#especially if it’s thru a chuckle ………..
cordyce · 1 year
a dilf saying “sweetheart.” 73 dead. 246 injured.
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felix and his gf being at saltburn and felix noticed ollie acting weird towards her and gets upset at him!!!!!!
The eyes, Chico. || Felix Catton x reader
Warnings: fem!reader, Oliver being a creep, swearing, smoking, if there’s anything else lmk!
Wc: 826
Felix Catton Masterlist
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Feeling Felix’s thumb rub circles on your back, you flutter your eyes open and are met with his smile. "Mornin', baby," he greets you, and you respond with a lazy smile, relishing the comforting embrace of his body. His chuckle resonates through his chest, a gentle vibration against you. "It's too early, Felix," you murmur softly, wanting to fall back into slumber.
"Breakfast starts soon, aren't you hungry?" Felix questions, a playful tone lacing his words. You shake your head. "Yes, you are. Don't lie. I can hear your stomach," he asserts with a laugh, and you can't help but crack a smile in response. "Fine," you concede.
You and Felix make your way to the kitchen, where the aroma of breakfast awaits. You greet everyone good morning, almost forgetting that Oliver is here at Saltburn too.
You don’t understand why Felix invited him over; they barely know each other. Even when you confront your boyfriend about it, he just says that he feels bad for him, that he's going through some things at home.
Honestly, he's sort of a strange guy. You always catch him looking away from you when you look at him, around school, his eyes widen the slightest when he sees you walking down the corridors, and then he focuses his gaze on the ground. One time, he even bumped into a pole because he wasn't looking where he was going.
But today, he seems even more odd. The unease is palpable as you sit down at the table. The morning sun streams through the windows, casting a warm glow on the scene.
As you and Felix engage in light morning banter, you catch Oliver staring at you. His gaze is intense, lingering longer than is comfortable. At first, you dismiss it, thinking maybe he's just lost in thought. However, the oddity of his behavior becomes more apparent as the meal progresses.
Oliver’s eyes follow your every move, and you feel an unsettling awareness of his gaze on you. It’s as if his attention is fixated solely on you. You exchange a glance with Felix, who seems oblivious to Oliver’s strange behavior at first.
You try to focus on your plate, on the conversation with Felix, but the weight of Oliver’s gaze is distracting. It’s not the kind of attention you want or need, especially coming from a guy who's already odd enough.
You try to enjoy breakfast, but the uneasy feeling persists. Oliver’s eyes seem to follow you, and you sense a strange tension in the air. However, as the minutes pass, even Felix begins to sense the unease in the air.
“You alright, Ollie?” Felix's timely interjection is a relief. Oliver shifts his focus from you to Felix and responds with a casual, "Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm good." A smile graces his face as he savors a spoonful of breakfast as your eyes flicker between the two, watching the interaction. You can't help but wonder if Venetia or Farleigh picked up on the awkward tension in the air.
As breakfast concludes, you can’t shake off the lingering discomfort. “Remind me why you brought Oliver to Saltburn again?” You question your boyfriend beside you as you continue your skincare routine.
Felix, sensing the need for discretion, swiftly moves to the door leading to Oliver's room. "Shh, don't be so loud," he cautions in a hushed tone, closing the door behind him with a sense of urgency.
"Darling, I know he's been acting weird—" Felix begins, coming up behind you, but you swiftly cut him off. "Oh, he's been acting more than weird. I could barely focus at breakfast with his eyes on me," you huff, applying sunscreen to your face, preparing for a day out in the sun by the lake. The tension in the air is palpable as you address the unease surrounding Oliver's peculiar behavior.
"I know, I know. He just has a... tendency to stare. He's probably admiring how gorgeous you are. Aren't you used to the stares?" He bends down to kiss your cheek, and you roll your eyes in response.
"He should know it's rude to stare," you say in a sing-song voice as you pack up your skincare products. "Don't mind him," Felix adds, his large hands wrapping around your bare stomach, giving your hips a slight squeeze.
The hot temperature outside and the high UV ray lead you, Venetia, Farleigh, Felix, and Oliver outside to lounge by the lake. As you settle on the blanket, the odd tension with Oliver becomes more pronounced. He positions himself nearby, and you catch him stealing glances at you.
It’s not the casual glances friends share; they're lingering, intense stares that make you uneasy. You exchange puzzled glances with Venetia, both of you trying to make sense of Oliver’s peculiar behavior.
“That Oliver has a staring problem, doesn’t he?” Venetia comments, readjusting her sunglasses that sit on her nose. “You saw the stares this morning right?” You turn your head towards her as she does the same. “I think everyone could sense the awkwardness between you two.”
You sigh, closing your eyes and turning your head back. “He’s so strange. I still can’t wrap my head around why Felix invited him here.” You try to focus on the conversation with Venetia, hoping to ignore Oliver’s odd glances. However, his behavior persists.
As you and Venetia engage in conversation by the lounge chairs, Oliver’s attention seems solely fixed on you. It’s as if he’s not present in the moment, lost in his own thoughts. The picturesque surroundings lose their charm as the atmosphere becomes charged with an unspoken tension.
“Is he looking,” You say lowly to Venetia, who discreetly looks behind you before humming. “Fucks sake,” You groan, turning your head only to find his eyes looking at his hands. Rolling your eyes, you gravitate your gaze to Felix right beside you.
Felix, sensing the unease, stands up to move his chair closer to yours, a protective gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed, especially when he places his large hand on your thigh. You appreciate his presence, but the situation with Oliver casts a shadow over what should have been a carefree day by the lake.
The discomfort peaks when you decide to take a break and lie down on the blanket, soaking up the sun’s warmth. Venetia joins you, and you both close your eyes, attempting to find solace in the peaceful surroundings.
However, Oliver’s peculiar behavior doesn’t wane. As you lie there, eyes closed, you sense his eyes on you, a prickling awareness that mars the tranquility of the moment. You open your eyes to find Oliver glancing at you again, a furtive gaze that makes you uneasy.
Venetia, too, notices the strange dynamic and shoots you a concerned look. You spot Farleigh and Felix in deep conversation, Farleigh glancing at Oliver from time to time before giving you a look, silently communicating the shared discomfort.
“Fuck this, I’m going to take a bath,” You mutter annoyed as everyone watches you get up from your towel. Perching your sunglasses on your head, you walk over to Felix. “I’m going to take a bath,” You lean down to kiss him as he hums.
“I’ll come join you in a sec,” He says, his hands toying with the strings on your bikini bottoms. With a brief exchange of nods, you make your way back to Saltburn and to Felix’s bathroom, which connected to Oliver’s room.
The cold water is already calling your name, promising respite from the tension that clings to the air. Closing the door behind you, you take a deep breath, hoping the solitude of the bath will provide the sanctuary you need.
Little do you know that the shadows of unease follow you into the bathroom. As you start to run the water, the events of the morning replay in your mind. The odd glances, the tension at breakfast—all of it weaves into a disconcerting tapestry.
Stripping off your bikini-clad body, you let out a moan of relief when your warm body makes contact with the cold water. Lighting up a cigarette, another sigh of relief escapes you.
Unbeknownst to you, Felix decides to retrieve something from Oliver’s room. As he opens the door, the scene before him freezes him in his tracks. Oliver, standing too close, is peering through the crack of the bathroom door, watching you in the bath.
Felix’s initial surprise gives way to a flash of anger. “What the fuck, Ollie?” he exclaims, his voice cutting through the silence. Your heart skips a beat as you hear the commotion outside. You hear Felix yelling as you quickly get out the tub, wrapping a robe around your naked body before emerging from the bathroom.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He screams as Oliver stammers, caught red-handed, unable to form a coherent response. You move beside Felix, rubbing your hand up and down his arm, trying to ease him down.
“You can’t just invade someone’s privacy like that,” Felix continues, his tone sharp. “What were you thinking, watching through the door like some creep?” His eyes were blown out, his face red as Oliver just stood there distressed.
“That’s so fucked up, Oliver.” You say quietly, though your tone and glare were ice cold. Oliver, looking sheepish and guilty, attempts to explain himself. “I-I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry.”
Felix’s frustration deepens, and he points out, “Sorry is going to cut it, mate. What’s been going on with you? The staring, the weird glances—it’s not normal, man. We’re supposed to be friends. She’s my girlfriend, and you’ve been creeping her the fuck out!”
The room is charged with tension as the two friends face off. Felix, normally calm and collected, is visibly shaken by the breach of trust. You stand there, wrapped in a towel, feeling a mixture of concern and disgust for Oliver and an urge to comfort Felix.
Oliver, fumbling for words, finally admits, “Y/n, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I messed up, and I completely understand if you’re mad.” Felix lets out a dark laugh, throwing his head back as Oliver gulps.
“Mate, we’re more than just mad. What you did is so fucking wrong,” Felix spat as Oliver says nothing but nods his head lightly. "I think it’s best if you leave, Ollie," you tighten the robe around your body as Felix lets out a deep sigh, running his hands through his hair as Ollie nods, his gaze on the ground.
“Of course. I’m sorry again,” he apologizes as you give him one final look, grabbing Felix’s arm and pulling him with you back into the bathroom. Felix looks over his shoulder at Oliver, slamming the door shut and locking it.
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gojo-mochi · 7 months
Asking JJK Men if you could watch them jerk off (Part 2; With: Nanami, Sukuna, and Choso) 
CW: Fem!Reader!. Choso have facial Piercing and nipple piercings, usage of nicknames (Baby, darling, love, honey..). Sukuna’s part is a bit mean, light pain and pinching on his part. Lots of drooling/spit. Some choking. Vibrartos usage. Oral F!Recieving. Face sitting. Slight Angst on Choso’s part. 
A/N: Whew! After this one I’m gonna work on my dec fic catalog so imma be busy… gomen.. Part 1 here!
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You miss him when he has to work overtime. He always wakes up early as well. Leaving you still wrapped in the blankets, swaddled and cozy, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead, and tucking some hair behind your ear. “I’ll see you later, my dear.” He whispered, careful not to wake you up. Some days you try to get the best of him, doing your best to wake up earlier or at least at the same time as him. But he easily trapped you back in the bed when you stumbled out to greet him as he’s getting dressed, putting the tie on, your arms hugging his waist as your head nuzzles the middle of his shoulders. His heartbeat a nice lullaby for your weary self. He chuckles softly at the feeling of your voice mumbling out, “Good morning…”.  
Your eyes still closed to the world, he turns around and captures you in his arms, giving you more kisses this morning for your effort. Rubbing your noses together as he leans his forehead against yours and just takes in your scent. He stayed like this for a while, with you in his arms, gently swaying you back and forth. It was never enough, though. You both always craved more time together, but Nanami was always the bad guy in this situation. As he carries you up in his arms, princess style, placing you back in the bed as you complain, your hands catch on his tie as he gets the blanket and tucks you in. 
 His hand enveloped yours, bringing it up to his lips, kissing each knuckle with a spoken apology right after. He can’t promise you that he will be home early today, so he doesn’t say anything more, not wanting to lie and bring your hopes up. He leaves you in the bed once more, the warmth of it quickly fading away once Nanami leaves. You don’t hate him for it; you know he’s doing this for the both of you—for you and him to have an early retirement and live freely on the beach of Malaysia. Still, it was getting harder and harder without him, especially with his work being more demanding on him lately. 
 You got up later in the day, about an hour after Nanami left. You got ready for your own day, doing the daily items on your list, grocery shopping, cleaning, and everything else to keep your mind occupied. However, nearing the end of the day, Nanami still wasn’t home, giving you a heads-up in a text that he needed to stay after work again to finish a project. You sighed but texted him back that his dinner was on the counter and just needed warming up when he got back home. You resigned back to your empty bedroom, collapsing on the bed and staring at the ceiling. Thoughts of the morning come flooding to your mind—how vast and broad Nanami’s shoulders were when you hugged him. 
How good he smelled just coming out of the shower; His hair was perfectly styled as usual but still damp in some areas that you just wanted to run your fingers through. The look he gave you as you tugged on his tie made you slip a hand down your shorts, starting to card through your folds as wetness built in between them. Your mind went to your sweet husband, wanting him now more than ever. Your hand went on autopilot as it picked up your phone and dialed his number. Nanami was a bit shocked to see you calling him so late; his heart skipped a beat, wondering if you were in danger. He hastily picks up your call, only to be greeted by your soft moans echoing thru the line. His pants immediately tightened up. “Honey, are you alright?” He breathes out, a part of him still worried. You respond with a gasp and another soft moan of his name. “Kento, I miss you. I need you so badly..” Nanami closed his eyes, his free hand balling into a fist on his thigh, irritated at his boss and work for keeping him away from his sweet, pretty wife. “Can I see you?” You whimpered out, a finger slipping in your core as you asked him. 
 Nanami looked around him; the office was dark, and the only illumination was the glow from his desktop. He takes the phone and leans it back against his desktop, pressing the video call button. Laid back on the bed with your phone close to your face, you get a nice view of Nanami’s flushed face as the video turns on. His hands come to undo his ties as his baritone voice calls to you. “Show me the mess you’re making, darling.” Your eyes flutter at his command, angling the phone down to show Nanami how you’re playing with yourself. “Only using your hands? Go get that toy I brought you for your birthday, love.” 
 You groan, slipping out your soaked fingers and taking this time to fully take off your shorts as you go find the cute little pink vibrartor that Nanami gifted you a while back. You showed it to him on the camera as he praised you, but before you turned it on, you asked him meekly. “Can I see you touch yourself too?” He raises an eyebrow at that, sucking in a breath. you think that was the wrong move to make and were about to retract your question when Nanami takes his phone back in his hand and scoots back in his chair. Giving you a full view of the tent bulging in his suit pants, his other hand undoing his belt. “We’ll do it together, alright?” 
 You nodded even though Nanami couldn't see you at the moment. Though he could hear the small vibrations as you turned on the bullet, you sat up on the bed, back against the headrest, legs spread. One hand angling the phone towards the front of your pussy while the other holds the bullet close to the clit. You wait for Nanami to be done first, your eyes never leaving your phone screen, as you watch the veins on his hand moving along with his fingers as he unzips and brings out his leaking cock. His watch on his wrist jiggles a little as he brings his cock up to full mast.
Palming the front of his cock as Nanami timbres out, “Slowly now, dear, I want to see you twitch for me.” Your body moved on his words alone, bringing the little bullet directly on your clit, following his directions as Nanami started to lightly fist the tip of his cock in his hand. “Do it in circles like how I did it, love, mmm, good girl..” A deep sigh comes from Nanami as he watches you soak the vibrartor, “God-fuckkk, bet you wish that was my hand, don’t you, dear?” He slowly starts to palm at his whole length this time, twisting his hand at the base the way he’s like you to do it.
“I've been neglecting you, haven’t I? I’m sorry, dear, I’ll make it up as soon as I’m home.”
“I’ll make sure that your pussy still remembers the shape of my cock in her.” 
“I miss your pretty mouth on me too, and I miss tasting you as well.”
“Fuck-I think I’ll take the whole day off tomorrow and spend them between your legs.” 
Nanami’s dulcet and deep voice made you all the wetter, your hand covered in your own arousal as he commanded you to keep the bullet on your clit. The video was shaking as you started to feel a tightness in your belly, one that you needed for a long time. “Ken-Kento!” He groans out with you, as his name falls from your sweet lips. “That's it, my love, I want to see you squirt for me.” With that final push, your thighs buck up as you squirt in front of the camera, wetting your phone, leaving droplets of your juice on the camera lens. 
A cute whine came from you as you calmed down, throwing the bullet to the side and bringing the phone back up to your face. Nanami praised you once more for being such a good girl, hissing softly as he pushed his cock back in his pants. When you questioned him about why he didn’t finish, He replies, “I can’t waste any of my cum here, I plan to fill you up when I’m home, so be a good girl and keep her nice and wet for me..”
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You thought he would deny you when you asked him. Thinking of something along the lines of; “Huh? Why would I use my own hands when I have your pretty mouth to use whenever I want?”. You were pleasantly surprised but wary when Sukuna agreed to do it so readily, that handsome but very punchable smirk wormed its way into his face as he crooned at you. “Who am I to deny my sweet girl her needs~?” He leans back, propping his elbow on the chair and resting his cheek on it as he stares down at you. A soft and delicate pout forming on his feature, his eyebrow creasing in so slightly as he asked you, asked, not commanded, “Could you help me get ready for it though, sweetness?”  
Your senses were screaming at you that this was a very horrible and obvious trap. But how could you resist those sweet, honeyed words, even if they were coming from a fanged mouth with a snake tongue. “Of course I’ll help.” And with that, the pact was sealed, and so was your fate. Sukuna yanks you on his lap the moment your words end, pulling you flush against his chest, facing forward so you couldn’t see the wicked grin on his face as he tears your clothes apart with his pointed fingernails. “Kuna!” You try to get off of his lap, but he easily traps you in with one bicep around your middle as his other hand wraps around your neck.
A firm hold with little pressure behind it, only a light squeeze as a warning not to act up again. “You said you were going to help me, right?” He didn’t give you the right to respond, forcing your head up and down in a nod as he cooed at you, praising you like you were the one that answered. “Good, now shut up and do as I say.” He lets go of your throat, letting the tip of his fingernail swipe along the side as another warning to behave. He finishes tearing at your shirt and your shorts, leaving you only in tattered dressing and your undies. His bicep flexes taunt as he leers down at your body.
A small growl emitting from his chest, the rumbling felt directly on your back, sending shivers throughout your body. He plays with your bra for a bit, cupping the fabric and thumbing over the part right over your nubs. Making you squirm and wiggle right on his bulge as he ruts up into you. Almost making you bounce off if not for his arm draped around your center, yanking you back in each time. A wet spot was already forming in the middle of your panties from all the friction Sukuna was giving you. He let out a booming chuckle, licking a stripe down your neck to your shoulder and nipping at your bra straps, his sharp canines breaking it apart easily. 
Switching sides to bite at the other strap and tossing your now broken and useless bra to the side, you thought about scolding him for doing that, since bras are not cheap, but any form of coherence was also tossed away as his nails came back to rip at your soaked panties now. Leaving you fully exposed on Sukuna’s lap, he placed your thighs over his so he could spread you apart, his fingers coming to do the same on your soaked lips. Your arms hugged around the bicep that was holding you down, biting back a yelp as Sukuna’s nails poked and prodded at your clit. 
