#ganga girls
skylerrose664 · 29 days
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Orange gorilla princess
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southdigitalcreation · 10 months
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ramcharantitties · 5 months
Raghuvan, Teri raah nihaare
Chapter 9
Ram's head pounded as if someone hit a cricket ball on his forehead. The sunlight was unbearable, and the soft morning wind kissed his cheeks. He felt his bed under his palm, unable to open his large brown eyes. A bed, he thought. Who's bed? Babai wouldn't have taken him back. Was it Sita's bed? He peeked his eyes open, just to be met by the wooden window of his room. His own bed. How did he come here? Where was he last? Ram remembered leaving Sita's place, making his way to the liquor store. That's the place for people who have nowhere left to go. Someone must have dropped him by then. He must thank them.
His unconscious train of thoughts was interrupted by a loud cracking of laughter. Women, laughing. He sat up to see the door frame of his room wrapped in marigold. Did he miss something?
Ram peaked over the balcony railing to look down by the hall, only to find Adikavya's parents and Babai having tea. His heart fell. Was the marriage not broken? Running his hand through his hair, Ram made his way back in the room. The wind of the window brought the sweet noises from sita Mahal. Oh how dearly he missed being there. But the dreams and pleasures are only limited in this world. Ram sighed, as if the faraway walls of the palace would give him a glimpse of Sita.
Jangu appeared behind him, a tray with a cup of tea on it. "Sita came last night" Ram's hand stopped in the track. Before another second passed by, Ram placed the tray on the table and pulled jangu on a chair. "When? Where was I? Did she come to meet me? What was she doing here?"
"She came to talk to Babai. You were passed out in Adi Didi's storage room. Adi didi and sita must have talked for a while, because they both left when I brought you back home. Sita asked Babai to get you married to Adi Didi. Babai and adi Didi's family had a long talk before coming to the conclusion. It's your engagement tonight".
Ram had a hard time processing that. His pounding head felt heavier. "I was in Adikavya's storage room?" Ram looked at Jangu. The innocent face nodded. "I dragged you back home last night. You were out cold."
Ram slumped back in his chair. There it is, the inevitable moment. Jangu got up to leave, when he abruptly stopped in his tracks and looked back at Ram. "She is pretty, even at midnight, she looked so beautiful and different". Ram's heart hammered in his chest. He closed his eyes, gulping down all the emotions bottled in.
It was like a swift rain. Everything at sita Mahal went back to how it was before Ram came. Though it did change a few things- the girls asked if Ram would come again, as they dearly missed his stories of abroad and Sita laughed more than usual. She's been so cheery, as if she was happy for the knot. But the close ones knew, that if Sita wouldn't laugh she wouldn't be able to put a dam on her tears.
The morning was not unlikely of any other ones. Sita would wake up, bathed, did Pooja, did a few house chores, got ready, and attended her guest for the evening. But when sita was busy getting ready for her guests that evening, someone knocked on her door.
Despite sending him back, Akhtar returned again. Sita thought hard, why would Adikavya's college friend come to her place? But there was no point in anything now. And if someone saw him in Sita Mahal too, he'd lose his privileges too. Sita chuckled at herself. She kept her saree down, poking the safety pin in the diwan bed.
"Haala" Sita caught the attention of the young girl "show him the back entrance".
Haala was unsure how to feel. She knew well that a whore can't be a daughter in law, but Sita deserved it. Sita deserved Ram. Haala was sure about one thing though, that if Sita wouldn't have put a restriction on Ram, Ram would have eloped with Sita by now.
Akhtar saw the blank face of Haala. Wordlessly, he followed her.
Sita sat by the ganga, drinking from the canister. Akhtar clasped his hands close to himself.
"Cut the crap" Sita's eyes didn't leave the silent waves reflecting sunlight.
"Why did you ask Babai to let them get married"
"I wanted his happiness"
"what about her?"
"she'll be happy too"
"how do you know?"
"why are you here" sita peered up.
"don't you deserve happiness?"
"I'd get it when life wants to bless me with it"
"it did and you placed it in an old man's hand" Akhtar sat down next to her.
Sita smiled.
"It's obvious how much Ram and you love each other"
"How are you even involved in this..love triangle?"
