#enjoy a fairly low quality meme
celeryguy · 1 month
Me trying to make something:
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT127 falling in love with a s/o with a time-consuming job like a lawyer or a doctor
NCT 127 with an s/o who has a time-consuming job
this is so cute, thanks for requesting! i made this in a format in the ways that the boys might show their care when you’re so busy with your job :) long as hell LOL enjoy!!
brief spoilers for shang-chi if you haven’t watched! i just watched it this week lol it was really good
→ TAEIL would direct conversations to a more neutral stance. it’s not that he wants to talk about himself, but sometimes if you don’t want to talk about your case or patients, he easily slips into conversation about theories or his favourite tv show or your rundown of what groceries to take for the next time you head to the supermarket. just really normal small things that take your mind off the stress, especially at night when you’re laying in bed and just before you’re drifting off to sleep, the two of you would engage in a topic that you both know fairly well about and then you’re usually the first to succumb to sleep. taeil purposely picks out topic he knows will excite you (and bc he knows you’re passionate about it, he reads up on it which allows a well-balanced convo). if you’re rambling on about a topic, then he’ll occasionally play the guitar while laying down, just simple melodies that bring a lot of peace to the room.
“wait- how d’you like this melody?” taeil softly says, changing it instantly when you commented on the previous, discordant one. your nod encourages him to carry on with the plucking of his fingers while you yourself continue with your rambles. “so i’m saying right, it seems totally unfair for him, and you’d think that, right? but all he ever does is whine and moan about his misfortunes, plus his character is so terribly written i kinda feel sorry for-“
the halted melody prompts a sharp turn of your turn to the guitar, which you almost collide with, “what?” taeil only shrugs. “nothin’. just like how passionate you get about the show, it’s cute.” your boyfriend smiles after, ignoring how his words affect you and how your cheeks heat up at it.
→ JOHNNY is one to take you out after your work. it’s not to a super intense, high-energy place like a club or anything, but small little dates that won’t take up much time. eating dinner at a restaurant, walk in the park, small cafe trip, strolling through supermarket to make fun of brand names. if you’re too tired that day, he always finds a way to make your time at home fun. from setting up a small karaoke session, to maybe making a pillow fort, to trying out new cuddling positions, he has everything on his mind. always showing you things to cheer you up if you happen, from memes to funny videos. is low-key down for you to review crime/doctor shows too, just to see how accurate they nail it. your time at home is consuming endless pieces of media until your tummies hurt or you’re sniffling at a movie together.
“hold on- lemme show you this video,” johnny’s hand is outstretched to you once he finds the video and your spoon full of food is left near your mouth. you proceed to watch the low quality video which your boyfriend claims to be the funniest video on earth.
W-HOR? WAH? the girl’s finger in the video traces over the word “who” as she struggles to pronounce it, with presumably her sister in the background prompting her. the repeated pronunciation of the word makes you snort, while the wheezing and the loud NO in the background causes you to fully erupt into laughter. johnny simply smiles at another successful attempt to make you smile.
→ YUTA always has a hand on you when you return home. he brings you into a hug, he guides you by your back, you have to eat with one hand bc he can’t keep his hand off of you. he hopes his little touches will ease your tiredness even by a bit and if you don’t want it, he’ll stop, but it’s yuta’s way of showing he cares without words. busy days with yuta usually involve just sitting in silence as you catch up on a show or a series, or even listening to a song in silence and enjoying each other’s company. he will talk if you want to, but if not that’s fine too, preferring more to stroke your hair in silence and think about how much he loves you. becomes very sappy when you’re in the quiet of your room and generally is very fond of the small pockets of time you get to spend before you two fall asleep. likes that you’re so resolute in your job but can be soft around him behind closed doors.
“you comfortable?” yuta calls out, barely above a whisper as he wraps an arm tighter around you. there’s comfortable ministrations that his does with his fingers, massaging the skin under your pajamas while you snuggle deeper into his chest. humming, you tighten your hold around his top.
“i am, yeah,” you can’t care much for the tv show on the screen now, with empty takeout boxes and tissues littering the coffee table. you feel the gentle kiss of yuta on your head before you’re drifting off to dreamland to a scratchy, 60s jazz song playing through the speakers.
→ TAEYONG would always welcome you back with a table set and food ready, always. he knows that food is the way to someone’s heart and you eating his food always makes him happy and offers to clean-up. lets you shower first if you come back together, puts you before himself very often that sometimes you have to tell him to tone it down because you don’t want him ending up more tired than he already is. following up on this, taeyong would show his love by cooking your lunches for you. when he has the time he makes the effort to put it in a nice bento or box for you to eat. he also does the general chores around the house (assuming the two of you live together) so the bed will be a little less messy when you come back, the floor’s cleaner, the countertops aren’t so cluttered with stuff. even if there’s nothing to clean up, he always these small little things before you come back, and even if you don’t notice it, he sees the way you’re able to navigate the space or when you’re more at ease and it makes him smile.
“do you want to shower first?” taeyong calls out softly, admiring the clean house he’s managed to do up before he went to meet you, “i’ll just hang around until you’re done.”
“you need to prioritise yourself too, yong,” you pout, rubbing a hand up and down his forehead as you toe off your shoes, “how ‘bout we shower together? you did clean the house up pretty nicely.” that earns a grin and a kiss from taeyong, who goes straight the prepare the bath. you chuckle, “he’s already forgotten what i’ve told him.”
→ DOYOUNG supports you silently and listens to your day when you return home and talk about your patient or a case you’re working on. he gives you his own input when he sees fit but other than that he wants you to explain the details. being a doctor and lawyer is crazy and hectic and just wants you to know that you’re appreciated in the workforce. the way he might show his love when caring for a busy s/o like you is when he brings you stuff that you might’ve forgotten like an umbrella or your lunch since you were rushing out of the house earlier. he doesn’t mind going the extra mile to you literally bc it’s a win-win! you get your food, he gets to see you, etc. if not he’ll send someone over to pass it to the receptionist, or he’ll make up for it by meeting you outside the office to apologise and then ask you what you wanna do so he can make it up to you.
“did you manage to get the bento i bought you?” doyoung asks worriedly through the phone, holding up a hand to the staff member who was beckoning him to his photoshoot. “you bought so much!” you exclaim, with a shoulder to your ear, phone perched in between, “thank you doyoung.”
“’m sorry i couldn’t come over to give you your lunch today, angel. i’ll see you after you’re done with work, okay?” you smile at that, shooting a quick reply before you delved into your food.
→ JAEHYUN would honestly serve you once you come back from a busy day tbh. where taeyong does the chores around the house, jaehyun helps by doing the chores on YOU and only you. giving you massages, bringing you dinner on a tray, other unsaid things… and maybe even carrying you from room to room lol he’s relentless and just goes you need to rest, lemme help. big gentleman even when you reject him, doing smaller things like constantly checking up on you, pulling the blanket higher onto your body, cuddling you closer to his body when it’s cold. on top of that jaehyun also one that would meet you at your workplace and take you out like johnny, but those dates are extremely chill. he lets you choose, and when you’re not sure, he takes you on a night picnic at the field or a rooftop, just dinner, but outside bc the view is really nice and he likes the way you look even after a long day of working.
“where should we park our mats?” your head moves from left to right, looking for a suitable spot while you tug on jaehyun’s hand. he hums at it, searching for a spot just like you are. the wind’s blowing gently when you settle near a tree, mat occasionally flying up which you counter with your heavy laptop bag.
“any idea where we can get desserts later?” you call out as a half-joke, not expecting jaehyun to pull up his phone to instantly search for a baskin robbins. “there’s one close-by, wait here for a minute and i’ll go get one for you-“ you laugh before pulling him back down, “don’t worry! we’ll go together, plus i don’t want to be left alone.” jaehyun softly smiles, nodding along as he takes out the food he packed.
→ JUNGWOO has similar intentions like johnny, except he would just wanna stay home. where johnny’s goal is to make you laugh, jungwoo just likes doing things together at home. playing board games, folding the clothes together, making dinner together. it’s not that he doesn’t want to do it, but when he’s given free time he sometimes just likes to laze at home and rest from schedules. he sometimes takes himself out of bed to help before you come back but he’s lazy lolol. loves it when you’re both equally tired and living off 5h of sleep. it’s not romanticising the lack of sleep but your schedules just don’t allow you to sleep equal amounts of hours of sleep. through that, you’re at least able to connect over sleepy talk and droopy smiles while you make the bed or assemble a lego piece or playing video games. if jungwoo’s energetic enough he doesn’t mind doing the crazier activities but he generally prefers those activities done in semi-silence while you exchange jokes and funny videos.
“noooo- no! you only need to move three times, you’re cheating-“ jungwoo pouts and moves back your playing avatar back three spaces on the board game. you purse your lips, not expecting him to see it since he was particularly invested in the movie playing on the screen. knowing it was a shitty film, you tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted. with eyes glued to the screen a few seconds earlier, you took your chance to move down one more space in order to get the benefit on the game board.
“you’ll get to buy a house soon, honey,” jungwoo grins cheekily, laughing even more when he’s able to move four steps, landing on the square that you wanted. now it was your turn to pout as he flips the card for property purchases, happily placing it next to his five other houses. “you’re so annoying!” you say as you fall back on the bean bag, but jungwoo doesn’t believe it when he sees a smile poking out from behind the hands shielding your face..
→ MARK sends you a looooot of texts. your convos with him are just him spamming questions or sending you memes. on every platform LMAO he has tweets sent, ig dm’s are blowing up from the weirdass nct memes that some of the fans make, he uses the official nct tiktok account to send you viral trending videos and he’s like we should try this!!!! and it’s a couple doing acrobatics or some shit. he’s crazy. anyway, he just likes to share things with you, from songs, to playlists, to youtube videos or interesting topics like crime psychology or movie theories etc. he knows that you’re hardly going to see it in your job but he sees the way you react across the room when he sends you stuff so he’s sure that you’ll like it after you get off work. sometimes likes to rickroll you, he knows it’s an old trend/troll thing but the thrill of seeing your frustrated replies always make him laugh out loud. when you’re back home, the both of you review whatever you send each other and then laugh together at them.
“hey, babe, check out this video,” mark says in a text, pasting a twitter link to a video. the video starts out interesting enough, mentioning something about a fun fact with stunning visuals has you wanting to learn more. when the guy in the video starts on his first word, the video immediately changes to rick astley with never gonna give you up. you mutter a small fuck under your breath, gaining a bit of attention from your colleagues during lunch break.
under the table, you flip him off in a picture, which he responds with a big smile of his that’s obviously teasing you for falling for it. you’re going to get it when i get back home!!!!! on a new high, you text the message and set your phone down, already excited for the evening where’d you be able to spend your time with him.
