking over his infidelity, struggling with the violence that’s surrounded him from an early age or reckoning with what he feels to be his many emotional shortcomings. But he’s similarly scathing about everyone else too, lashing out hard at social media, the church and the superficiality of the modern world. Further to this, there are prominent appearances from the deeply unpleasant Kodak Black throughout, essentially emphasising the message of songs like Mother I Sober and Mr Morale, where Kendrick muses on the issues that keep black people in abusive cycles and chooses unconditional support for all, including forgiveness for the abusers. You may disagree with his ideas about this - and god knows I struggle with some of them - but it certainly provokes thought about a concept that's excruciatingly difficult to deal with. In the end, as he astutely points out on Crown, “you can’t please everybody”.
Ultimately, the important thing is that I liked the album a lot: often because of what it was saying, sometimes in spite of it and frequently when it was irrelevant because so many of the songs are absolute bangers. It is almost certainly the most adventurous record that I’ve listened to this year: Kendrick has often been someone who was prepared to break ground and go against the grain and the sheer weight of ambition on Mr Morale is hard to overstate. But the overwhelming feeling I take away from it is an enormous sense of respect for the man, both for his extraordinary talent and his willingness to put his emotional life on display in this manner. In the frequently ultra-masculine world of hip-hop, this is hardly a commonplace in any sense, but it’s hard to think of any other record at all which shows such an unvarnished, bold and often thrilling portrait of an artist who gives absolutely everything for his art.
August Danger Mouse and Black Thought - Cheat Codes
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Cheat Codes finds Black Thought given a project to front that’s every bit the equal of his best work, as producer-to-the-stars Danger Mouse returned to hip-hop for the first time in an age to helm this absolute belter of an album. The Roots MC sounds fully in his element here, by turns witty, furious and, erm, thoughtful, as he dissects the modern experience of being black in America and spits some of his most musical and incisive bars in the process. Danger is, of course, entirely up to the task of backing him, armed with a plethora of scratchy old soul records and a trained ear for spotting the hook, as he makes Cheat Codes sound as inspired and enveloping as anything from the golden age of the genre.
The guests are, unsurprisingly, largely of a certain vintage (MF DOOM is even resurrected from beyond the grave on “Belize”) but all bring vital force to the LP, with Conway the Machine’s gritty sang-froid counterbalanced by the likes of Killer Mike’s punchy nervous energy. The title track is a particular standout, as Black Thought spins a beautiful and brutal web over Danger’s machine gun-style clatter, but there are few weak moments of any kind at all.
Bleakness does set in over the course of the album, as the neo-soul swagger of the first half gives way to an increasingly frosty outlook. But that’s all in keeping with its themes: there’s only so long that you can set a brave face to the harsh environment where these songs play out. If comparisons spring to mind, it’s perhaps something like Gil Scott-Heron and Brian Jackson’s Winter In America, another LP where its creators looked for solace under the weight of a country in shock. Such a lofty pedigree may sound tough to live up to but, in truth, Cheat Codes punches that weight pretty comfortably.
October Westside Gunn - 10
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I’ve previously struggled to find a way into underground hip hop, but it’s only lately that I’ve stumbled across Westside Gunn and his Griselda label associates and I feel like I’ve been missing out on a lot. The vibe is, I guess, reminiscent of old east coast records, all gritty jazz and soul samples slowed down and hammered out of shape, with a shifting cast of hoods and crack dealers making moves over the top. But while I can’t deny that familiarity, there’s a genuine distinctiveness to the Griselda sound too, with its strange, sometimes beatless loops forming an hypnotic sludge which it’s easy to become immersed in. I can’t claim to be hugely versed in it all as yet, but 10 was an instant favourite when I first picked up on it last month and is as good a record as I’ve heard all year.