Akhtar chuckled "this is not a love triangle. Adikavya and Ram have nothing towards each other. And I do. And I know it won't be possible, so I'm asking you to at least let her have her part of happiness".
Sita intently stared at Akhtar. "Nothing can be done now" she muttered.
"Then there's that. If that's what the universe wants. But if there is at least a single chance that you and Ram can be together, you are going to regret it for your life. You will see his face in every man you encounter and no one will be enough like he was. You are going to think about him when you won't be thinking about anything, and you are going to find everything in the world that is even remotely close to him. His emotions, name, its meaning, his interests and his choices. The only thing you will lose from his choice will be only you".
Sita gaped at him, blankly, her heart sinking to the bottom of the river. The only noises audible was chatter at the back of her place and swooshes of ganga.
"And I know that because I already do it. I already regret not letting her know, not supporting her decisions and not being there carrying all the weight. Just thinking about it isn't enough, Sita."
The way Akhtar called her name sent chills up her spine. She couldn't take whatever he said, keeping her hand on the staircase to stabilize herself. Akhtar didn't care. If he ever got over blaming himself, he only has one more person to blame. He left in a motion, unseen and unfavorable to Sita.
Sita didn't sit in the court that night.
tagging- @budugu @thewinchestergirl1208 @rambheemlove @ramayantika @bishh-kanya @chaanv @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @cursedcursives @hopelessdemonic @nerdreader @bitchy-bi-trash @vijayasena
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southasiansource · 2 years
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I tried to provoke Ganga by talking about Nagavalli and questioning the authenticity of an anklet we had misplaced. She started responding violently to it. For the first time, I saw a glimpse of this... supernatural presence, shining in her eyes. She almost transformed into Nagavalli in that moment. That’s the illness. Just like we read in the newspapers about a 11-year-old Muslim girl behaving like a 71-year-old Brahmin. She talks like the Brahmin and recites Sanskrit verses. People might think that she is possessed. In Psychiatry, we call it split personality or dual personality or possession states, just like other mental disorders. In this case, Ganga believes that she is Nagavalli.
MANICHITRATHAZHU മണിച്ചിത്രത്താഴ് (1993) dir. Fazil — requested by aparnasworld
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ramayantika · 1 year
A story set in the lands of Bharatavarsha, the land named after the glorious king, Bharata. Set in the time when women were encouraged in the pursuit of knowledge to become Brahmavadinis, in an era where science, arts and spirituality went hand in hand to reach one common goal: Knowing the self.
The story belongs to a young girl just like you and just like me but in the days on an era gone by. Filled with dreams, ambitions, friends and love is a journey of this girl to rediscover herself who she is in this grand stage of the world. What role must she play in this play? Is she significant? Should she be significant?
For the land of Bharata from the eons gone by and the days to come will always lead every human to the one big question: Who are you? Are you what you see or are you what you do not see?
Come forth and witness a simple girl's story that now exists in memories. Smriti
»»——⍟——«« ✾✾ »»————««
'The crown shall not be too light nor too heavy on your head my child. It has chosen you. Rule the land with grace and righteousness.'
Passing sixteen summer years sits a maiden by the ghats of the divine Mother river, Ganga. The sun shall rise in the skies soon and the moon still hasn't gone to sleep. What thoughts has she lost herself in? Which being occupies her mind?
'I could easily pass off as a king, wouldn't I?'
'Yes, my friend. The king of pigs.'
And for just one fleeting moment when I look at myself there's a small whisper in my ears. It tells me to look deeper within myself. Sometimes I dream about living out a grand destiny. It looks like a dream.
'Dreams do come true, sakhi -- even the most impossible ones.'
Citizens of Avanti, our awaited day has finally arrived. The eldest prince shall be crowned as the Yuvaraja as per the auspicious time calculated by the royal priest.
He kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and etch the softness of his lips to my memory. 'I shall only sit on the throne as the king with you by my side. Go, fulfill your dreams, gather all the knowledge you have always desired to pursue. He holds my hand to his chest, his heartbeat a steady rhythm under my skin. 'I will be here for you. Your home shall await you.'
'Ladoos are sweet, so are you. Here's a secret: I love you.'
