#envy is a friends oc
mad2001-4 · 1 year
DC Sin OCs & their ruler counterpart
Many of the rulers are based heavily on the Obey Me versions (which also played heavily into the lore my friend and I are creating).
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Satan & Lucias- Wraths
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Asmodeus & Darcey- Lusts
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Leviathan & Raven- Envys
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Beelzebub & Nyx- Gluttonys
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Belphegor & Salem- Sloths
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Mammon & Lux- Greeds
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Lucifer & Athena- Prides
One version that's kinda a combination of DC Lucifer and Obey Me Lucifer
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Lucifer & Athena- Prides
Second version that follows more closely to the Obey Me Lucifer
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one-bunny-a-day · 1 year
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sammich c:
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mybrainissquishy · 4 months
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Doodles I did on a discord call :3
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trippin-chippin · 5 months
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Me and my friends playing gartic-phone, but it turns into “Who can draw and write the awfullest bourbon prompts”💀💀🤌
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nyacat39 · 11 months
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Some group dynamics that are canon to Across the Worlds. Of course there’s obviously gonna be more these are just the most obvious ones to me that I can put a name to lol.
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whittledraws · 1 year
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Some doodles for my besties on Twitter! <3 (1/2!)
I don’t know everyone’s handles on tumblr sorry! >_<
@cheesecakewitch @hagofbolding @toonyballoony @herokibs @arinbrayart
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me n the besties
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(bongle (left) by @tammerz gummii (right) by @gutsnroses and envy (center) by ME)
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roachemoji · 5 months
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daincrediblegg · 9 months
lady terror question for you: 😊
do lady terror and francis ever argue with each other and how would they apologise/make up?
also how would you describe her relationship/interactions with the other characters, friendships etc.
OK OK ok... First? oh yeah. Without revealing too much, they have argued like HELL with each other throughout. And of course, as you can imagine, the worst of their arguments (with some of the most bleak and cutting words- from the both of them) occur during year 2 in the ice off king william land which... yeah. And I tell ya. Some anxieties and fears (and even love- weirdly and fucked up as the expression of it might be) are revealed through them (in fact- the "I have everything to fear of you" bit that I love hauling out all the time is the butt-end to one such argument. and it's so hot god damnit). As for making up? well... you'll see 😉(just know that it's sweet and tearful and cuddly). AS FOR OTHER RELATIONSHIPS??? OHHHHHH THANK YOU I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TALK ABOUT THOSE FOR A WHILE!!!! Bc I love her relationship with Francis but I've written just as much dialogue with her and other characters as well.
Thomas Blanky is easily the person that she vibes with the most on either ship- bc he comes from a very similar sailing background that she does (more merchant ship/whaling stuff than naval expeditions) and she’s much more appreciative of his kind of sense of humor and general outlook on things. It sets her at ease somehow, and also reminds her of her father. Not to mention that he also treats her not just with respect but with the kind of camaraderie that she experienced on her father’s ship- like not a lot of people on these ships would just… hang out with her? And exchange filthy jokes and limericks while they work. And have a genuinely friendly rapport that isn’t marred with all the victorian social trappings- which is what she wants at the end of the day. If anyone is her true bestie on this expedition, it’s gotta be Mr. Blanky 🥰
The second most important relationship is with Jopson. He was a bit wary of her at first, but the more times she spends on Terror, and the more she sees both her and the captain warming up to each other? Not to mention her concern for his well-being (which is something that no one ever really shows him)??? He kindof ends up seeing her as the elder sister that he’d never had.
James Fitzjames is, of course, her natural frenemy. Kindof like a Darcy figure honestly (watch this space). But I think they have some of the most interesting conversations I've written honestly. I think she catches on fairly early that a lot of James is a front- and James is unsettled by that because the thing that masculinity has afforded him is adiquate cover, but to be confronted by the feminine and be seen? Scares the shit out of him, but he still respects and cares for her.
Goodsir is her little Inuktitut study buddy and confidante on Erebus. Their cabins are even right next to each other. They're both kind of in the same position (just in different disciplines, ofc) , and they do try to look after each other as best they can. This man will bring her a cherry stone heating pad when she's having cramps, the absolute king that he is, and also pass on information to her that others wouldn't deem suitable for her ears. She even helps him out in the surgery every now and again when Dr. Stanley can't be fucked! They're rational critical thought buddies.
AND SPEAKING OF BUDDIES!!! SILNA!!!! god there's a lot going on there and I don't want to reveal too much but they are nb gal pals and there's nothing none of these stuffy old british bitches can do about it and that's all I have to say on the matter. 1000% a part of the 'respect indiginous folks' defense squad.
there is so much more. but these are sort of the major ones for me that I've fleshed out so far. (honorable mention to Bridgens, who is her book club buddy and who she loves having conversations with about this stuff. she endears herself to old farts like that what can I say?) More to come ofc when I finish this damn enterprise but THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!!!
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sanchoyoscribbles · 24 days
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daily may day 18: grudge
tunillo sees persimmon even a little bit happy and takes it very personally 😡
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mad2001-4 · 1 year
Another Classifications AU, Cain's quite the jerk in this one and Raven is the only adult in the room
Lux was miserable, throughly embarrassed. It wasn't really the pacifier he'd had popped into his mouth, it actually would've soothed him, were it not for Cain's persistent patronizing comments towards the blonde boy. The uncles had been content to disregard the children's classifications at first, explaining that the first few were more protocol than anything and couldn't be anything to truly go off of. This was the first year they truly counted it towards and anything, and of course, Lux just had to have the luck of being deemed a little for the fourth test in a row. He wasn't quite sure what it meant, but if it was this then he wanted to avoid ever getting such a classification again. Cain's taunting was almost making it feel like it was something he should be ashamed of.
