#fics - sunset curve not sunset straight
innytoes · 1 year
Willex soulmate au (depending on the depth of the soulmate connection you can usually get impressions of your soulmate's emotions if they're running high, sometimes get a moment of seeing through their eyes. Rare experiences of actual body switching moments have been recorded. Alex's anxiety causes body switching in moments of acute "I don't want to be here/deal with this" :D)
-It starts when Alex is young and upset and is trying not to be because he's a big kid at school now and big kids aren't supposed to cry when they fall and hurt their knee because then the even bigger kids will make fun of them and Luke can't get another detention trying to fight someone.
He's trying not to cry, when all of a sudden he feels a burst of happiness both in his chest and somehow far away. He has his eyes squeezed shut and sees a flash of feet, of sky, feels like he's soaring.
He doesn't feel upset after that.
-Somewhere far away, Willie lands in a heap on the sand, laughing from where he jumped off the swings at the highest point. He can feel the upset leaving his soulmate, and if Uncle Caleb sighs about the state of his clothes when he gets home, it doesn't matter.
-Okay so body switching is supposed to be rare. In the fairy tales, it's in times of grave danger that the lovers swap places and defeat whatever evil is keeping them apart.
-NOT WHEN YOU HAVE ANXIETY APPARENTLY. Willie learns a lot about Alex starting when he's thirteen. He tries to keep it a secret when he's in classes, taking notes for Alex because else he'll be MORE anxious when he gets back, but also doodling little hearts and silly things in the margins.
-Alex' parents can't tell when he and Willie switch, but Reggie always can. Bobby's 50/50, but Alex once wrote him a little note he's also accused Alex of being Willie at random times when he was just being himself. Luke can only when they're playing music because Willie can't drum for shit.
-Alex is terrified, especially when they switch out when Willie is with Caleb. Because Caleb is scary and imposing and also Alex kind of feels in awe of him because he's so confident and gay and sparkly and himself.
-Caleb catches on after like, two or three times because whenever Alex is around, Willie's smart mouth disappears and he goes all quiet. He spends the first two times after that grilling Alex about who he is which DOES NOT HELP the anxiety. The next few times after that he's nice though, and they talk about music, and art, and Being Gay With Disapproving Parents.
-At night, if Alex is worrying, Willie sneaks out of the house to skateboard and tries to send feelings of freedom and joy his way.
-Similarly, if Willie is upset, Alex gets out his drums and whales on them, or puts on his walkman and dances up a storm.
-Sometimes Alex is just dreamily sitting there with his eyes closed while the guys rag him about Willie, but he doesn't care because Willie is so damn happy it makes him happy too.
-Alex wasn't there for most of his parent's reaction to his coming out. Willie wrote it down for him, and got pretty concerned when he only switched back like two hours later. He spent the entire time with his (Alex') head held high while silently thinking: wow you people suck.
-The one time Alex swapped with Willie and immediately said 'no no no we have a gig in five minutes' and Caleb dragged him somewhere quiet and made him do breathing exercises. He made the gig.
-One time they got caught in a loop of rapidly switching back and forth because Alex was anxious about something but Willie had just jumped into a shopping cart at the top of a very large and steep hill to go wheeee.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Marry Me
pairing: anakin skywalker x female reader
warnings: kissing, fluff, insecure anakin
summary: anakin proposes to you and your wedding
a/n: lmao this was taken straight from my anakin fic on wattpad but it makes a good oneshot too, on wattpad it is an x oc though
song: perfect - ed sheeran
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Anakin and you are in the bedroom of a house that you two were temporarily staying at. Anakin is wearing a long sleeved shirt with the front buttons open.
He sits next to you on the bed and looks down. He frowns at his mechanic hand.
You look at him and see him try to cover the hand, "Ani?"
"What's wrong? Is it the arm? Is it hurting you?"
"No, love," he kisses your head.
"Well why are you trying to hide it," you frown at him.
"Well, I- do you think it looks bad?"
You then realize that he's insecure about it, your heart hurts.
"Ani," you whisper, "nothing, and I mean nothing, about you is or looks bad. That arm will not change a single thing I feel for you. I think it makes you look strong," you smile.
"No buts!" You pick up the mechanical hand, he watches you as you kiss it. You continue to kiss each of the knuckles. His eyes water.
You leave a few more soft kisses on it and gently place it down. You look up at him and wipe his tears. You leave a gentle kiss on his lips, "I love you. No matter what."
"I love you," he hugs you and rests his chin on your head for a moment. He stands up and walks onto the balcony, pulling you with him. He turns to you as you gaze at the unreal sunset.
"Y/n," he whispers. You look at him and he reaches into his pocket. He opens a small box and you look at the most gorgeous ring you have ever seen. "Marry me."
"Ani... I- what about the Jedi?"
"I don't care about that. I love you. You are my life. Marry me," he whispers.
"I'll marry you," tears fall down your face and you smiles. Anakin grabs your left hand and places a kiss on it, he slides the ring on as he looks into your eyes.
He pulls you into a love filled kiss. He kisses you like his life depended on it. Your lips on each other, so perfect it's like they were made for one another.
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In a garden on Naboo, there are waterfalls in the back, flowers everywhere, a bright sun, and the air is warm.
There is an archway decorated with the most beautiful flowers and vines. A Naboo holy man stands underneath.
There are three chairs on the grass. Anakin stands under the arch in a suit, nervously looking around.
Then, Padmé walks out with some flower petals, she grins at the nervous boy and winks as she throws some petals into a path. When she's done she takes a seat in one of the chairs.
Next is Artoo and Threepio. Artoo happily bleeps his way down the path with Threepio walking next to him. They get to the holy man and give him the rings. Threepio then takes his seat and Artoo stands next to him.
Lastly, are you with Obi-Wan on your arm.
You are wearing a white wedding gown. It has some very, very, light pastel flowers embroidered onto the skirt. It's made out of a soft and flowy fabric that elegantly drapes over your curves. The dress has an ethereal effect and it has a medium length train. The beautiful layers of the skirt fabric are cascading down like a waterfall.
Your hair is in a stunning, but somewhat loose, bun in the back of her head, you also have flowers in your hair. You have light makeup on with the biggest smile on your face.
Anakin has tears falling down his face at the mere sight of her, he has to bite his lip to stop it from wobbling. He quickly wipes away the tears and swallows nervously.
You get to the end of the aisle and face Anakin. Obi-Wan walks to his seat and sits down. The holy man starts his wedding speech and they get the vows. After they exchange their loving words, they both are crying again. Obi-Wan smiles, he's more than happy for you both, as is Padmé.
"Anakin Skywalker, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"Y/n L/n, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"Repeat after me," the holy man says. "I, Anakin Skywalker, take you Y/n L/n, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."
Anakin repeats the words with a smile.
The holy man turns to you, "I, Y/n L/n, take you Anakin Skywalker, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."
You repeat and then place the ring on Anakin's finger and he places the other on yours.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Anakin grins and pulls you into a kiss as Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Threepio clap. Artoo lets out joyful whistles and bleeps.
You pull apart, and some flower petals gently fall on and around them. Your foreheads are connected for a moment and Anakin whispers, "My darling love, my wife."
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A couple of my OCs who won't be appearing until a fair bit later in Hearing Problems won't get out of my goddamn head, so I gotta do a thing, please forgive me.
Here's a rough outline of their character profiles without giving away too many plot points.
These are my boys. Know them both like the back of my hand, have been dealing with them for literal decades.
So here we have the captain and first mate of the Hurricane pirates, Lyon D. Rollo and Janx.
Their general dynamic in a nutshell, pulled from an old fic:
Janx shot a glare at his captain, and then elbowed him into an innocent bystander. Lyon turned to apologize, but instead decided, as Janx had at that moment, that it would be a better idea to run, as it was actually a Marine that Lyon had just been elbowed into. Behind him he heard the man yelling, "Vice-Admiral! Lyon just ran off down the street!"
They took a detour down a back road and slowed down a little.
"Well, I guess we won't be skipping off into the sunset anytime soon, will we?" Janx said bitterly.
"Skipping? Definitely not. Running wildly toward it with a hundred or so heavily armed Marines chasing us? Very possibly."
That's them. That's my idiots.
Lyon first.
Age: (during Hearing Problems) Late 30s to early 40s. Hard to say since he honestly won't give a definitive answer, been lying about how old he was since he joined Roger's crew as a cabin boy/apprentice and hasn't really been able to get it straight since. Around the same age as Shanks and Buggy, give or take a year or two.
face claim is Josh Upshaw, edited for eye color; younger face claim is Berthold Rothas, hair and eyes edited, age late teens to early twenties
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Art by me
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Wild dark blonde hair that he keeps around shoulder length or longer, may be tied back in a loose ponytail. Honey brown eyes, short dark facial hair. Around 5'11" height, broad shoulders, lean build.
Black tricorne hat (replacement for the tricorne he gave his daughter twenty years ago), loose button shirts or t-shirts, loose comfortable pants, cloth belts, long black or dark blue overcoat. Silver oval locket he keeps tucked into his collar, with pictures of his late wife and daughter enclosed in it.
Primary weapon is a curved cutlass. Also often carries an old classical acoustic guitar; can't actually play the thing, it's just a reminder of home.
Personality: Oh the poor sweet dumbass. He's not exactly stupid; he's actually quite well-spoken and well-read, but he has all the common sense of a thumb tack. Was gullible to a fault in his younger years, and while age has eased that off a bit it hasn't done away with the issue entirely. Strongly prefers negotiation over physical altercation, but doesn't shy away from a fight at all if it becomes a necessity. Absolutely will deck anyone for shit-talking his mother. Hates Marines with a burning passion. Bit brooding at times, but mostly fun-loving. Strong sense of ambition—no interest in becoming King of the Pirates since that honestly just sounds like too much responsibility, but he's quite intent on racking up the highest bounty in known history.
Blades: If it has a sharp edge, Lyon can wield it fairly well, but he has a strong preference for one-handed swords, in particular sabres and cutlasses. He can easily go toe-to-toe with Shanks in a swordfight.
Devil Fruit: Kaze Kaze no Mi (Logia type: Wind). When Lyon initially left home at twelve, he really had no navigational skills whatsoever, and following the Log Posse he had stolen led him to an uninhabited island full of nothing but trees and beasts. Bordering on starvation while he waited for the log posse to set, he happened across a tree full of fruit. Being twelve years old and honestly not the brightest bulb in the box, he noticed one particular fruit that stood out due to its bright colors and shape, and he decided he wanted that one. Tasted disgusting, but he had climbed a damned tree to get it and he was hungry, so he dealt with it begrudgingly. Once he was back out on the sea, he realized by total accident that he could now control the wind (wind wasn't blowing and sloop was crawling along, he got impatient about it and started literally shouting at the wind to just blow already and it listened). Had no knowledge of devil fruits at the time and didn't really know what was going on until he joined Roger's crew and found out devil fruits were a thing and he had eaten one. Roger found this hilarious of course, though Lyon's abilities did cause them a bit of trouble; they were difficult to control, and if he wasn't careful he could end up altering wind and ocean currents and causing a literal hurricane.
Haki: Very adept with Armament Haki (Busoshoku), fairly adept with Conquerer's Haki (Haoshoku). Observation Haki (Kenbunshoku) not so much.
Music: Try though he may he has never managed to learn to play any instrument, which annoys him to absolutely no end because his mother was talented with several; but he has quite a lovely singing voice, and has penned a good few shanties in his time on the sea.
Helena Lionne (OC): His mother, who raised him more or less on her own. He was unaware she had been a pirate until he was around ten years old, when one of her old crewmates got a little too drunk and spilled the beans. She didn't want him to follow in her footsteps, but he ended up doing so anyway, stealing a sloop and a log posse from their island when he was twelve years old and setting out on his own. He's fiercely proud to call himself her son and took a variation of her surname rather than his father's.
Monkey D. Garp: The initial source of his hatred for Marines. Absolutely not his father and if anyone suggests it he WILL fight.
Monkey D. Dragon: Much older brother (more than ten years older), weren't close in their youth but have recently reconnected due to mutual interests.
Janx (OC): First mate, best frienemies, pretty much brothers. Janx probably never would have become a pirate if it hadn't been for Lyon. They bicker like an old married couple, but they also balance each other and they'd both lay their lives on the line for each other.
Sedna Lyon, nee. Beckman: The love of his life, his original first mate, briefly his wife, who died tragically amid a firefight with the Marines barely an hour after their daughter was born. They barely had two years together, but he still firmly believes they were soulmates, and he's never truly loved any other woman since he lost her.
Karimi Lionne (OC): His daughter and only child, who he hasn't seen in twenty years; left her in the care of his mother after she accidentally ate a devil fruit aboard his ship when she was three years old. Believes her to have died in the massacre that killed his mother and destroyed the village where he grew up.
Red Haired Shanks: Best friends in their youth, Shanks was essentially responsible for recruiting Lyon into Roger's crew. Hard to say which of them is actually older due to Lyon's tendency to lie about his age, but Shanks is definitely the older brother figure here since Lyon was such a gullible little shit. They set out together after Roger's execution, as allies rather than actual crewmates since they both intended to be captains, and parted ways as friends once they had both gathered enough crew to handle a ship.
Benn Beckman: First mate of the Red-Hair pirates, and also technically his brother-in-law. Benn still blames Lyon for the death of his younger sister and essentially hates his guts. Refers to him almost exclusively as Lyon D. Dipshit.
Buggy: Once a good friend aboard Roger's crew, but Lyon hasn't heard from him since they went their separate ways after Roger's execution. Buggy used to prank Lyon relentlessly when Lyon was younger and more gullible, but it was all in good fun. Mostly.
Hurricane pirates: Captain thereof, though presently disbanded for personal reasons.
Red-Hair pirates: Strong ally, though they haven't heard from him in nearly a decade
Aaaand now Janx (who I may or may not have named after the strongest liquor in the galaxy, a la Old Janx Spirit from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
Age: 42
Appearance: (face claim, after literal years of not being sure, is Bruce Campbell c. ARMY OF DARKNESS, except bright blue hair. Voice claim as well. Basically just picture Ash with blue hair and that's our boy. Young face claim is Trent Ford for late teens-early twenties.)
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Bright blue hair, slicked back from forehead and temples, not quite shoulder length. Big bright blue eyes that he has no problem using to get himself out of trouble. Clean shaved. Square jaw, square shoulders, trim build, about 6'3" height. Rarely seen without a shit-eating grin.
Tank top with black and white horizontal stripes, loose black pants with several pockets and belt loops to attach belts and guns.
The trope of characters being patted down and innumerable weapons being removed from their person is Janx in a nutshell. He never has less than six guns on him (two revolvers, two flintlock pistols, a rifle across his back, a sawed-off double barrel shotgun at his hip, probably a few knives in strategic locations, and a pair of brass knuckles for particularly sticky situations). Also has an altered gun holster at his belt where he carries a corked bottle of either liquor or some other flammable liquid, for use in making a quick molotov cocktail for distraction.
Personality: My beloved idiot, I haven't written him in literal years but he still lives rent free in my head twenty-four-seven. He's not very well read, and every other word out of his mouth is probably a profanity, but he's got enough street smarts and common sense to make up for it. There's no filter between his brain and his mouth. None, at all. I'd say he's a womanizer but that wouldn't be totally accurate, he's pan af. Basically if it can be fucked and is willing then he's going for it. There is absolutely no question that he has ADHD, with severe executive dysfunction. Everything is a chore, just let him vibe. Gives not one single iota of a fuck what anyone thinks of him. Eternally the life of the party. Cannot say no to a bet or a dare. Will start a bar brawl, throw a punch or two, and then quietly back out of it just to revel in the chaos he has created. Fiercely protective of his comrades and chosen family, especially his captain, and would lay his life on the line for any of them.
Firearms: Whether it's building them, maintenance, or shooting, he's your man. His father was proficient in carpentry and gunsmithing, and Janx took to the latter far more than the former. He could disassemble and rebuild any firearm put in front of him by the time he was eight years old. And shooting? You could throw a pebble in the air and he could shoot it down without batting an eye. Quick reload time even with flintlock weapons. If it uses gunpowder, he knows everything about it—and if he doesn't, give him five minutes and he'll be all but a certified expert.
Charisma/conning: He could sell ice to an Eskimo. He could convince you that he owns an entire island. He spent the better part of his formative years scamming people to make ends meet and he's turned it into an art form. If he had never become a pirate, he still would have been a successful conman.
Gunsmithing and carpentry: He had a fair knowledge of both from apprenticing under his father, but definitely more knowledge when it comes to gunsmithing. He can handle minor repairs around the ship, but not anything major. But when It comes to guns, he's the one to ask.
Chaos: If havoc need be wreaked, he's got it. He has a serious talent for it, is pretty much the embodiment of chaos. He absolutely revels in it, and if a distraction is needed, he has it handled.
Haki: Armament haki (Busoshoku), and even more adept with it than his captain; and fairly adept with Observation haki (Kenbunshoku), which goes hand in hand with his talents for both charisma and chaos.
Lyon D. Rollo (OC): That's his captain, but that's also his lil bro. You fuck with him, you fuck with Janx, and you do not want to f with Janx.
Karimi Lionne (OC): That's his babygirl, basically his niece, see above for further instruction. If he considers someone family, you do NOT f with them. Would protect that child with his life, even if she does irritate the everloving hell out of him. Like Lyon, he is under the impression she lost her life along with her grandmother ten years ago, amid the massacre of Conch Cove.
Helena Lionne (OC): MILF. Does not care at all if it makes his captain uncomfortable, if he can bag The Siren then that's fucking bragging rights. Only actually met her once, when they made it to her island to take Karimi there, and he literally bowed down and pledged his undying loyalty on the spot. Helena did not help the situation by flirting right back, and Janx has spent the past two decades occasionally referring to his captain as "son" to get under his skin.
Monkey D. Garp: Government trash, no other opinions.
Monkey D. Dragon: Pretty cool dude, if a little intense.
Red-Haired Shanks: Also his bro, these two are not allowed to drink together unsupervised under any circumstances. Last time they did was over twenty years ago, around the time Janx joined up with Lyon, and it ended up resulting in Janx's first ever bounty because they decided it would be fun to incite a brawl in a primarily Marine tavern.
Benn Beckman: Considers Janx an absolute menace to society and is probably not wrong.
