#eren jaeger is a simp
seredelgi · 2 months
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Damn do I like this shot of him.
I don’t know what it is exactly but he is so handsome.
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weluvsosa · 2 years
imagine dating popular! eren and everyone thinks that your relationship is toxic and that he’s cheating because of how many girls want him but in reality, he’s a huge simp for you. eren will randomly slip little lover letters that he’s written or poems that remind him of you in your locker when you least expect it, he’s constantly texting you throughout the day to see how your classes are going and if you’re doing okay (and if you say no he’s quick to swoop you out of class and go take you to get your favorite food and vent to him)
when everyone else think that he’s going to some raging party tonight he’ll actually be at his house cuddled up with you on the couch as you both eat a bunch of snacks and scary movies movies together. when you finally go to sleep he’ll carry you up to his bed and gently lay you down before wrapping your hair up for you and cleaning off your face with the wipes he knows you use (that he stocked up on at his house for nights you stayed over) before laying down next to you and bringing you closer as he held you in his arms.
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ficsforeren · 2 years
Hi kana do you think Rockstar eren likes to get his wife flustered and shy. Like cornering her out of no where and whispering in her ear. soejdlkebwohdeks nah kana you don't understand rockstar eren has me in a chokehold. I love him and ofcourse youuuuu😘😘😘
oh my god every. fucking. time. he's both so sexy and SO annoying like that LMAO like his wife can be standing in the kitchen, making coffee, and he'll sneak up behind her and suddenly hold her waist from behind, press his hips against hers and whisper so dangerously in her ear "you look so sexy in this nightgown, can daddy get a kiss?" and you know that it's never just gonna be a kiss, especially when the kids aren't home so good luck alisjdfaklsdfl
or sometimes she can just be like opening the fridge and eren suddenly comes up behind her, flips her over, pushes her against the refrigerator's door, gives her the wettest, dirtiest, roughest kiss in the history of mankind, and when she's all dazed and breathless, he'll just wipe his thumb across his lip, smirk at her, probably say something annoying like "your new lip gloss tastes nice" and then just... walk away
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sailor-galileo · 6 months
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I am on my hands and knees ur honor I'm begging ONE CHANCE ONE FUCKING CHANCE I'LL TREAT HIM RIGHT
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jaeger-pups · 1 year
❣️ 🖌️ 🍳 for Zeke and 🎮📱💤 for Eren
❣️ - What are their love languages?
Zeke can be pretty hard to read if you’re not familiar with his tells when he’s concerned, annoyed, impressed, etc. So I feel like you’d have to know him well or be close to him to know how he expresses love/affection. He’s the type who’s affectionate gestures are more meaningful in how subtle they are/how casually he acts on them. Like it’s the little things Zeke does in a relationship that communicates how much he cares. He’s the type to bring in the towel his partner forgets when they get in the shower w/o them having to ask or even realizing. He’s the type who’ll go out and get pain meds and something to hydrate with when his partner doesn’t feel well. He’s got a great memory and won’t forget you mentioning something you find interesting or something you desire; your preferences, fears, etc. He commits stuff like that to memory even long after his partner’s forgotten about it — which makes it all the more special the way he delivers on surprises or special occasions? He can be financially affectionate too tho — which I’ve made a headcanon abt w/ zekeren context on how he’d spend money generously on Eren, but yeah. Most ppl easily write Zeke off as romantically defective or aromantic but i don’t think he is. I feel like he could be just as solemn but charming when he’s w/ someone he has strong romantic feelings for. He can appreciate a partner who’s just as thoughtful about his personality; someone who can read him w/o him having to always express everything straight out?
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
We know Zeke’s interested in baseball, but otherwise I wanna say he might like podcasts? Listening to audiobooks by authors he likes? I have these headcanons abt him being able to play piano and speak multiple languages he studied until he was fluent in them (for one reason or another). Linguistics he might find stimulating, in that case. He’s the brainy, thinker-type as far as entertainment goes. I feel like Zeke might have hobbies and interests v few if any know abt. You’d have to know him; like the Marley Warriors or something. Ooh, headcanon rq tho: maybe he’s into pyrography? Seems like something meticulous that’d be up his alley to me.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
This is a good one bc I go back and forth w/ how well (or not) both Zeke or Eren could be at this. For some reason I always wanna look at it like if one jaeger brother is bad at it, the other might be better (only bc I refuse to consider the possibility that both could be terrible at it lol). If Zeke can’t cook, Eren has to be better. I think Zeke might be able to throw down in the kitchen w/ the right ingredients tho. Not anything like, Chef Gordon Ramsay-presenting, but. He’s not burning anything. Not over or under-seasoning anything. Nothings undercooked, etc.
🎮 - What’s their favorite game?
Eren strikes me as the type to be a desktop/switch gamer. Fortnite? Animal Crossing? Fate/Grand Order? The Persona Series? Shadow of the Colossus? Horror games like Dead Space?
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
He probably closes and reopens the same rotating apps for xyz. I’m gonna say Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Discord, maybe Snapchat, FaceTime (if that counts).
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
This is cute to think about. I think he might have difficulty sleeping w/o his partner there in bed next to him when he’s in a relationship. Maybe it’s got more to do with anxiety? He just doesn’t prefer to sleep alone. Wakes up feeling better rested and less groggy knowing his partner was there next to him through the night.
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marleysfinest · 1 year
another!!!!!! I said another!!!!!
this is basically a "sorry" for both leaving it so long between parts and also the last one being so woefully short ajsjfkdsjfskf
With this, we could bring back someone from the very brink of death and have them inherit a Titan, simultaneously breathing new life into them and condemning them to carry a desolate burden. Would that necessarily mean shifting the tide in our favour? None of us knew for sure. I tried not to think about the possibility of this serum being used on anyone in order to eat Reiner. That being a possibility alone was enough to stomach, and I couldn’t dwell on it any further. 
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 2 months
i need to touch grass + i need this term to end + i love eren
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enkas-illusion · 6 months
(Not) Just Another Crush - Part 1/2
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Fandom / Pairing: Attack On Titan / Eren x f!reader
Content Warning: Fluff, fluff, A LOT of fluff, slow burn, kissing, language, slight make out, emotional edging of sorts (it will make sense)
Chapter Summary: Instead of pining over the mystery man at your gym from a distance, you decide to take matters into your own hands and talk to the guy. And you find out that Eren Jaeger, as it turns out, is akin to a man written by a woman.
Author's notes:  Hello, here’s a meet-cute type of thing for gym bro Eren cause ~I need a big boy, gimme a big boy, gimme a big big boy~; this is a 2-part story so the chapters are super lengthy. Hope you enjoy it – feel free to like, reblog or comment! Thank you for reading! 
-Eren’s Birdie
Song Dedication: Crush by Cigarettes After Sex
Part 1 | Part 2
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To the unassuming eyes, it may look like just two people interacting – but to the ones who knew, you and the gym trainer, it was fate intervening to give you this opportunity!
“Bruh, if you don't go talk to him now…” you hear Porco, the trainer's voice as he nudges you in your crush's direction.
As you walk up to your crush you think about how stupid this idea seems. The plan was to ask him to alternate sets with you on seated rows since the gym was way too crowded. 
Honestly, the move was a bit too obvious in your opinion. But you'd set your mind to it – Today is the day you finally talk to your crush!
It had been quite some time since you'd been secretly simping over this guy so what's the harm? All the other equipment being occupied was the perfect excuse, if you had to look for one, to finally talk to him.
Since you’re usually reserved, you don’t talk to anyone at the gym. You've always been this way – doing your own thing while blasting music in your earphones and going home without ever lifting your head up.
But ever since you saw him about a month ago, your eyes had been wandering around to find him the minute you'd enter the gym, stealing glimpses whenever you could without being creepy about it. 
You decided it was just some stupid crush only because the man was ridiculously hot so it'll fade away eventually. But man, were you wrong.
When he didn't show up to the gym the whole week last week, you rushed to Porco, who's always hanging around to enquire – any semblance of subtlety thrown out the window. 
It wasn't like you were planning to make a move (god knows the only reason you didn't talk much at the gym was to avoid the occasional creeps that would try talking you up).... but the fact that it felt like a missed chance with the mystery guy left an itch and a curiosity to know more.
“...you know the one who's always wearing anime t-shirts? Long, black haired pretty dude?” You'd asked, hoping Porco would recognize your crush from your half-assed description.
When Porco was seemingly confused, you'd pestered further, “The one who always has his hair tied in a messy bun but still looks gorgeous? Nothing? Ummm- The emo dude with the perfect proportions!”
“OH! Are you talking about Eren? I can’t quite remember his last name but pretty sure you’re talking about Eren. Yeah… he's a regular– has been here for a year now.”
“How come I only saw him a month ago?”
“I think he recently switched timings to fit his work schedule or something. Maybe he shifted back to the mornings.”
Your heart sinks at the information… there goes your imaginary chance with Eren.
You memorise his name anyway… hoping that maybe the gods would be generous enough to give you a chance to talk to him.
And they do. He shows up over the weekend and you secretly cheer that he's back during your schedule. However, another month passes by as you keep on trying to find the ‘perfect’ opportunity to talk to him. 
Which brings you to the present moment, as you walk towards him and wait at a distance while he finishes his reps. He slows down his movements nonetheless when your eyes meet, and before you can stop yourself, you wave at him before abruptly putting your hand down. 
Eren stops his movements and pulls his headphones back, his serious face breaking into a soft smile, “Hii…?”
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but would you mind alternating sets with me? I’ve been waiting for about 15 minutes…” you point at the other equipments flocked by people, “Totally cool if you can’t tho-”
“Okay,” he smiles as he does five more reps before getting up and wiping the sweat off the seat.
“Thank you,” you say as you go to adjust the weights. Your jaw almost drops when you see it's set to 80kgs. You almost want to laugh as you set it back to 15kgs.
‘Dude’s a beast, don’t compare! Upper body never was your best muscle group,’ you think to yourself. You resume your music quickly and begin your set. When you’re done, you get up to wipe the seat as well as the handlebars of the machine with your towel.
You hear a snort from behind and when you turn to look at Eren and see him give you a smile that has you weak in your knees.
“What?” you ask confused.
“Wiping the handles as well? Cute,” he answers. He can’t help but find this action considerate – Most people don’t even bother wiping the patch formed by their sweaty ass cheeks.
Even if his compliment makes you blush, you try hard to not let it show. You simply move away to signal him to the seat. He bends down to readjust the weights.
“No way you’re gonna go above 80!?” you gasp as you see him push it to 100kgs.
“The last one is always till failure,” he states matter-of-factly.
“Oh... that’s crazy, I could never. I’ve got noodle arms,” you joke.
“Didn’t you get your first full pull up a few days ago?” he asks. 
PAUSE. He’s noticed you before???
As if instantly reading your mind, he adds, “I saw you cheering and clapping your hands with Porco when you did it.”
“Oh that… sorry, I try not to bother anyone much usually,” you feel the heat rise to your cheeks out of embarrassment.
“I know, don’t be sorry, it’s a good thing to celebrate your PR… besides, Reiner has been teasing me about not making any progress lately so I need to step up my game for sure,” he laughs to himself as he gets into position.
“That’s the huge blonde who I usually come with,” he explains. You simply nod and don’t speak further, letting him begin his set. He starts well but by the end you can tell that Eren is struggling a bit as soft cusses leave his lips, face scrunching and chest heaving as he steadies his breathing.
“Come on… 2 more.” you cheer, causing him to grunt as he finishes his set. Your eyebrows raise in surprise when you see him wipe the handles along with the seat, imitating your habit.
“Thank you.” you blush as you bend down to readjust the weights to 25kgs, “So, you’re done?”
“Yeah…” he speaks, taking small sips of water from his bottle, “I’ll see you around?” 
You nod and he smiles at you as he turns to leave, but quickly turns back again, “Shit! Sorry… What's your name?”
The blush grows even further at his question as you tell him your name and ask, “What about you?”
“I’m Eren… Eren Jaeger.”
Jaeger. Eren Jaeger.
You memorise his full name and you both say your goodbyes as you get back to your workout. Eren left way before you did, leaving no room for further conversations to occur. 
This interaction hadn’t gone unnoticed by Porco, who rushed to your side when you were stretching, “Soooo, am I your cupid yet?”
“Don’t get your hopes up… we’ll have small talks whenever we see each other at best. Nothing’s going to happen!” you lie with a straight face, but deep down you were dying to check him out on Instagram once you were in the comfort of your home.
Your crush was oh so kind to spare you the stalking when you see your phone light up with a notification later at night.
Eren_j started following you.
You almost jump up out of your bed but steady yourself to call your best friend, Annie, before you even get to checking his account.
“Guess who just followed me on ig?” you giggle when she picks up the call.
“Guess. Who. Followed. Me!” you repeat.
“Darling… I need context,” she replies dryly.
“Eren… Eren followed me… the gym crush!” you squeal, killing the suspense since you knew it was too late at night for her to indulge in your guessing game.
“Waitttttt… the supposedly hot emo guy who wears anime t-shirts?” you can hear her surprising tone, “you go girl– thought you were too much of a puss-”
“Annie!” you cut her off, “What do I do? Should I text him first or just follow back?”
“NO! Always let the guy text first,” she proclaims.
“Ugh… but okay, I hear you… wouldn’t want to seem like a simp after keeping my cool for so long,” you answer back as you put her on speaker to follow him back. You see the Requested icon turn to Following within seconds.
“ANN! He accepted already,” you almost yell.
“Welp, that was fast,” she chuckles.
“Sooo,” you begin in a sweet sing-song voice, “I’m gonna go stalk his profil-”
“Yeah, alright… have a good night babe.” you hear a dramatic mwah from her. You chuckle as you bid her good night before hanging up.
As you skim through his profile, you can’t help but feel giddy at the fact that this guy actually seems to have a personality, unlike some gym bros who make ‘muscle’ their entire personality.
When you’re going through his story highlights, you see his username pop up at the top of your screen, making your heart race faster. He had replied to your story. You rush to check on your profile what you’d posted, feeling your brain malfunction as you fear it being something embarrassing and goofy.
Phew. It was just a post-workout selfie showing off your wet, sweaty t-shirt.
You open his text.
Guess u got a good workout in after I left afterall.
Feeling a bit bold, you text back.
I did… would’ve been a lot more fun with you tho.
And you almost want to throw your phone away in anticipation as you see the typing icon.
Be careful what you wish for. I’ve been told im a strict/difficult gym partner.
I like me a challenge :)
Is that so? Guess i gotta make it particularly hard for u :)))
I’m a tough girl Eren… i think i can take it.
You swing your feet as you roll around on the bed. If you ever showed this to Annie, she’d probably call it ‘fucking cringe but cute nonetheless’. 
As the double entendre texts died down, seamless conversations kept you hooked. He was putting in equal amounts of effort to keep the conversation alive. You don’t exactly remember how you fell asleep but you remember talking to him for about two hours or so. 
And that’s how you became gym buddies. As another month had passed by, you got to know him as a friend. You want to cuss yourself since your crush has only increased tenfold ever since you’ve gotten to know him personally. 
You realise just how deceiving his looks are – on the outside, he’s this big, intimidating dude but on the inside he’s got the golden retriever energy. Eren is the perfect mix of what you’d call a serious yet laid back/chill guy.
He’s thoughtful, remembers tiny details about you, sends you songs whenever he finds one he thinks you’d like and memes that remind him of you and is a self proclaimed hopeless romantic. You could go on and on about Eren and it would still not be enough – needless to say, you were absolutely gone for him, the kind that they describe as being totally head-over-heels in movies.
And it doesn’t help that a few nights ago, when the gym was basically empty, you two almost kissed. Standing in the corridor, as you were saying your goodbyes, it felt as if he was about to lean in to kiss you before being interrupted by someone walking out the changing room, making you flee the scene, akin to a criminal being caught.