He narrowed his eyes at Cain who had insisted he 'sit down and play while uncle got some peace with his reading'. Now, Lux's imagination was never-ending, even now that he looked closer to his teenage years, so the instructions weren't the issue. It was what Cain had provided for him to play with. Baby's toys. Building blocks and a stacking ring, a baby doll with a few accessories, all things he was confident he hadn't seen since he'd turned 200 years or so.
"I don't hear much playing," Cain hummed, glancing over his book at Lux, a sickly sweet smile pulled at his mouth, "is someone fussy?"
Lux's face flushed deeply looking away in utter frustration and embarrassment, what didn't help was somewhere it also provoked a nice, warm feeling, "No! I just don't want to play with these..!" he motioned towards the babyish items.
Cain snorted then barked out a laugh, grinning sarcastically, "Oh why not? Those are for babies, and your classification says your a baby..." he shrugged loosely, "can't say I'm surprised. Those little temper tantrums you throw? Your little fantasy of being a little prince still? All of it screams little child... I had hoped you would outgrow it like the other children... but no. Seems someone just wants his uncles to baby him the rest of his life... and isn't it just precious?" Cain cooed the last part mockingly.
Lux felt tears unwillingly pricking his eyes, "It got it wrong!! I'll be something different next time!" he raged.
"Ohh unlikely, little one," he cooed, "littles are very difficult to change from even after so many years... not that I'd expect someone like you to understand such a grown up matter..." he chuckled mockingly.
Lux felt his face growing hotter and hotter, lip starting to quiver from behind the pacifier at the tone, and the conflicting feelings he felt towards it, "I do understand!! I'm n-notta baby..!" he hiccupped, shoving the tower that the rings were stacked on in his frustration.
Cain tutted, his eyes sparkling with cruel humor, "Those little tears show otherwise. And I do sense a cranky tantrum coming on. Come along, let's get it over with. Afterwards, I'll decide if a timeout or spanking will be more appropriate depending on how bad your little fit gets..." Lux hiccupped again before breaking into a little cry, losing his pacifier in the process which only made him cry harder.
"Ohhh dear, quite the fit already. Look at that, the baby lost his mute button too," Cain sneered delightedly. Caught up in his 'fun', he failed to hear Raven coming in to find a book for himself. Catching the tail-end of everything, Raven rolled his eyes.
"Really? You have nothing better to do than to pick on little kids? You're sure you aren't a little too, Uncle Cain?" he retorted, voice dull though raised as to be heard over Lux's wailing.
Cain's head immediately whipped around narrowing his eyes gently, "I don't believe I asked you, dear. Besides, a bit of teasing never hurt anyone. It may help toughen him up," he defended.
Raven rolled his eyes, "You told us it isn't something we can help."
Cain hummed softly, "Yes, yes. I did. And it isn't. You, my boy, just don't know how to have a little fun. He's going to have to be babied anyways."
While Lux had stopped his full crying at hearing Raven standing up for him some, his lip trembled anew at Cain's persistence, "D-don't wanna be babied..." he hiccupped, though his voice notably was a bit higher, indicating a slip.
Raven ruffled the blonde's hair gently as he passed by to go to a shelf, "You're fine, Lux. Uncle Cain's just being a jerk," he assured, "stand up for me, bud," he instructed getting a book from the shelf and turning to Lux.
Lux sniffled slightly, shuffling to his feet, Cain narrowed his eyes further, "Ah ah ah. Little ones need supervision."
"And I'll babysit," Raven shrugged, "cmon. Let it be known though. You touch my stuff, you're dead," he warned, retrieving the pacifier from the floor, handing it to Lux. The blonde took it with a little sniffle, slipping it back into his mouth. With a little motion, Lux followed after Raven. Cain smirked a bit once alone in the room, snorting.
"Little brats... damn if I'm not proud of one of them," he mumbled focusing back on the book, "though I do hope he foesnt get too accustomed to playing hero because lord knows Lux isn't changing, and neither am I."
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smallmothwindchimes · 2 months
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Fun fact: I'm designing the Seven Deadly Sins as characters! They each have a standard human form they take. This is just the first three, and I maybe have a secret eighth sin. Also, I'll be doing the heavenly virtues as well. My favorite one of these is Greed, but I wish it was Lust.
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trippin-chippin · 2 months
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Me and @mr-m00nys worked together to draw bourbon today ^^
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nyacat39 · 2 months
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Couple Across the Worlds comics I did for the week… first one was a break one and kinda a practice for the fact that as the series goes on Sam’s brown hair will show more through her dye with the passage of time…. Also me and my irl bestie who’s been helping me bounce ideas around kinda jokingly ship Sam with Douma, still up in the air if they will end up together though.
Second one is mainly a joke that’s been sitting in my head for a few days.
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fenharael · 5 months
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Thank god for friends in the midst of it all
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melodythebunny · 2 years
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the Testubular Five
before Calvin was fired and Athena really went off the deep end. Steven, Tubing, Doohickey, Athena, and Calvin were once known in the science research labs as the Testubular Five (it was the 80s or 90s so that nickname makes sense in this context.) Doohickey and Tubing are the last of the original top scientists and they look at this photo in missing the loss of their friends and colleagues (even Calvin because he wasn't a complete jerk to them, somewhat little civility. Guy has some standards and won't bully those with a disability.) - @ninjastormhawkkat
As part of their work, they had lab animals which they would conduct relativity harmless tests and experiments.
Calvin's lab animal...if he did have one...its probably dead bc he was experimenting on it past what was okay. Thus leading to his exposure and disbandment
Calvin - @ninjastormhawkkat
Athena - @drtwobrainsstuff
Original colored ver and black in white ver
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