#es bumblebee
pinkanonwrites · 2 days
God imagine dating Bumblebee and him finding out you own the stinger dildo abdbfbbsjfjf
I think he’d go through the 5 stages of grief before wanting to see if you could actually take it (and get his hopes up that you could take his spike one day)
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There's a multitude of emotions that go through Bumblebee when he finds out that you own The Stinger. First is embarrassment, because he has no idea why the thing exists in the first place and it's scarily accurate. Once the realization hits that hey, he's not the one who should be embarrassed in this situation, you should be, that's when the playful teasing starts. Think like the scene from Parks and Rec:
"Aww, you had a crush on me! So embarrassing..."
"We're married."
That one.
Followed by the teasing about you trying so hard to please him for his sake, then a bit of surprise at your flirty confidence. Then the 'It's not too late to back out, y'know? Don't take more than you can handle.~' to the 'Okay seriously babe I don't want you to actually hurt yourself, you don't have to try so hard to make it fit.' then finally, the 'Sweet Solus it's actually gonna fit.' That's when he starts to turn into a pathetic, whimpering mess, because you are just so warm and so soft and so tight and it still boggles his processor that it actually fits and the mental image of you practicing and working your way up to actually being able to take his spike has him overloading with a strangled whine before he can even warn you. The Bumblebee Stages of Horny.
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mistylia · 8 months
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I'm a firm believer that if ES Prowl is based on his IDW self, it will either be the funniest shit ever, or absolutely horrendous.
Reference image and doodles below
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atomicdarc · 20 days
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Bumblebee sketching practice :]
Finishing it later :]
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kairukitsuneo · 23 days
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rodimushusband69 · 6 months
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leefyberrybread · 9 months
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Bee but diff background colors below
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asimp4bee · 7 months
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Now he's definitely got something on his face 🐝🌻
I like to think that a few weeks after Mea and ES!Bee reunite, Mea is already back to teasing him. First it was just little "accidental" touches or eye contacts now it's full on kissing him and catching him off guard whenever she can.
I'm thinking of drawing more Earthspark! Meabee, maybe some TFA soon (if I can settle on a specific design for TFA! Mea hhh)
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tatsuru-wbbb · 8 months
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salad-juice-enjoyer · 2 years
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As promised, the meme from the liveblog of "classified"
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earthstellar · 1 year
still thinking about Earthspark Bumblebee being stuck with the kids entirely by himself for any slightly extended period of time and it’s so funny 
because I keep thinking about all the stuff kids have said to me when I’ve been babysitting or back when I worked in education and it’s so good 
there is no way Bumblebee would be fully prepared, at this stage, for Child Questions and Statements 
some real things children have said to me: 
-”I’M ANGRY” “thank you for telling me! why are you feeling angry?” “BECAUSE!!! RAIN ISN’T MADE OF ICE [takes big breath] CREEEEEEAM”
-”when the sun goes down it’s good because the sun needs to sleep too, but then the moon comes out at night so when does the moon sleep? WHEN DOES IT SLEEP?” 
(this was eventually resolved by me reading them “Goodnight Moon” as proof that the moon does in fact sleep, because why would we tell it goodnight if it didn’t also have a bedtime)
-”since dinosaurs were real, are we real?” 
-”if dead people live in cemeteries, how do they get their food underground? can we call Pizza Hut? I want pizza like dead people!!! I WANT DEAD PEOPLE PIZZA” (this eventually became “peepza” the longer this demand continued) 
-”planes go up. if I jump hard enough with super jump power, could I go to France? can we get a trampoline? I wanna go to France. WAIT!!! WOULD I NEED A PASS-PORP??? I DON’T HAVE A PASS-PORP!! NOOO” 
-”I AM APPLE MAN” [child proceeds to walk into the room swinging an apple around in a tote bag over his head, like some kind of medieval flail] 
-”TODAY I LEARNED WE HAVE WATER INSIDE US!!! NOT JUST PEE!!!! pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee” 
-”how does the floor work?” 