A thin line between pain and pleasure was forming, a line that Sukuna knew exactly how to thread. Pushing you to the brink of tears by pinching at it, only to soothe away the pain by softly rubbing your clit. Collecting your arousal on the rough pads of his thumb and forefinger, nipping at the soft flesh of your neck, leaving marks that will stay there for days. Once he deems you wet enough, he’ll take away his hand, leaving your pussy to flutter and clench over nothing, your arms squeezing onto his bicep still, weak and restrained to Sukuna’s whims. Sukuna stood up with you still held on his chest, only for a short while, as he undoed the tie on his robe, wearing no boxers or any kind of undies underneath.
His cock springs out, heavy, red, and leaking, curving up slightly towards you. He’ll sit back down, making sure your thighs are spread open again, and tap his cock against your soaked entrance. Coating the back of his cock with your juices for a bit, even nudging the tip against your throbbing clit as you claw at his bicep, sweet whimpering pleas spilling out of your lips as you begged him for more. “Kunaaaaaa.” He nipped at your ear at your whining, “Hush, brat. We haven’t even gotten to the show yet.” You felt him smirk against your skin as he cupped your chin, forcing you to open your mouth and face downward. 
Getting a full view of his cock lined up by your entrance, his breath caresses your ear as he utters out. “Drool on it, brat. Make it sloppy, and don’t you dare spit, or else.” With his fingers squishing your cheeks in, making your lips parts open. You couldn’t form a reply, only feeling a wave of hot embarrassment overcome you as you felt salvia pool inside your mouth. You gurgle out something, trying to jolt your head away from this shame,only for Sukuna to tighten his hold on you. Pushing your head down further as a languid string of spit sluggishly comes out. 
It drips all the way down, still connected to your lips, as it hits the tip of Sukuna’s thick head. You could only watch, mortified, as the rest of your drool came out, some of it splitting off and hitting your belly. The sensation made you do a gurgling sort of whimper. Sukuna tugs your head back against his shoulder, pleased with the outcome. Laughing outright at the look on your face, “Aww, is the brat ashamed?” He crooned at you, fingers still pinching in on your cheeks as he licked away some of the slobber left on your chin. Only to leave his own wet spit on there. “Chin up, sweetie, the show can finally begin now~” 
He looks down, trailing his huge hand down from your cheeks, to your chest, to your stomach, and finally on his heated cock. Fisting it up and down slowly, rutting his hips up a bit, to bounce up forward so your pussy was grinding on it as he jerked himself off. The veins and girth of his cock were enough to make you mewl out in pleasure. Your soft, needy mews falling together with Sukuna’s low groans. It didn’t take long for Sukuna to stop using his hands, opting to bring your thighs together and squish the soft plush flesh around his length. Bouncing his legs up and down and basically using your thighs as his fleshlight.
A hand comes down in between to rub and pinch at your clit some more, not stopping once you were on the edge this time, your body writhing in his hold, arching off his chest as you cream all over his cock. Clenching over nothing as your legs still held together, his hot cock ready to burst soon after you. With a guttural growl, Sukuna’s releases his cum, spilling all over the top of your thigh. This isn’t exactly what you asked for but who are you to question the King? Not you, especially not when your mind was going blank as he began to push his fat tip inside… “Now for my reward, you're lucky I’m so giving, brat…”
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Choso was the sweetest, most caring, and most dedicated boyfriend you could ask for. He was a little bit clingy at times, but you enjoyed the attention he gave you. Your sweet, lovable, big guard dog of a boyfriend that looms over your shoulder silently whenever you’re talking to strangers or even your friends outside .His stern demeanor only cracks when his younger brother is around, his shoulders less tense but still placing a hand on your waist as a reminder to everyone of who you belong to. His fingers twitch a little whenever Yuji comes too close to you or gives you a bear hug. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loves that you get along with his brothers so closely, the idea of all of you being a close family together makes his heart swell. Though there was always that little nagging voice in the back of Choso’s head, stating that you’re too good for him and that you’ll leave him one day. So he always stands near you, a hand on you, the need to feel you there on his skin, to feel the blood coursing thru your veins, to know that you’re still here with him. Any stranger looking at the two of you would think that Choso would be the mean and domineering type of boyfriend. 
 With his multiple facial piercings, shadowy and ominous aura, and the dark makeup around his eyes, he gives off a pretty bad first impression. When it’s just the two of you alone, in the privacy of your own home. Choso turns from a menacing guard dog to a whiny puppy, always craving your attention. The two of you were relaxing on the bed, Choso on top of you, snuggling against your soft belly as you carded your finger thru his hair, the twin tails he usually wears gone. His hair cascading down his face, framing him in a way that makes him seem so vulnerable.
Your hand falls down to Choso’s cheek, and he nuzzles straight into it like a kitten, you snort at the feeling, his metallic piercing brushing against the palm of your hand. You lean up on your elbow, biting your lips as you go to ask Choso a question that has been lingering on the back of your mind for a while now. “Cho?” Your voice calls out to him, like a siren calling out into the misty sea. He squishes his cheek on your hand as he holds it closer, “Mm? Yeah, baby?’ His husky voice rings out, laced with a bit of tiredness that made it drop an octave deeper.
 Drool pooled in your mouth at the sight of your sweet boyfriend, looking at you so intently and filled with love. You pushed on forward, “I wanted to ask you something for a while now..” He raised an eyebrow at you but stayed silent, waiting for you to finish your sentence. Can I watch you jerk off, Cho?” You hear a strangled noise coming from the back of Choso’s throat as he starts choking a bit on his spit, surprised at your question. You smack his back to help him recover, he sits back up on the bed, looking at you with wide eyes. “You wanna watch me?”
He points to himself, shocked that you wanted to watch someone like him do the deed. Choso's image of himself was not very kind, he didn’t understand why someone like you would enjoy seeing him do that sort of thing, but he obliged, seeing the soft look in your eyes. “Ok, then can I ask something of you too?” His obsidian eyes glance around nervously, “Can you please sit on my face while you watch?” Now it was your turn to get shocked. “Won’t I be too heavy? I mean, I don't wanna crush you, Cho..” A low chuckle comes out from him; “First off, I don’t think you could crush me and secondly if I do die, I’ll die the happiest I've ever been.” He leans over to you, pressing a hot kiss on your lips. 
 His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, sucking on it greedily, tasting you and pushing you closer with a hand on the back of your neck. He parts from you, his eyes glazed over with a different kind of darkness as he takes in your vision. With another nip at your lips he asks; “So is that a yes then?” He sighs out, you nod in return, grabbing his shoulders and switching places with him. Pushing him on the bed, as you work on his pants, pulling them with haste, Choso chuckles once more, helping you by bending his knee as you throw the pants over his feet. 
Leaving him in only his black boxer, a delicious bulge already forming in the middle. Choso took you by the hands before you could do anything to him, “Come on, baby..” He ushered you to stand up on top of him, moving so you were facing the opposite side so you could watch him. You stripped yourself of your own pants and panties, kneeling down, your thighs on either side of Choso’s head, his hair tickling your thighs a little. You were hovering right over his face as Choso started to palm at his boxer, He whimpered out a needy, "Please, baby, just come down, I can take it, please.” He was feeling frisky just upon seeing your wet cunt.  
“Last chance to stop me.” You drawls out, a part of you wanting him to tell you to stop but a deeper part of you wanting to smother him already. Choso grips on your waist with his free hand, guiding you down on his awaiting mouth. Inhaling your scent upon contact, his tongue flattens itself on your folds, groaning at your taste. His hand slipped down his boxer as his cock flopped out heavily on his stomach. Choso ate you out before, but this position was different, and you could never get used to the feeling of his cold piercings on your sensitive skin, especially the tongue piercing that he had. The small metallic ball smoothing itself on your folds and hitting your clit was fervor. 
You almost forgot to keep your eyes open, getting too lost in the haze of pleasure from Choso’s tongue. You steadied yourself by placing your hands on his pecs, squeezing at them softly, finding the bumps of his nipple’s piercing, and tugging at them softly. Eliciting a moan from the man’s mouth, his hands covered in various rings of different sizes and shapes looked so divine as he started fisting his pale cock. Slow and steady, with some stutters in between. He eats you out, like your pussy was an oasis in a vast desert. Tongue working in overdrive, trying to get every last drop of your essence in his mouth even though most of it was spilling all over his face.
He taps your waist a bit as he pulls away just for a bit to tell you; “Mo-move your hips, baby. I want you to ride me, please.” He takes his hand away from your waist to rub circles on your clit as his nose is back to being buried in your core and his tongue lapping at your clit. You whined, feeling a tightness start to coil inside you already, you still did as he told you to, bucking your hips back and forth on his face. Your eyes water, barely able to see Choso squeezing at his own cock, the precum leaking out, coating his hand.  
Making it easier for him to fuck his fist, the wet noises of Choso’s jerking off and the slurping noises of him eating you out were combined with his low grunts and whines and your whimpers. Both of you were already nearing the end, your hips pressing down on his face as you lost control of your senses, Choso knew exactly where to press his tongue piercing on to you to make you give the best reactions. He was so pussydrunk on you that he barely even realized that he was about to cum too. Your hands dug into his chest even more, your thighs squeezed his head, covering his ears so he could hear a little bit of your pitched moan as you gushed all over his face.  
Choso’s hand seemed to move on autodrive as he gulped up everything he could in the moment, his own hips bucking up into his fist as hot rope of cum spilled out on his thigh, spurting out a few more as he stopped moving his hand. You both stayed in that position for a while, breathing out heavily. However when you make a move to get up, Choso’s hand finds its way back on your waist bringing you down. “Wait, stay with me for a bit, I can handle it.” His tongue folded itself back on your cunt, licking a strip up and down your sensitive flesh. You mewled out at the contact, thighs shivering already but his grip on you was tight. 
 His cock was still hard and heavy on his stomach, but he didn’t care for it at the moment. “This time, just let me eat for a while, ok, baby?” “You taste so good, I wanna drown in you…”
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junkdrawerfics · 4 months
You're Scaring Me
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Jasper Hale X Reader
Summary: Request - Can you write one where the reader does something major told her not to do and he gets mad when he finds out and then jasper tries to console her and she’s jus really guilty and upset and then the major comes back out and they talk it thru.
Word Count: 3558
Warning: Angsty maybe. Obviously some unhealthy anger stuff, but it ends well, I promise.
Note: I liked the idea of doing something with the wolves, but felt Jasper/the Major wouldn't ask you to stay away from people, especially if they were your friends. So I took a route regarding reader's safety, since he'd totally go feral over that.
Saying Forks was in the middle of a blizzard would be an under exaggeration.
You’d never seen snow like this. You could barely see past your front porch, it was coming down so hard. School had been canceled, of course, and Emmett had convinced the family it would be fun to try hunting with the added challenge of not being able to see.
Jasper had hesitated to join at first, to leave you alone in this storm since your parents were away, but it only took a little soft convincing from you for him to relent.
On one term, at least
“Please stay here ‘til we get back,” the blond repeats worriedly as he puts on a coat - that he doesn’t need, you might add
“It’s not that bad out, Jasper,” you chuckle, eyes glued out the window.
His voice shifts subtly. You blink, glancing back at him over your shoulder. Jasper stares right back at you, eyes narrowed, a familiar intensity burning behind them. Your body figures it out before you do, fine hairs standing on end, pupils dilating. A sharp contradiction to the smile that lights up your face.
“Yes, Major?” You ask, barely missing a beat. 
The man takes a step towards you, hands clasped behind his back, shoulders straight. It’d be intimidating if you didn’t know better.
“You goin’ to listen for me?” He asks, voice low, accent thicker than before.
“Of course, Major.”
The barest flicker of a smile pulls at the vampire’s lips. Such a sweet thing. The way you look at him - all wide, puppy dog eyes, attentive and loving - it makes him feel raw with the need to protect you, even if it’s just from the blizzard.
Tender in a way he’s never been, the Major touches your chin, drawing close enough that he can feel your warm breath stutter against his lips as he murmurs, “Then be a good girl and stay put for me. I don’t want you out in this weather.”
You can’t help but soften, fondness curling in your chest. He really is just a soft teddy bear at his core. 
“You don’t have to worry about me,” you insist, curling your arms around his waist, “I won’t go out, I promise.”
“Good.” The Major closes the small gap between you, lips pressing against yours in an unrelenting kiss. It’s all you can do to keep yourself upright as his hand curls along your jaw, drawing you closer, closer, until your head is spinning from the feeling. You’d think he’s going off to war again by the way he kisses you.
You can barely catch your breath when he pulls away. Heat blooms across your cheeks, and you bury your face in his chest to hide it, which earns a low chuckle from the blond. He presses another kiss to your temple, this one softer, gentler.
“Love you, darlin,” he murmurs, all honey and sweet and Jasper again.
You melt against him, voice muffled by his sweater, “Love you too, Jazz. Stay safe, please.”
“I won’t be long,” he reassures you, “Emmett will give in when he realizes all the animals are hidin’ from the weather.”
You huff a laugh. Perhaps. Emmett is stubborn, reckless, and stubbornly reckless. Once he has an idea in his mind, it’s hard to get him off it, like today. But you’re sure Jasper’s right. He’ll give up once he gets bored.
“I’ll hold you to that mister. I’ll be lonely without you.”
“Well, we can’t have that, now can we?” He leans down, catching your lips one final time. You can feel his grin through the kiss. “Just a couple hours, darlin’. I’ll drag him back if I have to after that.”
He’s still reluctant to leave, but the nagging worries are quieter now, enough that he can drag himself from the comfort of your touch to join his brothers outside. You watch them disappear into the haze of snow, like ghosts, before shuffling back to your kitchen to work on some homework.
It shouldn’t be so hard to stay busy until they get back. Right?
That’s what you thought, at least. But one hour quickly turns to two, which quickly turns to three and still no Jasper. By the fifth hour, you’ve finished all your work and find yourself staring into an empty fridge with a growling stomach.
Of course your parents would forget to stock up before going on a business trip.
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you glance outside. It’s still snowing, but not…as bad. You could probably make it to the grocery store and back without any problems. And you’d probably get back before they do, so Jasper wouldn’t even know.
Everything would be fine.
You layer up, tucking a scarf tightly around your neck. It might be a little lighter outside, but it’s still well below freezing. It’ll be quick, though. The grocer is maybe a five minute walk, and you only need a couple things.
Popping your hood up, you grab your house keys and venture out, shuffling the whole way there.
“Brave of you to venture out in this,” the cashier chimes, scanning your microwave meal and milk - you figure you might as well get stuff for breakfast too.
“Didn’t have much of a choice,” you hum shakily, teeth still chattering as you hand him some cash, “I’d rather be cold for a bit instead of going hungry.”
“Fair ‘nough!” The cash register dings and he hands you some change. “Stay safe out there, miss.”
“Thanks.” You cast him a smile, “You too. Hope it clears up a bit before you have to leave.”
“God willing.”
You slip your gloves back on and heave the bag of supplies from the counter. 
On the walk back, you’re a little less careful, eyes wandering as you tread through the snow. The journey here hadn’t been so bad. Sure you’d almost slipped a few times, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought it’d be. It was actually almost nice, once your face went numb at least.
Your thoughts wander to the food in your hands, pace picking up a bit as you think about how nice a warm meal will be after this. And well earned after a long day of work and a hazardous journey to get it. Maybe you could cuddle up on the couch and turn on a movie while you eat. That sounds ni-
-and you’re falling.
You screech, boots slipping against the ice as the world tilts wildly. Instinctually, your eyes squeeze shut and you wait for the impact, hoping your layers might be enough to cushion the fall.
They are, thankfully. But they aren’t enough to stop your ankle from twisting as you tumble a bit off the sidewalk.
The pain is instant. It pulses up your leg, sharp and fiery compared to the cold seeping into your bones. You suck in a sharp breath, teeth gritting as you bury your face in the snow. It’s all you can do to keep yourself from crying, that stinging sensation starting in your eyes, a lump forming in your throat.
God, you’re so screwed.
“Darlin, I’m back,” Jasper calls out softly, brushing the ice from his hair as he slips into your warm house.
Almost instantly, he can tell something’s wrong. Jasper stops, brow furrowing. Usually you’d be bounding up to tackle him by now, a beautiful smile on your lips, asking how things went. It’s something constant, a custom he enjoys more than he’ll admit.
There’s no greeting this time, though. Even as he stills, focusing on the sounds of the house, he can’t hear a thing. No footsteps, no heartbeat. It’s eerily silent, empty. 
You’re not here.
An uneasy feeling settles in his chest. Jasper speeds through the house, checking each room, hoping his ears are just tricking him. Maybe you’re just asleep or reading in some corner. With each empty room, though, the feeling worsens, gripping him by the throat, unrelenting and violent. He’s spiraling, he knows it, can tell he’s walking along an all too familiar edge, blurred between himself and-
The Major pauses at the door to your bedroom. Empty. Your coat isn’t where you usually leave it. Neither are your boots. It leaves little doubt in his mind where you’ve gone.
You didn’t listen to him. 
The blond takes a slow breath, holding back the anger that washes over him, white hot and smoldering. 
It’s rare for you to not listen to him. You know his none-too-gentle requests are for your safety, they always are. Because while Jasper would rather die a million times than see you hurt, the Major would bring the world to its knees if it meant keeping you safe. He’s never had something as good as you in his life and the need to protect that, to protect you, well - that drives him to his knees. And now you’re out in this storm. By yourself.
The door slams as he throws himself back out into the snow to find you.
The snow is picking up, you notice glumly as you carefully flip over in the snow. Even the slightest movement makes pain prickle up your leg, but you can’t lay face down in the snow much longer, not with how you’re quickly losing feeling in your nose.
You sniffle, swiping at your eyes to keep the tears away. What are you supposed to do now? It’s not like you can stay out here. Frostbite doesn’t exactly sound appealing, but neither does the idea of limping home with this pain. You could call…No, no, he’d be so mad. You can’t call Jasper.
Not that fate really cares about what you think.
You squeak when a pair of arms suddenly lifts you out of the snow. The only thing that keeps you from screaming is the familiar cold touch of your captor and the mess of blond hair flickering in the snowy breeze. The fear slowly disappears when you realize it’s just Jasper.
Quickly replaced by a tight, anxious feeling in your chest when you see the tense set of his jaw and how the lines in his neck stand out under his pale skin. He’s upset. He’s upset with you and your ankle is still throbbing and your eyes are stinging again and-
You inhale shakily, an apology ready to spill off your lips, but the look he gives you makes it all die on your tongue. His usually stoic expression turns dark, eyes narrowed with barely restrained anger.
“You open that mouth, sugar, and I promise I won’t be goin’ easy on you,” he drawls, low and heavy, accent dripping off each word.
Not Jasper. You bite your lip, eyes immediately dropping to your lap. Definitely not Jasper.
