#even in the best case scenario you have to deal with one of them being a non-standard body type. nonbinary. or perhaps scariest of all: old
densitywell · 1 month
and if i said that part of the reason a lot of ppl aren't as into C3 is because of the dearth of truly mass appeal M/M options.
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loonylupinblack3 · 21 days
Drunk Antics
Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: you find your teammate drunk at a bar and help him out
Warnings: drinking
Word count: 1.7k
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You were sitting on your bed, mindlessly scrolling through social media when a notification caught your eye. Your teammate's name, Lando Norris, was lighting up the screen so naturally you clicked on it, wondering what could have occurred in the few hours you’d last seen him.
You both went out for some drinks, along with some of the Mclaren engineers, but you’d left early and assumed your co-workers had the ability to get home safely themselves. Apparently you’d assumed wrong.
Your eyes widened as videos and pictures of Lando Norris filled your screen, all from the bar you’d left tonight. They consisted of a very drunk Lando dancing and cheering, taking shot after shot and drinking with strangers.
You nearly swore to yourself, sitting upright and looking at the media with more interest. His PR managers were probably going crazy, obviously unable to get into contact with him in this state but worrying actually going there was too inappropriate.
You winced at the outpour of damaging videos and photos. You knew your teammate would regret this in the morning, and you felt bad simply letting this happen. But could you go back to the bar and stop him? You’d only known Lando a few months, what with being a rookie, and though you were friendly with one another you didn’t have an extremely close relationship. Would picking him up from a bar cross an invisible line between you two? Would it be inappropriate?
You couldn’t very well leave him to his foolery though, because even now Lando would be facing a very long and arduous meeting with his PR managers as a best case scenario. If you let this go on, you’d hate to imagine what the worst case scenario could become.
With a sigh you got up, throwing on your jumper and grabbing your keys. Even if you were risking your relationship with Lando, you figured it would be better than letting his career possibly get destroyed. Who knew what he’d do when he was wasted?
You spent the short drive to the bar planning what you were going to say, because even though you’d decided the best course of action was to do this didn’t mean you weren’t nervous about it. When you arrived you parked your car and took a deep breath, feeling jittery, before leaving it and entering the bar.
Immediately there were cheers and loud exclamations, people pointing to you and laughing excitedly. No doubt many of them thought you were there to join the fun, to get as wasted as Lando and give everyone a show. Unfortunately for them you were here to do the responsible thing, and your eyes scanned the club for the other Mclaren driver.
You found him on a table, dancing and twisting, drink in hand and spilling it all over the floor and himself. His shirt was skewed to the side, as if he’d tried to take it off but gave up halfway, showing a great deal of neck and stomach.
Lando Norris had always had a wild streak, but partnered up with alcohol was a whole different story. Even knowing of his sometimes crazed behaviour, you hadn’t expected this. Suddenly your job seemed a whole lot harder than you originally thought.
Taking another deep breath you pushed through the crowd, murmuring excuses and apologies as you made your way to the front of the mob surrounding Lando, or more specifically the table he was on. More people gasped and pointed, their not so subtle whispers travelling around the room.
You ignored all of it, looking up at Lando with a determined expression. “Lando.”
At first he didn’t hear you and continued dancing, much to your embarrassment as the people around you laughed. You frowned and raised your voice, repeating your teammates name.
This time he did hear you, his head whipping around to find you before eventually his gaze found yours. A wide grin split over his face and he stopped his dancing, all attention zeroed on you. You tried not to squirm knowing most of the bars’ attention was on you too.
“Y/n,” he greeted breathlessly.
His drink splashed even more as he clambered down from the table, falling slightly. You gasped and moved forwards, hands on his chest to steady him. Lando’s grin widened. “What are you doing here?”
You couldn’t help but smile back, what with Lando seeming as happy as a puppy to see you. “I’m here to take you home.”
A confused frown made its way onto Lando’s face. “Home? But why?”
You almost laughed at his naivety. Lando was quite cute when he was drunk. “Because you’re kind of wasted, and it would be the smart move to go home.”
Lando’s frown deepened, lines wrinkling his forehead. “But there’s so much more to drink!”
You almost snorted. “Yep. We are definitely going home.”
Lando’s eyes brightened. “We?”
“Well I don’t expect you can get there yourself right now, can you?” you asked teasingly.
Lando smiled ruefully, aware of his intoxication even in his current state. “I guess I can go if you’re taking me.”
You rolled your eyes but something inside you fluttered, spreading warmth across your entire body. You let Lando stumble into you, putting his arm over your shoulder to balance him as you wrapped your arm around his waist. Feeling him flush against your side increased the flutters- you had never been this close to Lando since knowing him- but you ignored it and started walking back to your car with him.
There were a few heckles and disappointed shouts, people wanting you to continue the show not stop it but you ignored it, walking forwards, and Lando obediently followed suit.
You made it out of the club, ignoring the people’s jeers on your way out, and walked to your car. Lando turned and looked at you expectantly.
You raised your eyebrows. “What?”
“Can I have the keys?”
You laughed out loud this time. “No way you are driving.”
Lando pouted- actually pouted- and crossed his arms like a five year old. “Then I’m not getting in the car.”
You rolled your eyes at his antics but were surprisingly not annoyed by it or him. Something about him just made it all amusing, endearing even.
“If you get in the car I’ll take you to my place.”
Lando was already getting in the car before you could blink. You grinned and got into the driver’s seat, that warm fuzzy feeling returning. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do with it so you just let it sit there, slowly enveloping you until you couldn’t help but glance at the man sitting next to you every few minutes, eyes tracing his face.
“I’m blind not drunk you know,” Lando said with a shit eating grin.
You started, glancing at him again before back at the road. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve seen your sneaky glances,” he teased. “You’re soooooo obsessed with me.”
You flushed, letting out an awkward laugh, keeping your eyes trained on the road. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Lando.”
Lando continued on like you hadn’t spoken. “But it’s okay because I'm obsessed with you too. Like, it’s not even funny how much I think about you. You’re a menace, you know that? I mean crawling into my head like that and staying there? Not very polite of you.”
You didn’t even know what to say in response to Lando’s rambling. You were smiling, your cheeks almost hurting from how hard you were but you couldn't stop. Lando just accidentally confessed his feelings for you and, well, it turned out to be a good night.
Lando seemed content to keep talking, though he did stray from the topic of his feelings for you to… whatever was going on in his brain. You were listening to him but even so it was hard to keep track of how fast he hopped from one topic to another, his mind a constant stream of thoughts and whims.
When you got to your house Lando was eager to enter it, waiting by the door leaning on his heels as he watched you walk up the driveway. You smiled at him when you got to the door, unlocking it and letting the two of you enter.
Lando looked around curiously, only stumbling a little bit as he explored your house. You followed him, trailing behind him silently as you watched his expressions, noticing how excited he seemed to be in your house, your space, looking at a side of you he’d never seen before.
“You need to go to bed,” you said, bringing him out of his musings.
Lando looked at you and cocked his head. “Where?”
You paused. “The couch?”
Lando made a face and shook his head. You sighed. “Alright then… the bedroom. I only have one bed.”
Even drunk Lando managed to be concerned. “Would you be okay with that?”
You smiled softly at him, the warm feeling in your chest settling down, getting comfortable. You knew then that it would stay there for a long time. “Yeah, I’m okay with that.”
You led Lando to your room and helped him get undressed, taking his shirt, shoes, and trousers off, though he kept his boxers on. You got changed yourself- in your bathroom- and exited to find Lando sagging against a wall, looking tired.
“You want to go to bed now?” you asked him.
Lando bit his lip. “Are you sure?”
He seemed to be sobering up, slowly but surely, and you smiled at the repeated consent. “I’m sure.”
So you both got into bed, unexplored ground between you too, and immediately Lando’s arms wrapped around your waist. Definitely still drunk.
Still, you couldn’t help but relax into his hold, your back against his chest, his head in the crook of your neck. And you couldn’t wait for the morning, when he’d sober and you could talk about his confession, maybe even make one of your own.
Until then however, you were content to lie in Lando’s arm and let him nuzzle into your neck, falling asleep to the smell of your teammate’s cologne wrapped around you.
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itneverendshere · 2 months
guilty conscience (+18)
chapter i
pairing: rafe cameron x female!reader
summary: when ward cameron, a renowned business man and millionaire specifically requested your services through an escort agency, you assumed it would be just another job—brief and straightforward. however, your entire world shifted when ward disclosed his true intentions and rafe cameron stumbled into your life. there were rules, and rules were meant to be followed.
was money worth breaking someone’s heart?
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When your agency informed you that Ward Cameron was interested in hiring you for the entire summer, you weren’t the least bit fazed. 
A millionaire spending money on escorts? Groundbreaking.
But you were pleased to be the one getting paid.
The prospect of being hired for the entire summer by a millionaire was more than appealing, especially since it meant a steady stream of income without having to worry about searching for new clients.
You hoped that he wouldn't turn out to be a creep, like a few of the clients you had encountered in the past. While most of them were respectful, aware of the rules, and simply seeking companionship, there were always a few who made the experience an absolute nightmare.
But you remained optimistic. Ward Cameron's reputation preceded him as a successful and influential man. Nonetheless, it was wise to keep your guard up.
“Ward Cameron? As in the millionaire?!" Serena's surprise was palpable even through the phone. You called her the moment you got the email, your brain barely functioning.
"Yeah, that's the one," You confirmed, "You think I should take it? It’s just... it's a whole summer commitment. What if he's, like, super weird or something?”
“Do I think you should take it? Do I think—, duh, yes! Worst-case scenario, you bail after a week and come crash at my place.”
Serena's response came through with all the enthusiasm you expected from her. She was always the one to push you out of your comfort zone, in the best possible way.
"Pretty girl, you gotta seize the opportunity!" She continued, her excitement contagious even over the phone. "A millionaire summer gig? That's like winning the lottery, but, you know, better!"
You couldn't help but laugh, "Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, Serena."
"You know me, always the supportive friend," she a quipped back, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"You've got a point," you chuckled, shaking your head. "But seriously, what do you think?"
Serena's tone softened. "Honestly, it sounds like a sweet deal. A whole summer with a rich man? Sign me up. I mean, come on," she insisted. "Think of all the fancy parties, luxurious fits, and who knows what else! Plus, hello? Ka-ching!" She added, and you knew she was making a money gesture with her hand even though you couldn’t see her.
You couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm. "Yeah, the paycheck isn't too shabby either."
"Just be sure to keep your pepper spray handy. You never know with these rich fuckers."
"Got it," you replied, rolling your eyes. "But hey, if he's anything like his reputation, it could be smooth sailing."
"Here's to hoping," Serena said, sounding genuinely hopeful. "Just promise me you'll spill all the juicy details when you get back."
"You know I will," you replied, already picturing the gossip-filled catch-up session you'd have with her at the end of the summer. "Thanks for telling me off the ledge."
"Anytime, babe," she said, her voice warm with affection. "Now go get 'em”.
The evening to meet him eventually arrived, and you found yourself seated at a luxurious table in a fancy restaurant nestled in the heart of Beverly Hills, with soft lighting casting a warm glow over the sophisticated decor. You were clad in a backless gold Dior gown that shimmered under the soft lighting. Your first big splurge years ago.
The dress hugged your curves in all the right places, its sleek silhouette exuding elegance. The plunging neckline revealed a hint of décolletage, adding a touch of allure to the ensemble.
It was a statement piece, designed to turn heads and command attention. You knew what you were doing, how to play the game.
There was no rookie move on your part, ever. You’d chosen it carefully, wanting to make a lasting impression on Ward without overshadowing the refined ambiance of your surroundings.
No matter how many times you did it, how confident you became in your craft, you still felt your heart pounding as you waited for him. He was certainly the most influential man you had ever encountered, and that kind of power freaked you the fuck out.
Moments later, he sauntered into the restaurant, every inch the epitome of sophistication. His suit was impeccably tailored to fit his frame. Each stitch seemed to scream, "I have money to burn." 
Which he did. 
You couldn't help but wonder just how much that suit cost.
Hundreds? Thousands? It was probably more money than you made in a month, maybe even two. Yet, there he was, wearing it like it was no big deal.
As he approached your table, a subtle smile played at the corners of his lips.
"Good evening, Mr. Cameron," you greeted him, rising to your feet with a polite smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."
"Ward, please," he replied smoothly, extending his hand for a handshake. "The pleasure is all mine. You look even more stunning than your photos."
You accepted his handshake, "Thank you, Ward. Shall we?" You gestured toward our table, and he nodded in agreement.
You found yourself scrutinizing his every move, trying to break down his intentions behind that charming facade.
“So tell me, what drove you into this…industry?”
The way he said it rubbed you the wrong way. His tone seemed condescending, which didn’t surprise you at all. It seemed like there was more behind his question than just casual curiosity. Was he testing you?
It felt as though he was probing, searching for something beyond the surface level. His demeanor carried a hint of arrogance that grated against your nerves. 
And honestly, you had punched men for lesser. 
Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you maintained your polite smile.
"Well, Ward, it's a combination of factors, really," You began, choosing your words carefully. "I've always been intrigued by the dynamics of human connection and the opportunity to create meaningful experiences for others."
You almost wanted to laugh at how easily the lie came out of your lips.
You did this because it was easy money. After all, men were stupid enough to pay for you to sit next to them at events, they were pawns, a means to an end, always. 
You watched his expression closely, noting the subtle shift in his demeanor. It was as though your response had piqued his interest, just like you planned. But you couldn’t underestimate a man of his caliber, surely, he wasn’t as easy to manipulate as the guy next door. 
Ward nodded, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary. 
"Interesting," he mused, his tone neutral. "It's rare to find someone who approaches this line of work with such... philosophical perspective."
You resisted the urge to bristle at his comment, choosing instead to deflect.
"Well, I've always been a romantic at heart," you replied, injecting a hint of playfulness into your tone. "I suppose it's just part of my charm."
Again, bullshit. But he seems more interested in your shiny pink lipgloss than the words coming out of them.
To your relief, Ward chuckles softly, the tension in the air dissipating slightly.
"Indeed," he conceded, a hint of warmth softening his features. "Charm certainly seems to be one of your many qualities."
The dinner went smoothly. You let him show off and order for the both of you, complimenting his choice of wine even though it tasted like absolute shit, and you would have rather drown a beer than drink that ever again. But alas, there was a façade to maintain. 
Ward regaled you with stories of his business ventures, his travels, and his philanthropic endeavors. You listened attentively, nodding and smiling at all the right moments, even if you would rather shoot yourself in the foot than listen to another white savior tale of his. 
“If you don’t mind, Ward, I’d like to discuss our arrangement.”
His eyebrows rose in curiosity as he set down his wine glass, turning his attention fully to you. "Of course, my dear. Straight down to business, I like that.”
You leaned back in your chair, “I’m sure you’ve been informed about the agency’s policy. I’d just like to know what events you’d like me to attend.”
Ward's only stared at you for a moment before he leaned foward, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Ah, yes, the agency's policy. Quite straightforward, isn't it?" He mused, swirling the wine in his glass absently.
You nodded, keeping your expression neutral, though inside, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. What have you gotten yourself into?
“Indeed.” you replied evenly, your voice betraying none of your inner turmoil.
“I’m afraid this job is going to be a little different from what you’re used to, honey.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a knot forming in the pit of your stomach. What the hell was that supposed to mean? You had encountered your fair share of peculiar clients in the past, but something about Ward's demeanor sent a shiver down your spine. 
Suppressing the urge to bolt from your seat, you forced a polite smile and nodded, trying to maintain an air of professionalism, “I see. Different in what way?" 