→ HAECHAN is a mix of everything kinda. he’d bring you out after work sometimes and other times likes to stay at home, mainly takes you out to eat after work, but that’s the extent of his after-work-escapades, he doesn’t want to tire you out too much. i think one prominent things he likes to do to is vlog to you, send you videos of what he’s doing on set or at home and just treats your convo like a bank for endless videos. y’know how there’s this video feature in telegram? he sends sooo many of those that you have the time of your life watching those on the ride back home. if you have time, you HAVE to facetime him during your lunch break and tell him how you’re doing and how’s your work coming along. do i have to kick someone’s ass for making you feel uncomfortable? is that patient being creepy again? and you have to explain that haechan, no, that patient is an elderly you cannot beat his ass. he’s like i don’t care, creepy dudes are not excused!!! and you can’t help but smile at that. always wants to be talking to you, close to you. if one day, you’re able to bring him to your job, this man follows you around like a lost puppy and just admires what you do, it’s endearing.
“ah, wait- you know how the sister, xia ling was sent to shut down the ten rings army? well… i just reviewed some of the articles and-“ the video cuts into the next one, haechan’s face zoomed in as he looks straight into the camera, “y’know, she might become a villain one day, i don’t know. maybe i should review some of the comics too?”
“anyway! come look at our set for the music video! it’s sexy, outfits are fire, sets are so good, the choreo this time isn’t too hard, either.” haechan asks the other members to wave as he passes them by, no doubt going his own make-up and hair after the others were already done, “okay, gotta go- love you bye!” you smile at that, texting a quick reply before you open up a video of your own, whispering through the speaker with a promise that you’d see him tonight.
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joy1579 · 4 years
The RFA boys and how they express love
I swear someday I’ll play jaehee’s route and I’ll come update this to include her but right now I’m on the route of pain and sorrow and I don’t know how to stop. its only like day 4 of the “another story route” and I don’t see this shiz getting any less painful. if anyone wants to send me jumin or yoosung fluff it would be much appreciated oh and also is there an easier way to tag?
anyways without further ado. I hope you guys enjoy my take on how the RFA boys express their love.
If its planned: spoiling you he buys gifts. he loves your smile when he surprises you with a gift and you love the goofy grin on his face when he gets to spoil you. At first it made you nervous. You didn’t like the idea that he thought he had to buy your love. You didn’t want him thinking you stayed with him just because of the money, especially since you would gladly stay with him even if he had nothing. You confronted him about this after your first valentines together. You didn’t plan on crying though and the second the first tear fell you could see Jumin’s heart break. He explained that he wasn’t giving you gifts to make you stay, he bought you gifts because he would pass by something and think of you. He bought you gifts because even the thought of your smile made his day better. he bought you gifts because he loved you and not to make you love him. You launched yourself at him catching him off guard you tumbled to the floor together as you nuzzled into his chest. He laughed at your antics as he wrapped his arms around you in kind.
If its unplanned: physical affection He isn’t used to affection. Especially romantic affection so his tolerance is fairly low. He can tend to get swept up in the heat of his emotions so when he gets overwhelmed by his feelings towards you there’s only really one outlet. (wink wink) he doesn’t enjoy PDA however so more often than not he’ll whisk you away to somewhere private. The second his lips meet yours you practically drown in his passion and you wonder how anyone could call this man a robot when he his every movement was filled with love and heart. You suppose you could be the only one who has the privilege of seeing him like that and pride wells up within you as you lean into his embrace. You love him like this just like you love him when he sits at his desk working intently. Everything about him seems to call out to you and in this moment you hope he can feel it.
If its planned: games with you fun it this cutie pies middle name. he plans dates complete with games and roleplaying adventures (look at his valentines DLC where y’all played like it was your first date). He enjoys nothing more than seeing you laugh and play with him. Sometimes he worries you won’t take him seriously though especially after someone else treats him like a child. You always know this has happened because he’s not up for your normal games. He gets agitated when you call him puppy and cutie. This is your cue to remind him that being cute doesn’t make him less manly. You tell him you love his cute side because no matter how hard your day was he never fails to make you smile. You remind him you chose him. You chose him and no one else.
If it isn’t planned: takes care of you this precious boy is all about acts of service. You wonder if it has anything to do with his Kink desire for praise. He wants to do things for you. Anything! He likes to cook for you and help you study or teach you a new mechanic in your game. It makes him feel strong even if he can’t beat someone in a fist fight. The more he helps you the more useful and secure he feels. You assure him that he doesn’t have to do anything to earn your love and affection “you just have to be yourself puppy! I love you for you not what you do!” but you let him keep doing things because it gives you a good excuse to praise him and the look in his eyes when you praise him it far too good to give up. He gets all red and starry eyed you could almost swear he’s having an out of body experience. You’ll admit you get a bit uneasy when other people praise him because of this though, that being said you don’t want to stop it if it makes him happy. So instead you simply double up on your cuddles and praise when you get home.
If its planned: hand made gifts for Saeyoung a gift means nothing if it’s not personalized. When he gives a gift its always handmade or hand built maybe. Either way its hours spent to prove how much he cares about you. You can guarantee that a gift from him is more than the sum of its parts. He likes watching you interact with his latest gadget discovering all its hidden uses and programs. His favorite part is when he can tell its surprised you, he thinks the mixture of shock and mirth on you face is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Every gift he gives you gets increasingly complex, from that first robotic cat made to simply keep you company to his latest gift which even after 3 months your still finding new things the glowing long cat robot (extendo-elly the 4th) can do.
If its unplanned humor he loves to make you smile. His jokes and memelord nature wasn’t completely for show. He genuinely enjoys seeing you laugh. He’s constantly looking for new ways to have you ROTFL’ing. Once he sent you a meme completely in binary just so he could watch you translate it and face palm while you giggled to yourself. He considers the times when you punch him playfully tears of laughter in your eyes to be a rousing success. He learned pretty fast you enjoyed his cosplay that you always thought one of two things. You either thought it was beautiful or you had to practically bite you hand to stop your giggles. His showmanship only grows from there. If you’re feeling down, he makes it his life’s purpose to bring your smile back even if it means making a fool of himself (especially if it means making a fool of himself).
If its planned quality time Zen just wants to spend time with you. He likes being near you even if you’re doing nothing. When he does his strength training you do yoga, when he practices lines in the living room your sitting on the floor laptop in hand. He likes to be near you so he plans date’s where you can simply be together. Stargazing, motorcycle rides, even trips to museums if that’s what your into (though you might have to help him understand why that stuff is important). he likes catching glimpses of you while acting, hearing your voice while he’s chatting with a fan, recognizing your perfume as you rush past him for an onset project. It’s partly why he wanted you as his manager, the other part was that you where damn good at it. You could juggle the RFA party and his shooting schedule and the upcoming auditions like you were born for it. Honestly he was just so thrilled to be with you whenever possible.
If its unplanned praise let’s face it this boy is dramatic as all get out. So when he gets overwhelmed he can’t help but revert to those cheesy lines from his plays. He’ll shower you in praise and love and you’re always a little worried that one day he’ll just start spouting Shakespeare. he calls you princess and angel while fawning over you because he just can’t help it he loves you and if he can’t spirit you away to a nice private place when he can unleash the beast, then he’ll simply have to verbally drown you in praise and love.
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seven-oomen · 3 years
I think you know I would not be me if I didn't request DILF Club or Peter/Noah (or maybe Chris/Noah for a little adventure) for the Ultimate Ship Meme thing. 😆 But only if you feel like it. That champagne sounds like the "sparkling" grape juices in fancy bottles they have everywhere this time of year. I almost got some, but I still have a tiny bottle of prosecco I'll probably just have instead. Maybe if I drink a little I'll finally write some. 😅 Hope you're feeling better! - B
Consider I got two DILF club requests for this meme, I’ll do the OUAT verse for this one and another verse for the other ask. XD 
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OT3 to rule all other OT3s
How long will they last? For eternity, even death doesn’t part them.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? It was a bit of a process the first year, it wasn’t instant love. Though the connection was there due to the soulmate bond. Especially Chris took his time to allow himself to love. The first one to fall was Peter, he fell for Noah first, then Noah fell for Peter. When Chris came into their lives, Peter realized he loved him during one of their Nemeton visits. Noah followed a few weeks later. Chris was the last to fall for both of them.
How was their first kiss? Sweet, a little sloppy, and Chris bumped his head at least twice while giggling. Much to Peter and Noah’s amusement.
Who proposed? Peter did, at the Nemeton when he gave them their Triskelion Necklace parts.
Who is the best man/men? Derek is the best man, the groomsmen are Jackson and Stiles. Ben was their ring bearer.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? Melissa is their best ma’am. Allison and Malia are the bride's maids.
Who did the most planning? Peter did, he choose all the fashion, the venue, paid for the wedding, got the caterer and the florist. (though Chris tried to pay for things as did Noah, but Peter wouldn’t have it. They bought the rings and Peter’s suit for him as ‘retaliation’. Chris and Noah also planned a little song called here comes the sun that their pack, friends, and family sang to them as they walked down the aisle with Peter. Noah played the guitar for the occasion with Malia.)
Who stressed the most? Chris, he’s the internal stresser of the group and he had a few panic attacks while trying to get everything in place. Noah was a close second.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. (They rented a place, invited closest friends and family but kept it on the down-low.)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Kate, Gerard, Elias, and one other person who shall not be named yet.
Who is on top? They switch, all of them like to top and bottom and they’re not picky on who gets to be on top/bottom. Things just happen.
Who is the one to instigate things? Usually Peter, but Chris or Noah (especially when they team up) can be real degenerates as well.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now (They’re not shy about their sex life and very much enjoy each other’s bodies and closeness. It’s a great way for them to strengthen their relationship.)
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head (They’re into toys, bondage, breeding kinks, biting/marking, dom/sub play, public sex, and some other milder kinks, nothing too crazy but also not too vanilla.)
How long do they normally last? Depends, if they’re fired up and excited they might not last long, 5-10 min, but if they go slow and steady they might also last for 30-60m. Or well, Peter will last that long, Noah and Chris both recover fairly fast and can go multiple times in a row.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? They try to get Chris and Noah to come an equal amount of times, Peter is just happy to see them come and since he can come once and then needs 10-20m to recover. (I know werewolves have healing but his senses need a break) So he tries to make them come often and then comes once or twice himself.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. (It really depends on their mood)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? Between the three of them? 8 in this universe. Twins: Allison & Jackson, Stiles & Malia, Adeline & Mikhail, and the singles: Ben, TBN (Currently named Kaya but that might change)
How many children will they adopt? They fostered Isaac, and unofficially adopted Erica and Danny. (Boyd is part of the pack though, but since he’s mated to Erica at some point it feels weird to say they adopted him too)
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Peter, and he doesn’t mind it one bit. He didn’t get to change many diapers for Allison & Jackson or Ben, got his fair share of them with Malia & Stiles though. But he doesn’t mind, his mates were pregnant and gave birth, so it only seems fair he needs to step up in the diaper department.
