#frontier scenario
0-animelover-0 · 5 months
Summary: So'lek was protective before but now that his little mate is pregnant, he grown even more protective.
(So'lek x Human!Reader)
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Warnings: pregnancy, possessiveness, fear of losing child, mentions of birth
kelku = home
ma'tìyawn = my love
Angstik = The hammerhead titanothere
Tulkun = large marine species native to the oceans of Pandora
Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu = I love you my little warrior
You think So'lek was protective before but as soon as he found out that you were pregnant with his child he became 10X more protective. He always has his hands on your waist or stomach. He also refuses that you go places alone.
One day So'lek arouse from his sleep and you weren't next to him. Panicking, he got up and grabbed his bow. He ran out only to be met with you laying in the hammock just outside of the kelku. Sighing in relief, he leaned his bow against the entrance and walked over. “Good morning, ma'tìyawn.”
You looked at him from the hammock and smiled. "Good morning."
You could see that some of the worry still remained on So'lek's face as he looked at you. He walked into the hammock and got in next to you, wrapping his arms around you holding your pregnant belly protectively. "Don't scare me like that again."
You can notice that as he is breathing in the smell of you, he seems relieved that you are still alright and not in line of potential danger.
You smiled at the way his tension left his shoulders. He sighed as you put a hand over his that rested on your rounded stomach. "I'm sorry, I just thought sunlight would be nice."
He looked up at you with a warm smile on his face as you placed your hand over his. His ears and tail flinched at the sun's bright light that broke through the leaves over head. "It is, but I do not want to lose you. Not now with the new life you are carrying within you."
You chuckled softly, honestly finding his words amusing. "Ma So'lek, I am only a few feet away from the kelku. I will be alright."
He groaned in annoyance as he was beginning to get annoyed with your playful attitude towards his overprotectiveness. "I know that you would be but I do not want to take the risk. You are not only my mate but you are the mother of my child. I will not take any chances whatsoever."
His ears continued to twitch at the sound of his own words.
You knew you couldn't change his mind on it, once his mind was set, he was determined. Like a stubborn Angstik. "I know."
He looked down at you with his pretty green eyes. Even if he is trying to be stern with you he is still having a hard time fighting back the urge to pull you close and hug you. He takes a deep breathe before he finally speaks to you in a gentle yet firm tone. "Please do not go far from the kelku from now on until you give birth."
You fingers intertwined with his. You knew you couldn't promise anything like that. You would loose your mind and become restless. Your lips touched his cheek and then kissed along his jawline. "You know I can't promise that."
He growled in annoyance at the thought of you not keeping the promise he requested from you. He also grumbled at the thought of other Na'vi men seeing you outside of his protection. He was starting to get possessive.
"Why not? Your health and my child is at risk the further you go from the kelku. What reason could you possibly have to go far away from here?"
"I have people and duties in Hometree. You know that." You told him with your gentle tone of voice.
So'lek thought for a moment about what you said. It was true that you did have responsibilities and people to look after back at Hometree but he couldn't fight this protective instinct anymore. He was already too worried and anxious about losing you and the unborn child.
"Then I will be coming with you. I don't want to lose you or our child. I will protect you and keep you close to me."
You smiled at his decree. At least you wouldn't be cooped up at your home. "Alright, I have no objections."
He let out a relieved groan and pulled you closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. This made him feel so much better now that he knows that he can still keep an eye on you while you attend to those matters at Hometree.
"It's settled then. I will make sure to keep a close eye on you and keep you safe from any danger."
A few minutes passed and you slowly stroked your big stomach that would soon hopefully birth a strong child for your mate. "How much longer do you think?"
So'lek looked down at you and took note of how big your stomach had gotten. This baby must be growing at an extraordinary rate. He has never seen a woman get pregnant this quickly before. He also could only imagine how much you were uncomfortable dealing with all this change in your body.
"We are approaching the 8th month so this baby will grow much quicker. I predict that it will be born in less than two months."
You sighed and laid your head on his chest. "Oh thank goodness." Carrying his child felt...uncomfortable on your body to say the least.
He rubbed your head while looking down at you. His eyes were filled with love and relief as he thought about how soon you will be able to give birth. The thought of the baby being born also made him have all sorts of thoughts like how much of you was in the baby and how much of him was in the baby.
"How do you feel? Is the pregnancy getting too uncomfortable for you?"
You nodded and shifted in the hammock to be more comfortable. "It feels very uncomfortable. I think the baby is going to take after you the most. I feel like a Tulkun."
So'lek felt his ego inflate at the statement that your child would be taking after him. However, he didn't like that you were experiencing major discomfort from the pregnancy. This really showed him just how much this pregnancy was taking a toll on you. He continued to rub your head as he spoke.
"I will tell you a secret ma'yawne. When I was young I was a very loud child. Perhaps our baby will be as well."
You groaned and rolled your eyes. "Just what I need, a rambunctious child. AND a baby on top of that." you teased. You only meant it half jokingly of course.
He scoffed at the comment but didn't seem to mind it at all. If anything, the thought of having an energetic child to take care of with you is something he actually looks forward to. However, the thought of having a rambunctious child is also going to make him an overprotective father.
"Well you mated with me didn't you?" So'lek chuckled in his raspy voice as he ran a four fingered hand down your arm. "So it is only fate for our child to have our personalities."
You smiled at his first statement. You did mate with him, and you'd never regret it. You nuzzled into his side, your hand caressing his chest. Your fingers gently traced patterns on his blue skin. After a minute of silence, you spoke up with a request. "Rub my stomach again? It felt good."
He didn't have to be asked twice. As soon as you asked, he pulled you closer and started to massage and caress your belly. In this position, he could really feel how big you were getting. The thought of his baby being inside you was making him feel excited yet nervous for the day that you will give birth.