There are cameos galore from a stellar cast here (Wu-Tang, Black Star and Run The Jewels aren’t even the half of it) as well as a surprise nod to 60s psych singer Margo Guryan on “Science Class”. But it’s the more obscure turns which often stand out, especially the hilarious run from Gunn’s daughter Westside Pootie on “Nigo Louis” and the apocalyptic holler of DJ Drama’s narration over “Red Death”, the grisly epic that closes out the album. Best of all is “Shootouts in Soho”, a hazy and surprisingly poignant take on addiction, where Stove God waves away the crack smoke for long enough to soberly reflect “When the feds come, they don’t love you no more” over the eerie synth backgrounds.
While AA Rashid’s opening reflections on Gunn’s place in the enlightenment are clearly a bit of a goof, my guess is that he has a solid and serious point underneath: that Gunn - and Griselda’s area of hip-hop in general - should be taken seriously for the high level pop art that it is. But even putting that aside, his arch reflections on “where is the enlightenment in contradistinction to the renaissance?” make for the most entertaining opening to any hip-hop record I’ve heard all year, and from then on, right thru to Drama yelling out “And like that…we gone!” at the end, the whole album is full of similarly winning lines that help to puncture its murky atmosphere, a febrile counterpoint that stops it from sinking into the swamp of its foundations.
10 was the first Griselda record to come to my attention and it's the one that got me hooked. It’s creepy, fucked up and incredible: I can’t get enough of it.
November Weyes Blood - And In the Darkness, Hearts Aglow
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I read an interview recently in which Weyes Blood was framed as the voice of Generation Y, an impassioned, world weary commentator on the emotional casualties of our digital age. If I’m honest, it all feels a bit ridiculous - who on earth wants to be the voice of a generation anyway - and in reality it’s surely not that simple: apart from anything else, is it really possible now in these increasingly fragmented times? But on Hearts Aglow, it does feel like she’s stepping into that idea of herself even more so than on previous albums and, remarkably, it’s a fit that only adds to the weight and power of her music.
Certainly, Natalie has a flair for taking her own circumstances and broadening them out to address wider issues: the opening “It’s Not Just Me, It’s Everybody” uses her personal angst to fuel a grand statement about alienation, while “The Worst Is Done” rakes over the wreckage of the pandemic in unflinching emotional detail. All this is accentuated by the sweeping Laurel Canyon melodrama of the music and Merring’s rich and soothing vocals, which seem to have gained an increasingly mature depth since 2019’s Titanic Rising. It feels similar to the shift that Joni Mitchell’s voice made during the mid-1970s and fits perfectly with the new scope of her songcraft.
But perhaps what makes Heart’s Aglow such a remarkable record is how she manages to bring all this home at an individual level: she might be talking about all of our predicaments but when she turns that gaze towards herself, the surge of identification has an even greater poignancy to it. Whether it’s to do with her role in the wider questions she’s trying to address or simply “searching for a man who actually understands me” on the glorious title track, not only does Natalie seem to feel everyone else’s pain but, more to the point, we feel hers as well. Is she the voice of a generation? No, reader, she is not. But if Generation Y were really on the lookout for one, they could do a lot worse.
December Permanent Vacation - Shelf Life
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Though released just three weeks ago, I’d wager that Shelf Life will have a somewhat longer, erm, shelf life than most of the records that came out this year. Permanent Vacation are an Anglo-American duo by way of Mexico City and their sound is one of haze and dust, late nights and broken mornings.
Juliette sings like English is her second language, with a husky, slightly hesitant delivery that feels like it's being broadcast from another universe. The music is minimal, a gentle acoustic guitar and some ghostly synths, with occasional piano notes that cut through with an unearthly clarity. Sentences drift by that don’t necessarily make much sense (“Do you know what it’s like to buy a paper?”, “I never told you you're a flower”), apparently meaning little but which begin to haunt after repeated listens. The mood is of low key drama, often brooding and fretful and which seems to mask a good deal left unsaid. “The King In Yellow” is named after an old horror story about a book that was said to drive its readers insane and, while I can’t truly say the same of the song (I still apparently retain my mental faculties), the unsettling vibe of Juliette’s strained voice and the staccato descent of the piano makes me understand something of what they're getting at.
