#fem!remus sanders
thegoldenduckie · 2 months
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FANART FOR @not-sure-what-im-feeling ‘S FIC!! ITS GOT GENDERBENT PRINXIETY! Its super good and i love it you should should read it!
Heres the fic its called “i don’t wanna be your friend”
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halfhissandwich · 2 days
Fem!Roman and Fem!Remus hugging each other? Sibling hug?
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More or less hugging each other :)
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shut-up-its-funny · 24 days
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@sibcestbookclub here they are! I am ecstatic how they came out!!!
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d-c-it · 9 months
I cant belive i never finished these
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I guess ill have to start again sigh.
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thecrowslullaby · 1 year
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brandstifter-sys · 11 days
Mask Raid
@dukexietyweek 2024 Day 7 - Superhero + Rivals to Lovers
Word Count: 3630 (Ao3)
Rating: T
Characters: fem!Virgil (Violetta), mtf!Remus (Reina)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Warnings: Violence, sex mention, 4th wall breaking, mild internalized transmysogyny (blink and you'll miss it), spideypool vibes
Violetta is just trying to get by daily while also saving the city at night as Rabidosa, a web-slinging super heroine. It would be so much easier if she didn't have a hot roommate, or an obnoxious rival like Piscina Muerta. But even if they don't always see eye to eye, Vi can't just leave her to die on a warehouse rooftop! What happens after that is—
Shush and tell the story!
It was one of those days when absolutely everything was going to shit. First someone stole her bike, then she had to handle the barrage of Karens doing their holiday shopping, and then she had to deal with car callers shouting at her on her way home. Violetta was going to lose her shit if she didn't get to gorge on ice cream and watch horror movies when she got to her relatively new apartment. Her roommate could deal if she were home. 
Of course she wouldn't get to relax, even when she realized she was home alone. She got into her bedroom and stripped out of her uniform, only to hear a report from the police scanner on her dresser. Multiple shots were fired downtown, the suspected shooter was none other than the Duchess of Destruction herself. 
Vi regrettably pulled on her black and purple compression spandex and hid her head in the mask. Rabidosa was on her way to put a stop to the chaos before the cops made a mess. 
Rabidosa leapt out the window and shot some webs from her wrist, in no mood to be the hero. The Duchess, Piscina Muerta, was going to go through hell if she was behind this! 
She swung between the buildings until she came upon an abandoned warehouse downtown. She could feel her adrenaline spike, her spider sense, and decided that was the place to investigate. 
She landed on the roof and glanced around. Something was off. 
“Fuck! Right by the tit!” 
Rabidosa whipped around and saw A woman in a bright green bodysuit, covered in blood, standing in front of her. Rabidosa couldn't see her face behind the mask, but she knew this walking arsenal. 
“Piscina,” Rabidosa gasped and tensed. She saw the sniper. 
In an instant she webbed the barrel and charged across the rooftop. With a single leap and a solid left hook she knocked out the would-be assassin. 
She glanced around, searching for more threats. Her spider sense wasn't acting up, but it was odd. She could deliver this thug to the police and get answers, but there was something more important to handle. 
Rabidosa spun around and raced across the rooftops to Piscina Muerta as she stumbled to the fire escape. 
“Stop,” she ordered in a low, threatening voice. Piscina shivered and froze. 
Can you blame me? I am weak to dommy mommies who can kick my ass! 
“Is there a problem, Spiderlily?” Piscina Muerta chuckled and tried to stand upright. She was shaking and struggling to stay balanced. 
“What happened?” Rabidosa asked and approached her cautiously. Piscina had rapid healing powers, she knew that. But she was still concerned. 
“Oh, this? I got shot in the arm and beaten up by some guys protecting my target, they could've been major league baseball players with the way they swing those pipes! You should've seen me an hour ago! Those fucks were scared shitless when I managed to take them down!” she beamed, “I would've stayed longer but I needed to get here before it was too late!” 
“What do you mean ‘too late?’” 
“Well obviously I needed to keep you from taking a bullet to the head! Those fucks were going to kill anyone who caught them in the middle of their transaction! I couldn't find the last one until just now! It's so weird you showed up before he could run away,” Piscina shrugged and stared off into the distance, as if she were staring at the narrator and readers. 
That's exactly what I'm doing! Why did you set up such a lame meeting? I want Spidey to kick my ass and then eat it! This is not how I want to play doctor with her!
Rabidosa narrowed her eyes. It was no secret that there were drug and human traffickers in the area, and that Piscina had a personal vendetta against them. But it made no sense for this flirtatious disaster to want to save her. It's not like they got along.
“It would be so boring if you were injured or dead! Who would beat me up and step on me until I cream my tights! The hostages? The cops can handle them when they get here!—They’re safe before you freak out!” Piscina giggled, already sensing what Rabidosa was thinking. She immediately hissed and stumbled forward, falling to her hands and knees.
“Can you save the horniness for when you're not bleeding?” 
“Internally or externally? Because I don't know when the first one will stop!” 
“You're bleeding internally and you're flirting?!” Rabidosa gasped incredulously. If she weren't hurt, Rabidosa would have played along with Piscina's flirting. 
“Yup! I can't help myself! You're hot and you vibe with me!” Piscina giggled and slumped on her side.
Can I please mention how that spandex is straining to contain that cake? Because damn! I want my face to be her chair! 
Rabidosa wilted slightly and shook her head. This murderous dork was really out of it if she didn't even mention her butt.
Ohhhhh I see where this is going! Good work Narrator!
“Since I'm not a cop, and I know you don't want to go to a hospital, I'll make sure you get home safe,” Rabidosa sighed and took a knee in front of her. She couldn't exactly see Piscina’s lips turn upwards but it was obvious she was beaming with the way her cheeks moved up. 
“Oooh, you want to take this to my place? How forward of you!” Piscina teased but wrapped her good arm around Rabidosa’s shoulders. 
“Don't get the wrong idea, I'm interested in someone else,” Rabidosa scoffed and webbed over her wound to keep her from bleeding out. Then she tourniqueted above the wound with more webs and hoisted the Duchess of Destruction up with ease. 
“You're not single? Damn, your partner is lucky!” Piscina giggled and curled into her, noting how her chest was compressed and firm. She would have preferred having some cushioning for the trip, but she could deal. 
“I am. She's out of my league,” Rabidosa huffed, “Just tell me where to go.” 
“Aw, that can't be true!” Piscina whined, “You're so hot and strong and kind! You're a superhero! No one is out of your league!” 
“Where. Is. Your. Place?” 
“Up on Preston and 4th. It's the top floor so you can leave me on the roof. I don't want my roomie to see,” Piscina pouted. 
