#fight me matpat
shylittleunicorn15 · 10 months
i will never agree with matpat's theory about Marshall being the worst dog
Marshall is the sweetest boy and any bad theory about him i will automatically be against
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m0on-shro0m · 1 year
So we all know that Martyn on stream said that the Watchers feed on the Life Members negative emotions? And Grian is supposed to be a Watcher?
Yeah well what if Grian’s curse of hurting or killing his allies, is just his way of feeding off the negative emotions of fear, panic and all sorts of feelings when you die. What if he’s doing it subconsciously because he’s supposed to be a Watcher.
Because we all know how excited Grian gets when he gets his kills from TnT or any shape of form, the avian even gets his laughing kicks out of it. You can say he definitely enjoys the bloodshed and hearing everyone in a state of disbelief or any negative emotions.
Especially with Jimmy, bro laughed and kicked as well felt bad for it. You can tell by Jimmy’s distress in this season about the three/four kills Grian has gotten on him and it’s causing negative emotions; while yet Grian is just thriving and laughing away from how easy it is but he also feels bad because it’s Jimmy and his ally.
But, of course- this is just a theory, A LIFE THEORY! And thanks for reading!
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trejean · 4 months
i was thinking about this the other day. dhar mann gets millions of views on every upload but i don't think i actually know anyone who watches them. so i want to find out...does tumblr watch dhar mann?
by "watching dhar mann videos" i mean actually watching his uploads on his channel, so watching something like jarvis johnson's dhar mann bingo streams doesn't count
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ixloom819 · 11 months
I’m not going to spoil the video for anyone, but I think MatPat is spot on with this one folks.
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carpedzem · 3 months
i think mcyt cc are playing losing game in how they treat dteam. i think they dont understand that a lot of stans, when they are forced to leave for one reason or another, they do leave mcyt space all together. like the moment shit goes down im not interested in watching people who left dteam and even more im not interested in watching people who were so tryhard to see their downfall. i know it happens sometimes people just switching ccs but even looking at the numbers, mine and craft is not as popular as it was 2 or 3 years ago. and sure the big boom happened during pandemic and we now live in different reality but i think that a lot of people just leaves and when they leave upset, they want it all gone from their lives. like i cant imagine tapping into jm stream after dropping dt like ever. i regularly block and mute ccs that i just dont want to see in my recommendations. there's also a whole thing of how they act in general. its not about that they finally proved to me that dt are evil people but bc how they treated past situations - usually in an awful way
im thinking about it bc i recently watched matpat final game theory and he actually talked about it in his vid. he mentioned how yt is is a game in which everyone can win through collaboration - ironically he even used qsmp as an example! and as contrast he mentioned beauty community that started fighting between themselves to gain viewers and steal them from other youtubers. and by the end every watcher was fed up with this behaviour and they left all together. and i wouldnt be surprised if mcyt wasnt on the same path. people mostly watch ccs for entertainment not to be involved in drama constantly. and when never ending discourse just keep happening they move to another thing that is less draining. and this is what is happening with mcyt. not only dt is losing views but every single cc in that group as well
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sillygeeseys · 3 months
Trying one of these out! Thought it'd be silly!
20 notes, and I'll post more of my own art ✅
30 notes I'll show them to my art teachers✅
40 notes and I'll fight to shower more✅
50 notes I'll start writing poetry again ✅
60 notes and I'll hang up the art I've been putting✅ off
70 notes, and I'll name all 60+ of my Clowns ✅
80 notes and I'll try eating more often (especially at lunch with my friend) ✅
90 notes and I'll draw more overall ✅
Adding to this because you guys exploded it-
500 and I'll ask people to hang out with me more
550 and I'll post some singing stuff I'm proud of/working on
600 and I'll show my entire Clown collection
650 and I'll write more Creepypasta fics I've been thinking about
700 I'll start posting about my fics
800 and I'll actually watch the Matpat goodbye videos (I even avoided Goodbye internet, I'm in denial)
30,000+ notes, and I'll finally stop consuming so much dairy with my lactose intolerance.
(No limits, no due dates, I'm kinda curious to see how Tumblr works its magic lol)
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absurd-ash · 5 months
Howdy and hello! Could you write something platonic for Monkie king and Macaque with a time traveler reader that keeps popping in and out of their life? Like, they live in the present, but every few days they randomly get thrown back in time for a couple weeks?