He put a feather-light kiss to your temple and hummed as he traced circles on your soft skin. "I promise to be a good father to our child. Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu."
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eywaseclipse · 4 months
Make You Mine*
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Characters: So’lek and female na’vi reader
Synopsis: Jealous So’lek during hunting festival 
Warnings: Jealousy, toxic behaviors, intoxication, sexual intercourse, swearing etc so 18+ 
Word Count: 1k
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The warm glow provided by the roaring bonfire illuminates your azure skin deliciously. The snare drums and tambourines fill your ear with a salacious delight thanks to the copious amounts of fermented yovo fruit juice you’ve consumed. The heat from the fire begins to ignite your cheeks, as you dance away with your fellow clan members celebrating the bountiful hunting season.
The clanking of your beads jingle happily in your braids, twirling as you move your body to the rhythm of the music. Your arms gracefully stir, with your iridescent tassels moving like Ikran wings in the wind. “Ayeaye!” A beautiful vocalization causes you to turn around, gazing to your friend Arvok with a playful smile on his face. “Dance with me!” He grabs your hands twirling you around before you can answer him. Both of you innocently dance together with your people honoring the tradition of movement. Unbeknownst to you, a pair of jealous amber eyes bore into the back of your skull close by.
So’lek’s POV
So’lek happily sits himself down on a mossy covered log surrounding the forest clearing watching as his people joyously begin the fire dance to commence the festival celebration. He sighs a lazy sigh bringing his bowl of fermented yovo fruit juice to his lips, as the tangy liquid soothes his throat with warm delight. He gazes to the youngsters trying to mimic the movements of the seasoned warriors dancing their night away, as he hears a familiar laugh invade his ears. Looking up to the source of the sound he’s displeased to see you dance with an equally drunk Arvok.
How could a beautiful Na’vi like you, subject yourself to this amateur hunter like Arvok? Especially as his promised mate. The romantic gestures and advances he’s planned for this mating season all seem to feel out of his reach as soon as he sees Arvok’s hand slip around your narrow little waist. What was once promised to him is seemingly slipping away, unless he acts now.
So’lek quickly slurps down the rest of his drink placing the bowl on the log, making his way to the forest clearing towards you. Your cheeks are flushed with a beautiful magenta hue clearly indicating your own intoxicated state. He approaches the two of you dancing together, with a guttural growl to make his presence known. “Y/n, may I have a word?” The strain in his voice is evident of containing his evading composure waiting for your attention to be elsewhere. 
You whip your head to his direction with a loose smile, “So’lek! I didn’t see you! Come dance!” You wiggle out of Arvok’s grasp and tug So’lek your way with an innocent look on your face, but he doesn’t budge. “I need to speak with you.” He booms with more confidence. Your face slowly turns into confusion, watching his unmoving expression. “O-oh. Okay.” You giggle out. 
So’lek does not return the amusement as he tugs you away before Arvok can even protest. His firm grip on your wrist does not waver, bringing you over to a large tree just out of ear shot from the rest of the clan, as the music slightly dissipates. “What are you doing?” He huffs out. He feels his nostrils flare with incandescent jealousy. The primal urge to mark you right here fills his mind with grotesquely vivid images. “What do you mean? I was celebrating with my friends.” You nonchalantly reply. “No… You were dancing with Arvok; the little twerp couldn’t keep his hands of you.” He growls 
Back to y/n’s POV
Your eyes slowly widen coming to the conscious realization that he’s jealous. You watch as So’lek’s pupils absolutely devour the amber hue in his eyes, as a playful smirk emerges on your face. “Oh…did you not enjoy watching as your future mate danced amongst male company?” You whisper seductively. You knew you were treading into dangerous waters, So’lek and his territorial tendencies have habit of imploding when alcohol is involved but you can’t help but feel enticed by it all.
“You know exactly what I think of that little show you put on..” He just huffs with irritation. “Baby you know I’m yours.” You cup his hot face watching his tail flick madly with irritation. “You’re a brat… and you know what happens to brats?” He steps closer until your back presses against the large tree, watching as his nose practically touches your own. The rapid beating of your heart thrums loudly in your throat anticipating his next move. This is not your future mate, but instead a hunt watching him like a Thanator stalks its prey.
“Say it.” He grows impatient. Your lip quivers with blooming arousal, feeling your own loincloth grow moist with desire. “Th-they get punished..” You squeak out. He smirks darkly, while his nimble fingers begin to tug at your beaded loincloth expertly undoing the strings. “That’s right… brats get punished.. and you know what that means?” He brings his lips to your ear causing a shiver to ripple down your spine.
“Fuck-I mean. Yes. I am yours.” You whisper softy. He chuckles removing your loincloth as it falls onto the grass with a small thwack. The cool air hits your throbbing pussy, causing it to twitch with delicious anticipation. “That’s right my little muntxate wife. Look how needy you are already.” He growls out. His large hands grip your waist harshly spinning you around so fast your brain goes numb feeling as he beckons you to press your hands against the trunk of the tree. “That’s right, hands on the tree. Your mate needs to fuck that little attitude of yours out of you hmm?” He snarls from behind.
You feel as he bucks his clothed bulge into your ass, causing a wanton moan to instinctively escape your lips. “You need to be marked… remember who you belong to…” He whispers in a strained voice as you hear him hastily undo the strings to his own loincloth.
He practically rips the material in half, tossing it to the side as his swollen cock slaps against his belly leaving the small mark of precum along his chiseled abs. “Fuck look what you do to me tìyawn love.” He brings his the swollen head of his cock to rub against your puffy lips, teasing you cruelly causing your hips to buck back into his pelvis. “So’lek! Please.” You whine out. So’lek just laughs and begins to fuck his length along your drenched entrance, slowly teasing and edging you just enough to drip onto the grass below.