“Afraid they'll call the cops?” Rabidosa asked, expecting the answer to be yes. 
“No, she wouldn't do that,” Piscina sighed as Rabidosa shot a web from her wrist and swung off the roof. 
“Then why are you concerned?” 
“I don't want her to worry about me more than she does,” Piscina sighed and closed her eyes, letting the wind wash over her. Her injuries were getting to her.
“She's so handsome and smart and scary. I would kill for her to step on my e-dick and then cuddle me all night,” she continued, “I want to snuggle up with her and listen to her singing her emo songs.” 
“Don't pass out on me,” Rabidosa scoffed and switched arms with practiced grace, “Keep talking about your roommate or anything.” 
“You’re worried about me too,” Piscina jeered and glanced up at her. From this angle she looked so noble and strong with the stars blurring behind her. 
“No shit. You're probably bleeding internally, you have a gunshot wound, and you're fading fast,” Rabidosa scoffed as she kept switching arms and swinging through the city. 
“I won't die!” Piscina argued weakly, “And you'll be kicking my ass this time next week, same as always!” 
“I don't want to accidentally drop you. I need you to hold on and you have to stay awake for that.” 
This narrator is oddly quiet! I won't pull a Stanley. Say something! What is she thinking?
Piscina pouted in thought, though her mind was reeling. Rabidosa glanced down at her and fought back a blush. She really shouldn't have found a mercenary like this fat mouthed ball of chaos cute, and certainly not when she was so beat up.
She thinks I'm cute!? 
Yes, Rabidosa thought Piscina was cute, a bubbly little imp who could get under her skin and try to kill her, but cute. She reminded Rabidosa of a certain someone but she didn't have the energy to dwell. She had to get Piscina Muerta to safety and probably remove the bullet in her arm.
Who do I remind her of!? Don't leave me hanging here! 
“Seriously, keep talking so I know you didn't pass out,” Rabidosa cut into her thoughts directed at the narrator. 
“You just want to know what my type is, don't you?” Piscina teased, “What do you want to know about my roomie?” 
“Is she armed?” 
“You should see her arms! My god, that woman is ripped, she could snap me like a twig!” Piscina gushed, “She is a brick house! Fat ass and tiddies, soft tummy, and so much muscle! I would kill for her to bench press me!” 
“I see personality doesn't matter to you,” the heroine scoffed, unsurprised. 
“Oh it does! I'm just horny first! You would think that the E would've killed my drive but it didn't! Probably because of the healing factor! Which is good, I need my morning wood—”
“I don't need to know that,” Rabidosa cut her off. 
“That doesn't mean you don't want to know!” Piscina jeered, “But that's all you get without getting a peek!” 
“Your loss! I'm hot! And my skin isn't totally fucked up like Wade Wilson! Then again I'm not a pansexual Canadian with a hard-on for Bea Arthur!” 
Rabidosa scanned the rooftops as they drew nearer. She had no idea what the hell Piscina was talking about, and she couldn't blame it on head trauma. 
“So you're not hot for the Golden Girls?” 
“I am! Just not to the same extent! Besides, I like my women a little less femme! That's another thing about my roomie that's hot! She's pretty futch!” 
“Right,” Rabidosa droned and took in their surroundings. She was not happy that she recognized the area. 
“She is! And she's so cute and sassy! But she's also really sweet and kind, and she can keep up with my nonsense! I love her rants and when she gets excited about music and spooky stuff! She's just amazing!” 
“And she has no idea what you do for a living?” Rabidosa quipped. She was all too aware of the neighborhood she was in. This was unnerving.
“Nope! She might not call the cops but she would be scared of me! I don't kill just anyone, I don't take just any contact! But she might not believe me. I don't want to lose her. She's the kind of woman I could fall in love with!” 
“You have a crush on her,” Rabidosa said, “And you're too scared to do anything about it?” 
“Me? Scared?” Piscina huffed, “I don't want to be labeled as a predator—I kill predators! I'm not scared, just aware of everything that could happen.” She didn't have to divulge that her thoughts tended to lean toward the worst of the worst case scenarios, and they plagued her. 
Leave my intrusive thoughts out of this! 
“Sounds like you are scared,” Rabidosa huffed and landed on the roof of her apartment building. Hopefully Piscina would tell her she was on the wrong roof. 
Ooh! She lives here too?
“So what if I am? It's not like she’s interested in me like that,” Piscina pouted and fumbled out of Rabidosa’s arms. She could barely stand, but she didn't need to have this conversation. 
“Which apartment are you in?” Rabidosa asked stiffly. Piscina shrugged and peeked over the edge of the roof. She was surprised to see her roommate’s window wide open. 
“Don't sweat it, my roommate has to be home, so I have to be sure she can't see me sneaking in.” 
Rabidosa grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up to face her. 
“Which apartment?” she snarled. 
Oh fuck, I think I just creamed my tights! 
“She's not home,” Rabidosa said flatly and threw the duchess over her shoulder. Piscina squawked and flailed as Rabidosa leapt over the edge of the roof and scaled the building. 
“What do you think you're doing?” 
Because I think I'm staring at one spidery ass at work and I don't want to stop!
“Getting you to your apartment,” Rabidosa said and crawled through the open window. She would have to remember to close her window better next time. 
“Is this your room or hers?” Rabidosa asked, still keeping up the guise because she couldn't break the fourth wall. 
I'm feeling attacked and targeted. And what do you mean “her window?!” Are you saying that this hot webslinger is actually—
“It's hers. Can't you see the band posters?” Piscina grumbled. Her mind was reeling. 
Rabidosa said nothing and carried Piscina to her room. She set the menace on the bed and sighed. Where was the first aid kit? 
“Hey Spinstress, mind helping me with the mask?” Piscina cooed, “I think I can trust you to keep a secret!” 
“You sure?” Rabidosa hesitated and crouched beside her. She already knew which face was behind the mask, and she was not ready to see it. 
“Yeah! It's not like you would rat me out or tell my roommate that I have a crush on her! And I need to breathe easy to get this chunk of metal out of my arm!” 
Rabidosa sighed and carefully removed the mask. She was met with the most hypnotic green eyes and the most blinding grin. Piscina’s long, wavy, dark hair was messy as it fell around her face. There was no mistaking it, that was her roommate, Reina, trusting her with a gigantic secret. 
“Am I too pretty to handle?” Reina giggled softly. She was uncomfortable with the heroine staring at her in silence. 
“Of all the people you could be,” Vi said and removed her own mask, “You just had to be Reina.” 
Holy fuck! Am I dreaming?!
Reina let out a squeal and tried to tackle Vi in a hug. She wanted to run her fingers through that messy emo pixie cut and smother her in kisses. 