Of course! I love this prompt so much!!
[Macaque & Wukong x GnReader] Platonic!
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______________________________________________________________ >🌙☀️The first time you just popped into their life, you bet Wukong screamed like a little girl as you just plopped into existence right in front of him
>Although, once you explained it to both of them they understood completely, you can't tell me that they haven't met another time traveler in their lives before at least once. Do you know how OLD these guys are?????
>It would sometimes frustrate you, since well- you couldn't warn them of stuff like big enemies, like the lady bone demon
>If you did, that could mess up the WHOLE timeline
>🌙Macaque understands you well on that spectrum
>He knows of past, present, and future because of his six ears and he can't try to warn people because it could mess everything up
>So that could be one way you two could bond
>☀️Wukong would be asking you questions 24-7, like, 'how well is Mk doing?' 'does he stay just as cool as he is right now in the future?' 'whats your favorite color?'
>Yeah, he also asks you personal questions, he just wants to get to know you better
>He would also most likely to ask what would happen in the future
>Especially questions that you can’t answer unless you wanted the world to explode
>like- you couldn’t tell him that lady bone demon came back, as well as azure and the others, future fights, matpat retiring, if you did the world would just combust in itself!
>so instead, you would usually change the topic, bringing up something different and safe from the future, like him finding a tasty peach
>he totally saw through it though, but he lets it slide, even though he doesn’t know why you won’t answer some of his questions
>🌙☀️if you were ever frustrated when you got throw back in time for, they would try to comfort you
>Wukong would try to just make you have fun, to make you smile
>he just wants you to be happy when you hang out with him. Please tell him you appreciate every second you guys have together, it means so much to him. It would just make him melt from happiness
>he would save his tastiest peaches for when you pop in, just so you can have some
>Macaque on the other hand, would try to make you appreciate the past, try to make you calm down and slow down
>He doesn’t know for sure, but he can assume that it would be stressful, so he tries his best to make you relax.
>whether that be with a shadow play, or just hanging out, he would enjoy it nonetheless
Hey guys! It’s me :p Hope you enjoyed this, I’m sure you can tell but I tried out a different style for this one, tell me if you like it! Also, I’m now going by both Robyn and Ash, finding a new, gender neutral name is hard man- also, goodbye grandpa matpat🫡
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arandomnerd810 · 3 months
yaaaayy trailer analysis time
the fact the ep is two weeks away really surprised me lolll
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before getting into the one that’s most likely and i’m concerned for I have some more explanations for the spooky N either he’s lost his shit (valid but unlikely) they changed their mind and decided they will make dd’s needing oil important again, or it’s an AS hologram
(edit: noticled what looks like claws nothing important just something cool)
and the most likely flashback and maybe , oooohh boy someone (N) killed Nori
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(also ninja star spotted just ep 2 refrence but if i had to matpat it i would say maybe this means a disassembly drone was here at one point and was fighting or breaking something)
moment to appreciate probably absolute solver hole and how creepy it is i hope this ep increases the horror factor or at least has some more spooky scenes equal to stuff before
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human compilation confirming further there will be some flashbacks in it
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who did it 🤨 (it’s worth noting Doll went right after the Uzi frame but can’t take out all options) also doll hell yea i love her (also that’s a knife so either way we are getting Doll fighting)
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hell yea are we going to see the core collapse?
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can’t fully tell if these are drone or human hands but these are looking like human also the fact that the solver is controlling the cross means that doesn’t do any protection it makes it worse yaaaayyy and Uzi was holding it in this trailer and the other y a a a ay y y
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if you flip one of the scenes around it looks like a chandelier with oil dripping from it, don’t know if this means anything and i can’t tell what’s in the middle of it but wanted to show it anyways
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i thought this was the core collapsing originally in the past but that looks like Lizzy so what happeneddddd? i do not have my multiple solutions to this but it is very interesting
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doggie to conclude this post :333
this is my first time analyzing a trailer and i’m a little rusty cause it’s been like 6 months so i may have missed things or incorrectly thought things still hoped it wasn’t horrible loll
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you are pope for the day what are you doing
catholic church headquarters are moved to a randomly chosen spot in the Arctic Circle. theres a big hole where the vatican was
formal apology for all wrongdoings of the church in history, with church funding immediately going to victims and/or their descendants. condemn discrimination against other religions. do my best to stop whatever the fuck american evangelicals are doing. hey, i gotta do something good with this power.