Who is the stricter parent? Chris. Noah tries but is too soft most of the time or too chaotic, and Peter just can’t say no once one of the kids pulls puppy eyes. (Especially Ben. And the others know it.)
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Chris is best at stopping them, Noah tries to but due to his job can’t always keep an eye on them. Peter comes with them to let them explore but safely. He protects them while they do stupid shit.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Chris. He’s got the whole routine down to pat and is a streamlined machine in the mornings. Noah still can’t wrap his head around it.
Who is the more loved parent? The kids had a phase where they preferred Peter, since he’d just come into their lives again, but once that died down they all loved their parents equally. (Jackson would never admit it, but he comes to love Noah as a parental figure. I have something planned for that.)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Peter, he loves to hear how his kids are doing in school and doesn’t mind to absolutely obliterate their teachers if he knows a teacher is picking on his kids. He lives for shit like this as the rich house husband to his two working husbands. Also, the opportunity to brag to Karen about Jackson & Stiles’s grades or Malia’s shop accomplishments, or Allison’s latest political victory in the student council as their vice president (Lydia’s the president, they’re a power couple.) is just too good to pass up.
Who cried the most at graduation? Peter, he finally gets to see a milestone up close and personal for all of his kids. Though Noah is openly crying as well, and Chris has watery eyes. (He keeps it in until they get home and then hugs all the kids while crying.)
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Let’s face it, it’s Noah. He technically has to make sure that the law is upheld, but when it comes to his own kids, he’s not above giving them a pass. Though he’s more lenient towards kids in general. But yeah, Noah will most likely try and bail his kids out. Peter would let them steam for a few hours in a “You got caught, you deal with it.” Kinda way and then bail them out after a few hours. Chris would let them steam for a bit too and then determine how big the offense was before bailing them out.
Who does the most cooking? Chris, he’s the most practiced and most efficient. Though Noah loves to cook Polish food and bread. Peter does it when both of his mates have to work or are too tired to cook. He’s getting better at it.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Peter. Werewolf senses mean he has a fussy pallette. He hates most vegetables for one. Though he has competition in Jackson once Jackson takes the bite, the little shit is a regular Gordon Ramsey.
Who does the grocery shopping? Peter, since Noah and Chris, tend to work during the day and he’s more of a stay-at-home house husband and dad. Chris gives him the lists. That doesn’t stop him from sneaking in snacks and candy for himself, Noah, and the kids.
How often do they bake desserts? At least once a week. Whether it’s for bake sales, PTO meetings, birthdays, weekends, a tryout, there’s always a baked good on the kitchen counter.
Are they more of a meat-lover or a salad eater? Peter and Noah are more Meat lovers. Chris is a mix between the two. He likes salads and meat but doesn’t have a preference over either. Unlike the other two.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Peter, he takes them out to a grill restaurant. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but the quality has to be outstanding. They get their older kids to babysit and let them order anything they want as a reward.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Once again, Peter, I feel like Noah or Chris would be more likely to be home dwellers and Peter’s the one that takes them to bars, musicals, restaurants, malls, etc.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? Noah, he’s not a bad cook, but he gets distracted by everything else and forgets he has pots/pans on the furnace.
Who cleans the room? Chris or Peter. 
Who is really against chores? Noah forgets to do them sometimes, but I feel like none of them is actually against them. Peter doesn’t like to do them but he likes a clean house, so.
Who cleans up after the pets? They have eight kids, a bunch of werewolves, a banshee, a kitsune, a hellhound, a Seelie, and god knows what else running around on the full moon. You think they have room for a pet??? 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Peter. If there’s no evidence it never happened. Now come help me clean this up before you papa and poppa get home. Or when it comes to his mates he just speaks softly and forgives. He’s been in a coma for six years, he’s not gonna let anything trivial get to him. Family is everything.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Chris. It’s his training and a bit of an OCD thing. “No, you don't get it Noah my love, EVERYTHING has to be spotless...” Cue Chris running around with a vacuum cleaner and a mop. “It’s just Melissa & Derek for wine night...”
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Chris, and he puts them in the fun jar that they use to reward the kids. Once the jar is full, they go shopping or do another fun activity with the kids. Bad behavior/swearing gets money removed from the jar and into the dad jar. That money is used to give Chris/Peter/Noah an extra outing if the kids were particularly difficult.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Noah is a slut for long showers/baths. It’s his moment of relaxation.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Noah occasionally walks Peter in his wolf form. At some point, people think Peter is a K9 unit, and Noah rolls with it. Which opens up opportunities for Peter to stay with Noah at work.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? Every year they decorate for Christmas, the midwinter solstice/yule, the spring equinox, thanksgiving, Halloween/Samhain.
What are their goals for the relationship? To love and support one another through anything and to keep a fun and raging sex life well into old age. But mostly to love and cherish one another and build each other up just the way they are.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Chris if you let him, training and habit have him up early, but his natural sleep cycle is to sleep like a log and to Noon.
Who plays the most pranks? Noah, he’s a mischievous little shit that loves to pull pranks on people and very sassy to boot. Where do you think Stiles and Malia have that from?
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gamingchase185 · 3 years
What internet speed do you need for gaming
‘Mortal Kombat 11' Director Shares Shaggy ‘Mortal Kombat 11' Meme TWO BEARD GAMING
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aeducanka · 5 years
OC Profile Meme
Thanks for the tag to the wonderful @gingerbreton!
I decided to go with my precious darling, Em!
Tumblr media
(A part of my birthday present from wonderful Annorelka. Go follow her on deviantArt or Instagram! She is an amazing artist that you need in your life.)
Name: Emerald Aeducan.
Nickname: to most people she is either Emerald or Em but when she was a child, her relatives used to call her "Emmie" (even in the Prologue Trian was still using this nickname in a condescending manner). To Sten Emerald is simply "Warden". Alistair, Zevran, Morrigan and Oghren sometimes call her "Princess" and only the context says whether the intention was playful or hurtful.
Age: 23 at the time of her recruitment to the Grey Wardens, had her 24th birthday slightly over a month later.
Species: dwarf (Orzammar).
Morality: (at the time of Prologue) self-proclaimed lawful good, (after the Prologue) self-proclaimed neutral good. It is debatable whether she is truly good or just a neutral with a strong inclination to do good, especially to the people she cares about.
Religion: officially she believes in the Stone and you cannot prove otherwise.
That being said, she is a chief supporter ONLY of the reformed "church" of the Stone - the foundation stays the same, but the principles are as follows: good people enrich the Stone, assholes weaken it, and your nobility will not save you from the Stone's scrutiny SO YOU BETTER BE NICE.
Sins: greed/gluttony/sloth/lust/PRIDE/~envy~/wrath.
Emerald's greatest fault is her pride. Although the time spent in exile made her, more or less, aware of her shortcomings and able to express genuine humility (or even self-deprecation of sorts), Emerald, deep down, is convinced of her superiority to ALMOST EVERYONE. She knows that she is awesome, she has the papers to prove it, and even if she does not flaunt her superiority in your face, you still ~know~ that she judges you in the categories "If I were you, I would never make any of your mistakes". She goes to great lengths to change it as the Queen.
Virtues: chastity/ CHARITY/ DILLIGENCE/ humility/ KINDNESS/ ~patience~/ ~JUSTICE~.
Ooh, it is a tricky one since Emerald does her best to project an idealized version of herself. That being said, her humility is more often than not depression-induced so it does not really count. Her first marriage was very chaste, but then she did not love her husband and so I would not count is as genuine chastity. She may appear patient but she is still very much struggling with it. She is also very just for someone raised as a spoiled noblewoman, but due to her sheltered life, I feel that she has still a lot to learn.
Known languages: her mother tongue is Common as spoken in Orzammar. 
As Orzammar is a fairly isolationist kingdom, I cannot say how much impact there was on the princess learning foreign languages. A language nerd myself, I like to think that Emerald knows at least a little bit of Orlesian (due to Orlais being Orzammar's best trading partner) and Tevene (due to the dwarven minority living there), but it is purely my speculation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For sure Emerald picks up random words and phrases from Leliana, Zevran and Sten - partially because she is a nerd but mostly because she knows that ~being more understood~ would make them happy.
Build: scrawny/bony/slender/fit/ATHLETIC/~curvy~/herculean/pudgy/plus size/average.
A friend of mine saw Queen Emerald take off her shirt in the shower, and she said that Queen Emerald had an eight pack, that Queen Emerald was shredded.
(She seems curvy only to a non-dwarven eye, though. To dwarves her charms are only slightly above average.)
Height: ???
Scars/Birthmarks: information classified! She was lucky enough not to receive any scars that would be difficult to hide with casual clothing, though.
1. She is a born diplomat and a pacifist who will do her best to resolve a conflict without unnecessary bloodshed.
2. She is well-versed in Orzammar's politics and her unshakable composure attests to it.
3. She makes excellent first impressions and can befriend people easily. 
4. She is a good leader and advisor.
5. She makes for an empathetic friend who can listen to you rant for hours.
6. She is a good tactician and I firmly believe that she could beat Cullen in chess.
7. She is a trained warrior, by Landsmeet physically stronger than Alistair, who relies both on her smarts, her dexterity and strength.
8. She draws fun and happiness from the world's most boring hobbies which surely must be a some kind of witchcraft.
9. She shares Alistair's sense of humour, enough said.
1. Her reputation of a fratricidal ex-princess makes any negotiations in Orzammar kind of difficult.
2. She speaks very posh which triggers some people's *Oghren, cough, Oghren* bratty princess alert.
3. Despite being well-versed in politics, she is a bit too idealistic, too merciful, and she used to trust her family members blindly.
4. Her composure does not really falter even among friends which gives off an impression that she is keeping distance... which she is, but not to THAT extent.
5. She is an excellent advisor… until she becomes frustrated because her advice is not listened to and her input is ignored.
6. She is good at listening to people for long periods of time, but if it is not important, she may not give the rant her full attention (getting just enough gist not to be accused of ignoring the person and dismissing the most of it when it is no longer useful).
7. She does not step up for a leadership position, despite her qualifications, unless the circumstances literally force her to do so.
8. As much as tactics go, she is miserable with games other than chess because either she will not realize that her opponent is a cheater (Isabella, round 1) or, which is worse, she will not be able to prove that her opponent is cheating (Isabella, round 2).
9. She is smart and well-trained but not very inspired as a warrior. She could be defeated by stronger people, more dexterous people, smarter people, luckier people or people who, like Kallista Tabris, are very dedicated to their craft.
