#ensemble stars ritsu sakuma x reader
shytastemakerthing · 6 months
heyyy can i get a romantic matchup? ID REALLY LIKE AN ENSTARS ONE but if u dont do those, a twst one is good :3
im kitten, i dont use pronouns (so just use my name). i dont use labels either, but im feminine. im 17 (so nobody younger than me pls!!), currently in IT classes, 162cm, virgo and entp/intp. also 8w9
umm Im a vampirekin and have a strong affiliation w rabbits and cats. i can be really blunt (sometimes i dont mean it sometimes i do) and am pretty aggressive. i love play-fighting w friends and getting into joke arguments nd stuff.
i hate hatee having 2 give advice like I cant deal w ppl venting 2 me. I can b rude Mostly jut since if i dont like you 4 whatever reason Im not going to hide it Im just not going 2 Be nice. Cuz of this I dont get approached a lot bc ppl say i look mad/intimidating a lot!!!
VERY umm bimbo oriented. very clumsy, Very bad memory and attention span, But who cares I love acting cute and acting pretty and stuff. I love cute things tbhgd sm and I just want 2 squeeze. Cute ppl. As a bimbo i still Have my days 💔where im just Depressed man and Thats most days. but i am good at Just Living and Not acting like that..! Tho when im Very bad w mental health I tend 2 just get sick and not leave my bed and just cut everyone off LOLL
Any ways I love fashion and dressing cute and DESIGNING CLOTHES!!!! I love designing plushies and characters and stuff I need like a creative output and I have 34983 ways of that (designing plushies, characters, outfits ect. sewing, vtuber rigging, sculpting, painting, ect). i usually dress in v-kei, gyaru (kogal), ouji and lolita.
i love any love languages recieving tbh Maybe like words of affirmation I need lots of reminding that they R a willing participant of this Relationship. PERSONALLY i lvoe spending time and doing acts of service, im rlly Not an affectionate person so im probably not going to initiate physical contact and Im RLLY bad with words so im not probably going to do words of affirmation either .......
Hmmmm what else I love music. so much different types. breakcore, classical, eurobeat, game osts, pop rock, industrial metal, esp anything super weird and experimental.
jut stuff i likee would be active cities, being clean, good food, nighttime, CATS AND BUNNIES, pigeons<3, (i want to own a pet cat, bunnies and a pigeon lol), collecting things and baking
i DISLIKE dogs (despite being pretty dog-aligned by personality), my room having any sun in it, dirty/messy/gross ppl. i hatee violence sm I get uncomfortable hearing or seeing ppl/animals get hurt Its just gross and scary.
abt relationships ... I will die for my Partner i will straight up Fight someone for them. idc if they r bad person or if They did a crime rlly Thats so girlboss of them . I want to go out a lot on dates and stuff I dont wanna just go to the same places I want 2 explore and go to new places nd stuff. also Ermmm i dont rlly wanna Date someone shorter thn me Like. They just look like a child at that point..
thx :3 sawrry i wrote a lot lolz. lolll tyy So muh
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! Don't worry about it being so long, the more information that I have to work with then the better! It only lets me get even more ideas for a match-up! Speaking of, I do hope that you like yours and enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Ritsu Sakuma
From one vampire to another, you both are quite literally made for each other in that regard. He sees you and he can feel warmth flooding through his ice cold veins, how the moonlight illuminates your figure makes you look just ethereal. He is stunned into silence but soon regains himself and Ritsu can't help but to approach you.
Now given his sleeping patterns, it is a little hard for the both of you to meet up for any kind of outings, these would mostly be happening later in the evening and into the night given his aversion to sunlight, but he manages to work his schedule just right between his unit work and when he sleeps. He will always make time for you.
Another cat lover! Perhaps the both of you would like to go to a cat cafe for one of your dates? It would be something that he would find both enjoyable and relaxing, especially if you get to be there with him.
His schedule is quite busy sometimes given the work he has with his unit, Knights, but if you would like, you could always join him when they have practices and lives. Honestly, the thought of you being in the crowd and cheering him on makes this young vampire smile.
Speaking of his unit, the others absolutely adore you and they protect their own, and given that they now see you as one of their own, they will protect you just as you protect Ritsu. It is what a Knight does, after all.
Ritsu is big on giving you those words of affirmation. He may not be too much of a talker, and he really isn't that down on himself, but he would never want you to be down on yourself. He wants you to know that he is committed to this relationship no matter what it takes.
Overall, two vampires are able to join each other under the light of the moon. It is something that he will always love. With your similar interests and hobbies, it just makes the time that you spend with one another so much better and so much sweeter.
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skimperish · 1 month
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i had to doodle these you have to understand it was very important
all of these are from @poisonchoclate’s headcanon post here :D go check it out if you’re interested <3
[ psst i have requests here now if you want to req something ]
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myunghology · 6 months
࿐ ignoring ritsu for the whole day (texts + twts!)
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NOTE ermmmm..... anyway manloser ritsu real
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valeriele3 · 1 year
I want a Sagau/Imposter Au! Where the Reader “forgives” everyone but doesn’t trust them and always on edge/cautious around people especially the Archons. Then one day Reader finds their phone and manages to charge it, now they spend 24/7 on their phone and everyone thinks it’s a special holy artifact and are jealous on the amount of attention their phone is taking
Now add a crossover.
(Imma use Enstars(or maybe TWST?) since why not? Plus it’s Tori's birthday
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“Your Grace”
“Your Grace~”
“Ahem..Your Grace, I don’t mean to question or command you but..It’s been a whole week and you haven’t put that artifact down for even a second..How about a break? With me of course! Ehe”
“Do you have hearing problems Barbatos? Their Grace clearly said “No” to your foolish request”
“Oh shut up old man! Stop acting like you aren’t bothered or jealous.”
“I heard you crying last night saying things like “HuHu their grace doesn’t love me anymore huhuhu’”
“Stop spouting lies. I did not.”
Ring ring
Venti and Zhongli turn their heads to the sound
“Hello~? Ah..Ritsu!”
‘Who—’ Venti and Zhongli think at the same time
*Giggle* “How’re you doing? Have you been well? You didn’t have trouble sleeping did you?”
“..Couldn’t sleep well? What happened..?”
“Oh..Ah..I would love to cuddle with you right now to help you but I can’t. I unfortunately can’t go back since I don’t know how to open the portal”
“I promise I’ll try to get back as soon as possible! Oh right, are the others doing okay without me?”
“..Mhm..Okayy..Sleep well Ritsu..Love you bye~”
“Ahem..Your Grace who was that?”
Zhongli sends Venti a deathly glare
“Ah..I mean, can I please have a friendly talk with them? For uh research purposes of course..!”
“Wait— Your Grace..! Come back..!”
“You idiot! You scared them away!”
And so you leave them in that room unaware that a “few” people happened to eavesdrop “overhear” what happened a few minutes ago
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I picked Ritsu bc I was like “why not make the characters think Reader sleeps or cuddles with someone in their original world? Like a lover”
This could I guess also work maybe with Leona? Like him calling his lovely herbivore to idk complain or something about how Reader isn’t doing their job a.k.a being a pillow for Leona
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whats-it-mean · 7 months
What having your very own Knight is for ☆
KNIGHTS x Reader (separate) saving you from a creep
A/N - celebrities and idols get harassed fairly often (sadly) so i felt like this made sense ^^ also im not very good at writing arashi or leo VERY SORRY il try to improve as i write more for Knights. Most of these can be read as platonic but Izumi and Ritsu’s parts are slightly more romantically-coded because… im down bad
TW - People who wont take no for an answer >:(
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Intro
You clenched your fist as you desperately tried to pull it away from the grasp of the person in front of you, who had grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from getting away.
“Let go of me-”
The person in front of you only scoffed, tightening their grip on your wrist before grinning down at you. You could feel your fight or flight response kicking in, and you mentally flipped through your options in that moment, before you snapped your head up at the sound of footsteps drawing near.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Leo Tsukinaga
You could barely process everything with how fast it happened, but suddenly you felt your wrist being released, and the next thing you could see was the well known King Leo, standing in front of you with an arm outstretched, his eyes narrowed in an uncharacteristically serious expression.
There was a moment of silence, Leo staring directly at the individual across from him, before breaking into a pout and placing his hands on his hips.
“That’s not very nice, ya know.” He huffed, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder towards you. “You okay?” You nodded, to which he properly turned around to face you, now completely ignoring your aggressor. “How could he!? Are you hurt? Here, we should go back to the Knights’ practice room…” He turned back around to face the other individual, who was watching, dumbfounded. “I’m not done with you, either! Hmmph. rude. What makes you think they’d even wanna hang around with a loser like you?”
You blinked at the boy’s antics, simply watching in awe as he continued to fire off insults and them, grinning slightly any time that they showed a reaction. After a moment, you heard a scoff and they simply turned and walked away, clearly upset.
Leo turned back to you. “Well! Now that that’s taken care of… Let’s go do something fun, ‘kay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Arashi Narukami
It was as if the breath left your body as Arashi resorted to grabbing you carefully by the hand and glaring directly into the eyes of them, showcasing a surprising amount of strength as she pulled their hand away from your wrist without a word. She paused for a moment, giving them the dirties glare you had ever seen her give, so much so that you got shivers.
The moment she could, she turned on her heel and ushered you away in a rush, making sure to keep her touch on your hand gentle, her expression slightly anxious. The moment you two rounded the corner and she felt you were far enough away, she placed her hands on your shoulders.
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” She asked, voice pitched slightly higher than usual.
“I- Im fine.”
Arashi looked you up and down as if inspecting for ay sort of damage, glancing once around the corner once to make sure your aggressor was gone before leaning forward and bringing you into her arms, holding you as close to her as possible as if it would bring her some solace.
“I was so worried for you. Next time that happens, call me, okay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Izumi Sena
“I said let go of---”
You were cut of by the undeniable feeling of Izumi’s arm wrapping around your shoulder, as without even sparing a glance behind you, you knew he wasn’t happy. At the sight of him, the person in front of you released your wrist instantaneously, and Izumi slowly stepped back, bringing you with him.
