#everything I just watched is going to live in my mind RENT FREE
emisirrelevant · 1 year
Willow 2022 1x07 Reactions
I love this show.
-Lol Airk being like "I drank the water- it was...good"
-ALSO IT WAS HIM!! I thought that picture of Kit in the water was Jade and Kit but it was Airk trying to rescue Kit!! That actually made it more symbolic to me to have one sibling try to rescue the other.
-ALSO! That small moment when Kit fell but then looked at Elora and Elora looked back. WHAT DID THAT MEAN? (besides my delusional kit x elora self interpreting that as the GAYZE lol)
-LOL the old man "or we're all phantoms in the dream of some vindictive god suffering from a spot of indigestion" ICON "You have coin?" ME ACTUALLY- my broke ass
-the heck is a mudmander?
-okay well the old man definitely isn't a master chef
-Boorman eating the soup anyway in typical Boorman fashion
-Elora's inner cook is probably seething quietly rn LOL
-"Well all these quests and battles all sort of got blended together after a while you know" LOL old man is relatable tho- me when I play Wizard101
-Jade asking "well what do you remember?" me: don't say it- DO YOU REMEMBER- THE 21st NIGHT
-oh shit the watering hole thing is closed now- there is no more water?
-"hey new girl- where you at" OMFG BWAHAHAHAA I CAN'T
-wait what now the water is back?
-the girl "there was a secret sect" me thinking I'm good at the lore despite never having watched the original movie "the blood of the six?" her: "the Order of the Wyrm" "oh" HAHAA
-OOP the girl saying "you weren't thinking about making out right now were you" and Airk going "no of course not totally wasn't thinking that" AND THEN IT SWITCHES TO ELORA
-OMG KIT WATCHING ELORA SLEEP (ahhh okay my kit x elora self is trying not to say anything again-)
-me during the sleigh chase scene- USE YOUR MAGIC ELORA!! MAGIC IT!!! YOU CAN MAKE IT GO FASTER!!! RIGHT??!?!
-ohh the mudmander is kinda cute
-Graydon lol "I shall name you Kenneth"
-LOL Willow training Elora. I love a good fucking mentor training scene
-LMAO I think Willow is having a little too much fun just blasting his staff
-LET'S GO WLWS!!!!!!!
-OOOH okay. So I sense something is up with Elora again.. We seem to be seeing a slightly more darker side to her.
-Hopefully they don't do that whole plot twist where they turn it all around and Elora turns out to give into the darkness and becomes the villain?
-"because that's what you do when you have honor, right?" oop Zuko from ATLA wants to know your location lol
-Well at least Elora still has Graydon??
-oh well he wants to be alone with Kenneth- so I guess not? lol
-OOH Kit and Willow talking together. I like it!! Rare dynamic!! Give me more of their two characters interacting!!
-"I was jealous of you"
-oh no Willow- I don't think that's really Mims
-LOL Jade being frustrated with the men for the 80th time
-awwwwwww Graydon finally saying he loves Elora AAAHHH
-Although technically I was right and the girl seems to be the Crone so okay I'm not as mad about that kiss than I was before but it still was like ooh- okay ehhh- umm
-"I don't want to keep pretending" "Neither do I"
"I don't want to be Elora Danan"
"Well, tough. You're afraid. So am I. My fear doesn't get to define me. I'm not giving it the power. I'm giving it to you. I have never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you."
"My lady"
SHUT. UP!!!!!!!!
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griffonsgrove · 4 months
Hiiii!!! See your doing writing requests for Hazbin, Its my hyperfixation so I am in need of more content 👀 so I'd like to request maybe Vox general or NSFW headcanon ( either one is good lol-) with a afab reader maybe? This is my first time requesting something like this so sorry if I'm a little nervous or bad at requesting. I think this is how people are supposed to request? XD
General Dating Headcanons | Vox
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a/n: You're totally alright dear! You said everything just fine! As I've stated before, I got early access to the first two episodes, and it's been so interesting to analyze vox's character! I hope I can do him justice!! He's starting to grow on me now. I'm gonna stick with a gn!reader just because these are general headcanons and I want them to be suited for anyone!
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
wordcount: 1299
cw: SPOILERS FOR HAZBIN HOTEL, swearing, vulgar content, stalking, death and mentions of death/murder., toxic/absuive relationships.
Vox’s got eyes EVERYWHERE in hell. There is no escaping his line of sight unless you go completely off the grid. Which is pretty difficult to do when the entirety of pentagram city is covered head to toe in VoxTech.
However, if you don't pose a threat to him, he really doesn't give a shit about you otherwise, and won’t pay that much attention to your life.
When you first fell into hell, you were mostly confused as to how you wound up here in the first place. That quickly subsided into fear as you noticed the large variety of demons and sinners casually walking down the sidewalk like it was an average tuesday. 
You’ll never forget the sight of seeing a demon gnaw off the arm of another and swallow it whole, like it was an all-you-can-eat buffet. 
You wander aimlessly down the streets, keeping to yourself and being very cautious of those around you. Your clothes were in tatters, and you didn't have any form of money whatsoever, what were you to do??
You had two options: Somehow find a job in this new horrific realm, or, die.
You didn't care too much for the latter.
This is how you stumble across one of the largest studios/clubs in hell, owned by probably the most feared overlords in pentagram city. The V’s. 
You get hired to be nothing more than a waiter/waitress, to serve the patrons of the club, mostly serving them their drinks.
You weren't too fond of the work uniform either. It left nothing to the imagination, and exposed alot of skin, far too much to your liking. The job actually paid somewhat decently though and it was enough to be able to sustain a living. You were quick to rent out the nearest apartment.
One day, while you’re out on the main floor, making your rounds, your eyes briefly lock with the TV demon across a sea of sinners. Call it cheesy, but it was almost like a spark went off the moment he laid eyes on you. Which is something that doesn't happen often with the tech-savvy overlord. Who were you??
He lazily beckons you over with a claw, to which you obediently follow, although it doesn't hide the sheer nervousness written all over your face, He gives you his drink order in that sultry, velvet voice of his, eyeing you up. You gulp slightly and are quick to bring him his order. He thought you were so cute trembling for him.
He begins to stalk observe you closer after that. If you have any electronic devices he’ll watch you through your screens, trying to get a glimpse into what your life was like outside of work. The things you enjoyed doing in your free time, favorite shows, foods etc.
He def goes through your search history.
He would start showing up more in the sections you worked at, oftentimes minding his business, but occasionally striking up a conversation with you.
You did have to admit he was quite the charmer, his smooth voice was hypnotic to you.
OBSESSIVE TENDENCIES. If he notices some creep won't leave you alone while you're working, he’ll take care of them personally, it’s never a pretty sight afterwards. He cant have anyone taking what's his.
You're oblivious to his stalking and possessiveness, you don't think much of it, maybe that's because he puts on a friendly face when you’re around him.
But after some time of getting to know you, He’s the one that eventually asks you out on a “date”. You’re skeptical at first, but decide to accept his offer. And also partially because you were afraid of what would happen if you said no.
Ngl it’s kind of a situationship in the beginning.
Vox is a busy man, it’s constant work maintaining the studios (especially valentinos temper) and managing the entirety of hell's technology. So, he may ghost you at first.
That being said, He will still keep an eye on you. He often watches through your phone while you sleep, just to make sure you’re safe. Hell is a dangerous place after all.
Speaking of, you’re now under the protection of the V’s, so that’s a plus! You never have to worry about another demon laying a finger on you. They usually never get close enough to anyways.
He very easily gets jealous. He won't show it on the outside because he has an image to uphold, but you can tell every time from that crazed look in his eyes.
Vox is a possessive lover; he wants to keep you all to himself. If he could, he’d keep you locked up by his side all day.
CONTROLLING. He HAS to know where you’re at, at all times, and who you’re going to be with (lest you face one of his tantrums). Also dictates what you wear, He likes to dress you up to his liking, like you’re his own personal doll.
Insecure much?
Say goodbye to privacy btw. He constantly has you in the back of his mind and a watchful eye on you. It can be kind of suffocating at times. The two of you have gotten into a few arguments because of this.
Valentino gets jealous of you too. How dare you take his boy-toy away from him? He’s often giving you the stink eye and will threaten you behind vox’s back. You’re too scared to tell Vox, because you don't want to face Val’s wrath.
You know briefly of his and Val’s “relationship” it all had seemed very one-sided and completely unhealthy.
You're often having to calm Vox down. The man has a very short temper and is easily provoked. 
Imagine you pressing little kisses to his screen after he found out about Alastor’s return. He remains stoic, but secretly enjoys your affection.
Some of the pet names he loves to call you include; Doll, Dear, Darling, Sweetheart, Babe.
Pretty old-fashioned ik, but he's a classy man alright?
He tends to be pretty touchy, always having a clawed hand on the small of your back, or an arm wrapped around your waist. It’s more of a possessive trait of his, to keep what's his close.
He loves having you sprawled on his lap while he’s in his screen room, you stay nuzzled into his side, often taking naps while he does broadcasts.
He TOTALLY spoils you btw. He’s one of the most powerful overlords in hell, ofc he has the money to show it. Whatever dingy apartment you had before, forget about it bc this man has you living in a penthouse suite in one of the most expensive apartment buildings. He sees you looking at something in a store or online?? Boom, it’s yours now.
He loves buying you clothes, as I’ve said before, you're his “doll” and he loves playing dress up with you.
And if you buy him something?? He’s taken by surprise at first, he’s never really been on the receiving end of that affection, so whatever it is you give him he’ll cherish it.
If you ever have someone bothering you, or want to get rid of, you just say the word babe. He’ll be feeding them to his sharks >:)
The man is emotionally constipated, ok?? All he’s ever known from relationships is what he shared with Val (and trust me that was a train wreck). He’s rough around the edges, short-tempered and isn't always easy to get along with, and he’s incredibly possessive which can be suffocating to deal with at times. This probably stems from him not wanting to actually be alone, He doesn't want you to slip out of his grasp, so he keeps a tight leash on you. But underneath all these flaws, he really does love you and care about you. At the end of the day, He just wants someone that will stay.
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ozzgin · 5 months
Sorry to bother you, but the bodyguard post you did was just 🤤🥰😍 and I can't stop thinking about it day later
Have you ever seen Oshi no Ko? I'd love to see Bodyguard react to someone trying to do something similar as what happened to Ai.
Fans get wind their beloved idol might have feeling for her staff, so a crazed fan tracks down her private address. He plans to get revenge for "His idol cheating on him" but doesn't know there is a guard dog inside ready to bite any threat to his precious charge.
Sorry to keep ragging on about the topic, I just adore you work enough that it lives in my head rent free.
Happy holidays
I sadly haven't seen Oshi no Ko, but your description sounds very interesting. Thank you for the idea! I've combined it with your previous suggestion, I think they work together really well. Happy Holidays to you, too! :)
Yandere!Bodyguard x Idol!Reader (II)
Your new manager has sent you home for the holidays after persistent rumors surrounding you and your bodyguard. And, as luck would have it, the fan responsible for the accusations successfully sneaks his way in. Sadly for him, you’ve never left the watchful gaze of your loyal, mean dog.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
TW: violence, threats, mentions of stalking
(Cover from the manga “A girl and her guard dog”)
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"Enjoy your holidays!" 
The driver cheerfully bids you goodbye and speeds away, leaving you behind the imposing gate. You drag your luggage inside and nonchalantly toss it with an annoyed huff.
What now? You're all alone in a hollow mansion. 
Early December you begun receiving worrying letters from a fan, making wild claims about you and your bodyguard. Naturally, you laughed it off. Your bodyguard found them equally amusing. So much, that he'd ask you to read them out loud as you rode him. "I w-won't stand for it. You know we ha-ave something special going on, (Y/N)-chan." You barely managed to form coherent sentences, feverishly clinging to the large man underneath you. "You heard the guy. Better be on your best behavior", he'd add with a chuckle, wiping the drool from your mouth. 
The new manager, however, wasn't as relaxed about it. He couldn't risk tarnishing the reputation of his beloved cash cow, so he suggested you take a break from personal assistants until the rumors tone down. If you remained within your expensively secured house, you wouldn't need any guarding. So, he caringly prescribed a dose of homely isolation for the upcoming holidays. 
"Don't be so dramatic", he said, "Jesus spent 40 days in the desert by himself. And he didn't have your indoor cinema or jacuzzi bathtub."
"Yeah, but he had the Devil to tempt him. Where's my bad guy?" You whined as a retort. 
You let out another groan and throw yourself on the couch, fiddling with the remote. Kind of them to decorate everything for Christmas, you think as you eye the gigantic kitsch of a tree slapped in the middle of the living room. 
Fuck. What an absolute waste of time. All because of one crazy fan. You almost wish he'd show his stupid face so your bodyguard could pummel it to bits and crumbles. You wonder what he's doing by himself. Is he going to be assigned to another idol? Probably not, two weeks is too short of a time for anything. You check your phone.
Suddenly, the screen lights up. A text notification. 
Heh. It's almost as if he can read your mind. You smile to yourself and type your response, stretching onto the sofa. Your little back and forth messaging goes on until you look up and notice the room has gotten darker. Already evening. You can hear your stomach growl, so you get up and drag your feet towards the kitchen, searching for takeaway fliers. If you're going to be under house arrest, the least you can afford is junk food. 
Once you place your decadent order, you hop onto the counter and idly dangle your legs in anticipation. Your favorite off-duty guard dog has abruptly told you he needs to go and is now offline. "Something came up". What could possibly require his immediate attention? A mistress? You giggle at the idea. In all your time spent together, you haven't seen him glance at a single woman. If he must, he will engage with other people using one-word replies, visibly uninterested. You never considered him much of a talker, but his behavior with anyone else, in comparison, is downright hostile. 
There's a rustling sound and you jolt. Was the food delivered already? It hasn't been that long. You jump off the marble countertop and freeze in place once you see the man standing in the doorway. His face is concealed with a medical mask and he's audibly panting, the hot air fogging up his glasses. You notice the knife in his hand.
"How rude of you to cheat on me so shamelessly, (Y/N) dear."
Huh? Your eyes widen in realization. Was this the crazed fan bombarding you with threatening letters? Your features twist in utter disgust, still transfixed on the weapon within his grip. 
This little shit. Not only does he break into your home, but he decides to intimidate you with a department store kitchen utensil. Is that all you're worth? Is that any way to greet one of the top idols in this country?
You angrily pull the nearby drawer open and grab a long, sharp blade. The man tenses up and steps forward, but you stop him in his tracks, throwing the item at his feet. He stares at you, bewildered. 
"It's a Yoshihiro Sashimi knife. More than your monthly income, most likely." You state as you leer down at him, grimace plastered on your face. "Pick it up like the animal you are."
He cannot move. Is this his beloved (Y/N)? Her pretty, innocent smile and sparkling eyes have been replaced by this hateful scowl. He feels like a cockroach about to be stepped on, a mere vermin invading her personal space. This can't be right. It's him that should be upset, he's the betrayed party. When has she gotten so...Ah. This must be the work of that bodyguard. He's always known. The way he looks at her, with a predatory glint as if marking his territory. He should've noticed earlier. Poor, sweet (Y/N), at the hands of a brute. Tears form in his eyes and he opens his mouth to speak up, but a burning blow assaults his back and everything goes black. 
Your bodyguard casually walks in and lifts the intruder up by the nape of his neck. 
"Are you okay? Did he touch you?"
You blush and wipe your eyelashes dramatically, releasing a gentle sob from your puckered lips.
"Touch? He almost killed me! I was so scared...I thought I was done for."
He frowns at your words.
"I'll take care of it."
You can feel the familiar knot forming in your stomach. As he drags the body out of the kitchen, you follow behind enthusiastically. 
"Do it in the living room!" You almost squeal.
"Are you sure? It will get messy. I'm not letting this one walk out." He warns you with a worried expression. 
"Yes, yes!" you nod, all bubbly. "Right here, next to the Christmas tree."
Once the gory spectacle is over, the bodyguard sprawls onto the sofa, exhausted. He exhales loudly and runs a hand through his hair. You are about to join him, when a thought crosses your mind. 
"Now that I think about it, how did you know I was about to be attacked? That was some really extraordinary timing."
Out of reflex, he palms his pocket to check if his phone is still within his possession. Thankfully he hasn't left it in plain sight. You squint suspiciously. 
"Are you spying on me or something?"
He remains quiet for a few moments and eventually lowers his head apologetically, avoiding eye contact.
"Forgive me, Miss."
When he glances up again, your small figure is looming over him.
"Wow, what a pervert you are." You push his chin up with your dainty fingers. "How will you make it up to me for such nasty habit~?"
"Is there anything you want me to do?"
"Good boy."
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jelliedink · 6 months
DILF!Boss Headcannons
Warnings: manipulative behaviour, huge age gap. If you squint, you'll see this is slightly suggestive, but nothing explicit happens here. Author's note: hi my loves! If you guys don't know @sweet-as-an-angel do yourself a favor and check them out. Their Yandere!DILF series has built a 3-store mansion in my head and is living there rent free, so I just HAD to create another manipulative hot older man to call mine. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Take care!
Dividers by @cafekitsune.
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Brain melting thinking about an older boss that realizes you find him attractive the moment you start working for him. He's sure he's got at least 20 years on you, but he can't help but feel flattered.
A boss that finds it delightful to toy with you a little bit: getting his face way too close to yours when he's reviewing your work, a hand gently rubbing your shoulders when giving you feedback. He tells himself that it's just "harmless fun", you're so cute trying to hide how flustered you are!
A boss that watches with curiosity how you grow on him more each day seeing how hard you work and how eager you are to learn everything he teaches you.
A boss who acts as a mentor professionally and insists you can confide in him with your life problems too. He's already lived everything you're going through now, and he just wants to see you thrive.
A boss that starts to invite you to a lot of work related events once summer break starts. His ex-wife is travelling with the kids and the house just feels so lonely without them.
A boss that, upon the discovery that you're single, is sure that the gods gifted you for him to turn into his perfect little doll.
