#foxma fluff
kasplonkable · 1 year
Foxma HC's
I love these bitches so much. I've finished Gotham now and lemme just say... You know that scene (spoilers for season 5 from here I guess lmao) when Ed breaks into the GCPD and is going through the files, and Lucius catches him and pushes him back with a hand on his chest?? Yeah, I've been thinking about that scene a lot. This list breaks from canon a little bit (as in, it exists in a world where they would realistically date), but oh well. Enjoy :-)
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I reckon they're one of those couples where people don't even realise they're dating until something obviously lovey-dovey happens
like, they'll be at a dinner party or something and one of them maybe gets a little too drunk and kisses the other, and everyone else is like "lol that's embarrassing, Lucius and Ed just kissed" and they're like "???yeah??? We've been dating for 3 years now???"
Like, between all the hand holding, and the sharing food and clothes, everyone just thought they were really friendly with each other (but in hindsight they probably should have guessed)
they have nights where they challenge each other at board games all night. Like, they'll cycle through about 15 games in one night, and have an ongoing tally of wins pinned up on the fridge
on their anniversary, they'll buy each other a new game to add to the tournament
predictably, if they ever watch a game show on TV, they'll race to answer the question first (but every now and then, Lucius lets Ed win just to see how excited he gets about it (Ed knows this of course, but he doesn't mind so much when Lucius looks at him like that))
because they're interested in the same sort of subjects, info dumping is always a fun time for both of them (even if it's unrelated, it's still fun)
while Ed's hanging up the washing, he'll listen to Lucius rant about the intricacies and beauty of biomechanics
and then while Lucius is cooking, he'll listen to Ed rant about epigenetics
This happens a lot though, with pretty much anything...
"so they've basically got a ton of chromosomes!! And there's this one fern that has the world record for having the most!! It's called the adder's tongue fern, or Ophioglossum reticulatum, and it has up to 1,440 chromosomes!!! That's way too many!!" "And what was this called again??" "Polyploidy!! Wait, I haven't even started on Oxytricha trifallax yet!! So basically-" *heart eyes*
Ed always forgets to carry his ear defenders around, so Lucius makes sure he has a spare pair in his bag just in case Ed needs them
Lucius likes to tinker with things when he's bored
one time, Ed came home to find him surrounded by a mixture of cogs and screws only to find that he'd taken apart their toaster
"it stopped working..."
"oh, okay!! Can you fix it?"
"Yeah! It was a fairly common problem, all I needed to do was- what? Why are you looking at me like that?"
*absolute heart eyes* "I just love you is all"
there are so many books and papers around their house that it could be mistaken for a library
well, it's like that right up until the moment Ed gets overstimulated by it all, and then Lucius helps him clean it until everywhere is spotless again (this usually happens late at night, leading to the two of them cleaning until 2 AM and they can finally both sleep)
their whole house is a mixture of dark wood and warm colours. It's really lovely when one comes back and can smell a home cooked meal wafting through the corridors. That's when it especially feels like home
They have a coat hanger by the door that is always overflowing with jackets. When it finally fell over, they both had to reevaluate how many coats they actually needed
one time Ed learn how to quilt so he gave Lucius a massive quilted blanket for his birthday. It was big enough to cover their bed and checked with reds and yellows and the occasional dark green. He loved it so much that it became a permanent fixture in their room
in the winter months, when their small flat can't keep out the Gotham cold, they'll bundle under the blankets and hold onto eachother until they fall asleep
there's not really a strict big spoon or little spoon, just two people clinging to eachother in a tangle of limbs
Lucius has one of those alarms where you have to solve a maths equation before it turns off. Normally Ed would love it, but not at 5 AM...
