#everyone hates poetry 2024
nobrashfestivity · 4 months
Everyone Hates Poetry 2024
Write a poem before Feb.5th and submit it to me with the submit feature or in an ask.
Poems should be less than 500 words
You can use your real name or your blog name but they can't be completely anonymous.
Poems will be published at 9pm on Wednesdays and then a link to each poem will be added to the bottom of this pinned post so people can read them all.
I can't stop anyone from reblogging their own poems and generally sharing art is a wonderful thing, but don't turn it into some kind of social media campaign. because people with a small number of followers would be at a disadvantage. This is supposed to be fun. Please do reblog this post and tag people if you think you know someone on tumblr that might be interested. Since the post will contain links to the submissions, your poem will not be lost in the shuffle.
If I receive less than 10 entries I'll cancel the contest and consider it a failed experiment.
Public voting will begin after the 5th.and account for 50% of the vote
A panel of judges will also vote but will not submit poems themselves, and their votes will make up the other 50% of the final tally.
.There will be small prizes for the winner and runner up.
This is my art blog and will remain so, as it always has been. I'm doing this because poets here don't get much chance to get their stuff read and I have a fair number of followers. It's just a little thing to do if you want. I'm not turning this into a poetry blog or a contest blog or anything else.
Poems don't need to be finished. Due to the one month time frame I would suspect these would be first drafts, but please write something new. I want to encourage people to do something now, however imperfect, rather than showing work that's already done.
Updates will follow. Thank you!
Rule clarifications
-Please dont send poems anonymously if at all possible. I am happy to include a name that doesn't identify your blog directly but it's impossible to refer to or contact people who submit poems anonymously. I can't have anonymous poems considered without at least a name for you and if you were to win a prize, you'd need a name and address to claim it. I don't so much care about the latter part, that's for you, this becomes very disorganized and hard to regulate with anonymous messages floating in.
-Please put the title of your poem above it. If it is below it, I have no way of distinguishing with certainty if it's a title or a last line.
One poem per person please.
if you do not wish to see the poetry contest entries just filter the tag "everyone hates poetry 2024"
Due to the very high volume of submissions I am blogging them more gradually as to give more attention to each one. The same tag, "everyone hates poetry 2024", that you can filter if you do not want to see these can be used to find the submissions. If you follow this tag you'll get them all.
Please note that I am now publishing these as asks, previously I had to retype to keep the formatting and there are simply too many entries
Submissions are now closed, I will be publishing submissions all week and then when all have been posted we will start the voting (stay tuned as to how and when)
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outspokensake · 2 months
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limepigeon · 4 months
Fallen Hero Fanzine 2024 - Info and Theme Poll
All info is under the cut since I don't want to clutter your dash too much! EDIT: Tumblr hates multiple choices for Polls apparently, you can vote but also write in replies (or send anonymous through dm, but please don't send multiple of the same option to get what you want, let's keep it fair!) if you want to vote for more than one option! (Sorry for the inconvenience!)
Hi everyone!
Since I got the feedback on the interest check for a possible Fallen Hero Fanzine it seems like we have some interest and I’ve been looking into various ways we could do this. As I’m big on collaboration and everyone getting a say, I was thinking that deciding on a theme for the zine could be our first collaborative step.
I’ve made a poll (found further down in this post) with 7 options for you to vote on. Descriptions/explanations are found right below the poll so make sure to read those before casting your vote. We’re keeping this first zine sfw, please keep that in mind if suggesting themes of your own. Voting doesn’t tie you to contributing to the zine.
Jumping into something headfirst without knowing what you’ll find on the other side is scary, that’s why I’ve written a short list of what I have in mind for this zine.
The zine will be 100% free and non-profit, this also means no compensation for the contributors. Theme: TBD through majority vote Number of contributors: Max 30 (I would love to have more but, unless someone can help me with admin stuff, I think that’s my limit for how much organising and planning I can do on my own). Rating: SFW. Innuendos, cursing, violence and the like is okay but not straight up sex. Format: Digital/e-zine, with permission to print at home for personal use only. I will put together a bonus version made for easy to print at home, with instructions for how to assemble it. Media types allowed: Any visual media suited for print as long as it’s your own (e.g. illustrations, sketches, photography, collages, short comics, cosplay etc). Keep in mind that if you make a collage or mood board, all pictures must be your own (or have the rights to). Any writing as long as it’s your own (e.g. short stories, poetry, analyses, personal anecdotes etc). Pages in zine per contributor: 2. Time frame and deadlines: TBD but I plan on us having it finished around September/October of 2024, with some reservations.
I hope this has been informative so far, if you have questions you can either reply to this post (so everyone else can see the question and reply), or dm me if you want to be anonymous.
Now, let’s get to voting on a theme! Descriptions for themes under the poll.
Nemesis - More action focused, showdowns, heroes and villains battling it out in their suits! Some softer moments could fit in here as well but if too many opt towards it I might steer some of the submissions to make sure the zine in whole stays on theme. Coming Home - New beginnings, finding your place. It could be sweet and cozy, finding friends, or stepping into your own skin for the first time. Interpret as you like, but the main focus should be on the concept of “home”, whatever that means to you or the characters you choose to portray. Los Diablos - Snippets and snapshots from the city and lives you are sworn to protect or destroy. HG’s lair, Herald’s apartment, or a sewer (sorry, secret base), as well as the people found in these places. Nightmares - The bad vibes (tm) one. The Heartbreak Incident, decanting, paranoia, all the nasty bits you don’t want people to find. This one is open to more possible body horror than the other themes. Ship specific - Pick this one if you want a more romance focused theme, and specify in replies which characters you’d want in centre. Please write Ship Theme before the characters in your reply. I have another idea! - Got an idea for a theme that isn’t in the poll? Pick this one and specify in replies what it is! Please specify even if someone has the same idea, or close to, as you. Please write Theme Suggestion before the theme in your reply. No theme - Don’t feel like sticking to a theme? Want to create an amalgamation of everyone’s mind stuff without any limits or guidelines? This choice is for you.
