#fringe pushed off his forehead
silverfoxlou · 10 months
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sir put that tongue away
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
“Come here, you dweeb. Let me fix it.”
Will pouts, dragging his feet over and slumping half on top of him. Nico allows it with a smile and a roll of his eyes, pinching Will’s shoulder. He doesn’t react except for a wounded noise, muffled in Nico’s lap, so the situation is evidently quite dire.
“It’s just hair, Will.”
“But I worked on it!” He shifts around until he’s got his head in Nico’s lap, face turned towards him, body curled up on the grass around him. Nico brushes his tangled bangs off his forehead, meeting his big sad eyes. “I spent forty minutes with a stupid brush! And yet!”
“And yet,” Nico agrees, unable to appropriately school is face into one of somber understanding. Will scowls at him for his lack of proper sympathy, a little bit of genuine hurt in his eyes, so Nico leans down and kisses right between his brows in apology. He seems mollified, if only slightly, or at least he leans into Nico’s touch and stops mumbling quite so much.
“‘S’not fair.”
“Your hair listens to your instructions.”
“Even Cecil’s hair listens to him, and no one listens to Cecil.”
Nico purses his lips thoughtfully. “I think Austin listens to Cecil.”
“Yes, I know. It’s an ongoing issue. I’m trying to train him out of it.”
“And how’s that going?” Nico murmurs, curling a strand of golden blond hair around his finger.
“Oh, well, I’m doing my best, so of course it’s going horribly.”
Nico snorts. He resists the urge to hold his palms to Will’s cheeks and kiss every single freckle at light speed, because he will screech something about how Nico is one-upping him in the romance department or something stupid like that. Instead he settles for looking at his dumb dramatic boyfriend’s face and marvelling over the fact that the cutest boy in the entire world, and Nico is being totally objective, hunts around camp until he finds whatever tree Nico is hiding under and curls up into a ball around him and trusts Nico to hold him while he complains about stupid things that genuinely hurt his feelings a little. It’s nice. So many people at camp are still so rigid around him, like he’s collecting information for their judgement day or something. Will prefers to exercise his lesser-known Apollonian talent of being a bigger drama queen than the god himself.
“Stay still,” Nico says softly, moving Will around so he’s laying perpendicular to Nico, now, head centered in his lap and staring up at the sky. Will sighs and squirms a little and turns his head to press a kiss to Nico’s knee, scrunching up his face and releasing it, and then settles in the position.
Humming something soft that exists on the fringes of his foggy memories, he sinks his hands into Will’s hair.
“It’s not that bad,” he promises, moving slowly and pausing whenever he comes across a knot.
Will harrumphs.
“I mean it, Marilyn Monroe. You can tone down the histrionics.”
“I used gel.”
Nico flicks a dried clump of it onto Will’s forehead, amused. “I can see that.”
“I followed every single one of Mitchell’s instructions!”
“I bet.”
“And yet!”
“And, yet.”
Nico has a sneaking suspicion that someone made a comment about Will’s hair, in the last few weeks. He can never confirm it and Will has been shifty about it every time he asks, but Nico has noticed the uptick in hoods and hats the past month and his little flinches every time Nico reaches up and tugs on it. Despite being oddly confident about the oddest things — why he is so proud of being able to fit his fist in his mouth, Nico will never know — Will is very sensitive to how people think of him. He needs to know he’s liked, and when people don’t like him, he gets…desperate, pleasing. The opposite of Nico, who becomes worse in an attempt to push them away on his own terms.
Nico leans down and presses a long, lingering kiss to his forehead.
“I like your hair, you know.”
“It’s a stupid mess.”
He smooths down a handful of it, pressing it over Will’s eye. He manages to keep a straight face for one, two, three seconds before he huffs a laugh, batting Nico’s hands away. Nico grins.
“I like the stupid mess.”
“Yeah, well, you like a lot of weird things.”
“Like you?” Nico suggests, pressing another kiss to the tip of his rounded nose.
“Shut up.”
Another strange thing about him, that Nico has to duck his head to hide his automatic smile: he gets embarrassed easily.
Nico never expected it of him, with all the dorky, medical-themed pickup lines and general shamelessness in his affection towards everybody on Earth, but especially Nico. When the poking, prodding attraction is turned on him, however, he shuts down like an overloaded Playstation. Nico can sometimes see the error messages playing behind its eyes. It’s hilarious.
“Will.” He pokes him in the cheek. “Hey.”
“What,” Will grumbles.
“I think you’re beautiful.”
Watching the slow spread of red from below the collar of his shirt to the roots of his hair is a delight. Nico watches in glee, wrestling Will’s hands away when he tries to slap them over his face.
“Shut up! Leave me alone! Go — flirt with somebody else!”
“You’d curse them to speak in rhymes for ten years,” Nico teases.
Will makes an agonised noise. “Who! Asked you! Shut up!”
“You’d sic Kayla on anyone who so much as winks at me, you jealous bitch.”
“I would not!”
“You would so. You rolled your eyes at everything Percy said for three weeks when you found out I used to crush on him —”
“I did not!”
“— and you didn’t even have the balls to ask me out, back then.”
“You are a — peddler of falsehoods! A prevaricator, a perjurer, and a fabulist!”
“And you sound like you swallowed a thesaurus,” Nico snickers. He catches the hand Will flails at him, pressing a kiss to the wrist, which only serves to fluster him more. He decides to take mercy when the kisses he trails down his arms result in one loud, long, tortured screech, pulling back and giving him some space.
Notably, he doesn’t move from Nico’s lap.
“I like it,” Nico admits, once Will has calmed down some. “I like that you’ve liked me for so long.”
Will peeks through the fingers he has covering his eyes. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Yes.” Nico squeezes his shoulders. “And endearing, which seems to be your sweet spot.” He presses a much softer kiss to the underside of Will’s ear, lingering there until he sighs, slumping under all the tension finally leaving his body. “I love you, Will. I love your clumsiness and your rambles and your nose and your freckles and your awkwardness and your jealousy and your hair and I love you, Will, all of you. Even the embarrassing weird parts.” He kisses him again. “Especially the weird parts.”
Will breathes slowly, carefully, evenly, face pressed to the inside of Nico’s thigh. His long eyelashes tickle his skin. Nico can feel the press of his Adam’s apple when he swallows, pulsing against his calf.
“I never thought you were a freak.”
Nico brushes his knuckles over his cheek. “I know.”
“I used to — talk about you. All the time. And your oxytocin levels.”
He smiles.
“I know.”
“Lee had a — chart.” Some of the flush rises back up in his cheeks. “A ‘Days Since We’ve Heard About Di Angelo’ chart.”
Nico bites his lip. Hard.
“The number never got higher than six.”
“…I am trying really, really hard, Will.”
Will sighs.
“You can laugh.”
Nico cracks up, trying desperately to muffle his giggles in his bitten fist. It doesn’t work very well, but the glare Will sends him is somewhat softened by the smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.
“Gods, you are — a mess.”
Nico cups the side of his face. Will turns, slightly, enough to press a kiss to the centre of his palm and then stay there, eyes closed, breathing against his sword-callused skin.
“I love you too, by the way. Obviously.”
“I know.”
“Don’t Han Solo me, you bastard.”
“Go ahead and try to stop me,” Nico challenges, grinning into the passionately indignant kiss Will presses to his lips, finally, letting Nico curl his hands in his hair.
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New Fish | Yandere Platonic Azul Ashengrotto
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There was something off with your step-father-your mother’s new husband. He has a small gleaming smile, eyes a darkened gray, a finely cut set of silver curls that always wave over his left shoulder, and a suit full of purple details to match. He has white gloves that are always folded together and a cane with a nautilus shell on the top. It always hung nearby on the chair, against the wall, in the J-brother’s hands. 
“(Y/n), you better not be thinking of playing with that cane.”
Your mother scolded you through her handheld mirror, another gift from her husband. You tore your eyes and hands away from the metal stick deciding to fiddle with the various drawers that remained locked. Hearing her lips smack, spreading the new color, she speaks in tone that screams distracted—like usual. 
“Why don’t you go look at the fish? I hear they got a new angelfish or something.”
You huff, trudging to the office door. Pulling at the octopus-shaped handles you stop. Turning your head to look at your mother, you wonder if she'd give you the courtesy of waving you off. She did not. She was on her hair now, fluffing her fringe and playing with the parts that fell on her exposed shoulders. 
She looks beautiful. 
But she already was before she had that ring on her finger.
Without looking at you she urged you on.
“Go on. I could use the extra time alone.”
With that, you pushed open the door to find the empty fine-dining restaurant untouched and pristine as it was at the start of every afternoon. Making sure not to touch anything, you stood at the bottom of the giant fish tank at the center of the room. The round tank was wider than anything you’d seen before with the top supposedly continuing through the ceiling. When you sent it a passing glance on your last visit the J-brother had told you that on the upper floor was the top of the tank where they fed and put in ‘newcomers.’
But you’ve been to the second floor and that’s nothing but another dining hall with a matching fish tank. If it wasn’t a lie then the real top of the tank was a floor higher. You’ve never been to the third floor let alone offered to join the dinner parties that led up there. Supposedly it was because they had ‘adult desserts.’ You guessed if they had their drinks there’d be desserts too but why they had no problem drinking the former in front of you and not the other baffled you. 
Putting your forehead against the glass, you replayed a scolding not to put your fingers on the glass. Watching the fish and crabs on the inside as they swam and scurried by looking so close their patterns blurred and blended. You let your attention dim to the entrancing colors of the tank and its lively inhabitants. 
The fish living their lives adorned in the glittering jewels of their scales brought back memories. Memories that consisted of you doing the same thing with a much much smaller tank. A much dirtier tank. Staring woefully at the tanks of the pet shop on your old street. Seeing the new cycles of golden glitters huddle against one another in the cramped and dingy tanks. 
It was elementary. After your trip on the bus, you go straight home. Straight home and three squares to the right was the pet shop. Mother couldn’t afford to get anything there, not even the smallest dying fish that seemed to reappear every two weeks. 
“Why do you look over there? We don’t need anything that way! Keep your eyes straight!”
It was meant not to hurt you or the fish. It was a reminder of what was needed. To eat. To breath. To sleep.  Only what was necessary. What was required so that you didn’t die. 
The fish were fed. Every day when the sun first began to shine behind the buildings the man would come with a bin of indiscernible flakes. The frantic swimming became even quicker as they crowded the top of the tank. Some would fall to the ground, propelled in the excitement; left to flap against the darkened linoleum until the keeper’s hand scooped them up. In a few unlucky instances, you’d seen the occasional rat run off with them. The little-big rodent would sit at the bottom of the floor, waiting for the inevitable and forgotten fish on the ground. You didn’t like to think what would happen after they ran away. 
The fish also slept, according to your teacher. They just hovered in place while they slept. You could hardly tell when you watched closely, always seeing those reflective colors constantly shimering. 
You knew as well as the keeper that the fish would die. Even with the roof over their heads, food in their bellies, and water in their gills. 
Why did they still die? 
It was all they needed right? 
“Enjoying the view?” 
The smooth harmonious voice of the establishment’s owner. He looked awful dapper as he always did, even with his overcoat and suit jacket folded over his arm. Wearing his seashell braces and his purple-black tie he leaned on his left foot; appearing uncharacteristically resolute without his cane.
You nodded before turning back to the tank. Expecting to hear the door of his office opening, you were surprised to see the reflection of his luxury name-branded belt behind you. Feeling the older man’s silver gaze, you feel the need to explain yourself.
“Mom says there’s a new angel fish in here. I just wanted to see.”
Laughter-like bells rang from above. Looking up at the man who held his gloved hand over his mouth, you waited while he quieted to a chuckle. With a fresh smile, he took his glove away, speaking in a tone softer than his usual. 