"nghh can you just turn it off already"
"give me a second, this one's a bit challenging... actually, I'm just going to grab some paper quickly-"
"can you at least taKE THE ALARM WITH YOU?!" Ed groans as he rolls over and tries to hide from the noise in his pillow
Lucius likes to go on runs early in the morning. He enjoys the fresh air and lack of people. That and the fact that Ed is only just waking up when he gets back, sleepily kissing him and handing him a warm cup of coffee with the promise of breakfast soon after
That being said, sometimes he'll go to get up for his run only to find Ed curled into his side. It's those mornings when he decides to snooze his alarm and spend another hour or so dozing next to the love of his life
they go on cute dates to their local museum, sometimes checking out the occasional lecture happening there
They enjoy comparing notes afterwards to see what parts each of them found most interesting
But sometimes if the lecture is boring (and it's rare for either of them to find a lecture boring) they'll forgo the academic notes, and instead send messages back and fourth across the desk
Ed always expects Lucius to throw the notes away afterwards, but he keeps them at the back of his notebook
This lecture is kind of boring. He's just ranting about Crayfish?
Yes, it is slightly strange. I think I heard him say something about invasive species, but honestly I drifted off about 10 minutes ago
Do you want to grab a Chinese after this?
Yeah sure! The usual place?
Love you
I love you too
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Can I ask for a sequel to the Foxma oneshot you did a bit ago with a reconditioned Dogma who got transferred to the cg? It was really good and some fluff for the pair would be nice.
(Ooooh hell yeah)
(For the people who haven't read the first fic, you can find it here)
Dogma is slowly recovering. He’s still stuck in bed, but he’s able to stay awake for more than just five minutes, which is something.
Sometimes he still has crisis, but it happens less and less as time passes.
Recognizing Fox has started a process thanks to which Dogma is remembering more and more of who he was before reconditioning. This isn’t something that unheard of, as it has already happened a few times with other reconditioned brothers, but never to this level.
“I remember when you took me out, that night,” Dogma mutters to Fox, who staying at his bedside, hands grasping Dogma’s own. “It was so fucking hot that I thought it was going to die, but it was also nice…”
At those words, Fox can’t help but to smile. “You insisted on going to the rooftops…” he fondly reminds him.
Dogma thinks about it for a moment, obviously trying to remember, then he nods. “Right… You always talked about how nice and quiet it was up there. I wanted to see it for myself…”
That episode seems so long ago, now. So many things have happened since then.
Dogma yawning distracts Fox from his thoughts, as he leans over the other. “Are you tired?” he asks.
“A bit…” Dogma replies, though it’s obvious that it’s way more than just a bit, which prompts Fox to intervene.
“Get some rest,” he says in fact, caressing Dogma’s hair.
He seems to consider the option, but before agreeing to it or not, he asks something to Fox. “Will you stay here, with me?”
He sounds so broken that it hurts Fox’s heart to see him like this. Technically he’d have work to do, but… He supposed the galaxy won’t fall if he decides to take care of it later; there are more important things at stake here, after all, than just some reports.
“Of course I will,” he replies, then, voice soft. It brings a smile to Dogma’s face, which is returned immediately by Fox. “C’mon, sleep now.”
It doesn’t take long for Dogma to fall asleep. Poor thing must’ve been exhausted.
Fox stays there, watching over him as he thinks “what now?”. Yes, what now indeed: they can’t report that Dogma’s retained his old self, or else they’d send him back to Kamino, so will he have to pretend to be another person? Will they all have to pretend?
Fox isn’t sure, though that seems like the only option available at the moment. The most important thing is to keep everything under wraps so that they won’t come for Dogma. If they’ll have to bring him back to Kamino, they’ll have to do it over Fox’s dead body, and that’s a promise.
At least he has his Dogma back, and he couldn’t be more grateful for it. What really matters now is that he recovers as best as he can, and Fox will do everything in his power to make sure that it’ll happen.
The rest of the pieces will fall as they may.
Tag list: @maulusque​ @snap-p​ @menac-ika @captainrexwouldnever If you want to be added feel free to let me know! Just know that if you are a minor you’ll be tagged only for the sfw fics.