A boss that likes to give you little gifts "for your hard work" every now and then, and they get increasingly more expensive.
A boss who's so subtle when blurring the lines between professional and personal relationships that the word "date" doesn't even cross your mind when he starts to invite you to non work related events.
"Have you seen this artist is coming to town with their new exposition?" "The weather is nice today, how about we visit the japanese garden to freshen up after spending the whole week inside the office?"
A boss who never corrects anyone who refers to you as a couple during your outings, and instead laughs it off, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and giving you a playful wink every time this happens. He even turns it into a internal joke, and soon you get used to hear him calling you his darling, his dear, his precious.
A boss that makes sure to have you yearning for him before making his move. Sometimes he kisses your hands when you're out together, always saying how lucky he is to have such a beautiful company, his lips gently running along your fingers. Other times he caresses your face when you go to him for advice. His hugs are tight, so his scent will linger on your clothes. He might even kiss the top of your head every now and then.
A boss who loves to see you getting used to having him always present in your life, getting flustered when he touches you in ways that are intimate just enough to keep you guessing.
A boss that thinks you're so beautiful and so hard working that he'll take how much time he needs to mould you into a perfect wife and a perfect mother for his children. He'll guarantee that your life will be so enmeshed with his that you'll never be able to leave him, even if you want to. This time he'll create a family so perfect that nothing will tear it apart.
A boss who knows he doesn't need to rush things because he's sure you'll be his in the end. You're so young, so malleable, and he's been playing this game for so much longer than you. He knows just what he needs to do to wrap you around his fingers.
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jenosbigtoe · 7 months
so real on the "but i also really want alpha jeno in my guts" cause same 😩 his outfit on the bat is still living in my mind rent free
mdni. nsfw 18+
pairing: alpha!lee jeno x mate!reader
warnings: abo, unprotected sex, breeding, mating press, creampie, possessiveness
alpha!jeno is such a himbo.
you seriously wonder how long he’s survived without you by his side. he asks you the silliest questions, tilting his head and pouting his lip slightly as his eyebrows furrow in confusion. it’s the cutest sight to you, seeing this big muscular man act so clueless.
“why can’t we have just sex right now?”
“jen, your friends are literally in the living room and we are IN THE KITCHEN WITH NO DOORS.”
“okay but you’re my mate, they should understand right?”
and trust, he has an insane sex drive. he promises he’s never been this horny before he met you but now that you’re officially his, he gotta be inside you in some capacity at all times. you’re his mate duh, if he could crawl inside your skin he would.
you’ll be cuddling on the couch, watching a romcom, and he whispers “baby, can i stick the tip in? i’m so hard.”
you’ll be eating dinner at the dining table and his fingers gravitate to your thighs as he wordlessly cups your cunt under your underwear, mindlessly rubbing and pumping his fingers in and out of you.
and he would actually be so so sooo jealous of anything and everything that breathes and looks at you.
“oh so you like this stray kitten more than your mate alright how would you feel if i just ran away from home and became a stray too?”
he actually gets the most jealous when it comes to his friends being around you. he knows them too well, even if he trusts you and (to a certain extent) them.
“jaemin get the fuck away from my mate right now you absolute manwhore.”
“??bitch we’re literally just playing mario kart like 3 feet away from each other.”
“i don’t give a fuck she’s mine,” and pulls you into his lap to pout and snuggle you tightly, locking you in his massive biceps.
jeno is so silly as your mate but oh does he fuck you like no other.
his insane animal stamina has him going for hours after your legs have already become jelly and your mind fucked stupid from overstimulation.
“baby, you’re mine. my mate, my love. your body was made for me,” he would growl into your ear as he took you in mating press.
his thick heavy body would drive his cock so so deep inside your poor little pussy, you would be left sobbing.
“jen-jeno! s’deep,” you’d cry, hiding your face in your arms.
he’d grab your arms and pin them above your head, using his powerful hips to thrust so hard and so deep to keep you from squirming so much.
“ah. wanna see my mate as i fuck my pups into her. you’re doing so good, sweetheart.”
and he refuses to ever cum anywhere but deep inside your little cunt. “i don’t care if you’re on that stupid birth control bullshit, you’re gonna have my kids.”
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ So American (Grecian)
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content: jason grace x greek demigod! reader warning: language, i think authors note: AHHHH THIS HAS BEEN LIVING RENT FREE IN MY MIND FOR LIKE A WEEK AUDHIUFBIEUFBEIUR IVE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE THIS FOR SO SO LONG UGH I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT OLIVIA RODRIGO YOU ATE GIRL also tbh its kinda short
everytime someone asked jason grace about his girlfriend, that first words that always left his mouth were, "she's so greek!"
which was very true. every you couldn't deny it. jason had once seen you win a fight through biting your enemies forearms which caused them to drop their sword, a tactic that had his roman brain struggling to compute. you were unpredictable, ever changing, and never still. and jason loved every second of it. it was a nice change of pace for him, sneaking out to prank other campers and watching you fight in ways he never would have thought to.
the next thing that would always fall from his mouth as a blush coated his cheeks was how much he loved it when you wore his clothes.
you had a bad habit of thinking every day was a bright summers day. even as fall was creeping around the corner, you'd tug on your denim shorts and a tank top that would have jason drooling. but as you shamelessly shivered from the cold breezes that, despite jason's best efforts, didn't stop coming, jason'd tug his sweater off and gesture for you to let him put it on for you. with chattering teeth and a beaming smile, you'd let him gently tug the sweater over your head and slid your arms through the sleeves that were far too long for you. and you'd snuggle into his side and he'd blush, admiring the way you looked better completely drowning in his sweater than with your tits on display for him. but, then he'd be thinking about your tits again, and decided that's the better view, like any sane man.
somewhere in his ramblings about you to the poor person who asked, jason would find a way to mention that you're the funniest person he's ever met. and he knows leo. and percy. and, still, you give them both a run for your money.
"man, this is embarrassing, we can't keep meeting like this," you once winced as you walked up to jason, your hands shoved into your pockets and rocking on the heels of your feet. jason gave you a fond look, but was slightly confused.
"what, princess?"
"one of us is gonna fall in love with each other if we keep meeting like this," you sighed, over exaggeratedly, trying to keep your smirk off your lips. jason breathed out a laugh, reach forwards and setting his hands against your hips.
"too late."
"you'll never take me alive! unhand me, good sir!" you cried, fighting against his hold. jason laughed as he wrapped his arms around your wiggling body. somehow, you managed to escape his hold and went running away, shooting a beaming smile over your shoulder as your hair went blowing all about.
"get back here! you owe me a kiss!" jason called after you, quickly running to catch up with you. you squealed, turning around to run faster.
"help! crazy roman boy after me! he's gonna kiss me, oh no!"
you were everything jason needed - his balance, kept him on his toes. he could talk about you for hours, but at some point, the poor victim of his lovesick rambles would make up some excuse and scamper away. he'd sigh at the lack of opportunity to keep talking about you before going off to find you, the apple of his eye and the object of his affections. he'd find you, talking to some new camper in the strawberry fields. and he could tell you were talking about something you loved from the overexaggerated movements of your hands and your beaming smile to match the gleam in your eyes. he moved a little closer, eager to hear what was making his girl so happy.
"and he's so so roman!! i swear to the gods, he marches to go to the bathroom. it's adorable, truly. he's such a gentleman, insists on opening my doors and grabbing me food and all of that. and the way he kisses me is just divine. otherworldly, i swear. i could talk about him for hours. my roman empire on a level like never before!!" you giggled with the girl, getting lost in your thoughts for a few seconds as you thought about your boyfriend.
"ugh, i want a boyfriend like that," the girl huffed and you set a comforting hand on her knee across for you with a soft smile.
"you'll find one. c'mon, you're so pretty!! trust me, i never thought i'd find a boy like jason. but, gods, im gonna marry him if he keeps this shit up," you added and jason felt his heart hammer against his chest, thudding so loud he was surprised you didn't hear it. because he knew he wanted to marry you too.
"i hope youre talking about me and not some other roman named jason," jason finally spoke as he tried to calm his racing heart, your eyes darting to him with a smile you saved only for your boy, which only made his heart race more.
"oh, this is my side piece, the other jason i was telling you about. the not-so-cute one," you joked with the girl across from you, who giggled into her hand. jason rolled his eyes, scooping you up into his arms as you squealed to get out of his hold.
"youre breaking my heart here, baby," he pouted and you laughed as he put you back on the ground, instantly wrapping your arms around his.
"awwww, my poor boy, lemme make it up to you," you mused, sliding your hand to his cheek before pulling his lips down to meet yours. jason hands found a home against your waist, fiddling with the hem of your shirt and sliding a few digits under to press against your skin.
"better?" you asked in a whisper as you parted and jason beamed a soft smile as he nudged his nose against your gently.
"perfect, even," he murmured before pulling your lips back to his. he could feel you smile into the kiss, which was something that happened a lot. you were just a smiley girl, his smiley girl.
"you're the only roman guy for me, ya know," you hummed once you parted again, looking up at jason with all the admiration you could muster.
"and you're the only greek girl for me," he replied, pressing a quick peek to your lips with a smile that rivaled apollo's sun.
when a crazy greek girl falls for her perfect roman boy, you get a love story that will stand the test of time. simply because they will yap the other into legend.
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compact-turtle · 7 months
So I’m my area, I’m in the country, it’s pretty common to see women just in their bikinis laid on a blanket/chair out in the yard to tan. It’s the country, ya know? No one sees you, except for whomever lives with you. It’s just something we do. How would Atticus feel about that tho? Seeing his darling in skimpy bathing-suit laying outside to tan??
I'm slowly and steadily finally going through my inbox after five months. Sorry to everyone if I don't make it to your post there's like 100+ things in my inbox :(
That would be so sweet actually. Imagine him getting butterflies and everything seeing you openly tan in a skimpy bathing suit.
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Content Warning: slight n--s--f---w.
-Today was a mandatory laundry day for Atticus. He was officially out of clean clothes. Everything was dirty and starting to smell worse than the cows on a hot day. Of course, he didn't mind it too much, but you were here. What would you think if he didn't keep up with his hygiene?
-A basket of wet laundry was at his feet as he started to pin them up to dry. He'd much rather be out milking the cows or tending to the crops than doing this. Still, it gave Atticus time to be lost in his thoughts.
-He wondered how long he could stall you from leaving. It'd already been a few weeks since your car broke down and he knew everyone was getting antsy. Especially, after working so much on the farm.
-To combat this, he started giving everyone more breaks and days off. He even attempted to encourage them to view this as a "rent-free-all-expense-paid-vacation" in a beautiful rural setting. Thankfully, all your little friends seemed to be airheaded enough to believe this. They ain't got a lick of sense to them.
-His attention was pulled away when he noticed you from the corner of his eye. He tried watching you discreetly; wondering what you were doing. In your hands, there was a large blanket and a tote bag. You were dressed in a long white t-shirt that reached barely past your butt.
-You threw him a warm smile along as you walked past him. You stopped near an oak tree and began to lay out your blanket. Gently, you set your bag down and then took out a few items.
Perhaps you were out on a small picnic today?
-He watched slack-jawed as you removed your t-shirt to reveal everything hidden underneath. The silhouettes of your body seemed to be chiseled by the hand of a celestial sculptor. He'd gladly worship it, adorn it with jewels, anything you wanted. Your skin was like a holy text, inviting him to devote himself even deeper.
"Looks like you're begging for a mighty big sunburn there," Atticus said as he walked up. His gaze cast down as he avoided eye contact.
"No worries! I brought sunscreen with me! Actually, could you help put it on my back?" You asked as you searched in your bag for a bottle of sunscreen. You pulled it out and handed it to Atticus with a bright smile.
-He nodded, then took the bottle from you. Slowly, he poured the sunscreen into his rugged hands. He gently began to spread it out on your back.
-Atticus nervously wondered if you minded his calloused hands. Were they scratching up your back? Or was it making you regret asking him?
-Still, more than anything, he was giddier than a schoolchild. He loved the way your skin felt underneath his hands. Your skin was like a delicate canvas, soft and flawless in his eyes. This felt like a privilege to trace his fingers all across your back. For a moment, he wondered what it would be like to touch the skin underneath your clothes.
"Atticus, it hurts. Be more gentle." You tenderly mumbled, "Don't push into my back so hard."
-He felt something familiar rise in his lower area. it took everything in him to not pounce on you right now. Atticus would love to litter kisses all over your back. He'd kiss every part until you were tired of it all.
-He desperately wanted needed to rut into you. To show, that he could satisfy you in any compacity you wanted. He imagined your voice moaning out in a breathy tone, begging him to just go harder and faster. Of course, he’s comply with your demands and go as faster as you want. Then he’d lean down and suck y-
"That should be good now, Atticus. Thank you for the help." You said as you flipped yourself around to face him.
-His eyes briefly dipped down to view your whole body. Another small wave of imagination rolled over him.
"No problem. Seems like all your little friends disappeared."
"It's sweet that you're worried about them! Everyone is swimming in the creek nearby. I was going to join them but figured I'd tan instead. I haven't been able to do it all summer. Especially due to our road trip."
"I see. Where'd ya get this tiny piece you got on from? Don't look like it covers much of anything."
"Oh, does it make you uncomfortable? I can go and change if-."
"No. It's fine. Just go on back and do your own thing." Atticus interrupted quickly, "Don't mind me."
-He watched as you laughed and nodded. Atticus turned back towards the house. His pace was unusually brisk with heavy panting.
-The laundry could wait. He had more important things to do right now.
(That may or may not involve fantasies of you two in some intense yoga positions)
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Seven Minutes In Heaven | Stu Macher
Pairing: Stu Macher x female!reader 
Word count: 4.1K
Warnings/contents: Light smut, sexual innuendos, mild language, mentions of future sex, light clit stimulation, slight name calling. 
Notes: Well… I was gonna do Billy… But… here we are, and this is not Billy. Stu has been living in my brain rent free the past couple of days and I’m not sure how to get rid of him. Do I want to? I hope that you all enjoy this chapter, it was fun to write! 
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The party was crowded all around you. It was nearly midnight, but there was no sign of the lively crowd leaving or dropping any time soon. You leaned against the wall in the room beside the kitchen, watching everybody laughing, singing and dancing. You’d been going hard all night— drinking, dancing, singing, and bouncing around the rooms with Sidney and Tatum. So you were taking a break with a fresh drink. 
Your stomach had started to hurt less than an hour ago, but you ignored it and took another swig of your drink. Everything tonight was sort of a blur. You weren’t sure if it was because you’d drank too much, or because everything was going fast; people were everywhere, and yet, you hadn’t seen Stu, Billy or Randy in the past few hours. You had seen Tatum and Sidney constantly throughout the night before you departed to get a new drink and they went to the bathroom. 
An arm wrapped around your shoulder, nearly making you jump before you looked and saw Sidney. 
“You scared me,” you feigned annoyance at the woman who sent you a grin. “I thought that you were some creep.” She laughed and took a quick sip of her drink. 
“It’s only Tatum and I,” she said as Tatum rounded the corner and sent you a smile. 
“Guys— have you seen Randy tonight?” 
“Uh, I think he was in the kitchen last I saw,” you said innocently, earning a cackle from Sidney. 
“She means that she thinks he looks hot.” You gave a quick laugh and tossed your head back on her shoulder. 
“No! Not Randy Meeks!” 
“What— it isn’t my fault. He looks hot tonight.” You and Sidney shared a laugh that made Tatum roll her eyes. “Come on guys— let me get over Stu how I please.” Her words felt like something that should have made you stop laughing and teasing, but you knew for a fact that she was over the man she’d previously been with; shockingly, he had been the one that broke up with her, despite Sidney’s constant bothering Tatum to break up with him. 
“Any way you want— just not with Randy.” You heckled the woman who sighed dreamily and leaned against the wall on your other side with a cup in her hand. You took a quick glance inside of it and chuckled. “Maybe you’re losing your mind because you’ve been drinking too much.” 
“It has to take a lot of shots to get with Randy,” Sidney sent Tatum a grin that she ignored. 
“I haven’t drank that much.” She told you, but you were quick to raise an eyebrow. You’d been with the two a majority of the night, and you knew for a fact that Tatum had drank nearly as much as you— possibly more in the short time that you had been separated. 
“Sure, Tate,” you shrugged the conversation off, knowing not to argue with her about this right now. She was far too drunk to accurately retort right now and it felt crude of you to continue teasing her. “If Randy is what you want…” You gave a soft blow from your mouth. “Fuck it. Then go for it.” Tatum hesitated, a slow smile spreading across her face as she pushed herself off of the wall with her shoulder. “Whoah— I do not like the face you just made,” you watched the woman start to head off across the room and shared a worried look with Sidney. 
“Should we… follow her?” 
“Probably.” The two of you made your way through the crowd, trying to follow the back of her head as quickly as you could to not lose her, but you were worried you’d accidentally end up following the wrong person if you got bumped into or blinded for a moment. By time the two of you made it off of the crowded makeshift dance floor, you saw Tatum across the room whispering something to Stu. 
You shared a quick, shocked look with the woman beside you before you looked back and saw him laughing and nodding. Tatum met your gaze across the room and waved in the air, beckoning the two of you over. 
“What are you talking to Stu for?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow. “I thought that the two of you were… well, not on speaking terms.” 
“I have a plan,” Tatum said with a cheerful grin. “We’re going to play seven minutes in heaven! It’s the perfect excuse to get Randy into the closet with me.” After a moment of silence, you spoke. 
“Why don’t you just get him into a bedroom upstairs with you?” She seemed to think for a moment before she shrugged. 
“I didn’t think of it.” You went to speak again, but she cut you off. “Well, it’s too late now. We both have something to gain from this anyways.” She sent you a wink that made your stomach tighten. 
What the hell did she mean by that? 
A whistle came over the room as the music abruptly stopped. People groaned and looked around in confusion. Stu stood on a table, waving a hat around the room. 