“Little brats don’t get rewarded… but perhaps I will make an exception, if I get something in return.” He peppers a kiss into the crook of your neck. “Anything, truly anything So’lek.” You whine out desperate to feel his hard cock inside your walls. “Let me breed you.” He whispers. You feel your eyes almost roll into the back of your skull, nodding fast, “Yes! Please hurry!” You cry out.
So’lek watches you desperately try to fuck yourself along the length of his cock and laughs, “as you wish syulang flower.” He grabs the base of his length sliding into with ease as you practically swallow him whole. His balls twitch as he’s squeezed just right causing you both to moan in unison. “Fuck, you’re made for me..” He thrusts harshly into your silken walls with a loud thump into your ass. “Please.” You moan out. So’lek smirks knowing exactly what you want, and who is he to deny his woman?
He watches as you grip the tree tight, bringing his hips to slam once more, as he drills fast and hard into your swollen little pussy. The sound of squelching and smacking fill the forest with a disgusting erotic symphony as he feels his balls clench with an impending release. “Gonna fill you right up…” He moans into your ear. “Do it.” Your challenge just inspires a faster pace, as he literally takes you off your feet and onto your tippy toes, turning into a brutal speed.
“You’re made for me, you’re going to carry my children aren’t you brat?” He huffs into your neck feeling his pace begin to grow sloppier and sloppier. “Yes!” Your head rests in the crook of his shoulder clenching down on him so tight he swears he sees Eywa herself. The sound of your soaking wet heat and his balls slapping against your ass cause him to release his seed into your empty womb, coating it with the sticky hot liquid as you feel it immediately drip out of you. “Agh!” You squeal loudly as you feel his hand snake around to rub circles on your swollen bud. The overwhelming sensation of being filled to the brim and your clit being stimulated just right, causes your body to shake violently as you squirt your juices onto his hand and wrist. “Fuck fuck fuck.” You whimper out. “Just like that, that’s a good girl.” So’lek talks you through your orgasm as if his own didn’t just almost cause temporary blindness from pure ecstasy.
“Tam tam…” he whispers gently as your twitching body begins to slow down. Your labored breathing begins to sync with one another, feeling him gently bring you back down onto the grass and turning you around to face him. Both of you look completely and utterly wrecked, with glossy eyes and loose hair sticking to your sweaty foreheads.
He gingerly wraps his hand around the back of your neck to bring you in for a passionate kiss. “Mmm” He groans into your mouth kissing you with such purpose your eyes see stars dancing inside your eyelids. “Baby…” You moan softly. He parts ways as your lips leave a trail of spit gazing into each other’s eyes. “Soon you will be swollen with my child…” He half whispers to himself cupping your toned stomach. “I guess practice makes perfect…” You giggle, as both of you slump down along the tree trunk redlining in the last remains of alcohol in your system. “A very bountiful season indeed..” He whispers 
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ybetzarts · 8 months
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i quoted this one under a twitter post by Harley aka @whisperwoIf. I find the post very interesting and really funny, so took it as an opportunity to draw sonic and super sonic jus chilling and doing normal things haha...this was so much fun to draw, a bit messy coz i was in a hurry and got other stuff to do 😅✌🏼
(any additions are in the tags below 👇🏼:))
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hender-ka · 9 months
We are like: "Oh my god, his tanned body!"
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love that 😂
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acidicpenumbra · 8 months
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they get to dance. or. whatevers up with them. this was already sketched like right after finishing the last art wirh the two of them so i had to finish it. i think the dynamic idea is interestinf actuallt irs a shame that like. nothing fuckinf exists but alas i have tje power to create and boy did i do that. erm. hey guys. more infinadow before i fixate on another pairing i suppose
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viacursecasting · 1 year
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Sonadow Scenario #66
I... I'm trying so hard to remember...
Revising places that were familiar to me was fun at first—the grassy plains of Green Hills, the winding paths of Chemical Plant Zone, the ancient ruins of Angel Island—but ironically, the more I visited these memories, the more I seemed to forget.
As I sped through the volcanic terrain of Chaos Island, a wave of fatigue hit me like a truck. At first I blamed it on the heat, but as I went to massage my forehead, my... my hand...!
It seemed to phase in and out of reality, like a glitch, with patches black as a void and red as blood. I almost forgot how I had gotten this way, but my mantra helped me remember.
"My name is Sonic. My friends are Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. I'm here to rescue them from Sage."
It got me thinking: Was Sage even my enemy? Sure, she may have thrown a few Titans my way, but for some reason, I felt like she was holding back. She had plenty of opportunities to kill me. Maybe there was good in her...
I decided to adjust my mantra. "My name is Sonic. My friends are Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. I'm here to rescue them... and Sage."
And the only way to do that was with the Chaos Emeralds. I looked to the distant horizon toward a beacon, surrounded by a sea of clouds and floating islands. It seemed impossible to get to. What I wouldn't give to have Tails fly us over there. Or have Knuckles glide us across.
Hell, at this point I wouldn't mind Shadow lending me a hand.
As soon as I thought of his name, I felt fluttery in my chest. I didn't want to think of him now—I would lose my focus—but I also didn't want to forget what he looked like.
I forced myself to imprint his features in my mind. Fur as black as a starless night. Voice deep and monotone. Feet as fast as mine—almost. Eyes—
Shit. What color were his eyes??
I racked my brain trying to remember. I knew it wasn't important, yet I felt like if I didn't remember, I was going to die. It was on the tip of my tongue and yet—
"Argh!" My headache pounded mercilessly, making my ears go numb. I decided to just focus on the task at hand, especially since I barely had the strength to drag my feet. "My name is Sonic. My friends are Tails, Knuckles, and Á̴̡m̸͂͜y̷̠͐. I'̸̿ͅm̴̛̟ ḧ̸̺́e̵̞͠ṟ̷̔e̴͍͂..."