You can’t bring yourself to break the stifling silence after that. Not when you can practically feel the Major’s anger radiating from him, which does nothing to ease the turmoil swirling inside of you. The soldier is never this open with his emotions, usually so careful to maintain a mask of indifference. With each step, you can feel the tension rising, his grip tightening, and your chest almost hurts from how hard your heart is beating.
It all comes to a head when you make it to the house. The moment your feet hit the ground, and he knows you're safe, the reins of his control slip, an uncontainable rage burning through him.
“I told you not to go out,” he mutters, pacing back and forth in your small entryway. 
He can’t stay still, too scared of what he could do. Every cell in his body desires to pin you against the wall, handle you rough and selfish, make you realize how awful it felt to come back and find you gone. But he can’t. He won’t. That’s not what you deserve, he knows that. Jasper would be better at this, he would be gentle, but the Major has never been good at gentle.
You blink at him, wide-eyed from the door. It’s like watching a lion pace at the bars of a zoo, except there’s nothing between you and him. Nothing to keep you safe except him. He could do anything and you wouldn’t be able to stop him. You’re just a human, after all. And the Major has had his share of violence. Even though you know he would never hurt you, you can’t stop your hands from shaking.
“I wasn’t, I wasn’t going to be out long,” you try and explain, digging your fingers into the material of your coat, “I promise-”
“You promised you’d stay put,” he drawls roughly, hands clenching behind his back.
“I was just goi- going to get food!”
The blond grits his teeth, his usual impassive tone sharpening, “What on earth were you thinkin’?”
“I- I thought I’d be back before you,” you spit out, and immediately snap your mouth shut.
The Major stops pacing, every muscle in his body going rigid. You bite your cheek, pulse racing as he slowly turns to you, those gold eyes burning so dark you swear they almost look red. Like blood. Something tightens in your chest. That was the wrong thing to say.
“So you purposefully disobeyed my orders?”
“I didn’t-”
“You decided to be foolish and risk your life goin’ out in this storm,” he growls, slowly closing the space between you, “without anyone knowin’?”
You shrink back a little, panic clouding your head. The Major stops in front of you, frame towering over yours, making you feel impossibly small. Tears prick at your eyes as you shuffle back against the door, pain shooting up your leg as you put weight on it.
“Answer me, darlin.” He doesn’t relent, eyes burning into you. Waiting.
A lump forms in your throat. You bite your cheek, desperate to keep the tears at bay, eyes glued to his boots. You can’t. You can’t do this.
But the blood drains from your face when a fist slams into the door beside you, practically splintering the wood. You can feel it shake against you before settling into silence.
“I’m not goin’ to ask again, (Y/n),” he murmurs, deadly calm again.
You hold your breath, slowly bringing your eyes back up to the Major, and the look on his face makes your heart drop. It’s drawn into something unnervingly blank, cold. No more anger, just…
“Major-“ A tear breaks down your cheek, your voice unbearably quiet. “You’re scaring me.”
The change is instant.
Like light breaking through the clouds, the emptiness leaves his eyes, filling them back with warmth and concern and love.
And you crumble.
Jasper catches you with ease, arms wrapping around you tenderly as he lowers you both on the ground. You curl into him, face buried in his coat as the tears come freely now. You couldn’t stop them even if you wanted, and you’re just so tired, so hurt. There’s nothing left in you, all you can do is cry and cling to him for dear life.
“‘m sorry, I’m sorry,” you hiccup miserably, and Jasper feels his still heart break. “I’m so sorry, Jazz, I didn’t mean to. I just, I just needed food, and it wasn’t that far, and I thought- I thought-”
He hushes you softly, fingers brushing through your hair as he unwinds the swirling mess of your emotions. You can feel it, you’ve always been able to, the subtle shifts and gentle pulls. Never too much, because he knows you wouldn’t want that, but enough so you’re not drowning in them. 
Eventually you’re calm enough to take a full breath, the air stuttering past your lips as you go limp in Jasper’s hold. He draws you tight against him, brushing his hand down to rest at the nape of your neck, just a comforting, constant pressure. 
“You’ve nothin’ to apologize for, darlin,” he murmurs eventually, voice muffled in your hair. “I’m the one who should be. I had no right treatin’ you like that, no matter how worried I was.”
“No,” he cuts you off firmly. “It wasn’t right, darlin. It was my fault for bein’ late. He…He’s mighty overprotective of you, and he- I don’t know how to handle myself well when it comes to you. I hope you can forgive me.”
“I do…” You sniffle, the sound soft and sad, but your grip on him tightens. “But I should’ve listened, then I wouldn’t have slipped and gotten hurt.”
Jasper pulls you back suddenly, brows furrowed in surprise, “What? You’re hurt? Where? Do I need to get Carlisle?”
You laugh weakly, his overwhelming concern easing the tightness left in your chest. The tension drips from your muscles, adrenaline slowing. “No, no, I’m fine. I just, I fell…outside and I think I twisted my ankle, is all.”
“Let me see.”
You squeak as he sweeps you up for the second time today. You wrap your arms around his neck as he carries you to the couch. Every touch is slow, careful, as he sets you down and goes to work on getting your boots off. You wince a little when you have to bend your ankle, and he murmurs a quiet apology.
Relief washes over you though when his cool fingers smooth over your heated skin. It’s like the best ice pack ever. You can’t help but sink into the couch with a sigh, eyes fluttering shut.
Jasper purses his lips. It must have been a bad fall since your ankle is angry and swollen. He should have come back sooner, then this wouldn’t have happened. You wouldn’t have gone out in the storm, you wouldn’t be hurt, and the Major never would have scared you.
His thoughts flashes back to the look on your face. The fear glimmering in your eyes as he leaned over you. It’s burned into his mind, replaying over and over.
“Major, you’re scaring me.”
After a few seconds too long of silence, you peek an eye open. Jasper kneels, statue still in front of you, eyes set on something distant. A frown catches your lips, and you lean forward, touching his chin gingerly. Those gold eyes dart up to you, coming into focus, flicking between their usual warmth and a familiar steeliness. You shake your head fondly.
“Major,” you call, hand resting against his cheek, “come on, let’s talk.”
He straightens ever so slightly, but instead of drawing back like you’d expect, the stoic man covers your hand with his own, turning to skim his nose to the inside of your wrist. He takes a deep breath, eyes closed. You sit there, just like that for a while, watching him quietly.
When he talks, his voice is a low, calm rumble, his lips brushing against your skin, “I’m sorry for actin’ like such an animal, sugar.”
You purse your lips. A part of you wants to just forgive him. Move on from all of this and forget it. But then you remember the sound of his fist hitting the door, the way it resounded in your chest in place of your heartbeat. You’ve never felt like that, and you don’t want to feel like that again.
“I know you were worried,” you start nervously, wetting your lips. The Major doesn’t say a word, eyes set on you patiently, just waiting for you to continue. You take another deep breath, “I know you asked me to stay home and it upset you that I didn’t. I know you want to keep me safe. But…but it scared me, how angry you got, and that’s, that’s not okay.”
“It’s not,” he hums in agreement, thumb brushing soothingly over your pulse.
You nod and feel a little more confident as you go on, “I, I might do something you don’t like in the future, and if I do, you need to talk to me first. Nicely, please. I love you, like I love Jasper, but we’re equals, even if you’re a lot stronger and bigger than me. ” His lips twitch a little in amusement. You shoot him a scolding look, which makes him fall back into seriousness. “I don’t take orders. I listen because I know you care, but you need to listen to me, too. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He pulls your hand back, pressing a brief kiss to your knuckles. It softens you a bit. A small smile draws across your lips. “You have my solemn word, it won't happen again. And my deepest apologies.”
“You’re forgiven,” you chirp. The last of your worries melt away at the smile he gives you, all lopsided and charming. You shake your head with a laugh, “But you owe me, mister.”
“Well, of course,” he concedes easily, desiring nothing more than to cheer you up now, “What can I do for you, little lamb?”
Shifting awkwardly, careful of your ankle, you jab a finger at the plastic bag you dropped by the door, “Make me some dinner! Cause I’m starving and that’s what got us into this mess.”
The vampire laughs, fully laughs. It’s something you don’t get to hear often, so you absolutely love it. Love him and the way his eyes crinkle with mirth as he pushes himself to his feet, tipping a nonexistent hat to you. Jasper.
“It would be my pleasure, darlin.”
“Thanks, hun.”
This was SO hard to write! I suck at doing anger, because it's hard to represent the unhealthy relationship stuff. I tried to turn it around cause I believe ultimately he's a respectful man, and that's how I want to portray him.
So I hope you guys like this! Sorry if the pacing's weird or anything, I just wanted to get it done!
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prettypei · 10 months
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plot: you discover their childhood photos; fluff! crack!
reader: gn! Reader
pairings: childe, diluc, kazuha, ayato
warnings: some spoilers for story quests? kinda, pre-Snezhnaya
(a/n): was flippin thru the family album when I got the idea and I 4got childe's sister's name LMAO
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✰CHILDE is surprised when he hears giggling in the attic. He's visiting his old home in Snezhnaya and he invited you along with him and now he realizes there might be... a little ghost girl up there? Not quite sure. So he's relieved when he finds out it's just you and his sister, although he scared you both awfully with a baseball bat in his hand when he came up. It turned out that you were...looking at his family album? He sits down next to the both of you, looking though them too. "Hey, remember when dad used to take us fishing?" Childe asked, smiling at his sister. "Oh yeah!" She giggles, "We failed a lot, didn't we? We only came home with two fish!" Childe chuckles. "Yeah, and the look on mom's face when we tried gutting the fish ourselves." All of a sudden, he hears a howl of laughter coming from...you? "What's so funny?" He scoots over and...oh. He slams the book shut and screeches:" OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH FOR TODAY! EVERYONE HEAD DOWN!!" You're still snickering to yourself as you head down the stairs and manage to gasp weakly:" Y-you never told me you fell in the river when you were young!"
✰DILUC thinks the tavern is especially loud today, but he dismisses it. It's probably due to Kaeya's outgoing personality and your chaotic brain. However, he pauses when he sees Kaeya passing...pictures around the bar? He's a little confused at why everyone thinks it's so hilarious. He sees a knight giggling at the picture in her hand, and he snatches it out of hers and looks at it himself. His eyes widen in embarrassment as he realizes what it is: it's an old picture of him and Kaeya playing in the mud, his clothes stained as he smiled a toothy and boyish grin at the camera. You walk over to him and wave the picture in front of his face. "Oh? What's this? Bartender and serious Diluc-" "Give that back." He snaps, taking the photo from you, his face flushing a deep shade of red. "You looked so cute in them though..." You tilt your head. "What happened?" "Ha ha, very funny." Diluc rolls his eyes. "But you were cute when you were a kid babe, that I gotta say." You grin as you pinch his cheek in a playful manner. He rolls his eyes once again, but he can't hide the tiny smile that's forming on his lips.
✰KAZUHA's trying out a new melody on his leaf when he saw something flutter past him. He snatches it just in time, examining the photo. He smiles when he realizes it's a picture of him when he was a kid, barely over 10, holding his first sword. "Kaz! Did you see- oh, it's in your hand." "Indeed it is." He chuckles as he hands it to you. "Why do you have this, (name)?" "Oh, I was checking out the library in your home and I found this! I'm really sorry it almost blew away..." "At least I caught it. Did you know this was the first sword I held?" Your eyes widen in awe. "Really? But you look so young in this!" "I was, I was probably about 13 years old." "Thirteen!" Your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull. "Yeah" he chuckles. "I was pretty young, wasn't I?"
✰AYATO hears a knocking on the door to this room and opens it, and he’s overjoyed when it’s you and not another merchant trying to scam him once again. “(name), darling what brings you here?” “Uh-uh-nothing.” You fail to hide the photos behind your back and ayato asks: “what are those, dear?” You sigh and confess: “Ayaka gave me these. These were childhood photos of you…I was just curious, I swear! I was going to return them to her today but…” you gesture helplessly at him. He chuckles and says “give me those.” You hand them to him and he examines them. Most of them were pictures of his achievements over the years: “winner of sword beginner competition”, “most likely to succeed”….but there was a picture of his family. He smiles at it and smiles at you. You hang your head in shame. “That’s your mom and dad isn’t it? I’m sorry that they’re gone.” He pulls your hand inside as he says “I have you as my family now, (name).”
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bunnibaby-love · 5 months
hear me out...possessive dom neuvillette...power imbalance......
🧁 Neuvillette x F!Reader 🧁
♡ female reader + kinda non con + barely smut + corruption + manipulation + power imbalance + dumblification
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Iudex Neuvillette has been admiring you ever since you offered an umbrella to him. It was a simple gesture that even Wriothesley did but he thinks it might be what humans called love at first sight
It saddened him when he found out you move to Sumeru to pursue your education. He won't be able to admire you while you walk thru streets or watch on the opera house every once in awhile
Once he found out you are graduating, he didn't think twice to offer you the position of being his secretary. He made sure you are only coming to him by blocking any possible work that would want you or what you want
You of couse, accepted the position of being his secratary. I mean what's better position than being the secretary of Monsieur Neuvillette?! It's a high paying job too!
You wish to learn alot from this work experience but you don't feel doing a professional work. It's always the melusine that do paperworks while you just do Neuvillette schedule and make his meals. It makes you feel more of a maid and this is somewhere you didn't wish to pursue
"A resignation?" Neuvillette raise his eyebrows at you "Pardon me but care to explain? i don't understand you leaving such an important and high position? do you think other place would take in you easily like this?"
He always intimidate you but now it's a very scary feeling and you are sweating cold although you tried hard to be brave infront of him "Yes Monsieur i...i rather work with somewhere i can show my skills"
Neuvillette chuckles at that. He is making your life easier now then you actually want it hard? "And you think your skills are that good?" he smirk when he saw you get pale "Leaving a position like this? only well stupid people would" he cross his legs while enjoying your scared expression. "I'll gave you a better..position then"
He stands up to tuck your hair behind your blushing ears "Kneel" you quickly kneeled, scared to angered the iudex
Neuvillette is a cruel man. You perceive him as cold and intimidating man but just know how cruel he is too you.
He won't let you leave the palais mermonia anymore unless he is with you, with his arms around your waist. The people of fontaine just think of it a cute couple and how great you are for taking the heart of the iudex
When it is the opposite.
You are still his secretary by name but, you did anything but that. When the doors of his office closed, you have to sit down on his lap while he does his loads of paper work "Behave or do you want me to leave you at the floor with that tiny vibrator mhm?" you shake your head. The last time he did that to you, you were in that position for 6hours
When a trial is ongoing, you are secretly under his table and sucking his cock with whatever paced he wanted. He makes you fully naked with the thrill of getting caught
You should hate it. He is making you do all of this because of how powerful he is. He knows you have your debts still and can't even pay it if you left because he is blocking everything from you
But, is really living on surviving better than this? sure Neuvillette treats you like how the toy you are but he is also caring. He would gave you aftercare no matter how much he torment you.
"So pretty like this...at your perfect place" you don't want to think about it anymore.
You now enjoy being on the iudex knees and sucking his cock like it's the only meal you need "Good girl" You happily shows off your tongue full of his cum and swallows it
"Im very proud of you dear...especially now that the test says you are pregnant..." he kiss your lips passionately "my wife....mine forever..."
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konigsblog · 7 months
tw: smut, stepcest, threesome, cheating. mdni !!!
stepdad!price and his two stepson's, johnny and kyle
guidance is a huge thing with these three. your stepfather ordering about johnny and kyle as they slide into your tight holes, obeying each order give whilst rutting into you. “rub her clit and stuff her mouth with your fingers, lad.” he orders, leaning back and stroking his thick shaft slowly, dragging and twisting his hand around the tip when he watches you clench your thighs and moan out breathlessly.
stepbrother!kyle practically demands a handjob when he's finally back from his aching deployment. while your mother cooks dinner, you're sucking and fisting his length rapidly without your mother's knowledge. you're too stupid to realise how morally wrong this is; but you can't get enough of kyle's dumb reaction when he lick his tip teasingly. “...god, dove-you're too precious.”
a threesome with them is always chaotic. price usually takes charge as the oldest and most mature... and although johnny and kyle are legal adults, they're messy and sloppy without his help - you've even complained about johnny being too rough when he's easing into your asshole, leading to him being monitored. gritting his teeth in annoyance as he drives his broad hips back and forth, rocking into you.
you straddle your stepfather's large lap whilst on the couch, his calloused and warm hands grasping your hips, kneading your flesh between his fingers. with price's meaty, stiff dick stuffed inside your cunt, you arch your back and bury your face in the crook of his neck, huffing at his comforting, spice cologne. gaz stands at the back of the couch, just infront of your pretty face, all while johnny is breathing heavily at the inviting sight of your asshole.
they're all so erratic, all so desperate to cum inside your holes. you wrap your lips around kyle's hard dick, slowly easing down onto his base while he shudders and degrades you. “can't believe you're this filthy, dove...” he chuckles, gripping your hair tightly. while johnny presses and ruts his hips into you, filling your asshole with his huge cock, you attempt to bounce onto your stepfather's cock. although, with johnny's fast and restless thrusts, you're practically cockwarming him.
you moan around kyle's wet shaft, coating him in your saliva while your juices drip around price's throbbing cock. “look at ya', gettin' off to bein' used by your step family, huh?” price taunts, a hoarse and hearty chuckle emitting from deep in his chest while you grind down onto him. it's so crowded with three bodies rubbing up against you, and so, so musky. especially with kyle's balls beside your face, and johnny having just been at the gym prior.
“what a stupid thing' ye' are, bonnie...” the way your pussy clutches and clenches around price's hard cock, your asshole pulsing and squeezing. your lips become puffy and swollen as you tighten your lips around him, feeling as he shoves his weeping cock further down your throat. price sits there, tapping your thigh to order you to grind and rub down onto his shaft while your stepbrother, johnny, ploughs into your tightening, sore asshole on repeat.
creaming and milking price of his thick cum, a loud grunt leaving his lips. you're not surprised your stepfather came so fast - he's old, he has a hard time getting it up, but you're a real treat for the desperate, hard-earning male. his grip on your hips only tightens, pushing you down to make sure every drop of his potent load filled your pussy. you gave kyle your best puppy eyes, making him breathe out heavily, a soft whimper and grunt leaving his lips as he bucked into your mouth erratically, shooting ropes down your throat.
your tongue stained pink, he slapped the head of his drooling dick onto your tongue, making sure you swallowed it all. you're not even surprised johnny is dragging out his orgasm; he always does it, always makes you beg for him to hurry up and use you like a cumrag because his hard, ruthless thrusts are beginning to hurt. johnny slides out your hole inside, placing his cock between your ass cheeks and humping you. his tip rubbing against your back and his balls grinding against your ass. you whimper into price's ear, your pussy still weeping onto his wet shaft, feeling as your stepbrother shoots his white, hot release all up your back, chanting your name through groans.