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negobeauriva · 9 days
The Windows95manifesto: In defense of Finland's performance for 2024
Happy first rehearsal week everyone!
The first wave of rehearsals is done, and with it, we have gotten a wave of comments about the performances. Some filled with praise and approval, but some others completely hateful and rude. And today I'm going to talk to you about this second kind of comments about one of this year's controversial entry: Finland's "No Rules!" by Windows95man (Teemu Keisteri) ft. Henri Piispanen.
Many people have said that this entry is a joke, or that it doesn't deserve to be in Eurovision because it's distasteful. But here I am, in defense of uniqueness and weirdness, not only because this entry is in my top 5 this year, but also because it's important to understand what "art" is about. Here's to all the "weird" Eurovision entries that have been called unworthy of stepping on stage because they've been misunderstood.
A special shoutout to @/tottakaibi on Twitter/X because she gave me one of the pointers for this article in particular! And she's constantly in the lookout for Teemu and Henri's projects.
Without further ado, step in and enjoy the read.
No Rules! is, undoubtedly, the most distruptive entry this year - the nudity, fast-paced music and unique mise-en-scene, all make for an entry that many have deemed nonpalatable or not artistic. But behind every art display, there is a story, and I'm here to tell you a little bit more about it.
To start, the staging of No Rules! refers to the Kalevala, a book of finnish folk poetry from the 19th century that contains the myth of creation: Earth was born from an egg, with the shells forming both sky and land. Goddess Ilmatar, mother of nature and creation, soon realized that whatever she touched would grow and her every move was an act of creation itself. And so, she gave birth to Väinämönen, the first man to ever walk upon Earth.
Teemu arising from an egg is a clear reference to the Kalevala myth of creation, and he's even referred to it in some way in a video recently posted by UMK, in which he tells the tale of how Windows95man was born and Henri, in the figure of an eagle, becomes his friend so he can walk on the rule-burdened Earth without caring much for the impositions. It's both a mythical reference and a song of liberation: to not care about what others think and what others say to live freely and happily. To disregard societal "rules" in order to pursue happiness (this, of course, in the sense that you shouldn't care about "neat" or "appropriate", and not about the lack of order).
This song has also been called an anthem of liberation for LGBTQ+ members: No Rules! refers to the absence of gender norms ("Quiet, as I speak / I am the king, I am the queen" // "Is there something wrong with the way I look? / Is there something wrong with who I am?") and to live your life expressing yourself in the way you deem the best fit for you. As an agender person who's constantly told what to wear, what to say and how to act, this song is very meaningful and close to me. It makes me feel a bit better about my identity.
Now, to the point that interests you the most - how can No Rules! be considered an artistic performance, with the disruptive elements that make many shriek in disgust?
Let's begin with this - art is subjective and it's meant to make you feel something, whether good or bad. Art is meant to move something inside you, to make you question things. Have not many artists in the past made paintings about poor people's lives to protest poor living conditions or to showcase how hard it was to get on by? To many, art forms like paintings and sculptures that we now consider artistic were once considered scandalous or distasteful. This is the exact point of this performance.
In a recent documentary called "No Shame", Teemu referred to this - the point of his art is to appeal to disgust, to weirdness and to what makes you question what's tasteful or not. Shock factor also plays an important part in modern art performances. It's about going into the raw parts of your psyche and make you uncomfortable.
Teemu has been a visual artist since 2008, under the name Ukkeli. Vibrant colors, strange outfits and drawings, uncovered butts as part of his art installations and the message "No Rules" as one of his oldest mottos (not surprising, considering that in an interview he said he grew up with hippie parents that were very permissive) are the main features of his work. It's reminiscent of early 2000's adult animation shows, who also had a big shock factor and were frowned upon back then.
In this appeal to weirdness resides the charm of Windows95man's performance - in making you feel uncomfortable and weird, you're proving the exact point of the song. You will be bitter about how Finland could've "sent something better", but that won't change the fact that Teemu and Henri were chosen by his people because they understood the art beyond the shocking display. They understood what living with no rules means, to embrace weirdness, to embrace unique, and not care about what others say. If it makes you feel happy, who says that you're not allowed to like or pursue it?
Let's take a look back - Go_A's Shum, who was also catalogued as weird due to Kateryna's bewitching voice and vocalizations, made it to 5th place with no problem in 2021. Zdob si Zdub & Advahov Brothers' Trenulețul 2022 got to number 7 in 2022, after being called disruptive noise, and Konstrakta's In Corpore Sano made it to 5th place even when it was called creepy by some. Mama ŠČ! by Let3 made it to an impressive 12th place last year, and 3rd place in Dora this year with their strange Baba Roga.
If every country sent the same cookie-cutter type of "safe" song to Eurovision, the contest would be very repetitive and monotone. Let's face it, the public loves unique, loves something that will blow your hats off for three minutes and wondering what happened. They love songs that go off the "normal" standard because it takes you for a trip and makes you jump off your seat. It's no wonder that, in contrast with No Rules! getting so much hate, along with Doomsday Blue (another of the misunderstood entries, reduced only to its wrongly called "satanistic" character), 5Miinust and Puulup seem to be favorites this year, along with Joost Klein, who is rumored to win. People either love or hate weird and unique. Sadly, Finland got the worst end of the stick, and I think that's very unfair.
There's also the double standard, many think that it's inappropriate for Teemu to show up in nude-colored underwear, but they had no problem with female contestants in revealing outfits in previous years. Here's the thing - it's either okay for everyone to wear revealing outfits, or it's not. The argument that 2022's Chanel is given a pass to wearing revealing clothes because "she's a sexy girl speaking about being sexy" is invalid. Beauty, much like art, is subjective. And I do think that Teemu is very beautiful. He is allowed to wear what he wants (of course, according to EBU's standards, and they seem to have approved of the performance as is) and you don't get to say what's tasteful or not based off an aesthetic standard settled in sexism.