“That’s perfectly fine. Though you should know there’s no new angelfish today.”
You tilted your head in question.
“Yes, today we got what’s called an anglerfish.”
A brush of familiarity caused you to whip your attention to the tank, looking frantically over the vast coral structure. You remember reading about them when you spent time in the library. Over an hour past the time your mother said she’d come, checking over your finished work just wasn’t appealing. Naturally, you’d spend your extra energy learning about them.
“An angler? But don’t they usually live in the deep? How could it be here?”
He swallowed another laugh. 
“Usually you’d be exactly right but our latest edition isn’t exactly one you’ll be reading about in books.”
He smiled at your crinkled noise and the scrunched eyebrows. Putting a gloved hand on your back he urged you to turn towards him. Following his lead you looked into his stormy eyes as he spoke. 
“How about you come with me to the third floor?”
“The third floor?”
“Yes, you want to see him don’t you?”
You tentatively nodded your head. Even from the man himself, the room felt like a forbidden myth. He opened his arms beckoning you to hang onto him, which you gladly accepted. It was a rare privilege your mother said you were ‘too old for.’ So even with the shred of doubt that fluttered in the pit of your stomach you accepted. Delighting in the whiff of cologne and the warmth you got resting your head on his shoulder. Supported by his forearm you enjoyed your elevated view of the tank. Continuing to look past his locks to watch the tank get smaller as you were carried away, you didn’t turn until you heard the familiar chuckles of the J and F brothers. Both were dressed in their usual tuxedos coming down the stairs with smiles wide and teeth as sharp as sharks.
Greeting you with a smile the J-brother spoke first. “Hello, little one. Heading to the second floor?”
You looked to Azul, who answered for you. 
“The third actually…that is if it’s clean up there.”
The silence between them was telling enough, between them that is. For as many times as you flip your head back and forth between them only noting the shared eye contact. And suddenly everyone was smiling again. 
“Yup! Clean as a newborn’s butt!”
“Hehehe have fun!” 
The F-brother giggled to himself poking at your tummy with his claw-like fingers before skipping down the steps. With a light bow of his head, the J brother followed with a smaller smile and a gloved hand on his chest. 
“We’ll keep the Mistress company.”
“Thank you, Jade.”
Azul continued up the steps, you peeked slightly over his shoulder as the brothers went through the double doors of his office. As if to get your attention again Azul pats your back bringing your attention back to him. 
“How have you liked your new bedroom?”
The topic came from nowhere. The last thing you were thinking about was the giant bedroom you were suddenly expected to be comfortable in. Aside from the unfamiliarity of the whole building, you felt like your new room wasn’t yours. Not that you missed the crack you’ve seen the uninvited rats squeeze through or the dingy smell of the mold behind the dresser. It was just new.
“It’s good.”
“Really? How so?”
Yikes. You didn’t think he’d ask for more.
“I dunno.”
“You don’t?”
“So you don’t like the room, huh?”
Your cheeks felt hot as he triumphantly held a smirk. Holding your hands over your face you hoped it’d hide your guilt from lying. Gentle prodding against your curtain of fingers had you opening up to peer at the chuckling businessman.  
“It’s okay if you don’t like it.” 
You tucked your head against his shoulder, hiding your eyes and muffling your voice as you apologized. 
“Don’t be sorry you're being honest now and that’s what counts.”
Quickly stepping onto the third flight of stairs you immediately distinguish the change of floors with the even lower lighting. Rather than the tasteful purple-shaded lighting above every four tables, the only thing that illuminated the room was a runway collection of violet floor lights. You couldn’t make out the chairs or the tables all that well only vaguely registering different textures of what was nearby. 
Azul masterfully walked across the floor, maneuvering obstacles that remained invisible to your eyes. Looking around with a renewed fervor you tried to find the fish tank’s top, finding nothing with your limited sight. With a hand on your back, Azul soothed your searching as he came to a specific spot on the floor; quickly snatching a tarp off the ground to reveal what you’d been searching for.
A giant metallic circle filled with water that was rippling with various little waves that promised life below. It surprised you that you couldn’t even see the lighting of the other parts of the tank below. 
“I don’t see anything.”
“Well I’m sure you know the Angler fish isn’t typically used to light,” he adjusted his hold on you, “so we’ll have to be patient.”
As if that were some magic word a ball of light illuminated the surface of the water revealing its owner to be the fish you’d been looking for. With a hanging ball of light, the Angler fish was like one in the books except with some minor changes.
“Why is…everything so big?”
Big was putting it lightly. Its teeth were incredibly long and sharp, snaggling outside of its mouth. Its size was much larger than books estimated and its stomach was enlarged with whatever it had recently eaten. 
“Do you know what angler fish usually eat?”
“Shrimp and small fish?”
“Good job. But we have a very…different diet for our angler.”
“What’s he eat?”
He didn’t respond. You turned your head to him barely making out his smiling face in the dark. He kept his eyes on the rumbling water even as the angler’s glowing light disappeared. He continued to stare at the unclear waters. Realizing your fists were clenched tightly on his dress shirt you shakily released your hold. Bringing your sweaty hand to your shirt you held the spot where your heart was palpitating exponentially. 
“Are you okay? You scared?”
Just like that, his attention was on you, prepared to take you away at a moment's notice. You frantically told him you were not, that you were excitedly looking at the angler fish. But your hands were still tightly holding onto his dress shirt, fidgeting occasionally as the light of the angler appeared now and then.
“(Y/n) It’s okay if you are. That’s what I’m here for.”
“Uh okay.”
“So don’t be afraid to tell me, okay?”
“Uhm okay…why is there a shoe in there?”
Both of you watched as a man’s dress shoe drifted by. Occasionally lit up by the angler’s unsuccessful snapping at the shoe. It looked as though the fish was playing with it, bringing a smile to your face. 
“Uhhh how about we go join your mother downstairs.”
“And maybe we can talk to her about getting you a tank in your own room.”
“What?! Really?”
“Yes anything for you, my Pearl.”
Azul felt his latest occupation wasn’t going to be that hard. Specifically in comparison to his current agency as the underworld’s classiest and savvy business for all things. A liquidator of dirty money and the wish maker through contracts; Azul Ashengrotto was not a man to be taken lightly. Not to mention his close ties with the Leech Mafia. 
So being a father couldn’t nearly be that hard. 
And to some degree, it wasn’t.
It was harder. 
When taking up the nighttime routine of a 5 year-old many things were meant to be taken into account. Like the precise temperature of their late-night cup of milk—which was exactly 50 degrees Celsius. Or the very specific wash routine that had to be done, which included having an emotional intervention for a rubber duck that was spouting mold. Or the reading of the storybook that required he voices five different characters.
It was exhausting but so much more fulfilling at the end of the routine when he was asked to lean beside the bed. 
“Mom doesn’t do all the stuff you do….so thank you. Goodnight.” 
The whispers and a thankful peck along his cheek were like the sun’s ray gracing the deep depths. For once he returned the gesture and closed the door he returned to his nightly throne as a contractor of the deep and depraved. Smiling pridefully as he arrived at the final meeting of a man whose debts would never be paid. 
“Excuse me for my misplaced smile, the joys of familyhood truly are a wonder.”
He felt no remorse as Floyd proceeded to smash his face along the table or when he began to plea for his own family after the first tooth was pulled. A sense of disgust filled him to make such soundless gambles when he’d been gifted light itself. It made the final squelch of his last breath that much more earned in Azul’s opinion. 
The infamous contractor never intended to be a father; at least not in the legal sense. He figured the closest he’d ever get to a child was when he needed to convince one to forfeit their inheritance—an easy task he’d done before. 
But then again life never goes the way we plan.
In a way, it has its own chart. It’s own map that leads to a series of coincidences and chance encounters. 
One of those being the unofficial radar of his two right-hand men Jade and Floyd Leech. The twins enjoyed the entertainment that came from chasing down his debtees and those who wished to thwart his clientele. It gave them an excuse from the family business and kept them out of enough trouble to satisfy their parents. 
That being said a menial task now and then wasn’t unappreciated. As much as the other half would complain Jade didn’t mind going to the lower side of the city to pick up not only information but a large bag of cheap fish to feed the mutated monstrosities Azul kept getting gifted. 
So of course he’d begun to notice the wide-eyed shrimp watching the sick creatures swim about. A window of the innocence he seldom saw in his line of work. Floyd would agree, having fought the urge to surprise the little shrimp on their walk home. But that wasn’t when Azul met them only hearing the vague chuckles and pointed smiles as the twins mused about their travels. 
For Azul, it was the woman who’d made a name for herself so soon. Far from being as big as him, she still made it to the ears of his clientele who spoke fondly of her. Known for her business savvy, smooth-talking, and confident personality she’d been able to get into the good graces of many of the underworld’s giants. Something Azul needed, more than ever. As far as he’s concerned as of now she was a mere fox only able to slip around obvious cracks but Azul didn’t mind making gold out of silver. 
It seemed like a small exchange: get a partner who could further his influence for the small chore of protecting her. It also gave him an easy out; to say he wouldn’t be bothered should someone come to clean their hands of her was an understatement.
The only problem was that there was a child.
It wasn’t a problem. He’d never call it a problem without it being an obstacle to an otherwise perfect contract. It’d help his image but should he get attached there would truly be a weakness acquired in this partnership. Bringing up this concern didn’t settle his hesitance. 
“Whatever we have to do we’ll do it. Besides the kid’s not going to do much of anything, they're good.”
Appearing with a faux weakness was one thing but appearing with a weakness that wasn’t was a concern. Azul debated if it was worth it weighing the opinions of the suddenly invested Leech twins. 
“I say we give it a trial period.”
“Trial period?”
“After all typical courting comes before marriage otherwise there’d be room for doubt.”
“I see.”
In no time at all the process would begin where he’d get to know not only the ins and outs of his wife-to-be but the little child who’d been peeking at the top of the rickety staircase. The door of the home she lived in nearly came off its hinges with Jade’s gentle prodding. What’s worse was the musk of fungus growing behind the worn walls and the emptiness felt with the lack of furniture. 
“This place–”
“--Is a dump.”
“Floyd you shouldn’t be honest when it comes to these kinds of homes.”
“Jade, Floyd be nice.”
Somehow it becomes that much worse when she finally coaxes a little five year old down to greet them. The way small worn shoes avoid certain stairs and the way they run past a crack in the floor as though something had bitten you there before. And the robotic greeting given upon the woman's command.
He felt gross. Not just because he’s seen three different vermin while conversing with the woman or the suspicious screaming she said to ignore. But because a child was living through this. 
Even worse the woman didn’t seem overly concerned and more likely peeved that he was curious at all. 
“Why do you keep asking about them? Is it really that big a deal?”
So he’s crafty about when is he not saying he’ll send the child off with Jade or Floyd so that the adults can focus on one another. The problem with this is the woman’s insistence that such attention isn’t necessary. Unclear about whether it’s a defense mechanic or an inclination for negligence but he feels the need to play dirty a bit–staging situations that force the kid to be babysat by one of the Leech brothers. 
“Don’t give them trouble.”
What he hears back on the not-so-detailed reports from his favorite employees are all extremely positive. Unfortunately being positive doesn’t count for all the concerning information they happen to pick up along the way. 
“Yeah, they said something about the rats in the walls.”
“What did they say?”
“Mmm I don’t remember but they really liked that restaurant though.”
Jade is almost worse. Able to record clear likes and dislikes properly he refuses to share. Saying something about ‘doing his own investigation’ while he holds the ‘gifts’ he’s earned close to his chest. He is maliciously vague about the closeness of his newfound friendship with the child who doesn’t speak to Azul unless commanded to. 