All the silver-haired boy did was sigh, holding you ever so slightly closer before finally averting his glare, which had been trained on your aggressor the whole time.
“You really shouldn’t touch what is’t yours.” He muttered, taking one moment to glance over the other’s figure- most likely to memorize their face in hopes of talking to them later, in private- before starting to walk away, arm still around your shoulder to assure you stayed by his side.
“You had me worried there, you know.” He huffed, glancng around like he was on edge. “It’s a good thing I’m here to keep you safe.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Ritsu Sakuma
All you could see when you looked up from the ground was the familiar white of Ritsu’s favorite sweater as he stood in front of you, reaching out a hand and giving a lazy shove to the person in front of him. Despite his usual tired way of going about things, you could sense how tensed up he was.
“Oi. Leave them alone.”
An immediate sense of safety washed over you, as you took a step forward to peek over his shoulder as he stared down at your now very nervous aggressor. He glanced in your direction for a moment, assuring himself that you were alright, before turning back.
“You know-” He let out a quick yawn. “Me and my brother are vampires. I wouldn’t suggest messing with people dearest to us” He narrowed his eyes at them for a moment, watching until they left in a hurry. Ritsu turned to you, almost immediately leaning onto you and closing his eyes once they were gone. “You okay?”
“Yeah- Thanks, Ritsu.”
“Any time. I can’t have you getting hurt, now can I?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Tsukasa Suou
You could tell when he stepped protectively in front of you that Tsukasa was nervous, but he stood his ground nonetheless, keeping up his chivalrous nature. He kept his chin tilted upwards, attempting with as much confidence as he could muster to look like he wasn’t anxious.
“You need permission to touch someone.” He said, voice sharp as he stood there, staring down at your aggressor. 
They opened their mouth to say something, most likely some sort of shitty comeback, but you didn’t really hear as your mind was still struggling to catch up to you- all you could really focus on was how thankful you were that Tsukasa had arrived to save you. And the fact that he was trying so hard to appear strong for you- it was adorable.
You could sense Tsukasa falter at their comment, but he maintained his disposition. He muttered some sort of threat regarding ‘The student council president’, and they finally gave up and left. The moment they were out of earshot, Tsukasa let out a sigh of relief and turned to you, fawning over you in a rather panicked manner until you assured him you were fine and they hadn’t done anything.
“God… I’m so glad you’re safe. I’m not sure if I’d forgive myself otherwise.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
『Best friends to lovers trope + first kiss』
Characters: Souma Kanzaki, Yuta Aoi, Suou Tsukasa, Himeru, Kohaku Oukawa, Kanata Shinkai, Arashi Narukami, Hiyori Tomoe, Ritsu Sakuma and Ibara Saegusa.
C/w: fluff, jealousy (?), somewhat angst depending on some parts like (i can’t really specify since it’s up to the readers pov 🥲) , long post ?? (Ten characters meaning more scrolling if you see it that way?), Madara’s a chismoso in Kohaku’s part (snitch; I swear he did it cause Kohaku wasn’t making a move LMAO) it’s just cute and kisses rahh i love fluff (not proofread my bad) [WHY IS HIYORI’S PART SO LONG HELLO im not biased i swear] ugly cried making Ritsu’s part help. 3.5k words woah-
A/n: hello everyone :3 first off I wanna say tysm for the support in my last post!! I didn’t think it a lot of people would like it but im glad you guys enjoyed it, it made my day seeing all the support <3! And second, I’m working on those requests I PROMISEE (atp spam me to motivate me pls /hj), and I will be posting the remaining parts of the series “Kissing/Making out + hcs” soon as well, writers block really is making me not post 😭 but anyways!! Hope y’all enjoy this super cute trope >:3
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Souma Kanzaki✰
Your absolute best friend in the marine bio club, he loves researching about cute creatures and taking care of them too!! Souma isn’t really focused on romance, he’s really glad to have found friends like you and Adonis. But, why was he feeling some sort of way around you? Your smile was so soft, he felt his heart beat at the thought of it, and how warm your personality was with him. He was scared to even confess because you’ve been such a good friend to him that he really doesn’t want to ruin that friendship.
But its not like you have hinted anything towards him. It’s always been Adonis or Kanata, hell, even Kaoru, he wants you to look at him for once, just once and say you love him. Souma started to doubt whether or not to tell you, when suddenly as he opened his locker, saw an envelope with your name in it, addressed to him. He decided on going to the place you mentioned in your letter, seeing you there with a smile.
“Y/n…do you feel what I feel? I really enjoy your presence, but I can’t help but feel I want to be more than your friend, perhaps a partner? If you want to stay as friends then I understand-“
With that, you kissed him, he felt like his world was just surrounded by you and just you both. As you parted away, Souma blushed a bit, smiling brightly but slightly embarrassed as you spoke
“I love you too Souma, I’ve been waiting to say those words to you”
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Yuta Aoi✰
Let’s face it, you’re friends with Yuta and best friends with Hinata. He hates feeling like a second option towards you when Hinata isn’t there. Of course, you share moments like any good friend would, talking and spending time together. But it was all about Hinata; Hinata this, Hinata that. Yuta started growing feelings of jealousy for a while, but he couldn’t just go to his brothers best friend and admit of their crush, opening his heart out there and waiting for it to be held or acepted, anything but crushed.
Yuta knew he had to act one day or another, it can’t stay like this when you’re just there, being so kind to him even if he felt like a filler for when Hinata wasn’t there. Until one day, his brother found out about his crush, and promised him that he wasn’t interested in you, after all, Hinata felt like you were the sister they never had. After that day, Yuta saw things clearly, not blinded by the silly jealousy towards his brother and now focusing on winning your heart. Eventually, he invited you out to hang out together, which could be considered a date but he liked saying they were only going out as friends. Right after ending the date, Yuta held your hands softly, sighing before speaking.
“So, I wanna thank you for accepting my invite um to go out..but I also want to say something important-“
You cut him off by kissing him, he stood still, a bit in shock while his heart felt like it was about to burst.
“I like you too Yuta..sorry if I made you feel in any way less than your brother, you’re very important to me, you both are”
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Suou Tsukasa✰
Your friendship began with your father’s company partnering up with Tsukasa’s. You both instantly clicked having somewhat same interests, going to cafe’s around japan whenever your families traveled to other cities. Suou loves going to Yumenosaki Academy with you, it’s a routine going in and out and after school, taking you to the sweet fan club. It’s no surprise when the members of the club ask if you’re dating, to which Suou just blushes and denies it. Perhaps he was developing feelings for you?
No it couldn’t be, you were his best friend, and childhood one too. Kohaku had seen Suou doubtful at times and comforted him, encouraging his cousin to give it a try if he truly loved you. Even if things wouldn’t be the same after, Suou was really going to give this a try. The following days consisted of him acting more affectionate and close with you, gifting you small things like your favorite sweets even jewelry as well. To the point where you confronted him about all the sudden coddling.
“Okay Suou listen I appreciate the gifts and the kindness, but..is there a reason why you’re doing this? I mean- wait, you’re definitely hidding something right? Come on I know you and I’ve done so my entire life, it can’t be that bad-“
Suou leaned forward, kissing you softly as he had felt brave in that moment, soon pulling away muttering a small apology as he sighed
“I-I’m sorry, I really love your company and your sweet personality, you’ve showed me how to love and feel loved. I truly hope you feel the same as I do”
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After the incident regarding his brother, Kaname, Himeru learned everything about his brother. People didn’t find him strange, or acting weird when referring to himself in third person, after all Himeru knew how to blend in well with the crowd. Except for one person, you. Knowing Kaname well had it’s things, like predicting what things he wanted to do or talk about in the moment, even sharing class schedules with each other, so you knew he was not Kaname, but instead his brother who he had mentioned briefly before Himeru had come in as ‘him’. Still, Himeru had that side of him that made you look at him in another light.
Of course, he was portraying as his brother but, something about Himeru was just so different, he was more mature, rationalized everything and serious in a way that made you like him? He was kind and gentle with you, almost sickening, but in a good way. A year passed by and Himeru invited you to see his brother, how the incident had left him in a state of coma, tears were shed that day, and a lot. But you knew how much trust and care he had in you. So when he pulled you aside as you walked towards the place he’d ask you to meet him at, you weren’t surprised at what he said.
“Himeru hopes this is enough appropriate to aproach you this way. Himeru asked for you to meet him here, Himeru is thankful for that…would you be willing to give Himeru the opportunity to show you how much ‘I’ love you?”
You smiled, one he loved seeing so frequently. He placed his arms around you in a comforting way, kissing you softly while smiling
“Yes Himeru, I love you, not because you’re ‘impersonating’ your brother but, because i fell in love with the real you, the real Himeru thats under that façade”
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Kohaku Oukawa✰
Being part of whatever Madara dragged him into, wasn’t easy, especially with making acquaintances rather than his unit mates and Madara himself, not to mention his cousin Suou who is somewhat friends with you. He can’t even recall the time you both met, perhaps his cousin introduced you or he had seen you around the Reimei dormitories. Even if Kohaku didn’t attend school, he looked forward in meeting you in the hallways of the dorms. His conversations being short and direct but well mannered, he seemed to have taken a liking to you.
Or more like a slight fling of trust towards you since you knew his cousin and friends well. It wasn’t like him when he offered you to join him and share some of his favorite sweets or chatting online when you didn’t have time to hang out, always ending up with photos of Kohaku and the thing he was so busy at. Sometimes it would be photos of him at the practice studio or helping Madara out with something, they were really cute, but he didn’t have to know that, right? Then he suggested you both went out, taking you to his favorite shops and cafe’s filled with pastries from around the world, sharing a bite of the (favorite pastry) you were eating as he spoke, now having the opportunity to do so since you were both in a much more secluded area.