Buggy: Literally his younger brother, by blood. They haven't seen each other since Buggy was nine years old and Janx was thirteen or fourteen; they didn't part ways well. Janx still hated pirates at the time. Their father was killed by pirates, along with the majority of their hometown. They avoided death because Janx, at eight years old, convinced said pirates that they were children of a noble and worth taking for ransom. When said pirates learned otherwise, they were sold to a noble as servants, who treated them as less than human and had a tendency to punish them violently for insubordination. Janx ended up murdering the man at ten years old when one of said punishments nearly killed his younger brother, by smothering him in his sleep with a pillow, and then incited a riot among the other servants at the estate that allowed himself and Buggy to escape on a stolen brig without any notice and get as far away as possible. Janx remained fiercely opposed to pirates, used his skills in carpentry and conning to make ends meet for the two of them; but Buggy, having been much younger and not having any vivid memories of their father or their home, ended up being enticed into joining Roger's crew as a cabin boy/apprentice at around nine years old. Begged Janx to come with him but he refused, and the resulting argument between the brothers ended with them essentially disowning each other. Janx still regrets it almost three decades later, and still keeps an ear out for any news of his younger brother; he doubts there's any chance of making ammends at this point, but he would still to this day give his life to keep him safe.
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skz-streamer · 11 months
A Lost Cause- Teaser (2/3)
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Pairing: Felix (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, slight smut?
Warnings: mentions of suicide, scarred wrist, pain, car crash, PTSD, abusive/toxic boyfriend, substances, abuse, bruising, crying, um... lmk if I missed anything else❤️
Notes: This is just a teaser!!! things that are in the genre and warnings part might not be in the teaser...be patient 😘. Fic will be posted tomorow :)
Word count: 509;)
A Week Later
Your eyes snap open, the clock on your bedside table reads ‘5:00am’ shit. You had a feeling this would happen, sleep early and wake up early. You grabbed your phone giving up the thought of trying to go back to bed again, you had tried that already and it didn’t work. Like at all. Nothing was open at this time. Ugh what were you supposed to do now? You drag yourself out of bed and slug to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. You get your cast off in another week, it was kinda depressing to look at actually. Usually most casts would be decorated with hearts or names and even little messages, but yours was just a plain white. In fact it was starting to get a little gray around the edges. Maybe if you were with your ex he would’ve- the coffee pot loudly beeps interrupting your thoughts, goddd why were you so hung up over him?
You decide to go out for a walk, maybe some fresh air would be good for you, there is actually a really pretty bridge near your house. It overlooked the ocean. It was pretty nice in the morning, known for providing a beautiful view of sunrises and sunsets. You quickly change into a messy outfit, you just throw on some jean shorts and a tank top. You grab a jacket and head out, looking at yourself in the mirror for the first time in a while, you look different. It’s a cleaner look, smoother skin with no bruises or scratches ruining your skin. Your top perfectly showed the little inward curve your waist had, you didn’t have an ‘hourglass body’ but you were happy with what you had. 
Gladly the bridge was a walkable distance from your apartment, you still didn’t have a car. Gosh there were so many things to sort out. You really tried not to think about all of the things you needed to do…not to mention your job, you hoped you hadn’t lost that. All your worries were blown away as soon as you felt the cold breeze hit your hair. You loved the ocean, the idea that so much was hidden in it scared you and intrigued you at the same time. You felt inclined towards it. You continue to stroll down the bridge, the waves crashing against nearby rocks, the sounds of seagulls, it was all beautiful to you. 
Not looking where you’re walking you bump into someone, sending your coffee to spill all over yourself. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry” you stutter out. “No I should be sorry, look at yourself” he replies, it’s a familiar voice almost like Feli- you find yourself looking straight into his eyes. You had tried your very best to not think about him, especially since what happened in the hospital, it was a mistake. Mistake? That didn’t seem like the right word, maybe an accident? You didn’t mean to lunge at Felix after your ex left, but you felt safe with him, warm.
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lathalea · 2 years
“I think I’m going crazy” with Scott White, please. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hello, Fizzy! I bet you didn't see that coming 😇
Here is my reply to your ask - and it also happens to be the fic for the Armitage Summer Splash event. Hope you'll like it :)
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Trope: Werewolf/Vampire Quote: “I feel like everyone has abandoned me.” Image: link
Relationships: Dr Scott White x F!Reader (Sleepwalker)
Rating: M
You can find this fic on AO3.
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The Girl in the White Dress
Sometimes I think I am going crazy.
Sometimes I think I have finally found what I have been searching for. 
Every single night I close my eyes and dream of you. I don’t know who you are or where you come from, but I see your face and notice the way you smile every time you look at me from between the trees. I don’t need to know your name. You are my Girl in the White Dress and I’m just a man who fell in love with a dream.
Some nights we take a walk in the birch grove and even though it all happens in my head, I see the surroundings as vividly as if we were truly there. I can smell the flowers along the path. I feel the warmth of your hand in mine. I clearly remember every sensation, every word you say. You tell me about what makes you happy. I tell you about my oneirology research. You tell me about your days. I tell you about that perfect sunset I’ve seen once in Italy.
The scent of your perfume fills my lungs. Your face is so close to mine.
My damn alarm clock rings. 
I open my eyes.
I’m alone again.
We are in the same grove again. This time it is filled with cypress trees instead of birches.
The sun hangs high in the sky; you wink and blow me a kiss.
“You are beautiful,” I say, unable to take my eyes off you even for a second.
“Try to catch me,” you chuckle, gathering the flowing fabric of your skirt, and then you start running. Your silky hair billows behind you like the waves of Lake Como. Your bare feet barely touch the ground.
I follow you as fast as I can, noticing how the trees give way to a meadow, a stone path, and then to a building that looks like a palace straight from the postcards one sometimes receives from southern Europe. I don’t remember this place, but it feels familiar. Have I been here before? Have you?
I catch you by the ornate metal gate, pull you into my arms and taste the laughter on your lips. You throw your hands around my neck. Do you feel how well your body fits against mine? 
You lead me through lengthy corridors decorated with countless paintings and sculptures. It is clear that you know where we are going even if I do not. We enter a bedroom with a four-poster bed standing in the middle. The bedsheets are as white as your dress. While we kiss, I free you from the layers of its soft fabric and then carry you to the bed. My lips explore your body. So titillating. So sweet. So real. All mine to cherish. My fingers follow every single of your lovely curves, covering every single mound and hollow. I can’t get enough of you and your little moans. When I burrow myself deep inside you, the world ceases to exist. We let our passion consume us again and again, until the sun sets and then rises again. You whisper my name. I’m drunk with you and I don’t want to sober up. Ever.
I don’t want to wake up.
My alarm clock mocks me with its ringing. 
“I feel like everyone has abandoned me,” you say, sitting on the low stone wall that faces the lake. The sun is setting. Its golden light reflects in the tears that shine in your eyes.
I scoop you into my lap and wrap my arms around you. Your cheeks taste like seawater. The wind plays with your hair. You whisper your sorrows into my ear. I hold you tight until your sobs subside. I know all will be well in the end.
“You are not a dream, are you, Scott?” you tilt your head.
“I am as real as you are,” I admit. I have been waiting for you to ask me this question for a while now.
“I want to see you. But not in a dream,” you say. “Tell me how I can find you. Please?”
This is when I brush a stray strand of your hair out of your face and make a promise, “I will be the one who finds you, love.”
When I say these words, I look into your mesmerizing eyes. What is their color? 
Look into the mirror and you will see.
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📜Here is the masterlist for Week 3 of the Armitage Summer Splash event. 📜
General taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed): @fizzyxcustard @shrimpsthings​ @dark-angel-is-back @sherala007 @amelia307 @anyaspidergirl-blog @jotink78 @rachel1959 @saltwater-in-the-afternoon @linasofia @legolasbadass @yourqueenunderthemountain @reblogunderthemountain @guardianofrivendell @elrawienthewhite @tschrist1 @nelleedraws @beenovel @vee-vee-writes @mcchiberry @dumbassunderthemountain @errruvande @laurfilijames @emrfangirl @s0ftd3m0n @lilith15000 @kami-chan1512 @ragsweas @enchantzz @aduialel @myselfandfantasy @thewhiteladyofrohan @elliepie1226 @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @blairsanne @fckmini @clumsy-wonderland @wormsmith @mailinsblogofstuff @medusas-hairband @xxbyimm @guylty
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invisibleraven · 2 years
I am probably way too late but I wish you would write a fic where...its turns into a weird game amongst the band, who can fluster the other first by being flirty. . .a fun game everyone enjoys until real feelings start to get involved. Any pairing/group.
Bleh I am sooooooo sorry this is so late, work has been hell. I slightly skewed from your prompt, I hope you don't mind!
If you ask any one of Sunset Curve's fans, they will tell you that Reggie is a consummate flirt. Every member of the front row of their gigs, regardless of gender can be the recipient of a wink, a crooked grin, or a blown kiss from him. After the show he can be seen chatting up any number of fans, signing shirts, accepting numbers.
But he never goes home with any of them. Not that he could anyway, he just doesn't operate that way. He has to feel something for someone before he could ever even think about them in that way.
Reggie knows that maybe he's a bit of a tease, but flirting is fun, without the chance of getting his heart broken. Plus it's always fun to see exactly how far he has to push to fluster someone.
So when they're playing a show at Eats & Beats, it doesn't take long for Reggie to spot the girl he wants to fluster that evening. She's sitting at the bar, tall pink drink in her hands, but she's singing along to every word of their music. Foot tapping against the bars of her stool, but not on the floor bouncing along with the rest of the crowd. He's immediately intrigued.
Plus, she's like super cute. Long, dark curly hair that flows like a waterfall, soft looking brown skin, and a hint of a smile that Reggie itches to make bloom. She doesn't seem to being focusing on any member of the band, but when he catches her eye, Reggie can't help but wink at her, delighting when she ducks her head, a faint blush highlighting her cheeks.
Once the set ends, their instruments stashed, Alex heads for the table where Willie is waiting, Luke goes with Bobby to discuss booking another gig. And Reggie heads straight for the captivating girl at the bar.
He finds her, finishing off her drink, and he takes the shot. "Hey gorgeous, can I buy you another?"
The girl looks at him, almost surprised to find him there, leaning against the bar offering to buy her a new drink. Her gaze is appraising, and a slow smile breaks her face, making Reggie grin even wider at the small gap in her teeth, the warm brown of her eyes. "I dunno, can you?" she retorts, making a small snort of laughter escape Reggie's throat.
He waves down the bartender, ordering a hard cider for himself, and "Whatever the lovely lady next to me wants."
"And what if I want the top shelf stuff? Can you afford that rock star?" she asks, but her grin betrays her. Reggie flashes his credit card, reiterating that she can order whatever she wants. She looks impressed, then surprises him by telling the bartender to get her another Pink Squirrel. "What, it's like a boozy milkshake!"
"I mean, there is nothing wrong with that," Reggie replies, inching closer, pushing his sweaty hair back off his forehead. "So, did you like the show? I saw you singing along."
"Eh, it was alright," she replies, giggling madly when he has an affronted look. "Yeah, it was amazing and you know it! I'm a big fan actually. So I already know how this works."
"H-how what works?" Reggie asks, nodding his thanks at the bartender, opening his drink and taking a swig.
She takes a sip, long and loud, finally looking at him through devastating long and sooty lashes. "I've seen you at other shows. Seen you pick up girls and guys alike, but you never follow through. So am I the next conquest?"
Reggie's face screwed up at that. "I... do not like that concept. It's never a conquest. It's just a bit of fun, flirting. None of them really expect anything from me. Plus I get to meet some fun people, make them feel good. What's the harm in that?"
She paused at that. "Nothing I suppose. I guess I'm more for flirting to lead somewhere. Getting to know one another, you know?"
"You're right of course, that's what most people do. I guess I don't want to disappoint anyone, when the flirty rock star turns out to be a giant nerd who likes country music, math, and puppy videos," Reggie replied, fiddling with the hem of his flannel.
"Well see, I like all of those things, and I am much more into nerds than musicians," the girl replied, taking another long sip of her drink. "So how about this, you hit me with your best line, and if it works, you can have my number, no obligation to ever call. But if it doesn't... you give me yours, and see how long we go with disappointment."
Reggie nearly choked on the sip of his drink that he had taken as she spoke, coughing violently, finally righting himself. "Y-you're not like most girls are you?"
She shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. Hit me with your line and maybe you'll find out. Hit me with your best shot."
"Oh, Pat Benatar, you know the way to my heart," Reggie said, then sucked in a breath, turning on the charm. Leaning in, close enough that he could see the different facets of colour in her eyes. Close enough that she gasped slightly, but didn't back up. "I saw you singing before, looking so happy. I'd love to give you a private show later, see how well we play together, and what notes I can make you hit."
Despite the little giggle she let out, Reggie was delighted to note how flushed her face became. "Oh, that was terrible. But fair is fair, you can have my number." she scrambled for a napkin, writing down a string of numbers. "Thanks for the laugh. It was fun. I'm kind of sorry we won't get to do it again."
With that she got up from her stool, heading towards the door. But Reggie snatched up the napkin, looking at her retreat, and he had to yell and ask. "Wait, what's your name?"
"It's Julie!" she called back, giving a flirty little wave before she walked out.
"Julie..." Reggie breathed out, and entered the number into his phone, her name ending with a heart. He was sure if he wanted to, he could find any other number of fans to flirt with that night, but somehow, this one was different.
Instead he headed home after checking in with the guys, staring at the ten little digits, and took a chance, sending a message.
Reggie: Hey, it's Reggie, the flirt from the bar? Would you like to not be disappointed by each other over coffee maybe?
Julie💜: Took you long enough. Tomorrow at two at Jitters on Grove & Elm?
Reggie: It's a date
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
Sunset Curve not Sunset Straight (post season 1)
Caleb!Nick flirted with Julie but he was too smooth so Luke followed him
Caleb!Nick didn’t bother checking if he was being followed so Luke found out no problem
Turns out he was planning on wiping Julie off the board so the band had no choice but to go back to him
Luke tells the ghost squad and Willie looks all nervous
Turns out there was something he didn’t them - when you give your soul to someone - or you’re just that powerful - you’re soul can be manifested into a physical object and bcs Caleb’s cheesy, they’re coins (yes like from Legends/Constantine)
Meanwhile, Trevor finds out about the ghost situation bcs he goes to visit Julie to ask her about the band and hears her talking to Carlos about the boys and he’s like holy shit-
He tells her he was listening and just wants to help bcs how he hurt them bcs he knows taking their songs was shitty but he was kid and told that it was honouring them bcs ‘who’d want to listen to a song by a bunch of dead teens- people’d just cry and awkwardly ignore it but music from an up-and-coming young musician? That they’d listen to and that way you’d honour them by letting people hear their music’
So Luke walks in at that moment and is like hey we can make this work
So he tells Julie to get rid of him for now and explains the situation to her and his plan and she agrees
So they ask for his help
He says sorry (addressing the boys) and Carrie walks in bcs she was waiting for her dad in the car and got bored and shes like who are you talking to-
And they explain that Julie’s band was Trevor’s old bad from the 90s and show her the demo with their picture and she’s like holy crap
Like father like daughter lol
So he ‘stumbles’ into the ghost club and is like woah- and he joins bcs yk he’s a rich double agent
He gains Caleb’s trust (while Nick sleeps (bcs human bodies need to recharge), he goes back to the club)
Willie is in hiding but sneaks the boys in regardless and sends them in the direction of Caleb’s private quarters
They find the coin but Caleb finds Willie and he keeps Willie’s coin on him
When they sneak out they see Willie in Caleb’s grasp - him and his soul coin
They were just planning on blackmailing the magician with the coin but Willie’s existence was endanger so they had to do something
They knew how to summon things so they did the opposite - the used all their strength to try and banish the coin but jack shit happened but Caleb noticed and was in pain he was weaker so Willie managed to poof next to them but they were all toast
The club band members saw and went hell no bcs yea they liked their gig but they had eternity to figure out how to make themselves tangible - they weren’t gonna let him ruin another kid’s afterlife
So they all help the boys banish the coin and Caleb screams and is banished with it (will he return at some point? No clue 😉)
Nick is freed from Caleb but finds out he can now see ghosts/they’re tangible to him like okay then
He figures shit out but accidently lets it slip to his cousin Kayla and she’s like ‘so that’s what Carries been hiding lmao at least its not like a secret girlfriend’ and she’s weirdly chill with it all but hey that’s Kayla
and now the squad is Julie, Alex, Reggie, Luke, Flynn, Willie, Nick, Carrie and Kayla
this will probably change when season 2 comes out but hey for now this is my canon
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
not sure if u are still taking this but, celebrity/fan au for JUKEE 🤭
Okay this one's a little involved but I got you!
Rated T for mentions of sex and maybe some language
Julie tugs against the rather short dress Flynn had squeezed her in, not caring for how much she looks like a glorified candy wrapper in the shimmering gold.
She feels like she's some Ferrer Roche, waiting to be devoured.
Which seems to be her intention for tonight because she's insane, and so is her bestie Flynn, because she's supposed to grab the attention of a certain someone in this club.
Her motives for tonight sound like they come straight out of a Wattpad story, but her boyfriend- or well maybe an ex boyfriend now'- forced her hand.
So a year ago, right around the time they started dating, they both disclosed their 'hall passes'. Just a list of celebrities they were both 'allowed' to cheat on their partners with. It was fun. Just to see who the other person would pick. 
It was harmless because the whole point is that these people are so famous, so far out of reach, that the odds of hooking up with them would be essentially impossible.
Nick's was the lead singer of the world famous pop group Dirty Candi. And Julie remembers drunkenly applauding the choice ("She's pretty! Wowww you like them Bubblegum Pop girls?")
They had a laugh that night and Julie doesn't really consider that hall pass conversation all that much since then-
-Until fast forward to last week when Nick disclosed to her that he ran into Carrie Wilson at an event. And then promptly disclosed to her that he invoked his 'Hall Pass' rights.
His rights?! She had exploded at him, and he claims that its no big deal. That he thought she would understand that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, a crazy set of circumstances, and that- 'Holy shit Jules, she was actually into me. Like what?'
Understandably, Julie stormed out and has been staying with Flynn for the time being. And it must have been the haze of crying and watching a lot of true crime series to cheer herself up that she and Flynn concocted this... plan.
One fueled by spite and pettiness.