(legitimately a good question but it will be a while before they can apply for architectural engineering school, we ended up watching a documentary on how Tudor houses were constructed to try to solve this one lmao) 
-”I looked at my pen, I looked too hard, and it stopped working. I have mind powers like Mr Professor from X-MEN!!” [child proceeded to spend the entire day trying to “be strong brained” by staring at things] 
now, of course, the kid/Terrans are a bit more developed than this, a lot of these were from younger children, which is probably obvious 
but I can foresee there being a lot of questions about Earth etc. that Bumblebee might genuinely not know the answer to, or he might get faced with child non-sequiturs that throw him off
and because the Terrans may not actually understand yet how certain natural events (like rain) occur, I can imagine there would be some interesting questions, some of which might be more immediately answerable and some which would probably take more work 
I feel like Nightshade would ask more scientifically inquisitive questions which Bee might not be able to answer, stuff like that
but either way, there would be so many questions 
and some of them are bound to be wild 
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pinkanonwrites · 2 days
Grabbing Bee’s horns when he’s giving oral…. Grinding desperately as he takes his sweet fuckin time… his door wings twitching cuz you’re taking his spike so well…. Houf… he’s one of the smaller bots so it’s a little easier. I imagine you have a healthy sex life but when breakdown’s around, theyre takin you to pound town every night. Victory sex after a race. You get it
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🌙 anon back again with the absolutely SACRED takes. Why would Bumblebee have those sweet little horns on his head if they weren't for grabbin' on? And Breakdown is such an instigator, constantly riling you and Bee up with his teasing words and wandering servos and naughty challenges. I also think he's a little less well-versed in what the average human is capable of than Bumblebee is, so he's more curious about pushing you to your limits (not that you mind~)
Breakdown's also got a few feet of height on Bee, which you wouldn't think would be that immediately noticeable considering they're both already massive. But there's an overall bulkiness to his frame that makes him feel so different than Bumblebee's sleek, well-cut physique. Your hands scramble to find purchase in the little grooves of his plating, leaving sweat-sticky trails across his armor as he hoists you around like a plaything.
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megatrons-tits · 10 months
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I finished designing my Bumblebee plushie!! Based off of Earthspark's design, for TFCon Orlando. If I have time I will be designing other versions of Bumblebee as well.
Check me out on Ko-Fi!
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deadlysoupy · 9 months
ugh. having thoughts about es bee again
i would actually cheer if earthspark writers decide to kill him. even if they won't revive him, like hasbro does at any chance it gets with oppy. i love him so much. i want to hurt him constantly
it's not a pretty outcome, obviously, but for his character to evolve further something horrid must happen. and he needs to develop, just like any character, you can't put him on the sidelines this far into the show
he has an unstable role in the show anyway, or at least it's not prominent enough. sure, he's a teacher, but that's neither a dad nor a sibling. it's too distant. while i like to imagine him being an older brother to the Terrans, it's not confirmed. more than that, the kids are standing up on their own near the end of the season
we've reached status quo. it's time to break it
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kairukitsuneo · 13 days
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10 days left ⏳️
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ghostingcrows · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about this since I watch Season 1b of Earthspark but something I really hope gets talked about is how much pressure is being put on the Terran kids
ESPECIALLY Twitch and Thrash being the oldest
Cause the contrast between Twitch in the first and second half of the season was so sad to watch and Twitch slowly started putting more and more pressure on herself to protect her younger siblings and how she got so upset when she got stuck in the bunker while Bee was racing even though Bee is a perfectly capable adult and shes basically a toddler
And then Thrash talking about how it shouldn’t be their jobs to make up for what Megatron and Optimus did in the past and how he hates that he feels like they’re making it his and his sibling problems
Its just so sad to see the older kids beat themselves up over things that aren’t their faults and I hope one of the fucking adults sits them down at some point and is like
Explains to them that anything that happens isn’t their fault or responsibility 
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asimp4bee · 6 months
I had this random thought while doing the dishes and it ended up leading to thinking about Mea and Bee boy. So, I was thinking about the word hypocrite (or people who are? I dunno) and that reminded me of the sleep segment(is that the right word?). And that ultimately led me to think of Bumblebee(mostly earth spark)calling her cupcake.
Now, I don't know your headcanons about if they have pet names or anything so I thought I'd share!
(and if him calling her cupcake doesn't fit, what kind of endearments do they have for each other?)
Mea absolutely loves petnames! So here are some of the petnames Mea and Bee have for each other <33
Mea's petnames for Bee:
-Sinta/Aking Sinta (meaning cherished one or true love in tagalog)
-Mahal/Mahal ko (love or my love)
-Palangga/Langga/ga: (Another filipino word used in many parts of the country but generally means my love)
-BB: (Just Bee's name shortened into acronyms lmao)
-Handsome: (She knows this gets him particularly flustered)
Bee's petnames for Mea:
-Hon/Honey: (Mea loves this particular petname so that's what Bee would usually call her)
-Babe/Baby: (He doesn't call her these much often)
-Cupcake: (Mea doesn't know how to feel about this petname but Bee calls her that playfully just to tease her)
-Sweetheart: (Bee calls her this sometimes when Mea isn't in the mood or she's upset)
-Doll/Dollface: (Mea loves being called this)
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