“Hey so..would it be alright if I..confessed? Okay no I’m not gonna beat around the bush, I like you, a lot. I talked this with Madara and he said i should tell you since honesty is important and”
He stopped, looking at you briefly after you had kissed him momentarily on the lips, he stared for a bit before snapping back into reality, coughing a bit as he averted his eyes across the room, trying to hide the embarrassment he felt because you liked him back and kissed him, even though he wanted to do so first
“Perhaps a little birdy might’ve told me something like that before…however the answer is still the same, I like you too Kohaku, thank you for being honest, I really like that about you too”
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Kanata Shinakai✰
You both met thanks to Madara and Ryuusetai. Since you worked with Madara on some missions, you actually knew Kanata when he was proclaimed to be a ‘god’. The shinkai cult was a very harsh one but, after Madara had saved Kanata, he was in your ‘debt’. But it never felt that way to either of you, Kanata is your best friend, one that always drags you towards any nearby water or anything you both enjoy. He really likes spending time with you and will not back off if you tell him he’s “too clingy”. People always say you were like platonic soulmates, but you’d always denied it with a small blush on your face.
However, feelings started to develop when he would always go towards you in need of help or advice, even saying good morning before anyone else, you were first and it made you feel something whenever he smiled at you or dragged you into the cold water of the fountain. Kaoru was the first to notice your feelings whenever you came by the marine bio club, cheeks a bit pink as Kanata hugged you. It was kinda obvious of how much you liked each other but were oblivious to it. Till one day, he invited you out to meet him in one of his favorite spots, laying out a blanket with some of your favorite snacks, looking at the ocean in front of you as he held your hand under the afternoon sun.
“I think I’m developing ‘feelings’ for you~ Y/n~, do you ‘like’ me too~?”
Smiling, he knew to take that as a sign to kiss you, his lips soft against yours as you parted away slowly, taking the time to admire his features and how the wind moved his hair slightly
“I love you Kanata, it feels like we’re destined to be with one another”
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Arashi Narukami✰
The cool stylish best friend you were so proud to have. Arashi knew the best skin care products and even gave you tips from time to time. She was the best to go to if you had any problems about anything. You both met at one of her regular make up stores to go to in the daily, she just so happened to love your fit and exchanged numbers. Arashi invites you to a couple of her shootings sometimes, looking your way when she’s posing or winking and the staff is quite positive that you’re dating each other. To which Arashi has no objection to but you’re almost sure she’s teasing you.
Besides you both have been friends for a couple of years, it’s nothing serious…or so you thought. Arashi had arranged a dinner after her regular model shootings and invited you, alone. Which caused some doubts because she would normally invite the rest of the Knights with you to eat together, especially for dinner. Upon entering the restaurant, placing your orders and sitting down, Arashi took out what seemed to be a box, you almost thought she was asking you to marry her but as she opened it, there were two rings, almost equal, she smiled and seemed a bit bashful as she spoke.
“You know I’m not really used to any of this but, I like you Y/n, I saw these rings and thought why not use them as promise rings? I hope you like it~!”
You smiled and held her hand as she kissed your cheek softly, then moving to kiss your lips briefly. Arashi then placed the ring on your finger as you did to her’s too. Many people thought it was an engagement and congratulated you both, even if it wasn’t, you ended up getting free dessert and a wonderful time with her
“I like you too Arashi! What just happened feels like something out of a fairytale, it was so romantic, thank you for the wonderful time~!”
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Hiyori Tomoe✰
Your 'archnemesis’ that turned into your best friend. Hiyori really didn’t get along well with you, especially when you hanged around with Jun most of the time, talking about similar interests as he watched you both from the sidelines while he waited for Jun to finish his conversation. It wasn’t fair whenever Jun opt to spend more time with you rather than him and his dog Bloody Mary. However one time, Jun went off with Makoto, leaving you alone with Hiyori and his dog, he then realized how kind you were with everything, especially Bloody Mary. After that day you both became the most inseparable of friends. Always giving you tips on your wardrobe and going out to get lunch or a cup of coffee to start the day. When he invited you to his concerts and events, you were always there, first row cheering him on as he looked at you from the stage. Something about seeing you so cheery in the crowd made his heart flutter, he felt so loved and cherished by his best friend.
Although he wouldn’t consider that anymore, it had developed into a crush throughout the weeks, leaning into your touch more as you both linked arms or his arm around your shoulder. He trusted you with some of his worries and inquires, always looking forward to your advice whenever he felt down or lost. He eventually ranted towards Nagisa and Bloody Mary, to which Nagisa pretty much replied with “be honest with them, you never know unless you say something”. Nagisa was right, he had to do whatever it took to say how he was feeling and Hiyori wasn’t backing down on this. It was when he had the idea to confess after one of his concerts with Eve, after briefly finishing and the majority of the people had left, he requested for your presence in his dressing room, escorted by one of the bodyguards Ibara had hired for the concert. Soon entering his dressing room and seeing flowers everywhere, even a small rose petal line leading directly towards Hiyori as he smiled and held a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“Hiyori! Wow it’s so beautiful..but, why all this commotion? I mean I love it but-“
You felt his lips against yours briefly, a soft giggle leaving his lips as he leaned towards you once more, catching you by surprise again
“My dearest Y/n! I must admit you’ve caught my eye, and I have developed feelings for you, I hope you truly feel the same”
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Ritsu Sakuma✰
Ritsu had admired you from afar for quite some time now, noticing how happy you were with his brother and unit, too busy to even notice his presence whenever he was sleeping nearby, but that all changed once his brother had invited you over to dinner at their home. That’s how the friendship became to grow, you both shared similar tastes, music and even things like sleeping. He was your best friend since then and has been for a couple of months. Unfortunately, since he still holds a grudge against his brother Rei, you were kinda forced to choose between them, although not necessarily since you’d seen Rei almost everyday and Ritsu too, separated from each other. He opened himself up to you, telling Y/n how he felt like his brother had abandoned him at one point and how he didn’t want to feel that ever again, to which you had promised to stay by his side no matter what.
Soon, friendly cuddles were a thing under his favorite spot at the garden before going to the tea club. It felt like a routine; waking up, going to school, spending time with Ritsu and so on. Whenever he saw you with his brother, he really wasn’t jealous, just annoyed and bothered at the sight of Rei touching your arm slightly, whenever that happened he always approached you and placed his arm linked with yours as he waited for you both to finish said conversation. Feelings started to grow when he saw you waking up from one of your usual naps together, the way you slowly opened your eyes and how the sun softly graced your face, you looked like a sleeping angel, quite literally. He took it upon himself to confess the very day you both graduated, the last time you would’ve seen each other if it weren’t for his plans. Ritsu had pulled you aside, taking you to your usual spot as you both smile, a bit tearful at the sight of not being able to come back and share moments with each other but that’s when Ritsu held your hand softly
“Y/n..I want to apologize for how late this confession came to be but..I love you, I don’t want to let go of you just yet, or ever..please stay with me”
Ritsu asked as you smiled, his hands now on your cheeks as you pulled him in for a kiss, it felt so right to share such intimate moment with your now lover as he pulled back, looking at you dumbfounded for a moment as you spoke
“I love you more Ritsu~ I can’t wait to find more spots under trees so we can spend all the time in the world cuddling together”
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Ibara Saegusa✰
The protective best friend who doesn’t like anyone coming near you. He’s always been like that, since day one of your friendship. Ibara at first offered you to work with him since the job was open to be his assistant. Then it turned into late night talks and drinking some coffee in the morning before attending to important stuff that he realized he had actually found a friend for the first time in ever. Apart from Eden and Adam if that counts, he really felt at ease around you. His work became less heavy and less dull, thanks to the help of a kind friend like you and the company he had every day, he seemed to be in a better mood each week. In business meetings or Eden/Adam practices, he’s always keeping an eye on you, if anyone makes you uncomfortable or your well-being overall. Even attending his lectures, he felt happy seeing you taking notes and being so attentive when he told his speeches.
It’s so weird seeing that he prioritizes your friendship over his work a few times like taking you to lunch or spending time doing whatever you both want. It caused some curiosity between the members of Eden since Ibara would always be swarming in work and the progress of their units. They sincerely have to thank you for letting him see his soft spot, his sweet side to all that workaholic Ibara. It was quite refreshing to be honest, seeing him so at ease and the strees and burden from over the years were at much calm now beside you. It was love, he couldn’t imagine a life without you, Ibara imagined the day where he would wake up beside you, smiling softly as he kissed you so dearly in the morning. He thought that those “daydreams” of you both spending time together was normal, but he was just really catching feelings. After a long time of consideration, he decided to take you out to a very exclusive dinner, one which the entire restaurant was worth more than the entire ensemble square. He sat in front of you, letting you choose a variety of dishes before grabbing your hand and speaking
“I’ll keep this short and simple, I really love your company, and I can’t help but wish more of it, more of your touch..if you catch what I mean..please don’t keep me waiting, the thought of being rejected is harsh but I’d rather know that- mmmphf-!”
He felt himself turn red, cheeks flaired with a pink hue as he felt your lips against his, his face was priceless. Chapped but so soft against yours, he didn’t want to let go, even for a catch of air, however when you did, your hands linked as you smiled
“I love you as well Ibara, don’t stress over something that was already expected from the both of us~”
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manytoonepoet13 · 1 month
Dearly Beloved.
Bruised and battered lips.
Pulling out the skin.
Something one wouldn't kiss.
Yet you did.
All while saying "I do".
And I knew you meant it.