More than anything, Shelf Life feels eerily evocative: amongst the things that came to mind while listening to it were the feeling of walking into a room which everyone had left ten minutes ago and seeing the echoes of their actions in object form, and waking up in a stranger’s house mid-afternoon, immediately wondering where you are and how yr going to get home. In a list where some of these albums will piss out the number of streams in a morning that this will get throughout the entirety of next year, this record goes to show that talent and recognition do not necessarily go hand in hand. In truth, Shelf Life is easily the equal of any of them.
And that's it. Or not, because this is just the top 10. There are in fact two more posts to come detailing the second tier of best albums of 2022, though I didn't write so much about them as they aren't quite as good. But I'll get on with posting them soon and will link to the next one here as soon as it exists. If anyone gets this far, thank you for reading.
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Flo and granny Pat again 💗💗😍
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indecentpause · 1 year
The Fairy Portal: Chapter Ten/The End
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cw: graphic depiction of drowning, body horror
Since it was summer break, it was easy for Blake to convince his mom to let him and Emily stay with Grandma Florence overnight. He wanted to go home, but he needed to be around people who understood, and this was something he couldn't talk to his mom about. She'd probably take him to a psychiatrist or try to have him committed. And he couldn't get locked up, not now. He needed the outdoors, the heat of the sun, the cool breezes, the flowing water, the dappled shade of the trees. He missed Seamus, even though he'd seen him just that morning. He missed the mud on his back and the water on his feet.
The next morning, Blake woke up in the backyard with no recollection of going outside. Emily woke him up with a prod in the shoulder with her bare toes. He didn't open his eyes. The dirt and grass were damp with morning dew and they smelled so good, like home. He curled his fingers in the grass and gripped tight, like he was trying not to fall.
The mild pains in his stomach were the only reason he knew he was hungry. He had no appetite, no taste for much of anything. He just wanted to lie here in the grass, but Emily kept jabbing him with her toes.
"If you don't get up, I'll wake up Tassie," she threatened.
Blake sighed and pushed himself to his feet. His elbows and knees and the heels of his hands were stained green with crushed grass, and he finally smiled, if a little wanly.
"What are you doing out here, anyway?" Emily asked as they went inside. She opened the back door and gestured him in. He bowed slightly, and for just a half second, it was like they were little again. But only for a half second.
Blake shrugged one shoulder and headed into the kitchen. He shuffled around a little and decided on just a piece of bread with butter and honey on it.
"You're not even going to toast it?" Emily asked. Blake shrugged again.
"This is fine," he mumbled.
read the final chapter of The Fairy Portal here on Ao3!
or read it on Wattpad!
General taglist:  @ohsugarfoot​​​​​​​​ @abalonetea​​​​​​​​ @only-book-lovers-left-alive​​​​​​​​ @poore-choice-of-words​​​​​​​​ @leadhelmetcosmonaut​​​​​​​​ @jasperygrace​​​​​​​​ @drippingmoon​​​​​​​​ @viskafrer​​​​​​​​ @thelaughingstag​​​​​​​​ @athenswrites​​​​​​​​ @kaiusvnoir​​​​​​​​ @magic-is-something-we-create​​​​​​​​ @fictionalbullshitter​​​​​​​​​ @idreamonpaper​​​​​​​​​
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slyscoutess · 1 month
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paring: sebastian vettel x fem!singer!reader summary: pilots should learn not to comment on their favorite artists . . . or maybe this is their tactic to get what they want writer: the oldest thing in my drafts, it clearly had to be my first passion in formula 1, one of the reasons I liked watching it, listening to Florence + The Machine, I just wanted to leave my love for sebs on record
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liked by sebastianvettel, jessalexander, christinanadin and 4.636.585 others
yourusername I came for the pleasure, but I stay for the pain . . . New album DANCE FEVER. Out April 19 💙
📷: alvarezcamila
view all 32.075 comments
ynlnandthesiix not her coming back after years with new music and pretending to be normal
vettelchild somebody please check on sebs, i think the man is dead right about now
leclerccough just saw sebastian vettel himself in the likes, she posted it like 2 min ago???
patitowifey father is a hardcore fan just like us fr carlandomind I didn't even know he had Instagram??? pastryf2piastri pretty sure is a fanpage, there is nothing published yet
yournamecuunt Rumors of her divorce emerged in 2020 and she disappeared from the map and now appears with an album out of nowhere
andthesixburner queen behaviour???