He sighed, running a hand through his greyish hair, “Truth is, I didn’t hire you for myself.”
You blinked, trying to process Ward's words as your mind tried not to jump into the worst possible case scenario. What did he mean he didn't hire you for himself? 
“I don’t understand?”
Ward studied you with a calculating gaze. "I apologize for any confusion," he began, his tone measured. "You see, I didn't hire you to be my companion for the summer."
A cold knot of dread formed in the pit of your stomach. You hated people who can’t just jump straight to the point, circling the subject like a stupid party trick. 
"Then who did you hire me for?" you asked. 
Ward's lips curled into a knowing smile, and for a moment, you felt a surge of panic coursing through you.
"I hired you for my son."
Okay, what the fuck.
You were positive your face probably gave away your exact thoughts, because he was speaking again before you could spit out the words. 
Ward continued, his tone taking on a note of urgency. "You see, my son has been going through a difficult time lately.”
You only hoped you were not about to get roped into spending the entire summer with a man-child.
“Define difficult.”
“Two years ago he recovered from a drug addiction.”
You didn’t want to sound like an insensitive bitch, but drug addiction problems were more than common among the rich kids.
“Okay. And?”
“And he’s better now. He’s great, actually—“
“But?” You interrupted with a tilt of you head, “What’s the catch?”
“Recently, he’s been spending time with a girl, who I do not approve of.”
Roping you into a situation like this felt incredibly manipulative, not to mention unfair to both you and his son. You were not born to put up with other people family drama.
“Why don’t you approve of her?”
Ward snorts, wiping his lips with the napkin, “She’s not good enough for him. Hangs around with the kind of people that ruined his life.”
"And you think hiring me to spend time with your son will somehow fix…this?" you asked, skepticism lacing your tone.
“You’re not just spending time with him, honey.”
“Excuse me?”
He brought his hands to his face, rubbing, “I need you to date him.”
He must be out of his fucking mind.
You couldn't help but burst into laughter. The absurdity of the situation struck you harder, “Date him?" you repeated between cracks, shaking your head in disbelief. 
The man was clearly going through a mid-life crisis because there was no fucking way he was being serious.
Ward's expression darkened, his brows furrowing in irritation as your laughter filled the restaurant. 
"Is something amusing?" his voice cut through the air like a blade.
You struggled to stifle your laughter, the weight of his serious tone finally sinking in.
"I'm sorry," you managed to say between chuckles, though the amusement still lingered in your voice. "I thought you weren’t serious.”
Ward's jaw clenched, “You think I’d be here if I wasn’t serious?” he snapped, his tone stern. "My time is money.”
"Well, forgive me for finding the situation...unexpected," you reply, exaggeratedly flicking your gaze upward. "But hiring someone to date your son? That's not exactly normal.”
Ward's eyes narrowed slightly, his irritation palpable. "It's necessary," he retorted, his tone sharp. "My son's well-being is at stake here.”
Fucking dramatic. Rich people would never fail to amuse you with their hobbies.
Paying someone to date his son? It sounded like something straight out of a soap opera. But you knew better than to let your mouth get the best of you, especially when there was money on the line.
You held his gaze, unflinching. "And you think that hiring me to date him is the solution?" 
Ward's answer was curt, leaving no room for further discussion.
Dating his son was definitely not what you had signed up for, but the allure of the paycheck had you second-guessing your morals.
Realistically, Ward's son would probably never like you, you’d date for a few weeks, keep him away from the girl of his dreams, get paid and ta-dah.
"Alright. I'll hear you out, what exactly do you expect from me in this...arrangement?"
"You’ll be staying in the Outer Banks. I’ll pay for your tickets and accommodations. You’ll be paid weekly, extras will be included.” 
The word lingered in the air. It sent alarm bells ringing in your mind.
“Listen, your agency’s has a policy, I don’t care if you break it or not, you do whatever you gotta do.” 
You snap, tired of biting your tongue, "I'm not a prostitute."
Ward's brows shot up, his expression momentarily taken aback by your bluntness. "Pardon me?" 
You could feel the weight of his stare, analyzing your every move, every expression. But you refused to back down. You had principles, lines you wouldn't cross, no matter the paycheck.
"I said, I'm not a prostitute," you reiterated, "I don't engage in any activities that cross the line of professional companionship.”
Ward's jaw clenched as he assessed you, as though trying to decipher whether you were bluffing or not.
Finally, he spoke, his voice laced with thinly veiled frustration. "Fine," he relented, his tone icy. "But do remember you're replaceable."
Of course, he would resort to threats when he didn't get his way.
"I'm well aware of that," you replied coolly, refusing to let him see any sign of weakness. "But if you want me to do this, it's going to be on my terms. Take it or leave it."
Ward's lips tightened into a thin line, "As you wish," he bit out, his tone dripping with irritation. "But don't expect any special treatment."
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, hiding the satisfaction bubbling inside you. "Wouldn't dream of it."
What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?
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Hoyo‘s Doctors when something hurt you 🩹
physically, not mentally for now :,)
Synopsis: You get hurt by something that has you whining in pain and call for them to help you. (Like, idk an Insect sting, books fell on your head, you tripped in the shower, etc. you name it :)
Characters: Baizhu, Dr. Ratio, Il Dottore
A.N:Thank the 🐝 that stung my damn foot and lost its life to that. It truly inspired me on a painful level.
Anyways, if you guys have more ideas for scenarios for this Hoyo‘s doctors series, my asks and commissions (if it’s called that way 👀) are open :)
~🩹~🩹~🩹~ 🩹~🩹~🩹~ 🩹~🩹~🩹~ 🩹~🩹~🩹~
Baizhu 🐍
Oh this man would be there for you. Rush to your side and calm you down first and foremost. Yet he would try to get what happened out of you fast so he knows if he needed to get something fast to ease your pain. Even if it doesn’t look like an emergency.
After he figured out what’s wrong he will try his best to ease your pain to the best of his ability, either by being there for you and easing it by his mere presence or bringing you things to make it better, or simply both altogether until you’re better.
Dr. Ratio🎓
He would be a little concerned, yet not as much as Baizhu. He is a bit more detached, or more nonchalant because he is confident he can deal with whatever it is that’s giving you troubles. Also trying to keep up the doctor mindset of ‚Don’t panic, everything’s under control’. If it is something he needs medicine or bandages to help you, he’s going to get it and is basically a professional at first aid.
Will pick you up and carry you to a doctor (specialized in medicine) though, if his amateuric professionalism tells him it’s something he can’t take care of.
Il Dottore 🧪
He, or one of his clones would walk by and casually ask you what happened and what you need. Can it be fixed with medicine? Or can it be fixed with mere attention and (played?) sympathy?
In any case he’s probably gonna pick you up, and carry you to the others, in the best case you have a few clones to be there at your every command should you require mere presence to whine about what happened to you. They will sit there and give you sympathy. Honestly it’s kinda funny to some point after they sit there and go like „Oh no that’s awful!“ „Can we bring you something?“ „It shouldn’t have happened to you, your frail body isn’t made of steel like ours, had it happened to us it would be fine now.“
It’s gonna make you feel better for sure to see em there like that trying to make you feel better.
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lightfeltmemories · 3 months
Do you think Chil will be against the idea of having kid(s) with reader? Since he already has three daughters
would chilchuck be up for more kids with reader?
this is a question i've been wondering myself, since chilchuck already has 3 daughters, would he be up for more kids? my answer to that is no for the most part, but it can happen if given the right circumstance.
now beware below as there are manga spoilers, mentions of chil's wife and children, and etc, an afab and fem reader is in mind but anyone can read.
ngl i got a liiiittle too crazy with this im sorry but he's literally my fave lmaoo.
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i feel like he wouldn't want any more for a couple reasons.
for one, you have to look at why he doesn't see his daughters, his wife basically left him due to not being able to be there for her emotionally (hell maybe even physically), and i wouldn't say he changed much after, in fact i feel like he's a tiny bit more closed off than before because of it, undoubtably he regrets not being able to be there for her, especially at the expense of not being able to see his daughters.
years pass by and he meets reader, things happen between the two of them and he ends up falling for them, fast forward to now, reader brings up the idea of children, now.. where do we go from here?
i personally don't think chilchuck would want to have another child with reader because of the fact that he hasn't seen his own daughters in years, he didn't even have the chance to watch them grow up, it would be unfair to them.
another reason is that he fears reader will leave him for the same reasons his wife left him, he fears that he might not be able to truly be there for reader, and thus, having them leave her for the same reasons.
but what if he does end up wanting to start a new family? i mean, there are plenty of men who have children with multiple women, whats so different?
in this scenario, reader and chil have a son, because why not, plus i imagine him as the type to always want a son.
i figure he'd be the type to want to meet his daughters first before he can be content with wanting a new child, i feel like they'd be happy for a new sibling, especially a younger brother.
most people would write his wife off as being jealous but honestly in the best case scenario i don't feel like his wife would care, i mean, she wouldn't want anything to do with him, and i feel like she wouldn't care in a "what he did to me he'll probably do the same to you" way.
and once he officially comes to terms with having a new kid, and possibly marrying reader, then a deals a deal.
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sky-is-the-limit · 9 months
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It's pretty simple, really. Don't get romantically involved with a fellow soldier. The task force is a unit, a second family. Any other relationship developing could create unnecessary, dangerous complications and you know damn well you cannot afford that. You worked hard to fit in, you worked hard to prove that you, a woman, can do as much as the next man in line for the job. Hell, in your case, even better.
CW: F!reader x Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick +18/NSFW/F!Masturbation
P.s I'm not a writer!
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Rules, rules, rules.
Your Captain's words ring in your head every time one of these unwanted thoughts creep into your mind. "One of the best sniper shooters I've ever got to work with." You're proud of your accomplishments, of your resilience and brain when it comes to work, always giving your best self to get the task done, to make sure you have your team's back, to never let anyone down and above all, yourself.
No one can be perfect though, right? Everyone has an Achilles' heel, a weakness strong enough to take the bravest man down, to make someone forget all the important attributes that make an obedient soldier and that's exactly what he was to you. A weakness. The name that answers to all your desires, a thought engraved permantently in your brain, never disappearing no matter how hard you've tried. And you have.
Countless nights when you had given in the advances of a drunken stranger, hoping that it will be enough to forget him, to get lost in the moment with someone whose name or face don't even matter. The only reason you let another man kiss you, taste you, touch body.. is so you can feel something real. Something that isn't your imagination where he's the only one always present.
The worst part of this? It's not just you indulging into this madness. Perhaps if it was one-sided, it'd be easier for you to bury it in the depths of your mind. Only allowing yourself to feel it late at night when you're alone in your bed, the only witness to your secret being your fingertips and his name leaving your mouth softly, like a desperate prayer for salvation. It's not just you though.
/ / /
"That blondie over there is practically undressing you with her eyes, Garrick."
There it is. That uncomfortable feeling in your stomach that makes you want to disappear from the surface of the earth. It happens every damn Friday when you and the boys hang out at the nearest pub. Always the same scenario, always a different girl, never you.
You should be used to it by now, and yet the way Soap nudges him to go over and leave with someone else tonight still stings. You want to punch that smirk off of Johnny's face but it's not his fault. You wish for that woman to fall on her ass, embarass herself but it's not her fault. You crave for him to finally snap, forget about the rules and drag you back to his car so he can fuck you with all that desperation that has been building up inside both of you. He won't though and it's not his fault.
"Nah, not my type mate." Any other woman would feel relieved to hear this. Hear the man she wants so badly turn down the chance to leave with a pretty girl for the night but not you. Maybe it'd be easier if you got to see him flirting with a stranger, his hand finding it's way to her waist, flirty whispers foreseeing a promising night between them.. Maybe something would crack, maybe jealousy would work it's trick and get you to stop thinking about him. Not Kyle though.
He spits out that sentence like it's no big deal, his piercing brown eyes staring into yours, never breaking eye contact as the words leave his mouth. If Soap wasn't so distracted, mumbling with frustrated jealousy that Gaz always gets the attention of the prettiest girls, he'd be able to see why he always turns them down.
He knows damn well what he's doing. Like there's an unspoken bet between the two of you, of who's gonna break first and he has to win it. The look in his eyes, confirming your suspicions that he also thinks of you when he's alone, the way his lips part slightly every time you stand up to go get another drink, the sight of your barely covered thighs right in front of him.
He wants you and that's the worst part. Just like every night, this one ends the same. With you two parting ways in the cold corridor, your only company his presence in your thoughts. At least his room being next to yours could mean that you fall asleep facing each other and that's adds some sense of comfort to your loneliness.
/ / /
Another sleepless night finds you alone in your sheets, the moonlight being the only thing illuminating your room as the soft sound of the rain pours down outside, reminding you that Autumn is finally here. It has become your habit, a lonely, desperate routine where you just lay there, thinking of him. Quite frankly, you don't even care that his room is right next to yours, that if the walls are thin enough maybe he can hear you touching yourself to the thought of him.
It's a deluded way to cope with all the desire filling up your body, feeling your core pulse and twitch as your fingertips find their way down to your clit and you wonder. How would his touch feel, how would he do it..
"Fuck, Gaz" a soft whine escapes your lips, your movements picking up the pace, making your hips back up and down against the bed, craving friction, craving him.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick is a passionate man. Whether it's a mission, a workout, hanging out with his friends.. He always lives in the moment, full of energy and a tremendous thirst for adrenaline. Always so eager for action. There's no doubt in your mind that that's exactly how he'd do you.
"I need you, fuck-" You admit to yourself breathlessly, sucking on your own finger before slowly bringing it down to wet your nipple, sending a shiver down your spine as you drag your fingertips through your own slick arousal.
You're a mess. Suddenly the cool temperature of the room turns into unbearable heat, sweat dripping down from your forehead, hair messy against your pillow as you buck up your hips against your palm, biting down on your bottom lip in an unsuccessful attempt to be quiet but as you get closer to your climax, you can't control it.
"Gaz-" Your mind travels back to earlier in the afternoon when you walked in on him working out at the gym, a pair of black shorts hanging low from his hips with a matching bandana on his forehead to keep the sweat from dripping down on his face. He caught you watching, your eyes were glued on his defined arms, occasionally wondering off to his chest then down to his abdomen. How can you not when he looks like that?
"Alright there, Y/L/N?" God, that smile will be the death of you, the sight of his fangs driving you insane that you can't help but wonder what they'd feel like sucking down on your neck. It'd be funny to think that you could ever scarcely deal with the attraction you feel towards him.
Suddenly it's hard to breathe, your thighs start to tremble whilst your fingers stroke your clit faster, you can feel it coming. God, his hands, his fingers.. The thought gets you to bring one finger back to your mouth, wetting it with the tip of your tongue. Would he do that? Stuff his fingers in your mouth while he's buried deep inside of you? A soft moan fell from your lips at the thought of it, pinching your nipple as your eyelids flutter to the sensation.
You're so lost in pleasure that you can barely hear the first knock on the door, thinking that it's your imagination playing tricks on you. The second one is louder making your hand jolt away from your thighs, a swell of embarrassment rising inside you.
"Shit." You mumble quietly before throwing on the oversized t-shirt that you normally sleep in before checking the clock on the wall. It's way too late for social calls unless it's an emergency. Another knock on the door snaps you out of it and without making sure that you're presentable, you open it.
"Gaz?" He doesn't look distressed, quite the opposite with his arms crossed over his chest, head titled to the side as he takes in the sight in front of him with the same smirk that makes your knees want to give in every time. So, no emergency then.