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teacute · 2 months
❝ hc: they have a crush on s/o ❞ — knights + 2wink
character(s) ! knights / 2wink / gn! reader [separate] warning ! nothing.. just floof... i mean fluff note ! i proofread the whole thing, might miss some typos or incorrect facts by mistake.. that's all.. also a reposted work of mine from my watty and pardon my editing skill
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- he'll try to find s/o anywhere he could since he felt all bubbly everytime he's staying near them, he wanted to know what is he feeling - upon finding them, he'll probably jumped and called out for the whole world to hear - " s/o !! there you are, my inspiration !! my muse !!~ " - they were confused so much, ended up standing there and looking weirdly at leo - still smiles sweetly at him - again, he felt the bubbly feeling inside him - leo felt content only looking and staying by their side - believe me, he'll never stop being by s/o side— not until he finds out what he's feeling
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- he knew it the first time he felt it— believe me, he'll still teases s/o and say bad thing; it's his nature after all (i love him sm slapped) - maybe he'll either confess or not - your choice - but his life is not the same anymore; he's acting weird - his tsundere is showing too much - fellow knights member noticed the change - except for the person themself - sena can't help but always say something to them and sometimes, accidently made s/o cry - cue the knights members being angry at him - he's having a hard time since he knew he has a crush on them
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- this beauty here !! darling is so sweet - always gives affection to s/o - but when naru had a crush on them, love and affection everywhere overloads - somehow the love and affections being showered on s/o was not an odd thing anymore - they were basically being oblivious as naru-chan tried to show her love to them - damn too sweet is all i see - i can describe no more //kisses her cheeks
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- sleep, huggies and desserts - he asks s/o to join him in short naps - they were was shocked but obliged - he uses their laps as his pillow - " i think i have a crush on you... " - he blurted out - they were confused but they got the message - would even spend more time with him if asked - since their feeling is mutual towards him too
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- this baby boy here doesn't know how to act around his producer anymore - he'll stumble upon his words - s/o laughs at his cuteness - they'll play and spoil him nonstop - kasa got fumes running out of his ears while red tinted his cheeks - " p-producer !! please stop !! " - no, they won't stop - his crush for them bloom until one day he had the courage to tell them - " producer, can i call you [name] ? " - bewilderment covered their face - they understood why he asked that and they teased him afterward
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- he's mischievous - will probably pull pranks to make s/o notice him - troubles - yuta will only sigh in the background - " yuta-kun, hinata-kun is acting weird... " - he'll get complaints from s/o since they felt uncomfortable by his sudden change - hinata said sorry and showered them with nonstop sweets due to his sweet tooth - found this side of him is cute - slowly, they got closer and damn - hinata was proud of himself - cue yuta watching from afar silently supporting his brother
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- this boy here may be having a problem when he knew he has a crush on s/o - since he's the opposite of his brother, who's filled with mischief all the time– yuta tends to get in trouble with having a crush on s/o - totally - he's a sweet baby (everyone is idc) - yuta would would be seen snooping around looking at s/o - " s/o, are you alright ? " - he once found them moody and he brightened their day with spicy food - but they loved it and appreciated the kind gesture - probably hinata got jealous over the affection his brother gave to their producer
closing note ! fr idk what did i wrote here.. i tried to proofread.. there might still be incorrect facts and how they would react as i haven't been able to stay up to date ever since the ss event (?) for (!!) ... so basically yeah i'm not sure anymore lol ... reblogs and likes are appreciated , thanks :3c
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seangelfish · 10 months
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Neck bites
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Ritsu Sakuma x [Fem] Reader
Genres: Smut (NSFW), fluff.
Content warnings: blood, blood kink, unprotected sex, riding, missionary, creampie, vanilla sex.
Word count: 2,049
Plot/summary: After trying your blood for the first time, your boyfriend continues to ask for it whenever he's feeling sluggish. Because you loved him so much, you always agreed. You were only doing this for his sake, but maybe there was just more to it than you thought...
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The first time he had a taste of your blood was when you accidentally pricked your finger with a needle. You were sewing a loose button of your boyfriend’s Knights uniform for him, but because of his clinginess, he knocked your hand further into the fabric, stabbing your finger.
“Ow!” you cried. “Ritsu…!”
The tip of your finger began to bleed. It stung, but there wasn’t too much to worry about. It was a tiny puncture after all.
“Ah, (Y/N), I'm sorry!” Ritsu said, immediately taking your hand as he started inspecting the wound.
"It's okay," you sighed. "I did tell you to be careful though, didn't I? Could you grab me a plaster–"
But before you could finish your sentence, Ritsu had stuck your finger into his mouth. You could feel his tongue swirl around your wound.
You didn't expect this from him because despite his vampiric condition, Ritsu doesn't think of himself as a vampire. Sure, he jokes about wanting to drink your blood, but you never took him seriously.
You let him lick your wound anyway. He seemed calm, and he looked cute doing it.
When he was finished, he looked up at you with a big grin.
"Sorry, my love. I should've asked you first," he said. "Hehe, you taste nice though. Let me try you again next time~?"
He looked so happy that you didn't have the heart to scold him.
"Hmm, we'll see," you teased whilst he brought you over a plaster, helping you put it on.
From that day onwards, whenever Ritsu would feel sluggish, he would pester you for your blood. You always obliged because well, he's your boyfriend. You cared about him so much, and if this would help him preform better in the day, you'd do it.
However, you did leave him with a few conditions if he were to drink your blood. You'd only let him drink blood from your arms or hands. You'd never let him drink blood from your neck because you'd hate for it to get scarred.
You were an idol just like him after all. Not only would it cause rumours, but it just wouldn't look good on you.
He obeyed your rules easily. Therefore, during breaks, the two of you would go somewhere private. You'd lift your hand up and he'd kiss it before biting into your flesh, sucking your blood up. It always hurt, but Ritsu would kiss the pain away and patch you up.
But this time was different.
You were visiting Ritsu in his dorm he shared with Mika. Mika wouldn't be back until the evening, so it was just you and your boyfriend.
Ritsu decided to give you a tour of his dorm. You adored how both his and Mika's aesthetics complemented each other's.
"Your dorm is beautiful," you commented. Half of you expected something like this, but the other half expected the room to be completely messy. "You'll let me visit more, right?"
"Of course~" he said, pulling you into an embrace. "I want you to visit me all the time~"
The two of you stayed like that for a while. Hugging Ritsu was always so comforting because he was so gentle with you. He'd hold your head, carefully stroking your hair.
After a few minutes of silence, Ritsu spoke up again.
"(Y/N)... can I have some of your blood?"
“Oh, sure. Are you feeling tired already?”
"No... I'm just feeling thirsty..." he replied, his hands gripping your waist. "But can I ask you for blood from your neck this time?"
“W-What? Ritsu, you know I can’t—“
He was only playing with you, but he was worried about you too.
“(Y/N), I was just teasing you,” he admitted. “At the same time though, I can’t keep drinking from your arms or hands. You’ll be covered in bandages soon, and I’d hate to see you like that.”
He was right. You were regretting the conditions you had set for him as people began taking notice of the plasters on your arms.
"O-Okay... just the back of my neck, alright...? I don’t want bruises on my neck either.”
“Of course, my love,” he said. “I won’t damage you, you’re my pretty girl~”
He sat down on his bed and then patted his lap for you to sit. You hesitated for a moment, but followed suit. He wrapped his arms around your waist lovingly, resting his head on your shoulder as he nuzzled you.
“I like times like this,” he whispered.
“Mhm, me too,” you said, giggling.
“Are you ready? I’ll try to be gentle.”
“Yes, I’m ready.”
Ritsu brushed your hair out of the way to reveal your bare nape. You could feel his breath on your neck as he bit into it. You winced as he held your hands to comfort you.
He sucked your blood slowly. Despite the many times he has done this, it never stopped hurting. You whined in pain, wriggling in your seat. Ritsu caressed your hands with his.
Ritsu loved the taste of your blood, and he loved how you always took care of him, letting him grab a taste whenever he needed it. You were so sweet to him, so he declared to himself that he would do anything you wanted of him.
You started to wriggle yourself even more on his lap, rubbing your thighs together. Ritsu noticed your actions quickly as he let go of your hands to hold your thighs. He had stopped sucking your blood by then.
“What are you doing, my love?” he whispered in your ear and in which you could hear the smirk in his voice. "Is this turning you on?”
You didn’t want to admit it, but the position you were in with him, him gently taking care of you as he sucked on your blood, had aroused something in you. You were so sure of yourself that when Ritsu would ask you for blood, you were doing it for his sake only, that it didn't excite you. However, if you really thought about it, maybe it did.
You couldn't bear to look at him. You were ashamed and extremely embarrassed. Your silence answered all his questions though. Ritsu wasn't dumb. He knew you very well considering the fact he was always with you before you two began dating.
"(Y/N), would you like to take this further?"
As soon as he asked that question, you turned to him, finally showing how flushed your face was.
"Could we...?" you whispered, tugging on his sweater in a needy manner.
The way you looked at him with that desperate face of yours made him want you more than you wanted him.
Clothes thrown on the floor, you were now sitting on his lap facing him. As you laid your hands on his shoulders, his hands held your body in place. He held your waist gently, biting and sucking on your neck whilst you grinded on his cock repeatedly.
“Ahh… mmm~” you went, loving the feeling of your pussy being stuffed with his cock as your neck was being bitten into and sucked. “R-Ritsu…”
He never expected you to have a blood kink, but he was enjoying this the same. He can have sex with you AND drink your blood?! You really were spoiling him today.
He gasped for air, moaning out your name. The way you grinded on his dick felt so good, he would let you do this for as long as you wanted.
“Thank you, my love…” he breathed out. “For letting me do this… ahhh~ you feel so good, hah…”
You just moaned in response as you began to bounce on his cock. He moaned even louder, his hands now sliding to cup your ass.
“Ahh, (Y/N)… nghh… feels so… good…”
“Mmm~ Ritsu…”
He leaned in for a kiss in which you gave him. Tongue in your mouth, you could taste your blood he had just sucked on. It had a metallic kind of taste, but you didn’t mind it. All sorts of thoughts were swimming in your head for you to care.
He broke off the kiss as he began to suck on your nipples instead, nipping them with his fanged teeth, his tongue swirling around the areola.
“Ahh, Ritsu~!”
He loved hearing your moans, but you were just too quiet for his liking.
“You want me to suck on your blood some more~?” he hissed into your ear. “Just say it. I’ll do anything you want me to.”
You blushed even more. “T-Then… can you?” you said softly, and once he was given permission, he flipped your position around.
Now that you were laying on his bed, he hovered above you, his cock in his hand as he inserted it back into your pussy.
He was now on top of you, ramming his dick inside of you, making you moan even louder. You wrapped your arms and legs around his slender figure as he began to take another bite of your neck.
“Ugh… fuck…” he hissed as he licked up the blood that was dripping down onto his sheets. “You’re so tight, I— ahh…”
“Ritsu… f-faster~!”