To finish this off, let me sum up the most important points of my mini-essay: No Rules! is an artistic performance because it's disruptive, it has elements that refer to Finnish myths and it's a liberation anthem that is meant to reach all those who feel like being themselves is wrong, to make them forget about this world's standards for three minutes and remember that the only person they need to please is themselves. As such, this song accomplishes its goal perfectly and beautifully. To call Teemu and Henri's performance a joke is to bypass every element of its artistry and to insult the artist standing on stage. Finland chose them, and so we must respect their decision and refrain from sending hateful comments.
I do think that we need to keep high hopes for this performance. I know that the two of them will go beyond everything we know and expect and will blow us all away when the Semifinal 1 comes in May 7th. After all, Henri's vocal skills have improved greatly since UMK, and Teemu's charisma can only grow by the second. These two have everything to go far and to show everyone that sometimes, all you need is to not listen to your surroundings and act as your heart commands.
Sometimes, the only rule is no rules.
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sugarycandle · 3 months
aro week 2024 reading challenge (with recommendations!)
i decided to only read books with arospec character during aro week, so i created a little challenge for it on storygraph! come join if you'd like <3
some recommendations (books that i have already read) under the cut! (this is by no means exhaustive, and there are a lot of books with characters that are both aro and ace bc i tend to read a lot of those. would love to hear your recommendations bc i do want to diversify what i read as well!)
main characters:
the priory of the orange tree & a day of fallen night (samantha shannon) - LOVE these books so much. both have a main pov character that is aroace. not explicitly labeled in the story bc it's fantasy but especially in adofn, it's really clear
vespertine (margaret rogerson) - ya, aroace mc, not explicitly stated on page but it's obvious imho
loveless (alice oseman) - is anybody surprised
tarnished are the stars (rosiee thor - all books have arospec characters) - ya, aroace MC, not one of my favorites but the rep is nice
common bonds - a short story collection with arospec characters everywhere (my favorites were "discography" & "a full deck")
the thread that binds (cedar mccloud) - this just the definition of cozy fantasy for me. multiple arospec characters (sorry i don't remember the actual identities and can't find info), qpr, found family, and so much more (there's also a prequel out now but i haven't read that one yet)
werecockroach (blake polenth) - idk what to say about this, cockroaches kidnap everyone except the mc and friends, aroace + agender mc
hazel's theory of evolution (lisa jenn bigelow) - middle grade, aroace mc but it's not the focus, really heartwarming "wish i had this when i was a kid" vibes
two dark moons & three seeking stars (avi silver) - ya, i LOVE these books, aroallo mc & found family but with lizards
baker thief (claudie arseneault - all books have arospec characters) - aroallo genderfluid mc, wasn't a big fan of the story but i really liked the characters
by your side (margherita scialla) - a queerplatonic short story, i'm not the biggest fan of short stories but it's about two people deciding to be in a qpr
convenience store woman (sayaka murata) - i'm not really sure if the mc is supposed to be aroace but that's how i read it. it's supposed to be funny but i thought it was depressing as fuck lol
elatsoe (darcie little badger) - ya, aroace native mc (it only explicitly says she's ace tho), this one was a lot of fun, it's basically a murder mystery in a really interesting world
goddess of the hunt (eileen shelby) - poetry collection about aroace artemis (we stan)
side and background characters:
summer of salt (katrina leno) - ya, very minor aroace character
sorcery of thorns & the mysteries of thorn manor (margaret rogerson) - ya, minor aro (aroace?) character (i have a special weakness for margaret rogerson bc i was at her book signing and told her i appreciated her writing aro/ace characters, and she wrote "aro/ace pride" in with my dedication lol)
aces wild (amanda dewitt) - ya, aroace sc, i LOVE him you don't understand. this is about a group of ace teens but gabe is my favorite, i would die for him. also i need amanda dewitt to write a million other books about these characters
hell followed with us (andrew joseph white) - ya, very minor aro character but this book is BRILLIANT, everybody should read it (after reading the trigger warnings)
wren martin ruins it all (amanda dewitt) - ya, mc is ace so that's the focus, but there's a side character who doesn't use labels and isn't interested in dating at all
a grim and sunken vow (ashley shutterworth) - ya, this is the third book in the series, demiromantic sc, absolutely loved his storyline (he appears in the first books as well but i hated him lmao)
and books i haven't read yet but am hoping to read during aro week (i'm therefore not 100% sure this information is correct):
city of strife (claudie arseneualt) - is supposed to have multiple arospec characters
every bird a prince (jenn reese) - middle grade, aroace mc
archivist wasp (nicole kornher-stace) - aroace mc, no romance
the black veins (ashia monet) - apparently no love interests!!! sounds like a dream
fallen thorns (harvey oliver baxter) - aroace mc
let me know if you have any recommendations! <3
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the-lincyclopedia · 3 months
Queen's Thief fandom, let's do Fandom Trumps Hate 2024!
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Queen's Thief fans! One of my favorite events of the year has started, and I would love for you to join me in participating! I have participated in Fandom Trumps Hate for the past four years and have had a GREAT time, and I’ve come to look forward to bidding week all year long. I really think a lot of y’all would enjoy getting in on this! (A few folks joined me last year, and I'd love for even more to join this year.)
What is Fandom Trumps Hate?
@fandomtrumpshate is a pan-fandom charity auction that is in its eighth year. It raises tens of thousands of dollars per year for a variety of small, progressive nonprofits. Here’s an FAQ.
How does it work?
Here’s the full schedule, but basically, over a couple weeks in February, folks sign up to contribute fanworks (fic, poetry, podfics, vids, or art) or fan labor (beta services, sensitivity reading, translation, etc.). Then, after everyone has signed up, there’s a browsing period where people can check out what’s being offered. At the beginning of March, there’s a five-day period where people can bid on the offerings. Then there’s a week for bidders to make their promised donations and get connected with creators, and after that creators have until the end of December to fulfill the bidders’ requests.