"It's late, what are you doing here?" You try your best to appear as if you were asleep, that would justify the-
"God, you're a mess Y/N." He may have his usual playful look on his face but his tone suggest something different. He's not teasing you for your state, not this time. It's like he's trying to catch his breath, eyes travelling down to your bare thighs and back to meet yours before he takes a step forward, leading to you taking one back.
"You're not as quiet as you think you are." Oh.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You mumble quietly, trying to avoid his gaze. Though your alone time was cut short before you could finish what you've started, the anticipation and thrill fill your body once again, like you never stopped touching yourself. This is what he does to you.
"Thing is, Y/N.." Kyle takes another step towards you, closing the door behind him without breaking eye contact like his life dependent on it.
"When you start a game.." His hand reaches out to caress your wrist softly before taking it into his hand, lips parted as his suggestive voice spreading a warm heat on your cheeks.
"Be brave enough to finish it."
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babydray777 · 2 months
It’s always colder in Slytherin
Draco Malfoy x fem!slyth reader
WC: I don’t know man it’s not that long just read it
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1am was feeling like an agony.
I once proclaimed that Slytherin Common room was way colder than the other ones and my classmates declared that it was nonsense, that the whole castle may have been somehow enchanted to be a warm place for people to stay, that it would be unfair if anyone were to deal with cold because they were sorted in an specific house.
It may be that I’m way more prominent to feel cold (which I’m not) or that my classmates are too proud to recognize that our house may have at least one drawback in comparison to the rest, but I’m pretty sure that winter nights in Gryffindor common room are way warmer than here.
It may be because we are in the dungeons, or because we are under the lake. In any case, I don’t think there is any magical architecture protecting us from unfairness. So tonight is snowing outside, and I feel cold as shit.
Even though, cold was not being my primal issue. I would not have laved anything like an agony over something as simple as that. My main problem was the fact that I was not being able to sleep even after two hours of trying.
I already thought about my day, I already thought about my classes, I even imagined fake scenarios between some teachers just to have fun in my own head for a while to see if I was able to get tired. I thought about people in my school, I thought about my friends and how the girl group of them were so pleasantly sleeping by my sides. I thought about everyone, or at least everyone, cause there was certainly a person I did not feel the urge to think about.
It’s been a few rough months, mentally rough I mean. I have always been pretty close to the boys in my house, Zabini was cool and a good gossip partner, Theodore was funny when he was not trying to win my heart over those jokes, Crabbe and Goyle were… Well, those are definitely not my favorite, but I managed to ignore their braindead comments and sounding ways to chew.
But there was also Draco Malfoy, and oh if I have been ignoring thinking about Draco Malfoy.
The thing is, we are certainly… tense.
We have always been friends, I would even dare to say that he has always been the closest one of them for me. Grew up together as our parents are pretty much close and became thick as thieves while growing up.
In our first years at Hogwarts our friendship became a little less personal as we were now surrounded by not only new friends but many other people in general. Draco became a little bit annoying towards me, or a little bit annoying in general. He was restless and sarcastic, not to mention mean sometimes, although there were few the times in which he had really crossed a line and we always ended up talking it through, so I just ended up assuming that my best friend was just a little bit of an asshole sometimes, I ignored him whenever he was not in the mood and ended the conversation there. He was still my best friend and I was not the one to fix anyone’s behavior, I was not his mother.
Well, it would have end well if that were the end of the story, problem is that our friendship took kind of a turn a few months ago when something happened. I do not want to get pretty specific so I just prefer to say that a few drinks, a joint and a pretty blonde rich boy could make anyone feel dizzy about certain feelings or attractions on a summer night.
So, for the time going, we just stood in a place of being completely awkward towards each other sometimes, or extremely close some other times.
Reality is that I always feel push towards him, like a force begin me to go and hug him, to hold his hand while he’s walking by my side, to touch his face or lay my head on his shoulder. I could never deny (and believe me I tried) my attraction towards Draco Malfoy.
But that’s also the most uncomfortable thing that has happened to me.
Draco is not the kind of person you look up to date, not if you have known him your whole life and you could end up losing your closest friend over a predictable break up. He was a brat, pretty much selfish and I would dare to say a little but mean, plus, things were already tense enough.
But like I said before: 1am was feeling like an agony. And Slytherin common room was colder than the rest of them.
“Oh fuck it” I muttered and took away my blankets.
Walking at night in my nightgown was not the best idea ever, I felt like I was about to freeze but there would only be a few steps, I only had to cross the common room and then ahead to the other side of it.
I walked bare feet through it, saw that the chimney had a temptative fire and ignored it, just to keep walking towards my destination.
Once I reached the door, I knocked as hard as I could trying not to make much sound.
“Come on… Come on, I’m freezing”
I knocked again, this time a little bit harder. And it worked, cause suddenly a pale, angry face was looking at me just by the other side of the door.
As soon as he took recognition that it was me, his face relaxed and turned into a confused expression, he still looked a little bit annoyed, but not in a way that would made me feel like he’s about to snap some stupid comment.
“Y/N?” He asked. “What you doing here? Aren’t you cold?”
“Can I sleep with you?” I snapped at once. His prefect room completely empty at his back looking as tempting as hot chocolate. He looked at me for a second and I suddenly realized that it may have been a better idea in my mind than it was in reality. “I mean… It’s actually pretty cold and I don’t know, you are comfortable to cuddle at night, for some weird reason. No other intention included… and you see our common room is actually colder than the rest because…”
“Of course you can sleep with me” He interrupted at once. As I looked up again he was smiling. God, if he was not the prettiest boy this castle has ever seen.
I smiled back and he opened the door for me.
“Come on, hurry, I’m freezing”
As I entered the room he was already heading to get under the blankets, I followed him in a rush and lay beside him.
As I got under the blankets myself, he was quick to cuddle me, passing his arm from over my waist and getting close to me.
“God you are so cold” He mentioned while staring to pass his hand up and down my arm to give me some warm.
“Did I wake you?” I asked, now that I thought about it.
“What do you think?”
“Sorry” I muttered. He passed his other arm under my neck and hugged me completely.
I lay there in silence, feeling like I had the best idea of my life cause now my eyelids were finally feeling a little heavier and I was for once relaxed.
I was about to fall completely to my dreams when Draco suddenly said “Our common room is not colder than the rest, it would make no sense”
I sighed “It would actually make too much sense” I started “You see, we are in the dungeons so…”
“Y/N” He cut me. “Just go to sleep” I was not facing him, but I could have bet my life that he was at least smiling a little.
“You just woke me”
Draco kissed my shoulder from behind. The action took me completely by surprise and my heart made a little jump at the touch of his lips on my skin.
“You deserved it”
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This isn't Your Fault (Sam POV)
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: “Let’s go,” Sam said, somehow sounding calmer than she felt, Tara needed her to be her rock at the moment though and that’s the one thing she knew she could do right for her sister.
Warnings: Violence
Word Count: 6.9k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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Sam was slumped in the chair in the family room, her head hanging low as she had it buried in her hands. They had just gotten back to the apartment a few minutes ago after Sam had dragged Tara out of a frat party. Sam had just gotten off her second job at a crappy diner, she had come home hoping to just order a pizza and have a nice night in with her sister, but Tara had different plans and now Sam had tased a creepy guy in the balls, had a drink thrown on her, and Tara was mad at her, the exact opposite of a nice night in.
Sam knew Tara wanted to have a normal life, Sam knew she was probably hanging on a little too tight, but how could she not? She didn’t get how Tara could completely ignore what happened to her, it happened a year ago and she hadn’t talked about it with anyone. Sam was actively trying to find a therapist to talk to and was still struggling, she didn’t get how Tara could just ignore it all.
Richie and Amber attacked Tara because she was related to Sam, because Sam was the secret daughter of Billy Loomis. Everything that happened last year was all Sam’s fault. Then all these reddit users started saying Sam lied and she was actually the killer, setting up Richie. Tara being related to her automatically put her in danger. Sam couldn’t just back off and let Tara do whatever she wanted because if something happened, then once again it would be her fault.
She didn’t know what, but she knew Tara was keeping something from her. Tara still acted normal, arguing with her, and fighting her on every little thing but there was some nights Sam would come home after therapy and Tara would be placed on the couch, happily watching a random show. She also had her phone gripped tightly in her hand, always keeping it just out of sight of Sam so she couldn’t see who she was texting. Anytime Sam found the courage to ask, Tara would brush her off saying it was just Mindy or Chad, occasionally it would be some person from class she had to work with.
She just wished Tara would talk to her. Tara never talked to her anymore, she didn’t even share how her classes were going. Sam didn’t get the whole movie thing, especially after what happened but she tried to show interest because Tara still loved horror movies. Tara would always just brush her off saying class was fine or saying she had homework, going to her room and kicking the door closed. Sam knew it was her fault, she left for five years and then came back trying to parent Tara, telling her what to do.
Sam had to admit the truth to herself, Tara didn’t need her. Sam left when Tara was thirteen, not coming back for five years. By that point Tara was eighteen, she was still young and despite what she might believe she had a lot to learn but she was an adult. By the time she came back Tara didn’t need her anymore. Sam knew exactly who their mom was when she left and yet she still did it. She left Tara alone with their mom who was an alcoholic and an absentee mother at best. Sam was all Tara had and Sam just left her to basically deal with their mom and raise herself. Sam couldn’t blame Tara for hating her.
“You good T?” Mindy asked.
Mindy’s voice broke Sam out of the downward spiral she seemed to be in. Sam looked up at Mindy, noticing her looking behind her. Sam turned her head to see Tara standing in the doorway, phone up to her ear, tears in her eyes, not looking at any of them.
Sam shot to her feet, her mind instantly going to the worst-case scenario. “Tara?” Sam asked slowly, trying to get her sister to meet her eyes. “Who’s on the phone?” Sam held her breath, hoping Tara would snap out of it and just say it was some jerk making a prank call.
Tara’s eyes slowly moved from whatever spot she had been staring at finally to Sam’s eyes. Sam wished she could let out a sigh of relief, but it just made everything worse. Tara met her gaze and her tears finally started to fall. Tara’s lips quivered, her mouth moving as if she wanted to say something but was too afraid to speak. Sam looked back at the others, going on high alert, whoever Tara was on the phone with wasn’t a prank caller.
“Y/N?” Tara asked, finally speaking for the first time since she entered the room. “Y/N?” she said again, more concerned.
Sam scrunched her eyebrows at the name, she didn’t recognize it. She had never heard Tara so much as mention anyone by the name Y/N but clearly Tara knew whoever was on the phone. Sam turned, silently trying to ask the others who the hell this person was, she knew Tara didn’t tell her everything, but she figured at least Mindy or Chad would know.
Chad had no idea who Y/N was based on the way he just shrugged. He did turn off the TV, setting the remote down and turning to Tara, just as concerned as Sam. Mindy furrowed her brow at the name, so she recognized the name. It was Anika who had the real reaction though. The second the name left Tara’s mouth, Anika was on her feet, concern filling her eyes. Anika knew who Y/N was, well enough to be worried about them.
“Baby, are you there?” came Tara’s concerned voice again, the tears freely falling from her eyes now.
Sam’s head snapped back to her sister so quick she might have gotten whiplash. Baby? Tara had called this person on the phone baby. Tara knew Y/N a lot better than Sam thought. Sam knew Tara was keeping things from her but now it seemed as if she truly didn’t know her sister at all. She couldn’t help the way her mouth hung open, shocked that Tara had someone who was clearly important to her in her life. She looked back to the others seeing everyone just as surprised, even Anika. It made Sam feel slightly better that no one seemed to know who Tara was seeing, even though that meant Tara had been lying not just to her but all their friends.
Tara jumped, then jumped again, and again, and again. Tears quickly filled her eyes again as she slowly began to hyperventilate. Sam moved forward instantly, gripping Tara by her shoulders. She tried to get Tara to look her in the eye, to focus on her but Tara just looked through her. Sam searched Tara frantically, she needed her to get control of her breathing before she had an asthma attack.
Sam watched as her little sister stopped jumping, she held her breath as she slowly started to cry. It was clear Tara wanted to sob, her body shaking, but she wasn’t making a sound. She stood there frozen, focused on whatever was going on, on the other end of the phone. Sam looked back to the others, hoping one of them might have a plan, they also just stood there confused and concerned like her.
“Don’t hurt them, please,” Tara begged, her voice cracking.
Sam’s heart broke at her sisters’ words. That’s when she knew for sure, he was back, Ghostface was back, and he was attacking whoever Tara had been sneaking around with. Sam turned to the others, a newly determined look on her face, she saw all three of them on their feet, looking to her for leadership.
“We need to move,” she said. The others nodded, quickly shuffling around the room, tripping over themselves as they tried to move so quickly. “Call 911,” she ordered one of them.
“An address would be helpful,” Chad commented.
“On it,” Anika said, her voice wavering, tears had slowly started to fall down her cheeks as she fumbled with her phone.
“Please! She has nothing to do with this!” Tara sobbed, making Sam turn back to her. She saw the way Tara gripped her phone, clenching her hair in her other hand, the pain of not being able to help you.
Seeing her sister that desperate, begging for Ghostface to not hurt you in the moment made everything clear to Sam. You weren’t just some random hookup Tara had been hiding and doing just to defy Sam, another act of rebellion. Tara actually cared about you, maybe even loved you. In that moment Sam realized she knew exactly what her sister was going through, her heart broke all over again. Tara looked exactly how she felt a year ago when Ghostface had called her, toying with her while they were in the hospital asking Sam to choose between Tara and Richie. At the time Sam didn’t know Richie was behind everything, so Ghostface trying to make her choose between her sister and the guy she loved was the worst feeling in the world. Being on the phone as Ghostface taunted her, knowing Ghostface was right there, attacking someone she loved. Sam was losing her mind, desperate to help her sister, but literally not able to do anything but beg to a killer, beg for her sister not to be hurt, even though she knew Ghostface would do it anyway.
“Please,” Tara said in another desperate act to try and get Ghostface to listen. Sam knew he wouldn’t, he never did. He played a game, pretending he’d let someone live but then kill them anyway. Sam refused to let Tara listen to someone she cared about die.
Tara was sobbing, her breathing completely erratic. Sam looked at her sister, descending further and further into panic. She ran to Tara’s room, grabbing the inhaler that had been tossed on the bed. Sam frowned at seeing Tara had been using her inhaler before she came into the living room. Sam clenched her jaw; she didn’t know how long Tara had been listening to someone she cared about being attacked before she came out to where they all were. Her sister was in her room, panicking over someone she cared for being attacked, while Sam sat in the living room feeling sorry for herself. Sam shook her head, gripping the inhaler tighter as she ran back out to Tara.
“No!” she heard Tara scream when she got back into the room. She stood before her sister again, seeing her frantically look around the room, desperate to help you even though she was miles from wherever you were.
Sam had had enough, she tried reaching for the phone. She didn’t want Tara listening to this anymore, if Ghostface wanted to taunt and torture someone then she wanted it to be her. Tara didn’t deserve this and even though Sam had no idea who you were she knew you were innocent; you didn’t deserve whatever Ghostface was doing to you. When Sam reached for the phone though, Tara slapped her hand away. Tara turned, finally seeming to see Sam again because when Sam moved to grab at the phone again, Tara stepped out of her reach. Sam gritted her teeth at her sister’s stubbornness.
Sam gripped Tara tightly by the shoulder, forcing Tara to face her again. Sam saw Tara clench her fist, ready to spin around and deck her, just like she had been ready to jump at that girl who threw her drink at Sam earlier that night. Sam stilled herself, waiting to feel the impact of a fist on her face. Getting punched by her sister was hardly the least of her worries at the moment. The hit never came though, when Tara’s eyes met hers again, she slowly unclenched her fist.