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phoward89 · 1 month
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Happy (late) 420! I tried to get this out yesterday, but that didn't happen. Anyways, here's some Dealer!Coryo x Reader in honor of 420.
Weed, drugs, guns, cussing, Coriolanus Snow being Coriolanus Snow, p in v, slight degradation?, um that's bout it
Series Masterlist
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Chapter 1:
“Your brother's drunk again?” Coryo, your weed dealer and fuck buddy, asked as he flung the door to his section 8 apartment open as soon as he saw you thru the peephole. 
He knew what was wrong with you just by the sullen look on your face. Anytime you had that look on your face it was because your brother was either drunk and fighting with you or your ex (who Coryo nearly beat to death after the last time he cheated on you- which if you ask the dealer shouldn't have happened cause only a fucking idiot would stick their cock in a skeezy cunt when they've got your perfect, tight cunt to fuck on the regular) did something (like cheat) to upset you. 
After getting beat within an inch of his life, your ex skipped town. Rumor has it that he went to California. So, Coriolanus knows that there's only one reason you're on his doorstep looking like an anxious mess: your brother, Rein.
“Yep.” You popped your tongue.
“Come in.” Coriolanus ordered, moving aside to make room for you to enter his shithole. As you walked by him and into the apartment that smells heavily of cigarettes, weed, incense, and rose scented glade plug-ins, your favorite drug dealer announced with a lopsided smirk, “I was just ‘bout to roll a joint.”, while shutting and bolting the door.
“It's been a while since I smoked. I could use a few hits to calm down.” You admitted, making a beeline to the lumpy couch and in extension the glass coffee table nestled right in front of it.
A glass coffee table with chipped corners that was cluttered so much that the glass could barely be seen. It was a cluttered mess of magazines, rolling papers, plastic sandwich baggies, large bags of weed, a scale, a few empty beer bottles, an empty chip bag, a red solo cup, zippo, and a cheap ashtray.
Sometimes you wonder about Coryo, who could be a dead ringer for Eminem. Hell, his looks got him the nickname of Paneminem. You know, cause he's the Slim Shady of your small bumfuck Colorado town of Panem. 
A town that both you and Coriolanus Snow, known to a very small select few as Coryo, hate with a passion. 
But, anyways, sometimes you wonder about the dealer with the platinum buzzcut (which you were shocked to find out was his natural hair color) that lives alone. He doesn't have a lot of friends and the only family he's got is a cousin, Tigris, that's a stripper at Pluribus’ club. But they had some kind of falling out after he got a dishonorable discharge from the army and barely talk anymore.
And you only know about Tigris and his brief stint in the military cause you curiously asked him about his dog tags, chewing on the corner of them during a half-high afterglow while cuddling with him.
“What dumb shit did Rein do this time, baby girl?” The hardened drug dealer asked, following you over to the sofa. A sofa that has a board under it to level and prop up the saggy seat cushions.
“He’s pissed that I got laid off and can't find another job.” You told Coryo as the two of you sat down on the couch, making it dip under your combined weight.
“So, does that mean you're gonna start helping your favorite dealer sling shit for cash?” Coriolanus slightly chuckled, slipping his hand underneath the hem of his oversized white T-shirt and pulling his gun out of the waistband of his baggy jeans; placing it down on the coffee table.
You've seen the black Glock so many times, gosh it must be at least 50 by now, since you started buying weed and hooking up with Coryo. Him handling the weapon around you doesn't even phase you anymore. It should. It really should, especially since you weren't raised around guns or violence- but apparently the more time you spend around Snow (Coryo's surname and one of his street names- the other being Snowball) the more you're being corrupted by him.
Unknown to you, Coryo doesn't want you to become corrupted by him. He thinks you're a really sweet girl that had some shit luck of being abandoned by your mom and raised hovering above the poverty line by your much older half-brother and his girlfriend. Despite your crappy conditions, you’re as sweet as honey. Or at least to Coriolanus you are.
For some reason, the hardened drug dealer that's a couple of years older than you wants to keep you safe from any and all dangers in the world. Hell, Snow's not supposed to have feelings for you, a girl that occasionally buys weed from him; comes over to his place to vent about her life, but he does.
And that's not good because feelings are dangerous in his world. The drug underworld. The side of town, hell life, that decent people don't see. 
Coryo's got people that would love to put a bullet in him; the cops also want to lock him up for at least half his life too. Having you around him so much, getting wrapped up in shit isn't good at all. It's not good for you or for him. It'll only end up bad and in heartbreak.
And Snow can't have that. Oh, he has to protect you from his world. The world of drugs and all other illicit activities that transpire in the criminal underworld. You're just too sweet to have as a permanent fixture in his life, which is why he doesn't hang with you unless you're buying weed from him. He won't actively seek you out, despite the fact that you always bring a smile to face and warm his cold, black, dead, frostbitten heart.
“Coryo, you're my only dealer.” You dryly remind him, watching as he perches on the edge of his couch; leaning forward to grab the items he needs from his chipped coffee table to roll the joint with. “And no, I'm not gonna help you deal.”
“Only dealer, favorite dealer: same thing from how I look at it.” Coriolanus retorts while his long fingers nimbly work to fill and roll a joint for the two of you to share. “It was a joke, baby. I wasn't serious.” Your dealer dryly told you before giving out a lecture of, “My line of work’s dangerous, babe. I'd never send you out into that shit just to make a buck.” Waggling a long weed scented finger in your face, he added in, “And I would've fucked some goddamn sense into you if you’d agreed to my fake offer.”
You’re not stupid, you know that Coryo’s not just a weed dealer, but that he sells some hard shit and it makes his job- hell his life- dangerous. But you don't care. You accept him as he is. You're not trying to fix him; you're fine with him the way he is. You're also fine with being his customer/sorta friends with benefits.
You know that Coryo has a lockbox full of various pills and coke that he deals. The box is shoved in the side table, that looks like a weird ass octagon, caddy cornered between his sofa and a heavily duct taped easy chair. You saw it once when you were over, crying about being cheated on by your ex and needing some weed (and maybe some big dick) pronto to make you feel better and calm you down. 
Coryo had a customer he needed to meet and sell some powder to, so he prepared the crap right in front of you. After cutting the white powder finely with a credit card (that you're sure he stole from somebody) and portioning it up in a baggie, he made you swear to never touch the hard shit. He even said that he'd shoot whoever dares to give you the shit right between the eyes if he ever found out that you dabbled in the hard shit.
And then he sent you on your way with a few joints and a promise that he'd stop by to check up on you; see if you need anymore post getting cheated on weed to help feel better with. He kept good on that promise, he stopped by and took you out for a ride. A ride that ended with you desperately riding his cock in the backseat of his car- which was parked in some alleyway in a seedy part of town.
“Calm down, Coryo. God, don’t pop a vein over there.” You sarcastically tell the platinum blonde while he finishes rolling the joint. Watching him pick up his zippo off the table, you assure him.“You don't need to worry about me being in danger from the big bag drug dealers; I'll only make my money legally.”
“Y/N…” Snow mumbled warningly, slipping the joint between his lush lips and lighting up. Taking his first hit, he sighs, “The more you hang ‘round here, baby girl, the more you might be putting your sweet lil ass in danger.” 
“I’m a big girl, Snowball. I can take care of myself, plus I trust you and know that you'd never hurt me.” You said, watching him take his second hit. 
Passing the joint over to you, he dead ass says, “I got enemies; if they think we're a thing they'll fuck you up to get to me.” Shaking his head, he leans his elbows on his knees (of course he was manspreading- he always does when sitting on the sofa). “Cops would haul you in; jam you up just to try and catch my ass.”
Your brows furrow at his words. At their implications.
“So, what, you don't want me coming ‘round anymore?” You asked, brushing your fingertips against his rough, calloused ones as you took the joint from him. “Want me to find somebody new to buy weed from?” You took your first hit, coughing slightly. “Maybe I'll drive a couple hours to Denver and buy from a regulated dealer: from the man.” You threatened, taking your second hit and passing the joint to the broad shouldered man next to you.
“You're not driving down there for weed. You hear me?” Coryo sternly ordered before taking a deep hit off the joint.
“Then don't say you don't want me around, Coryo.” You countered, watching your dealer sexily blow a large billowing cloud of smoke from his perfect O shaped mouth.
“I didn't say that, babe.” Coryo snapped, his voice a bit hoarse from smoking weed all day (or at least you think he's been smoking all day). “I don't wanna have a heavy talk while smoking. Let's table this for now, yea?” He told you before taking a second, even longer hit from the joint perfectly pinched between his thumb and forefinger.
“Yea, my life's stressful enough.” You agreed, taking the offered joint from Coriolanus as soon as he exhaled a lungful of smoke.
Coryo didn't say a word, just leaned back into his couch and snaked an arm to rest behind you. He gave you a lazy thin lipped smile as you took your hit. His icy eyes, usually void of emotions, were shinning with fondness as he watched you instead of whatever bullshit was on his tv. 
A very nice large flatscreen that somebody gave him for payment. Fuck, the damn thing was worth nearly a grand since it was some top of the line Samsung smart tv. Snow knew it must've fallen out the back of a truck, but he didn't give a shit. Meant he didn't have to use he crappy tablet to watch stuff anymore.
But instead of watching tv, his attention was on you. God, Coriolanus loves watching you smoke. He thinks you're so sexy when you smoke. This cute, lil sweetheart taking in a large burning lungful and letting it waft out of your mouth expertly. 
It turned him on.
“It's not polite to stare, Coryo.” You remind the menacing man next to you, your tone a bit teasing, while passing him the joint after finishing your hits.
“I'm not staring, so don't know what your talking about.” He firmly denied, acting like he wasn't just caught ogling your gloss coated lips, while taking the joint.
You're starting to feel a bit hazy from the weed, unlike Coryo you don't smoke around the clock so a few hits mellows you out quickly, and lean your head against his shoulder.
“Your such a fucking lightweight.” The platinum blonde chuckles, shaking his head with a hint of an taunting smirk on his lips. 
“Not everyone can smoke and fuck all day, Snowball.”
“I don't smoke and fuck all day. I'll let you know that if I don't sling my shit then I ain't making any bank.” Coryo sneered, sounding a bit insulted by your remark, before taking a quick hit and holding the joint out to you.
Your fingertips brush over his, sending shockwaves through both of your buzzed bodies, as you take his offering. “You know, I'm still having a dry spell.” You reluctantly sigh between taking your two puffs and passing him back the joint.
Coryo's not stupid, he knows why you've been having problems finding somebody to hookup with let alone date. Word on the street is that he's sweet on you. That you’re Snowball's baby. Or at least Plinth and Creed, his only friends that are also dealers, told him that's the word.
Been the word since somebody saw you and him at some house party few weeks back- disappearing into a bathroom together for a good 15 minutes or so (yea, long enough to fuck).
“Maybe I can do something ‘bout it then, yea?”
“Maybe.” You coyly shrugged.
Even tho both you and Coryo knew that as soon as the joint turned into a roach; was snubbed into the ash trash, you'd be making out and undressing each other on his sofa.
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“Hmmm…Coryo, that feels so good…” You loudly moan, feeling your cunt twitch and grow wetter, as you ride Coryo's cock.
Coryo's sucking on one of your titties while roughly squeezing the other in his large, calloused hand. His other hand is holding onto your ass like it's the most prized jewel into the entire world. 
“God, Coryo, I needed your cock so bad.” You admit to him, your voice nothing more than a pathetic mewl, as your wrap your arms around his neck- one hand pressing into the back of his platinum buzzcut while the other holds the back of his neck- while you leverage yourself to bounce faster on his dick.
His cock, very long and thick with veins that catch every velvety piece of your walls, fills your cunt up perfectly; turns you into a whinny mess. His tip hits against your cervix, causing the coil to begin to tighten inside of your lower body with every move. And the way his cock presses into your g-spot just right- oh fuck he's completely ruined you for men.
Whether you want to admit it or not, you're addicted to Coryo's cock. He's the only man that can fuck you just right. God, you would be all hot and bothered over your dealer.
Your nipple falls from Coryo's mouth with a loud, wet pop. He looks up at you, baby blues smoldering midnight with lust, and slaps your ass. “Fuck, baby. Ride my cock, ride my cock like the lil slut you are.” His hand slides over your chest, leaving one tit and going to kneed the other, as he lands two quick slaps to your ass. “Baby, your cunt feels so tight and good. Ride me, baby, ride me.”
“Fuck…Coryo…think I'm gonna cum.” You breathing tell him, forehead pressing down against his; hair curtains around your faces, as you grind your hips faster against his.
“Yea?” He asks, his voice heavy from lust and hoarse from smoking weed, as he places his hands on either of your hips. “Hold on, baby. I'll make ya cum.” Coryo tilts his chin up, sloppily kissing you, before digging his fingers into the meat of your hips and thrusting fast and hard up into you.
“Fuck!” You scream, feeling your insides literally getting rearranged, as Coriolanus’ cock plunges deep inside of you. Deeper then you’ve ever felt it before (and that's saying something since the man’s cock always leaves an imprint in your lower stomach everytime you fuck) and it's making you see stars. 
Your arms are tightly wrapped around Coryo's neck in a vice grip as he pounds up into your cunt at such a strong, punishing pace. He's fucking you so hard and good that you can feel the rubber band inside of you get ready to snap. “Coryo…I'm gonna cum.” 
“Cum, baby. Be my good lil slut and cum on my cock.” Coryo orders, his baritone rough and raw, as he presses you against his chest while bucking his hips at lightning speed.
And you do. You cum hard, moaning a string of curses mixed with Coryo's name, before leaning limply against him and panting to catch your breath. Your head's pressed into the crook of his neck and he's now holding holding your back to keep you afloat while chasing his own high. Coryo pistons his cock in and out of you quickly before groaning a couple fucks and your name while shooting his hot load of thick pearly ropes of cum deep into your cunt.
“Damn…” Coryo trailed off, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath.
Your head's still resting in the crook of his neck as you unwrap one of your arms from around his neck. Running your hand up and down his toned chest, you blurt out, “I'm hungry.”
“Of course, you get the munchies now.” Coryo scoffs, shaking his head. “I got some pizza rolls in the freezer, I'll nuke us some in a lil bit. Okay, babe?” He offered while trying to enjoy his blazed out afterglow moment with you. 
Honestly, he just wanted you to cockwarm him for a while because he didn't know when you'd be in that position again. 
And Coryo knows that he's going to have to cut you loose eventually. You're a liability in his line of work. Snow, the cold hearted drug dealer that doesn't think twice about popping a cap in somebody's ass, has a soft spot for you. Hell, to be honest he cares for you.
He cares a lot.
And that's dangerous. Feelings are a weakness that he can't afford in his life. The thought of you being used against him makes him sick.
And Coriolanus will never forgive himself if something bad happened to you because of him.
He knows that he'll have to cut you loose soon. Put his combat boot covered foot down; lay down some rules for the two of you to abide by. Something like he'll drop your weed off at your house then leave type of deal.
But right now, for a few minutes, he just wants to bask in your warmth.
And for right now, you're Snowball's baby.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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starrvlight · 1 month
Try that shit again and I'll kill you
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Scenario:you and barren used to date, at first it was nice. he showed you off, showered you with love, but then.. one day it was like something snapped in him- he was irritable- yelled at you - manipulative and would sometimes hit you. Then one day you met Aiden, then he introduced you to the rest of the group! that was when you broke things off with barren, ofc he was yelling at you, hitting you- But the group was there to back you up, especially Aiden. a couple months later he kinda awkwardly confessed his love to you
You and the group were hanging out, a little while ago you had gotten with Aiden when he confessed, you said you wanted to keep it private and withing the group, he understands why and honestly he prefers it that way too.. until someone heard the 2 of you, him half jokingly calling u cheesy nicknames and went around telling everyone. It was only a matter of time before it- shit. He already did.
It's been a week of him and his group, following you around judging you on every little thing that you do, the way you walk, laugh, the way you BREATH. It was so stupid,.then they finally cornered you, beating you up, you were shaking and covered in bruises, and a couple cuts, then you hear some rusting
Barren cursed while you glanced up you say the 2 other boys of barrens group trying to get Aiden off barren, Aiden was on top barren, Aiden still had his smile on his face but he look more.. scary?
"Try that shit again and I fucking kill you."
Aiden said with a smile as he chuckled you rushed up to him and pulled him off barren
"Aiden- what- where- HUH?!"
You stutterd out, you didn't even know where to start or how to say anything, Aiden looked at you bruises and scares, some bruises were a bit purple, He tried calm himself down and he grabbed you hand dragging you away to the nurses office, he wanted to stay with you in the office but was told to go to class and he tried convincing them to him stay,, after all the nurses was just disinfecting the cuts and putting bandaids on you cuts. He ending up actually giving up and going to clear, meeting up with the rest of the group. He obviously told them what happened to you, of course everyone was pretty pissed, especially cuz you didn't say anything to them! They could have help.
Soon you back arrive class, and sit down in your seat and just getting straight to work, planning on asking ash or Taylor for the rest of the notes during lunch, 2 periods later lunch comes and you sit with the other, smiling
"Hey! Ash do u have the rest of the notes for social studies?"
And say as you sit next to Aiden, everyone looked up as soon as they heard you voice
"Y/n! Hey- why didn't you tell up what barren was doing."
Taylor said, with a nervous smile, not wanting to make you uncomfortable and looked around then look at your binder that was covered with doodles not know now to explain it.
"..i..just- didn't wanna worry anyone..or cause more trouble"
you mumbled and you looked back up everyone was looking at you then began to tell u about how their going to be with you and help you thru anything while Aiden has his hand on you back rubbing comforting circles on you back with his thumb,
I MIGHT make a 2nd part to think but I'm not 100% sure on that part:)
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Ok but imagine price being a dockworker and coming to the bar the reader is a server at after long days. Smelling like the salt on salt, chest hair peeking thru his shirt. She knows his exact order down to how much froth he wants on his beer and he just melts into his chair once he sees her on shift but their asses won’t even kiss yet (they wanna fuck diiiirty in between all the barrels out back tho)
Thank you so much for the ask!! I wish I got more of these <3 I love impromptu writings!! ^_^
Somehow, you knew it was him by the sound of your door. The way that it creaked and popped, and the force with which it knocked the tinkling little bell at the top - all of these noises were the same, or at least they should have been, no matter who was coming or going from your bar. The way the metal bolt clicked out of the frame, the way the warped wood of the threshold whined and bent, the way that one pane of glass shuddered in the top left corner... it shouldn't have sounded different when he walked in. But, it did.