But then again, you weren’t really sure if it was just your delusion overriding the tiny bit of logic left in your romance-ridden brain.
“Eren… I can’t– fuck,” you groan as your hands shake.
“You got it, come on. You’re doing so good. One more then we’re done. Promise,” you hear his voice as his grip on your waist tightens. 
Eren supports your bodyweight as he pushes you up so that your chin is touching the pull up bar. The first few were bearable but by your 7th pull up, it’s more like he’s working his biceps rather than you working your back.
With shaky hands, you try to control your movement as you come down but your arms almost give in, causing you to slightly stumble as you drop to your feet with a light thud. His grip on your waist tightens to steady you before letting go gently.
Ever since the almost kiss, you’d been extra aware of his touches. So even his guiding touches, without any ulterior motives, have been making you feel some type of way.
You slouch slightly as you sit against a wall in the corner, sipping your water. You close your eyes to calm your breathing as you feel your arms burn. You groan as you realise you’re going to be super sore tomorrow morning.
“Good job bub,” he snickers. You open your eyes to see him bend down in front of you to pat your head lightly.
“I give up… you win, you are a ruthless gym partner.”
“Aww… I'm flattered,” he jokes further.
You roll your eyes as you swat his hand away from your head.
“Let me make it up to you, I’ll give you a massage. How about that?” he adds jokingly, though you know he wouldn’t mind actually giving you one if you ask him nicely.
“You better! I’m not going to be able to make dinner tonight!” you reply as you hold your arms out limply in front of him.
“Then don’t. Let me make you dinner,” he says, taking the opportunity.
“For real?” you ask, taken by surprise by his sudden yet tempting offer.
“Yeah? Got any plans for tonight?”
“No… let’s do it. I'm in,” you agree before demanding, “but, I want that massage as well.”
“Done… my massages can put those Thai spas to shame,” he boasts.
“Are you overselling yourself Jaeger?” you tease him, “it’s often disappointing when reality doesn’t match the hype.”
“You’re gonna eat your words later… I’ve been told I’ve got magic fingers.” he retorts, his cocky smirk wider than ever. You roll your eyes as you grab your things before getting up. 
“That’s for me to decide,” you poke him further, “... the food better be worth the 7 pull ups.”
Surprisingly he doesn’t have a witty comeback in his arsenal this time. You simply hear a low chuckle escape his lips and it’s somehow more mischievous than whatever clever words he would’ve spoken otherwise.
You’d never been to his place before, meaning it took a few minutes for your brain to register that you were going to Eren fucking Jaeger’s place! In the changing room, you freshen up as much as you can to try to not look like a sweaty mess. You change into a pair of jeans and a jumper, slinging the gym bag over your shoulder before giving yourself one last look in the mirror and walking out to meet him near the entrance of the gym.
As you walk out, you see him waiting for you on his bike, securing the helmet on his head. He’s changed into a pair of loose jeans and a denim jacket over his t-shirt. Even when you’d seen his ride for the first time, Eren being a biker never surprised you since it felt very on-brand for him. 
Imagine him picking you up for a date, waiting on his bike with a bouquet of tulips in hand. Ehe. 
You snap out of your daydream when he holds out the other helmet in front of you. You lean your head down when he motions you to do so and he puts the helmet on you.
“Where did the second one come from?” you wonder out loud.
“I had planned to take you home tonight from the start,” he winks.
You snort as you slide the visor of his helmet down his face. You hear his laugh as he adds, “Porco let me borrow his, apparently he keeps an extra one in the cabin for god-knows-what.”
“I guess I really might need to call Porco a cupi–” you freeze midway.
“A good trainer.” you correct yourself, and you’re pretty sure it was far from convincing but Eren decides not to tease you about it. You’re 99.99% certain he heard it – maybe he just wants to save you the embarrassment, you think to yourself.
You hop onto his bike and hesitantly rest your hands on his sides not wanting to seem awkward by straight up hugging him from behind. However, he straightens his back as he grabs the top of your hands, pulling them to the front to wrap them around his waist. You smile to yourself as you rest your cheek on his back and hug your arms around him steadily.
The ride back to his place is barely 10 minutes long. You miss being so close to him as soon as you get off the bike in the parking lot. He parks and guides you to his apartment holding your wrist gently. It’s not a complete holding-hands-fingers-intertwined but that has never stopped you from overanalyzing things, has it?
You take in your surroundings when you enter the apartment and it doesn’t stand out much. It looks like any normal dude’s apartment, except it’s cleaner – probably more than your own.
“Wow, your apartment is clean,” you comment.
“You’re hurting me babe. Did you expect me to live like a savage just cause I’m a guy.”
“No, no… I’m sorry it came out wrong–” you try to clarify but he interrupts.
“Kidding! I know it’s cleaner than usual. I live with Reiner and Levi… while Reiner and I aren’t really shabby, Levi really can’t tolerate a dirty house,” Eren explains.
“Oh, that must be exhausting, no?”
“Not really. That was Levi’s one condition when Reiner and I went to him in search of a third flatmate so we agreed.”
“Ah, makes sense. Are they here?” you ask, curiously as you hang your bag near the coat rack and take off your shoes. Eren returns to your side, having locked the door and keeping all his things in their designated places. 
“Nah. Reiner’s out of town on a work trip for like two weeks and Levi’s gone home for a few days as well,” he answers as he shrugs off his jacket, folding it before placing it on the side table.
You can’t help but find it cute that he keeps the place neat so diligently, being considerate of others… but then again, you’ve been finding all of Eren’s actions cute lately.
“... so it’s just us here tonight.” he says flirtatiously.
“Good thing, I’d hate to share food now… I’m hungry,” you say, dodging it. Usually, you’d flirt back but the two of you being alone at his place suddenly feels so real – anything could happen. You chicken out – there may be a possibility that he likes you back but there could ALSO be a possibility of him only liking you as a friend.
“‘Ight, what would you like to have?” he asks as you follow him to the kitchen. 
“Surprise me… nothing too fancy though.” 
“Phew… I was actually hoping for that answer since I’d prepared the dough for burger patties,” he admits sheepishly as he washes his hand and puts on the apron. You lean against the opposite counter to let him cook in peace without any hindrance. 
“Do you want my hel-”
“OH– just a min,” he interrupts you as he hurries out of the kitchen. You blink in confusion as you follow him out to check on the guy and find him connecting his phone to the speaker.
A soft song plays through the speaker loudly and he walks towards you as if just now he’s truly ready to take on kitchen duties. 
“It’s my cooking playlist,” he smiles.
He’s so fucking cute. For fucks sake!
When you ask him again if he wants your help, he declines saying ‘the only thing you need to do tonight is compliment my amazing skills.’
So you watch him work while chatting away about random things. It doesn’t take long for him to prepare the patties and heat the buns, adding copious amounts of veggies with melting cheese on top of it. He presents it with a ‘Tada!’ and you clap at his presentation with a dramatic ‘Bravo!’
When you taste the first bite, you almost moan at how delicious it is. The burger is huge, juicy and has the right balance of crispy and soft with spicy, sweet and sour. You close your eyes, delving into the heavenly taste.
You open your eyes to see Eren devouring his own burger, unfazed by the masterpiece that he’d created as if it were something ordinary to him.
“Eren!” you squeal, “if this is what I get to eat after, I might just do a hundred pull-ups from tomorrow.”
Eren chuckles at this, licking the cheesy sauce that had trickled down his fingers, “Told ya I only brag when I know I’m good.”
“I’m serious! This is too good,” you add, taking another bite. 
“I know… thank you,” Eren smiles, clearly amused at the way you’re enjoying his burger. And in that moment, a thought crosses his mind – he’d make you dinner every night if it meant that he got to be the reason for you to feel such bliss.
Neither of you talk much till you finish eating. Your reason being wanting to relish in the taste with full concentration and Eren’s reason being not wanting to disturb your peace.
When you’re done, you clear out the plates and Eren cleans the table. As you’re walking out of the kitchen, you hear a familiar tune playing when he resumes the songs on his playlist.
You recognize it – Dope Lovers by DPR IAN.
“I love this song!” you exclaim as you walk towards him. The tension you’d felt at the beginner has almost dissipated and feeling a little courageous, you extend an arm out to him to dance.
He tosses his phone on the sofa before taking your hand to pull you closer to him. You sway your body to the rhythm as you mumble some of the lyrics.
“Is it the art or the artist that you like?” he teases.
“Well, you can’t deny that he isn’t hot… There’s something about DPR Ian, he’s soooo–” you pause to think about the right word to use before concluding, “– babygurl.”
“Babygurl?” Eren laughs as he rests his arms at your hips, “What does that even mean?”
“It’s like daddy –  it’s a state of mind,” you joke but then you purse your lips as you really think about how to explain this endearing slang to Eren, “Babygurl is when a man is so comfortable in his masculinity that he isn't scared of embracing his soft side and being gentle. A man who knows that kindness is strength. Someone who looks so tough but is far from toxic. A man who’s a gentleman in the true sense of the word… does that make sense?”
“Hmm, I think so…” he nods, “Who else is babygurl?”
“You are, Eren,” you smile and lift your hands up to move to his neck but stop when you feel a weird stiffness in your shoulders, “ow, it’s sore already.”
“Okay, let’s give you that massage!” he declares with a booming laugh, taking your hands in his and guiding you to the sofa. He sits you down with your back facing him and gently taps near your lower back to signal you to sit up straight.
“Relax your shoulders,” you hear him speak softly as his hands move up to your shoulders but he pauses his movement. He lifts his hands to comb his fingers through your locks and you jerk slightly when his fingers touch your neck in the process.
“Eren, what are you doin-” you giggle as you turn your head to look at him. 
“Shh, stay still,” he murmurs, knitting his eyebrows in concentration. His hair falls down, framing his face as he takes out his hair tie. You turn to look to the front as he runs his fingers to gather all your loose strands together once again. You feel him gently pull at your hair as he secures it with his hair tie.
“You know, you could’ve just asked for mine. It’s in my bag,” you chuckle.
“Too lazy,” he replies as his hands begin to massage your back gently. He alternates between pressing his thumbs down the length of your spine and pressing his palms flat to cover the entire area, sliding his hands down in slow pressured movements. You slouch in his touch and his hands move up to your shoulder blades to massage the area in circular motion.
“Mmm, Eren– that feels so good,” you breathe out, skin feeling like wax that could melt into his hands at any moment. You’re certain you’d fall asleep in a few minutes if he continued doing this any longer.
Eren changes his movement to bring up his fingertips to your nape, dragging them gently over the expanse of your neck, his fingers dancing over your skin as he dips them under the collar to trace your skin. This causes you to let out an involuntary whimper and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment when his touch comes to a halt.
You’re pretty sure he can see the goosebumps pricking on the surface of your skin and you mumble a soft ‘sorry’ as you create some space between to turn around to face him completely. Your eyes meet and you’re smiling at him awkwardly but he has a poker face. 
He gets up abruptly, breaking eye contact as he hurries towards the kitchen. You look at him, confused and are about to ask him why he was acting that way but he speaks up before you do.
“Want anything to drink? Something sweet for dessert?”
“Umm… okay,” you mutter, still confused.
“Anything specific?” he enquires.
“I wouldn’t mind a cup of hot coffee,” you request, smiling as you abandon your previous thought.
“Coffee? At night?” he counters, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, that’s my talent. I can sleep like a baby no matter how strong the coffee is.”
“Hmmm… Would you like to try the Eren Jaeger Special where I mix loads of chocolate with coffee and cream?”
“So, basically a mocha?” you press your lips together to keep yourself from laughing.
“Yes or no?” he says with narrowed eyes.
“Yes,” you laugh and he rolls his eyes as he turns around, disappearing into the kitchen.
You’re scrolling through your phone when you hear his approaching footsteps after a few minutes. You close your phone as you turn your head to look up at him as he walks towards you with two steaming mugs in hand.
As soon as he places one of the mugs on the table, you pick it up instantly. He sits down in front of you to clink your mugs together with a ‘cheers’. You both take tiny sips together and your eyes widen at the frothy sweet and bitter taste. 
“If you get me addicted, you’ll have to be the one to meet the demands too, just sayinggg…'' you blow over the surface and take another sip.
“Yes ma’am, I’d gladly oblige to all of your demands,” he winks before taking another sip from his mug. You try to hide your growing smile with your mug. For the rest of the conversation you try to change the subject from the two of you to literally anything else you can find – and Eren being the great conversationalist that he is, is talking about each topic just as enthusiastically.
“Aww man, the last of the coffee’s gone cold.” you swirl the liquid in the mug.
“Chug! Chug! Chug!” Eren fake yells, already having finished his. You raise one fist up as you gulp the last of your coffee down in one go and slam the mug down on the cushion. Feeling the frothy stache over your upper lip, you lick it off, laughing along with him.
“There’s still some left…” Eren mumbles, pointing at his own mouth to show the spot. Before you have a chance to wipe it, he swipes his thumb over the corner of your lips before bringing it to his lips to lick it off. It’s such a simple act yet it has the butterflies in your stomach going rampant.
“Hey, that was mine,” you try to feign offence but it comes out more desperate than you’d intended as you stare at his lips a little too longer than friends are supposed to. 
He cups your face with both his hands as his gaze deepens before his eyes move down to your lips. Your breath hitches as you see him instinctively wet his lips. He leans in to move closer till your faces are just inches away.
“Then take it back agai–” he’s rudely interrupted by the sound of the front door opening with a loud thud. You pull back abruptly to create some space between the two of you. You see Eren’s jaw clench as he closes his eyes briefly in an attempt to keep his cool.
“REINER MY BROTHER– oh,” you see a man enter the living room with a large backpack.
“Jean.” Eren says, giving him a tight lipped smile.
“Eren. Where’s Reiner?” Jean asks as he looks at the two of you.
“Did he not tell you that he wasn’t gonna be at home for a while?” Eren answers, and you’re almost surprised at how cold his tone is.
“Yes? But I figured he'd leave after seeing me?” Jean retorts.
“And why would he do that?” Eren asks just as coldly.
“Since he said I was welcome to stay in his room while I was in town? Even told me to use the key y'all keep in the space behind the nameplate,” the man explains.
“Great! It's amazing how my roommate fails to tell me about shit like this.” Eren mutters but smiles at the guy nonetheless, “His room is unlocked… feel free to make yourself at home I guess.”
“Thanks. Have fun, I guess,” Jean half salutes Eren, giving you both a smug smile, feeling the satisfaction of having cockblocked his friendly foe. He leaves you two alone, making his way to Reiner’s room. Once you watch him disappear, you turn to check your phone for the time.
This time it was real! You’re not delusional, he really was about to kiss you!
You silence the voice in your head. You don’t know how to feel about the fact that Eren seemingly likes you but he can’t seem to make a move or at least declare his feelings with certainty. And there’s no way in hell you’d confess first since it’s pretty evident you like him, you’ve dropped enough hints over a month’s time – you want him to be the one to do it first.
“It’s late, I better get going,” you make an excuse as you stand up, gathering your things as you prepare to leave. Your cheeks feel hot and you give him a small smile, feeling a bit too flustered to carry on a conversation at this point.
“Let me drop you home,” he offers quickly as he stands up with you.
“My apartment isn’t far from here.”
“It's late,” he adds. You consider it and nod your head. He smiles as he grabs his keys along with his own two helmets this time.
The ride home is quick so neither of you bother with small talk. Once he parks in the parking lot of your apartment building, he tilts his bike to make it easier for you to get off. He gets off the bike, gently taking your helmet off and placing it on the bike. As you fix your hair, he takes his helmet off as well, placing it next to yours.