"Someone tell me why are all the girls in your group are into hardcore academics while you boys have taken up the arts?"
"Why? Is that a problem?"
One must know to never take even a piece of grain from his food. As sweet and charming he looks from the outside -- take a bite from his plate and watch him turn into a beast. Do.Not.Touch.His.Food.
I always look forward to meeting you all after summer vacations. God, it's lovely to be around you people. I wish we all stay together in the same place as adults too.
"How on earth is this idiot going to become a father in the next seven months?"
"I am going to sob, do not console me. We all grew up but I still feel we are sixteen and in school."
There were days I doubted my worth to have the crown on my head. Some years ago, I was a daughter of a normal banker in Kashi and now the queen of Avanti.
'It's just not my story, princess.'
'You all have to narrate some parts too, okay I am not going to ache my facial muscles. Our story is too long.'
The story starts from summer vacation after Year Eleven in Avanti on the bank of Narmada...
****** ****** ***** **** ******** **** ****
Hi! Let's call this a book trailer lol because I don't think this would actually be a prologue.
And let me tell you, this story is one my serious writing projects. This story kept me going in 11th and 12th though I barely wrote the chapters, but I had the story in my head.
I had read about those high school fun stories where a group of friends go on adventures, fall in love, etc but I rarely saw any Indian stories about it until one fine night I was thinking what if I were a character in an ancient Indian period. Me and my friends would learn in gurukulas, learn so many things and find friends and walk our destinies. Day by day I added new info and scenarios to this tale.
A smol little secret. Once I complete this book and whenever you all read it, you would know me in every way. This story everything is me opening myself, the good and the bad.
And since the characters and the tale is close to my heart, I am going to be patient and write it in the best way I can.
Oh yes, there are too many dialouges here right? They all belong to different characters and I mentioned the dialouges knowingly just you get a not so fully vague idea about what this story is going to entail.
Would love your reviews and feedbacks for this and the upcoming parts of the story. I will upload the chapters to my wattpad first and then here for those who don't use wattpad. 🌸
Tagging: (also do tell me if you want to be added because I will make a separate Smriti taglist)
@krishna-priyatama @mere-heera @arachneofthoughts @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @bambioleo @voidsteffy @savlon-bhoi @like-a-sentient-dagger @tumhari-bhairavi @zaraaaaaa
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
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FAVOURITE CHARACTERS + a color that suits their vibe
for @pscentral​‘s event 06: favourite characters/performers
(image description below the cut)
[Image ID: seven rectangular gifs of multiple characters from different movies and TV shows. Each gif is two blended gifs: a zoomed image of the character on one side, and a gif with movement on the other. The gifs are colored vibrantly, with the name of the character in the center in bold, color font and lowercase letters. Above the center text is the media title in white, uppercase letters. Below the center name is a prominent quote from the character in white, lowercase letters:
GIF 1: A purple-themed gif of Eddie Diaz. The right gif is Eddie looking up at Linda in 5.13. The left gif is him twisting around as he laughs at ridiculous notion of jinxes in 4.06. The center text reads "Eddie Diaz". The top text reads, "9-1-1 (2018-)" and the bottom text reads, "I'm going to be better...for myself."
GIF 2: A pink-themed gif of Aasiyah Qazi. The right gif is Aasiyah spinning around in slow motion, a wide smile on her face as her hair flares behind her and her skirt flares around her. The left gif is Aasiyah standing with a blue scarf on her head, tilting her head fondly at Raees' antics. The center text reads "Aasiyah Qazi." The top text reads, "Raees (2017)" and the bottom text reads, "shah jahan bana phirta hai...battery sala. phaati gayi na?" The translation of this means, "You roam around like you're Shah Jahan...a freaking battery. Scared you, didn't I?"
GIF 3: A red-themed gif of Veer Pratap Singh. The right gif is Veer, kindly bidding Zaara well-wishes at the train station. The left gif is Veer dancing during the Lodi celebrations. The center text reads "Veer Pratap Singh." The top text reads, "Veer-Zaara (2004)" and the bottom text reads, "Sarhaad paar ek aisa shaks hai, jo aapke liye apni jaan bhi de dega" The translation of this means, "Across the border, there is a person, who will give even his life for you."