Shoot. Why was I here? That beacon continued to call me, so started to make my way there in the hopes of remembering.
I ran across every rocky path and grinded on every rusty rail, yet the beacon seemed to be even farther now. Did I even need the Emerald? My lips read my mantra on their own.
"My name is So̸͇͝ni̸̹͗͗c̸̖̠̠̉. M̵̘̔y f̵̣͛rȉ̵̮end̷͓̎s a̷͍̅ṙ̶̼ȇ̷̙..."
I pounded my temples as if that would help spit the information out, but it was no use. The virus seemed to spread to my arms, but I was too exhausted to care. I fantasized about my hammock and how nice it would be to just nap for 50 years.
My thoughts went to Shadow again. I wondered if he thought about me as much as I thought about him. There I go, talking like a lovestruck puppy.
...Love? Was that what I...? No. I did not have feelings for a dark, brooding, moody hedgehog. I did not have feelings for his cool demeanor, his powerful abilities, or that shit-eating grin when he thinks he's bested me. I did not have feelings for the way he gazed at the night sky, looking like a work of art bathed in moonlight. I did not I did not I did not.
Then why was my heart beating so fast?
I needed to calm down. I started to recite out of habit. "M̴y̶ n̵a̴m̷e̶ i̵s̵.̴.̷.̸ ̵i̴s̶.̴.̵.̴"
...!? How... How could I forget my own name!?
I clawed at my quills, desperately trying to remember. The pain was unbearable—I felt like my head could burst any second—but I kept straining myself for the answer, trembling with the effort.
I fell to my knees. The memory was there, just barely out of reach. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as if clearing a path for the answer. I had to remember. I needed to remember!
My name. What was my fucking name!?
That title sounded familiar, the voice even more so.
I craned my neck to find a black hedgehog staring down at me. I couldn't remember ever seeing those eyes look so worried.
Then again, I couldn't remember anything.
"M̵̤̤͓͐y̵̯̍̓͠ͅ.̴̡̖̂͌.̵̧͔̾.̸̗̖̍̀̋ ̶͕͑M̶̠̃̈́͘͜y̸̙̎͠ ̴̥̳̈͝ṉ̸̳̅̍ā̶̰m̵͎̯̎͜ē̶̫̩͓.̶̥͙͔͐̔.̸̜̏͝͝.̴̗̓"
The corruption spread to my muzzle, making it hard to speak.
But the hedgehog seemed to catch on. He put firm hands on my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye:
"Your name is Sonic. Your friends are Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. You're here to rescue them and Sage."
My breathing grew heavy. I heard the words but my brain seemed to have trouble processing them. So he recited the mantra for me again.
He kept doing so until my breathing evened, and the virus cleared away enough for me to repeat after him.
We continued to chant until my headache subsided, and I was able to look at him with a clear head. His name was unforgettable. "Thanks, Shadow."
He nodded, helping me get to my feet. I gave him a salute before heading toward the Emerald, my purpose renewed.
My name is Sonic. My friends are Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. I'm here to rescue them and Sage.
And his eyes are red.
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wereh0gz · 8 months
No but like actually. I'm still thinking abt that new form sonic takes on at the very end of final horizon. Calling it cyber sonic but idk if that's the official name if it even has one
I'm still thinking abt it. Like when sonic is flying up to the end and going in for the kill he flies in a very sporadic pattern. Like he zips in a couple different directions at first before going straight for the end
And when we get a closeup he's lunging at it with his teeth bared like an animal. His teeth are noticeably sharper than in normal form too
It's so. Interesting. Like he's there for only a short period of time and yet there's quite a bit of personality there. I can't stop thinking abt it
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[ INBOX / accepting ] ⸻ @darehearts sent in ⸻ ❝Clint? there's something i want you to do for me.❞ (you wanted angst? i have an idea here, just you wait— ST verse obvs)
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CLINT ⸺ gets him searching for Kirk, eyes looking to meet the other man's. The security officer gives a somewhat lopsided smile paired with a look of surprise in his eyes. ❝ Name anything, I'll do it. ❞ It was without question, that's the kind of loyalty that his friends got from him. It's born of years being in space together, of the things that they had been through, a handful of crises that some may sooner forget. Additionally, Clint's found a brotherhood among the friends he has made. Kirk is a brother, and so he doesn't need to know what Kirk needs from him for Clint to go any lengths he needs him to go.
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000marie198 · 10 months
Hey hey you guys. Did you know that many Egyptians have the genes of blonde hair and blue eyes? Did you know other people in the world from completely different races and continents have blue eyes? Or blonde hair? Did you know associating very specific features to a thing you hate and calling it ugly is mean to not just every person who has it but also every fan who could be looking forward to something exciting?
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uranium235s · 1 year
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some more of the fully furbished artworks I've made for the campaign im dming
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0-animelover-0 · 5 months
Itty Bitty Crush
Summary: How they react when they realize they have a crush on you.
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Warning(s): None, just Fluff.
Characters: So'lek, Teylan, Eetu, Etuwa, Ri'nela and Nefika.
A/N: sorry if they are a little ooc. I haven't played in a week.
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So'lek ->
• So'lek would likely have conflicting feelings about having a crush on you. On one hand, he is drawn to you by your strength and your passionate spirit. On another, he feels as if his feelings would distract him in his duties or he'd lose the relationship he built with you.
• He would likely keep his feelings hidden, as to not cause any conflict. He'd distance himself from you, not to be cold or harsh, but to hope that the thoughts of you would fizzle out.
