#fire embelm
7er1ch0 · 6 months
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yep great background. absolutely original and in no way similar to what i posted yesterday.
I've been missing doing pieces like this for a bit so i started playing through games that I have with the intent of making fanart for it. i get to enjoy my games and get to do pieces like this.
I'm not the biggest fan of how the expressions came out but i am weirdly attached to how the shading on the sword looks.
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honeydots · 1 year
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a xanlow comm i got from @hyolks!! thank you soo much!!!
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ova-kakyoin · 1 year
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treating him right
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farah-o-0 · 27 days
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Fallen Minerva
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doodlesandbooks · 4 months
Do you have any head cannons for Alfred, Alear, Etie, and Veyle?
I absolutely do!!! Thank you so much for the ask Anon, this was so much fun!
I have quite a few, so I'm going to put them in a list:
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Even though he wants to be strong and exercises a lot, he's actually not that strong, in fact, he's fairly delicate physically.
He has this sort of beautiful handsome prince air about him that is immediately shattered when he opens his mouth, it's hard to be a mysterious heart throb when the first thing out of your mouth is "what's your favourite muscle?"
He eats pretty much plain chicken an boiled veg because he's worried that eating anything too adventurous will set off an attack
He's besties with Yunaka, and even though they didn't have supports in the game, I like to think that he actively seeks out Alcryst because he likes to make people feel happier
He struggles with his body image, and feels uncomfortable in the pool when there are guys with his ideal body type there, particularly Seadal and Diamant
He loves dogs.
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Alear is autistic and ADHD (Me projecting? More likely than you think)
She has a lot of issues with self disgust due to her heritage and trauma, but she is working on it, particularly with the help of Veyle who struggles with a lot of the same stuff.
Due to her having nightmares (Tiki bond convo) she likes to sleep with Sommie, and post S-support struggles to sleep without her pact ring person (cough Alfred cough). An emblem will do, but she prefers something physically there to hug.
She loves watching birds, and would love lofi if it existed in the FE universe (maybe it does?)
She plays piano, but only by ear, she found trying to learn reading music restrictive.
She doesn't have much of a sense of pain, which is why so many supports have a 'let me fix you up, since you don't take care of yourself' bit, because, not only is she a bit reckless, but also can't really tell when she's hurt.
Her eyes do the cat eye shining thing and some of her teeth are sharp.
Her hair, due to the magic dragon thing, always pools or billows in just the right way with just the right lighting, Hortensia is envious. I like to draw her a little more chubby than she is in game because body diversity in fire emblem exists if I say it exists
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She's not super tall, but is wide and buff - body diversity in fire emblem exists if I say it exists!
Her hair is quite thin, so she puts a lot of effort into styling it
She says her favourite food is her protein shakes, but really, her favourite food is Boucheron's home baked jam donut.
She loves the smell of honeysuckle and citronella candles relax her, when she went camping with Temerra and Fogado, she had no trouble sleeping because of how comforting she found the smell.
She gets really bad cramps, so once a month she always needs at least one day in bed with a hot water bottle and the Ibuprofen equivalent, I don't know why this is a head canon of mine, I just know that it's true.
She has freckles! She deserves freckles!
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I love Veyle.
She trims her own bangs, which is why they're choppy.
She wears the broken bits of the dragon stone as a sort of good luck charm.
She goes nonverbal when seriously stressed, and tends to use a younger voice when coming out of it. She has some age regressive behaviours on bad anxiety days.
She loves to have her hair brushed, and likes Alear doing it best of all.
She doesn't like physical contact unless its with someone she trusts and who has explained what sort of physical contact it will be, hug, hair ruffle etc.
She's really not very good at setting boundaries after her time with Sombron, which means sometimes with people who are a bit more outgoing or heavy-handed, like Temerra or Etie, she feels overwhelmed and struggles to express her needs. She often likes to have someone to help her express herself in that sort of situation.
She uses her hair as a self soothing method.