You slightly shuffle on your feet as you prepare to say your goodbyes. When he turns back to look at you, you smile earnestly. 
“I had a fun time tonight… despite you being a meanie at the gym.” you try to lighten up the tension.
“Only for you bub,” he jokes back, making finger-hearts at you.
“Good night, Eren.” you laugh as you wave at him and turn to walk away. You barely take a step when you hear him say your name.
“Hmm?” you turn around to look at him again. He doesn’t speak but takes one long stride to close the distance between you, wrapping his hands around your waist. As if on instinct, you drop your bag to the ground and place your hands on his shoulders, looking up at him as your breath hitches in your throat again.
He brings his left hand up to your cheek, dipping his head down to kiss your lips without any further delay. His wider frame envelopes yours as the hand on your cheek snakes back to hold your head in place as he deepens the kiss. You wrap both your hands around his neck, standing on your tippy toes for better access while his lower hand wraps around your waist even tighter.
When your lips finally part to catch your breaths, he looks you in the eye, smiling contently. Your legs feel giddy from the high you’re experiencing and you’re glad he’s still holding you flush against his body.
“I’d been dying to do that ever since I laid my eyes on you… figured it’d be pretty stupid of me to let the opportunity go twice in a row,” he confesses, dipping his head down again to kiss you once again.
You’re surprised, your brain reeling at the information but you close your eyes nonetheless, getting lost in the feeling of his lips moving against yours.
“Yeah, it would’ve been pretty stupid,” you smile when he pulls back. You pull him down by the collar to give him a kiss on his cheek, “Thank you for not wasting any more chances.”
You run your hands through his loose strands and he hums as he closes his eyes. You pull him down for another deep kiss. His tongue invades your mouth and he squeezes your ass as he pulls your body further closer to his. When you feel his boner from under his clothing, it causes you to moan into the kiss.
Your hands move down his sides, lowering further but he stops your movement with his own hands holding your wrists firmly. He pulls away from the kiss, eyes still closed as he rests his forehead against yours. His hot breath fans your face as he speaks, “It’s taking everything in me to not come up to your place to fuck you right now.”
“Then do it,” you mewl desperately as you kiss him again. He smiles into the kiss but breaks it once again to speak, “No, I wanna do this right. Let me take you out on a real date first… tomorrow evening?”
You feel your cheeks burn up as you bite your bottom lip to contain the grin threatening to give away your excitement as you nod. You stand on your toes once again to give him a quick peck. He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, enveloping you into a comforting hug.
“Take this with you,” he mumbles as he goes to grab a helmet. He leans down to grab your bag from the floor, handing both the items to you.
“Good night Eren,” you smile. He cups your face with both his hands and leans down to kiss you again – it’s brief but passionate.
“Good night baby,” he smiles as he lightly smacks your ass, earning a yelp from you. Before you can scold him, he gives you a hasty kiss before making his way to his bike. You walk to the elevator and press the button, turning to look back at him as he secures his helmet.
He starts the bike but waits till he sees you enter the elevator. Just as the door closes, you catch a glimpse of him leaving. You lean back against the railing, covering your face with your hands, not really believing what had just occurred. 
The man you’d been pining over for months had been crushing over you all along too. 
Eren Jaeger never was just another unrequited crush – and come tomorrow, he’s going to mean a lot more than just a friend.
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chaethewriter · 7 months
Eren Jaeger x alt!grunge!reader
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Synopsis: Popular!college Eren dating a more alternative reader.
Mentioning: jealousy, suggestive content, basketball, fluff, toothrotting fluff, cringey fluff?, barely proofread.
Word count: 4,1K
An unexpected couple. That's what people thought when one day, Eren Jäger walked through the hallway with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. Acting as if you had a demon attached to you— or if you were the demon itself— when judging gazes fell upon yourself. The sound of your heavy platform boots landing on the ground you walked on, echoing off the walls as you took step after step down the hallway, clinging to your lover's shirt all the while.
Unlike your boyfriend, who dressed in a jersey that defined his muscles and a pair of denim jeans– with his hair tied up in a slick bun– you dressed differently, totally different from him. With heavy platform boots digging into your calves, the leftover exposed skin covered with a pair of ripped tights and a black skirt. Your upper body hugged by a black striped sweater where the sleeves are big enough for your head to fit in.
“It's so annoying, it's like an extinct animal is walking past them..” you huffed the words out, looking up at your much taller boyfriend. Eren averted his eyes to the audience around him and he scrunched his nose, clearly dissatisfied with the current situation: clearly dissatisfied that they treated his girlfriend like an animal. He knew that the only reason they didn't dare to utter a word, was because it was him. That didn't change the situation though. You could feel the anger radiating from his body and you knew he would stupidly open his mouth if you didn't distract him.
“Don't even bother, I could care less about their opinions. Let's go to class.” you reached your hand to touch his chest, rubbing reassuringly as you pulled his side closer to your body. This seemed to distract him, as Eren immediately turned to face you, “You were serious about going to class?!?”
You gave him a knowing look, “Obviously. And you are going to focus, your place on the team is on the line.” He didn't reply, but only groaned in defeat. He knew you were right though, he didn't want to lose his place as captain on the basketball team.
You grabbed his hand from on top of your shoulder and intertwined your fingers with his, pulling him with you. And Eren knew he couldn't escape the class that was about to start.
“Eren! Bro! Come join us.”
The moment you entered the classroom, a voice was calling out to him from the back of the room. There sat his friends, all the way in the back like always.
“It's fine, you can sit with them. I'll be sitting in front anyways.” You flashed him a pretty smile to reassure him that he didn't need to stick with you 24/7. You still felt awkward joining his much more popular friend group, after all. Yet Eren had other plans.
While you were about to pull away from him, he only held you tighter. “Thanks guys! But I'm gonna be sitting with my girlfriend.”
“Bro is skipping us for his playtoy.”
“Oh cut that crap, he truly cares about her, apparently.”
Words were exchanged, but you paid them no mind as Eren practically pushed you towards your favorite seat in front and sat you down, before taking a seat next to you. He put his hands behind his head and leaned back, looking down at you through his eyelashes, “are you going to help me, teach?”
You rolled your eyes in response, putting your bag down and unpacking your stuff. You opened your notebook on an empty page, before turning towards him. With your hand on his thigh, you leaned in. This caught him off guard, as he sat straight expecting you to press a kiss on his lips to tell him that he's doing a good job. Instead, you grabbed him by his cheeks with your free hand— squishing his cheeks together, “behave, you're the one that's gonna be in trouble if you aren't passing this class.”
Your hand moved towards his hand to pet his hair and he blushed at the gesture.
“Yeah-yeah, sorry sweetheart.”
“Good boy!” you gave him a sweet smile and settled down in your seat.
Eren put his arm on your chair as he leaned in to look at your textbook, so close to the point his stray hairs tickled your cheek. You turned your head to give him a knowing look. You noticed he wasn't walking around with a bag over his shoulder, so you're not so surprised about it.
“Promise I will bring my stuff the next time… if you be my tutor that is~” his lips landed on your temple, almost like a soft feather tickling you.
You don't say anything, but slip out a smile that your boyfriend also noticed. He stroked at your skin with his nose, his hands roaming around your waist.
His friends continued to complain, but it was all a mere noise in the background for the both of you.
During these events, the teacher entered the classroom with heavy footsteps. He put his stuff down on the table in front of him with a loud thud.
You slightly moved your face away from Eren's, as to tell him to slightly back off as class is starting soon.
He let out a pout, but respected your wishes as he sat in the comfort of his own space, his hands still lingering on your upper thigh. His fingers played with the end of your skirt, prodding at it.
“Class, open your notebooks on an empty page as we are diving straight into it. So for today…”
You ripped a page from your notebook and took a working pen from your pencil case, putting the supplies in front of his nose. He gave you a grateful smile with a quick kiss to your cheek.
His teal eyes bore through the textbook that you laid down in the middle of the surface. It's not like he understood it at all. Luckily, you were writing notes down for him that are easier to understand.
Knowing he shouldn't bother you– especially while you were so kind to help him with notes– Eren decided to keep himself busy. He twisted the pen open and watched you from the corner of his eye to see if you were looking at him.
Satisfied with the sight that you didn't, he leaned down to cover his entire table with his upper body. With the tip of his tongue slightly sticking from between his lips, Eren moved the pen around on the paper.
Checking up on you once in a while, all while drawing tiny adorable doodles. From random animals to what seemed to be you and your interests.
He was so focused that he didn't feel your poking at his arm.
“Psst Eren,” you tried to get his attention, nudging him even harder.
“What are you doing?” You asked out of curiosity once you gained his attention, a slight hum leaving his throat.
“Not telling.”
He's so cheeky.
You rolled your eyes at his sassy demeanor and turned back to your notes, all while wondering what the hell he's doing.
Two hours passed as class was finally dismissed. This entire time, Eren had been doing god knows what on that paper of his– as he kept taking stuff from your pencil case (from scissors to glue) and you wrapped up with your notes. You marked the final sentence with a blue marker and finally put the lid back on.
“I made you something!” He pulled at your sleeve to catch your attention and once he did, he held something up– right in front of your face. You had to squint your eyes and push his arms back slightly to see what this was all about.
In front of you, he held a piece of paper shaped as a rectangle, almost the size of your hand. You tilted your head to the side in confusion, “huh?” You inspected the small doodles he drew, noticing they're your favorite things.
“A phone case! Well, you can put this behind your clear phone case. Can you, pretty please?”
He practically begged you with his palms slapped together.
He was so childish.
You shook your head, before taking your phone out.
You currently had a clear case, decorated with stickers of black hearts and chains.
He immediately snatched it from your hands and you watched with interest as he removed your case, but the paper inside– with the drawings facing up– and slotted your phone back into the case.
You had to be real, it looked really wonky. Kind of ugly, but honestly? It was so sweet it made your heart flutter.
Proud of his work, Eren passed your phone back to you with a proud grin. Knowing he expected some kind of praise, you gave him exactly what he wanted. You leaned in to press your lips against his, sharing a loving kiss with the basketball player.
“Thank you, Eren. It's lovely.”
“Now you will think about me 24/7, not that you didn't do that before, but you know!”
That cheeky bastard.
“Yo Eren! Are you going to ditch us again, or actually sit with us for lunch?” A large shadow loomed over the both of you, covering the light shining down on you.
You looked up in confusion, wondering why the light had dimmed so much.
Looming over the both of you, Eren's friend group (in this class) stood there looking down on you. They were really intimidating like that, if you had to be honest. But you were sure that's also what they thought of you.
When you turned to look at Eren, he was already looking at you with those pretty eyes of his.
As if he was waiting for your opinion on that statement.
You chuckled in your sleeve, “you really don't need my approval. You should sit with them. I'll see you after our break.”
You were tempted to press a kiss against his lips, but with the amount of eyes on you you weren't so sure if you should. So you got up from your seat and greeted goodbye with a wave, but Eren pulled you back towards him at your wrist and pressed a passionate kiss against your lips.
“See you soon, babe.”
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You were sitting at one of the picnic tables in the canteen. Preferably the one in the corner of the room. It's not like anyone would steal that place, though, considering not everyone thinks of your group as friendly-looking (yet the bunch of you were much friendlier than the popular group).
You poked in your crunchy wrap with your wooden fork as you listened to the conversations your friends were having.
“No but then fucking Justin fell on his fucking jaw during practice and it was so fucking embarrassing!?!?”
“Is that the only curse word in your vocabulary, Leo?”
You huffed in annoyance as Leo threw himself across the table, his heavy leather jacket hitting you in the face as he pulled his friend by his hair.
“can the both of you sit down, so that I can enjoy my food?” You grabbed Leo by his necktie as you pulled him back down next to you, “You're so annoying.”
“Last time I checked, Eren Jäger is your boyfriend and he couldn't possibly be less annoying than them.” Shoko said as a matter of fact, typing away on her phone.
Your fighting friends agreed with that statement and you gave them a glare, “Are you still going on about that?”
Then your other friend chimed in, “Oh come on guys! At least she's happy. Even if it's with the most terrible person ever.”
“Thank you Jake, for first being on my side and then insulting the hell out of me.” You threw your fork at him at the same time as your response, “he's literally not a terrible boyfriend. It's his friends..”
“-which influences him.” Shoko finished your sentence and you couldn't help but groan again.
Leo then threw his arm around you, “we can't promise if we will ever like him, to be honest. Considering�� him.”
“Okay, stop being so rude about my boyfriend.” You grabbed at his locks as you aggressively pulled at them to the point some hairs are actually getting stuck in between your fingers.
“You better stop that, or else I'm going to sabotage your fucking projects! Fuck ow stop!”
The three friends watch the childish bickering unfold, but they weren't the only ones doing so.
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“I'm going to kill him if he doesn't back the fuck off.” Eren crushed the crunchy wrap in his hand to mush, his nails digging through the food as it spilled through the gaps of his fingers– squeezing so hard his veins bulged.
“Jealous much?” Jean practically cackled, satisfied seeing Eren this frustrated.
“I'm not jealous..”
Oh what a lie that was. Eren was jealous, so jealous he could strangle the guy clinging to you. He knew he wasn't actually clinging to you, obviously the two of you were bickering. But he wished it was him instead.
He was so focused on you, he hadn't even noticed that he ruined his lunch.
He felt his insides burn as all he could see was red, especially when your friend pulled you in a hug.
“That's it.” Eren slammed his hands on the table before getting up from his seat, shoving his seat back along the way. His chair fell down with a clatter and the sound of students talking amongst themselves died down.
He made his way to your table, his eyes burning into your skin.
“We can work on the thing you need help with, today after class?” Leo pulled at your cheek as he said that, making you groan as the pinch was too hard.
No way in hell he was going to let that fucker with you.
“You're ruining my makeup!” You pulled at his locks harshly, at this point hoping he truly goes bald.
You felt an overwhelming presence behind you and at the same time a shadow loomed above you. You turned your face to the side to see what that was all about and came face to face with your boyfriend.
The entire table got quiet as they stared at the taller student.
Leo pulled away from you as he looked up at him. Eren was already staring at him, sharp eyes throwing daggers straight through his skin as his jaw clenched.
“Eren!” You exclaimed with a shy smile as you practically threw your arms around his neck. His hands landed on the dip of your waist, while the other landed on your bottom to keep your skirt from flying up. His gaze moved back towards you, much softer as his jaw unclenched. He already felt much more satisfied with the current situation.
“Watch out, you're going to kick your lunch on the floor.” Leo pushed your tray away from the edge.
Eren's jaw clenched again and his grip on your bottom tightened.
“Let's go.”
He took a hold on the strap of your bag and pulled it off the seats, slamming into Leo in the process.
“Huh go where? Oh uh! Bye guys!” You tried waving after your friends, but he was quick to seal you into his side with his hand on your hip as he led you out of the canteen.
“Can't believe some emo girl is making him act like a feral dog.”
“Bro is actually acting like a hormonal teenager.”
“Ren, where are we going?” You tilted your head up in confusion since he had been ignoring you for the past minutes.
You stopped in your tracks as your fist clung to his sleeve, “Ren, what's up?”
The two of you stood in front of the main exit, the halls around there empty as class was about to start.
As a reply, he huffed, and you weren't satisfied with that answer at all. His grip was still immensely tight on you, as if he was scared that you could slip away through his fingers.
“Please, talk to me.” He looked down at you and the way you looked up at him made him so weak in the knees.
He couldn't be angry at you.
And he didn't have the right to be angry at you.
“Let's skip.” he pulled you flush against him yet again. If that was even possible.
You saw the determined look in his eyes. Obviously, there was something bothering him and when Eren Jäger had something on his mind, he would do whatever to pursue that thought.
“Be happy that I didn't miss any classes so far..”
And it made him smile.
