#feel free to add anything else of course xx
narniadreams · 4 months
Can I request some Casmund Headcanons... About food? Lol I feel like it would be a very interesting topic cuz of Edmund's sweet tooth and that lol
oh my gosh it's been such a long time since i wrote headcanons, but thank you for asking!! this is such a fun request :3c
edmund and caspian are pretty much the total opposite of each other when it comes to food: edmund is a very picky eater while caspian likes almost everything
edmund associates certain foods with certain times in his life, making him dislike them, especially if they relate to winter (based on this headcanon post)
edmund prefers simple foods that don't require a lot of preparing, cooking, mixing etc.
he loves fruit - yes, especially the sweet ones, like strawberries, grapes, pineapple, clementines etc.
he also really likes dried fruit, such as dates or figs.
while he also enjoys many other foods, like bread, soups, stews, potatoes and such, he usually eats only a little bit of it to keep room for something sweet afterwards - or he puts a heck load of jam on his toast, a lot of sugar and honey in his tea etc etc etc.
caspian will calmly eat whatever and look at edmund devouring multiple slices of cake when they have dinners.
(he does this in front of anyone else too, even at important dinners, edmund needs dessert)
neither of them are very good cooks btw.
edmund has the technical skills but the flavour palette of a child and caspian is way too clumsy to make a proper meal
together they make it work though, if necessary
they like eating what others have made more though (lucy is an expert at baking, especially cookies)
one of their favourite things to do together, as a date, is find a pretty place, preferably in soft grass, and have some simple food together: bread with butter, nuts and fruits and wine.
they will feed each other, sometimes jokingly, but really it gives them butterflies from time to time
sometimes edmund talks about the kind of sweets that he liked in england - even trying to recreate them in narnia, often to no avail.
one of caspians favourite moments is when edmund has leftover food around his mouth (cake icing, liquid from fruit) and clean it away
(yes, sometimes he ''kisses'' it clean)
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gallawitchxx · 8 months
Hi bee 🐝🐝☺️☺️ I love you and everything you do for this community. Can I ask the softest ways in which Ian and Mickey have shown eachother love this week? It's been a rough Monday for me, has it been better for our boys? And also for you??
hi cameron! hi cameron! 🥰
i'm so sorry to hear that your monday was rough 😔 life has been a wild ride lately for a lot of folks, myself included. you're not alone! we will get through this! i'm squeezing you so tight from afar!
as for mickey & ian....
when one of them has a bad dream or a restless night, the other doesn't try & fix anything anymore, but instead just tosses a paw over an arm or a waist, or twists their fingers through the other's hair & just makes small, comforting movements. tender little circles. a reminder that they're safe & loved in bed, but also safe to feel their feelings & loved all the while 😌
whoever gets up first makes the coffee. it's law. but it's also a soft, loving gesture. when ian sleeps in, mickey drops it off with a forehead smooch & a hair scritch. when mickey's asleep, ian keeps his cup warm in the kitchen because he likes to see mickey wander out all scrunchy & scrungly. ian always chuckles, gives him a little kiss & then pours his cup ☕️
i think that while they're happily attached at the hip, as they grow, they also come to both need & enjoy their alone time? time where no one's looking for them to be anywhere or do anything, time they can fully control, even if that just means getting lost in scrolling their phone. so i think it's a soft act of love for them to allow for the other to take some time & space. besides, they usually come back from that space a bit needy & a little horny, so it's usually mutually beneficial 😈
it's such an act of love when one does the dishes or handles the groceries or the cooking or the take-out -- when one is having a bad week, the other picks up the menial tasks of being a human being. keeping things clean & bellies fed. because ain't it some shit that that's what becomes a struggle when you're already feeling like crap?! 🙃
then, of course, in the privacy of their own home, they simply take each other apart for hours. whichever one needs to shut their brain off gets tied up, blindfolded, or simply loved up on & again, what a pleasurable experience for them both, really. together, in love, safe, & spent! 😇
mmmmm i want to keep going, but i'll leave it here for now. maybe i'll keep adding to the list as i need to. anyone else is free to add to it too!
love to you cameron! xx
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cosettepontmercys · 11 months
that would be so helpful! no pressure if you're busy though xx
hello dear anon!! so sorry for the delay — here are some ARC tips! 🤍 feel free to send me a message if anything isn't clear, or if you (or anyone else reading this) have any more questions! 💌
requesting ARCs as a book blogger/bookstagrammer:
something that i did very early on after making my book blog + bookstagram was google search "[publisher] publicity email" (for example "harper voyager publicity email" or "simon teen publicity email"), and then email them introducing myself and asking to be put on their mailing list/to join their influencing program! some publishers will send out periodic forms to see what upcoming releases you're interested in, and while that doesn't always guarantee an arc, sometimes they'll send you one!
if you want a specific ARC, you'll want to email the publicity team directly! you can find the email by googling the publisher of a specific book + publicity team. be sure to double check who the publisher is in your country! for example, a book could be published under harper in the states, and another publishing house in a different country. some imprints have their own emails, whereas others may group several imprints together (for example: all YA, etc.). sometimes, authors will also list a specific contact is on their website as well!
in your email, you'll want to include a little bio introducing yourself, your statistics/following count, why you're interested in the book (if you're an ownvoices reviewer for that specific book, and you're open to disclosing that, i would also add that), and then your email + mailing address (if you want a print ARC). print ARCs are a little harder to acquire, so be sure to note if you need one for accessibility purposes. don't be discouraged if you don't get an ARC, or if you get ignored — i still get my emails ignored sometimes, and it took me a really long time to start getting print ARCs.
netgalley tips:
update your bio periodically! i used to be very diligent about updating mine every month, but i haven't done that in a little bit.
my bio essentially follows this format: [introduction about myself + my platforms + statistics], [examples of past reviews of mine], [a few sentences about my favorite books/genres/authors], and then a way to reach me [email]. of course, mine is geared towards ~ bookstagram/book blogging~, so adapt this however you want/need to!
under any circumstances, do not mass request ARCs. i warn everyone about this when they first start out on netgalley, because i made the stupid decision to request like, thirty ARCs, thinking i wouldn't get approved for any, and then of course, i got approved for a good chunk and got overwhelmed.
the ideal netgalley ratio is 80%! it'll take a while to build it up to 80%, so be patient and don't be discouraged if you get declined ARCs. remember that ARCs are first and foremost, a marketing tool.
keep an eye out on the read now section — it'll help you build up your ratio, but also, every once in a while some publishers (forever, wednesday books, etc.) will add some highly anticipated ARCs as "read now" for a limited time period (24 hours, 48, etc.). if you have emails turned on from netgalley, you might get emails about this periodically too!
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redjaybathood · 1 year
(for the not US ask) 4 and 14?
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Borshch. Hands down, the best soup you could ever eat, especially in winter, when you want a hot hearty dish. There is a wide range of tastes, though, it could be sour like Eastern Borshch (I've never added anything but tomatoes/tomato paste in my borsch until I grew up and left my hometown because that's how my grandmother or mother taught me).
The best borshch in Ukraine is, for me, in Chernihiv. Was, probably - I am not sure that the cafe that used to make it is still standing. This city was heavily shelled last year. I didn't come back since. It was a small place with pretty cheap prices, you could have a full meal - borshch, varenyky, nalisniky for dessert (a type of pancake) - for something like 100 UAH. The borshch would have not only beets, but also beans, and it would be slightly sweet... I was shocked when I first tasted it. But turned out, that's what classic borshch is.
(nowadays I add beet, but never the beans tho; maybe this is why my borsch was never as good as that one true borshch I used to eat in Chernihiv)
Funny story, tho - the true borshch, the best borshch, is actually a highly debated topic that can spark a very heated argument. There are differences in regional cuisine, and of course, there is a modern spin on classical recipes. I heard about borsch with pears. Pears, I tell you!
Borshch is now a part of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine (UNESCO).
Ukrainian cuisine has a lot of great dishes. I am getting hungry just thinking about it. So, let me wrap it up here, and leave a link to the Authentic Ukraine project where you can find more Ukrainian dishes.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Some! We have very talented cinematography directors, like Nariman Aliev (the best film I've seen in, like, ten years, or maybe ever, is his Homeward/Evge), Oleh Sentsov (Rhino is what you need to get the nineties), Kateryna Hornostaj (The floor is lava/Stop-Zemlia is about teenagers and first love, and it's shot in a way that feels touching and true), and many more. A good resource for foreigners to find out more about UA cinema is Takflix, most of the films would have ENG subtitles.
There's also Netflix, it certainly has Rhino and Felix Austria (historical detective with great female leads).
I added trailers in English or with Eng subs!
Among TV series, I would note Early Swallows (I like teenage detectives, what can I say; what is notable for me here is it being the first Ukrainian TV series in Ukrainian I've ever seen, and it was released in 2019), To Catch the Kaidash (reimagined classic Ukrainian novel Kaidash' Family; I think it's the best screen adaptation of a classical novel, period, because of how it brings the events of the book to modern times in ways that keep it both true to the original intent and to what life is today); There will be people (historical drama about all the fucking shit your average person in Ukraine went through in XX century) - couldn't find a trailer in ENG for the last two TV shows, sorry.
A lot of Ukrianian TV series, and movies as well, could be watched on Megogo or Sweet TV. Megogo has some free options to watch, Sweet TV has a free trial.
So yeah, I enjoy Ukrainian films and TV series! Especially what is released in the last five years or so.
Not every movie from Ukraine is, like, festival level, and not every TV series deserves Emmy. But so is everywhere else. So - yeah, I do enjoy it overall and wish more people would just - try, look for what they might like.
(Especially I want people to watch Evge; on Megogo you can find it under Going Home. It's in Ukrainian - but it's free to watch. Just saying.)
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clairecrive · 3 years
hi!!! can I ask for darkling smut after he and the reader get in an argument? like it starts out angry but by the end they're super passionate and cuddly? thank you and congrats on so many followers!!
A/n: you ask and you shall receive, hun! I love writing this so so much. I hope you'll like to read it too. Thanks for requesting and for your words xx This is also for this anon.
Warnings: angst, smut, fluff at the end
Word count: 2.9 K
Tags: @blackst0nes7077, @thefictionalgemini, @louweasleymalfoy @jupiterandbutterflies , @for-bebbanburg, @tarkanelima-blog, genre), @pansysgirlfriend, @acciorudolphx, @kaqua , @hannaxmaria, @vintagebitc, @deardiarystuff (if you want you can add yourself to my taglist by filling this form)
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“You will not believe what-” y/n had the habit of not knocking before entering his room. The general had been more than annoyed with her initially, but she insisted that it was a way for him to distinguish her from everyone else.
Hear the door open? You don’t have to guess who it is, you’ll know it’s me, she used to tell him.
Now, however, she was wishing she didn’t have that habit in the first place. Stumbling into a room, your partner’s room, to find him standing way too close to another girl, wasn’t on her list for tonight. Maybe a warning would have been nice but at the same time, if she had knocked she wouldn’t have found them this way.
Her initial enthusiasm at the prospect of sharing this gossip with him had suddenly vanished. The smile on her face turned into a frown as Alina cleared her voice and took a step away from the general for decency’s sakes. Too late, y/n wanted to tell her.
It was painfully clear what she had interrupted. She willed her face to set into an emotionless expression but she couldn’t help a glance in Aleksander direction. Arms behind him, he looked nothing but proper and collected. But y/n knew him, probably better than anyone else in this world, and had learnt how to read his body. His jaw was clenched which meant that he wasn’t as calm as he wanted to appear.
Good, y/n thought, let him drown in guilt and misery.
Clearing her voice, she realized she had been standing there without saying anything for too long.
“I’m so sorry, General, I didn’t know you were busy. I should have knocked,” she excused herself without looking at them. “I’ll leave you to it.” With a slight nod, she added before hightailing out of the room.
She could feel Alina’s questioning gaze on her back as she closed the door behind her. There were already rumours going around about her supposed relationship with the General. No one knew for certain, neither y/n nor Kirigan had ever bothered confirming or denying them. Now though, she knew that words of this little encounter would spread, further cementing the already existing gossip.
Oh well, she thought as she walked to her room, by the looks of it there wasn’t going to be a relationship to gossip about anymore.
Her bedroom had lost every sense of familiarity and comfort a private space like this should have. She hardly ever slept in it anymore. Not since she and the general had become a thing. She only went there to change and so slipping into the bed felt weird and anonymous. As if she was in someone else’s bed and not hers.
Her sleep was doomed to be restless, she knew. However, tomorrow’s busy schedule prompted her to at least try and get some sleep. Even if it only was a couple of hours. Shuffling to change position she tried to keep Aleksander out of her mind.
An unachievable task, she was aware but she tried nonetheless. Things between them had been tense ever since he had come back to the Little Palace with her. y/n knew of his plans. She knew why he needed to do certain things and how Alina was involved. That didn’t mean she was fine with it though.
Not only did it bother her the fact that he was stripping the girl of her will and powers eventually but it also bothered her that he had chosen to get to her by manipulating her feelings. They had had countless fights because of this but nothing ever came out of it. A centuries-long existence meant that he was stubborn beyond belief and there was no way of making him change his mind once it was set on something.
After what she had witnessed today though, y/n wondered if the jokes were on him and he did end up feeling something genuine for Alina. Y/n herself had met her and spoke with her a couple of times and she had to admit begrudgingly that she wasn’t that bad.
Lost in her thoughts, y/n was snapped out of it by a loud knock at her door. As soon as she started to wonder who could be bothering her at this hour, the door opened and she stopped guessing.
Of course, it was him.
“I’m in no mood to talk to you, Aleksander. Please go.” She spoke, not bothering to turn towards where she knew he was standing. Y/n knew that while she couldn’t see him in the dark this wasn’t true for him. Shadows didn’t hinder his view like they did everyone else, they were an extension of him.
He didn’t speak but she also didn’t hear him walking away. She let out a sigh and that was the only way she was willing to acknowledge him. He wanted to stand in the shadow and stare like a creep? Fine, two could play this game.
Set on ignoring him, she stubbornly stared ahead of her. She was very aware of his eyes on her, stinging like needles. If sleep was arduous to achieve before now it was impossible. In any case, she closed her eyes and pretended to be at least. He wouldn’t know the difference and would leave her alone at some point.
But of course, she knew him well enough by now and he wasn’t as easily deterred. She didn’t know how much time passed but her eyes flew open as she felt her bed dip. Her breath hitched and she laid on full alert.
Then she felt the shadow of his touch on her neck and knew that he was close. Way too close that he should be. He was probably propped on his arm as she felt her pillow dip too.
“We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.” He whispered close to her ears, his lips suggestively tracing her earlobe.
Despite the chills that his touch would usually send to her body, y/n stifled a treacherous gasp. Instead, her body stiffened and she almost pushed him away but she wasn’t sure that touching him wouldn’t backfire.
“If you think I’d let you lay a finger on me after you touched her, you’re sorely mistaken.”
“Who says I did?”
“Please, stick to manipulating one girl, okay? Move. away.”
He didn’t reply but the hand that was on her neck moved to her shoulder and pushed back so that she was laying on her back and facing him. Well, the darkness was too thick for her to actually see his face but she could feel his breath.
“Do not push me away.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Y/n bite back.
“You’re well aware of my plans, don’t act so betrayed now.”
“Well, maybe I’m tired of being a pawn in your schemes.”
“A pawn isn’t aware of its role nor of the whole plan.”
“Being smart with me won’t help, Aleksander. You want Alina? Fine, go get her. But leave me out of this.” Pulling her face free of his grip, she turned on her side. The shadows around him had dissipated a bit, allowing you to glimpse at his face.
“You cannot do this, y/n.” he growled, pushing her on her back again, “you said you were in this. You said you wanted me, that you were going to be by my side always. You can’t just change your mind. You can’t.” His voice was strangled with emotion almost breaking on some words.
Y/n had never heard his voice so filled with sorrow. Because that’s what he must be feeling. She thought that he was also feeling betrayed by her but then she realized-- no, he was afraid. Afraid of losing her.
He knew what he did and he also was aware that y/n was not one to mess with. She was just as stubborn as he was and just as prideful. What she had seen had hurt her and it was only what she felt for him that prevented him from being mindlessly dismissed and removed from her life. She had not resisted him more forcefully because she cared, because the wound was still french and that meant that there was still a tiny hope left.
“That was before you fell for another woman. I can’t stand by and watch you be with her. You can’t ask that of me.” She whispered, meeting his eyes. No matter how much she loved him, that was simply something she was not willing to put herself through.
“That’s not what I’m asking. That’s not what's happening.” He pledged. Y/n didn’t know if it was a trick of the moonlight seeping in from her window but she saw his eyes well with unshed tears.
“Isn’t it?”
“It isn’t.” He insisted, his hand on your jaw holding it closer. “Alina is a pawn, Alina doesn’t know what is going to happen, she doesn’t know me.” Heaving a sigh, Aleksander held her face, his thumb caressing her cheek.
“There is no one on this earth that has ever seen me more clearly than you do, solnishko. I know what you saw, I know what it looked like because that was intentional. But I trust you to know the difference between what it’s really happening and what it looks like because they’re not the same.” His eyes were alive with an intensity y/n had only seen a few times before. He was ancient and he was skilled at manipulation amongst other things. She always tried to keep that in mind but now, looking at him, she couldn’t help but feel like he was being genuine.
Why would he want me near? There wasn’t an ulterior motive for wanting her by her side. Yes, she was the only one who knew about his plans but that wasn’t it. If it was, he would have simply killed her. Took less time than this. Also, y/n knew that the power was in her hands. If she said no, that she couldn’t do this anymore, she was sure that Aleksander would let her go.
“But the way you were looking at her, Aleks, I just-” a lump formed in her throat as she recalled the look on his face, “you’re spending more and more time with her and I can’t help but fear that- I mean she’s literally the embodiment of sunshine.”
“You’ve never seen the way I look at you, then.” Thumb trailing over her lower lip now, he gave her a weak smile. “I swear that there’s no one dearer to me than you.”
“I’m not sure I can’t stand the idea of you kissing and touching her, Aleksander, I’m sorry.” Y/n insisted as well because she knew him and she knew that the way she worded things was crucial.
“That won’t happen then.” He assured but she was still not fully convinced.
“I promise it won’t come to that.” So Aleks rephrased. It was better but still not good enough. But they could work on that surely.
“It seems to me though, that I have not done a good job at showing you what you meant to me. I need to reinforce it, don’t you think?” He proposed, using the hand on her face to pull her closer to him.
“I agree.” y/n mumbled on his lips before they smashed together. She didn’t wait for him to initiate the kiss. She thought she had lost him tonight and had already been trying to plan her life without him. She wasn’t willing to waste any more time. She was going to show everyone that he was hers and only hers so as not to leave any more doubts around them. Fuck gossip.
Propping herself on her elbow she used it as leverage to reach up to meet him. The hand he had on her face moved backwards to hold her head while her hand did the same in his hair. Both of them pulled the other impossible close, not willing to leave the smallest of spaces between them.
Sitting up, y/n used her other hand to first the lapel of his kefta. She quickly unfasted the buttons to get rid of it before she pushed him on his back.
“She thinks she has a chance, uh.” She taunted as she straddled his waist, roughly gathering her sleeping gown around her waist while his hands instantly shot up to rest on her hips.
“She thinks she’ll be as lucky as seeing you like this?” she continued, her hands caressing his naked chest, “that she’ll have the chance of touching you? kissing you?” she leaned down, one hand at the nape of his head to make him meet her halfway. It wasn’t a long kiss, she needed to make a point after all. Pulling away, she bit his lower lip earning a moan from him.
“To feel you like this?” she whispered in his mouth as her hips wiggled over his clothed member. His hands tightened his hold on her hips, pushing her down on it increasing the pressure.
“She’s delusional,” Aleks gasped as her mouth trailed kisses along his jaw and neck where it nipped and sucked.
“Mh,” y/n agreed, “let’s make sure she knows.” She promised before her mouth went back to sucking a few hickeys on his neck. Aleks only moaned and gave her more space to work on. His hands trailed up from her waist, cupping her breasts before playing with her nipples.
As her mouth lowered on his collarbone, Aleks decided that enough was enough. His hands roughly gripped the end of her gown before hastily pulling it up and off her body. One arm snaked over her waist pulling her flush against him as he sat up.