He sat in his seat, objectively the worst one in your bar. It was out of the line of sight from the television, and it was down at the fruit-filled service end, far from the keg taps. It was where you ran credit cards and kept your phone to take breaks, and you flattered yourself that the reason he sat there was to spend time with you.
John Price was a piece of work, that was for sure. He would come by right before close and linger. It was nice to have someone walk you to your car, especially on cold nights, since you were so close to the docks. He'd ride his old Triumph over from his work as a shipping and receiving foreman in the harbor, and he'd smell like sweat and the salt from the sea. His clothes would reek of tobacco from those fat cigars he'd always smoke, and you knew his beard would smell like it, too.
You wondered what it felt like, his beard. You wondered if it was as soft as it looked. You wondered what he would say if you asked him to give you a ride back to his place on that old, worn-out bike and lay you on his bed so he could kiss you from behind that beard all night. You wondered, over and over when you lay in your own sheets alone, what it would feel like for him to drag that rough-shaven chin over the swell of your breast. How would it feel on the insides of your thighs? Would it hurt you?
"You want the usual?" You asked him, trying your best to concentrate on shining the glass in your hand and not about having his body between your legs.
He smiled up at you and nodded,
"Sure, love. The usual."
As you poured his lager, keeping a little extra foam at the top, just how he liked it, you caught yourself staring again.
It was cold out, so he was in a thick coat, but he never had his collar buttoned up. There was always a bit of his chest on view for you through the drab plaid shirts he wore. He had a cut tonight, and you could see it soaking through the white of his undershirt.
"You okay, John?" You set his beer down and motioned to his gash.
"Oh," he chuckled warmly, "Yeah. Just got a little too close to the off-loader crane and paid for it. No harm, really."
"Let me clean it up for you. C'mon," you opened the bar's side door and lifted it so he could duck underneath, taking his beer with him and following you upstairs to your office.
Your barback would take care of the two other patrons you had. It was a Tuesday after midnight. You could close without any harm done.
As John wandered into your space, he noticed your makeshift cot in the corner.
"Surely you're not sleepin' at work, love?"
You laughed a little nervously,
"Don't tell the health inspector on me. Have a seat in that chair. Lemme get the first-aid kit."
He sat. Your heart pounded in your throat. As you dug around for the kit, you felt your nerves fraying. Maybe you liked John a little more than you thought.
"Here. Alright, can you show me the cut?"
You knelt in front of him so you could be in line with the wound. You tried to clean it, but his clothes were getting wet.
"Oh, sorry. Uh -"
"Here, love," he shucked his jacket off and peeled his shirt off from his back, leaving it around his arms, pinned in the sleeves, "That better?"
You nodded, feeling your breath catch in your throat.
He was huge. It was almost monstrous, the way his body bulged out around his bones, enormous snapping muscles rolling around his shoulders and neck, making him look like an animal. He was covered in soft, brown fur, and as you went to touch him, you made a grave mistake.
You hesitated.
Ever observant, you knew he caught you stumbling over him, frozen in place like a scared doe. But, mercifully, he said nothing, and allowed you to get to work.
Clean. Dry. Salve. Bandage. Smooth the edges. Make an excuse to do it again, once more to seal it down.
"There, all done. You have been a very brave patient," you smiled up at him and went to box up the supplies back in their little tin.
"You know," he purred, "Brave patients usually get some sort of prize."
You laughed softly,
"Fresh out of lollies and peppermints, I'm afraid."
"Sure there isn't anything else you'd offer me to suck on, love?"
His voice was low, dark, and deep. It crawled to you on its belly from the bottom of the sea, from the pressures and the cold, black hell of the fathoms of the water, lapping at the sides of your boat, threatening to sink you. He looked at you like a tiger shark studies a diver, with a chilling curiosity from the mighty to the fragile, wondering what you taste like and deciding if he'll bite.
John's arms were still bound by his clothes. If you wanted to flee, you would've had plenty of head-start. But, you didn't. You were moving outside of your own volition. It was as if you were dreaming, watching yourself be piloted by an unknown force. You stared him down and stood, stepping right between his knees, forcing him to look up at you and wait for your reply.
You peeled off your white tee shirt, revealing your bare breasts to him. Going bra-less meant usually meant more tips, but tonight you weren't concerned about the money. You wanted him to praise you. You wanted to call his bluff. You wanted him to fuck you on the stack of kegs in the corner of your office and let the sharp metal rims dig into your belly as he stuffed his cock into you from behind.
His shirts were gone from his arms in a second, and he leaned forward just enough to put his face to your breast, letting you feel the heat of his breath on your skin, sighing into you. John held your eyes captive in his the whole time, as if he may look away and break the spell. Then, he watched you watch him take your nipple into his mouth, suckling on it as gently as he possibly could, as gently as anyone had ever done.
You trembled, letting go of a breath you'd been holding, looking down at him as he sucked your flesh between his wet lips. You were right about the smell of the tobacco.
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y-umiko · 1 year
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CHARACTER(S): Kisaki . Wakasa. Baji
a/n: Fics requested thru 2k event will resume in the day after
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Kisaki Tetta
Managing a crime syndicate is no easy feat, so, understandably, Kisaki has been and will always be busy. you have no problem with it considering he makes time in his busy schedule to spend with you. sadly not all the time though.
Today was supposed to be his free day as he promised to clear his schedule and spend it with you. but certain things happened and Kisaki was stuck in his office. after a sincere sorry, he lends you his card claiming 'you don't have to get stuck in here with me' and to enjoy the rest of the day.
you were disappointed but used to it and as you were contemplating what you could do alone you bumped into Hanma, wandering the streets, a cigarette in hand.
with nothing to do, Hanma offers to accompany you and to your surprise, he was actually good company. he knows quick shortcuts, offered his opinions on certain things, showed you good places to go with Kisaki, and made you laugh with his witty comments.
It was already dark when you came back to Kisaki's office, still on his chair where you left him but clearly more tired and stressed than the last time you saw him, which was that just morning.
Kisaki looks up from his table, silently greeting you as you drop the bags you shopped and went over to him and kiss his cheek as a greeting which he welcomes.
"Babe, you've been working since morning, how about a break?" you offered while Kisaki stared at you, suddenly wondering how he got so lucky.
Kisaki sighs and reached a hand to hold yours, "I know, this work can't seem to lessen even when I spent a long time on it. Sorry, I couldn't spend the day with you"
you couldn't stop the smile from spreading on your face. "Hey it's okay, besides the days are not over yet, want to have dinner with me?"
Kisaki wouldn't refuse that, especially not when you're pulling him up and towards the separate table, where a soft couch is waiting for him. one by one you set up take-out food and place them on the table." I brought your favorite from your favorite restaurant"
Kisaki pauses, suddenly his brain is working at full capacity again as his brows furrow. remembering that his favorite restaurant is found in a not-so-safe part of the town. "That part of the town is outside my control, you shouldn't have gone there alone"
nonchalantly, you responded without missing a beat "I wasn't alone, Hanma went with me"
This time, Kisaki's whole body tenses, his brows furrowed even more in confusion. "what?"
"said you didn't have any job for him so he accompanied me, I doubt someone would approach me with Hanma around" you explained, completely unaware of the turmoil happening in your boyfriend's head.
noticing his silence you turned around to look at him, an undescribable expression on his face as if he was thinking very deeply.
you carefully asked, "What's with that face?"
with a sigh, Kisaki drops his utensils and pulls you closer to him. and honestly responded to you, "I don't trust Hanma alone with you"
now you were even more confused, "Hey, Hanma wouldn't do anything to harm me, besides I doubt he has any bad intentions to me, you're his friend, and you've known each other since high school"
his burrows didn't lessen one bit, "exactly, I know how his brains work…" a moment of silence as Kisaki thinks hard before sighing and dropping his head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't direct my frustrations and shortcomings towards Hanma, I didn't rise to the top just so I could write on papers all day long"
your features soften as you wrap your arms around him for comfort, "You do not have any shortcomings, I love you as you are" you coaxed gently, "though, I guess you could spend the whole day with me tomorrow?"
Kisaki chuckled, love and warmth spreading on his chest. "anything for you princess"
Hanma had more workload than usual after that.
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Wakasa Imaushi
Wakasa is not lazy as he looks but rather an aloof individual, and while he enjoys dates with you, he prefers home dates where he can have you all to himself.
This day, Wakasa had invited you for another date or what he likes to phrase as a 'hang out at his house'. who were you to decline. so before coming over, you decided to get some snacks and candy on the way.
by coincidence, you ran into Benkei on the way to the shop and he decided to accompany you, even offered to pay for the snacks which you decline, not wanting to take advantage of his kindness.
Benkei looks intimidating but was actually fun to talk to. you were so engrossed with his stories about the early days with Shinichiro and Wakasa that time passed by.
a certain man was worried sick since you were supposed to arrive 30 minutes ago that he decided to get out and look for you.
by the time Wakasa found you, he stopped a few feet away, noticing how happy you were, eyes sparkling in astonishment with the man beside you. a conflicting feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He narrowed his eyes as he made his presence known. "I've been looking for you"
your eyes widen in surprise as you turned and see your boyfriend. a different sparkle in your eyes and a much brighter smile are directed at him, making him feel a little better. "Waka?"
"I've been calling you" he simply said eyes narrowing at Benkei who was also staring at him. a silent conversation happening between them.
"you did?" you asked in surprise as you rummage on your bag to look for your phone and sure enough he had multiple calls and texts. "Oh sorry, I must have put it on silence"
Wakasa raise a brow toward his friend, "what are you doing here?" Benkei shrugged, a grin on his face, knowing already what his friend is thinking, "Found her wandering the streets, thought I should say hi and accompany her"
Wakasa huffs, "ok, thanks, we'll get going now"
A Split second was all it took for Wakasa to grab your hand and pull you toward his house. intertwining your hands while he took the bag from your hands to hold. a curious look on your face as you watch him walk as if nothing had just happened. "what was that about?"
but instead of an answer, you were responded with another question, "what were you talking about with him?"
you blinked, putting the pieces together before you understood what was happening. you tried to hide your smile as you answered him. "just about the time when an old lady mistook you for a woman"
Wakasa freeze on the spot, "Benkei" he curses under his breath before looking ahead as if it didn't affect him. "Don't listen to everything he says"
"It can't be helped" you chuckled " that you're so pretty"
though not noticeable, he blushed immediately, before completely stopping. his droopy lilac eyes watch the playful look on your eyes before trailing down to your lips. "you're prettier though"
he pressed his lips against yours for a breathtaking kiss as he hummed when your hands' unconsciouslly came up to pull at the stands of his hair. you were both breathing heavily when he pulled away, a dazed look in your eyes. "were you jealous that I spent a little time with Benkei?"
"no" he quickly denied, before continuing and correcting himself. "just a little, that's 30 minutes taken from my supposed time with you"
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Baji Keisuke
It wasn't that Baji is extremely busy but rather he has a lot on his agenda as a captain of the first division. plus he has a lot of pent-up energy that he needed to vent by beating up other people.
It's not something you have to be upset with, since Baji spends time with you more than you can ask for. is kind and extremely warmhearted to the point that he refuses to see you whenever he has bruises and wounds.refusing to make you worry about his well-being. so it didn't surprise you when you were welcome by Chifuyu instead of your boyfriend.
Baji making it a habit to send the blond and deliver an excuse as to why he can't come to meet you, even though you had long figured out that he didn't want you to see bruises on his body.
you deflate a little, contemplating between being angry or understanding, knowing that Baji is willing to cancel on a date just so don't worry.Chifuyu being a sweet and kind person offered to take you home but upon finding out that you have bought tickets to a movie he was also wanting to see, offered to see the movie with you. seeing no harm with it you agreed.
Chifuyu is a good company, like a little brother getting excited every time he sees a certain scene played out.after bombarding Baji with texts and calls, he then calls you later that night, with an apologetic tone behind his voice.
"Did you get home safe?" was his initial question. cautiously as if he was treading between life and death.
you pouted, a petty simple answer to his question. "you could have made sure that I went home safe if you showed up today".
He sighs, thumb absentmindedly playing with the charm hanging from his phone. "Sorry, you know I don't want you to worry"
feeling his sincerity, you sigh and forced yourself to smile and believe that Baji just wasn't the best for you."I know, just so you know I worry about you-- bruises or not, so It'll be a lot better if you do show up so I can take care of you"
Baji unconsciously smiles, a lovestruck look on his face. "We can watch it later this week, together this time" he offered.
without thinking much you voiced out a nonchalant response. "Why would I want to watch it again, When I already watched it with Chifuyu"
on the other side of the phone, Baji becomes silent. processing the words you said. Movie. you. Chifuyu. Together.
"You watched it with Chifuyu?" he asked frowning at the newfound knowledge. not that you can see. a look of confusion passed your face when the call suddenly ended and a few moments later there was a knock on your window.
"Keisuke?! what are you doing here?" you asked, eyes widened from shock as Baji easily climb over your window, a serious look on his face, but aside from that, angry bruises and cuts were present on his face,it looked painful to see. and now you understood why Baji doesn't want you to see.
But Baji was more busy to question you than realize the worry on your face."You watched a romance movie with Chifuyu?!" you raise your arm to cup his cheeks, snapping him to reality. "Is that important?! you're badly hurt!"
he looked at you silently for a minute, relishing the touch of your fingers against his skin. "It doesn't hurt, what hurts is that you watch a romantic movie with another man"
"and whose fault is that" you silently whispered while he crossed his arms against his chest and pouted while you smiled at him in response.
of course, Baji would be more concerned about another Man being close to you than his well being. Without thinking much, you pulled him towards you and buried your face in the crook of his neck. "If it makes you feel better it was a Romcom Movie, Chifuyu laughed the whole time while I was only thinking about you"
he raises his head, arms sheepily wrapping around you. cheeks flaming red. "It does make me feel better"
"I didn't know you get this jealous easily"
"shut up"
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xo-cod · 7 months
Bodyguard!Ghost just scrolling thru his socials and it's just full of clips of his popstar!girlie answering questions from interviews on the main inspiration of her new songs/album, trying to be sneaky on hiding how she feels for him <3
Bonus points if it's Gaz or Soap sending him the clips in their groupchat going 'dis u?'
wait nonnie aww i love this so bad 🥺🩷🥺🩷
popstar!reader getting interviewed and getting flustered when interviewers ask about the new album <333 you're careful not to reveal any names but you can't hide the soft chuckle or the small smile that grows when they try to find out the person :")
the way bg!ghost would be stuck in a trance watching the videos again and again, his heart absolutely melting into pieces at your smile, who knew someone could look so damn pretty laughing? him secretly liking all the videos too on a priv account, #1 fan frfr 🤭
he listened to your new album, especially the song you wrote about him. he listened to it on repeat, half the views are from him pls. he can't help but chuckle when he looks at the comments, everyone trying to decipher who it's for but it's only a secret between the two of you
that is until gaz and soap heard and them instigating everything LMAO. blowing up the gc with their own conspiracy theories "THAT'S WHY SHE SANG THAT PART!!!" "SOAP YOURE A BLOODY GENIUS!" and ghost either replying with "🖕", "👍" or just straight up reading their messages. price asking both men to stop harassing the poor man and ghost leaving the gc only to be added right back by soap every single time 😭😭
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stargirl-writes · 5 months
safety net
pairing : force healer! jedi x anakin skywalker
word count : 1.2 k
masterlist | part two
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finding safety in a world deranged by war became a distant dream until your childhood friend, anakin skywalker, comes back to your life.
tags : fluff, comfort, friends-to-lovers.
warnings : mentions of surgical procedure/blood.
happy holidays to everyone that celebrates !
as a present, here's some warm fluff that's been sitting in the drafts i wanna share with y'all 🤍
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It began when Obi-Wan Kenobi, asked you to heal Anakin Skywalker.
The Jedi Master felt as though it was his responsibility to find the most competent healer in the galaxy after his Padawan lost an arm in a fight against Count Dooku.
And you didn't hesitate taking in the job the Jedi Council has entrusted you with. It was the most flattering, especially since you will be in charge of the care of their 'chosen one'.
You had just finished your apprenticeship in force healing, so you were determined not to let down the Council and the honor they bestowed.
"[Name]? You've grown" Anakin blinks when he realizes it was you. By the way he was smiling ear-to-ear, you realize he had been languid from the blood loss.
You were younglings together. The Jedi Masters had not fallen short in reminding Anakin that he was supposed to be the chosen one. That title, was not only known to him, but to all else.
It isolated him. As you had been. Your natural connection to healing made the Masters want to develop your skills outside the standard curricula.
Anakin was the one you sat with when no one wanted to. It was you and Anakin until you had to leave to pursue learning about healing through other force wielders.
"Yes, Anakin, I'm in charge of your care now" You answered, raising the syringe to his sight so he'd anticipate the injection.
"If it takes losing an arm to have you back, I'd have done it again" Anakin says thru half-lidded eyes.
The sedative was quickly taking its effect and you couldn't dare to look up at Obi-Wan.
"Well, at least one of us is happy about this" You answered.
Remembering your bedside manners, you proceeded with the protocol.
Send the patient to sleep.
Don't appear doubtful.
Don't make promises.
"Is there a color you'd want for your new arm?" You forced your voice to remain calm as you redirect his attention to the question. Both your hands are applying pressure on his severed arm to reduce the blood spilling.
Obi-Wan was pale with worry. You nodded to him hoping that he'd be reassured his apprentice would be fine. He looked like he'd pass out before Anakin.
Anakin leans back on the stretcher, the thought keeping him focused and away from the pain that was being dulled by the sedative.
"Definitely not gold— C3PO will never let it go" His nose scrunched, grimacing at the thought.
You let out a chuckle at his comment. "Alright, not gold"
The Med-Droid had finished preparing the materials and when you turn back your focus to the Jedi, he was already asleep.
You worked efficiently. Time was of paramount importance. The Jedi teachings hypothesized on midi-chlorians being stored in the blood, so you prioritized stopping the bleeding.
The lightsaber cut cauterized the tissues and vessels, making his blood coagulate and turn toxic. To your advantage, you were able to utilize both medical practice and force healing to fully save the nerves.
You can still make him a bionic arm that would be sensate.
By the time you were finished, the design you sent to bioengineering came. A silver arm with hints of red.
It still looked more skeletal than realistic. But that's only because you wanted to improve on it later. This was only a prototype.
Your hand coddles his cheek— this was the fastest way to sense how he'd been feeling.