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liked by vertappwifey,rosinglovers, vettelbabs and 8.585 others
lovingwags New wag in the paddock?
seen at the Australian GP with some friends and members of the band that makes up her shows and team, yn ln was present at the Australian GP, ​​we cannot confirm which garage she was in, but I think we all have a certain hope of one in specific ( Sebastian please makes us proud
view all 475 comments
strollmothering That one blueyfever on twitter beign right all along
minivettel5 This woman is a freaking goddess
vettelhamm Sebastian must be just killing himself right about now
33tororoso Do we, Sebastian Vettel's children, finally have a mother?
maziemillian Isn't he like . . . married? blueyfever yeah! to her!!!! formulaonfacts okay grandma let's get you back to bed
whatamaxemmil I can't wait for blueyfever to be right
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liked by sebastianvettel, charles_leclerc, lovingwags and 6.569.019 others
yourusername for years and years the words you didn't let me write suffocated me, the art you never let me see blinded me, the places you left me humiliated me, but finally my Graceland gained a different meaning and I'm no longer stuck in the bathroom with the same headache, everything you wanted from me didn't belong to you and I finally found someone who would give me the pen and not cut out my tongue, all my love, my affection, my future and my choices belong to him.
Because of him I have Dance Fever every night.
DANCE FEVER is yours to listen now.
view all 48.371 comments
yournameupdate OMG IS THAT????
formulaonfacts BLUEY WAS RIGHT WT???
lecfosi BLUEY THE OLDER WISER SIBLING charles_leclerc no? that would be me maxverstappen1 you are neither charles_leclerc I am her favorite lance_stroll keep dreaming
yournamecuunt the grid competing more for her mother's love than for the world championship
georgerussell63 You haven't seen them in person.
sebastianvettel posted a new video.
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liked by sebastianvettel, charles_leclerc, lovingwags and 6.569.019 others
yourusername It's been three years and a pandemic of an intense creative process, four years of silently recording every movement of my life until dance fever came to me and was finally delivered to you, four years surrounded by incredible people, and as a thank you for me Wait patiently over the last four years, I'll be sharing a little of what I've been going through.
the Dance Fever bts is now on YouTube, I'm sorry for the length, it's been four years of recording.
view all 48.371 comments
charles_leclerc it's 2 in the mornig
yourusername and why aren't you sleeping, pretty sure already put you in bed?
maxverstappen1 I just stopped my sim race to watch something I basically live? yeah
vettelchild my god the amount of content from yn and sebastian, now I have diabetes and i'm still at 2019, they weren't even dating
lecsainzfosi wait . . . WHAT?
lance_stroll I will assume you got to 2020 and 2021 charles_leclerc often sleep on the sofa in their house during these landonorris you and practically everyone on the grid, even Lewlew charles_leclerc yeah but i am her favorite lance_stroll still on this?
yournamecuunt Now that you are intertwined in the world of F1, do you think Lance should just leave?
yourusername Hell no, that is my child, giving my life for him to be happy, never did anything wrong, will never do , everyone who complains about him just wants to make noise and distractions and isn't worrying about the race tsunodaaaa on my way to make a fanpage for this mother and son duo
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The soft tendrils of dawn's first light seeped through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow upon the tranquil morning. Sebastian, now retired from the racing circuit, still grappled with the novelty of no longer being tethered to the demanding schedules of tracks worldwide. Yet, awakening beside his wife, cocooned in the serenity of their home, provided a deeply soothing sense of contentment.
As Sebastian nestled closer to his beloved, he could feel her gentle warmth radiating beside him. She slept peacefully, her worries and the frenetic pace of everyday life momentarily suspended. Ever since Bee came into their lives, their nights had become a balancing act between tending to their child's needs and stealing moments of rest. But on this particular night, they had slept deeply, as though replenishing themselves from an extended bout of weariness.