What can you offer in Fandom Trumps Hate?
There are several basic types of offerings in Fandom Trumps Hate:
Fan labor, including beta services, sensitivity reading, expertise -picking, and translation
For each of these, you can specify the length/scope of what you're offering, up to three fandoms you're willing to work in, the max rating you want to engage with, the minimum bid for your work, and what you're especially excited about writing/drawing/etc. versus what you're not willing to write/draw/etc.
There’s also an “other” category, which has previously included things like custom mapmaking. If it can be delivered digitally, the sky’s the limit. Additionally, there's a Fan Crafts Bazaar that runs alongside the auction and offers fan crafts in physical form.
Is it legal to have a fanwork auction?
Yes, Fandom Trumps Hate is legal, because the law says that creators can’t get paid for fanworks. Bidders in Fandom Trumps Hate donate to nonprofits that aren’t involved in any way in organizing the auction, and the creators make fanworks/provide fan labor as a gift. On a related note, please do not label Fandom Trumps Hate works (or any other works) as “commissions” on AO3–this is vital for AO3′s legal status.
What does this have to do with the Queen’s Thief?
I know from the Discord server that a lot of y’all have ideas that you’d love for someone else to write or draw. This is the perfect opportunity to sign up to execute someone else’s idea, or to try to find someone who’s willing to try to execute yours! Or if you have some sort of fandom-relevant expertise (looking at you, classicists), this is a great way to generate donations to nonprofits while putting your knowledge to use helping with someone else’s fic.
I have another question …
Cool! I might have an answer. Fellow Queen’s Thief fans, please feel free to DM me about this. If I don’t know and can’t figure it out, I’ll probably contact the mods, but I’ve been around this auction long enough that hopefully I’ll be able to figure some things out.
Anyway, SIGNUPS ARE OPEN! Signups run now through February 19, and I hope you'll get in on the action!
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
⋆˖⁺☽ overture ☾⁺˖⋆
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🧿 Greetings and Salutations 🧿
My name is Darya, I'm a 26 yo woc who lives on the moon, and is too anxious for her own good. I have a little about me section if you're feeling snoopy about silly ol' me and some of my interests 🌷 🌧️ 🍋 🎨 🎶
[pssst, I have an ao3 as well right here 👀]
Update: @fellowship-of-sleep-reads is a book club created by and for Sleep Token fans. Come say hi and join the conversation!
Feel free to interact with me whenever - I am terrible at replying to dms but I'm trying to be more mindful about that. You're always welcome to send me an ask, tag in me in stuff, or whatever else! (anons are 100% chill)
☽ Tags, Content, and Others ☾
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☽ Alright, what's all this then?
I blog mostly about music/literature/art/photography and whatever funny haha's peak my interest. As of June 2023, about 50% of my content is now Sleep Token related, so there's that. I keep it tagged in case anyone wants to block.
-> here's a good Sleep Token intro post if you're curious
(I'm always happy to talk about them, my brain is all mushy because of the creatures 🥺)
Expect to see a healthy dose of poetry, Pride and Prejudice, and BTS here. Also Dracula / Dracula Daily 🧛‍♂️ I am not capable of being a passive consumer of things.
[DISCLAIMER: I do not consent to have my art - whether a painting, writing, or anything else - reposted to other sites, reused, or otherwise reproduced in any way (unless explicitly stated). If you wish to, please reach out to me first, either through my ask box or through my dms.]
☽ Tags?
I try to tag everything accordingly (sometimes i forgor), and my most used tags should be on the search function.
(note: the search system is being a jerk so if you want to look for something, just use the tags on this post)
To make things easier:
#darya is unhinged <- for my writing, blurbs, ST lore analysis, etc
#darya talks to herself <- for personal posts and rants
#darya does art <- for my art posts
#darya answers <- for asks and such
#special pocket post <- for some of my favourite things
#sleep token <- for anything related to our beloved creechurs
#sleep token lore <- for all lore-related posts, mine or otherwise
#create;release <- for my Sleep Token illustration project, Create ; Release
All other content should be self-explanatory and tagged normally, but I'll update this if/when needed.
(jan. 2024 update)
#darya goes to the aquarium <- if you wanna see my slightly blurry content of my recent oceanarium visit; there are some cute, calming videos of fishies 🪼🦈🐟🪸
☽ Anything you won't post?
I don't usually post anything nsfw - however I am an adult, so that is up to my discretion. I'll tag visually explicit stuff when necessary but navigate at your own risk.
I rarely do any tw/cw so if there is anything that should be (or you need) tagged just let me know, and I'll happily tag it!
I refrain from posting political/current world events content, simply because I stopped engaging with it in here. There are plenty of good, insightful blogs around with Good Verified Sources and commentary - I am not one of them. That being said, I won't tolerate any type of hate discourse or disrespect of any kind. I myself am a poc and a Christian (although I very rarely post/engage with content here).
I respect and welcome any and all kinds of beliefs, ethnicities, etc. This is a LGBTQIA+ friendly blog. Everyone is welcomed and safe here. Please unfollow if any of this makes you uncomfortable (and maybe take a little time to self reflect).
☽ Is that all?
That is all. Here is a reminder to drink some water, stretch your back, and give your eyes a rest. Remember, you are loved and worthy of all good things. It's okay if you're struggling - I am holding your hand and sending you moonlit kisses. 💙🫂🌜
。 {\_/}⊹ ༘ ᗢ( • • )ᗢ˚ ᗢ />🌷 ᗢ₊˚ here's a pretty flower for you~
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emachinescat · 21 days
A Year in (Book) Review: My 2024 Reading Journey 📚
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#3 - As Old as Time by Liz Braswell
Fantasy / Twisted Tales #3 / 510 pages / published 2016 / Finished Jan. 5
One Sentence Review: A darkly beautiful retelling full of love, hate, prejudice, betrayal, revenge, friendship, and murder - so familiar yet different, a tale as old as time and unpredictable as love. 