all the priests get put in a boxing ring and fight to the death, the survivor becomes my apprentice in the dark side
order matpat to give me a copy of deltarune chapters one and two
every bible has a little flip animation of jesus dancing in the bottom right corner that you can see if you flick through the pages really really fast. it's a different dance for each copy.
sermons must be delivered in uwu speech
bishops are only allowed to move diagonally and cannot jump
invite those guys to play megalovania again
chocolate flavoured communion wafers
homosexuality no longer illegal; now compulsory
the popemobile's official name is "the popemobile" just to piss off that one other pope
using the lord's name in vain is encouraged
ask god to build a ramp to heaven
Steve gets added to the bible as Adam's boyfriend
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scribble-brain-aced · 6 months
more sans au headcanons because if i do not share them, i mayhaps will explode into a million pieces
• i once broke my school computer (stay with me here) and the inside of it smelled like chemicals. like nail polish remove, but more hospital. that’s what the anti-void smells like, and by extension, error.
• getting the feeling that Killer is a bit obsessive with who he likes. like, he won’t straight-up stalk them because he knows that’s apparently terrifying for the victim, and he doesn’t want that. but he WILL watch them really carefully, hang out with them as much as possible, and probably write a list about them. generally, really toeing the line between ‘okay’ and ‘kinda creepy’.
• Dream and Nightmare have synesthesia. Dream can see emotions, Nightmare can taste and smell them. (Although, he thinks it’s weird, so he doesn’t talk about it at all.)
• dust is from a Handplates AU, Killer was homeless until 18, and Horror is part of Gaster’s split brain if you’ve seen Matpat’s theory.
• nightmare has about a million ways to pass the time because as a kid, he had like no social contact whatsoever, and instead read a lot, screamed into a forest, pondered the meaning of life, and made up several conspiracy theories. because he was bored.
• yknow how the Gang is portrayed in this awesome gothic castle/mansion? well, the Stars are permanently broke. they literally just share a tiny little hobbit-hole house in the omega timeline.
• Nightmare stole a money-printer from the government in a Mafiatale AU. that’s how he’s so rich.
• also Killer somehow got everyone to name it Jasper. like, if Dust ran out of money, Horror will just tell him “go talk to Jasper.” and everyone just accepts it.
• cross and epic have a thing where if either of them say the word corn, they chant the corn thing from Slimesccle. they have no clue where it came from.
• error, nightmare, cross, epic, and chino have started the Fresh Hate Club.
• Nightmare somehow keeps getting mistaken for Satan. He doesn’t know how. (and it definitely does not bring his already-low self esteem down.) But if there’s a satanic cult nearby, he won’t correct them, in case they can be useful.
• You know how gods have a ‘true form’ that’s ineffable to mortals? all of Reapertale, Ink, and Error. Reaper’s gonna teach Ink and Error how to access their true forms. Dream once saw Ink’s true form and fucking sobbed because he could barely handle it. he’s not a mortal, so he’ll live, but he can barely comprehend it.
• (inspired by The Stupid Chair on ao3). the gang has The Stupid Hat. it’s a horrible bright yellow neon construction hard hat that gets duct-taped to someone’s head if they’re dumb enough to make an easy mission complicated. ex, if Dust provokes the Stars into a fight during a supply run, he gets the hat.
• ccino is a licensed therapist, but he is still depressed
• dream and nightmare have a lot of insecurity around the auras they emit. ‘do they genuinely like me, or do they like my aura?’ ‘does my aura make them feel that negative? do they wish i weren’t here?’
• cross and killer impulsively started a band called StashMark. They made the instrumentals for half of a song and that’s it. nothing else. they forgot to actually do stuff.
• Dust gets really nervous around medical, scientific places, and doesn’t trust any doctors or scientists except for Sci. but he still refuses to take anything from him, whether it be a shot, or a lollipop. he’s just not having it.