Her locks cascaded like silken waves over the pillow, delicately shrouding her serene countenance. The soft curves of her features bespoke the tranquility she had discovered in that fleeting moment of repose. A fond smile tugged at Sebastian's lips as he recalled the countless nights spent awake with her, cradling her in his arms as she delved into the depths of her creative musings. The restorative embrace of a full night's sleep had invigorated Sebastian. He savored a newfound sense of peace and autonomy, a luxury he hadn't known since bidding farewell to the adrenaline-fueled world of racing. Now, he could devote more of himself to his growing family, witnessing Bee's milestones and relishing in the simple joys of marital companionship.
As the world beyond their bedroom gradually stirred to life, the couple remained ensconced in their private sanctuary. Yet, the tranquil ambiance was momentarily shattered by the soft whimper of Bee, captured by the electronic monitor stationed nearby. With a reluctant sigh, Sebastian's wife stirred beside him, bidding farewell to the depths of slumber.
"Sebastian, your daughter wake up . . .", she groaned, as Bee's gentle cry pierced the stillness of the morning, the woman instinctively buried her face into her husband's chest, seeking refuge from the beckoning call of their daughter. Her soft sobs muffled against the warmth of his embrace, a silent plea for a few more moments of respite.
Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle softly at his wife's playful attempt to evade the inevitable. With a tender affection, he ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her frazzled nerves with each gentle stroke. Her muffled laughter reverberated against his chest, a testament to the enduring bond they shared, even amidst the chaos of parenthood. As Bee's cries persisted, Sebastian's wife reluctantly peeled herself away from the sanctuary of his embrace, a resigned smile tugging at the corners of her lips. With a loving glance exchanged between them, they silently acknowledged the shared journey of parenthood, filled with its moments of exhaustion and boundless love. With a whispered promise to return, Sebastian's wife slipped out of bed, ready to embrace the day and tend to their beloved daughter.
As the soft hues of morning bathed the room, casting a gentle glow upon their cozy sanctuary, the woman returned, cradling their precious Bee in her arms. Each step she took seemed to echo with the tender rhythm of maternal love, her eyes alight with a serene radiance that mirrored the dawn's gentle embrace.
Sebastian's heart swelled with affection as he watched his wife approach, the ethereal beauty of motherhood emanating from her every movement. With each delicate sway, Bee stirred slightly in her mother's arms, her angelic face still adorned with the remnants of sleep. As his wife drew nearer, Sebastian's eyes sparkled with an unwavering adoration, a silent testament to the profound love he held for both his wife and their darling daughter. In that fleeting moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the tender bond that bound their family together.
Bee, with her tiny hands outstretched, reached eagerly for her father, her sleepy gaze melting hearts with its innocence. Sebastian's heart skipped a beat as he eagerly scooped her up, enveloping her in a warm embrace that radiated with paternal love. With a contented sigh, his lover gently lowered Bee onto the bed, where the little one wobbled unsteadily before finding her footing. With a gleeful giggle, Bee propelled herself into her father's waiting arms, her laughter filling the room with its infectious melody. Sebastian's heart swelled with pride as he cradled their daughter close, showering her with affectionate kisses that elicited a chorus of delighted squeals. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their love, Sebastian's wife couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the family they had created together.
As she reclined on the bed, a gentle hand instinctively drifted to her burgeoning belly, where new life stirred with the promise of tomorrow. With each fluttering kick, her heart overflowed with anticipation, a silent prayer whispered for the blessings that lay ahead.
In the tranquil embrace of their shared love, Sebastian's wife felt as though she had finally found her own personal Graceland—a haven of warmth, purity, and boundless affection. And as the laughter of her husband and daughter echoed through the room, she knew that their home would forever be filled with the sweet symphony of love's enduring melody.