His signature appears to you as a series of words.
Conflicted. In a state of stasis. Scared. 
You took your hand back, deciding not to pry more into what he was keeping.
Hours flew and you found yourself in a loop debating whether electric signals in the nerves could fire using zillo skin. It would be the toughest replacement for skin, but it's not capable of transmitting signals for sensation.
Your mind was beginning to numb from the mental exhaustion. Your curious gaze lands on Anakin's bare torso. He was still unconscious.
You would have done your research in your quarters, but you wanted to be here when he wakes.
Your mind started drifting and you followed his breathing.
How is it possible for his skin to hug so tight against his muscles?
You blinked, startled by the thought that crossed your mind. Perhaps it was time to sleep...
"Eyes are up here" Anakin says in a singsong voice.
You look up through your lashes, cheeks firing up from the embarrassment.
He chuckles, then his attention lands on his bionic arm.
"How are you feeling?" You stood up, grabbing the charts and taking note of his vital signs displayed on the monitors. You pressed on the recline and Anakin sits up along with the bed.
"Mmmhungry?" He rubs his eye.
"I'll have someone bring something" You smiled. "Can I?" You asked before touching his bionic arm.
He nods and you continued. "Can you open your fist?" You asked, holding the bionic arm, guiding gently.
Anakin's eyebrows furrowed in focus. The arm abruptly closes. "What happened?"
"That's fine, your mind is adapting to sending nerve signals to the synthetic ones." You explained, your fingers unclenching his fist.
Anakin tries again and his fingers opens up in a more controlled manner.
You let out a breath of relief when you realized you have managed to save all those tiny nerves.
"Alright, now tell me how much you can feel" You instructed, running the tip of your pointer finger against his palm, you look up to see him already looking at you.
Anakin was not at all subtle. It made butterflies run down your stomach.
"I can feel you, but I can't tell how much pressure your applying" He answers.
You nodded, noting it down.
Now, you need to test the receptors for heat.
Oh, by the force, why must he look at me like that.
You centered yourself on the task in front. You pressed the back of your hand against his palm. "And how does my skin feel? Can you tell if it's warm?"
Your heart was thundering inside your ribs, you were kind of scared that Anakin will hear how nervous he was making you feel.
Anakin tilts his chin, as if he was really trying to feel. "No, I can't feel the heat" He clasps his fingers against your palm as if testing more.
Of course, you couldn't have healed everything. "Alright" You withdrew.
"This is only a prototype, I'll improve its design after we do some more tests" You stood up, trying to establish some space between you and your old friend.
Anakin leans back after noting your action. "Thank you, [Name]" He kept his eyes fixed on you, as if he was still waking up from a dream.
You managed a smile. "I got you"
His eyes lingered on yours, you could not find it in yourself to look away.
A soft knock on the door snapped you awake.
"Well, don't you look well" Obi Wan comments with a wide smile
"Something's different" He crosses his arms, as if trying to figure out what it was that changed.
"Dooku really got you with that scar" Obi Wan nods his head as he waves a hand tracing the scar on his apprentice's face. 
You couldn't hold back a laugh in surprise.
"I lost an arm" Anakin squeezes his eyes close.
"Come, no reason for me to be rude now." Obi-Wan winks at you. "But since you brought it up, how are you feeling?" He steps forward to Anakin's bed.
You leave the two to catch up on their own.
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of course i'd seperate the angst on the next part so if you want more of that, head to the next one haha!
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sxcret-garden · 13 days
5th Desire ღ Dress [M]
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ღ Aspects of Desire series ღ Ateez Jongho x fem!reader ღ words: ~7.2k ღ genre: established relationship, college AU, fluff, some humor, slice of life, smut (dom!Jongho (soft dom to glimpses of hard dom… he’s going thru it ok kasjdflka), sub!reader, clothed sex, dry humping, body worship, a bit of breast play, he gets a little possessive, praise, pain kink, hair pulling, biting, spanking, unprotected sex, oral (reader receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, reader going into subspace, dacryphilia) ღ warnings: heavy dom-sub dynamics (him pulling reader’s hair), reader’s mother has very traditional values and a toxic view on beauty standards, reader’s body is commented on once
Desc.: Your mother is trying to get you to wear a dress she picked out for you for your cousin’s upcoming wedding. At times like these you are especially thankful to have your boyfriend Jongho right by your side to help convince her to let you wear clothes you’re actually comfortable in. However, little do you know that despite having your back, he’s secretly smitten with the image of you in that dress.
← prev chapter ღ next chapter →
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As soon as you get home that day, you make your way straight to the sofa, and without even saying a word you plop down on it. You letting out a huge sigh as you allow your frame to crash into your boyfriend’s side while he’s focusing on a video game makes him chuckle, and when you rest your head against his shoulder and you close your eyes, you can feel the onset of a headache. 
“Your shopping date with your mom was a success I assume?” he asks, sarcastically, yet the smile on his face stays visible. A glance at the tv in front of you tells you he’s playing with friends, their in-game nicknames displayed in the corner of the screen. 
“For who?” you retort.
“For her,” he laughs, and you say nothing until he finishes the current round. Picking up his phone, he types up a quick message in their group chat, telling them to go on without him, and after closing the game, he turns his attention to you fully. “You look really tired. Was it that bad?” he asks, now putting an arm around your shoulders and leaning against the backrest of the sofa, so you could snuggle up to him more comfortably. 
“It was… exhausting,” you mumble, your eyelids fluttering shut. 
“Wanna tell me about it?” Upon hearing his question, you bury your face in his chest and you let out the most pained groan you can muster, followed by Jongho letting out yet another soft laugh, “So no.”
“Just…” You sit up eventually, now resting your elbows on top of your legs and massaging the bridge of your nose with your thumb and index finger in hopes the pending headache would go away. “Why does she want me to wear a dress so badly? It’s fine if I go in pants, isn’t it?”
“I mean, you should wear something fitting for the occasion. It’s your cousin’s wedding after all,” he says. “Whether that’s a dress or a suit doesn’t really matter, does it?”
“My mom keeps saying it’ll look dumb if we’re both in a suit,” you mumble, and your boyfriend lets out a noise of disapproval.
“Should I wear a dress instead, then?” he jokes and manages to make you laugh with the mental image. 
“Backless please,” you chime in. “And with lots of frill.” A huff of disbelief escapes him as he looks away, and you find yourself grinning. “No, but seriously,” you then say. “I don’t know how many times I told her that I don’t like wearing dresses in public. I just don’t like how they feel, but she keeps insisting…” You sigh, pulling out your phone and opening your camera roll. “See? I don’t even think they suit me that much,” you continue, while you show a picture of you in one of the dresses your mother had made you try on to your boyfriend. 
“Oh?” He raises his eyebrows at the rare sight. “I think it suits you though?”
“Whatever…” you sigh. “I mean… thanks I guess? But…”
“Yeah, I know,” he reassures you before you even have to say anything. “If you don’t like wearing them, you really shouldn’t have to.” 
“Yeah…” you agree, before lying down and curling up on the sofa, putting your feet up on his lap. Another sigh follows as the headache is still present, and to be perfectly honest all you want to do is forget about that stupid wedding. Well, not entirely. It’s not like you don’t want to go. You’ve been fairly close with your cousin when you were children, and even though you’ve been out of touch for a few years now, you still really want to be there for when she gets to marry the man she loves. 
Just not in a goddamn dress.
“Should we… maybe try talking to your parents together, then?” Jongho’s suggestion tears you out of your thoughts. 
“We?” you repeat.
“I mean…” he clears his throat, “They like me, right? Maybe they’ll listen to me…” You give him a long and thorough look. “Maybe not…?” he adds, but you shake your head, sitting back up.
“No, that might actually not be such a bad idea. I mean… it’s true that my mom really likes you… and you know how to get people to do what you want…” He can only let out a sheepish chuckle at your last words. “Yeah, let’s do that. My mom asked me if I want to come over for coffee next Wednesday anyway. I’m sure she won’t mind if I bring you along… if you’re free then?”
“Sure,” he says, once again putting his arm around you as he notices you slouching over. “Don��t worry too much about it, okay?”
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The excitement radiating off of your mother’s face is apparent as always when she welcomes you and your boyfriend at the doorstep. She greets your boyfriend first, commenting on his nice outfit, and her expression changes ever so slightly when she gets to saying hi to you. 
“Such a handsome boyfriend you have…” she mutters at a volume where he would still hear, and with a flustered smile he turns around and bows in thanks.
“He is,” you agree, not knowing what to make of her words, and you feel yourself tensing up a bit. Is this already the thing she’ll use as a transition to the wedding outfit talk that you dread so much? Jongho notices your anxiety and he reaches out to take a hold of your hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze.
“It’ll be fine, just trust me,” he whispers when your mother disappears in the next room, leaving you by yourselves as you’re taking off your shoes and you each grab a pair of slippers to wear inside the house instead. Your mother offers the two of you some coffee, calling you into the kitchen to help her prepare it - like a good wife, as she always makes sure to tell you - and Jongho doesn’t let the chance slip away to make himself useful too. Your mother seems overjoyed as she watches him snatching the cups away from you and carrying them out into the living room himself while shooting you a knowing look and you silently thank him for it. You reach for some milk instead and carry it to the table, and when all three of you have made yourselves more or less comfortable, with your beverages in front of you, she doesn’t leave you on edge too long.
“So, Y/N,” you suppress a shudder when she calls out to you, “have you decided which dress you want to wear yet?”
“Uhm… not yet,” you say, lowering your head.
“You know we have to order it a bit in advance,” your mother explains without hesitating. “You should make a decision by the end of the week.” You sigh, and as you’re about to say something, your boyfriend speaks up instead, pulling out his phone. On the screen you can see pictures of pantsuits just like the one you have in your closet. 
“If I’m allowed to interrupt - wouldn’t this suit Y/N much better?” Your mother seems about as dumbfounded by his bold move as you are, but you decide to do as he told you for now - to trust him. “A good friend of mine is a tailor, actually.” He clears his throat and then continues, “And that friend told me that a suit would look a lot better on someone with a figure like Y/N.”
“Oh… really?” your mother is hesitant to buy into what your partner is telling her, but she gives him the benefit of a doubt and keeps listening.
“Yes. Pants suit her shape a lot better than a skirt, and a well tailored suit will also make her look taller and give a more elegant expression.”
“Oh…” your mother gasps again, and then she takes another close look at the picture on your boyfriend’s phone. “You’re right.” Though the conversation you’re witnessing feels just a little bit uncomfortable to you, you’re definitely glad she seems to finally be convinced, and so you dare to speak up.
“Yes, that’s why it would make a much better image if I wore a suit, mom,” you add, finding her nodding at you. 
“Right, I didn’t see it that way,” she says, seemingly fascinated by the image of the model in the suit. Directed at you, she asks, “Is that why you don’t want to wear a dress to the wedding? Because you’re worried about what others might say about how you look in it?”
“Yeah,” you lie.
“Hmm… well, I suppose this is probably the better choice then…” You gulp at her words, and as you remind yourself that this is all for the greater good, you swallow the bitter taste in your mouth that the conversation is leaving you with. You grew up always having her tell you about what your body is supposed to look like as a girl, and what it isn’t supposed to look like, and though as an adult you’ve mostly moved on from such comments affecting you too much, being confronted with her views that are so different from yours again now is still not easy to deal with.
Still, you walk out of your parents’ house a couple of hours later, knowing that your mother won’t disapprove of or pester you about your outfit choice anymore, and so what remains is your gratitude towards your boyfriend for making it that way.
“I’m so sorry I had to say all that…” He speaks up the second the door to his flat falls into its lock, and you feel his arms wrapping around you from behind. 
“It’s okay, I know why you did it,” you assure him as you feel him putting his chin on top of your shoulder.
“You sure? You seemed very hurt by it…” he says, and you spin around in his hold, taking his hands into yours.
“Yes,” you say, giving him a confident look now. “I’m sure. My mother wouldn’t have been convinced otherwise, this is all she cares about. My image.” Before all the anger and sadness that your words and the conversation with your mother evoked can bubble up fully and take over you, Jongho takes a step forward, having you lean your head against his chest as he wraps you into a warm embrace.
“You know that’s not true,” he says, and he’s probably right, but you don’t want to think about it right now.
“Thank you anyway,” you mutter into the tight hug, snaking your arms around his waist to return it. “Really, I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“Of course…” he mumbles a response, one hand coming to rest atop your head. He supports your weight as you let the exhaustion of the past days take over you and you lean against his frame. That’s when a thought hits you, and you stand up straight.
“Am I… being dramatic about this?”
“Huh?” Jongho raises his eyebrows at you.
“I mean… it’s not that big of a deal, right? …the dress.” You avoid looking at him, and after a few seconds of silence, he places his hands on your shoulders to make you look at him.
“Hey. It’s very much a big deal for you, or you wouldn’t have tried so long to convince your mom to let you go in pants,” he reminds you, and you find yourself nodding.
“You’re right…” you say eventually. “You’re right, I don’t have to do something I’m uncomfortable with, even if it’s what my mom wants.”
“Exactly.” He gives you a smile, and you think you can see a hint of pride behind his expression. Kicking off your shoes, you walk into his flat, and once you’re both standing in the living room, you spin around on your heels.
“How much of what you said was a lie though?” you question, and your boyfriend shoots you a bright smile as he follows right behind you.
“I made up like 80% of it,” he admits, coming to a halt right in front of you.
“The tailor friend?”
“A lie.”
“Whoa… and you told that whole story with a straight face, huh? Scary…” you say, and Jongho laughs, well aware that you’re joking. Then you become serious, and you mumble, “Thank you again… how can I repay you for this?” You close the distance between you and him, and when you throw your arms around his shoulders, he’s quick to take a hold of your waist. Gaze wandering to your lips as he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly, he hesitates.
“I do… have an idea. Even though it’s probably a little… no, it’s very unreasonable…” He looks away, an awkward expression appearing on his face that tells you he isn’t sure whether he should really let you know about this idea of his.
“Why?” you ask, genuinely curious.
“Because… actually, remember that picture you showed me in that dress?”
“Yeah…?” You have a hunch about where this is going, but you let him finish anyway.
“It’s just… I kinda… haven’t been able to get that out of my mind…” You take a step back, and you catch a glimpse of the way his ears are taking on a shade of red.
“You want to… see me in a dress?” you take a guess, making him admit to it.
“Yeah… only if you want to, of course! I don’t want to make you do anything you feel uncomfortable with! You really don’t have to-”
“Hey,” you interrupt his rambles, answering his hesitant gaze with a certain one. “I think… it’s okay… if it’s just you seeing me. I mean… I feel uncomfortable wearing dresses when I go out… but if it’s in the comfort of my own place or yours… it’s fine I think?”
“Oh…” he lets out a small gasp, and then again he adds, “But you really don’t have to.”
“I know that, dumbass,” you joke. “You’re not my mom.” The comment makes him smile as he lets go of the tension in his shoulders, and you continue. “But now… no more talk about dresses for today, okay?” You close the distance between you and him, until you’re in your earlier position - your arms wrapped around his shoulders, and him supporting you by the waist.
“Okay.” He smiles, before you lean in to press a short kiss to his lips.
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Lifting the skirt of the flowy summer dress up a bit and then letting go to see how the fabric softly sways back into place, you look at your frame in the mirror, and for the first time in a while you’re not super uncomfortable with what you see. It’s a white dress, decorations stitched onto the very top of the chest part with a fine orange yarn, and you can’t recall when you wore it the last time. You spin on your tiptoes to look at how it fits you from the back, and the skirt moves along with your half turn prettily. The thin fabric is wrapping itself around your waist a little tightly, but you don’t mind it this time - you know it’s only your boyfriend who will see you like this, so you don’t need to worry about how the piece of clothing fits you, if the skirt would ever ride up too far, or what kind of strangers would feel like they have permission to stare at you for a little too long in public. You turn back around, and your features shine through the white fabric - you decided not to wear underwear on purpose, wondering if your boyfriend would like the surprise. In this case, you want him to stare.
You walk out into the living room on quiet footsteps, and you grin to yourself as you find him disappearing towards the kitchen area, from where he can’t see you approaching the dinner table. Leaning against the edge of it, you call out to him.
“Baby, I have a surprise for you!” 
“What is-” As soon as Jongho catches sight of you, the words get stuck in his throat. Instead, he’s now taking in your figure, the lower part of your body still hidden behind the table, but from the way the look on his face immediately changes, you can tell he likes what he sees. “Ah…” His lips part to make way for a sound of pure admiration, and he approaches you, until he’s standing right in front of you, being able to take you in whole now.
“You wanted to see me like this, right?” you mutter, a bit amused by the image in front of you, because it’s rare to see your boyfriend this stunned.
“I did,” he mutters lowly, taking another step towards you and putting one hand on your waist, while he uses the other to tilt your chin up. You gulp at the need reflecting in his eyes, and as he leans in, your eyelids flutter shut. But instead of kissing you on the lips like you expected, he buries his face in your neck instead, now wrapping both arms around you, and you gasp when you feel his teeth grazing your skin. He works his way up until his lips hover beside your ear, and you can feel his hot breath against it as he speaks, “You look beautiful.” You catch a glimpse of his expression as he moves to brush his lips against yours, finding both a certain softness to his gaze, and a deep desire behind his eyes. 
You let him kiss you, melting against his touch as he keeps withdrawing in between in order to tease you, and when he sinks his teeth into your lower lip, nibbling on it for a while, you mewl at the sensation, your hands reaching out and finding his clothes to hold onto. 
“So pretty…” he mutters in between kisses, until he eventually takes a step back to let himself take in the sight in front of him once again. “And mine.” His palms find your chest, and you don’t miss the sharp breath your boyfriend sucks in as his fingertips wander past your nipples shining through the thin fabric, continuing their journey south, until they find purchase on your hips and he leans in again. “So fucking beautiful,” Jongho mutters, before he closes the distance between his mouth and the exposed part of your chest. You lean back, your hands placed behind you, supporting yourself on the surface of the table, and you give him full access to your neck. He takes his time worshipping every inch of you that he can reach, nips and kisses placed all over your collarbones and your throat, up to your jaw, and when he calls out to you, you look back at him, finding yourself melting against yet another kiss to your lips. You only break apart when you gasp upon feeling his bulge pressed against your stomach, and you moan when he rolls his hips against yours once and you find the need in his eyes. One hand finds its way up your torso, and he watches as he slowly lets it brush against your tummy, your breasts, and eventually he wraps it loosely around your throat, causing you to throw your head back.