He’s changed that now. With a ring on his finger and a new partner in the business, he’s able to start a relationship with a child he’s been worrying about for a while now. Finally able to sneak into that glass- border that he’s been worriedly looking through for so long now; he can finally make a difference.
Technically his work should be done. With a safe home, healthy food, and proper access to health care he should be able to step back and rest easy. But he can’t. Not at all now that he’s seen the innocent wonder he gets ‘playing’ the role of a father.
“I thought your meeting ended thirty minutes ago.”
“It did but I ran into (Y/n).”
“Ugh did they break something? I can tell them to not touch anything.”
“No, they were only interested in the tank's latest edition.”
“Oh. Well, that’s nice did they get to feed it?”
“...No. It’s controversial to show a child something so dark.”
“Hmm, I’m sure they’ve seen worse. Anyway, let’s talk about this asset, when I last checked it was booming.”
He couldn’t kill her. The custody wouldn’t go to him. She off-handedly mentioned you’d go back to her family which she left for reasons she refused to share. It was too risky to leave it up to chance that the family she’d leave behind would even be willing to give his child back.
Azul played with the idea of putting her in a comatose state but Jade reminded him that it’d be a weakness to have her immobile. The allies she’s made, the reputation he’s built, the sadness that’d no doubt plague the little mind he’d hoped to protect. Having an obstacle that would constantly demand the attention of his child was a bit too far….for the time being. 
So for now he’d simply get you acclimated, become your favorite keeper, and relocate you when the time was right. You’ve been through so much he’ll focus on boosting your morale. This kind of care takes time and energy; using the elimination method to slowly take out the parasites in your newly acquired tank. 
But no worries, like the smart cephalopod he is he can wait until the perfect time to strike. After all, cleansing unnecessary parasites with crippling contracts was his specialty. 
“Yes, let’s begin negotiations.”
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httpiastri · 10 months
beautiful – op81
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genre: sweet sweet smut
pairing: female reader x oscar piastri
warnings: wellll it's smut so..... not much else, it's pretty soft so nothing rlly in need of a warning i think. almost a liiittle praise kink hiding in there but not exactly a warning ahah
requested?: um no not really BUT this ask from when this blog was still new has been on my mind ever since i got it....
author's note: this fic is basically just me calling oscar beautiful a thousand times..... second time ever writing smut and it's just as weird as the first time lmao! but i did enjoy writing it. this is protected sex because !! don't forget to be safe when yall have sex !!! and consent is sexy. hope you enjoy this <3 (and again, it's 5am so yes it was proofread but i probably missed something... soz)
f1 masterlist
18+ content below! minors, do not interact!! thanks
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oscar is always beautiful.
when he stood on the podium yesterday, for the first time in his formula one career, he was gorgeous. when he came down to hug his family, you included, the smile on his lips was irresistible. and when he danced with you in some random club, his features reminded you of the ones of a god.
he had been teasing you all night. the fleeting touches and quick kisses he gave you held a promise; you would be back in your hotel room soon, just you and him, and he would take good care of you.
you had helped each other get undressed, drunken giggles shared between you as it had taken him a few moments to figure out the zipper of your dress. but the exact moment his head had hit the pillows, he had been out like a light. you swore you had only turned away for a second to take off your earrings, but when you had looked back at him, he had already been snoring.
even then, he was beautiful. but the maybe one moment you enjoy watching him the most is times like these. when the rays of the soft morning sun light up his features, his face basking in the rays. his chest rises and sinks in a steady rhythm, mouth barely open as he takes his sleepy breaths. with his messy, long fringe spread over his forehead, strands of hair tickling his round cheeks.
when he looks so pure, innocent, untouched, like he’s never had a worry in his entire life. so far away in dreamland, this world long forgotten.
but he loves coming back to this world. dreaming is nice, but when he opens his eyes and they land on the beautiful angel next to him, he feels like he has stepped into yet another dream.
his arms are draped around your waist, keeping you close as one of your hands land on his cheek. you smile when his eyes flutter closed again. “morning,” you hum, letting your thumb stroke across his skin. your finger follows his birth marks, the ones you could draw out blindfolded, the ones you know like the constellations you memorized in fifth grade.
oscar is always beautiful, but like this, he's perfect.
he doesn't answer, instead opting to trail one of his hands along the side of your body. the hand finds the hem of your thin shirt and dips inside it, letting the tips of his fingers swipe up and down your skin, against the sensitive area right below your chest, further down to your hips. he notices now that you aren't wearing any underwear, and the realization brings a grin to his lips.
he leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek as he drags his thumb along the inside of your thigh. his mouth moves down to your neck, trailing pecks and licks and bites on it's journey across your body. no piece of skin remains untouched or unkissed; oscar would kiss every inch of your soul if he could.
his head ducks under the blanket to reach your stomach, his hand coming up to push your hip softly. you take the hint and lie down fully on your back, a low sigh leaving your lips as he climbs on top of you. he's still hiding under the blanket so you're surprised when his lips meet the front of your thigh, your legs squeezing together in reaction. his voice is raspy when it leaves his throat, vocal cords still cold after a long night's sleep. "i want to taste you. open up, please."
your legs fall open easily; you're always open to letting oscar do what he wants. a jolt of electricity shoots through your body as he presses his lips to your clit. one of your hands come down to rake through his hair as his tongue drags along your folds and you feel way too sensitive already. his name falls from your lips when he starts sucking on your clit, but it's the feeling of his fingers entering you that takes over your mind completely. you can't think of anything other than how his digits are pumping you, how his tongue works wonders against you, and how you're so close already.
your hand in his hair tightens when you reach your high, your legs shaking and your heart hammering in your chest. he lets you try to catch your breath for a few moments, but then he pulls the covers down his body, appearing from below them as if in a round of peek-a-boo. even as you're breathless, coming down from an orgasm after being eaten out, you somehow have the energy to laugh at your lover. he's so dorky, so darling,
so beautiful.
even when his hair is a mess, even when he's newly awake, even with traces of you on his lips.
the hand leaves his hair, coming down to cup his cheek and pull him up towards your face. he hovers above you, bringing his fingers up to let his tongue clean them from your juices. you usher him down to you, desperate to let your lips meet his for the first time in so many hours. when his lips finally lock with yours, a pleasured sound escapes your mouth. you don't even mind the taste of yourself on his lips, because the taste of him takes over, flooding your senses.
it's hungry, but not at all rushed; it's sensual in a way that only mornings with him can be.
oscar doesn't break the kiss when his hand rummages over the bedside table, desperately searching for something. he lets out a frustrated groan when he has to pull away because he can't find it, and you giggle at the sound. in just a moment, he has leaned back down to capture your lips again, this time with a condom in his hand. he wants, needs, to be connected to you constantly, so his lips are still attached to yours as he pulls off the wrapper and rolls the condom down his length. he positions himself by your entrance and unwillingly pulls away. "are you okay with this?" he asks, letting one hand hold your waist as the other smooths down your arm. when it reaches your hand, he takes it in his, intertwining his fingers with yours.
you nod, giving his hand a squeeze. "it's more than okay."
he pushes into you and your eyes roll back as your hand squeezes his again, this time involuntarily. he fills you up to the brim, a perfect fit; the stretch is just right, not too much and not too little. he gives you some time to get used to it before he starts to move, the strength in his thrusts rising bit for bit. a moan escapes your mouth when he hits one specific spot and he grins, leaning down to press his lips right below your ear. "my sweet girl," he whispers, tracing his kisses down the side of your neck.
his thumb strokes against the back of your hand as his other hand moves down between your legs. two of his fingers come to rub your clit as he continues pushing into you. "oscar..." you sigh, instantly becoming overwhelmed with the sensations. "it's... god, it's too much..."
he slows his actions, though he doesn't entirely stop, as he speaks up. "i know you can take it." he pulls his head away from your neck to look at you, and-
oscar thinks you look so beautiful.
with your hair splayed over your pillow, with your flushed cheeks, with your rosy lips slightly parted and gasping for air as you chase your high. he can't think of anything more perfect than you, and sharing this moment with you is a true blessing to him.
your breath grows heavier as you get closer, and you hang your free arm around his neck, helping him kiss you yet again. he swallows your sweet sounds that become more frequent as you approach your climax, picking up the speed of his fingers again. "that's my girl," he mumbles against your lips. "taking me so well... you're so good."
your sweet noises fill the room as you both come undone together, bodies vibrating against each other's as he rides out your highs. he collapses right next to you, one hand still holding onto your hand as the other drags you into his side. you both take a few moments to breathe, before oscar pushes a few strands of hair away behind your ear. he can't help but smile again. "you're beautiful."
"so are you."
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levilxvr · 4 months
sex with levi after a long day is slow and sensual. He knows it’s been a tiring and difficult one, because your body language says it all. Sometimes it feels like you’re not doing enough, or as if things are a mess and there’s no way out. That’s why he likes to take things easy on nights like these. He wants you to let go and just relax, let your mind wander away from the chaos and stress.
The lights are all turned off, save for the small, warm bedside light. It’s enough to see the outline of his body on top of yours, hands supporting his weight on either side of your abdomen as he leans down and presses his forehead against yours. The headache that’s been lingering above your nose bridge fades away as the low sound of his voice fills your ears like a lullaby.
Between soft, occasional breaths, he’s whispering words of affirmation, letting you know that as long as you’re trying your best that’s all that matters. You feel his cock prodding at the entrance of your hole, strings of slick seeping out as his tip spreads it around on your folds. And when he enters you it feels like heaven. one of his strong hands reach under to caress your back as it arches, a moan leaving your lips as he nestles himself deeper, pushing his pelvis against yours.
Levi knows exactly how to get your walls clenching even without having to go rough and fast. A minute in and you can already feel small, pleasant waves of pleasure pulsating through the lower half of your body, eyes squeezing shut. The thin wisps of his dark fringe cascade down, tickling your cheek slightly. A hand moves to brush them out of the way and you admire the sweet look he gives you. Seconds later you feel his warm lips on yours, whispering an I love you as he continues his thrusting.
Amidst the heat and intensity of the moment, your mind finally calms down and you steady yourself. That’s when you remember, no matter what, you’ll always have a loving partner to return to. You’ll always have someone to seek refuge in on rainy days, because levi promised to stick with you through thick and thin- and years later, he’s kept his word.
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jigeuminunbich · 2 months
new look | lee jeno
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synopsis in which you become acquainted with your boyfriend’s new haircut
genre nonidol!au, fem!reader, established relationship, and fluff
warnings reader is a bit bratty, pet names (baby, pretty), and a man having the audacity to cut his hair instead of growing it out :((
word count less than 1k
a/n wrote this as a love letter to the legendary jullet (jeno mullet) BUT also an appreciation of his short cut because i think he’s rocking it right now. though nothing, and i mean not one thing, can touch the hot sauce jullet (r.i.p bby)
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Trust, Jeno knew the weight of this situation. Your attachment to his hair was no secret between the two of you. You loved it. Threading your fingers in the hairs around the nape of his neck, continuously running your hands through his raven locks, attentively fixing the lengthy strands that fell into place in front of his sight. Sure, in your lonesome together, your hands were always on Jeno but your number one comfort place was having a hand constantly glued to his hair.
“___, baby, please open the door,” Jeno pleaded, gently laughing against the wood of your bedroom door. Of course there was a way he could finesse the knob himself but he found your unnecessary, yet completely anticipated temper tantrum— cute.
“Baby,” Jeno bit back laughter, pressing his freshly exposed forehead to the door.
“How could you do this to me?!” Though muffled, he heard your dramatic query. His shielded laughter pushed its way past his lips, leaving you to hear his harmonious snickering as you stood on the opposite side of the threshold.