• That would obviously just make things worse so he let his guard down for once and let you into his heart. It would take a while for him to confess these things to you.
Teylan ->
• Teylen would likely be embarrassed that he has suddenly developed feelings for you. He'd feel a sudden rush of attraction towards you as he came to the realization. His feelings may be overwhelming at first, but given time, his heart would slowly be drawn in your direction more and more, and he would gain more and more confidence that he truly likes you.
• He might become shy or awkward around you at first, then try to find ways to impress you. He'd follow you like a lost puppy, always trying to talk to you about basically anything.
• Eventually you would notice that he'd become more and more comfortable with you. He'd hang around you more than the others, his touches linger longer, and his face blush whenever you touched him.
Eetu ->
• Eetu would likely be initially confused about the feelings. He would try to rationalize and logically understand where they came from. Once he recognized them, he would probably feel embarrassed and act awkward. He might even feel the need to hide his feelings.
• As time went on, he'd warm up to the idea and try to get closer to you. However, it would take time and a lot of patience for him to open up and accept the fact that he has a crush on you. Even then, he would definitely still be awkward about it.
• He'd quickly feel a warm sensation in his chest, and butterflies in his stomach! He'd feel like he'd been struck by lightning, and his pulse would race! Eetu would feel overwhelmed by all the feelings that come with having a crush, and his reactions would vary! He could blush and stutter one moment then give you cheeky smiles that might be slightly teasing next.
Etuwa ->
• Etuwa would be surprised to realize she had a crush on someone, but would also be intrigued by it. She would take the time to study and observe her emotions, and try to gauge if these feelings were genuine, or just a fleeting attraction.
• After some time, she would likely approach you and share her feelings in an honest and open-minded way, hoping to see if they reciprocated. She would likely express the various qualities you have that make her attracted to you, and hope that this would spur further affection between you both.
Ri'nela ->
• Ri'nela would react with a mix of confusion and excitement! She would become flushed, and may even have difficulty speaking as her heart pounds in her chest. She would try to hide her feelings from you, but there would likely be a hint of nervousness about her that could reveal itself.
• As she is a very strong independent woman, once she realizes she has developed feelings for you she will slowly start to show her soft, feminine side. At the start she will blush uncontrollably when in your presence, and will begin to make up excuses to spend time with you.
• Once she has enough trust in you (after many adventures together, bonding and sharing secrets), she would use a clever joke or flirt with you as an attempt to gauge your interest. Even though she can be stubborn at times, she is loyal towards whoever can earn her heart.
Nefika ->
• Nefika would initially be in disbelief at having feelings for someone else especially you, the Sarentu. She would then perhaps try to hide those feelings. However, once she accepted those feelings and realized they weren't going away, she would likely start to act differently towards you.
• She might be more affectionate, smile more, and potentially even flirt with you. However, she would still be a bit hesitant, wanting to make sure you felt the same way before taking things any further.
• Since she'd find it difficult to express her feelings with direct confrontations, she'd prefer to show them through gestures and gifts. She would swear that it was alright whenever she gifted you with an exquisite attire. However, if you show an affectionate side towards her and make her feel appreciated, she might eventually open up and admit her feelings for you.
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eywaseclipse · 1 year
Burning Desire*
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Characters: Na’vi reader, So’lek featuring Ri’nela
Synopsis: (Pre-hallelujah mountain battle and rda resistance) So’lek and y/n go into the jungle for a daily herb retrieval to help with Ri’nelas healing practices, when you come across a strange looking flower. So’lek accidentally brushes past it, causing an aggressive pollen to pollute the air and affect him. The flower just so happens to be the Txunmga Mowan Fìsyulang also known as the Poisonous Pleasing Flower. The effects of the sex pollen only enhance what feelings are already there, creating a stronger more powerful desire, bringing all to the surface. If not treated immediately one may feel as if they are dying, causing extreme sexual agony and discomfort.
Warnings: really just no plot all smut 18+ only
Word Count: 3k
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You finish the last strand of hair completing your fresh braids, as you string you favorite jade bead into your silky black locks with a satisfied sigh. Your feather and leaf top sways lightly as you rise to get your herb pouch and bow together. You take one last look in your mirror to asses your work, grabbing your things, securing your knife, and bow waiting for So’lek to accompany you on your extractions. The sudden flap to your tent moves with a slap, causing your head to turn to the source. A toothy smile meets your own, as you see So’lek enter your home. “Hey sevin pretty.” He greets you. “Hi So’lek.” You can’t help the way your heart beats a hair faster at the sight of the mighty warrior, your cheeks blushing in the process. “You ready for herb retrieval today? Ri’nela gave a list of what she needs replenished.” You nod your head, “Yup. Spent yesterday with her as she went over everything. I’m all set.” You say securing your bow and arrows one last time. You notice the way his eyes slightly advert from your face, to your chest just barely gazing to your nipples poking through your feathered top. A small smirk falls on your face as you catch him, a cough erupts both your thoughts. “I-okay, let’s go.” He awkwardly waves his hand to you. You chuckle to yourself as you both descend from the branches and into the thick of the forest. 
You walk in comfortable silence, the sun peaking through the leaves of the canopy leaving streaks of light across your blue skin gently caressing it with warmth. You let out a content sigh, with So’lek enjoying the hot afternoon as well. “Did Suya finally lose her baby tooth?” You interrupt the quiet. So’lek looks to you, eyes wide in amusement. “Yes, but only because she begged me to tie a string around it and yank it out so she would get her prize.” You and him laugh, knowing how entertaining that would be to witness. “My, what a sight that would’ve been huh?” “You should have seen it, my dad almost passed out from stress.” He laughs to you. Just as you’re about to respond a small plump object obstructs your path. You quickly avoid the round fruit and look down. “Holy shit So’lek look! Utumauti Banana Fruit.” Your happy eyes look to So’lek just as shocked as you are, kneeling down to get a better look. “You know what they say about those who find a bananafruit right?” “Good luck.” 