But Vi held her down with one hand and shook her head. 
“Wait until I get that bullet out.” 
“I have some chloroform in my left calf pocket if you need it. I don't!” Reina beamed, “The bullet kit is under the bed.” 
Vi hunched over and pulled out the kit. She was nervous but not shaking. She could do this. 
“Your left calf pocket? Is it on a cloth?” Vi asked, knowing she would make a mistake if Reina were awake. She didn't want to do more damage. 
That's my Violetta for you! Always thinking about not hurting people! Isn't she the cutest? 
“Yep! Oh! This is just like one of my wet dreams! Only after you knock me out I wake up to you riding—” 
Vi wasted no time grabbing the drugged cloth and covering Reina’s mouth before she could get into detail. Once the imp passed out she got to work. 
Oh come on! Dream Vi was riding a giant spider like a horse! Sure I was tied to a web and naked and incredibly turned on, but I wouldn't give her the fun details! Oh! It's starting now! 
*The following dream sequence has been excluded due to the explicit nature of the content* 
“Explicit nature?” What could be so bad about a little bdsm and s&m? Na na nana come on!—unless you mean the cannibalism, I can get that! 
Is it both? You're no fun! 
Reina blinked herself awake after an hour. She was still sore but on the mend, and dressed in her favorite pajama shorts and t-shirt. She'd be all better by morning. 
Hold on! I go commando! Vi saw my sexy naked body! And I didn’t get to show off?!
She sat up, to her own detriment, and glanced around the room. Nothing was out of place except for the medical kit on her nightstand. Vi was nowhere to be seen. 
Reina figured that she needed some time to come to terms with the fact that her roommate was the assassin she fought so many times. Or maybe she had to come to terms with the fact that Reina really liked her. It would be uncomfortable to have a stereotypical horny trans woman lusting after her all the time. 
Ugh way to make me feel like shit. I don't care if I'm thinking it, you don't have to say it!
But then there was a knock on the door, pulling her from her woes 
“Yes!” Reina cooed, drawing out the vowel. 
“I brought you a smoothie. I swear to god if you're not in bed right now I will break every bone in your feet,” Vi said from the other side of the door before opening it. 
“Your bedside manner needs work, but lucky for you, I'm into threats!” Reina beamed. 
Vi shook her head and walked over to her. She was bundled in her favorite hoodie and sweatpants, clearly hiding her form. And the red take-out cup in her hand was calling to Reina. 
“It's apple-kiwi-kale, is that cool with you?” Vi asked and handed her the drink. Reina took it with a nod and then took a sip. 
“You added chocolate and seaweed!” she gasped and slurped it all down, sucking in her cheeks to get every last drop. It was her signature drink! 
“Yeah, it's what you always get so I figured you'd want it,” Vi admitted and curled into herself. 
“You're so sweet!” Reina said brightly, and then pouted, “But you don't have to be sweet to me just because I said I like you.” 
“It’s not like that—I–uh—I told you that the girl I like is out of my league,” Vi stammered, “And you're out of my league.” 
“I’m not out of your league! What does that have to do with you being sweet to me?” Reina asked and tilted her head like a puppy. An oblivious puppy. 
“You are. You're fun, spontaneous, and you respect people’s boundaries. You care about the strangers around you and you try to make everyone feel welcome. You're pretty and brave and too good for me,” Vi argued. 
“But I'm aggressive and overwhelmingly sexual! Especially towards you! Not to mention my line of work! I'm not out of your league at all! You're out of my league! You're out of my league and the girl you like’s!” Reina fought back and put her smoothie on her nightstand. She would physically fight this spider even if she was hurt! 
Vi paused and stared at her for a moment. Was Reina just dense or did she have head trauma? She was not an idiot. 
“You're her,” Vi muttered and shrank back. 
“You like me?” Reina beamed, “Kiss me, I must be dreaming!” 
“The phrase is ‘pinch me’ you know,” Vi said with a blush. 
Oh god, she is so cute! Narrator, Bestie, I need to smooch her entire face! Please! 
“I know! But you won't pinch me right now and I want kisses!” she pouted and fluttered her eyelashes. Vi couldn’t resist her pouty face and sat on the bed beside her. 
Oh shit! Oh shit! This is happening!
“Where?” Vi asked shyly, wishing she had more hair to hide behind. 
“Anywhere on my face!” Reina said, vibrating from the antici—
Vi took a calming breath and cupped her cheek, turning her head so their eyes met. She was shaking as she leaned in, letting her eyes flutter shut before her lips made contact with Reina’s. It was supposed to be a quick, chaste smooch.
Fuck that! 
But Reina grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer, not letting Vi escape. It was just enough incentive for Vi to knock her on her back and run her tongue between Reina’s lips. Reina had to let her in!
Ooh! Scare Bear had some practice with that! 
When Vi could finally pull away, her eyes were sparkling and full of enamor. Reina was flushed, staring up at her as her bangs fell around her face. This was really happening. 
“You look like my next girlfriend,” Reina muttered, unable to look away from her spiderlily. Vi blushed even more but smirked.
“You look like my current girlfriend,” she jeered, “If you don’t mind a boring moral hero type being yours.” 
“You are anything but boring! Now get down here and snuggle with me until I’m healed!” Reina huffed, only a little flustered. Rabidosa was absolutely dastardly when she flirted with Piscina Muerta, and Vi’s coy smirk had her heart racing. 
It’s so unfair! She’s the only one who can make me a puddle! 
Vi sighed through her nose and shook her head fondly. Naturally she relaxed next to Reina and curled up beside her. Reina took the opportunity to snuggle closer and nuzzle into her chest.
Soft tiddy, warm tiddy, not wrapped in a web! Happy Duchess, sleepy Duchess, I love girl 
“Don’t expect me to change my super suit so you can get to my chest when I have to kick your ass,” Vi hummed and closed her eyes. After a long stressful day, she earned a good nap. 
“As long as I can get to the tiddy when I’m recovering from your ass-kicking, I won’t,” Reina mumbled and fought back a yawn. Healing was draining! 
“Dork,” Vi grumbled as sleep took over her. Reina giggled to herself and drifted off, happier than she thought possible. The confusing future could wait. 
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pleasedonthurtcjstar · 8 months
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Then there she was ... like double cherry pie
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Queen Babygirl || A lover? Maybe. Something tender, anyway. But tender like a bruise. || Siren noun : a women who is considered to be alluring or fascinating but also dangerous in some way. || See what happens if you keep going.