“What was that, pretty?” Jeno’s smile stretched, expecting his question would pressure you to let him in. The stretch of his lips could only double when he heard the lock click— stepping a few paces back for your reappearance just before your exasperated face was peeking through the minor crack you purposefully left in the door.
“I said,” you began. “How could you do this to me?” You whined, the sight of your boyfriend promptly making you upset all over again.
Jeno chuckled at your state, taking you the least bit seriously. “You’re being dramatic,” he countered.
Before you could hide from him again, Jeno wedged his hand between the door and the sill. Obviously, you were no match against his strength so you gave up control over the door without a fight.
“Thank you, finally.” Jeno smiled triumphantly, his tone dripping in sarcasm as he stepped into your shared bedroom where you had been hiding yourself for the past half hour upon witnessing his new haircut.
You presented yourself as less than ecstatic to see him, to say the least. By the time Jeno had entered, you were already shrouding yourself with your comforter to avoid him once more.
A sigh left Jeno while he wondered to himself how long you two were going to play this game. “Pretty, you can’t still be upset…” slowly, Jeno crept over to the edge of the bed to sit next to your hidden form.
He heard you huff from underneath the blankets before you quickly flipped it off your head. “Well I am.” And your head was covered again.
“You don’t like it?” Jeno probed you, of course he knew what your answer was but playing with you was just so much fun.
Like a game of catch-a-mole, your head peaked from beneath the covers like before to deliver him a quick qip but this time your boyfriend was time enough, catching the comforter with his hand to keep your pouty face in view.
“Jeno,” you cried.
“___,” Jeno mocked your whiny tone, maneuvering up the bed to hover over you. Though you feigned discontent with your boyfriend, you’d be stupid to ignore the kiss he pressed to your lips. You allowed your lips to mesh, it was swift, but effective in turning your once rigid form into something like jelly.
He pulled back, his handsome face still peering down over your own.
“Jeno,” you parroted yourself, this time your voice was softer as you reached a hand up to gently brush against his newly chopped fringe.
“Yes, pretty?”
You sighed at the usage of your nickname, it was twisted that he knew exactly how to use it to his advantage. Wordlessly, your opposite hand came to grip at the front of Jeno’s shirt, effectively pulling him down on top of you. He followed through, giggling as he situated his weight comfortably overtop of you.
This new position allowed you to adjust yourself along the crook of Jeno’s neck. “I don’t hate it,” you reluctantly whispered into his skin.
Shocked, Jeno changed the angle to where your faces were nearly touching. “No?” He whisper-shouted.
“No.” You giggled at the sight of his wide, stunned eyes, your hand still roaming the expanse of his cut.
Jeno smiled at this, bringing his lips back to your own and inevitably closing the gap between you. This time you gave more of yourself to him, arching your front into his. Sighing when you felt his hand place itself along your side.
He cut the kiss short once again, your faces still close as ever.
“I happen to like it. It suits you,” you admitted shamefully, it was disappointing to yourself that you had caused all this uproar to finalize that the change, though drastic and sudden, wasn’t all that bad.
It framed his face and highlighted his sculpted features. Lord knows he was still as handsome as ever, and this new cut gave you more opportunity to marvel at him. Though your fingers had less to work with, you were still able to play in it nonetheless.
“Thank you, baby.” Freshly flustered with your change in tune, Jeno pressed a peck to your nose, garnering a giggle from you.
“No problem.”
With your situation finally reaching a resolution, Jeno situated himself to lay on his side, holding onto you while his head was placed on your chest. Giving you the perfect opportunity to let your fingers linger in his hair like you’ve become accustomed to.
“More than my mullet?” Jeno mused.
“Don’t push it.”
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© jigueminunbich 2024
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vecnuthy · 4 months
Day 8 of @steddielovemonth: Love is the heartbeat I can feel when I hug him | wc: 832 | G | early relationship, fluff | 💘
As hot as it was out, Eddie didn't want to be anywhere else other than the Mayfield's trailer, along with the kids and older teens for Max Mayfield's birthday. The older teens had set up a mess of decorations inside and out and made the most god awful noise when they yelled and sang “Happy Birthday.”
“You know I'm, like, mostly blind, right?” she asked Steve when everybody else was too distracted by cake, saying but not saying that she didn't deserve the fuss.
“But not totally, you knucklehead,” he told her, sliding a plate with a piece into her hand with a scoop of strawberry ice cream, her favorite. She deserved the fuss. She was more than worth the fuss.
The small smile and pink cheeks let him know she was pleased. The hug she gave him let him know she was grateful.
“This is ridiculous, but thank you.”
It was the most glowing review he could hope for.
Eddie caught the tail end of the hug when he went back inside. Steve looked up at him and laughed when he saw Eddie holding a tub of vanilla ice cream to his cheek for sweet relief.
“I'll deny that happened if you tell anybody about it,” Max told them, grabbing her cake and ice cream. When they raised their hands placatingly, she let her glare soften to an almost smile, then made her way back outside to her friends.
Eddie plopped the tub of ice cream down on the counter and winced when it sloshed. “Can I interest you in some vanilla soup?”
“Only if I can pour it over my head.”
"Oh?" Eddie's eyebrows disappeared into his damp fringe and couldn't help but drift closer to Steve, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “Well that's a thought.”
Steve snorted and wiped his damp forehead off on the sleeve of his own tshirt. An electronic hum was the only other sound in the trailer at the moment.
“Should’ve done this at my parent's place for the pool, but I wanted it to be easy for Max, you know?”
“I do,” Eddie smiled, eyes locked onto Steve's. “I feel like I've heard that a couple of times lately, actually.” His fingers ran through Steve's hair to push it out of his eyes.
Steve looked at him the whole time then watched his lips move when Eddie parroted Steve's own reasoning back to him, “Having it here was the best option this time, and she can keep the decorations up.”
Steve blinked slowly with a soft smile, feeling drained from the heat and from getting everything ready in the heat, even with the help from everybody else.
“She really likes them, doesn't she,” he smiled, letting Eddie pull him in close as he nodded.
“I don't think she expected it.”
With his forehead resting on Eddie's shoulder and his ear all but pressed against Eddie's neck, Steve couldn't keep a shiver from going through him when Eddie spoke. Eddie breathed out a chuckle through his nose in response and held Steve closer to him.
“Good,” Steve muttered, finally winding his own arms around Eddie's waist.
Heat be damned, Steve loved Eddie's hugs and he loved hugging Eddie. Loved that because they were basically the same height, he could feel Eddie's heartbeat against his own, and that whenever Steve felt it, as sure as a sunrise, Eddie's heartbeat would be faster than usual initially then eventually slow down. He wondered if Eddie could ever feel Steve's pulse do the same.
“What're smiling about?” Eddie asked, voice still soft as if he were afraid to cause ripples in the humid air.
Steve could hear the grin in his voice.
“How do you know I'm smiling?”
“I can feel your cheek,” Eddie said, his fingertips lazily moving up and down Steve's spine.
“I can feel your heart,” Steve murmured into Eddie's shoulder, settling more heavily against him.
“Your heartbeat,” he said more clearly, grinning into the worn material of Eddie's shirt as it beat a little faster with the confession. “It's like….”
Steve tapped the rhythm against the small of his back. “I can feel it.” Eddie's hold on him grew a little tighter. “Can you feel mine?”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Eddie said, resting the side of his head against Steve's. “I can feel you.”
Steve's stomach swooped, and he knew his own heart rate picked up a little, skipping happily behind his ribs when he felt Eddie smile against him too.
They formed a little habit after that. Snuggling in bed, lounging on the couch, holding hands — any kind of physical contact that led to one of them being able to feel the other's heartbeat resulted in them tapping rhythmically against the other's skin. That dance of fingertips honored the thrum of life that they tried not to take for granted, sparked smiles and deeply contented breaths. It telegraphed before they'd even said it out loud:
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
Thinking of lifting Price up against a wall and sucking his cock until he sees stars all because he said he would be "too heavy".
Price knows you’re strong believe me he knows has seen you tackling plenty of strong men in front of him, carrying heave loads without complaints even going hard at the gym one day and being perfectly fine the day after
Not to mention the amount of times his eyes have wandered along the length of your body, gaze stopping at your strong arms when you reloaded a gun, or your thick thighs when you had a soldier in headlock maybe even your chest when you’d strip the shirt off of you at the gym to wipe up the sweat from your forehead
So yeah price knows how strong you are but there’s a difference in ogling at your muscles from a distance and having you push him up against the wall so he was practically gazing down at you, his legs resting upon your shoulders and your mouth just a hair away from his crotch
It’s stupid to get this shy at his old age but he can’t help but feels his face burn red as you nuzzle your nose up against the fringe of curls that rest just at his base, can’t help the squeak that escape his lips as you kiss along the length of his dick, cant help to see stars and have his pulse roaring in his ears as you sink down on his dick
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russos-ventitre · 8 months
leah williamson x reader | first steps ❤️‍🩹
✘ summary: its leah first day running post-acl surgery and she's upset you're not able come, but viv, beth, and laura have a surprise for her
✘ warnings/tags: fluff, boyfriend!leah, leah's first day back (fully)
✘ words: 1756
a/n: requested by anon
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"Babe! Come on! You're gonna be late for your first day back!" You shouted from the kitchen, preparing her a packed lunch with a cute little note tucked inside.
"Nearly done!" The blonde shouted in response, quickly tying her headband in place before running down the stairs mere seconds after you'd shouted her.
"Here." She panted, standing in front of you as you handed her lunch, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Seriously.. again with the headband..?" You questioned, crossing your now free hands across your chest as you stared up at her forehead.
"Yeah.. keep my fringe out of me eyes." The defender smiled smugly.
"Uh huh.. that's why all of it is dangling past.." You quipped, hearing a groan from the taller woman.
"Are you sure you're not able to come..?" Leah asked quietly, tugging at the hem of your shirt as she tilted her head down to your height.
"No babe.. I'm sorry. I can't miss this meeting with my boss, it's really important." You lied, hoping that the taller woman wouldn't notice the glint in your eyes that suggested that.
"..but.." You continued, hands grabbing onto her training kit, tugging her close.
"..I'll make it up to you when you get home, yeah?" You winked, seeing a smile curl at the corners of the blonde's lips.
Leah bit her bottom lip looking down at you, one hand coming to rest on your hip. "You mean like show me how proud you are..?" She raised her brows suggestively, pulling you closer.
"Oi, no.. keep it in your pants Williamson.." You grumbled, seeing her start to laugh.
"God you can be such a teenage boy sometimes.. all horny and smelly.."
"Hey! I do not smell!” She groaned.
“Not denying the horny bit..” You elbowed her, pushing her in the direction of the front door. 
The defender let out a annoyed sigh, grabbing the handle and turning to face you.
“You better keep your promise..” She pouted, jutting her lower lip out as she gave you the saddest eyes possible in hopes to make you feel guilty.
“I will Lee, promise.” You held onto her shoulder as you stepped on your tip-toes to reach her lips.
"Have fun today, alright? I love you."
"I love you more, seeing you after training." She hummed, walking over to her car and driving off.
You quickly shut the door, pulling out your phone to text the girls.
[y/n] [6:45]: guys shes left!!
beffy [6:45]: viv and ill come pick you up in a few mins
beffy [6:45]: just need to grab our kitbags
laura [6:46]: im so excited!!
[y/n] [6:46]: me too lau :))))
You hurried to your bedroom, changing out of your 'work clothes' and swapping into one of Leah's old arsenal jerseys, feeling it consume your entire torso and nearly reach your knees. It felt like a warm hug. Your phone buzzed in your pocket.
beffy [6:49]: she has no idea right?