“It’s time for seven minutes in heaven!” Drunk people in the room started to cheer at his excitement. “We’re splitting into 3 different groups since there’s so many of us. Those of you who don’t want to play can stay here. Everyone else, split into groups and follow me.” Tatum grabbed your hand, so you grabbed Sidney’s hand, and quickly ran towards the direction Stu was going. You nearly stumbled over your feet on the way to the living room. “Alright— so we have 3 hats, I’m gonna do a headcount and put a slip of paper into the hat for every person in the room.” 
“How do we know who’s who?” Someone called. 
“I know. Billy knows.” 
“What if we don’t trust you?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow at the man who chuckled. 
“Okay— I’ll let one more person know the numbers for each group. (y/n)— you can have the numbers for our group,” your attention drifted off as you watched the man continue to speak, anxious about the game. You didn’t want to play— you did not want to get trapped in a room with any of these drunk people. But at the moment, it didn’t seem like you had a choice as Tatum squeezed your hand. 
“Thank you,” Tatum whispered to you quickly. You sent her a small, tight smile and watched the room start to disperse. Stu walked towards you and gestured for you to follow him. You let go of the girls hands, your own feeling clammy and numb. You hadn’t realized that you were anxiously squeezing their hands so tightly. 
“Whatever number Randy or Tatum picks doesn’t matter. We’re gonna say it’s theirs so they get locked in a closet together.” He spoke simply. “As for everyone else, we’re gonna go clockwise so that it’s easy to remember. I’m not sober enough to remember everybody in this room.” Feeling queasy, you sent the man a quick nod. 
“Sounds good to me.” You were quick to walk away from the man when he turned to Billy and went to sit between Tatum and Sidney. Sidney sent you a pat on the back while Stu jutted out the hat at the first victim of the circle— someone that you didn’t know the name of. He pulled a slip of paper out of the hat and called out the number. 
“Six.” You quickly looked around the group, counting clockwise to the sixth person and seeing another girl. She had long red hair, but you weren’t sure what her name was. For the most part, you knew about a total of five people at Stu’s parties— him included. 
The two got up, following Stu to the coat closet across the room. There were several spread throughout the house, giving plenty of room for every group to have one party go at once. 
He blocked the door with a chair and walked back to the group with his phone in hand, starting a timer for seven minutes and sitting down with the group while it counted down. The thought of spending seven minutes locked in a tight space with anybody in this room made your stomach churn. 
“Randy, I dare you to take 3 shots of (y/n)’s drink.” You looked at Stu, shocked: nobody said anything about playing another game while people were in the closet. 
“What— you didn’t let me choose between truth or dare!” He complained. Stu shrugged, clearly not caring and not going to change his mind. Randy looked at you and sighed, scooting closer and reaching for your drink that you outstretched tentatively. 
“Don’t give that back.” Randy almost looked offended. 
“I’m not sick!” 
“I don’t want your germs in my mouth.” Randy rolled his eyes, moving back to sit where he was previously since you didn’t want the drink back, and took 3 large shots into his mouth and winced. 
“God, (y/n)— this is strong,” he complained. You laughed at the man and watched him set the drink down with a grimace. Randy took a moment to get the taste from his mouth with his own drink before he looked around the circle for his next victim. “Hmm… Sidney… truth or dare.” 
“Truth,” she said, not trusting the look on Randy’s face. 
“Did you or did you not fuck Billy last weekend?” Her face warmed and you snickered; she should have known a truth would be just as bad from Randy as a dare. 
“Uh… I did.” She avoided eye contact with Billy who stole a quick glance at her. “God, you’re a pervert,” she mumbled, glancing at Tatum and wondering why she wanted to be locked in a closet with him. Just before Sidney spoke to pick her next person, the timer on Stu’s phone went off. He held a finger up to pause the game and got up, walking towards the closet. He moved the chair and abruptly slammed open the door, clearly wanting to catch the two in the act of doing something, and yet he only found them kissing sloppily. 
“Time’s up, love birds.” He shoved the two out of the closet, snickering when the girl was flushing and went back to the circle with her head down. Stu shook the hat and walked towards you, stopping with the hat right in front of your face. You reached up and into the hat, digging around until you felt like you found the right piece of paper. 
You pulled it out and looked at it. A 4 was scribbled on the paper. You looked to your left and met Sidney’s eyes. 
“Thank god,” you mumbled quietly, watching her laugh. 
“Well, then.” Stu smirked. “Come on, ladies.” Sidney rolled her eyes at the man and stood up. 
“Don’t be a pervert.” She grumbled, walking towards the closet with you. A quick look was shared between you and Stu. He sent you a wink as you walked into the cramped closet with Sidney. Stu shut the door and almost immediately you heard the chair scrape across the floor. 
“Seven minutes!” He called before he walked away. You gave a sigh and leaned back against the wall, brushing your hair back from your face. 
“I’m so glad it’s you I’m in here with.” The room was so dark you could barely see her, but you could see the woman enough to watch her smile. 
“Yeah— I agree. I did not want to be in here with one of those drunk guys. They look like they could barely stand.” You laughed and shook your head. 
“I wish Tatum had wanted to play this game when everyone was more sober.” 
“Or not at all,” Sidney grimaced. 
“Well, maybe you’ll get locked in here with Billy.” You teased the woman who gave your shoulder a slap. “Alright— alright!” You shoved her hand away with a grin. “I’ll leave you alone.” 
“Speaking of being locked in here with people…” She hesitated, confusing you. 
“What do you want to do, make out?” You teased the woman. 
“Absolutely not. I was wondering— have you seen Stu tonight?” 
“Uh— yeah? I was talking to him not that long ago about the game.” 
“Yeah, but that isn’t what I meant.” 
“I’m confused.” 
“He’s eyeing you like he wants to fuck you right there.” You choked on your own spit and nearly had a coughing fit. “I’m serious! He’s so eye fucking you.” You couldn’t tell if she was annoyed or not by her tone. She sounded half-disgusted and half-teasing. “The wink?” She added. “Stu doesn’t just wink.” 
“Stu flirts with everyone,” you said when you finally caught your breath. “He’s not eye fucking me, he’s just being… ugh.” You didn’t know what to say. You weren’t oblivious. You had seen him out of the corner of your eye a few times, but that didn’t mean that you thought that he was staring at you specifically. Wasn’t he just kind of a whore? 
“All I’m saying is that you better wish upon a star you don’t get locked in here with him or you’re gonna be caught naked.” You gasped and made her laugh. 
“I don’t want to fuck him. Even if he wants to fuck me— nobody said that I wanted to fuck him.” 
“Tatum fell for him.” You gave a soft scoff and looked down. 
“Whatever.” She reached over and gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder; the two of you stood in silence for a few minutes before the door opened and Stu looked in. He raised an eyebrow and stepped aside. 
“Boring.” Was all he said. “Randy, Tate— you’re next.” You raised an eyebrow and looked towards Tatum who stood a little too quickly. 
“We let Tatum choose while the two of you were still in here.” Stu sent you a knowing look and let Randy and Tatum inside the closet. She sent you an excited look and you swore that you saw Randy blushing before Stu shut the door and put the chair in front of the door. He took his time starting the timer on the way back to the circle. You went to go sit beside Sidney, but a cold hand caught your wrist and pulled you down. You gave a soft sound in shock and looked at Stu as he turned on the timer and leaned towards you. 
“What’s up with Tatum wanting to fuck Randy?” He asked, his breath hitting your ear. You felt ashamed as your face heated up as he spoke. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” You chewed on the inside of your cheek and gazed across the circle at Sidney who looked like she was going to burst. You sent her a sharp look. “She just mentioned it tonight. Maybe she’s just drunk. Why? Jealous?” You finally looked at the man again. He had a single raised eyebrow. 
“Me? Jealous?” He laughed. “No way. I have options.” You quickly looked away as the man eyed you too intensely. “Sidney,” he spoke, eyes still trained on you for a moment before he looked at her. “Truth or dare?” She hesitated for a minute, thinking about her last choice and the truth she had to answer. 
“Dare.” He smirked at the girl and looked at Billy that sat a few feet away from him. 
“Sit on Billy’s lap until I pick out of the hat.” 
“What’s the matter? You were just on his dick last weekend.” He said, as innocently as he could. She shot him a look and almost pleaded with her eyes at you. 
“I can always, uh… take the dare instead.” You said in an attempt to save your friend from the embarrassment. 
“No,” Stu spoke quickly, shaking his head. “This is for Sidney. Sid, sit on Billy’s lap for the next few minutes.” You shrugged gently and sent her an apologetic look. 
‘I tried’ you mouthed at the woman as she stood and walked over to Billy. You didn’t bother looking over and watching her, knowing that she certainly didn’t want to be seen in a moment like this. With a content hum, Stu looked around the circle then at the timer on his lap. There were still four minutes left for the two in the room and nearly half of the people had left while you and Sidney were in the closet. 
“Well… unless you wanna kiss me, there’s not much else we can do.” Stu spoke. It took a moment for you to realize that he was talking to you. 
“I’m not going to kiss you. I wasn’t going to choose dare anyways! It’s not even your turn again!” You blurted out shakily. He snickered and rested back on his hands. 
“Alright. Guess we get to wait.” The room was awkwardly silent. The music was quieter than it had been all night, but it still made your teeth feel like they were buzzing even after all of this time away from the loud room. 
Being able to hear your breath made you feel self-conscious, so you glanced at Sidney and saw her stiff against Billy who had a hand on her leg. She caught your gaze and gently shook her head as you bit back a smile. 
The timer going off nearly made you jump. Stu got up slowly, stopping the timer and grabbed the hat instead of heading for the closet. You looked up at the man as he shoved his hand into the hat. All of the papers were still in there, even for the people that had left, but he smiled when he picked up his piece. He handed it down to Billy as Sidney scrambled off of his lap and stood up. 
“Gotta run to the bathroom,” she mumbled to you as she passed by you. You were too distracted watching the two share a quick, quiet conversation. Billy sent Stu and quick smirk as Stu laughed and stood up straight again. He headed over to the closet as Billy pocketed the paper and looked at you. 
“Let me guess, you?” You asked hopefully. Billy stood and stretched his legs with a shake of his head. 
“I hope your breath smells good.” He teased, moving to sit on the sofa as your face fell. You watched as Tatum straightened her shirt and sent you a grin. Randy’s face was bright red as he aimlessly followed Tatum towards the other room. Nobody was left but you, Billy and Stu. Fingers grabbed your own, the same cold, slender fingers that grabbed you before. You dug your nail into the side of your free thumb and looked at the man. 
“Just you and me now,” he winked at you and tugged you towards the closet. Billy followed the two of you to the closet, giving Stu a slap on the back as he got into the small, cramped space with you, and shut the door. The chair scraped across the floor and hooked underneath the handle. 
“Seven minutes.” Billy spoke through the door and walked away. You were dead silent, fearing to even breathe. Stu shockingly didn’t smell purely like alcohol. Instead, he smelled minty, like he’d recently had gum. The lingering scent of his cologne was in your nose as he stood so close that you swore you felt his body heat. 
“I’m guessing you and Sidney didn’t do what we’re about to,” he spoke in a tone you had never heard from him before; enticing, flirty— dare you say it— sexy. You clenched your jaw and tried becoming one with the wall. Stu got closer, his breath along your warm cheekbones. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” You spoke quickly. 
“This is seven minutes in heaven. That’s the golden rule of this game.” He grasped your waist and pulled you flush against his chest. You gave a soft gasp and pressed your palm flat to his chest. “You’re gonna tell me that you don’t want to kiss me like I wanna kiss you?” He teased. “You’re not struggling. You’re not yelling or hitting me.” Stu nudged your chin up and leaned in, his lips brushing gently across yours with the slightest kiss that you didn’t return. 
Your breath hitched and earned another laugh from the man in front of you. 
“Yeah. You don’t want to kiss me.” He mumbled beneath his breath, ignoring your silent protests as he pressed his lips to yours. Your fingers grasped at his chest, legs shaky as the man held you close. You struggled for a moment in his arms, but Stu was persistent. His tongue brushed along your bottom lip and made you flush. Involuntarily, your mouth opened for the man that pushed his tongue into your mouth and grasped tighter at your hips. 
The fight in you seemed to have abandoned you as you finally leaned into the man. Stu reached his hand down, groping at your ass and earning a soft gasp from you as he pressed your hips to his. His fingers grasped your thigh, edging it up to wrap around his waist in an attempt to feel your body completely pressed against his own. Your face was hot as you felt the obvious hardness in his pants. 
“You feel how hard I am for you?” He teased between feverish kisses that you leaned in to even when he pulled back. “It’s sure as hell not for Tatum fucking Randy in the bathroom upstairs.” He snickered, sliding his hand up your side and groping at your breast over the bra that you wore. 
Stu left your lips with a soft ‘smack,’ but before you could even react, he leaned down to press a few scattered kisses to your neck. Stu’s fingers were long and strong, groping at your breast and making you give a soft moan in return to his lips sucking on your skin. Stu gave a devious chuckle and pulled away from your neck, shoving his lips back to your mouth as his opposite hand slid along your thigh. You shifted against the man, leaning closer to him and making it easier for his fingers to press to your clit over your clothing. 
“Better stay quiet. You wouldn’t want anyone thinking that you cave so easily, would you?” He laughed at you as you gave another small moan at his fingers rubbing small circles on your clit. Your body tingled at his touch, at the kisses that he pressed to your lips. Stu knew he had you when his fingers pushed into your pants and you didn’t even falter. His fingers pressed to your entrance over your underwear and he gave a chuckle. “You’re wet,” he mumbled against your lips. “Are you a little slut? Getting horny for me in the closet? Are you into the thought of Billy hearing you moan for me in here?” 
“Mmm, Stu—“ you grumbled in complaint as he chuckled. He pressed another kiss to your lips and shoved his fingers into your panties. You squirmed against the mans hands as his fingers rubbed bare at your clit. You were getting desperate, the alcohol in your system wasn’t making it easy on you to make the right choices. 
And as Stu pushed one of his long fingers inside of you, it was too hard for you to stop. 
Stu easily sensed how desperate you were as you clenched slightly around his fingers. He chuckled, pulling his hand back and sucking off his fingers before he reached over and pounded on the door. 
“As sexy as this is, I’d rather go to my room and keep your moans and screams to myself,” he pressed a kiss to your neck as footsteps started heading to the closet. His warm breath hit your ear as he whispered to you. “I’m gonna strip all of this off of you and fuck you until you’re soaking the bed.” You gave a soft sound beneath your breath in embarrassment to his vulgar words, something that earned a devious chuckle from the man that stood over you. 
The light coming from outside nearly blinded you as you squinted and tried to adjust to the drastic light change. 
“That wasn’t seven minutes.” Billy’s familiar voice spoke as slender fingers grabbed your own quickly and started to lead you from the closet. You glanced over, seeing Sidney sitting on the ground with flushed cheeks. She sent you a confused look, something you shrugged at. 
“I decided I need more than seven minutes.” Stu sent his best friend and wink before he tugged you after him. “Come on. Let’s go to my room. You won’t regret it.” 
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wood-white-writer · 7 months
"Didn't mean to make your heart Blue" || [6/...]
— OPLA!Buggy x F!Reader
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“On sunny days I go out walking, I end up on a tree-lined street. I look up at the gaps of sunlight. I miss you more than anything."
— Mitski, "Francis Forever"
Pairing: Buggy the Clown (Live action) x F!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7
Summary: You were an apprentice of Gol D. Roger’s crew in your youth, long before his eventual demise. Along with the Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy, you were a formidable trio; the embodiment of a new generation of pirates yet to come. But times changed, and so did you and your friends.  The crew arrives at the Baratie, and several things go down in a matter of hours. Decisions are made, both stupid and not so stupid. Old and new faces come back into your life, and unable to deal with the events in Orange Town, you handle it in the worst best way possible: through the bottle.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, fem!reader, LA!Verse, slight canon divergence, alcoholic indulgence on a catastrophic scale (drink responsibly ppl), blackouts, morally grey reader, violence, mentions of everyone (marine, fish people, pirates, etc.) having a past beef with Reader/"Cross-Hairs", Buggy POV in the end,
A/N: So, since this chapter was delayed, I think it compensates due to the fact that it is approximately 7k words long. The chapter jumps a little between the events of the Baratie, but there's a reason for that: the reason being that the Reader is shitfaced for most of the time during this chapter. Also, shout out to @ay0nha for putting up with my rambles during this period, really appreciate it XD
It hurts. Everything hurts. That’s the first thing he feels. 
His feet, his back, his torso, but especially his head. It’s like a hamster is running on a wheel inside the bones in his skull, squeaking, chirping, driving him insane from the inside. 
The wheel is pounding, and pounding until all he wants is to chuck that fucking hamster into–
“Hey, he’s waking up!”
Shanks? Why is he in his head? Fuck, he takes it back. The hamster can stay, rent-free, for as long as it fucking wants to, as long as it isn’t fucking Shanks—
On second thoughts, that voice doesn’t strike any sense of irritation with him. In fact, he finds it comforting, like the morning sun shining atop the ship deck. He doesn’t mind listening to that.
His eyes open, and he thinks he's seeing the sun for the first time. The sun and the moon, in fact, at the same time. Golden, blinding, warm, and cold, but he wants to watch them until his vision turns white and all sense of sight abandons him. 
It’ll suck to be blind, but damn, what a hell of a way to go.
The more he stares, however, the more everything else falls back into place. He realizes it’s not suns he’s staring at, but two sharp eyes and a concerned face that makes him feel just as warm.
He’s in a bed, he finally discovers. There’s a pillow under his head, a fresh sheet up until his midsection which strangely smells of vinegar, inside a room he just now remembers is the Oro Jackson’s de-facto ‘infirmary’ which really is just an old storage space that was refurnished when they first got the ship.
There’s something wrapped around his head, tight but not too tight that it’s squeezing. It’s been done by precise and sturdy hands; a professional, someone who knows what they’re doing.
He blinks once, then twice, and everything around him finally settles. Including everyone perched around the bed.