Get back at Nick, make him jealous, make him feel how she did- by invoking her own 'Hall Pass' rights- 
-which so happens to be Sunset Curve frontman, Luke Patterson... 
"There he is" Flynn whispers from their corner of the club and Julie gulps.
"I don't think I can do this," Julie hisses at Flynn, when they spot him at the bar, nursing a drink with his bandmates like he usually would (they did their research). 
See, Julie’s been a fan of Luke’s for a long time. Ever since she heard ‘Now or Never’ in freshman year of high school, she’s been hooked onto their music- especially Luke and his voice and playing. 
She had their posters on her bedroom wall and had been that girl who would (when no one’s looking) press her fingers to her lips then press them against Luke’s image before going to bed. 
It was that bad. 
And Julie had probably fantasized on more than one occasion of meeting him and all the other scenarios you would picture in a typical Celeb x Reader scenario. 
And she’d like to think she grew out of it, now she’s in her mid-twenties and just casually listens to Sunset Curve, following up on their careers every now and then. 
But you can never really shake your first major celebrity crush. Hence he had been on her so called ‘Hall Pass’ list. 
(”You into rockstars, Jules?” Nick had teased her that night.)
Seeing him there, in the same place as her, is so surreal, but Flynn’s continued pinches to her arm remind her just how real this is. 
“This is ridiculous,” Julie crosses her arms, ready to bow out because what is she thinking? Why would Luke Patterson pick her up, of all people, at the bar? It’s like a supermodel runway in here, filled with girls more accomplished and famous. Her confidence is shaken a bit and she rethinks everything. 
"Nick didn't seem to have a problem when he did it," Flynn points out, “And girl, you look great. He would be blind to not want you.” 
The mention of Nick still boils her blood, which only reaffirms her plans for revenge. She’s still nervous but they both stand up from their booth and walk over to the bar. 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend,” 
“No. You’re musician extraordinaire, Julie Molina! The world may not have heard about you, but they will one day. I bet that’s something you can talk to him about. Music? Lyrics?” 
Julie could use her songwriting credentials to her advantage, “I mean I guess-” 
“Quick, he’s getting up!” 
“Flynn, wait I’m not-” 
With a forceful push, Flynn sends Julie into the path of Luke Patterson, colliding into him and effectively spilling his drink all over her dress. 
“Oh my god,” Luke gapes at her, “I am so sorry-” 
Julie fans herself, shaking slightly from the fact she’s drenched and also that her freakin’ high school celebrity crush is looking at her, actually talking to her. 
But she recovers quickly, and she speaks, “It’s fine. Really. I guess I’m just... clumsy.” She shoots a glare at Flynn, who merely winks and retreats to their booth. 
Luke grimaces and takes her by the hand, leading her somewhere, napkins in his other hand, “Here, let’s get you cleaned up. Again, I’m sorry. Hate to ruin a pretty... dress.”
It’s the way he eyes her that catches Julie off guard. He’s... not talking about the dress, is he? 
Julie reels it back in tries her hand at a joke, “I wouldn’t call this a dress. I feel like fancy leftovers in this thing.” 
Luke stifles a laugh, “Okay, I mean I wasn’t gonna say anything but yeah. I guess it’s a bit tin foil-y.”
“Not your style?”
His gaze drifts over to her one last time, “Well, any way to take a meal back home is fine by me. I mean-” Luke scrunches his nose, wincing, “I didn’t- I didn’t mean it like that. Shit. That was too... much. Are we-” he laughs nervously, “Are we still... talking about food?”
“Unless you just called me a meal. Then no.” 
The look in his eyes say that he’s absolutely mortified, “...yeah. I think I did. I was hoping that was a nightmare.” 
“Nope, it definitely happened,” 
“Feel free to slap me,” 
Julie giggles, somewhat delirious because she hasn’t tried to flirt with him but here Luke is, flirting with her. Or trying. And failing. Like a far cry from the suave rockstar she had pictured him to be. 
“No need. Just, can you-?” she points to the napkins he’s holding hostage. 
“Oh yeah. Here,” They stop in front of the coat check, and he hands her the napkins so she could try herself off with the best she can.
Suddenly, a weight falls onto her shoulders, she looks up and sees Luke draping a jacket over her- his presumably. 
“You looked cold,”
Julie wraps the jacket tight against her, relishing in the warmth, “Wow, thanks.”
Luke smiled and stepped back, “Just so you know, if I made you feel weird in any way, I’d like to throw out my third ‘sorry’ of the night. Nothing has to happen though. So, just say the word and I’ll leave you alone.”
Whew. Um, okay. Julie stands there, faced with this decision. 
The compliments aside (she will revisit those later), Luke’s giving her an out. Any reservations she has about moving forward with this plan, this is her chance to leave. 
She could just treasure these amazing few minutes for the rest of her life. This could be a story to tell friends at a dinner party, about the time a rockstar lent her his jacket. Would be up there with the time Jack Black passed her on the street and said “Nice hat!”. 
Maybe she wants to see where this goes. 
“All this talk about food is making me hungry though...” she says and Luke lights up, “I could go for a bite to eat.” 
Luke snaps his fingers, “I know just the place.” 
Half an hour later, Julie and Flynn are in a smelly alleyway with the guys from Sunset Curve, in line for a street dog cart just a couple blocks away. 
“An Oldsmobile?” Julie gawked after hearing Luke and the guys describe the delicacy, “Are you trying to poison me?”
“I swear by it,” Luke insists, taking her hand and moving them up in the line. Flynn sees this and doesn’t comment, but Julie’s starting to get used to Luke doing that, “You have to try!”  
Julie doesn't know when she got over her initial starstruck, but by now its so easy to treat Luke like a regular person.
Well, celebrities are all regular people in the end, but more so now that he and his friends, have their sleeves rolled up, smiles wide, ready to dig into what may be the most disgusting hot dog she has ever seen.
Julie takes a bite out of hers and her eyes widen. Wow. It's not terrible.
"Ayy! We got another one, boys" Reggie laughs, noting her reaction.
"Told ya" Luke needles her sides and she giggles, ticklish. Her knee jerk reaction is to playfully shove him, but in the process accidentally smeared some mustard onto his face.
Luke goes to lick it off with his tongue, making funny faces as he did which amused Julie even more.
"Here," she takes a napkin and wipes at his cheek, "Now we're even."
The whole group gets to talking over by the couches, while Flynn chats up the other boys, Julie and Luke are sequestered in their own corner, and yes, eventually the topic switches to music.
"Wait, so you know Rose and the Petal Pushers?" Luke chokes out, "Like everyone I talk to hasn't heard of them!"
"Yup. Have their record actually" Julie beams proudly, censoring out the part that its her mom's band and hence she has one of the few records ever released.
Luke is floored by that and continues to poke her brain for music and Julie finds that their spiels go on naturally, that she could probably talk with Luke for hours and hours.
Which ends up happening. Flynn had already made her escape, having texted her to come home safely, the boys had gone too, leaving them in the nearly empty lot.
When the food truck closes down for the night, they end up taking a stroll down the streets of L.A, talking and getting to know each other.
Julie learns so much about Luke, things she's never heard about from the press- like his songwriting practice, that he cries at Finding Nemo, and that he can do a cartwheel only when drunk.
And in return Julie shares with him her crazy college stories, how she misses her mom sometimes, and that she is encyclopedia of commercial jingles (a fact Luke exploits by rapidly quizzing her at random moments)
Somehow they end up near the beach, with Julie pointing out the different stars she could see, but finds that Luke isn't looking at the sky.
"Hey, Julie..." He gets her attention, "I had a really good time tonight."
"Me too"
"So... would it be alright, if I kiss you?"
Julie's mouth parts, speechless. It happened. Holy shit it happened or... is happening. She has Luke exactly where she wants him.
She could only nod and Luke takes it as the sign to lean in, but just as his lips is about to brush against hers, she freaks-
"Wait" she steps back. Luke opens his mouth, "No. No more 'sorry's from you. This one's one me. I'm sorry but... this- this" She sighs, "I have to be honest with you."
Then she tells Luke everything- Nick, The Hall Pass, her plans for tonight- basically admitting to using him.
When she's done, she expects for Luke to get angry, to leave in a huff and never want to see her again.
That's not what happens.
"This Nick guy sounds like a piece of work" he says.
Julie nods slowly, "Yeah... I guess he was. So maybe that's why I did it. But I don't think I could have gone through with it. Like I don't think we're together, me and Nick but-"
"You wouldn't want to do what he did. Because you don't want to hurt people," Luke surmises, understanding, "And by doing that, that means you're a better person than he is."
"I guess"
"No Julie, you're a good person" Luke insists, "Man, I think that makes me like you even more."
Julie laughs, "God, if my high school self could see me now..."
"You were a big fan?"
"I'm not having this conversation right now with you,"
"Okay cuz now you got me curious-"
Julie swats his shoulder but it doesn't deter the guy from snickering.
On a more serious note though-
"I think..." Julie hums, "I think this means that I got some stuff to work through. Before I could start considering... this."
"I understand"
"But thank you... Luke. For tonight"
"It's been real, Julie,"Luke smiles and pulls her in for a half hug, "And you should keep the jacket. Looks better on you anyway."
Julie goes back to Flynn's that night and her bestie's still awake, wanting all the deets. But there's not much to tell. Nothing happened.
She shrugs off the jacket and resigns to the couch, not caring that her makeup is still on. She's about ready to pass out.
Her phone dings.
She pulls it out and sees two notifications.
luke_patterson is now following you
luke_patterson is requesting to message you.
Curious, she accepts the request.
'here if you want to talk, Tin Foil :P'
Julie rolls her eyes and collapses onto the couch, sleeping with a smile on her face.
She doesn't know it now, but the oncoming years would be filled with more messages back and forth, meetups with their friends for more shady street food, building a solid foundation of friendship and eventually, when Luke asks again if he could kiss her, Julie would eagerly prop herself on her toes to close the gap.
Yeah, Julie's high school self would definitely be screaming...
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moony221b · 3 years
thank you jatp 18+ server for
* helping me improve my writing
* supporting my art and helping me get better
* being there for me and helping me through panic attacks
* helping me discover i’m bi and supporting me unconditionally
* metaphorically fighting my mom when she’s being homophobic
* beta-ing my fics
* encouraging me and helping me take a break from social media to get my paper done
* giving me advice and tips for dealing with my adhd
* adopting me
* marrying me
* reminding me to take my medicine
* helping me with medical/health questions
* googling things for me bc i was too freaked out to think about that simple solution
* constantly encouraging me and loving me
* buying my art on redbubble when i thought no one would
* loving me despite the fact that i use light mode
* putting up with my strange knife obsession
* getting on vc with me at 4 am bc i was scared that someone was in my house even though it was nothing
* checking up on me and making sure i’m ok
* making sure i eat and hydrate
* staying up way too late to give me moral support as i wrote my fic
* listening to me give the same speech a dozen times bc i was nervous about public speaking
* not paying attention in english in order to help me brain storm a fic
* watching movies with me
* hyping my art and fics
* validating me when i need it even when i’m annoying about it
* listening to me vent about my cousin’s toxic fiancé a whole bunch and not holding it against me when i got sweary
* helping me through spirals
* never judging me for my beliefs
* continuing to try to help me find solutions to problems even when i’m being difficult about it
* distracting me when my family brings up my triggers
* helping me rationalize when i’m too panicked/scared to think straight
* making sure i don’t stay up too late and holding me accountable when i say goodnight but am active on tumblr twenty minutes later
* making me a subtle pride icon so i can be proud of my sexuality without being outed to my friends
* helping me with my math homework
* reading my crappy research paper for no reason other then to support me
* listening to me infodump about a hyperfixation even if it’s not one you know about
* never making fun of me for not cussing or being sheltered
* listening to my analysis about a show you’ve never seen
* loving me no matter what i do or who i love or who i am
i love you guys so much more then you could ever know and i can’t thank you enough for being my family💖
@willexmagic @alexthedrummerboy @wide-eyed--wonderer @vioislit @reggiehasadhd @sunset-curve-my-beloved @the-anxious-gay-drummer @reggiepetersbass @ghost-band @theobligatedklutz @caliibee @blush-and-books @willexx @conradconreg @literal-ray-of-sunshine @phanhowell @thedeathdeelers @jaskiers-sweetkiss @rhyming-fellowship @lukesorangebeanie @hearjessroar @thegirlfulloffandoms @romantiquesnouvelles @alexmercermolina @oozing-chemistry @willexxmercer @littledancersun @gaystreetsmarts @fiddlepickdouglas @lyra-pador @reggies-bass @sunsetcurbed @a-dream-so-alive @whimiscalliterature @reggiephantom @relicmaster445 @unsaid-emily @sam-i-am612 @finally-free-phantoms @dreams-and-bones @thesevenumbrellas @bobbywilsonsupremacy @star-astro @cmon-reginald @sunsetcurvesoldout @meangirlsx @holy-trinity-of-one-braincell @trevor-wilson-covington @bored-weather
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Grant You a Universe | Luke Patterson
Requested: Yes/No
wait because here me out, Luke as a quarterback AU like— imagine that, yeah imma request that, a luke quarterback au pls 🥺BUT HES THE COCKY GET ALL THE GIRLS QUARTERBACK YEAH YEAH AND READER IS POPULAR BUT THEY DON’T DATE BUT EVERYONE WANTS THEM TO BE THE POPULAR COUPLE CLICHÉ OMG
A/N: This is the longest I ever worked on a fic, I think? I hope you like it! 
Pairing: 90′s!Luke x Reader
Song(s) used: None (WHAT?! Yeah, I know, shocking!)
Warnings: Cheating, implied abuse, party, drinking, someone is drunk, aggression
Words:  6,868
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The first time he saw her was Freshman year during football tryouts. While he was on the field, trying to pay attention to whatever the coach was blabbing about, she was running around it. Her ponytail whipping around her head as her feet pounded against the red gravel of the race rink. She was a flash of pink and brown hair, but it was enough for Luke to become infatuated with her. He didn’t even care when he became the quarterback that year. All he cared about was her. He needed to know who she was and ask her on a date, even if it were the last thing he did.  
The first time he ever spoke to her was a few days later, after their first game in Freshman year. She was sitting in the bleachers, cheering on the team, and Luke couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter as this beautiful girl cheered him on with every touchdown he scored. 
After the game, she came down to say hi to Bobby, the team’s Running Back and the girl’s best friend. Luke knew this. He had seen the two of them together a lot during lunches and in the hallways, but never dared to ask the boy that became a friend of his too, what this girl’s name was or what her deal was. 
But the fact that she came to say hi to him, gave Luke an opportunity to talk to her, too. “Hey, Bobbers, nice touchdowns,” the girl teased her best friend, who hadn’t scored any today. He did assist on some of Luke’s touchdowns. 
“Oh, shut it, y/n,” Bobby muttered and shoved her in the shoulder. He turned when Luke patted him on the back as he joined the group. “Good game, Patterson,” he said to the floppy haired boy next to him. The boy who couldn’t keep his eyes off his best friend for one second. 
“You too, Bobbers,” he repeated y/n’s nickname for her best friend, earning an eyebrow raise from the girl he’s been crushing for a week straight now. Even her eyes were captivating. The dark brown reflected gold in the setting sun.    
“You making fun of my nicknames, Patterson?” she asked, one corner of her mouth tugging up into a smirk. The boy became a stuttering mess at the teasing tone in her voice. 
“No, I uhm… I-I…” he scratched the back of his neck at a loss for words. “I’m Luke, by the way.” Y/N giggle reached his ears like a sweet lullaby. She shook her head at the boy. 
“Oh, I know.” 
Her straightforward reply haunted his brain for years to follow. He never knew what it meant but it became the thing that started a blossoming friendship. A friendship that made them the infamous ‘it-couple-that-wasn’t-a-couple’ by junior year. A title neither of you wanted, being in the ‘popular’ clique was already too much. 
“Chicaaaas!” Luke called out as he and Bobby walked into the student lounge where y/n and Lydia, her best friend and captain of the cheerleading team, were having some tea and chatting about girl stuff -- as Luke himself liked to say. “Party tonight at Alexis Bryan’s place, are we going or?” he rubbed his hands together as if he’d just concocted the greatest scheme of all time. 
Y/N smiled up at both boys and said, “Lyds and I were actually talking about having a sleepover tonight and making a puzzle together.” The two boys groaned and rolled their eyes at her answer. “What?” she asked. 
“You sound like two grandmas!” Bobby exclaimed and ran his hand through his dark hair. 
“Hey! No hate against grandmas!” Lydia exclaimed with a scowl on her face. Bobby raised his hands in defense before everyone turned to Luke, who was looking down at y/n. 
“I don’t know, Luke… I really don’t feel like running into Matt tonight.” 
“Come on, y/n. I’m literally nothing with my party partner in crime!” His eyes begged and pleaded, which was something y/n hadn’t quite learned how to resist yet. She’d tried to. Many a time. But she always had to give in eventually. 
Even now. “Fine,” she said. “But you’re gonna have to promise to dance with me!” Luke rolled his eyes at the compromise, but couldn’t help the smile finding its way to his cheeks. No matter how hard it was for y/n to say no to Luke, it was twice as hard for him to say no to her. 
“Fine,” he grumbled. 
That night, as y/n took her scalding hot shower in preparation for the party, she reminisced over the past few years and how much her life changed since she started high school. Her mind wandered over the first day, when she clung to Bobby’s bicep because she was so scared of all the new things around her. She remembered how tiny and scared she felt, but all of that washed away when Bobby reassured her he wouldn’t leave her side. Only when he went to try out for football and she tried out for the running team. Then her mind jumped to the day she met Luke at the football game and how he immediately caught her attention. Ever since that day, her life had become this big-ass chaos. If it weren’t for Luke, she would probably just be part of the sprint relay team. But thanks to being so close to the quarterback, y/n was popular by association. Though, she wouldn’t change it for the world. What she would change was how all her dates had always been scared of Luke. All except for one. Matthew. He somehow managed to get through Luke’s and Bobby’s shield of brotherly protection -- as they called it. The two had been together for a few months until the whispers started. Whispers about Matthew cheating on y/n, or y/n cheating on Matthew with Luke. None of which was very healthy for the relationship, so they broke it off. 
It would’ve been friendly if she didn’t see Matthew the day after their break up kissing one of her teammates. That’s when she knew the whispers about him weren’t just rumors. Even up until this day, she wondered if her sister ever had a thing with him, like the whispers suggested. 