And he obeyed. Thrusting into your hole, he kept the pace up whilst sinking into your skin yet again. The way he bit you made you feel ecstatic. He was leaving you hickies all over your body, but in places that weren’t too revealing. Despite you giving permission beforehand that he could bite you anywhere now, he was still considerate of the fact that after you were off your high, you may regret it.
“D-deeper!” you exclaimed. “Ritsu, please!”
He didn’t understand where you wanted it deeper, his dick or his teeth, but he didn’t want to take a chunk off your flesh, so he rammed his dick into your pussy even more.
“Nghh…” he groaned. “I… I’m going to come…”
“No…! Not yet…!” you begged.
Because every time he came, Ritsu would fall right to sleep. You didn’t want this to end just yet.
“D-Don’t worry,” he said. “Ah… I won’t fall asleep this time… I promise… hah… fuck…”
He kept pounding you with all his ability, moaning into your ear. You loved the way he sounded during sex. Not only was his voice beautiful when he sang, but when he moaned too.
“R-Ritsu… I’m going to come…!” you cried.
“Alright… then I’ll come with you…”
Loudly moaning his name, you came right on his dick that was still thrusting inside you. A few seconds after, Ritsu finally came, pumping all his cum out of his system and into yours.
“(Y/N)!” he groaned. “Nghh…!”
He filled you up just right. Ritsu panted, pulling his cock out of you. He watched his cum spill out of your hole and onto his velvet sheets.
You were extremely tired now. Your neck and chest were now covered in marks, some of which were still bleeding. Not only was cum coming out of you, but blood too. Ritsu thought you looked beautiful like this.
He licked up the remaining blood off your neck before kissing your cheek.
“(Y/N)… thank you for the meal~” he said, cuddling up to you. “I love you so much.”
“Mmm…” you whined.. “I love you… too… Ritsu… I’m surprised you didn’t fall asleep…”
He chuckled. “Your blood gave me the strength to stay awake~”
“Oh, right… hehe…”
“Come on now, I can’t leave you like this,” he said, getting up. “Mikarin will be back soon too.”
Unfortunately for him, you had drifted off to sleep. He let you sleep for a bit as he cleaned and patched up your wounds. You still looked pretty even when there were bite marks all over you. Thankfully, most of the marks he made only covered your chest, leaving only one mark on the side of your neck — the one mark he kept sucking on. It was already red and sore so he smeared some ointment on it and stuck a plaster on.
He bathed your tired body before helping you put your clothes back on. You giggled to yourself as he blow dried your hair.
The door clicked open and Mika returned. It was already so late.
“Oh, Ritsu, (Y/N)!” he greeted. “You two look really happy.”
Ritsu smiled at his roommate. “Yep, we had a lot of fun today…”
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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kohakun · 2 years
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title » texting them that you want to break up (prank)
pairing » knights x gn!reader
requested? yes
genre » fluff, crack, a tiny bit of angst in tsukasa's part
a/n » posting this a little late but i've reread these over and over i think i'd go insane if i proofread this one more time, so i hope you enjoy them, anon !!
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enstarrievalkyrie · 1 year
Sharing the same dorm room with Mika and Ritsu
Note: Someone requested for more so here it is. I lost that request so I'm sry but enjoy🍬. Lowkey think my Tumblr is broken.
Mika Kagehira
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• You can see him sewing most of the time.🪡
• There are times when you have to remind him to sleep or eat.
• He is probably the one who teaches you how to sew.
• He would often rambles about his oshi-san to you with a bright smile(I love him so much🥹).
• You can hear noises from him that tells you what he is feeling rn. So if he's frustrated you might hear angry noises.
• You're the one that cooks for both Ritsu and Mika since Mika is usually busy and Ritsu is just unreliable lmao.
• Mika would bring up the idea of watching a movie together. You guys probably cuddled together while watching the horror movie that Mika choose.
• You might see shu sometimes while he is checking up on mika.
• Shu is happy to see people taking care of Mika🍬.
• You and Ritsu bought him 5 packs of candies. He be looking at it like(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠) and couldn't stop making happy noises. "Nghn...negh!"
• Shu scolded you for that while Mika is munching at the back:3.
• He would offer to make your costume if you're an idol.
• He's soo sweet to you so naturally you gain a soft spot for him, always trying to make him happy😊.
• Even went out of your way to ask Arashi what Mika like in order to make him smile.
• Arashi thinks it's adorable and doesn't mind helping you as she herself also wants to see Mika happy.(such a good friend)
Ritsu sakuma
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• he really be sleeping 24/7🛌
• Kinda acts like a cat but you don't mind since you probably like cats😺.
• he relies on you quite a lot as I said Mika is usually busy so you might not see him in the dormroom until he finishes work.
• Likes to braid your hair regardless of the lengths.
• Would sometimes nap on your lap cuz he is a cutie.
• There are times when you would get lazy too, those time Ritsu would spoil you like how you spoil him🥺.
• Rei would sometimes visit you to offer his thanks on taking care and getting close to his little brother.
• You can see his unit mates in your front door carrying a sleeping ritsu but acts like nothing is wrong since it happen way too often lol.
• You might wake up to the sound of unlocking door because of Mao.
• Mao would sometimes ask you to help wake up Ritsu when he isn't able to.
• When Ritsu finds you sleeping on the couch he would cuddle up with you and fall asleep. :3
• You and Mika would ask him to teach you how to bake. Surprisingly he is a good cook despite he's sleepiness.🧁
• He once asked you to watch him play the piano. Even tho you're lazy, you don't really have a choice when he made those eyes.
• Likes huges and is touchy not only to you but to Mika as well😊.
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poisonchoclate · 1 month
Evil Num+
for oomf that requested it
I cant lie my knowledge on the shuffles like theme IS SO VAGUE?? Like are they vampires after ur soul over the phone man idk anyways tried my best... i dont know much abt hinata, hokuto so i didnt write for them im sorry dont produce them or their units so my knowledge is sooo limited same w hajime but i tried... but i hope this is ok sorry 4 the long intro 🙁
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Hes literally insane did u see that face in the mv what a freak... (dont attack me i have a merch shrine of him)
Probably like normal Natsume? Like flirty and not sttaughtforward with what he says. But worse. He just gets more cryptic
I think the theme of the whole shuffle is to get u to give them your soul so he would do his best to get you to sign the contract
May possibly be cheeky and promise you lies to get your soul, hee after the bag
Ok so you know how hes pety w Hokuto. He might be extra pety and go for you if Hokuto is also trying too. And just be exrremely passive agressive about the whole thing
He might try to act charming, luring you into agreeing by saying to fullfill your wishes just for your soul.
Probably sugar coat it as well, hed be extremely sweet. He might be also flirty idk gang
But i wanna say hed probably also play tricks on you, like acting clueless about what happens after the agreement or just using charm to make you agree without thinking while he isnt honest about it
A literal cutie
Probabky try to lure you to give him your soul by acting sweet or doing his best to be not cute so he can get it.
He would probably use his cuteness to convince you to the agreement, acting innocent about the bad things about giving up your soul but who gaf you probably wont.
Be honest if you read this youd give them your soul if they asked 🙁🙁 sorry if this sucks i just dont know much abt hajime at all so i struglled to write him and i gave up with Hokuto and Hinata because it was so over for me
Also, this is just what I think of the shuffle. Ive yet to read the full story so this will probably be wrong so ignore me im just a mad man.
@skimperish ur req :3
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myunghology · 13 days
how knights act like with a crush — 1/2 parts!
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featuring tsukasa, ritsu, leo x gn reader
warnings swearing 💔
genre + layout fluff/crack, headcanons/bulleted layout
a/n YIPPEE reqs open for knights 😈
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s. tsukasa
2nd place for in denial awards, 1st being izumi.. unfortunately! he isn't here.
denies liking you FOR SO LONG it's so sickening, even though it's painfully obvious that he does like you; he just doesn't realize that.
the only reason is because he says a relationship would be too distracting, because obviously, with his idol work and being the next heir of the suou family, he can't a afford a relationship right now. “who says they would even date you?” “RITSU STOP BEING MEAN” “I'M NOT??”
has a habit of buying you food, incase you didn't eat yet. does this LITERALLY everyday, and even if you did eat already, he'd probably just say; “oh.. then you can just eat this later.”
and of course his members would tease him about his ‘not-crush’.. yeahhh totally they believe that (more under the cut!)
“suo~ you to~tally have a crush on [name] don't you?” — leo. “i-i don't! where'd you even get that from..?!” — tsukasa.
has a harder time to suppress his emotions for you if you're clingy. are you wishing for this death at this point? please stop that..
gets so visibly flustered whenever you hug him, saying that quote unquote “it's inappropriate because we're in a workplace” erm okay...... don't act like you don't like it you silly goose (insult)
when you do stop tho he gets upset. “you brought this upon yourself idk why ur so sad dawg” — knights “STOP”
you noticed that, obviously.. so you decided that the best option was to probably..? keep hugging him.
“why do you keep on doing this?” (HE'S WON IN LIFE) “plz stop being delusional..”
probably. asks advice from arashi mainly because she's the only trustable one in knights. (maybe ritsu too but he currently doesn't know where he is right now) if he really does like you. “WELL............... *proceeds to recite a whole paragraph*" — arashi.
AFTER MONTHS. of denying his crush on you. he has decided to finally face his fears and accept it. like the big boy he i-
has been taking care of you more, asking how are you through text, but still with perfect grammar and punctuations. tsukasa do you want to tell [name] anything.
TAKES SOOOOO long to plan on how to confess. bro it probably takes him a month to confess (planning included). that's for another fic tho.
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s. ritsu
doesn't like the fact that he likes you because the feeling is annoying. he hates the fact that he wants your attention everyday, every moment. but he can't help that he wants to be loved.. right? (im just like him fr. head in hands)
the way he's looking at you with stars in his eyes whenever he isn't sleeping, his shoulders are slumped while he's sitting down, looking up at you arranging knights' schedule for this week. “fix your posture, ritsu..” “o-oh..”
he feels a weird thing in his stomach whenever you defend him from people belittling him. other students have done this for him before, but why when it's coming from you.. it's different somehow.
but when they shit talk YOU because of him... OHOHOOOO he's gonna start a riot.