“Enough teasing,” he warned as the hand that wasn’t on her quickly discarded his undergarments.
“As you wish, moy sovregni,” she whispered sultrily on his lips knowing fully what effect those words had on him. Aleksander growled on her mouth, his hands kneading her ass cheeks as he gently lowered her on him.
Gasping as she felt every inch of him enter her, y/n gripped his shoulders as she started to move. Aleks’ hands guided her as she set a steady pace.
“She’s never going to feel your hands on her body,” she breathed as Aleks’ hips snapped up, setting a rougher pace.
“You’re mine.” She growled possessively on his lips as her hips met his.
“I’m yours, y/n. Just as you’re mine.” His tone matched hers. He sealed his promise with a bruising kiss. The trusting was becoming more and more frantic and Aleks’ could feel y/n clench around him.
With no previous warning, he lowered his hands from her ass to her thighs so that he could hold her while he changed their position. Guiding her legs to wrap around his waist, Aleksander leaned on his knees while he pushed her upper body down with his chest. Y/n gasped on his lips not knowing if it was for the movement, for the change of position that meant that he was now able to reach deeper than before or because she could feel her orgasm approaching.
Whatever the reason may be, Aleks swallowed her gasp as his lips refused to leave hers. Snapping his hips, he moved his hands from her legs. One went to stimulate her clit while the other choked her lightly. He knew that this combo would prove to send her over the edge. Not long after, as a matter of fact, he felt y/n’s nails on his shoulders as well as her walls tightening around him. He was not behind.
While y/n whimpered his name over and over as her orgasm hit her, Aleksander’s thrusts began to falter. With one deep thrust, he emptied inside her, obscene sounds leaving his mouth.
He leaned over y/n’s body, both of their breaths heavy, they basked in the afterglow. Aleks’ head rested over her chest, comforted by her steady heartbeat while y/n’s hands trailed over his back.
Once their breath had levelled and they could regain control over their limbs, Aleks propped himself over his elbow, his nose nuzzling y/n’s making her giggle at the soft touch. She loved these rare moments of softness and intimacy between them. If she could, she’d never let them end.
“I promise you’ll never have to doubt me again.”
“If you keep this up, it’d be impossible for me to.” She chuckled, referring to her limp body. She couldn’t trust her body to move. Sex with Aleksander always had this effect on her.
“Good to know I can still satisfy you.” He smirked as he leaned down for a small kiss. Giggling on his lips, y/n pulled him close, making him rest his weight on her rather than his elbow.
“I’m thoroughly sated, my love. You have nothing to worry about in that department.” Aleks couldn’t see her but could feel the smirk on her lips. Intertwining their legs, he got more comfortable on her. Her arms held him in a tight embrace.
“You’ll do well to remember it, dearest.” His voice came out muffled since his face rested between her breasts but y/n got what he meant anyway. Laughing at the idea that she could ever need anyone else, y/n held him closer to her chest. The embrace her form of a promise to him.
She had everything she’d ever need right here in her arms.
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whorangdan · 3 years
pretty boy
part one of what i'm hoping will be a series. i decided not to split this so it is a bit lengthy, i apologize.
around 3.7k words, shy!virgin!joshua, praise kink, slight finger sucking, blowjobs, overuse of the word pretty, pretty boys being pretty, reader is shameless, joshua's a wreck, soonyoung cameo at the beginning, sorta proofread, sorry for any mistakes xx
you've always taken a liking to the pretty boy living in the apartment across yours. you've seen him around campus and had him for one of your classes so it wasn't like you were a total stranger, you two had interacted before. like the times the two of you left your apartments at the same time and awkwardly bowed your heads towards each other before the both of you went your respective ways.
you had to admit, the boy was cute. his black hair messily fanned across his forehead, and you've seen the way his eyes slip into crescent moons whenever you catch a glimpse of him smiling during class. you'd be lying if you said he didn't interest you.
deciding to get closer to the pretty boy, you approach him during class. from the short talk you had with him you found out two things. 1, his name, joshua, and 2, he was valedictorian of his graduating class in highschool.
you had given him your number, passing it off with some shitty excuse of "if any one of us ever misses class we can catch the other up, yeah?"
luckily for you joshua didn't seem to think twice about your lame excuse. he nodded, chuckling as you saved your number into his phone. you cursed your heart as you felt it flutter at his laugh. damn it.
the next time you saw him was at a café. he was a few people ahead of you in line. the boy picked up the hot chocolate he ordered and made his way to a table in the corner. cute. your thoughts were interrupted when someone behind you coughed, signalling for you to order. embarrassed, you mutter an apology and quickly order your drink to catch up to him.
"hi joshua! is it alright if i sit here?" you asked warily, slightly afraid he would say no. but of course, this was joshua hong.
he nodded, "of course. i was going to get in some extra studying before my next class but this is okay as well!"
"oh shit i'm so sorry. i could leave if you'd like?"
joshua brushes it off, "oh no you're fine, i've prepared enough, really!" he returns the smile you pass him and you feel your heart soar.
the rest of your time at the café is filled with mindless chattering of the project your professor assigned, the upcoming exam for your class, and joshua's work habits. you learn he loves being involved on campus, joining clubs and helping out when he can. you also learn he doesn't really take many breaks from school, instead opting to head to his apartment right after work.
"you really don't go out? not even by yourself?" you wonder, curious to how he even survives. junior year of college isn't the easiest. joshua blushes, not wanting to seem like a complete loser.
"well...i..i go to the shops a lot? to get food and stuff...and i go to the park a lot too? when i want to relax..." he trails off, not being able to think of anything else. his cheeks are red and he's shuffling nervously, awaiting your reply.
you simply smile. "that's cute, joshua. is it enough for you though? like, is it ever enough to feel completely free? sometimes it's good to forget about school, you know. there's a lot more to college than grades and studying," you tell him, sipping your drink. "not that it's a bad thing to focus on that stuff, of course." you add, not wanting to make him feel bad.
"i-i mean yeah..." he chews on his lip. "i'm kind of used to it all, i've been like this since highschool. sometimes it does become too much but there isn't really anything i can do about it." he finishes. you hum, impressed by his work ethic but also feeling pity for the poor boy.
"if it works then it works, nothing wrong with that. how about work?" you play with the straw in your drink.
"i work here, actually. it's not the most money, but it's enough for me to buy what i need, with a few dollars extra to buy miscellaneous items." he replies and as if on cue, an employee from the cafe strolls up to your table.
"hey, josh! you working later today?" the boy, who you recognize as soonyoung from one of your classes, wipes the table next to yours with a rag.
joshua nods, "after class, yes." soonyoung looks to you, stopping his cleaning.
"oh, hey y/n! i didn't know you knew joshua. small world, isn't it?" soonyoung laughs at his own comment.
joshua looks between the two of you, his brows furrowing. "you two know each other?"
"i have him for physics," you say at the same time soonyoung says, "i have her for physics!" the both of you stare at each other before soonyoung laughs and walks away, muttering something about how the world works in crazy ways.
you look over at joshua and he shrugs, sipping on his hot chocolate. you end up walking out of the café until the two of you need to part ways.
"see you in class, y/n!" joshua walks off hurriedly and you watch as the bunny keychain on his bag bounces with each step.
the two of you seemed to click together instantly and spent more time together than you first thought you would. you had a habit of going out together on the weekends and although at first it took an embarrassingly long time convincing joshua that it was okay to actually leave campus, now it's something he suggests himself. and it wasn't rare for joshua to spend the night over at your place, usually when the two of you are staying up late studying, but there are also times when joshua invites himself over, claiming he can't sleep. you don't understand how you help with that, especially since he sleeps on your couch on those nights but hey, you could never say no to him. you have been to his place before but most of your time together is spent at your place, seeing as you always have a full fridge.
of course with all positives come a negative, and you find your feelings for the pretty boy have become increasingly harder to ignore. through your time with him you've also learned he's incredibly fun to tease. the boy flushes at the mere mention of sex and doesn't seem to have any idea of even the basics. of course you aren't stupid and know very well what that means but joshua's always quick to shut any idea of him being a virgin down.
"i have done stuff before, y/n! i p-promise!" though the way he shuffles on his couch screams otherwise.
you chuckle. "i believe you, joshua, i swear. it's just fun to tease you like this. you become a blushing mess and it makes me want to ruin you." you tease, not really realizing the impact of your words until you notice joshua's cheeks flare up.
"...wh-what—what did you say?" joshua stutters, not daring to look up from where he's staring down at his hands.
"i was joking, shua! i wouldn't do anything to you if you didn't want me to." you laugh. hearing that makes joshua flush even more, your choice of words causing him to believe you want to do things to him.
"a-and...and if i wanted you to?" he admits after a couple minutes of silence. sighing, you take his shaking hand into yours.
"then i would do anything you'd ask. so long as you're okay with it." you shrug. joshua's mind is spinning, jealous at how you could be so casual with this while he was shaking like a leaf. it wasn't fair.
joshua slowly lifts his head and looks you in the eye, a look of determination settled on his face. "i want you to," his shaky voice betrays him and you smile fondly, reaching a hand up to stroke his cheek. "to ruin me." he finishes.
"you're so cute, joshua. really, you are. have you ever kissed anyone, pretty?" the new nickname has joshua almost whimpering, not used to this kind of attention.
he shakes his head, "n-no...i haven't really...done anything...with anyone..." his head drops in shame.
you lift his head to look at you, staring into his eyes. "there's nothing to be ashamed of, pretty. i'll take care of you, if you allow me to." your words have him shuddering and he nods, so desperate already.
"i need words, joshua." he swears he almost moans then, biting his lip and managing to form a shaky yes.
dragging your hand to his neck you pull him in for a kiss. his lips slot against yours and you can tell he's nervous by the way his fingers tap against his thigh. you intertwine your other hand with his in hopes of calming his nerves. luckily it seems to work, his kisses becoming less shaky.
as the kisses become hotter and more desperate you pull away and he whines, chasing your lips.
"it's okay, baby. just a little change of position." you drag his thighs to pull him into your lap and he yelps, hands coming up to grip your shoulders. joshua flushes as the nickname and the closeness of you two hits him simultaneously.
"is this alright, pretty?" you hum, bouncing your intertwined hands on his thigh. joshua opens his mouth to answer but his breath gets caught in his throat and you laugh. he's so unbelievably precious. joshua nervously smiles at you.
you pull him in for a kiss again, your hand going up to his hair. deciding to experiment a bit you tug at his strands lightly and he moans into your mouth. pleased, you pull his hips closer to you. you detach from his lips and kiss down his jaw and neck. little whimpers leave joshua's lips and you see him bite his lips as if to muffle his noises.
"uh-uh don't hide your noises from me, pretty boy." your thumb reaches up to tug his bottom lip out from under his teeth. joshua nods and you take the time to examine how gorgeous he looks right now. his lips are swollen from the kissing and biting, black hair messier than you could ever imagine, and a blush lays prettily on his cheeks all the way down to his collarbones peeking out from his shirt.
his eyes are glazed over with desire and need. when he looks down at your thumb you get an idea. hesitantly, as if to just test the waters, you poke at his lips with your thumb, circling his mouth. as if reading your mind, he slowly opens his mouth, allowing you to slip your thumb between his lips.
"suck." you order, the rest of your fingers curling around his jaw. joshua obeys, his tongue and mouth working together to engulf your thumb. his head bobs and when you apply more pressure to his tongue his eyes slip shut, a cute whimper leaving him.
"oh, you like that? sucking on my fingers like this? of course you do. does it make you feel good?" joshua's moaning at your words, his hips beginning to lightly rub against yours. you chuckle at his pathetic attempts to pleasure himself.
"already so needy? i haven't even touched you and you're already so hard." he whines against your thumb. taking your thumb out of his mouth you pull him into another kiss, basking in the way he moans into your mouth.
"let's head to your room, yeah? your first time shouldn't be on a couch." you tap his thigh and he shuffles off your lap, taking your hand and leading you to his room. walking in you realize you've never been here before, and suddenly you're reminded of who it is you're doing this with.
his room is very clean and neatly organized. you take a second to look around, taking it all in. his desk is filled with random school stuff and you catch a glimpse of his assignment from your guys' class. on his dresser you see cute little houseplants, some random bottles you assume to be colognes and perfumes, and what looks to be a projector.
"what's this?" you gesture to it, walking closer to examine it properly.
"it's a...it's a star projector...when you turn it on it lights up and fills the room with little stars...i like turning it on when i can't sleep..." joshua nervously mumbles, scared you might find it childish. instead, you smile and you feel your heart melt. god how much cuter can he get.
turning around you see joshua sitting on the edge of the full sized bed in the middle of the room. he stares up at you and you notice the way his eyes are still glossy, and when you see the tent in his pants you remember what you're here for. dragging him into a kiss you push him into the mattress and he moans against your lips.
you hold yourself up with one hand and reach the other around to tug at his hair, using his moan as an opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth. grinding down on his clothed crotch he whines pathetically into your mouth.
you pull away and rest your forehead against his to catch your breath.
"...please..." joshua begs, unsure of what he's asking for himself.
"what do you want, joshua? tell me what you want, pretty." you grind against him once more and he whimpers needily.
"i don't...i don't know..." his cheeks flare up and you're reminded he has absolutely no experience whatsoever.
"that's okay, baby. i'll help you. it's all about you today, so tell me what you want. we don't have to do anything you don't want to, you can say no at anytime." you reassure him, sensing how nervous he is. kissing his cheek you pull away, sitting against the head board. he makes his way into your lap and let's his head fall onto your shoulder.
"i don't think i'm completely ready for it yet...i'm sorry y/n..." he trails off and you swear you hear him sniffle. your hand reaches up to card your fingers through his hair, pulling him away from your shoulder to face you.
"hey, listen, shua. don't apologize. at all. it's okay. look at me," his eyes are still focused on your shoulder, not wanting to meet your gaze. he shifts his eyes to your face and you can see how desperate he is and how his eyes are laced with worry. "we don't have to do anything you don't want to."
he nods and you kiss his nose, then his cheeks, and forehead, and nose again until you're littering tiny pecks all over his face and he's smiling again. you kiss him again, more innocent this time, and you try to convey your feelings for him through this kiss, letting him know you care for him regardless of whether you two have sex or not. you can tell the message gets through to him by the way he shyly looks down when you pull away.
the scene would look incredibly awkward to anyone else. joshua's sitting in your lap, head on your shoulder, with you gazing down at him warmly. the mood is most certainly not matching the hard on in joshua's sweatpants. but you found it all the more endearing, and you weren't going to make anymore advances unless he wanted it.
joshua is reminded of the problem in his pants and he flushes once more. he may not be ready for the real deal, but he certainly wants to get off tonight. slowly, he grinds his hips. you don't even notice he's doing it until his breath hitches and he grips onto your arms for leverage, quickening his pace.
"..a-ah...i'm sorry...im just–" he's cut off with a moan and you nod at him, signalling you understand.
"i know, baby, i know. do you want a little help?" he nods furiously. you guide his hips a bit more, thrusting up to meet his moves. the friction has joshua's eyes rolling back, not used to such sensations.
"do you want to get off on my thigh, pretty? or do you want more? what more can i do hmm..?" you hum, stroking joshua's hair as he keeps up his movements.
he shakes his head, "help me, please. please help me—touch me please." joshua reluctantly slows his thrusts, staring up at you with his pretty eyes. smiling, you nod. grabbing his wrists you change your positions, now hovering over him.
you kiss down his neck, nipping and sucking at the skin. joshua melts into the mattress, his hands gripping the sheets. you play with the bottom of his shirt, looking up at him. he nods, lifting his arms to allow you to slip the shirt over his head.
you take a minute to admire his body. his torso is slim and his skin is even, small moles littering his skin here and there. he's so gorgeous, you think. you let your eyes wander up to his neck, hickeys beginning to bloom, a pretty contrast with his fair skin. you're interrupted from your thoughts when joshua makes a noise of embarrassment, hands coming up to cover his blushing face.
"don't hide from me, joshua. you're beautiful." you coax, grabbing his wrists to lower his hands. you smirk at the way he whines at the praise.
"th-thank you..." you stroke his cheek before continuing your way down his torso to his waistband. you thumb at his pants and he lifts his hips, allowing you to slip the sweats off his legs.
joshua's face is burning up, not used to being so exposed. you're settled between his legs, hovering over the pretty boy.
"you look so pretty like this, shua. such a pretty boy you are." joshua whimpers, your words of praise going straight to his cock. you litter a few more kisses on his torso, going lower until you reach his boxers. you give open mouthed kisses to his length, the dark patch by his tip spreading the more you toy with him. moaning, joshua thrusts up against your mouth.
"no no, pretty. patience. i'll take care of you i promise. good boys wait patiently, and you're a good boy, right joshua? you'll be a good boy for me?" you tease, removing his boxers completely.
joshua nods desperately. "y-yes...i'm a good boy...your good boy..." he whines at his own words, the praise becoming too much. his neglected cock lays against his stomach, precum leaking over the tip and onto his belly. the hair down there is neatly trimmed and for whatever reason that makes you smile. cute.
"of course you are, joshua. my beautiful good boy. waiting so patiently." his hands are moving about, not sure where to put them as he tries his hardest not to grind his hips up. grabbing his wrists you hold them above his head, pressing a kiss to his forehead while you're there. "keep these up here, don't move. you can do that right?" joshua whimpers, nodding.
letting go of his wrists you turn your attention back to his cock. giving kitten licks to the head you glance up, taking in all of joshua's needy noises and using that to motivate you. you leave little kisses on the head before you take him into your mouth, joshua's hips jolting in response.
taking his entire length in your mouth was quite easy, not that he was small or anything, but he wasn't the biggest either. joshua's moans spill out of his mouth, hips slightly bucking before you rest a hand on his hips, stilling his body on the bed. your tongue circles his tip while your other hand works on the rest of his length. the extra attention to his sensitive head has joshua whining, breath catching in his throat when you lick over his slit.
"feels good—oh god—feels so good..." you pull off his cock, your hand still stroking him. you notice the way his hands are still right where you told him to keep them, his eyes shut in bliss as your hand works to pleasure him. you find yourself smiling at how obedient he is.
his legs wrap around your waist, bringing you closer to him. leaning down you suck more marks onto his skin. joshua's moans are higher now, and with the way his hips are sloppily thrusting into your hand you're certain he's close.
"are you close, shua?" nodding, he opens his eyes to meet yours. "good boys ask for permission." your wrist works faster, thumb rubbing his slit.
"please...can i please...y-y/n...please can i cum..." he twitches against you, desperate for release. you jerk your wrist and joshua thrashes his head against the pillows, his thighs shaking with pleasure. you lean down to press soft kisses to his inner thighs, sucking marks onto the smooth skin.
"yes pretty boy, you can. cum for me, joshua." his back arches off the bed, streaks of cum coating his torso and your hand. you pull off when he's writhing from overstimulation, hands gripping the pillow above his head.
cute whimpers leave his lips when you clean him up, the post orgasm aftershocks combined with your gentle touches have him on cloud nine. joshua's eyes are closed, sweaty hair stuck to his forehead. as gently as you can you pull him into your lap, being mindful of how sensitive he still is.
you stroke his hair out of his forehead, caressing his cheeks while he comes down from his high.
"hello, pretty boy. you did so good for me, shua. you were wonderful." you coo when he opens his eyes, his lips turning upwards at your words. joshua opens his mouth to say something but he coughs last minute, throat scratchy from all his moaning.
"oh i'm sorry, pretty. here, drink up." you press a water bottle against his lips, guiding him. when he's had enough he pulls away, head immediately dropping back on your chest.
"how was it? did you enjoy it?" you question, intertwining your hand with his.
"it was good...thank you y/n." he smiles up at you, squeezing your hand. you return the smile, rubbing his back and coaxing him to rest. joshua's eyes shut and he drifts off to sleep.
sighing softly you shift your positions so joshua's laying next to you. he hugs your waist in his sleep, cuddling you closer to him and you wrap your hands around his naked waist. bringing the sheets up to cover the both of you, you let yourself rest as well.