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Anonymous said: do you know some christmas aus/fics?? or maybe november/decemberish?? or even just some winter aus pls❤️ i love your page :))
Annnd we’re back with part 2, Christmas! There are many more one-shots for this, so y’all feel free to ask for more. Plus, December staff recs are coming; care to guess the theme? 🥰- A
Here’s part 1 of this ask, winter
previous recs with Hanukkah
‘Blessed Are You’ (Jewish Neil) here
‘I get why Aaron and Neil aren’t friends…’ (Jewish Neil) here 
‘seven years that andrew minyard does not catch fire …’ (Jewish Neil) here
(find our Jewish Neil Josten tag here)
previous recs with Christmas
‘white sleeves’ here
‘First Christmas’ here
‘happy holidays from the foxes’ here 
‘Son of a Exy!’ part 17 here
‘Andrew and Neil Family's Adventures’ part 14 here
‘The thunder for the storm’ here
‘All the Little Lights’ here
‘Love and Other Assorted Foolishness’ here
‘Amnesiac Christmas AU’ here
‘Twelve days of Christmas music’ (kandreil) here
‘Douce Nuit (Sainte Nuit)’ (neil/andrew/jean) here
‘Under the Christmas lights’ (nerik & twins) here
‘It’s Not Family Without Love’ (chapter 8, nerik & twins) here
‘traveled down the road and back again’ (AU) here
‘Bigger Than A Hexadecimal’ (AU) here
‘Settled’ (kandreil) and ‘hearts’ series (AU) here
‘Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder’ (AU) here
‘Surreal But Nice’ (AU) here
‘paint my body gold’ (jerejean) here
‘Coupure Électrique’ (jerejean) here
‘my midwinter sun’ (jerejean) here
‘rayons du soleil’ (jerejean Hanahaki disease) here
‘Whispers in the leaves, shadows in the moonlit night’ (Nightmare Before Christmas AU) and ‘feels like tragedy's at hand’ (werewolves) here
‘morbid stuff’ part 2 (kevineil, fantasy) here
Snow Angels by ihaveacleverfandomurl [Rated G, 1394 Words, Complete, AFTG Winter Exchange 2019]
The Foxes aren’t going to let Neil spend Christmas alone this time.
Twelve Days of Christmas by nothingbutajunkie [Rated G, 4283 Words, Complete, 2020]
Neil didn’t understand why Andrew was suddenly giving him all these gifts.
Life of the Party by MusicandDancingThroughLife [Rated G, 1560 Words, Complete, 2020]
Erik and Nicky spend Christmas Eve with each other, decorating for the holiday. Lots of fluff.
Happy Together by wesawbears [Rated G, 1034 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange 2017]
Just in time for Christmas, Nicky and Erik's family grows unexpectedly.
25 Days of Foxmas (2018) series by kiraisstillhere [Not Rated, 8509 Words, Incomplete, 2018]
A 10-fic series (to date) of holiday vignettes featuring Andreil, Katelyn/Aaron, Renison, Jerejean, Kevin/Thea with Wymack, and Nerik
Renison Christmas prompt fill by @zeniksnina [Tumblr, 2017]
- Normally they and Dan go up to see Dan’s sisters, but Allison and Renee just bought their first apartment together so they host this year!
tw: past eating disorders
my midwinter sun by poetatertot [Rated T, 3307 Words, Complete, AFTG Holiday Fanzine 2019]
Even with Jean’s initial effort to keep to himself, he knew too much. He knew how Jeremy liked his coffee (sweet); he knew Jeremy preferred citrus over chocolate. He knew Jeremy was the eldest of five children, and that he majored in business. He knew his favorite color was red.
He knew how Jeremy smiled, bright and dimpled. He knew how that smile made him feel—something terrifying, like a trapped bird that ached to fly free.
Jean swallowed hard. How could he give a gift better than that?
tw: implied/referenced abuse
Hang a Shining Star by @nekojitachan [Tumblr Fic, 2017]
“I got u in an office secret santa and i no Nothing about u so now i have to get to know u so i can buy u a gift”
Christmasy things to think about hc by @higgins5 [Tumblr, 2017]
You know, I think we should take a moment and think about how, before the foxes Neil, Kevin and Andrew probably never had a real Christmas
tw: implied/referenced rape/non con
Christmas to Andrew Minyard by @bramlouisgreenfeld [Tumblr Fic, 2016]
Christmas to Andrew Minyard is chocolate shaped like a bearded man, cold weather, and an excuse for people to preach about love while practicing intolerance. He can’t say he’s a fan of any of the above. Even the chocolate - he’s more of an ice cream kind of guy.