“Ah, Buggy, my lad!” It’s hard not to recognize the booming voice of his captain, who proceeds to lean over him with his hands pressed around his biceps until the massive mustache trickles his chin. “Thought you were a goner for a moment!”
He kind of wishes he was one because the strength of Gol D. Roger is not to be underestimated. His ribs squeeze and it's hard to breathe, but out of respect for his captain, all that leaves his throat is a guttural groan that he hopes conveys the message clearly enough.
Gol D. promptly removes himself from his poor apprentice with his hands raised, and when he steps back, Shanks takes his place next to the bed. “Gods, Buggy! What were you thinking? You could’ve been killed! Rayleigh said you were lucky it was just a concussion!”
That’s when it dawns on him. Riiight, there was a scuttle. Some asshole pirates trying to ambush them, they picked the wrong fucking targets. Some … guy was flying over him? Did that happen, or was it just a fever dream?
He remembers kicking someone in the balls, and then … and then …
Lightning. Making its way for him as the darkness embraced his vision. A line of gold, straight as a sword, narrowing in on him.
Did it catch him before the darkness did? 
He hopes so.
“Lay off me, will ‘ya!” he shouts at his friend, trying to get up. However, the fucking hamster wheel in his head keeps spinning until he settles back down against the pillow. “I was doing good!”
“Yeah, until you weren’t!” Shanks disputes and grabs his fellow apprentice by the collar of his sleeve. “I told you to fucking move, but it’s like you spaced out! She had to carry you all the way back here with your head all bleeding!”
Carry him?
He glances at you, finally. You’re sitting there, hunched slightly over the bed with those eyes looking at him, and he’s thinking you fucking carried him? It’s not that he’s ashamed, not at all, but if anything, he was always hoping the roles were switched. 
He’d be the one carrying you. With your strength, he imagined it would be quite the weight to uphold, but he would do it. For you, he would move the seas if he could, Devil Fruit or not.
“Buggy, are you alright?” 
You’re the one talking this time. Not the captain, nor Shanks, just you. The lighting is here, and he feels his skin prick. It’s electric. Cold. Warm. All and nothing combined. He could listen to it – feel it – for hours, days, maybe even years without ever growing weary of it.
He puts on his best brave face and scoffs, forcing his arms to cross themselves despite the surge of aches that rush through his body doing so. “Of course I’m alright! I’m Buggy! I bounce back, always!”
“Still,” your hands fall on top of his, and he feels his body freeze. “I was worried.”
“’Worried’?” Shanks cackles and gestures to you with his thumb over his shoulder. “You should’ve seen the damage she left behind. The entire place was smithereens, I tell you, Buggy! She knocked over those assholes like frickin’ chessboard pieces!”
“What did I always tell you?” Gol D. slams a hand on top of your shoulder, knocking you slightly forward. “She’s got eyes sharp enough to cut through steel, and pirates too, apparently.”
You laugh awkwardly. “I didn’t cut through them, really. I just … knocked them a little over.”
Shanks cackles. “Don’t be humble. You should’ve seen the guy who knocked you out. I swear, none of his bones were where they were supposed to be. He won’t be walking, or doing much of anything, ever again.”
Buggy can imagine it, but also not. He looks at you now, and he sees his concerned friend with those kind eyes that contain both the sun and the moon. He’s always known you’re strong – the strongest person he knows of save for his captain, but not unkind. Not cruel. Not sadistic.
Yet, if what Shanks just said carries any weight, it confirms what he’s always known. 
You’re a beast, and beasts only follow their prime instincts. They don’t allow others to harm what or who they consider theirs.
And it means that you consider him yours. 
Maybe in a different way than he’d prefer, maybe in a way that’s different from the kind he harbors towards you, but it still confirms he’s yours. 
He will never want to find himself on the opposite side of that. Of you. Never you.
When he looks at you again, looks down at where your hand is pressed on top of his, he takes it in his own. 
“I’m fine,” he finally says, his lip tugging in what is supposed to be a smile. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, though.”
You chuckle softly, and he smiles. Fuck, how can he not? He remembers it all so clearly. The way your dimples are shaped, the length of your hair, the soft tint of your lips.
“You? Never.” You finally say. “Never you”
You reflect on how it's weird that some things change whereas others don't. 
Flowers prosper and bloom and die. The sun ascends, stays up for a few hours, then descends back into the horizon. 
Friendships grow strong, stay strong, then they aren't.
Some things change, some don't. 
Baratie being among the latter.
It's bright enough inside to momentarily blind you, just like it was a little over ten years ago. Save for new faces with the employees and some design choices, the overall place has stayed the same. 
There are people there of prestigious backgrounds - both pirate and not - and you think of how receptive the restaurant must've been to make both parts come together without any regular scuttles. 
A neutral ground for all to come and enjoy the feast. Well, that is the principle, but not everyone abides by it.
It’s been a while since you last visited the establishment, and last time, you were banned for life. 
Frankly, you don’t recall much of the events; too drunk on rum at the time.
What you do remember is that it involved a few broken bottles of Baratie’s finest wine, some mashed-up furniture, and cutlery, a rival captain who wouldn’t take a “fucking get lost” for a “no”, and it ended with you standing surrounded by a bunch of broken bodies of your own making.
Needless to say, Zeff was pissed. 
More than pissed, actually. He was fuming.
He probably still is.He has a thing for grudges if he’s still alive.
Maybe … Just maybe the old man’s chewed off something more than his leg and kicked the bucket? That’d be a sight to see considering he only has one remaining foot.
"My name is Sanji. What can I get for you?"
The waiter - Sanji - is fine, not going to lie. A good fighter, too, if his little display seconds ago is a testament to that. A bit too young for your preference, with a nose too small, and hair too bright and blonde. Not quite blue colorful enough.
All in all, not a bad look at all. Just for the aesthetics, though. A solid 7/10, you conclude.
"One of everything, please!" Luffy requests enthusiastically.
For whatever reason, Sanji does not seem to share your general affinity for the restaurant. That’s odd. Most people who work here tend to boast about their occupation in the famed restaurant.
Though, if you have to make a guess, Zeff is likely a contributing factor behind that disdain. He’s tough on people, even tougher if he likes someone.
As discontented as Sanji seems, however, it does not keep him from trying to withhold his flirtatious demeanor with Nami. A Casanova, it looks like. Funny.
"Waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?" Zoro asks, fed up with the one-sided dalliance going on between your shipmate and the waiter.
"Two beers!” Usopp promptly adds. “though, I usually have three."
"And one milk!" Luffy chimes in.
"Three beers and a milk," Sanji notes. His eyes land on you, and that signature smile falls to his lips. "And for the ladies?"
You’re already here, you think to yourself. Why not make the most of it? For nostalgia’s sake.
"A bottle of Baratie's Finest," you request, your chin resting in your palm. "Not the kind you keep for customers, though. Pick one from Zeff's private stash, if you can afford to smuggle it past his bushy nose?"
"A classy beverage for a classy lady, I see." A mischievous glimmer shines in his eyes and smile. "Although that stash is off-limits, what kind of a man would I be if I refused a lady her desired beverage?”
You tilt your head a fraction to the side. "I'm sure he won't mind. At his age, he needs to watch his liver."
"That is true,"
Quite frankly, everything else evades your attention the second the waiter arrives with your order. Sanji brings you your meals, and your pricey bottle of Baratie's Finest, and it’s the Red Apple edition.
You eat, and eat, and drink, and then drink some more, not even stopping to concern yourself with the price tag. 
The food at the Baratie's has not been in decline when it comes to quality above all else. It's delicious, and not a lot of places have earned that kind of claim in your life.
The food is good, but the drinks are ethereal. 
One glass turns into two, and two promptly becomes three. So forth, and so forth. Anything to dull the tightness lodged in your chest. 
A tightness that has not left you alone in the past couple of weeks.
You've developed a pretty good tolerance over the years, and after several more units, you begin to feel the tickle on the edge of your hands. Baratie’s Finest indeed.
After five, the feeling settles on the tip of your spine.
After seven, you start to wonder what went wrong. It's a dangerous area to indulge in, especially if liquor is involved, but you don’t stop.
What went wrong?
What did you do wrong?
In another life, you would've traveled the world with them, doing nothing but drinking, fighting, exploring together.
Instead, you’re here, drinking with a crew yet still feeling like the loneliest asshole in the world. It’s not your crew.
You lose a smidgen of focus, and in the grand specter of things, focus is something you could do well with less off. 
You can afford to think less, feel less, and know less. Life has been full of ups and downs, and quite frankly, you've grown weary of it all.
Fuck, maybe Luffy’s onto something? Maybe you are sad?
… Nah.
Once Zoro orders another beer, you go as far as to share your bottle with him. His face scrunches at the taste and he coughs several times, but he admits that it’s good.
As you sit there on the edge of the couch, sipping your beverage and tasting your food, Sanji arrives to collect the bill. You know Luffy doesn’t have a berry to his name yet, and so you wonder how long it'll take before Zeff notices.
More specifically, how long it’ll take him before he realizes he's missing something from his private collection?
“Who the hell is Monkey D. Luffy?!”
Speak of the Chief… and he shall appear.
This time, you do not interfere when Luffy attempts to bargain for his lack of cash. You simply sit back and observe. 
As much as Luffy tries, he does not have the words or mind suited for this kind of business yet. It’s Capitalism at its finest. 
“You eat, you pay!”
Thoughts and dreams can only get you so far in life, but at the Baratie, it’s coin.
When Zeff grabs Luffy by the front of his shirt, the chief's eyes turn to you, and holy hell, is he furious. 
“And what in the blazing hell are you doing here?!"
“Zeff,” You greet him and raise your beverage his way, a tilted smirk on your face. "It’s been too long."
"Not long enough! I thought I told you to get fucking lost last time? The damages you did cost a fortune!"
“In my defense, it was the other guys that started it.”
He gives you such a dirty look that his jaws clench. “Don’t give a shit. Why are you here?”
You twirl the bottle around in your hand. "Just enjoying the ambiance, as always. I was in the area, and so how could I pass up the chance to try your scrumptious meals again? Or drinks, for that matter?" 
On cue, you raise your - or rather his - bottle closer up to him. 
It’s stupid, the rational part of your brain argues. One does not fuck around with the Chief of the Baratie, but among the few joys you have left in life, this remains one of them.
His eyes narrow in on the bottle and there he is.In the blink of an eye, he snaps it out of your hand with such fast precision that you're almost caught off-guard. 
Zeff narrows in on the mostly empty flask like it's personally insulted him and his entire lineage. “Where did you get this?"
"It was on the menu."
"It sure as shit was not! How could you—" He freezes like a thought suddenly dawned on him, and if a man can become purple from anything other than oxygen deprivation, Zeff's current mood is the closest thing to it. "Sanji. Why that snot-nosed, little—! ... When I get my damn hands on him."
It seems that whatever vendetta Zeff has towards his employee, it outweighs the one he has for you tenfold, which says something. Without another word, he yanks Luffy by the scruff and all but drags him with him to the kitchen. 
Ordinarily, you would’ve intervened on behalf of your captain, but with Zeff now preoccupied, it’s your chance to rob the bar of a few more beverages.
And in your dictionary, “a few” is the equivalent of “a shitton”.
"Wow," Usopp murmurs with a low whistle. "That guy really hates your guts."
"What are you talking about? I’m his favorite customer." You raise what remains in your glass to them. “Anyone want another one?”
"I do," Nami relents.
Zoro laughs, probably for the first time since you’ve met him. "Now you're talking."
Maybe, just maybe, you’re beginning to like these people. 
With a couple more drinks, maybe you’ll be able to tell.
“You know, I kind— I kinda assumed you were an asshole when we first met?” 
Usopp’s struggling to stand on his feet, legs bent slightly forward as he makes a half-assed attempt at ordering another drink. You can’t tell if the bartender is electively ignoring him or not, and truth be told, you don't blame the guy if the former applies.
Between the two of you, you’re more adept when it comes to dealing with liquor. Sure, your lips are a little looser now and the bright lights are starting to hurt your eyes, but all in all, you’re not even half as drunk as you want to be. 
Seriously, fuck me sometimes. You just had to go all out when you were younger. Days and nights spent pouring bottle after bottle left your liver hardened rather than weakened.
Now, because of the high tolerance you stupidly developed, it's come here to bite you in the ass and keep you from getting wrecked. 
“Oh?” Your sarcasm couldn't be any more discernible than it is now as you eye your crew mate. “What made you reach that conclusion?”
Usopp twirls around, horribly off-balanced, and slaps a hand over your shoulder. 
A little too personal for your liking, but you let it slide for now.
“I mean, for starters, you—,” he hiccups. “You always have that look about you. Like someone just pissed in your ale.”
You give him an unimpressed but vaguely piqued once-over. “Descriptive. Go on,”
“And soso— And so I and the guys are wondering if you’re like that because some clown broke your heart or—,” he hiccups again. “Or some— something? Did he piss in your ale?”
You shrug his hand off at once. You don’t want to think about him, now least of all. "No.”
Not even a second later, his arm his back over your shoulder and he leans closer. It's probably meant as a comforting gesture, but given how absolutely wasted he looks, you perceive it with a grain of salt. 
"Y-You can tell the great Capt— I mean, the Great Usopp, alright? We've all been there before, I—I'm ssssure. I mean, Zoro doesn't strike me as much of a ladies' man, but he's probably got stories, too."
The bartender finally stops by and leaves a beer bottle in front of you on the table, completely ignoring your companion, and disappears to make his next rounds.
You take the flask and flick the cork off with your thumb. "Well, if you really want to help, —" 
You turn around so that your back hits the bar counter, twirl Ussop around with the guidance of your hand and shove him lightly towards where Nami and Zoro are sitting. "— Talk to the others first about their heartbreaks."
If he wants to object, he's too drunk to for it. Instead, he recollects his limited stance and all but wobbles over to the corner where your other companions are seated.
He’s their problem now, but it’ll be an interesting display.
You recline against the bar counter to chug your beverage in peace when a voice suddenly speaks up from next to you. 
“I thought you were retired.”
With how loud the music is, it might have slipped your notice completely. Then again, the owner of said voice has always had that thing about him. 
He could whisper, and the entire room would’ve heard.
You glance up at your side, and you’re halfway tempted to smile when you see who it is. 
“It’s been a while, Hawk-Eyes.”
Everything from the feather on his hat to the cross around his neck and the pointy way his beard is trimmed has stayed the same. Not a scar, a bruise, or blemish to spot on him.
In ten years, he looks to have aged only one. Some people are fortunate in terms of youth, and you would definitely consider Dracule Mihawk one of them.
“Cross-Hairs.” He inclines his head to you, a silent courtesy reserved only for those whose company he tolerates. “I believed you abandoned your life behind the mast years ago.”
You take another generous gulp from your bottle before you respond. "So did I, but life finds a way, doesn't it?"
"Indeed." He peeks over his shoulder to where your companions are seated, his countenance less than impressed. Then again, that's just his face by default, so hard to tell with him. "And last we met, you were a Captain."
"Last time we met, you almost cut my right arm off." For emphasis, you pull back your sleeve to show off the straight scar that separates your upper arm from the rest. It's faded, old, and never noticeable unless you decide to wear anything short-sleeved, but it's there all the same.
He doesn't apologize. Of course, he wouldn't. Instead, he raises his sparse glass of wine to you. "Nothing personal."
You raise your bottle to him in turn. "Of course not,"
You drink your respective beverages in companionable silence. However, even with your halfway inebriated state of mind, you can't help but think of the reasons for his presence. 
You have your suspicions, and you're not shy about voicing them.
"This isn't your usual scenery." You say. “What makes one of the great Warlords of the Sea seek out a place such as this? Business or pleasure?"
"Business," he answers curtly, as though he'd prefer to do anything but. "I'm looking for a captain."
“It’s not Shanks, I take it?”
“No, it’s not. It’s a captain by the name of Luffy.”
It doesn't surprise you. It should, but it doesn’t.
The lengths the vice-admiral is willing to go to retrieve his grandson, which apparently includes hiring a Warlord to do so, doesn’t surprise you in the slightest. Unbreakable willpower is a family trait, after all, if you've learned anything from Luffy. 
It wouldn’t suffice with a gun; he had to send the entire fucking arsenal.
Still, at least it’s Mihawk of all people. It shouldn’t be a source of relief, but had it been anyone else, be it Kuro or Axe-hand or Bu-... 
Your fingers subconsciously dig into the fragile, empty bottle you’re holding.
The point is, had it been anyone else, you would've intervened. You have intervened, several times by now, but not tonight. 
Tonight, you're here to drink and forget, then drink some more. You don’t have the sobriety to worry about much of anything anymore.
"Garp must truly be at his wit's end if he employs you for his endeavors." Once you retrieve the bottle at your disposal, you pluck off the cap and swirl it lazily in your hand. The lights from the bar dance around the transparently brown rim, like a shooting star with no exit and no entrance to the rest of the universe. Forever stuck. "Seems excessive to send you of all people after something so seemingly simple."
"From what I've heard, this particular quarry is something of a wildcard."
"If you’re here, I’m sure of it."
Mihawk tilts his chin up, eyeing you curiously in your peripheral vision. "Are you saying that you're acquainted with this Luffy?"
"I'm saying no such thing. It's just mere speculations on my part." Another fistful of alcohol travels down your esophagus. "You're only employed when it's truly serious, and the vice-admiral is known for only getting involved in those kinds of matters. It adds up, is all I’m saying."
“I hardly consider it dire. It's more a means of killing some time on my part." He does not take his eyes off of you, and even in your current state, you can tell that something is brewing beneath those sharp eyes. "However, if said captain has you in his arsenal, then I feel like some investigation is warranted. After all, the Captain of the Cross-Haired pirates is not particularly known for her tendency to submit to others."
You quirk an eyebrow at him and circle your finger around the bottle rim, pondering on the subject yet not biting at the metaphorical carrot he dangles in front of you. "Technically, it’s just like you said: I'm retired, and the Cross-Haired pirates are no more. I’d think most people are aware of that.”