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monkeythefander · 10 months
Below are some of my Fem-Sides Headcannons
AN: Names of the sides
Logan: Logan
Virgil: Vigilia (Nickname: Vi)
Roman: Romy
Remus: Reem
Janus: Janna
Patton: Patli (Nickname: Pat)
Thomas: Tommi
• Logan used to only wear her hair in a ponytail. She wanted to keep it out of her face since she found it distracting when she worked. Romy constantly complained that Logan’s hair style was boring, and Logan got tired of the complaining. Logan goes to Patli’s room to ask for hair style advice since Pat is constantly putting her hair up in different styles. Pat introduced Logan to space buns and added little star hair clips. “Since you really like space, I thought this style would suit you” Patli said with a smile. Logan looked at herself in the mirror and quickly fell in love with the hairstyle. She has worn her hair like that ever since.
• Reem used to have really long hair but she didn’t really brush it and take care of it well. Janna got tired of having to help Reem brush out the knots when her hair got really tangled and suggested that Ree should cut her hair short. Reem immediately agreed and Jan helped with the hair cut.
• As kids, Romy and Reem would play dress up together. Romy would wear a Disney princess outfit and Reem would dress as a Disney villain.
• Back when Vi was a Darkside, she and the others would have horror movie nights and paint each others’ nails afterwards to calm down after the film. After being accepted by the light sides, Vi discovers Patli and Romy paint each others nails too. They offer to paint Vi’s nails for her, but the idea of anyone else doing this activity with her feels wrong.
• In terms of appearances, Romy and Reem both wear sparkly skirts with off the shoulder shirts. Romy’s emblem is on her shirt’s breast pocket and Reem’s is on the back of her skirt. Their skirts have pockets because everyone deserves pockets.
• Romy’s hair goes past her shoulders and is very soft. She puts it up into a messy bun whenever she goes on a quest in the imagination.
• Logan wears a polo shirt and pants. She wears her signature tie and glasses still and her emblem is still on her shirt.
• Patli wears a light blue dress with white shorts and a cardigan around her shoulders. She also wears white socks that have cat ears at the top of them. The light blue dress has little daisies on it. She wears her hair in pigtails or braids.
• Janna wears a black dress that goes a bit past her knees. She also has a yellow scarf she wears around her neck because she gets cold easily. Her hair goes up to her shoulders. She still wears her signature bowler hat.
• Vi wears a beanie, light purple t-shirt, ripped black jeans, a black patched up hoodie. Her hair is also short and she has side bangs to cover one of her eyes.
• Vi has a collection of fidget rings because Logan gets her a new one on her birthday each year. Vi’s grateful she’ll always have one to fidget with.
• Logan gets a new tie every birthday from Vi. Vi has Romy help her design and make the ties. When Reem discovers this gift tradition she decides to make Logan a bow tie. Reem puts little morning star images on the bow tie so Logan will be reminded of who made the bow tie every time she wears it.
If you’re interested in any more fem-sides headcannons let me know. I’ll probably post a second part for this list if I come up with any new ones.
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starshard17 · 2 years
Fem!Roman and Fem!Remus <3
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@crusheduphuman tagging you
You know why
Also tagging my beloveds <33 @artist-hope @sanderdarksides
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bonker-bananas · 2 years
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me,, actually posting stuff??? what???
jokes aside, hopefully i will post the art i have accumulated since i lasted posted soon
once upon a time, there was a doodle
it was supposed to just,, be a random person
but then, *gasp*
it turned into fem!roman! all on its own!!
and the others are fem!remus, bonus tiny virgil, fem!patton angst(that was just patton, then it was patton angst, then it was roman angst, then it was fem!roman angst, and then finally it was fem!patton angst), and sun/moon/eclipse/whatever goddess virgil
also, i would like to say that yes, remus is holding patton’s hand, yes, it is still part of patton, yes i was just too lazy to draw whatever of patton would fit on the page
and btw i did mean to say goddess, bc in this household we stan enby virgil and whatever words they like and also because my brain just decided that was the word i was going to use and refused to let me use a different one
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I’ve come to the realization that a bunch of my old and current comfort characters are just Remus Sanders in different skins
Harley Quinn from the animated HBO series? No, that’s fem Remus with a little bit more morals
Funtime Freddy from FNaF? No, that’s purple robot bear Remus
William Afton from FNaF movie? No, that’s bastard child murderer Remus
The Beyonder from Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur? No, that’s orange alien Remus
Suction Cup Man from Piemations? No, that’s suction cup Remus
Frankenstein’s Monster from Frankenstein? No, that’s zombie Remus
Bruno from Encanto? No, that’s future seer Remus
Spinel from Steven Universe? No, that’s pink gay space rock Remus
I can never escape Remus
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sirdeath41412 · 10 months
important ♡
ok so uh this is just an update post/information post
Names I go by SirDeath, Death, or Toby
what pronouns do I use? He/him or they/them GO FOLLOW @thevioletcobra SHE WRITES AND DRAWS AMAZING ^_^
Who am I? I am a writer I sometimes do art(don't have any rn), and I don't mind giving rec fics uh and I do take fic recs you may want me to write
whos like family to me on this site: @the-ethereal-grave-doctor, @ghostlypest,(more will be added please go follow them tho)
So i will write characters: Sun/Moon, Ticci Toby, Laughing Jack, BEN Drowned, Jeff The Killer, Willliam Afton, Springtrap, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Ghost Rider(Johnny Blaze), Seto Kaiba, Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders(more will be added)
pairings: i can write any just if i cannot i will tell you up front.
i do not write incest, piss or scat kink, under age characters, i will not write a fem!Reader
will I write with others? yes I would love to have friends who would listen to me go crazy over my ocs and stories, I do have friends like that on here just a few, if you want to write with me ask and give details then I will dm you or give an answer in the ask
A03 name: SirDeath41412
Link for Daycare Attendant's Caretaker: https://www.tumblr.com/sirdeath41412/709652155997519872/ask-me-anything-please-im-bored-spam-me-with?source=share
my blog is about helping others and whatever I feel like reblogging this is just me being me.