[y/n] [6:49]: nope
[y/n] [6:49]: she still thinks that the meeting is happening even though my boss informed us last week that it was being rescheduled
laura [6:50]: [y/n]! youre evil 🥺
[y/n] [6:50]: i knowwww 🤭
You put your phone away and rushed around the house to gather a few necessities, coat, boots, and keys.
viv [6:54]: we're here
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎[y/n] hearted your message.
You ran out of your flat to be greeted by your two favourite people, both of them waving at you and Viv honking the horn as she waited for you to enter her car.
"Hi, guys!" You waved back, rushing into her car as she drove the three of you to training.
"You sure she won't notice?" Viv asked, looking at you through the rearview mirror.
"Yeah of course. That's why I asked if you guys could drive me so she won't recognise my car." The couple now 'ohing' as it finally clicked.
"Yeah, that makes sense." Beth replied.
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You all arrived to training a few minutes late, Jonas completely aware of the antics that M&M had planned, distracting Leah from their noticeable absence. You decided to stay inside for a bit, watching from one of the windows.
"Alright, ladies it's time to run some drills." He clapped his hands together, seeing all the girls gather around. He put all of the girls into pairs, having Leah be paired with the Physio. Beth and Viv sneaking into the group of girls, hoping that the taller woman wouldn't notice their quiet appearance.
"Hey, Leah, take it easy today, try not to get to frustrated with yourself." The blonde gave her a light pat on the shoulder, seeing her nod in response. The defender walked over to the side with the Physio, listening to her instructions.
"I'm just going to examine how your body reacts to a few of these stretches and if everything looks good you'll be cleared and allowed to train with the other girls. You'll still have to take it easy though and you'll have to be checked again after training to see if your healing hasn't been disrupted." The Physio cautioned, standing beside as they both began stretching together.
Leah did as she was told, copying all of the stretches that she had asked her to do as a part of protocol. Trying her hardest not to overwork herself and make her already injured knee worse. She desperately wanted to be kicking the ball around the pitch with the other girls and playing a 5 v 5 right now but she had to focus on the here and now.
After an hour of training and a few short breaks, you snuck your way outside, ducking behind the stands as you secretly watched Leah from afar. She was eating the food that you made her, catching her cheeky smile from the little love letter you wrote her.
hey babe,
im so proud of you. youve come so far and it makes my heart so happy to know that my girl is going to be back on the pitch again playing for her childhood team. youve done amazing my love, you should be so proud of yourself.
love, [y/n] xx
Jonas joined you from your hiding spot, giving you a hug. He was happy to see you there supporting her.
"Oh! Hey! how's she been?" You asked.
"Yeah, good. Really good, shes been making a lot of good progress with the Physio."
"Will she be running today with the rest of them?"
"If everything goes well, definitely." He smiled proudly.
That's my Lee.
You began to stare at your blonde lover a little too hard, noticing how her eyes were wandering around the pitch as she happily ate her ham sandwich, her eyes nearly landing on you. You jumped back, lightly bumping into Jonas as you were worried she nearly saw you.
"S-Sorry, thought I was spotted there."
"It's alright, although I should probably leave before things get too suspicious." He gave you a little wave before making a swift exit.
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Leah walked over to the side to grab her water, chugging as she listened to the Physio explain her results.
"Your body seemed to react really well to all of those stretches, so I'm clearing you for the day. Go have fun out there with your friends, kid." The older woman gave her a light pat on her shoulder before walking over to find Jonas to discuss her progress.
You watched as Leah took her first steps onto the pitch, kicking the ball that was sent her way as she practiced some drills. After a few touches of the ball, you snuck your way onto the pitch, hiding behind Viv, Beth, and Laura. You stuck your fingers in your mouth and wolf-whistled in her direction.
"Hey good lookin'." Revealing yourself from behind the group, arms waving in her direction.
The blonde turned her head, confused as she recognised your voice. Her eyes immediately lighting up as she found you wearing her old kit as you stood next to Viv, Beth, and Laura who were on the side.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting." Leah asked, pulling you into a tight hug, holding you close in her arms.
"Yeah well.. plans change. Plus, how could I miss a moment like this?" You nuzzled your face into the blonde's neck, feeling her melt as your nose brushed against her skin.
Viv, Beth, and Laura all watched as you both shared a quiet moment together, Viv recording, and Laura just crying.
"I love my parents." She sobbed, feeling a supportive hand from Beth as she patted her on the shoulder, eventually crying in the blonde's arms. "I know.. I know Laura.." She hushed, patting her on the head as she smiled back at you both.
You pulled away slightly to press a soft kiss to the taller woman's lips. "Go on.. go have some fun, don't let me stop you."
Leah blushed as you caressed her face, melting into your touch before nodding. "You're staying, yeah?"
"I'll be right here, cheering you on." You smiled, feeling her pull you in for a second kiss. She sent you a final smile before pulling away to continue her drills with the ball, your hand lightly tapping her on the arse as she ran back to her spot.
You walked your way back to the other girls, feeling Beth drag you into the tight hug that she had Laura in and eventually swinging her arm out for Viv to join, who begrudgingly did after a few seconds.
"Thanks, girls."
"Anytime, [y/n/n]." Beth murmured, squishing the four of you closer together.
You watched as your girlfriend ran her drills, feeling a sense of pride at how hard she had worked to finally reach this moment. You caught her smiling at you at any given opportunity, giving you shy waves before continuing dribbling the ball and making some passes. It was clear that she missed doing this, and she couldn't be happier doing it whilst you were there. Giving her the opportunity to show off a bit and steal kisses from you every now and then as she ran past you. Your cheeks shining a bright red that matched the jersey adorned to your chest, your heart feeling full at the sight of your lover doing what she loves the most. This was the happiest she had been in a long time.
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daddy-suguru · 1 year
Congrats on 9k followers dear~
If you’re still taking event requests, would it be fine to ask for sex worker!choso x virgin!reader + overstimulation?
- sᴡᴇᴀʀ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏᴅ ɪ’ᴍ ᴅᴏᴡɴ, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛᴛᴀ sᴀʏ ɪs…;
ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs | sugarbaby!choso, rich!virgin!reader, best friends to friends with benefits, overstimulation, fingering/clit rubbing, outdoor sex/sex on the balcony (no near by neighbors), high sex (bud), praise, daddy/princess, pussy kisses, oral, begging, squirting, tattooed!choso with a tongue ring, some making out
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ | 1.6k
sᴜɢᴀʀ’s ʀᴀᴍʙʟᴇs | thank you, also this prompt got away from me, i blinked and it turned into a drabble. sugarbaby!stoner!choso is going to be rotting my brain for a while now
Choso tilts his head to the side, and his fringe covers one of his dark eyes. He insists, "Think it over, are you sure you want to throw away your first time?" Wapping his lips around the butt of the thick blunt.
The end of the tip glows red with his inhale. Illuminating his handsome pale face in a soft red light. Which is already catching the bright light of the full moon.
The dark tattooed line over his nose adds to how pretty he is. While his dark, fluff hair, was taken out of its spiky ponytails, framing his face. With his high cheekbones, pointy nose, full, glossy lips, and sharp jawline. Even the dark circles around his eyes look endearing.
Choso's shirtlessness and his low-hung sweatpants while he leans against the balcony of your private home. Looking like a very tired model. With his toned, brawny build and inky tattoos.
You were trying to get him out of the city, away from his normal profession. Giving him a peaceful night in the woods out of the city Yet here you are offering him some money to eat you out. Since you were curious as to how it felt and didn't trust anyone else than him.
Huffing, "It's not throwing it away if it's you." Choso is one of four people in your life who didn't care about your money. Your friendship always seemed more than enough for him.
Your friendship bracelet Choso bought with a cute little charm, which he said reminded him of you. You had gotten him a bracelet of his own. Something he got into a fight to keep since someone tried to steal it from him once.
Unbeknownst to him, you've fought with your parents for the right to wear. Since the jewels weren't real it was deemed trash to them. You still refused to take it off no matter what snide comments you still got over it.
You say, "But if you don't see me that way. I understand, it's just I'm curious about what it's like to..." You trail off your face heating up as you focus on the blunt that Choso passes while saying nothing. So you ramble,
"And you said you needed some money. I'm tired of you living in that scary motel. So yeah the more I think about it more I want you to be my sugar baby. You won’t let me just give you money, so I thought - I understand if you don’t find me unattractive and don’t want to." Looking off the side of the railing taking a slow drag while Choso pushes off the railing.
He walks up behind you, pressing his body against yours. Whilst grabbing your hips. Something he has done more times than you could count. After you cuddled him on the second movie night Choso would find a reason to have his hands on your body.
The higher Choso gets, the more talkative and touchy he becomes. Choso’s sweet forehead kisses, lingering hugs, and gentle squeezes from his hand, always left you wet and warm. His touch is so comforting, exciting, and safe.
Hitching your large baggy shirt over your hips. Exposing your clothed pussy to the cool wind. Before he reaches in front of you, pushing your panties aside, dragging his fingers along your lips to your clit.
Arching your hips back, his finger following your clit. Taking your second hit while Choso ensures, “Lil’ princess if it’s me it isn’t a waste, as long as you don’t regret this, I don’t want to lose you.” While nudging one thick finger past your lips,
“Tell me if it hurts, or if you're becoming uncomfortable and I’ll stop darling.” He kisses the top of your head, pumping his finger slowly. The blunt shakes between your fingers as you clench around Choso's fingers.
Softly wondering, "Does this mean you're my sugar baby?" Choso gently massages slow tight circles into your sweet spot when he finds it. Squeezing his finger while your knees cave in, pressing against each other.
"I'm all yours since you are insistent on taking care of me, this way I can do something for you to. So when you do move on from me you pussy knows what it's like when someone takes their time showing you how much they adore you." His sweet words are just a part of him playing his role as your sugar baby.
This is something you remind yourself of, Choso still sees you as a friend. Even if he is finger fucking you. Yet you still end up confessing,
"I don't want to share you with others, want you to stay here with me so I can take care of you." The tension building in your stomach is alike to the pleasure you gave yourself. Yet so different, so much more demanding. Turning your brain to slush, and your legs to jello.
Reaching back and grabbing onto Choso, slipping your fingers into his long hair. While wrapping your hand around the back of his neck. Plastering your body against Choso's more so.
He slides his fingers out, while he keeps rubbing your clit. Your cheeks heat up as you realize that Choso is licking your pussy juices off of his fingers. His loud groans fill the night air and you whine for the first time.
Covering your mouth as your eyes widen, "Let me hear you, that was beautiful." Rubbing your clit faster, his rough finger pads stroking small circles onto your soft nub.
"So needy for me aren't you?" Nodding your head, whimpering as you gush, your thick slick soaking your thighs. Yet Choso doesn't stop rubbing your clit. As your legs tremble and your knees lock, giving out.
Choso places the blunt between his lips. Before wrapping his arm around your waist, while asking you, "You can cum for me princess one more time, can't you? Let your beautiful, tight pussy make a mess for me to lick up." Lifting you off your feet, holding you tightly against his body. While he moves to the love chair, sitting down with you on his lap.
He blows out a puff of smoke while he ashes out his blunt. "Tell me how needy you are, have't hear ya sweet voice." You can't form the words as Choso curls two fingers past your lips. As he rubs your clit with the same, quick speed.
The pressure of his thumb is too much. As he rubs your sweet spot relentlessly, "Please! Please!" Sweet, loud mewling begs slip from your lips. Mixing with the wet squelching of Choso's fingers in your pussy.
There is a tighter tension building lower in your gut, "Please what darling?" Looking up as Choso leans over while you mumble,
"Please help me cum daddy." Choso roughly kisses you, biting into your bottom lip. His loud groan tells you that you struck a nerve with that name.