"The Marines believe otherwise,” he counters calmly. “The Cross-haired pirates may be disbanded, but their captain’s bounty remains on the posters. The vice-admiral was quite adamant that, while he wants the boy alive, he’d prefer it if you weren’t."
“I see.” The vice-admiral should learn to take a fucking number. “Tell me, have you elected a means of execution, or is it the dealer's choice?"
"I recall he mentioned something along the lines of wanting your head on a spike."
"I agree."
"Then," you raise your glass. "Am I to have my last drink here tonight?"
He shakes his head. "No, I'm here for the boy and nothing else."
You'd expect him to be forward with his line of questions; demand you just give Luffy up and be done with it, not side-stepping the subject like he's doing now. 
If he suspects something, he'll sniff it out like a bloodhound until he gets what he's searching for, regardless of how many cards or people fall around him. You’ve not exactly been subtle about your affiliations with his quarry, something you’ll berate yourself for come morning, but it all depends on how this plays out now.
"I won’t give you the answer you seek. You’ll have to do that on your own.”
You're not friends, but you're not necessarily foes either. 
For as long as you’ve known the swordsman, Mihawk's only ever had a beef with Shanks for reasons undisclosed even to you. Even after you parted ways with your red-haired crew mate, Mihawk never seemed to have anything personal against you despite the rather brutal nature of your previous encounter. 
If anything, there's a certain level of respect veiled between you, one former pirate to another semi-former one, and it’s something you hope he'll honor just this once.
To your relief, he decides to not push the matter, but the interest lingers in his eyes. 
It's not easy to notice, but you make it a habit to take note of limited details. "The boy must be something special to have earned your loyalty like this, Cross-Hairs." 
"I suppose you'll have to find out for yourself." 
"Perhaps so," he concedes.
You chug the rest of your drink in one go, put the empty bottle on the tabletop in the space between you, and push yourself off the counter. "For what it's worth, I wish you good fortune with your endeavor. However, I’ll warn you; if anything happens to the kid, I'll get involved.”
“Duly noted.” Once again, he dips his head to you. "And Cross-Hairs,"
You glance at him from over your shoulder, but his gaze is fixated on something else this time. Something on the other side of the bar, to the borders of the waters. If he sees anything, you can't tell what it is, and he doesn’t share. 
Not explicitly.
"There is unrest brewing in the seas," he finally reveals, casually as if he's discussing the current state of the weather. "I'd suggest you keep your feet dry for now, at your convenience."
You don't know what he speaks of, but whatever it is, you'll follow. He is not a man who prides himself on his capacity to proclaim falsehood. If he tells you that the sun is green, you'll believe it, and you make it a habit not to believe in a lot of people.
That applies to this warning too.
"I'll see you around, Hawk-Eyes."
You need another drink.
You slip in and out of consciousness a couple of times throughout the night, never coming to the same places twice, with a belly full of rum, beer, and whatever else with enough alcoholic percentage to knock out a horse. 
At one point, you're in the restaurant munching on some bread rolls.
At another, you're puking your guts out in the bathroom stalls. 
At the third, you're chugging even more liquor straight out of the bottle while a bunch of people cheer you on.
The circle goes on and on and on until it spins out of control like a zoetrope. Faces flash in front of you, one after the other, never the same two times in a row. 
It's alright, you tell yourself, as long as you forget.
You forget about blue eyes, blue hair, and red noses. 
You forget about Gol D. Roger and the time you spent on his crew.
You forget it all, if only for a few hours.
Next time you come to, you're still miraculously standing on your feet. You’re currently in the kitchen on the Merry, and currently listening to Nami telling a ridiculous story about how Zoro challenged Dracule Mihawk to a duel.
What a funny story.
In fact, it’s so funny and so outlandish that you can't help but snort. Since when has Nami been the kind of person to tell jokes?
Maybe Usopp's tendencies have rubbed off on the standoffish young woman, or maybe she's smoked something along with her drinks? 
Fuck, you have to ask her where she got the stuff.
It takes a few moments of awkward silence until you realize that no one is joking, Nami least of all. The room is still, and as if all alcoholic content has left your blood, it dawns on you last of all.
Oh hell no.
You slowly turn to Zoro with a deadpan look in your eyes, and despite the urgency, you ask him as calmly as you can, "You challenged Dracule Mihawk to a duel?"
He bobs his head and continues polishing his swords. "Which he accepted,"
You blink, and blink, hoping that this is just a fragment your beer-and-bottle-drenched brain has conjured to fuck with you, but Zoro remains where he is and so is everyone and everything else.
You thought he was one of the smart ones, too. His sense of navigation doesn't work for shit and if anyone can get lost on their way to the lavatory, it's him. Still, you withheld some semblance of hope that he would exhibit the same kind of recklessness as his captain.
Turns out, it has all been for naught.
You rub your temples hard enough to sting. With a nasty headache developing, you decide to pop the question. "Cremation or burial at sea?"
"... What?"
"Pick one or the other, I'll see to it that arrangements can be made."
"I'm not going to die.”
"You are a fly to him." Nami grimaces. "Something to be swatted and forgotten,"
"Not if I win." Zoro is steadfast and determined, like every new pirate on their first voyage.
It’s a look you remember well. In a way, the young swordsman kind of reminds you of Mihawk himself, and if there's one thing you can link to both, it's that annoying stubbornness that never yields. Even when the odds are against them.
"You're not going to win," Nami tries.
Zoro remains infuriatingly unconvinced. "You don't know that."
"You won't." This situation, to your chagrin, sobers you up enough that you can't blame the liquor on your next actions or words. 
You take a step towards him, and with an iron fist, grab him by the front of his shirt and force him to face you. He's unamused. “I think I liked you better when you were drunk,” he murmurs.
"I want you to get this, really get this.” You snarl. “Once you go against Mihawk, and there's no coming back for most. He's not known as the World's Greatest Swordsman for no reason, and as good as you are, take it from me. He'll end you."
He inclines his head to the side with deep-rooted skepticism. "Sounds like you really know the guy,"
"It doesn't matter whether I know him or not." 
"Everywhere we go, we make enemies, and for some reason, they've already got a grudge against you, Captain Cross-Hairs." 
With one hand clenched against your offending wrist, he starts to list off his other hand. "Since you know just about every asshole we come across, you might as well tell me about Mihawk's preferred method of execution. Will he chop me in half, or is he excessive like the damn clown and goes all the way with splitting someone into pieces?"
You feel your nails begin to pierce through the fabric of his shirt, inches away from leaving open gaps. You're not their guardian or their mentor. You're not the one supposed to keep the crew at ease or lead them towards certain victories. 
That's the captain's role, and you're not it. Not on this ship, with this crew.
Your only purpose here is to keep them from killing themselves on their first voyage, but if they're so determined to do it themselves despite the warnings you provide, then it's not on you.
Pulling him a few inches closer to you, you look him straight in the eyes, and that's when you see it. The aforementioned stubbornness that follows each and every young pirate you've come across in your life. The notion that they're invulnerable; unkillable. 
Nothing can hope to end them.
You remember what it was like, that feeling, and it almost breaks you to see it in front of you like this. 
You know aggression won’t do it for him, so you try an approach you haven’t tried in years. Bargaining. 
“What will it take for you to pull back from this?”
“He’s coming for Luffy. I’m his first mate, it’s my duty to protect the captain.”
To protect the Captain…
That's how you know that there's no convincing the young swordsman to stand down, not this time. 
He's persistent, exceedingly so, and if there's one thing you've learned during this voyage with these people it's that hell hath no fury like a straw hat pirate determined.
This is not on you, yet it doesn't make it any easier to let go of him. But you do.
Taking a deep breath, you uncurl your fingers and let him step back. 
You need another drink.
Glancing over your shoulder, you meet Luffy’s concerned gaze. “This is your call, captain.”
You don’t need to be here for this. You’ve done your part, and now it’s his turn to do his.
You give Zoro a pat on his back, just one. It's not meant for comfort, it's not an act of sympathy either. 
It's just a pat, like the kind you give your friend when they're about to gamble away all their savings over a game of cards. It’s the “fuck around and find out, but do it yourself”-kind of gesture.
Heaving a sigh, you sidestep him and let your fingers fall off his shoulders. "It's been fun, Zoro." 
And the worst part about this all is that you mean it, truly. It has been fun to sail with them, share a few beers, and joke at the expense of others. Your time on this ship has been fun. 
Like old times.
You won't go as far as to call Zoro a friend, you never do, but it's close enough that you'll probably miss him in the long run.
Zoro looks at you, his countenance indecipherable. "Say that to me again when I win this fight,"
"I can't." Because you won't.
The water forces its way into his lungs at such speed that it feels like he's swallowed buckets by the time they finally come up for air. He harks and coughs and tries to get as much of it out, but he doesn’t feel any lighter. 
Get it? Lighter, because he’s just a head now and— alright, forget it.
For once, he's happy his head is disjointed from the rest of his body because if it wasn't, he'd probably sink to the bottom of the ocean from the fluid in his belly alone.
The taste of salt and sand stays like a sour afterthought on his tongue, and as much as he tries to spit it out, he can't be rid of all the grains. "Fuck! Give me a warning next time, will ya?! Kinda vulnerable to seawater and all that!"
Whatever fish-guy has him strapped to their back this time does not dignify his complaints with a verbal response. Instead, all he hears is a couple of snickers, like their humor is fuelled at his expense. 
Assholes, the lot of them. 
It takes some time for the tangy scent to abandon his nostrils, but once it does, it's immediately replaced by the fine scent of something divine. Something delicious. 
It smells of food. Actual fucking human food. Not whatever Arlong and his litter gorge on, which he personally believes to be carcasses of dead sea animals they happen to catch on the shores of their island. 
It's honest-to-god cooked, seasoned, edible food.
Buggy can feel his mouth water, and for once, he cannot blame it on seawater.
They're finally at Baratie.
The finest restaurant in all the East Blue, renowned for its excellent taste and unrivaled quality. Only the richest of the rich get to dine here, and while he's not exactly flowing with berries at the moment, he’s famished.
“Hey, Lips!" he yells out as loud as he can through the shitty bag. "How about you order me some hot dogs once we get a seat? A clown's gotta eat!"
The only sort of response he gets is an elbow to the bag, which incidentally clashes right into his nose. "FUCK!"
"Shut up!"
There's scuttling to be heard, doors opening, and a shitton of gasps echo from all around him. They have an audience, he deduces, and not a particularly receptive one at that. 
Arlong makes a spectacle, something about "serve" and yish and yash about dinner and last meals as they get a seat.
Fuck, what he would give for a meal.
For the first time in what feels like forever, he feels solid ground settle under his neck. Though it's a pleasant reprieve from being thrown back and forth like a yarn ball caught in a cat’s game, he won’t consider it much of an upgrade. He's fucking hungry, damnit!
"Who are you, old man?" Arlong speaks, and Buggy hears uneven steps approach them.
An unfamiliar voice answers. "My name's Zeff, and I own this place."
Right, the Chief. Maybe he can ask him for some crumbs since his captors aren’t exactly on the generous side.
"Well, I'm Arlong, and I own the East Blue."
"No one owns the sea. Not even a fish man."
Ooooh, burn! Suck on that, shitface!
"Listen up!” Arlong exclaims when the chief’s negotiation tactics fail to appease him. “I'm looking for a pirate in a straw hat! Goes by the name of Luffy!"
The saw-nosed motherfucker truly has to be even more extravagant than himself, Buggy admits to himself with no short amount of begrudging compliance. Fishface even goes as far as to threaten the poor diners with having them for dinner instead, by the sounds of it. 
Buggy can appreciate the message it conveys; he’s used it himself, but he refuses to find any common ground with his captor, so he buries the sentiment ten feet down into wherever the hell his body is.
He listens as the diners lose their appetite, all the while Arlong begins to gorge on whatever he has on his plate. For a while, all he can make out is the sound of meat being torn off something and the occasional cry from one of the diners in the distance.
Even from miles and miles away, Buggy can feel his stomach twist painfully due to the lack of food in it. Oh, it’s hell on earth to smell everything you want yet being unable to even grasp it. And here his captors are, toying with him, torturing him with it.
Seriously, fuck them.
He’s about to demand to get something to chew on when Arlong’s other henchman — Kuroobi or some shit like that — beats him to it. "Hey, boss, I'm feeling for a bottle right about now."
Arlong laughs. "Don’t have to tell me. Take what you please. I don’t think that one will mind sharing one of hers.”
“And get one for me too while you’re at it,” Lips supplies.
The henchman cackles and gets up to his feet to retrieve what he’s looking for, but not before lightly kicking the bag that is Buggy’s current prison cell in the side. 
“Sorry.” He apologizes unapologetically.
Buggy grinds his teeth together and tries to think of something — anything — to keep his mind off his ever-rising hunger. When he gets his body back, he'll take some bottles and shove them right up these fuckers a—
Buggy hears the sound of something breaking from the opposite side of where the fish man just headed. Countless gasps ring through the restaurant’s interior, bouncing on the walls, and he hears the henchman’s painful wails from a distance away.
He’d laugh - he does laugh, because it seems like someone didn’t want to share their precious drinks and decided that full-on attacking one of the fish people was the appropriate kind of response.
It’s impressive, he thinks. Very much so. Oh, he’d pay to see that again, and he’ll have to give that person a fucking kiss, just for making his day a little bit better.
It’s a shame he can’t see the—
"Fucking get lost."
Buggy feels his head freeze in the bag.
He recognizes that voice. The morning sun shone atop the ship deck. Warm. Cold. All of them at once. 
He's finally found you.
Taglist: @kurinhimenezu, @carpinchootaku, @ay0nha, @teh-vampire-bunny, @lokiscure, @internationalsuper-spy, @detectivesparrow , @yuriwk , @notyuralycat , @angeli-fucking-cat, @machinema7k , @shuujin, @avatar-lover, @gingernut1314, @autumn-slaves. @marvelouskatie, @floristoflillys, @dizzyenby, @redpool, @deliri-yum22, @aemondsb1tch, @ackroxia, @gayandfairycore (If you want to be tagged for this story, just send me a message or leave a comment :))
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lieutenantfloyd · 3 months
Could you do Beau Cyclone Simpson with wife reader where she surprise him with the news of her pregnancy? Just something fluff and cute. Tag me later! Thanks! :))
Speechless | Cyclone x Reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and anxiety.
Authors note: This request has been living in my head rent free for over a week and has sent me down a rabbit hole of wholesome baby announcement tiktoks lol
Read on AO3
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You and Beau have been together for the better part of a decade, and married for over half of that time. Naturally, you've had plenty of conversations about starting a family throughout your relationship. The conversations confirmed that you were on the same page—"Whatever happens, happens." He'd murmured into the crook of your neck after a bit too much liquor—but always had a dreamy, hypothetical air to them. Even now, looking down at the soft linen onesie, "Hi, Daddy!" board book, and paperwork confirming your upcoming eight-week prenatal appointment, things still didn't feel quite real.
You arrange—and rearrange—the items in the gift basket until your house's silence is interrupted by the sound of the front door closing. You glance at the clock on the bedside table and notice it's only six o'clock in the evening. Typically Beau wouldn't be home this early, but you know that today's doctor's appointment followed by your vague updates afterward had inevitably left him worried.
You'd never known your husband to be a man of grand gestures and even less one to make bold declarations of love. Yet you had learned early on in your relationship that he was a man who shined brightest when in the traditional role of a provider. The fine details—from managing your monthly bills and ensuring that there was a fresh bouquet of flowers on your bedside table each week—was one area that he took serious pride in.
Maybe that's why you didn't argue when he scheduled a doctor's appointment for you in the first place. An appointment you had attended simply to silence the alarm bells going off in the mind of your darling—if not overprotective—husband. Though just as luck would have it, a blood test revealed that what you'd chalked up to be a rather strong bout seasonal allergies was actually the symptoms of your first trimester.
Hearing the clank of his keys against the table downstairs, you take a seat on the bed. Your heart rate picks up as he calls out to you. You tell him you'll be right down as you pull the basket into your lap. With a heavy breath, you give it a final look over before gripping the wooden handles and pacing out of the room.
His back is facing you as you enter the kitchen. He perks up at the sound of your footsteps, but you speak before he has the chance to turn around.
"I have a surprise, but I need you to close your eyes." You say, pushing down the butterflies fluttering wildly in your stomach.
 He hums lowly in response, and you move around him once you see his posture shift as his remaining senses go on high alert. Despite the butterflies, you can't help the smile that breaks out on your face as you place the basket on the kitchen island in front of him.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now."
His blue eyes flicker open and immediately land on you. You give him a soft, reassuring smile and nod downwards. His gaze follows yours, and you watch closely as he takes in what's in front of him. Even after years together, you can't help but melt as a look of graceful concentration floods his handsome features.
As expected, he bypasses the other items in favor of examining the paperwork. Your heart hammers in your chest as his eyes scan the page. The look on his face shifts into one of loving softness as everything clicks into place in his head.
The word barely leaves your mouth before he drops the papers and pulls you into his arms. His strong hands run over the small of your back as he places a kiss atop your head. You stay like this—sheltered in each other's embrace—for several beats. Eventually, he pulls away, though only far enough for you to adjust and see the smile blooming on his face. One of his hands departs your back, only to find purchase against your cheek. Another beat passes before he shakes his head as if in disbelief.
"I don't know what to say..." he voices softly.
"Are you happy?"
"I'm over the moon." He smiles.
Your heart screams at you to kiss him, only for him to be faster. Your lips meet gently, though not an ounce of passion is missing from the kiss. Whatever fear and anxiety that you had still been holding onto vanished in an instant. He pulls away and leans down to place a peck against your shoulder, which he does only when falling deep into thought. You raise a hand and run your fingers through his short cropped hair before inquiring about what’s on his mind.
"A to-do list, along with a list of potential nursery paint colors."
His words make your heart swell, but you can’t pass up the opportunity to press his buttons just a little.