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You sat down on his bed as Eren closed the door to his dorm room. From under you, you removed a pile of clothes to sit more comfortable, “Sooooo… what now?”
He put your bag down in the corner, before taking a seat on his desk chair. With the help of the wheels, he rolled closer to you until he sat right in front of you. He brought his hands down as he helped you remove your heavy boots.
Gently laying them down somewhere, careful not to damage them as he knows how much they mean to you, he held your ankles and pulled your legs through the holes of his chair. You chuckled as you pulled him closer and he pressed his nose against yours, rubbing it into yours.
A small pout formed on his lips as he stared into your eyes. Instead of speaking up, you decided to let him do it at his own pace.
After a few minutes of this loving gesture, he pulled his face away from yours and scratched behind his neck, “if I tell you I wanted you here only for tutoring, you wouldn't believe me now would you?”
You gave him a knowing glance and a chuckle escaped his lips.
“What's up with my big baby?”
“I'm not a baby!”
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled his face in your neck. You pet at his hair as he gripped at your hips.
“I don't like your friend..”
“My friend? Which one?”
He hesitated at that question, but you let him know that he could tell you everything by kissing the tip of his nose.
His cheeks grew red at the gesture, “that one friend.. I just don't like him!”
You thought back to who you hung out with today. You were around Eren the most, but besides that you were surrounded with
You covered your mouth as you let out a fit of giggles. He felt your chest vibrating and pulled his face away to look at you, “are you laughing?!”
“No no.. pffhh..”
“You're definitely laughing!” He turned his face to the side, his gaze on one of the posters on his wall as his cheeks flushed redder.
“Ren! Nono it's okay, I'm not making fun of you.” You put your hands on his cheeks, “please look at me?”
“Now don't give me the silent treatment, why so jealous?”
“Is it because he's too close to me?”
Finally, he spoke.
He wanted to tell you, really.
But he was so fucking embarrassed that he wanted to die on the spot.
“Then what is it?”
He murmured something you couldn't catch.
“Sorry?” you grabbed him by the chin and made him face you. You leaned up, until your faces were inches away from one another. He still didn't look at you, though.
“Didn't catch that, baby.”
“You.. his hair..”
“Your hands in his hair..” it came out like a whisper, so you couldn't catch the entire sentence.
“What is it with his hair, honey?”
He pursed his lips, finally looking into your eyes as his face was bright red, “you pulled at his hair! That should have been me!”
His eyes were wide as he waited for your reaction.
Were you going to laugh at him?
Call him too possessive?
Break up with him?
His hair tie got loose, his hair falling down onto his shoulder and tickling his neck.
He then felt a pair of hands in his hair, scratching at his scalp and pulling at his locks, “there there..”
He let out a soft whine in response, closing his eyes as he almost purred into your touch.
You couldn't help but smile.
So he was into that hm?
You climbed into his lap from the bed, you being the one to pull him flush against you now. Not that he complained as he felt your body pressed into his.
“You could have asked, baby.”
He heard that you didn't sound mad at all, your touch still soft and lovingly as your hands buried deeper into his soft hair.
“Kinda embarrassed.. and jealous.. don't do it to him anymore, please.” His nose buried into your hair as he inhaled your smell. So nice, like home.
Instead of laughing at him, you nodded your head with a smile,
“I won't.”
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“You can do it!!”
Even though the colors of the school didn't fit you at all, you wore Eren's jersey proudly. He convinced you to wear it, after some puppy eyes and begging— saying everyone should know he belongs to you and you belong to me– his words.
The shirt too big for you as it basically acted as a mini skirt. Your hands grip at his jersey as you watch in anticipation as the countdown gets closer to zero.
You bring the cloth to your face as a way of comforting yourself– it smelled just like his perfume.
“Will he be okay?” You asked Leo worriedly as he stood next to you in the crowd.
He shrugged in response, “He got hit pretty hard in the face. Wonder how long it will take until he passes out.”
“Okay shut up!” You smacked his nape in annoyance.
Turning back to the game in front of you, you look for Eren in the field. He is on the right side of the field, breathing heavily with sweat dripping down his forehead– his hair in his infamous manbun to keep it out of his face. You watched how he raised his shirt to wipe the excess sweat from his face, giving you a good view of his body.
He looked to the left, your way, as he attempted to give you a wink.
That bastard.
You blushed profusely as you attempted to cover it up with a frown.
He's not dumb, though.
With the last minute counting down, you leaned into the barrier as both teams got into action. With the ball now in the hands of the opponent, they had to try and get it back and also score in that last minute.
One of Eren's friends jumped in front of the opponent to catch the ball, but said opponent did a feint and bounced the ball to the side.
Now you were getting nervous.
In that last minute, a ton of back and forth was happening.
Who could have thought so much would happen in one minute?
“Eren Jäger from Shiganshina managed to get a hold of the ball!! Will he manage to make the final point?!?” The commentary announced through the speakers and a gasp left your lips.
He dribbled to the opponent's side.
He looked your way.
Gave you a teasing grin—
this one's for you.
The crowd of shiganshina roared as you jumped in the air.
Leo shook his head, but ended up clapping as well. He had to say, he was impressed.
Eren's teammates ran straight towards him, engulfing him in a hug and eventually lifting him up.
His arms were in the air as he cheered, eyes closed and looking so ecstatic– so at peace.
You took your phone out to record the moment, maybe a new lockscreen?
He was finally put down and he immediately ran to the left side— your way.
“Sweetheart! Jump!” Eren had climbed up someway, now standing right under you as he held his arms out for you to jump in.
“Are you crazy?!?!”
“Crazy for you definitely, now jump!”
He had the goofiest grin on his face.
And you couldn't decline his offer.
With (not) a lot of trust, you climbed over the barrier and let yourself fall. He immediately caught you in his arms, a wider grin on his face, “told you I would catch you.”
“Oh shut up!” And you pressed a passionate kiss on his lips.
The camera panels towards the two of you unbeknownst to you knowing.
“You're wearing it..” he whispered under his breath once you pulled away, eyeing his jersey wrapping around your body.
“Of course I am. ‘M your biggest fan, ‘Ren.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to you.
“Hmm… should wear it more often, especially during our alone time..” his breath fanned against your ear.
A/N: thank you sm for reading! I know my posts are inconsistent whoopsies. But hope u enjoyed. Like and comment pls <3.
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coveholdenmyluv · 2 months
Mean Girls - E. Jaeger
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synopsis. Eren's the new kid at Trost Academy and being fresh meat in his senior year isn't easy. Especially so when the only friends he's made yet have managed to convince him to help them mess with "The Plastics". The problem?
He's got the biggest crush on their queen bee, Y/N.
series masterlist.
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chapter warnings. Foul language, suggestive content, rich ppl, vomit, comedy, simping (eren almost creams his pants multiple times wtf man), second hand embarrassment, revenge revenge revenge
chapter synopsis. Eren’s first day at Trost goes horribly wrong but, hey! There’s sloppy joes? Armin and Mikasa won’t let Eren’s injustice go so easily…
chapter 1. Trost Academy
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Trost district.
A paradise where sports cars, shopping centers, and marbled water fountains lined the streets from north to south and east to west.
And smack bad in the center of the bustling city stood an enormous pristine building lined with white bricks and polished blue tinted windows. Its entire essence oozed ideal perfection. Trost Academy, the city's pride and joy.
A fortifying standing contradiction to the boy currently planted at the front gate.
Beads of sweat could be seen sliding down the crevices of Eren's face, whether from exhaustion or nerves he couldn't yet tell. As if being the new kid in his senior year of high school that was in an entirely different city wasn't bad enough, the dumbass forgot to change the time his alarm went off. It had slipped his mind the night before that a new school meant a differing schedule, hence himself still operating on Shiganshina High's delayed timetable.
Luckily for him, mommy Carla wasn't so stupid, so when she noticed that Eren hadn't descended down the stairs for breakfast yet, you best believe she went in there and whooped some Jeager ass. It was because of Carla's thoughtfulness that he was only running behind a full ten minutes, though Eren doesn't take much time to get ready.
So here he was, taking in the glory of what was to be his brand new alma mater. He leisurely made his way to the front gate and displayed his temporary ID to the security guard who in turn allowed him to finally step foot inside his latest ecosystem. Which is actually a very humorous way to describe the academy since usually when a person pictures an ecosystem, one would see animals, trees, water, or any natural aspects that came from wild life.
The academy is the exact opposite of that idea; as opposing as black and white. Not a single weed out of place or bird shit staining any of the bricks - it's clear that someone takes exceptional care of the place.
It is currently 7:15 am and Eren had just acquired his schedule as well as his locker number from the front office, he is now waiting patiently for his student body president to show him around the halls as well as to grab his permanent ID from whatever room they were being made in — he has already forgotten the exact number.
Just as he was falling asleep in the very comfortable chairs of the front office, that almost caused him to froth at the mouth when he realized they were indeed massage chairs, an enthusiastic voice introduced themselves.
"Hey there! You're Eren, right?"
Right before his eyes stood a tall, tan, and freckled god. His dark hair was parted in the middle, with some of it ghosting the top of his face, and the freckles that decorated the apples of his cheeks only enhanced the bright smile he directed towards Eren. His clothes were impeccable, without a wrinkle in sight, and a very obviously expensive diamond studded watch was wrapped around his wrist, putting Eren's own withering one to shame; he'd gotten it on his twelfth birthday as a present from an aunt that he can't remember the name of.
Never in his 18 years of life has Eren ever met someone so blindingly bright, he was almost forced to use his hand as a shield for his eyes at the light that protruded from the boy before him.
"Uh, yeah. Eren Jaeger. I'm guessing you're the one that's gonna show me around this... palace?"
A pellucid laugh fell from the freckled boy at Eren's joke, though he's not sure if he would consider it as such since it's not at all a stretch of the truth, as he placed a hand on his chest to steady his vibrations.
"Yup! Marco Bodt, your new student body president. Welcome, I will do the honors of showing you around campus, to your locker, and attaining your student ID. Class starts at 8:00 so we should get going, Eren." He instructed as he held the door open for the latter. "Can I call you that by the way? I know in Shiganshina it's customary to go by last names, but here we're encouraged to refer to each other by first names because it apparently 'boosts our camaraderie', which is a weird way to think about it since it's not like we're soldiers or anything." He chuckles. "Anyway, if that bothers you then it's totally fine! I can refer to you however you prefer."
"Eren's just fine," He reassures the boy, "Can I call you Marco?"
"Marco is perfect! Well then, let's get going, Eren." Marco says as they finally begin the tour.
As they begin to cruise the halls, Marco begins to offer Eren peculiar information about the places they walk past, as if they are on some safari adventure with teenagers replacing the animals and yellow "Caution! Wet floor!" signs replacing the trees.
Although, usually tour guides speak about history or interesting facts and not... whatever the hell Marco was saying.
"And this is the janitor's closet! You can usually spot at least two people in here making out, just try to not get caught by our janitor, he's small but very scary. I also advise that if you plan on taking more than two people in here, maybe you should reconsider and instead take it to the stairwell just down the hall. Based on my past experiences, it can get pretty cramped in here." The student body president explained with a laugh that threw his head back.
Eren blinked in perplexity at the load of information thrown at him just now, though it's not like he'd be of any need for it. Eren gets no bitches.
"This window right here is where one of my best friends had their first kiss!" He exclaims as he points at the window overlooking the front garden, before he excitedly shifts his attention towards the boy's bathroom on the other side of the hall. "Oh! And just down that way is the restroom where one of my other best friend's got their first blowjob... although, I don't know if it counts since the girl threw it all back up, hmm." He ponders deeply.
That was traumatizing for two reasons: for Marco's best friend experiencing the matter and for Eren since he had NO NEED FOR THAT INFORMATION.
"Wow, you guys sure have a lot of history here." Eren offers unsurely.
Marco agrees with a nod, "That's right we do, we've been here since freshman year so these halls have seen many of our milestones." He explains with a fond expression. "By the way, right down there is the common room that we use to chill on our free periods. Feel free to join my friends and I if you ever see us hanging around here during lunch or just need some company."
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Though, Eren doesn't think he'd be able to look Marco's best friend in the eyes after what he's heard.
"Great, now let's head to-" Marco begins before his sentence is interrupted by a high pitched voice.
"Jean, just leave me alone for once, please."
Marco halts his movements and turns to the cause of the disturbance which in turn causes Eren to do the same.
It looked to be a short boy with shoulder length blonde hair and azure eyes that remained obstructed by chunky rectangular glasses. He was being cornered by a taller boy with light brown hair that was slicked and parted, with a heavy amount of gel, and matching colored eyes. The taller boy had his arm perched up against the wall, effectively caging the blonde and thwarting any attempts at escape.
"Eh? Armin, y'know I can't do that. Why don't you yell a little louder so that goth friend of yours can come to your rescue yet again, yeah?" Says the one that Eren guesses is named Jean.
"How about you grow some balls and ask her out instead? Not that she'd say yes, anyway." Armin had mumbled the last part but Jean had heard it loud and clear.
"You don't know what you're talking about Armin, shut the hell up!" Jean says, (yells) whilst he throws his hands up defensively.
The blonde rolls his eyes in irritation and with many cracks to his voice present in his statement, he says, "Why should I? It's not like the whole world doesn't already know about how much of a try hard you are when she's around! Why don't you try licking her boots next time you see her, huh?"
"Oh yeah? Keep talking shit, let's see where that gets you."
"Woah, calm down Jamal. Don't pull out the nine."
"Why I oughta-" Jean begins as he raises his fist, only to be stopped mid swing.
"Is this... fun for you?" Eren asks with a furrow in his brows. His right hand grips Jean's left arm which effectively stops his fist from hitting Armin's frail face.
"Who the hell are you?" Jean asks, irritated.
"Does it even matter? Why bother the kid when he obviously hasn't done jack shit to you?"
"And how do you know he hasn't done jack shit to me? Maybe you should mind your own."
"I heard your conversation. Besides..." Eren looks to Armin and sizes him up before he turns back to Jean with the most deadpan expression one could muster. His point was spoken without words. What could he do to a guy like Jean?
"Hey!" Armin squeals in offense.
Jean nodded in agreement, "Okay, you've got a point, but still, I mean he could've fucked my girl and you wouldn't even know that you're defending a shit person."
"You've gotta get a girlfriend first, Jean. Then we'll see what I do about that." Armin mutters bitterly.
"You better shut your ass up, runt. Before I fuck your nose up more than it already is." Jean grits.
Armin gapes in offense, "WHAT- okay... new insecurity unlocked."
Jean then turns his attention back to Eren. "Anyway, this was an A & B conversation, so C your way out of it." He says oh so maturely.
"How about you make me?" Eren narrows his eyes.
"Okay! Let's all calm down, alright?" Marco finally intrudes as he places himself between the two boys. "Jean, come on man, don't make me tell Y/N about this. She should be finishing up morning practice soon anyway, you should go meet her at her locker like you always do!" He offers, effectively having an effect on the light haired boy. His shoulders relaxed from their tense position at his friend's reassurance.
"Fine." He relents. "Walk with me though, and don't you dare say a word about this to Y/N or else I'll piss in your backpack later." Jean threatens as he pulls himself away from the situation.
Marco giggles nervously as one of his hands rises to rub at the back of his neck, "Sorry about him you two. He didn't mean any of it!" He laughs off the conflict.
"Yes I fucking did!" Jean affirms from down the hall.
"Anyways, so sorry Eren. I'll be right back, I've gotta walk Jean back to his caretaker for the morning." Marco whispers with a palm shielding his lips. "I'll be back in just a sec!" He exclaims and hops off into Jean's direction.
"Why do you always take his side, Marc? I literally almost cried on the spot right now." Jean could be heard whining as both boys rounded the corner and walked out of sight.