Andreil under the mistletoe art by @coldcigarettes
Andreil, Sir & King under the Christmas tree animation by @psuvevo
it makes me happy thinking about these losers on Christmas art by @snackboiminyard 
“Enjoy your last Christmas, junkie” comic by @requiemofkings 
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parkkrys · 4 years
Foxma a/b/o??? Maybe some post-Umbara fluff??
Fox didn’t know what to do when he first heard the news of what Dogma did. He had no idea what the situation was but his omega wouldn’t kill a jedi willingly, he was far too loyal for that. But the fear that crept up in him as he forged paperwork, the guard moving quickly to bring him in as one of their own made him proud. He couldn’t deal with the idea of Dogma going to Kamino to be decommissioned.
It didn’t make him proud when Dogma finally arrived to them and Thorn hauled Fox into their bunk, telling him to get his alpha scent under control if he even wanted to see his partner and he swung at him. Thorn didn’t take it lightly but he understood why Fox was on edge.
“Get your freaking shebs together if you want to see him Fox. I am not going to let you see him like this,” Thorn yelled at him and Fox growled, he wanted to scream but he knew that Thorn was right, Dogma wouldn’t take it well if he went in there smelling like angry alpha.
“Okay, okay,” Fox said as he screwed his eyes shut, trying to just breath.
“That’s it Fox, perfect. Okay now you can go see him. Don’t freak him out, he doesn’t look good.”
Fox didn’t wait for him to say anything else as he moved quickly down the hall, no was going to stop him now. He ignored the guards telling him to wait as he entered the room, stopping when his omega stood there staring at him and the fear, the anger that he tried to bottle up spilled.
“What were you thinking!? It was Rex that was supposed to pull the trigger not you! Do you have any idea how I felt when I heard that they took you away, Thorn had to calm me down because I was ready to go to Kamino and kill everyone there until I got you back,” Fox immediately ranted as he stepped forward and Dogma didn’t move. He just took it like everything else in the 501st and it killed him.
“I can’t lose you Dogma, I can’t,” He whispered as he trembled and Dogma didn’t say anything as he threw his arms around him, he was relieved when Dogma buried himself into his chest.
“I’m sorry. I am so sorry I was just so mad and he wasn’t a jedi and he used me,” Dogma finally whispered and Fox sighed. He knew someone was going to take advantage of him one day but this was nothing like he imagined it to go. He knew that this was going to take Dogma a long time to recover from and he would be there every step of the way.
“C’mon, over here,” Fox whispered, sitting down onto the bunk before he pulled Dogma into his lap, “I love you so kriffing much.”
“I love you too.”
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esperata · 3 years
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: Gotham (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma Characters: Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Roommates, Foxma (mentioned), Gobblepot (mentioned), Snowed In, Christmas, Fluff, Singing, Dancing, First Kiss Summary:
Following one acrimonious and one amenable split from their respective boyfriends, Oswald and Ed find themselves sharing an apartment.
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A Merry Foxmas
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34SyJFk
by byjosten
Neil spends his first Christmas with the Foxes and his boyfriend. (Featuring matching Twinyard jumpers, Neil's dumb Christmas jumper, and a singing Nicky)
Words: 3078, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Nicky Hemmick, Aaron Minyard, The Foxes (All For The Game), Renee Walker (All For The Game), Danielle "Dan" Wilds, Matt Boyd, Allison Reynolds (All For The Game), Seth Gordon
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Additional Tags: Fluff, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Twinyards in Christmas jumpers, The Foxes spend Christmas together
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34SyJFk
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gobblepotstew · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Gotham (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Jim Gordon Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, Alvarez (Gotham), Lucius Fox, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Edward Nygma, Oswald's Goons Additional Tags: Gobblepot Week 2019, Slice of Life, Magic, Unrequited Love, Love Confessions, Canon-Typical Violence, Fluff and Smut, Funny, gobblepot, Slight Foxma Summary:
Jim had been overcome with a spell cast by a local magician with a bone to pick with Oswald. He tries to court Oswald while Lucius and Harvey try to search for a cure. However, Oswald wants to use this situation as an excuse to take advantage of the Captain of the GCPD.
Gobblepot Week 2019 PROMPT: There is always some madness in love.
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Might I kindly request some Corrie Dogma/FoxThorn fluff? If you don’t want I can just take some Corrie Foxma. Maybe they enjoy some nice snuggle time while talking shit about the chancellor 👉👈🥺
“I can’t believe it.”