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
Hey, Reid! I actually have an idea for a headcannon or one-shot. So, I love how realistic your writing is because you tackle a lot of topics (PTSD, sexual assault, etc.) Can you do one on how Hotch were to react if he gets into an argument with y/n and sees her flinch when he tries to raise his hand to rub his face because she thought she was gonna get hit? Like, I think he would be so concerned for her and tries to reassure her that he won't hurt her like her ex did. I saw this based on a tik tok on how each bau member would react if they see y/n flinch during an argument. If this is a too touchy subject to do, I will understand, and if you wanna do it with a gender neutral partner instead, that works too ^^
Thank you so much for this request bby!! I loved writing this dose of fluff xx.
Also I think this is pretty gender neutral, but he does call reader “Honey”!
Small disclaimer that everyone’s PTSD looks different and this is not the sole decider of how PTSD has to affect you to be “valid.” This is just a depiction and I did draw from my own personal symptoms (especially the “being okay right after a freak out” because lord knows I suppress shit and let it get me days later)
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Down to Earth
You’ve been with Aaron for what feels like forever, but really has only been a little over a year. In this year, you’ve felt more at peace with him than you’ve felt in any other relationship.
But like every relationship, nothing is always perfect.
The two of you haven’t had a single argument -- until now.
You’re a fairly understanding person. When he has to leave suddenly for a case, you don’t mind. When he gets caught up in work and suddenly it’s almost nine at night and he’s still at the BAU, you just laugh. When he wants to go everywhere possible with you because he’s having a hard day with his anxiety (even if he won’t admit it), you let him follow you around like your personal bodyguard.
You knew what you signed up for when you took things further than a few dinner dates. You understand.
Which is why tonight’s argument is so stupid.
“I just need a straight answer. That’s all.”
“I don’t know what else you want me to say,” you shrug. “I literally don’t care, Aaron.”
“I don’t want to make all the decisions,” he replies. “I want you to have some say.”
“But I don’t mind it if you make the decisions.”
“It feels one-sided, and I don’t want that.”
“It’s fine, I swear.”
“I can see on your face that it’s not.”
“Don’t profile me, we talked about this.”
“I’m not profiling you, I’m just trying to get you to tell me the truth for once.”
“Well, I--”
Your sentence stops abruptly when you gasp, flinching, raising both of your arms in an X in front of your face.
And just like that, the argument is dropped.
All Aaron had done was raise his hand to run his fingers through his hair. But in the midst of an argument -- and on one of your worse days with your PTSD -- you legitimately thought he was pulling his hand back to hit you.
“Y/N…” He slowly lowers his hand, gaze softening when he hears you sniffling. “Honey…”
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, your arms still raised. You know he would never, ever hurt you, but you can’t move them. You’re trying, but it’s like all your muscles have tensed, refusing to let you move. “I won’t do it again, I’m sorry,” you say, rushing your words now. “Just please, don’t…”
It’s not until Aaron hears these words leave your lips that he realizes you’re not here right now -- at least not in your mind.
He doesn’t know anything about your past relationship. He put a few pieces together and knew it wasn’t necessarily a happy relationship, but he had no idea it was that bad.
“Y/N, it’s Aaron,” he pauses, mind reeling, trying to figure out how to get you back. “Can you hear me?”
“I won’t-- I’m sorry, please--”
“Y/N, you’re at my apartment with me. Can you open your eyes?”
You hear his voice this time and you open your eyes, a gasp falling from your lips as you yank your arms down to your sides. “I’m so sorry--”
“What are you apologizing for?” He asks softly. “You have no reason to apologize, Y/N.”
“Okay…” You say, flexing your fingers to ease some tension. “Well, still, about--”
“No, no we don’t need to talk about that anymore,” he shakes his head. “It’s not a big deal and I think this is more important.” He pauses. “But if you don’t want to talk about it, I...I completely understand. No pressure.”
You exhale, balling your hands into fists. “We can talk.”
“Okay. Wanna sit down?” He gestures to the couch.
You nod.
“Can I sit next to you?” He asks, and you’re grateful for his ever kind heart.
“Of course,” you smile. “Please.” And when he still sits a little too far away, you tug him closer. “You’re not going to break me.”
“I know that,” he says, smiling when you take his hand. “Are you okay?”
You have no idea how, but you are. “I am. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” he says again, sandwiching your hand between both of his. “You can’t control your reactions.”
He’s right, even though you have suppressed them for a very long time. “I try to. I don’t want to scare you.”
“I don’t want to ever scare you,” he says, squeezing your hand. “I’m sorry that I did.”
“It wasn’t you.” He gives you a look with a hint of disbelief. “Okay, it was the sudden movement, I think. With your hand.”
“Okay,” he nods. He had already pieced that together, but now isn’t the time for him to talk about how he silently profiles you. “I’ll be more conscious of that.”
“Honestly,” you chuckle, “I’m not sure how you haven’t pieced it all together before now.” You pause, looking up from his hands. “Have you? Be honest.”
“Some things,” he admits. “Little things. Your problem with eye contact and agreement to everything -- and I should not have approached the topic that way. We’re both tired and that wasn’t the correct way to talk about it.”
“It’s…” He raises his eyebrows and you stop before you can say okay. “Right. I see now.”
“I gathered that the relationship, whatever it was, wasn’t healthy, but I never wanted to bring it up until you were ready. And I know it goes without saying, but I want to say it anyway. I will never lay a hand on you. I promise.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, lifting your free hand to stroke his cheek. “You have been so kind to me and I never know what to do with myself.” You shake your head slowly, smiling. “It’s like every time I start floating away, you’re right here, pulling me back down to earth.”
He lets go of your hand to wrap his fingers around your wrist, keeping your hand on his cheek so that when he turns his head, he kisses your open palm. “I’ll always be here to pull you back down.”
You let some silence pass before you say what you’ve been hiding all this time.
“He used to hit me,” you whisper. “It’s why it had been five years since I went on a date. Honestly, if Dave didn’t speak so highly of you, I don’t know that I would’ve even said yes that night. But I’m glad I did.”
“I’m glad you did, too.”
You smile softly. “Everything about you is so different from what he was. You’re such a gentle giant, you know that?”
He chuckles at the new description. “I guess I do now.”
“I just want you to know your gentleness never goes unnoticed or unappreciated. I love it. It makes me feel safe and loved and cared for. And I’m not used to it at all yet, but...I hope I’ll get there.” You pause. “I was having a rough day today with flashbacks and things. Today was our anniversary, but none of them were ever good, so I’ve been on edge.”
“Even though I know nothing will happen because he’s gone and nothing bad has happened on this day for six years, it still… I still can’t shake it.”
“Well, let’s do everything we can to make the rest of this day the best day,” he says. “Let’s order your favorite for dinner. You pick the movie, and we can sit on the couch until we want to go to bed.”
“And then?”
“And then…?” He waits for your answer.
“And then...you make sweet love to me all night and go into work late tomorrow?” You add a shy grin, hoping to convince him.
But he needs no convincing. “Gladly,” he says, leaning forward to kiss you sweetly, softly, pulling you back to earth, weighed down with all his love.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Stutter Something Profound
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A/N: Y’all wanted part 2, so you get part 2 with some sub!Din! It did get a little soft, I might add, but enjoy! Happy Valentine’s Day from me to you! As always, comments and feedback are welcomed! xx
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only) -  oral (m and f receiving, unprotected sex, etc...)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Quiet down,” Din’s voice was sharp and biting as your brow furrowed and you turned to him with a look of confusion marring your features.
“I didn’t say a word,” you huffed in response as you turned your attention back to the little bean sitting across the cold, metallic floor from you. His favorite little ball was in his tiny hands as the two of you rolled it back and forth to each other. You’d been stuck in hyperspace for some time, and there really wasn’t much else to do. It was like the Mandalorian - Din,  you reminded yourself - refused to have even a modicum of fun. He’d been even more quiet and stoic than normal recently. 
Ever since - 
“Yes, you did,” he turned his head sharply, surely almost breaking his neck as he turned to look at the two of you from the captain’s seat. You quirked a brow in question before gesturing between yourself and the small child. He huffed sharply through his nose, the sound a loud, bitter thing as it reverberated off the walls, “keep it down.”
“That’s what I thought we were doing,” you snapped back before rolling your eyes and turning back to your small compatriot. He cooed gently before smiling and taking the ball as you rolled it back to him. You couldn’t help but smile at the little one; he always had the best and most calming aura about him. Before you could stop yourself, under your breath you murmured, “maybe you just need to calm down a little.”
"Excuse me?" oh. You just knew there was a scowl on his face, those plush lips pulled in a frown. Maker, those lips, delicious and soft, has been all over your body, mapping and marking almost every single inch of skin. You'd been thinking about them ever since that night - his touch, his taste, his feel. All of it.
Nothing had been the same since. 
And yet nothing had changed.
"You heard me, Din," it was the first time you'd used his name since that night. It was a challenge as much as a question. It was silent, almost dead silent, as he slowly rose to his full height. He presented an impressive sight, covered in gleaming beskar, as his chest rose and fell steadily. Slowly, ever so slowly, he stepped closer, each footfall loud and purposeful. Shit, shit, shit. You’d fucked up and this was it. You were always pushing and pushing and pushing, and you’d finally pushed enough. Maybe he’d reached his limit. 
He came over to you and slowly crouched down, predatory in every way, reaching over and taking your chin in his gloved hand as you turned your face up to meet his own. You were left breathless as you stared back into the black T of his visor, wishing you could see the expression in his eyes, “are you telling me what to do?”
Part of you wanted to remain small and shrink away, but another part of you, this one was feeling particularly strong in the moment and there was no holding it down, “yes.”
“Uh huh honey,” he dragged his thumb across your bottom lip causing you to part them slightly, “you sure about that?”
“Y-yes,” your head was already spinning with all sorts of thoughts and fantasies. He dipped his finger slightly into your mouth and you had to resist the urge to suck on it.  But then you remembered - you remembered what you had told him last time. As you laid in his arms and made a promise that you planned on making good on, “yes. I am, Din.”
“Hmmm,” it was a soft gentle growl as he released your chin and stepped back, standing up again. Your heart was fluttering wildly as he walked towards the ladder, to head down, “we’ll be on Sorgan soon. Keep him with you.”
You waited until he was gone and thoroughly disappeared before hanging your head and sighing shakily. Before you could get too caught up in your head, a small bit of laughter and gentle cooing captured your attention. You looked up and found your little friend grinning at you, his little teeth on display as he made grabby hands for the small metal ball. 
“Of course, my sweet bean,” you smiled fondly at him, giving him what he wanted, “anything for you. At least one of my boys isn’t being a Mr. Grumpy Boots!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“This is Sorgan?” you asked softly as you held the little one in your arms, already falling behind Din as made it a point to stop and study your surroundings. It was a beautiful place, lush and green and teaming with the sounds of all sorts of animals in the distance. He made a small noncommittal sound without so much as looking back at you. You rolled your eyes at him before sticking out your tongue and blowing a quiet raspberry, causing the little one to giggle. It appeared that he still wasn’t over being grumpy, and you were sure that he was still sour over your little outburst. 
You remained quiet as you followed after him, deciding that it was best not to push his buttons. Although you weren’t so concerned with the possibility of what he would do. You knew that he wasn’t going to abandon you in some remote part of the galaxy as you once had feared; no, perhaps he’d even give you another...punishment like he had previously.
But you weren’t sure he ever would mention again. You’d wanted to bring it up, desperately so, but you just...didn’t quite know how. The morning after you’d woken up a few times only to find yourself still wrapped up in his arms, resting your head on his chest as he snored lightly. When you’d gone to get up for the day at hand, he was long gone, already dressed and going about business as usual.
You'd tried not to be upset, not to let it get it to you...but kriff. It was a one time deal but Maker, you wished it weren't. But who were you to question and interrogate him on the matter? Besides the words that needed to be exchanged, or your little altercation earlier, he'd avoided you like the plague. It was even worse than being stranded in the most desolate desert in the outer rim.
"Keep up," he called over your shoulder as you realized you'd been caught up on your myriad of daydreams and fallen far behind. You huffed as you picked up the pace to keep up with his long strides, "we're almost there."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Almost there ended up being another half hour of trekking through the woods until you reached the small village that served as your destination. Part of you had been tempted to complain, but the other half was thrilled to be able to get out and stretch your legs and see something other than metallic walls or dirt and decay. The air was fresh and light, doing wonders for your spirit and lungs. The little one seemed to be enjoying everything as much as you were - his eyes were wide and curious and as he studied the new surroundings. At the sight of a few butterflies, he reached out to try and capture one, almost tumbling out of your arms at one point. Giggling, you slowed your pace and set him on the forest floor, letting him follow behind the two of you all while keeping a close eye on him.
Eventually, the sounds of life - children’s laughter, animals, and animated chatter met your ears and you found yourself in a picturesque, small village. You look at everything in awe as your green bean toddled over to the nearest group of children. Instinct took over and you moved over to grab him, but Din grabbed your arm and shook his head, as you frowned at him, “he’s fine. He knows them.”
“Okay,” you nodded, but nonetheless your guard was up. You were more protective over Din and the little one than anything else. If something happened to either one of them you didn’t know what you’d do. Din must have sensed your hesitation as he lightly put his hand on your arm and pulled you along with him. Nodding, you silently acquiesced to his request.
It was another short walk to the center of the town, where you spied a small group of people milling about, almost as if they were expecting them. Din gave them a nod, but kept you close at his side. 
“Mandalorian,” a beautiful woman with long hair walked over to the two of you as Din held his hand out to her but you stepped slightly behind him. She had a kind face and eyes, and you could tell she meant no ill will, "you've returned."
"As I said I would," he insisted as he shook her hand. Turning her attention to you, she looked you up and down, observing you with intense scrutiny, and yet you did not feel afraid. Whatever had happened between the two of them, you could tell she was looking out for him.
Holding out your own hand, you steeled yourself as you offered it to her and gave a kind smile accompanied by your name. 
"Omera," she had deemed you worthy of her name and seemingly her approval, "you're…"
"She's mine," he insisted sharply, causing both you and Omera to look at him in surprise. Inside, you were beaming and bursting with joy and pride at the surprising revelation. You weren't sure if it was purely situational or he had meant it as more - as what it was, but Maker - your face felt hot and knees weak. 
"She's your…"
"Mine," he repeated simply with a curt nod and an air of finality. His hand found the small of your back as you raised your eyebrows at the woman in shock, practically glowing from inside.
"Very well Mandalorian," the woman turned on her heel and motioned for the two of you to follow, "we're pleased to see you and the little one again. You may stay as long as you'd like; let me show your quarters."
Hesitating for a moment, you watched as the two of them started to walk away, leaving you behind. All of this seemed so surreal - domestic, uncomplicated, and...free. It almost felt surreal and you were afraid it would all end up being a dream. Too good to be true - a taste of what your life could be. Maybe...maybe one.
"Sweet girl," perking up at the use of the almost sacred nickname you caught his gaze. Holding out his hand to you, it wasn't but a mere moment before you took it, nervously - tentatively - and let him pull you towards his body. And then softly, almost as if it was just the two of you and not a whole gaggle of people around you, Din leaned in, "keep up."
What was even going on anymore? Surely this had to be a dream...but then again the warmth of his hand in yours was tangibly real. This was actually happening.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"This is it, huh?" looking around the small cabin, you quickly decided that you liked it. It was quaint and cozy and warm - everything that the Crest wasn't. Definitely something you would appreciate for a week or two and definitely something you would miss as soon as you left. The little one had been busy with his old friends, and Omera had graciously offered to take him for the night. As much as you both loved him, it was nice to have a little bit of time to yourselves.
"Not to your liking, princess?" his hands were on his hips as he watched you closely. It was teasing - lilting and with a small tone of amusement. Shaking your head you turned to him and offered a small smile, "you'll be comfortable here. Better than the ship and it'll give you an opportunity to stretch your legs."
"I like it," you agreed, "its nice to slow down for a change. Who knew you had a heart and a brain after all, Din?"
"Very funny, brat," the way you tingled at his use of the word was enough to render you speechless. He paused for a moment, thoughtful and quiet, "I don’t hate you, you know."
"Huh?" your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden declaration and the doe eyed look on your face enough to make his own cheeks tinge with a pink flush. Once again he was eternally thankful for the beskar helmet. He slowly reached up and grabbed your chin between his fingers as you swallowed the lump in your throat.
"I know I'm not always...the easiest to get along with," he all but whispered, "but I do appreciate you more than you know."
"Hmmm," your body was electric as his touch sent sparks down your spine, "I know, Din. I...fuck. I appreciate you too. I've been...thinking about you."
"Have you, naughty little thing?"
"Mhmm," you closed your eyes and keened into its touch, "ever since that night…"
"Then what do you want?" his voice was low - dangerous - as his hand tightened around your throat, squeezing ever so slightly. Your pupils were dilated, eyes practically black with lust as a small sound escaped your lips. How easy it would have been to give in and let him have his way with you, "tell me little brat. Use your words."
"You," it was almost a whimper as the heat pooled low in your belly and the delicious, tingling ache between your legs started. How easy that would be to let him use your for his (and your pleasure). Even within the thick haze of arousal, you reminded yourself of your promise.
He would be your good boy.
Almost out of nowhere, your hand was on his wrist, delicate compared to his large gloved one, and pulling him away from you. 
"What are you-"
"I'm in charge, Din Djarin," you reminded him, a surge of confidence running through your blood as desire seeped into every fiber of your beating. Your heart was beating wildly as you anticipated his reaction, treading carefully to make sure you didn't overstep any boundaries, "I made a promise last time and I don't break promises."
He chuckled - a dark, delicious sound that sparked pure fire in your bones. Instead of a smart remark for once he...acquiesced.
"Tell me what you do want."
"Strip," you echoed his words from the last time you'd found yourself in this position, "and get on your knees."
"As you wish,” he pulled back and started to slowly peel off his gloves, his gaze trained on you the entire time. You felt like a shy maiden, rather than a woman about to make a grown man cry, as a flush rose up in your neck and face; but you didn’t shift your gaze away.
Din made a show of pulling off each piece of armor, bit by Beskar bit, in painfully slow manner. The cocky Mandalorian knew exactly what he was doing. As soon as he was left in his underclothes, you could see that his cock was already painfully hard and straining at his trousers. A sense of pride welled up in your chest as you realized you were the cause of it all. Keeping the helmet on for the moment, his large hands skimmed the hem of his shirt as you almost lost your patience and tore it off for him. Languidly, methodically, he left the shirt up and tugged it over his head, letting it fall with an unceremonious small sound to the floor. 
He was beautiful - even more in the fading light of day than he had been in the dark. Tan, golden skin littered with freckles and scars came into view as your breath hitched in your throat. Maker. You bit your lip as he tilted his head to the side to gauge your reaction. Trying to play it cool, you motioned for him to continue his fingers trailed over the waistband of his pants. The dusting of dark hair that disappeared into his pants was enough to make your mouth water as you remembered the promise it held. 
Din popped open the button and slowly unzipped his pants before tugging his pants down his legs and kicked them off along with his boots. Apparently you weren’t the only one getting impatient. Making a small, musing sound in the back of your throat you walked over to him, admiring his beauty - and his hard cock that was already leaking fat beads of pre-cum. Smirking, you trailed a hand down his warm skin, raking your nails over it as you pressed a few lazy kisses along his broad shoulders. You were almost positive that you could hear a small sigh leave his lips. 
“You are beautiful, Din Djarin,” you murmured as you pressed featherlight kisses to his neck, noting that he swallowed thickly, “it’s a shame no one sees - but a privilege to have you at my mercy.”
Before letting him get a word in edgewise, you went over to the windows and made sure everything was tightly closed and curtains were drawn before turning off the bedside lamps. There was almost no light left in the small room, save for the candle near the door; just enough to get by but not enough to actually see anything. Flouncing back over to Din, his large, warm hands found purchase on your waist as you reached up and tentatively rested your hands on the side of his helmet. 
“Do you trust me, Din?” you whispered, a far cry from how domineering you intended on being. His hands circled around your wrist as he offered you a soft nod. You lifted your hands up, along with his as you pulled off the beskar and gently set it down along with the rest of his armor. 
When he was fully stripped, a sharp contrast to you being fully clothed, he immediately tried to crash his lips onto yours to kiss you; a hungry, feverish thing. You smirked against his lips before quickly pulling away and placing a finger on his lips and shaking your head, “no, no, no honey. Not yet.”
