#frontal lobe
homochaotic-chic · 7 days
✨Executive Dysfunction✨ Stickers
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I made the first one, and the others are some rad designs I came across while browsing Redbubble Check them out if you'd like! ✨ first one | second one | third one | fourth one
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master-jarrus · 5 months
What if the Devourer didn’t make Garmadon evil but instead messed with his frontal lobe?
In humans the frontal lobe is responsible for impulse control and the ability to tell right from wrong
While we know Garmadon isn’t human his biological make up is similar enough to reproduce with humans so we can safely make the assumption with this being about legos that he can have a frontal lobe
So let’s say the devourers venom doesn’t actually make you evil
But it’s instead neurotoxin
And thanks to Garmadon’s genes he was a able to survive it but it caused brain damage
He no longer had a good grasp on what was right and wrong and when he could tell it was hard to fight the impulse to do the wrong thing (especially because the things he did often had short term reward so it immediately reinforced bad habits)
As far as we are aware Garmadon is the only person to have been bitten/survived being bitten by the great devourer
So we don’t have any comparable data
The FSM went oh no my baby isn’t naturally evil this thing made him evil because the fsm doesn’t know anything about brains
He couldn’t understand that these were Garmadon’s thoughts and choices and while yes Garmadon wasn’t naturally evil, he wasn’t fully capable of trying to be good
And to his credit he did try once he had something/ or rather someone that he didn’t want affected by his decisions
This also explains why is the way he is in sons of Garmadon on
Lloyd was able to heal his brain when he casted out the devourer venom but when Harumi summoned him he had been actively dead, meaning that healed portion would’ve decayed and then some which is why he was so unhinged
Garmadon was never evil ha just had brain damage
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arnplays · 5 months
Fnaf Shidposts
Pilliam Afton
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2. Crying Snickers
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3. Sprizzgyat
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5. Chica smoking weed
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6. Monglee
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biologist4ever · 1 month
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Neuron on fire! A Tau tangle surrounded by neuropil threads. Frontal lobe - Alzheimer's patient
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darthpastry · 4 months
Would Jeremy’s Agony from his frontal lobe being forcibly evicted from his head be enough to allow him to sort of possess the thing?
What’s up with Jeremy anyway. Like. Why does he exist. Just to get his frontal lobe bitten off? Why did he stay. WHY DID JEREMY FITZGERALD STAY? Idk. Going a bit insane over this currently.
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weighted-notebook · 5 months
Does anyone here have some advice on how to write a character with frontal lobe damage? Y'know, other than "study Phineas Gage", because that's one example of how a frontal lobe injury altered one specific person. I'm pretty sure there are more people out there who've experienced frontal lobe damage who have been affected in different ways. I've looked into symptoms and effects and such, but I wanna know if there's anything else I should know before writing
...yes, this is for a FNaF fanfic, but I want it to be accurate, y'know?
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emuhleekaysee-blog · 2 months
Every day I feel my frontal lobe inch closer and closer to the finish line. I’m 22, but there’s like 15 minutes left on the oven timer.
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dxspirited · 4 months
If you peaked in high school I am genuinely sad for you because life gets so. SO. much better once your frontal lobe develops
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thotsanfyuckinprayers · 4 months
For anyone who is turning 25 this year.. I need you to let me know if that frontal lobe kick thing is real. Like some people say like you just wake up on your 25th birthday and your like Einstein up in this bitch and you’re like why did I make those choices? I need you to let me know if that’s real please and thank you.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Crucial for understanding trauma, the frontal lobes are also the seat of empathy – our ability to "feel into" someone else.
"The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma" - Bessel van der Kolk
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hopeiart · 2 years
El amor de una persona ansiosa es siempre sincero.
Las personas ansiosas no tienen tiempo para fingir, porque luchan contra el tiempo, tienen miedo al futuro, miedo a perder...
Las personas ansiosas son generalmente fieles, porque han sentido en carne propia lo que es sufrir una traición de antemano, por ello tienen tanto cuidado de no hacerle a alguien lo que ya les ha dolido.
Los ansiosos no son perfectos, son inseguros, se apresuran y sufren por lo que aún no pasa.
Hay una lucha constante por mantenerte en su vida, ¡créeme! a veces incluso piensa en darse por vencido y aún así no se rinde y tú eres parte de eso.
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dead-loch · 7 months
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Feeling a bit better but also emotional as hell - broke down sobbing just cause I needed it. Wanted to share.
The painting here is one of hundreds my grandfather (papie en français) has painted in the past 3-4 years. My grandpa has dementia that affects his frontal lobe. This is a type of dementia you don’t hear about very often, because the effects are… honestly, horrific. In his case, similar to brain injuries which have the capacity to completely change someone’s personality, his dementia primarily stripped him of his inhibitions. This lead to my grandmother not being safe living with him. He cannot be left alone, with anyone. There were some very bad years before we found a home that operated with empathy and compassion for their patients with dementia.
Whenever I see his paintings, which he’d never shown any interest in prior to this point, had never made art or painted or anything, I’m just reminded of how terrifying aging can be. And not only aging but really anything that can lead to brain injury. At 30 I know very well that I could one day become someone I never wanted to be. Someone I don’t recognise and don’t know. Someone who does things that actively harm others, without realising that’s what I’m doing. If someone came into my grandpa’s life and saw him do something unthinkable, they would probably just assume that’s who he is. A bad person doing bad things. If I don’t treat others with compassion, if I don’t give chances, who will give them to me?
But he also paints. He paints what he remembers. All of his paintings have history. “This is when we lived here. This is when we did this. This is such and such.” And I think we’re so lucky to have them. So lucky he found this. Because when he’s gone, I’ll remember that painting made him happy, despite everything. And that his actions were not always his to control, but he gave us hundreds of canvasses featuring his memories.
Life is fucking complicated. People even more so. And our brains are so delicate and so amazing and terrible. We have the capacity to love people even when their actions scare us. I keep reading these posts that completely lack any kind of nuance or reality and wondering, if I lived my life like that, without looking for the nuance or the context or anything, would I still have the capacity to love someone who cannot control their actions? If my grandpa was part of someone else’s family, would they have found him a safe place to live or would he have been put out on his own? I live in the core of a large city, I encounter people experiencing mental health crises on a daily basis. Screaming outside my window is normal. I looked outside a couple weeks ago and a man was laying in the middle of the street, yelling. Hurting.
And yet here we are, thinking up new ways for people to be seen as “bad”. We’ve got plenty of it already without forcing it onto every single person we encounter. Aren’t we tired of finding new ways and reasons to hate?
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ouijawolf666 · 8 months
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exoticbutterfucker · 10 months
developing brain cells in your 20s is wild like I knew it would happen but I didn’t know it would happen
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shrimpscrawling · 10 months
I just felt my frontal lobe develop.
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