As her Ace of Base CD played on her stereo, she started to make a move-on with her outfit and makeup. She opted for a black body con dress with spaghetti straps that accentuated her curves in just the right places. For her makeup, she decided on a neutral look and swiped the light browny color across her eyelids. 
By the time she started applying her mascara, there was a light tapping on her window. She turned around to find Luke on the small balcony at your window. He was wearing his Screams from The Attic band tee with the sleeves cut off and his trusty black jeans, decorated with the infamous chains and blue rabbit’s foot. 
She opened the window door to let him in and turned to grab her shoes. “Hey, you re--wowza!” he cut himself off when his eyes took in every inch of the girl in front of him. A blush crept to y/n’ cheeks as she strapped the black heels on. “That’s a fly outfit, girl.” 
“Thanks, Patterson. Let’s bounce, yeah?” 
Luke climbed over the stone enclosure of the balcony and carefully let himself hang down from the bottom before letting go and landing gracefully on his feet. He whispered a ‘yes’ under his breath before looking up to find y/n climbing over as elegantly as she could. Though, with that dress on, she was about to flash someone and the lucky recipient of the little sneak peek was of course Luke. 
“Is today a special occasion?” he asked. Y/N turned her head to look down at Luke while hanging onto the balcony for dear life. “You only wear red lingerie on special occasions.” 
“Why are you looking down my dress, you creep?” The giggle that followed the words reassured Luke that she wasn’t offended by it. It was a typical thing to bicker about in their friendship. 
“You flashed your knickers at me, Peaches, don’t blame me.” He held his hands up in defense, shooting her a sheepish look. Y/N scoffed at that and rolled her eyes before dropping down to hang from the balcony the same way Luke had done. 
“You are so lucky I love you,” she mumbled and then screamed, “Patterson, think fast!” She let go, and hoped Luke would be fast enough to catch her since she wasn’t going to stick the landing on her heels quite as much as Luke did. Thankfully though, Luke’s fast reflexes made him move underneath her just in time to catch her, bridal style. 
Their eyes locked for a moment, both of them suddenly realizing how close they really were. A smile made its way to y/n’s features and she leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek before flicking her legs out of his grasp and patting his chest twice. 
“Thanks, buddy. That was like a crazy trust fall.” 
Leaving Luke behind to reflect on whatever just happened, y/n skipped towards Bobby’s car and got into the passenger’s seat. She planted a kiss on Bobby's cheek and then turned around as Luke got in the back, finding two other boys she knew all too well. 
 “‘sup homies?” she grinned cheesily at the blonde and brunette she knew as Alex and Reggie. The two other members of Sunset Curve, the band Bobby and Luke formed when they met in freshman year. 
The two boys smiled back at y/n while Luke gave her a glare, probably because she stole his seat in the front. However, y/n didn’t care or notice, for that matter. Her mind was wrapped up in something else instead. 
“So, Alex…” she started, capturing the blond guy’s attention. “How was your date with Driss?” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, and it sent a scarlet color up to Alex’s cheeks. Even though his parents didn’t care for his sexual orientation, he was glad his friends supported him, even if that meant y/n’s curiosity in his dating life. 
“It was okay…” he replied humbly, but y/n wasn’t y/n if she let this slide. 
“Where did he take you? What did you do? What did you wear?” she gasped, “Did you kiss?” The boys collectively chuckled at y/n’s antics. All of them had endured her searching for cute date stories. 
“He took me to this really pretty lake where we had a picnic and we screamed into the dark,” he reminisced dreamily with a tender smile on his face. Y/N’s heart melted at the sight of Alex’s happiness. It was about time he got a happy ending too. 
“Did you kiss?” she repeated her question. 
Alex exhaled, a pout forming on his face as he said, “No… But! He did ask me for a second date tomorrow!” Y/N’s face lit up entirely as she clapped her hands giddily, making Alex laugh. 
“I am so happy for you, Alex.” She reached out her hand between the two front seats, and Alex grabbed it, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. 
The car abruptly came to a stop, causing y/n to lose her balance a little. “The hell, dude?” she asked Bobby, glaring at the driver. 
“We’re here, so unless you wanna continue this little tea party, get out of my car!” Y/N glanced at the other boys, who were equally as confused about the boy’s sudden behavior. 
“Someone needs to get laid tonight,” y/n muttered while she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of Bobby’s jeep, the boys following suit. She came to a halt in front of the house, looking up at the castle of a house. Music was thumping through the white brick walls and people were bustling about on the front lawn, smoking, drinking and talking. 
“You ready?” Reggie asked, placing a hand on y/n’s left shoulder while another hand grabbed her right one. Looking up, she found Alex smiling down at her with that reassuring smile of his. When she felt another hand on her right shoulder and a kiss to the back of her head, she knew she was good to go. She had all her best friends with her. She would be fine, even if she ran into the devil’s spawn. 
“If you wanna dip, just give us the sign and we’ll bounce,” Luke told her as he stood behind her. Slowly, but surely, y/n began to nod her head, mentally preparing herself for what’s about to come. 
She'd made up a million of scenes where she’d confront Matthew, coming up with the wittiest comebacks she could possibly think of. The perfect monologue that would forever be stuck in her head since she was too much of a shy girl to actually say those out loud. She might seem like a clever, obnoxious popular girl, but deep down, she was still the little geek from Middle School at heart. 
“Good to go,” she mumbled and started her way up to the house with Alex’s hand still in hers and the other boys safely surrounding her. 
As they walked into the house, they turned a few heads and with it began the rumor mill, like it always did. There was always something to spill about the group, it seemed. 
“Y/N!” a loud shriek brought y/n back out of her thoughts. When she looked up, she found Lydia walking up to them with arms wide open. As she hugged her best friend, y/n could smell the alcohol on her. 
“Hey, Lyds,” y/n chuckled, “Been here long?” She pushed the strawberry blonde hair off her and took in her presence. She was wearing her lucky red dress with the plunging neckline, which was enough information for y/n to know her best friend was drinking for some courage to get a boy into her bed. 
“About an hour,” she slurred, and then her eyes fell on the boys behind y/n. Another shriek deafened y/n as the girl stumbled into Reggie’s arms for a hug. The boy giggled, steadying the tipsy girl. Each on their turn, the boys handed the drunk girl off to the next, knowing she wouldn’t stop until she had hugged every single one of them. “So, what are we thinking, shots?” she asked as she leaned on Bobby’s shoulder for balance. 
“I think you need some soda,” Bobby replied before grumpily grabbing Lydia’s hand and leading her towards the kitchen. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed as she watched the two walk off. Something wasn’t quite right with her best friend, she just couldn’t place a finger on what it was. 
“What’s gotten his panties in a twist?” she asked the others, who all simply shrugged. 
Within the first ten minutes, the group was split up. While y/n was talking to her running team, Alex was occupied with Driss, Reggie was playing beer pong with some people and Luke was, unsurprisingly flirting with some girl.   
Luke was notorious for his flirting with girls, so it didn’t surprise y/n too much when her eyes fell on the popular quarterback, surrounded by a bunch of cheerleaders. Though she had to admit, she loved it most when the flirting was directed at her instead of other girls. 
When their eyes locked, Luke shot her a wink with that overconfident smirk on his face that made y/n roll her eyes. After blowing him a kiss, y/n walked back into the kitchen for a refill of her beer. If she was going to survive this party, she was going to need some more party fuel. 
“Hey, y/n!” a familiar voice sounded from the other side of the kitchen. When she looked up, she found Astrid and Alexis Bryan, hostesses of tonight’s soiree. It was Astrid who’d called her name. Y/N raised her red cup at the girl as she made her way over to her, leaving her sister by herself. “How you doing?” 
“Pretty good. Nice party you got going on here,” she answered, nodding her head to the dancing students in her living room. Astrid chuckled and sipped from her own beer while leaning against the counter. 
“Yeah, it is pretty rad,” Astrid mumbled, “Though, we have to thank Alexis for that. Could never have done this myself, but she did, so…” A snicker left y/n’s body as she softly tapped her foot to the beat of the music and her eyes scanned the party. 
“Let’s go dance, hm?” Astrid held out her hand for y/n to take, which she gladly did, and let the girl lead her towards the dance floor while sipping her beer. 
It’s about time y/n let loose for once. She always used to get so worked up at parties, knowing Matthew was going to be there and she’d tell the boys she wanted to leave before it ever got any fun. But this time, she wasn’t going to let a boy ruin her fun. She was here now, she looked bomb and was having fun with some of the girls from her class. 
“Y/N!” Lydia’s voice shrieked once more as she joined y/n on the dance floor with a red cup in her hand while the other landed on the back of y/n’s neck, pulling her in to kiss her on the cheek. “You know I love you, right?” 
Y/N glanced over at Bobby, who was keeping an eye out for Lydia from a few feet away. 
“I tried to give her soda,” he shrugged. Y/N rolled her eyes as an amused smile made its way to her cheeks. “It’s your best friend,” he added with his hands raised in defense. 
Y/N reached out and grabbed Bobby’s wrist, pulling him into the group to dance. He was hesitant at first, but eventually gave in and sang along to the song at the top of his lungs while supporting Lydia in a dance. 
Soon, Reggie and Alex had joined the group too, and y/n just knew tonight would be amazing. All she ever needed were her friends, some good music and booze. 
“Having fun, sweetheart?” Y/N’s skin crawled upon hearing the voice and feeling the familiar hands on her waist. That amazing night did not include him. 
She stopped moving all together and stepped away from him, only for him to pull her closer. 
“Let go, Matt!” she yelled and tried to step away again. He twirled her around, leaving his hands firmly on her waist. His bright blue eyes looked down at her with that familiar smile of his playing at his lips. A smile that used to make her heart swell now felt like a violation. 
“Ah, you still remember the sound of my voice,” he cooed. One hand came up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I’ve missed you, y/n. I know we broke up, but I realize now that it was a mistake. We’re perfect for each other…” 
Y/N almost melted as the words reached her ears until she was reminded by the past they shared. Until she was reminded of what he’d done to her and how much it  had hurt. All the pain and sadness suddenly came back to her. She was feeling all of it again. 
She took a step back, finally freeing herself from his claws. She said, “Don’t.” Her eyes were dark and angry, her face stoic. A whole new side of y/n Matthew had never seen before. As he muttered her name, he took a step closer, wanting to hold her in his arms again. “Don’t take another step in my direction,” she said, now a lot firmer than before. “Don’t ever think you can apologize your way back into my arms, Matt.” 
The commotion had grabbed everyone’s attention so much so that even the music had stopped abruptly. Luke got up from leaning against the wall with a girl pinned against it, when he heard y/n’s voice raise, while her other friends perked up too. 
“Please, y/n… You’re the only person I ever loved. You’re the only person I still love.” 
Y/N scoffed at this and shook her head in disbelief while kissing her teeth. “Do you think I’m naive, Matt?” Matt looked up at her, pleadingly. “You really think I’d fall for your lies? After everything we’ve been through? After everything you’ve done to me?” She didn’t care who was watching, she needed to get the monologue she’d thought of in the shower out of her system. It’s now or never. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, y/n… I thought we broke up as friends?” 
A collective gasp fell over the whole entire room, followed by the usual whispers. 
“Yeah, we did. Until I found out you already had your tongue down Sam’s throat the day after. The day after, Matt! I know you were seeing her and so many other girls while we were dating. I hear the whispers too, you know? And I thought, I really thought you were speaking the truth when you told me none of the whispers were true.” Her voice wavered, but she took a deep breath and bit back the tears. She had to stay strong. 
“Fine, the rumors were true, but so what, y/n?! The whispers about you were true, too!” The volume of his voice grows, his tone sharper, firmer. Back when they were dating, y/n got scared whenever the volume of his voice rose, but not this time.   
Y/N shook her head, her tongue gliding over her teeth. “You hear whispers from people around you, saying I slept with Luke when you know damn well that Luke’s like my brother and we don’t look at each other that way. When you hear whispers, you have to scream and you’re screaming at me for being disloyal when the only one who was ever loyal in our relationship was me. I know about whispers, Matt. I saw the way you looked at my sister. At Alexis. At Amber. At Sam. So don’t you dare say I was ever the only one you loved. Because you, Matthew, don’t love anyone or care about anyone but yourself.”
Luke jammed his hands into his pockets as he listened to y/n’s words. Even though they hurt, he couldn’t help but feel proud of her for standing up to her oppressor. He watched as y/n said her final words before running up the stairs, leaving everyone confused and in a humble of even more rumors and whispers. Shaking his head, he followed y/n upstairs, finding her on the balcony at the end of the hallway. 
“So, you finally did it, huh?” His voice made her jump slightly, but she calmed down straight away when realizing it was just him. “Your monologuing in the mirror paid off.” He went to stand next to her, leaning against the concrete enclosure. 
Y/N wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, chuckling. Of course Luke would know she’d been practicing in her mirror. This had been brewing for a while and now that it was finally out in the open, lingering in the air in that living room down there, she didn’t know if she should feel relieved or scared. 
“Hey,” Luke nudged her with his shoulder, shooting a small smile, “I’m proud of you.” 
Her lips curled up into a smile before she wrapped both arms around his bicep, her head resting against his shoulder as she took a deep breath. “I can’t believe I said all of that in there,” she chuckled. 
“Yeah, me neither,” said Luke and he pressed a kiss to her hair before laying his head down on hers. “Did you see Matt’s face though? He was genuinely scared of you just then.”
Y/N scoffed and let go of him, making her way to the small bench in the corner of the small terrace. “I doubt he was scared of me. What he was, was shocked because I never talked back to him whenever we fought.” 
Luke turned around, but kept leaning against the fence, crossing his arms. “I’m glad you finally did. That asshole needed to know that what he was doing wasn’t cool. He needed to know that that’s not how you treat a woman.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow at him, leaning back on her hands. “And you know how to treat a woman.” Luke wasn’t sure if it was a question or a statement, so he didn’t answer straight away. He mulled over a good answer as he walked up to her, taking a seat next to her on the bench, their shoulders touching. 
"You know how I’d treat a woman?” he asked. 
“Please, enlighten me,” she replied. 
Luke inhaled deeply before the words poured out of him like he’d been the one monologuing this in front of his mirror. “I would treat her like a goddess. I would build her temples out of words and love and affection. I would make sure she was happy and satisfied before my own needs were fulfilled. I’d write songs to her and she’d be my muse for my music. I would build empires of paragraphs, castles of melodies inspired by her. I would flood her senses with words and make sure she knew all of that was for her. I would build her a whole new world. I’d grant her a universe filled with words and music of love.”    
Y/N let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Woah, Patterson…” Luke shrugged and offered her a shy smile before looking out into the dark night in front of them. “Careful or you’ll make me fall in love with you.” 
“That’s the intention,” he muttered, but his words were overpowered by Lydia’s shrieking. 
“Here you are!” she yelled, then turned her head to someone inside. “Bobbers! I found our love birds!” She turned her head to the two on the bench and smiled. “Come on, you guys! There’s a party downstairs! We need to celebrate y/n’s greatest victory ever!” 
“We can dip if you don’t wanna go back out there,” Luke told her as she stood up. 
“I think I’ll be okay,” she smiled thankfully at him before reaching out her hand for him to take. “Come on, let’s get jiggy!” Luke smirked before gently placing his hand in hers and letting her pull him up to his feet. 
Together, the two of them followed Lydia and Bobby back downstairs to the party, their fingers laced together as they made their way through the crowd. As if on cue, the people started to whisper again as they passed, but y/n didn’t care. She had her best friends with her, she just stood up to her ex-boyfriend, and she found out her best friend was a feminist. There’s no better night than that. She was not going to let it get ruined by a few whispers. 
For the rest of the night, y/n danced and partied with her friends until the sun came up again and it was time to head home. Like every other party night, the six of them ended up in Bobby’s garage. Luke and y/n snuggled up on his couch, Bobby and Lydia in a sleeping bag together, and Reggie and Alex spooning on an air mattress. 
Can’t get more perfect than that.   
 New week, fresh start, people always said. Y/N used to think of it as bullshit, but this time around, she could actually feel it. She felt refreshed, as if a whole new world opened up to her. As if she’d started a new chapter, nay, a new book. One with a happy continuation. One without Matt. 
Monday also meant practice after school. For all of them. The football team had practice out on the field while the sprint relay team ran around it and the cheerleaders practiced on the sidelines. It was the one extracurricular they did together without actually doing it together. 
“Hey, y/n…” a voice she recognized as Sam’s made her look away from the boys on the football field. Her voice sounded ambivalent, which confused y/n as the girl would normally be chirpy and cheery. 
“Hey, Sam. ‘Sup?” y/n gathered her long hair in both hands and tied it up at the top of her head with a bright pink scrunchie. 
“I just--I wanted to apologize for what I did…” she mumbled, her eyes cast on her fidgeting finger. Y/N had never seen her teammate like this. The otherwise lively sport nut now sounded guilty and like the light had been snuffed out of her. “I knew you and Matt were together and I still let him…” she trailed off as though saying the words would make them true. 
Y/N flinched at the mention of the boy’s name. She had hoped it wouldn’t have been brought up and besides the occasional whisper she’d caught during lunch, the objective had been quite successful. Until now. 
“I really don’t wanna talk about him right now, Sam,” y/n muttered, and when she looked up at Sam, she knew she had to say something to ease the girl’s mind. “But this wasn’t your fault. Matt should’ve not tried anything with you. He was the disloyal one, he was the one that cheated on me, not you.” A teasing grin played at y/n’s lips when she continued, “You know, unless you’re gonna tell me now you doped yourself up for practice and are gonna make me lose.” 
Sam worriedly looked up, but when she noticed the grin on y/n’s face, she immediately calmed down and couldn’t help but laugh. 
She shook her head, “No, I’m no cheater.” 
Y/N’s lips curled up into a smile as she grabbed Sam’s hand and squeezed it, letting her know the two are on good terms. Nothing should ever break up the team, especially not a boy. 
“She's talking about you, y/n?” 
Speak of the devil… 
Y/N turned around to where the voice came from, finding a tense Matt in front of her. She should’ve known there was no way of avoiding him all day today. 
“I knew you were lying to me. I knew you and Patterson were a thing and you cheated on me with him.” His voice resounded across the entire area, attracting everyone’s attention with the sudden commotion. 