“Hmmm,” your hands went to his shoulders as you pushed him down and onto his knees, “it seems to me like you’re the one not listening. Won’t you be a good boy, Din?” 
Knowing what you wanted immediately, his hands went to your waist as he undid your pants and pushed them to the ground, helping you to step out of them. You knew normally he would have argued with you or something but today something was different; almost like you had him under some sort of spell. 
“So beautiful,” he murmured as his hands ran up your thighs, stopping to paw at your bum and giving it a good squeeze, pulling a squeal of delight from your lips. He chuckled against your skin, placing kisses along your thighs and hips before working over to your mound. Running a finger through your already soaked folds, he gathered some of the your arousal before it in his mouth and sucking it clean, “like fucking candy.”
“Din,” it was a herculean task not to completely surrender control to him and have his face. He hummed in content as he nudged your legs further apart and you could feel his breath fanning against your warm, wet center. Carding a hand through his dark locks, you gently yanked his head away, “we don’t have to do this…”
“Tell me what you want, sweet girl,” he rasped as you nodded slowly, “I can handle it  - whatever you want.”
His gentle reassurance was enough to get you back on your game as you brought his face to your core, where you were getting desperate for his touch, “eat it.”
Warm hands anchored themselves to your hips as he buried his face in between your thighs, licking up your soaked folds like a starving man. It was such an unexpected, pleasant rush that you almost lost your balance as you braced yourself against the wall. A small whimper escaped your lips as Din continued to lap at you, his aquiline nose nudged against your clit. For all the talents this man had, eating pussy was definitely one of them. 
“Kriff,” it wasn’t long before your legs started to shake as the pleasure in your belly grew and grew and threatened to snap. He was not shy or soft spoken as he murmured filthy praises against your heat as he licked and suckled on your clit and folders before plunging his tongue into your velvety walls. He was quick to balance you as you almost staggered forward, “Din…”
“So good,” he praised as he reached up and added two thick fingers to his ministrations, curling them in a come hither motion as he quickly found your sweet - the one that made you see absolute stars. Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt nothing but warmth radiate throughout your body and pressed his face firmly against you. You felt the vibrations of his chuckle as he continued on, just a little further and harder until you were over the edge. A large hand had snaked up your body to cup and squeeze your breasts through your shirt as you keened into him.
This time you didn’t even bother to hold back your mewls and moan as you came all over his tongue and fingers. Making a sound of approval, he worked you through your orgasm until you were a shaking, whining mess above him. His name came off your tongue in reverence as he stabilized you and lapped up every last bit of your arousal. 
“Maker,” you finally managed to catch your breath after a few minutes as you pulled out of his grasp and helped him to his feet. In the soft candlelight you could see your juices glistening on his face. Unable to stop yourself, you threw your arms around his neck and crashed your lips onto his, kissing him in a fervent tangle of tongue and teeth. He responded eagerly, taking his time to taste you and explore your mouth as your wicked hands roamed his body. Din almost choked on a moan as you grabbed his weeping cock in your hand, coating it in the reminder of your wetness. A smile grew on your face as you pulled back and looked at him innocently, “good boy, Din. It must be painful, huh? To be this hard and have no relief? Do you want me to make it better?”
“Mouth,” it was a soft whisper -  a plea, “use your mouth.”
“Hmm,” you mused as you continued to stroke his length, noting how he seemed to thrust into your hand more with each passing second, “I don’t know if you’ve earned that yet.”
A mess of sounds, guttural and visceral, met your arms as you played with him before massaging his balls just to push him as far as he could go. It wasn’t only before you felt him twitch in your hand and could hear the struggle as he tried not to come in your hand.
“Sweet girl,” he stammered out as he closed his eyes in bliss; but you beat him to the punch and pulled your hand away, creating a painstaking distance between your bodies. He hissed at the loss of contact and his orgasm as you ripped your shirt and bra off, letting the offending articles join the heap of his clothing, “fuck!”
“I told you that you hadn’t earned it yet,” you reminded him with a saccharine smile, “only good boys get to cum.”
“I am going to-”
“Get on the bed and lie on your back,” you insisted sharply. He huffed sharply before marching over and getting on top of the plush blankets. Looking around for a moment, you knew exactly what you were searching for, hoping you hadn’t misplaced the crimson silk fabric. After a few moments of digging, you made a small noise of triumph as you found the object of your affection. Walking back over with a sway of your lips, you displayed the fabric to him, “hands up and behind your head.”
“What are you doing?” it was a tone of wonder and amusement as you raised an eyebrow and hoped he was able to see it.
“You’re not allowed to use your hands,” you grinned as you stole a kiss before grabbing his wrists in your hands, “no touching, Din. Not until I say so.”
The Mandalorian  - your Mandalorian - grunted as you threaded the fabric through the headboard and secured his wrists. It wasn’t necessarily a strong, tight hold, but it was enough to get your point across. No touching. Din could have easily broken through the thin fabric, but he wasn’t going to try again - he was going to be a good boy.
"What are you going to do sweet girl?" he asked as you spread your legs on either side of his hips, your wetness brushing the soft curls of his pubic hair. Grinning almost sinfully, you grabbed his jaw and turned his face towards, only making out the highs and lows of his features. Leaning down you kissed him, chasing after his lips with your own.
"Have my way with you," you whispered as you kissed the shell of his ear before working along his jaw and neck, making it a point to nip and suck at the delicate skin. And then, as you reached the hollow of his throat and placed a chaste kiss there, he practically whimpered, "oh, my sweet boy."
Din tugged lightly on the restraints, enough to shake the headboard slightly, but not enough to do anything. Shimmying down his body you tenderly touched and kissed every part of his body making sure each little freckle and mark and scar were given attention. The man practically melted under your touch; no one had ever given him this type of love and attention before. In the past it had all been either sloppy blowjobs or quick fucks; it had never mattered about him or the other person before, the only end game was release. But this...this was different. Delicate, gentle - caring.
Kissing along the V of his abdomen before nosing along his soft pubic hair, your raked your nails up and down his legs.
"When's the last time someone loved you, Din Djarin?" it was a hushed whisper, one you really expected an answer to you, but Din had almost inhumanly adept hearing - perks of a lifetime as a bounty hunter.
"Well I do," it was an easy confession that startled both of you. You had meant it as both a I'm going to love you just now and I'm in love with you all at once. But that was something to be delved further into another time, "I do very much."
Before he could say anything else, you licked a long stripe up his shaft. His reaction was immediate as he bucked his hips up causing you to just push them back down. Laughing lightly, you tutted at him before taking him in your mouth - as much as you anyway. He was big and it did take some effort to get as much of him as possible. 
It wasn't long before he was writhing under you as you licked and sucked him to an inch of his life. Making a point to hollow your cheeks and be noisy, you played with balls as you pushed him closer and closer to his release. Your mouth was already costing with your spit and his salty pre-cum and his cock twitched in your mouth. Just before he came, you pulled off of him and say back on your haunches watching his chest rise and fall rapidly.
"I was almost-"
"I know," it was a sticky sweet answer as you ghosted a hand over his body. Your hand found its way around his throat as you squeezed; more intensity than he had applied to you, but not enough to hurt, "tell me, sweet boy, are you going to let me sit on your face?”
“Use me,” he insisted as you kissed your way up his body and stopped at his lips and captured them in a searing kiss. His were perfect against yours - soft, full, and plush. Before getting too lost in his kiss, you positioned yourself over his face, and his eager hands tried to reach for you, only to find out that he couldn’t. A small groan of frustration left his lips as you grinned and ran a hand through his dark curls, “sweet girl.”
“Use your mouth, Din,” you braced yourself on the headboard as you lowered yourself down to meet his mouth. If you had thought he was eager before, you were sorely mistaken. The man in question lapped at your freshly soaked folds like it was the last thing he would ever do. His nose was perfect against your sensitive bundle of nerves as his tongue delved into you and caused you to cry out in pleasure. Seeming satisfied with his work, you felt him grin against you, his beard tickled you in all the best ways, “fuck. So good - so, so good.”
“Sweet girl,” he murmured against your skin as you felt yourself melt into a puddle of jelly. His praise along with this ministrations was enough to have you seeing stars as you closed your eyes and felt that familiar coil start to snap in your belly. Rocking against his face, he picked up his pace until you were just about to cum again, but instead of letting your orgasm fully wash over you, you pulled back and moved off of your face, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shock your head before kissing him, tasting yourself on his tongue, “you’re perfect. Want to cum on all over your cock, Din. Feel you inside of me.”
“Please,” he was practically beginning at this point; he was harder than he ever been and needed to be inside of you, “come on, sweet girl.”
Swinging a leg over his hips, you grabbed his hard cock and pumped him a few times before lining himself up at your entrance. Slowly sinking down on him, the two of you moaned in unison, as he stretched you fully and completely.
“Din,” his name was but a soft, reverent whisper off your lips as you put your hands on his chest and started to bounce at a slow pace up and down his cock. He felt perfect inside of you, hitting all the right spots as your clit rubbed against his pubic hair. He thrust his hips up to meet each of your bounces, pulling harder and harder at the bindings. You leaned down and wrapped your arms around his neck as you pressed your chest against his and kissed every part of him that your lips found, “so close - sweet boy.”
“Me too,” he agreed, his voice crackling and rough, “gonna cum inside you.”
“Yes,” you breathed as your warms started to contract around him and you felt him twitch within you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you buried your face into his neck, whimpering against his skin, “Din.”
“Sweet girl,” he so desperately whispered he could wrap his arms around but instead kept his hips as close to yours as possible, “so good - so perfect.”
You all but collapsed in his arms as you laid on top of him, the two of you working to catch your breath. Once you came down from your high, you kissed his nose, and slowly moved to undo the bindings and free him from his confines. As soon as his arms and wrists were free, he wrapped his arms around you and traced his fingers up and down your back in soft patterns. Relaxing into his arms, you sighed contentedly, “you can be a good boy, Din.”
“Only for you,” he whispered softly, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek, “I...I love you, sweet girl.”
“Yeah?” you asked as you rolled over and next to him. He hesitated for a moment but then slowly confirmed with a soft nod, “good. I...I love you, Din Djarin. I have for a while.” 
“I never...would have thought,” he murmured as he pulled into you his arms without even thinking - so easy and effortless. You eagerly complied, letting him pull you tightly against his chest as you tangled your legs with his. You weren’t sure what this all meant, or would lead to, but it was definitely something you could get used to. 
“Really?” you laughed lightly, a musical wonderful sound that he adored, even on his grumpiest days, as you took his hand and brought it to your lips, and placed a tender kiss to his knuckles. How he hadn’t known was beyond you - it all seemed so obvious. Din made a small sound, “I thought it was so obvious. It was to me at least, honey.  Even when we’re at each other’s throats - it was with love. Besides, I like when you get mad. It’s sexy.”
“You’re such a brat - my brat,” he buried his face into the pillow, but not before pressing a kiss to the side of your head, “you’re amazing.” 
“You’re just saying that because I finally let you cum,” you teased as you felt your eyes getting heavy, “worth it.”
“Yeah,” he agreed with a yawn, “but I’m getting you back for that next time. No hands? That’s just cruel.”
“Hmm,” you mused, “are we just going to keep taking turns? I could get used to that, Din.”
“I hope you do, sweet girl,” he murmured, “I hope you do.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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gucciwins · 3 years
it’s your birthday?
As luck would have it you once again find yourself in a breakout room with Harry
Word count: 3296
A/N: Hello friends, it’s a new semester and it felt only right to continue breakout room, a story that was well loved by you. The inspiration once again came to me during class and also because it’s Harry’s birthday. Thank you to the lovely @soullikestyles for reading this over. Here it is, enjoy!!!
I hope you love this, it is a continuation from Breakout Room 
Please shoot me a message of what you thought!!!!
i love you, take care xx 
It's the start of a new semester. It's safe to say you did not make any friends last semester due to this ongoing pandemic, but what you did manage to get was a 3.9 G.P.A for the Fall semester. It was probably because you did not leave your apartment, and when you did, it was to go grocery shopping with your roommate, who would be dead without you because, as she liked to put it, you're the chef, and she's the taster. 
Well, you maybe did make one friend. 
Harry Styles.
He was the person to talk to you during a zoom breakout room in your women's gender studies course.
Sure, you were never in the same room again, but you might or might not have pinned his face during one of the professor's long ramblings that is no longer related to the course. 
He was pretty to look at; you would never deny that. 
No, with the floppy curls that he almost always seemed to run his hand through, then stopping when one of his rings got caught in a knotted ringlet. His camera would instantly turn off, and in thirty seconds, he was back as if nothing had happened. The glasses framed his face just right, making his eyes look soft and inviting. Also made his dimples stand out. He almost always wore a different colored cardigan. Your favorite from the semester was when he wore a multicolored cardigan. That looks like it was knitted; there was a hole by his heart. Honestly, you were hoping he had, would have made him even more endearing. 
Also, might one day ask him to make you one, or he could even teach you. You're a fast learner and have patience. 
He's got a great choice in clothing from what you was able to observe in such a short time—also a lovely personality. 
After his initial email, you decided to answer, thus creating a chain of messages back and forth. He was honestly funny, and that was just on paper. He had asked for her number and said no, and he respected that. It doesn't mean they never helped each other in the class; Harry asking for more help than Y/N. She sent him over her notes and explained the readings he found harder to grasp. 
As soon as finals week hit, she received her last email from him with the subject as Goodbye. It took you by surprise, and you erased the draft you had waiting for him that had your phone number wanting to keep talking to him. Still, clearly, he thought of them as just classmates for the semester, so without even opening his last email, you trashed it. 
You felt guilty about it, so you then transferred it to your archives, where it sits with other unwanted emails. 
The holidays are over, and since you could not make the trip home, you celebrated with Amy, your roommate. You both help each other buy your family's presents, looking for the best discounts and adding extra items to get the free shipping. Together, well, mostly you as she handed you pieces of tape you wrapped present after present in brown wrapping paper. It was harder to tear and more comfortable to decorate in any way you wanted. On each box, it had everyone's name written in beautiful handwriting, courtesy of you. Then you would add snowflakes or stripes to make it stand out. 
It was a success from their looks when each gift was open through the zoom call. 
The month break flew by, and the next thing you knew, it was time to be back at your desk for hours of learning. It was fun until it wasn't sure there was a lot to look forward to, but you would miss sleeping all day and eating snacks in bed with no fear of forgetting to submit an assignment. 
This semester you had four major courses. Psychology of Personality and Psychology of Aging were the two courses you were most looking forward to. You decided on taking the women's gender studies class called Politics of Sexuality. You had gotten the recommendation from the department's head to take it and did so without a second thought. Yes, fifteen units was a lot, but you were close to graduating, and you knew you could handle it. 
The first week flew by because it was merely going over the syllabus. You had your camera on, but you did not bother to look at your other classmates. Sasha, a fellow person in your major, would be your study partner as she had been all semester. Sasha might not always be in the class section, but she did take the same professors and courses. It makes studying and taking notes easier. You know you won't always have Sasha, but having a study partner has ever made you do better. 
February 1st. The start of the second week of the semester. 
You woke up at seven, got the tea that Amy had ready for you, and were sitting at your desk by eight. Your professor droned on about the first chapter of the book. You felt confident knowing you understood the significant points. 
It's 11:30, and your second course of the day is going to start. You were not looking forward to the class simply because Dr. Rossi had warned you he would be putting you into breakout rooms of two. That person would be your partner for the semester. You had a project due at the end of the semester, and he wanted you to be acquainted with someone rather than having a person working alone. 
You sat there, Baby Yoda ceramic mug in hand, as you waited for your breakout room to load and to see who you were destined to work with for the next fourteen weeks. 
There was a knock on your door that distracted you from seeing the video of someone else load. 
"Sorry, I know you're in class, but I was wondering when lunch was to see how big of a snack I should have." Amy shoots you a small smile. 
"No worries, Ames, I'm out at 12:45 and will need half an hour to cook, so roughly 1:30. Is that okay?" You tell her feeling a little awful, making her wait. 
"It's perfect. Have a good class." Amy shuts the door.
As you hear the click, you turn back to your computer, and they're staring at you in a lavender cardigan with a white shirt underneath is the one and only Harry Styles.  
His curls are shorter, meaning he recently got a haircut, and they are just growing back. You wished he had let it grow out, wanting to see how much more ruly they would have gotten.
You feel your face heat up, remembering you did not do your hair, instead of letting it sit messily in a low ponytail, small hair framing your hair. You were sure the black sweatshirt you had one had a hummus stain but too afraid to look down to check. You weren't even aware he was in this class; it shows you should be paying attention more to your classmates. 
He shoots you a small smile, and you grimace, trying to force one out, but you're still a bit shocked. 
You see his microphone go white, meaning he was about to speak. You leaned forward in anticipation, a bit desperate to hear his smooth accent through your computer speakers. 
"Hello, it's been a while." Harry raises his glasses to hold back his hair. 
You reach forward and unmute yourself. "Hello, Harry. It has been a while. It's a new year and everything." You joke. 
He chuckles, scratching his chin. You aren't sure what to do; it was never this awkward the first time you chatted. 
"Guess we're partners, huh." 
"Apparently." You sigh, a bit loud, forgetting he can hear you. 
"Ouch, don't need to sound too excited." He tells you not at all hiding his frown. 
"No, I didn't." You stop not knowing how to go back from that. "Sorry, that was rude of me." 
He nods, not saying anything more, and you take it as a sign to continue. 
"I-i, well, after our last class ended, I figured that was that. You said goodbye in the last email, so I figured that was the end of our friendship, if you can even call it that." 
"I thought my email would give the opposite impression, but not everything can translate as smoothly when talking." He tells you, which causes you to pause. 
"Your email literally said goodbye," You blurt out before you can stop yourself.
He hides his smile, "My subject said goodbye, the content said quite the opposite. You did read it, right?" 
You duck your head, not allowing yourself to meet his eye even through a computer screen, too embarrassed to be caught. "Well, no, I didn't. Hurt my feelings, just seeing the goodbye." You look up and see his eyes soften, giving you just a bit more courage to continue. "I've always struggled to make friends, I have like three good friends, and it's hard putting myself out there, and I didn't actually if you considered me a friend or not." 
"Y/N" He breathes out your name.
You stop him before he can continue. "Do you mind if I read it now?" 
Harry shakes his head. 
You restore down the zoom and open up your Gmail on the split-screen. You find it reasonably quickly; you look up at him to see him patiently sitting back chipping at his nails. They are a pastel yellow; it makes you smile, knowing just yesterday you went from that color to a deep red. 
Subject: Goodbye 
It's been enjoyable emailing back and forth. I honestly would not have passed this class without you. I think you are brilliant and if I had you in every course, I would finish with A's in them all. So, thank you for having the patience to teach me. 
Also, thank you for being my friend. I know we mostly talked about school work. Still, you did help me decide on what coat to buy for my sister, so I know that makes us friends, and I did help you get that switch for your little brother. (That was like trying to buy floor tickets for Lady Gaga.)
On another note, after emailing for twelve weeks, I was wondering if I could have your number. I would like the chance to give you a call and formally ask you on a date. I know we're in the middle of a pandemic, and dating is hard, but we can do zoom dates before we try in person. 
I understand if it's a no, but I am really grateful to have met you.
Your friend (although I do want to try to be more)
Harry Styles 
City Pointe Apt 32 (in case you want to send a care package, I would gladly return the favor)
"Oh, Harry," You inhale, "I'm so sorry." 
"No worries." He shrugs. 
You pause, thinking your next words. "I live in Rose Villa." Those were not the words you wanted to say, but you don't take it back. 
"That's across the street from my building." He gasps. "We could have run into each other." 
You nod. "Small world." 
Harry brings his focus back to something you skipped over. "I realize you didn't mention the part of asking you on a date." 
"Oh, I figured you over that now. It's been well over a month since I ignored your email." You grimace, starting to feel awful about it all over again. 
"I guess it was email abandonment this time." He jokes.
You laugh, and it gets Harry laughing as well. He was always good at that, making you laugh and not be so serious even if he didn't know it. 
"Y/N," Harry's voice was strong, no signs of laughter in his trace. You lock eyes as best you can through a computer screen. "I would still very much like to take you on a date."
A date with Harry. 
