#fuck it it counts
myspacepoet · 7 months
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It was the worst thing that I'd ever done / It was a head shot, you know, you gave me the gun 🦌
hi this is my oc emily samson. named after and inspired by the mcr song. shes like if a deer was a girl. she likes old niche video games. she plays the drums. her entire house is wood paneled. shes 17. she loves her mommy. shes transfem. she lives in a small town. and shes gonna die. and after she dies shes gonna haunt her shitty town. or maybe theyre all just slowly being driven to madness by the knowledge of their parts in her death. whos to say! now go listen to Emily (Rough Mix) by American rock band My Chemical Romance released on their 2016 tenth anniversary reissue of their triple platinum album The Black Parade.
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regina-cordium · 1 year
literally nobody asked for this, but if i’m not bringing half-baked daemon aus to every fandom i’m vaguely in, literally what is the point of me
things to keep in mind:
I literally have the daemon forum open in another tab. this is essentially stream of consciousness. virginia woolf who?
mostly based on livesies if only because that’s the one i’ve seen the most, but there’s some touches of 92sies (aka Sarah Jacobs is here because I love her and it’s pride month, this is my lesbian agenda)
Literally only two characters have canon ages (Jack at 17 and Les at 9). The actors in livesies are obviously a lot older than the actors in 92sies so i’m kinda like. averaging the ages out lmao
that being said, a lot of the kids’ daemons wouldn’t be settled so i think this will just focus on the ones whose would be
also i don’t know the name of all the newsies i didnt get sucked TOO deep into the fandom in 2012 or 2017, so i’m playing catch up like a full decade later, pls be gentle with me
OH ALSO probably no daemon names bc i tend to put a fair amount of research into the names and i don’t have the brain cells for that right now lol
JACK -- francis “jack kelly” sullivan. loyal, warm, welcoming, protective, friendly, flirty, desperately wants to be selfish but knows in his heart of hearts he can’t. street smart but maybe not too book smart. clever, quick thinker, dreamer (”i can’t spend my whole life dreaming/even thought that’s all i seem inclined to do”)
His daemon’s a blue jay, for sure. look at those core traits:
socially flexible extrovert -- out going, loyal to his boys but still open to new friendships/connections (he looked at davey and went “oh im gonna be his best friend.” was ready and willing to work with the other boroughs during the strike. the charismatic leader who makes everyone feel welcome and listened to
aggressive/confrontational -- my man started a strike. duh.
bold/adventurous -- his whole santa fe thing, wants to DO THINGS. i had more words to say here but they have abandoned me.
resourceful/innovative -- decided to start a strike after, like, 10 seconds of thinking. after flirting with katherine, his whole “today we stopped the scabbers, tomorrow we stop the wagons” speech (i definitely misremembered the first half). though he Does have to be bullied into it, he does know each step the strike needs to take, and knows how to do it even after plan a fails. the whole once and for all/using pulitzer’s own fucking printing press to print the children’s crusade?? c’mon man, who would’ve thought of it
shrewd -- observant!! sees what’s place in front of him and immediately knows how to work with it. looks at his boys and knows immediately what they need!
communicative -- okay, he has A Little trouble with this, but he’s also a 17 year old boy. they’d rather die than communicate. HOWEVER. he goes himself to speak with spot conlon and the brooklyn newsies, aka the most important allies they’ve got. turns davey’s big/expressive words into those the other newsies would understand (jack would’ve explained what auspicious meant. i know he would’ve)
status-orientated -- i’m interpreting this differently than i’m probably meant to. i think he’s more status AWARE. he knows who to go after for the biggest impact. he knows the leaders of the other boroughs and how to sweet talk them. he knows that going after weasel and the delanceys ultimately accomplishes nothing and he has to go straight to the top, etc etc
DAVID -- davey jacobs. one strong breeze away from a panic attack. SO good at hiding it. yknow the song razzle dazzle from chicago, that’s essentially “if you’re really good at making people think you know what you’re doing, they won’t stop to consider you’re full of shit” that’s kinda davey. he’s the most educated of the newsies and uses that to his advantage. talks himself out of trouble, which would be better if he hadn’t talked himself INTO the trouble in the first place. one day, like, 2 years into him being a newsie, race stops and is like “hey. do we even know davey’s favorite color?” is so good at letting people think they know all about him without actually giving away the actual deep knowledge of himself. he’s so tired. he’s not the group mom, he’s the exhausted uncle who was asked to babysit for a day that turned into him adopting the fucking kids.