You smile. You take the plump fruit, and hold it out to So’lek, offering it to the warrior. “Here, you should have it. I know it’s your favorite.” You nudge it towards him. His hands lightly push it back to you, “No way, you’re the one who found it pretty girl. It’s all yours.” You lightly roll your eyes to him. “Did you fall on your head So’lek, you know it’s rude to refuse a banana fruit. Come on have it, it’s what I want.” You smile. You see the internal conflict through his eyes knowing that as a Na’vi custom it’s rude to take the offer as Eywa would like the fruit to be enjoyed by its finder. He sighs deeply, grabbing the fruit from your hand,  taking out his hunting knife and proceeding to cut it down the middle slicing it in half, juices dripping down his hands. “Here, we share it.” He says with a proud smirk. “Alright.” You take your half of the fruit and slowly bring it to your lips, the pungent delicious flesh pops in your mouth, with the sweet flavors bursting onto your tastebuds. “Mmmm” You close your eyes in delight, hearing So’lek do the same. 
Both of you relish in the rare find of an untouched bananafruit from the canopy treetops, humming in satisfaction, continuing your search for the herbs Ri’nela requested. With one of the plants on your list now in front of you, you begin scan the leaves of the ripe Paywll water plant, squeezing the succulent skin to make sure it can be harvested for its wondrous healing properties. Content with the ripeness, you take your hunting knife and begin cutting the ends of the leaf to put into your herb pouch, “Y/n come take a look at this plant, I have never seen one of these before. Was this one on this list?” You turn your head to where he points to the blue flower. “What plant?” You inquire. But it’s too late, he sneezes loudly as the pungent pollen invades his nose causing the disorientation to make him stumble back. You run to him, gripping his shoulders looking for any signs of injury. “So’lek?! Hey!” His eyes meet yours, blinking several times as if in a trance. His pupils begin to widen so much, they completely drown out the color of his amber eyes. You stare in horror as his expression turns into something you can’t quite name. You look down to where the fallen flower sits in the grass, kneeling to get a better look. Its beautiful blue petals have speckles of purple and bioluminescent dots scattered all around, with the inside has its pollen. And then it occurred to you, during the wet summer season many of these poisonous flowers bloom in the damp areas of the forest. “Shit.” You whisper softly. You turn your head back up to So’lek where his chest begins to fall up and down, breathing harder and harder. “Y/n what’s happening to me? Fuck.” He groans out. 
You slowly bring yourself in front of him, looking to where his skin begins to sweat small beads from frustration. “So’lek, don’t panic. But I think you just inhaled the fumes of the Txunmga Mowan Fìsyulang Poisonous Pleasing Flower..” So’lek struggles to keep his composure as he fights the urges now beginning to take their effect. “The what?” He groans out. “Fuck I gotta call this in. Ri’nela will know what to do.” You bring your fingers to your neck comm, silently praying she’s wearing hers or close by to hear you ping the channel, as you hear So’lek fall to the ground with a loud thud. “Ri’nela, this is y/n, it’s an emergency!” “Y/n?” Her voice sparks to life. “Ri’nela, I think So’lek might’ve inhaled the toxic fumes of the Poisonous Pleasing Flower. I don’t know what to do, it seems it’s taken its effects already.” You wait anxiously for her reply. “Shit, y/n, this is not good. The only way to satiate the poison is to… allow it to run its course.” “How? I’ll do anything.” You hear her take a deep sigh. “Y/n, he’s about to feel the most intense sexual urges, you need to be careful. The plant only heightens the emotions of one’s desires that already exist. I shouldn’t tell you this, but So’lek feels those urges towards you. You need to be careful.” Your stomach drops to her confession, could you have heard her right? Sexual urges? So’lek? For You?? “Ri’nela what are you saying?” You whisper softly. “I think you know..You have to tame the beast or else the poison will cause his mind to aggressively hallucinate. Under the sex pollen’s effect one will think they need to have sex or they’ll die. It’s best to submit to avoid getting hurt. I’m sorry y/n there’s not much you can do now.” Your ears pin to your skull, knowing Ri’nela is only trying to help. You sigh, “It’s okay Ri’nela I got this. Thanks.” “Good luck.” She bids you goodbye. You can hear the shaking in her voice worrying for you, but you look to where So’lek is now heaving in confusion, you must do whatever it takes to help him.
You rush to his side bending down, careful your touch doesn’t alarm him. “Y/n I feel…ah!” He winces to your touch. “Fuck I’m sorry So’lek! This was the sex pollen from the Poisonous Pleasing Flower.” “The what? Fuck why am I feeling this way?” He looks down to where his loincloth forms a tent, his now throbbing length creating a tight bulge through the material. He begins to whimper, bringing his hand to palm his growing boner closing his eyes in the process. You’ve never seen such a sight before, your cheeks flush with embarrassment. Trying to look away, but you can’t help but stare at him in wonder. “So’lek, the effects of the poison will have you believing that if you do not relieve yourself through sex, you will die.” “Fuck” he whimpers. You witness him start to aggressively hump the air, bucking into nothing as he desperately clings to pleasure himself, when suddenly he pounces onto you with your back hitting the soft grass. “Ah!” A surprised yelp escapes your mouth. “Y/n, this feeling, I can’t fight it. I don’t think I can hold back. Everything I feel right now, is telling me to fuck you senseless. To breed you completely and take you as mine. I’m trying so hard not to hurt you.” He whimpers out. 