“We have to go,” Sam said, she loosened her grip on Tara slightly.
Tara quickly shook her head. “I can’t,” she sobbed. “I-I-I-can’t. I-” Tara was stuttering, unable to get her words out. Sam looked at her sister, her eyes wide with worry. She gently opened Tara’s hand, placing the inhaler in her palm. Tara looked at her hand and Sam guided it up towards her face, hoping Tara would take over the movement. Thankfully she did, taking a huff of her inhaler, then another one. Sam let out a sigh as Tara’s breathing slowly started to even out.
“Let’s go,” Sam said, somehow sounding calmer than she felt, Tara needed her to be her rock at the moment though and that’s the one thing she knew she could do right for her sister. “We can’t help here,” she looked at Tara softly, needing her to understand. “Let’s go.” When Tara finally nodded, Sam grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the front door. “Chad!” she called out, she needed to know he was on the phone with help.
“Already calling 911,” he said quickly, phone to his ear as he started talking to the dispatcher.
“Already texted you her address,” Anika said softly, her eyes red from the tears that had started to fall. Sam pulled out her phone, seeing the text, she mouthed a thank you to the girl then gently pulled Tara out the door.
Sam rushed down the steps, jumping down half of them. She knew exactly how little time they had to get to someone during a Ghostface attack, she was going to do everything in her power to make sure Tara didn’t have to go through losing someone she cared about again. Once on the street, Sam flagged down a cab, practically running into the middle of the street to make sure one stopped. She flung open the door, giving the cabbie her phone before she was even seated.
Sam watched Tara carefully as she took the phone away from her ear, tears streaming down her face. She was starting to struggle with her breathing again. Tara’s knuckles were white with how tightly she was gripping the phone, she was staring off into space. She was gasping for breath as she tried to slow down her breathing, but the more she tried to slow her breathing down, the more worked up she got.
“No!” cut through the phone. Sam’s head snapped to the phone, gripped in her sister’s hand. She hadn’t heard your voice yet, but you just screamed loud enough for her to hear from a phone that wasn’t even near her ear.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Sam said, gently grabbing Tara by the face to turn her towards her. “Breath,” she said softly. Sam took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. She did it a few times, hoping Tara would match her breathing and calm down.
She saw Tara trying to match her breathing, but it wasn’t working. Tara had to bring her inhaler back to her mouth. After another huff and taking a few small breaths, her breathing started to even out. Sam let out a small sigh of relief, but she knew it wasn’t over yet. She knew Tara was going to be struggling until she was by your side, and you were safe.
She furrowed her brows as she watched Tara take the phone away from her ear again, holding it loosely as she held it in her lap. She stared down at the phone, tears streaming down her face. She had never seen her sister look so broken before.
“I can’t lose her,” Tara whispered. She started sobbing, violently shaking her head. “I can’t. I can’t,” she kept repeating.
Sam quickly wrapped Tara in her arms. Tara gripped her shirt tight, pulling at the fabric to hold onto Sam as tight as possible. Tara buried her face in Sam’s shoulder and just sobbed. Sam tried to comfort her sister as best as she could, holding her tight and running her hand through Tara’s hair for some comfort. She didn’t care that Tara’s tears had already completely soaked her shirt, she just wanted to sister to not be in pain anymore.
Sam jolted forward a little, her hand going out to brace herself against the front seat as the cab came to a screeching halt. She was fishing out her wallet when Tara let go of her and was already throwing open the cab door. The cabbie started to yell since he hadn’t fully come to a stop, but Sam just tossed him the money and rushed out after her sister. She knew Tara was worried, but they didn’t know if Ghostface was still there, he could have called knowing Tara would come running, and then he would be able to kill her as well.
By the time Sam was out of the cab Tara had the front door flung open and was already inside. Sam held back a sigh, it wasn’t the time to berate Tara over her disregard for her own safety, but that didn’t mean Sam wouldn’t bring it up later. Tara didn’t need to be as paranoid as Sam, but Sam would appreciate it if her sister had just an ounce of self-preservation instead of just blindly going with whatever she wanted.
Sam rushed into the house, her eyes darting all around. The first thing she saw was the giant knife mark in the front door. She reached up, her hand running down the side of the cracked wood. She turned, seeing Tara kneeled down and sobbing over your body. Sam couldn’t help let out a small sigh of relief, you were obviously struggling to breath based on the ragged breaths coming from you but as long as she could see your chest moving, she was happy, it meant you were alive, it meant Tara wouldn’t lose someone else she loved.
Sam did a quick once over of the place, making sure Ghostface wouldn’t come out and try surprise attacking them. She glanced up the stairs but didn’t move to go up, she wouldn’t go that far from Tara. She did a quick check of the rooms, finding nothing. She noticed the back door in the kitchen was left wide open. She assumed Ghostface took off right as they got there, knowing he most likely couldn’t take both Tara and Sam. She was still cautious, her head on the swivel as she moved to be by Tara’s side.
She stood over you and Tara, slowly kneeling down to be by her sister’s side. She saw the crushed phone by the couch and a baseball bat by your side. Sam took in the scene; she didn’t see any blood or stab wounds like someone would during any other Ghostface attack. She figured you probably had the bat and tried to defend yourself and when Ghostface got the upper hand he decided to taunt you by using the item you tried to defend yourself with to hurt you. You had your hand clutched to your chest, and it was clear it had been crushed, most likely stomped on hard, based on the boot print Sam could still see on your skin.
“Baby,” Tara whispered. “I’m here, I’m right here.” Sam sucked in a breath as she saw your eyes slowly start to drift closed. “Hey, no, stay awake baby,” Tara whispered loudly, the desperation coming through. “Stay awake.”
Sam watched as your eyes finally closed, she couldn’t help the tears that filled her own eyes. She had never seen a Ghostface attack like this. Sam had always come in after the attack when the victim was already dead, like with Wes and Judy. Or she was always part of the attack and to busy trying to stay alive and save her sister. Even with Tara’s own attack Sam never saw it. Sam didn’t have to come home and find her sister bleeding out. Sam got a call and when she showed up, she already knew Tara was alive and in the hospital. Sam never had to go through this, the waiting, the finding you alive but waiting to see if you’d actually make it.
Sam realized this is what Tara must have felt when she was attacked. Tara was home alone at night, like you were. She was caught unsuspected and had to fight for her life, thinking she’d die. You weren’t apart of Woodsboro but were made a target because of your connection to Tara, you never would have imagined being attacked by a psycho. You and Tara were both left for dead, left to slowly die alone.  The only difference is you were on the phone with Tara, Tara was able to come running and be by your side. Tara though, Tara had no one until the police got there. Tara should have had Sam, but Sam had run away, Sam should have been there.
It felt like minutes but really hardly any time had passed since they arrived, but there were flashing red and blue lights outside. Sam was still a little surprised she and Tara had beaten them there. Sam saw the paramedics stomping in through the front door, she quickly wrapped her arms around Tara’s waist and lifted her up out of the way. Tara sobbed and flailed her arms, but it was no use, Sam held her tight. Sam backed them up, so they were out of the way, watching as the medics got to work, checking your pulse, lifting you onto a backboard and carrying you away. Sam knew she was the only thing keeping Tara from slumping to the floor, luckily for her Tara was rather small.
Once they lost sight out of you exiting through the front door, Tara seemed to find her strength again and wiggled out of Sams grasp. Sam reached out trying to grab her again, but Tara was off, already halfway out the door. When Sam got outside, she saw Tara about to get in the back of the ambulance, but a medic stopped her, once Tara stepped down the medic closed the doors and took off, lights flashing and siren blaring.
“We can meet her there,” Sam said softly, slowly approaching her sister. She hesitated but reached out to gently touch her arm, she didn’t want to startle her.
Tara just nodded; her head slumped as Sam flagged down another cab. The ride was a little calmer than the first one but there was an uncomfortable silence. Sam tried not to stare but she kept glancing at her sister, worried. Tara didn’t say anything, didn’t even look in her general direction, she just stared ahead out the window with an emotionless expression.
When they got to the hospital Tara once again bailed out of the cab while Sam was trying to pay. Sam was just grateful she waited until the cab was fully stopped this time. Sam slipped out of the cab and sighed; Tara was nowhere in sight. She made her way into the hospital and saw Tara at the reception desk already harassing the nurse there. Sam approached just as the nurse was telling Tara that you were in surgery, and someone would come out when they knew your status. Sam gave a grateful smile to the nurse and apologized to her for her sister, who was currently glaring at her for not being told what she wanted to hear.
Sam managed to lead Tara to the waiting room. She silently planted herself in a chair, bringing her feet up so she could rest her chin on her knees. Sam watched for a second as Tara just stared, unblinking at the white wall in front of them. She pulled out her phone shooting a group text to Mindy, Chad, and Anika. Sam was just beginning to sit down when she got a response not a minute later. The first person to respond was Anika, saying they were on their way. Sam had never met you or even heard your name, but it was obvious Anika knew you well enough to be so worried about you.
It wasn’t even half an hour later before feet were running through the halls, squeaking on the white tile. Sam looked up at the same time as Tara to see their friends. Chad plopped down next to Tara; Anika gave Tara a comforting squeeze of the hand before taking a seat across from them with Mindy by her side. Mindy and Chad watched Tara with concern, constantly looking at Sam to see if she was okay, Sam could only shrug, she knew Tara would only be okay when she knew you were out of surgery and recovering. Anika wasn’t crying but it was clear she had been, her cheeks were tear stained and Sam could see how her mascara was smeared from wiping her eyes so much.
Sam did the only thing she could do, she sat next to Tara, one arm around her, running her hand up and down Tara’s back. Sam couldn’t offer any other comfort, she knew that. No matter what Sam said it wouldn’t mean anything until Tara could see you safe and sound for herself.
Chad had gotten up and a few minutes later returned with sandwiches and juice. Sam smiled gratefully to him. She would have gone and gotten everyone something, but she didn’t want to leave Tara, she was thankful he did it. He sat two sandwiches and two cartons of juice next to Anika and Mindy before plopping back down in his seat. He held out a sandwich and juice for Tara, but she just shook her head.
“You have to eat,” Sam tried convincing her sister. Tara just shook her head, shoving Chad’s hand away. Chad sighed and looked up at Sam. Sam let out a sigh as well and took the sandwich and juice from him, she mouthed a silent thank you and put the sandwich and juice in her pocket for later.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” the nurse said, coming out to the waiting room after a few hours.
“Is she okay?” Tara asked, being the first to her feet, shortly followed by everyone else.
“She’s, my girlfriend.” Sam still wasn’t used to hearing those words, but Tara said them easily, like she had been saying it for a long time.
The nurse nodded and said, “She’s out of surgery and in a room recovering, you’re welcome to go see her.”
“How is she?” Tara whispered, her voice sounding so small and more scared than Sam had ever heard.
The nurse sighed, putting her chart down, and looked at Tara with so much kindness and sympathy. “She’s alive.” Finally hearing those words made Tara let out a relieved sob. Sam couldn’t help but let out a shaky breath, she was trying so hard to be hopeful for Tara, but her mind kept going to the worst. “Her left hand was practically shattered, and she’s got seven broken or cracked ribs.” Sam’s eyes widened, she knew your injuries were bad, but she didn’t realize how extensive, though this was still one of the best-case scenarios when it came to a Ghostface attack. “It’ll take some time, but she’ll be okay,” the nurse smiled reassuringly at Tara then the others. Sam gave her a grateful nod as the nurse walked away.
You were only allowed two visitors at a time so the others said they would continue to wait in the waiting room while Tara went to see you. Sam watched as they all hugged or comforted Tara, knowing everything would actually be okay. Sam knew she didn’t know you, but she decided to go with Tara, she wanted to be there for her in case she needed her, even if it meant just sitting silently in the room while Tara sat by your bedside.
If she was allowed Sam was sure Tara would have sprinted through the halls to get to your room. Luckily for Sam she settled for a brisk walk. Tara was already in the elevator, smacking the floor your room was on multiple times by the time Sam got there. Sam had to turn sideways to make it before the doors closed, it was abundantly clear Tara wasn’t waiting for her and if Sam couldn’t make the elevator, then oh well.
Tara was out of the elevator as soon as she could fit her body through the opening. Sam trailed a few seconds behind her. She watched as her sister made her way through the halls, nothing standing in her way. Sam apologized to several nurses and doctors Tara didn’t necessarily shove out of the way, but she didn’t break her stride and walked right in front of them without even glancing in their direction.
When Sam caught up to her sister, she was standing at the threshold of your hospital room. She stared into your room, staring at your unconscious body lying in the hospital bed. Sam reached up, poking her in the shoulder. Sam wanted to laugh at how quickly Tara turned to glare at her, but she decided to just give an encouraging nod. Once Tara entered the room, she rushed to your side, pulling a chair next to your bed until it was pressed up against your bedside. Tara’s eyes didn’t leave you as she reached forward, gripping your uninjured hand in her own.
Sam slowly entered the room as well. A part of her felt like she was intruding. She didn’t know you; she’d never met you; she had never even heard of you until a few hours ago. She didn’t think you’d mind her being there though since it meant her being there for Tara. Sam slowly sat in the chair that had been next to the one Tara moved, she didn’t move it from its position though.
Sam leaned forward in the chair, watching Tara watch you. She could tell Tara had visibly relaxed, finally, just being at your side and seeing you safe for herself. Sam knew it wasn’t the right time, but her mind had been spiraling from the moment Tara walked out into the living room with the phone in her hand. “H-how long?” she whispered; she couldn’t stop herself from wondering.
“Six months,” Tara answered with a small sniffle, her eyes never leaving you.
“Six,” Sam let out a shaky breath, leaning back in her chair. “Six months. You’ve been keeping this from us, from me?” Sam couldn’t help the crack in her voice.
“I’m sorry,” Tara whispered, her voice becoming small like it did when Sam was mad at her.
Sam’s heart broke even more for her sister thinking she was mad at her. She wasn’t happy with Tara for keeping this secret, but she certainly wasn’t mad. She was mostly just hurt that Tara felt like she had to keep such a secret.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Sam assured her. “Have I really pushed you away that much?” she couldn’t help the way her voice cracked again. “Did you really feel like you couldn’t come to me, share this with me?” Sam’s eyes started to fill with tears at the thought that her paranoia pushed her sister so far away that she didn’t want to share things with Sam, that she didn’t want to share someone who made her so happy with Sam.
Sam watched as Tara finally turned to look at her, her eyes filling with tears again. “No, no, no, it’s not that,” she said quickly. “I just…” Sam watched Tara’s face as she tried to search for the right words. “I just, I was afraid of how you’d react,” she finally mumbled, dropping her eyes to the floor as if she was ashamed of the thought. “You tend to get a little… intense,” her eyes flicked up to Sam’s again before quickly finding the floor again, “when meeting new people. Not like the others are much better. I just didn’t want you guys to scare her off.”
“We wouldn’t-” Sam quickly went to defend herself but was cut off by Tara raising a brow at her. Sam quickly snapped her mouth shut. Even she knew what she was about to say was a blatant lie. “I mean if she was important to you, I would have given her a chance,” Sam tried again but was just met with a tilt of Tara’s head, giving her a knowing look. “Okay fine,” Sam sighed, slumping further into her chair. She really hated how well Tara knew her sometimes. She also had to begrudgingly admit that if Tara knew her so well, knowing how she’d react then, maybe she really was being just a tad bit overprotective. “I would have tried giving her a chance.” Tara raised both her eyebrows. Sam couldn’t help but roll her eyes, of course Tara didn’t believe that either. “Eventually,” she finally mumbled. “Maybe.”