A beat of silence occurs where the latter pair were left, before Armin exclaims.
"Uhh, oh!" He turns his body to face a trash can before whispering into the opening, "Mikasa, you can come out now."
Eren lifts a brow as he watches the cover of the trash can lift itself from the inside, and out stepped a girl dressed head to toe in black attire with two dark pigtails and bangs that frame her pale face. She held a black book in her manicured hands. Black nail polish, black lipstick, black fishnets, silver skull rings, and a black choker were more than enough of a hint to Eren for him to realize that this was the goth friend Jean had mentioned earlier.
The sight of a girl stepping out of an empty trash can should have caused him to gape in surprise, but at this point he was ready to expect anything more from his first day at Trost Academy.
"Thank you so much! Uhm, Eren was it? You looked as cool as the guys from 21 Jump Street!" Armin exclaimed and it was only then that the boy held the DVD case in his hands. Who the hell uses DVDs anymore?
"No," The girl declares as she lifts her book to her face, "You must be the dark knight called forth by my curse, here to fight off that man."
"What? Uh- no, I'm just Eren. It was no big deal." Eren deflects as he places his hands into his pockets.
To tell you the honest truth, Eren was shitting himself on the inside during the encounter with the jerk from earlier. He didn't know where he gained the courage to actually stand his ground, much less for someone else.
"You'd think a school as nice as this one would have no tolerance for bullying, though."
"Well, money talks, I guess." Armin says as he attempts to locate his lenses that had fallen during the ruckus.
"I've been trying to hex him since freshman year, but it won't work for some reason. It's like there's a force protecting him from me..." The girl says as she picks up the discarded glasses and hands them to her blonde friend. "Perhaps the Marco rumors are true. It'd make sense if he were an actual angel sent from above-" She continues.
"Wait, what? Who the hell made that up?" Eren asks.
"Beats me, though if I had to guess: I'd say Sasha or Connie." She answers.
"Who are they?"
"They're only two of the plastics." Armin pipes up.
"Plastics? As in, like, a mannequin?"
"What?! No, the plastics are..." Armin began only for his voice to die off as his eyes drifted behind Eren.
"Sorry about that again, Eren!" Marco apologizes as he reappears suddenly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. We really should get going though, we still need to stop at a couple more places and then grab your ID. Oh! Good morning, Mikasa." He looks a bit out of breath, as if he had run the whole way back. The girl being addressed only waved daintily and then shielded herself with her book, probably due to how scintillatingly bright Marco's entrance was.
"That's okay. Yeah, we should." Eren replies.
"Bye Eren! Oh, you should sit with us at lunch later!" Armin bids the boy goodbye.
Eren nods in agreement as he follows after his designated guide, off to somewhere he would probably have to listen to bizarre stories about. It seemed as though Marco could never run out of those, some even filled with normal teen acts and others that cause him to question their sanity.
"Hey Marco, Armin mentioned something earlier today..." He spoke up.
"What's that?" Marco asks as he provides him his full and undivided attention.
"What are 'The Plastics'?"
Marco is visibly stunned by his question for a moment, only for his eyes to give a flicker of boredom before the corners crease in their usual upbeat manner.
"Oh, uhm... I'm not quite sure what you mean." He answers with a gritted smile. "Sorry, I don't think I can help you there."
Eren notices Marco's hesitation, though the only movement he offers is an unsure nod of his head.
A brief moment of silence ensues over the pair of boys, before it's gently shattered by the freckled boy.
"Hey, Eren?"
"A little word of advice from someone you, hopefully, trust to guide you in the right direction?" He suggests hesitantly and Eren finds himself subconsciously holding his breath. "You shouldn't believe everything people say around here, 'kay?" Marco says with a gentle grin.
Well, gentle is what Eren guesses it's supposed to be, though the edges are too frigid for it to be considered so. He couldn't help but sense some sort of hidden lingering emotion layered into Marco's chocolate eyes. Perhaps there was also disappointment?
But, if so, directed at who?
"Yeah, thanks... I'll uhm, keep that in mind." Eren replies. He couldn't help but feel as though he was the one who had created that disappointment, and for a reason he couldn't tell you, Eren didn't like the idea.
He hadn't noticed that they made their way to a hallway filled to the brim with lockers lining the walls and students idly loitering around. Checking his wrist watch, he realized they only had 20 minutes until their first class of the day had to begin. As Eren was inspecting his watch, he failed to notice that Marco had halted his pace to peer in the direction they had just entered from.
It was as if the next few seconds moved in decelerated speed. Eren bumped into Marco's chest which in turn forced the boy to look up at the taller boy, only to notice the smile and excited flutter of his hand directed to someone currently behind him, effectively making his own head turn to face the stranger.
In walked a girl that wore a cute blue top with lace adorning the neckline, paired with a matching skirt and sneakers. She had gold, diamonds, and pearls furnishing every inch of her body — from her headband, to her ears, neck, wrists, and even a single ankle. She trotted down the freshly mopped hallway with poise and what Eren noticed to be very toned legs that could have only been worn by someone that took great care of them. Her entire presence demanded the attention of everyone blessed to be in her vicinity.
And so, that's what she got.
He didn't even need to look around to be able to tell that everyone had paused their activities to look at the elegance that was her. How could they when it had seemed as though she had just descended from the heavens above?
...Or, was that simply Eren thinking that part? Maybe that was just a him thing...
"Hey Y/N, good morning sugar! Did you just come from practice?" Marco asks with a noticeably brighter smile than all the ones Eren has seen today; the only grin he could think to rival this one was the one he offered Jean earlier.
The girl noticed Marco as well and her once weary gaze perked up at his presence.
Eren didn't notice it before, because of his ogling, but she was noticeably out of breath and her hair was wet. Did she just step out of the shower? He couldn't fathom how anyone could look so attractive freshly out of a bath... He usually resembled a wet dog.
"Morning Marc', I'm surprised you aren't with your steed right now. Did mom and dad get into a fight again?" She says with a playful lilt to her voice — that Eren could have sworn had visible italics, for some unknown reason. Her voice was so fluid and velvety that his knees almost buckled on the spot.
"Not yet," Marco grimaces with a chuckle. "I'll join you guys in a bit! I'm showing the new kid around right now. Student Prez business, you know the works." He explains with a thumb jutted towards the aforementioned student.
Eren made a mental note to bow down and kiss Marco's feet later to display his gratitude for the brisk switch of attention, for it caused the embodiment of perfection to direct her stare onto his spellbound face. She raised a brow at him before she dropped her gaze to his feet and leisurely dragged it up his entire frame.
Eren almost moaned.
"Morning, new kid." She greeted, though her tone was noticeably far less light when addressing Eren than it was when she spoke to her friend, and then turned her attention back to Marco
It seems she has deemed Eren irrelevant.
"Hurry it up, Marco, 'less you want to tarnish your perfect attendance. I'll be with the diva, I can sense he's in one of his daily moods. I can tame him, but I'll need your help soon." She teases with a roll of her eyes.
A boisterous laugh fell from Marco's lips, "Yeah, I'll join you guys in a bit. Save me a spot-" He halts mid sentence upon noticing Eren's vibrant flush.
The shorter brunet had acted nonchalant throughout the entire duration of his tour, so it baffled Marco just how quickly he altered his tune.
The Student President looks to his friend, poor Y/N who has just gotten out of morning practice and now has to deal with Jean's morning fit. Her legs probably ache and he knows how much she hates the feeling of her wet hair dampening her back, she deserves a small break this once, right?
So, he looks to Eren once again, and then to Y/N, and then repeats the process about five more times.
"What are you doing? Your head's gonna fall off-"
"OW- ooh..." Marco suddenly grips his stomach in agony and hisses through his teeth. "LORD HAVE MERTHY, I'M ABOUT TO BUST!" He yells and dramatically slams himself against the lockers behind him.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Asks Y/N, concern and shock etched into her features.
With a matching look on his face, Eren reaches a hand out in an attempt to help stable the boy. "Marco, what's wrong?"
"I'm fine! I just need to drop a deuce real quick." Marco reassures, which causes both of their brows to rise, though he pays them no heed. "Y/N, you wouldn't mind showing Eren to Dr. Hange's room, would you? He's still gotta get his permanent ID and I don't want to leave him alone. He's just a baby." He says while mustering up the best puppy dog eyes he has ever used.
She's always been a sucker for doe eyes.
"Sure? Are you totally sure you're okay though? That was super sudden-"
"Yup! All fine and dandy, I gotta go. Have fun!" Marco exclaims and runs off to someplace god only knows with how his legs are clenching together.
"He's so fruity sometimes..." Y/N mumbles as she watches him leave, before she shakes her head and extends a jeweled hand towards the boy beside her. "Anyway, sorry about that. Was it Evan?" She asks unsurely.
"E-eren." He says with an audible voice crack, which in turn causes him to clear his throat and deepen his voice dramatically. "It's- I'm just Eren." He says and accepts her offering.
He has to make a lasting impression.
As soon as he takes hold of her soft and manicured hand, he swears he feels some sort of electrical current running through from his head to his toes. Golden sparks flew around her frame and blew some of her hair away from her cheeks... or perhaps that was the effect of Eren's heavy ass breathing fanning across her skin. She noticeably grimaces at the feeling and flinches away before she steadies herself once more.
"Well then, 'just Eren'. The name's Y/N, and sorry about Marco by the way. He's usually really composed so I have no idea what got into him just now. Wow, your hand is super sweaty..." She adds as she pulls her own away from his.
Eren pays the comment no mind and instead murmurs in an hypnotic state, "Y/N, wow that's actually really pretty."
"Oh? Why do you look so surprised?" She asks with a teasing tilt to her lips, her sultry tone of voice was an obvious attempt to loosen them both from the tight restraints their first meeting held them in. Though, she failed to notice how her continuation had gravely affected the boy. "Do I look like I would have an ugly ass name or something?"
"No! That's not what I meant at all." Eren vehemently stated. "I mean, why would anyone say that? You're really pretty, like prettier than your name- prettier than me!" He nervously chuckles.
"Oh, and that's such a valid standard because you're a pretty princess, aren't you? You think highly of yourself, don't you?" She continues her teasing, though Eren still doesn't take the hint.
Shit, he's already messing up. That's okay, he still has time to fix this.
"What?! N-no, that's not what I meant either! You're just like the prettiest person I've ever met, I don't want to cause you any insecurities!"
"Oh trust me, you won't. I know I'm-"
"I over lick my lips when I'm nervous! Sometimes it causes them to get chapped so I have to carry chapsticks with me everywhere." Eren also overshares personal, (embarrassing), information as a nervous habit. Word vomit, if you will.
A trait he is unfortunately exhibiting right now.
"Uh, okay?"
"When I was younger I used to eat the wax from my ears because I used to think it was the same as bees wax, therefore I convinced myself it tasted like honey comb."
Her jaw drops and the teasing grin is gone, clearly being caught off guard by his disturbing words. "Ew..."
"Anyway, you're way prettier than your name! I swear! I could prove it to you?! What do you want me to do? I'll do it, just say the word!" Eren hastily deflects as he flails his arms around and word vomits onto the glistening marbled floors. It's a pathetic sight, really. His insides feel like they're burning an inferno that he can't contain. His stomach begins to churn and suddenly he feels what he imagines Marco had felt earlier.
Does he seriously have to take a deuce right now? Perhaps he should have gone with Marco instead...
"Hey, dude... are you okay? You're looking really pale-" Begins the girl, though her attempt at showing concern was halted by Eren's loud and body convulsing gag.
Oh no... He can feel it, not word vomit, actual vomit pounding its way up his throat, climbing and begging to be released. Sharp talons cleave the walls of his esophagus so heavily that he feels as if he can't breathe. He has never in his 18 years of life felt like this and before he can even attempt to force himself to stop... it overflows.
Spewing out of his lips and onto the girl right before him was his double quarter pounder with cheese, large fries dipped in his Oreo McFlurry, and sprite from last night. All over the most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes on, the girl of his dreams.
And it's only then that Eren realizes they weren't alone.
Every single pair of eyes within the vicinity were glued onto their forms. The way Eren hurled and bent forward right onto Y/N's chest.
"What the actual hell?!" The girl shrieks as pure shock and disgust pours into her features. Eren feels hot tears gather on his waterline from the sheer force his body was using to dump out their contents. "What is wrong with you?!" She asks but garners no response as his mouth was preoccupied.
He tries to speak but every time he makes an attempt, his body curls inwards and begins to retch once again, "Shit, I'm so-" He begins, but to no avail. Not unless soiling a pretty girl's outfit counts as any benefit, at least.
"Are you fucking serious right now?! This is fresh Prada! Ugh, you indigent bum, I hope you know this costs more than your damn miserable life!"
It's safe to say that Eren has made his lasting impression.
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About 30 minutes after his projectile vomiting incident, Eren and Y/N are walking the same hallway they had met in, on their way to Dr. Hange's room for a stupid ID that he doesn't even care about anymore. Not when he can feel the wrathful glare from the short janitor stabbing at the side of his head. Eren grimaced as he walks past and murmurs a soft apology for creating the mess he was required to scrub until the floor glistened once again.
How did he already get on the janitor's shit list?
The girl beside him wasn't a fresh breeze on a sunny Sunday morning either. Rightfully so, considering she was forced to go shower again, though at least she was smart enough to store an extra pair of clothes in her locker. Here she was sporting yet another skirt, only this one was a vintage green finished with a mermaid hem. Her top was matching in color with some sort of floral pattern that Eren decided suited the way she smelled, and a small cardigan laid right on top. Her head was adorned with a white headband that matched her sneakers.
This chick seriously can't look anything less than perfection, can she?
Eren himself hadn't gotten any of last nights dinner on his own clothes, thankfully since he was not smart enough to do the same as the irritated girl. He better be extra thankful because of course he chose to wear a white button up today and there is no way he would have gotten the stain out, much less the smell.
They walked in silence, side by side, as the girl gripped the strap of her handbag... is that Balenciaga? Either way, Eren struggled to match her pace. She was absolutely pissed, that much he could tell.
He didn't know what to do, he could barely bring himself to speak. He felt that if he attempted to, he might puke all over her designer clothes again and he doubts she would have a third outfit prepared.
She would, but that's not important.
He really really wants to apologize, perhaps he can pay her back? Maybe he can sell one of his kidneys on the black market? Would they even pay him enough for that? He could probably find a nice corner and advertise his virginity to cover the rest, he's 18 now so it should be legal, right? Or, perhaps he will forever stay in debt to a girl he met in high school that pranced around in designer clothing and handbags. No one would ever think to hire him for any respectable position in that case.
He's fucked.
"Uhm..." He starts.
She sighs in exasperation and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Listen, I'll do you a favor. Let's just forget all about this and look the other way. As long as we never interact again, this will fade sooner rather than later and I'll have received my package from UPS or FedEx or whoever the fuck, and gotten a replacement for that really cute top you just ruined. Capiche?"
Eren sputters at her solution, staggering at the thought of never interacting and going their separate ways. Though, he supposes this is better than resorting to the black market. Perhaps they truly could move past this hurdle and live as simply acquaintances — acquaintances that harbored very ill memories of each other.
"Okay-" He began, only to get interrupted by a ping in her hand.
She had barely even glanced at it, really it was not a salient thing on her mind. She would have left it at a single glance would it not have been for several more following in succession. Only then did she spare it a second glance and the horror painted on her face was a tale tell sign that whatever it was that she read was not ideal.
"Oh no... no no no no, shit!" She cursed and rapidly tapped her fingernails on her illuminated screen.
A video played on her phone, loud enough to reach Eren's own ears. There was retching sounds, a gag, and then a splash. 'Are you fucking serious right now?! This is fresh Prada! Ugh, you indigent bum, I hope you know this costs more than your damn miserable life!' Followed after from the same velvety voice that made him weak in the knees.