Food: anything that hails from Orzammar! Nothing makes you long for your local cuisine better than a bitter exile. Also, she would not put herself above eating a nug. Sorry, Leliana!
Pizza topping: (modern AU) corn and mushrooms. Emerald is by no means a vegetarian but she is very picky about meat so in most cases - a vegetarian pizza it is!
Colour: her all-time favourite is purple, but, frankly, Emerald is the embodiment of "Do you like the colour of the sky?" meme. Her exile to the surface made her aware of a brand new palette of colours and she loves them all. That being said, early on her "comfort" colours were the subdued earthy colours of Orzammar.
Music genre: she mostly listens to instrumentals, both in the canon and in the modern AU. She is very picky with songs, though I could see her enjoying a band as “low brow” as ABBA. During her exile she develops a soft spot for Fereldan folk songs and Leliana's Orlesian-Fereldan repertoire. 
Movie genre: Emerald is not much of a movie fan. Generally, she does not have time for them. She mostly watches documentaries with some classics/awards nominated movies thrown in for a good measure. She could be persuaded to watch something entirely outside her watching preferences when quality time with friends is the main incentive.
Curse words: Emerald does not cuss, especially not in public, but I think that there are certain dwarven words she says in her thoughts when the situation goes badly.
Scents: Emerald does not like the smell of the rain and she even agrees with Sten about Ferelden smelling like a wet dog, but during her rule there is nothing she misses more.
Bottom or top: that is disgusting. And wrong. I don’t even get- why would- Her Royal Highness has never had sex with anyone, anywhere. It is none of your- you have- the nerve, the audacity, she is the Queen of Orzammar and about to get married. Warden Alistair is her former companion, barely, and he is just awful, humour-wise. And how- how- do I know, frankly, that you are not sleeping with him? Maybe you are. Maybe you are trying to throw me off? Hmm, check and mate.
Sings in the shower: not all all, she is too aware of her lack of singing talent. Sometimes she hums to herself, though.
Likes puns: all kinds of them, with strong preference to Alistair ones, and ability to make almost EXCLUSIVELY the terrible ones.
Phew! It was a long one. Sorry, I have a tendency for writing much more than I should. ^^”
Tagging: @bitchesofostwick, @bluekaddis, @etoilebinaire, @dekudoodle, @lady--revan and @visionmarred (Hi! Reverienne here!), @gingerbreton (Freya? 👀). As always, there is absolutely no pressure!
Tagging back is fine but only at your own risk!
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swordsandparasols · 5 years
The Crowned Clown: A crash course in Joseon kings
For all that The Crowned Clown is an AU historical that long since left actual history (and, as I understand it, the source movie) behind, it does still assume a lot of familiarity with the history surrounding it, much more so than other sageuks with young casts, which is why I’m hesitant to classify it as a youth fusion sageuk, even though it probably technically does fall into that category.  The youth fusion sageuks that have been dominant in recent years range from history-lite (but still decent) to window dressing history. A general knowledge of what’s going on and societies rules are helpful, but you aren’t really meant to sit and think about the larger historical and cultural contexts of the events.  One particular place The Crowned Clown assumes knowledge is when the court officials start having vapors anytime “King” Ha Seon starts actually thinking for himself and tries to get things done on his own.
 Rewind the clock about a century in actual history and you have Yeonsangun, most recently seen in Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People” and “Seven Days Queen” (You get a much more accurate and less romanticized Yeonsan in Rebel, but even he’s tamed down from the real guy.) the first of only 2 kings in Korean history to not have a temple name. Yeonsan actually started out pretty decent, showing concern for and attempting to aid poorer citizens, strengthening national defenses and whatnot.  But, as a beginning to one of the most terrifying examples of the “cool motive, still murder” meme, he learned his mother, who had been exiled and forced to kill herself by drinking poison, had essentially been set up and murdered, kicking off a revenge spree that led to two major purges of the court and things like beating his father’s consorts to death and effectively antagonizing his granny into having a stroke and dying.  Somewhere along in there he realized that he could pretty much get away with whatever he wanted and no one could stop him.  “Whatever he wanted” including but not limited to making whatever laws he wanted, killing officials and doing fun things like hanging their heads off the castle walls (the Chief Eunich  got shot by and had his limbs chopped off by Yeonsan personally for criticizing him), converting Sungkyunkwan and the Wongka-sa Temple into  his personal pleasure courts, taking custody of horses from across Joseon and forcing hundreds of women-primarily singers and dancers-into his harem.  He also intended to turn palaces into brothels, but I don’t think he actually got to that part, though he did get to forcing thousands of citizens into unpaid labor for these “renovations.”
 Anyway, eventually enough nobles and officials both got fed up with this and had spines and staged a coup to oust Yeonsan and replace him with his brother, King Jungjong.  Joseon law held that the king’s brothers, nephews, husbands of his sisters, etc, could hold official office.  Usually this is relatively useful in that it makes it harder for ambitious relatives to overthrow the king and made for easier succession.  Not that it was a flawless system, as King Sejo was happy to prove.  Anyway, for King Jungjong, this was also something of a hindrance.  Jungjong was, by all accounts, a pretty decent if average dude.  He had spent the last several years off in the woods with his wife chilling in his powerlessness and hoping his brother didn’t decide it’d be fun to hang his head from the castle walls to.  When soldiers showed, up, he, quite understandably, thought they’d been sent to kill him.  Instead, they came because he was the one they chose to make king, a job he had no training for, and was wholly unprepared to do.  Jungjong was a pretty decent king all around, but due to only being qualified for the job by accident of birth.  For the most part, he followed the advice of officials in most things (including, sadly for him, being forced to depose his first queen and wife due to her family supporting Yeonsan) and pretty much devoted his reign to lying low and trying to clean up some of his brother’s mess.  Unfortunately, his somewhat forced passivity (no one on or in front of the throne wanted anything like a repeat of the last guy) allowed corruption to start thriving again, which blocked many of the reforms he wanted.
 Somewhere among the later days of Yeonsan and Jungjong’s reign, the nobles and officials also conveniently ended up getting quite a bit of the wealth and land Yeonsan had taken, instead of the people it was originally taken from.
 Jungjong was succeeded but King Injong, who was the son of Jungjong’s second queen.  Much more ambitious than his father, he went to work on trying to clean up the corruption and get some of his father’s reforms passed. Unfortunately,  he always wanted the acceptance and approval of Jungjong’s third queen, Queen Munjeong, which, unfortunately for him, made it fairly easy for her to poison him less than a year into his reign and make way for her own son, King Myeonjong.  Myeonjong was only 12 at the time, so his mother served as regent.  Queen Munjeong actually ended up a pretty good regent and actually managed to be a bit more successful with some of the reforms and got some of the land redistributed to citizens.  Part of why she was able to do this is that she enabled her relatives to take power.  Unfortunately, said relatives also introduced a lot of new corruption into the court. In the long run, people seem to have more problems with Munjeong getting her girl cooties all over the throne than the regicide or corrupt relatives, proving nothing ever actually changes. When Myeonjong took over on reaching his majority, Munjeong still retained more power than was technically appropriate, and he didn’t properly completely take power until some years later when Munjeong died.  He reclaimed some power by reinstating the sarim scholars, who had effectively been royal and court punching bags since Yeonsan’s purges, but died only two years later.  During his and his mother’s reigns, Joseon’s defense was also becoming increasingly unstable due to attacks that the destabilized government wasn’t really able to defend against as well as it would have pre-Yeonsan.
 Myeonjong died without any living male offspring, and his nephew, Seonjo, became king,  King Seonjo  was only 16 when he became king, and while he wasn’t as wholly unprepared for the job as his grandpa, he still didn’t have as much preparation as he should have. Anyway, that largely catches us up with this post .
 So, by the time Gwanghaegun takes the throne, we’ve had roughly a century of well intentioned but ultimately not overly effectively rulers.  Instead of a king doing whatever he wants we largely have a court doing whatever they want.  Then along comes Gwanghae like a middleaged 17th century Korean royal version of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying “ok, so, you know, if we made the absurdly rich just slightly less absurdly rich, it would actually hugely benefit EVERYONE” and it’s VAPORS! VAPORS ALL AROUND!  All of the reforms Ha Seon has introduced or tried to introduce in The Crowned Clown are only some of the reforms the actual Gwanghae introduced.
 To be fair, the vapors weren’t JUST because Gwanghae wanted to redistribute some of both the wealth and power to the lower classes.  Remember, Yeonsan initially started out doing some similar reforms and then went completely off the rails.  So along comes Gwanghae, who, unlike Yeonsan, also had quite the impressive military background, doing some of the same things as Yeonsan and also the first king since (aside from the very brief reign of Injong) to go “Nope, we’re doing this. The end.” on a regular basis.  The last guy ended up a terrible tyrant and ended up overthrown, so the new guy also ended up labeled a tyrant and was overthrown.  Yeonsan and Gwanghae are the only Joseon kings not to be given temple names, one is still regarded as one of the worst tyrants in Korean history, if not the worst, while the other is now largely regarded as having  been a good king and having had the makings of one of the most progressive kings, if not really the nicest guy.  (They also traded up considerably with Jungjong, but choosing Injo over Gwanghae was like those people who were all “Look, I know Hillary is qualified but I just don’t think she’s likable enough so I’m voting for Trump even though I know he’s completely unqualified for the job.” during the 2016 US elections.)
 For some sageuks pretty  good with the actual history over this period (and that I’ve seen):
 Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People Dae Jang Geum Mandate of Heaven The Flower in Prison Hwajung
 Caveat that while these are all shows I enjoyed (or more than enjoyed), the quality ranges from “ok” to “amazing” and are listed primarily for having reasonably good accountings of the key historical points.  I’ll also give Saimdang: Light’s Diary an honorable mentions because, for all the liberties it took with the main character’s life, I thought it had a really interesting take on Jungjong that’s different from others I’ve seen.
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thebestoftimes · 5 years
By me, Jess. I made this for world book day but then got depressed and didn’t post it on time lmao but here ya go kids be warned though it’s a long one. Also the numbers thing got fucked up and I couldn’t fix it.  I got a lot of these questions from other tags I’ve seen and google so if something sounds familiar... that’s why.
Who or what sparked your love of literature?
Aw my parents fueled my book habit when I was a kid and took me to the bookstore all the time and since then all my teachers have always encouraged me and made me love books even more than I thought possible.
Do you have an ‘odd’ book habit? (page sniffing/never leaving the house with a book)
It’s true that I never go anywhere without a book. I got one in my backpack or purse or reading on my phone but it’s always there.
Do you have a book that you think has changed your life? How?