As soon as they hear that voice, both Dogma and Fox turn towards the entrance of Fox’s office, more specifically towards a very surprised Thorn that is staring at them in return.
“What?” Fox is the first to ask.
“You’re both slacking off,” Thorn begins, finally stepping inside and allowing the door to close behind him, “And without me?”
At those words, Fox snickers, while Dogma rolls his eyes.
“Not everything revolves around you, you know?” he complains. “Besides, not my fault you took longer than usual to finish your duties.”
“Well, someone has to protect the Chancellor, and excuse me if it was my turn today,” he grumbles, suddenly way more somber than he was before. It almost makes Dogma regret having opened his mouth.
 Silence follows, at least until Fox sighs.
“Dogma, scoot over,” he says, so that they can make some space, then he turns to Thorn. “Come here.”
Thorn doesn’t let him repeat it twice, and in a moment he’s immediately joined them on Fox’s old couch, though not in the way Fox intended: he throws himself at the other to in fact, resting his body on their legs.
“Shabuir!” Dogma immediately exclaims, trying to push him off, but Thorn holds onto him and Dogma doesn’t manage to do it. He huffs then, frown on his face, but at least he doesn’t say anything, which considering how thorny he can be, is quite the miracle - and an indication that he doesn’t really mind it that much.
 “How did it go?”
“The same it always does, Fox,” Thorn replies immediately, without hiding the bitterness of his voice. “At least there hasn’t been any attack, though at that point I was actually looking forward to one.”
“Don’t say that…” Dogma intervenes, softly. In the end he’s not able to resist anymore and he reaches for Thorn’s hair, which he begins to pet with one hand.
Despite that, they all understand Thorn’s sentiments: there’s something weird going on with the Chancellor, everybody in the Guard who is unfortunate to be too much in his presence can tell you that, but hell if they know why exactly that is. Having to be in close proximity with him becomes unnerving pretty fast, so yes, even an attack would be good, because it would at least distract them.
 “He smells.”
Dogma chokes, Fox does too.
“He does!” Thorn insists, serious, like they were discussing military matters. “He does and you know it!”
“That’s not the point!” Fox exclaims. He can’t hold it in anymore, however, and he bursts into laughter at Thorn’s words. Of course he’s right, but they way he said it was so out of the blue that has taken everyone off guard.
Dogma still tries to resist, but eventually he breaks and begins to laugh too.
“What even is that smell?” he asks then, still laughing. Nobody knows, but it’s weird.
 “I’m not drunk enough for this conversation,” Fox suddenly says, tapping on Thorn’s legs so that he’ll let him get up.
“Where are you going?” Thorn asks however, before doing anything.
“To take some booze, of course,” Fox replies, like it’s the most obvious thing in the entire galaxy. At those words, Thorn immediately lets him go, knowing that if he’s good Fox will share.
“We shouldn’t-- We’re still on duty,” Dogma tries to protest, but their shift is almost over and no major accident has happened. Is it too presumptuous to think that nothing is going to happen?
 When Fox comes back with a bottle of corellian whiskey - the good shit - he doesn’t have it in his heart to say no.
Meanwhile, Thorn has gotten up, deciding that if he’s going to enjoy a drink with his lovers, he’s going to do it while sitting on the couch instead of leaning down over it. He welcomes Fox with a big smile, even though his eyes are tired - not that he says anything about that of course.
Still it doesn’t go unnoticed to Fox who, before handing him the bottle, says: “Just a little bit, then you’re getting some rest.”
At those words Thorn rolls his eyes.
“Suuure,” he replies, snatching the bottle from Fox’s hand and drinking directly from it like some kind of savage. And Fox had even brought the glasses…
 Despite Thorn unwillingness to obey Fox, in less than an hour he’s already passed out on the couch, almost entirely sprawled over Dogma, who doesn’t look happy about it, especially since Thorn has also begun snoring.
“Kriffing shabuir…” he mutters under his breath, but Fox can see the smile he’s trying to fight off his face.
“Watch your language, rookie,” he jokingly admonishes him though. Dogma hasn’t been a rookie for a long time, but Fox and Thorn still call him that sometimes, mostly when they’re trying to make him behave.