“ritsu.. please stop biting people to the point that they'll bleed.” “NO.”
he often finds himself clinging to you and laying on your lap! especially after once he decided that he can't control his feelings, so.. typically he just tries to embrace it.
but in all honesty? ritsu's genuinely afraid that you might think he's too clingy and you would want to distance yourself from him.
he feels a great sense of warmth when you do return his affection back tho (ノ´∀`*) . he feels soooo content with you— he already wants to be with you in the future!
ritsu often hugs you from your back whenever you're doing something, which often makes people ask, “are you two dating..?” to which you deny. ritsu feels sad.. he just doesn't know that you want it to be true as well.
sometimes he's the one who answers tho, and he says, “yes. we are (#‵′)” which IMMEDIATELY flusters you, and ritsu being ritsu, he definitely teases you about it, and once he found that out, he answers for you and teases you about your ‘cute, little flustered face.’
+ one for them filipino ritsuP's (fem, sorry 😭) he'd definitely call you “misis ko”
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t. leo
his crush is either painfully obvious or absolutely no one can tell if it's platonic or romantic love; mainly because he says ‘i love you’ and is painfully affectionate and clingy to everyone.
probably leaning to more obvious though. It really depends.
someone could be like “leo, [name] is there oh!”“WHERE?!”
they were just kidding.
...thats what makes having a crush on him so hard. he gives these mixed signals but then you quickly realize he does those to other people as well.
he's definitely one of those people who's awkward with their crush. “thank you for being here to see us practice! and.. for being so beautiful..“ “what?” “BRAVE. thank you for being so BRAVE.”
hugs you randomly?? from the back, side, or front bro and INHALES your scent like it's the last thing he'll be smelling until he loses his sense of smell 💀
pay attention to someone else and he's gonna be wiping his tears with a hamster.
HE GETS SOOOOO JEALOUS to the point that you don't know whether to laugh or be concerned. is it really how a friend should be worrying about you? HMMMM
“im gonna be producing another new unit for awhile—” “NUH UH. NO! YOU'RE ONLY OURS!” “LEO-SAN THEY DON'T BELONG TO US”
writes multiple love songs about you and knights definitely tease him about it. you probably somehow find it while cleaning up his messes...
sounds something a little bit like lovers by anna of the north or either from the start by laufey! or... love like you from steven universe <3
or if it's a sappy song, take romantic homicide or let you break my heart again as a reference.
“but [name] is gonna be busy again today.” “aaaUGGhHHHHHHh 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔”
he cannot physically stay away from you for more than a day. if you go to another country— best believe knights will have a concert there.
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©myunghology — skiffydi
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konpetti · 6 months
Haihai could i ask for a ritsu rinne cuddling hcs!
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☆ ・hcs : cuddles
ft. amagi rinne, sakuma ritsu
notes: i knew me analyzing rinne would come to use someday. i really need to do so with ritsu, too... send me an ask if u want me to include the morning after ^ ^
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・:*+. amagi rinne
it's a late night, after rinne goes to another gambling shop or (rarely) after practice/training. it's not uncommon for him to sleep so late and wake up a bit later...
though, if you are already asleep, he'd just change (or not) and get right in bed.
if you are awake... he'll still get in bed immediately, and either tiredly (yet with still some pride) tell you all about his winnings, or complain about his losses. he might also tell you stories about his day (half to talk to you and half to put you to sleep)
his cuddles feel very protective yet comforting. he hugs you from behind, placing his head right on your shoulder and his arms wrap firmly let gently around under your chest, but just a little above the stomach. you can feel his warm breath on your neck...
alternatively, if you want to hold him, just turn around. he'll place a hand on your head, pulling you closer to him. he'll put his head right under your chin, and yes, you can bury your face in his hair, and pat his back softly.
embraces like those usually feel like his everyday bear hugs... not like you're complaining, right?
despite how late it is, falling asleep beside him will always feel so full of warmth. good luck trying to get out of that embrace while he's asleep, unless he's already sprawled out on the bed in the morning...
・:*+. sakuma ritsu
you are his favorite pillow. regular ones don't suffice anymore, you're just warmer and softer than anything he has ever cuddled with. his cuddles are more like him clinging onto you...
he's probably asleep by the time you get home, so usually you have to slip in between his arms if you want to embrace him from the front. if you want to hug him from behind, that's possible too. (not that he minds, he's kinda already expecting to see you asleep when he wakes up...)
he might wake up as you do this, and he might complain a bit about how you've disturbed his sleep, but he'll pull you a bit closer and rest his head on either the top of your head, under your chin, or on your chest.
anywhere is comfortable if you're there...
this is the same for when you're already asleep when he comes back. he'd happily make his way through the space between your arms (hugging a pillow? he's moving that aside even if that wakes you up, sorry...) and embrace you as he falls asleep.
but on the occasion that you're still up when he gets back... nope, it's the same thing. he gets in between your arms and hugs you like you're a necessity. he can't help it, you're warm... like mao, but a bit warmer (to him).
he'll let you play with his hair as he sleeps, you can place a hand on his head too. he might do the same and place one on your head, but most of the time he has his hands on your back. you might hear him mumble how warm and comfortable you are.
this isn't a rare occurrence, in fact this happens every night possible, but it never gets old. sweet dreams, both of you...~
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yuukienstarsera · 1 year
Knights with an Idol S/O (part 2)
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Knights (separately): Ritsu x gn reader, Tsukasa x gn reader, Arashi x gn reader Fluff, Little angst, idol stuff Warnings: Established relationship, jealousy, and little teasing (Ritsu) nicknames, capital letters in the written. Word counting: 3170 A/n: some of the words have links, this is to have a better idea of ​​what is written, and capital letters, some wrinting mistakes.
This is part 2, part 1 here!☆
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You belong to a new group under ES Square, you were already in a relationship with him when you debuted…
Ritsu Sakuma
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At the beginning
When you debuted, he was performing at the same concert as you, so he watched you in his dressing room, when you finished he was already in front of the door, and the first that he do when he saw you, he hugged you, then he would say how great you did it and how much he loves you. 
He had “little merch” about you, like photocards, keychains (that he put on his phone once in a while) but his favorite is a little plushie that he had of you! (he sleeps with them)  
The advice that he give you was that you don't need to do things that you are uncomfortable with, it's fine to do only things that you like, don't feel egoistic about it. 
He would make sure your bandmates know that you had a boyfriend, for example, he would show up randomly at your practice room saying that was an accident (this already happened too many times to be one)
Besides that, he had a pretty good friendship with your bandmates.
How he shows his love (in public, in private, etc.)
One of his love languages is quality time, he loves spending time with you (even though he is sleepy he always knows all the things you said to him!)
When he had free time for his activities he would go to yours! Only because he wants to be with you (you had to call Arashi to make sure that Ritsu really doesn't have activities), but when he can't do that he would message asking how you are.
Both of you had inside dates, Ritsu loves cuddling with you nothing is compared to hugging you while you are telling him about your day or telling him your ideas for songs, both of you also had sleepovers (some members of Knights and Mika would join whenever they can, but mainly is only you and him.)
He kisses you a lot, he said that he can't live without your kisses (he pouts every time that you separated) and also he is a very physical person, he loves to hug you every time he had the chance.
In public, he would intertwine your arms, grab your hands (maybe kiss you when nobody is looking) intertwine your pinkies!
I believe he teases you murmuring sweet things in your ear in public only to see you blushing.
“You look great in that outfit” “You are my sun” “They don't know how much I love you” and things like that he says teasing you.
If both of you share a stage he would always interact with you, like sharing words of encouragement! ( I believe he would even ask the managers if he can do a special presentation with you).
Ritsu is a very observant person, he would be able to know when you feel bad or uncomfortable in a situation (which he will get you out of) he also knows the things you love and hate, and this makes things easier for him to show his love! 
"How are you able to get these tickets?" " I know that you love those series, I do my best to get them" "Thanks my love".
How rumors start
As I said before, Ritsu is a very physical person, your fans and his already know that you had a friendship, and they were chill about it (some of them already shipping you both)
But they didn't know how close you were, until Ritsu show to his fans his phone wallpaper, it was a collage of all the things that he is thankful for, you could see photos of Mao and all Knights, but in the center, there was a picture of both of you, this is where the fans start to get a little suspicious.
Later, in an interview that you had, they challenged you to show the 10 last pictures that you had in your camera roll, the surprise was, that in 5 of the 10 photos was Ritsu sleeping you explain why.
“Some of these pictures of Ritsu-kun were taken by me, other ones were sent by Knights and Ritsu-kun himself, Isn't it cute? It's shocking how he doesn't get up easily with the noise” that was even more suspicious.
How the fans know about your relationship.
Knights were doing a Live, and Ritsu was sleeping in the same room when they started, later Ritsu woke up and said: “(your name) already came, I'm going to kiss them and I come back.” ignoring the fact that his bandmates were on Live.
Knights were in shock after Ritsu left, all the comments on the Live were “OMG Ritsu x (your name) canon” “RITSU REALLY WAKE UP FOR THIS” “Me too Ritsu, if (your name) came, I will run to kiss them.” (you can imagine that Knights change the topic quickly)
“You are finally here, I miss you sooo much” he was already hugging you.
“I miss you too baby, don't you have to be on Live at this time? I believe I heard Izumi-san say that” you ask while hugging him.
“Oh, so that's why they were talking at this hour" he murmurs "I think I messed up, now all our fans know that we are dating" he gets comfortable on your shoulder. 
"What?! Did you say something about that?!?" you grabbed him by the shoulders moving him from your shoulder. 
"How noisy, please calm down" he caressed your cheek "I said out loud that you had already come and that I was going to kiss you and come back" with his free hand he hugged you by the waist. "I was excited because I want to see you, I'm sorry" in his gaze you could see that he meant those words.
“Don't worry, you were sleepy, besides, some people were already shipping us, I don't think the companies take this the bad way” you caressed his cheek.