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, lovingwags and 569.019 others
sebastianvettel My Dearest,
As I sit down to write these words, I find myself immersed in thoughts of you, my heart overflowing with emotions that words alone cannot fully capture. Each day spent by your side feels like ascending to a throne, where you reign as my sovereign, my King. Your presence in my life has granted me a sense of liberation, a feeling of being truly Free from the constraints of the past.
Our journey together has been a whirlwind of joy and passion, a dance of souls caught in the frenzy of love. In your arms, I've discovered a rhythm unlike any other, a Choreomania that consumes us, leaving us breathless yet exhilarated. Whenever I find myself away from you, it's as if I've returned to familiar grounds, back in the embrace of a familiar town. You are my anchor, my sanctuary, my safe haven — a feeling encapsulated in the phrase Back In Town.
Together, we stand united against the odds, defying conventions and societal norms. We are rebels, fighters, Girls Against God in a world that seeks to confine us. In the depths of night, you are my beautiful paradox, my Dream Girl Evil. Your essence is both enchanting and mysterious, a captivating blend that keeps me endlessly intrigued.
Within the walls of our home, our love becomes a sanctuary, a Prayer Factory where we offer our hearts and souls in devotion to each other. It is here, in the sacred space we've created, that I find solace and strength. You possess a wisdom and insight that transcends time, a gift akin to that of the mythical Cassandra. Your intuition guides me, leading me towards a future filled with hope and promise.
In your arms, I've found my heaven, my nirvana — for Heaven is Here, whenever I'm with you. Your presence alone is enough to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary, turning mundane moments into memories I'll cherish forever. Your smile, like a radiant daffodil in a field of blooms, brings light and warmth to even the darkest of days. With you, each moment becomes a celebration of life, a testament to the beauty of love.
My love for you knows no bounds, transcending the limits of time and space. You are my guiding star illuminating the path before me with your boundless affection. Even in moments of separation, I exercise restraint, longing to hold you close yet savoring the anticipation of our reunion. Distance may test us, but it only serves to deepen my love for you, fortifying the bond we share.
Together, we are a force to be reckoned with, a Bomb waiting to explode with passion and desire. In your arms, I find solace, security, and an overwhelming sense of belonging. You are my muse, my inspiration, my Mermaid of the depths. Your allure is irresistible, drawing me in with your ethereal beauty and grace.
My dearest, these words pale in comparison to the depth of my affection for you. You are the beating heart of my existence, the light that guides me through the darkness.
With all my love,
tagged: yourusername
view all 48.371 comments
charles_leclerc alright gonna wrap it up, never gonna be this kind of romantic
carlossainz55 not even shakespere thought about writing something like that, mate
maxverstappen1 When will it be my turn?
kellypiquet what? maxverstappen1 when will it be my turn to be this romantic
lance_stroll MAMA AND PAPA
fernandoalo_oficial beautiful letter, really big, not gonna read but it's wonderful
jensonbutton I've never seen anyone who had so much to say, my god lewishamilton stole all the romance of the century landonorris That's why we live in the century of whoredom
aussiegrit he's crazy romantic sentimental like that
motheryourname why hasn't yourusername commented yet?