• killer sleeps on the floor because sleeping in a bed still feels strange to him. he also keeps the windows open because he used to sleep in the cold. gets really anxious about the price of something, money in general, so even if he can afford something, he just steals it.
• horror will get random flashbacks of the Core, or Gaster, and he’s not sure why, but on the rare occasion he meets a Gaster, he always ends up feeling “fake” afterwards. like he’s not supposed to be here, not supposed to do this.
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teen-antisocial · 7 months
Man After Midnight - Matpat x reader
TW: Collen Balinger, mention of death
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The air was still. No breeze. No wind. No rain. No warmth. It was haunting. The group of youtubers had been at Everlock for about 3 hours, making it half past 12. Y/N Davidson had been constantly on edge. She had won about 2 challenges out of the 4 that have happened. She had just witnessed her best friend, and crush, die. He lost a challenge to Manny, and it was heartbreaking to see. She looked at him before it happened, he couldn't move which triggered her to do the same.
She hoped all this was a nightmare and she would wake up and watch the late show in her flat all alone. Normally she would hate to spend the evening on her own, but right now. She would take it. Y/N couldn't bring herself to watch another friend die. She was currently fighting survivors guilt.
Currently, she is sitting next to Joey, listening to him rant on about something to do with the league of evil he's with. She just wanted him to shut up. That league is the reason Mat was dead. Nothing could convince her otherwise. Autumn winds started blowing outside the window, possibly a sign the curse was wearing off maybe? Probably not!
It made her so depressed to look around the room and see the gloom. However she didn't blame anyone, the best player had just died. Who wouldn't give up? By this point all the players had. Y/N found herself praying to herself. Praying for someone to come and save them. 'is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayer?' she wondered, looking around the room.
Suddenly, Nikita placed a bottle in front of her. "Drink up sunshine, you can't give up now!" She stated "Mat would want you to fight for your survival, to live your life, not to give up!" All Y/N could do is nod and take a swig of her drink. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight" she thought to herself as she took the sip. "Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away"
All Y/N wanted to do was go home and give her brother the biggest hug ever. Tell him she's sorry for everything she had ever done to him. This mission really made her realize that tomorrow isn't always promised. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight" she repeated hoping something would happen. "To lead me through the darkness to the break of the day"
This seems like something a movie star would film for a horror film. It's crazy to think she was living it. Looking around, she realized the next task was being read out loud. She needed to stop day dreaming and get her head into focus. She needed to survive. For George (her brother) , for her family. She couldn't let them down by giving up and dying.
"Find the end of the rainbow, with a fortune to win! It's so different from the world you're living in" Calliope states, great another riddle. After a while of thinking, Y/N finally says something.
"It must be about children, they live in the same world yet it's so different to the world we live in. They have an imagination, and see the world in bright colourful rainbows."
"True, but why would there be a task involving children?" Manny asks, raising an eyebrow
"Well this entire carnival is messed up, it wouldn't surprise me if there were children involved"
"Wait! Y/N/N you're onto something there! Think about it! Maybe there are not fully children. Maybe they are dolls. They are so common at these things, aren't they? Think about it! It makes so much sense!" Colleen agrees
"So you mean to tell me that we might have to fight killer children!" Rossana comments
"Doll children but basically" Joey says
Y/N found herself hoping again that all this was a nightmare, she was going to stop day dreaming and then be in her living room. She would be tired of the TV and she opens a window and she gazes into a night but there's nothing to see, no one in sight.
Y/N doesn't know when, she had been silent and following the others, but they had found themselves in a room with a maiden of madness. God help whoever had to be put in there. It's gonna hurt. She hoped it wasn't her. The tarret cards were put at the front and Calliope brought Colleen up to do the first vote.
She looked around the room, at all the people who were there. Somehow she wondered who would most likely go after her. Y/N! It clicked! Y/N would want revenge about what happened to Mat. Of course she would vote for Colleen. She debated on whether to tell or not. In the end she decided to.
"I'm voting for Y/N" she said emotionless "she wants me dead, and I am planning on surviving!"
"Is there a man out there, someone to hear my prayers!" Y/N screamed internally, hoping if she prayed hard enough she wouldn't be put in the box.
Before Colleen could step back from placing a vote, Safiya said something "why would Y/N want you dead. In every challenge she has voted for herself of Joey!"