The football team stopped their exercise half-way, much to the coach’s dismay, and the cheerleaders broke up their human pyramid to find out what was going on. Luke, Bobby and Lydia were the only ones of each team to give incentive to the rest of the team to walk up to the ex-couple fighting. 
“And you just kept on guilting me because I was the only one to be disloyal,” Matt grunted, shaking his head in disbelief. “I heard the whispers, y/n. I heard what happened the other night!” 
Y/N’s eyebrows rose, unimpressed at his outburst. “What did you hear this time, Matthew?” 
“You and Patterson getting dirty on the balcony at Bryan’s party!” he spat, and drops of saliva actually found their way to y/n’s face. She kissed her teeth before wiping her cheek with one forceful finger. 
“Have you learned nothing, asshole?!” y/n shouted. She wasn’t going to keep her cool anymore. Ever since Friday, she learned that she was able to stand up to herself, no matter how scary Matt could get. 
She stepped forward, erasing the space between the two as they stood chest-to-chest. Seeing this, Luke halted and averted his eyes. He thought this situation would actually give him a hand at finally asking y/n out for real, but it seemed like the two were about to make up. 
“Didn’t you learn about whispers being just that, whispers? Nothing happened between Luke and me. Not when we were dating, not at Alexis’ party. And the fact that you even dare to insinuate I would be capable of cheating just shows once more that you don’t know me and you don’t care about me.” She pressed her index finger to his chest harshly. “You are a selfish, self-indulgent prick who doesn’t deserve all the wonderful women that have thrown themselves at you. You don’t deserve anything and--” y/n flinched as she watched his hand come up and two hands pulled her away from Matt. 
“Patterson, stay out of this,” Matt growled. Y/N opened her eyes at the mention of her best friend’s name, finding him between her and her ex now. As she turned her head, Bobby was standing behind her, his hands on her shoulder. 
Matt turned back to Y/N, the growl persistent on his face. “No,” Luke said, capturing Matt’s attention once more. 
“No?” His voice was abrasive, a tone y/n had gotten used to over the years. 
“No,” Luke repeated. He glanced back at y/n before jamming his hands into his trousers and looking at Matt again. Though Luke was a lot smaller than the broad, tall teenager in front of him, his confidence was twice the size of the other footballer. “Technically, you’re pinning me down as a home wrecker, so you pretty much pulled me into this yourself.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrows at the new-found confidence. Luke was cocky and flirty around girls, but he’d never been this overly confident version of himself towards his teammates. It was refreshing to see this entirely different side from her best friend. 
“Well, yeah, because she clearly did cheat on me with you. Why else would you guys be fooling around after her little outburst to me?” The overconfidence Matt normally carried had now washed away. He hadn’t seen this side of the quarterback yet either. 
Luke let out an airy laugh, and retorted, “Yeah, well, see, that’s where you’re wrong.” He tilted his head ever so slightly, his green eyes looking up at the big, burly footballer. “There’s this misconception about our relationship, you see? Y/N and I are the best of friends, and I get it we’d look super hot together as a couple, but the sad truth is -- well, sad for me -- that Y/N has always been too busy being loyal to an asshole like you to see that. So, despite popular belief, y/n and I are just the best of friends and she deserves the world, more even, she deserves a whole-ass new universe. Which is something you can’t give her.” 
Y/N stared at her best friend in awe. She had never seen this side of him but she couldn’t say she disliked it. In fact, there was this attractiveness about an overconfident Luke defending her against her ex-boyfriend. And reciting the words in her mind, she realized something she hadn’t seen before. Luke was in love with her and he’d tried to tell her so many times before, but she took it as harmless flirting. 
Moreover, y/n realized she was in love with her best friend too. 
“But you, Matthew McSomething,” y/n chuckled at Luke’s name dig at the Scottish boy, especially with the added bonus of an attempt at a Scottish accent, “You are too self-indulgent to even give her a fraction of a world. So, unless you can actually give her more than that, stay away from her…” 
“Or what?” Matt snarled. 
“I’ll put you on the bench for the rest of the season. And we all know you can only get the girls when you’re on the field, don’t we?” 
Matt’s eyes widened at Luke’s words as the panic set in. Matthew McGregor was nothing on the bench. Even worse, he was less than nothing. On the bench, he’d get associated with Bruce Frederickson, coach’s nephew who was just there because he was family and not because he was actually good at football. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Luke murmured and then turned to the coach, who, too, had joined in the drama. “I think we can hit the showers now, can’t we, coach?” The tall man nodded his head slowly, unsure about what had just happened to his star player. He’d only ever got this confident on the field, never off. Even the coach knew that. 
As all teams dispersed, y/n grabbed a hold of her favorite cheerleader’s arm, pulling her aside while Luke and Bobby walked away. They didn’t even notice y/n’s panicked rush. 
“Lyds, I think I’m in love with my best friend,” she whispered. Her eyes were wide, her tone hurried and filled with panic. The strawberry blonde’s lips curled up into a grin as she patted her best friend’s hair. 
“Oh, we know, sweetie…” she said, confusing y/n even more, “It’s about time you admitted it.” Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head as she anxiously played around with the friendship bracelet around Lydia’s wrist. 
“I’ve been dreaming about my knight in shining armour since I was ten, Lyds. I never thought I would find it in my best friend. My best friend, Lydia!” The girl let out an endeared laugh as she tucked a flyaway behind the other girl’s ear. 
“I know, sweetie.” Her hand landed on y/n’s cheek and her thumb gently swiped across the skin. “Now, go! Tell him!” 
“Yeah! Right! Right!” she vigorously nodded her head, but she didn’t move a muscle. 
“Y/N… You’re gonna have to move if you wanna go and talk to him.” 
Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out, so she shut it again. “Right, yeah…” she swallowed a lump as the fear sank in. She had never had to tell her best friend she had feelings for him. All of this was new to her. How does one even confess that? 
“Sweetie, you can do this, okay? Just follow your gut.” Lydia’s tone was stern, but it was exactly what y/n needed to hear. “Like how you don’t calculate your moves on the track, but you just go! Like Gail Devers!” The mention of y/n’s absolute favorite athlete made her look up. 
“Gail Devers was actually very meticulous,” she corrected her best friend’s metaphor.
Lydia deadpanned, “Not the point, y/l/n.” She placed  her hands on y/n’s shoulders and turned her around, pushing her towards the field. “Now go! Shoo!” She waved her hands in a dismissive manner, and after one more hurried look, y/n sprinted across the field. “Atta girl!” she heard Lydia yell before making her way into the school, through corridors until she reached the boy’s locker room where Bobby had just walked out of.  
The boy glanced at her, and when he realized what she was there for, he nodded his head towards the closed door, giving her permission to go inside. He said, “He’s the last one in.” 
Y/N kissed Bobby on the cheek before opening the door. She was met with the stench of sweat and deodorant, but it didn’t phase her. Not today. The girl was on a mission. 
She weaved through the rows of lockers until she found him standing near a bench, zipping up his trusty black jeans, shirtless. Her eyes scanned his entire physique from head to to toe until she realized she was actually checking out her best friend in a way she hadn’t done before.
For a second, she tried to calculate her next move, but then decided to throw it all overboard, and instead marched up to him. She grabbed his face with both hands and brought him down to meet her lips. His breath hitched in his throat before melting into the kiss and bringing his hands up to her waist, pulling her closer into him. 
“Give me that whole-ass universe,” she muttered as they pulled away to come up for air. Luke huffed, a relieved smile pulling at his lips. This was what he’d been dreaming of for so long; kissing her, holding her, cherishing her. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” he replied before kissing her again. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for ages,” he added, his words disappearing into her mouth.  
“Oh, I know.” 
With the same words their friendship started, started a whole new chapter in their lives and their relationship. Everything would change now, but neither of them cared. They were granted a whole new universe. 
JATP taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @hemmingsness​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ifilwtmfc​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @rudysbay​ @thedarkqueenofavalon​​ @caitsymichelle13​​ @calamitykaty​ @wiselight​ @kcd15​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @stars-soph​ @kinda-really-lost​ @notasofti​ 
Charlie/Luke taglist: @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​ @lolychu​ @perfectlywrongformend3s​ @luckylouiebug​ @camiladelrio98​ @myfriendscallmebeans​
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Backseat (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Inspo: 80’s Films by Jon Bellion
Summary: Your boyfriend, Frankie, is convinced he peaked in high school. You, however, are here to remind him that his life can’t get any better than it is right now.
W/C: 3k
Warnings: lil bit of sadness, language, brief mention of Frankie’s addiction, Frankie’s a father, graphic smut (18+!!), PROTECTED p in v sex, oral (m and f receiving), dirty talk
A/N: I HC that Frankie is Southern and I’ll die on this hill. Hence, the light accent he has in this fic. Thanks to @miknickles and @ilikechocolatemilkh for putting up with my endless rambling, especially with making them listen to this song and agreeing that yes, josie, this is so Frankie!
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The scene before you is absolutely stunning: fireflies dance across a field of tall grass, the sky filled with pink and orange and purple and blue. You had come out here with your boyfriend, Frankie Morales, and had a lovely picnic dinner in the back of his pickup truck. The two of you had finished eating a while ago, and now rest on the edge of the dropped tailgate, wrapped in a blanket and snuggling.
Your head rests on Frankie’s shoulder and you look up at the sunset, smiling contently. He presses a kiss to the top of your head and you let your eyes fall shut. You pull the blanket tighter around the two of you, nuzzling into his side. The night air is starting to cool and Frankie radiates warmth. “What are you thinking about? How does it feel to be you?” You murmur and look up at him, eyes tracing every little line and curve in his beautifully weathered face.
“It’s gonna sound darker than you’re expecting, but… my life,” he admits with a chuckle. “Just… everything I’ve done. I really think I peaked in high school,” Frankie says, staring off at the slowly falling sun. “I was the captain of the hockey team, I had my life ahead of me. It kind of all went to shit after that. I’ve done such bad things,” he tells you, voice growing small.
You’re aware of Frankie’s past. He’s told you all about his days in the Delta Squadron, about the special ops missions he and his friends ran. He’s killed people, you know that, and had to move on in an instant. While this fact would scare many others away, you snuggle up against him, readjusting your head on his shoulder to make sure he feels your presence. “There’s no way,” you shake your head.
“Yeah, there is, babe,” he sighs, his whole body moving with the deep breath he takes. “You know that, you know what I’ve done, the things I had to do…”
You pick your head up from his shoulder, looking into his eyes. “No, I meant you definitely didn’t peak in high school,” you shake your head, a hand cupping the side of his face. “You didn’t even know me then,” you say with a soft chuckle, enjoying the way his expression softens beneath your gaze. “There’s no way, Frankie. You have this life, me and your little girl. You have a job and you have more knowledge than I could even imagine filling my head.”
Frankie shakes his head this time. “You’re the smart one, we both know that. You went to college, you’re so smart-”
“Not the same thing,” you say gently, your fingers tracing his cheeks. “You know everything there is to know about helicopters. You’ve overcome addiction. You have a daughter, you’ve got experiences across the world. You have so much knowledge just from being you, from living the life you have.”
He nods softly at that, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. Frankie presses another sweet kiss to your forehead. “When you put it that way, I guess it makes sense,” he says in agreement. Both of your voices are hushed, as if the nightfall fills you both with reverence for the stillness of the atmosphere surrounding the two of you.
“I’m always right,” you tease softly, turning your face to meet his and kissing him, your hand still cupping his cheek. You break away but keep your face close to his. “I love you so much, Francisco Morales. You are my everything, you know that? If you peaked in high school, what the hell is this?” You tease gently, knowing your sarcasm can always turn Frankie’s mood around.
His face now holds a genuine smile, warm and caring as his eyes scan your face. “This is probably the best thing in my life, yeah,” he shrugs in agreement, just as teasing, before kissing you again. It’s a little deeper, but still so gentle and so full of love that it makes your whole body warm from the inside out due to his affection. Frankie breaks away from you again, a little bit of mischief returning to that beautifully baritone voice. “Can I show you how much I mean it?” he asks, the sparkle in his eye evident.
You quirk an eyebrow as you look at him, pretending as if you have no clue what he means. “And how would you go about doing that, Frankie?” you ask, making big doe eyes up at him and feigning innocence.
“Come here you little shit,” he laughs and kisses you again, holding your face in his hands. His lips express all of the love he has for you, and push deeper and deeper as the kiss progresses. Your hands rest on his wrists, kissing back just as happily. Between kisses, you press your forehead to his for a moment and a smile graces his lips. “Backseat?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” you laugh, shedding the blanket from your shoulders and hopping off the tailgate, where the two of you had been resting. Frankie stands as well, his hands gravitating to your hips and holding you close to his own body as he kisses you again. You murmur his name into his lips as he kisses you a little harder, his hands sliding to the front of your flannel and undoing the bottom button.
His deft fingers work his way up the seam, unbuttoning them all until he slides your shirt off of your shoulders, his lips never leaving yours. You giggle as he tosses the shirt into the trunk, then breaks away to take off his own t-shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside to be with yours.
As he does so, you trace your hands over his stomach and chest. His body is toned and beautiful, a soft layer of pudge coating the muscle but still letting his strength shine through. You press a kiss to his chest, between his pecs, admiring the skin. “You’re so beautiful, Frankie,” you murmur into his skin, kissing your way down until you’re just below his navel, mouthing at the soft pouch of his stomach. He gives a soft and beautiful moan, which you unintentionally mirror as you undo his belt, tossing it into the trunk. He backs up to lean against his truck as you unzip his jeans and pull both his pants and boxers down just enough to pull out his half-hard dick.
Giving it a gentle tug, you look up to see the man already flushed and panting. “You know, I lost my virginity in my truck,” he chuckles, his fingers lacing through your hair. “Just… funny,” he gasps as you take the tip into your mouth, slowly tracing it with your tongue. “We talk about peaking in high school, I get to fuck you the same way I did in high school,” he breathes out, already overwhelmed at the feeling of your mouth around him.
You pull your mouth away, continuing to stroke him as you look up at him. “Less talking, Catfish,” you tease him with his nickname softly, and he gives a brief nod that’s followed by an obscene moan as your mouth descends down on him again. His fingers remain tangled in your hair, his body shuddering beneath you.
“Can’t help it, sweet girl,” he murmurs, his natural Southern accent coming out a little more than normal in the bliss he feels from the attention you lavish him with. “Just can’t close my mouth when yours is around me.”
You hum gently around him, his words going straight to the pooling heat between your legs. Still, you focus your attention on him first, bobbing up and down on his length, moaning when he’s fully sheathed in your mouth and starting to enter your throat. “Oh baby,” he whimpers, biting down on his lip. “Gonna make me cum like a high schooler too,” he chuckles, absolutely breathless. When you pull off of him, he holds you back before you can bob down on him again. “That’s enough of that. Slide those jeans down and hop up on the tailgate, sweetheart,” he tells you as he helps you to your feet.
You giggle a little and nod, kissing him again deeply as you undo the zipper of your jeans, pushing them down in a similar fashion to Frankie: resting around your thighs are both your jeans and your panties. You nip at his lip briefly, teasingly, before you break away, sitting on the edge of the tailgate and pushing them the rest of the way off, tossing them into the trunk behind you.
The sight of you is nearly enough to push Frankie to his tipping point. You sit on the edge of the tailgate, wearing just your bra. Your legs are spread to showcase your dripping pussy and Frankie wishes he could take a picture of this moment, the way you’re just visible in the light of the dying sun. “You’re gonna be the death of me, hermosa,” Frankie breathes as he gets on his knees, his face at just the perfect height.
You shudder and whine his name as he licks a stripe up your folds with his hot tongue. He latches his mouth around your clit, slowly beginning to suck on it with the familiarity of a man who knows everything about you. Your head falls back and you prop yourself with your arms behind you as he slips two thick fingers into you, scissoring you open lightly as he continues to lavish your clit with attention.
The stubble of his face rubs against your thighs deliciously, your legs unintentionally clamping around his face. He moans into you, switching into circling your clit with his tongue, and you cry out helplessly. “Frankie, baby,” you whimper, digging your fingers into his curls. He moans again as he feels your fingers tugging at his hair.
“Oh fuck, just like that,” you plead as he curls his fingers against the spot inside you that makes everything blurry. “Baby, harder,” you plead and he easily complies. His fingers curve harshly against your walls and you cry out, feeling the sensation building.
“I’m gonna cum, keep going just like that,” you whine to him, and Frankie continues just the same as before. A few strokes of his fingers and pulses of his tongue later, you find yourself coming apart. “Frankie,” you whine as your orgasm rocks through your body, your hot release coating Frankie’s face beneath you. He licks it all up as he works you through it, not letting up in the slightest. He finds his dick painfully hard at the way you flutter around him, finally slowing down as he can tell that you’re done.
He pulls away and removes his hand once you’re finished, smirking. His stubble and mustache are damp with your release, and he looks completely blissed out. You giggle a little and he stands, pulling you against his body. His hard dick presses against your core as he kisses you deeply, desperately.
“You want me on top of you or under you?” You ask between kisses, still panting and hot from your release just moments earlier.
“Under me. Go lie in the backseat,” he tells you as he pulls away from your lips, making a wet noise from the kiss. You nod and comply, opening the door to the back and lying down across the long bench seat. Frankie opens the door to the front seat, grabbing a condom from the center console. You remove your bra, tossing it playfully at him and laughing. You rest with your arms above your head, accentuating your tits, and when Frankie looks at you, his face tinges red and he smiles. “Such a tease.”
“Says the one who’s still wearing his jeans. You gonna fuck me in those?” You laugh, putting one leg up on the headrest of the chair in front of you, hiking your other leg up on the seat.
Frankie laughs and shakes his head, closing the front door and standing outside of the door you entered the back from. He opens the condom and slides it down on himself, shucking his jeans and boxers the rest of the way, tossing them in the trunk. He climbs in and over you, closing the door behind him. “Just like ninth grade again,” he teases you, earning a genuine laugh. You wrap a leg around him, your heel tracing up and down the back of his thigh.
The man smirks down at you, leaning his face down to yours to kiss you, his lips penetrating your mouth the way he desperately wants his dick to penetrate you. “Baby, please,” you moan into his lips, your arms still resting above your head.
“Anything for you, hermosa,” he breathes out, taking one of his hands up to pin down your wrists. The other notches himself at your entrance before slowly pushing in, biting down at his lip. “Oh fuck, angel, you feel so good,” he shudders.