"Evan-" She called as she shoved the phone towards Eren's face and his worst fears were confirmed.
Someone had recorded the entire event.
It was posted to the schools Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. There were comments, hundreds of them, and memes were already being made of Eren's face in pure agony. His teary eyes and sweaty face were plastered on every social media. He doesn't know if he's lucky that everyone is in class at the moment so that no one could actively laugh at him or if he was doomed because he's alone in a hallway with his newfound crush as his retching sounds echoed from the phone in her dainty hand.
"This is so bad! No one is gonna let this shit go anytime soon." She states as she reads the hundreds of loathing comments. "Look, I overreacted back there-"
"Just save it, okay? Thanks for walking me but I think I've got it from here." He says and hurriedly runs with his tail between his legs as she stares at his retreating form. Her jeweled hand finds itself aching to reach out, but she forces it to stay glued to her side.
"Well... fuck."
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That's how many classes Eren has had to sit through as people stare and gawk at him. Some are bold enough to point and laugh, though never to the extent where they would say anything to his face, while others resorted to mocking him behind his back, but the worst of them all?
The ones that look at him with pity.
Eren absolutely abhors being pitied.
He hates it — hates to be babied and hates to be coddled. He's a grown ass 18 year old man (boy) and has no need for people to feel sorrow for him when he's the one controlling all of his own actions.
He's a grown ass man (boy), alright. A grown ass man (boy) that just finished crying in that, surprisingly clean, bathroom stall because of the sheer humiliation that he felt. The ignominy that he had a moment of weakness caught on camera and shared with the entire school. The indignity of the fact that he ran and cried uncle from her.
If only she hadn't been there, then maybe he would have been spared the embarrassment. If only Marco hadn't needed to take a shit. If only Jean hadn't been messing with Armin this morning, then perhaps he wouldn't have had to intervene and therefore would have arrived at Dr. Hange's room on time and missed Y/N's entrance, she would have never made him weak in the knees and tongue tied. Nothing would have been spilt aside from his drool. None of this would have happened.
All of those thoughts ran rampant in Eren's head, so much so that he didn't even notice the lunch bell had rung until he felt someone continuously poke his shoulder.
"Wow you have tiny shoulders!" A tall girl with brown hair pulled into a pony exclaimed.
Swatting her hands away, Eren asks irritated, "What do you want?" Though, he knew it was pointless. She was probably there to ridicule and taunt him into crying some more, which he would totally give into.
"Uhh, the lunch bell rang already, so-"
"Oh, t-thanks." He answers.
She didn't recognize him? She isn't laughing at or deriding him, that's amazing! Maybe people have already begun to forget! That's what always happens after a major incident, so perhaps his life will be back to norm-
"Hey, wait! Aren't you the guy from that video? Oh, man! You puked all over Y/N, didn't you?" She asks, throwing her head back in a guffaw. "Dude, I've never seen her make that face before-"
"Sash! Are ya coming or not? They're leaving us behind!" Calls a boy with a silver buzz cut, his head and torso peeking into the emptying classroom buoyantly.
"Hey, Connie! Come look! It's the guy from the video, the one that squirted his juices all over Y/N!"
"I did not squirt my juices!"
"No fucking way! Man, you're famous!"
Just as the lively boy was making his way over to Eren's desk, Eren abruptly stands from his seat, the metal scraping at the floor harshly, and hastily grips his backpack.
"Listen, just leave me alone. I did not squirt my juices and I most definitely am not famous. But, you know what? Since you're both so insistent, why don't I give you an autograph?!" He erupts and then shoves two of his fingers down the back of his throat, gagging in the process.
"Woah! No need, we're fine..." Connie takes a step back and shields himself with his arms.
Eren glares sneeringly, "Apologies, I must have squirted all my juices for the day, I'm all out." He bites sarcastically and stomps his feet all the way out the door.
"What's wrong with him?" Connie asks his friend.
"He seems really upset, I don't know why, though." She answers obliviously.
"Beats me," Connie shakes his head dismissively and charges on with why he was originally even there. "Anyway, I was trying to tell you that we should go before they run out of sloppy Joes! You know Reiner doesn't give a damn about his bank account when they serve those, and if we don't go now... they'll all be devoured."
"Devoured?!" She screeched. "I'll kill the big oaf!"
"Then hurry your fat ass up, he's got a head start already!"
"What if we jump him in the lunch line? Oh! We could take his wallet too!"
"Girl, he's six foot four. The only things you'll be jumping are his man knockers, now get your ugly ass to the cafeteria."
"I mean, if that was the result of my actions, you would not catch me complaining-"
"Let's. Go."
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"Eren! Over here!" Armin, the blonde from this morning, called out.
Eren had just arrived at the expanse cafeteria, and to say he's about to piss his pants would be the understatement of the century. He had hoped to simply grab a tray of those magnificent looking sloppy Joes and then retreat back into the safety of the biggest stall available in the men's restroom to finish his crying session. Though, before he could even grab a tray, he was eagerly waved over by the goth girl and scrawny boy from earlier. They didn't seem to be laughing at his expense, and he had to admit, the familiar faces brought him a comfort he desperately needed at the moment.
"Hey," Eren greets as he sits across from the duo who contrasted each other so much so, it was almost amusing to him. They were sat at a round table near the back that allowed them clear views of the others surrounding them.
"Hey, how have you been?" Mikasa asks softly. He can tell she is trying her best to be as consoling as possible, considering the obvious shit day he's had.
"As well as I can be," He answers with a sigh and then drags his hands down his face in exhaustion. "I assume you guys have seen the video?" He asks with a wince, already having accepted what answer he would receive but still afraid of it. He settles his backpack on his lap and wraps his arms around its waist — he still hadn't stashed it away in his locker in fear of walking down that familiar hallway once again. It was as if he had developed PTSD or something of the sort that had him feeling like he would reenact the entire fiasco a second time. Not to mention, the hallway would surely be filled to the brim with other students and he couldn't bear to have all eyes on him again. Simply walking into the cafeteria had a dozen holes being burned on the back of his head, he doesn't want to imagine what kind of attention he would garner then.
"Everyone and their mothers have, I'm so sorry this is happening to you, Eren." Armin says sympathetically.
"Oh no, not the milfs." Eren grumbles as he squishes his face into the top of his bag.
"It's the plastics, Eren. What can you expect?" Mikasa grits bitterly, her eyes scrutinizing a table not far from her own. "I bet Y/N planned this all out, some kind of sick scheme to assert her dominance over the fresh meat."
"Mikasa... even if that were true, she's the one that got her clothes ruined. What good would that have done for her?" Armin rebuts.
The girl looks appalled that her friend would even ask such a thing. "Armin, she's loaded. The cost of an outfit like that is pocket change in her eyes." She reminds him. "Trust me, that was a minuscule loss to her father's bank account."
"Well, I certainly wouldn't put it past them." He agrees.
"Uhm," Eren interjects with a raise of his had as if he were in the middle of a lecture. "What the hell are 'The Plastics'?" He asks with his fingers making air quotations. "Armin mentioned them earlier too, so I asked Marco about it but he said he didn't know what I was talking about."
"Of course he said that, he's a part of the problem!" Mikasa exclaims a bit too loud for Armin's taste.
"Calm down Mikasa, they'll hear you!" He ushers the girl, not noticing he too has reached her level of volume. "Okay, Eren. If you want to survive, cause you're not gonna thrive unless you're one of them, you'll need to know who the hell they even are." He tells him whilst jutting his fingers in the direction that the girl beside him was just glaring at.
At a table not too far from their own, that they held a near perfect view of, sat a group of 8 teens. Although they all looked drastically different from each other, not to mention how they act, one thing was certain in what they had in common.
The blistering amount of confidence that oozed from their pores.
There was no doubt about where they all stood in the social hierarchy, the energy they exuded wouldn't allow any shred to sprout. The auras around them were asphyxiating and wouldn't let them go unnoticed, it was as if those same auras had wrapped their tendrils around each person present in the room, forcing them to bend knee to their will.
"Those eight are who we call 'The Plastics'." Armin explains.
"Cause they're all fake conniving bitches." Mikasa grits. It was clear that the girl had it out for them personally, though the reason for that is still a mystery to Eren.
"Tone it down, 'Kasa. They'll hear you."
"This seems very personal. What'd they do to you?" Eren asks as he leans his chin on his palm.
"What do you mean?" The girl asks.
"Well, you seem to really hate them. Like you have some kind of personal vendetta."
"What's your point?"
"My point is, why?"
Before she can answer, Armin interjects, "Funny thing, Y/N and Mikasa were actually really-"
"Armin!" She interrupts his explanation, to which the boy sputters at her exclamation.
"Can you not, right now?" She grits at the blonde, before she directs her attention back to the brunet before her. "We should give you a bit of background first, so you're somewhat familiar with who they are."
Both teens make intense eye contact before nodding their heads in sync and announcing, "Here's the mother fucking tea."
"Sasha Braus and Connie Springer," Armin says while jesting to a pair of students sitting beside each other, both having just sat down and were unleashing their wrath onto the other members of their table. It seemed they had been served whatever was left of the sloppy Joes which meant that they had less meat than the rest. "AKA: thing one and thing two. The most dumbest people you will ever meet, much more walk the planet."
"Armin sat beside them in Film theory last year." Mikasa adds.
The boy in topic nods vehemently, "They genuinely didn't know that Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana were the same person."
"I honestly don't even know how they got in with that kind of crowd, maybe their looks?" Mikasa thinks aloud.
"Either way, be wary. Just because they're stupid, doesn't mean they aren't as vicious as the rest. They know everything about everyone and are almost always at the center of rumors and drama. Also both stupidly rich." Armin warns.
Eren's face grows distant as he looks their way, reminiscing on his own interaction with the two. "Those two laughed at me in class earlier. I nearly thought they hadn't recognized me, but of course that was too good to be true." He says.
"No surprise there," Mikasa scoffs, "One time, they were caught trying to kill a ferret. The devils almost suffocated the poor thing with their bags." She explains as her fists slam down on the table brutally.
Armin's shoulders jump at the sound of the impact and one of his hands fly towards his head to adjust the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "The worst of the worst." He agrees.
Pointing to the boy familiar to Eren's eyes, the galled teens continue, "Next, we have Marco Bodt - our student body president. The quote 'nicest person to ever grace these halls' end-quote... well I call bullshit."
"There's rumors that he's been sent by whatever god you believe in to watch over the plastics. To be completely honest, that was probably started by Connie or Sasha, which wouldn't surprise me."
"On the surface, he's a real nice guy... almost too nice." Armin adds as he squints his eyes in suspicion. "It makes you wonder if it's all a farce."
"Oh, it totally is. I've heard rumors of him snapping at others and then proceeding to bribe them to keep their mouths shut." Mikasa nods.
Eren begins to ponder all previous interactions he's had with the boy, almost saddened at the thought of Marco's extremely friendly demeanor being a farce. "I never thought of it like that, it sucks actually. I thought we could have been friends."
It's Mikasa's turn to warn the brunet this time, "Zon't zo it, girl. Zon't zo it."
"Now, Ymir..." Armin begins before his face scrunches up and his eyes shoot to the ceiling. "I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what her last name is." He resolves.
"She's a part of the varsity girl's soccer team." Mikasa finishes as she juts her chin to a tall tanned girl sat beside Sasha. She donned dark brown hair tied into a low ponytail, and freckles littered her cheeks. She howled in laughter with her arm laid behind the seat of the blonde beside her. "She's a rude bitch and sarcastic to everyone except Historia, who she has a god obvious thing for. Well, obvious to everyone except Historia herself. Which brings us to-"
"Historia Reiss, she's your stereotypical popular girl — blonde, hot, and captain of the cheer squad." Armin interjects.
Next to Ymir was a small girl with vibrantly golden locks that could only be rivaled by Armin himself... not only that but they had nearly identical jeweled eyes. One could think they were somehow related, if not for their entirely opposing backgrounds. That one being Eren.
"Woah! Armin, is that your sister?!" Eren exclaims, staggering at their resemblance.
"What?! No!" The blonde exclaims, "Everyone always thinks that..." He grumbles with a roll of his eyes.
"I thought the same thing too." Mikasa snickers, "But, the more I've gotten to know Armin, the more contrary they get and now I can't even imagine them within an arms length of each other."
"Anyway! She's also crazy rich." Armin deflects.
"Uhm, isn't everyone in this school rich? I'm pretty positive I'm the only exception." Eren determines as he gestures to the rest of the tables littering the room.
Armin gapes like a fish out of water, "Well, yeah... but we mean Elon Musk rich! When we say rich at Trost, we don't mean normal rich, we mean buying an island rich. I have half the mind to seduce Reiner and get that bag, the big oaf won't know what hit him - I'd be set for life."
"How did you get in here, anyway? Are you like Einstein smart or what? What's your deal?" Mikasa bluntly asks.
"I wish." Eren answers, "In actuality, my dad's a doctor so we're doing well enough, though our net worth is nothing compared to everyone else here. I think I'd have to give the credit to my mom though, she recently got a new job in the fashion industry, which is why we had to move."
With a face that contradicts her words, Mikasa nods, "Interesting. Anyway, I heard Historia once made a girl cry in the restroom! Apparently, she cut the girl's hair because it looked better than her own." She informs them.
"That's downright cruel." Armin squeaks as he clutches the strands by his face.
"Next, we have... ugh, Jean." Mikasa groans and then faux vomits, which Eren finds to be insensitive, considering his experience with the action today.
"He's arrogant, cocky, and never leaves me alone." Armin grimaces.
"He's a wannabe delinquent and a whore for attention. Also, another addition to the stupidly rich club and best friends with Y/N. They're like Yin and Yang, but more alike than different." Mikasa glares at the fawn haired boy who is in the middle of flipping the bird to Ymir.
"Now, Reiner Braun. He's your stereotypical jock — blonde, hot, and captain of the men’s varsity lacrosse team."
"He's a weird one, sometimes leaning more towards a decent guy and then the next moment he's acting like... well, a jock. Pretty sure he has a thing for Y/N, too." Armin adds as the teen quite literally proves his point, feigning a yawn and laying his arm on the backrest of her chair. Though, the girl abruptly stands up and out of reach.
"I think they've hooked up at least once. Of course, that's just what I've heard people whisper around them. No surprise, he's rich as hell as well." Armin finishes.
"And last but not least," Mikasa's once hard glare turns piercing and no longer exhibits a frosty aura. Instead, her irises project blazing infernos. "Y/N Ackerman. If the academy had a royal court, she'd be the one sat cozy on the throne. Queen bee, you could call her. She's also the captain of the girl's varsity soccer team. Don't be fooled, because she may seem like your typical selfish backstabbing slut faced hoe bag, but in reality she is so much more than that."
Eren can't help but feel as though those two have a personal history that can't be uncovered with a simple glance. Though, he notes how one sided it looks to be.
As he goes to glance at the girl they are currently gossiping about, he notices that her spot at the infamous table was vacant. The only people left were the rest of her friend group, all of which sporting dumbfounded faces.
Dumbfounded faces directed towards his own table.
Why are they looking his way?
"Hey, Evan, right?" Says that distinctly velvety voice that forces Eren to be grateful he's sat. His knees wouldn't have been able to handle his entire weight, not this time.
Mikasa gapes at the sight of the girl standing before their table, before she steels herself and returns to her signature glare. "It's Eren. Eren Jaeger." She reminds with gritted teeth.
Y/N noticeably winces at her slip up, "My bad, I'm terrible with names."
"It's fine! I'm just Eren." Eren hastily reassures as he stares up at her in a daze.