You see the way he bites down on his lip, his eyes squeezed shut with brows furrowed tightly. Your heart aches knowing he is clinging onto the last thread of composure and sanity, desperate to be the gentleman he was raised to be. You know he is waiting for your verbal consent, it’s all he needs before he can truly unleash the beast waiting to erupt from within. You take a gulp of breath, touching his face softly, as he moans in the process. “So’lek, it’s me. I’m here. It’s okay. I want you to fuck me. Make me yours, I’ll submit to you completely.” You see as his eyes shoot open, huge pupils penetrating your soul. “You-you’re sure? Ah fuck. If I start I won’t be able to stop. I might hurt you.” He groans out fighting the pleasure. “So’lek don’t worry about me, I can take it.” You nod furiously. That’s all he needs to hear, as he plunges his lips into yours in a violent kiss. His tongue immediately assaults your own, poking into your mouth causing a pathetic whimper to escape. His teeth clank into yours, as he pushes his head as hard as he can into you. 
“Fuck.” He starts to rut his hips into yours harder and harder, your loincloth now beginning to soak with your own arousal. “Oh So’lek that feels so good, don’t stop.” His ears perk up to your sweet little whimpers, as he flips you over bring your body onto his stomach. “Look at you submitting to me little girl. All desperate. I bet you have the sweetest little pussy.” He growls into you. “Come on, sit on my fucking face.” He whines. You immediately do as he says, fearing any resistance could result to danger. You’re quick to untie the strings of your loincloth, releasing from your tail, it falls down, as you throw it to the side. Your throbbing pussy lips glisten in the afternoon light, your juices now falling onto his stomach. “Oh fuck, even prettier than I imagined.” He groans. Your swollen bud practically throbs with excitement as you feel his strong hands grip your hips harshly, bringing you to hover over his face. 
Your cheeks flush with shyness, as he aggressively lowers you to his mouth, your clit immediately making contact with his nose. “Oh!” You squeal out. “Mmmmmm.” He groans into your silky lips, relishing in the taste of your sweet nectar. He begins to prod his tongue through your tight hole, flicking it back and forth while his nose rubs against your clit over and over again. You look down to where his eyes are closed in complete bliss as you grip his braids holding on for dear life. “Oh!” You throw your head back in ecstasy feeling him begin to suck and slurp harshly. He brings his head to sway back and forth, shaking it to give you the perfect amount of stimulation, as he brings a free hand to slip under his loincloth desperate to feel his own release. The fire burning in your stomach starts to reach its height, feeling his lips begin to suction onto your swollen bud, “Oh So’lek!” You scream out. All he can do is moan into your pussy, the vibrations sending electricity to course through your veins. With one last harsh suck, you feel the fire now erupt through your body with your thighs convulsing violently on top of him. Your juices squirt out onto his face and chest coating him with your nectar. Your breath heaving you look down to where he lays, as you climb off of him. You see a dark spot in his loincloth from his own release, making eye contact with his barely ring of amber eyes. He wipes his mouth quickly, eyes darting to your body up and down like a Thanator stalking its prey, “Fuck you tasted even better than I imagined.” He groans out. 
You lean forward to undo his own loincloth, assisting him to get rid of the material him bucking his hips in the process. The cloth falls to the the ground and his still hard cock slaps to his toned stomach with a loud smack. His own juices coating his azure skin, as your eyes bulge out of your head at the sight. He growls once more, placing his hands around your waist. “I am going to fuck you so hard you’ll forget your own name. You belong to me now. Understand?” He squeezes your skin harshly, “Ah, yes So’lek I am all yours!” You whimper out. He smirks deviously, bringing your back against the tree, then spinning you around. A slight tug to your tail is made as he wraps it around his forearm for leverage. The contact alone has your pussy pulsate with anticipation, your back instinctively arches in the air as you press your ass into his cock. “Oh so needy baby. Look at you submitting to me. You’re such a little slut huh?” He slaps your pussy hard, as your back arches even more praying he fucks you soon or you’ll combust. “Tell me!” He shouts. His hips buck into the back of your pussy, his hard cock sliding through the folds of your silky lips. “Tell me what a little slut you are!” 
He grunts. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you cling to the last of your composure. “I’m a little slut! I’m your slut!” You whimper out in desperation. “Good girl.” He huffs. Without any warning, he plunges the tip of his swollen cock straight into your pussy. Your slicked walls welcoming him with ease, as his cock brushes against your cervix. “Fuck!” You scream out in bliss. His pace is brutal, so fast and unrelenting, that it forces you to grip onto the base of the trunk for dear life, arms stretched out straight to keep you from falling down.
Your ears are filled with the sound of slapping skin, his balls violently smacking against your ass as his cock drills into you, squelching into your pussy. Your eyes begin to roll back once more in complete bliss. “Fuck so wet baby! This all for me?” He grips the back of your neck with one hand as his other presses into your belly. The outline of his cock poking through your skin, “Feel that baby, that’s me fucking you balls deep. Gonna get you pregnant.” He whines out. “Oh fuck! Yes! Get me pregnant So’lek please!” You scream out. All rational thoughts of taming this beast fly out the window, as if you’re under the trance of the pollen yourself. He brings the tip of his cock out of your pussy, then slams it as hard as he can into your hips with brute force. “Unf” You whimper out, no longer being able to form a sentence. Your incoherent slurring fill Neteyam’s ears with pure euphoria as he feels his tight balls twitch readying for release. “Gonna fill you right up. Fuck! My little cum dump aren’t you?!” He groans into your ear. You turn your neck to face him, cranking it to the side, as he grips you jaw and goes in for a violent kiss. Your tongues immediately finding one another. “Ugh! So’lek I’m gonna cum!” You whimper out. 
