#especially with the crystal
witchofthesouls · 5 months
do you realize how awesome that would be between a cybertronian and an atlanian having a few similarities ?
also I had a lot of thoughts that had me sort of stuck.
Like the beginning part of how the atlanians were trying so very hard to out run an explosion. Perhaps a little tie to Quintess? something must of had their attention that they thus gave knowledge to them but later something that caused their downfall, just like Quintess and his creations. perhaps that was price?
would the Cybertronians know at some point, be it accident or intentionally, they seek them out? Even if they had no tie to the primes, it would still be one within of Primal. though the same could be said in reverse. either way, who knows what they may have inhereted by the line. Scratch that, the Guardian would more than likely prevent them from going further but say they do get past the Guardian and they do come across an Atlanian and thus their broken home beneath the surface.
I had forgetton that the stone(?) defense does react to danger and does choose someone of royalty. I did forget about the part where Kida was chosen and thus looked... crystalized? like energon. but also could not be touched cuz you'd wind up being like them too.
I unfortunately do not remember the all parts, only bits and pieces of the movie so feel free to ignore this.
There had been some talk that other ancient civilizations had their own massive technological marvel wonders in that movie verse, so perhaps there's something in the legends and myths…
I can't help but to think of it in a universe where Earth-is-Unicron or Unicron-yielded-Gaea because 1) we all need to utilize that way more, 2) makes sense with all the chaotic fuckery on the planet, and 3) would make a lot of sense on how it managed to store/grow Energon without tipping off a nearest spacefaring civilization, seems to be a reverse Cybertron in its makeup (dirt, metal, and water), yet able to support Primus’ own creations if utilized correctly, and build on the connection between Earth and Cybertron.
We're cousins. We have to fuck around with it. Especially with the same idea that Cybertronians and humans are cousins to the Quintessons since those multi-faced, space squids are Quintus’ descendants.
So that would make so much sense why Atlantis’ mobile weaponry was modeled after sea creatures. The Atlantians are taking advantage of the squids’ natural predators for extra psychological damage.
Imagine if the Leviathan ship came after the Quintesson invasion after a lot of tinkering between mechanical and organic components? The Atlantic answer to Quintessons’ space whale transport.
King Kashekim's dying words gave us so many details of the Heart itself and how it's able to make choices. Look, if that doesn't feel like a divine instrument or a Primal Artifact, then I don't know what does!
As a timeline, we could put the Downfall after repelling the Quintessons. King Kashekim would have had access to greater tech compared to other ally civilizations at that point, who's to say he wasn't looking to expand Atlantis’ dominion, especially after a massive undertaking and decisive win?
As for being searched by Cybertronians, it would depend on the universe. It would totally revamp the G1 episode with Atlantis and TFP would have really fantastic world-building on sentient Artifacts, Optimus not being the last of the Primes, and delve into the impact of cultural/religious instruments and “who” could claim them. Could the Autobots take the Heart and doom the inhabitants to ensure Decepticons don't raid it? What happens if the Heart refuses to cooperate? It may be a Primal Artifact/Titan, but who holds its loyalty? The descendants of its creator, especially with an unbroken lineage, or a pure Cybertronian Prime?
Could they even get past the Leviathan in the first place? This isn't a submarine where a standard mech could punch through its hull. A Leviathan is a proper war machine on a galactic standard and capable of transporting the Cybertronians themselves. Would it obey Optimus or not?
There are so many directions this could go. It's fascinating!
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inkedberries · 2 months
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it was such a bad idea to watch star trek the original series on a whim because man i am in it
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rizaposting · 4 months
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Riza in that paperboy suit from fma03 has had me in a chokehold for years...... ma'am...
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marsipain · 2 years
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It would’ve been so much cooler if he broke out like this
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starlightseraph · 22 days
niko sasaki means so much to me like you don’t understand.
she’s incredibly, unwaveringly kind and she believes in people even when confronted with the most insane shit. when her beliefs are shaken, and she retreats into herself, it’s only out of fear that she’ll accidentally hurt someone. and even then it doesn’t take much for her to get back to optimism and humanism. she readily accepts ghosts and witches and talking cats and demons and the reality of literal hell. one of her parents is dead and the other is emotionally unavailable, but she doesn’t let herself become like that, she stays caring and loving to everyone. she’s terrified of many things, both supernatural and mundane, but she still shows up for her friends.
she’s so, so brave. she has hope. she’s been hurt but she’s still going and determined to find good.
the fact that she isn’t in the comics and was created for the show blows be away. she fits so seamlessly into the story, it’s hard to imagine the dead boy detectives without her. it’s a massive credit to the writers and to yuyu kitamura that her character is so well developed.
and something that really means the world to me is that she’s japanese. a wonderful, complex japanese character. a woman, no less. it is so rare to find that kind of representation in western media.
i love her. i need this show to be renewed and if she’s involved in any capacity i’ll jump for joy.