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si-cucumber · 1 year
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Whoops. My hand slipped. A lot.
I read @sevarix-blogs‘ fic, Yuri’s Revenge, and was instantly inspired. 
This poor guy needs snuggles and cocoa so much but it’s also fun thinking of the angst of having gotten revenge but at what cost
I highly recommend you check out their other fics too if you haven’t already!
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noodle-artist · 2 years
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Boar Prince Dimitri 🔥 and Mamoswine 🐗
It’s a long, cold winter night for these three 🥶 but far from lonely 👁
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noodle-backup · 2 years
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Some mermaid 🧜‍♀️ byleth
She’s a cross between a sea dragon and a lion fish… aka beautiful but deadly 😉
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razzmatazz-2994 · 2 years
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Wanted to share a bit about Jeritza and this cool art (not mine, but I couldn’t find whose it was).
Despite being the Death Knight, working for those who slither, kidnapping a young girl, and having a thirst for blood strong enough to rival Nosferatu, he’s actually just a sweet little dude. He likes his sister, cats, and murder, which is even funnier when coupled with the fact that his sister is the sweetest gem of a person in all of Fódlan.
He hides behind the exterior of a nihilistic craving death and his voice is so monotone and silky smooth it feels like conversing with a serial killer, and while it’s true he craves death, he also has an immense love for his sister that he doesn’t even really try to hide. She’s the ONLY one who can turn him away from those who slither, she’s the ONLY person Jeritza won’t allow his Death Knight personality to kill. Their conversations in Three Hopes, especially, really touched me.
In short, I think he’s a fantastic character who takes the trope of a silent, brooding, heartless killer and reverses it with a surprisingly sweet caramely center. Plus, he likes sweets just because Mercedes likes them.
There’s a ton I didn’t cover here, but I just wanted my appreciation for this pale murder boy to be known
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sweetpeauserboxes · 1 year
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[id: a light pink userbox with a pastel pink border and pastel pink text that reads “this user loves ivy”. on the left is an image of ivy from fire emblem engage. /end id]
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sanuske-ramblings · 1 year
Me: The Lucina/Marth thing is always so silly. We've seen Marth in this game and people still confuse her for him in-universe Me, squinting at her Sprite: Is that Marth?
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itsmoonpeaches · 1 year
Title: Turn Right
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial, a short fanfic written for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
TW: war, death, implied suicide
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Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Word count: 1,000
Rating: T
Summary: Byleth and Dimitri are the only ones left at the end of a futile war.
Also available on ao3.
"If you do this, they will forget you," says Sothis. "To that prince, you will never have existed."
They were going to lose. Both of them knew that. The way to Enbarr was riddled with traps and battalions, none of which they had the capacity to fight anymore.
There were two of them left…just Byleth and Dimitri. Their friends, their allies, and all of those who supported them vanished behind the fires of the eternal flames. They were consumed by the blaze at Gronder Field that Edelgard’s army had unleashed as a last-ditch effort of escape, crushed under stampedes of imperial soldiers, murdered on the bloodied grounds during battle.
When Mercedes was run through by the Death Knight—her own brother—it should have rung in the end. Their best healer was gone.
When Annette tried to avenge her best friend’s death, she had fallen in a hopeless heap at the Death Knight’s feet, and her father Gilbert soon after he enacted his own revenge.
Ingrid burned with Bernadetta atop the archery tower in Gronder in a futile attempt to save her from Edelgard’s desperate wrath. Ashe tried to be her backup, but he too succumbed to the collapsing structures never to be seen again.
Sylvain took arrows to the heart for Felix, whose poisonous anger at losing his most trusted comrade spurned him on to become a beast. The death of Rodrigue was another nail in the coffin, making him bitter beyond recognition, even as Dimitri had finally started to realize that vengeance was not the answer to defeating the Empire.
Felix had charged into battle, uncaring for his well-being, and met his end as he sought nothing but death.