Favorite Quotes
"You can't have adventures without risk. You can't have great things if you constantly fear loss."
"Everyone should have a journey - and everyone should also have a home, too. Go out into the world for adventure, come home for love."
"The village was like an egg - she had developed there, she had been imprisoned there, she was trying to break free. But it had a pretty shell."
"The scariest, most frightening person can turn out to be quite a lovely character...if you give him time."
"And no doubt British tourists would be thronging through on a weekly basis, begging to be taken to the romantic abandoned castle to paint pictures, smoke opium, and write terrible poetry about their experience."
My rating: 5/5
A Few More Thoughts (Spoilers)
I loved this book! Though I wasn't sure how different the twist would make it at first, I was pleasantly surprised at how deep, different, original, and dark this book was. It was smart, beautiful, terrifying, and so well characterized - it kept me at the edge of my seat!
I was shocked at how dark and "grown up" the book was. There were some parts, especially in Part III, that were genuinely disturbing and distressing. A lot of this has to do with the way D'Arque's plot so closely mirrors the Holocaust.
I took so much wisdom from the book - beauty is so much more than appearance, monsters don't always look like monsters, even though someone may have good intentions or a righteous cause, that does not always make their rash actions just, sometimes what we hate most in others is what we hate in ourselves, and that love and adventure are important. Also, don't trust feather dusters!
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sweetmusic89 · 2 months
Today March 21, 2024 is World Poetry Day. I have been writing poetry for twenty years and it has been a life saver for me. I do it on many socials and in notebooks and on a blog site too that isn’t this one. I thought today I could write at least one blog of poetry and maybe more here one day. It just feels like the right day and time to do it so here goes.
Might have mentions of mental health and depression and trauma. I say this just in case it does. I sometimes do not know until I write it. It just flows out and I feel lighter and better afterwards. So I wanted the trigger warning just in case.
Lately I have been going through
A major life change.
I left my job of six years
After it was bought out by
Someone who changed it to a point
Where it was majorly toxic
And harming far too often.
Many left and some stayed on
Where it was hurting them still
But they decided to put up with
What they do not deserve.
That is too bad.
But it is not my life.
So I let it go.
Wishing them well
But that is all.
Now I feel off balanced
Trying to find something new.
Trying to figure out who I am
At this point in my life.
I know some parts of me
But I am forever changing
With this life
And it’s mysteries and tests.
Trying to keep up
And not lose it.
Holding onto hope
That is super slippery
But I am determined
To not give up and live my life
To where I am happy
And thriving
And leaving the bad stuff in the past.
I learned so much
And got much stronger.
For that I will always be grateful.
Fake In The Circle
I thought I could trust her.
I thought I weeded out all
Of the fake people
In my life.
But one snuck in.
She pretended
For four years.
She started to slip before that
But I was already brushing it off
As a bad time,
A bad day.
She told me she
Loved me
Like a family.
So I let it go
When I should not of.
But she had me really fooled.
A woman without a mom
Got manipulated into believing
That this woman loved her
Like she was her own.
She said it but never meant it.
I know this now.
She broke my heart
And left me.
She promised that she would never leave.
But that too was a lie.
Was anything she said truthful?
Most likely not.
So I sit here feeling
And writing
And trying to heal and move on.
It will take time.
But I will get there.
The fake in my circle is gone.
She can no longer hurt anyone.
I love interacting with
Everyone online
And in person too.
I really like people.
I forgot that for a while.
I was around a bad influence
And never realized.
She would hide it well
With words I wanted to hear
And pretending to like the music I sent her.
I see this now as I have thought it over
And talked a lot about it.
She hates people
But I do not.
I want to talk to you.
As long as you are nice to me
I will continue to interact.
We do not have to like the same things too.
Just be civil and true.
It can be fun and less lonely
To have someone to talk to.
Kayla <3
I might do more of these. I liked writing here
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danpuff-ao3 · 4 months
my year in fic
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Thanks for the tag @wolfpants! I've needed to do a roundup post for the year, and your post was a good reminder to do so! I've accomplished a lot in 2023, but specifically looking at fics...I've written 27(ish) fics this year, and surpassed 100 fics total this year! 182,231 (posted) words. I wrote several fics I've long wanted to write. And 3 fics from this year jumped right up to my Top 10 favorites (if not top 5!) 2023 has been a good year for writing, I think! And I can't wait to see what I accomplish in 2024.
Tagging: anyone who wants in, but please tag me! I'd love to see what everyone did this year!
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Again (and Again)
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 700. Art by A_Loveunlaced (@a-loveunlaced).
Unspeakable Snape catches Auror Potter snooping around the Department of Mysteries.
White Lies & Silver Bells
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 2,768. Christmas. Secret relationship. Foot fetish. Bottom Snape. Demi Harry. Fluff & angst & smut. Hoggywartyxmas 2022.
Minerva is angry. Harry is smitten. Severus is afraid. Just another Christmas at Hogwarts!
profane, holy
Harry/Severus, Neville/Severus, Draco/Severus, Blaise/Severus, Percy/Severus, Cedric/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 666. Underage. Rape/non-con. Power imbalance. HP Chan Fest 2023.
5 boys Severus seduced, and 1 who seduced him.
Cruel Summer
Harry/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 5,445. Minor Snarry. Rape/non-con. Grooming. Emotional manipulation. Dysfunctional relationship. Extremely dubious consent. Ambiguous/open ending. Features art by MrVillain (@mrviran).
Sirius rescues Harry. Number Twelve is a different sort of Hell than Number Four.
Valentine's Victor
Harry/Severus. Mentions of Harry/Ginny. Rated: G. Words: 46. Letters. Humor. Poetry.
Severus is the Prince of Petty. I mean Poetry.
Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 300. Pre-slash. Student/teacher. Hogwarts 6th year.
Harry dreams of love.
