#eventually you look at the clock and it says 23:14 and you're like cool it's 11:14 immediately
peachydinosaur · 4 years
i was tagged by @cyphonism​ to do this a hot minute ago but I couldn’t get it to work on mobile and this is the first time in maybe a year or two I’m actually on tumblr on my laptop lol
NAME: paranoid bitch ♥ but if you’re a mutual you’re welcome to message and i’ll tell you
NICKNAMES: people mostly call me my full name or lizbit but my favorite nickname i’ve ever had was il. i miss people calling me fun names tho so feel free to give me a new one
SEXUALITY: i’m a bi bitch 😎
HEIGHT: somewhere between 5′6″ and 5′8″, i genuinely dont know and at this point I don’t need to. i know that I’m at least 6 feet tall when i wear my platforms and that’s all that matters ♥
LANGUAGES: english! i used to know a decent bit of french but now i only remember very basic things that i thought were fun.
NATIONALITY: unfortunately, american. i hate it here!
CURRENT TIME: 00:40 when i filled out this part but 1:35 when i actually posted it
FAV SEASON: fall!!
FAV FLOWER: lavender
FAV SCENT: teak wood!! i want my room to smell like teak wood until the day that I die.
FAV COLOR: dark green i think? haven’t thought about it in a hot minute
FAV ANIMAL: domestic cats and all rodents ever :)
FAV FICTIONAL CHARACTER: hmm. i think zuko from atla. he’s a complex and well rounded character with amazing character and redemption arcs.
AVG HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-16 that’s just the way it is when you have to quarantine for fear of your life and have episodes all the time and also convince yourself that time isn’t real   🙃
DOGS OR CATS: full on a cat person. dogs are cool and all but i learned this past year that i do not, under any circumstances, enjoy living with them.
DREAM TRIP: a road trip with people who love me. we have time to stop anywhere that looks interesting. we have no pressing things to get back to or time constraints. we don’t need to stress about spending $20 here and there. we fit in some 420 time. we sleep in ridiculous looking cheap motels and find little local shops and restaurants in the towns we visit. eventually we make our way home. my souvenirs are rocks and stickers and little found objects and tacky things i saw and fell in love with. when we do get home we don’t want to part ways, but we do all want to sleep in our own beds again. i feel at peace.
DREAM JOB: dressing/wardrobe crew for live theater. i’m really hoping that after the pandemic is over i’ll be able to pick up more jobs here and there. i’ve worked two shows and i’ve never felt more fulfilled.
FOLLOWERS: 317 but i’m pretty sure most of those blogs ahven’t been active in years. i’ve got about ten people who interact with my posts regularly.
REASON FOR MY URL: when i was in jr high my friend wanted me to join a website to roleplay with her and at the time i was writing a self insert harry potter fanfiction and the character’s middle name was peach and i was like cool, peachy, an adjective. i want a noun next but what noun? hmm. i think dinosaurs are really cool. and then i made it my username on every website i used for the next three years. i don’t use it anywhere else anymore, but i’m very attached to it so i’ll probably never change it to anything else on here.
RANDOM FACT: the fruit orange was named first. the way languages tend to evolve, they start with having very few words for colors, generally starting with primary colors, and eventually they start to have more specific names to differentiate. shades of orange actually used to be considered red. oranges as a fruit had been named that for a while before the word orange was used to describe what we now perceive as the color family of orange :)
Tagging @saintemry​ @peachfern​ @archehalfbatter @pity-boi
if anyone else wants to do this say i tagged you!
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stormykatie · 3 years
December 15, 2019
Hey, it's me. We talked before. Now I am back to tell you more stories like I promised. My clock reads 11:30. I'm in bed, drinking my third mug of coffee. I am reading your favorite novel. It's silly but I feel nostalgic as I read it. Every chapter reminds me of you, my darling Ana. Your rawness, your beautiful flaws are all engraved in the words stained in each and every page. But before I totally lose myself in it, I feel it appropriate to ask first, how are you doing tonight? 
How are you doing there, in your time? Are you in bed reading too? Or are you in your desk writing the first line of your poem? It's something about him, isn't it? Oh don't worry, I know. 
I know that you think about love more often than you should. And you stain your notes with things associated with it. I want to tell you it's okay. It's okay to savor the moment. It's okay to fall in love. I don't know what age you are now. Maybe 16? All sweet and innocent. You know I fell in love for the first time when I was 16. Got my heart badly broken six months after I turned 18. It was a lot to go through but I survived. After that I stopped writing for a while. 
They say heartbreak makes a poet. Well it made me numb. I never loved again after I got my heart broken for the first time. I watched my shattered pieces,millions of screaming pieces bleeding on the floor. I spent years trying to mend me. But wholeness seemed evanescent. Lovers came and went, I taught myself to pretend. For years I rolled thousands of I love you's on my tongue while I felt so empty. So empty I wondered if anything could ever fill me up again. For something in me has died that day he ruined my faith in love and destiny. 
But he's a lovely memory. I never regretted loving him. He taught me how to sway in gaiety and laugh with the daffodils. He has to leave all right, and life was never the same. I began drinking when I was 19. I theorized liquor could drown my feelings, wash them all away. Since then I couldn't stop drinking. I took shots after shots as the crowd applaused me until I pass out cold. I was young and broken and stupid. Above all, I was numb. 
At 23, I became totally cynical. I took love for granted. Love took me for granted in return. I played fire like a fire dancer. I got burned but never minded the scars. I slept with lions but never feared death. Those moments, I was gladly signing my death sentence. At 25 I was totally addicted to loneliness. I began dining alone. I began doubting promises. I began driving people to the wall. I began breaking hearts. 
Are you still there?  I hope I am not scaring you with my stories. If I disturbed your poem writing, I'm deeply sorry. I just want to feed you tales. Tales you will search in your mind as precedents, before you make a decision sooner or later. Before you catch fire and burn. Before you catch cold and die. You know they always say, look before you leap. Well I say, listen to all these tales I keep. They waited years to be told. 
I was 27 when I realized it's time. It's time to  lower my guards down. It's time to trust love again. But that one person worthy of everything that I am never came until I was 28. And you know, when I caught a glimpse of him for the first time, I fell dazed. The familiarity was striking. The smile, the voice, the scent, oh it's him. He's the one I've been waiting. I looked at him and the world around me stopped. Everything else stopped. All of a sudden, it's just him and me. Even the cacophony fell silent to hear my heart drum erratically. It was surreal. 
We've been going out for months now and it always feels like the first time. It's crazy but I am head over heels in love with him. And you know what's even crazier, I actually got drank one Saturday to tell him what I feel. Oh, don't laugh at me. It's a clumsy move I know. But I was too nervous like a teenager. Too nervous I can't even act cool when he's around. 
Anyway, I hope you're happy my darling Ana. But if you're somewhere trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea, don't fret. Whatever it is that you're facing in your time, trust me there'll be better days. Tears are temporary. You will feel whole and loved again. If you're currently tearing yourself apart, don't revel too much in the pangs of brokenness. But if you have to, remember it isn't the end. Love will find you, slowly, eventually... 
Sorry I took a little of your time to tell you things you will later discover. You can go back to your poem writing now. Write about him, your love at the moment. Pour all your emotions, ink your diary with words that describe him. You will read them one day as I do now. And you will smile. But I would like you to know, your masterpieces will come years later. When you're 29 and start to write passionately about the man I told you about tonight. 
Wait for him. He will come. 
All my love, 
Your older self
Plot twist: I MARRIED HIM. 💗
-katie, 15:14
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