"Can we at least make it through our first official doctor's visit before you start drafting schematics?"
"Preparation is the key to success." He states matter-of-factly, only to earn a sarcastic eye roll from you.
"Hey,” he says while poking at your side, “you knew exactly who I was when you married me."
“Isn’t hindsight is 20/20?” You respond playfully.
A crease forms between his eyebrows as he feigns offense, though it’s only seconds before he joins you in laughter. Watching your face light up, he shakes his head softly before capturing your lips for another kiss.
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Taglist: @pear-1206 @marchingicenotes7 @bayisdying @princessofglitterland @bella-law @callsignaries @katesmadness @oliviah-25 @luckyladycreator2 @shakira-sasha @xoxabs88xox @fanboyluvr @alexxavicry @madamemelancholysstuff @paola-carter @barbiewritesstuff @dozcan123 @withakindheartx @nyx2021 @teti-menchon0604 @kmc1989
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lovelaetter · 6 months
henlo hope ur doing well
idk if asks r open but had a thought and was wondering what u thought
been thinkin about older step!sis reader who houses younger step!sis sakura cause sakura got kicked out of their parents house for wanting to become a streamer
at first everythinf was chill with sakura bumming a bed off of you
but eventually because she doesnt pay rent to u start to use her for ur own pleasure as payment
freely using the baby when shes gaming on lounging
hating it at first but eventually being conditioned to love ur fingers and tongue :)
her being so scared and “disgusted” at first :( so scared to say no to you and risk being kicked out again but you’re her sister! and you support her dream and gives her lots of gifts, she doesn’t want to come off as ungrateful, that’s why she let’s you do what you want, totally not because she secretly thinks you’re hot or something, no…
god, there’s so many possibilities. the first thing that comes to my mind is making her cockwarm your strap while gaming with her friends :( like, the torture, the constant need to mute the mic so they won’t hear her whines as you kiss her neck and bounce her up and down, the unexpected gasp she lets out when it hits her g-spot… and i really think she does quite well for some time until you start playing with her little clit, that’s when she totally loses focus in the game and is forced to tell her friends she needs to go because she isn’t feeling well when in reality all wants is to be free to ride you.
remote controlled vibrator on at the highest setting while she’s streaming… she’s so lucky she is known for having loud reactions, that way she can sneak a few moans and whimpers here and there. kneeling in front after she says her goodbyes and turns off the camera, saying you watched everything, it was so cool, she should teach you a few things about the games she plays so you guys can have some fun together and the poor girl for sure isn’t hearing a thing, too focused on the way you drag her shorts and panties down her legs :( her being uncomfortably wet, taking the toy out of her and holding it against her clit, her on the verge of tears because she came so much already, stop torturing her this way!
jealous stepsis kkura would be sooo cute too, seeing the comments in her live go crazy if you show up and she gets embarrassed and annoyed, “yeah guys that’s my sister.. stop saying she’s hot that’s so weird” but in reality she’s just so deeply jealous!! or maybe her friends. some of them coming over once and you overhear them saying you’re attractive and confronting her about it later just to see her reaction and she tries really hard to act nonchalant but ends up asking if you find them attractive too and you have no choice but bend her over and fuck some sense into her since all she has in her head is bright colors and games and whatever-
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I need all of the adults to actually take action of Steve's living conditions from the moment they realize that he has the shittiest parents ever.
After the first round with the upside down Joyce cannot comprehend when Steve tells her not to call his home since there will be no one there. His mom will certainly not take care of him, she barely even calls for important dates. He is always alone, so he will just drive home with all his injuries and make do. Steve quickly understands why neither of the Byers ever goes against her will. She checks all his injuries and makes him a makeshift bedroom in their living room until he is better. She will not take no for an answer. Steve stays for almost a month there and practically has to get a doctor's note saying he is fine now before she lets him go.
Hopper sits him down eventually and makes him explain his living situation. Steve goes in as little details as possible about it, trying to brush it off but Jim is not happy and surely not believing it. He starts building a case at the station if Steve ever needs their help and you know, prepare in case they somehow get worse. Steve will have all the evidence needed to ruin them with proof of child neglect and other much much worse.
Claudia Henderson immediately starts asking for his help as home as an excuse to have him at their place and feed him. "Steve sweetie? Can you come over and help me get the door unstuck? Can you help with the faucet? Do you think we need to repaint?" And then Steve is at their place more and more and coming back home with too much homemade food. He eventually shared it with the Munsons as he cannot eat all of that by himself before it goes bad. She also insists on teaching him how to cook and they eventually fall into a routine.
Wayne Munson immediately brings him under his wing after being Eddie's personal nurse. He asks him to come over to watch games, he calls him son knowing perfectly well the impact it has on Steve if the tears in his eyes are anything to go by. He teaches him how to maintain his car that he loves so much so he doesnt get taken advantage of for being a Harrington. He gets him his own mug to add to the collection and drinks his coffee in silence pretty much every morning with Wayne while Eddie is still snoozing in his room.
Karen Wheeler starts making 3 sets of lunches. She sends him his lunch with Mike, which kills Mike's soul every day. "First Nancy, then my mom and now Eddie? What is it with you Steve?"
Steve by S4 has a whole routine for his week. - Sundays cooking with the Hendersons. They cook together and Steve and Claudia exchange new recipes and try new ones every week. - Mondays are spent at his own place and Hopper comes by after the end of his shift and they just watch TV and chat about their day with a beer in their hands. - Tuesdays is family dinner at the Byers. Steve always brings desert (that he learned from Claudia) even tho Joyce tells him that only his presence is needed. They usually catch up while doing the dishes. - Wednesdays he has a late shift at Family Video with Robin but he always takes time to chat with her parents before they get on their way. - Thursdays is DnD night, so he brings the little gremlins home. Not without a quick chat with their mothers tho. - Fridays and Saturdays are usually nights spent with Eddie, and by proxy with Wayne as well. They have dinner and if Wayne is still up for it they watch a movie. Most of the time he is asleep halfway, but they dont mind. Wayne brings a homey feeling to the place, his soft snores a background noise to their night.
So then the Harrington's come back after everything and they throw Steve out of the house for being a disappointment and achieving nothing in life. They will not just let him live rent free while he wastes away being nobody in this dead town. He is nothing but a shame to their name.
Imagine their absolute surprise when see 4 adults basically fighting in their frontyard over who will adopt Steve. Claudia is begging Steve to choose her and that way him and Dustin can finally be actual brothers. He would have his own room and they could decorate it together and they would always be just a few meters away. Then Joyce is saying that she basically adopted him since 83 and he IS family already. Putting on paper would just be the last step to it. Hopper is saying that he has been taking care of him since the first "disaster" unlike his own parents. He doesnt insist much since they all live together with Joyce now, so she can do the fighting for him.
And then Steve turns to Wayne, waiting for his arguments to be his official son now, but Wayne just casually shrugs and looks at the others. Steve lets go of a small "oh", his heart breaking a little even tho there are literal adults fighting for him right now, he foolishly expected the same from him. and when Wayne notices this, he is very quick to correct him. "Steve, don't get this wrong son. I am not fighting with them because it would be unfair. They are trying their best to make you one of them, but I have an advantage. You will be a Munson sooner or later, no matter who adopts you. My boy will make an honest man out of you, I raised him right after all" and he squeezes his shoulder. Steve just stares at him, face bright red while his eyes begin to water.
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
Ghost introducing Soap to single mom!reader and Charlotte I fear😧 jk ghoap x single mom live in my mind rent free💕
Charlotte and Riley both respectively lay asleep against you on Simon's couch as you yourself begin to drift off into the pefcetly worn in cushions, the My Little Pony episode you'd put on for Lottie long forgotten the minute her little head had come in contact with Riley's fluffy back. You don't even realise you're falling asleep until you wake to Riley's barking an hour or so later. Immediately you panic at the missing presence of your daughter, and the K9 that follows her loyally wherever she goes. The first horrified thought which springs to your head is that there's workmen in the building - workmen who you don't know - and Simon isn't here, which makes you distinctly more concerned. You'll adress that thought once you've found your daughter and ruled out any potential danger.
That rational, well thought out plan, flies through one ear and out the other when you hear a foreign laugh in the kitchen, and you're thrown back to that feeling which you'd tried so hard to run from. You try to rationalise with yourself, try to recognise that Simon's flat is more secure than the pentagon, and maybe you're just hearing things or he's watching something on his laptop and - and Charlotte is squealing. Charlotte is squealing in the kitchen and Riley is barking and you're convinced that it's happening all over again.
You come up empty in a search for something you could potentially use to fend off anyone with the intention of hurting your daughter or Riley or you. Weird considering that Simon is SAS, but you don't let yourself dwell as you storm into the kitchen to - to Simon with Charlotte in his arms, and another man bouncing a tennis ball on the floor, hence the barking. "Everything alright, love?" Simon immediately makes his way over to you, a dirty blond brow furrowed in concern, keeping his distance whilst still being close enough for you to reach out to him. "Ye look like ye've seen a ghost." The other man pipes up, and then proceeds to laugh at his unintentional pun, all whilst you stare at Simon like - well like you've seen a ghost.
"I - you - Charlotte - she was -" You stutter aimlessly before sighing, letting your head fall into your hands, whilst Simon pulls you into his chest, Lottie smushed and protesting between the two of you, muffling the apologies Simon whispers into your hair, handing your daughter back. "So yer jus not going to introduce me to the lass. Right, okay." The heavy Scots accent pipes back up sarcastically from the corner, leaving you jumping out of your skin whn you remember that he's there. "Ah, right, no, yeah. This is Johnny." Simon grunts, almost a little embarrased as he rubs the back of his neck, Charlotte gripping his calf, pleading for ice cream. "We work together. He's a pain in my ass - backside. Pain in my backside." The soldier picks your daughter up and swings her onto his hip with practised ease as he moves for the freezer, where he's got a constant supply of her favourite chocolate ice cream.
"I've heard a lot about ye." Johnny smirks wickedly as he gives you a polite hug, looking between you, Simon, Charlotte and Riley like he knows something he shouldn't. "And yer bairn, o'course. Ghost talks about her like she's his own." "Stop exagerratin' MacTavish." Simon's voice is muffled by the clink of bowls as he scoops some ice cream with an impressive proficiency despite his one hand. With that, Johnny gives you a conspiratorial grin, like you're both in on a joke that Simon doesn't understand. "So, does 'e talk about me much? Or the other lads?" Johnny's line of questioning makes you blush as you give a slow shake of your head, looking almost apologetic.
"M' not trying to scare her away, Johnny. Pack it in."
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dreamescapeswriting · 10 months
BTS Reaction || They Find Out You Kept Your Old Apartment
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - July 2023
a/n: i tried to get these as different from each other as possible
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Jin wasn't the type of boyfriend that would snoop on you intentionally, nor was he the type to open your mail unless it was an accident, just like this morning. He hadn't meant to open your letter but as soon as he did he was almost glad he had, it was from your landlord letting you know that he was raising the rent on your apartment. Only, it wasn't the address you were currently living at with Jin it was your old address, something Jin thought you would have sold long before now.
"Jin, I picked up all your favourites while I was out. I was hoping we could have a picnic in the living room," You called out as you walked into the house, shaking off your umbrella after being caught in the rain. Jin didn't even move from the living room though, he'd been sitting there ever since he opened the letter about three hours ago. He was overthinking every little detail wondering how long you were going to keep this from him. Were you planning on going back to it? Was it some sort of backup plan for you to rush off back to if things went wrong between you and him?
"Jin? Cat got your tongue?" You laughed weakly when you walked into the room to see him sitting there and just waiting for to you come back, 
"You kept your apartment," He said to you, slowly turning to look at you with tears in his eyes. He told himself that he wasn't going to cry but it turned out that he was going to.
"Jin..." You said slowly as you put down the bags you were holding. You knew you should have told him about your apartment but you'd kept it a secret because you knew he was going to react this way toward it,
"Did you keep it in case you were going to just leave me?" He snapped a little bitterly and you smiled weakly, he had every right to react this way and you weren't going to argue back and forth with him.
"I kept it to keep my stuff in," You let out a small sigh, it was something you were a little ashamed about since you tried to act like you had a "minimalist" lifestyle but it couldn't be further from the truth.
"What?" He wiped his eyes a little and stared at you before you whined and shook your head, looking down at your hands as you finally admitted to it.
"I have a lot...I mean, A LOT of stuff Jin. Not everything was going to fit inside of our place, so I kept my apartment as storage." A small chuckle left your boyfriend's lips,
"So you hide it all away?"
"I didn't want you to know about all the junk I had," You grumbled as he slowly wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips to your cheek as he shook his head at you.
"We can look for a storage unit, it'll be better for you than keeping an apartment," He laughed softly.   
Yoongi frowned when he saw you walking down the street in the direction of your old apartment, it was above the coffee shop where the two of you had first met and he smiled to himself and decided to follow after you. The two of you would always come back to the coffee shop together to get some coffee and reminisce on the old times you had together. Only this time it didn't seem you were going to get coffee, Yoongi watched as you pulled your keys free from your bag and took the stairs outside up to the apartment.
"What the fuck?" He grumbled, following after you as he made his way up the stairs trying to be as quiet as the creaky metal would allow him to be. As soon as he got to the top he looked through the small window and his heart sank at the sight of you, just sitting there with a cup of tea and relaxing. Sighing to himself he pushed the door open, watching as you squealed out in surprise,
"Yoongi?!" You sat up straight and stared at him, your stomach dropping as you saw him standing there.
"What are you doing?" He looked over at all of the boxes that were inside of the room and his mind was instantly going to the work possible place. Were you leaving him? Slowly moving back into your old place without telling him? 
"Yoongi, it's not what you're thinking." You stood up slowly but he shook his head at you,
"You're moving back into your apartment...T-That you kept, without telling me?" He pointed at all of the boxes and you shook your head at him, none of that was true. The boxes were full of things you needed to take to Yoongi's place but had no room for, the place you were living together in was only small and you had lots of things.
"No...Not even close,"
"Then what is it?" He questioned, tears building up in his eyes as he let out a small whine.
"I don't have space at yours," You quickly rambled out. The two of you had never really spoken about what the spare room in your place was going to be used for and before you could ask about it, Yoongi had turned it into a studio at home.
"You have lots of space." He grumbled but you shook your head at him,
"I don't have enough space to put my stuff Yoongi," You didn't know how to approach the subject before but there was no avoiding it now.
"Your spare room, I-I kind of need to put some stuff in the wardrobe...a-and maybe get some more shelves for the living room," You swallowed the lump in your throat and he smiled stepping closer to you.
"I'll make more room or we can move, I-I'm just glad you're not leaving me."
"Never, you're with me for life," You smirked, kissing him deeply.
Hoseok had a weird feeling for weeks and he hadn't been able to place what it was about until now. Now there was no avoiding the weird feeling that was there for a reason as he stared down at the "missed delivery" notice - something that wasn't usually a problem but the issue with this one was that it had your old address written on it and the date was yesterday. Instantly Hoseok's mind was thinking of all the reasons you would have kept your old place, it was a backup plan for you to go back to if things went wrong. It was somewhere you'd run off to if you had a fight, every possibility was running wild in his mind.
"I picked up your laptop for you," You told Hosoek as you walked into the living room, your heart sinking when you saw him holding the bright red slip.
"You have a missed delivery." He turned the slip to face you and you swallowed the nervous lump in your throat,
"Hobi.." You trailed off slowly and made your way to stand in front of him, 
"For your old place, which is strange because you told me you sold it."
"No, I didn't. I told you I took care of it." You mumbled, it was neither the time nor the place to argue about details from before.
"Which in my mind means you sold it." He grumbled, his eyes staring into yours as you bit down on your lip a little. There was nothing bad about you keeping the old place, it was just something you did because you needed to.
"Hobi, it's nothing...Trust me," You reached for his hand but he didn't even acknowledge that you were holding it out for him.
"It doesn't feel like nothing, this feels like a pretty big deal to me." You shook your head and pulled him to stand up, you were going to show him the truth as to why you kept your old place.
"Yn...This is insane," He said as he stared around at everything inside the small apartment, your heart was running wild by now. The thing was, the reason you'd kept your old place was to keep most of your kpop merch in and it took up a lot of space.
"I have a problem with buying it." You mumbled as he turned to look at you,
"You have kpop stuff at our place too." He reminded you as you nodded shyly,
"I have all-time favourites at yours," You admitted, sinking down onto the sofa as you whined a little. You had a slight problem with overbuying and this was where it had led you, needing an apartment to hide the things from your boyfriend. A small chuckle left Hoseok and he sat down beside you,
"At least I know you're not planning on leaving me." He teases, trying his best to cheer you up just a little.
"It was an accident!" Jimin cried out as you glared at him, both of you rushing in the direction of your "old" apartment as you tried to see if that was where Namjoon had run off to. 
"You accidentally told my boyfriend I kept my old apartment? How?" You grumbled harshly, you knew you were directing your anger in the wrong place. You should have been directing it at yourself but you couldn't help it, you'd gone 6 months without Namjoon finding out that you kept your old place only for it to come out through someone else. He must have been crushed, you couldn't imagine what he was thinking right now.
"If he's not here, I'll let you off." You told him as you turned the key to your apartment door and sighed when you saw Namjoon standing in the living room.
"You're dead." You mumbled to Jimin before making your way into the room and staring at Namjoon, waiting for him to say something - anything - but he was just silent.
"I kept it as wardrobe space. Every time I needed something new at yours, I'd bring older things here and replace them back home." You told him plainly, it was the truth. You and Namjoon had a lot of clothes and moving in together meant losing a lot of space and this was the best solution that you could come up with.
"So you're paying two rent payments, here and at ours?" Namjoon stared at you, relieved that you weren't keeping this space as a backup plan in case things went wrong for you and him.
"Y-Yeah, but I found a storage locker I'm going to get instead...I-I figured that could be better-" You were cut off as Namjoon suddenly held you from behind, snuggling his head into your neck.