okay, i’m torn between two, but I think caracal is my ultimate decision (the giant otter shrew was my other choice, if anyone cares)
socially tolerant introvert -- he’ll step forward as the co-leader of the manhattan boys during the strike, but by god is gonna have a panic attack about it later. he understands it’s important, though, that he put the idea in jack’s head and that jack relies on him to be the brains to his brawn. besides, it’s not hard to stand up for the newsies when he genuinely likes the kids (yes, even albert. it surprised him, too). after the strike, he’s perfectly content to let jack go back to sole leader and race back to second-in-command
adaptable -- went from schoolboy to newsie to strike leader in less than 24 hours. he showed up for his first day of selling papes. went to bed. showed up for his second day. saw the prices went up. made the mistake of saying the word “strike” around jack. suddenly is running a strike. and my man Did Not Falter
sensing/aware -- knows exactly what to say to boost the newsies (”seize the day”, anyone?). he can take stock of a situation in, like, .02 seconds and know how to move from there
communicative/expressive -- he’s called the walking mouth. need i say more.
confident/assertive -- during “world will know” he joins jack up on the scaffolding to get the chalk from the guy who writes out the headlines. when jack’s aggressiveness didn’t work, davey stepped up and talked the guy into stepping aside. just because he’s anxious doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to project confidence (it helps that the newsies all have his back and hype him up)
opportunistic -- like. literally everything that happens. something or someone stumbles, he steps right up and takes over. jack scabs? well, fuck him i’m the leader now. also during “watch what happens (reprise)” when jack is like “joe’s a jerk/he’s a rattlesnake” davey is IMMEDIATE with the “you’re right!/and you know why a snake starts to rattle?” like “oop jackie said something i can use against him! haha!”
focused/patient -- literally wwhr again!! jack is being bitter and refusing to help and davey’s like “well, i’m gonna go win a strike soooo”
a lot of the implied/negotiable traits fit really well too
KATHERINE -- katherine pulitzer plumber. could’ve let her father pave the way to her future, but went and got it for herself. refused to let herself stay in the social pages. hell, she decided she wanted a CAREER and WENT OUT AND GOT IT despite it being 1899!! (”a girl? it’s a girl! how the hell? is that even legal???”). smart as a whip (davey fully believes she’s smarter than him, and he’s right!)
i do kinda like the idea of her having one of those prissy-looking white cats with the long hair, mostly because the kat/kitty jokes would be hilarious. however, katherine herself isn’t prissy, so i ultimately don’t think it’d work.
she would be a black-billed magpie (although i think an argument could be made for black-winged kite)
extroverted/socially flexible -- she’s a reporter, she’s gotta be out there making friends and shaking hands. she’s literally friends with other children of newspaper tycoons AND the newsies. nobody is wrong as a friend
opportunistic/adaptable -- it’s not said How she first hears about the strike, but it’s safe to assume it’s her father. she bursts into jacobi’s deli and is like “hi i’m covering your strike now, good luck getting rid of me.” she saw an opportunity to FINALLY get out of the social pages, and by god is gonna grab it with both hands
confident -- i mean, look at her. katherine knows who she is and what she wants, and she doesn’t really give a shit what everyone else thinks
proactive/short-term planner -- listen. she’s confident, she knows what she wants. i NEVER said she thought out all the steps before hand. she’s just VERY good at making people believe she’s got it all figured out (much like davey)
manipulative -- okay, this is another one where i’m definitely not taking it the way i should. BUT. i mean. she’s a reporter. what reporter hasn’t twisted some words (”a little hyperbole never hurt anyone”)
cooperative -- literally working with a small army of newsies to spread their cause
perceptive -- again. reporter. She Sees All. yknow how moms always convince their kids they have eyes on the back of their head? that’s katherine. mush is convinced she knows when he’s lying. she doesn’t, but he overcompensates for it that it becomes obvious
again, a lot of the inferred and negotiable traits also fit
RACETRACK -- racetrack higgins. this lanky motherfucker.  he’s jack’s second in command so i do think he’s one of the older newsies, mayyyybe 16? i think he was only like 13 in 92sies, but meh. canon is a toy box and i’m a destructive toddler. i really like the headcanon going around that he’s a wiz with numbers and just assumes everyone else is too. he’s a bitch (affectionate) and sarcastic and literally doesn’t even sell in manhattan, but he’s ride or die for his boys.