Dogma doesn’t say anything, but he narrows his eyes at the nickname. Fox shrugs and takes another chug of whiskey.
 “Thorn’s right…”
Fox raises his eyebrow at Dogma. “About what?”
“Palpatine does smell weird.”
A snort.
“Shut up, Dogma.”
“Make me,” Dogma replies immediately, smirking. Fox raises an eyebrow at him, but it doesn’t take him long to lean over Thorn to plant his kiss against him, effectively shutting him up.
What? He asked for it.
Tag list: @maulusque​ @snap-p​ @menac-ika If you want to be added feel free to let me know! Just know that if you are a minor you’ll be tagged only for the sfw fics.
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Day One: Tannenbaum
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rH7vnc
by kiraisstillhere
Andrew and Neil go Christmas tree shopping for the Monsters' dorm
Words: 1763, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of 25 Days of Foxmas (2019)
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day (mentioned), Allison Reynolds (mentioned)
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Fluff, christmas trees, some cute andrew/neil to start off the holidays, i'm trying to do 25 days of foxmas again but this time for real, i just think that shopping for christmas trees is a fun holiday tradition, 25 Days of Fic, 25 Days of Foxmas
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rH7vnc
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gobblepotstew · 5 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Gotham (TV), Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Jim Gordon Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, Alvarez (Gotham), Lucius Fox, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni “John” Zatara, Edward Nygma, Oswald’s Goons Additional Tags: Gobblepot Week 2019, Slice of Life, Magic, Unrequited Love, Love Confessions, Canon-Typical Violence, Funny, gobblepot, Slight Foxma, Fluff and Angst, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Eventual Romance Summary:
Jim had been overcome with a spell cast by a local magician with a bone to pick with Oswald. He tries to court Oswald while Lucius and Harvey try to search for a cure. However, Oswald wants to use this situation as an excuse to take advantage of the Captain of the GCPD.
Gobblepot Week 2019 PROMPT: There is always some madness in love.
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Day One: Tree
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2U2TNEI
by kiraisstillhere
Getting a tree is customary for Christmas, a long-standing tradition in most families, one that Neil never got. So Andrew brainstorms ideas with Bee and decides that Neil is getting a tree this year.
Words: 1825, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of 25 Days of Foxmas (2018)
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Fluff, HAPPY HOLIDAYS Y'ALL, so psyched for this bc i've been writing it for a few months now
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2U2TNEI
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Day Three: Vacation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rhPcl3
by kiraisstillhere
Allison wants Renee to have an incredible Christmas, including taking her anywhere she could want to go.
Words: 1561, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of 25 Days of Foxmas (2018)
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Allison Reynolds/Renee Walker (All For The Game)
Additional Tags: my favorite bisexual and my favorite lesbean, i love renison so much, bless them both, allison just REALLY wants to take renee on vacation, and she wants to give her all the ridiculous couple things, she's head over heels for renee, Christmas, Christmas Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rhPcl3
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Day Ten: Flighty
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zUmLhy
by kiraisstillhere
Jean isn't a fan of flying, but Jeremy is helping him through that fear
Words: 441, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of 25 Days of Foxmas (2018)
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Jeremy Knox/Jean Moreau
Additional Tags: jean doesn't really like flying, but jeremy is helping him feel better, jeremy is just really excited for jean to meet his family, Christmas, Christmas Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zUmLhy
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Day Nine: Thinking 'Bout You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PwTbDZ
by kiraisstillhere
A little moment of Renee and Allison in the airport before they board for the City By The Bay
Words: 441, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of 25 Days of Foxmas (2018)
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Allison Reynolds/Renee Walker (All For The Game)
Additional Tags: and away they go!, allison is going to treat renee to anything and everything, Christmas, Christmas Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PwTbDZ
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Day Eight: Excited
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QNb5a2
by kiraisstillhere
Words: 536, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of 25 Days of Foxmas (2018)
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Nicky Hemmick/Erik Klose
Additional Tags: nicky deserves a good christmas and good feelings okay, i love them, aaron is making amends slowly, andrew is bad at getting right to the point, Christmas, Christmas Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QNb5a2
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