"You're not leaving me," He breathed out, relaxing as he held you close to him.
"I would never leave you Joonie." You whispered, kissing his cheek softly as he looked around your apartment again, both of you laughing a little at how much you had.
JIMIN: "I'm telling you, I have no space. That's why I kept my old apartment, but I'm thinking of selling it so if you know anyone in need of a place, give them my number?" You suggested to Danielle - the two of you had grown close with one another since she joined HYBE and you were talking a lot to one another.
"Sure, does Jimin know about this though? I bet it was weird telling him you kept your old apartment," She giggled a little but you bit down on your lip and shook your head. Jimin had no idea you'd kept your place, you'd told him that you'd sold it months about but the truth was, you couldn't. You barely had any space at your place with Jimin and you needed somewhere to keep your things or to at least downsize a lot more than you already had.
"You kept your place?" Danielle's face dropped and so did yours as you whined, he must have only heard Danielle's question and not that you were getting ready to sell,
"That's my queue to leave, good luck." Danielle gave you a quick side hug and rushed out of the room as you turned to face your boyfriend.
"Jimin, before you overthink it-"
"Too late, why did you tell me you sold it?" His voice cracked as he did his best to hold back the tears that were building inside of him.
"Because I was going too b-but then I realised the space we lived in wasn't big enough and so I kept it as a way of having more space."
"Oh." He looked at you and bit down on his lip, clearly, his mind had gone in the wrong direction when he heard you'd kept your apartment, he'd instantly thought of the worst possible thing.
"And I finally got rid of a bunch of my stuff and I think if I can get a small locker somewhere I can finally sell my apartment and it won't be there anymore."
"So you're not keeping it so you can run away from me?" He sniffled a little and your eyes shot to him, why would he even think that?
"Runaway? Why would I ever do that?" You laughed weakly through your question and he let a few tears run down his cheeks.
"I-In case you fall out of love with me,"
"Is that what you thought when you heard us talking?" As soon as he nodded you threw your arms around him and cuddled him closer to you, your hands slowly rubbing the back of his head.
"I love you Jimin...Always." You whispered as he cuddled into you, holding you as tight as he could manage.
TAEHYUNG: HYBE had been getting all kinds of letters about you recently and it was starting to become a problem, it seemed that a Sasaeng fan had taken it upon themselves to let them know you were holding another apartment in your name.
"This doesn't look good. What if news about this got out? People would assume the two of you are having issues." Sejin said as he paced around the room, your eyes looking down at the table. It had just been announced to everyone inside the room that you'd been keeping a secret apartment,
"No one was supposed to find out."
"Why do you even have it?" Taehyung's voice cracked as he let out a few tears. The two of you were doing well in your relationship, hell, you were even engaged to one another so he didn't understand why you were keeping an apartment.
"Are you planning on leaving him? Cheating on him?" Sejin asked as he slammed his hands onto the table, you flinched and shook your head.
"No! Nothing like that!" You yelled out, staring at Taehyung who was simply refusing to meet your gaze,
"I would never! I kept it because I needed it!" You yelled out as you tried your best to defend your actions. It was stupid of you but you needed the place. The apartment that you and Taehyung were staying in was only really big enough for one person and neither of you had talked about finding another place.
"For what?" Sejin questioned, Taehyung slowly turned his attention back to you and you slowly took in a deep breath,
"There's not enough space at our place...I have my winter clothes at my apartment, then I also have all of my things I couldn't take to Taehyung's apartment." You looked down at the table again, there were things like holiday decorations, and presents you'd been given, not to mention all of the other things you had in your life.
"Why didn't you just say something?" Sejin sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose and sinking into his chair, if it was that easy a fix you should have said something months ago.
"Because Taehyung likes his place."
"I like having your things with mine more," Taehyung laughed taking your hand into his.
"We'll start looking for a new place tomorrow, okay?" You nodded at him and he kissed your cheek softly as Sejin prepared to get ready for a media statement about it all.
It was starting to become a big problem now, you'd kept your apartment hidden from Jungkook but it was becoming increasingly aware you weren't going to be able to keep it a secret for much longer.
"What are we doing here?" He laughed as you stood outside your old place and you handed him some boxes.
"I have stuff inside," You mumbled, taking him toward the door as he opened it. His eyes landed on all the clothing racks you had that were filled with clothes. He hadn't expected there to be so much.
"What the- Wait...You told me you sold this place," He stared at you and you knew he was instantly going to think badly and you kissed his cheek.
"I kept it as a precaution, I needed somewhere to hide all my clothes... A-And stuff I was ashamed of you seeing." The place you lived at with Jungkook was tiny but now that you were moving into a larger house it was time for you to take your things to go and move in properly with him.
"So, this whole time you've been living here too?"
"N-No. I just use this like a really...really big wardrobe and junk drawer." You smiled trying to lighten the mood and he let out a small and weak laugh, looking at everything. It was going to be a long day of packing for you both even though you'd just finished packing up the old place yesterday.
"You're lucky I love you enough to help," He winks, kissing your cheek as you both set out to work.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog​ @tinyoonsblog​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @cherrybubblesandvodka​ @acciocriativity​ @mitzwinchester​ @heyjiminnie​ @halesandy​ @jin-from-the-block​ @aerastus​ @namjooningelsewhere​ @psychosupernatural​ @lyoongx​ @royallyjjk​ @critssq​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @imafivestarkpopstan​ @laylasbunbunny​ @ratherbfangirling​ @backintomykpopphaseagain​
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seungkwansphd · 11 months
tell me
pairing: changkyun x fem!reader word count: 4.2K synopsis: you and changkyun have been hooking up for a while now. both of you want more, but neither is willing to say it without some reassurance from the other end. themes: fwb, repressed feelings, pining, poor communication, shy-ish reader, probably not the most responsible driving practices on changkyun's end, slight angst, they work through it in the end.
warnings: SMUT, phone sex, a LOT of dirty talk, power dynamics, lots of possessive names, slight degradation???, jealousy, changkyun is a demon. lmk what i missed!
a/n: happy (early) birthday to @the-boy-meets-evil i hope you have a wonderful weekend 🫶
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“Hnnmm!” you whined, eyes squeezed shut as Changkyun watched you from between your legs. He hummed loudly against your clit and your thighs were pressing against his ears, nearly drowning out your sounds for him.
Nearly. And he was glad for it because he absolutely lived for the noises he was able to get you to make.
One of his favorite memories was of the time he had overstimulated you until you’d unleashed your deepest, most desperate, and lewdest thoughts. The way you’d gasped, moaned, and begged for him to use you until you’d gotten everything you’d wanted. It lived rent free in his mind still.
Hooking his arms around your thighs, he pulled your legs apart, tongue dragging perilously through your folds. You squeezed when his lips latched onto your clit, applying a firm and steady pressure. Your legs reflexed shut, but his arms held you open for him.
“Please,” you whined, clutching at his shoulders, pulling him up towards you. You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him inside of you. Your walls clenched desperately around nothing and you needed something.
“What is it?” he asked, face almost blank. “What do you want?”
“Changkyun,” you implored shyly. “You know.”
“I know,” a small smile spread across his lips.
It was so cute how you got shy even after months of doing this. He wished you would let go like that again. He hoped to hear your lewd confessions again, but he could tell it made you flustered so he never pushed too hard.
“You need my cock, huh? Pussy feels so empty without me?”
You nodded furiously, fingertips stroking across his bare chest. You loved when he talked dirty to you. He said all the things you wanted to hear. Things that you wanted to say, in fact, but the one time you’d let loose and begged so desperately and told him all the things he could do to you, he’d given you a look of such shock that you’d been too embarrassed to do it again since.
“You love when I press into you, feel you spread for me, take me deep inside,” he pressed his forehead against you, speaking feverishly as he lined himself up. You didn’t realize it, but he was trying to coax you into talking dirty to him again. You’d done it one time and while yes, it had surprised him, it had also made him think you might have needs and compatibilities that you hadn’t shared with him fully.
You nodded, eyes shining up at him until he thrust into you, deep and slow. The growly purr you let out had him running laps, mentally, and he struggled to keep himself under control. His hands sought out your breasts, fingertips tugging at your nipples as he pressed into you over and over.
“I-, I-,” you gasped, melting into the bed as your orgasm built. His hands grazed over your sensitive areas, sending chills across your skin. Close.
“You feel incredible,” he nuzzled you gently as you threaded your finger into his. Your thumb rubbed across the back of his hand. Your tell. “My pretty toy wants to cum?”
“Yes,” you managed to squeak out a reply. You wanted to sink into the bed and reiterate that you loved being his pretty toy, his needy holes, his eager slut. But you reigned yourself in, instead biting down on your lips and letting out an anguished whine of desperation. Just saying the words to yourself in your head were enough to drive you to the edge.
“Go ahead, cum for me,” he murmured into your neck. He wouldn’t be far after you.
“Mmmpf!” you bit down on your knuckles as you came around him. Your chest heaved with ragged breaths and he clutched at you as he found his own release. He collapsed on you after, head fuzzy with dopamine.
“It’s late,” he looked at you after he’d recovered.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“I should go,” you spoke again just as Changkyun was about to ask you to stay.
Instead he said nothing so you stood up, eyes searching the room for your clothes. Both quiet, you saw yourself out and your chest twisted when the door swung shut.
You chewed your lip as you contemplated texting Changkyun. It’d only been three days since you’d seen him, but you were feeling incredibly needy. As you rode the elevator up to your apartment, you texted your friends to let them know you’d made it.
[yn]: ‘so nice to see you, let’s get a meal together soon!’
Changkyun’s eyebrows had raised with anticipation when your message came in and then quickly furrowed when he read it. He’d already deduced that it wasn’t for him, but when the ‘sorry, wrong person. please ignore!’ had followed it shortly, his temper rose in a way that surprised him. It was impossible to tell anything from the tone of the message, but he couldn’t help but be jealous. For sure jealous if it was something like a date, but even jealous at the simple fact that he hadn’t been the one to spend time with you tonight.
You were disappointed when he didn’t reply. You’d thought, for a moment, it could open the door for you to ask whether he was free. Since that hadn’t presented itself as an option, you resigned yourself to masturbating instead. By the time you finished your skincare routine and settled in bed, you’d become antsy with anticipation.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath when you realized your vibrator was dead. You plugged it in, but it would take some time. That was fine, your hands and your overactive imagination had certainly never let you down before!
Closing your eyes, you let yourself settle into a thought. Your fingertips lightly skimmed across the sensitive skin of your torso, your hips, and your inner thighs. You sighed contently as your left hand came to tease at the underside of your breast and your right hand stroked up your inner thighs. You let out a small, surprised puff of air when you realized how wet you’d become. Gathering it up, your fingertips moved to circle your clit lazily and pinch every so often.
Inevitably, your mind wandered to your last sexual encounter with Changkyun. You recalled the way his eyes looked at you intently as his tongue dragged torturous circles around your clit. You let out a soft whine as your fingers dipped into your entrance and you recalled the way he had called you ‘his pretty toy’.
Toy. Doll. Kitten. You whimpered as you imagined his deep, sultry voice rasping in your ear. You’d never told him, but you adored when he used these pet names for you. Best of all when preceded by the word ‘my’. You’d recently learned that you had quite the taste for power dynamics in the bedroom and were still grappling with it yourself. It seemed like Changkyun might be able to give you what you wanted, but you felt too shy to ask yet.
You chewed at your lip and whined with frustration as you tried, repeatedly, to bring yourself to orgasm. It surprised you as you’d never struggled before, but this time you couldn’t seem to bring yourself over the crest. Exhaling sharply, your eyes flitted to your phone again. You wondered if he was up.
[yn]: ‘...please ignore if you’re busy, but…are you up?’
[ck]: ‘yes. everything okay?’
[yn]: ‘can i call you?’
You threw your phone away with embarrassment. Were you really going to call him just to hear his voice? You had to push that thought aside when your phone started buzzing. Changkyun was calling you!
“H-hi,” you greeted him with some surprise, “How-, um, thanks for calling.”
“Sure,” he smiled, “Everything okay?” He repeated the question that you hadn’t answered.
“Mhm, yes,” you nodded, squirming under the sheets. You knew what you wanted to ask, but couldn’t seem to vocalize the words.
“...was there something you wanted to talk about?” Changkyun asked after you didn’t speak again. He could hear shifting and rustling on your side of the call and he wondered if you were in bed.
“Um,” you inhaled, “Kind of? If you’re not busy.”
“I wouldn’t have called otherwise,” he chuckled. The sound of his voice curled into your ear and you held back a sigh. “It’s late. Are you in bed?”
“Yes,” you nodded, “Are you? It is late.”
“No,” Changkyun shook his head, leaning back in his chair. “I’m at my desk. Doing some work on the computer.”
“Ah! Should I let you go?” you asked. You wanted to smack your own forehead. Why were you so nervous?
“Please don’t. I called you, remember?”
“That’s true,” you chuckled.
“Tell me about your day,” Changkyun prompted. You seemed nervous and he had a feeling he knew why. He hoped he could get you to relax enough to tell him why you’d wanted to call.
“Ah,” you relaxed. This you could do.
“And you saw a friend?” he asked after you had told him about work. The tinge of jealousy in his voice triggered a throb in your core.
“The text you accidentally sent me,” he elaborated when you didn’t answer.
“Ah, that,” you nodded, “I ran into an old friend from school. When I was on my way home.”
“I see,” he blinked. Not nearly enough information to sate his curiosity, but he also felt he didn’t have the right to ask for more. “And then what has my kitten been up to since they got home?”
You swallowed loudly. It could’ve been an innocent question, but you could tell that he was finally calling your bluff. You pressed your thighs together and let out a defeated exhale.
“How did you know?” you pouted.
“It’s past midnight,” he laughed at your indignant tone. “And I can hear the neediness in your voice.”
“Changkyun,” you sighed, the gates open now. “Please help.”
“Help how?” his voice lilted teasingly. “I’m all the way over here.”
“Tell…talk to me,” you begged, fingers stroking through your drenched folds again.
“Hmm,” he chuckled smugly, “Is my kitten so needy that even just my voice will get you off?”
“I think so,” you moaned, sinking into the pillows as you ground your hips against your hand.
“Fuck,” he cursed, palming himself through his pants as he listened to your little gasps and moans. “Sound so pretty gasping for my cock,” he smirked into the phone.
“Hnn,” you nodded in agreement.
You wanted to tell him how you loved being wrapped around him like a cocksleeve. How you throbbed for him, ached for him. You wished you were brave enough to ask him to claim you, but the worry at the back of your mind caused the words to dry up in your throat. After all, you’d established terms at the beginning and you most definitely weren’t his.
“Tell me what you’re thinking about,” he rasped into your ear as he thrust himself into his own fist.
“You,” you answered simply.
“Hmm,” he purred, a shit eating grin on his face. “Wish you were here. Sitting on my cock for me like a good girl.”
You whined, fingers reaching a fever pitch. You were almost there.
“Tell me,” he panted into the phone, “Tell me who you’re thinking of. I want to hear it when you cum.”
His name echoed in your head as the orgasm finally ripped through you. Your hand clapped over your mouth out of subconscious reflex and all he heard was a muffled cry. It was still enough to bring him over the edge, but when his presence of mind returned, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
You frowned as you scrolled through your phone. Things had been uncharacteristically quiet since your last call with Changkyun. You’d sent him a few texts here and there and received monosyllabic replies. At first, this hadn’t seemed too unusual, but after two weeks you were starting to feel certain that you were being ghosted.
Changkyun frowned. He was starting to regret his decision to go out. When his friends had asked, he’d been feeling petty about you and said ‘yes’ out of spite. He’d been approached by a few folks and despite them being attractive and fun, he didn’t feel anything more than a passing acknowledgement.
Despite what his short replies may have suggested to you, you’d been on his mind a lot. While true that at the onset of this friends with benefits arrangement, he hadn’t been looking for anything other than casual, that seemed to have changed. More than a few times had he hoped you would stay through a weekend, but you were too good at following the rules.
“What’s up with you?” his friend appeared at his side, slinging an arm around his shoulders. “You are in a funk!”
“Yeah, I kind of am,” Changkyun shrugged. There was no sense in denying it. Maybe if he left now, he would be able to catch you before you fell asleep. “I’m going to head out. Thanks for inviting me.”
He was grateful that his friends didn’t put up much of a fight and before long he was in his car, driving home. He thought about calling you, but his stubbornness hadn’t receded yet. He wanted some sort of tell from you that you were interested in more too.
[yn]: ‘are you ghosting me?’
Changkyun’s eyebrow raised sharply at the text message. He was dialing you before he even realized it.
“Hello? Give me one second?” you sounded far away when you picked up his call.
Changkyun let go of the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
“Hey, can you hear me?” you said a moment later, voice much clearer now.
“Yes, I can,” he replied, relief spreading through him that you had picked up.
“Do you need something?” you asked. There was an annoyed edge in your voice and he couldn't blame you. He’d been quite distant lately.
“Yes,” he answers. His Adam's apple bobbed a few times before he spoke again. “How are you?”
“Oh-kay,” you drew the word out. “What do you need?”
Changkyun’s tongue pressed into his cheek. If you hadn’t had a legitimate reason to be upset at him, he would’ve thought you were bratting. He would have liked it.
“I’ve been thinking about you,” he finally spoke. It didn’t really answer your question, but it was what he could manage without sounding like a complete idiot.
“Oh really?” you hoped you sounded nonchalant, but your body reacted to his statement.
You narrowed your eyes at him, even though he wasn’t there to see. He had only said one syllable and yet it made you feel on fire as if he had said something graphic and filthy. It was truly unfair.
“Have you thought of me? Since our last call?”
“Yes,” you sighed, trying to hold onto your indignance. It was tiring to keep your walls up when you still wanted him so badly.
“Have you…cum to the thought of me since our last call?” he asked. His voice sounded ragged.
“...no,” you exhaled sharply with frustration. This was true, but not for lack of trying. “I-, I can’t seem to without you.”
Changkyun’s eyes widened at your confession. It shot through him like electricity.