his daemon is a raccoon, and he was furious when he settled (i. did not mean to type he, been having a lot of trouble typing today, but yknow what fuck it race has a male daemon. fuck you thats why) like. “people already see us as literaly garbage, why the fuck did you have to settle as a raccoon are you fucking kidding me?”
independent -- again. his second-in-command of the manhattan newsies, yet sells every day in brooklyn.i cannot for the life of me find it, or even remember Which actor it was, but one of the guys who played race said that he does his own thing and doesn’t keep himself stuck in manhattan (really takes “we goes were we wishes/we as free as fishes” literally)
socially flexible -- again, will make friends with kids from other boroughs (fully unrelated but i have not spelled boroughs correctly once in this post, shoutout to spell check lmao), while still being loyal to manhattan. might be a little in love with a newsie from brooklyn, who knows! not him! definitely doesn’t know that for sure!
conflict-avoidant -- look. he’ll roughhouse with the guys and get in stupid squabbles with other newsies and throw a punch or two when he absolutely has to, but he’s not a fighter. much like davey, he prefers to talk his way out of the trouble he talked himself into. he wasn’t immediately on board with the strike, seemed like a lot of trouble for AT BEST no change
intuitive/curious -- look, a man doesn’t walk across an entire bridge every day because he’s not curious about what’s going on in other places. he’s jack’s eyes and ears, because he’s just a fucking nosy little shit who wants to know everybody’s business
adaptable/opportunistic -- yall sensing a theme here? (”got a feeling ‘bout a headline/i’ll make up a headline/and i’ll say anything i hafta”). after jack scabs and fucks off, he has to step up with davey. really wish there was time in the movie OR musical for a scene about it, but davey needed support and race was right there to help
unambitious -- look. he’s pretty sure he’s only jack’s second because he’s been there the longest. he doesn’t know why jack picked him otherwise. he’s not gunning for leadership, he’s perfectly happy with where he is and what he’s go
SPOT -- sean “spot” conlon (yes i know sean is kinda a fanon name. i like it). the man, the myth, the legend. the reason everyone’s so scared of brooklyn. abrasive, rude, violent, looks out for his boys first and himself second, didn’t beat the shit out of race for selling in his borough.
i typically give assholes with hearts of gold pitbull daemons bc i think it’s funny, but like. pitbulls weren’t considered “bully” breeds in 1899 (i have a rant abt dogs being called “bully” breeds but i’ll keep my mouth shut) and idk what would’ve been. he definitely has a canine though.
this is a bit of a different analysis, because i’m using both the daemon forum AND wikipedia to get the time-appropriate facts, but i’m feeling english bulldog
in historical record, bulldogs were used for bull-baiting (which is insane. these small ass dogs baiting LITERAL BULLS. they really just did Whatever in the past, huh). they were athletic, with powerful jaws, high stamina, and short fuses. modern bulldogs are, uh. a little goofier and decidedly less athletic. poor spot. at least a lot of traditional domestic dog traits still apply
playing fast and loose with the core traits from tdf here, but self-assured/confident -- did yall see “brooklyn’s here”? my man has the cockiest grin i’ve ever seen in my LIFE
stubborn/determined -- sticks to his word of waiting to see if jack would fold before getting brooklyn involved in the strike (and he was right!! jack fucking folded!!). once he makes a decision, he sticks to it. it’s fucking impossible to change his mind (race finds it charming; hotspot finds it makes him wanna bash his head against a wall)
under the overview section on tdf, the “social” and “stress” sections fit very well. while spot has the WORST rb and comes off as cold towards others, he cares DEEPLY abt brooklyn and puts their needs first, no matter what. he’s loyal and caring to those who he claims as His
he’s thick-skinned, adaptable, and willing to forgive jack once jack comes back with a plan and a new fire under his ass
i just processed giving the kid named SPOT a dog daemon. god i’m hilarious.