Parting your lips for him to slip his tongue past. Rubbing his tongue bar before mimicking the actions of his tongue. As he pumps his fingers faster, matching the pace he is rubbing your clit.
Thick clear cum squirts from your pussy. As you break the kiss and Choso speeds up the pace of his finger. while you look down. The moonlight glints of your cum. Which coats Choso's hand and wrist. While soaking Choso's sweatpants.
Panting as Choso pulls his hand out and lifts his slicked-up fingers to his lips. While you catch your breath he licks his fingers clean. When your breathing steadies you slip off Choso's lap.
Your legs wobble as Choso grabs your hips to steady you while musing, "Princess, I haven't even given you my cock yet, did you squirt that hard?" He drops his hand as you push your panties down. The long thick string of your cum stretches and snaps.
Bending over in front of Choso, spreading your pussy apart for him. While admiting, "I'm so needy I keep thinking about the way your cock looks straining in your sweatpants. Please Daddy! Cho, nnng Daddy!" He kisses your pussy before slipping two thick, tattooed fingers past your lips.
Spreading your squishy self apart to spit inside of you. Stuffing his spit inside of you while asking, "You want me to be your sugar Daddy and be sweet on your pussy?" Rubbing your clit with his thumb. Which is still so sensitive from cumming so much. Yet you don't want him to stop.
Choso groans, "Fuck I've seen so many pussies but none as pretty as yours. And the way you taste!" He replaces his fingers with his tongue. His tongue ring drags along your squishy pussy. While he keeps stroking circles into your clit.
Whining to him, "You're my daddy cho, I love how you always check up on me if I've eaten. And you encourage me to take care of myself, along with how well you listen to me." Groaning as you reach back and grab a handful of his hair.
You're going to make his hair softer with the right self-care products you can splurge on getting for him. While using him being your sugar baby as the reason for him to finally accept your gifts.
Choso pulls away, crooning, "One more time, whose your Daddy princess?" Standing up and dropping his sweatpants. Pushing them to the side, swiping his thick head along your slit. Swirling himself at your small hole while softly pushing past.
The burning of the stretch has you whimpering and Choso pulls away. While you shift your hips from side to side, telling him, "You are! You've been taking care of me already for so long, I want you to be selfish for once and let me make you feel good." He steps out from behind you, as you stand up.
Furrowing your brows as he walks in front of you. Your confusion is short lasting as Choso confesses, "I'm getting off on your pleasure. If you really want to help me be selfish, then sit down, spread your legs, and let me eat your pretty pussy till I'm finished." He grabs the bottom of your shirt as you raise your arms, for him to slip it off.
Sitting down, spreading your folded legs apart. As Choso turns on the balcony's lights he stands in front of you. "Princess you're so beautiful, such a yummy pussy all wet for me."
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usedtobecooler · 1 year
i need you to write about pegging eddie i’m not above begging bestie
you don’t have to beg cause i’m already there lmao
Pairing | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), pegging, anal m receiving, handcuff use, coming untouched, orgasm denial, face sitting, oral f receiving, dirty talk, sexy lingerie.
Word Count | 1.5K
A/N | this is super short and all smut zero plot, enjoy!!! 🤍
“Tell me how much you like my big cock fucking you,” You grunt, fucking your hips forward and sliding your silicone cock right back into Eddie’s fucked out, puffy hole, “Maybe if you’re all sweet I’ll let you come.”
Eddie’s whining and crying beneath you, hands up above his head, bound with his own cuffs to the headboard. They clink as he wrestles with them, “Baby please, lemme come, I’m begging,”
“Gotta do better than that, babe,” You smirk down at him, shoving your hips forward just a little so that the dildo nudges that little bit deeper, head clearly pressed tightly against Eddie’s spot because he’s mewling, back arching off the bed.
“Love your big cock in me, god,” Eddie cries out, and you glance up to watch his bitten fingernails dig bluntly into his palms, desperate to touch something, anything, “F—feels s’good, sweetheart. So good, you fuck me so good.”
“Really? Aw, babe.” You coo, hands gripping onto the backs of his thighs for purchase as you pull out all the way, then slam back in to the hilt. You break eye contact to watch the strap sink in and out of him, unable to tear your away.
Eddie’s cock leaks unashamed all over his belly, precum pooling in the dip of his bellybutton and streaking down his happy trail, matting down the hair there. He looks angelic, flushed a deep pink down to his chest with need, sweaty fringe stuck with sweat to his forehead.
He’s prettier when he’s needy for it. Begging for your pretty pink dick and gasping for air when you sink in and out, knocking the breath out of him. He loved it — being fucked open like this and laid bare for you to see all of him. Fragile and every bit of dominance knocked out of his body.
“Please, baby, please,” Eddie begs again, legs wrapping around your waist to push you deeper, and you gasp at the face of pleasure he makes, eyes screwing shut and bitten lips opening in a deep moan, “Need to come, need it. Need to come on your cock, please.”
“You’re cute when you beg,” You’re moaning too, feeling your slick slide down the insides of your thighs. This wasn’t all for him — fucking him turned you on as much as it did Eddie, there was something so powerful about knowing you could make him feel the same way he could you. You lean forward and grip a hold of his chin, shaking his head lightly, “Open your eyes when you come, Eddie. Want you to watch me fuck you stupid.”
He opens his eyes, lust blown orbs darting between your face and watching your tits as they jiggle with every rough thrust, your lacy black corset digging in to the underside of them. You’d spilled out of it long ago, struggled to care when you were eight inches deep in his tight ass and unravelling him with every single thrust.
Eddie fights with his restraints again as you pound into him, pushing his knees up to his chest so you can abuse his spot in a controlled manner with every thrust. His rickety old bed creeks under your movements, mixing in with his loud moans and the slick noises of your cock sliding in and out of him.
“Can I come now?” Eddie begs, tears spilling from the corners of his eyes, and you surely should take mercy on him now, with how tight his balls are drawn up and how his cock leaks and kicks like he’s struggling to hold back. You nod slightly, and he clearly takes that as his cue, “Thank you, thank you, aah—!”
Your cunt quivers and aches to be filled as you watch in awe at the hot spurts of come that shoot out of Eddie’s raw and neglected cock, shooting so far it hits his chin. You can’t feel it, but you know he’s clenching down around the silicone toy as you fuck him through it, slowing down as he begins to shake from overstimulation.
You grind to a halt, smiling all giddy at Eddie’s fucked out expression. He’s still moaning softly, hazy eyes blinking up at you and a soft little half-smile directed back at you in return. You lean forward, making to kiss his bitten lips, but change your mind at last second — instead darting down to swipe the come off his chin with a pointed tongue. He groans, and you moan against him, savouring the salty, heady taste of him on your tongue.
He nudges at you, begging silently for a kiss, and you do so with no hesitation. Leaning up that little bit further to bump noses before slotting your lips together. It deepens fast, Eddie opening his mouth for you so you can slide your tongue against his own — letting him taste himself. Your cock slips out of him with the movement, and he hisses, biting down on your lip in retaliation.
“Sorry, Eddie,” You mumble against his lips, retreating back and sitting on your haunches. You unclip the strap in silence, gasping in relief as the weight of it is taken off of your hips. You don’t miss how wet your thighs are with your own slick, glimmering in the warm light of the room.
“Y’gonna get me out of these?” Eddie asks, startling you out of the silence with a small jiggle of the metal. You look up at him and smirk, dropping the strap from your hands in favour of slinking your way up his body to sit prettily on his belly. You know he can feel your wet cunt on his heated skin.
“Dunno, I was thinking you could help me out first?” You feign a slight innocence, grinding down against him and relieving a bit of the harsh aching on your clit. He nods eagerly, waiting on baited breath for you to climb up the rest of the distance and hover over his face.
You do so with no hesitation, spreading your legs and bracketing Eddie’s head with your thighs. His curly hair tickles your soft skin, his plump lips kissing up the insides of your thighs softly until he nudges his nose into your cunt, breathing in deeply until you get yourself settled.
The first dip of Eddie’s tongue between your folds makes your legs buckle, has you fully seated on his face and he groans into your cunt, the vibrations shooting into your core and eliciting a loud moan in return, “Not gonna take long, babe, fuck keep doing that,”
Eddie alternates between licking up and down your cunt, savouring your juices, and sucking and biting at your clit. He’s in a perfect rhythm, one that he knows will get you off quickly. He knew your body so well by this point — what parts to press, what areas to kiss, what pressure you needed. How hard you liked it, how fast. He was insatiable.
“Fuck, fuck,” You cry, grinding down against Eddie’s face, fisting at his hair for leverage. His tongue laps at your core like he’s desperate to make you come and it’s working, your tummy coiling up and beginning to spasm with need, “That’s it, Eddie, your tongue is sinful, god—!”
He’s looking at you like butter wouldn’t melt, a picture of innocence with his big, wet eyes. Nose perched prettily on the mound of your cunt, nestled in your neatly trimmed hair. You wished you had your polaroid, you needed to have a memory of this exact moment.
You grind down against Eddie’s mouth again, one perfectly timed suck of your clit with a grind of your hips and you’re coming — soaking Eddie’s face in your release, cunt spasming around nothing as you cry out, head thrown back towards the ceiling as pleasure wracks your body.
When you come down, he’s back to kissing your thighs, eyes sparkly and face shining with your come. You feel him smiling against your sensitive cunt, tip of his tongue poking out to lick gently at your clit and you clench your thighs around his head, jerking back.
You’re weak for him, always have been. Probably always would be.
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Found meaning in you (17+)
Pairing: portmafia!Dazai Osamu x fem!mafia!reader
Colour: Angst
Warnings: Kissing, biting, nipple playing, small scare, handjob, mentions of suicide, slight chocking
Words: 1,050
Summary: Your secret meetings are something you look forward to, and yet it's getting harder and harder to meet the port mafia executive. But you only just realise how much they mean to him.
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"Well you're home late", you smiled at him as you saw him enter the bathroom. You made a show of stretching your naked legs out of the bathtub you had filled to the top with foam and fragrant essences.
Dazai's tired expression evaporated from his face. He let hi long black coat slip from his shoulders and with an elegant move of his hand he swept his fringe up and away from his forehead. His usual cocky smile replaced his exhausted frown as he waltzed towards the tub.
"Impressive", he placed his hands at the marble edge and leaned closer, "Not even I found any signs of you breaking in"
"You could say I'm a professional by now", your hands played with his slick black tie, "Mr Executive"
"My word....I would very much like to argue that. Hold this for me", he said and with that he relased his tie and dropped his phone at the palm of your hand. Before you could think of anything else, he was placing his weight on his hands and jumping inside the tub to topple you. You had not heard him take his shoes off, and yet there they lay on the bathroom floor, bathing in the water that spilled out from Dazai's weight. His fine black suit was completely soaked, his tie pin covered in foam, as he pressed his clothed body onto yours until you hit the end of the tub. "Don't drop it", with his eyes still piercing yours, his hand secured his phone on your hand, "I have important information saved in there". He leaned closer to your ear before he said deeply, "I deeply fear what I could do to you if you lost it".
You let your body relax, head leaning at the marble edge. "Oh?", you smiled as you lifted your knee to rub lightly between Dazai's legs. "Anything in particular?", you dangled the phone over the water.
"Hey", he encased the hand which threatened him in his and pushed it away from the water. His other hand journeyed over your body from the thighs to your neck. His fingers tapped on your nape as if they were pressing the keys of a piano, his thumb brushed softly on the skin of your neck. Water dripped from the tub as his body moved closer. He leaned in, his plumb lips caressing yours before his teeth emerged for a playful nip. "Let's say I'm far more rewarding with those who please me", he said against your skin.