Sam crossed her arms, leaning back in the chair, frowning. Sam had to think about it, if Tara had met you, gone on a few dates, then introduced you to Sam, well Sam wouldn’t have reacted well. Sam hated to admit it, she wouldn’t do it to intentionally hurt her sister, she would have done it in the name of protecting her, but she definitely would have tried to scare you away. Maybe Tara keeping you a secret was the best decision. Sam had to admit the only reason she was seeing reason at the moment was because you had been attacked by Ghostface, meaning you most likely weren’t a psycho killer.
“I know you mean well,” Tara said, breaking Sam out of her pouting. When Sam looked up, she saw Tara smiling, it had been the first time she had seen her sister smile all night. “You know I love you.” That got Sam to give her a small smile, despite her overprotective nature Tara still loved her. “I just liked having something for myself,” Tara whispered, her smile once again falling. “Someone who was all mine,” she looked back to you. “Someone not touched by all our darkness, until now,” she sniffled again.
Sam frowned at her sisters’ words. She hated this, hated how her sister was suffering all because of Sam, all because her father was a serial killer. “This isn’t your fault,” Sam said, leaning forward again, resting a comforting hand on Tara’s shoulder.
“If she never met me, he never would have gone after her,” Tara tried to argue, not wanting to hear she wasn’t to blame.
“That’s not true.” Sam refused to let her sister blame herself for this. It wasn’t her fault; she wouldn’t let Tara drown herself in guilt for something that wasn’t her fault.
“Yes, it is!” Tara sobbed.
“You can’t live your life controlled by fear about what might happen.” Sam knew she sounded like a hypocrite even before Tara turned to her, looking at her like she was insane. Sam couldn’t help but laugh at Tara’s face. “I know how that sounds coming from me, but I don’t want you sacrificing your chance at happiness just because I’m paranoid.” Sam never thought she’d say those words, but she knew they were true.
Tara turned back to you, gently brushing some hair out of your eyes. “I thought I lost her,” she whispered.
“Good thing your girlfriend is one hell of a fighter,” Sam smirked, giving Tara a playful shove. Tara glanced back at her with a small smile. “I know this isn’t exactly how you wanted it to go, so when you decide to officially introduce us, I can’t wait to meet her.” Sam truly couldn’t wait to meet you, to meet someone who not only held their own against Ghostface without any prior knowledge or dealings with him, but also someone who would willingly deal with her sister.           
“She can’t wait to meet you either, I’ve told her all about you,” Tara admitted, a small blush appearing on her cheeks. Sam’s eyes widened; she wasn’t sure why learning that Tara told you about her was such a surprise. “When we were talking on the phone before-” Tara swallowed, Sam just waited, allowing her sister to take the time she needed. “She-she was worried you might tase her when you met,” Tara lightly chuckled when she said that.
Sam couldn’t help but laugh along with Tara. She wanted to deny it, that there was no way she ever would have tased you, but she knew the truth, she would have had her hand on the taser the second you walked through the door. She would have watched every movement you made and the moment you did something suspicious she would have tased you, even if it turned out you were just reaching for the bottle of ketchup.
“Well, no need to worry about that anymore. At least we know she’s not Ghostface,” Sam joked.
“I want to make him pay,” Tara said through gritted teeth. Sam noticed the way Tara’s jaw was clenched, she had never seen Tara this angry before, not even after everything that happened in Woodsboro, not even after learning Amber betrayed her.
“We will,” Sam said. She knew she probably shouldn’t condone Tara’s desire for revenge, but she understood what it was like. When she got the call Tara had been attacked, she just wanted to find the person and then when she learned Richie was part of the attack and he betrayed her she just wanted to make him pay.
After arguing with Tara for over an hour about going home Tara finally agreed Sam could stay at the hospital. Sam knew there was no convincing Tara to come home, but Tara really put up a fight when Sam decided she would stay as well. She wandered off back down to the waiting room to inform the others of your status and tell them that Tara would be staying with you until you woke up and that Sam wasn’t leaving her side. The others had nodded, expecting nothing less, each of them gave Sam a hug before leaving.
Sam had gone back up to the room and it was barely an hour later when she got a text from Chad saying they were back. She wandered back downstairs to see their friends' holding bags with a change of clothes for her and Tara. She smiled, thanking them, and pulled each of them into another hug. She then ordered them to go back to her apartment or choose one of their dorms and hold up there, lock the doors and not leave until they heard from her or Tara directly.
When Sam got back up to the room again, it was late. Tara was curled up in her chair in the most uncomfortable looking position, but she had a peaceful smile on her face as she gripped your hand. Sam smiled at the sight. She sat the bags of clothes on a table and moved to the opposite side of the room. She moved the two chairs together to make a little bed so she could prop up her feet and placed her jacket against the wall as a little pillow.
Sam slowly opened her eyes, hearing some shuffling. She looked around confused, it was still the middle of the night. “Wh-what are you doing here?” she finally heard your voice. She quietly sat up in the chair, stretching, trying to disturb you and Tara as little as possible.
“I needed to make sure you were okay,” Tara said, already wide awake and at the edge of your bed.
Sam quickly and as quietly as possible moved to the door. She figured the least she could do was give you and Tara some privacy. Right before she closed the door, she heard you say, “You-you need to get out of town.” Sam’s eyes widened as the door quietly clicked shut. You had just woken up from a Ghostface attack, an attack that left you almost dead and the first thing you were worried about when you woke up was Tara’s safety.
Same waited right outside your hospital room, she moved to lean against the wall on the other side so she could keep visual of the door but also out of the way enough so hopefully you and Tara wouldn’t see her. She sent off a text in the group chat telling them you had woken up. Despite how late it was, Anika once again was the first to respond in less than a minute. She said they were on the way, and she wouldn’t take no for an answer, even if they couldn’t see you yet they’d sleep in the waiting room. Sam smiled to herself, she wasn’t sure Chad or Mindy were even awake yet and knew of this information, but she knew there would be no arguing with Anika, she would have them out the door and in a cab in less than five minutes.
Sam sighed, watching through the window as Tara and you talked, with Tara gently running her hands through your hair. Sam smiled at the sight. She couldn’t wait until Tara officially introduced you to her. Sam had a feeling she was going to like you. You put up a fight against Ghostface, you cared about Tara more than your own safety it seemed, and Anika really cared for you, yeah Sam was certain she’d like you. Sam wouldn’t tell Tara that though, no, Tara deserved to be a little stressed after she kept you a secret for so long and lied to Sam.
Taglist: @bigbadsofty07 @fanboy7794 @noooodlessstuff @tatumrileyslover @alexkolax
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mylucayathoughts · 8 months
Little moments that I love in Red White and Royal Blue. PART 4. Okay I just keep finding them. This movie is a phenomenon.
"Alex, It's good to see you, sober." Henry's quip 😏 He obviously played different scenarios in his head before finally deciding on this one and probably practiced this on his way over. He knew Alex would be angry at him and probably tease him and so he went with something that would annoy Alex, throw him off his game 😏 and the look Alex is giving him here 😂
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and the look Shaan is giving Alex 😭
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Look how hard Alex is trying to think of why else he dislikes Henry 😂 he literally shifts uncomfortably moments later 😜 because he cannot find anything
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and look how happy Henry is that Alex can't give him any other reason 🤣
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And tell me if I'm wrong. In the red room, after Henry breaks their kiss, in utter disbelief he looks at Alex first
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and then his lips
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It's my favorite honestly, it's so cute and sweet 😍 Henry thinking how it was Alex this time who initiated the kiss and what this means 😌 his heart must have been doing some serious gymnastics 😏🤣
Ellen's "we're gonna need some pizza", imagine going to your parent and telling them something about yourself that you're very skeptical about sharing, but hearing them say this, or how they are interested in you is probably the best feeling. I love how Ellen here (being the president she probably stays very busy) realized her son needed this so she probably made time for him 🤧😭 and showed support in every possible way
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Then Ellen tells her son how a relationship like this will define his life - she absolutely loves and cares for Alex and saw how this is going to affect him in more ways than one and wanted to tell him this, not to scare him or anything, just so that Alex is careful about his life choices .....then we get the I love yous 🤧❤️
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I love love how Oscar already liked Henry, long before Alex liked Henry, his "he seems like a nice little guy" and then we get this scene later. The "call me congressman" and "well in that case you can call me your royal highness" lmao they are best friends already 😁😉 they understand each other's sarcasm even though they hardly meet
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Yes Taylor literally invented hearteyes and you can see only one of his eyes here (😝) that too, sideways but we all feel his hearteyes on Henry. I love how animated Henry is here, for someone like Henry (who is such a closed off person and literally created and maintains a persona for everyone else that is not true to himself) to open up and feel so comfortable around someone is such a huge deal, that's how safe he feels around Alex 🤧
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And the way they hold each other's hands 😩😍
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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gatitties · 4 months
Can I request a strawhats with a teen reader with water powers but has ADHD like she could be wiping some villans out and then luffy breaks your focus and you guys are just being goofy in battle and then the crew is trying to cover both there asses but just headcannons on that ty pls remember to dribk water have a great day 💗
─Strawhats x teen!reader (Platonic)
─Summary: Your brain tends to wander to the deepest corners of your mind, your captain doesn't help you concentrate much, but luckily the rest of the crew does.
─Warnings: none
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─ Everyone knows how to deal with your occasional lack of attention, it's not something that bothers them and they even help you if you have some difficulties.
─ Robin will make sure that you follow a list of things to do in order, without trying to do everything at once or leaving one task halfway and starting another.
─ And you're pretty good at that, of course sometimes your concentration streak breaks, but you always try to beat your personal record, Usopp will time you.
─ Jinbe will be in charge of helping you in your training, since he himself is an expert in manipulating water currents, you will not only train physically but mentally due to your deficit.
─ It's a shame that you can't swim with your water control at will, but at least your power allowed you to communicate with aquatic animals, sometimes you and Chopper talk to the fish that swim near the boat.
─ Although it's also a great power if you fight against devil fruit users, simply control the water to bathe your enemy and leave them weakened in just a moment.
─ That is if you manage to concentrate enough to move a large amount of water…
─ The normal thing is that thanks to training your control improves, however your mind turns off when you hear someone encouraging you, like a puppy looking for cuddles.
─ Which Sanji discovered once when he complimented you for helping him make a complicated dish, you almost sliced your finger for being distracted by his compliment, if it weren't for Franky coming in and stopping you in time.
─ Luffy really is a danger when you fight, he loves to see you control the water and use your skills, if he is not very focused on his own fight you will be able to hear him cheering when he sees you fight, which will completely unconcentrate you.
─ Nami is working on it! She knows that it's hard for you sometimes to focus your attention on just one thing, she will give you some advice on how to do it, but above all she will scold Luffy to let you do your thing.
─ Although that is the best case scenario, the vast majority you and him will start doing stupid things, without taking the battle seriously, which leads to Zoro having to cover your back.
─ If they are tired of the fight because you are not helping, Brook will push you aside, so that you can refocus while Zoro hits Luffy to bring him back to reality and end the battle once and for all, don't worry, the fault will go to your captain 100% of the time!
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just-j-really · 8 months
Concept that grabbed me and wouldn't let me go:
Dreamling soulmate AU, only they're not soulmates.
I have ideas for the canon timeline, but for the sake of argument, let's go with a modern AU. Dream and Hob aren't friends, exactly, but they're in the same friend circle, so they see each other fairly often. And one night, Dream's been dragged out drinking with some friends, and he overhears a very drunk Hob saying that soulmates are stupid, HE'S not going to go along with it, he'll fall in love with whoever he wants! So Dream (a hopeless romantic) makes some sort of bet with him, that when he finds his soulmate he'll be blissfully happy with her.
After that, whenever they run into each other at other's friends' events Dream will ask Hob if he's met his soulmate (Eleanor, according to the messy handwriting on Hob's arm), and Hob will be like "Nope! But I've got a job at this weird startup!" and then talk at him for three hours. The bet goes from a bet they're taking seriously to an excuse to talk to each other to a Weird Bit that's an essential part of their friendship.
And they are, genuinely, friends at this point, which is why it's such a betrayal for Dream when Hob answers his joking "found your soulmate yet?" with a quiet, "I think I might have. He's been asking me that question for like a year now."
Dream does not take this well. He believes in soulmates, wholeheartedly. He can't figure out a single interpretation of Hob's declaration that doesn't leave him feeling used: best-case scenario Hob legit believes what he's saying (but is still using Dream in this obviously doomed experiment of his), worst-case scenario Hob's noticed that Dream is attracted to him (even if that will never ever go any further than meaningless attraction because they are not soulmates) and is deliberately trying to take advantage of him to prove his point.
They argue. Dream storms off.
Somewhere in here, Dream has a relationship with his Actual Literal Soulmate, Alianora. It is extremely Messy, and she breaks it off because they may be soulmates but clearly this is not working. She's not the first person ever to end things with their soulmate, but it's extremely rare, and the fallout is shit-awful for both of them because everyone in their lives is trying to figure out whose fault it was, never mind that the answer was "nobody's- they met under really awful circumstances and the specific cocktail of that and the pressure, both internal and external, they were under to Be Perfectly Happy Together Forever just. Poisoned their relationship and they didn't deal with it until it exploded and by then it was too late."
Eventually, Dream and Hob resolve their argument, complete with an inn-building-equivalent Big Gesture from Hob. Their relationship goes back to the way it was, mostly, except that Dream is undeniably aware that Hob is sad and pining after Dream and trying to hide it from him. And Hob being sad is Basically the Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen.
Dream is... more aware of the implications of that thought than he'd like to be.
And once he's noticed that it's really, really hard not to notice how gorgeous Hob is when he smiles, the way his heart flutters whenever Hob calls him a nickname or makes sure to grab Dream a coffee when he gets one for himself, the fact that he'd be perfectly happy sitting and listening to Hob talk for hours...
And things are different now. Dream's soulmate doesn't want him, he's not betraying her if he starts a doomed relationship with someone else. Hob will be happy. The only person getting hurt here will be Dream, when Hob inevitably meets his soulmate. He's setting himself up to get hurt, yes, but at least he'll get to be happy with Hob before that.
So one night he very tentatively asks if Hob still meant what he said, about Dream being his soulmate. Hob's like "Crap I thought I was hiding it I'm so sorry I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
Dream's like "You are not actually that subtle. But I'm. Glad. You still feel that way."
It takes Hob a few seconds and a fairly terrible emotional rollercoaster to figure out what Dream meant by that, and Dream is not good about clarifying. But when he does he asks Dream on a date, and Dream agrees, and before he knows what's hit him Hob's moved in with him and is very cautiously hinting around about engagement rings and he can't possibly be in love with Hob, right? Whatever's between them is too easy, too natural, too much like they added romance to their existing friendship and somehow it worked perfectly and-
Oh. Shit.
And just when Dream realizes he's invested- not just invested, committed, this was Absolutely Not how the story's supposed to go and it's terrifying but he desperately wants it anyway- just when he's got something to lose-
Hob meets Eleanor.
And almost immediately asks if Dream would mind him explaining things to her one-on-one, since he thinks it would go more smoothly that way. Dream says he doesn't, and braces himself. It's not that he thinks Hob is lying to him. He 100% trusts that Hob has made this meeting to turn Eleanor down.
He's just also 100% certain that the moment Hob has a conversation with his soulmate he'll realize just how important a soulmate is, that Dream was right and that next to the person he's destined for, Dream means nothing to him.
When Hob gets back from the meeting he's happier than Dream's seen him in months, maybe ever, and Dream braces himself.