“It’s been frustrating,” you continued, voice thin and breathy. Your resolve was breaking.
“Do you want-,” he offered. “I can help.”
“...please,” you nodded vehemently.
Changkyun turned the car around as he listened to you lay down. Your soft gasps and moans as you listened so well to his instructions made him consider breaking the speed limit more than once. Instead he got a hold of himself while you rubbed your clit for him and his cock throbbed eagerly as he drove.
“Are you hard?” Your question took him by surprise.
“Of course,” he laughed. He was straining against his pants.
“Are you playing with yourself?” you asked shyly.
“No, not right now.”
“Oh? That’s too bad. I wish I could. Let you use me like your pretty little cocksleeve.”
Changkyun’s eyes bugged out of his head. Fucking hell.
“Oh? You wanna play with me?” He managed to recover.
“Mhm,” you cooed, “I want you to use me like your pretty little doll so bad. My fingers aren't enough.”
“Hnn, my baby needs me so bad? Can't even cum without my help? Need me to talk you through it,” he smirked, his ego inflating. The desperate whine you let out made him grip the steering wheel so hard his knuckles went white.
“Please Changkyun, please. Need you until I can’t take any more. Fuck me until I cry,” you begged and begged. Your hips had risen off of the bed and despite your best efforts you were right at the edge but unable to crest it.
Changkyun was running up the stairs to your apartment as he listened to you struggle. He could clearly picture you, brow screwed up with concentration, sweat beading on your nose as you tried to let go.
“Stop,” he instructed as he ascended the last flight of steps. “Listen to me, kitten, stop touching yourself for a second.”
You frowned, pulling your hand away. It wasn't like it was doing any good anyways. You were down so bad that you seemed to need him in the flesh.
“You want to cum?”
“I want to,” you exhaled sharply. You were frustrated at yourself more than anything else.
“Let me in,” he cooed. “Let me in and I'll give you what you need.”
Your eyes shot open and once you processed his words, you bolted to the door. Nearly ripping the door off its hinges, you jumped into his arms, kissing him voraciously. You felt him chuckle before he licked into your mouth with an intensity that made you shiver. He was here.
“Had me aching for you the whole way over,” he snarled, nipping at your neck. “My cock is throbbing for you.”
“Changkyun,” you pawed at his shirt frantically.
“So needy,” he laughed as he carried you to the bedroom.
“Please,” you didn’t care that you seemed desperate. You would’ve taken him on the floor if he’d let you.
His lips quirked up into a smirk as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“You'll take what I give you,” he raised an eyebrow at you when you let out an impatient whine.
You pressed your lips shut. You really weren't in a position to be making demands. Instead you squeezed your knees together impatiently as you watched him undress at a speed that you knew was just to make you crazy.
“Don’t you want to be inside of me?” you asked him, feigning innocence. “I thought you said you wanted me to sit on your cock like a good girl, but you’re taking really long!”
Changkyun let out a derisive snort, his eyebrow jerking upwards again, and gestured you towards him. You stood from the bed and brought yourself toe to toe with him and he looked down his nose at you, eyes intense.
“Have you always been this noisy?” he asked.
Your jaw dropped slightly. His words zipped through you like electricity. Your pupils dilated as you looked up at him in wonder.
“I asked you a question,” he cupped your cheek in a deceptively tender gesture.
“No, I don’t think I’m noisy,” you found your voice.
“Hm, well then I wonder what inspired the change,” he laughed.
Before you could answer, Changkyun’s thumb had slipped through your lips and was pressing down on your tongue. Your mouth closed around his digit reflexively and your tongue reached forward to caress him softly.
“So pretty,” he smiled at you, eyes glued to your lips.
You hummed happily at this scrap of praise. You nursed his thumb in your mouth until he pulled his hand back minutes later. He wiped the saliva off on your cheek before he finished unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off. As you watched him intently, you let out little noises of appreciation that were going straight to his head, but he did his best not to show it.
“Changkyun,” your hands reached out towards him, unable to wait any more.
“What is it?” he held you at arms length, making you squirm under his intense gaze. “I want you to use your words.”
Normally this would've made you shy beyond being able to speak, but he had teased you for so long that your typical inhibitions were gone.
“I want you to ruin me,” you answered him solemnly. “I want you to use me. I want you to be rough, I really need it.”
“Hm,” his lips drew into a line as he considered your words. “Are you mine for the night?”
“Yours period,” you nodded breathlessly. You'd thought it many times but it knocked the wind out of your sails to say it out loud.
Changkyun felt the knot in his chest unfurl. The feeling of stuckness he'd been experiencing over you started to undo itself.
“Mine. Period.” he pulled you towards him by the back of your neck.
You melted.
“Yours,” you reinforced, fingertips tracing along his waistband. “Changkyun, please.”
“Yes,” he answered, pushing you to your knees. You smiled up at him before slipping your fingers into his waistband and pulling down.
Changkyun was surprised at the speed with which you took him into your mouth. Your tongue lapped firmly up his length before you reversed direction, nursing his tip between your lips. He hissed at the sensitive pressure and the way that your eyes lit up at the sound made his knees nearly buckle.
“Enough,” he withdrew from your, pulling you up to your feet. He guided you onto the bed and pressed you onto your back with his hand splayed across your chest. Slotting himself between your legs, he gave you a look that conveyed his hot, heavy attraction. You squirmed.
“Changkyun,” you whined, “Baby, please!”
“Baby?” his eyebrow raised, fixing you with a bemused look.
Your face got hot.
“Oh-I, um…,” you floundered under his gaze.
Changkyun smiled as he watched you stutter. He didn’t mind the moniker, of course, but he had been surprised to hear you use a pet name for him.
“It’s okay, I like it,” he finally reassured you after watching you squirm for a while. “You want me to fuck you, baby?”
“Yes!” you cried, rocking your hips anxiously, desperate for more.
Changkyun settled back and watched as you ground yourself desperately against him. He found himself hypnotized by the way your lips caressed his swollen, red tip, coating it with your juices. His hand on your chest held you in place, but you were trying your best to press forward and take more of his length. Cute.
“Please, please, please,” you’d been mumbling endlessly for a while now. Your brows were pinched together. What did you have to do to get him to fuck you?!
Changkyun’s eyes raked over you and he smirked. You were starting to unravel and he couldn’t wait for you to be completely undone.
“Baby, please!” your eyes snapped open as your patience finally snapped. “I can feel the tip but I need more! Need to feel you inside of me, Changkyun please!”
That did it. His eyes widened just a fraction before his hands found purchase in your hips and he pulled you down on his swollen cock slowly. When he had fully sheathed himself in you, he leaned forward, grabbing the sides of your face for a kiss. You returned it voraciously as you bucked desperately against his cock buried deep inside of you.
“So desperate,” he chuckled against your lips. “Just a little hole for me to bury myself in.”
Largely unintelligible cries left your mouth. A string of babbles as he started driving into you deep and hard.
“Fuck, you’re so good,” he groaned appreciatively as your walls clenched around him, squeezing him tight. God damn it, he was close.
“I’m, I’m, I-,” your brows pinched together as you looked up at him. Your thumb rubbed against the back of his hand. Your tell.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” he coaxed you, fingers tweaking your nipple, sending you over the edge.
“Changkyun!!” you cried, back arching up off of the bed towards him as you came completely undone.
Hearing you scream his name as you came pushed him over the edge and he quickly followed you. Falling onto his forearms, he shuddered before deflating slightly onto you. You wrapped your arms around his broad chest and you pressed your face into the crook of his neck. You were so satisfied.
“We can talk more about this tomorrow, but I do want you to be mine,” he murmured in your ear.
Your eyes snapped open at this confession and a sigh of relief left your lips.
“I-, I’d like that,” you admitted shyly.
Changkyun smiled and pressed soft kisses against your neck. He’d stay the night and you’d work out the details tomorrow.
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Kinkuary Day 6
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AN: Let it be known that this Chris lives in my head rent-free. I know exploring free use with a dominant partner isn't a new concept, but I still don't see it explored as much, so I thought it would be fun to try my hand at it. Especially with the king of the service doms.
Synopsis: Everything sucks. Today might be one of the worst days of your life (and that's against some stiff competition). Fortunately for you, you have a boyfriend who is more than happy to distract you.
General tags and warnings: Christopher Bang/Bang Chan x Fem! Reader, established relationship, some angst early on but, nothing too bad imo, Christopher being the nation's best boyfriend and that's it. This is pretty much porn with very little plot.
Primary kink: Free use.
Smut tags and warnings: Chris struggling to relinquish control lmao but, Soft Dom! Chris nonetheless, sub! Reader but she does take charge quite a bit in this, free use, facesitting, slight overstimulation (f. receiving), piv sex without a condom, dirty talk, lots of praise and petnames because it's Chris, Daddy kink, creampie and nipple play (f. receiving).
Word count: 2k.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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You're surprised you're able to still trudge through your front door after the day you've had. Between completely forgetting about an assignment that was due today, six separate customers yelling at you and your phone screen shattering, saying today has been a bad day would be putting it kindly. You've never wanted to just disappear to a cottage in the countryside more. You're sure you could convince Chris to leave with you.
Speaking of which, the sight of your boyfriend on your shared couch does help ease some of the overall terribleness that has been weighing you down all day. Dropping your bag, you make your way over to him. Wrapping your arms around his broad, solid body while you nuzzle against his neck. His mere presence is enough to relax the tension in your shoulders and soothe the anxiety that never seems to quite go away.
“Hi baby. Didn't know you were home. How was your day?” He asks, taking off his headphones. Placing them and his laptop on your coffee table, which does make you pout a little since he's no longer in your arms. However, he does turn to you and you're struck with just how soft and handsome he looks. That, combined with his question, makes your throat burn and your eyes start to sting.
“Horrible,” you mutter, nestling yourself into his chest and sighing contently when he rubs your back and happily crushes you to his frame. It's easy to forget everything when he holds you like this. All the shitty professors, entitled customers and piles of coursework fade away and there's nothing in your mind but, Chris.
“I'm sorry, baby. Do you want to talk about it? How can I make it better?” God, does he have any idea how irrevocably in love with him you are? Sometimes, you think you might have been some hero in a past life for him to wind up in your life. However, you mull his offer over before an idea finally sets in.
“Lavender?” You ask, blinking up at him and pressing yourself as close to him as humanly possible. Clutching at his simple, thin shirt while you wait for his answer.
“Are you sure? You have had a pretty shitty day so I don't know–”
“Yes, Daddy. I'm sure. So, lavender?” You don't mean to cut him off but, you really do need this right now. His concern is sweet and you always appreciate it but, you just need to shut your brain off for a few hours.
Exhilaration creeps up your spine as you watch the way his face shifts when your words register to him. His hold on you tightening marginally but you notice it all the same.
“Okay, lavender.”
That's all it takes for you to launch yourself into his lap. Nearly toppling both of you over in the process but, Chris steadies you while you make yourself at home in his lap. Holding his face in your hands while you slot your mouth against his. It's messy and more eagerness than anything on your end but, it feels so good to just kiss him again. Chris does try to bring some order into your uncoordinated liplock, guiding your mouth against his while his hands rest on your hips.
Sex wasn't on your mind before you walked through the front door but, now? Grinding down on the hardness you can feel starting to form under you while you explore Chris's mouth? Desire twists like a knife in the pit of your stomach. Your clit throbbing with every clumsy brush against his lap and your walls starting to clench and unclench almost painfully. It's probably some record how quickly your panties become a mess while you hump against Chris for dear life.
“Off please,” you breathe once the two of you separate to catch your respective breaths. Saliva smeared across both of your mouths and you would dive back in if you weren't so focused on getting his shirt off. Luckily for you, Chris is just as impatient as you are so he tugs it off within seconds. Tossing it to be forgotten on your living room floor.
You can't help the moan that bubbles out of you at the sight of his bare chest. You've seen it thousands of times and it still never fails to turn your blood molten. Palming as much of him as your hands can, you litter his neck with kisses and nips. Whimpering into his skin when his hands drift from your hips to grab and knead your ass over your work skirt. His hips shallowly thrusting up into you. Fuck, you're already so tightly wound.
A startled noise leaves Chris when you (gently) shove him onto his back but, he doesn't complain otherwise. Just watches you with a mixture of want and curiosity through his curly hair. His eyes widen when you eventually shuffle up his body until you're hovering over his beautiful face. A shudder runs through you when his tongue darts out to lick his full lips before his dark eyes meet your own again.
You're too desperate to care about getting undressed so, you hurriedly shove your panties to the side before easing yourself onto his face. The first touch his mouth against your drenched, puffy folds sends you reeling. You grab the back of the couch in an attempt to steady yourself but, Chris doesn't give you a chance. Lapping and sucking at you with so much intensity from the get go that you can already feel your thighs starting to quiver.
“Ah, Daddy,” you whimper when he decides to focus all of his attention and energy on your clit. “Fuck, oh my god,” comes your broken moan when he attaches himself to it. Licking and drawing patterns into that you couldn't hope to decipher at the moment when it feels like you're able to break into a million, little pieces soon. It's all so lewd and obscene and hot. The wet sounds of him eating you coupled with your wanton noises of pleasure seeming to echo throughout your entire apartment.
Your hips move on their own accord. Using his unfairly gifted mouth and cute nose to get yourself off. You're practically riding his face at this point and, based on the moans Chris presses into you, he's enjoying this just as much as you are. You know if he had it his way, he'd be using his hands to shove you even further into his face but, he's happy to lay there and let you use him until you're satisfied.
Which doesn't take all that long. Usually, you're pretty good at being able to tell when you're about to orgasm but, this time it catches you completely off-guard. A jumbled mess of ‘Daddy’ and ‘Chris’ fall from your lips as your body convulses. Your fingernails dig into the couch so fiercely that for a fleeting moment you're worried you might have ruined it.
Chris doesn't allow your mind to wonder for too long, though. Licking your gushing wetness like it's the first bit of liquid he's had in days while his nose brushes your throbbing clit. Your thighs shake and tightening around his head as the familiar burn of overstimulation starts to settle in the apex of your thighs and creep to your extremities.
“Da–Daddy,” you choke out, winding your hand into his hair and tugging his mouth away from you, “To–Too much,” you finish with a great deal of effort. Using all of your strength to move off of him until you're hovering over him. Your respective, unsteady breathing all that can be heard.
Cracking an eye open to look at him is a grave mistake. Between his wild eyes, unruly hair, flushed cheeks and full, bruised lips covered in you, you never stood a chance. And the sporadic clenching and unclenching of your still not filled pussy helps make that abundantly clear.
Chris watches you while you shift down his body. Air catching in his lungs when your hands reach for the waistband of his sweats and impatiently tug them down. He's so hard and a teasing dribble of pre-cum leaks from his tip that you can't help yourself from bending down and licking it.
“Fu–Fuck, sweetheart,” he groans, throwing his head back while his hands clench and unclench at his sides. Cute. His hips just barely jerk up in search of more relief from your mouth but, you don't give him the satisfaction. You have other plans in mind.
Grabbing his thick cock, you guide it to your dripping entrance. Just barely able to keep your eyes open to watch him as you sink down onto him. You lose that battle very quickly. Your eyes fluttering shut with every inch of him you sink down on until he's fully inside of you. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You can already feel tears building up at the corners of your eyes just at the sheer fullness you feel right now.
“–so tight. Such a good girl. Always so fucking good,” Chris's words bring you back down for a moment and you blink your bleary eyes open to look at him. Your walls clamp down on him harshly when the sight of your sweaty, flushed boyfriend greets you. That's all the prompting you need to start a brutal pace. His cock just opens you up so deliciously that you can't help but bounce on it. The sounds of your skin hitting his and the filthy squelching between your thighs nearly drowning out your shared noises of pleasure.
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” you chant, impatiently tugging open your work shirt and shoving down your bra until your breasts are finally free. Chris's eyes burn as they watch you palm your tits and tug on your nipples until you're just barely able to focus on fucking yourself stupid on him. “I feel so good, Daddy. Your cock makes me feel so full,” you whimper after an especially harsh twist of your nipples.
“Yeah?” He pants out, his dark locks starting to stick to his sweaty forehead while his eyes struggle to pick between looking at your beautiful face, your hands toying with yourself or his cock disappearing inside of your scorching pussy. “Does my princess like using Daddy to get herself off, hmm? Does it feel good to fuck yourself on Daddy's cock while he just lies here? Tell me, baby.”
“Y-Yes, so good, Daddy. Your cock feels ah fuck so amazing, Daddy. You feel so good, Daddy.” You whine, one of your hands snaking its way between your thighs to rub against your swollen clit. A fractured moan bubbling out of your throat while you rub frantic circles against yourself and try to maintain the pace you set on Chris's cock.
“That's good. You look so pretty using me to get yourself off, sweetheart,” he coos, giving you a smile so soft that you can feel your heart grow in your chest while your release grows closer and closer. “Are you going to cum, baby? Gonna cum all over my cock, beautiful? Hmm? I want you to. Wanna see you cum so badly. Wanna feel you make a mess all over me.”
And just like that you feel your entire body seize. You're not even aware of what's coming out of your mouth right now but, you can't bring yourself to care. Your vision blurs at the edges while your entire body shudders. It takes every ounce of you not to completely collapse ontop of him while you ride out the waves that keep crashing into your limp body.
“–my girl,” is all you hear in the distance before you feel his large hands grab your hips and something warm filling your spasming walls. Opening your eyes with a great deal of effort, you're greeted with the sight of a panting, fucked out Chris. His cock pulsing inside of you with every rope of cum that shoots out of it. That does eventually prompt you to collapse onto his sturdy chest. Nuzzling into his neck while your shared releases start to leak out of you.
“Feel better?” He asks, rubbing your back soothingly while pressing featherlight kisses against your forehead.
“Yes, thank you. I love you,” you mutter tiredly into his skin, pressing yourself as close to him as you can.
“I love you too, baby,” are the last words you hear before succumbing to the fatigue that's been calling you all day.
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