Killer's Caress
Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 300. Pre-slash. Student/teacher.
Potter’s magic is a killer’s caress.
Kiss and Control
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 400. Kissing. Erotica.
Part your lips a bit more, I'll swallow your fear.
Washes & Wishes
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 300. Bathtubs. Domestic fluff. Romance. No smut just nudity.
Harry and Severus take a bath.
Amor Aetnerus
Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 500. MCD. Underage. Student/teacher. Tragedy. True love.
Harry and Snape belong together.
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,343. Secret relationship. Ceraunophilia. Thunderstorms. Contempt-verse. Kinkuary 2023.
It’s only Harry and Severus in all the world, or so it seems. OR: It's Valentine's Day, and they're in Germany for a potions conference, but alone in the hotel while a storm rages outside, they might be anyone, anywhere.
Gray Eyes (Tell No Lies)
Draco/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 3,695. Underage. Size kink. Small penis. First time. Implies Snarry. Kinkuary 2023.
Draco is trapped with Sirius at Number Twelve, the summer between fifth and sixth year. He's a shiny new toy Sirius can't resist.
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,166. Rough sex. Love/hate. Implied cheating. Contempt-verse. Kinkuary 2023.
Loathing is the easy part.
The Virgin Bride
Draco/Voldemort. Rated: E. Words: 5,337. Underage. Rape/non-con. Ambiguous age. Rough sex. Violence. Auction. Punishment. Manipulation. Forced prostitution. Minor/implied Snarry. HP Chan Fest 2023.
Lucius pushes Voldemort too far. Voldemort retaliates...and uses Draco to do so.
The Perfect Shade of Purple
Albus/Tom. Rated: E. Words: 1,101. Underage. Cockwarming. Ambiguous age. Kinkuary 2023.
Who's using who?
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,973. A/B/O. Heat cycles. Omega Severus.
Never has Harry been able to pin Severus down. Mystery is part of the allure. Sequel to Obscene.
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 25,843. Cheating. Background Hinny. Unhealthy relationships. Self-hatred. Mental health issues. Enemies to lovers. Obsession. POV Severus Snape. Ambiguous/open ending. Contempt-verse. Snarry-a-Thon 2023.
Is there anything more undignified than needing someone so much?
Wisdom in Temptation
Draco/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 2,581. Drapple. Virginity loss. Secret relationship. HP Fruit Fest.
Draco snacks on fruit. Sirius snacks on Draco. Sequel to Gray Eyes (Tell No Lies)
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,939. Background Hinny. Cheating. Secret relationship. Fluff & angst. HP Fruit Fest. Contempt-verse.
There is no room for beauty here. Still, Severus covets.
The Golden Apple
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 3,469. Mpreg. Fluff & angst.
Severus' life is ruined. Can be read as a sequel to Choice but can also be read as a standalone.
The Curse of Anteros
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 53,443. Underage. Student/teacher. Auror/prisoner. Time skips. POV Alternating. Animal transformations. Animagus bestiality. Curses. Background Relationships. Angst with a happy ending. Romance. True love. Magical theory. Magical creatures. Years: 1996-2036. Art by MrVillain (@mrviran). Snarry Bang 2023.
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
Hyacinth Wild
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 5,403. Underage. Student/teacher. Sex pollen. Dubious consent. Ambiguous age. Non-linear narrative. Ambiguous/open ending. Kinktober 2023. HP Flowers - Autumn Round 2023.
Neville brings sex pollen to a inter-House party, and Harry wakes up in Professor Snape's bed.
smile with sweet surprise
Harry/Severus. Lily/Severus. Rated: E. WIP. Words: 13,655. Chapters: 3/5. Underage. Stepdad Snape. Infidelity. Virginity loss.
Chapter 3 posted in 2023.
Harry is barely sixteen. Had barely blown out his candle when Severus kissed him.
Wasted for Love
Harry/Severus. Harry/Hermione/Ron. Rated: E. WIP. Words: 9,620. Chapters: 3/25. Polyamory. Closed triad. Established relationship. Temptation. Fidelity issues.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are living happily ever after 5 years after the war. That is until the Prince returns, and with him all of the turmoil and temptation from the past.
A Taste for You
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. WIP. Words: 5,374. Chapters: 3/?. Sugar Daddy Harry. Bottom Snape. Postwar. Dubious consent. Self-hatred.
Severus Snape has been down on his luck since the war ended. Enter: Harry Potter. With no other causes to occupy his time, he makes Severus an offer he can't refuse; but Severus can't help but wonder: what is it the boy really wants?
War and Heartbreak
Neville/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 880. Background Snarry. Cheating. Heartache. Angst. Unrequited love. Student/teacher. HP No Nut November 2023.
When Harry asked Neville to look after Snape, he probably didn’t mean this.
Sweet Nothing
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 7,080. Underage. OotP. Forced bonding. Virginity loss. Ritual. Sex magic. Voyeurism. HP Deflower December 2023.
It's up to Harry to save the day, as always. This time that means getting married and getting fucked.
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nobrashfestivity · 3 months
EHP2024 Update
Done with submissions soon, I think, but need to publish a list of the ones languishing in my drafts due to formatting issues.
Then i have to figure out some manner of voting, so people can link to all the submissions and vote for their favorites (public votes count for 50%, judges votes for the other 50)
If anyone has any bright ideas about an elegant way to do this, leave a comment on this post.
as always, miss these posts by filtering the tag
Submissions are closed (since the 4th)
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outspokensake · 3 months
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aiura-stan · 2 years
Hi there!