“You mean we'll have more jobs together? Awesome!” his smile was the most beautiful thing in the world to you.
“I thought that you didn't like to work” you murmur approaching his lips
“Everything is different when I'm with you” he was finally kissed you.
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Tsukasa Suou
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At the beginning
He had a little trouble buying the ticket online for your debut concert, he ended up buying more than he needed (he invited Knights and Sora don't worry about the tickets) 
He buys all the albums and mini-albums that your group release (if your group has alternative or unique albums he had them.)
The advice that he would give you is that you don´t need to over-work yourself, the trust in your bandmates is essential and asking for help doesn't make you less capable, it's a brave thing to do.
He had a get along well with your bandmates because he also cared about their health, for example, when he orders food for you and you are in practice he also would order for your bandmates.
Other than that, he gets a little jealous when you pay too much attention to your bandmates, please make sure that he knows that you love him more than them.
How he shows his love (in public, in private, etc.)
One of his love languages is to give you things that he knows you need, for example, if you need a notebook to compose he would make sure that he gives that, but he only gifts the best to his beloved.
He would prefer to call you rather than write you a message ( it's because he misses hearing your voice) he always makes sure that you are eating (whenever he can he sends you food) and resting well.
Tea dates with a lot of sweets in your free time! As I said before, he would rather catch up than go to see movies, but if you want to do something else he would accept!
He is very reserved with his private life, he always would kiss you in private (probably you have to take the initiative on that) but in public, he never lets go of your hand ( i believe that he needs to hold something to feel safe) 
Tsukasa is an honest person, and because of this, the communication between both of you is great, if you had a problem or you feel misunderstood, please tell him! He will do his best to change that.
Another love language that he had is acts of service, for example, he would give you his jacket or scarf when its cold, open the door for you, carry your things, ordering food for you when you are working (he wants to make sure that you are comfortable and well.)
“It's cold, please have this” “but is your´s ” that its how you share the scarf with him for the first time.
Tsukasa is a shy person when it comes to things related to love, he would blush if you give him compliments, or give thanks for all the things that he does for you. 
When both of you are on the stage, he would be blushing so hard, I really believe that in his mind he is like “Cool, nobody knows”  BUT THE BLUSH IS SO NOTICEABLE. (Probably knights would joke with him about that).
How rumors start
As I said before, is noticeable when he blushes, one time Knights were  in an interview they asked what are their first thought when they heard the word love, when was time for Tsukasa to answer his mind you appear has first thought, he blush, he take so long to answer (he finally said he thinks that his passion for making music for his fans counts has love)(you can guess that the fact that he slows to answer was suspicious.)
Both of you start to be MC’s in a variety show, Tsukasa had to promote his next Tour, fortunately, you know how to do it.
“Tsukasa-kun, I heard that we had the opportunity to see you and Knights soon, is that right?” “Yeah, we are gonna have our next tour in two months!, you can start to know to buy the tickets online” “Please go to see them, I already had the opportunity to see them in the past, Tsukasa-kun you had a lovely voice, heard you in public is an experience that changed my life” “T-thanks (your name), I will do my best in the next performance” he said to you looking at your eyes, he was blushing so hard. 
After the episode was out, you did a Live, and your fans asked you why hearing knights (mainly Tsukasa) change your life. “Honestly hearing their voices Live, doesn't compare to hearing them on the CD, their vocals Live are fantastic! Especially Tsukasa-kun, his voice is so beautiful, you will fall in love with him if you heard him in Live.” The rumors only increase after you said that.
How the fans know about your relationship.
You were filming a song video, and he sent you a food truck for you and your bandmates to eat well during the break. It was decorated so precious, the message “for my beloved (your name), please enjoy this meal and continue doing a great job as you always do! For everyone, this is also for you to keep going your best, fighting!” could be read behind the truck. 
The thing here is that in the behind-the-scenes video of the making of the new song the company didn't erase the message, and you said in that video that Tsukasa sent you that truck, “He is such a good person, later I will thank him later”.
Before you knew it, that part of the video was going viral on the internet, Tsukasa didn't take long to appear in your room.
"Sugar, we had a problem” he said while opening your room door.
“I know, I already saw that clip on all the social media” 
"How can the company be so careless!, I can't believe that they let that unedited"  he let himself fall on the bed sheets.
“Baby you have to calm down, the company will take care of it" you give him a gentle pat on his head.
“I wanted to say it when the both of us were ready,” he said making a pout, which is a cute habit that he does while is angry.
"I know, the good thing is that I can make this in public”
“Make wha-?”you give him a little kiss on his lips, when you move back you saw him flustered.
“Feeling better?” you smile at him
“Can you give me another one? Just to make sure” he was even more flustered than before.
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Arashi Narukami
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At the beginning
When you debuted she not only was in the first line at the concert, but she also went backstage to tell you that you were amazing.
She would live offered merch, but also she will have cute handmade merch that she buys, and even uses them. (Her fan's gift your merch because they saw Arashi wearing and using some!). 
She would give you the advice that you have to be yourself, not fit in the standards that other people have on you, and live the way you want, she always is gonna support you no matter what.
She gets along really well with your bandmates, sometimes she will invite them to spend time with both of you, she doesn't get jealous that easily.
But when she does, you will notice right away, she will be more clingy than normal.
How she shows her love (in public, in private, etc.)
One of her love languages is physical touch, is a common thing for her to intertwine your arms with hers while walking, grab your hand, and comb her fingers through your hair (she loves doing that when both of you are cuddling) She would also fix your hair even your makeup in public (By the way, she LOVES doing your skincare routine on you!)
She would send you messages and would call you in your free time between activities, asking about how your day is going, if you need something, or if you are feeling comfortable. 
Spa dates in her room! (Tetora and HiMERU would join once in a while) Also outside dates, like shopping together or drinking tea in the school garden (Arashi takes every time with you as a date, because spending time with you is always special to her)
As I said before, she would give you a lot of kisses and hugs. Her favorite type is to give you kisses on your cheeks while hugging you and telling you that you are the most beautiful thing in the world.
In public she is very careful not to be that obvious, she doesn't kiss you in public but she does hug you (also she loves grabbing your hand) to the eyes of the public both of you are best friends (this only makes things easier when you go out on dates) 
Are you feeling down? Arashi to the rescue! She will give more hugs and kisses when you feel a little depressed, she will make time to be with you when you need it.
"Honey, do you wanna talk about that? If you don't wanna, I could just kiss you until you feel better, but I want you to know that I'm here for you"
She would interact so much when both of you are on stage, hugging you when she sees you get on stage, saying things like you look so cute in that outfit, etc.
"You look stunning, (your name)” " Thank you Ara-nee! You look prettier than I tonight, true to be told." "You are so adorable," she said while hugging you.
Both of you have matching things together, like phone cases, and clothes but Arashi's favorite is a pretty necklace that she gifts you on your first anniversary! 
How rumors start
The truth to be told, I don't think that both of you had dating rumors, this is because her fans know she is an extrovert and treat all her friends the best (but I think her fans ship you with her). Arashi did her best not to be that obvious (this is because she doesn't want you to have a rough time handling those scandals).
This only makes you wanna know how far both can get given hints that you are in a relationship.
You would openly say that you and she had matching things, even show them in Live. 
You start the suspicious looks on your fans when both of your vacation together, going on dates of more than usual. 
One day a fan saw both of you hugging so tight (In reality, you were kissing but they didn't notice) Arashi notice the stare of the fan and soon she start to approach them asking if they want an autograph ( the fan obviously said yes) and when was your turn to do the same, she told the fan that both of you are spending time together and you were happy about it. The fan said that they hoped that you had a nice vacation together and they left. 
Later the fan posted on Twitter a photo of your autograph saying "they are so sweet!" (you were glad that they didn't notice the kiss and they didn't mention the "hug" ) this we're trending on Twitter.
How the fans know about your relationship.
It was until you decided to say it officially that the fans found out, and for this, they decided to do a Live together.
"We've been wanting to say this for a long time, we're dating," you said, after that, your sight relieved  "It feels good not to hide anything, but above all, not to hide what I feel for you," Arashi said, putting her head on your shoulder, trying to comfort you.
The comments in the Live were “FINALLY” and “Let's all pretend that we don't know it” and “THEY ARE CANON” after saying it, both continue talking about other topics, the different part is that you know you can hug in front of the cameras.
After the Live, Arashi and you talked in your room about what happened. 
"Love, you look a little sad, why?” she approached you "We finally said that we are in love, you don't have a reason to be sad now" she made it clear by holding to you so tightly that she wasn't letting go any time soon. 
"I'm sorry for hiding us” you murmur hiding your face in her shoulder.
She moves your face with her hand, you could feel a kiss on your lips as she moved back. you didn't say anything more, Arashi looked at you.
"Don't worry about that, Honey, I was a little scared too, we take our time." She said caressing your cheek.
"Besides, I'm willing to wait for you an eternity, my love."  she added giving you her beautiful smile.
You love her so much, being by her side is all you need.
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midknightwritings · 1 year
im having the biggest brainrot over this idea so yay req time
au where knights (seperatly) are royalty and their s/o is their own personal knight,,, and Shenanigans happen with each of them,, God i hope this makes sense im not very good with words 😭
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Royal!Knights & their Knight!S/O
Synopsis : Being the personal knight tasked with protecting and directly serving your kingdom’s ruler often leads to eventful, and memorable, moments. Especially when said ruler is also your lover.
Era : N / A
Warning/s : "Beauty" is used once as a gender-neutral descriptor
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Tsukasa / Leo / Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu
A/N : Anon… YOUR BRAIN IS SO MASSIVE FOR THIS !! Omg now I’m brainrotting over this idea too cuz I’m such a sucker for royal AUs 😭 But for the sake of the fluff, just imagine that their kingdom is open to the idea of royals being in a relationship with anybody, regardless of their status LMAO
Tsukasa Suou :
Tsukasa deeply respects your opinion because he knows that you want the best for him and his people. During meetings, he would often seek out your advice. From military tactics to what colour the banners should be for the upcoming festival, Tsukasa trusts you with all his heart and will accept your guidance with open arms. If he's busy with important matters, other castle personnel would seek you out instead as they know that your insight will be the closest to what their king would desire.