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mint-flavoredd · 1 year
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So, uh,
recently got into homestuck
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haunted-xander · 8 months
Another thing I forgot to post
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tippenfunkaport · 5 months
something something, visited by three spirits that push you to reinvent yourself
and meanwhile, the three mother-type figures in Adora's life were all key to her to figuring out what she really wanted and who she wanted to be but literally...
Light Hope "died" trying to right a wrong from the PAST
Queen Angella died trying to preserve Adora's PRESENT
and Shadow Weaver died to give Adora a chance at a FUTURE
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my wine aunt is going to start watching Dead Boy Detectives tomorrow and idk if I am excited or terrified. maybe both.
i don't think she's seen anything that gay before.
btw, she saw one picture of edwin and charles somewhere and remarked, "they both look creepy. as if they were dead. wait-"
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icarusdiesatdawn · 17 days
I need them to form a D&D group. Charles is the dm, I just feel like that's some nerdy bullshit he'd be into, especially considering the time period when dnd was first popularised and him being a teen in the 80s. He says he's the brawn the muscle etc but he doesn't fool me. Deep down he's a little geek. The only reason he didn't play when he was alive is because he didn't have a safe stable environment or, well, enough friends. But he does now
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tachyon-omlette · 6 months
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tried using illustrator on something for myself. g1 Eda finds some cool bugs (insecticon designs by @drill-teeth-art I promise I did my best)
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flufallo · 29 days
For some reason monty is the only one I can believe to be a teenager
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Crystal said "you don't know what it's like to have a demon just pop into your head whenever he wants" and I know she meant literally but my brain went "girl that's literally how trauma works"
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
okay but cater in the manga—
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duncneydivorce · 3 months
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What makes Crystal such an interesting character is that she is the physical embodiment of the most insufferable kind of privilege in a viciously misogynistic society.
She’s the princess of a very racist and classist kingdom and benefits from these things, but she has little to no agency among her family and peers with the most extreme example being the moment she’s sold off as a paramour to a dictator (by her own sister!) Her lack of agency and how she finds ways of keeping her privilege in this system directly correlates to her promiscuity.
Crystal eventually earning the title of the ‘people’s princess’ is honestly so fitting. ‘People’s princess’ is in of itself an oxymoron if you think about it for more than two seconds, which is the perfect summation of her character. I do think her desire to help people and her love for her husband came from a genuine place, she’s a rebellious spirit who never looked down on someone for their status, but she does all these things from her position of power. She wants to help the subjects of her kingdom but not enough to rebuke the privilege she gets from their oppression. She wants an exotic husband for whom she rebels against her family’s prejudice and traditions to marry him but won’t ever stand in solidarity with him when he actually needs it.
I’ve said it before but Pietro/crystal are basically the less warped and twisted version of Heathcliff/Catherine from Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. The novel is a gothic dark romance that examines race, gender and class as the foundation to the destructive whirlwind of Heathcliff and Cathy’s romance. The dichotomy of oppression and privilege Cathrine has as a high society white woman and the racism Heathcliff receives as a Romani boy are examined through the abuse they endure. If you’ve read the novel you’ll notice about a million parallels but there’s one moment in particular that always stands out to me.
People often bring up the instance when the two are trying to reconcile after Crystal’s affair and there’s still some tension between them, in this moment Crystal tells Pietro that if he ever tries to retaliate by having an affair of his own she will have her people imprison/ exile him.
Compare that to a moment in Bronte’s novel where a young Heathcliff and Cathy have a childish argument and in a moment of frustration Catherine yells at him, prompting one of the housekeepers to flog him. In their defence I don’t believe Crystal or Cathrine were trying to be malicious, in fact they come off as very childish and bratty. The problem is that when Crystal threatens Pietro like this she actually has the power to do that. This is what defines the relationship between the two. I feel like their relationship problems wouldn’t have been nearly as dramatic and messy if it wasn’t for this enormous power imbalance between them, it’s the direct source of discord in their marriage.
Considering the fact that multiple members of her family have tried to bring back slavery, I don’t think it’s fair to say she’s the worst of them, in fact Crystal has arguably done the most good out of her family. But perhaps what makes her so uniquely frustrating is what a massive hypocrite she is. How well this is handled varies on the writer.
Crystal is a Catherine Earnshaw, a Shiv Roy, a (significantly less evil) Cersei Lannister. Heck she has more in common with Emma Frost than most mutants do! I have love for all of these characters and find them very compelling but to me the moral failings of their hypocrisy, their complicated access to privilege and the lengths they’ll go to keep it is the core to their characters. I genuinely enjoy Crystal and think she is sympathetic and has redeeming qualities but she’ll never be a hero to me, her heroism, activism and ally-ship exists only in the comfort of her own margins. But that’s what makes her an entertaining character.
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missionel · 7 months
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the johto gym leaders, but with their generation 2 designs and color palettes (colorpicked directly from their sprites, naturally!) i NEED to draw more stuff like this, it's so much fun
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