The girl chuckles softly, "Okay, just Eren." She corrects and then her eyes dart across the cafeteria to assure that all eyes were on her, as she intended. Her class did not disappoint. The oh so easily influenced senior class of Trost Academy granted her their fully undivided attention. Every breath turned stagnant, chewing halted, and conversations left on hold in hopes of finding out what the hell their most prestigious alumni wants with the social rejects.
She clears her throat and asks profoundly, "Why don't you come to my game today? We're playing home, and afterwards we're heading to my house to celebrate our inevitable win. There'll be pizza for dinner, on me." Her eyes dart to the other two across from him and her smile grows tight. "You can even bring your... friends." She says, though her words sound unsure and awfully forced.
Multiple beats of silence follow the offer, no one daring to move a muscle in fear of furthering their own confusion.
What? Why is this happening? What's her motive? Is she going to humiliate him again? Hadn't she had enough of that this morning? Eren wants to genuinely ask himself those questions, but in truth, he folds at her mere presence.
He's left with his jaw dropped and exchanges panicked glances with Mikasa and Armin.
Mikasa's expression of bewilderment fades into one of distaste and suspicion. "Now, why the hell would we do that? Princess."
"Because I'm inviting you? Obviously." The H/C girl retorts with the same bite in her tone. The room goes quiet once again, before she decides she has had enough and sighs in exasperation. "Look, I'm not about to grovel at your feet, I'd rather not crease my sneakers; they're Italian leather. You either come or you don't." She finishes and then leans Eren's way, causing him to catch a whiff of her floral perfume. "Think of this as a way for me to help you out a bit. You... didn't deserve that humiliation. Especially not on your first day." She whispers and juts her head to the eyes around them.
Oh, wow. It seems that she's attempting to make it look as if they are both on good terms, friends even. An attempt at fixing his reputation, which means she feels bad.
His heart is going to explode, and he's begging himself to keep whatever remains in his stomach where it should be.
His head nods buoyantly, "Yeah, I'm in love with yo-"
"Yes! We accept your invitation and will be cheering from the stands at 6 pm today. Don't worry your pretty little head, you'll see us there." Mikasa announces abruptly and fixes the girl a determined stare.
"Oh..." She breathes, almost as if she didn't expect the results she was given. "You're sure?"
"Yes, no take backsies." Mikasa says with a taunting smile.
"Okay then, cool. I'll- uh, see you guys later?" Her gaze moves to Eren for confirmation.
The boy nods dumbly, with pink dusting his cheeks. "Yeah, I'll love you lat- I mean! I'll see you later."
The corner of her lips rise slightly at his outburst and she tilts her head curiously, before she nods and retreats back to her seat beside Reiner, the seven sat around her giving her matching shocked expressions.
As everyone slowly snaps out of their dazes and begin to return to their own activities for the remaining of the time they had left, Y/N's friends aren't as willing to glide over what had just occurred.
"Y/N, what the hell was that? Since when do you do charity?" Asks Jean with a concerned expression.
"Don't tell me that's your way of atoning for the puking fiasco..." Ymir adds.
"We told you that it wasn't your fault, hon. It was the assholes that recorded everything and made it a bigger deal than it had to be." Historia reassures as she sits up from Ymir's hold.
"Are you beating yourself up about that, Y/N?" Connie asks sympathetically.
Reiner places his jacket onto the girl's shoulders and takes a hold of one of her palms comfortingly. "Do you want my last sandwich?" He offers.
"What? No, I mean sure I felt bad earlier but that's long since worn off. I'm trying to fix my own reputation here!" She answers boldly, "Have you seen the comments on the video? I'm being called a snobby uptight bitch. Yeah, no way am I gonna let that continue." She scoffs.
The entire table nods and murmurs their agreements, considering they probably would have done the same. It's not like she truly had harmful intentions, she just figured she could kill two birds with one stone.
"I'm not gonna lie though, can you really blame me for feeling just a tad bit bad for the guy? He already looks like a total loser. It's affecting him as much as it is me, so why not try to help the both of us out?" She explains, "Though, I didn't think they would actually agree. Especially Mikasa."
"So... no sandwich?" Reiner asks again.
"Rei, of course I want your sandwich." She answers and he happily slides his tray her way.
"To be honest, the kid's weird for projectile vomiting on his first day, but I can get behind your idea." He admits as he leans back in his chair.
"Well, you've surely seen better days." Marco comments sympathetically. "You sure you're fine?"
"Yeah," She answers, "Though, I barely got any sleep last night. Auggie had his band over because dad wasn't home, and he learned how to work the power box, so now I can't just turn it off whenever I want because the fucker will just turn it back on." She sighed as she bit into her sloppy Joe.
"Ooh! When are they gonna play for us again? They're improving so fast, I bet we could get them to play at Miche's Diner." Sasha suggests eagerly. "Speaking of, when the hell are we going back? It's been forever since I had that mouthwatering burger in my stomach!"
"Sasha, you're slobbering. Also, we literally went last weekend, what do you mean 'forever'?" Jean reminds the girl.
"I said what I meant and I meant what I said."
"Anyway, lighten up, Y/N. That loser is hardly important enough to let him get you down." Jean chuckles as he ruffles her hair, effectively tarnishing her picture perfect hairstyle.
The girl groans and jerks her head away, "I'd never let a man tell me what to do, now fix my hair you rat. I can't be seen like this." She finishes and points a manicured finger to her head, which the boy rolls his eyes at but accedes nonetheless.
"Oh, I know!" Marco exclaims with a nearly visible lightbulb above his head. "Why don't I bring Megan over to your house tonight after the game? That'd be nice, wouldn't it?" He suggests after having been brainstorming a way to lift her spirits.
"Oh wow! Yes, I miss Megan so much, please bring him over Marco!" Sasha says as she throws her torso on the table, cupping her hands together in a pleading motion.
"Yeah, I've been needing my weekly trauma dump, so that'd be nice for me too." Reiner agrees.
"I haven't been able to buy him snacks because I've been saving up for my club penguin membership." Connie whines dramatically.
"Connie, you're loaded. What are you talking about?" Jean deadpans.
The boy crosses his arms and glares at his freckled friend beside him, "Well, someone here said I couldn't use my parents' money on Megan anymore."
The boy in question simply rubs the back of his neck and chuckles, "Well, last time I let you, you ended up buying him way more than just food. Trust me, you've given him enough, get your club penguin membership."
"Look cueball, all you've gotta do is make a couple bets on who you think is gonna win tonight and then when we inevitably do, you'll have enough for Megan, your membership, and more. Donezo." Ymir says with a smirk, obviously very confident in her team's skills.
"And where the hell am I gonna find someone willing to bet against you guys?"
"Just go to the other side of the stands, Stohess is cocky as shit. Trust me, you'll find tons of betting twerps."
"Cool, good point."
"Now, let's just hope your new friends aren't bad luck charms, Captain." The brunette turns towards the girl in topic. "Last thing we want is this attempt at mending reputations to come bite us in the ass."
"Oh please, Ymir." Y/N scoffs sarcastically, "You make it seem like they're out to get us." She chuckles at the idea.
"Even if they were, what's the worst they could do?"
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"Guys, what the hell just happened?" Eren asks with his mouth agape. Armin brings his hand up to close his jaw manually.
"I think we just got invited to a party? Is it even a party? Only the plastics ever get to celebrate with the captain after their wins, of course there are a few exceptions but I never thought we would ever be included in those exceptions!"
"I think I almost creamed my pants." Eren murmurs as he calms his heart rate from his latest interaction. "Wait," He redirects his attention to the ravenette, "Why the sudden change of heart, Mikasa? I could have sworn you were committing mental arson just now."
"Don't you guys see? This is our chance — we can finally get close to the plastics and ruin them from the inside out." She explains with a menacingly calculative expression on her face.
Both boys gawked at the girl and the sheer audacity she had to suggest such a thing, until Armin couldn't bear to contain his disbelief. "Are you crazy, Mikasa?! What are you on? How would we even pull that off?!"
"I don't want to do that, you sound psychotic. This is like some weird wannabe spin-off plot from some 2000's movie that we would never do justice and leave all the viewers complaining about how we should leave iconic films alone." Eren states adamantly. Her idea sounds cruel and he honestly doesn't know if they would deserve to be the pawns of some sort of revenge plot.
"Eren, she humiliated you. You might have your doubts of if she meant to ruin your first day at a school such as this one, but that's just how she works." Mikasa grits and her piercing stare somehow grows even fiercer than ever before. "She makes you think she cares and then when you need her the most? Bam! She drops you like a damn potato. She's the most backstabbing bitch to ever backstab!" She defends herself whilst her hands repeatedly make stabbing motions towards the boy's chest.
Eren's face contorts into a grimace, "This seems more like it's for your own vengeance than mine." He states as his arms cross over his chest.
"Yeah, Mikasa." Armin interjects, "Even though I don't like them very much, ruining their lives is a little too far; even for me."
The girl steadies her breath as she calms herself and reels in her resentment. "Alright, relax. I just worded it wrong." She reassures, though Eren doesn't know if he believes her. "What I meant is that we should take this opportunity to mess with them a bit. Maybe knock them down a peg, no biggie. We have nothing better to do and it's not like this invitation will actually spark some type of friendship with any of them. It would simply never work."
"...How would you know that?" Eren asks, though what he really means is, why? For what reason would no sort of relationship have the ability to form? Was the idea of being associated with people of their status so inconceivable?
"Eren, she couldn't even remember the name of the guy she completely humiliated just a couple of hours ago. Your name. She couldn't remember your name. Trust me, I know."
Ouch. That one cut deep, much to his surprise.
"Well... perhaps this would get Jean to leave me alone. At least for some time?" Armin mutters with his chin between his index and thumb.
"Exactly," Mikasa agrees. "Armin stops his bully, Eren gets his revenge, and I get the pleasure of partaking in and watching the collapse of the hierarchy."  
Armin giggles conspicuously, "I mean, as long as this is just a bit of horseplay... nothing different than playing chess, right? I'm in."
The pair then turn their heads to the remaining member of their newly formed trio, who seems to be in deep thought.
Is Mikasa right? Could this simply be a game to Y/N? One that she would have no problem turning and stabbing him in the back in order to win? Everything Mikasa and Armin have said makes perfect sense, they sound like an awful group of people. But if so, why the hell is Eren hesitating so much?
He resides to closing his eyes and takes a thoroughly deep breath, relaxing his mind for what he can tell is a monumental moment that will determine his experience at Trost Academy. If he accepts, who knows what could go down? Not to mention, he might end up on the IT girl's shitlist. Though, if he declines, Mikasa and Armin would ditch him and then he'd be all alone in this enormous school filled with people who ridicule him left and right.
He can hear them laughing from the distance, condescending laughs that grow distinct the longer he keeps his eyes shut. They were taunting, as if they were testing his will or patience...
Eren does not want to experience humiliation any longer. He hates to feel inferior and for as long as they are still standing, that feeling won't disappear.
Knowingly declaring war, Eren announces his final decision. "Alright, what do you have in mind?"
Mikasa's eyes grew darker than they have ever been, and Eren could almost see the snake slithering around in the deep irises that made up Mikasa Ackerman's mercury eyes. "Thanks for asking, I've already got an idea. It's got to do with tonight's game. After all, what's a queen without her throne?"
And as the vindictive girl begins to elucidate her plan, Eren finds his gaze straying to the girl that stood above him moments ago. She's sat at her table at the center of the room, or was it truly the center of the room? Perhaps it simply felt that way. Eren was convinced that no matter where she stood, she would always be the center in his eyes.
He doesn't know if he likes that fact.
She laughs at the way Jean ruffles her hair for the fourth time, berates the boy, and then returns the favor. And Eren can feel his heart crack just the slightest bit as he thinks of what he agreed to partake in. He feels as though if his heart ruptures just a few more times, it'd bleed out. Though, perhaps it will already be too late then, and he wonders just whose will break first.
But, then again, Eren has always been a sore loser.
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Tag list: @idreamitski @str4wberrylover @jesus-son-of-god @hoejosblindfold [dm or comment to be added or removed!]
A/N: Happy birthday Eren! My little war criminal ♥︎
143 notes · View notes
poptart-productions · 2 years
afk !
[streamer! eren x reader headcanons/drabble]
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↳ ❝ [pairing] ¡! ❞
modern! eren jaeger x black fem! reader
↳ ❝ [content/warnings] ¡! ❞
manbun eren, german native! eren, foreign/western! y/n, simp/maidenless! eren
↳ ❝ [nova’s notes] ¡! ❞
manbun eren brainrot
got a rumbling eren! x modern! reader coming out soon so look out for that if you’re interested!
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↳ you caught eren’s eye while you were studying abroad at his university
↳he’d never seen anyone like you before; you made the bold choice of wearing your hair natural and he thought it was so cute—purely irresistible
↳eren being eren, came to your defense when he saw people petting you like a dog
↳ he had no idea you watched his streams as a method of practicing the german language
↳ he learned a little english to impress you, and even though it was severely broken, you thought the effort to make you comfortable was sweet
↳when you told him you watched his streams he lowkey wanted to crawl into a hole and die—a lot of his streams was just him finding a game he liked and turning on his subpar camera. in other words: he had no filter
↳he acted cool about it— “nice to know i have such a beautiful fan” the translating app would say back to you in it’s robotic voice and you would smile up at him—but he was extremely embarrassed that your heavenly ears have been tainted by all his swearing and screaming
↳after that, you noticed he’d been more subdued; but that made his eventual outbursts all the more hilarious
↳sort of desperate to talk to you, so you two came up with a deal in which he taught you german and you taught him english
↳genuinely put in a lot of work into paying attention to your lessons and practicing in his free time so within a year he was already learning about slang
↳after learning that you watched his stuff religiously, he started putting a lot of effort into his appearance—it was for you; he would wash his face and hair before getting on stream, tying his hair up into what would become his iconic manbun, and he would constantly glance into his viewfinder to adjust his appearance
↳meanwhile: mikasa and armin, who were both visiting their families were immediately suspicious
↳as his best friends they watched every single stream—and they know him well enough to know he’s never been a model—he’s got the looks for it, sure, but it seems like whenever a user by the name of [idk_cantspeakgerman] says a broken hello in the chat, he seems to think he is. re-tying his hair, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt, and straightening his posture
↳ ”it’s about a girl” they both agreed; and a special one too
↳mikasa calls him out on it immediately, and eren gets belligerently dismissive of the idea—him, having a crush? no way.
↳eren, with your encouragement and help, switches from his german streaming service to twitch; “you’re pretty good at english—and you’re super funny, so if you stream on twitch in english you’ll reach a wider audience—i’ll even help out!”
“really? you’ll help?” your feverish nod and cute facial expression made his heart swell, so he agreed
↳due to his good looks, humor, and a video of him flying off the handle completely in german blowing up on twitter, all of his socials have literally been vibrating ever since
↳then mikasa and armin got back; mikasa is a little skeptical at first, but once she sees how good of a person you are + that poc solidarity, she now seems to like you better than she does eren
↳now the three are constantly checking up on you and making sure you feel included. they know you study hard so you have to miss out on hangouts sometimes
↳it was during one of these hangouts that eren’s feelings toward you become undeniable
“let’s take a picture for [n/n]” mikasa shows a tiny smile as your nickname falls from her lips; she adjusts her bangs
“sure,” armin nods, fixing his jacket and ensuring that his cute milkshake was in frame as mikasa lifted her phone above their heads
eren quickly glances up at the screen, his face contorting as he stares at his image—he begins to recoil as mikasa started counting,
“—wait, wait, fuck” the brunette pulls himself out of the frame and takes his hair down
he pulls it back up, and fixes his shirt before sliding back in next to armin as if nothing has happened
mikasa and armin are silent and unmoving for an embarrassing amount of time.