GIF 4: A green-themed gif of Gangubai Kathiawadi. The right gif is of Ganga spinning and dancing during the celebrations. The left gif is her lying on her side in her white sari, smiling wryly at the politician who came to ask for her help. The center text reads "Ganga Kathiawadi." The top text reads, "Gangubai Kathiawadi (2022)" and the bottom text reads, "jab shakti, sampatti, sadbuddhi, yeh teeno hi auratein hai, toh inn mardon ko kis baat ka guroor" The translation is, "When women are the embodiment of strength, wealth and intelligence, then what makes these men so arrogant/superior."
GIF 5: A blue-themed gif of Leela Sanera. The right gif is of Leela playfully holding a gun out at Ram during the Holi celebrations. The left gif is of Leela spinning and dancing during Navrati. The center text reads "Leela Sanera." The top text reads, "Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela (2013)" and the bottom text reads, "besharam badtameez khudgarz hota hai...par pyar toh aise hi hota hai." The translation is, "It's shameless, mannerless and selfish...but that's just how love is."
GIF 6: An orange-themed gif of Bucky Barnes. The right gif is of Bucky rolling his shoulder to reset his prosthetic arm. The left gif is of him staring out into the sunset with a slight smile on his face. The center text reads "Bucky Barnes." The top text reads, "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2022)" [this is a mistake, it should read (2021)!] and the bottom text reads, "i am no longer the winter soldier. i am james bucky barnes, and you're part of my efforts to make amends."
GIF 7: A yellow-themed gif of Taani Gupta. The right gif is Taani smiling widely after winning the initial dance competition. The left gif is Taani dancing among the other ladies. The center text reads "Taani Gupta." The top text reads, "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008)" and the bottom text reads, "jab ek ladki ko khuli aankhon se sapne dikhne lagte hai na...toh phir uski duniya badal jaati hai." The translation is, "When a girl starts seeing dreams with her eyes open, then her world chanages."
/end ID]
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skylerrose664 · 1 year
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Modified punch- NETA 💚🍃💐💙💨
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amai-no-ura · 10 months
Typology - Gangubai Kathiawadi (from Netflix)
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MBTI: ENTJ (a great potrayal of Te-dom and Ni user)
Enneagram: 8w9 so/sp (836)
Sorting: Double Lion
First, I really admire this character. I will not comment on the real person because I do not know enough about her. But as it stands, I admire this character.
I can relate to her in so many aspect. I respect how she turns her pain into strength. And how she fights not just for herself but for 4,000 women of Kamathipura who depend on her. She is a selfless idealist who fights for her people when the world want to tear them down. I cannot respect this enough. If you ask me what kind of person I want to be, it's someone like her (as a character). And she reignites the flame in my heart as well.
But enough conjectures.
Gangubai is a Te-dom. She is a no-nonsense business woman who focuses on the bottom line and profit. She is a very kind and empathic woman but also a ruthlessly pragmatic and logical one. She never let her personal sentiment standing in the way of what needs to be done. She sacrificed her lover to save a young girl from prostitution and further her standing in Kamathipura politics. She bravely got into a room with a sadistic rapist who 'bought' her so she could bring him to justice. While she doesn't talk much about her feelings, she show it through her action. She is one of those 'enough emotions' people. Since her Fi is inferior, she rarely indulges in it. Instead, she prefers to problem solve and get things done for people she loves. She shows how she cares by being of service to her people and uphold her values through actions. But on a rare occasion, we get to see how much pain she has inside of herself such as when she called her mother... That was a sad scene.
But she is also highly abstract and symbolic. She ruminated on cremating 'Ganga' because now she is 'Gangu'. She stated to her madam that she will 'become queen of Kamathipura'. Then she went on to talk about different shade of white in a highly abstract way to infer her meaning. Her speech is often straightforward, but also subversive in that she finds a way of thinking no one thinks about (A brothel is a bad influence for the school. Wouldn't a school be good influence for a brothel?) All this point to strong intuition. And her intuition is a focused, single-minded, narrowing everything down kind of intuition, which is Ni. She also shows strong but underutilized Se. She enjoys good time and sensory thing but also not very active and impulsive in her decision making.