"I voted for Matt Safiya! She's going to want me dead!"
Y/N's heart broke. She had defended Colleen to Mat almost a dozen times and yet this is how she repaid her. "You voted for Mat?" She whispered
Colleen didn't know what to say, she assumed Y/N knew, and had voted her into a death trap. No one said a word, until Joey went up, "look I'm sorry Colleen but, I'm going to vote you in, you can't just vote someone in for a reason like that!"
"Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight! Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away!" Y/N said internally as she stepped up, she looked at all the names. She didn't want to start drama, and so she subtly put Colleens card forward, making her vote hidden!
Quite a lot of people voted for Colleen, there were a few random votes here and there due to lack of cards in Colleen's pile. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, take me through the darkness, to the break of the day!" Y/N internally prayed again, nerves twisting in her stomach, her heart beat quickening by the second. She feared that she was going to be the one to go in.
The cards were shuffled, and a card was chosen. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight won't somebody help me chase the shadows away" another silent prayer. Calliope took a card and looked at it, "gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight take me through the darkness through the break of the day!"
"The disco dancer" Calliope announced showing the card to the rest of the group. Colleen shook her head, as Joey and Safiya grabbed her. Y/N stood at the back of the room with Rosanna as the rest of the group put Colleen in the box, despite her screams and pleas for mercy. None were listened to. As the doors shut, Colleen let out a scream as powerful as banshee, causing the group to cover their ears.
A tear gently fell down Rosanna's face, this felt immoral to her. Slowly, the group headed back to their safe space, making sure they had the artifact. Through investigation, the group found out that they could revive one person. Y/N was laid on a sofa as Safiya and Joey discussed who to bring back. Manny and Nikita sat on another sofa, while Rossana sat on her own playing with Matt's badge.
Y/N found herself drifting to sleep, she needed the sleep, she couldn't sleep though. She needed it though. Before she could properly drift off, the two came over and announced they had chosen someone. The group sat and looked around, wondering where the said person was. Wondering, if it even worked.
"Is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayers?" Y/N internally prayed again. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, won't somebody help me chase the shadows away" there was still no sign of life. Just as the group were about to give up, a crash was made, followed by a yellow flash. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, take me through the shadows, through the break of the day"
She exhaled slightly, and sat up a little and repeated the thoughts in her head. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, won't somebody help me chase the shadows away, gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight take me through the shadows to the break of the day"
Suddenly, a confused figure walked into the room, Y/N couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Mat walk through the door. Carefully, she rubbed her eyes and watched Rossana walk over and hug Mat, giving him back his badge.
Mat proceeded to hug everyone in the group, how her he saw no sign of Colleen, or his crush Y/N which made a sort of anxiety rise inside of him. Mainly directed at Y/N. Once he hugged the others, he looked over at the sofa and saw a tired, unmotivated and emotional Y/N looking at him. He ran over and gave her the biggest hug he could possibly give. He was thankful to be alive. And he was reunited with Y/N.
"I'm sorry for leaving you" he muttered, looking at her, admiring the twinkle in her eyes. He quickly looked down at her lips and then back at her own, realizing she had done the same. He thought nothing of it.
However, once it was all over, and the five survivors (Joey, Matt, Nikita, Y/N and Rossana) walked out, Mat carefully pulled Y/N aside. "Y/N, please, we've been friends for months now, and I always feel this feeling around you. Like there's butterflies in my stomach. And it took dying for me to realize this, but I like you! Not in a friend way, or a platonic way, as In I want a relationship with you" he confessed.
Y/N didn't even answer, she just crashed her lips onto his, that gave him his answer. The answer is that they were official. "I like you too!"
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twinanimatronics · 11 months
Is was probably MatPat who made the, “it’s actually the Mimic who we fight in Security Breach,not Afton.”, theory popular.
Since everyone seems to take his word as truth when it comes to FNAF.
I’ve not watched any of MattPat’a recent vids and the only one I know of regarding the Mimic is by Fuhnaff.
But as I verbally explained in that big ol’ rant between me and @dana-chan-the-control-brain after reading the Tales of the Pizzaplex source material for the theories.