With no one else left to protect the prince, Dedue sacrificed himself so that Dimitri and Byleth could escape, claiming them the last hope for the Kingdom of Faerghus.
“Do you not have things you will regret? Accomplishments you wish to achieve?” Sothis presses, almost pleading in a way she has not seen before. She props her chin on her fist, balancing her elbow on the arm of her stone throne. “I do not expect to comprehend the whims of humans.”
Byleth laid back on the damp grass that peeked through the rotten floorboards and watched a star streak across the night sky. There were many of them blooming across the black like baby’s breath spattered on a dark meadow. The dilapidated home she and Dimitri hid inside of had a hole in the roof, and she could see the light shadow of the full moon.
Her body relaxed as she looked up. If only for a moment. "What would you have liked to have been?” she asked Dimitri, turning her head to the side to look at his covered eye. The black eyepatch was stark on his pale skin. “If you weren’t a prince?"
Dimitri’s lip twitched. A ghost of a smile. It did not reach his eye. "A commoner...a blacksmith, a farmer," he said with a hoarse whisper.
She nodded. "I would've liked that too," agreed Byleth. "Fishing for our meals...washing our laundry together."
“A simple life,” he said. When he looked at her, she caught the sadness on his face that he tried to hide, the crease between his brows. “You could have lived that.”
She brushed her hand against his fingertips. He hooked his fingers onto hers and their hands twined together.
“I wouldn’t have met you,” she spoke into the silence.
A summer breeze wafted by, soft on the ends of Dimitri’s blond hair, golden like the sunlight.
“There’s no turning back,” he said after a moment. His hand squeezed hers. He was not wearing his gloves this time. She felt every crack on his skin, every scar that nicked him.
“There isn’t,” she said.
Tomorrow, they would march on Enbarr.
Sothis glares at her now. “I will ask you one more time,” she remarks. Her gaze is fiery. “Will you not regret your decision?”
Fort Merceus is a sea of blood and gore. The thankless cries of those who had dared to charge against them fizzled out into the sunset and their last breaths were whisked away with the darkening horizon.
But there were only two of them, and Edelgard came. Angry and vicious and conniving. Dimitri, for the life of him, begged for her to spare his people, to spare Byleth. But she was too far gone from the student either of them had known years ago.
In the end, there were too many of them.
Byleth found that as she watched the axe Aymr being ripped from her torso, she felt nothing but relief that at least Dimitri was safe.
He screamed her name, of course. She saw the soldiers’ spears rushing toward him and willed it not so. To stop this, to save him.
She was surprised then when it did stop. So, when the celestial bodies whirled and halted their rotating blur, the world changed. Blinding light exploded in front of her.
“I won’t regret it.”
Byleth stood at the crest of a hill, a basket of cooking herbs in her hands. She passed it to the blond man who observed her.
“Ah, so you’re the one who moved in down the road?” he inquired. “I am Dimitri.”
She nodded. “Byleth,” she answered.
“I thank you for your kindness. These herbs are so fragrant,” he said with a grin. His head tilted. “But really, we should be gifting you something. It’s only proper that your new neighbors welcome you.” He nodded toward the home at the base of the hill where the river ran. “My family and I would be honored to welcome you for dinner.”
She smiled back, bowing her head. “I’d be glad to.”
“You’ll just let it go, then?” sputters Sothis, her green eyes wide. “All that pain and suffering? The war? For this?”
“For him,” Byleth says.
The goddess looks at her with an uncertain stare. She sighs. “Then let time take a different course.”
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inthelittlegenny · 2 years
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randomised character, clothes and pose
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cursed-fe-edits · 1 year
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farah-o-0 · 10 months
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Resplendent Tana 🌸
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7er1ch0 · 1 year
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Man, fucking love that fire emblem modern au that has me by the fucking balls.
why does this always happen when I play fire emblem.  
ooh new fire emblem game, ooh new au.  THIS WAS HAPPENING FROM BEFORE I NEW WHAT AN AU WAS THAT IS NOT A JOKE.
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