You want to say yes, but it's like you're frozen. 
"Can I say something else before you give me an answer?" You nod, waiting for him to go on. "Sarah Jones, do you know her?" 
Sarah Jones, you rack your brain trying to place her. 
The theater composer. She's written original tracks for the theatre department for the original plays they've done and remakes. She's won countless awards.
Sarah even won the talent show. Played a killer drum solo that no one else could ever think of topping. 
If you're honest, she's the definition of your girl crush. 
"We follow each other on social media. We met at a paint night; she was really easy to talk to." You tell him, remembering how sweet she was to you when she saw you walk in, and just as you were about to walk out, she introduced herself to you, asking to sit with you. 
He nods. "Sarah is my roommate's girlfriend. Mitch and Sarah practically live together; he's so in love with her it truly is the sweetest thing. Back to the point, she overheard me talking about you to Mitch and spoke how she knew you. Then I proceeded to stalk your Instagram on her account. I hope that's not weird." 
You laugh, and it causes Harry to calm down, "Not weird at all. I would have done the same thing, but as you can see, I rarely upload anything." 
"Well, the things you do have, I think, are wonderful." He rambles on explaining how your beach photo on a bike with a pretty pink basket was one of his favorites and how cute you look wearing sweaters. 
As endearing as Harry was being, you decided to put him out of his misery. "Harry," you interrupt. 
"I'd love to go on a date with you." 
"You would?" He gasps in surprise. 
"That's fantastic. I think this is the best birthday gift I could have received." He tells you, but you're stuck on the last thing he said. 
"It's your birthday?" 
Harry smiles sheepishly. "Yes." 
"Happy Birthday, Harry." You tell him softly, a big smile on your face.
A blush overtakes his face; you can tell he wishes to cover up his face with hands but holds back from doing so. "Thank you." 
"Do you have any plans?" 
"No, well. Mitch and Sarah are coming over for lunch in a bit. Then they are off to study at Sarah's for the week. Her roommates are gone for the week." 
You frown, not liking that he'll spend the rest of his birthday alone. 
"Would you-never mind" You stop yourself from being able to invite yourself over to celebrate with him?
"Hey, it's okay. Whatever you wanted to say, I wouldn't judge you, love." His voice was soft and reassuring. 
"Well, I'd love to come over and hang out with you if that's okay. I can make us dinner, I make delicious enchiladas. Also, my carrot cake is to die for." 
Harry is surprised at her offer but nods his head quickly. "That sounds wonderful, but you don't have to cook for me. We can order takeout."
She shakes her head. "Consider it my gift to you." 
"Well, okay. Is six okay for you?" He bites his lip, not believing this is happening.
You sit there smiling at each other. 
When a message pops up overhead, "You have five minutes left before we join back as a group."
Your eyes go wide, having forgotten you were in class. "We didn't even discuss the assignment." 
Harry shakes his head in laughter, a smile spreads over your face. He has an adorable laugh that just rings through your ears, and you can't wait to hear it in person. 
"We've got time, now that it seems we'll be getting to know each other better." 
You relax, settling a bit, you have weeks before the assignment is due.
"I'll email you my number, love. Easier to communicate for later."
"Sounds great." You respond. 
It's five-fifty, and you're standing outside his door. You're more than a little nervous. You're wearing high waisted jeans paired with a black off the shoulder top with floral embroidered sleeves. You decided against a sweater knowing the short walk would keep you warm enough. Your mask is red, with three small hearts stitched on the lower right side. Perfect for February. 
You shift the items in your hand to the right and lift your hand up to knock. After three gentle knocks, you hear footsteps and take a step back. 
"Hi," Harry breathes out, a big smile on his face.
"Hello, Harry, happy birthday." 
"Thank you." He smiles wide, blessing you with his dimples. Definitely look better in person. "Please come in." He grabs some of the items from your hand and allows you to step in before locking the door behind you. 
"Your mask is lovely. Did you make it?" 
"I did!" You share excitedly. "My roommate, Amy, and I spent lots of our free time making a different kind. We took old shirts we no longer wanted and used for the material. It was a lot of trial and error, but we're pretty solid at it now. My embroidery could use some work, but I think it's lovely. 
"It really is. Would you make me one?" He asks, staring at you as you pocket your mask. No longer needing it in his home. 
"Yes, I'll send you pictures of the fabric I have, or you could come over, and I can teach you as well." You tell him, excited at the prospect. 
"Sounds like a wonderful date." You nod, feeling your body get warm at the word date because today could also classify as a date. 
Harry knocks you out of your head when calling your name. "Turned the oven on like you requested." He informs you. 
"Thank you, my mom showed me how to make them, but I learned about the melted cheese on my own. She wasn't a big fan of it, but everyone else I know loves it, so I hope you will as well." 
Harry grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. "I'm sure it's wonderful." He bumps your shoulder gently. "Go finish up; I'll set the table." 
He pushes you into the kitchen, and you go in and place your stuff. Harry is whistling, settling down on the table two glasses and two forks when you turn back around towards him. 
Harry turns around just in time for you to wrap your hands around his waist. You fit perfectly in his arms, taking in his musky scent. "Happy birthday, Harry." You whisper against his chest.
He squeezes you tighter, leaning his head on top of yours. "Thank you, love." 
He pulls back, holding you by your shoulders. A big smile on his face, you reciprocate it feeling his happiness warm your heart. 
"Run along now; I'm starving." He jokes.
You walk backward, creating distance; as his left-hand trails down your right hand slowly until he's touching your fingertips, do you pull away. Although you, more than anything, wanted to hold his hand. You want to feel the weight of it in yours; you want to know if his hands are soft or calloused. How cool his rings will feel against your palm. All in due time. 
"I'm happy to be here." 
"Me too, love. Me too." 
It's safe to say you were more than luckily going to have yourself a valentine for the first time in a long time. 
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embrassemoi · 3 years
𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
Pairings: Sirius B, F!Reader, Remus L    Content: swearing, angst, no proofreading, filler? A/N: i hope your week has been great so far xx
【 Masterlist | Previous Chapter | ao3 】
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Chapter 35 ✷ Picture’s Up
James couldn't recall a time where he felt so drained.
He didn’t even think there was a word to encapsulate just how drained he really felt. Every day, there was a wariness that sunk and immersed itself so deeply within his bones that made it feel like he could hardly breathe.
Day by day, it felt like a part of his sanity was cracking.
Enervated, drowsy, exhausted, knackered, dead on his own two feet… he could go on.
Prefect duties were as dreadful as Remus had said they were and James regretted every time he ever made fun of him for it. It was miserable and karma never hit him harder. Monitoring detentions and rounds were tedious, the tests he had to grade were mind-numbingly boring; all forcing him to lose the little sleep he had.
And then there were the loads of Quidditch practices that once were fun, a way for him to exert his remarkable supply of energy, only became a bit of a nuisance with the overwhelming activities he was forced to juggle.
Working around Moony’s moon cycle...
And then there was the fucking Black family.
The mere mention of their names sent James into a spiral. He’d rather submerge himself into the Black lake and let the giant squid ink all over him than deal with them. But there he was.
He debated for a while, whether or not to tell Black about Regulus but refrained. He was far too stubborn to listen and could make matters worse.
James sighed, leaning into the couch in the common room, running his fingers through his hair.
“Potter.” The ring of Lily’s voice sounded through his ears. James turned around to look at her, feeling his heart accelerate.
“Evans,” he greeted.
“We have rounds in a bit. Don’t be late.”
James simply nodded, not having enough energy to put on a front.
And of course Lily noticed. She noticed his frazzled appearance and lack of energy. There was hardly any banter between them and Lily would’ve thought it was a miracle that his annoying self had vanished, replaced with timorous energy. But if anything, it was disquieting.
She bit the inside of her cheek, forcing out, “Hey, you alright?”
He gave a little audible sound in response. “Yeah. I’ll be there. I just need to make a few arrangements quickly. Meet you by the... Prefects’ bathroom?”
Lily considered him.
“... See you.”
James made his way out of the common room, slipping out the Marauder’s Map. He’d been tracking Regulus’ movements for the past few days now and the only person he went to was Y/N for any substantial amount of time.
He truly had no one else and it ruled out any potential bullying.
Walburga and Orion… Their treatment towards him shocked James. Golden boy Regulus, who would’ve thought?
But even with the Marauder’s Map, it was impossible to keep track of him. He never stayed in one spot long enough to catch, aside from the dungeons and Slytherin common room.
Everything regarding Regulus’ situation forced James to think strenuously. If he were to accidentally say too much of what Whiskers had told him, not only would Regulus close himself off to him, but to her too, leaving them with no clue of his well-being.
And it forced him to worry about Whiskers. She didn’t know what she's getting herself into… What if Walburga and Orion caught word of their friendship?
James shuddered, pushing away the thought. He didn’t want to think about what would happen to either of them.
He continued to watch Regulus’ name travel across the map before ascertaining he was close. He tapped on the map, muttering out ‘Mischief managed’ whilst bolting down the hallways. Each twist and turn exhilarated a nervous adrenaline thumping through his veins as he rehearsed a little speech inside his head.
Before Regulus had time to process what was happening, James had already yanked him back, disappearing into one of the secret passageways.
“What the — Potter?!” He squawked. Pushing him away, James saw the pure panic washed over his features through the shadows.
“I know we don’t have much time,” James rushed, “But hear me out.”
He made no attempt to move but looked around for other students.
“You’ll always have a home with me,” James said easily as if it was the most obvious answer. “With Bla — Sirius — living with me, you’re more than welcome to as well. I understand your situation and —”
“No,” Regulus leered, “I can’t.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” James challenged before easing up. “My family and I are more than willing to protect you, like how we’ve been doing for Sirius.”
And then it stayed silent for a while and he finally let himself take in his appearance.
“Regulus, what happened to you?”
Regulus’ head hung. “All I wanted was to have long hair.”
And then it clicked for James, but he was running out of things to say that were convincing and felt a familiar panic return.
“You miss him, right?” He tried. “I know he misses you. If maybe —”
But when Regulus’ mood suddenly changed, James knew instantly that he had miscalculated.
“Miss me?” Regulus laughed bitterly. “He doesn’t miss me and he has never considered me his brother. You, Lupin, Pettigrew — you’re his brothers.”
He could see the misty tears welding up in Regulus’ eyes and didn’t make a move to stop him when he stormed out from the passageway.
Once Regulus was free from James, he sprinted, blinking multiple times to prevent tears from seeping out. An ache burned inside his chest as he found himself diving into his bed, pulling the curtains shut.
Those unforgettable questions that plagued his mind for a year now played heavily in his mind, like his own personal film.
What made someone good or bad? What did he believe in? Was he strong enough to break from his mould or did he want to? And most importantly, what was he willing to do?
Blood purity…
Regulus closed his eyes. He wished life was a dress rehearsal and there were times to make mistakes and have do-overs without permanent repercussions. To get time to practice and refine life until he explored every avenue. Unfortunately, life had no room for anything but the final performance. Every stumble, every mishap or memory slip was presented to a live audience day by day.
Reopening his eyes, he had his answer.
A few weeks went by and September was coming to a close. October came with beautiful colours and a chilly breeze.
It felt like every day, Y/N added another reason to be disgruntled and hateful onto her list. It had been a month since she’d last seen her mother and she refrained from sending any letters; waiting patiently to see if she would make the first move.
It was safe to say that it put her into a bad mood that morning.
The walk to Defence Against the Dark Arts with Lily was a quiet one and slightly uncomfortable. However, the uncomfortable bit was more on Lily’s end rather than Y/N who was too wrapped in her anger-induced thoughts.
These days, their lessons were almost exclusively in the Duelling room, filled with practical lessons. Especially today, she was beyond thankful for; eager to have an outlet.
But Professor Elway was unusually keen on inviting her to the Duelling sessions. She was almost as difficult as dodging Slughorn’s Slugclub invites. Luckily, Y/N liked Elway and duelling was electrifying. Even potion making, no matter how much she enjoyed it, was lengthy and mundane.
Mentioning their professor, she wasn’t there that morning when they arrived outside the Duelling room. The students lounged outside the door, taking out their books and wand while they waited.
Remus found himself drifting to her as they quietly chatted away.
“Like your sweater,” she said. In the background, she could hear Marlene and James yelling, “It’s a jumper!”
Remus smiled. “This old thing?” Pointing to the sweater that she knitted. They both giggled a bit; Remus leaned slightly against her, eyes lingering a beat.
“Sorry, I’m late!” Elway called out to them in a dreamy voice. “Everyone, follow me!”
Puzzled, the class looked at each other as they followed their professor away from the dungeons. While they walked, rude and unbearable, Peeves the Poltergeist floated upside down. Once he spotted Remus, he immediately drifted up to him, opening his mouth, no doubt about to hurl all sorts of names or songs at him.
Remus hardly looked at him, already taking out his wand and said lazily, “Waddiwasi!” at Peeves.
A wad of gum shot out from nowhere and landed directly on Peeves before he whirled back from Remus, spewing curses at him.
“Nice one! Ought to teach me that later!” “Almost feel bad for the bloke!” Both James and Peter said at the same time.
Elway had led them outside to a desolate area, free from a canopy of branches and leaves.
“Now, my pupils!” She sang. “You might be wondering, ‘what are we doing out here?’ Lucky for you, we’re going to be practicing a few spells and learning how to fight using other means during duels.”
Like most of the class, Emmeline was ​skeptical as she raised her hand. “I thought we weren’t supposed to use physical means during duels?”
“Precisely,” said Elway, walking back and forth in front of the class. “Couldn't have said it better myself. But you know who won’t give a damn?”
There was a long pause for effect.
“Your enemies.” She clapped her hands together. “Now, can anyone give us some ideas? How about… Miss L/N?”
Blinking a few times, she hesitated, not expecting to be called on. “Er — you can… take them from the legs?”
“Wonderful idea! I’m thrilled you said that! Does anyone else want to add on?”
Remus raised his hand, answering politely. “Using your arms — stretching them.”
Professor Elway nodded away happily. “Wonderful answer! Take five points! Like Remus said, stretching your arms out or boarding your shoulders, spacing out your legs can widen your defence range! Why don’t we try?”
She called Remus up first and Y/N could tell he was slightly nervous. He doubled down, making himself seem smaller by hunching over and made sure not to accidentally hurt their professor.
A couple of Hufflepuffs, Slytherins and then James, Marlene and Lily all tried; mimicking Elway as she let them knock her over.
“Most importantly,” Elway said, dusting off her robes free from leaves and dirt. She panted a bit, tired from being knocked down multiple times. “Never let the enemy strike first. You all did fantastically!
“Obviously, in any professional setting, you’ll be disqualified if you ever tried to physically attack your opponent. But you can still play dirty in a duel!
“The charm Obscuro has been helpful on several occasions. It blindfolds your opponent. Please repeat after me: Ob-SKOO-roh!”
“Excellent!” Elway gave a little applause, filled with glee. “Another spell that I love is the Confundus charm. Y/N! May you please explain to us the purpose of the Confundus charm?”
“She’s calling on you an awful lot,” Lily muttered.
She nodded a bit. “It confuses your oppent. The varying degree depends on how much magic is put into the initial casting.”
“Perfect! Five points to Gryffindor. If you will tell me about Incendio.”
As she spoke, there was almost a switch that went off in Elway that made her incessantly happy that almost unnerved her.
“Beautiful! Now if you may, help demonstrate the spell?”
“I don’t want to hurt —”
“Trust me, you won’t.”
Then, Y/N felt a deep lurch of fear as everyone retreated against the trees, giving her a clear view of Professor Elway opposed to her, waiting to block her spell.
She took a deep breath in, pushing up the sleeves of her robes, she held her wand.
Professor Elway had a protective spell around her. “One, two, three — now!”
“Incendio!” Only meek sparks shot out of her wand. A few students snickered while her friends were seen trying to drown them out by clapping.
“That was amazing!” Peter called out.
“I wouldn’t be able to do that on the first go!” Marlene shouted.
“That was good! Try again! One, two, three — go!”
“Incendio!” Nothing noteworthy happened. It was embarrassing.
“It’s alright, try again!” Elway said, not letting her go yet. “Think about something that’s motivating!”
Y/N closed her eyes, inhaling deeply and pondered. What was motivating to her? Surely, the want to continue with magic after school was motivating. Or perhaps proving someone wrong?
Proving someone wrong…
She had a lot to prove to her mother.
Instead of her being motivated, a flicker of annoyance and anger flooded her instead. Sensing the change, Elway beamed, her wand held high.
“One —”
Her mother always prioritized everyone and everything above her —
“Two —”
Was never there when it mattered —
“Three —”
There was never much affection. The constant want to please, the low self-esteem made her feel worthless, unloveable, always wanting to run when she got too close — she caused it —
“Incendio!” She bellowed.
A loud crack rippled through the air and caused her to stumble back. A large blast of orange and red flames shot out from her wand. Scorching heat flooded out, causing all the students to jump back as Elway shot waves of water, extinguishing the flames at once. As angry as she had been, glee and pure enjoyment replaced that quickly.
Once the bell rang, the students gathered up their belongings, leaving for their next class. But Elway took a moment, calling out her name, asking that she stay back for a few moments.
James and Lily staggered behind, offering to wait as they talked quietly under one of the willow trees.
They were so civil these days…
“I would’ve offered you a cup of tea,” Elway spoke as she approached her. Her foot tapped against the ground, her eyes far-away, thinking thoughtfully with a sly smirk. “Has anyone told you that you would make for an excellent, excellent duellist?”
Her eyebrows raised and shook her head.
That only prompted her teacher to smirk, in a satisfied sort of way. “You’re exceptionally strong for someone with no experience.”
There was a smug tone to Elway’s voice and she couldn’t quite place what she was getting at.
“Did you know that any professional duellist would kill for your wand? Or even the slight edge you have against them with your talent?”
“Erm… no?” Y/N said. She wondered if Elway needed glasses because surely, she wasn’t referring to herself. “Professor… are you sure you’re talking to the right student?”
She laughed so hard that she had to clutch her stomach tightly. She ignored her question. “My dear, do you have any ideas of what you want to be when you’re older?”
“Not really.”
“I have a proposition for you,” she beamed, flicking her long blonde, almost silver hair out of the way. “Let me take you under my wing, make you into a proper duellist.”
Y/N blinked. She didn’t know what to say and stood there with her mouth gaped.
“Yes, you heard that correctly.” Professor Elway teased. “I’d love to mentor you.”
She sputtered, positively confused and flustered. “I’m not at the top of the class, I struggle with Charms, I’ve never had a huge interest in it — I don’t know the first thing about duelling!”
“That’s what I’m here for, no? And your skill is exceptional and I know a duellist when I see one. You’ve shown the last few lessons that you’re capable of casting very strong spells.
“And do you know what separates a duellist from the masses? Energy, emotions and power. What changed when I told you to think about something motivating? A powerful Duellist may only be out of sheer power and brunt force, but a well-rounded Duellist listens to every part of their body. Their wand, their heart, the emotions that cause them to fight.”
“But —”
Elway flicked her wrist, mildly interested in her excuses. “Anyway, off to your next lesson. Take some time to think about it,” she smiled, clearly not going to take no for an answer. “I’ll be waiting for when you finally agree.”
Both Lily and James took her arms, hooking it with theirs and walked to Potions. They were staring at her, lost for words at Professor Elway’s proposition.
“Yes, Pettigrew.” McGonagall scolded rather harshly. “The essay is due on Monday.”
Peter averted his gaze, grumbling out a thank you before exiting her office. “Dunno why she’s so strict with me.”
“She wants the best for you,” James tried to encourage as they all headed back to their common room.
Y/N couldn’t care less as she thought about later that night. No matter how hard she tried, Slughorn wouldn’t take no for an answer and she was almost forced to make an appearance at the Slugclub.
Lily was so excited, running through their dorm as she got ready.
Marlene sulked a bit, folding her arms across her chest. She was quiet enough for Lily not to hear, but Y/N heard her clear as day. “That’s not fair. I want to be invited. I want to feel special too.”
“You’re more than special,” Dorcas cut in, rubbing a hand up and down her shoulder. “You’re a star, baby.”
Y/N ignored them, fiddling with a small tube of eyeliner, watching Lily excitedly going through her closest.