A lot of books and series have made significant impacts on my life (like I can’t picture elementary school without Percy Jackson being in my life) but like as a person I can’t think of any one book that has changed who I am. It’s been a team effort.
Which book have you reread most frequently?
I think I reread Hush Hush every year lmao idk why
You can meet any author and ask one question. What author would you chose and what question would you ask?
I’d want to meet Shakespeare and ask him if all his characters really were just that gay or if we’re all reading too much into it.
Best book published this year so far?
It’s only March but The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
Imagine you’ve started a book and don’t like it. Do you see the experience through to the bitter end, or are you able to talk away from it mid story?
I used to always finish what I started but now that I’m in college and have a mountain of a TBR I’ll just stop.
What book is top of your wish list/TBR pile?
Uhh A Winter’s Promise by Christelle Dabos  is on top rn
Favourite place to read?
My bed. Boring but a classic.
If you buy books, do you lend them out? Ever had a bad experience?
Of course. No all my friends respect my stuff and return them promptly.
What fictional character do you ship yourself with?
So many but I think Gansey and I from The Raven Cycle would make the best couple.
Weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark
I use whatever near me so I might have done something weirder but lately I’ve been using tissues because I have a tissue box by my bed and never real bookmarks. But I’ve used graded homework, a toy car, a crayon, earbuds, etc.
Favorite quality/qualities in a protagonist and antagonist
Wow this is s hard okay for protag I am a sucker for like stubborn, smartass with a martyr complex. Sad but true. Antags I love a good morally grey character or anti-villain. Tragic backstory but smart as hell. The worst (the best). Characters like the Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy, and Warner from the first Shatter Me book (I know he’s a good guy NOW but back then we all thought he was a sadistic and sexy villain).
Favorite genre and favorite book from that genre.
YA Urban Fantasy babyyy and that’d be City of Bones by Cassandra Clare or Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare:)
  Best/worst movie adaptation in your eyes
Best: Harry Potter and The Hunger Games | Worst: Percy Jackson
Do you prefer reading your own books, or library books?
My own.
How do you choose your next book to read?
Literally whatever I’m feeling like at the moment.
Your favorite word.
I love many words but I have a soft spot for “lively” and “lilt”.
Book that got you hooked on reading/how you got hooked.
I’ve always been obsessed with reading but The Peter and the Starcatchers Series was like my shift from nicotine to heroine.
Opinion on dog-earing, margin writing, ect.
I only write in the margins of books I have to read for class/textbooks. And that’s for studying and active reading purposes. For any other situation: no.
Top 5 immediate to read in no order
A Winter’s Promise by Christelle Dabos
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi
Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
The Wicker King by K. Ancrum
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab
Most underrated book you’ve read
Definitely The Foxhole Court/ All for the Game series. Fairly small fanbase for some of THE most amazing books I’ve ever read. And the memes will have you in stitches.
What is the first book that catches your eye when you look at your bookshelf?
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell because of the exceedingly bright cover/spine haha
How do you arrange your books on your shelves?
LOL I do not have a system at all. I keep series and authors together and that’s it. Everything is placed where there is room.
You have the power to change a book’s ending. Which ending would you change and what would you make happen instead?
I’d change the end to Allegiant and SPOILERS SPOILERS not make Tris fucking die over her shitty ass brother. I know why she did it but like Veronica girl wyd with that. And I’d want the entirety of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins to be rewritten into a book that just focused on the domestic life of Finnick and Annie and no one dies.
Favourite book cover?
This is SO HARD. Either The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin or Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Which book from your childhood has had the most impact on you?
My entire personality was shaped by the Maxmimum Ride series by James Patterson. For better and worse.
When reading, what do you value most: writing style, characters, plot, world building, pacing, etc?
Characters. I think all of those things are essential and as I read more and more, the pickier I get, but I find myself leaning towards being a fan of a book when I become obsessed with the characters. Like hey!! New friends!!! For my brain!!!
Do you prefer buying books or borrowing them from a library/friend?
Buying them even though I shouldn’t. It’s a real problem.
What books/sequels that are being published this year are you most excited for?
Okay some of these already came out because it’s March right now but I’ll include them anyways.
The Wicked King by Holly Black; King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo; Dream by Natalia Jaster; Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare; The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare; Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco, Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater; Defy Me by Tahereh Mafi; The Shaw Confessions #3 by Michelle Hodkin
The Binding by Bridget Collins; Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan; The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi; A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer; Romanov by Nadine Brandes; The Infinite Noise by Lauren Shippen; The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh
Which fictional character would you want as a sidekick?
Percy Jackson because he’s my firstborn son and one of my favourite characters of all time. He is talented, smart, hilarious, an amazing friend, and the sweetest of boys (when he isn’t the sassiest of boys).
How many books have you read so far this year?
Only 15 I am so behind :(
What’s been your favourite read so far this year?
Oh man. Gotta be Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo :)
You’re stuck on an island with a suitcase big enough to hold five books. What books are they?
I probably shouldn’t cheat and say How to Build a Boat huh
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The King’s Men by Nora Sakovic
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
If you had to go out to dinner with any character who would it be and why? What would you talk about?
Will Herondale and we’d talk about books
Is there a book you have such a hatred for that you would throw it off of the highest tower knowing that the last copy of it will be destroyed so that not another living soul can read it or would you rather keep it and give it to someone else who might actually enjoy it?
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne or After by Anna Todd
Do you believe books make nice decoration?
I mean. I think they should be read before used as decor but I love showing off my books so I guess both. But I don’t believe in buying books for the purpose of decoration instead of reference or reading lol
Do you listen to music when you read? Or do you need complete silence? 
I need silence or low amount of white noise. I used to read and listen to Taylor Swift when I was a kid but I can’t do it anymore.
Do you have a favorite book? If not are you in the group that believes there are too many great books out there to just choose one?
I tell people it’s City of Bones by Cassandra Clare but in all honesty no I don’t have a favourite.
Do you sleep with books under your pillow.
Do you go to the library or do you have a book buying addiction or are you one of those lucky people who is able to do both?
I do both. Mostly bookstore though.
Own any book inspired clothing?
Yes. Several items :)
Have you ever read a book in another language?
I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Tristan and Isolde, and Beauty and the Beast in French. And parts of Les Mis.
Strangest book you’ve ever read?
John Dies at the End by David Wong. Still not sure exactly what was going on. 
Favourite type of non-fiction?
Memoirs babey
Favourite non-fiction?
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
Favourite subject to read about?
Favourite book you’ve read in school?
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Favourite work of Shakespeare?
Character you’d love as a mom or dad or guardian?
Hmm Sally Jackson, The Women of 300 Fox Way, or Tessa and Will (they totally count because The Last Hours Series)
I tag literally whoever wants to do this and @fangirl-daydreamer97 @acleeds12 @iviisastrawberry @221bdoom @bicycles-bees-bisexuals @betterthanapit @dippindots126 @vlctorvale
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secretbranch · 5 years
Okay, so in a recent live TCC, LRR was asked what planeswalkers they associate with “everyone in LoadingReadyRun”, and they gave some great answers, so I wanted to compile them as well as add my own opinions, so without further ado....
(also note that race/gender don’t factor here) Graham (Garruk)
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Graham has cosplayed as Garruk for videos before, and you can totally see it. They also threw around the idea of Angrath, which I will admit I like better, but I also know that, for better or for worse, due to recent developments, Graham has cemented himself into the mono green man of the wild. (Plus, I wanted to use the stained glass art versions of all the walkers, and then I realized Graham was Garruk rip #whereareyougarruk) Paul (Karn)
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You could argue that Paul is some sort of blue mage because of his endless experimentation in Friday Nights, but while Karn may not approve of some of Paul’s designs, he would appreciate the effort. Also, I mean, Paul’s card in Friday Nights is colorless for a reason, right? James (Angrath)
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Alright, so a bunch of names were thrown around for James (Nicol Bolas, Gideon, Ajani [because he’s so supportive {sarcasm}]), and I personally didn’t think any of them fit. I then remembered a conversation I heard on stream (can’t remember exactly when, otherwise I’d link it), but someone referred to James as “Kind of a dick, but still has a heart of gold”, and that made me think of Angrath’s story from Ixalan, and I realized he was the perfect fit. Also, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard someone in chat say that James would make a great dad, I wouldn’t be yet another broke millennial, hahah. Ha.
Kathleen (Sorin)
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This is one where you may have a different opinion than the LRR friends. Whether or not you consider it low-hanging fruit, you may have thought of Liliana first. While I do admit there is some merit to Kathleen being our goth queen, wielding her horde of Brave New Faves listeners against the forces of evil, a helpful, totally extra edgelord is not far off either.
Alex (Saheeli)
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Alex was the first of a couple people whom I almost gave Tibalt. Early Friday Nights had him pinned as some sort of Rakdos Madman obsessed with explosives, sort of like if a goblin was a person. But, frankly, I don’t think the Demon Prince fits Alex very well. Alex is super creative, which you know if you’ve seen his art or his comics. He’s also been referred to as a “meme nexus”, and has a lot of information stored in his brain (which paved the way for the discussion of “Alex-isms”). His ability to create and appreciation of the world around him s very reminiscent to me at least of Saheeli. Plus, Alex doesn’t give a shit about your gender norms anyway. Fuck ‘em.
Cameron (Tamiyo)
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Books? Notes? Yep, that’s Cam. Also, without a doubt, some of the deepest cuts and references you will ever hear on LoadingReadyRun have been from Cameron. He is the longest running co-host of a show where they analyze video games as art. Come on, the similarities keep coming. Also, Cam would totally be down to say “fuck your gender norms”. He is beauty, he is grace, and yet he will trip and fall and somehow find a way to land directly on his funny bone.
Ian (Daretti)
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As discussed in the video, Ian is absolutely the tinkering goblin madman that turns into an evil genius in the sequel. Like, the show is LITERALLY called TINKER Tailor Solder Fry. Not to mention Daretti’s other quality: D E C A D E N C E. Some goblins will settle for any trash. Daretti only settles for the highest quality of trash. I feel like this statement highly resonates with Ian. Plus, there’s probably some “waifu is trash” joke that I’m missing since I don’t watch anime, but regardless: perfect fit.
Cori (Huatli)
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They almost said Vivien, but then Cam pointed out (and I totally agree) that Cori would have red or blue in her color identity. So, here is Cori! She’s super helpful and friendly and wholesome, and she also reins Ian in when he goes a little too off the rails. That being said, Cori has been known to go off the rails a little herself, and is super creative, so Huatli seems like a nice match.