“I’m glad, though…” your partner mutters, withdrawing his fingers from your pulse to find your chest instead, and you mewl when he starts massaging your boobs. “I wouldn’t want anyone else to see you like this anyway.” You gulp at his words - you’ve never seen him getting this possessive. And at the same time it excites you. You rub your thighs together instinctively, but he’s quick to reach down with his other hand, having you spread them apart with a simple gesture, before he reaches for your core, dragging his fingers down between your folds with only the white fabric in between.
“No underwear, hm?” he mutters, burying his face in the crook of your neck to make you gasp as he sinks his teeth into your flesh and he continues teasing your pussy, staining the inside of the skirt with your juices. “That’s dirty,” he comments, before you can feel his warm tongue pressing against the spot where he just bit you, and you buck your hips into his touch involuntarily, resulting in him taking a step back and removing his hands from you. “Fuck, I want to keep teasing you so bad,” your boyfriend says, his eyes glued to your body, “but you’re so fucking beautiful…” You don’t see where those two things would contradict each other, but he doesn’t leave you much time to think about it anyway as he takes you by the hands and leads you over to the sofa. He sits down and pulls you into his lap, having you straddle him.
“Ride me, my love,” he mutters, his palms rubbing against the skin on your thighs underneath the dress. The way he’s gazing up at you now he looks completely drunk on you, and it makes your stomach flip. 
“Okay,” you mouth, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and you start at a slow pace. And even though he drags his palms up just a little further so they would rest on your hips, he lets you decide on the pace yourself. Grinding down onto this clothed cock, pussy rubbing against the strained fabric of Jongho’s pants, you let out little whines with every repetition of your movements. Leaning your head back, he gladly accepts the invitation to attach his lips to your neck again, kissing and nibbling at the skin, and you wonder if he’s being careful enough not to leave any bruises by the end of this. But it’s not like you care at this very moment, where you have more pressing things on your mind. 
“F-feels good…” you mewl, running your fingers through his hair, and you shiver when you can hear your boyfriend moaning against your nape.
“Shit, are you gonna cum just like that?” he asks, and you bite your lip.
“C-can I?” you ask, crying out when you can feel him thrusting up, wordlessly. By the way his breathing is getting heavier and occasional groans escape him, you can tell that he’s coming close too - until suddenly he stops you, his hands still resting on your hips. He doesn’t need to say anything for you to understand that you’re supposed to wait, though seeing how close you were to tumbling over the edge, you’re not entirely happy about it. Your partner reaches for the waistband of his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear just enough to expose his length, and when he puts his hands onto your thighs again, he pulls you closer. He hisses another curse as you roll your hips against him, having his tip merely grazing your folds, and the sharp pain of him digging his fingernails into your flesh in response has you letting out a whine.
“Fuck…” you breathe out, as an entirely different desire creeps up to you now, and while you wonder if you should tell him about it you feel yourself almost cumming from the thought alone as you sink down on him. “B-baby…” you whimper as you take him in with only a few smooth movements of your hips, and when you’re settled comfortably on top of him, he runs his hands up your sides.
“Go slow,” he orders, and though it’s hard for you to hold back, you do as told. Soon, you find yourself beginning to shake uncontrollably as you fuck yourself on his cock, while your boyfriend lets his palms wander your body. And even when eventually he finds your breasts, teasing your nipples through the white fabric, it’s just not enough to give you that sweet release.
“H-how much longer…” you ask, eyes squeezed shut. “W-wanna cum…”
“Not yet, dear,” he whispers, torturing you just a little more. “Slow down,” he reminds you as your pace gets messed up, and when you don’t manage to fall back into your earlier rhythm, he slowly lets one hand wander south on your backside. You whimper when you feel his palm against your ass, arching your back for him, and again, you feel tempted to ask for him to spank you. But he speaks up before the right words can form on your tongue.
“But…” There’s a strain in his voice, telling you that he’s holding back too, and instead of the pain you were hoping for, he’s now pinching your nipple between his fingers, making you let out a broken moan. He then guides both of his hands back to your hips, steadying your rhythm, and as he does he hisses at the pleasure. “I didn’t think you’d be the type to plan surprises like this,” he comments, and then finally you can feel him pressing his thumb against your clit. You whine when he begins drawing circles onto the sensitive bud through the fabric of your dress, and once again your hips begin to stutter - just that this time he doesn’t correct your pace, but instead you can feel him thrusting up to meet you halfways.
“Ahh…” An uncontrolled sound falls from your lips, before you answer, already feeling your high building up inside your stomach. “M-me neither… I don’t think… I would’ve… d-done this before…” You somehow manage to get out what you’re trying to say, and in your own chase for your high you don’t immediately notice how your words seem to affect your partner.
“Really…?” he mutters through gritted teeth and his free hand finds its way up your back and into your hair. Tugging on the strands, he makes you lean your head back, and the moment you can feel him sinking his teeth into your shoulder, your orgasm overwhelms you. You cry out, feeling your whole body shaking as you cum around his cock, pleasure mixing in with the pain from him biting down even harder as he too comes undone underneath you. 
He lets you catch your breath for a while, brushing his lips against the bite mark and then his fingertips too.
“Does it hurt?” he asks, and you shake your head, leaning in to gently bump your forehead against his.
“It’s fine…” you assure him. “I think… I like the pain.” You feel him slipping out of you as you move back, and Jongho has his hands back on your sides when you try to get up. With a dangerous look in his eyes, he keeps you from moving too far away, muttering,
“I’m not done with you yet, dear.” He makes you sit back down in his lap, and once your hands are holding onto his shoulders, his palms start roaming your body again. “You look way too beautiful like this… it’d be a waste to stop already.” You furrow your eyebrows as he pulls on the dress, and you watch as the fabric exposes more of your chest. Pulling it down enough until both your breasts are uncovered, you mewl at the way he wraps his lips around your left nipple, while he takes your right side into his hand. Deep moans escape him, mixing in with your more high-pitched ones, and soon enough you melt against his touch and you begin rolling your hips on top of him again. 
“F-feels good…” you mutter and when he releases you for a moment, you draw a long sigh from his lips when you comb your fingers through his short hair and his eyelids flutter shut.
“This won’t do,” he says when his gaze finds your face. Using his strength, he flips you onto your back, making you lie down flat on the sofa, and when he hovers above you, he goes right back to scattering little bites all over your chest. “You’re so fucking perfect…” he mutters, and the praise makes your heart skip a beat. You can tell he’s getting impatient by the way he’s working his way down your body restlessly, and you hold your breath when he finally has his head between your legs, reaching for your thighs to throw them over his shoulders, all while never breaking eye contact with you.
“Need more of you…” Jongho mutters, kissing a trail down the inside of your thigh. “Need to ruin you.” A shaky moan leaves you when you feel his tongue pressing against your folds, and he licks up a stripe. Having its tip circling your clit skillfully, he brings a finger up to your entrance, and using your slick as well as his own cum leaking out of you as lube, he pushes up inside of you effortlessly. You clench around him immediately, your toes curling at the sensation of him slowly thrusting that one digit in and out of you.
“M-more…” you beg, and you can see him smirk in between your legs. Contrary to what you’re asking for, he pulls out his finger and instead slides in his tongue, moaning as his and your taste mix in his mouth, and the vibrations of his voice make you shudder. You reach down to bury your fingers in his hair and he lets you, closing his eyes as he savours your taste before pulling out and moving back to your clit. He wraps his lips around the small bud, and with your last orgasm not having been so long ago, even him gently sucking on it is turning you into a whining mess in no time. And then he moans at your taste again, because he knows hearing him enjoying this drives you crazy, and you know that at this rate there’s a possibility he’ll make you cum again just from this.
“J-jongho…” you manage to whimper his name, and as he hums against your cunt in response, you clench around nothing. He places one of his palms onto the underside of your thigh, and as if that was the sign you needed to get the gears up in your head moving, you blurt out, “Spank me…” He looks up, a cocky smirk on his face as he rubs his hand against your thigh now.
“Is that what you’ve been thinking about the entire time?” he asks, his demeanor changing ever so slightly and his now piercing stare makes you gulp. You’re not sure if he really knew what was going on all along, or if it only just clicked now that you said it, but either way you nod. “You really meant it when you said you like the pain, hm?” He comes back up to attach his lips to your neck, and when he rolls his hips against yours once, you can feel that he got hard again. The second his teeth graze your skin, you throw your head back instinctively, and you let out a shaky moan, only fuelling his need to tease. He lets his palm draw circles on the underside of your thigh, until eventually his fingers wander to your aching cunt and he slips inside two of them.
“Fuck…” you mewl at the feeling of his digits filling you up, and you immediately buck your hips into his hand.
“So needy…” he comments, curling his fingers inside of you and having them graze your g-spot with every repetition. You keep meeting him halfway, unable to stop the motion of your hips, like your body is taking over control and its only purpose is to chase your next high. “And you’re gonna cum again just from the thought, huh?” You whine at his words, and even more so when he angles his hand so that your clit grazes his palm with every time he repeats his motions. “Did you want it that badly? Me spanking you?”
“D-didn’t know how to bring it up…” you whine in between, and he leans in to press a kiss onto your exposed chest.
“You did well telling me,” he praises you, fingering you right towards your next high.
“‘M gonna cum… I’m gonna-” You clench around his fingers as a string of moans and curses falls from your lips and your high shakes you and Jongho quickly presses his thumb against your clit, continuing to tend to the bundle of nerves even as you’re coming down from your high. Writhing underneath him as the overstimulation builds up, you can see him watching intently as you manage to escape his touch, and when his fingers slip out of you, his lips part slightly. There’s a new expression on his face, one that you’ve never seen before, but only a moment later the tension breaks when he sits up, rubbing his palms along your thighs that are still shaking in soothing motions.
“Can you take one more?” he asks as he looks down at you, and you nod. “Then come here.” He gets up and he supports your weight as you do the same. Never taking his eyes off of you as if he was closely monitoring your condition, he leads you over to the dinner table, and when you’re standing right in front of it, he says, “Take off your dress, love.” He helps you out of it, and as you’re trying to turn around to look at him, he keeps you from it. “That’s not what we’re doing now.” He runs his fingertips up your back, and when his hand is placed between your shoulder blades, you can hear his voice again.
“Bend over.” He speaks the words slowly, his tone low, and it makes you suck in a sharp breath. You do as told, and when the hand on your back travels to your behind, it sparks excitement deep inside you. One soothing circle against your ass, he takes his hand away, and then he orders, “Count down from three.” You hesitate, but he grants you those few seconds to think about it, not wanting to push you, and so eventually you speak,
“Three… two… o-one-!” The last number turning into a broken moan when his hand flies to the spot he has caressed just a few moments ago, you feel pain and pleasure surging through your veins at once.
“How was that?” your partner asks, dominance radiating off his voice.
“G-green…” you answer.
“That’s my good girl…” he praises you, and you feel your stomach doing a flip at his words.
“W-wanna be your good girl…” you sputter as you feel your mind going empty, and you arch your back for him prettily. He hums at your reply, or maybe at the state you can feel yourself slipping into, and he says,
“One more?”
“Y-yeah…” you say, and you can hear him letting out a short laugh behind you. 
“Then count down.” This time you don’t waste a single second.
“Three… two-” His palm meets your ass with a smacking sound too early this time, and it makes you mewl pathetically once again. As if to apologize, he immediately rubs a few more soothing circles onto the spot, and you can hear him mutter,
“You’re so fucking cute.” And then, when he places both hands on your hips, you can feel the tip of his cock grazing your folds, and the realization that he too got rock hard from this only makes your sanity slip yet a little further away from you. 
“Hmmm f-fuck me…” you babble, and once again you can hear him letting out an amused sound.
“You’re so far gone from just this, huh…? And I was gonna fuck you stupid over this table, but you are already stupid.” You whine at his words, nodding, and when you feel him sliding inside of you with ease, there’s nothing you can do but mewl at the feeling.
“Give me a color, dear,” he says, holding still for a moment.
“G-green…” you manage to say. “V-very… fucking… gr-” Hearing it once is all the confirmation he needed, because before you can say it a second time, he’s already starting to thrust. He starts slow, but powerful, and all you can do is let him fuck you as you feel yourself going limp under the impact. Skin slapping against skin, he picks up in pace gradually - maybe faster than he wants to, because the grunts coming from behind you make it apparent that neither of you are going to last long this time. 
“Fuck… fuck…” He spits out one curse after the other, his voice strained, and when he can feel you clenching around him as you keep whining at his relentless pace, he reaches down to tend to your clit. Contrary to most times when he pleases you, his motions are anything but precise now, and yet it’s more than enough to get you to cum again. Tears well up in your eyes as you feel your high building up deep inside, and when only seconds later you come undone with him still fucking you hard, you find yourself clawing at the tabletop from the overwhelming pleasure. The blissful afterglow of the orgasm mixes in with the building overstimulation as his hips keep slamming into you, but you do your best to hold still for him through desperate whines and unintelligible cries.
“Shit, Y/N…” he groans your name as you can feel him releasing inside of you, and when he finally comes to a halt you shudder. Pulling out of you carefully, he supports himself on the table with his hands on either side of you for a while, allowing himself to recover, before you feel one of his palms gently meeting the small of your back, and he starts moving it up and down all across your back in soothing motions.
“You did so well, baby…” he breathes, and when he notices you attempting to stand up straight, he’s right there to hold you up. With your legs shaking, he lets you rest against his chest for a short while, but eventually figures it’d be better for you to sit down, so he leads you over to the couch where you can let your exhausted body rest. He disappears in the kitchen for a short while, and sure enough he returns with some water and a few paper towels to clean yourselves up. Making sure you drink a good amount of fluid, he sits down next to you, putting his arm around your frame and letting you snuggle up to him closely.
“That was amazing,” you mutter as you bury your head in the crook of his neck, and you leave a few kisses all around the mole on his throat, before also brushing your lips against his cheek. Though your limbs ache from the overexertion on your body, you lift your arm to run your fingers through his hair, and while you’re massaging his scalp you can feel him relaxing against your figure too. He looks at your face, and he lets himself trace your features with his gaze for a short while, before he wraps his other arm around you too, and he pulls you in for a lingering kiss on your forehead. 
“You were amazing too,” he mutters as his lips move against your skin while he talks, before he allows you to rest like this for just a while longer.
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You finish the last bite of the takeout meal you brought home for the both of you when you lean back in your seat and throw your hands up in the air to stretch thoroughly. 
“Nothing like a good meal after a long day,” you groan, and your boyfriend agrees.
“Right,” he mutters, watching you with a smile before he gets up, starting to stack the dishes on the table so he could carry them to the kitchen all at once. You thank him as you watch him walk off with his hands full, and when he comes back you call out to him.
“Actually…” you start, and you see him raising his eyebrows at you. “Can we talk about something?”
“Sure,” Jongho replies, getting back into his seat across the table. You look around his apartment that you’ve gotten so used to over time, and after hesitating for a bit because of the uneasy feeling building in your stomach, you speak up.
“So… what if we moved in together?” 
“Huh?” your partner lets out a surprised noise before he bursts out laughing. Meanwhile you’re beyond confused, to say the least.
“Is it funny…?” you ask, and as he reaches for your hands resting on the table, he answers, the amused expression still on his face.
“No, I mean-... you’ve been practically living here for the past months,” he explains, and as you understand what he’s trying to say, the tension leaves your shoulders at once.
“Ahh… you’re right,” you let out a short laugh too now, before pulling one of your hands out of his hold to grasp at your chest instead. “I thought you’d say no.”
“No, no!” Jongho refutes immediately and he gets up, walking around the table to come to a halt right beside you, wrapping his arms around your figure. He looks down, combing his fingers through your hair as he becomes serious, and when you return his gaze he says, “I’d like it if we moved in together. Officially, that is.” You smile, and then you wrap your arms around his waist and you bury your face in his stomach. 
“That’s nice,” you mutter, and you stay like this for a while, having him gently stroking your hair, and once he peels himself away from you, you feel like the hug along with the food you just had made you feel a lot sleepier than you were just before. Your boyfriend cups your face with his hand, thumb brushing against your cheek as he looks at you with both adoration and a hint of mischief in his eyes.
“Finally I can make you pay rent,” he adds, and you jump up immediately to complain. You form your hands into fists and playfully hit his arm, making him laugh once again as he turns away to shield his upper body, as if he needed to protect himself from your attack. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding…” he says, and now you’re the one grinning.
“Oh, you’re letting me live here for free?” you reckon, and his amused expression makes way for a slightly offended one.
“I’ve been letting you live here for free for weeks!” he retorts, and this time you’re the one laughing as you throw yourself at him, engulfing him in a tight hug. 
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kpopscruggles · 1 year
Kiss Me Thru The Phone : S.M.
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Word Count : 3,894
Genre : Smut, Fluff
Warnings : (this ain’t a warning but Mingi x chubby reader) mingi pov mainly, Sexual Content, Mature Language, panty stealing and sniffing, praise, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, the world already overpopulated) Mingi is basically in love with you, squint of alcohol, Yeosang name is mentioned as an ex
Summary : Mingi is in love with the his long life friend, he also loves her body more than anything. After his friend gets out of another shitty relationship he expects it to happen again till she texts him one night.
"You think he's a good guy, right?" Your question only made Mingi pause as he looked away from the TV. Now the movie night wasn't going according to plan. You had been talking to this guy that Mingi was far from liking; he felt the male didn't treat you well. He was also just jealous that the guy had the guts to reach you first. His blood boiled; in fact, he hadn't come to terms with the fact that someone else could take you from him, and it almost made him want to cry.
"I mean, I think he treats you well," and he wasn't wrong; he just felt like the guy didn't do everything for you, like the things you wanted him to accompany you on; usually the guy would back out last minute, but when you two were together, he could see how the guy put a smile on your face. Yeosang, that was him—the guy he dreaded seeing every time he walked into your front door. "But aren't you guys just talking right now? I do feel like he's, well, around a lot".
Mingi could feel himself shivering just thinking of how you'd react to his response; he never wanted you to be mad at him. This explains why he never gave his true opinion much when it came to Yeosang. "I think he's really sweet; you're right though, we are just talking, but I think he's about to ask me on a date". Part two, dating, was something Mingi didn't have the heart to hear about, so he began to slowly distance himself from reality again.
Mingi had been with you forever, ever since you guys were little. He always found you kind and sweet, but as filthy as it probably sounds—perverted, to be exact. It wasn't until puberty hit that he began to develop a crush—a hard one at that. Watching how your chest grew, even noticing it more when you wear tank tops during the summer. By the time you guys reached ninth grade, on that summer vacation where you wore the bikini, they'd grown even more.