Luckily, not only would Lily be there, but Remus, most likely Regulus — however, she doubted they would be able to interact — and funnily enough, James was invited too.
Inside the actual party was decent, a lot better than she expected. There were still the uptight students who thought they were above others, or the Purebloods that judged her when she walked into the room, but it was bearable.
Y/N chuckled as she watched Remus throwback drink after drink, sneakily stealing a few alcoholic beverages meant for the adults. His movements were so discreet that nobody ever suspected him.
She covered her smile behind her glass.
“Hi. It’s been awhile.”
Y/N turned around, and there, Aldrich McLaggen stood wearing a little smile. He trimmed his blond hair to sweep nicely and his cheekbones hallowed out.
“It has. And congratulations, I heard you’re on the Quidditch team.”
“Yes! Chaser - taking over Bell’s position.”
“So… How are you?”
If it was even possible, Aldrich’s smile grew wide. “I’ll be a lot better if I saw your smile tonight?”
She didn’t smile; unimpressed and decided to sip on her drink.
“Yeah,” Aldrich began again, “Didn’t think that would work.”
“A pretty big miss.” She grumbled.
“But I’m getting to know how to impress you in the future.”
Y/N turned to side-eye him. “Hmm? How?”
“How about -” And out of nowhere, he reached behind her ear and pulled out a red rose, handing it to her. Much like a Muggle magician.
She felt a coy smile tug at her lips and forced it down, but failed. “Nice one.”
“Everyone! Please come down and sit!” Slughorn announced, calling to all the students.
He beamed, flashing his teeth. “Don’t hide away again. I’d love to see you again.”
She tilted her head at him, tilting her glass before making her way to find her spot at the table.
The girl beside her had frizzy light brown hair and large glasses that looked like they were from an animated children’s television program. She was draped in a colourful shawl.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.”
But the other young witch smiled brightly, although never quite meeting her eyes as she outstretched her hand. “Sybill Trelawney.”
She shook Sybill’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
But then Y/N took a good look at her and realized, “We’re in the same charms class, right?”
Sybill nodded her head, fingers tapping rapidly on the table. “For two years now. I sit a row behind you. And by the way, you're very pretty.”
She was taken back, a genuine smile spreading over her lips. “Thank you, you look lovely too! I adore your glasses.”
A light blush spread across Sybill’s face, her hand brushing against her glasses. Her eyes peered up for a second before averting her gaze. Y/N couldn’t help but smile, already enjoying Sybill’s presence.
【 Next Chapter 】
© gotkindabored 2021. Do not repost or modify
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heyy! can you give me some advise on what to look for in a birth chart when it comes to long term relationships (any information: when, where, with who etc.) and with ideal career/job (again any information). i know there's a looot of information about it but if you could share some and simplify it a bit i would realyy appreciate it! xx
of course!
I'm trying not to make this too long....but you know me. 🤡 
first house. this is the house of your physical body. where your personality shines through. and yes, this applies to those with saturn conjunct their ascendant screaming I don’t have a personality, I'm just like this. well, whatever. the mannerisms unique to you seep through here. so, having someone's planets in a positive aspect to your first house, indicates someone who approves of the way you conduct yourself. have you seen before those couples who are like....”oh, it’s just the little things they do...” more often that not, they’re talking about the first house. in a house connected to an ego, having someone who likes your little quirks, does wonders for your self-esteem. did I mention, that they will probably find you attractive? not bad at all. for some, looks fade so personality. over. everything. and I get it. I totally do. luckily enough, this house combines both...so uh, win win?
fifth house. this is the house of casual dating and fun. when someone’s planets aspect this house positively it can...well...sometimes make you want to act a fool with them. you can’t help but feel really playful around them and maybe act a lil dramatic, but in the most harmless and super entertaining (or so you hope) way possible. this house is indicative of one’s creativity, too. so in a long-term relationship, when perhaps you want to bring the spark back in a relationship, sometimes you may have to go back to what initially brought you together in the first place. for a lot of people it’s a shared interest in a particularly hobby or perhaps a way of creative expression. date nights can be seen here. but also recreational activities....did someone say netflix & chill?
seventh house. it’s how you view relationships and what you bring to the table. it’s an air house, so things don’t tend to get too emotionally weighty here. but it’s a cardinal house, indicating dynamic movement in this area of life. so when your partner has planets that sit here, it will indicate how you see them. mercury? you could see them as someone who you feel comfortable talking about anything and everything under the sun with. you may feel more willing to talk things out, which is important considering this house is other deemed the house of the shadow. you may enjoy travelling around locally together, too. this house also rules contracts, so positive contacts here could signify you and your partner closing really important and fruitful deals here/wanting to go into business together. 
eighth house. I'm sure you’ve seen or heard couples who are like, “when we first started dating, they were this way...but now they’re like this....” *sharp nudge* “it’s because I'm comfortable with you, dammit!” who knew? oh this house knew. this is you, letting your guard down. this house is where we get to the nitty gritty of how you are in a relationship. we’ve moved from the lightness of the seventh house into a fixed water house where decisions made have ramfiications that can affect us more deeply on an emotional level. like joint accounts or debt that someone is bringing into the relationship. this house shows what you need from an intimate relationship. for example. you have your moon here. this placement often produces a moon who has been through it, but doesn’t necessarily show that. with their SO they will relish being able to be vulnerable, be told it’s going to be OK, that they’re able to lean on someone else’s shoulders for once. someone’s saturn might struggle there initially in synastry. the moon person may want emotional reassurance but the saturn person may act reserved or distant. in this house, you bare your soul in a way so it’s ideal to have someone who accepts all of you. someone’s sun here for example, can help shine light here.
the sun. it’s one’s ego. it’s what drives you forward. aspects to the sun show someone who supports you for you, or someone who may try and dim your light. it can also show how comfortable you feel about being yourself around them as it’s a lil sensitive. 
the moon. the inner child. it shows what you need to feel emotionally cared for. it rules the emotions and it’s helpful, to say the least, to be with someone who gets where you’re coming from. not someone who lets you have your own way unfairly all the time, but at least empathises. the moon fluctuates on a day to day basis, so you can see how important it is. love languages come to mind. 
mercury. if you can’t hold a conversation together, I- .
venus. shows how you express your love. venus in water may be more sentimental. water in earth may be practical about it. what kind of person you’re attracted to is also governed by this planet. venus in fire may be attracted to someone who they are physically stimulated by, but also who has something about them that makes them unique. venus in air may be attracted to someone who makes them see things a different way, or opens them up to new experiences. 
in your birth chart
look to where the ruler of your seventh house is. it will give you information as to how the relationship with evolve over time and also, the partners you choose. for example. let’s say we have a chart with aries rising using whole signs. the sign on the 7th house cusp is libra. venus rules libra. venus in placed in capricorn in the tenth house. so we can say that the ruler of the seventh house is in the tenth house. now with that information, we can see that this person may be attracted to someone who presents themselves as mature, or is older than them in age. they may go for people who are goal-orientated. social standing may be important. “looking good” together, too. it can also show meeting your partner at a work do, for example. you can do for that all the romantic houses, so namely the first, fifth, & eight houses to see how the themes of the house play out in your life.
saturn. whatever saturn touches, it usually sticks. saturn aspecting the dc, moon & venus, ruler of the fifth + eighth house can add a sense of longevity. whether or not the parties in question are agreeable about that is another situation..........
second house. your natural talents. you can look to this house to give you an indication of how you can attract abundance into your life. if fire rules this house, you may just need to go get it. be daring. take a risk. tell yourself nothing can stop you. confidence or the lack of, is important here. 
sixth house. so you've found your talent. in this cadent house, you need to put in the work to nurture your skills if you want to strike out on your own for example. it rules daily habits. let’s say you have scorpio on the sixth house. this indicates that in your day to day life, themes of forgiveness, healing, and self-destruction may come up. it may mean that you have to gethonest about ways you sabotage your efforts through certain rituals or habits. for those of you wanting to move up the career ladder, the sixth house shows you’re ideal work environment. continuing on with this example, let’s add pluto to the mix. so, someone with pluto in scorpio in the sixth house, may prefer to be in small, intimate team, (pluto generally talks of downsizing things) or work alone. they will favour jobs that have a bit of depth to them. maybe they like to research topics that are taboo, or deal with death in some way. they could find themselves helping others in their grieving process for example. last but not least, planets in the sixth house can signify how others see you at your job environment, which I guess is important in a day and age where favouritism can sometimes get you further. whether or not its justified is another question. co-workers fall under this house so they may view someone with their pluto in scorpio as mysterious, intense, enigmatic. scandal and work can become intertwined. 
the tenth house. now it’s time to take your talent and show the world. your biggest goals and dreams for yourself rest at the top of your chart. your legacy can be seen here. what you want to be know for in society. relationships with authority can be seen here too. as it sits opposite the fourth house, for some people with an afflicted planet in the fourth house, it can signify a sort of breaking free from what they view as holding them back when it comes to family. or, it can show taking what we have been given to us by our elders, and going on to do more with it. 
i’m just going to name one i think is underrated.
mercury. “everything in life is a negotiation.” chris voss. (has anyone taken his masterclass?) and...that’s all I have to say on that one.
by no means did I cover everything, but I hope that it was somewhat useful. if anything was unclear let me know and I can clarify for you :)
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puccbunni · 3 years
“Friends” Pt.3
|Auston Matthews | Maple Leafs |
{ Ruin The Friendship - Demi Lovato }
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Soo I decided to make “FRIENDS” into a series! So I kinda split the last chapter in two so this picks up from the same night, which happens to be in mid January.
Also the time line is set during the 2019/20 season because that’s when I started writing it (I know it has taken me forever to decide to make this a series!!!) because of this there are relationships in the series that have since ended (ie Kappy and Paige) that I have chosen to keep for the time being. Also COVID isn’t a thing in this story it just didn’t work with the timeline I have planned out.
If you have any questions about the series ask away, 
If you haven’t read parts 1 or part 2 go check them out cutiepies xoxo
Same old warnings
Enjoy xx
When the Uber pulled up outside of Austons building you couldn’t bring yourself to look at the Uber driver in the eyes as you sheepishly slid from the backseat, you mumbled a quick thank you in his direction. As he pulled away a notification dinged on Austons phone.
“Well there goes my rating.” He laughs as he shows you the one star the driver had given the pair of you. You both start laughing as you walk into the building side by side. You cross your arms against your chest so they weren’t swinging awkwardly by your side and so Auston wouldn’t feel obligated to hold your hand, cause you had decided that that ventured too far outside of the friend zone.
The elevator ride was quiet as an old women had decided to jump in with you, which after your little stunt in the Uber seemed to probably be a good thing as you were pretty sure the two of you had done enough indecent things in public for one night. As you reach Austons floor the doors open and he fishes his keys out of his pockets and unlocks and holds the door open for you.
“Do you want a drink or anything?” Auston asks kicking his shoes off by the door.
“Yeah actually water would be great.” You say removing your jacket and shoes.
You follow Auston into his kitchen and actually take in his condo in for the first time, considering the last time you were here you were a little more preoccupied with getting to the bedroom. The kitchen, living and dining are all open into one large space with most of the furniture facing towards the floor to ceiling windows with a view of the beautiful Toronto city skyline that lights up his condo enough that Auston hasn’t needed to turn on a light yet.
“Great view.” You say as Auston hands you a glass of water, you take it from him placing your bag on the counter of the island in the middle of the kitchen.
You take a long sip from the glass.
“Soo.” You say placing the glass down next to your bag.
“Soo.” Auston repeats leaning against the bench top opposite you.
“Maybe we should set some ground rules, you know so we are on the same page.” You suggest.
“You really gonna be taking the fun out of this aren’t you.” Auston laughs.
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes at him. “look we probably don’t need them but at least this way we won’t get confused and we know where we stand, okay?”
“Okay, what rules do you have in mind?” He says pushing of the bench and closing the gap between you resting his hands on your hips.
“No feelings, just sex.” You say.
“I agree, next one.” He says slowly lifting your dress up your thighs and placing a kiss on your sweet spot.
“That’s means no snuggling and no staying.” Your dress inching closer and closer to your core.
“Okay but you don’t have to just leave straight away.” Your brows frown together as your dress is pulled up over your ass.
You grab his hands to stop them from bunching your dress any higher.
“You want me to stay after?”
“Why not friends have sleepovers.” Auston says.
“Well I don’t particularly want to stay after sex, I think that’s kinda... I don’t know.. like intimate.” You shrug
“So let me get this straight, sex we can do but sleeping next to each other in the same bed that’s too intimate?” Auston asks raising an eyebrow.
“It’s different okay.” You roll your eyes.
“You really don’t want to stay?” He asks pushing you slowly back into the counter. You shake your head.
“Fine, I’ll agree.”
“Thank you.” You sigh letting go of his hands and Auston starts lifting your dress again.
“Protection?” He asks he hands pulling the dress up to the small of your waist.
“I am on birth control, but we should use condoms too, I mean we aren’t exclusive.” You shrug running your hands up his muscular arms, wrapping them around his neck.
“Deal, next?” He asks lifting you up onto his kitchen island.
“We stay friends, after this ends, we stay friends okay?” You ask as Auston pulls your dress completely off. He looks you in the eyes and you see nothing but sincerity.
“Of course Y/N.” He leans in resting his hands on either side of you on the counter, his lips brushing yours gently.
“Anything you wanna add?” You ask.
“Not a rule but a question, do we want to tell people?”
“I mean I am okay with it being between you and me, are you?” You say as you lightly press your lips to his.
“Yeah I am. But what about your friend from the bar?” He asks.
“I’ll handle her.” You say.
He leans in and kisses you his hands going to the small of your back and yours tangle into the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Now that’s sorted, are you going to let me fuck you?” He asks pulling way.
“Well since you asked so nicely.” You laugh as he reattaches his lips to yours.
Auston used his body to step in between your legs, you run your hands down the front of his chest to the hem of his shirt, pulling the material up over his head as you break the kiss. You let your hands run overs his shoulders and back to his neck bringing him back into you, your lips drop to his jaw lightly kissing the stubble as you work your way back along to his full lips. Auston brings his hands from the small of your back up to unclasp your bra and pulling the fabric down your arms and once you are free of the fabric he envelopes your breast in his large calloused hands squeezing gently as you break the kiss to moan, throwing your head back. Austons lips attack your neck as he circles one of his thumbs around your stiffened nipple before taking in between his index finger and thumb.
He flattens his palm against your chest, pushing you down against the island, the cold marble causing goosebumps to erupt all across your skin.
Austons mouth continues its assault south. Kissing down between the valley of your breast, his fingers loop into the lace covering you core and he pulls it down your legs as his lips suck and lightly bite down your torso leaving marks in their wake. Auston stands between your legs raking his eyes hungrily up and down your naked body, normally you would be trying to somewhat cover yourself up while feelings of self consciousness bubble to the surface. But under Austons gaze you felt alive and desired and you loved it.
“God. Perfect.” He growls staring at your dripping heat.
He runs two of his fingers through your folds teasing your entrance before moving just a little higher to the bundle of nerves that made your back arch when he made contact. A soft moan escaped your lips as his fingers continued there assault on your clit.
“Aus please.” You moan.
“What do you need baby.”
You needed more, although you adored the way his fingers made you feel, you had already experienced them tonight and you were a lot more interested in what else Auston had to offer.
You pushed yourself of the island grabbing hold of Austons wrist and removing his fingers from your slick heat. He raised his eyebrow at you questioning your actions but before he could ask you slide off the bench top and spun Auston around so his back was against the island. You attached your lips to his neck nipping and biting softly at the flesh under your lips before caressing the light marks you had left with your tongue as your hands fell to his belt, unbuckling it and pulling it completely out of the belt loops tossing it somewhere in the kitchen. You started to kissed a little lower down his neck to his collarbone giving it the same treatment. His hands were greedily kneading the flesh of your ass as his head lulled forward, his lips ghosting past your ear as a deep guttural groan emanated from the back of his throat as your fingers popped open the button of his jeans, unzipping them slowly adding pressure as you felt his member growing harder under your touch.
You kiss further down his chest before you’re sliding onto your knees between his legs pulling his jeans down past his knees, you take him in your hand from beneath the restraining fabric of his briefs. He takes your hair into both of his hands, creating a makeshift ponytail. You lean forward, swirling your tongue around the head of his swollen cock and he groans quietly, subconsciously pulling your head closer to him. You stroke him slowly, licking his tip teasingly his thighs are flexing underneath your finger as the hand that isn’t wrapped around him runs up and down the muscles slowly and he begins to grow more frustrated the longer you continue, so you look up at him and take him into your mouth all the way. He maintains eye contact with you, gently pushing your head down a little further.
“Fuck,” He moans when you swallow around him. You start to bob your head up and down, dropping your other hand down to his thigh nails digging into his tan skin as you allow him to take control with his hand in your hair. You gag a few times still adjusting to his size when he hits the back of your throat, but it’s nothing you can’t take so you try to go deeper. Your nose brushes against his pubic bone for just a second, his hand still pressing against your head until you gag a little louder and he pulls you off of him slightly, with your lips still wrapped around him you still haven’t broken eye contact with him.
“God you have no idea how hot you look right now.” He says through labored breaths.
You giggle around him, you bob your head faster, the room filling with the filthy sound of your lips around him slurping and gagging as he pushes further down your throat. Suddenly his fist clench at the root of your scalp pulling you off of him completely. His fingers untangle from your hair and slide around to the front of your neck squeezing slightly as he uses his grip to help you back up to your feet.
“I need to be inside of you.” He growls pulling your face to his and as your lips meet its full of lust and hunger.
You pull away and reach behind Auston for your bag on the island, you feel his palm caress over your bare ass before he pulls back and spanks you harshly your hips thrusting forward into the bench top. You unzip your bag and unceremoniously empty out the entire contents across the bench in search of the small foil packet you so desperately needed. Finding it you hand it back to Auston with your back still to him, hoping that he would understand.
“Planning on get some tonight huh.” Auston teases ripping the foil open with his teeth.
“Mmmhmm but I had to settle for you.” You laughed.
“Is that so.”
Before you could even respond he had slammed into you from behind, a breathy scream falling from your lips as your hips rutted forward from the impact into the bench and you knew you were going to have bruises there in the morning. Auston stilled behind you for a moment spreading your legs further open with his foot as his hands found home on your hips, he pulled back until only his tip remained before using his grip on your hips to guide you back along his member. You moaned at how full he made you feel, he set a hard and steady pace with his tip grazing your g spot every time he thrust in. Your hands were struggling to find something to hold onto as your arms were to short to reach any of the other sides of the island, Auston noticed this and harshly grabbed your arms and pulled them behind your back, holding your two wrist in one of his large hands as the other snaked around to your clit rubbing harsh circles.
“Aus fuck, please.” You gasped out in pleasure as your orgasm began to build.
“You close baby.” He groaned rubbing faster on your clit. “I can feel how close you are.”
Your legs were shaking as you were so close to your high.
“Cum for me baby.” Austons thrust we’re growing sloppy and you knew that neither of you were going to last much longer.
“Cum on my fucking cock.”
You were ashamed to admit that that was all it took for you to completely unravel around him, Auston fucked you through your high and a few sloppy thrust later he emptied into the condom inside of you.
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ficsnroses · 4 years
Ultrasound; - John Wick x Reader
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4.3k words
summary : you’re 4 months pregnant, and your husband john is everything you’ve ever wanted. however, he misses your ultrasound appointment, leading to you being upset with him.
warnings : pregnant reader. angst, but also lots of fluff! x f! reader. 
notes : requested by lovely anon! I really hope you enjoy this, lovie. I know you had asked for a heated argument, however, I just couldn’t bring myself to write John being angry at his s/o. he’s too much of a softie :) as always, please do leave comments and feedback, it means so much! I’m a little nervous for this one aH be kind pls ily xx
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At the glass paned, brittle white front door, you stand, a cautious hand placed to the swell of your growing belly, a stray strand of hair falling to your eye as your husband John, kisses a gentle goodbye to your cheek.
“Are you sure you have to go?” You ask, off put, shining eyes with your lip bitten, as if you’d wanted to say more. John had been leaving on early mornings such as today often, far more frequent as of late; you’d be lying if you’d projected it didn’t chip off a small shard of your heart each time he’d leave you for the day.