What's the point of this blog you may ask or wonder well, I like to help others and I like to help talk people through things the best I can I'm still learning but of course, I'm here to help.
what do I do with my free time? I rp and chat with friends if you wanna chat or rp I'm here just ask first then tell me what ya wanna rp in the ask please so I can see if I can
I have a character I play who is not a snotty a dude just here, haha, he's very formal while the writer is well C H A O S
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tss-whumper · 7 months
my whump intro!
hey, gang!! i'm annie, you might know me from my main blog (@prodigal-explorer). this is my side blog, and it's a place for all things sanders sides whump! whump isn't a very big thing in this fandom, but i really love it and i think this fandom has so much whump potential.
to clear things up for anyone confused, whump is basically a genre of fanfic/headcanons/content where characters (they are called whumpees) are being hurt either by other characters (they are called whumpers) or by natural elements such as sickness and weather. sometimes, there are characters who help whumpees feel better, or protect them from whumpers (they are called caretakers). whump is sort of like hurt/comfort, but there's not always the guarantee of comfort. whether or not there's comfort is up to personal preference! when it comes to whump, pretty much any kind of pain/injury/hurt is on the table, so when engaging with it, it's important to read tags carefully, just for your own safety!
with this blog, the characters from sanders sides will be playing whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers in an assortment of ways! characters will not always be named. sometimes it will just be (side a) or (side b), or it will just be labeled as "whumper" or "whumpee" if i don't really have a sanders sides character in mind for the scenario.
more info about my page and what i will and won't write below! (warning: i don't censor any of my words, so proceed with caution if that bothers you. some of the content i mention is very sensitive.)
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i LOVE writing:
emotional/verbal abuse
physical abuse
familial abuse
religious trauma
pet whump
whumpee turned caretaker
caretaker turned whumpee
caretaker turned whumper
small whumper and large whumpee
medieval whump
canonverse whump
non-canonverse whump
stress positions
inhumane punishments (especially when they have significant meanings in the story)
sunshine character who is secretly the whumper
whumpers who genuinely think they're doing the right thing
whumpees who are bad people
caretakers who don't know how to be a caretaker/bad caretaker
unreliable narrator
eating disorders
age gaps (as long as they're painted in a bad light)
whumpees of marginalized communities (poc, lgbtq+ besides gay cis white men, disabled, fat, jewish, etc.) because there is NOT ENOUGH OF THAT IN THE WHUMP COMMUNITY. i get it's tricky territory and you have to be careful with it, but why are little white guys the only ones getting rescued and taken care of?
descriptive fics
multi-chapter fics
bullet fics
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL write:
whumpee turned whumper
whumper turned whumpee
suicidal thoughts/ideation
boxboy (though i don't have much experience, so i will be learning as i go!)
lady whump (it's not my favorite but i'll do it)
sick whump
wilderness whump
child whump
children whumping children
whump with remy/sleep, c!thomas, and emile picani (i'll write them as any role, whumpee/whumper/caretaker)
whumpee x caretaker (as long as it's not codependent)
toxic whumpee x whumper (where it's clear that the relationship is not a good one)
whumpee x whumpee
courtroom scenes
major character death
unhappy endings
happy endings
bittersweet endings
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL NOT write:
tiny whump (just not my thing)
fem side x masc side (especially when the whumpee is the fem side)
any whump involving thomas sanders (like the real person) or any of his friends.
anything relating to bodily waste
detailed descriptions of needles (it just freaks me out lol)
feel free to send in an ask requesting anything you want me to write or react to, as long as it's not in the "will not write" category. if you don't see what you want listed anywhere, just assume that i will write it! there isn't a lot that i don't do, but i will not negotiate with the boundaries i have, so please don't try to convince me!
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d-c-it · 8 months
Tumblr media
She is gorgeous ur honor.
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glacierruler · 1 year
Sanders Sides DND AU Chapter 1
Taglist: @hyperfixated-homo @cutebisexualmess @prince-rowan-of-the-forest Please tell me if you'd like to be added/removed!
Ships: anaroceit, intrulogical
Chapter 1
Words: 1913
Masterpost / Next chapter
Languages: Common is normal text, Thieves cant is small, Elvish is bold, Draconic is italic, Celestial is bold italic, Underdark is strikethrough, and any language that none of the characters know will be represented with symbols.
Reminder: Virgil is genderfluid and uses any pronouns(how he appears changes depending on how masc/fem/androgenous they feel), Patton is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.
There will be slight cussing in this fic!
CWs: fainting, death, death mention, fantasy racism, stalking, crime, theft, necromancy, misgendering(accidental)
Paranoia was watching his targets move, staying quiet in the trees. Not wanting to startle them into starting a fight. After all he was much better at stealing when he wasn't noticed by who he was stealing from. This was his riskiest job yet, used to pick pocketing those who come to close to the alleyways, or breaking into places at night. But this, this was different. He was to steal the Crown Prince's crown, and his royal guard's bow. In order to do this, Paranoia had elected to follow them out of the castle and to the town of Coajot, and steal their items when they were asleep. But then it became more complicated. There were three of them adventuring, and, on the first day, it looked like they were taking shifts. Paranoia rubbed at the patchwork cloak, and nearly gasped when he swore the guard must have seen him. But thankfully he had chosen to have bark like skin, so he blended into the trees. After a few minutes the guard looked away and Paranoia breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't been caught, but he needed to be more careful. One wrong move and he's in serious trouble, this is the Crown Prince and his guard, not some random noble in the shadows. Everything had to go perfectly, or he was dead.
Janus felt like he was being watched. He was traveling with the princes to colleges in Coajot, in hopes to find one for both of them. Although he only really cared about getting the perfect college for his love, making sure Prince Remus was entertained enough to not burn the whole place down was important to. So they were looking at not only a college for bards but also for necromancer wizards as well. Which was going to be hard, seeing as necromancy was still seen as this taboo evil thing. Back to how Janus was feeling watched, it started a few days ago, when they were packing for their trip. He swore he saw a set of purple and green eyes before they were gone. And there was the general feeling of being watched. However he could never find where it was coming from. Nor could he tell what it was because it wasn't his favored enemy.
"Love, is everything alright?" Roman, the Crown Prince to the Kingdom of Shalinglah, and also Janus's boyfriend, asked him. Janus really didn't want to lie to him, but worrying his boyfriend who'd been stuck in the palace his whole life wasn't his goal either.
"Everything is fine love, just seeing things or something."
"Oooooh! I see things all the time, often times dead things!" Remus, Roman's brother, piped up. While he wasn't the Crown Prince, he was still important to the royal family. So Janus had to make sure he stayed alive as well, which was harder to do some days.
Janus sighed, "the sooner we get this over with the better. And we're sure we want to venture on foot rather than take a carriage, a carriage would be faster-"
"Adventure is fun!"
Both twins interrupted him, before Roman spoke up, "Janus, what is the point of an adventure, if we're just going to be stuck in carriages the whole time? Again love, are you sure there's nothing wrong?"
"Just got a weird feeling about this, it's probably nothing."
"Oooh, what kind of weird?"
"Shut up Remus, Jan and I are talking!"
"Don't tell me to shut up!"
"Both of you stop, we'll walk, but we're going to be extra cautious. Whatever is happening, I want us to be on top of it." Janus snapped, anxious and frustrated with how everything has been these past few days. The twins looked at him, both of them concerned as Janus doesn't usually act like this. "Look, I'm sorry, but one of us is to be awake at all times."