But the first thing Hob does after closing the door is kiss Dream, for several minutes.
And the second thing he does is excitedly tell Dream, "It went really well! She said I'm not worth it!"
And Dream's like "...what."
And Hob explains that he'd told Eleanor that he was very sorry, but he already had a soulmate, and she'd been upset but essentially told him "Yeah fine, if you're this adamant about not wanting a soulmate it is not at all worth it for me to pursue anything," with a grudging sort of understanding.
And Dream's like "...what."
And they go back and forth for a bit until finally Dream's like "But she's your SOULMATE. You're not even going to TRY to have something with your soulmate in order to stay with a man who is so bad at romance his soulmate left him."
And Hob's like "I've been saying for years now that you're my perfect other half, soulmates and destiny be damned, and I meant it. You're perfect, and I'm not letting you go for anything."
And Dream... still can't entirely believe in an undying non-soulmate romance the way Hob does. But he wants to, and he trusts Hob enough to try. And several years later they're married, maybe talking about kids, and in some mundane little domestic moment Dream realizes he does entirely believe in this now, in a way that snuck up on him gradually.
And he tells Hob he's won the bet.
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hunterwritings · 5 months
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summary: "Okay so what if reader and Bi Han are in am arranged marriage for Lin Kuei businesses only and they don't love each other at all. But as time passes they soon learn more about each other and eventually love one another as wife and husband. But since Bi Han lacks past romantic/sexual experience reader "teaches" him how. (Iykwim) I hope this makes I just want more bottom!Bi Han content (self indulgent grrrrr) anyways take ur time!!" | requested here warnings: 18+, smut, oral (m!recieving), riding, breeding kink, creampie, small pregnancy mention at end, arranged marriage trope, sub!bi-han, dom!reader, wife!reader, afab!reader, bi-han is mean in the beginning, reader knows her worth! maybe ooc bi-han, notes: ANON I LOVE THIS SO MUCH | also there was literally another fic scarily similar to this by @kisses4lao and I want to give them some credit! Go read their fic, it's so good!! | also this is soo much longer than I thought it was gonna be
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Angry wasn't even the word to describe it; what you were feeling was livid. You understood the meaning of arranged marriages and what they provided, but you couldn't say you were happy with this outcome. You were the daughter of a neighboring clan, you were trained to fight as an assassin and were on of the best in your clan. Your father had made a deal with the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, Bi-han's father, that if you had married Bi-han as the oldest son, your clan would be at the Lin Kuei's side whenever battle occurred.
Obviously you protested and argued as much as you could, but it was already done. You knew of Bi-han and what the Lin Kuei was capable of. Even though you hadn't spoken to Bi-han directly, you've seen his abilities on the battlefield and seen how ruthless he can be. You didn't know what to expect from this man in a marriage and honestly, you were a bit worried to find out.
Your father and Bi-han's father agreed to let the two of you meet once before the wedding, it was the best thing your father could give you from your constant protesting.
You tried to make the best of it, hoping this was a chance to get to know your future husband and hopes of him being a decent man.
You kept your head low and your hands behind your back as you walked into the temple, following close behind your father. You lifted your head up to scan the area, noticing the intricacies of the temple and how clean it was. As your eyes glazed over the room, they stopped when they met the brown eyes of your fiancé. You thought you could practically feel the temperature of the room drop when you saw him; for some reason it made you nervous. Despite your anxiousness, you were stubborn and weren't going to submit so easily.
Your father had began speaking to Bi-han's father as they both walked into another room, leaving the two of you alone in the common room. Your eyes landed on Bi-han's again as his cold expression was unbreakable.
"It's an honor to meet you, Bi-han." You break the silence, bowing deeply towards him. You could hear a groan escape his lips as he gives you a small bow before standing up straight as you do.
"This is unnecessary." He groans as his eyebrows furrow.
You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he was regarding the two of you meeting or the marriage in general. Before you could respond, he's scoffing and turning to walk away. You shook your head in shock as you let out a scoff before walking after him.
"Have I done something wrong?" You ask, now walking beside him. All he does is scoff again and continue walking without looking at you. "It's not like I asked for this, okay? I'm just trying to make the best case scenario." He ignores you once again. You groan at his pettiness and continue to berate him.
"You should at least try and make things work, it would be so much easier-"
You are cut off by Bi-han grabbing a hold of your wrist tightly and pulling you around to pin your back against the wall. You gasp in surprise, which quickly turns to anger.
"You are a woman who talks too much." He scolds you, resting his fist aside your head, his knuckles pressed against the wall. His other hand was resting on your chest, his palm cold to the touch.
"Perhaps you have forgotten what a 'marriage' entails. I will soon be your wife and I refuse to be pushed aside as a mere foot soldier." You asserted, holding his wrist of the hand on your chest.
If looks could kill, you would be dead. But something was different, why did Bi-han's stature seem to change? Bi-han isn't used to this, he's used to taking what he wants and having no one question him, much less stand up to him. So why did he like this?
"Well that was quicker than I thought."
You hear your father's voice entering the room. The sound makes Bi-han immediately release you, causing you to almost stumble before gaining your balance. He quickly turns and gives both your father and his own a bow. You do the same, but your eyes never leave him.
"You two seem to have 'adjusted' quickly." Your father jokes, assuming you were getting along rather than fighting. "We can't stay much longer." He adds.
"It's alright, I know everything I need to now." You shot Bi-han a nasty look, your words laced with venom. His eyebrows furrowed at your words.
They said their goodbyes and bows, all while both you and Bi-han stared each other down. That was the first and last time you had seen Bi-han since your wedding day.
The day of the wedding was tense, to say the least. There was so much tension between the two of you, both refusing to admit you were wrong and being petty. You couldn't keep your eyes off each other. You wanted to believe it purely out of spite, but there was something that intrigued you about him. How could someone be so hard-headed? And as much as you didn't want to admit it, he was quite handsome. Your wedding was the first day you had seen him without his mask and you'd be lying to everyone if you said he wasn't a pretty boy.
It had been a couple weeks now and you and Bi-han have barely spoken to each other, only essential moments when you needed to speak to each other. You both wondered how long you could go giving each other the cold shoulder.
"Your father has called upon you." You announce as you walk into the shared bedroom.
You hear a groan come from Bi-han as he stands at the dresser.
"I heard you." He says as he turns back to face you.
"Oh I'm sorry, I just expect a response when spoken to." You snap back with irony and sarcasm laced in your words.
"Are you through being childish?" He snaps, his eyebrows furrowing together as he peers at you. "You cannot expect a response when you yourself are ignoring me." He adds.
All you could do is scoff before turning to walk out. Before you made it to the door, a familiar hand grabs on your wrist and spins you to face him.
"Let go." You demand as your eyes pry at his.
"I will not let our marriage continue like this." He says, is that a plead in his eyes?
"I will not ask again." You say. He releases your wrist as his gaze stays on you. "You are such a strange man. What is it that you want from me?" You ask as you rub your wrist softly. Your angered expression had softened slightly, not wanting to work up any more energy being upset. He seemed like he was taken aback by your anger dissipating and was expecting more of a fight.
"Peace." The one word was the only thing he could muster up, not that it wasn't true. He did want peace between the two of you, but it was almost an impossible task for him to admit he was wrong.
A laugh emitted from your mouth as you shook your head. You looked up at him before crossing your arms. "I didn't think you knew the meaning of that word." You smirked as he groaned and rolled his eyes at you. "Perhaps we have both been childish." You admit, looking at your feet.
"Perhaps." He reluctantly agrees.
There is a small bit of silence before you speak again.
"Bi-han ― I understand this isn't what you wanted, it's not what I wanted either; but it is now our life." You explain. You observe Bi-han slightly fidgeting with his hands, like he wanted to say something but couldn't. He lets out a sigh before walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed as he listened to you.
"Just because our marriage is a result of a power deal, doesn't mean we have to make anything more difficult for ourselves. I mean ― I know that I would truly wish to make it work, rather than us being at each other's throats for the rest of our lives." You stepped closer to him until you were standing between his legs on the edge of the bed. You could see him anxiously shift as you stood in front of him, this being the closest the two of you had ever really been to each other.
"That would be the best option." He says as he looks down.
"Bi-han." You reach a finger under his jaw to make him look up at you. His gaze was soft now and he was trying to pay attention to every word you say; this side of Bi-han was foreign to you.
"I am your wife, your equal, I don't wish to be treated as lower than you." You say, not sounding condescending or demeaning but trying to sound as genuine as possible. "And perhaps ― in time ― the connection between us will be genuine." Your hands now softly held his face, and you could see his body physically relax. His eyes shut as he practically leans into your hand as he lets out a loud sigh. You could tell he wasn't used to this kind of affection or any affection at all, you would assume. Your thumbs softly caressed his cheeks as his eyes finally opened again to look up at you. You knew he wanted to speak, wanted to pour his heart out to you in this vulnerable state and tear down his walls to you, but he never did. All he could do was admire you as he looked up. He guessed that he had never gotten a close look at every detail on your face and shames himself for doing so; you were one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen.
After sitting in silence for a moment, just observing eachothers faces, you lean down to his level. You softly press your lips against his, moving your hand to press against the nape of his neck. You felt him sigh against your lips as one of his hands snakes up your leg and grips at your thigh.
You pull away for a moment as he groans quietly, scanning his face to make sure he's not protesting your actions. Your question was quickly answered when Bi-han leaned up and harshly pressed his lips against yours, using his free hand to grab behind your neck and pull you even closer to him. The amount of force he used caused you to fall on top of him onto the bed, your lips never breaking contact as you hit the bed. His arms snaked up to wrap around your waist and pull your body closer to his.
Very needy, you thought.
You hiked up your legs so that you were straddling him, feeling him hum against your lips as he felt your weight shift on top of him. Your lips moved roughly against his. He was messy and gripping at whatever part of your body he could. You pulled away from him for a second, hearing a frustrated groan from Bi-han. "Move." You quickly say as he abides, to your surprise, and you both shift so that Bi-han is resting his back against the headboard.
You crawl up to him and press your lips on his again as he eagerly grabs a hold of the back of your head to pull you deeper. You sit down on his lap with his legs in between yours as you begin grinding against his pelvis.
A strained moan falls from his lips before he grips your hips and halts their movements. As you pull away from his lips, he leans forward and presses his forehead against your shoulder, hiding his face from you as he huffed.
"I'm sorry, I can stop ―" You nervously began to push yourself off of you him but he held you still, not moving his head from your shoulder.
"No." He breathes out. "I'm ― " He begins, slowly lifting his head to look at you, his cheeks flustered. "―not well versed." His eyes are pleading with you.
"Oh, okay." You say with a smile creeping up on your face.
"Laugh and I will kill you."
"No, no, it's not funny." You shake your head with a smile as you look down. "It's just ― a surprise." You smirked with your hands snaking up his torso and gently lying on the sides of his neck.
"You've laid with other men?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.
"Only a few, none as dashing as you." You smirk. "Why? Are you jealous, my husband?" You inch closer to his face, seeing his eyes dart from yours and down to your lips.
"Maybe." He breathes out.
"Do you want me to stop?" You ask.
"No." He once again pulls your face to meet his as he moves his lips against yours. Your hips began their pace against his, feeling his bulge through his pants. His grip on your head moved downwards to hold your hips as they moved back and forth. You pulled way for moment to remove your top, along with your bra. Bi-han's face goes even more flush than it was before now seeing your bare chest in front of him. You grabbed a hold of his hands and brought them to your breasts, him instinctively squeezing down and eliciting a soft moan from you. Bi-han felt his cock twitch in his pants just by the sound that fell from your lips, knowing he could very well cum just from that.
You reach down and begin to undo the top of his Lin Kuei uniform until his chest was bare. His chest was mesmerizing, he was incredibly fit and had more muscles than you even knew existed. Your hands ran their way up his abs and gripped at his large biceps. Your lips attack his once more as he continues to play with your breasts. You slowly moved from his lips down to his jaw and then down to his neck. Loud sucking noises were heard as you sucked harshly on the skin of his neck, hoping to leave dark hickeys on his neck. He was holding back his voice, but with every press of your lips on his neck he let out a labored moan.
Moving down his chest you left red hickeys on his collarbone and pecs, pulling away to be proud of successfully marking your husband as your own.
"You're so pretty, Bi-han." You smile before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.
You pull away and drop down to position your body between his legs. Your hands gripped at his pants to free his cock, it was already falling with precum. He was pretty big, it almost made you a bit nervous. Your hand stroked him up and down a few times as you looked up to watch his face contort as his hands gripped at the sheets next to him. He was using all of his willpower to not cum on the spot.
You pressed kisses up his shaft until you reached the tip, swirling your tongue around it.
"F-fuck... please." Bi-han pleaded, beads of sweat falling from his brow.
You chuckled before happily taking him in your mouth. A loud groan was heard from Bi-han as his hands reached up to grip the headboard behind him. Your head bobbed up and down on his shaft as Bi-han was trying to control his breathing. Lewd sounds filled the room as you could feel that Bi-han was close to cumming by how his hips jerked up into your mouth. You felt him hit the back of your throat as you took all of him, humming at his taste.
"Shit!" He was pushed over the edge as you heard a loud moan fall from his lips as his hips pushed up into your mouth before spilling his seed down your throat. You swallowed his cum as you pulled off of his cock with a 'pop' sound. He looked down at you with red cheeks and his mouth slightly agape, he knew this feeling was addicting and was better than anything he could've done himself.
Before crawling back over him, you removed your bottoms and underwear. You sit down on his torso, feeling his aching cock spring against your ass.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, my love." You reassure him as you pressed a soft kiss to his cold lips. "Trust me, you won't be thinking of any other woman when I'm done ― make you addicted to me. " You smirk seeing a small smile form on his face, it was the first time you had seen him smile.
"You are confident, I like it." He says, still heaving from his orgasm.
A small chuckle escapes your mouth before kissing him, pressing your tongue in his mouth this time, him being able to taste himself in your mouth.
Keeping your lips on his, you reach down and position his shaft at your entrance as you hover over him. You slightly press the tip at your slit, slowly entering you. Bi-han pulls away from your lips when you sink down about halfway down his cock, his head falling against the pillow as he moans. You grip at his shoulders as a whimper falls from your lips, your chest heaving up and down as you slowly sink down further until you bottom out on his cock. Your nails scratch against his chest as you take a moment to feel him stretch you out.
Finally, you slowly grind your hips against his as the two of you moan loudly. Your grabbed tightly at his shoulders as you lifted your hips up halfway around his cock and drop down on him.
"Fuck... wait! ― gonna cum too early." He sighed as his hands jumped up to grip as your waist, feeling the tips of his fingers being ice cold. You chuckled before lifting up and dropping down on him again, whimpering at the feeling of you. Getting the hang of it, you bounced up and down on his cock as the two of you drowned out each others moans.
"Fuck Bi-han..." You whimper out, feeling yourself faltering as you were nearing your orgasm.
You felt Bi-han raise his hips to meet yours as you bounced on his cock, causing you to throw your head back as a loud moan ripped from you.
"I'm gonna ― " Bi-han dug his nails into your thighs, sure enough to leave marks, showing that he was close. You could feel his cock twitch inside you as you clenched harshly around him. You reached down and pressed your forehead against his as you held his head in your hands as you continued your movements.
"Cum in me, Bi-han." You begged. His breath hitched hearing your request, but he held strong.
"But ― " He began.