He’d be back, later. In the evening perhaps, after you’d settled into the cozy depths of the living room couch, a sickly dessert in hand and your preferred 90’s sitcom portrayed in reruns on the blue TV screen, or as you’d retire to bed, awaiting his body to come occupy the vacant spot beside.
“Yeah.” John heavily sighs, briefly announcing his downcast glare to the floor, before reverting those much familiar, chocolate eyes to yours. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But I really do.” Subtle guilt pinched at his darkened features, beard groomed fresh to a handsome trim. His hand smoothes over the small of your back, quietly waiting,
for you to end your farewell.
“It’s just…” You trickle, eyes focusing anywhere, but on his. You didn’t mean to press; you’d reminded him of today’s upcoming events much in the last week. “We have the appointment later this afternoon.” You allow, a final time, blinking back guilt for perhaps, over doing it with the constant reminders. “Are you sure you’ll make it in time?”
-an exchange for the true feelings that had been brewing inside, as of late. On the tip of your tongue they twirled, bubbling, bubbling, boiling, and you’d known, perhaps to the slightest mishap, they’d spill over.
But for now, as your husband holds you, tentatively sure he’d return in time, you bite your tongue, choosing to trust him.
Trust. It was the band that held your marriage together.
John softly smiles, offering a squeeze to your palm. “Promise.” Assuring, his Mustang 69’ keys fish out of his pocket with a jingle, equipped to his stockier fingers. “You’re still okay to meet at the doctor’s office?” With every cell in his being, John would have preferred to stay home, with you, awaiting the appointment time.
Yet, odds never worked in his favour. He’d have to go, he’d have to be reminded of the dark that wouldn’t let its best man go easy, even on the most joyful days, such as today. A day that should have been reserved for his loving wife, who meant the world to him and more, and their baby, who would come into the world in a mere 5 months. When nimble fingers reach for the collar of his brown leather jacket, his love nods, faking her best executed smile in return.
John knew you, well as the back of his hand. He knew you weren’t pleased with the idea of him leaving, wherever he was off to today. Yet, he knew you’d often
bite your tongue,
for him. John knew he’d struck gold when he’d found you, when you’d fell in love with him, and him, immensely with you. In your relationship, there had been much darkness. Much obscurity, much ambiguity to the life John lived separate from the one you shared together. You know about John’s profession, and the hurt he’d caused to many wretched souls. When he was home, with you, your John is a daydream, in human form.
Soft, gentle, caring. Words fall short of the mountain that is your man.
Yet the day he’d told you, of the culpability, the shame that resides within him; claws through each regret ridden seam, each sorrow droned bone in his body,
nothing changed within you.
You didn’t fall out of love. You didn’t fall less. The same hands that held yours, held knives and guns, slaughtered the lives of many. But they’d given life to you. The day your John told you he’d lost count of the souls he’d taken, you’d vowed to love him regardless. To accept him with whatever baggage he came with. He kept the details of his whereabouts, and the deeds he’d succumb to scare.
Mixing you with the life he so desperately wanted to escape was the last thing he’d wanted to do. So you let him, you let him keep mum on scattered details and fine points of who the famed Boogyman was,
You promised to see in him, just John.
John Wick, your husband, who deserves more than anyone the life you’ve built together. A beautiful home in a secure neighbourhood, a house filled with love, a house feels warm, painted with white crisp walls that hold no dark, enveloped in the anticipation of tiny feet sputtering down the open halls someday soon.
“I’ll meet you there, then. Drive safe, and call me if you change your mind, I’ll send a taxi your way.” He quietly reminds, still holding the hand that had painted colour to his black and white guarded walls. You’d opened long drawn curtains that closed to all that came; you were the first to let sunlight in, allow it to kiss his skin for the first time, in a long, long time.
“I love you.” John smiles. “So much. Stay safe, okay? I’ll call you.” He adds, a final time, before instilling a soft kiss to your plump stained lips, your own hand smoothing a wrinkle off his shirt clad chest.
“Love you too.” You quietly smile, holding your bump as you gaze him out the white paned front door, off to somewhere you’d never asked.
You’d bit your tongue, for him,
Yet again.
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The doctor’s office air proves cold, chilled to an icy, unsympathetic hail. With a hand to your bump, and a much growing pierce to your now aching temple, your brows frown and an uneased anger surfaces inside.
John promised.
One minute to appointment time.
       ‘He’ll come. He’d walk through the door any second,’ muses your heart.
       ‘He won’t. He hasn’t responded to any calls, or messages.’ Punctuates your mind.
He didn’t forget. Something must have come up. He wanted to be here.
Thoughts, ponderings, half attempted assurances to your own worn out mind.
He shouldn’t have gone. He shouldn’t have left. He shouldn’t have let anything come up. That was his job as the father of this child.
He needed to be here today. He knew how much this means to you.
It should have meant enough to him to be here.
You, your baby,
       should have meant enough.
“Mrs. Y/N Wick?” The call of your name disrupts your whirlwind of destructive thoughts. Perhaps it was your emotions that had been working overtime as of late, perhaps it was the distance between you and John.
Perhaps it was the scars burned into your tongue. The toxins that burned being bitten down.
Gnawed, bitten,
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Sat in the cold leathered office bed chair, your OB-GYN spins you a warm smile, and you smile back best as you can, although reluctantly so. Masquerading joy had proven tough, when the hand that should have been holding yours right now proves absent. You sink further into the bed, hem of your top rolled up just below your breasts to allow the doctor access.
“How are you today, Y/N?” She shines, layering on a pair of blue latex gloves, prior to smearing a cold, frigid gel to your tummy. The chill of the balm had always sent shivers peppering down your spine, you’d clenched John’s hand firmer to the feel at your previous check ups. “I’m doing well.” You lie, you bite the truth. Wispy fingers thread together, placed on your lap.
“John’s not here today?” She wonders, preoccupied with the transducer probe equipped in her left grip, her right still smearing the cold gel to your bump. The sound of the radiology machine powering echoes your ears, and you relieve a soft exhale, sure not to cast your dreary emotions too much.
The last thing you needed right now, was to spill your long shielded, buried emotions to your OB-GYN, who was solely trying to do her job. “No, he’s not.” You dryly return, swallowing thickly in declaration more to yourself, than to anyone else.
Her eyes gloss over your features, eyes focused on the beige office walls, fingers twiddling in your enclosed grip. “Everything alright?” She wonders, to your half lost execution, a noticeable dread on your mind, weighing.
“Of course.” You lie, you smile with an emptiness void of usual warmth, through untruthful teeth. “I would appreciate it if we could get started as soon as possible.” You request, wanting none more than to be left alone.
To sift through long pent up feelings, frustrations and worries that brewed inside; to allow hostage feelings pleading to be let free, overtake your mind.
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The couch feels colder than normal; or perhaps it was the room.
A room, that fell cold, longing for someone else to be in it.
The appointment concluded a little over an hour ago, a full pot of mint tea sits brewing on the coffee table as you await his arrival. The clock ticks in the distance, your mind shuffling a million thoughts a minute.
He’s not home. He hasn’t been home.
You’d bit your tongue, far too long.
He’d seared a cut. He’d butchered into a part of you, and you wonder when you’d forgotten the way you used to be.
You ponder; when you’d started to settle for his absence. A fire boils inside, lathers, toils. The scorch of long concealed feelings pent up, brewing in secret. Had the sound of a heavy door closing shut not broke your contemplation, you’d perhaps shed a few warm tears, unannounced. Unwelcomed dew that may have just glided off your cheeks, the weight of a million bricks released.
You’d heard his heavy footsteps on their way in, the sound of Dog’s excited paws trotting along the floor as he runs towards his bestest friend.
the one person you’d thought you could share anything with. Count on for anything, had left you deserted. He’d been building a wall around, leaving you left all alone, in the grey dark. Shackled with dread, the conversation that you knew would follow tonight, is something you’d prayed would never rehearse between you and your John.
Yet, perhaps that was the problem. Your John, seemed to be lost. The man you fell in love with, would leave the world behind if you’d asked him to.
He’d made it clear; you and him against the world.
Nothing was larger, nothing was sweeter than what he’d made with you. He’d been ecstatic when you’d found out you were pregnant, promised to never leave your hand the entire way through.
You yearn for that John again;
Yearn. You yearn for your husband, again. Burn, crash, crumble, the feelings become too much, the anger pounds inside. Indignant, blue, muddled, hurting, hurting, hurting-
His voice. A confliction at it’s finest. To fall into his arms and pour out your heart, or to fight. To make him feel the ache he’d doused your heart in.
The toxins on your lips threaten to burn; they’ll sear your cheeks, drip a dark tar with each syllable, each vowel that falls. The sharp edges will only cut further. A faint frown lingers the planes of your face, and you shake your head, gaze downcast when he inches further into the room, stance preparing to kneel in front of you on the hardwooden floor. He smells faintly of the air outside; crisp, winter auburns and sharp wind. Yet there’s that familiar, warmer spice. Something that kisses his skin, reminds you of home.
You don’t remember when you started looking at him, and seeing home. It’s been far too long, and now, it’s all you know.
        It’s tough being angry at someone, who loves so deep;
John loves with his entirety. John feels with each inch of his battered skin; his bones remember the chill of feeling null.
Stare melting into the crackling fireplace, you avoid his gaze, ignore his touch when a heavy hand rests to your thigh. Warm, comforting, a reminder of the way his touch had the ability to stitch each ripping seam inside you; to mend, and adorn flowers all over.
But his touch, holds no triumph today.
The flowers didn’t bloom,
the slits only gushed.
“Baby, I’m sorry-”
It comes in flashes. Bold, like a lightening bolt.
“Don’t.” You whisper a grit, jaw tightening with a pounding ache to your temple protruding. “Do not try and explain yourself.”
Firm; like a lightening bolt. Much to your dismay, his cocoa kissed hair falters in hues; long, curtained along the frame of his face. Coffee eyes show repulse, a certain sadness you remember from long, long ago.
A sorrow you hadn’t seen often since you’d given him your heart, for his in return. “You don’t get to explain yourself.” You speak; firm, assertive, tears pricking in watery jewels in the corners of your orbs. Perhaps it was the high of pregnancy hormones, or the dire of the situation. For the first time, with John, today marked the start of something you’d never felt before.
You felt forgotten. Less than.
“I told you how much I wanted you with me. I told you how important today was to me.” Tone dreary, John’s heart practically sliced into a million pieces, at mercy of the dagger that was your wounded voice.
Grim, an aching pound stings his nerves, crinkled lines of stress embroidered to his forehead, and his spine unravels in a lean into your skin, his hands coming to engulf around yours in a tender hold. “Baby, I know and I’m-”
Lightening. Swift; sharp.
“No!” You almost shout, hands pulled out of his larger, rougher ones. “You do not get to explain yourself.” The words had come out harsher than intended, the cuts had been deeper than thought. They pour, and a river streams. A flood of built up emotion, a cry your tears won’t bear hold.
“Baby, don’t yell.” A quiet John speaks lowly, barely heard with a gaze avoidant of yours. “It’s not good for our baby girl.” He seems tense. He feels, he feels with each inch of his bones. Still, his hand never leaves your thigh, resting, reminding you that he’s there now. And he will be.
He will be, for good.
Yet, his words only pierce into you further; the blade twists in your skin. Huffing a sneered chuckle, your eyes blink away unwanted tears, the moment needing your assertion more than a wave of vulnerable grief. “Our baby?” Veins course with something so icy, so frozen; an agonizing burn claws away at your temples, features far from forgiving. You knew the words that threatened to brew up on your tongue were far from the truth. You knew they held far more weight than he deserved to bear.
“Because I feel almost as if she’s just my baby with how absent you’ve been, John.”
After thunder, after lightening, comes rain. Perhaps the worst, of them all. Cold, condescending, long pouring rain; it pelts in darkness, loud, leaving its mark on the drought terrain. It pours quietly, yet stridently all at once. It seeps, and it seeps, and it seeps, until it stops.
       Only, no one knows. When it’ll stop.
“I’ve been alone. I’ve been feeling alone. You’ve made me feel alone.”
Rain. Pelting, and pelting, and pelting.
This stream of misery, these awful words, declarations. You know he’s hurting. You’re hurting him. You’re doing the one thing, you promised you’d never do to him. His breathe remains calm, collected, his eyes seldom avoid yours. His hand leaves your thigh, allowing, respecting your space. Those cocoa kissed eyes hold a weight heavier than the sear of a million burns.
You almost want, plead for him to say something back; to anguish the fire.
       It’s hard getting mad at someone who doesn’t raise their voice. Its tough being angry at someone,
       like your John.
You’ve knew you were lying. You knew your words held zero truth. He hadn’t been making you feel alone. He’d been waking up curled into your skin, holding your hand through the dreadful nights. He’d been sacrificing sleep, putting himself second to make sure you were alright.
To make sure his baby was alright. Yet, his efforts had proved unsuccessful, nonetheless. Because as of late, he had been coming home later. He had been leaving earlier, he had been away. He had left you alone.
Quiet, filled with regret, his voice carries a burden; the burden of hurting the only person that had ever truly mattered to him. Of hurting the women who he loves, adores, more than the stars adore the moon. “I’ll make it up to you, sweetheart. I promise.” John speaks, eyes insistent with guilt.
Make it up. He’ll make it up. Another broken promise, your mind threatens, yet your heart whispers. It whispers, that he will. John had a way, John has an inherent kindness. Your lips pursue, the words needing to come out. You needed to be heard today. You needed to know he understood.
Laced with aggravation, your voice flows off your lips in rougher tides than intended. “I don’t need you to make it up, John.” You explain, calmer, collected. Firm. “I just need you to be here. And if that’s something you can’t do, I need you to tell me now.” Twisted with agony, your heart feels heavy in your chest. “My child needs a father who will be there.”
“Our child.” John interrupts, correcting, quietly, respectfully.
He knew better than to argue with his pregnant, hormone loaded wife. Nonetheless, that didn’t mean he would let her abdicate the fact that he is the father of their child. Although they hadn’t met yet, John knew. He could feel it in his bones. She would be the payoff. His baby would hold his entire heart, along with her mommy.
Each part of John yearns for nothing but his wife and child. They are all that matters. They are the payoff; the decades of grim sin that conjure on his fingertips would finally, at last lay to rest because of them. For them.
Quietly, a muffled sigh, heavy, tense, leaves your mauve stained lips. A faint frown lingers the depths of your face, something filled with melancholy confession. A heaviness fills the silent room still, occupied with nothing but your two worn out souls, desperately longing for nothing more, than for this nightmare to be over.
John and you don’t argue. Despite small disputes over shoes left at the front door, or a towel left discarded without care to the bathroom floor, this isn’t something John and you do. It isn’t something small. It isn’t something you can brush off, forget about a minute thereafter.
John and you, complete each other. You compliment each other. You fight for each other.
         His heart and yours, are old, old friends.
The water rises, a river flows from your mouth. Steeping thoughts the stitched seams even, cannot bear hold. With a lingering sadness peppered to your tenor, you sigh heavily, head falling downcast to gaze the floor below. John watches you, in a drown of his own guilt; sadness of his own.
He longs to hold you; it had been far too long without.
“You’re always away in the day as of late, and I hate that the only time I really see you is when you come home to sleep.” You begin, voice cut with sorrow. “Sometimes I lay awake in the late of night, savouring the feeling of you just holding me. Touching me. Because I’ve began to get comfortable with knowing moments like that only happen during the night.” Deeper and deeper, each cut wounds into your skin. “I hate it John.” You confess, longing for those strong, toned arms to scoop you up and assure you everything would be okay. That he would tell you what’s been going on, let you in. “I don’t want to be comfortable in knowing you’re not around.”
A slight chuckle shines through your raspy throat, yet the utter sorrow never fails to paint each feature as the words continue to fall. There’s a certain vulnerability in your tone, a certain weakness you wish you could hide. “My body is changing, and I’ve been feeling low. I’m scared of not being what she deserves when she comes.” You barely whisper, tears pricking, a hand resting on your growing belly. A small drop falls, the pent up weight of a billion timid thoughts. “Feeling like you’re maybe not all in anymore makes me feel,” If a word, could even portray the density, the sheer torment of the thought of life with John being anything less than what you hoped. “..Awful.” You cease, a lip quivering. “I feel so awful, John.”
Downcast, your eyes scan the floor, heart pounding, the stillness killing you. John watches you, eyes doused with remorse. Quietly, he’d barely heard your words, strung together. A pair of beautiful eyes dilate with nothing, but blue, as they search his dark orbs.
“John, are you falling out of love with me?”
You swore something inside him broke. Something twisted and turned, left a deep puncture; wounded him for good.
       Like a lightening bolt. You’d sunk the needles where it hurts the most.
Weary of his silence, you continue. Unsure of the outcome, yet allowing the river that falls your lips, to flow free, full, at last. “I just…I miss you so much. I don’t need anything but you right now.” Bitten to your lip, a choked sob threatens to surface, although you manage to keep yourself collected. “I don’t want anything but you; I never have.”
And with those words, John’s weary limbs resist the hold no more. Kneeling in front of you as you sit still on the grey couch, John pulls your frame close, so close, that you hear the steady rhythm of his heart. His body is warm, brimmed with love; you feel the soak of a few strayed tears from his eyes seep into the supple skin of your neck.
       He holds you so close.
       And you hold him; the way it was always meant to be.
With your arms firmly wrapped around his body, you sink into his skin, melting in the touch of the man you love most. Eyes closed, you breathe in his scent, and he threads his fingers in tender strokes to your hair. Honey drenched kisses press to your shoulder, your neck, the side of your head as he quietly finds the right words to surface; nevertheless, feeling as if anything at all would fall short for what he felt in this moment.
John Wick, sees nothing in this world, but you. As a few more moments of silent relish pass, he pulls his head back a mere few inches, still holding your body so close. With his callous thumb brushing a gentle stroke just under your eye, his thin taut lips kiss a tender, soft peck to where a tear had once fell from your cheek, his eyes still soaking in gloom. With his voice, deep, rich as butter, yet rasped, he speaks softly, silked into your ears, never breaking eye contact.
“I’ve been trying to get out.” Velvet. He speaks, as if the finest of velvet. “And I did, I left that part of me behind today.” Swallowing thick, John inches in closer, kissing a soft, gentle kiss to your eye, that had been haven to nothing but drifted tears earlier. “For you, and for our baby girl.”
Close, proximate, he holds you. His touch alone, fixes everything. “You are all I want. Here, is where I want to be. I’m so sorry I made you feel that way.” He whispers, his forehead resting to yours as you cup his perfectly groomed, bearded cheek. “I didn’t want you worrying; I needed you to stay happy. You’re carrying our baby, I wanted you to be carefree, and nothing else. I never wanted to hurt you.” His heart pours, his heart sears. “I will never hurt you, or our child.” Looking down at your belly, his hand rests to your bump as his lips press a gentle kiss to the top.
And with his lips, holding the only remedy you’d ever need, he kisses you with all the love he holds, all the love he feels for no one, but you. “You are my everything. Please believe me when I say it. I wanted you then, I want you now, and I will until we take our last breath.” His words hold sincerity, something reserved for no one but you.
“From today on, baby, I’m all in. I’m all yours, and hers. I’ll be here for it all, the sleepless nights, the cravings, the aches, everything.” He pours his heart to you, never letting go, as if he’d been scared you’d disappear. “You are it for me, Y/N. I love you more than I could ever tell. Please believe me when I say it.”
And with your eyes, shining into his, you keep his cheek cupped, and your foreheads locked. You stare, and you stare, and you stare, into the eyes of your world. Into the eyes of the man who you knew would become the best father; perhaps greater of a father to your child than he is a husband, if only it was possible.
Your husband, deserves the stars. And if you could, you’d pick them out of the sky like apple blossoms in summer, and decorate them in his hair. And with every ounce in your being, you smile, and you kiss him tender, you hold him so close, so near.
“I do.” You smile, holding on.
       “I believe you. I trust you.”
➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴
My taglist will be posted in reblogs, let me know if you want to be added or removed! :)
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mitchloveswriting · 4 years
hi! i saw ur taking requests and was wondering if you could do something with azriel and him finding out the reader is his mate please (basically just him being a cute over protective bat boi)
A/n: Sure baby 🧡 Constructive Criticism is always welcome, please be polite xx Sorry this took so long I've been heaps busy amd had no motivation. Enjoy!