Her enneagram is also very simple. She is an 8w9 - fearless and calm in every situation. She doesn't charm people so much as strong arming them and demonstrate her power so she can come out on top. (The scene when she sat on a missionary is hilarious, what a power move). When she wants something, she just marches in and expects it to be done. And if they don't comply, she just put more and more pressures on them until they cave. (And as a 9w8, man I wish I could do this more, it's refreshing!) She is so/sp. Her focus is on larger society first before her own needs. She identifies with the group and takes on a role of 'mama bear' and protect them, fight for them. Which is also why I relate to her so much, as an so/sp with strong 8 wing...
And she is double Lion. Ganguji is fiery, assertive and fearless. She knows her values and isn't afraid to stand up against anyone for what she believes is right. She champions the right of her people, not out of a sense of duty or obligations, but out of genuine belief in the rightness of her cause and dignity of her profession. While she can be subtle, her go to method is usually 'do this, or else'. Which demonstrates exactly what a cunning and intelligent Lion secondary would look like. She is planful, cunning and very pragmatic. But she is also ... honest. She is very honest and straightforward in everything she does.
She doesn't beat around the bush and manipulate. She simply states it as it is 'if you value your life, you better do as I say'. And she is an improvisational secondary to the core. When she had to deliver a speech, instead of using a pre-prepped one. She just tore it and said what's in her heart. And it got people rolling.\
All in all, a compelling character and someone I respect.
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thereader-radhika · 11 months
Posting a few more chapters from my Nandini fanfic before I start the Ravidasan fic
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Nandini shivered in the damp penetrating chilliness of the early morning. Let Appa and amma sleep for some more time. She worried if Vaigai will swallow this little grove when the rains increase. Thirumalai annan spending more time at home was the only consolation. Occasionally, he would secretly give her the news of Aditha Karikalan. The young prince is a famed general now. He had driven Rashtrakutas out of Thirumunaippadi. Some say that he has conquered Thondaimandalam too. Nandini felt so proud. Her Adithan!
Will he return to the Chola country soon? "No", Annan said. "Rashtakuta kingdom touches the banks of Ganga. Conquering one or two regions isn't enough. They'd just take it back. He has to move further into the North and consolidate his gains". When did annan become such an expert on politics and geography? Maybe it comes naturally to those who travel far and wide.
For a long time, she expected Karikalar to come in search of her and take her back. "He isn't coming", everyone insisted and she argued fiercely.
He loves her.
He can't and won't forget her.
He just needs some time.
Sembiyan Madevi planned their exile close to a war so that he can't search for her immediately.
It is only a matter of time.
When she saw birds around the temple and pond, she wished she could send messages to him with them. Didn't an annam take Damayanti's message to Nalan? This annam is trapped in an island. Who will take my message to my beloved? She wished she had a friend like Chitralekha. But she is no princess like Usha or Sita.
Didn't he quote Kalidasan's Meghasandesham and tease her that she had become a virahini after they were seperated for a mere two weeks? It's been months now! Komagane! I don't even know if I am alive now, I am only breathing. Sometimes she would stand in the sun, relishing the rays. Unfortunately, other women didn't see it as Aditha bhagawan showering blessings on everyone. They chastised Nandini for destroying her beauty by exposing herself to the harsh rays of sun. Are girls of marriageable age supposed to behave like this?
Maybe this rain is his message, sent to her through clouds. In her childhood, hadn't she prayed to paliyan tholudai pappanaban to shower his blessings as rain? He is busy showering arrows on his foes and sent rain to cool her burning heart. When it was spring, she imagined that he sent his panchabanam by filling their island with flowers.
•-------------• Two years later
Foolishness of teenage, indeed! Nandini smiled. How could she even think that crown prince Aditha Karikalan's whole world revolves around one emotion called love? To think that she raised hell in Pazhayarai when a girl talked fondly about him! Her man even conquered Kanchi and raised Tiger standard everywhere he went.
She remembered their last conversation. He was worried about them disowning him for loving her and crowning someone else in his place. It would have been a disaster if something like that happened! Now none can replace the heroic prince who captured the lost territories from Rashtakutas. Her eyes welled up.
One day, her Karikalar will ascend the throne and wear the crown of Imayam Venra Karikala Cholan. Maybe he too will conquer Himalayas. Another woman will sit with him on the throne. Maybe it will be that girl who stole her lotus flowers. What was her name?