(blog directory)
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Download Psi Scan’s fan done scan + translation of the Saiki k manga in full in PDF format, here. This link provided for educational purposes; no copyright infringement intended.SIGN THE PETITION to get Saiki k an official English translation! Put a fake name and location on the petition if need be, just DO IT!! Please, if you like Saiki K! Maybe we can actually convince publishers that there’s a huge foreign audience for it. >ao3 Saiki updates feed blog (automatic updates on stories posted to ao3 with Saiki tagged as a character)
my basic introduction post
>My AO3, my art
>Master list of my theories, headcanons and other extrapolations (meta posts):
>My 2024 Saiki k reread! (English scan by psi-scans) This is basically just commentary on the manga + pictures from the scan.
ramblings about Luck & Hii Suzumiya, soulmates theory/mechanic, Saiki’s invulnerability is actually regeneration, saiki’s powers function while asleep, saiki’s night vision is almost as good as his day vision, Saiki uses low level mind control on a regular basis to nullify little things that characters are constantly noticing, more about mind control, Saiki can canonically speak using telepathy across long distances, Saiki Kusuke would listen to Muse, Saiki Kusuke qualifies for Masochism Disorder, Kurumi and Kuniharu’s parenting style is just having feral children, #Saiki K manga for random funny or interesting manga screenshots + my rambling commentary, Saiki Kusuo is licensed to ride a motorcycle (that’s just canon)
>Shippinions, character opinions and such:
I psychoanalyze you based on your shipping preferences, A list of proposed creative ship names,  the torisai dynamic essay, Kuboai, I <3 mixed race Aiura hc’s, I prefer ToriAi to SaiAi or ToriSai generally, Makoto Teruhashi is probably straight, there’s no justice for Saiki, i love fanon Toritsuka & his potential and hate canon Toritsuka with all my heart, Saiki K fandom hell bingo, Aiura’s hair color (dyed blonde), why I like AiTeru, Saiki Kuusuke/Riki Nendou anyone???
>fic ideas (all free real estate to prospective authors)
ideas i have up for adoption on AO3, friends to lovers toriai, yumehara writes poetry, hanahaki(parody fic), vampire teruhashi (check the notes for others having really good ideas and further expounding on the idea; I just slapped two words together lol), someone write murder mystery psychickers ft. Akechi, Takashi/Nendou
>others’ theories, headcanons, meta etc. I like: 
the girls of Saiki K, Deaf Saiki AU, Eldritch Saiki AU, mind control’s permanent effects on the Saikiverse regarding normalized violence, Hairo is from HELL (true and real), Aiura Mikoto is a Shonen protagonist , Yumehara prevents Teruhashi from starting a cult, everyone in Saiki K has psychic powers
>a tool to quickly find original posts
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Hope to see you around!
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cedarandstories · 1 year
About Me!!
hey all! figured i should make an about me for both me and the story (or stories) i plan to write.
About me
im a 21 year old college student majoring in public relations and political science, i plan on working in public service communications (probably local or state government) or doing consulting at the federal level! i love to write, explore, go outdoors in nature, listen to music (i love indie, rnb, pop, and rap), volunteer, and meet new people.
About my writing
I absolutely love writing, in particular I love technical writing for my job and contracting, but I also have a major passion for fiction writing and love short stories and want to dabble in poetry even! i love telling peoples real stories through fiction and often incorporate aspects of my life or my close friend's life in fiction.
Current Writing (as of February 2024)
Currently, my project is a series of short stories based on letters/memoirs a character named Daniel sends to someone named James. They recount Daniel's past, his attempts to start again, and how he adjusts to life in a new place after graduating college. The stories so far are listed below in order from oldest to newest in story terms.
Please always feel free to ask me questions about the story or send ideas for a story/prompt! I'm happy to write about other topics than just my current project!
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hospitalterrorizer · 6 days
wednesday - thursday
going to a thing tomorrow.
4 palestine. we'll see how that goes, i think it is intended to be, and will likely be, rather calm. mostly i would like to learn things. but you know, it could not be that way and, as it seems is common at universities currently (though this is not any kind of explicit protest (which i have misgivings about i suppose but there apparently have been and i feel bad about not even knowing about the ones that were close by)). anyhow, i will talk about that after it. nothing to expect really except what the event is supposed to be, which is poetry and talking to people and mostly listening. i like to listen.
i just watched 2 shorts:
this one first, for the first little bit, it's kind of dull. or rather, i can't tell what it's really doing, a little after that i realized i was beginning to like it, and that it really moved like a dream does, between characters who are vague but distinct in action and activity but lacking in elaboration, or standard elaboration. they elaborate themselves here, in pain. i rather like that, and at the end, when for instance the woman transforms into like, the masked character, it's quite beautiful and the ecstasy present in that, as well as the malady/terror present in the eyepatch character's performance, both are rather exciting, i really love how they move and the sounds present in both those parts. there's this chime sound i also love, and i generally like the way the camera moves. i however really hate the chewing/sucking sounds but whatever, i can deal with that.
i do think it's interesting as a response to something like tetsuo, it's almost like an undoing of what connects that film, instead here it's all harsh surrealism, butoh ecstasy and a kind of radical attack, the point where the man falls and clutches his head, everyone just stares. that is rather interesting and it comes into play w/ another of his films.
i do find it kind of inspiring to see stuff like this, making me think more about buying a shitty camcorder that writes directly to a cd-r and making some nonsense. it'd at least be good for like, random music video stuff maybe. who knows. or something to work with text.
i then watched this:
this one translates to 'vomit terrorist' which is cool, i think. i also love the opening where the fear/ecstasy of movement (there's times, where she is not running from the camera, where she seems to be smiling), is very present. this one is more physical than caterpillar, being entirely about a hurried kind of body, and this woman, and it feels rather important she is a woman, being under all kinds of duress, or trouble. her hair is also rather magnificent.
the start being so much vomiting did start to make me feel ill. it was important that it made me feel like her, it draws you into your stomach, where she is. the movie makes it impossible to locate yourself out of those zones, not that you are identified, you aren't identified at all, especially not into her body, instead it's almost like, i dunno, radio-waves of solidarity, not empathy as such, it is carrying on in similar disrepair, it brings you to that place, we have all been there, the need to cause a scene, shriek in public. i like it... i am bad... but i like it... i want to destroy destroy destroy...