It’s just plain WRONG
Grant it, we’ve not read the Nexie epilogue as of rn and Tiger Rock only just released, but here’s why I say this:
The Mimic’s behavior is completely different from Burntrap’s.
The Mimic, while arguably having a physical design the Glamrock Endos were based off of, was originally a hunk of garbage that was only a torso that a man put together and programmed to copy the behavior and actions of his 4-year-old son so he’d have a friend.
The Mimic only turned murderous after it itself was beaten to death with an iron pipe and then put back together by unknowing Fazbear techs who gave it legs.
And even then, its actions involved with killing all reflected the actions and rules that said child followed.
Always put things away in the fridge: The Mimic shoves a dead body in the fridge.
Always put away and hang up clothes in the closet: The Mimic rams a pole through a guy and attaches it to a coat hanger to hang his dead body in the closet.
These are just two deaths. And this is before the jackass in the first epilogue gave the Mimic its new MO for killing via reprogramming and verbal direction of what to do with other endo skeletons.
Tear off the limbs, decapitate the body, and throw the pieces in a pile.
The Mimic is VERY PHYSICAL with its killings. It plays pretend and will hide and even lure people with a voice it doesn’t know how to use all that well cause it didn’t initially have one and couldn’t speak.
Unlike Burntrap who had very clear voice-lines in the trailer, even if he never spoke in game.
And the Mimic’s MO of putting on costumes?
It comes from the one instance the child playing pretend and dressing himself AND the Mimic in costumes and meant for Fazbear animatronics while his dad was trying to work.
And what costumes (excluding the Nexie Epilgue all of Tiger Rock at the moment since we’ve not read it yet) has the Mimic put on?
Several dog suits
A monkey of some kind
An orange creature
A pink and yellow-green jester
An alligator (while it was still just a torso)
A white tiger (in Storyteller where it imposed all the child behaviors it learned on all the Glamrocks. And potentially in Tiger Rock since the Storyteller costume was something it wore before and allegedly killed in based on the PTSD flashbacks of one dude we follow).
A Purple lion
And a Pink/Purple Mushroom thing
No rabbit suits to be seen.
What does Burntrap have on?
Bits of flesh and a burnt rabbit costume head.
How does Burntrap stalk and kill?
He doesn’t.
He just lumbers around and tries to hack and control Glamrock Freddy like all the other animatronics to kill FOR HIM.
Which would thus make Burntrap just another variation of Afton/Glitchtrap in a new host body.
The only way that Burntrap could be the Mimic is if Glitchtrap/Afton completely overtook the Mimic as a new host body to infect other animatronics with.
Which, at that point, means it ISN’T the Mimic anymore.
It’s the Mimic in body, but not behavior and intentions.
IF Burntrap even uses the body of the Mimic
But Burntrap is indeed Afton cause the Blob wouldn’t have reason to go after the Mimic like him.
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Sorry I’m fighting for my life in war rn (I have a sinus infection and case studies to do) so I’m coping in the medical tent (my cabin while wilting like a sad plant) while wondering when I will ever see my caring parents again (when my dad comes home with crackers)
Yeah yeah SKK and SSSK nation- were vibing and stuff
Fyolai is having their moment
Dazai needs to stop making out with Chūya and go get Sigma. Give him a nice little bath, wrap him in a burrito blanket, and lemme give me a kiss on his head like the mother figure I am (I’m nowhere close to a mother figure)
Ranpoe and Poe need to go on a date, Fukuzawa needs a nap, Kyoka and Kenji need to go to the amusement park, Kunikida needs a raise, and I need to know when this story is finished so I can stop worrying about every little possibility.
Call me MatPat at this point with how much I’m slaving over this.
Also I wanna see Francis
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pumpkinfreak · 5 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time Ep 8-11
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Episode 8. I need MatPat to figure out if you could turn a person into a cello. THAT IS THE FILM THEORY I WANT! Anyway, Franklin comes back in this episode. Another fun fact, I work in dentistry, and I did not know Catgut was real animal innards. My instructors left that little tidbit out. I love that Hannibal is offered friendship by Franklin, his little fanboy patient. Lecter is so annoyed by it, he just could not care less. Then Tobias, who is also a deadly psychopath, Hannibal seems just as bothered. It's great. Tobias swinging around that wire tool thing, looked a little silly. It was giving weeb kid busting out their special attack. I did appreciate men in suits beating the Hell out of each other. Also Will and Alana kiss, it's whatever, I feel no chemistry between them.