When you got comfortable wearing just a T-shirt and the smallest shorts you could find, was that on purpose? He always wondered but, of course, never dared to ask. His favorite part was how everything on your body had grown a bit chunkier over the years; how he imagined gripping your thighs and watching the flesh ooze slightly between his fingers; how your pudge would show through your bottoms.
You were in his dreams, in his thoughts, and definitely in his imagination. "So you like him?" you questioned, and Mingi let out a sigh before shrugging his shoulders. "Sure. I don't see why not." No. He hated his guts and would always hate his guts.
Over the next few weeks, of course, Mingi was by your side, especially when, of course, Yeosang ghosted you after you rejected him for sex. This had happened a few times, but Mingi didn't mind going through it with you because that meant he was the one to build you up and put you back on your feet. He began coming over a lot more; it was perfect.
going out on late-night walks. "You know, I can't even believe I fell for that." You chuckled. "You have a nice smile," he added before looking off into the street and hearing you chuckle, "Thanks, Mingi". That was it—an absolute fail. Sometimes Mingi felt like he was far from your type, so even if he had told you straight to your face that he liked you, you probably wouldn't even notice. No, he couldn't talk to you like that; he couldn't degrade you in any way; his heart just wouldn't allow it.
"There's a party this weekend; a friend of mine from high school is throwing a birthday party, so we should go." Was this an invitation? Of course it was. He turned back to you before nodding, "Really? We don't necessarily party though" he chuckled "I mean, you don't have to go; I just thought it would be fun".
Was he going to end up going? Probably not. If he had gotten an invitation from the person, then sure, but he didn't, so he wasn't going to stress about it. "I'll pass this time, but I promise that next time I get an invitation from you, I'll go." He smiled before giving her a hug. He felt bad, but he was sure you'd have fun without him.
Getting back to your place, he sat down with you on your bed as you both scrolled through your phone. "Mingi, do you think I'm hot? Would you like to sleep with me? If we weren't friends, of course.". He paused. What kind of question was that, and what kind of answer was he supposed to give? He cleared his throat, and he panicked as he could feel his cheeks and ears grow hot. He knew he was blushing like an idiot, and he couldn't even help but smile.
"To be honest, yeah," he added before getting rid of his smile and letting out a small chuckle. "Strange question, but yeah is the answer," he went on before going back to his phone while hearing you laugh a little. He sat there for a moment, staring at the same Tiktok. He was blank. Now his thoughts were running a marathon in his head, maybe even faster than the butterflies in his stomach.
You had never asked him a question like that. He cleared his throat once again before getting up to go to the bathroom. Shutting the door, he immediately let out a sigh. He had to remove these thoughts from his head. Walking to the sink, he paused, feeling his spine tingle slightly at the aching feeling in his chest. Taking a breath, he peaked into his sweats, his cock slowly oozing a bead of cumin, his top a bright pink hat he knew would turn into an irritated red soon.
He let out a whimper as he let his pointer finger swipe the cum from his tip. He began to pant slightly, saying, If I'm quiet, I can easily do this." Could he, though? No, now was not the time to second-guess himself. Taking another deep breath, he looked around as his free hand clicked the lock on the door behind him. His eyes shot open; peaking from the hot hoodies and sweatpants, the rose-red lace. He turned from the laundry basket while shaking his head; he couldn't! He could! He really could!
He quickly snatched the lace from the laundry basket before putting it in his pocket and sheltering his cock back in his sweatpants, leaving the room, then peeking into your bedroom and saying, "I think I'm going to head off.". Not the frown; he'd beg for anything else but seeing the frown on your face: 'But it's the weekend; you always stay on the weekend; at least stay tonight, and you can go home before I leave for the party tomorrow".
Fuck, shit, damn! He couldn't help but curse in his head. What was he supposed to say? No, surely that wasn't an option, as he didn't want you to get upset. "Mingi, I didn't fluster you, did I?". He panicked, that filthy smirk growing on his face as he let out a sigh. "I need to go," he insisted.
Seeing you walk towards him, he couldn't help but turn around with the plan to leave. As much as he wished he could stay to experience your intentions, he felt the guilt weighing him down—the guilt that rested in his sweatpants pocket, the guilt that would send him to the grave if you found out.
The guilt also currently has him in his car, not even making it into his apartment. The guilt caused his cock to leak extremely as he pumped it and enjoyed the smell of your cunt. The guilt that he wouldn't even forgive a higher power for The guilt that was now not so guilty as he watched the white ropes of cum run against his stomach was only guilt if he had gotten caught with it, his dirty little secret...
I hadn't seen Mingi since last night, and while getting ready, I tried to call him just to talk, but there was no answer. While trying to enjoy the birthday party, I began to enjoy the drinks more while waiting on Mingi's message or at least a call back to compensate for the missed one.
Hey, is something up?
Ugh, Mingi just answered.
The more drinks I managed to have, the more I couldn't help but think about it—about him, his touch, the way he smelled—everything. Mingi was just always in my thoughts lately, but they were never so strong that everything made me think of him.
I miss you.
You should meet me at my place.
Mingi You don't understand
I need you.
I just had to admit it: I wanted Mingi; I wanted him to bend me over; and I wanted to feel his cock. I don't think I've ever been as desperate for anyone before. I could feel the ache; my clitter was crying to be touched. Fuck his hands; his fingers even stretched me open in such a sinful way. His voice, his tongue, the way I could even sit on his face, or how big he was to just tower over me and make me cry for his cock, fuck, I needed him.
Eventually, I couldn't help but leave; I had to get home and try to get a hold of him or take care of myself. As I sat in the Uber, there was a buzz next to my leg. It was my phone.
Need me?
That was all I could manage to reply with; he had to have known I needed him.
Do you want me? Do you need me? Need me to fuck you?
Mingi couldn't process this conversation. He felt his chest tighten as if all the air had left him. He knew exactly what you meant as he paused before hitting the phone icon, hearing it ring against his ear.
"How badly do you need me? "You're not going to make me a second option." He hated to sound this way, but he was just too obsessed with you; if he slept with you, he wasn't going to let anyone have you, and that was that. He had to make sure you wanted him as bad as he wanted you every day.
"Now why would I make you my second option?" I questioned him, as I could tell he was nibbling on his bottom lips before I heard his response. "You're drunk; go to bed", Now I couldn't describe the disappointment that left me with.
For the longest, and I mean the longest, I could've sworn he was attracted to me, was he not? "Why does that matter?" There was only a chuckle that came from him. I lay in bed before requesting to change the call to FaceTime.
"Why won't you let me see you?"
"Y/N, answer my question. You don't understand how much I need an answer."
Mingi kept you on speaker; his cheeks flushed at hearing the rustling of the sheets. He wanted to give in to you; his brain begged him to, but he just couldn't let himself do that. If he slept with you, then he couldn't bear seeing you with someone else.
"I want you, Mingi; you'll always be my first option." Fuck, fuck the words that came from your lips. Why? because he was already out the door with the plan to be at your house in ten minutes. The way you just had him wrapped around your finger without knowing sent him for a spin.
You didn't even know the half of it—how much he begged for you and cried out your name when he pumped himself, wishing you were there to like the cum that would drip from his head.
Although he thought about you pleasing him, he mostly couldn't get you off his mind. The way his ears would heat up as he drove just thinking about your chubby figure, how it would feel to have your warm, soft thighs around his waist as he fucked you, being able to see your chest in his perfect view, your cute tummy, your chubby cheeks that connected to the perfect lips, ugh, your lips.
Your lips—he couldn't control himself while thinking about them. How they let out the most sinful whines for him, or how they'd look wrapped around his cock as you milked him dry.
All these fantasies he's had for so long, so fucking long, and now here he was, not hanging up the call as he let your begs ring through his ears as he drove. The phone was resting in his lap, and your moans were still so loud that he felt he was right in front of you already.
"Please, Mingi, please come over. You don't know how badly I need you."
"Yeah? "Don't worry, beautiful, I'm trying as quick as I
It was like everything was in a jumble; he needed you, and his brain was so fogged by your lewd sounds that he was surprised he was even able to keep the focus on the road.
"I'll be ready, baby," was all he heard. NO! You couldn't hang up just yet.
"I can't get a kiss before you go." His tone was whinier than usual, and when he noticed, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed, realizing the needy state he was actually in. His heart pounded at the second of silence before he heard you give a little kiss through the speaker.
He smiled like an idiot when he then heard, "See you soon, handsome; I'll be ready." That tone was nothing but filthy, as it made his cock twitch in his pants. Hering the line end, he then drove a bit quicker...
Once he realized he was in front of your place, he took a big breath before walking himself inside. Entering the apartment, he could hear the AC unit running, yet his body was still so hot. It was dark due to you not being there. Moving his feet again, he began looking around the living room.
His breath hitched as he picked up the thong that was tossed next to the dress on the floor. You were already naked. Shamelessly, he held the thong up to his face, taking in the gorgeous scent of you once again. The scent of you was one he could never degrade; nothing about you he could.
Looking at the dress on the floor, he then picked it up; the skimpy piece of cloth now rested in his hands. At that moment, something in him grew cold. The thought that someone at that party had seen you like that—they had seen your body barely being restrained in the whimpy dress he was holding—
This dress was no different than going out bare, and the fact he couldn't see a bra made his skin turn cold in a way that he surely didn't like. "Mingi, baby, what's taking you so long?" Looking up from the clothing, he saw your bare body lean against the doorframe to your bedroom.
He watched your cute little face as you smirked, looking down at your chest as you had no shame when he stared at them, and he knew it, your cute tummy resting comfortably before he could see your pussy...the one that was resting in the pants he was holding, not to mention the ones he stole.
"Was this the dress you wore out?" he asked softly before walking closer to you. Holding it upwards a bit, he then placed it in your hand. "Please put it back on, baby," he begged before placing a kiss on your hand. "And these? "I'll keep these," he added, placing the thong in his pocket.
Mingi couldn't even tell what had come over him; he just felt that he had to breed you in that dress. He felt he had to watch his cum either drip from you or stain the darling fabric of the dress. Seeing you raise a brow, he did the same before you just nodded and slipped it on.
Exactly as he imagined, walking past you and into your room, he placed himself on the bed. That split second, seeing the view behind him, he watched your ass peek from the dress, your thighs rubbing together, before you turned around to face him.
Seeing you walk towards him, he gasped slightly, feeling your wet cunt in his lap, the wetness running through the thin sweatpants just enough for him to feel it against his tip. Moving his hips slightly, he then knew he was a goon.
Your lips against his, swirling your tongue ever so slightly, and being able to taste your saliva with his caused him to tense. "Relax, Mingi, we don't want to get too excited and cum too soon." The little giggle that left your lips after made him flush. Looking down at his lap, he couldn't help but run his hands over his thighs before gripping them and watching the bits of chub flow over between his fingers.
"You're so fucking pretty," he whispered against your chest before licking over the fabric and watching your nipples harden underneath. "Thank you, but you're so much prettier." He almost choked on his breath as you tangled your hands in his hair.
"P-please fuck me" was all that could come from his now. "Wrap your thighs around me, lock me in as I fuck you." He placed you on the bed before hivering above you, watching you pull down his sweats. He shivered, feeling the air run against his begging tip.
wYou'reh"your so hard for me alrGuess guess we can't time,e time can we?" That same sinful giggle only distracted him for a moment before feeling your warm had wrap around his cock. Letting out a whimper, he couldn’t help but knit his brows.
He was already sensitive, so your doing this was enough to send him over the edge. As much as he wanted to hold it in, he just couldn't, and you both knew that. You both knew if you quickened your wrist, he’d cum.
"S-stop please," although he surely didn’t want to, he did want you to watch him cum so easily. Heavy but short breaths began to leave him as he held onto your thighs to keep himself balanced.
"Hmm? What is it, baby? Don’t you want to cum for me?" Seeing your pout, he knew he couldn’t disappoint. Did he fall into your little trap? Maybe he cared. No, he was going to cum for you like you wanted.
"L-little more, I promise I'll cum for you!" He cried, watching his hips buck uncontrollably. "That’s it, don’t be shy."
Now that those words brought him to the edge, he was definitely cumming right then and there. He whined in embarrassment as he watched the thick white ropes leave his cock, although no matter how embarrassed he wanted to be, he couldn’t help but feel his heart burst watching his cum ooze off your tummy and thighs.
Hearing your giggle, he watched you swipe up the cum that dripped from your cunt before taking it into your mouth. "Felt good, didn’t it? Don’t ever be shy about cuddling for me".
He nodded before watching you lay down, all of your body exposed to him, and lay under him. Placing his hands in the corners of the pillow, he felt your cumbersome, strained thighs wrap around his waist. "Go ahead, Mingi, fuck me like you want too."
Taking a deep breath, he lined his cock with your entrance before slowly pushing into you. A groan left him as he tried not to collapse onto you. Your pussycat already had him weak; he just knew that even with cumping already, he was definitely going to cum again soon.
"So big… "Cmon, baby, give me all of it." You whined, pushing him deeper, taking one last deep breath as he bottomed out into you. He calmed himself before beginning to move his hips.
"Just like that, baby, fuck!" You were already crying for him, and although he was in the state he was in, he couldn’t help but smirk, "Am I doing good? You love it, don’t you?" he smiled before sitting on his knees.
Watching his cock spread your cunt open, the white creamy substance coating him, watching it as it stuck you two together with each thrust, "such a pretty pussy, beautiful body, such a gorgeous girl..your gonna be my gorgeous girl, right?" Seeing you nod, he felt his heart flutter.
"I want an answer; give me the answer... "Oh, you can say it," he added, running his thumb over your cheek as he felt your hot, flushed skin and the warm breath from your lips as the cries had left you.
"I’m your girl, Mingi," he said, shaking his head. "That’s not what I said, baby; say it. Say it so I can fuck you like you deserve."
"I'M YOUR G-AH GORGEOUS GIRL!" Hearing you scream was enough to make him want to go harder, and knowing he was the one that made you feel like this just sent a boost through him. "that’s it! My gorgeous girl, all mine.".
All the men you had before were now nothing to him. Why? Because he was here watching you make a mess on his cock, he wasn’t at home thinking about how lucky they possibly were because now he was the lucky one.
He was now the guy he dreamed of being, and he wasn’t going to do anything to ruin that. Snapping out of his thoughts, he sucked in a breath, feeling how you suddenly tightened around him. "F-fuck, you're going to make me cum!" He sighed, making sure to push his hips deeper.
"M-more, make me cum on your cock baby, please, please... I’m already a mess, Mingi." Seeing you beg, he couldn’t help but kiss your lips before pulling away from you just to slam into you again. The careless whine that left your lips told him you were in bliss.
His eyes rolled back in ecstasy before pushing as deep as he could into you, feeling you cum onto his cock, a loud cry leaving your lips and your back arching slightly, letting out a strained grin he tried to hold back but couldn’t as he felt him cum fill you.
Hearing a low hum leave your lips, he couldn’t help but smile. "Did I do good?" "Amazing" amazing. He did amazing in your opinion; god, you were going to be the death of him.
Placing himself next to you, he immediately pulled you into his hold. "My gorgeous girl," he whispered before stealing a kiss from you. He couldn’t believe the state he was in, to be honest. He still couldn’t. And he didn’t think he’d ever do it.
"You know when we’re sorting, I expect kisses through the phone on the regular," he added, hearing your chuckle. "Don’t worry, you won’t be far from me now."
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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dessert first | solomon x gn!reader
cw: sfw. fluff and humor with some suggestiveness. descriptions of food and cooking. wc: 0.7k+
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If cooking is a love language, then Solomon is convinced that no one can cook more delicious, heart-warming food for you than he can.
He doesn’t notice your apprehension whenever he brings a steaming plate of something to the table. You bought him an apron as a gag gift once ("HOT STUFF CUMIN THRU"), and it's splattered in what can only be described as radioactive waste with it's odd colour and pungent smell.
You're relieved - barely - that the food can't be too acidic, since there's no holes burned through the apron's delicate fabric yet.
(You know Solomon loves that silly apron you gave him. Barbatos told him how to remove even the most stubborn biohazardous material - err, food stains - from it. You know later that Solomon will hum happily when he prepares it for the laundry, and when it's clean he'll fold it and tuck it away safely for next time. He always wears it when he cooks for you.)
Since you’ve known him, and especially since you started dating, you’ve pondered one question: is Solomon completely oblivious to your reactions when he cooks, or is he completely sadistic?
Sometimes your eyes water when he makes something that's far too sour. He holds a hand over his heart and says how happy he is that you're so moved by his cooking that it would bring you to tears. You let him brush away the stray tears with his thumb and kiss your cheeks - it's the least he can do.
Sometimes you clamp your mouth shut and try not to shudder as sharp, searing pains ravage your stomach. He's flattered that you're rendered speechless by his creation - and did you know that he modified the recipe specifically for you? He beams at you from his seat across the table while you try to focus on his words and distract yourself from the agony tearing your insides apart.
Later you mention as casually as you can that you'd like to lay down for a while. He tucks into the space behind you on the couch and hums in your ear while you nap - or pass out, you're honestly not sure which.
Today, you expect the same as all the meals he’s made for you before. He takes off his apron and sets it aside to wash later. Your steely resolve melts just a little because he treats it so gently, like it's more than just a common apron to him (because it is).
You look at his culinary offering today, some sort of stew the colour of burnt orange with hints of purple. It bubbles menacingly in the serving dish he places on the table. You scoop a small amount into your bowl - you try not to grimace when he insists that you help yourself - and grab your spoon. He helps himself next, and he's already digging in when you bring a mouthful shakily to your lips.
It doesn't smell too bad up close, and you can pick out the familiar scent of the unique blend of herbs and spiced he used. The first mouthful goes down easily, surprisingly so, and you chuckle when the tension melts from your body. You expected so much worse.
You're helping yourself to your fourth spoonful, more generous than the others before, when the delayed reaction hits you. Your throat closes in protest and you spit out the soup. Solomon's shirt is covered in it.
It feels like time freezes as embarrassment and horror flood through you. There's a dribble of soup running down your lip, and the spoon clatters loudly when it drops on the table.
Solomon looks stunned by your reaction.
You wipe your mouth with a napkin and try to sputter apologies and clean up the mess, and—why is he standing up and taking off his clothes?
You gape at him while he strips off his shirt and lets it drop in a heap on the floor beside his chair; you're distracted by the unexpected sight of his bare chest.
He sighs dramatically with his hands on his hips, and instead of seeing hurt or anger in his eyes, they twinkle with something like mischievous delight.
"Oh, darling," he teases you, slowly unbuckling his belt. "There's no need to waste food like that. If you wanted to have dessert first, all you had to do was ask."
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read more: solomon masterlist | obey me! masterlist
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