He promised her that he belongs to her. Human beings don't have the right or power to make vows. That happens only in stories and puranas.
Older people say that homes go asleep when the daughters are married off. She realised that it is true since the marriage of akka. Their house is no longer filled with the chatter of two girls and their mother scolding them playfully.
Akka married an orphan priest from across the bank of Vaigai, an acquaintance of their Periyappa. All those men with big families were more interested in poking nose into Nandini's life. But this guy seemed decent. Also the burden of lying and maintaining those lies to other families was cumbersome. They didn't hide anything from athimber. Not only that he didn't mind, he sympathised with Nandini's heartbreak. She really missed akka and Nila.
Nandini smiled. She is her everything. When Akka got pregnant, she was the one who celebrated the most. Though Amma asked her not to tell anyone before three months, she made payasam and distributed it to all kids in the neighbourhood. Akka even refused to stay at their home during pregnancy and childbirth because she didn't want to stay away from athimber. Poor athimber catered to her every demand and cared for her like another little child. How sweet!
At least akka is happy. Baby Nila is the cutest, most adorable, most beautiful baby in the whole universe. Whenever Nandini visited her, she would cry till Nandini holds her and kisses her tiny pink feet. But akka rarely bought Nila to their home. She was scared of travelling in a boat with the infant. Not every child can be a Ponniyin Selvan. But sometimes the river dried up and people could walk to the other side comfortably.
Nandini never stayed overnight in akka's home because she didn't want gossipmongers to wag their tongues about an unmarried girl living with her brother-in-law. They already got enough material to dissect when some men who were considered for Thiruveni expressed interest in Nandini. On one day, they will enquire about Nandini's marriage and on the other day, they will thank Perumal for sending an educated girl like Nandini to their remote village. Don't these people have anything else to do!
Imayam Venra Karikala Cholan - Karikala Cholan who won the Himalayas. Mythical ancestor of Cholas. Famed for conquering kingdoms in the north and planting the Tiger Flag on Himalayas.
Annam (swan), Nala, Damayanti - Nalan was the King of Nishada and Damayanti was the princess of Vidarbha. Damayanti, already infactuated with Nala, falls in love with him when a swan sent by him exalts his qualities to her.
Usha(the daughter of Banasura) sees Anirudha(grandson) of Krishna in a dream and falls in love with him. Her friend Chitralekha draws the portraits of various young princes so that they could identify Usha's lover. Chitralekha also shrinks Anirudha to the size of a doll and smuggles him into Usha's chamber.
Komagan - Prince
Aditha bhagawan - Sun god
Paliyan tholudai pappanaban - Lord Vishnu with strong and beautiful shoulders
Pancha banam - 5 floral arrows of Kamadeva, namely, white lotus, ashoka, mango, jasmine and blue lilly.
Athimber - Elder sister's husband To read the complete fic - Wattpad
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the-stray-storyteller · 2 months
Congrats on being done with exams! May I have a domovai and the most fucked up kitsune you have?
(To anybody wondering what the fuck this is click this link)
*squealing like a fucking school girl* HI!
For the domovai (also I am not sure if you are still writing that WIP of yours but I remember reading about it in one ask so I added it):
Behold, thy name, a harbinger of infernal flames, a force unfettered from the depths of Hades itself. Stubborn, unyielding, a scourge upon all that is foul. Thy drawings, akin to vengeful angels with their thousand watchful eyes and swords that cleave through the fabric of thought and time, stand as a testament to thy relentless artistry.
Hellfire, thy intricate depiction of the Naming ritual within the realm of Asyndrians is a spectacle to behold, a tapestry woven with threads of intrigue and enigma. The depths to which thou dost delve into the significance of names, their evolution throughout the passage of time, is a journey both profound and immersive, stirring the very depths of the soul. May thy flames of creativity continue to blaze, illuminating the path of artistic discovery for all who dare to tread in thy wake.
For the Kitsune:
Since you asked for the most fucked up story you will get the most fucked up story but be warned this story is so fucked up it will sound like it's from the depths of the messed up part ao3. IT'S THAT FUCKED UP. SO BE WARNED.