"Oooh, what if we took shifts, that way none of us was too tired to continue onwards!" Remus exclaimed, hoping to be actually helpful for once. Janus nodded, thinking it over for a minute.
"That could work. Remus, you shall take first shift, I'll take the next one, Roman you have the last shift. If either of you see anything suspicious, you wake me up immediately."
After both princes had agreed to this they started traversing through the woods to the town of Coajot. During the first night in the woods, Janus swore he saw something in the trees. But he couldn't see well enough to tell what it was. 'Probably an animal,' he thought to himself.
Roman was arguing with his brother, Remus, about anything and everything. Yet he couldn't help but be worried about his boyfriend, Janus. Janus was looking around everywhere, trying to find something out of place. And honestly, Roman was feeling watched too, although that may have had to do with the fact that he couldn't use the wastebucket in a private spot. However he had been feeling watched before that, and had honestly felt less watched when he was using the wastebucket. So maybe there was something to the caution Janus seemed to be going through. But whatever, or maybe even whomever, was watching them hadn't done anything yet. So Roman wasn't too worried. Still he was cautious, ready to use his voice to ensnare whatever was following them into a false sense of security before he and his companions struck.
Remus was bored. And sick of being watched by whatever was hiding in the trees. Scaring Prince Perfect and Snake Face was his job. Not some random forest coward's. While Remus wanted to go into the forest and find whoever it is that's watching them to give this stalker the worst time of their life, he didn't because he couldn't endure as much as the others(and Janus told him not to, that it wasn't worth getting in trouble for. If whatever was stalking them wanted to cause them harm, it probably would have already). So Remus would wait to bring the fear of all living things on this stalker until they showed themself. It had been three days of wandering the forest, and only lightly tormenting his brother and Janus; trying to ease the worry they were both feeling, and they had finally reached the city of Coajot. All three of them thought they would lose whatever was stalking them, or at least be able to tell what was going on. But all of them kept feeling watched all the way to the local tavern, The Flying Crystal, when a sickly thin centaur came out of the alleyway and collapsed in front of them.
"Do you think he's dead?" Remus asked, genuinely curious. Despite studying necromancy, he'd never seen a dead body before.
Patton knew they should've eaten that sandwich that they managed to buy. But were they supposed to say no to that starving kid on the street? Sure, they were also starving, but it's better that they starve than another kid who can't take care of themself. They knew they were not only small, but dangerously skinny for a centaur, and they felt so hungry, just wanting a bit of food just to eat. But, despite being a thief, they would not steal for themself. If they managed to gain people's sympathy, and they decided to give Patton money or food then yeah, Patton would eat it, if someone didn't need it more than them. They also hadn't had a good sleep in years, and as they came out of the alleyway that the kid was in, everything went dark. They couldn't see, but before they were completely out of it, they heard someone exclaim:
"Do you think he's dead?"
There were many things Logan was not intending to do today, or expecting to happen. Especially on his routine meal-break. But here he was now, trying to help this sickly centaur, with his minimal medicine skills. Thankfully he had managed to research some just a day ago. So it was easier for him to eliminate what would not work, and use what could. And he definitely hadn't expected to meet the prince's and their guard.
"Ah, it would probably be best to get him a bed at the tavern, and then get him something to eat afterwards, however too much might, erm what's the term, oh right, upset his stomach, and make his situation worse. After that, a diet will be best to put him on, for the longterm, and making sure he sticks to it is important as well." And Logan was rambling again. Coughing to distract from his thoughts, he barely remembered to add, "but taking him to an actual healer would probably work wonders, and they could tell you more than me." There was however something that was bugging Logan, he felt like he was being studied. Like the creatures in the college's nature observatory that he goes to. While normally Logan would even encourage being studied and used as an example for what to do, he did not enjoy being studied without his permission. Before he can start to look around, trying to find the source of whomever was studying him, the guard stops him.
The guard had an interesting appearance, as Logan had never seen scales on a human before, and one eye was that of a snake. He'd only ever heard of them. If Logan got permission, he would analyze that later.
"Will you help us get this centaur to a bed?" The guard asked, his voice silky smooth, and it felt like threads were being woven when he spoke too.
"Of course," with that both Logan and the Prince used the same spell, mage hand, to help carry the Centaur, with all four individuals picking up the centaur with their actual hands.
Once all of them were in the room the guard explained why he had stopped Logan from looking around. All about the stalking by a creature or individual, and how the guard couldn't manage to find any proof, but the feeling was there. And how the only way to stop whoever was stalking them was to let them get as close as possible, without letting their guard down. Also, Logan now knew and had permission to call them all by their names.
Paranoia was pissed, first of all, of course the tavern that they all go in through is a No Changelings Allowed tavern. One of the one's that meant it and had a way of magically taking down a changeling's disguise through the front entrance. Next, now they have more creature's that Paranoia has to get around. Thankfully the room they got had a window, so he could sneak in. Unthankfully it was on the second floors, so Paranoia would have to climb to get in. So he waited until night, and when the moon was highest in the sky, he would sneak in and steal the crown and bow. As he quietly got in the room, he looked around, and everyone seemed to be asleep. Finding the Crown Prince's bag, it was more extra than he expected; red, with golden jewels glinting in the moonlight, Paranoia looked through it, and found the crown. Right after putting it in his pocket, and before he could turn around, he felt the tip of a sharp weapon, probably a sword, lightly pressed against his back.
"And just what do you think you're doing?"
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brandstifter-sys · 1 year
Hiding Eyes
For @dukexietyweek Day 7: Soulmate            (Ao3) (login required)
Word Count:2797
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, fem Patton, fem Janus, Virgil
Warnings: mtf Virgil, genderbend, background moceit, sex mention, alcohol
In a world where you have one of your soulmate's eyes and can see what they're seeing if you cover your borrowed eye, it should be easy to find your soulmate. Unless you can't see anything when you try and get a look. Remus, a movie star, is unfortunate that he can't see anything. He's ready to give up hope until a chance meeting at his oldest friend's drag show.
Sometimes it was hard to look for a soulmate even though they had one of your eyes. If they covered the borrowed eye they could see what you were looking at. For Remus, it was a lot harder to tell. 
He was happy to be finished with his latest movie and wanted to either sleep or get smashed. At least this one wasn't some trashy romcom where he'd have to play straight. It was a trashy macabre romcom where he had to play bi, Cthulhu in Love , and he was the lead! He was just glad that he didn't have to sit in makeup for hours to get his face tentacles done that day and instead just put on a fake beard to match his mustache. And he had the next day off!