"Please Bi-han, I need to feel you inside me, filling me with your children..." You pleaded as Bi-han lost all self control and spilled himself inside you with a load groan as he held his hips up in the air to get the deepest inside you. Feeling Bi-han cum inside you was enough to push you over the edge and you came hard around his cock, clenching tightly and milking him dry. Strained whimpers left your mouth as you slowly grinded against his pelvis to ride out your high. Bi-han looked down at your entrance seeing a circle of cum surrounding your entrance and his cock, almost enough to make him hard again.
You panted heavily as you hid your face in his neck, feeling beads of sweat fall from his skin onto yours. You pulled away and observed Bi-han in this state, seeing strands of his hair stuck to his sweaty skin and tired eyes as he looked up at you. You reached your hands up to hold his cheeks in your palms as you felt his hands rest softly on your waist.
"As good as I said?" You chuckled.
"Better." He closes his eyes as he lies his head against the headboard. "You want to carry my child?" He pants as he opens his eyes and looks up at you.
"Of course I do, but you will have to keep filling me up until you put a child in me." You smirk as you press your forehead against his.
"I can do that." He smirks before leaning up to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
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nyoomfruits · 4 months
"I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me" for the ask list? maybe landoscar or any pair you feel inspired by! <3
“i think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me”
It’s started to drizzle when Lando pushes his way through the front doors of the hotel, runs out into the street. Oscar’s only a few feet away, standing on the curb looking at his phone, clearly waiting for the car to come pick him up. His suitcase is next to him, his backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Oscar,” Lando breathes out more than says, way too relieved to find him still here, rushing in his direction.
Oscar hears him anyway, looks up a little confused, even more confused when he spots Lando. “Lando?” He asks. “I thought you were asleep.”
“I was, you fucking bastard,” Lando says, puts his hands on his hips. “Not anymore. A letter, really? Not even. A fucking letter?”
Oscar has the decency to look at little ashamed. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Bullshit,” Lando says. “That’s and you know it. I just want to know why. This whole week we’re having a great time together and I thought, you know. And then you leave me a fucking letter confirming that great time, and then you fucking end it with ‘I’m sorry to leave but I can’t be what you want me to be’. What does that even mean.”
“I don’t do casual, Lando,” Oscar says. He looks a little tired around the eyes, a little sad. Lando gets it. He’s not a driver, doesn’t even work for F1, but he’s lived near Silverstone all his life. He knows how hectic shit gets. How taxing this whole week is for someone like Oscar. “I can’t- Not with you.”
“Okay,” Lando says, a little confused. “That’s nice? For you? Then why didn’t you just, I don’t know. Leave your phone number? You know, like a normal person. Or you could’ve woken me up. Even normaler person behavior.”
“I don’t think that’s a word,” Oscar says, and when Lando merely glares at him he shrugs, a little bashfully. “You just. I just didn’t think that’s something you wanted. You gave the impression you know. That this was just a one week thing to you.”
And. Okay. Maybe Lando did keep talking about how F1 feels like this one-week festival every year. How it comes and goes and feels like transporting yourself to another universe for a week. How he’s made friends he only sees once a year. How he’s made friends that felt like the best he’d ever dad for the duration of that one week and then never saw again.
He’d never considered that, with Oscar. Oscar had felt. Permanent. All encompassing. Inevitable. From the moment Oscar had gotten out of his stupid bright orange McLaren down the road from his parent’s farm to ask for directions because he’d found himself horrible turned around, Lando had felt this. Connection.
Which is stupid, because Oscar is a world famous F1 driver and Lando is a farmer’s son from a small town in the middle of the English countryside, but still. They’d clicked, immediately. Oscar somehow being perfectly equipped to deal with Lando’s slightly chaotic energy in a way no one in this town ever really had, giving as good as he got. He’s charming, in a very understated way. Sweet.
And they had fun, this past week. A lot of fun. Fun Lando hoped they would be able to continue, after.
But then this morning had happened, and the letter, and he’s started doubting that maybe-
“It wasn’t,” he says, earnestly, honestly. Because if he only gets one shot at this, he’s taking it with both hands. Worst case scenario he’ll never see Oscar again. Best case scenario… Well. He’d love to find out. “Just a one week thing for me.”
“Oh,” Oscar says, and he’s smiling, and the rain has started to pick up so his hair is starting to stick to his forehead, but neither of them really cares. “Me neither. If you want, yeah. Me neither.”
“Good,” Lando says, nods. His shirt is getting soaked. He wishes he’d grabbed a jacket during his mad scramble to catch Oscar in time. “Right. I think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.” He says, only half-jokingly, when there’s a sort of awkward silence between them.
Oscar however, doesn’t waste a single moment, reaching forward like he’s been waiting for Lando to say that all his life, his fingers sliding over Lando’s wet cheeks as he pulls them closer. It’s really starting to pour down now, but for a moment, when Oscar’s lips touch his, Lando feels like the sun is shining just for them.
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carionto · 4 months
When does what count?
The pursuit for the truth in criminal cases is... messy at the best of times. If the criminals are from different species you gotta deal with multiple jurisdictions at minimum. Then throw in a Human in the mix? Good luck figuring anything out, you'll need it.
Not that Humans are the best liars, or masters of not leaving evidence, or the ultimate manipulators. There's not even close to a standard way of dealing with them.
The guidelines Human authorities provided help, yes, but all of them come with caveats and exceptions and warning signs to look out for.
Every individual is different. Some species might have lesser deviations than others, but there are only a handful of hive-mind like ones where you can objectively and easily determine what is normal and what needs certain kinds of apprehension or treatment methods.
Human deviations are all over the place.
Some will confess right away upon being questioned by law enforcement. This is the best case scenario, but even then there are some cases where you might have wished they had tried to be deceptive. There are few things more terrifying in the Galaxy than a Human confessing, without batting an eye or stuttering their words, to some of the most brutal acts of senseless violence, unprovoked I might add, and calmly stating they felt nothing. That is fear personified.
Many will try to make your life miserable. They will employ every legal avenue, exploit the tiniest questionable details, get as many other people involved as possible to muddy the waters, even plan an escape if they manage to find or create an opportunity. You will have to work overtime, sifting through countless documents, piece together a puzzle without any known pieces. The worst is when you have a Human who is guilty, but not for the crime you are pursuing them for, and all that work has to start all over in pursuit of an individual you might now have to track across half the Galaxy on a cold trail. This is the embodiment of frustration.
A few will give you the longest, most intense and dangerous days of your life. They will run. They will fight. They will not submit. They will want to go down rather than face justice. They will endanger others along the way. They will destroy anything in their path to freedom. They are fury incarnate.
Now, of course, the vast majority will not be such extreme cases. You can reason with them. You can persuade, strike a deal. Punish and rehabilitate.
But every case will be different, should you ever encounter a Human. And there is always a chance, no matter how slim, barring extreme limitations of course, that any Human could go to a further end than any logic would dictate. A minor inspection may become a murder in a split second, and an unknown killer may just give up at the slightest inconvenience and confess a dozen cold cases just like that.
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hehe scenario. jupeter coming out the other side of All That with a bit of 'wow you're just straight up a bit codependent but maybe that's actually the best-case scenario for you right now carry on fellas'
oh they've Had Their Talk in the aftermath, and, okay, it's agreed that they are Not Doing Romance because Nureyev needs Time To Grieve and it would be better to Take The Pressure Off Of Being In A Relationship and they will Reevaluate when Nureyev's had a chance to be a guy who doesn't have to worry about where his next meal is coming from. but also Like Hell is Juno just going to Leave Him Alone after all this. and the result is that they spend the Big Crash just. completely unhinged about each other. Nureyev's shot past 'feeling vulnerable around Juno scares the shit out of him' and well into 'raw nerves and gaping wounds and compound trauma and feeling vulnerable about literally anything and everything all the time and being around Juno is integral to not spiraling into the abandonment hell vortex'. meanwhile Juno's like 'holy shit Nureyev is letting me be there for him. this is already incredible progress'
u think they were insufferable on the Carte Blanche well. on the Carte Blanche Nureyev was still working on things like trusting Juno enough to let him back in at all and he Had An Image To Maintain and lots of Private Stuff to Deal With and Juno was still figuring out how not to be a prickly ass all the time and 'when is it appropriate to give your bf his space when your default mode is to Investigate Shit' and none of that is a going concern right now
'sometimes you gotta be a little bit mentally ill to handle the mental illness' they have so much separation anxiety and they are clipping their carabiners together. hooking pinky fingers and following each other when one needs to do something in the next room. where's Nureyev? sitting in Juno's lap again. his ass is experiencing 'nervous system doesn't know how to respond to the sudden removal of constant crushing dread and just goes fucking haywire at unpredictable intervals'. he gets random-ass panic attacks and there's only so much the breathing exercises and the grounding exercises and self-soothing techniques can do compared to 'Juno is here and he's fine and he's safe and he is more than happily providing prolonged physical contact' to get him to calm down on a physiological level
meanwhile Juno's like 'i chased this idiot across half the galaxy because he wouldn't ask for help and had to deal with him being all stone-faced and cold about it, do I look like i mind that he's clingy now? a lady does not need his personal space at this time. a lady is living for this. a lady is also maybe feeling clingy have u considered that'
everyone who isn't rita (idek who. melee? the other vivopolis refugees??) is assuming they are just getting a very bad grade in taking it slow and are barely humoring them about it. and neither bothers with denying the boyfriend allegations but it's not bc it's true it's they're just. too exhausted to get defensive about it
rita: and i mean they ain't actually smooching too loud in the kitchen or whatever
melee probably: he just came out of Juno's room wearing Juno's shirt
juno: he's a thief that's his shirt now
(12 hours earlier:)
nureyev: (shows up to juno's room at 3am) im sorry for waking you i had nightmares about [the bomb/the carte blanche raid/dokana capturing you] i just needed to see that you were alive and make sure im in the reality timeline and then i will go back to-
juno: get in loser we're watching bad cops
rita: hi mista' n do you want some of this blanket
nureyev: that's very kind but im afraid im
juno: yeah hold up he's like really sweaty im gonna get him a clean shirt
nureyev: you really don't need to-
juno: how are you even still standing up when you're shaking like that
nureyev: that is. an excellent question
juno: anyway welcome to the club i fired rita like an hour ago bc i had nightmares about her dying on the asteroid
rita: i had one where i was gettin chased by this big stompy plant monster with lotsa teeth and i had to distract it by throwing all my snacks behind me and then i was outta snacks and then i was up getting more snacks when mista' steel fired me
rita: you know i think only reason i ain't got separation anxiety about mista' steel is because we spent all that time in the ruby together while we were chasin' after you and that gets a gal over it real fast
juno: thanks rita :P
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averageallogene · 11 months
You sister, who always have had everything she wanted, isn't happy Ayato chose to marry you.
So, on your wedding day, she sneaks into the groom's preparation room to try and convince him to marry her instead.
Ayato ♡⊹˚ Familial woes (SFW)
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fem. reader (3rd person) ; angst with a good ending. cw for toxic family relationships.
4k words.
notes. I just cannot write something that isn’t past 3k words SORRY LMAO. But anyway, so it begins~ Thank you for all the wonderful ideas, I will do my best to write out each scenario in due time! Sorry if it isn't as angsty, if that's the case I'll try to make up with the others... I hope I do Ayato justice in this one <3.
Since I'm back home these prompts will be written on my laptop, hence the fancier formatting. Anyway, Enjoy! ✧˖°.
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Coming from a prestigious clan has its ups and downs, yet [F/N] has managed to withstand most obstacles that appeared in her wake. Despite not being one of the tri-commissions, her family was held in the highest regards, including herself as the eldest daughter of the clan. Thankfully however, despite all the restrictions her lifestyle imposed upon her, she still had one good thing on her side - having an elder brother, she wouldn’t have to inherit all the pressure he did. It sounded dismissive, she herself knew so, yet the heart wants what it wants. And even for someone as self-disciplined and honorable as she, surely she could indulge, couldn’t she?
[F/N] had worked hard for her reputation, ensuring her clan kept its prestigious namesake whilst strengthening the bonds with other houses that would prove to become fruitful. With negotiation came alliances, and with alliances the stability of Inazuma was kept. Above all else, she knew, much like her brother, that this was what was to be first and foremost on their priority list. Two of the three children of their house upheld such responsibilities, save for their youngest sister. She, who didn’t have many expectations to her name when compared to her siblings, ended up living a much more desirable lifestyle - in short, she was pampered throughout her life, the apple of their father’s eye. Even in his deathbed, she was promised much more of their share, given everything to the palm of her hand whilst the other siblings were expected to simply cope with such reality. Even when their brother would inherit the Clan as well as all its responsibilities, both felt as though she had won in conquering their parents’ hearts.
[F/N] managed relatively well. Even as her sister grew up taking the spotlight from her whenever she got an ounce of attention, even as she had to work thrice as hard to receive a crumb of the recognition her siblings would get from their parents, she acted with grace that only corresponded with everyone’s expectations. An example of a noble young lady, she was perceived as. Even as her heart would often ache, anger boiling just underneath the surface, she covered it down as the long sleeve of her kimono would hide her bitter expression. She could deal with her sister, she had to. Years of hiding her distaste resulted in a skill that would prove useful in the future, [F/N] becoming able to hide her true emotions rather well. 
Their brother ruled their household impeccably, perhaps more so than even their father had while he still lived. [F/N] was there to aid whenever needed, it being mostly to advise him on important decisions and to communicate with their allies whilst he tended to his other duties. And being good with people, she performed her obligations rather well, becoming well acquainted with many important people and even forming friendly bonds with some. One of these was none other than the Kamisatos, including their young daughter of whom [F/N] doted on. In her, she’d found the younger sister she’d always wanted, offering her advice whenever needed, as well as sometimes offering her the company she craved - at least, whenever their busy schedules would allow them to. [F/N] had watched Ayaka grow from within, pride beaming in her chest as she became a fine young lady herself. It was of most importance for them to support one another, knowing full well how stressful their positions could be; it made their lives a little more bearable, knowing they had the support of someone outside of their immediate family. 
It was through this growing friendship that [F/N] became acquainted with Ayato, Ayaka’s enigmatic older brother and the ruler of the Kamisato household. Much more distant and calculating, it was seemingly difficult to come closer to his heart as the man held most within arm’s reach. Still, [F/N] remained cordial, not expecting much to blossom from there. Friendly interactions were more than enough, keeping the alliance of their clans alive. 
To Ayato however, it was much different. His experienced eyes watched, blue gaze lingering on the finely dressed figure as she often hid her elegant expression with her long sleeves. He noticed how she smiled without much light whenever she was within her clan’s walls, contrasting vividly when compared with how her expressions were genuine whenever accompanied with Ayaka and even Thoma. Ayato noted how she genuinely cared for his sister, offering her wise advice when regarding personal matters he could only figure weren’t of his caliber. And later, a few springs later, he studied how she’d come by more and more often, seemingly seeking refuge within the Kamisato residence whenever her position would allow. To Ayato, [F/N] wasn’t difficult to figure out, yet he couldn’t help but begin worrying for his sister’s friend.
“Thoma,” He’d beckoned his housekeeper, watching as he quickly obliged and approached. Even as he read through the stack of papers, he carried on the conversation. “Ayaka has expressed interest in inviting miss [F/N] over for the evening, yet is there any particular reason for it?”
“Oh,” He sighed out briefly, expression furrowing slightly as he gave his Lord a crack of a sympathetic smile. “Lady [F/N] has been quite down recently, so my Lady wished to offer her a safe space to rest for as long as needed. I-Is that something she should reconsider, my Lord?”
Ayato simply shook his head. “No, it’s quite alright by me; I just couldn’t help notice how she’s been coming over more often. Now, Miss [F/N]’s presence is more than welcomed, of course, yet I wondered how come she seems so gloomy these past few days.”