“are you gonna take the picture?” trying his best to hold his ‘smoldering gaze’ into the camera, eren fails to notice the exasperated sighs coming from his two friends
↳like i said, despite his good looks—bro is very much maidenless, which isn’t his fault, (i hc him to be somewhat aro) but it still makes him unsure how to approach you about this—or even act around you now that he realizes his feelings
↳mikasa is lowkey eren’s top op when it comes to keeping those feelings a secret from you—it gets to a point where he literally refuses to let you two be alone, and constantly looks over her shoulders when she’s texting you
↳we’re getting off topic but his feelings for you are put on blast when his DUMBASS forgot that there were german speakers that watched his stream
it started with an innocent call from you—well, perhaps it was a little deceptive “i know you’re streaming but this is urgent—will there be food at your mom’s place, yes or no?”
all of the tension and worry he was holding melted away, and he let go of a breathy laugh; “yeah, my mom always makes food for guests”
his eyes flicker to the chat, who was curious as to who he was talking to, ‘my friend’ he mouths to the camera
“say less, me and mika will be over there in a bit—later, ren-ren!”
the nickname is new.
from you at least.
armin started calling him that as a mean-spirited joke when he found out his mother used that nickname when he was young.
armin must’ve told you—you couldn’t have known that it annoyed him, you sounded so innocent and sweet—like you just wanted to give a nickname to your friend
and when you said it, eren didn’t even care; it was honey flowing from those lips of yours
something about it was so domestic; like you were his loving girlfriend, calling to check up on him.
he almost wanted to throw his head back and sink into the bliss you had single-handedly caused him to stumble into
but then carla, who had long since finished her cooking and was silently watching her son’s streaming out of frame, breaks her silence to ask, in german, “who is that—is that the girl you like—“ “yes, mom it is” he tenses, but forces a laugh and hopes his camera doesn’t pick up the red on his cheeks
“she’s a good one.”
when i tell you, when the translations came out, eren was being nothing short of harassed by his so-called fans.
obviously after that,
you knew.
↳the two of you awkwardly avoided each other for like a day, before you asked him out to coffee over the phone
↳coffee date with streamer eren. that’s it.
↳he’s super sweet and quiet during the date, just invested in whatever you’re talking about
↳like deadass, if you’re like me and just say random shit because you have adhd or just wanna fill the silence, he might freak you out. you’ll just say something about “this is some sweet coffee” and then you look up and he’s staring you down
↳speaking of adhd. eren def has that, and it shows through in his streams but he tries his best around you
↳speaking of trying his best, he literally treats you as his wife—you’re the only girl he’s ever romantically loved, so he genuinely sees you in his future; because of you, he sees his streaming as less of a hobby and more of a career, and he literally manifests/puts it in his journal that he wants to give you a luxurious life
please give him the world—i love him he’s perfect
↳his mother sees how much this means to him, and that his job is raking in a lot of money, so carla allows him to switch to an online curriculum in order to focus on his career
↳of course, that means you see each other much less. you want to support his dreams so you try to get used to it—but it’s eren’s fault for spoiling you with his love and affection—you couldn’t just go from all of that to just talking on the phone
↳he knew that his absence was hurting you, so every day he made an effort to take you back to the dorms after your classes.
“eren!” you practically tackled eren—you see him every day, and yet you act like long lost lovers every time, “princess!” he welcomes you with open arms, the same puppy-like adoration in his eyes you had, “i missed you”
“i missed you too”
↳will abandon his stream to swoop you out of class if you’re having a shitty day
↳gets super excited when tell him you wanna meet his fans, and keeps telling his chat “it’s a very special day”
↳they knew he was living in germany and was a native, so most were pleasantly surprised to find that he was in an interracial relationship
↳super clingy the whole stream.
“hi, i’m [y/n]! i’m from [h/c] and i’m this knucklehead’s girlfriend” you tried to give him a noogie, but it lowkey hurt so you stopped immediately
“sit on my lap?” you weren’t even given a chance to answer before he was pulling you onto the gaming chair with him
↳eren doesn’t get jealous when he sees comments about how beautiful you are—because you are, he’ll just tighten his grip on you and smile—that is, unless the comment is completely out of pocket. in which case, he will call them out
“also [username], you’re fucking disgusting”
“you don’t say that shit about any other person—and you had the fucking nerve to say that about her right where i can see it—right in front of her—shows you have no fucking respect”
“get the fuck off my stream—the fuck is wrong with you”
embarrassed, you attempt to do some damage control “babe—“
“—no, you don’t have to take that shit, alright? not when i’m here, alright?”
ngl men defending a woman’s honor is so goddamn hot oml
↳miss girl—when i tell you his fans LOVE YOU, there are entire channels and accounts dedicated to you two—entire video compilations dedicated to every time you say something funny on stream or are just existing next to your boyfriend
↳simps so hard and you don’t even realize; his face visibly softens when he looks into the viewfinder to find you peeking into the room
↳his nicknames for you are constantly changing as a result of his adhd: my baby/babe, gremlin, woman/girl, sexy, sweetheart, sweet girl, the girlfriend/the (future) wife
↳tries his best to avoid saying cringey shit and fetishizing you like: ‘i love you my little cocoa butter gumdrop nubian goddess’
↳unfortunately, though; your year studying abroad came to an end, and eren deadass cried into your lap the night before your flight home
↳he hugged you so tight you thought you’d break in the airport, he almost didn’t let go.
↳five weeks away from each other and he’s already crumbling. calling you every morning and night, and texting you every five minutes
↳eventually him, mikasa and armin all go silent on you after asking very specific and leading questions about your living arrangements and it you’re super confused,
“hey, [n/n]?” your roommate peeks into your room, as your currently contemplating switching majors—yes, this late
“yeah?” you inquire, not sparing her a second glance in favor of straining on the computer screen sat atop your lap
“your friends are here to see you?”
“hot as fuck, too” she whispers as she walks off
it’s that comment that finally gets you to look up, but she’s already gone
then, an unmistakable pair of emerald eyes peek into the room, scanning it briefly before locking onto you
you sat in stunned silence as the owner of those eyes fully steps into the room.
you fall over yourself trying to get to him, and eren meets you halfway, “eren!”
“hi, sweetheart!”
“fuck—i missed you”
“i missed you too”
armin and mikasa made their way up the stairs, seeming that eren was much more excited to see you than them, and they joined your embrace
as you sat on the floor in a group hug, you realized you stumbled upon some amazing people
↳eren planned to stream while there he really really did, but he got distracted by you so he spent that entire trip afk
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seredelgi · 6 months
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Yeah so...
I need this man to slap me across the face and fuck me dumb.
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sugarcandydoll · 6 months
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a dream is a wish ur heart makes!
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leo ☉ | aries ☾ | cancer ↑
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hi angel. 👼🏼♡ i am liana, twenty-one, she/her, enfp!! ^^ i am an applied psychology major at uni. 🎀 some of my interests include shopping, reading fanfiction & dark romance, roleplaying, learning yummy recipes, collecting pink objects, playing dreamlight valley, watching anime, bollywood movies, k-dramas, and horror. ♡ i am also a huge fangirl & love simping on fictional men hehe. ♡
my hubbies 🫶🏼 → nate jacobs, eren jaeger, katsuki bakugo, coriolanus snow, muzan kibutsuji, zade meadows, eric coulter, tom riddle, jared trent, rafe cameron ♡
my links ♡
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴 ♥︎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻
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‧₊˚౨ৎ bunny baby header by my bambi angel @doeyedbambi ♡🐇 its the cutest hehehe ♡ tysm bby mwah ♡ cute princess crown header by @xxbimbobunnyxx ♡🐰 ౨ৎ˚₊‧
‧₊˚౨ৎ my magical mooties ౨ৎ˚₊‧
♡ @lanadelreystan101 ♡ @angel-cryptid ♡ @cult-of-lambs ♡ @tulipsfaeries ♡ @dreamylittlevalentine ♡ @sugardonutzz ♡ @his-littlefox ♡ @xoxo-lenah ♡ @evaswarner ♡ @delightfulsweettragedy ♡ @bittersweetbabett ♡ @femmeprincessjulia ♡ @doeyedbambi ♡ @msallurea ♡ @bumble-bunny-babe ♡ @princesscherry ♡ @themilkywayyy ♡ @arestoucries ♡ @scrumptiouskitty0x ♡ @lolapath ♡ @pppaper-planes ♡ @pinksapphicprincess ♡ @purebbyfawn ♡ @bvnnyholly ♡ @crenna ♡ @loveleftmelikethis ♡ @sparrowinkk ♡ @thejudeduarte ♡ @dangeroustaintedflawed ♡ @monkichixo ♡ @mayareadshehehehe ♡ @iwriteloveletters ♡ @shattermelyhfmlblog ♡ @ant-thebooknerd ♡ @cupidarrow10 ♡ @pastelfairytears ♡ @notdelusionalatall ♡ @rafeysdoll ♡ @b3nnyrafe ♡ @rafescurtainbangz ♡ @jessyourstruly ♡ @babybimbo777 ♡ @fclklqre ♡ @shuhuaspookie ♡ @aemvnd ♡ @reyreadersblog ♡ @xxbimbobunnyxx ♡ @dracosbabygirl8 ♡ + all my other moots who i couldn't tag coz of tag limit ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა💗
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chososdoll · 8 months
. (✿ᴗ ᴗ) . 🤍
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. pen or penny (she/her) / 29 / scotland / aot, jjk, jjba levi’s wife. choso’s doll. zeke’s girl. mahito’s plaything.
✿✿✿ aesthetic cred to cafekitsune & starzyyy1
currently writing for: aot/jjk/jjba/genshin impact
requests: CLOSED.
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𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴!! - dni if you're a minor or ageless blog - you will be blocked. - racism, homo/bi/transphobia, ableism and general shittiness is not tolerated here. be kind. - i do write and reblog dark content which can include cnc, ddlg/daddy (i also refer to my bf as this) kink, stepcest, omegaverse. i will tag this as much as i can but please be aware of what my content is!
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𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢!!!
my loves
aot: levi ackerman, zeke jaeger
jjk: choso kamo, toji fushiguro, satoru gojo, mahito (sorry)
jjba: dio brando, guido mista, rohan kishibe, narciso anasui
genshin: neuvillette, kaeya, xiao
- due to become a paediatric nurse next year :} - i live with my boyfriend & he supports my creativity and love for fictional characters (he even simps with me sometimes!) - i have borderline personality disorder and intermittently struggle with this. i am always willing to lend an ear to moots in need but please do not trauma dump or unload without warning as it can be a lot for me. - i am 420 friendly but i don’t really post about it outta respect to my followers as i know it’s not everyone’s thing! anything will be tagged with a trigger warning. if you ever have questions about this sort of thing my inbox is open! - if you're mean to cats... i hate you
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𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 (𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔰𝔬𝔬𝔫)!
✿ i have 3 oc’s ( penelope & carli for aot, kiko for jjk) who are very dear to me, a lot of my smut is adapted from their own stories. if you ever want to know more i would love to talk about them! also very interested in rp and collaborations. ✿
requests currently closed but thirsts v welcome! all characters aged up as always. i will write for the following:
✿ aot: levi, zeke (please i beg), eren, reiner, jean, porco
✿ jjk: choso, gojo, geto, sukuna, yuji, megumi, toji, ino, mahito, nanami
✿ jjba: honestly everyone lmao list is too long
✿ genshin: kaeya, xiao, neuvillette, wriothesley, itto
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crisalidaseason · 2 years
Look, I'm really gay and a simp for Mikasa. Also, I've been obsessed with Royalty tropes. This thing came out of my brain as a result. Hope you enjoy it, I guess.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Mikasa being a chaotically cute and oblivious, me being gay af and simping for her. Eren being clueless but supportive nonetheless. OH, this is very sapphic. Not proofread at all, that's just a self indulgent story that I vomited on my phone's keyboard
Princess reader who gets an arranged marriage with prince Eren Jaeger. Both Eren and the princess are miserable with this situation. Eren wants to be a traveler and explore the world's hidden mysteries. The princess wants to be free from the duty of marriage and child bearing.
Unfortunately, princess and Eren get married. They make an agreement to act as a couple only to the public, but never in private. They become good friends with time and learn to appreciate each other's companies and advice.
One day, an assassination attempt endangers the princess's life and Eren decides that she needs more personal protection. He sends a letter to his sister, Mikasa, a well known strong shield maiden and also a very trusted person. Mikasa agrees to look after her brother's wife.
What Mikasa didn't expect is to find the princess extremely ethereal and beautiful. She tries to play it off as normal because everyone simps for a princess from time to time (right? It's normal, right?).
Princess is utterly in love with Mikasa. As soon as Eren introduced his sister, the princess was too focused on how beautiful and divine the dark haired woman looked. That moment the princess knew she had to get that cutie for herself.
The princess wore the most beautiful dresses, perfumed herself, braided and decorated her hair. She made sure to look pretty for her shield maiden. Everyday they would go for a peaceful stroll around the gardens, talking about the gossip from the previous day. In the afternoons, the princess would take Mikasa to the library and read books with her. In the evenings, the princess insisted that Mikasa sat beside her during dinner. Eren was a little confused but happy that his sister and wife were friends.
One day, Mikasa has to travel for a small mission assigned by her brother. The princess gets really sad, but understands it. Eren assures her that the trip will only last a week and Mikasa will be back very soon. The princess patiently waits, and waits and waits.
After two weeks, a group of shield man come back with a wounded Mikasa and all hell breaks loose. Eren is worried because his sister is almost invulnerable and the princess is worried she won't make it. Fortunately, Mikasa is stable and will recover soon.
During her recovery, the princess wouldn't leave Mikasa on her own. She takes care of her wounds and feeds her when she isn't feeling strong enough to do so. While Mikasa sleeps, the princess kisses her forehead and tells her "I love you" thinking the shield maiden is not listening.
Mikasa of course hears that, but doesn't say anything because she is confused and not sure she wasn't hallucinating. She recovers and everything goes back to normal, but those three words torment the shield maiden's mind.
Mikasa looks for signs that the princess might have romantic feelings for her. All the while she feels guilty because Eren is her husband. She doesn't want to hurt her brother's feelings by pursuing his wife.
All the while Eren is a little too dumb to notice both women are clearly head over heels for one another. It takes Armin to actually tell him "bro, they're in love we have to do something because I can't take this anymore" (let's say Mikasa likes to barge Armin's chambers and complain that the princess is so cute, and pretty, and lovely).
Eren and Armin make a plan (more like Armin does all the planning and Eren is the moral support) to send both women to a very beautiful and secluded castle owned by the Jaeger family. They tell both girls is a safety measure and Mikasa completely agrees to take the princess there.
The princess and her shield maiden arrive on the castle and have a lot of fun walking around and exploring the library and the surrounding forest. They decide to have a picnic and end up kissing, with only the sunset as their witness.
When they arrive back home, Eren and Mikasa have a conversation. Eren tells his sister he doesn't have feelings for the princess and that he would be more than happy to have his sister and friend be married.
In the end, Mikasa and the princess get married with Eren and Armin as witnesses (Armin got his license to marry and unmarry people). Eren and princess are still married to the public, but in private she is Mikasa's wife.
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
kendy have you watched attack on titan? do you have any favs?
oh boy have i........LMFAO
i used to be very very into it and i still have a soft spot for it but my interests kind of moved on. i was a reiner simp baby many people here can vouch for me but i've always had a twinkle for erwin and i love levi so much and ANNIE. I LOVE ANNIE. tbh i like all of the characters for the most part and understand their perspective removed from the anime/manga itself.
that being said i'm sad that i deleted my old blog again bc i wanted to deep dive into the "my feral anime boyfriend" tag created 3/2014 that was full of eren jaeger edits and gifs....like okay sister....
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