Remus carefully removed the color contact from his right eye and closed his eyes. All he could see was darkness but it was nice, sometimes the light was too much. He sighed, not bothering to just cover his right eye to catch a glimpse of his soulmate's world. He never saw anything. Sometimes he wondered if he even had a soulmate. 
He wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, he was aro and he didn't really want to enter some one-sided romance if he could help it. But it would be nice to at least see who got stuck with him. He knew he was a lot to handle. 
"Hey, Remus?" someone called to him from the other side of the door. Remus got up with a grunt and opened it to reveal his costar, Pat, and she looked worn out. 
"What's up Patty-cake?" he asked and leaned against the door frame. 
"Sorry if I'm bothering you, I just thought you might want to get some dinner and see Janice's performance tonight," Pat said and played with her hoodie strings. Remus couldn't really say no, he wanted to see his childhood bestie's drag performance even if she spent the rest of the night with her soulmate. 
"Give me five minutes to get dressed and then we can party!" he grinned, "If you want to watch me strip you can come in!" Pat shook her head and smiled sweetly. 
"I'm spoken for. I'll be here when you're ready!" 
"One of us has to be," Remus shrugged. 
"You have a soulmate, little mister, and I will fight you if you say you don't!" 
"You can't win on an empty stomach!" Remus jeered, "And Jan would get off seeing you beat me up!" 
"Remus," she scowled and adjusted her glasses. 
"I'll be right out!"
Remus was incognito, hiding his skunky bangs with a beanie and his body in a hoodie and baggy pants. Pat wasn't as hidden as they entered the bar, reeking of McDonald's. It wasn't terribly crowded, but still full and dimly lit. Remus could see the low stage and the lights. It would be a good show. 
"If you save me a seat, I'll get the drinks," Remus suggested. 
"Okay, can you get me a Hemingway Champagne, please?" she said brightly. Remus ruffled her hair and laughed before sauntering to the bar. 
Remus moved like he was the hottest thing in the world and leaned against the bar with a winning smile. The bartender got one look at him in his bum attire and sighed. She was pretty, with long purple hair that covered her right eye and half of her glasses. She had deathly pale skin that looked more pallid paired with her black hoodie. 
"Hey there gorgeous!" Remus cooed and motioned her over. She moved towards him reluctantly and crossed her arms. 
"I thought I told you I'm not doing it. I'm not falling for it." 
"Falling for what?" 
"Don't play dumb, Roman. A fake mustache and a pale blue color contact are not going to convince me that you're Remus." 
"So you know the boring theater twin!" Remus laughed, "I'm sorry for you, girl!" The bartender's visible eye went wide and she shook her head. 
"I'm not going to kill him, I'm not going to kill him," she sighed as her cheeks turned pink.
"That's my job! And here I thought Roman didn't have hot friends!" 
"Are you gonna order or waste my time?" she huffed. 
"Can I get a Death in the Afternoon and Alligator Sperm? And if you have to spit in one, aim for the gator! Pattycake doesn't deserve my hate," Remus said brightly before he noticed her eye. It was the same brown-green hazel as his. 
"Anything else or do you need to stay sober for your next shoot?" 
"That's all for now. How did you know I'm shooting a new movie?" 
"Jan. She always gushes about her soulmate being a movie star and working with you all the time. I haven't told anyone if you're trying to keep an industry secret or something," she shrugged, not exactly telling the whole truth, but Remus couldn't be sure.
"It's not really a secret, just not well known. I'm sure it's all over my fan pages! I can't hide from them, not that I want to—they're why I have what I do." 
"It's not because you have talent or anything," she scoffed and rolled her eyes. Remus snickered and bobbed his head back and forth.
"Talent? Half the time I don't even speak in my fun movies! It's my hot bod and creepy mannerisms that sell those! I mean it was the fans that petitioned for me to play the creature in Frankenstein. I wasn't considered since I'm not a tall brooding goth prince, but it's my best performance, and I have the fans to thank for that."
"You were better in Cuttle as a tentacle monster. Even if the fanart got weird. I needed to bleach my eyes." 
"Is that why you cover your soul eye?" 
"I keep one eye covered because it's light sensitive, because of genetics," she said flatly and got to work on the drinks, avoiding eye contact.
"Do you put eyeshadow and liner on both sides?" Remus asked. She moved her bangs to reveal that she had an eye patch on her glasses. 
"There's no point. Anything else or are you going to give your friend her drink?" 
"Oh Pat! Right! We're both here for Janice, or should I say, Dante Infernal! You got me there! Can I get your name before I go? Hot bartender isn't a good name." 
"Violetta, but you can call me Vi," she said shyly and slid him both drinks. Remus beamed and took them. 
"Thanks! I like that name! Maybe I'll see you around!" he said and trotted off to find Pat. 
Of course, when he found her, she was with Janice in a more secluded booth, giggling and flirting with the drag king. It was so easy for Dante Infernal to charm anyone with his wry smirk and gentlemanly wiles. It was cute but Remus was not interested in third wheeling just yet. He was too sober to deal with any romance. 
"Should I get you a second straw to share?" he teased and set her drink on the table. Pat giggled and beamed at him. 
"Thank you so much Ree!" 
"Hello Remus, I'm surprised you haven't snapped anyone up yet," Janice teased. Remus shrugged and took a swig of his curdling drink. 
"I just got here, give me some time!" he laughed, "And maybe I want to be a good friend first!" Janice chuckled as he downed the rest of his drink. 
"So you're going to give me a few dollars and sulk at the bar this time?" she hummed knowingly as Pat sipped her drink. 
"Maybe," he pouted, "As long as the hot bartender doesn't get tired of me!" 
"Violetta? Oh, darling, if she figures out you're you, you might get tired of her . She's a huge fan of your horror movies, and your butt." 
"Really? I mean my ass is perfect but she didn't seem interested in it! She's got the big tiddy goth girlfriend vibe so it checks out that she'd like those movies!" 
"She certainly does, even before her top surgery she was gifted," Janice said bitterly. 
"Your tiny titties are cute!" Pat cooed and hugged her. Jan nuzzled her hair and kissed her cheek. Remus blinked and stared at them both. He was still too sober for this.
"I'm gonna go back and get another drink." 
"Remus, don't drink too much, okay?" Pat pouted. Remus flicked his wrist at her and pulled a few bills from his pocket. 
"Don't have too much rockin sex, okay?" he retorted and handed the money to Jan. She knew that meant he wouldn't be close by when she performed. She also knew that Pat was flustered, so she waved Remus off to do whatever he was planning. 