You though greek mythology was fucked up? WELL INDIAN MAKES GREEK LOOK INNOCENT.
Also this is 16+ maybe 17+ so be warned.
In Indian mythology there was an apsara (nymph in indian mythology) named Girika (different versions have different names) who was cursed and because of this curse she lived as a fish in the river Ganga.
Now there was a king named Uparicaravasu (sometimes Uparichara). He was on a hunt in the forest and he started to think about his wife and.....uh....and he... do you get the idea? I am going to assume you get the idea. Not wanting to waste it he folded it in a leaf and told a parrot to deliver it to his wife so she could bear children.
The parrot on the way got attacked by a falcon and dropped the leaf into the river Ganga where the fish ate it. *painful smile* I hate this story so much.
A fisherman later caught the fish and cut it open finding twins in her belly. The king Uparichara accepted the male twin but not the girl. The story continues to become more fucked up but this is the end for now.
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euph0synee · 2 years
Y/n wants to marry krishna? ch.1
/intended lower case./
❝ life. life is filled with surprises. someone's life can change drastically in just a moment...just like mine changed when i died while swimming in the river ganga and woke up in dwapar yug as a princess of some state i have no idea of because my geography sucks ass. ❞, i monologued as i sat with a man spread on my bed with my hands on my knees.
❝ hey...princess is muttering weird things again do u think we should tell the king? ❞, a servant whispered to another servant who was standing beside her.
❝ i heard the princess almost drowned the other day when she went out to bath in the river with her friends. maybe the water got into her brain....poor princess ❞, the other servant whispered back as both of them looked at each other and then looked back at me with a sympathic expression.
i don't think they realize that i can hear them loud and clear. however, i have much more important things to do than worrying about servants whispering about me.
❝ i need to go talk to father. ❞, i said as i suddenly stood up from the bed shocking them and started walking out of the my bedroom.
it has been a while since i woke up in dwapar yug. at first i obviously thought it was just some hallucinations or imaginations i was having because i was dying. but i was proved wrong when i woke up everyday and was still here. living, breathing and eating. it was clear to me that i had actually travel back in time instead of dying. moreover, i had became a princess. the only thing i know about our kingdom is that it's somewhere near indraprastha.
i have now fully adjusted to this new environment and have accepted my reality that i am indeed in dwapar yug. however, why did i travel back in time to dwapar yug? was it because i loved krishna? or was it because my last words were 'krishna' before dying? whatever the reason may be now that i'm sure i am going to go and meet krishna. i have decided i am going to marry krishna. i mean c'mon i'm in dwapar yug and i know at least this much that according to this era a girl is supposed to get married by the age of 16-18. so i am sure that the father of mine must be itching to get me married to someone. if it's like that then i'm gonna marry krishna and if krishna denies i will just not give up until he accepts me hahaha simple.
❝ hey...the princess is laughing like a maniac again. i think she's possessed by a ghost. ❞, a servant suddenly whispered again.
❝ shut up if someone hears u say that then u will be the one who will end up becoming a ghost. ❞, her friend whispered back.
i made my way straight to my father's chamber and walked inside his room.
❝ father we need to talk. ❞, i said as my father who was lying on his bed almost sleeping suddenly sat up.
❝ oh my daughter. i was just sleeping haha if i had known u were visiting me i would've prepared some snacks for u. ❞, he said. this man is totally a fool for his daughter.
❝ no no don't worry about it. i just wanted to ask u for something. ❞, i said.
❝ u don't need to ask my daughter. go ahead and take whatever u want. any jewelry, gold, land take whatever. ❞, he said as he smiled at me.
❝ i want to go to dwarka and marry vasudev krishna. ❞, i deadpaned.
❝ yes yes go ahead and marry vasudev krishna–wait what? ❞, father who realized what i had asked for in mid of his sentence almost shouted from shock as he looked at me with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.
❝ yes i will go to dwarka and marry vasudev krishna. ❞, i said firmly.
❝ no wait–what do u mean marry vasudev krishna? why do u want to marey him? ❞, my father asked with a confused expression.
❝ yes father is right why do u want to marry him? do u think he will marry u? ❞, i suddenly heard another voice come from behind me as i turned around and saw my older brother standing at the doorway of the father's room.