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Episode 9
Abigail finally comes back, she's haunted by the man she killed and is going to write a book about the murders with Freddie. We learn that Freddie is a smug vegetarian. I just know this woman fat-shames people. She eats half a cutie orange and just gushes about how full she is. I'll fight this woman in a parking lot. Also, Abigail did help father capture girls for him to kill. I won't lie I lost a lot of sympathy for Abigail. However, It makes sense that Hannibal would be so interested in her. I think he sees Abigail and Will as kindred spirits, in his own way. Yet, he still views them as things to be played with.
Human totem poll. It was such a good design. The skulls are the corners.
Episode 10
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Skin just slipping off the body. It got me. It's the little things that get me. Just slid off her like a rubber glove.
Hannibal has an interesting way of treating his friends. I think lying to Will about his encephalitis, is an attempt on his part to keep him close. He wants will, but I don't think Hannibal is capable of seeing other humans as, well people. I think he views them more like animals, something he can control.
Every time Will has an episode he runs to Hannibal. So it is working, if Will was well, he might spend less time with him. Hannibal's own psychiatrist mentions that he needs someone who deserves his friendship. I think this may be a way for him to test Will.
Bisected head. I cannot praise the SFX makeup enough.
Episode 10
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This might be my favorite episode of the season. Being awake during your own dissection, grizzly. The tongues pulled through the slit necks. Simple, and very effective. I like seeing Freddie have that smug grin wiped off her face. I was bothered that Alana was put into protective custody, but Chilton was not. Like, he was the guy who messed with the serial killer, of course, he was going to get got.
They seemed so surprised, y'all are FBI agents pull it together.
Hugh Darcy does a great job, acting like someone on the brink. Another fun fact, they often use baby oil to make actors look sweaty. Hugh was probably swimming in the stuff.
Three more episodes. That I will post about later, and give my feelings on the first season as a whole.
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chaostwelve · 6 months
Had a dream that Matpat made a GameTheory episode about me and my best friend-who i’ll call D. Me and D live about an hour and a half away from Matpat, and we were walking around our town havig a nice time, till we saw Matthew Patrick. D gets *PISSED* at him, starts yelling at him and saying “YOU’RE NOT REAL I HATE YOU MATPAT ISN’T REAL” stuff like that. I want to preface that up until this point, Matpat had been a real 3D person, until D starts unzipping him. Not in a weird way, in a “Spongebob Skin Theory” way. D finishes unzipping him-and reveals that the “real” Matpat is the PNG picture of him. Matpat and D start going at it fistfighting, yelling, fight stuff. Matpat tries to kill D, but i woke up before i found out who won.
Anyways, i’m convince Matpat is tracking me and is out to get me.
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veryloovy · 9 months
Been thinking over how much I dislike how a few prominent theorists for this show (writing this over the MatPat video specifically but in general) present headcanon as fact and rarely consider alt theories. His video in particular being so diehard about N being the one to kill Nori without considering the fact it being the most obvious route kinda feels like a point against it? Like, I get it this makes N have to confront the fact he's killed people before, but also no popular fandom theory so far has actually happened. So, I have a list of alt theories that seem possible:
A previous N clone did it (kind of a neutred version of the popular theory, but the cloning situation would make N and Uzi's ages more apparently close if our N is recent)
Another Disassembler did it (boring route, but would make a set-up for a new character being introduced)
I super doubt V or J did it tbh. There's little storytelling potential for either route
Khan did it because Nori was Solver-posessed and it was still a mercy kill, no Disassembler had involvement. Khan may have used the gun in his concept art and a discarded Disassembler tail to fight her. It'd be a dark mirror twist to the situation Tessa is putting N in, that this is a cycle Uzi and N are caught in.
Uzi did, and hear me out. Uzi's had instances of using AS before it even properly activated (the bullet being deflected in the fight against J). What if it activated when she was a baby and this ended up in Nori's death, Khan covering up the real details of this because Uzi wouldn't be able to forgive herself for it. Imo I think this is the most traumatic route.
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