“And that’s only the tip,” you laugh breathlessly, head falling back into the seat. “Come on, baby,” you egg him on, gripping his hip with your leg and whining as he pushes all the way into you. “Fuck, you’re so thick,” you groan as he bottoms out, feeling incredibly and perfectly full at the sensation of the man you love fully sheathed inside of you. “Just fuckin’ pound me,” you murmur next to his ear, kissing at his lip.
“Babe, I don’t know if this is the best place for me to do that, but I sure can try,” he says with a breathless laugh, pulling nearly all the way out of you before pushing all the way back in. That earns a dirty cry from the back of your throat, making him smile. “Oh, like that. I can do that,” he teases, burying his face in the curve of your neck and nipping at the skin there.
“Frankie, baby, please,” you shudder, grinding your hips in little circles as he’s fully inside of you. He starts to thrust and you whimper. “Just like that, keep going,” you whine, already over-sensitive from the orgasm just a few minutes ago.
“Yeah, just like that. Feel so good around me,” he murmurs into your skin, his free hand moving to your clit to circle it with the pad of his thumb. “You like this, don’t you?”
“Oh, fuck yes I do,” you nod, straining your wrists against his hand. “Let them go,” you murmur and he obliges, allowing one hand to bury itself in his curls and the other to grip his strong shoulder blade.
Frankie thrusts harder and harder, his thumb against your clit working in time to his hips. You dig your nails into his back as he hits your g-spot, earning a desperate cry from him. You moan his name as you drag your nails down his back, definitely enough to leave scratches in the morning. He groans primally at the sensation, loving every second of this.
“Fuck, make me feel so good,” you whine and bite down on your lip, stopping as he brings his lips to yours. “Frankie, honey,” you whimper into the kiss, sloppy and harsh and wet. It’s bruising, the way his hips pound into yours, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. “Gonna cum really quick, feel so good,” you murmur a few moments later.
“Yeah? Tell me how you feel as you cum, let me know everything you’re feeling,” he murmurs as he thrusts even harder.
“Fuck, so fucking good, your hands are so big and strong and your hips are so quick and you’re so big, stretching me out, hitting just the spot,” you whimper until the building feeling finally bursts, leaving you a writhing mess beneath him as you gush around his dick. “Frankie, baby, don’t stop, ah,” you cry as you slowly come down from your orgasm.
The fluttering around his dick is almost too much for him to take, but he keeps going. “I couldn’t stop if I wanted to,” he laughs, using the last bit of oxygen in his lungs. He’s gulping air from the ferocity of his thrusts. His hand moves from your clit to your thigh, gripping it tight enough to bruise. “I’m gonna, baby girl, my angel,” he breathes, the thrusts becoming sporadic.
To help him along, you clench around him, making the sensation even tighter for him. “Come on baby, come on,” you nod and murmur, the delicious overstimulation making everything in your body quiver.
It’s too much, and Frankie finally arrives, his orgasm washing over him. He spurts into the condom, his hips continuing but slowing down until he finally comes to a stop, resting fully inside you and practically collapsing on you. “Honey,” he murmurs in your ear, your sweaty chests sticking together. Your eyes finally open again to find the cab of his truck illuminated only by the moonlight, shining in and accentuating the fog that’s accumulated on the windows.
You push his head up, wanting to see his face. The light makes everything silvery blue, his eyes shining and his skin bathed in the beautiful moonlight. He’s absolutely spent, his cheeks flushed and warm to the touch. “You are the most beautiful thing, Frankie Morales,” you repeat yourself, smiling softly, bringing his face to yours for a gentle kiss.
“I think that title goes to you, babe,” he chuckles breathlessly as he finally breaks away from your kiss. “And yeah, you’re right. I definitely didn’t peak in high school, I think I just needed a night like this to remind me of that.”
“Good,” you say firmly with a nod, before your stoic expression dissolves in a fit of giggles. Frankie’s head nestles in the curve of your neck again and you press a kiss to the side of his head. “I love you so so much, baby,” you murmur, earning a tired grunt from your boyfriend. You laugh softly and wrap your arms around him, kissing the side of his head again.
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Late in the Night | Part Two
Previous Part
Pairing: One-sided ( or is it ;) ) Legolas x Female Reader
Rating: G
Word count: 1416
Warnings: None
A/n Okay friends, oops. I wrote the first chapter in the first person and suddenly decided that I want to do the rest of it in the third. This is why I usually outline my fics but this one I wrote on a whim — whoops! Sorry about that. Maybe one day I’ll go back and fix it, but for now I’ll just leave it as is. And also, I’m taking a lot of setting and characterization liberties with this story because it’s just something I want to have fun with rather than extensively plan out. Hope you don’t mind :)
Legolas’ POV
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
As he walks, Legolas berates himself, and as he berates himself, he continues to walk.
Because really, there’s no break from either.
He replays the moment from the night before over and over in his head and just can’t work it out. Something he said seemed to have damaged his relationship with Y/n. She was still friendly to him, but distant. Something he did or said or a facial expression he made, maybe, seemed to take all the warmth from their interactions, the warmth that she usually reserved just for him.
Or, he thought she did.
Maybe he was reading too much into things. Maybe there was never any special look just for him, or a softness in her voice when she said his name only, or a light in her eyes when he made her laugh. Maybe he was completely wrong, and they weren’t teetering on the edge of something more than friends.
Doesn’t she know that elves take things extremely seriously, and he wouldn’t have offered to bring her home with him, introduce her to his father and his people, and help her build a life in his homeland if he didn’t….if he didn’t….
But it doesn’t matter, he grumbles inwardly. Because it’s obvious she doesn’t feel the same way. She must have realized the gravity of what it meant when I offered, and is now trying to tell me she doesn’t want that.
But even as his head tries to convince him to let her go, to let the tenderness he feels for her fade away, his eyes find hers. She notices his gaze, and raises a questioning eyebrow. It’s accompanied by a kind smile, but that’s the smile she gives everyone. Foolishly—possessively—immaturely, he wishes to see his smile again.
He tears his eyes from hers, trying to pull himself out of his own head. Instead, he turns his focus to his senses, exploring the area around them, doing his part to keep his companions safe. After all, it’s nearly sunset, and as the light fades, so does the eyesight of many. His ears pick up on something far in the distance, and he jogs to catch up with Aragorn.
“Are you sure about this?”
Aragorn falls into step with his friend. “I have considered the risk extensively, and there is no avoiding it. We need to resupply, and I fear not only for morale but for physical health if we don’t all get a proper meal and rest safe from the elements. Besides, it’s a sizable but remote human village, quite isolated from the rest of the world. By the time news of our presence travels, we will be long gone on an alternate path.”
Legolas nods, accepting his wise friend’s assessment. Even to him, the idea of an actual rest holds great appeal — he can’t even imagine the pull it will have for his friends.
Eventually, the others begin to notice that, rather than going in a wide berth around the rising smoke that hints at a town, they head straight for it. Legolas can physically feel their excitement, and can’t stop from feeling a bit giddy himself.
Aragorn calls for a halt in the woods near the town’s gate, and the group gathers close. They are still concealed, and Legolas wonders if Aragorn has changed his mind, if he’s going to make them go back?
But thankfully, Aragorn has no such intentions. In fact, he has a very different sort of plan.
“Right,” he starts, fixing them all with a level stare. “We cannot enter all ten of us at once, that would be too conspicuous. Instead, we shall go in smaller groups that still make strategic sense. There is to be no interaction between the groups, except for pleasantries that you would exchange with anyone else. We will take staggered entrances and leave the same way, meeting up tomorrow morning a mile west. I know this town, and it has two small inns — we will split ourselves between them. Gandalf and I will go first to the inn on the West side of town. After half an hour has passed, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry — you all will join us. Shortly after I leave, so shall Boromir and Gimli, but to the inn on the East side. After a good amount of time has passed, Legolas and Y/n, you join them.”
The companions grin, finding excitement in Aragorn’s game of deception, but Legolas feels a sense of unease grow in his stomach. He has not been alone with Y/n since last night, and a tension has obviously arisen between them. He turns his head to find Y/n avoiding his gaze, but she does not protest to Aragorn’s grouping of them, so neither does he. Perhaps their time alone will give them the chance to sort out whatever he’s done to upset her.
As decided, Aragorn and Gandalf leave first, followed closely by Boromir and Gimli. Y/n sits on the ground chatting quietly with Pippin and Merry, while Legolas joins Sam to guard Frodo, as they know Aragorn would want them to do. When enough time has passed for the hobbits to leave, Y/n waves them goodbye, wishing them sweet dreams in a warm bed.
The silence of the night that Legolas had become so accustomed to is marred by the harsh nosies of the human town. It doesn’t seem to bother Y/n, who raises herself from the ground and peeks curiously through the trees. “You know, it’s the first time in months we’ve all slept apart from each other.” Legolas finds himself perplexed as Y/n shakes her head, rolling her eyes. “Gosh, I sound so codependent.”
But Legolas just smiles, knowing well the sort of bond that forms between those who fight together. “No, I understand. It will be strange. But it might be nice to have a room all to yourself. None of Gimli’s snoring to worry about.”
Y/n snorts, crossing her arms and regarding Legolas with the smile he had been aching to see all day.
But as quickly as it appears, it fades from her face, replaced with a contemplative set in her brow. She looks conflicted, but he can’t for the life of him figure out why. She doesn’t take her eyes from his, and he’s too captivated to look away. Legolas takes a step forward, the darkness and her eyes and just her calling to him, asking him to come closer. Is he imagining the spark of hope in her eyes? Valar, he prays not.
Somehow, he finds himself standing right in front of her, when just seconds ago he’d been at least a yard away. Y/n tilts her head up to look at him, and the way the moon sparkles in her eyes and lights the soft curve of her cheek — he feels his hand raise, he wanted to brush his fingers and see if it’s as smooth as it looks. He wants to hold her in his arms, and beg her to forgive him for whatever wrong he committed that kept her warmth from him that day.
Y/n worries her bottom lip, still looking up at him with those wide, guarded eyes. He sees something shift in them, and knows a decision had been made, but what?
“Legolas, I need to—”
Legolas has his bow nocked and whirls around before he even has time to fully register the sound.
He notices the squeak of hinges that accompanies the sharp smack of the wood, and lowers his bow, feeling startled still, despite the innocent nature of the noise.
“It’s alright,” he mutters to Y/n, who has only just pulled her knives from their scabbards. Absently, he feels worry for his human friend, who, with the slow reflexes that are a fault of her kin, could have already been killed, had the threat been serious. “It’s just the gate.”
“Oh.” She blinks, and puts her weapons away somewhat stiffly. “We should go, shouldn’t we? No sense in standing around in the dark longer than necessary.”
Legolas turns his head back to her, and knows the moment has passed. The certainty he saw before has vanished, and the wall between them risen again.
He returns his bow to his back, trying to ignore the crushing disappointment he feels. “Right. After you.” He waves her forward, and they start on the path to the gate.
A/n So now we’ve got a look into Legolas’ head! What did you think? Likes, comments, and reblogs make me so so happy, and let me know if you would like a tag :) 
Next part
Tag list: @angelic-kisses13 @lainphotography @anangelwhodidntfall
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In the Beginning // Alive!Luke Patterson
Summary: Reggie (Rhodes)’s older sister is the epitome of cool in his, and his friends, eyes with her in a band. Pushed by a hazel eyed brunette with a huge crush on the eldest Rhodes teen the boys decide to start a band. While at first the band is for Luke’s dream of landing you he finds his passion with music.
Warning: Swearing, angst, fluff, dad!Luke
Words: 4.1k
A/N: I couldn’t resist writing another alive!Luke fic with Luke crushing on his band mate’s sister. Ugh, just imagine Luke suggesting a band to impress his crush only to fall in love with music instead.  For my fics it will be Alex Mitchell and Reggie Rhodes until JATP reveals their canon names. 
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Los Angeles, 1992
The guitar case was a familiar heaviness as you walked into the home for the first time in months after a practice. You ached from the long travel, and all you wanted was your bed. The yawn came first, then the startled yell at the living room.
Four pairs of eyes met the girl standing in the entryway, surprised at a sleepover with her brother and his full friends. Eyebrows coming together you shook your head wondering why they had come here instead of the typical Patterson home.
“Hey!” Fourteen-year-old Reggie beamed towards his older sister excited she was back from her weekend band practice. Your eyes blinked at his usual upbeat personality before switching to the brown eyes from Bobby, too shy to full meet yours.
Spread around the living room watching a movie was Reggie’s best friends; the socially awkward Alex, the shy Bobby, and the Patterson boy Luke. The young typically spent their time at Luke’s place, so seeing them in your home was strange.
“Reg, what’s up?” You asked crouching to untie your shoes confused at the sharp audible gasp coming from Luke. Standing straight up, you saw Luke awkwardly looking away with bright red cheeks.
“How was practice?” Reggie inquired with the smile he got from your mom and his dark hair from your dad.
Reggie usually wasn’t interested in your band leading you to wonder what the hell was going on with them. Being sixteen you didn’t socialize with Reggie’s friends, thanks to the two year age gap, but you were happy he had good friends. Well, less than two years between you and Luke.
“It was good. Since when are you interested in Crimson Queen?” You questioned moving more into the room with the four young teens, “You haven’t even touched your bass in years.”
One eyebrow raised you individually looked at the boys in the room all with sheets of paper around them. From a distance, you couldn’t tell what was on them, but it couldn’t be homework. They all attended the same high school while you had done correspondence with the band and a tutor.
“Luke’s parents got him a guitar,” Reggie spoke gesturing to the decent brand new acoustic guitar on the floor beside the Patterson. Luke’s hazel eyes widening as you came closer to the group.
Your hand picking up the guitar to look it over finding it was decent for a beginner, but it was definitely not tuned. The sheer sound made you wince.
“So, you guys want to be a band?” You questioned sitting on the floor beside Luke. The boy shifting nervously, you weren’t blind that he got shy around girls, “Do you guys even play instruments?”
“I got the bass, Bobby can play rhythm guitar, Alex plays dru-“
“I wouldn’t call it proper drumming. It’s just something my therapist suggested with my anxiety and frustrations.” Alex raised his hand leading to everyone in the room looking at the tall male, recently had a growth spurt, with the backward black hat.
“And Luke will learn guitar as well.” You added, looking at the quiet, “How well can you play?”
“I don’t even know how to properly tune it,” Luke admitted playing with his fingers adorned with a ring.
Luke had chosen a cutoff shirt in an attempt to gain your attention to his arms he hoped had gotten more muscled. He had a massive crush on you but with the guys your own age he had step up; he started working out. He actually enjoyed it, but he’d enjoy it more if you were checking him out.
“You’ll need a place to practice.” You mumbled glancing out the window at the ocean waves thinking. The house was on the prime real estate edge of the beach all thanks to your well off parents; Dad, a doctor and Mom, an interior designer.
Your fingers tapped on the ripped blue jeans you had chosen that day with the flannel shirt opened over the black AC/DC t-shirt. You started standing up, grabbing Luke’s hand to pull him up as well; the boy’s cheeks grew pinker, and his heart fluttered.
“What?” Luke spluttered, staring at his hand, caught in yours in sheer awe.
“You’ll need a place to practice.” You answered, dropping is head to reach in your pocket for your key chain.
The key chain had a few keys on it: one for home, one for your car, one for the band van for gigs, one for the garage, and lastly one for the house the garage belonged to. The boys piled into the car, apprehensive for where you were taking them. The only sound was the radio playing local greatest hits, your foot slammed on the brake at the house of your bassist.
“Well Marty, this song has blown up on the charts. New band Crimson-“
“Holy shit.” You breathed staring at the radio. Your door opened as you sprinted down to the steps that led to the garage. The footsteps of the boys following.
The garage was open already with your band members lounging around the space filled with instruments and amps. Their heads swivelling as you frantic turned the radio on.
“Come on.” You mumbled, turning the radio station to the right one, “Guys listen!”
“-Crimson Queen is an LA-based band making waves in the LA Nightlife and hit the top ten with their newest song Sorry Now.” The radio host spoke, “If you haven’t heard the song before, this is the band’s new single.”
The song was blasted from the radio leading to the four girls screaming the song out dancing around the room. Euphoria was the only way you could call the feeling rising in the bodies of the girls in the place. The room burst into more screams as your drummer. Faith switched the radio station.
“Today history was made, Crimson Queen is an all-female rock band fronted by Y/N Rhodes. They started as a hobby at fifteen, but a year later at sixteen they’ve made waves.” A hit radio station, the second one so far, was talking about your band. Holy shit.
“Lucy, this band is going places. My daughter is seven years old, and she’s telling me this band is the talk of her school. I can’t tell how much Lucy listens to their demo.”
Your eyes saw Reggie having a meltdown of excitement for older sister and her band, and you were so unbelievably happy you should care the moment. You rushed over to Reggie to pull him into a hug.
“Girls…and boys.” Mrs Taylor spoke furrowing her brows at the young boys in the garage her daughter had begged to use for the band. Shaking her head, the middle-aged woman turned her attention to her daughter.
“Hey, Ma.” Dawn, your bassist, spoke spreading her pink painted lips to her perfectly straight teeth too hyped up on energy, “What’s up?”
“First congratulations on the single. Secondly, we’re gonna need to get a personal line for the band because our phone is blowing up.”
A sharp gasp from Dawn before the three of the four girls rushed to the house of the Taylor’s. You hung back to look at your brother and his band.
“So? What do you think?” You inquired with the group, “This idea of yours has to be one hundred percent what you want. It won’t be easy in LA, it will come with hardships, and Reggie Mom and Dad won’t let you drop out.”
The four boys nodded their heads because the excitement they saw in your big break was something they wanted. To be able to connect with people cemented their decision.
“Feel free to hang around.” You suggested glancing around the garage that started it all, “I’ll be back in a bit.”
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The Orpheum, Los Angeles, 1995
The crowd screamed as Crimson Queen, the song that started this road played with the girl crouching to grasp the hand of fans. At the beat of the chorus, you stood up eating up the energy of the last show of the tour. You went jumped on the drum riser rocking on the guitar as Faith did her magic.
Dawn on her bass made her way to rock with your rhythm guitarist Sara sharing grins with you still feeling the euphoria of this success. As the song came to an end, your entire band went to the front of the stage.
“We’d like to thank our fans for the last nine months of our world tour. We started this band in LA in 1991, so we thought it fit to end our tour at The Orpheum.” You spoke to the crowd, feeding off the energy as the concert came to an end.