lance_stroll She's here crying like hell at Sebs' farewell party alex_albon She's been really emotional today, with the party and everything. landonorris It's the hormones of this new pregnancy ynthinker THE WHAT sebastianvettel Lando??? yourusername FOR FUCKS SAKE landonorris sorry, sorry SORRY MOTHER
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akindplace · 4 months
sometimes you’re walking and it’s raining and you see your grandma’s favorite bird on top of a lamppost and Florence and the machine is screaming “sometimes i see so much beauty I don’t think that I can’t cope” and. yeah
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schmergo · 2 years
A non-exhaustive list of my favorite types of little kids: 1. Little boys who clearly spend a LOT of time with their grandmas/ great-grandmas and say things like "Oh my stars!" and "I will take dainty bites" (for some reason, this type of kid also seems o exclusively wear, like, sports and military themed clothing and have one of those weirdly aggressive little-boy names like Rifle or Rowdy or Butcher.) 2.  Little girls who love and cherish spooky things like skeletons, ghosts, and bugs and treat them like doll babies 3. Kids who proudly exclaim, "I did it!" or "mommy will love this!" while holding up the most hilariously wretched abomination of a project you've ever seen. Honestly just admire the self-esteem. The hand-eye coordination will come later. 4. Kids who find a Good Stick or Big Leaf while outdoors and become inseparable from it, delightedly showing it off to passers-by 5. Very Serious Infants who always seem to be concentrating intently on something and seem to have the weight of the world on their shoulders. 6. Well-traveled sophisticated kids who tell you about eating lavender-flavored gelato in Florence, skiing in Switzerland, and going to their classmate's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese with equal levels of excitement because at the end of the day, they're still just kids 7. Extremely chaotic children who tell you bizarre stories punctuated by fits of giggles that make absolutely no sense. "Once upon a time there was a cow... who turned into a BANANA HEAD!!! And he... had a BUTT! And then there was... there was monkeys and T-Rexes everywhere! And a ninja! I'm going to play on the slide now, okay?" 8. Kids who tell you "facts" that are obviously made up ("Did you know that elephants are the biggest kind of dogs?”), or who tell you how to do basic things because they are used to people teaching them stuff and just assume that's how people interact 9. Kids who get so excited about holidays (including minor holidays like other people's birthdays or St. Patrick's Day) that they get overwhelmed and need to take a nap and end up missing the celebrations anyway. 10. Little toddlers who wear those coats/hats with little ears attached so they look like tiny teddy bears toddling around parking lots.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hi there! Love your writing! 💕 I would like to request something for flufftober! You go with Flo to Venice Film Festival for the DWD premiere and you propose to her one night before, so she's wearing the engagement ring you gave to her at the premiere and everybody freaks out 🤭 thanks a lot in advance!
Shiny Surprise || Flufftober
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader 
Summary: The Don’t Worry Darling Premiere at the Venice Film Festival gets more than expected.
Fluff | 1.2K | No Warnings |  
AC: I’m still not over how beautiful Florence looked that day oh my god!!! I hope you enjoy x!
Flufftober Masterlist
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Nothing ever made you as nervous as you felt last night when you got on one knee and asked Florence to marry you, you knew early on in your relationship that she was your person. The one you could count on, the one to make you laugh on your darkest days, the one to wrap you in her warm arms when everything seemed to be crashing down around you, the one who understood you and never made you feel unworthy or unloved, the one who you would do anything for, it was her, it always was her. It was a long time coming but the timing never felt more perfect than last night. 
"Are you ready, darling?" Florence asked, breaking your thoughts. She was break taking, the dress she wore only made your excitement for the wedding grow even more. "You look so beautiful" you smiled softly as you took in the scene before you, she gave you a twirl before wrapping her arms around the back of your neck, playing it the tiny baby hairs that she loved to twirl her fingers through. "Thank you, honey" she replied while looking into your eyes, "You're gonna knock em dead" you smirked, your hands resting on her hips as you pressed your lips against hers. 
"I wish you'd come on the carpet with me" she pouted. "I know darling, but we've been asked to not do so" your tone was full of disappointment. Given the drama circling the film, it was requested that there be nothing that would take the attention away from the movie and for some reason you walking the red carpet with your fiancé was going to distract reporters from the movie. "I'll be waiting for you at the end of the carpet though" you kissed her once more. "Plus, I think Granny Pat will absolutely love it!" 
"She is very excited" Florence chuckled.
The 10-minute boat ride to the premiere was beautiful as you took in the sights with Florence beside you. You noticed she kept toying with the engagement ring as it complimented her hand beautifully, you were sure that people would notice its importance. "Are you nervous?" You asked as you gently placed a hand on top of hers, she shook her head and looked at you with a soft smile, "No, I'm excited" she replied, "excited to share this with you to share the rest of my life with you" she adds. You brought her hand to your lips and kissed it softly, "I love you" you whispered as the boat came to a stop, "I love you too" she smiled and kissed you once more before the two of you got off the boat. 