Beej (Sarkhan)
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So this was what the LRR folks picked at the panel, and it catches a lot of people offguard. The universal first response I think is Tibalt, E̻̻͙̭̼̅́ͯ̒ͅX̸̠̫̟̙̣̮͔ͬͯ̈́ͤͤP͌ͨͫ̄́͏̠͉Eͦͨͨ͊͂̓҉̱R̷̠͔̮̲̥̘͚̄̈́̅ͧ̇̃I̲̙̗͇͌ͮ̃́̚E̢͇̝͆ͪ̑̌ͧͮ̎NC̓̒̐͆͐͂ͭ҉̥̺̞E̠͖̐͊ͬ̔̐͊̎̕ ̮̪͒ͣ́͗͆̆̏͠B̥͍̳̲̠̳̀̓̏ͥͮ̈́ͣE͇̳̫͙͕ͅͅE͈̱̜͈̱̱̲J̼̉̔ͅ and all that. But, after thinking about it, Sarkhan is a rambling madman who turned out to know more about the universe than almost anyone, and isn’t that in the spirit of E̻̻͙̭̼̅́ͯ̒ͅX̸̠̫̟̙̣̮͔ͬͯ̈́ͤͤP͌ͨͫ̄́͏̠͉Eͦͨͨ͊͂̓҉̱R̷̠͔̮̲̥̘͚̄̈́̅ͧ̇̃I̲̙̗͇͌ͮ̃́̚E̢͇̝͆ͪ̑̌ͧͮ̎NC̓̒̐͆͐͂ͭ҉̥̺̞E̠͖̐͊ͬ̔̐͊̎̕ ̮̪͒ͣ́͗͆̆̏͠B̥͍̳̲̠̳̀̓̏ͥͮ̈́ͣE͇̳̫͙͕ͅͅE͈̱̜͈̱̱̲J̼̉̔ͅ?
Heather (Jaya)
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This was another personal pick of mine, and I really like it. Cute but fierce is something I can totally see describing Heather. Like, Heather definitely has this very loving, innocent mindset, but anyone who has seen enough Rhythm Cafe knows that that statement isn’t entirely true. She also seems like someone who will fiercely protect her friends, and that’s something Jaya can definitely get behind.
Serge (Yanggu)
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You knew it was coming. How could you not see it coming; the adorable doggo-wielding cinnamon roll who can surely kill you with his boyish smile while simultaneously actually killing you? Everyone in chat always protects Serge when bullies like Adam or James show up, even when Serge was sassing them seconds before. Also, Yanggu is a green mage, and we all know how Serge feels about lands.
Ben (Chandra)
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In the words of Kathleen: “THIS ONE IS MY FINEST HOUR!!!!” Think about it. Ben has always said he’s most closely aligned with Red and Green, and here’s this planeswalker that can be both a wild child and super wholesome. Also, canonically a member of the LGBT+ community. ALSO, you KNOW Chandra is super supportive of people when she’s not immolating them. I didn’t even think of the Zippotricks McEdgelord thing until I was halfway through this. His individuality, his creativity, he is Chandra in disguise.
Adam (Koth of the Hammer)
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Beefcake of the Mountains? Adam Savidan??? Absolutely. I will admit, this is what LRR said, and I would have gone for someone a little more studious since I know that’s a lot of the Adam we don’t see on camera, but as for what we DO see, hell yeah. I also find it hilarious that the guy acting as the conductor for the WE’RE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE train wasn’t even in War of the Spark. Rip in pieces, Koth. Matt G (Ral)
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I’ll be honest, at time of posting, Matt is still fairly new to streams, and I haven’t seen a lot of stuff he’s done, but I’ve seen his personality through his editing (which is always amazing btw), and his creativity and very open personality is expressed greatly in Ral. Plus, I mean, when there’s low-hanging fruit, sometimes you’ve just gotta give the gay boi the gay boi.
(Bonus Friday Nights A-LRR-mni)
(Note that this is mainly their Friday Nights Personalities) 
Jer P. (Teferi)
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Super organized, methodical, intelligent. Who the heck is WILLING to sort their cards, let alone OTHER PEOPLE’S? Jer has had to since move on from LRR, which is sort of like Teferi retiring from planeswalking.  And I mean, come on.
Matt W. (Ob Nixilis)
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Hear me out. I’m not saying Matt is a demon. I am saying he is absolutely Ob BEFORE he broke the contract. Throughout his episodes in Friday Nights, he is ob-sessed (don’t you love my puns?) with winning. Furthermore, like Ian, decadence is a word that comes to mind when you consider the way he talks. A very sinister villain is Wiggins who returns every time we go back to Zendikar (or have a Desert Bus, but you get it) And that’s it!!! This was a fun homage as well as a much needed trip down memory lane. Hope everyone enjoys, while I know folks will disagree with my picks. Don’t forget to check out all of the links I hid in here. Big thanks to LRR for existing and being so wholesome and good. You guys rock.
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redatuvu-blog · 5 years
Making Art for Cheap: The Current Cost of Game Development
Gamers tend to complain that gaming has become more expensive in recent years. In actuality, gaming is becoming somewhat more accessible. In parallel, game development also used to be far more expensive to get into, but in recent years, many resources have been made available to make development easier and cheaper - often even free. While originally too expensive for common hobbyists, game development has become inexpensive enough to be accessible to all, and is on the verge of becoming a popular art form, much like music and painting.
Game development is usually seen as expensive by default. Even in the 80’s, when video games first started to become widespread, they would cost a few-hundred-thousand dollars to create. Steve Theodore, a developer who worked on games such as Half-Life and Halo 3, says that nowadays, triple-A (aka “blockbuster,” but for games) budgets can reach the hundred-millions, and predicts that those numbers will continue to rise. Due to the steadily improving speeds of processors and capabilities of hardware, games are consistently expected to become more outstanding and amazing – and thus, more costly – every year.
As a result of these larger budgets, these triple-A games are also fairly expensive for gamers to play, currently selling for about $70 a copy, and not all of them live up to the demanded quality for their scale. Reviewers like Caddicarus on YouTube state in many reviews that a lot of high-budget games are “not worth the price I paid,” and players on social media tell others to “wait for a sale before buying this game.” There is almost an air of entitlement as to how much a game should cost when compared to how much a player enjoys it, and, in many ways, that makes sense. Paying $70 to a triple-A developer for a poorly-made game does not feel like a fair trade to most people.
But not every game is $70; PC games on the online distributor Steam average at around $6 - $10, and there are multitudes of games on sale for much cheaper. On the “Free to Play” page alone, there are 1,415 games listed. Players don’t need to pay a dime to be able to play even a large selection of games, and this is becoming the norm. This makes the steadily rising cost of mainstream triple-A games look a bit pricey in comparison.
But even in that case, while those prices have indeed been rising, they have not been keeping up with inflation. In 1990, the average cost of a new game to play on a Nintendo Entertainment System was $50. According to the CPI Inflation Calculator, that would be around $96 as of the time of this writing - a fair chunk more than the $70 for high-end games of today. The actual cost of video games hasn’t risen at the rate they could have - and that’s still overlooking the waves of sales and discounts that games often go through.
The lower costs of games is a result of the lower costs of game development. While triple-A budgets are obviously still rising, much of that cost is being directed toward marketing, rather than actual development. Plus, there’s many more small, independent companies making games for cheap than there used to be. Minecraft, one of the highest-profiting video games in history, was started as a hobby project, costing the developers next to nothing. While the game was in beta, it was $12 to play. This comparatively low price tag was due to that lack of a large budget. Another popular independent game is Undertale, still available for most systems at an outrageously high price of 10 whole dollars. Again, the creator of Undertale, Toby Fox, did most of the work himself, with a bit of help from friends, not expecting much of a return. Yet, because it became the source of many memes and the inspiration to countless creative projects, the game sold enough that Fox earned far more than he invested in creating it. Not all independent games get as popular as Minecraft or Undertale, of course, but that doesn’t matter much when a $5 game still results in profit.s
That’s not even touching on the 1,415 free games available on Steam. Many of them are free to download and get into, but offer upgrades or DLC as microtransactions. While a company can make a good chunk of change from these transactions, the games are still playable from the start for free, which shows that the development was at least cheap enough to suffer some sacrifice for the initial release.
Additionally, a lot of those Free to Play games are free forever. Often short and, again, independently developed, these games are made solely for the sake of the art. Some of the developers of these artistic games may have sacrificed some cash to bring them to fruition, but the majority of them were made for free, put together from homemade code and art and music.
[Bad transition, fix later] Even then, there are also many free resources available to create games with. Unity and Unreal are two of the most popular engines to start with; both are powerful, professional-level systems that let creators dive in without too much training – but they have plenty of in-depth training available as well. Aspiring creators can jump in and begin practicing with the available tutorials and tips, getting ready to dive into the advanced aspects later on. There’s also Blender 3D for making homemade assets, and plenty of cheap image editors for making 2D assets; aspiring creators do not need to purchase a pricey copy of Photoshop or Maya anymore.
These inexpensive resources are what’s making game development more popular and commonplace - and from that, even more artistic. The same rise seen in pop music, painting, and even filmmaking as popular forms of art is happening now with games. Folk music was born to poor singers playing cheap instruments, and that begat blues, and then blues begat rock ‘n’ roll, which begat pop and hip-hop and rap, which are now omnipresent in modern media. The music of the poor has always been more popular than the grand orchestras and symphonies of the rich, because anyone could pick up a guitar, raise their voice, and sing along with the folk songs, blues, and rock ‘n’ roll. Everyone could join in, and that made it popular. Now, game development is turning the same direction; almost anyone can join in. And, as more developers do join in, they pave the way to make it even easier and more accessible to an even higher number of aspiring creators.
An example of this evolution of accessibility is a hobby called “modding” – short for “modifying.” For years now, gamers have been taking games that already exist, reverse-engineering them, and then changing them for their own enjoyment. These reverse-engineered techniques are then passed on, allowing more creatively-minded fans to use those resources to make their own changes. These modifications – “mods” – have been around for decades, and have been the jumping-off-point for many fans into becoming game developers of their own. For many fans, modding is what gets them into game development as a hobby. It’s an easy way to learn the basics of game logic and asset creation without being overwhelmed by deep code and project management. These fans then transform into hopeful game devs, wanting to create their own artistic projects using what they’ve learned.
Of course, some might argue that paying for these more expensive programs and professionally-produced assets makes for a better quality game in the end, and that can be true. However, more and more affordable resources are being created and developed constantly. Even for someone who can’t draw or compose, there are still plenty of good-quality stand-ins for little to no cost, and the selection is still growing. [examples]  And, as always, practice makes perfect; with enough time and effort, someone who can’t draw well can learn to, and then create their own assets.