“Nothing seems to escape you, my Lord,” Thoma chuckled out, before sheepishly offering him an explanation. “Lady [F/N] has a… Rather tumultuous relationship with her siblings, more so with her sister. Apparently, she recently ruined [F/N]’s engagement to a wealthy noble of another house, and her brother did little else but attempt to brush everything under the rug before their reputation were to be stained. She’s been understandably annoyed by the situation, expressing anguish that her sister wasn’t properly punished.”
Ayato’s expression faltered ever so slightly, his hand lowering the paper he read. He’d heard of the news, as gossip traveled fast throughout Narukami. Yet he surely hadn’t heard of the ever so slightly important detail of her younger sister being the cause of such a ruckus. In all honesty, the Commissioner had simply thought she’d been the one to break off the engagement, rightfully so in his mind - they simply had little in common, so there was little chance of the marriage succeeding in the first place. 
“I see… If you happen to see her later, please inform her that she can remain here as long as she wishes.” He finished off with a small smile, accompanied with the dismissal of his friend before resuming his duties. 
It felt bad to overstay their hospitality, yet [F/N] found it difficult to refuse. Not after her anger made her nearly explode, as well as watching as her brother dismissed her more than justified anger. She’s just never going to change, he’d reasoned as to why he didn’t even punish her for meddling in her engagement, practically telling her to move on. In truth, [F/N] couldn’t exactly say she loved her fiancé, but he certainly wasn’t a bad match, at least from the little she knew of him. Well mannered, good temperament, friendly enough, a reputation similar to their own. Honestly, it had felt like she’d hit the jackpot when considering she would most definitely be married off to whomever her brother thought was the most ideal choice. She’d just gotten her mind set that he would be her husband, and her sister just had to insert herself in between them and whisk him away for her own satisfaction. [F/N] was forced to watch as he was wooed by her beauty and charms, becoming nothing short of her boytoy and wallet as she was pitied as the disgraced woman who was abandoned. Gossip was cruel, and she wished nothing more than to remain hidden away in the Kamisato Estate for a little while. 
Ayato received letters, [F/N]’s brother inquiring of her whereabouts as well as demanding her return. Amidst his pile of papers they were just too easy to lose, shrugging his shoulders as he feigned ignorance. Ayaka’s and Thoma’s presence were great in helping her cope, her mind forgetting the trash fire of a family she had for a little more than three weeks. However amidst the duties she had to do, as well as the way she would often give her brother advice on which decisions to make, her presence was beginning to weigh in her clan’s house.
“I should probably return soon,” [F/N] had sighed as she sat on their courtyard, Thoma offering her his company as he served her tea. “My brother will probably make a foolish decision without me there to weigh in the options.”
The blond man chuckled, passing her the fine ceramic cup. “It’s a shame, Miss [F/N]. Your presence in the Kamisato Household is a breath of fresh air, after all.”
“Thank you Thoma, I’ll most definitely miss being in such a peaceful place.” Her gaze turned to the distance, watching with melancholy the beautiful view their courtyard offered.
“You’re always welcome to stay for longer.” Ayato’s voice was suddenly heard, the pair turning to him as he made his way across the wooden floors to the table where they sat.
“Oh,” [F/N] breathed out, head lowering in respect. “Lord Kamisato, I-”
“Please, no need for such formalities. You may just call me Ayato” He offered her a small smile, one seemingly genuine enough as his eyes glimmered with the sunlight. “A friend of Ayaka’s is a friend of my own. She holds you in the highest regard, you know?”
[F/N]’s face bloomed with a lovely shade of pink, nervously laughing as she looked down. “Oh, that girl… She’s just too kind.”
“Are you insinuating she’s overselling your qualities, Miss [F/N]?” He teased, watching with humor as her face contorted in hesitancy and horror. 
“What? No, of course not- No, I mean-”
“Perchance she wishes to play matchmaker?” His smile grew more sly, finding her stuttering at his remark quite adorable. 
Thoma chuckled quietly, watching the two of them as he rather awkwardly stood there. “My Lord, please…”
“Right, I jest.” Ayato let out in a breathless chuckle, ceasing for the time being as he watched her expression soothe back, the blush still very well present. “Still, Miss [F/N]. You are more than welcome to return, if your family ever causes another ruckus.”
Her genuine smile looked beautiful, her sleeve not covering her face as she would’ve often done during their first encounters. It had been enough to engrave itself on Ayato’s mind, even as she returned to her family estate to once more fulfill her duties.
It was the beginning of something more. No longer did [F/N] visit the Kamisatos for Ayaka and Thoma, she now visited to see Ayato, as well. Even when he wasn’t there to see her, which happened more often than she’d like, she would still inquire how he was doing, hoping he’d be alright and not overworking. Her care for him was endearing, and Ayato found himself making small excuses every so often to leave his working station, wishing to welcome [F/N] to their estate instead and indulge in a philosophical conversation, or perhaps even a game of shogi. Under the blooming sakuras they would converse, and despite the apparent fleeting moments they were, those closest to Ayato could definitely notice the slight shifts in his demeanor - the Commissioner was, after all, not one to allow many into his heart, yet his soft spot for [F/N] was as obvious as it could be. 
Suspicion was quick to rise, especially for [F/N]’s siblings. However, [F/N]’s obliviousness was what boiled her brother’s frustrations, wondering if the Commissioner simply sought a plaything in his sister and not something serious. His hurries to find a match for her were in vain though, for just as he believed the answer was in reach, the news came to him through one of his many advisors - one aside from his sister, of course.
“M-My Lord, that might not be a good idea.” The older man stuttered, before breaking the news that was believed to be obvious. “Lord Kamisato is courting Lady [F/N], after all.”
In truth, it had blindsighted [F/N], for she couldn’t believe it for quite a while. Having developed a small crush on the Commissioner, she’d hastily reminded herself it would never develop into anything more. After all, her status required her to marry for benefit first and foremost, and something as worthless as love wasn’t in a noble’s interest. In his place, however, Ayato thought it was just the perfect arrangement - he was not only going to court someone he deeply cared for, their alliance would prove more than beneficial. His opponent, ahem, [F/N]’s brother, would have no rational argument against their marriage. 
The news was quick to spread across the land of lightning, and everyone was ecstatic for the Yashiro Commissioner. Ayato was a fine young man, an even finer leader, and his marriage to someone of such a high status as [F/N] was bound to please most. Like he’d calculated, despite not being how it was planned, her brother had no possible way of opposing his request to marry his sister. Ayato was, after all, in a higher rank than their own clan was. It was an honor, something he could not refuse. 
And as such, [F/N]’s future was bound with Ayato’s, and she couldn’t be happier. Their relationship progressed quickly, and even before their wedding, he arranged for her personal belongings to be promptly brought to the Kamisato Estate, where she would live. He couldn’t be more dismissive for appearing to go too fast, far too worried to finally bring [F/N] away from the pressure and unhealthy behaviors of her siblings. 
One who was far too flabbergasted by such turns of events was none other than her sister, the very same woman who’d taken her previous fiancé to only ditch him after she’d squeezed him for most that he was worth. She’d noticed the smile [F/N] had directed to her before leaving their Estate for good, escorted by samurai issued by her fiancé before turning her back to her. A sense of humiliation had overcome her, never having quite liked the bitter taste of defeat. To her envious gaze, it felt as though [F/N] had won for the first time in her life, and she wasn’t going to let her win the war.
The Kamisatos were more than courteous whenever [F/N]’s sister requested to visit. Ayaka was especially hesitant, yet Ayato let her come by without much trouble, assuring his lover he’d never allow her to cross any boundary. There was a certain distance between them, and [F/N] had no reason to ever doubt her lover. Her friends were all suspicious of her motives, watching as she blatantly faked happiness for her sister.
“You’ve ended up in great hands, big sister!” She’d praise, her voice dripping with hidden venom as she gazed around the luxurious estate. “You’re very lucky, you know?”
“Yes, I’m fully aware.” [F/N] would answer calmly, Ayato watching with amusement as she gave her a forced smile. 
“No, I do believe I’m the luckier one here.” Ayato would intervene, publicly choosing to lace his hand with her own, soothing his lover’s anger all the while studying the way her sister’s expression shifted. It was his own way of assuring he was serious about his decision, yet that seemed to, regrettably, only fuel the fire within that devil of a siren.
Preparations were underway, and before long, the day had finally arrived. Her sister’s attempts at wooing Ayato had fallen in deaf’s ears, the man feigning ignorance as his gaze was focused on none other than his fiancée. It was comical to watch as she quietly grew desperate to win the feud, yet at the same time it only brought on more anger and awkwardness to those around them. In his place, however, Ayato simply waited, knowing exactly well when an enemy wished to strike. He’d kissed his bride before leaving to prepare for the ceremony, quite curious to see her in the bridal wear that had been arranged for her as he himself was prepared. 
There was still some time before the ceremony would begin, and as such he stood in the present room, making sure he looked presentable enough for his own wedding. He breathed in slowly, finishing arranging his sleeves before hearing as the shoji doors opened behind him.
“Ah, Thoma is that you?” He called out, before turning to watch as a familiar figure eyed him. His expression shifted to slight surprise, watching as [F/N]’s sister carefully walked after closing the door behind her. “Oh, apologies for the confusion. Anything I can help you with?”
“Lord Kamisato…” Her voice lowered softly, approaching him as she fluttered her eyelashes slowly. Her kimono dripped from her shoulder slightly, a clear attempt at seduction being ployed as he remained still, not engaged in the slightest by her attempt. “Actually, there is something you may help me with.”
“Oh really?” He hummed, uninterested as he deployed all the remaining patience he had for the girl before him. With a small sigh he continued. “Then do speak, what is it.”
She came closer, uncomfortably so, her body pressing against his as she placed her hands against his chest. Giving him a concerned look, her expression twisted as she sighed dramatically, shaking her head as she voiced her opinion to him.
“My Lord, I simply cannot watch someone of your own stature marry someone as… Rowdy, and unworthy, as my sister.” She nearly wept, grasp holding onto him tighter before she continued. “She wishes nothing more than to use you to benefit our own house, she has no consideration for anyone regarding herself.”
“That is… Quite the accusation.” His voice grew cooler, arm lifting to carefully pry her away from himself. His hold was quick, as if dusting himself off of unwanted dirt, giving himself distance between the two of them before he continued. 
“I wouldn’t say anything that wasn’t true, my Lord.” She dared lie to his face, eyebrows furrowing before she stated she had proof. Ayato scoffed inside his head, watching with hidden amusement as she reached into the cleavage of her kimono to reveal a folded piece of paper. “Please, see for yourself.”
Deciding to humor her for a moment, Ayato picked up the letter, carefully unfolding it before having a quick read. Presenting itself as a love letter to another man, [F/N] apparently spoke of her plans to quickly dispose of Ayato after their wedding, inheriting most of the fortune before quickly disappearing with the lover to whom the letter was concerned. She bit her lip in her place, watching as he read it through before she came closer once more.
“She’s not worthy of you, my Lord.” She placed her hands onto his chest again, head resting against him as she eyed up at him. “She wouldn’t ever love you as someone like you deserves… Please, reconsider this before it’s too late. Consider someone that would treat you right… Like me.���
His gaze shifted, calculating and apparently still processing the information. Thinking she’d caught him in the perfect moment, she continued, hand sliding upwards his chest as she locked eyes with him.
“Lord Kamisato, unlike her, I would support you like a dutiful wife should. I would be able to bring much more to the table, and I’m certain my brother would much rather have our union take place. [F/N] simply wouldn’t know how to please anyone as a wife-”
“I’ve heard enough.” He cut her short, his expression fading to reveal a scowl, a raw portrayal of his emotions for once. His hand was quick to grip her wrist, yanking her away from him with enough care as to not hurt her, but still bringing his point across. He watched as her face shifted to surprise, now her being the one caught off guard. “In fact, I’ve had enough of you.”
“B-But, my Lord-”
“Silence.” His voice grew louder, watching as she flinched in her place. Ayato’s hand shook the measly forged paper she’d given him as proof, scoffing in her face. “If you truly believed a simple forged letter and your word would be enough to deter me from my fiancée, you insult me even more than what I had originally thought.” 
“Are you suggesting I’m lying?!” She gasped with hurt, Ayato curtly replying.
“Precisely what I’m insinuating. Forgive me for believing my fiancée instead of her meddling sister who cannot for the life of her be content for her flesh and blood.” It was his turn to approach her retreating figure, his voice growing harsher as he finally snapped on his lover’s behalf. “Now listen, and listen carefully for I will only warn you once.”
Her eyes widened as her lips trembled, suddenly feeling much smaller when in front of his imposing figure. Never would she have thought someone would speak to her in such a way, rendering her riddled with fear to even attempt to think of an argument. Ayato’s cold presence felt suffocating, leaving her in an hesitant state to even attempt to leave her current predicament.
“I’ve been long enough with [F/N] to know of your true intentions, and they don’t carry a single ounce of goodness. You only covet what isn’t yours, and I cannot even describe how I despise people like you. Those who cannot be happy for those who are closest to them are the absolute worst of people, and I want nothing to do with you aside from the formalities our clans require from us. I will only be cordial to you whenever others are around, so lest you want me to give you a new one, only appear before me when there are others around me. Understood?”
“I-I… I…” She couldn’t even bring her words out, Ayato repeating if she’d heard him. “Y-Yes-” She hiccuped.
“Good. Now, you will attend this wedding, and you will be on your best behavior. If you have nothing good to say to my wife, I do not want you anywhere near her. Now begone from my sight.”
Ayato had never watched anyone scurry away from him in such a pathetic state, sighing in frustration as he rubbed his fingers against his temple.
“Goodness. What a brat.” He murmured under his breath, the sudden cough catching him off guard.
“I knew it couldn’t be good the moment I heard my Lord raise his voice…” Thoma awkwardly chuckled, bringing him a freshly brewed cup of tea to soothe any possible nerves.
“Ah, so you’ve heard.” Ayato sighed, promptly thanking him for the tea before taking it carefully. “Do not speak a word of this to [F/N], yes?”
“I heard nothing.” Thoma nodded his head with a kind smile, offering him to adjust any creases of his ceremonial garbs before the wedding were to begin.
Despite the hushed incident, the wedding went on without any kind of drama or dispute. [F/N] was honestly surprised, noticing how her sister remained in her seat, eyes averting the happy couple as her brother forced her to indeed attend the ceremony, instead of ditching it like she would’ve preferred. After all, he didn’t want any ill will between the two clans, and without knowing of what she had done, he saw no reason as to why she shouldn’t attend.
“She’s been awfully quiet…” [F/N] had whispered to Ayato, who’d given her his ear as he’d tilted his head to her. Glancing back to see her sister remaining on her seat rather angrily, she glanced back at her now husband with a narrowing gaze. “What did you do?”
“Me?” He feigned ignorance, though his enigmatic smile gave it away. “I only asked her cordially to enjoy our wedding.” He justified himself, his hold on her hand tightening as his thumb stroked the back of her hand.
[F/N] could only shake her head, her bright smile being something Ayato wouldn’t do just about anything to protect. She sighed quietly, a silent thank you being given to him as she was now able to enjoy the rest of their wedding alongside him, together starting a new chapter as a strong and prosperous couple.
Needless to say, [F/N] found a great amount of joy in sharing with her family every little bit of good news she had, watching with pleasure as her sister festered in her unfounded jealousy she’d brought on herself. Ah, including the surprising, albeit still more than welcomed, pregnancy that soon followed their wedding, of course.
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