"Is that so?", your free hand snaked under the waist of his trousers. Dazai failed to suppress his grunt as you palmed his length; it exploded against your mouth before his hand closed harsher around your throat, and his lips captured yours.
"Yes that is so", he said, his hand moving up to steady your head.
"I'm not your subordinate you know"
"That is exactly what pisses me off", he suddenly grabbed his phone away from your hand and threw it on his fallen coat. His arms wrapped around your waist as his body fell backwards until it was completely submerged. He pulled you under the water with him, his hand holding your nape down. He must had realised you did not have time to react and take a proper breath as his playful smile turned worried at the brief sight of panic in your eyes. He pushed you both back to the surface, his hands reaching to cup your cheeks. "I'm sorry", he kissed the bridge of your nose, "Are you alright?"
"Bastard", you smiled burying your face in his wet blazer.
"I was just fooling around Belladonna"
"I don't know if I believe that"
His smile faded away. His expression grew stern in a glimpse of an eye. Your legs still straddling his waist, his arms pulled you closer. His bandaged palm scrapped your cheek as he lifted your head to face him. "I would never lie about something like that, Belladonna", his eyes were fixed on yours. There was determination behind them, unlike anything you had seen from him. "Listen to me closely", he guided your hand over his heart, "This is yours now, tattered and broken as it is. It might long for death but it longs for you more"
He sealed his words with a deep kiss that took your breath away. His hands traced your body as he climbed lower to place loving nips on your neck and shoulder.
"What are you saying?", your fingers combed back his wet brown hair.
His lips stopped. He let his head rest on your shoulder. He felt so fragile as he clung to your body until his hand reached for your breast. Much like one focuses on twirling a pen in their hands during a meeting, he focused on making you feel good, drinking on your sighs as he stalled returning an answer. His thumb brushed over your nipple from time to time, circling around the small rosebud for the rest. He turned his head a little, just enough to place a small kiss on your collarbone. "I am not leaving your side, and you are not leaving mine"
You thought you misheard him at first. But then he lifted his body and nodded to you, to let you know he meant it. He sighed and leaned on the back of the tub, pulling you towards him. His right hand traced your thigh up and down, his left plucked a few wet strands of hair away from your cheeks and tucked them behind your ear. He leaned in to place a single kiss on your cheek but never drew back.
"I see no value in my life", his voice was but a whisper, "but yours is worth more than any fortune I can think of"
You held him in your arms so he would not let go. You clung to his drenched suit like he clung to you for a reason to live. "You're my everything", you told him and felt his shocked breath sing by your ear. "I love you with all that I am. And you know", you cupped his cheek as you gazed upon his beautiful face, "I am much too vain to love anything other than what I find to be priceless"
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livelaughlovekny · 1 year
Taking care of Muichirou when he is sick
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Summary: Muichirou caught a cold after not listening to you and you had to take care of him (+Bonus)
  His form and movements were precise and perfect as always. To anyone else, nothing about his seemingly stoic appearance seemed off. You knew though. You weren’t anyone else; you were the “stubborn Tsukugo who enjoys being tormented”. His lips had paled ever so slightly. His eyes weren’t their usual mint green. His skin was less glossy. This has been going on for more than a week and you saw that signs were starting to get worse. Muichirou was sick.
  After your usual training session, you observed him silently. Muichirou continued on with his habit of wiping his sword, sheathing it before proceeding to his own physical training. You contemplated telling him your “findings” and suggesting he visit the Butterfly Estate. Were you overreacting though? Perhaps he was just affected by the heat and not his health. Well, it wouldn’t hurt too much if you asked him just in case right? You stared at him, a minute had barely passed, he was already completing 146 push-ups and continuing without any obvious signs of discomfort or pain. “Hey, are you, like, sick or unwell?”
  Not pausing his training, he replied, “No.” Ah, well, if he said so. You still didn’t quite believe him since this was the same person who was said to have nearly trained himself to death but decided not to push it any further.
  After completing your break, you started on your own workouts too. 2147 sit-ups later, you heard the sound of thunder cracking and saw lightning flash. Picking up your pace, you tried to at least reach 2200 sit-ups before seeking shelter in the Mist Estate. Moments later, rain poured down. Groaning, you hurriedly got up and rushed into the estate. Your training had been disturbed but at least you could continue in the estate.
  Finding a suitable spot, you were about to continue when you notice Muichirou still outside practising his stances and swinging his sword repeatedly. A thunderstorm is currently taking place and yet he still continues training outside. “You’ll get sick. Come in and find another way to train.” You were ignored.
  The day continued on as usual. You continued with your usual workout in the estate while Muichirou continued with his training outside the estate and under the rain. You went to bed and so did he. You woke up the next day fine. He didn’t.
  You knew immediately because your room was facing his. Upon opening your bedroom door, you noticed two very wrong things. One, his bedroom door was closed. Muichirou always wakes up before you and only closes his door when he’s inside. Two, you heard loud coughing coming from his room. You knocked twice on his door before sliding it open, not waiting for any response.
  Muichirou was lying on his mattress, curled up in a foetal position and coughing heavily. God, why don’t people listen to you when you bring up good points? Makes you wonder who the stubborn ones really are. Pushing his fringe away, you lay the back of your hand against his forehead. He was burning. “Stop touching me, I can handle myself.” Muichirou pushed your hand away. You snorted.
  “Don’t bother, hold on, I’ll be back soon.” Despite his previous protest, he made no effort to stop you from whatever you were going to do. Leaving his room, you mutter to yourself about how you had no idea how to care for sick people, much less stubborn and idiotic ones. Drenching a towel in a bowl of cold water, you brought the bowl to his room. Setting the bowl down, you sat down and squeezed the towel before folding it neatly and placing it on Muichirou's forehead. “What are you doing?” Swatting his hand that was reaching for the towel away, you glared at him. “Stop it, you’re clearly sick and dying. Don’t you dare refuse my efforts to care for you.”
  “I’m not dying.” You replied instantly, “To be fair, everyone is dying.” Silence. Triumphantly, you smiled. You knew he would say that and prepared a response beforehand. “Now, lie still and quietly while I write a letter to the Butterfly Estate for advice on how to care for sick, stubborn dummies.”  No response, you’ll take that as a win too. Laughing internally, you left his room and went to yours.
  A few minutes later, your crow was flying off to the Butterfly Estate. Returning to Muichirou’s room, you note that he was lying still and silently. Muichirou stared at the ceiling with a blank expression. Unsure what else you were supposed to do, you leaned forward and looked down at him. His eyes refocus on your face. You grin. “I’ve sent a letter, I’ll be training in my room. If you need me, just call for me. I’ll check up on you and adjust the towel every once in a while.” Pausing, you remembered that the both of you had yet to eat. “Oops, I forgot about breakfast. Hold on, let me see what I can do.” 
  “I’m not hungry.” So insistent on ruining his health. “Nonsense, your body is fighting for its life, it needs food and that’s final.” Sticking your tongue out at him, you walk to the kitchen. Hands on each side of your waist, you looked at the food supply. “Wonderful, I have no idea what to make that wouldn’t make him sicker.” For the briefest of brief moments, you think about just knocking Muichirou out.
  No, you don’t trust yourself enough to not accidentally somehow kill him by hitting the wrong spot. And if you did somehow manage to not kill or induce a coma, you knew he would immediately cut your head off. You liked where your head is and would like it to remain that way. If only he listened to you! None of this would have happened and you wouldn’t have to figure out a way to not give your master food poisoning while he was sick. “Porridge. Sick people can consume porridge right? That’s just watery rice and some other stuff right?” You bit your bottom lip, considering the risks of carrying out a freestyle recipe. 
  You were sure an eternity had passed when you finally entered Muichirou’s room with a steaming bowl of porridge and a glass of water. The glass of water was probably unnecessary but he didn’t need to know that. Muichirou turned his head and looked at you as you carefully set the tray containing his breakfast on the floor. “I thought you left the estate.” You definitely took a while to prepare his breakfast then.
  “I considered it for a while but that would be too cruel.” You scooped a small portion of the porridge and blew on it lightly. “Say ‘ahh’.” Muichirou opened up his mouth and swallowed. You were fist pumping in your mind, he did not resist!  Repeating your actions, you smiled at him. He swallowed the food again but decided to object to your help again, “I can feed myself.” Ignoring his protest, you continued feeding him. “Perhaps, but you were also the one who insisted on training under the rain.” Muichirou looked away.
  Once you were done feeding him, you grinned, proud that he didn’t get poisoned and willingly accepted your help. Drenching and twisting his towel, you folded it neatly and placed it on his forehead like before. Picking up the tray, you smiled at him and got up. “Alright so like I said before, just let me know if you need anything, otherwise I’ll check up on you every once in a while.” Inhaling a deep breath, you cheered yourself on. Taking care of sick patients scares you. It always feels as if their future depended on your every move and decision. Sliding his door open, you left and slid it shut.
  Now alone in his room, Muichirou turned to look at the closed door. He really shouldn’t remain idle and get up and start training. He really shouldn’t let this fever of his deter him from his duty. He really shouldn’t enjoy you caring for him as much as he does. And yet he remained as he was. Muichirou tried reasoning with himself. He couldn’t quite remember when he started feeling unwell, perhaps he had been pushing himself for more than a week and yesterday was his last straw. Thinking back to when you had asked if he was sick, he remembered feeling a little shock. Used to ignoring his symptoms, he had forgotten that he was sick. How did you know though? He was sure after numerous times of pushing himself to his limit even when sick, his body had started to give up in showing signs of sickness.
  Perhaps the Butterfly Hashira would have been able to tell since she was an expert in the field of medicine and doubled as a doctor. But you clearly had trouble caring for the sick so how was it that you were able to notice? He couldn’t recall much but he was sure that you were already aware of his illness when it started and chose to not comment on it. He recalled feeling your questioning stares and observing looks, your concern written clearly in your expressions. Your absence left his room so silent, allowing him to lose himself in drifting from thought to thought.
  His door slid open. Muichirou turned to look at and saw you standing there, holding a letter. “Helloo, how are you feeling? I just received Kochou-sama’s response, she said that it might just be a bad cold and resting for the rest of the day and drinking warm water would help! Look, she even wrote a short and quick recipe since I said I sucked at cooking for stubborn patients!” You grin at him. Muichirou stared at you silently, not sure why you were so cheery all the time. “She said that I did good in caring for you and drew a smiley-face!” Pointing at the corner of the letter, you waited for a reaction from him. Receiving none, you whined exaggeratedly, “Not that I agree, but I can see why people call me a stubborn idiot who enjoys torture. Your silent treatments are killing me. One day, I’ll tell Oyakata-sama that you keep bullying me and ask to be Kanroji-san’s Tsukugo.” You stuck your tongue out and blew a raspberry at him.
  “Who called you a stubborn idiot?” That was not the response you were expecting. Tilting your head to the side, you looked up as you tried to recall the mean comments you constantly overheard. “I’m not sure. It’s mostly just overheard gossip but there’s always this weird girl with like, blue pigtails and red eyes that keeps giving me dirty looks. I think she’s just jealous because she’s always saying how if she was my rank she would apply to be your Tsukugo and kick me out.” Snorting at the ridiculousness of it all, you laughed. “You would like that wouldn’t you? I think she has a crush on you and would totally do whatever you wanted and not laugh at you.”
  “No. She sounds like someone who wouldn’t work hard. You’re annoying but you’re hardworking.” Ignoring the insult, you focused on his compliment. His first ever compliment to you. “Aww, I didn’t know you could be so sweet. You should get sick more often and maybe you would be more charming!” Muichirou looked at you plainly, unimpressed. “I’m a Hashira. My job is to kill demons and train you, not be charming.” Waving your hand, you rolled your eyes and smiled. “I know, I know. I was just kidding. Don’t worry, I respect your determination. It’s honestly impressive.” Not responding, Muichirou turned away.