Yes, sometimes you can still tell when a game was made on a low budget. Shovelware games - named for the way they seem to be “shoveled” out of a failing developer’s back door – are usually horrendous. But most of the time, these games are also extremely cheap, or even free. They may not be diamonds, but at least they don’t cost as much as diamonds. In contrast, triple-A games are far more expensive, but are also frequently criticized for not being worth their price. Shovelware games are criticized for being bad, but are inevitably waved off with, “Well, you get what you pay for.”
In fact, many of these games exist almost entirely due to the fact that game development is more accessible. Hobbyists can get their feet wet and find out where they fall short without dropping too much of a budget into something that may flop. Additionally, many hobby projects turn out to be outstanding for what they are. Accessibility can surely breed low-quality content, but high-quality content will shine through and last longer. Gems hidden in the bog of ugly messes stand out and become popular, just as many artists and musicians do. When every song on the radio begins to sound the same, one that genuinely sounds new and fresh will overdrive a musician to the top of the charts. The same thing happens with these small-scale indie games.
Indie games are becoming increasingly popular in the eyes of most reviewers. Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, Celeste, and many more have all been praised for being beautiful, fun games, and they’ve all been developed in just the last few years. Indie games are sweeping through the markets, showing up on every platform, and, since they’re fairly cheap, gamers and reviewers alike are happily claiming that they are worth buying, playing, and supporting.
The same cannot be said of the triple-A market. The publisher EA, one of the few mega-corporations behind game development, is notorious for releasing games of sub-par quality chock full of microtransactions on top of high base-game prices. The Sims series, one of their forefront staples, has hundreds of DLC packs, and those packs average at $30 - half the price of the base game. Other developers, like Bethesda and Ubisoft, are ridiculed for releasing “unfinished” games. Bethesda’s Fallout series and Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed series are full of bugs and glitches, and are often required to make updates and patches in order to push the games into what players call “suitable for sale” territory.
Still, not all indie games stand out. Some try their best and fall very flat. Mighty No. 9, a highly anticipated, Mega-Man-inspired Kickstarter game, was full of bugs and glitches in place of any good story or gameplay. And on the flipside, triple-A, high-budget games do not always come out as trash. There is, after all, a reason the triple-A developers are called triple-A. In general, many fans have high hopes from big-budget games; they are meant to be beautiful, powerful, fun works of art. For example, Nintendo is very well-known for putting out amazing works, to the point that “Nintendo Polish” is expected as their norm. However, that polish adds extra dollars to the pricetag, and, regrettably, Nintendo does not always live up to the the term. Lately, many of the powerful developers have been “slacking off,” and the independent devs are filling in the holes. More and more, indie games are being praised, and triple-A’s are being criticized. Again, it’s not always true, but it’s becoming more true as time goes on.
Artists through the ages have used writing, painting, movies, music, and more to express themselves. Today, they are adding game development to the list. Development in the early years of the gaming age required high levels of technical knowledge and skill, but nowadays, it has changed enough that one can take it on as a hobby. Anyone who can draw, write, or express themselves are able to get into game development.
Because the cost of getting into game development is almost nothing, if you’re willing to make assets on your own, you can start. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start.
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buzrushblog-blog · 4 years
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Online Shopping
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sunken-standard · 7 years
I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling low about writing right now. It's obviously something you really love and to lose track of that feeling sounds like it's making you sad. :( I wonder-would reading some quality Sherlolly fics might help get the motor running again? I remember you said you've hardly read any for this pairing in years, so do you think it might be worth a try? I'm but a humble nonny but when I used to write fic back in the day for a differently fandom that often helped me.
Itotally spaced on responding to this.  I’m sorry, anon, I wasn’tignoring it!
First,Thank you
Now,to the heart of it: I don’t really read a lot of fic for the pairingfor a few different reasons, the biggest of which is that I don’twant to get anyone else’s ideas in my head.  I don’t want toinadvertently rip anyone off and I don’t want to absorb others’headcanons.  I know some people are really into shared tropes andfanon (and that’s totally cool for them, I’m not knocking it), butthat’s just not my scene.  Part of what makes me me and mywriting what it is is that I actively avoid going to those places(except in all my crack ficlets; anything is fair game there).  Atleast this way, if I end up overlapping with someone else’s fic (andit’s happened before, more than once), I can at least pleadignorance.
I’vebeen reading some of the tumblr ficlets that came out of theSherlolly appreciation week and the recent drabble memes, but they’renot really fic-fic, the kind you can sink your teeth into.  I havesome fic that I think might be right up my alley bookmarked in a ‘toread later’ folder.  I have a lot of scenarios and tropes on myno-fly list, things I know I’ll never enjoy reading in any universe,which makes it a little difficult to find things I like, especiallywhen they seem to be popular topics within the pairing (and nope, notelaborating on that any further).
It’salso hard for me to step out of the nit-picky, critical headspace I’min when still in writing mode.  Any number of little things that Icould normally gloss over stick out at me to the point where I can’tenjoy reading.  This isn’t me saying I’m the best and completelyperfect or whatever; I can’t stop my brain from treating any piece ofwriting as I treat my own.  This isn’t only for fanfic, either.  Ihave trouble reading actual books because I pick apart a sentenceuntil I figure out what about it I don’t like, and then I’veforgotten the point of what I was reading anyway.  I’m fairly certainI’m on the autism spectrum.
Soyeah, long response was long.  All that being said, I have beenreading bits and pieces outside the pairing; the edgier, the better. I really miss the old LJ kinkmeme, when you could find every shade ofuncomfortable-but-somehow-hot under the sun.  I like reading thingsthat make my skin crawl while I’m fanning myself.  Really wish I’dsaved locals of a lot of those fics, since I can’t remember titles orauthors and searches yield nothing; some I know have been deleted. More’s the pity.
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adorkablephil · 7 years
Fic: Terrarium
Summary: Dan builds a terrarium after a difficult week, but tragedy strikes. Rating: G Word Count: 2114 Genre(s): Fluff, hurt/comfort, friendship, romance if you squint Trigger Warnings: None Author’s Note: Thank you to my muse, @vivianadichiara, for the original germ of the idea! Also on AO3 here
It had been a hard week for Dan: a tiring week, a draining week. He’s the sort of person who needs a lot of down time, a lot of time to just soak in solitude and peace, and he hadn’t been getting a lot of that lately.
I think he was already in a slightly fragile place because of the holidays. Gamingmas had been fun but demanding, and then he’s never in the best shape emotionally after spending time with his family. I don’t think they understand him very well, and they don’t tend to give him much time alone, so I think it’s a little overwhelming. I can understand it—they don’t see him often and so they want to talk to him while they can—but it seems to usually leave him fairly drained. I think this year it was helped by the new family dog, because that’s all Dan could talk about when he got home. He seemed to derive a lot of peace and relaxation from just cuddling the dog.
I wish we could get a dog. Maybe when I stop killing the houseplants and Dan starts remembering to use lip balm. Maybe when we aren’t so busy. I really wish we could have a dog. I think it would make us both so happy. And I think it would be good for Dan.
But back to Dan’s difficult week. He hadn’t been back from his family visit long before he began work on his meme video, and I have to admit I didn’t think that was the best idea. He was already seeming a little emotionally fragile, and now here he was actively asking his viewers to mock him. Sure, he enjoys mocking himself—making all those little sarcastic, self-deprecating comments both privately and publicly—but I know he’s more sensitive than he likes to admit.
He spent five days going through the memes that viewers submitted. He just ensconced himself in his sofa crease and scrolled and scrolled. I supplied him with Ribena several times a day, but he rarely moved except to make dinner each night. I’m a hazard in the kitchen and a rubbishy cook, but Dan’s pretty good at it, so he tends to cook for us more than I do. He seems to find cooking relaxing, too, so it seemed like a good counterbalance to the meme work.
During those five days, as I sat beside him on the sofa or wandered in and out of the lounge, I often heard him laughing out loud at his laptop, but just as often heard him sigh or saw his mouth turn down at the edges and his forehead wrinkle a little in that way I hate to see.
The fans’ mockery of his peace signs seemed to hit him hardest. I knew he was uncomfortable having his picture taken—never feeling entirely comfortable with his physical appearance or his status as a “famous person,” and I knew he felt especially awkward about his deep dimple, which he tends to turn away from the camera—and the peace sign was a way he felt like he could take control of the uncomfortable situation and turn his “fame” into something ironic, making fun of himself before anybody else could do it. But he ended up relying on it so heavily that it stopped being ironic and the fans had begun to actively make fun of him for it. I could tell he felt almost like a security blanket had been yanked away from him. What was he going to do now when fans wanted photos? I’m always fine with just smiling and hugging them, but Dan gets so awkward. I felt bad for him. Then a fan posted a photo of him on Twitter giving a thumbs up, and that was mocked as well. Dan tweeted a response asking if he should just cut his arms off and would that make everyone happy, and I knew there was more bitterness in the words than he probably would like anyone to know.
After five days of scrolling through the memes, he had chosen a few and recorded his video. He seemed exhausted afterward, not wanting to cook dinner that night, so we just phoned out for pizza. He barely spoke to me, just watching the television and eating silently. I left him to his quiet.
He spent the entire next day editing the video. He settled himself in front of the computer for a good twelve hours, and I could hear him grumbling and talking to himself while he worked. Eventually, he seemed satisfied with the result and set it to start uploading and emerged from the room like a bear leaving his cave.
It was another pizza night.
We’d gotten tickets for the Harry Potter play, and I’d hoped that would be something that would help take Dan’s mind off his own issues for a while. I completely lost myself into that fictional world, but Dan seemed restless beside me. I think he was distracted by the fan who sat beside us, watching our every move and facial expression. I tried to just ignore her and enjoy the show, but Dan seemed self-conscious and uncomfortable, perhaps because he was already feeling sensitive to fans’ invasiveness after dealing with the memes? At any rate, Dan didn’t seem to find the entire day and evening of Potterdom as enjoyable as I did, and I wondered what I could do to help. It seemed like he was becoming more tightly wound every day.
The Sherlock finale didn’t help. We were both disappointed, but when the episode was over Dan ranted to me for a solid two hours about how it had ruined the series for him. He was very worked up.
When the DIY terrarium arrived in the post, I thought it was a perfect solution. “Take some time to yourself,” I suggested. I knew how much he’d been looking forward to crafting his own little world in this glass bubble, a world untouched by fans or fame or expectations. I urged him to spend some time alone in his room, not bothered by even my quiet presence, and express his creativity in this completely different way. “You’ve had a rough week,” I acknowledged, wanting him to know that I understood. “This will do you good.”
He smiled weakly and thanked me, retreating to his bedroom with the large cardboard box in which the terrarium elements had arrived. He was in there for nearly two hours, though I don’t know if he spent the entire time working on his project. I didn’t bother him. That is … until the crash.
It was the saddest crash I’d ever heard, because I knew immediately what it meant.