His pace begins to lose rhythm, as he approaches his own climax. The pace so fast it makes your head spin, as your pussy clenches around his length harshly. “Oh fuck princess! You’re so tight, squeezing me so good.” He loses control, feeling your tight walls close in on him as he brings his hand to tug your tail, bringing you as close as possible. Your pussy pulsates around him as you release your orgasm in a crescendo of bliss. “Ah!” You scream out, the blinding white pleasure causes spots to appear in your eyes, with your head thrown back in complete delight. The feeling of your tight walls squeezing his cock causes him to reach his high, as his hot white seed coats your pussy, shoot into your womb. You feel yourself milking him dry, as the last of your high causes you to clench around him once more, your bodies heaving in absolute delight. So’lek brings his forehead to rest on your shoulder as he finally feels the effects of the poison lifting off of him like a stone sitting on his chest. His breathing starts to even out, as he hears yours follow suit. He’s careful to pull out of you as gently as possible, gripping your waist for stability as your weak little whimpers fill his ear with guilt. 
Your slumped form now slowly turns around, to meet his eyes as he tries to avoid contact with you. “Hey, So’lek look at me. Are you alright?” He shyly meets your concerned gaze, shocked that it’s even possible you’re still here standing in front of him on your own two feet after what he’s just done to you. A monster. “I’m fine. Y/n. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He says in a hushed tone, with tears beginning to form in his eyes. “So’lek, it’s alright baby. I wanted this. I  don’t want you thinking I didn’t want this.” You softly stroke his cheek as the tears begin to fall, catching them and wiping them away. “What I just did was dishonorable. I- I am so ashamed.” He looks down in horror. “So’lek, the plant’s poison works so that the victim feels the emotions that are already present, just heightening the sexual desire. I felt it as you did. I wanted this. I have wanted you since the day at the watering hole 5 years ago.” You chuckle lightly. He raises his eyes to meet yours, “What? You mean to say.” “Yes So’lek.” You shyly nod. Is it true? The girl of his dreams confessing her love to him, he blinks several times in disbelief. “I had always hoped that I would get your parents blessing to mate with you under the spirit tree and take you as mine, this… this is not what I planned.” He sighs. “Hey look at me, we have time. We have not stained anything. If you still wish to court me, mate me, you have me So’lek. I am forever yours” You smile to him placing his hand your beating heart. He smiles so wide his fangs glisten in the sunlight, causing you to mimic his own. “I could not ask for anyone else y/n, my heart is yours eternally.” 
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one-way-dream · 1 year
sage and omega are character foils and i want to put those two in a room together and see what happens
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So, theoretically if I were designing the hexsquad (and maybe others) as pretty cure-inspired magical girls, with Luz as Cure Azura and Amity as Cure Hecate, and I wanted to do ones for the emerald trio as well, should I...
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and i draw parallels solely on the cinematographic basis of “when my man is no more than a millimeter away from perturbation at all times but you give the Whole Right Half Of The Screen 3/4 Closeup of Harrowing Recontextualizations” like that’s right. we’re living it up
#i mean i guess it counts lol. said generally similar cinematographic approachs for said very generally similar scenarios#(a) when a guy shows his hand (shit) & the Team Experience is in shambles & you're two sec away from shooting him for real....#nemik not even being around for said ''oh so this guy is like that then apparently'' but Insisting on giving cassian his manifesto when we#all knew like oh f you're gonna get it lol. unsurprised but not unmoved that nemik's manifesto is the source of that Quoteth....#paraphrasing closely from memory the frontier of the rebellion is everywhere even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward#the imperial need for control is so desperate b/c it is so unnatural tyranny requires constant effort it breaks it leaks....#(b) when against all odds you busted out of island forever factory labor electric containment torture execution jail and made it to a phone#make a risky call home to relay to your mom that you're alive and all only to be informed that she is not#and both still like serving as [major turning points] naturally. end of ep six; end of ep eleven of twelve....#love some drama. even on top of ''oh we knew you'd die but now we know you're dying'' and then like escalation on escalation like umm what's#our bestie here talking about. oh i see. oh he's getting quickdraw blown away right on really at this point; makes sense in this position;#still what a surprise lol truly....that we Aren't surprised maarva dies not only b/c it's heavily cued but also We find out at the ep start#like the one guy dying in prison while we Know that's coming but heaping drama on drama as the doctor tells them what happened on floor two#and we get yet more Acting Wins as andy serkis (lino?)#(nah looked it up & i spoonerized that lol. kino loy. i Only Just Now have one name per each of that heist team down i think lol) so anyways#andy kino loy serkis is getting to be the king of Harrowing Recontextualizations in that moment. ugh just great shit going on throughout#there was a Lot of great [i'm perturbed to harrowed] acting all across the board. its being by and large a cast of characters who are all#like wary and continually endangered with varying degrees of urgency. like the rec abt this series as [tfw depiction of police state life]#star wars ///#andor#truly cassian my [he has the face of a friend] cassian#he really does have this key energy of like your insta new best friend and comrade....nemik's delivery w/''i wrote abt you last night.'' Fun#again like also unsurprising he'd already land on cassian out here like ofc i'll give my crucial legacy work to that guy who just showed up.#and And I Insistingly....and he's right
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
my brain: you’re looking too hard into it 
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okay but what IF Sonic’s sudden advanced usage of the Super state is a direct correlation with their experience against the Phantom Ruby, seeing someone use energy that adeptly to create constructs that may as well be real. Sure, the phantom ruby and the chaos emeralds are entirely different beasts - but they’d also seen Shadow make spears with it, so why not try and see how far that can really go?
It wouldn’t be the first time Sonic saw a villain do something and be like “that’s cool, I’m gonna do it my way but cooler”, after all.
I know Frontiers just wanted to make Super Sonic even cooler but I can come up with a bs in-universe reason for it, too, shut up.
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