The road crew would load your instruments up in the van to take home after months of travelling. You were so excited to see Reggie, who would be seventeen now, having celebrated his birthday while you had been in Europe. Too excited were shocked as Reggie backstage.
“Reggie!” You exclaimed tugging the teen into your arms, leaning back to take him in, “Damn you grew!”
Reggie grinned not giving a shit you were coated in sweat from performing your setlist, but your eyes went over his shoulder. Standing close and just as excited was Reggie’s friends. Alex was taller, Bobby looked more confident, and Luke could meet your eyes. Luke also had changed, no longer baby faced.
“Sunset Curve.” You spoke, stepping back to look them over, “I haven’t seen you guys in months, how did you change so much!”
“That’s what happens when you go on tour for almost a year.” Luke teased tugging you into his arms for a tight hug.
It was odd seeing Luke taller and more muscled than when you left for tour, and the confidence was honestly hot. You had seen Luke as anything other than your brother’s friend, who tended to stare a little too long.
“You played the fucking Orpheum!” Alex screamed, holding your shoulders with a wrinkled nose at the damp red thin flannel shirt. The girls wandered up behind you each with a grin at the guys.
“Well if it isn’t Sunset Swerve,” Sara spoke swinging her arm over your shoulder with a teasing smirk plastered on her face. Her blonde hair swept up in a bun high on her head from a recent shower.
“Sunset Curve!” The male quartet snapped at the name before they fell back into a happy demeanour. Luke and you both staring at each other with a pink-hued face.
Faith was quieter in the group leaning closer to your band to whisper in your ear, “Jay scored us some drinks. But MJ got us into a party.” Faith’s textured hair tickling your neck.
Grins split the three girls at the suggestion each excited for the party with fellow musicians and plus ones. Sure, the parties had drugs and alcohol, but they were fun and part of the scene. Half of you wanted to go, but the other wanted to spend time with your brother.
“I’ll think I’ll pass.” You spoke up to the girls motioning to the guys, “I’ll head back with them. Meet you at the house later?”
Your black vans moving backwards as you moved to be closer to be flush against Reggie’s side grinning as he bumped his hip against you. Sara, Faith and Dawn each raising an eyebrow at your response since you often dragged them to parties.
“Orrr…we could each take one of them.” Faith cajoled mocha skin gleaming in the light with her hands, tugging her hair into a thick braid.
“You want me to take my seventeen-year-old brother and his friends-“
“-I’m like two weeks from being eighteen-” Luke cut into the conversation buzzing at the possible date, but not date, with the girl he had been crushing on for years. He was pretty sure he was in love with you at this point; he did date a little, but nothing stuck.
“-To a party in Hollywood.” You finished pinning your gaze on the three girls ahead each with mischievous grins. Your cheeks puffed as you breathed out, thinking of the positives and negatives.
Bobby was bouncing on his heels with Reggie leaving Alex shifting uncomfortably in his place. His partially relaxed when Luke squeezed his forearm through the distressed black jean jacket that bought his outfit together. Luke himself was apprehensive on your decision because either way, he got to spend time with you.
“Come on.” Dawn implored, pulling out the big guns with her ocean blue eyes widening into the puppy gaze that did you in each time. Her curtain of short dyed pink hair framing her heart-shaped face.
“I’m going to pass this time. Do some shots for me! Not tequila though, that was a huge mistake.” Faith’s grin widened at having you carry you out of the house in the early morning after a wicked party.
“Did you ever find your tho-“
“Faith!” You hissed turning a bright red at her revelation that you definitely didn’t want Reggie to know. The atmosphere turned awkward as everyone realized what the sentence would end with.
Okay so maybe you had hooked up with a few people over the last three years but nothing permanent. It was fun, drunk fun, but still fun and nothing had gone wrong. Your eyes avoided looking at Luke for a reason you couldn’t decipher.
“I’ll see you later.” You spoke motioning for the guys to follow you to the dressing room you had settled in early in the day. The corner of your lips quirked at the awe on each of the boys’ faces.
“I’m in the dressing where bands become legends.” Reggie gasped circling the room with wide-eyed interest. Alex was interested in the band posters on the walls from previous performers.
Luke, however, was more interested in your curves covered by your sweaty stage clothing that stuck to your form. His Adam’s apple gulped as you grabbed your shower bag moving towards the connected bathroom.
“I’ll grab a shower, and we can head out.” You supplied, “I’ll just need to stop at Rudy’s office for our portion of the concert.”
The guys mumbled a response finding a place to wait without hushed conversations of when they would get to play. Luke’s eyes found yours at the low call of his name from the bathroom; a crack opened he walked over.
“Do you have a sweater?” You mumbled at the taller teen with widening eyes as he realized that you were naked behind the door.
Luke stumbled over his feet, retrieving the black pullover Crimson Queen merch he had had for months now. He had saved up money to buy the merch to support the band. The door closed as you tugged the sweater in the bathroom momentarily before walking out.
“Thanks Lu. I forget to pack a shirt.” Luke awed as your nose scrunched up adorably to the amusement of his friends, “So, do you wanna hit the beach? Or maybe give me a concert in the garage?”
Luke intertwined his fingers in yours as he tugged you out of the room with your bag in hand. His heart fluttered as you held on to his hand even in the little office of the Orpheum’s management for the thick envelope of money.
“Thanks, Rudy!” You called over your shoulder at the short, stout man going over the financials and upcoming performances.
The smell of Sunset Boulevard brought a smile remembering the first time you performed and the small group that had waited outside. The first night of autographs and recognition.
“So, Reg how’s my car?” You questioned the teen who impishly grinned tugging the key chain from his black jeans. You had given him the keys when you revealed Crimson Queen had a world tour.
“Right there.” Reggie pointed leading the group of five to the car that would take them to the garage. Reggie drove with Alex in the passenger while you were crammed between Bobby and Luke; Luke was delighted in your warmth against his side.
While your band members partied, you got a first-row seating to Sunset Curve’s talent in the garage where you had started out. It was amazing to see how much they had accomplished in the three years since they started.
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The sudden knock on the door had you flailing off the couch onto the floor with a sheet of paper stuck to your cheek. Your spine cracked as you sat up glancing at your watch, finding it was after midnight, only an hour of sleep after inspiration for a new song.
The door was knocked on once more and coming close the sound of crying could be heard, and you wondered if it was Luke. He had been over a few days in the night following a fight with his parents and needed to crash; helped you were giving dating a chance after his well-rehearsed speech.
Imagine your shock when it was Reggie sobbing, “Reggie.”
“C-can I stay here?” Reggie whimpered cuddling himself into the leather jacket he received at Christmas from you. You had inside in your arms in moments, “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Are they fighting again?” You murmured to your younger brother content to hold him as he cried. Bringing him to the living room, you held him as he cried humming under your breath the first song you ever let him see.
“Yeah. The music doesn’t work anymore.” Reggie murmured leaning back to wipe his tears off, “Sorry for crashing. I can go stay with-“
“Here. Reginald, you can always stay here.” You soothed the seventeen-year-old boy with sad eyes and a sombre look. His sad eyes shattered your heart, knowing he had suffered the fighting for months alone, “This house is empty Reg. You can move in here.”
His lip quirked up, “Can we play country music?”
“And eat breakfast at night.” You teased him grinning as his lips pulled up into his trademark grin, “The guys can come over whenever they want. I’d actually prefer they know they can stay here, they deserve a safe place to stay.”
You knew that Alex endured living with his parents, who had gone out of their way to avoid him after he came out. Luke couch surfed at your old house, never at Alex’s home; after coming out, Alex didn’t feel comfortable bringing anyone over.
“Good, because they’re outside.” Reggie sheepishly admitted raising his thumbs-up, “Go thinking ahead!”
Snorting the human version of a golden retriever you opened the front door to the house finding two guys in strange positions. Alex was inspecting the light fixture, and Luke was leaning against the wall with his elbow, foot across the other.
“You guys need lessons in the art of pretending you weren’t eavesdropping.” The sigh fell stepping aside for the two to enter the home—each carrying a backpack and small duffle bag for wherever they would have crashed.
The male trio got comfortable in the living room curiously glancing at the mess of papers, sticky notes and pencils. While with good intentions, they didn’t follow boundaries well, even for Alex.
“Whatcha working on?” Luke inquired, leaning closer to a sheet of paper. His pout coming over his face when you quickly tidied up the papers.
“Nothing. I fell asleep on the couch. The label wants new songs.” You groaned rubbing your eyes, “I got inspired last night. Oh! Hey, I took a message for you guys.”
Jogging to your office studio for the band you quickly grabbed the envelope along with the note that you had been given.
“So, Rudy called me, and I had a meeting with him.” You started sitting on the coffee table in front of the trio. The trio leaned forward.
“Rudy?” Luke questioned, pursing his lips together at the male name. While you and Luke were dating it wasn’t official, he was just really nervous with his dream girl liking him back.
“He’s the management for a venue. He asked if our band was available for a concert, but we collectively decided to focus on songs and recording, which you can’t tell anyone about, but he’s in dire need. So, I might have given him something. Specifically a demo of yours and knowing your home situations I gave my information.”
“Okay…so?” Alex questioned, leaning forward. His eyes growing wide as you pushed the envelope in his hand.
Alex quickly opened the cream envelope finding inside a paper along with a mock-up promo poster with Sunset Curve. The squeal was shocking from the teenager as he read the letter and note out loud.
I gave the demo a listen, and we usually wouldn’t do this, but Crimson Queen has been gracious with us. Always mentioning where the band got its start and closing the tour here. To repay the favour, we would formally like to invite Sunset Curve to perform. In the envelope is a mock-up poster as an option for the promo. Get the Sunset Curve’s people to get in touch. I can get the word out to some friends from some labels to come for a listen. Get in touch as soon as possible.
Manager of The Orpheum in Los Angeles,
Rudy West.
 “The Orpheum?” Luke screamed, yanking the paper from Alex to re-read it in complete shock, “We don’t have people!”
“But Crimson does.” You smirked, “On a temporary basis Crimson Queen formally offer our manager’s help.”
In his excitement, Luke lunged to pull you into a kiss freezing the room in shock.
“He got the girl.” Alex breathed elbowing Reggie in the side who’s mouth was open at his best friend kissing Reggie’s older sister. The older sister who was the driving force behind Luke wanting to form a band to impress her, “We need to tell Bobby!”
1995 was the best year for Luke Patterson. He got the girl, his band made it, his parents finally saw his dream was worth it.
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The sound of music hypnotized the woman as she wandered down the hall to the open door of the large home. Nothing too over the top like Bobby’s mansion, but it was a nice size in a gated area. Your neighbours being Reggie on one side and Alex on the other side with his partner Willie; Willie had skated into Alex and into a love story pretty much.
Resting against the door edge of the designated home studio you saw Luke had moved a rocking recliner in. Softly playing in the room was a soft acoustic song recorded months previous as a surprise for you.
“When are the lessons starting?” You questioned bringing Luke’s attention to your soft smile and the love in your eyes. Luke’s grin widened glancing down at the miniature version of his love-filled eyes.
“Given her legendary parents, I think at two.” Luke chuckled shuffling the baby to the crook of his arm shifting, so you could curl into his side as well. Both eyes gazing at the little baby you had welcomed what felt like yesterday.
Stevie could fall asleep only to the lullaby her father had created during the pregnancy, and he had written. Stevie had Luke’s eyes, and so far her blonde hair had yet to darken so the question of if she’d take after your hair or his hair was unanswered.
“Hey sweetheart.” You whispered to your daughter falling asleep to the sound of her father’s voice in the room. An adorable yawn pulled from her little body as she nestled into Luke’s arms.
“She’s so gorgeous.” Luke breathed tears welling up as he could understand the reasoning behind his parents’ opinions in his teens. He truly felt terrible at hurting his mom now that he felt the love for his child.
“We did good Patterson.” You murmured back to the man who had held your heart since you were nineteen and back from tour. Your finger tracing Steve’s soft cheek, “I think she has your mom’s mouth.”
Luke’s lips lingered on your cheek heart full of love for his family with you and his little girl. He had known since his eleventh birthday he would marry you even if you were a year older. A year that made the difference when he was months older than his friends, so the year felt like two for you. At eighteen when was tentatively dating you, he knew he would marry you. He never anticipated the sheer amount of adoration for the little girl he would have at twenty-one.
God, he loved his life. He made up with his parents, his best friends, had the girl of his dreams, the most beautiful daughter and it all thanks to music. Can you see why he lives and breathes music?
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15 @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @ssprayberrythings​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​
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aliasimagines · 4 years
One Hell of a Night // Luke Patterson
a/n: HAPPY HALLOWEEN Y'ALL, it officially passed midnight here.Are you guys going to celebrate Halloween at home? And if so are you going to dress up? Tell me all about it lovelies, I wanna hear it ❤️. prompt 18 nad 15 from this list🎃 this fic is chaotic, hope you enjoy😊
word count: 2692
warnings: a few (three i think?) curse words, and a..uhm a line of dirty talking (I'm sorry I'm not like this all the time I promise 😅) and scary stories
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The dry, colorful autumn leaves creaked under hiking boots as you walked into the woods. A smile appeared on your face as you heard some noises. Only a few seconds later you spotted the source. The Sunset Curve. The boys worked on getting the campfire lit while joking and laughing loudly. You stopped by a tree and leaned against it. Alex just hit Reggie on the back for just sitting around and not helping with putting logs and dry leaves on the fireplace. Thanks to Alex, Reggie swallowed the huge marshmello he had in his mouth and started coughing. 
Bobby was trying to light his lighter again and again but it just didn't work. That's when Luke threw a pack of matches at him causing the rhythm guitarist to stumble back and fall into a pile of leaves. You started laughing quietly and walked up to them.
"That wasn't nice of you, babe." you said from behind Luke. He jumped, not noticing you creeping up on him.
"BAH! I almost got a heart attack, y/n!" he shouts pouting. You giggled and placed a small kiss on his cheek. 
"That's what you get for not waiting for me." you smirk. Luke looks down embarrassed and goes to scrape the back of his head. 
"Yeah…Sorry about that. I was too eager to set up the camp." he gestured at the two tents. Both were full of blankets and pillows. It looked super comfortable. You also spotted his acoustic guitar, and a whole bunch of food in you guys' tent. 
"You did a great job."you smiled before walking over to the other boys." Hi guys! What's up?"
"Y/N! Finally! Tell Alex to stop hitting me!" yelled Reggie. You shook your head laughing. 
“Stop being so childish than Reginald!”
“Boys, come on!! It is halloween, have some fun!” and with that you fished out a huge bag of candy from your backpack and threw it into Reggie’s hands. He looked up at you like you were some kind of miracle maker. 
“Is this..is this all candy?” the dark haired boy asked, still in awe. You laughed, nodding your head slightly. 
“Yeah. I don’t really want to think about how much money I spent on sweets.” 
Soon after everyone got to work (this time for real) and the fire was lit in no time. Just as it started to get darker. All five of you sat around the campfire. You sat next to Luke, opposed to  Reggie and Alex. Bobby sat beside them in a camping chair. Thanks to the warm californian weather you didn’t need jackets just yet, despite being the end of october.
"It's getting dark. I think we could get started on the ghost stories?" asked Bobby looking up at the sky then around the little clearing in the woods where your tents were set up. Reggie munched on some candy corns but immediately stopped upon hearing those words. 
"Ghost stories? Don't mind if I do." he sat his candies aside and prepared to tell a story that would send shivers down your spines. You leaned over to Luke, placing your head on his shoulder. He looked down at you with a smile before turning his attention back to the bassist. 
"One day, a little boy, while walking around the woods, found a big toe on the ground. He ran home with it and-" 
"-his mom cooked it in the soup which revolted in the toe's owner haunting them." you suddenly cut Reggie off. He gasps, offended. 
"What? I knew the story. Was I supposed to just sit around?" you ask, earning a soft laugh from Luke. Reggie huffed and gestured at you. 
"Alright then, take it away y/n. See if you can do better."
"Not to be that person but she definitely can. You only said like two sentences." Alex jumped in, not wanting to miss an opportunity to roast his friend. 
"Because she cut me off!!" 
The woods, once again erupted with the boys' laughter as you stared into the fire, waiting for them to quiet down so you can start your story. 
"I was only a small kid when this happened, around five,maybe six, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. My mother was out of town for the weekend because of her work, so naturally, it was my father who read me a bedtime story in the evening. Everything was great, he was reading from my favorite book but right before he could finish the chapter we heard a quiet tapping noise from downstairs. My father looked puzzled and put his finger against his lips, signaling me to stay quiet so he could listen. The tapping didn't stop, it got louder before turning into banging and a final loud crash which sounded like the front door flying open. I looked at my father, scared to death, not knowing what to do." you kept your voice low, your face straight and never removed your eyes from the fire."He grabbed me and quickly ran with me to the small bathroom that was connected to my room. He instructed me to lock my door and only open it when he says so. I don't know what happened after that, but heard my father going down and some muffled noises before hearing him climb back up the stairs. I remember his voice. It was just so nice and comforting. He said it was a false alarm and I could come out. I reached for the doorknob but then he leaned down and looked inside through the keyhole. My little hands stopped midair. I kept staring at his eyes. He repeated that it was safe to come out and that everything was fine. But I did not believe him. Because that wasn't my father. He sounded exactly like him, but his eyes… They were a different color. Not my father's welcoming eye color. So I just stood there. For minutes. Maybe hours. He wouldn't stop talking, reassuring me but I still didn't unlock the door."
Reggie leaned forward with a worried and scared expression.  
"What happened next?" 
You lifted your gaze, slowly to look at the spooked boy. 
"He started tapping. It sounded just like it did on the front door. And it wasn't long before he started banging his hand against the wood." 
"Oh my god.." Reggie whispers. 
"He is hitting harder and harder until finally the door breaks and flies open. And the creature, no longer looking or sounding like my father, rather like a tall bloodied figure with sharp teeth, jumps at me, opening his huge mouth and SWALLOWS ME WHOLE." you shout the last part causing Reggie to scream and the others to jump just a little. 
"Fuuckk, i think I peed myself!" exclaims Reggie. You only laugh, seeing all the boys being a bit paler. 
"So who's next?" 