Cameras were quick to snap as many photos of the two of you alongside Florence's family as you followed her to the red carpet. Fans called out to her as she walked by, stopping to take photos and sign things as she made her way through. You always loved seeing how loved Florence is by everybody. Once on the red carpet you waited by the side with her family as Florence did her thing, posing for photos, waving to fans and even blowing kisses with a wide smile. You were deeply in awe as you watched her knowing she is the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with.
"Florence, show us the ring!"
"Florence is that an engagement ring?!" 
"Are you and Y/n engaged?" 
The questions from the paparazzi caught your attention as Florence ignored them and came over to you and Granny Pat with a smile, "are you ready Gran?" She asked hugging her grandma tightly, "I'm always ready!" She chuckled and grabbed Florence's hand. You smiled softly as you watched Florence take her gran to the marked spots on the red carpet. 
Your phone started to buzz with notifications from friends and extended family, all asking the same question, "Are you and Flo engaged?!?", only Florence's family and yours knew about the engagement as it hadn't even been 24 hours since she said yes with tears of joy in her eyes. You knew the internet would be buzzing over the news before you both even had the chance to announce it yourselves, but you didn't care. 
"Honey, come over here" you heard Florence call you over with a hand gesture, you shook your head with a smile as Florence came over to you, "darling, I don't care about the rules, let me show the world how beautiful you are, please" she gave you her best puppy eyes that she knew you couldn't resist and before you knew it she was dragging you hand in hand to the cameras. The flashing lights where blinding but Florence knew just how to fix that. Gently she cups your face and kisses you with her all. 
The paparazzi ate the scene before them up, taking as many photos as they could, calling out your names and asking the same questions as before. Fans freaked out and cheered loudly. You smiled against her lips before the two of you posed for more photos. "I love you so much honey" she whispered taking your hand and leading you both off the carpet.
Florence stood for a couple of short interviews, the question of the night making her cheeks glow with redness as she wanted to share the news but not without you by her side so she changed the topic and avoided the question until the last interview where she dragged you with her, your left hand rested on her left hip as she answered the questions about the movie and what it was like to work with her co-stars. 
"The cast were wonderful, we had so much fun, and we are all just excited for everybody to see the film" she smiled. 
"I'm going to ask, I'm sorry" the interview chuckled lightly, "We all saw the ring before, is it safe to say that the two of you are taking the next step? Are you guys engaged?" he asked with a soft smile. Florence looked up at you and smiled, "It's okay" you spoke softly. Florence looked back at the interviewer and nodded. 
"Yes, we are" she smiled widely. 
After the premiere you joined Florence on the jet back to the set of Dune part 2, you had her wrapped in your arms as she intertwined her fingers with yours and placing soft kisses on your cheek and jaw as you told her over and over how beautiful she looked and how proud you are of her. 
"Will you be quiet for 5 minutes and just kiss me already?" She cuts you off with the softest smile. "Oh, I'm sorry" you chuckled before kissing her with passion.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @sophie-xox | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | 
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sacrilegiousoul · 18 days
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs/mutuals and pass it on
Top 5 movies: Where The Wild Things Are, Ponyo, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Twilight, the Witch
Top 5 albums: Sempiternal by Bring Me The Horizon, All Hail by Norma Jean, Lungs by Florence + The Machine, Redeemer by Norma Jean, and Preachers Daughter by Ethel Cain
Top 5 songs: Darkness Within by Machine Head, Hospital For Souls by BMTH, Careen by Norma Jean, Silhouettes by Of Monsters and Men, Go With The Flow by Queens of the Stone Age
Top 5 foods: fries, chicken and dumplings, slim jims, lima beans, and pasta
Top 5 favorite things: my girlfriend, my dog, my Polaroid camera, the notebook my girlfriend got me on our first meet, anything made by my grandma
I’m tagging @hospitalwaste @awf00l @lesbianhysteria @lesbianjudasiscariot @lethaurgy @zombipuke @furrowfilthe and tagged by @folklown <3
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