Free Solstice
"Mor!" Feyre's voice rang through the estate.
"Feyre!" She called back from her spot on the couch next to Cassian. Cassian let out a wince at her voice in his ear and she scoffed dismissively at him.
Feyre swept into the room, paint and flour staining her fingers.
"What have you been up to?" Cassian asks raising a brow and Azriel gives a low, barely audible chuckle from his seat on the other couch.
"Mor did you say Y/n was planning to come round for the day on the Solstice?" Feyre asks, ignoring the comments on her appearance.
Y/n was an Illyrian female who had her wings clipped when she was young. Mor had run into her in an escape attempt from one of the less progessed Illyrian camps and offered her safety in a small apartment in Velaris.
Since then Y/n had become very close to the Inner Circle, but especially to Mor who made it a point to visit Y/n every day and make sure she was comfortable and happy in her new home.
Mor slid her eyes to Azriel sneakily. Since Y/n had started to be around them more often she had noticed a change in Azriel's behaviour.
He was louder around her, came out of his shell a bit more and he had warmed up to her faster than she had ever seen him do with anyone.
"Yes, if that's okay with everyone. Else she'll be alone and honestly I don't like the thought of leaving her alone on the first holiday since her escape. Or any holiday for that matter." Mor sat up straight as she spoke, glancing cautiously at everyone.
"What are you talking about?" Rhysand's voice sounded as he entered the room behind Feyre, "Of course we're all okay with it." He grinned cheekily and wrapped his arms around his Lady's middle.
"Invite her Mor! Everyone loves her. Besides I already got her a gift." Feyre adds and Mor grins at them.
"Great! I was planning on visiting her this afternoon. Anyone care to tag along?"
"I said anyone not all of you! Her home is not big enough for everyone without it being cramped." Mor complained as they walked through the streets of the City of Starlight in a big, intimidating, messy clump.
"Y/n won't care. She loves us." Cassian shrugged indifferently, amusement written across his face as Mor continued to scowl.
She, once again, took a sneaky glance at Azriel only to see him sporting a grin as they continued on their way.
"Getting excited Az?" Mor teased and his grin was replaced by confusion.
"For the solstice?"
"I meant for going to see Y/n, but making a move on her on Solstice seems something to look forward to as well." Mor joked. By this time, everyone was in their own conversation and trailing slightly behind the two.
"A move?" He inquired, red beginning to tint his face.
Mor smiled. Contrary to popular belief, she was happy he was developing feelings for her. It meant he was moving on to someone who could give him what she couldn't. And they were going to be adorable together.
"Don't think I don't see the way you look at her Mister. The way you act around her. You're like Cassian, but a gentleman when she's around. No turtle shell." She nudged his side with her elbow and was shocked into a silence when he chuckled.
"I'm not going to make a move Mor. I have a foolproof plan. Not say anything and hope she falls in love with me." Az shrugged and Mor giggled.
"You're hopeless!"
An excited squeal left Y/n's mouth as she threw open the door to Mor, the High Lord and Lady and everyone's favourite Illyrians.
She moved out the way to let them all enter and they filed into her lounging room, taking up all the seats.
"I didn't expect you all to be over! Did anyone want something to eat?" She offered as she sat on the arm of the chair next to Cassian.
Cassian wrapped an arm around her waist and looked up at her with a cheeky grin.
"Cooking for me sweetheart? You shouldn't have!" He winked. Cassian was always very flirty with Y/n, but it was only a joke.
Azriel didn't like it. He bit down on his tongue to stop himself from growling. He was annoyed with himself. It's never been difficult for him to keep his features schooled. What was it about this female that caused him to lose control so easily?
Y/n rolled her eyes, but she still had a bright smile on her face.
"What would everyone like? Actually I have some raspberry brownies I made yesterday, if you don't mind them being a little cold? They're still quite fresh." She stood from her spot next to Cassian and gestured towards her kitchen.
"You are an angel!" Cassian exclaimed and Y/n just shook her head, eyes twinkling with amusement.
Everyone cheered at her suggestion and she moved towards the kitchen. As she walked, Azriel could see the scars on her wings and back from when they clipped her. He had a sudden urge to go to that camp and rip apart everyone who let that happen to her.
A few moments later she reappeared with brownies and everyone jumped up, crowding the small table she had set them on.
"I'm afraid there isn't much to do around here. I still need to get a few Solstice gifts so maybe we could head out into town?" Y/n spoke and they all laughed at her sweetness.
"Y/n, you are too sweet for your own good." Rhys told her with a chuckle and everyone nodded in agreement.
"It's easy to be an accomodating person when you grew up knowing what it was like to be shunned and neglected." She gave a shrug and the Inner Circle exchanged worried looks.
It was also easy to worry about a person who never had anyone to worry about her before.
"We'd love to go shopping with you Y/n." Azriel stated firmly and Mor and Feyre eyed him carefully.
"Brilliant! We can all be together for a while, but then we have to split up so you don't see what I get you." She ushered everyone up and towards the door, grabbing a small satchel on her way out.
Moments later they were walking through the strips in town, colours and lights and music everywhere.
Life everywhere.
"So who are you struggling to buy for Y/n?" Cassian asked with a nudge that, again, made Azriel bit his tongue to keep from losing it at his 'brother'.
"Mor and Rhys." She admitted sheepishly and Rhys gave a fake offended look.
She muttered a sorry, but Rhys just laughed and reached around to pat her on the shoulder and let her know it was okay.
"We should stop and get a drink!" Mor remarked before gripping her friend and pulling her into a nearby pub.
As Mor oulled her away, Y/n gripped tight onto Azriel's elbow and dragged him along too.
"Get him!" She ordered, nodding to Cassian.
Azriel chuckled at her demand and pulled Cassian along with him by the shirt.
He joined the females at the bar and ordered and paid for himself and Y/n.
"You didn't have to do that Az." She told him, quietly, red tinting her cheeks.
"I know. I wanted to." He tried to shrug nonchalantly, but the blush on her cheeks was screaming at him to press his lips to each cheek.
'Woah. Where did that come from?' He thought to himself. He knew he harboured some feelings for her, but that was...
"We've lost Feyre and Rhys!" Mor exclaimed and Y/n and Azriel were brought out of their stupor.
"Oh well, that's alright, we were going to split up anyways." Y/n said decidedly after looking around.
"Y/n." Azriel's deep voice called and she returned her attention to him.
He pushed her drink across the counter to her and she gave a sweet smile.
"Any ideas on what to get Rhys?" She asked him and he smiled back at her.
"Some kind of sentimental shit. He'll eat that right up." He joked and they both laughed.
She took a thoughtful sip from her drink then placed it down again.
"What about a locket? On one side I could have carved an image of us. On the other, Just me and Rhys. It might be a bit small though... it could be circular, with the Night Court Insignia engraved on the front." She seemed to vomit the words without even thinking.
Azriel was in awe.
"How do you do that?" He gaped and she raised a brow.
He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped. He looked around once more.
"We've lost Mor and Cassian." He pointed out, kicking himself for being so unobservant. So lost in the female before him.
"That's alright. You and I can go get Rhys' present ordered then. Then we'll go for a walk and see if we can find something for Mor." She lifted herself off of her stool and skipped towards the door.
Azriel followed without a second thought, a smile spreading across his face.
As they walked through a strip filled with clothing stores, they began to move closer and closer to each other.
Y/n glanced down at his hands. She had wanted to hold it, but she'd never touched his scars before and she didn't know how he would feel about it.
Only a few seconds later, Azriel brushed his fingers against hers and took hold of her hand. He didn't even think about it.
She stopped still and let out a gasp at the touch of his scars and he froze. He ripped his hand away from hers and began to apologise profusely.
"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I know, the scars are-" He was cut of by her grabbing his hand gently.
"Beautiful," She mumbled, holding eye contact with him as she brought her lips to one of the nastier scars on the back of his hand, "they're beautiful."
And that's when he felt it. It felt like everything was right and clear. Like before he was seeing the world through frosted glass and now there was no lense.
The word clanged through him, just as it did her.
"Everyone has scars Az," she looked back at her wings for a moment then turned back to him, beaming, "they're a symbol of strength. They're beautiful." She repeated.
"Y/n..." He mumbled.
'What if she didn't feel that?' He worried.
"I know Az. I don't know about you, but-"
"I couldn't be happier!" He stopped her talking and pressed his lips to hers gently.
The kiss was sweet and loving and happy. It was accepting. Azriel was quite happy just to stay like that for the rest of the night, but all good things come to an end.
Just as they pulled away, Cassian's obnoxious voice echoed down the street. No doubt about it, he was drunk.
"Y/n! Help me!" He yelled even when he was right in front of the two.
"You are drunk." Az observed and Y/n giggled.
"Thankyou Spymaster Obvious! C'mon Mister let's get you home." Y/n teased her mate and dropped his hand.
"Take me home? At least by me dinner first, love." Cassian teased and pressed a sloppy, drunk kiss to her cheek.
Azirel didn't even try to stop the growl that ripped from his throat. That was his mate.
His mate.
"What's eating him?" Cassian asked and Y/n took a step closer to Az.
"Calm down Azzy. Help me with Cassian, and just ignore him." She leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
When she returned to her own height, Azriel found himself leaning down, chasing her lips.
She put a hand on his mouth and giggled at his pout.
"Let's all get home Azriel. Then... I think I'll make us some dinner."
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cursed-jujutsu-san · 3 years
May I request modern AU Goth/punk Choso and SFW/NSFW HCs with a short and sweet s/o?
Sorry if that’s too much to ask, and it’s fine if you aren’t used to doing Choso, he’s not really as popular as other jjk chars🧡
Of course you can honey! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ Thank you so much for requesting! I had alot of fun writing for Choso, I’d honestly love to write for him more since I haven’t seen alot for him actually! So please feel free to request again (〃ω〃)
P.S. I kinda went wild but hope that you enjoy! xx
[Modern AU] SFW + NSFW Headcannons - Punk/Goth Choso with a Short + Sweet S/O 
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Very tall and intimidating punk-goth man with a sweet as pie and short as shortcake girlfriend
Works at a tattoo parlour which is literally next door to the bakery you work at! – he likes to spend his lunchtimes with you at the shared backspace behind the two places
Started calling you things like Honey, Honeypie, Shortcake, Little biscuit etc. as a joke but they stuck so Choso cycles between them all – anything short or dessert related is a viable nickname
You like to bring him excess goods from the bakery and every time you do this he just freezes with this big old  blush on his face because CAN YOU STOP BEING CUTE FOR 5 MINUTES HE HAS A REPUTATION TO UPHOLD!!
Notorious resting bitch face
His brothers and you are the only ones that can get a positive expression from him
Your very good at reading his expressions! Everything from the slight tilt of his lips to a raised eyebrow – you actually really surprised him with how good you are at reading him
People are constantly surprised by the height and facial difference between the two of you – as well as the difference in clothing choices but we won’t really go too much into that
Because of the big height difference literally all of his clothes are baggy for your cute small frame – loves seeing you in them as well since his clothing isn’t really your usual style of clothing
At this point he’s reserved a couple of his hoodies just for you to wear
He likes to wear thick and heavy/clunky shoes that adds just that little bit of extra height to him that when he straightens up from slouching makes him even more intimidating – your constantly scolding him for slouching since it ruins his posture
Usually a good old pair of Doc Martins or some sort of Steel capped boots are his sort of thing
Did you doodle cute little things like moons + stars on the heels and rims of his shoes? Yes, yes you did! The doodles glow in the dark too
 Has a habit of accidently - or subconsciously – holding your hand and gently rubbing your knuckles, this happens a lot when your sat down next to each other or just holding hands normally
 Choso bought matching necklaces for you both as an anniversary gift one year – it’s a very cute heart-shaped locket set and is the only cute thing he’ll ever wear since it contains a photo of you
Your one of the only people he’ll allow to touch or do his make-up for him – it’s mainly stuff like helping him with eyeliner and the stripe across his face
He gladly helps you with you make-up as well if you want to wear some – it gives him the free excuse of getting up close to your face AND having you sit on his lap even though he can just ask for you to do that anyway
when he has his hair down from his two ponytails you run your fingers though his hair and he absolutely melts into you
Please help him paint his nails, he can’t get an even coating of polish for the life of him onto his nails
Once a heavy smoker, he’s cut back a lot since entering a relationship with you, but he still has a faint smell of nicotine about him – he hates the sad puppy eyes you give him when you catch him smoking too much
You make him cute badges and patches
Very protective of you – your very cute and so very sweet and he doesn’t want anyone to take advantage of that fact
Will sometimes just randomly send you a song or a meme that reminded him of you
 Points at small things and says, “is this you?” - you in turn point at tall things and say the same thing
You bought him flowers and chocolates once and he almost malfunctioned – “I saw these flowers Choso and thought of you! Aren’t they beautiful?” - so you made it your personal goal to bring him flowers and chocolate at least once a month 
He has absolutely mixed an energy drink and coffee together at one point much to your confusion + panic
Has a slight coffee problem  
He’s usually the first to wake up so will make you both breakfast 
Will use you as a pillow to nap on - Choso doesn’t care where or when if he’s tired and your lap or shoulder is open then its free real estate 
 First and foremost! Man’s positively packing
He’s one of those where you have absolutely no expectations going into sex but afterwards...oh boy! He’s changed the game and you can’t picture anybody else but him
Will get horny over you just wearing a hoodie or t-shirt of his with only your underwear on underneath - But then again, he’s just horny on main for you anyway!
 Spends a lot of time prepping you
 Could spend hours between your thighs just to hear more of your cute noises
If you tug/grip his hair, then it gets him more riled up and he’ll just pick up the pace 
Choso’s always happy to receive blowjobs especially since he gets to see your pretty little mouth wrapped so nicely around hic cock, big doe eyes dewy with a lust filled light f as you stare up at him from between his legs  
Nice and vocal – lots of husky moans and breathless whispers – seriously Choso seems to get x10 louder
Lots of kissing - their very gentle, borderline feeling like butterfly kisses 
 Choso will leave hickies all up your thighs, breasts, and neck
 When you leave hickies on him then he wears his with pride because his little cutie marked his skin so of course he’s gonna be happy about it
 Will overstimulate you to a degree
Loves cockwarming – this man will just sit and do something else, nude as the day he was born while your sat a drooling mess on his cock
Can get really handsy with your breasts, hips + thighs and your butt  
Loves your blissed-out face and cute moans
Will nuzzle and pant into your neck 
Very gentle with aftercare - he gets even more affectionate with you, lots of gentle hugging, tracing shapes on your skin and placing small kisses on your lips 
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calpops · 4 years
vows | c.h.
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Calum catches you writing your vows and reassures you when you feel they aren’t enough.
1k words
dates with cal masterlist
Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
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Calum comes home and the house is shrouded in quiet and dark. It’s only evening but the blinds are drawn and the living room is empty. He knows you’re home, you had both left with promises of being home for dinner that morning. He strides through the hall and Duke darts out of your bedroom with his tail wagging and small steps carrying him. Calum bends to greet the old dog, ruffles his ears and picks him up to walk the rest of the hallway to your shared room. The door is cracked open; just enough for Duke to come and go as he pleases. He hears you before he sees you and a grin immediately grows on his face.
“I do? I do,” your voice sounds through the door. Calum puts a hand to the wood and pushes it open, you quickly turn in your vanity seat with a small gasp.
“Are you really practicing saying I do?” Calum quips with a fond smile and content heart. He loves the sound of those words coming from you, can’t wait to hear them at the actual wedding.
You push hair from your face, engagement ring catching his eye as it always does. “I-I,” you stammer and bite your lip before standing and hiding a piece of paper behind your back. “It was more than that.”
Calum’s interest is piqued by the paper and the vague explanation. He places Duke on the bed as he strides towards you. His hands settle on your waist and wind around you but you understand his ploy and tsk at him.
“You can’t see that,” you reprimand and slip the paper in your back pocket.
Suddenly he knows what you’re doing as soon as he sees the pen on your vanity top and crumpled pieces of paper in the waste bin beside it. “Are you working on your vows?”
You let out a caught breath and shake your head in denial but Calum sees right through you, his arched eyebrow enough to get you to turn the shake of your head into a nod.
“Yeah,” you admit and furrow your brows. “Writing doesn’t come as easily to me as it does for you. I just want them to be perfect,” you say and Calum watches your eyes flicker down to the floorboards.
“Sweetheart, you could write anything and it would be perfect,” he soothes, not wanting you to have any anxieties about the big day. There’s been enough to do with planning and preparing. Writing vows should be peaceful.
He knows you’ve been running wild with planning and he’s been there to help as much as he can between the studio and press appearances. Mali has been around to help as much as possible. The guys have stepped up as well and your own friends have been a gift. But you still shoulder a lot of the responsibility and the notion of the perfect day won’t leave you. He wants you to have that but he doesn’t want you to worry yourself over it. As far as he’s concerned if you’re the one at the altar then nothing else matters and it will be perfect.
“I know,” you relent but there’s still a bit of worry in your eyes. Calum ponders how best to help the situation.
“Do you want me to help?” He asks and is met with an immediate cry of no.
“I can do this—it’s just—it’s—I—it’s difficult when the only thing I see is a blank paper. How am I supposed to tell that how I feel about you and all the promises I want to make?”
Calum lets a smile curve onto his face as he realizes something that might help you. He pulls you into him, kisses the top of your head and then leads you over to the bed where Duke stirs slightly when you sit on the edge. He brings you into his lap but angles you to be able to look at him.
“Don’t tell the paper,” he says and gives you a chaste kiss before continuing, “tell me. I’m right here.”
You go slack against him and it’s as if he can feel your worries leaving you at the suggestion. You bite your lip in contemplation. “Are you sure? Won’t it ruin the”—you begin but he cuts you off with a nod, not wanting to hear that word from you again. He’s promised nothing could ruin it. “Okay, okay,” you say around a sigh and think through some words.
Calum gives you time to collect your thoughts. Rubs your lower back and waits, ready to give you all the time in the world if it means hearing the words in your heart. He’s pretty sure he knows them already, he’s felt them for all of the time you’ve been together. You tell each other you love one another daily, you show your appreciation in small and big ways. He muses over all of this while you put it into words. You grab his free hand and give it squeeze.
“You’re the love of my life. My one and only. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you,” you begin and the sincerity in your voice shakes Calum to his core. The gloss of your eyes and the emotions on your sleeve emphasize every single syllable you utter as you continue to tell him everything in your heart. You make promises, you tell him of the past and all you hope for in your future together. He’s left choked up and warm from the inside out.
“It was perfect,” he compliments with every ounce of authenticity and praise his weakened and tight voice can muster.
His voice cracks and it brings you closer to him, to kiss him and add to the emotions already coursing through him. He knows the words won’t be exactly the same on the day of the wedding but he also knows whatever you say will be said with love and promises made to be kept. He can’t wait to say his own vows to you.
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Based on the dwc engagement prompts: “I do? I do.” “Are you really practicing saying I do?”, “are you working on your vows?” And “you are the love of my life. My one and only.”
Tagged: @rosecolouredash​ @irwinkitten​ @golden-hood @who-do-you-love-5sos​ @caswinchester2000​ @wildflowergrae​ @empathycth​ @cuddlemecalx @malumsmermaid​ @babylon-corgis​ @outerspaceisbetterthannothing​ @mariellelovescupcakes​ @xhaileyreneex​ @goth5sos​ @gosh-im-short​ @feliznavidaddycal​ @loveroflrh​ @findingliam-o​ @flowerthug​ @g-l-pierce​ @talkfastromance4​ @superbloomirwin​ @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​ @wastedheartcth​ @calumscalm​ @notinthesameguey​ @lukesfuckingbeard​ @myloverboyash​ @treatallwithkindness​ @haikucal​ @wiildflower-xxx​ @calum-uncrowned @egyptiangoldhood​ @drarryetcetera​ @another-lonely-heart​ @megz1985​ @idk-harry​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @wildflower-cth​ @idontneedanyone​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @karajaynetoday​ @333-xx​ @calumshpod​ @calumsphile​ @calumrose​ @justhereforcalum​ @grreatgooglymoogly​ @calumance​ @mantlereid @hemmingslftv​  
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