I ran to his room and stood in the doorway, seeing my friend staring in silent dejection at his bedroom floor. At his feet, a pile of sand, rocks, and shards of glass showed what had happened. He seemed frozen in disbelief and horror, but then he glanced up at me and our eyes met for a long moment. His lips twitched slightly, and I knew that meant he was seeing the humor in the situation. We both began to laugh, and if his laugh gained a hysterical quality after a while I couldn’t blame him.
“Okay,” I said firmly. “You’re going to go play the piano or scroll through Tumblr or play something on the Wii or whatever—something totally relaxing and peaceful—and I’m going to clean up this mess.”
“Phil,” he sighed. “You’ll cut off a hand or something, messing with all this glass.”
“I’ll be careful,” I insisted. “I don’t want you to worry about this. The point of tonight was for you to get some peace, so I want you to do that. Let me deal with this.” He hesitated. “Please?” I asked, my voice soft. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist that.
“Okay,” he said quietly, his head hanging low. He shuffled out of the room, his shoulders tense and his brow furrowed, but stopped in the doorway to hug me tightly a little longer than usual. He didn’t hug me often, so I relished the contact and hugged him back just as tight.
He wandered off to the lounge and I painstakingly cleaned up the broken pieces of his terrarium. I saved the rocks in case he might want to do something else with them, but threw out the moss and sand and broken glass. I was careful not to cut myself, not wanting to give him something else to worry or feel bad about.
When I’d hoovered thoroughly and his bedroom floor was as clean as before the terrarium tragedy—possibly cleaner—I walked into the lounge to see him slouched on the sofa, his laptop on his knees. I glanced at the screen and saw that he was scrolling through an aesthetic blog on Tumblr.
“Are you wanting to be on your own?” I asked gently, not wanting to invade his solitude if he needed time alone, but his face when he glanced up at me was filled with a deep sadness I couldn���t resist. I immediately sat beside him and pulled him into my arms. He hugged me tight again and I heard him sniff into my shoulder. I didn’t let him go for a long time, feeling his back shake with his silent tears. I waited until his body was still again and then slowly released him, pulling away slightly to let him wipe the moisture from his face. I was glad he didn’t look embarrassed. He could always cry in front of me—he knew I would never judge him or mock him for anything. I would always accept him, just as he is.
I had an idea. “Remember back when you were in uni, when you would come visit me in my flat?” I asked him. He looked confused for a moment, not knowing where I was going with this. He nodded. “Remember how you would sleep in my bed with me?” He smiled slightly and nodded again. With his reddened eyes, that small smile looked beautiful, like sun peeking from behind heavy clouds. “Want to come cuddle with me in my bed for a while?”
It was a risky suggestion. Cuddling wasn’t something we’d done in a long time, not since the fan shipping had made such behavior seem like it meant something more serious than either of us felt comfortable contemplating, let alone initiating. But this seemed like the moment, a moment when I just wanted to hold Dan in my arms and make him feel safe and loved and accepted and understood. And maybe a moment when he would be able to accept that kind of comfort from me.
He bit his lip for a moment, and I noticed that his lips were chapped again. He doesn’t take care of himself as well as he should. That’s why I need to step in sometimes. He hesitated a long moment, then nodded slightly, his eyes downcast.
I didn’t take his hand or anything so intimate. I just stood and turned to walk to my room, turning back  once to make sure he was following, which he was, his eyes still on the floor, tears visible in them again. When I got to my room, I turned back the duvet and climbed in fully clothed, and he followed me with no further hesitation but then seemed uncertain what to do. I pulled the duvet up to cover us and then wrapped him in my arms, pulling him close to me so that his head rested on my chest near my shoulder, his forehead pressed to my chin and his short hair tickling my cheek. He wrapped an arm around my waist and scooted closer so that his body pressed against my side all the way down to our socked feet. He was warm and soft against me, and I closed my eyes to focus on the way he felt in my arms as his shoulders begin to quake slightly again and felt moisture begin to wet my t-shirt. I tightened my arms around him and let him cry as long as he needed.
Slowly, his body stilled, and I eventually realized that he had fallen into a peaceful sleep. It was early in the evening for either of us to go to bed, but nothing on earth would have persuaded me to wake him in that moment, so I just held him gently, breathing in the scent of his shampoo, and gave him some of the peace that he needed.
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Gilded -- An Honest Review
[Warning: I give an honest review that focuses not only on plot but on writing and character as well. As this is an opinion, you can take it as seriously as you want, but understand that my goal is to review, not shame or praise the author.]
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So I’ve been getting through my old TBR list that I’ve had forever and this was my TBR read of the month and I thought, “Ooo! Yes! I’ve been dying to read this book!” The cover was beautiful, the story seemed interesting, the setting was intriguing and I was head over heels ready to dive into this book. But I was bamboozled. Seriously. 
The story is about a young girl named Jae, or Jay, (I listened to the audio book so I wouldn’t know) and her father as they move back to South Korea following the death of Jae’s mother. Jae is skilled in Taekwondo and archery, both of which she and her father take a lot of pride in, and the story actually starts with her using her archery for a public event. During this public event Jae meets a man named Haemosu who turns out to be an immortal demigod who is trying to marry her and take her back to the spirit world where he lives. And as the story unfolds it turns out Jae and her grandfather are actually tied closer than they believe and blah blah blah. Point is: This sounds like a decent story line right? 
What made it even more appealing was the fact that the book took place in South Korea using Korean mythology, something which is so unique to the YA genre as mythology-based fantasy is usually dominated by Greek mythology. So when I saw this I just HAD to read this but honestly.... after reading it the only thing I can say that was worth my money was the cover. 
So as I already stated, I listened to the book on Audio book and because of that I’m going to give two scores. One for the actual story and the other for the Audio book quality. 
For those of you who know my blog and my reviews, I typically jump into a book expecting a 5/10 read and if the book goes above or below my expectations, then the score adjusts. So it should make quite the impression when I give the book a 3/10, and the audio book a 2/10. 
Personally, I would have given the book a 1/10 because it grated on my nerves like fine cheese, but I need to be reasonable with my scores so that’s where I’m placing it. 
Now you might ask, why is a book that you were so thrilled to read ranked so low? And in short, these are the reasons: The main character is so dumb I can’t believe that she actually accomplished the things she accomplished, it white-washed the cast, poor detailing of Korean Mythology, (and for the audio book) poorly portrayed emotions. 
I get more in depth about these problems but from this part out, it’s all going to be spoilers. So if you REALLY want to read this book, which I probably suggest you don’t as you’d waste a lot of your time hate-reading, don’t bother reading any further. But if you want to know how finely them cheeses were grated, keep on. 
I want to start with the positives because if I don’t the majority of this review will just be me seething in annoyance for this book and I don’t want to do that. So what did the book do well?
The descriptions. 
And that’s about it.
Because of the book’s clear, simple imagery, I was able to picture the book in my head fairly easily and I really enjoyed how I thought it looked. But because of this, it brought the over all scores up a point so, that should say something. 
Now onto the cons: 
Let’s talk about Marc and the rest of the cast. 
So Jae goes to an international school and is studying Korean and there we meet a cast who are pretty much, all white. Even the main love interest (Marc) is stereotypically white with the classic “tall, dark and handsome”, thing going. So basically, a story that takes place in South Korea with Jae being the only one resembling Korean. 
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Focusing more on Marc, Marc’s role in this book is ridiculous. When they say opposites attract, this book took it literally. Jae has the intelligence and common sense of a ten year old and Marc, on the other hand, has the maturity and wisdom of an almost thirty-year old man. 
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If you want to know how stupid Jae is compared to Marc, I made a little list. 
-Briefly considers if she can jump six stories safely. 
-Ignores advice that will literally save her life because she wants to go to a ski trip, to a café, on a walk.
-Is told that if she wants to survive she should not tough Haemosu otherwise that starts the “gilding”, or their “engagement” and then immediately touches him when they meet.
-Thinks that robbing a museum is something she can actually accomplish despite deciding to do it two hours before she plans on doing it. 
-Learns that if she involves others it could put their lives in danger but continues to involve others even when she constantly reminds herself of it. 
-Is given a supernatural creature as a bodyguard by an immortal but only calls on it ONCE.
-Is being openly and blatantly manipulated by mythological creatures, has multiple signs that they’re not human, but continues to blindly follow them because she’s tired and hungry. 
-Body shames another girl by calling her “long-legs” for half the book
I’m sure this list could go on for a while but what about Marc? How different is Marc compared to Jae? 
-Can read ancient Chinese
-Is fluent in Korean
-Knows ancient myths and stories better than our main protagonist
-Has the possibility to go to Harvard
-Is so smart that the secret organization is training him to be a member despite still being in high school. 
-Picks up on subtle clues. 
-Saves Jae’s life. Again. And again. And again. And Again.
-Actually comes up with a plan to rob a museum. 
I mean, the majority of Marc’s character is used as a plot device to further Jae’s own story but he’s the only character in this book that could actually accomplish the stuff that the author forces Jae to. But then again, if Marc was the main character of the story, Haemosu would never have even needed to be killed because Marc would have never touched him. 
To say it bluntly: I’ve seen smarter white girls in horror movies. 
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As for how Korean mythology was explained, this book gets a D. When it comes to foreign cultures and myths, the creatures, foods and things need to be thoroughly explained so the reader can finish the book being not only entertained but smarter. To have a book that requires the reader already have information on a distant country’s culture, history, and mythology, especially as one as exclusive as Korean, is asking A LOT. 
This could also be said about Jae’s Taekwondo. 
Half the time I was trying to figure out what a “double kick”, or a “half kick”, or a “back kick” would look like. And trust me, there’s a lot of them, so I spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. 
This book expects you to disregard so many of it’s flaws for a big part of it’s story that wasn’t even that entertaining but rather, repetitive and annoying. I mean, not even halfway through the book I gave up on supporting the main character and began to support the villain. And while the villain was so stereotypically “creepy and bad”, I still supported them because at least they were smart enough to avoid putting themselves into unnecessary, extremely-risky situations. 
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Now, onto the crown of this... thing: the audio book. 
You know that meme of Kristen Stewart showing how many “moods” she has. Let’s just say I had that meme in the back of my head for 80% of this book. And honestly, I don’t even blame her. I spent the other 20% cringing over the kiss scenes but she had to spend the whole 100% without audibly showing it. 
So would I read this book again? No.
Would I buy this book again? No.
Would I recommend this book? No.
If I could would I go back in time and hand myself a different book to listen to and avoid causing myself so much disappointment? Yes. 
Sorry this review was like 90% negative but if you liked it, please let me know! Follow for better, more positive reviews and leave a comment to tell me if you’ve read this book or if you would even consider reading this book. But other than that, Bookish Blogger out!
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