He always invites you to tea time !! Tsukasa says it's a reward for working so diligently but you know the truth~ This is the only time he can drop his royal facade and be himself. He wants to share these intimate moments with the one he loves the most !! Mmm~ The taste of this brioche is marvelous !! Here, take a bite. You'll love it~
Tsukasa deeply admires your skills as a knight and secretly desires to train alongside you. One day, you noticed this and decided to personally train your lover in sword-fighting. Now, sword training became a part of his weekly schedule and, even though it gets tiring at times, Tsukasa still holds these moments with you close to his heart~ After all, he's doing something he's passionate about with you !! What more could he ask for?
In the late hours of the night, when the castle is quiet and everyone's asleep, Tsukasa would sometimes sneak out of his bedroom and into the kitchen to try and teach himself how to bake. He does this because he wants to give you a [ F/F ] cake one day !! It's quite difficult to be quiet AND to teach himself at the same time but he's trying his best !!
During royal balls, he's such a gentleman when it comes to entertaining the guests, but if you catch him at the right moments, you'll be able to see how his eyes often glance towards you. How his gaze lingers on you for a while as a soft smile grace his lips. Once the ball is over, he'll gently take your hand and guide you to the castle gardens, where he would ask if he could have this dance. Eyes full of love and his smile never faltering, he'll take your hand in his and hum a familiar tune as you both dance under the moonlight.
Leo Tsukinaga :
You’re the only one in the entire kingdom who can somehow find your king every time he gets lost when he’s out composing. Initially, your fellow knights were panicking as they ran around the entire castle trying to track down the king. After all, he couldn’t possibly have gone far !! R-right…? Well… As the royal guards were checking every nook and cranny to ever exist, your instincts casually guided you to where your lover was. Without hesitation, you found Leo instantly. To this day, nobody can truly comprehend just how impressive your Leo-radar is, and it amazes them every time.
Leo straight up wouldn’t let you call him “your highness”, “your majesty”, “my lord” or any honorific similar to those. This is because he loves the way his actual name rolls off your tongue as he finds his royal titles to be too suffocating. Hearing “Leo” come from you, his lover, makes him feel like Leo, a person, rather than Leo, the king. He would get pouty if you use honorifics in royal meetings or gatherings but understands why you used them [ no matter how much he dislikes them ] but, if you use those same honorifics when you're both alone, he would either pretend that he can’t hear you or say things like, “Aaahhh~!! Who are you talking to? I don’t know who this ‘your highness’ person is~”
The amount of songs Leo composed that's inspired by you is astounding !! You don’t realize just how much inspiration Leo gains from you as his muse. Your eyes could tentatively scan through the crowd for any dangers and Leo already came up with a whole symphony !! You glanced at him from across the room and gave him a soft smile during a meeting? Well… Now the meeting turned into several advisors holding their king back from composing on the royal map !! No matter what you do, whether it’s a conscious or unconscious choice, a melody immediately fills Leo’s mind and he can’t help but write !! He hopes to one day create a symphony that, in his eyes, can truly capture your beauty entirely.
During royal balls, Leo would flat out refuse to dance with anybody except you. It doesn’t matter if they’re the heir to the richest kingdom in the country or if they’re the most sought out ruler for marriage; Without hesitation, he'd immediately turn them down. For Leo, waltzing is something intimate as he views it as a way where partners become one as they synchronize with one another through music. He doesn’t want to share something as sacred as this with anyone else except you.
Even when you're not on duty, Leo would still find a way to be with you. Oh? You're going to town? What a coincidence !! Leo needed to check the progress on the upcoming festival, why not accompany him there? You're relaxing in your room? Knock, knock~ The king is free for tea time and is wondering if you could please grace him with your presence~ Whether you're on duty or not, being by each other's side gives you both a sense of comfort that no one else can give.
Izumi Sena :
Izumi deeply cares about you but shows it through more subtle means. Actions speak louder than words, after all !! He tries to keep up his image of royalty but, if you squint hard enough, you can easily see that facade crumbling if he notices something off from you any way, shape or form. So here, take a seat !! You've been standing all day long, right? Huh?! What do you mean "You're ok”?! Are you disobeying the direct orders from your king? Mhmm~ That’s what he thought~
If you’re not on duty, Izumi's seemingly more grumpier than usual. This sometimes causes the entire castle to practically walk on eggshells because they don’t want to inconvenience their king even more than he apparently is. Though, his mood would instantly shift the moment his eyes land on you. He’ll definitely request for the two of you to walk around the castle gardens just to compensate for the lost time you were not with him~
Izumi hates seeing you fall into unhealthy habits even if you can’t help it sometimes. As the knight that directly serves him, it’s your duty to protect your lover but, even then, he still wouldn't have any of it !! He’ll make you swear to go to bed after escorting him to his bedroom, never skip meals even if you have training right after and take adequate amounts of breaks. This is to help you stay competent in emergency situations and it’s totally not because he’s worried for your personal well-being or anything like that !!
Izumi will personally style your uniform when it comes to important gatherings such as balls, festivals, meetings, etc. He would often add small trinkets from his own accessory collection as a subtle way to connect the two of you together. Izumi would never say anything, but when your gaze alternates between the shining brooch on his tie and the similar one he’s putting on you right now, you can't help but softly smile. If you're quick enough, you might even catch just how much his eyes shine with love and admiration for you, and you alone.
Although Izumi puts up the “strong king” facade for his people, during the rare, quiet moments between the two of you, filled with comfort and relief, he’ll shed away that persona and become a man who’s completely head-over-heels for the amazing knight that’s been by his side this entire time. Embracing you protectively in his arms, he’ll hum a soft tune that lulls you to sleep as the rhythmic beating of his heart accompanies the sweet lullaby that’ll only be heard by you.
Arashi Narukami :
Arashi definitely has an entire section of the castle gardens dedicated to flowers that reminded her of you. Ranging from roses, to honeysuckles, to sunflowers, peonies, hydrangeas and more. This section of her garden is honestly the most stunning and guests are often left in 'awe' by its sheer beauty every time they visit the castle. Arashi personally maintains the flowers herself as a way to further dedicate herself to you.
She dresses up in pretty gowns and outfits in order to impress you. She would sometimes sneak in subtle questions or comments to figure out what your favourite colours, aesthetic, and overall style is before she would ask the royal tailor to incorporate those elements in her next outfit. Her heart never fails to skip a beat when you look at her with wide eyes and lips slightly agape when you see her wear the outfit for the first time. Don’t worry though~ She’s always one-step ahead as she requested the tailor to create a matching outfit for you. So now you’re both matching !!
She openly dotes on you and doesn’t care if others are watching. You’re actually the one that tries to stay professional but that plan immediately fails the moment your beloved queen cups your cheeks in her hands and plants a ton of kisses on your face. It doesn’t matter if you just finished training or if you were tasked with guarding the dining room door, Arashi wants to show the world how much she loves you~
During the more stressful days, you would help sneak Arashi out of the castle and take her to a secluded area of the town that’s filled with stray cats. You would feed them, play with them and take care of them together as a way to help her unwind and de-stress. Arashi even named every single cat and they love her so much that they would often sneak into the castle grounds just to visit Arashi for some caresses !! From then on, during tea time, there would be a ton of cats surrounding both you and Arashi as the two of you would caress them while enjoying each other's presence.
If Arashi ever needs a partner or an escort, she will always choose you without any hesitation !! It doesn’t matter that you’re literally her personal knight [ which puts you on automatic escort duty ], she’ll still say your name first without any second thoughts. A free pass to hold your hand and have you protectively stay by her side outside her kingdom? Sign her up !!
Ritsu Sakuma :
Being Ritsu’s personal knight automatically makes you his pillow !! He gets lulled to sleep so easily when he’s touching you, whether he's laying on your lap, feeling you gently stroke his hair, hugging you, or just feeling your uniform in between his fingers. They all give him a sense of comfort that relieves him from the stresses of being a royal. Oftentimes, if you’re not by his side, Ritsu would reach out to try to find you and, when he finally does, he’ll pull you close and snuggle into you. Good luck trying to escape his grasp~
His most common mode of transportation during the day is you carrying him bridal style. The kingdom is nocturnal in order to accommodate for the royal family but, there are times where he needs to stay awake during the day for meetings or other important gatherings. During days like these, castle personnel can catch you carrying him in your arms. Ritsu would be snuggled close to your chest as you try to wake him up with a soft smile and gentle voice.
Ritsu loves to tease you as he enjoys seeing your reactions !! Most of his teasing would happen when you’re being serious or stoic because he wants to see how much you can handle before your persona breaks and you become a blushing, stuttering mess. To others, it’s quite the sight seeing their majesty get [ playfully ] scolded by his personal knight, but Ritsu would always laugh it off and tease you even further. This results in you losing your cool completely as you try to hide your blushing face with your hands. He’ll give you a ton of kisses to make up for it though, so don’t worry~
He’s very perceptive when it comes to your emotions and would often bring you to a quiet area of the castle [ under "your majesty's orders” ] if he ever notices you getting overwhelmed or stressed. No matter how many times you insist that you’re fine and nothing’s wrong, Ritsu knows better and will ignore your comments as he gently pushes your head onto his lap. Now this time, you’re the one who’s now laying on his lap as he gently strokes your hair. Ritsu will even sing you a soft lullaby, helping you relax as you eventually fall asleep; The comforting melody from his voice filling your ears.
You’re both protective over each other but Ritsu can be quite clingy~ He tends to stick to your side rather than the other way around. Usually, you’re ordered to provide the royal family with enough space, where you’re far enough for them to interact with others comfortably, but close enough to protect him from any sort of danger. Though, if you're too far from him, he’ll just pull you back close and ask why you’re trying to “escape” [ he knows you’re not, he’s just teasing you~ ] So now, Ritsu's draped over your shoulders as you support his weight, trying to explain for the 100th time that you're "just outside the door" and that you'll "be back once lunch is over."
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