briefly i wonder about any kind of exploitation in something like this, not of the crowd but of its lead actor and i feel as though, to do this so well, she must have been some kind of performer beyond film, maybe performance art or demonstrations in the past. i do like her ability to bring fear to a whole crowd, the way they run away from her as she runs at them, how they laugh not knowing what else to do, the way they try their best to shield themselves from her via whatever kind of 'knowing' superiority they can muster, failing obviously. she pokes a hole in sociality, empties it out. it is a terrorist film, it is beautiful for that. it feels very affecting. i should like to resemble her in some way, she instantiates a way out, express fear outwardly, excitement outwardly, make a scene, do anything.
i feel it in my heart is all i can say!! or it is what i can say as well as anything else. it is meaningful, it does seem to beg that women not be treated as dogs, or it at least shows that some men do understand that, as a man directed the film. it feels rather nice to see, knowing japan is a horrifically sexist country largely. makes me curious about more outwardly feminist work from japan.
i ought to go back to finishing terminal boredom by izumi suzuki.
beyond that, what do i know? mieko kawakami i think, i ought to look into her books other than heaven, which i did/do love.
but watching shorts from japan, i always admonish myself, why japan, it is a place that exerts a rather unpleasant degree of visibility over what people in artsy zones consume. i am no better or different. i was raised around it and know my way around it. but i ought to see about maybe shorts from other parts of asia that work in similar ways, other avant garde efforts in shorts, i really love seeing stuff like that honestly.
here's a couple songs
listening back to the new vocals i did, and i think they are good...whoa. one song i think i need to go in and get something a little better for a tiny part but i might also just want to cut one of the layers at a couple points and see what that does.
i also think the vocals in one need to be mixed down a touch, and in the other, mixed up. how funny... ha ha ha. not laughing actually though but not sad either really. ha ha ah.
one friend is saying they would like to recruit me for backups, maybe, which i would be down for i think. though i am pretty bad singing on things that aren't my own i feel like.
another song i'm listening to, i think this like, chorus-y part needs to have guitars panned harder / wider. i can automate that too, to get it to not be panned when i don't really want that for some parts of the song. dddope i ggguesssss.
one song is seeming to need lower guitars + higher synths.
some tiny tiny issues, stuff that really does seem mostly about level-related mixing and if not stuff that should be simple, but also stuff i should not complicate really.
anyway, i am sleepy now, so i should just sleep now, i took selfies today i will post them tomorrow if i like them looking back at them,
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gtunesmiff · 2 months
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Here we go again. 
It's time to start thinking about the Poetic Asides  2024 April PAD Challenge. 
In less than a month, we'll start meeting here every day to poem with poets from around the world. 
Past participants have included poets from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Germany, India, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom, South Africa, and several other countries.
I've run into teachers and students who've used the challenge as a way to work poetry into the classroom. 
I've heard from published poets with multiple collections that contain poems inspired by the prompts in these challenges. 
I've also heard from poets who wrote their first ever poems in response to these challenges—
and still other poets who've claimed the challenge helped rekindle their love of poetry when they thought it was dead. 
So I know this challenge is equally for beginning and established poets, because it's a springboard—a way to get started.
For me personally, I've written more than a thousand first drafts from the various prompts on here. I hope you'll join me this year.
What is the April PAD Challenge?
PAD stands for Poem-A-Day, so this is a challenge in which poets write a poem each day of April. 
Usually, I'll post a prompt in the morning (Atlanta, Georgia, time), and poets will write a poem in response.
Some poets share those poems in the comments on each particular post; others keep their words to themselves. I don't require comments to participate, but it does make it more fun when poets are sharing with each other.
Who can participate?
Anyone who wants to write poetry—whether you've been writing all your life or just want to give it a shot now, whether you write free verse or traditional forms, whether you have a certain style or have no clue what you're doing. The main thing is to poem (and yes, I use poem as a verb).I should also note that I'm pretty open to content shared on the blog, but I do expect everyone who plays along in the comments to play nice. There have been moments in the past in which I've had to remove or warn folks who got a little carried away with negativity and attacks. My main goal is to make the challenge fun for all—and a safe space to poem.
Where do I share my poems?
If you want to share your poems throughout the month, the best way is to paste your poem in the comments on the post that corresponds with that day's prompt. 
For instance, post your poem for the Day 1 prompt on the Day 1 post in the comments.
You'll find folks are pretty supportive on the Poetic Asides site. And if they're not, I expect to be notified via e-mail.
Note on commenting: If you wish to comment on the site, 
go to Disqus to create a free new account, 
verify your account on this site below (one-time thing), 
and then comment away. 
It's free, easy, and the comments (for the most part) don't require manual approval. 
That said, I will be checking daily in case any comments are flagged as pending or spam.
Here are some more April PAD Challenge guidelines:
Poeming begins April 1 and runs through May 1 (to account for time differences in other parts of the world—and yes, poets all over the world participate).
The main purpose of the challenge is to write poems, but I also will attempt to highlight my favorite poems of the month from poets who post their poems to each day’s blog posts. Some years this works out better than others.
Poem as you wish, but I will delete poems and comments that I feel are hateful. Also, if anyone abuses this rule repeatedly, I will have them banned from the site. So please "make good choices," as I tell my children.
Other rules, questions, concerns, etc?
If you need any other questions answered, put them in the comments below, and I'll revise this post as needed.
Other than that, I can't wait to start poeming in April!
Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Editor of Writer's Digest, which includes managing the content on 
WritersDigest.com and programming virtual conferences. 
He's the author of 
40 Plot Twist Prompts for Writers: Writing Ideas for Bending Stories in New Directions
The Complete Guide of Poetic Forms: 100+ Poetic Form Definitions and Examples for Poets, 
Poem-a-Day: 365 Poetry Writing Prompts for a Year of Poeming, 
and more. 
Also, he's the editor of 
Writer's Market, 
Poet's Market, and 
Guide to Literary Agents. 
Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.
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