CRUTCHIE -- Charles “Crutchie” Morris. i honestly don’t know what daemon he’d have!! he’s kind, loyal, understanding, an eternal optimist. he also lets himself get stepped over, lets others take advantage of that kindness. stands up for everybody but his damn self.
WAIT okay actually, i think an african wild dog would be perfect
social extrovert -- he’s so friendly!! he likes making other people smile, he’s always there to hype his friends up, he’ll do whatever and talk to whomever he has to to help his friends
conflict avoidant/passive/tolerant -- look. he talks a big game (”y’see this mister pulitzer?!”) but he knows he’s not a fighter. jack’s the brawn. he’s willing to let bygones be bygones. maybe roughhouse with the guys a bit, but nothing intense or serious
determined/hardworking/ambitious -- people look and talk down to him because of his disability, but he doesn’t let that stop him. he’s out selling every day with jack, he’s right out there with everyone during the strike. he doesn’t let anyone stop him from whatever he sets his mind to
cooperative/caring -- i’m putting these two together because i think, for him, they’re hand in hand. he has a massive heart; he cares SO MUCH and wants his friends -- his family -- to be safe and happy. like i said, he’ll work with whomever he has to in order to insure that happens
people pleaser/doormat -- let crutchie be mean 2023!!!! he’s always looking out for the others, he doesn’t have any left to look out for himself!!!!
uh. this got longer than i thought it would it’s 5 am so i hope this all makes sense and also it’s not gonna get buried away because i’m posting at such an awkward time lmao
F U C K i just realized i didn’t even get to sarah. augh. i’ll inevitably end up making another post abt this bc of what i’m like as a person, so i’ll talk abt her then sorrrrryyyyyyy
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artforinfinity · 2 years
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I remembered I can draw my persona doing anything...
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noknowshame · 1 year
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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quecksilvereyes · 6 months
oh my god do not click links in emails that tell you to verify your data or your bank account gets locked or click links in messages telling you your safety protocol is ending, like, tomorrow, you will get SCAMMED SO BAD AND YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY never ever let anyone pressure you into giving away login information especially to your online banking by creating a sense of urgency oh my GOD
some things to look out for
1. spelling mistakes. do you know how many rounds of marketing and sales experts these things go through? if theres a spelling mistake dont click it
2. not using your name. if an email adresses you with "dear customer" or, even worse, a generic "ladies and gentlemen", it is most likely not actually targeted to you
3. verifying or login links. even IF your bank was stupid enough to send these to customers, dont EVER click those. look at me. they can legally argue that youve given your data away and thus they dont have to pay you anything back DONT CLICK THAT FUCKING LINK
4. creating a sense of urgency. do this or we lock your account next week. do this or your ebanking stops working tomorrow. give us all your money in cash or your beloved granddaughter will get HANGED FOR MURDERING BABIES. no serious organisation would ever do something like that over email or sms. ever. hands off.
5. ALWAYS CHECK WHO SENT YOU THE EMAIL. the display name and the email adress can vary a LOT. anyone can check the display name. look at the email adress. does it look weird? call the fucking place it says its from. you will likely hear a very weary sigh.
6. if its in a phonecall, scammers love preventing you from hanging up or talking to other people to have a little bit of a think about whats happening. there should always be a possibility to go hey i wanna think about this ill call back the official number thanks.
7. do not, i repeat, do NOT a) call a phone number flashing on your screen promising to rid your computer of viruses after clicking a dodgy link and b) let them install shit on your computer like. uh. idk. teamviewer.
fun little addendum: did you know a link can just automatically download shit? like. a virus? an app you can't uninstall unless you reset your entire device? dont click links unless youre extremely sure you know where they lead. hover your mouse over it and check the url.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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I guess the genocide in Gaza doesn’t count
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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lore accurate double black battle scene
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cannibalcaprine · 10 months
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satyrradio · 7 days
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disasterhimbo · 4 months
He should NOT be at the club! There’s an airborne pandemic still killing thousands and disabling millions weekly
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yeahiwasintheshit · 8 days
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This needs to be blown up and put on a flag and flown at his rallies lol
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mmmairon · 8 months
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2h practice featuring Shadowheart
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suiker · 1 year
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hey guys we’re almost to 0 followers thank you so much everyone
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
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i dont have a caption for this one but know that this took me multiple months of work to produce. i hate drawing birds
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