"I'll go." Luke said beside you and you shifted away from him, knowing that he will need the space to gesture along his story. You watched as he started to speak. His expression changes with every sentence as he introduces his characters. His frown as he talks about a creepy night in the woods. Your eyes wander down to his lips, too busy just staring at them to actually listen to the words that make them move. You distantly hear various curse words from the guys as your boyfriend goes deeper into detail with his horrifying story. With eyes still glued to Luke, you smile slightly. 
"../n...y/n...Y/N!" you hear making you jump and almost falling backwards on the log you have been sitting on. You see all the guys staring at you. 
"How are you not scared? Did you not hear Luke's story?" Reggie asks, earning a knowing laugh from Alex. 
"No, she did not. She was too busy staring at his lips." as your friend's words hit your ears you feel your face heating up. 
"Dude..,alright I might have zoomed out. A bit but I am here now. Where were you, babe?" 
Luke looks at you, amused. 
"I finished like 3 minutes ago. You 'zoomed out' for legit 20 minutes." 
Looking up at the sky, you realized they were right because it got pitch black since you last looked up. Your lips curved into an 'o' shape before mumbling a sorry.. 
“We should put more wood on the fire. It's starting to weaken.” says Reggie. Bobby points into the dark woods.
“Suit yourself, man.” 
“What? I am not going alone. Someone come with me.” he whines. Alex visibly changes his posture and sits into a more comfortable position.Luke puts his muscular arm around your shoulder grinning.
“You’re on your own, man.”
“No! Please??”
You bite back a laugh and carefully remove Luke’s arm from you. 
“Alright, I’ll go with you.” 
“Thank you!You are amazing!” 
You grab the basket ,that’s been laying on the ground, for the twigs. You also reach into your bag for your flashlight. 
“Ok, I’m ready to go.” you step towards Reggie but Luke grabs your hand and places a small kiss on it. 
“Be careful, love.”
The two of you start walking towards the woods.
“Try not to pee yourselfs guys!” Alex calls after you in a sing-song voice.
“Ha ha, very funny Alex.”
To be honest you were a little spooked but didn’t show it.Not like Reggie who was literally shaking beside you and jumped up at every little noise he heard as you got further into the woods. You picked up a few sticks and bigger twigs, slowly filling the basket with them. Or rather, you tried but when Reggie stoped right in front of you you accidentally dropped it spilling the stuff everywhere.
“Dude! I am trying to help you here!”
“Shhhhh! Didn’t you hear that?” he whispers, voice panicked. 
“Come on, Reg. This isn’t going to work on me.”
He turns to look at you.
“No, y/n! I am serious! I heard a whisper! I’m sure of it!”
You roll your eyes, not believing your friend.
“You gotta be more convincing next time. I dont scare that easily..AH” just as you assured Reginald how it takes more for you to get spooked, someone, or something grabbed you from behind and started to pull you while shouting ‘WAA’. The flashlight landed on the ground too as you let out a bloodcurdling scream. You kicked your attacker(s?) wherever you could. 
“Ahh! WHoo, stop, it’s just us.” you suddenly hear your boyfriend's voice and feel the arms around you letting go. You turned around your fear vanishing and turning into anger.
Reggie behind you falls on the ground,clutching his chest while he tries not to cry.
“ARE YOU GUYS INSANE?!” you shout at Luke and Booby. Alex is nowhere to be seen, he probably stayed next the fire to keep an eye on your stuff. Luke's eyes immediately  widen upon hearing you raise your voice.
“I..I am sorry we thought-”
“What?! Lucas Patterson I am, so, so mad at you right now” you say shaking. You hear Bobby giggle quietly. You snap your head in his direction. “And don't even get me started on you Bobby...Bobby..uhm” you stop to think about his surname, only to realise you don’t know it. For a moment you let go of your anger. “What is your surname?”
He only scoffs and smiles. Alex must have heard the shouting and come to investigate with a flashlight in one hand and a drumstick (as a weapon?) in his other.He soon puts them down tho as he sees that you are all in one piece. Luke looks at Bobby with a puzzled expression.
“That is actually creepy, cause I don’t know it either.”
“What?! How? He has been in a band for, what? A year and a half? And you never actually asked his last name?” you ask, more interested in the mystery of Bobby’s name than shouting at them now. Luke shrugs.
“Do you even have a last name?” you hear Reggie asking from the ground. You all turn to him with questioning looks.
“Everyone has a last name Reginald.” says Alex.
“Not celtic gods, no.” he responds.
“What?” Luke exclaims clearny not understanding the bassist.
“Bobby is not a god.” says the drummer annoyed. “ He is a normal teenager like us.”
“Is he tho?”
Meanwhile Bobby leans back against a tree and stares at Reggie.
“You are creeping me out...Please stop creeping me out oh majestic god of...what are you the god of?”
Booby just smiles mysteriously. 
“Oh for f…’s sake.Y/N back me up here, there are no gods and even if there were, Bobby is not one of them.”
“Thanks Alex but I am not offending a celtic god.”
“What is wrong with you guys?!”
Luke doesn’t know who to look at in this chaos. Soon he decides to pick up the twigs and collect more while you, Reggie and Alex argue whether Bobby is a god or not. Bobby bends down too, to help the lead singer.
“You do know my name is actually Wilson, right?” 
“Yeah. Of course I do, I think Reggie does too, he just forgot.” the two boys laugh. 
You all walk back to the camp and Booby, upon seeing Reggie still looking at him suspiciously walks over to him.
“I am not an ancient god, you know.”
“That is exactly what I would say too.”
Not hearing Reggie’s nonsense reminds you of what Luke did so when you feel him wrapping his arms around you, you push him away.
“I sorry, bae. I was an asshole. I shouldn’t have. Please look at me?” he stands before you so there is no way you can avoid him.
“Don’t do this again.” you said with a firm tone. You can't help but smile, seeing Luke’s shit eating grin. He opens his arms once again but waits for you to hug him first. You do, and for minutes you just stand there in his embrace. The silence was broken by the familiar sound of the acoustic guitar which was followed by Reggie’s voice as he started to play some country song. 
“Dude, no, put down my guitar.”Luke ran off to get his instrument or to, at least convince him to play ‘normal’ music. You laugh and walk over to Alex and Bobby.
“Hey, y/n, I am sorry about scaring you.”
You wave your hand. 
“It’s fine. However don’t be surprised when I get back at you.” you say before sitting down next to Reggie and giving him a hug because let’s be honest he was pretty traumatised in the woods too.
“Woo,hey! Why does he get a hug?” Luke asks, upset he couldn’t change Reggies mind about playing country songs. And from the fact that his girlfriend was hugging him.
“Maybe because you decided that it was a funny idea to scare the living shit out of him and I.”
“Stop guilt tripping me.” he pulls you up and away from the fire, closer to the tents. ”I said I am sorry. And you are right, I shouldn’t  have scared you. Besides…” he leaned closer to your ear “I know more fun ways to make you scream.”
You gasp upon hearing his words and right when you are about to react Alex walks by casually. 
“No, no. With the tents it’s like we are sleeping next to each other. If you guys try anything I will murder you myself.”
Both of you look after him, blushing before breaking into laughter.
Luke’s watch showed 3:58 when you all agreed to call it a night.You put out the fire with the help of Bobby while Luke went to pack away the trash you all left out.
Reggie yawned and looked up at Alex.
“I am still pretty scared...Can I cuddle you Alex?”
He looks at him like he heard it wrong.
“Absolutely not.”
“What about you Bobby?”
“No way, Reg.”
Despite them saying this, all three of them woke up hugging each other in the morning.
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a-tomb-with-a-view · 3 years
for the first sentence thing :)) "And what exactly did you think was going to happen, when you decided to do this?"
Hiya lottie, thankies for the ask! (Send me any sentences and I’ll write a short fic from it :)) have some boblexie
“And what exactly did you think was going to happen, when you decided to do this?”
Alex is struck suddenly with the realisation that Luke has finally taken his place, stood in front of the kitchen table with his hands firmly on his hips, not at all regulating his volume despite the fact that Alex knows Luke exactly how painful every damn word is. He shrugs helplessly, groaning at the wave of nausea that rolls through him. “I don’t know,” he complains, keeping his eyes trained on the box of Bobby’s cereal on the counter. “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”
“So let me get this straight,” Luke says slowly, letting go of his hip to pull Reggie against him when his boyfriend appears in the kitchen doorway. “You thought that getting incredibly drunk was the best way to deal with introducing your boyfriend and the guy you’ve been in love with since sixth grade?”
Alex doesn’t bother to deign that with a response. Honestly, he’d thought introducing Bobby and Willie was the worst idea ever, but Luke and Julie and Reggie had insisted that he’d only hurt both of them by putting it off, seeing as they’d been introduced before Alex had even gathered the courage to ask Willie out.
So he’d… prepared.
And maybe those preparations shouldn’t have involved daring Bobby to see which of them could get through the most shots before they tapped out, but in Alex’s defence, it had certainly helped relax him.
“I’m not in love with Bobby,” he said instead. “We’ve been over this.”
“Oh don’t even try that.” Julie wormed her way between Luke and Reggie, tilting her head up until the both obligingly kissed her cheek. “And your guest is doing just fine by the way, Bee’s holding their hair back while they throw up.”
Alex groaned again, letting himself pitch forward until his forehead made contact with the table. “Do you think they’ll hate me forever?”
“For what?” Reggie asked, tone far too innocently. Alex opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, Reggie continued. “I mean, you only rambled for half an hour about being in love with both of them but not being sure why to do about it. I’m sure they’ll be totally fine with you dropping them on that after you drank half our vodka and convinced Bobby to have near the same in whiskey.”
“They won’t hate you,” Julie promised, flicking Reggie’s cheek. “I don’t know if you remember, seeing how gone you were, but you all fell asleep curled up together.”
“We have photos!” Luke chimed in, apparently done with telling Alex off. “They’re very cute.”
“We’re thinking sunset curve merch,” Reggie agreed. “To prove we’re for the gay agenda and all that.”
“Two poly relationships, that’ll make us popular,” Alex said faintly, relishing in the cold radiating from where his forehead was pressed against the table. “Super gay.”
Bobby appeared in the doorway, making room for Willie to squeeze in next to him. “You done panicking now?” He asked, voice rough probably from both sleep and the insane amounts of neat whiskey he’d drank the night before.
Alex sat up slowly, wincing when his stomach protested. “No.”
Luke glared at him.
He sighed and stood up, something warm flaring in his chest at the sight of Willie and Bobby curled against each other in the doorway. If he were any more sober, or maybe any more drunk, he’d probably start waxing poetic about his oldest and newest loves, but instead he just shuffled towards them, like some sort of zombie.
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
Sunset Curve not Sunset Straight (pt. 1)
It’s 1994. And things are weird.
Sunset Curve has been together for a couple of years now and they’re doing good- no, great - but things have been weird lately. They all know Alex is gay and it’s all good with them. Anyone says shit to Alex and they’ll end up in the ER. They’re family - brothers. Except not.
Luke has always been proud of Alex - he came out to the band before his parents and they’ve been with him every step of the way. When the disappointed looks got too much, Alex would crash with Luke in the studio and on more than one occasion, they’d end up asleep together. Alex loves hugs. That’s no secret. What is a little bit of a secret is that he will cuddle anyone or anything when he sleeps. A pillow? Great. Luke? Even better. And that’s how we get to now.
Luke lies on his back and Alex is basically a koala - his arms are wrapped around his waist, his head on Luke’s chest with one leg swung over Luke’s. You see, the only place to sleep is either the couch or the floor and if one of them sleeps on the floor, they both do. So they share the couch. Yeah, he’s kinda stuck. But he doesn’t mind.
He’s been doing a lot thinking these days about what he wants, who he wants. He doesn’t quite understand himself and he chuckles quietly at himself, stroking Alex’s hair as he stirs but thankfully doesn’t wake. ‘People are usually either gay or straight - not both. I know I like girls but I think I like guys too? If that makes any sense.’ He sighs and shakes his head, attempting to banish all thoughts from his mind as he closes his eyes and tries to sleep.
He opens his eyes. So that didn’t work. 10 minutes later and he’s still awake and, more importantly, still thinking. Still thinking about how he might like boys. Still thinking about how he could get used to sleeping next to Alex. Still thinking about how pretty he looks when he laughs. Still thinking about- ‘Holy shit I have a crush on Alex.’
“Rise and shine sleepyheads.” Reggie shakes their shoulders, poking their cheeks fondly. Alex groans loudly and buries his face in Luke’s shoulder. “10 more minutes.” His voice comes through muffled by Luke’s shirt. “We already gave you 10 minutes.” Bobby kindly informs them, tossing an old shirt at them. “5 minutes then.” “Dude we have to rehearse.” Reggie picks up one of the pillows that fell on the floor and chaos ensues. He hits Alex with the pillow, shocking him back awake as he subsequently falls on the couch. He looks up, annoyed and tired but damn cute in Luke’s opinion, and asks for a hand. When Reggie moves to help him up, he pulls him down, whacking him with his own pillow in retaliation. “Argh-! Luke- a little help here?” “Nah.” Luke gets up and picks up the polaroid camera that they bought. “Say cheese!” He takes a picture of the pair, Alex happily beating Reggie who throws up a peace sign for the camera.
He takes the picture and moves to the loft, keeping the image in the dark to develop. He sets the polaroid next to the other on the desk in the corner. ‘Wait, the other-?’ He picks it up gently and can’t help but smile. It’s him and Alex asleep. “Hey Reggie, d’you take this?” He holds up the polaroid and raises his eyebrows. “Maybe. You looked peaceful and I wanted proof that Alex is a cuddle monster so....” “Hey, what is it?”, Alex asks, changing his shirt. Luke bluescreens for a moment before snapping out of it and clearing his throat. “Oh, uh- it’s us asleep.” “Well that’s kinda creepy but okay.” Alex chuckles, sweeping his hair back and putting his cap on. “Right?” Luke laughs awkwardly, turning around and busying himself with the contents of the loft, his cheeks heating up.
He notices the sleeping bags he’d tuck away into a corner and flushes at the memory. ‘If Alex found them he would have insisted on using them and frozen to death.’ He tries to reason with himself and fails.
Walking down the ladder, he looks for his friends and frowns. “Guys?” “They went to get pizza - figured we could use breakfast, y’know at 1 in the afternoon.” Alex. He sips water and sits on the coffee table, Luke joining him. A silence came over them, only interrupted by brief throat clearing as they tried to figure out what to say. In the end, it was Luke who broke the silence.
“I know we’ve been sharing the couch but I found some sleeping bags so I’ll just use those-” Alex blushes at the mention of the bags and opens his mouth as if to say something but quickly shuts it. “I may have already known they were there….?” Alex mentions slowly, carefully picking his words. “Wait what-” “I swear I’m not being creepy- God I’m totally wiggin’ you out-” The boy holds his head in his hands, laughing uncomfortably. “No nonono-!” Luke swallows his laughter as well as he can. “Thing is, I’m the one who hid the sleeping bags.” Alex looks up and grins. “For real?” “Yeah.”
They smile and Alex looks at his friend. “Why?” “Huh?” “Why hide them?” “I wanted to sleep with you.” The boys’ faces go bright pink as Luke stammers out denials. “I mean next to you-! I wanted to sleep next to you.” Alex smiles happily, rocking side to side slightly. “What about you? How come you didn’t mention the bags?” “Maybe I also wanted to sleep next to you-” “You mean on top of me.” Luke pokes the boy’s side, laughing as he squirms. “Okay but that couch is not meant for two people.” Luke heavily falls onto said couch and sighs happily. “Maybe not but this couch is the bomb.” Luke smiles and closes his eyes, Alex watching him. It’s almost strange to see him like this. He doesn’t usually smile for real - he’ll laugh and puts on a smile but they’ve all seen the smile slip when he thinks they’re not watching. He was living his dream but they all knew it was fractured without the support of his parents. ‘He’s freakin’ cute when he smiles.’
“For real though? What does this all mean?” Alex gestures vaguely around them, Luke covering his face, his red ears however giving away his embarrassment. “I think I like you?” He looks over his arm and almost immediately covers it again as Alex looks at him with amused confusion. “You ‘think’?” Luke sits up and leans forward on his knees, looking down, focusing on his hands as he toys with worn patches in his jeans. “Look, I- I know I like girls. But sometimes guys are very hot too. And I don’t know how to feel about that.... But I know I like you.” He looks up, surprised at how shocked Alex looks. A moment passes. “This is part where you say something.” Alex whacks his shoulder lightly. “I know that- I just....” “Just don’t like me like that. I get it - it’s all cool dude-” “No, I do! I mean I think?” Luke looks up at Alex, his face scrunched in confusion. “I thought you were supposed to know this stuff-!” “Hey just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’ve had a boyfriend before.” Luke smirks, his tongue peaking out from behind his teeth. “So you wanna be boyfriends then?” It was Alex’s turn again to blush, his neck slowly going pink. “What, no- I mean, yes? Maybe? I don’t know-” “You know you literally gave me every possible answer to that, right?” The cocky boy tilts his head in confusion at his cute friend. “Yeah.” Alex looks at him and shifts before leaning forwards and kissing his cheek. “I wanna be boyfriends- I mean, y’know, if you want that is-” Luke grins and bumps his forehead against his, “Yes, I do.” He stands up and kisses his forehead, walking towards the garage doors, mumbling to himself. “I have a boyfriend! Awesome!” He opens the doors with a flourish, Reggie falling in while Bobby looks between the two of them.
“We can explain-”, Bobby begins. “We got the pizza.” Reggie points to the boxes in Bobby’s hands. “Don’t worry - we weren’t listening.” Bobby kicks his leg lightly, Reggie making offended noises in return. “Congratulations?” Bobby hands Luke the pizza, patting Alex’s shoulders as he takes a slice. The boys sit around the table, Alex and Reggie on the couch and Luke and Bobby on the floor.
“Okay,” Bobby swallows a bite of pizza, “one rule: no getting jiggy in the studio.” Luke sucks his finger and gives him a wet willy, Bobby whining and slapping his hand away. “We’re eating so that’s gross but I’m right and you know it.” Alex throws a pillow at him and reassures that there will be no ‘getting jiggy’ in their studio. “And in general?”, Reggie asks, wiggling his eyebrows at them, Alex sighing and shaking his head. “There will be no getting jiggy- God-” They laugh and finish their food.
The rest of the day was spent rehearsing, Bobby and Reggie exchanging knowing looks at the way their lead singer and drummer stared at each other. It was another night of cuddles. It had been a good day. They were family - maybe not brothers - but they were family.
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