  Assuming that meant that your one-sided conservation was over, you got ready to leave his room again. Hearing you getting up, Muichirou turned back and looked at you. “Wait. Don’t go yet.” You turned back and looked at him confused. He wasn’t sure what to say, he didn’t mean to call for you. “... You haven't changed my towel yet.” An unimpressed look crossed your face as you wet his towel and placed it on his forehead.
  Relishing the way your cool palm would brush his fringe away and place the cool, folded towel on his forehead, Muichirou blurted again, “Thank you, I like the way you care for me.” Your hand froze and you stared at him. Pinching his cheeks, you looked at him seriously. “Who is this and what have you done to my master?” Pushing your hands away, Muichirou glared at you. “Stop it, I didn’t mean to say that.” You raised your eyebrows but decided not to say anything else.
  The moment you closed the door, Muichirou allowed himself to cringe at his earlier behaviour. It wasn’t like him to be so… sentimental. This illness and your concern was really getting to him. And yet despite everything he told himself, he couldn’t wait for you to come back to check up on him again. 
Bonus: A few weeks after his recovery, Muichirou was walking back to the Mist Estate when he heard someone calling his name. It was a stranger. She waved her hands wildly and ran up to him. “Oh my gosh! Are you Tokito Muichirou, the Mist Hashira? I’m Yua and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” The girl’s blue pigtails bounced and her red eyes shone as she reached excitedly to grasp Muichirou’s hands. With a look of disgust, Muichirou took a stride back and extracted his sword, pointing it at Yua. “Don’t touch me, you low rank. Just by looking at you, I can tell that you don’t even deserve to gossip about others.” He paused. “Much less ones who deserve the titles they earned with their own hard work.” Not willing to spend anymore time with Yua, Muichirou turned away and walked off. Gossiping about others? How did he know that that girl, who’s name he has already forgotten, had gossiped about his Tsukugo? He heard a faint voice in his head and a blurry image appeared in his mind – You were gently dabbing his face with a cool cloth as your hand caressed his face. You were quietly whispering to yourself, “Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be your Tsukugo. Maybe others are right and I’m just wasting your time. But looking at how angelic you look, how can I bear to leave you?” He wasn’t quite sure if that was a fever dream or how he even remembered but he felt his cheeks heating up.
a/n: sobbing, i tried my best but it wasnt as cute as i wanted it to be!! i tried my best to not make mui ooc but at the same time making the scenes cute but i think i just spent too much time on their banter and unnecessary stuff and not enough on you caring for a sick muichirou :'( + i think many stuff are probably incorrect and i want to yeet myself now im so sorry oml
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whydon-twego · 11 months
For your celebration prompt writing: i would absolutely love something about touch-starved (and maybe additionally emotionally repressed) Arthur. Angst with a hopeful/happy ending and perhaps also merthur would be peak but honestly do what you feel like with it. love your writing either way
Arthur knows he is doing the wrong thing.
Arthur knows that he would just like a gentle touch once in a while and a pat on the back and a voice saying "well done!"
Arthur knows that all this can never come from his father (except for things Arthur greatly despises doing, and what kind of man is Arthur if by now his line of thinking differs from the king's?) but he also knows that he could easily receive it from Merlin.
He would like to receive it from Merlin.
How many times did Merlin try to pat him on the back? To initiate a hug? Once he even tried to take his hand and Arthur found himself in a total panic, as he has never been in his life, not even in battle, and pushed him away.
Arthur is incapable of receiving affection. Morgana has always told him so. And even if she is not among the friendliest people on the face of the earth at least she can be herself with Gwen.
Why can't he?
Arthur watches Merlin walk back and forth across the room picking things up from the floor and complaining that Arthur is a pig and not a prince, that he should at least learn and keep the room tidy because it is one thing to be a manservant and another to be a slave.
Arthur nods and simply continues to stare at him.
It is strange how easy it is to be around Merlin.
It is strange how comfortable Arthur feels without the need to prove himself to be something he is not.
It is strange that he does not feel so at peace with himself even with Leon, with whom he has been squiring and is actually the person he has known the longest.
So why can't he accept a compliment? Why can't he accept a simple caress? Why can't he accept something he wants?
"Arthur, are you all right?"
Arthur looks up to find Merlin kneeling before him, the serious, contemplative face of someone who has probably tried to call him several times.
Arthur does not understand the question but nods anyway.
Merlin does not seem convinced.
It is with a certain kind of reverent shyness that Merlin raises a hand and shakes off Arthur's fringe, resting his cool palm on the other man's forehead.
Arthur leans heavily on that touch.
"Prat. You're burning up, that's why you're so quiet today, come on, I'll help you lie down."
Merlin passes an arm around his waist and helps him up and Arthur actually feels tired. Perhaps all those thoughts about Merlin stem from the fever and nothing more.
The fact that Merlin's arm around his waist makes him feel protected must surely be another symptom.
Finally, Arthur manages to lie down and Merlin is there with him, helping him undress and cover himself with blankets.
"You're an idiot. All you do is complain about irrelevant things but then you have to be stoic when you feel really bad" Merlin rolls his eyes and sighs but doesn't leave, remaining sitting on the edge of the bed looking at Arthur in that strange way that makes Arthur's guts twist and he can't decipher.
Then Merlin takes his hand (because Merlin is nothing if not persistent) and stays there, staring at him with a half-smile and intimating that he should sleep, that he will go to Gaius soon to get some medicine but that in the meantime he should try to bring his fever down with a nap.
Arthur, tired, nods and closes his eyes, Merlin's hand clasped between his and Merlin's smile etched in his mind.
Everything is already much better because Merlin is there with him.
Everything is already much better because Merlin is at his side.
Everything is already much better because Arthur is happy that Merlin is there with him, always.
A thought makes its way into Arthur's head and suddenly he opens his eyes again, bringing them to the figure of Merlin who is sitting next to him, stroking the back of his hand with his thumb and looking at him smiling, beautiful as the sun.
… Oh.
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live-laugh-lenney · 2 months
Omg i love your writing sm!!!
Also the thought of using George as a human weighted blanket is all I can think about
thank youuuu! <33 so so so thankful for you guys sending in stuff to me.
it's just another form of intimacy.
when he sees his girl all cosied up in his bed, completely swallowed up by his duvet that she's tucked around herself, with only her head visible and resting on the pillow. completely fresh-faced, clean from her shower, damp hair pulled back into a messy bun that had strands falling across her face and down her shoulders. tired and wanting him to join her so she could get comfortable and fall asleep with him next to her.
and he can't help himself, really.
he finds it quite amusing how she huffs out the air from her lungs as he clambers on top of her, slowly lowering himself down until he has his entire body laying upon her, her arms coming from beneath the duvet so she could wrap them around his shoulders.
"why do you do this to me?"
"i just want to be close to you," he mumbles into the duvet before he lifts his head up to look at her, fringe fluffed from the cotton material he had just laid his head upon, "don't tell me you hate it. you would've pushed me off by now."
"i'm not complaining," she grins tiredly, "like my own personal teddy to cuddle with at night."
"i was thinking more a blanket but i'll take being a teddy," he admits and presses his lips to her forehead in a lingering kiss, "not that tired right now, wanna-"
"no," she grumbles and he frowns, "what?"
"i was going to ask if you wanted to watch a film, what did you think i was going to say?"
"i thought you were trying to initiate something else," she rolls her eyes and he lets out a breathy laugh, "not like you to not want sex, georgey-boy."
"what can i say? full of surprises, me." xx
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beansprean · 1 year
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Here's that au I threatened everyone about :D
Context for those who have never seen Pushing Daisies: it’s about a pie baker with the power to bring people back from the dead by touching their skin. If he touches them again, they die forever. He has about a minute to re-dead someone after revival to avoid having someone else around die as a trade and uses this power to solve murders. He revived his childhood friend/crush/first kiss and now they can never ever touch skin to skin or ☠️ its a very cute show despite this premise, very quirky and stylized and created by Bryan Fuller!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Full body drawing of Guillermo, dressed in a black tee shirt, dark green chinos, red sneakers, black leather gloves, and an apron around his waist. He is holding a steaming pie in both hands on his right side and is smiling adoringly up towards a human Nandor on his left. Nandor smiles back at him with equal adoration, hair up in a half bun and earring dangling from his left ear. He is wearing a loud yellow flower patterned shirt unbuttoned to his sternum and tucked into light wash jeans under a brown suede fringe jacket. His belt buckle has a horse on it. Arms safely tucked behind his back, Nandor gently knocks one of his brown boots against Guillermo's foot. A logo in the top left corner is a mishmash of the What We Do in the Shadows and Pushing Daisies logos, now reading "What We Push in the Daisies."
2a. In the foreground, the corpse of Jenna is laying on a silver table and covered chest down by a white cloth. On the other side of the table are Guillermo and Nandor. Guillermo looks down at Jenna, one of his gloves pulled off, and says "Ok, let's wake her up," as he touches her forehead with a bare finger. Nandor leans forward, eyes on the corpse, with an indulgent smile, arms carefully tucked behind his back. He is wearing a patterned brown blazer with a purple collar, a patterned gold tee shirt, earring, a necklace, and has his hair pulled in a low ponytail. 2b. Jenna opens her eyes with a start, color returning to her skin. She says wonderingly, "I'm alive?" Guillermo tugs his glove back on and replies quickly, "For now. So, real quick, who ki-" He is cut off as Nandor leans toward her with a sympathetic smile, asking "Can I get you anything? A glass of water? How are you feeling?" 2c. Guillermo glares over at Nandor, saying through gritted teeth, "Nandor we literally have like one minute!" Nandor glares back, holding his hands palm up in a helpless gesture, and responds "Well, it can be very disorienting to be brought back from the dead!" Jenna, still lying on the table, looks away uncomfortably and asks, pointing with her thumb, "Should I come back later, or...?"
3a. Waist up of Guillermo and Nandor as Nandor lurches forward, holding up a clear sheet of plastic wrap so he can kiss Guillermo through it. They both close their eyes through the almost-contact, Guillermo's arms stiff at his sides as hearts erupt all around them. 3b. Nandor leans back and lowers the plastic, grinning as he tosses a thumbs up and says "Still alive!" Guillermo, dazed, glasses crooked, hearts floating around his head, just stares blearily back with a grin. 3c. Zoom out, Nandor taps his chin thoughtfully and rolls his eyes toward the ceiling, a sly smile on his face. He says, "I bet if we made a full body condom we could-" Guillermo jolts, reddens, and adjusts his glasses, quickly interrupting, "Too dangerous! Probably. Right?"
4. Human Nadja and Laszlo sitting on a loud purple pink and red loveseat. Nadja is wearing a red minidress with a dark flower pattern belted at the waist with a slit up the thigh under a crop sweater with a high fur collar. She has one arm around Laszlo and the other stretched out on the arm of the couch and her legs are tucked neatly together, covered in fishnets, hair up in a bun with straight bangs and longer sections framing her face. She smirks at the viewer, all red lipstick and heavy rose eyeshadow under a decorative little fascinator. Laszlo sits at her side, legs crossed jauntily in tall leather high heeled boots. He is wearing deep red trousers and a red silk shirt in the same pattern as Nadja's dress, half unbuttoned to show a good bit of chest hair, under a fluffy fur coat. He has fishnet gloves and rose eyeshadow to match his wife and is gesturing with a little grin as he explains, "And that's how I ended up with an eye patch...on my willy. Perched in various places in the couch are three cockatoos, two of which are saying "I'm Colin! Braaak! I'm Colin!" The third is saying "I'm C-Man!" /end ID
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