Remus waved impishly and went back to the bar, this time hopping on a stool and setting his empty glass down. Vi glanced at him and sighed. 
"Finished already?" 
"Yeah, can I get another one?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows as she took the glass. 
"Not for a while. I'm not letting you get drunk, pretty boy. Your romcom fans will eat you alive." 
"I'd rather my horror fans did. Literally!" he jeered, "You know you want to!" 
"Do I?" she asked and set the glass on a tray to go through the wash.
"Well you've got Jennifer's body, so why not enjoy a snack?" 
"What?" she snorted and turned around.
"Is your name Megan because damn you're foxy!" Remus purred with a goofy grin. 
"Shouldn't you save that for your soulmate?" she said with a snicker. Remus wanted to hear her laugh more. 
"I don't think I have one, I'm aro and I don't see anything when I do the eye thing," he said with a shrug, "I don't mind. If I had one, they'd have to deal with the paparazzi, my schedule, and me!" 
"Being aro doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate, I can tell you that much. Blind people exist. And maybe don't treat yourself like a problem. It doesn't help anyone," Vi replied and leaned on the bar across from him. 
"I'm a lot to handle, but I'm a lot of sexy fun too," Remus giggled, "So you're aro spec, huh? And you have a soulmate?" 
"Yeah, but the universe hates me so I don't look anymore. They're only interested in men. But you're not here to listen to my problems." 
"I don't mind, I'm curious—what idiot wouldn't want a babe like you?" he said and held his chin in his hands. 
"Some idiot I knew of in school who's in the film industry now. Roman thinks you might know them, I'm pretty sure you do." 
"Can I see your other eye? It could help me figure out who they could be. And I kinda just want to see both eyes." 
"I'm gonna regret this," Vi sighed and moved her bangs. She lowered her glasses and bit her lip, trying not to squeeze her eyes shut in the dim light. 
Remus gasped when he saw that familiar pale blue iris staring at him. He slapped his hand over his right eye and saw a blurry version of himself gawking and covering his eye. His hand fell to his side and he shook with so much excitement he had no idea how to release it.
"Remus?" Vi asked hesitantly and readjusted her glasses. She was regretting that choice. 
She yelped when he grabbed her face and kissed her like he would die without her lips. 
"Holy shit!" Vi gasped and lurched back. Her lips were tingling and she was staring at Remus in shock. 
"I know I should've asked first," he said softly, "I wasn't thinking." 
"But you—" 
"Love is love, no matter how romantic or platonic or alterous. And I could see myself falling headfirst in a vat of battery acid for you, no romance required." 
"You don't have to do that," she said with a shy laugh. Remus beamed, proud that he could bring that sound out of her. 
"So we went to school together, and you were too shy to say anything to me, huh?" 
"You were—are so confident and bold, and you had friends, it was intimidating, and I was really just a nobody with self esteem issues and I avoided you as much as I could. The easiest way to do that was spending time with Roman." 
"Hmm, well it would be really funny if you were the hot emo who always had headphones and a spiderweb backpack! I had such a mesh it was embarrassing!" 
"Oh god," Vi groaned and went bright red, "I still have that backpack." 
"Okay now I definitely need your number and I need to take you on a date!" Remus laughed, "I can be covert if you like!" 
"Please? I don't need the paparazzi tearing into me because I'm an edgy trans woman." 
"The only one tearing into you is gonna be me!" Remus jeered. Vi shook her head and readjusted herself. 
"Go watch the show, my shift is over in five so I'll find you, before Jan can rub it in," Vi said, "And don't think you're gonna be the one tearing into anyone." 
"I'm looking forward to proving Pat right! And getting to know you!" Remus grinned and waved impishly before trotting off to join his co-star. 
Unfortunately for Remus, he missed Janice's performance, but he was able to take his seat by the lovers without drawing attention to himself. 
"There you are, Remus," Jan hummed and ran her fingers through Pat's hair, "finally tired of your biggest fan?" 
"Nope! I just wanted to check in on you and tell you that I owe Pattycake a puppy!" 
"You found your soulmate!" Pat gasped and sat up. Remus nodded excitedly with a bright grin. Pat squeaked and hugged him, far too excited to contain herself. 
"Did you meet them or did you finally see something?" Pat squealed, "Do you know what they look like? Are they handsome?" 
"Darling, let him breathe," Janus hummed, "One question at a time." 
"I finally got to see and I met my soulmate," Remus giggled and shimmied excitedly. Pat was so happy, hanging off his every word. Jan was more interested in the figure looming towards them. 
"And she is the most beautiful woman with the most sultry voice and she could burn me alive with her stare!" Remus gushed, and swooned, leaning into the seat, "And I want her to step on me."
"That's no way to describe someone to your witnesses," Vi said and sat next to Remus. Remus leaned against her and beamed. 
"Well, this is an unexpected twist," Jan hummed with a smirk. Vi flipped her off and flipped her hair over her shoulder. 
"Sounds like you expected it," Remus giggled and wrapped his arm around Vi. She leaned against him and placed her hand on his thigh.
"I did, but I didn't expect you to be so, adoring," Jan hummed. Remus shrugged. 
"It's not romantic adoration, it's all about power, beauty, the macabre, personal connection, and lust!" 
"Lust?" Pat squeaked and inched closer to Jan.
"I'm a horny little bastard!" Remus giggled, "And it takes a lot to tame me!" 
"I doubt it," Vi jeered.
"You would be the first to say that!" Remus jeered. 
"Wait until your brother hears!" Pat gasped, looking for any reason to change the topic. 
"He's known since high school. He'll be insufferable," Vi sighed, "More insufferable than Remus' rabid fans who hate his soulmate because he's not theirs and he won't ever see them like that." 
"They what?" Remus gasped. 
"They're usually kids. They get over it. Online I actually like to claim that yes, your soulmate is a raging bitch who would whip you and make you beg for the tiniest scrap of love," Vi said with a tiny smirk. 
"You shouldn't be so mean to yourself, and you shouldn't lie just to belittle yourself either," Pat pouted. Vi shrugged and glanced at Remus. He was fighting back a fit of giggles.
"I'm not lying," she said softly. Remus' jaw dropped before a gleeful giggle escaped him. 
"You really are my soulmate! Please tell me you have more than just whips and begging in mind!" he squealed and kissed her cheek, pulling her closer. 
"I'll tell you more about it when we go on a real date." 
"There's a nice diner that Jan and I go to, it's quaint and it doesn't have a pretty face, and it's open 24/7," Pat suggested. 
"Are you free tonight?" Remus asked.
"No. I'm supposed to be going to a diner with my soulmate," Vi teased. Remus laughed brightly. Yeah, he was more than happy with his soulmate.
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