❝ hey !! who are u to poke ur nose in mine and father's conversation? ❞, i asked my brother as i cocked my head to the right giving him a cold look.
❝ i am ur older brother. ❞, he said as he walked into the room.
❝ honestly father i think vasudev krishna is too good for a brat like her. we shouldn't let her go and embarrass herself in front of him ❞, my brother said to my father with a serious expression.
❝ hey ! what the hell–❞, i started to speak but got cut off by my father who suddenly started twisting my brother's ears.
❝ what brat? u are the brat here? u said vasudev krishna is too good for my daughter? no my daughter is too good for him. ❞, my father said.
yes father tell him. even though my brother wasn't wrong. krishna is way above my reach and way too good for a human like me but whatever.
❝ ouch ouch. father ur always taking her side. ❞, my older brother whined.
look at this. this is my older brother, what a fool honestly. is it really the next king of this kingdom. lord save this kingdom. should i just tell my father to kick him out of the kingdom and take the throne for myself.
❝ father. brother. i have already made up my decision so i will be travelling to dwarka tomorrow. even if u both stop me. i can't stop now because...i am in lovee ❞, i said as i started to fake cry. i wanted to be an actress in my past life so i should at least use that talent here right?
both my father and brother stared as me as my father let go of my brother's ears and stood up and walked to me.
❝ i understand my daughter. i will support u no matter what. if vasudev krishna denies u though just know u can always come back here ❞, my father said as he patted my shoulder. i don't know why but i feel even my father unconsciously agrees with my brother's opinion.
❝ pffft–ahem–sister i will be here waiting for u to come back after embarrassing ur self in front of vasudev krishna ❞, my good for nothing brother said as my father glared at him.
❝ oh yeah? we'll see about that ! ❞, i said as i gave him the middle finger which he obviously did not know the meaning of so he just stared at me confused.
i just hmphed and turned around making my way out of the room and walking straight to my room.
❝ krishna i am coming ! ❞, i said as i walked into my room.
▥ ▤ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▥ ▤ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩
❝ huh? kanha what are you smiling so happily about? ❞, balaram who sat beside krishna asked krishna who in return just looked at his older brother and chuckled. both of them were seated in the sitting chamber near a big balcony from where the whole dwarka was visible.
❝ dau you clearly know the reason why i am smiling yet you ask me? ❞ krishna said. balaram just shrugged and looked outside the window.
krishna sighed as he leaned on his right hand and looked at the view outside too whispering a soft, ❝ i am waiting ❞ as he continued to smile.
anyways for the tags @mooonboy @kaal-naagin @shyamsakhii
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
Raghuvan series :: chapter 2
Chapter 1 by @rishi-sita
The first thing Ram heard in the morning was Babai singing praises of his soon to be daughter-in-law. It was going to be an exhausting day, he could tell. 
It hadn't been a week since he came after a decade of being away and he was already being thrust into this- this madness. 
Aree yaar, nhi krni mujhe shaadi! 
He sucked in a deep breath and tried to silence his inner voice. He didn't expect a peaceful morning to turn into another struggle. Why  couldnt he get one silent and quiet moment to himself? 
Babai dragged him to breakfast. Ram's eyes twinkled with laughter. They were really going overboard. 
On the table there were all sorts of dishes, all his favorites. "Kya baat h mujhe chappan bhog lagane ka mann h aapka babai?" 
Ram ate up, his favorites and the reminder that his only family loved him. 
His eyes wandered around the majestic hall, taking in the smallest, most intricate designs. For a second he heard his mother's bangles in the distance. He heard all the ladies who used to work for them, their collective jokes, small smiles, everything. 
Being away for so long, he almost forgot how it felt to be in his home. Sunlight reflecting off the surface lit up his dying light. There was an old mango tree in the courtyard, as if sensing the renewed warmth, its branches brustled. 
All the steel containers sitting patiently near the handpump. He recalled how he used to play and attempt to flood the area. 
"Is ghar ne tumhe bht yaad kiya Ram." 
His eyes shifted from  the house to his uncle. He looked so different. 
The greys were more prominent and so were the bones. Did he not eat properly? Why did he look so weak? 
His heart rued ever leaving this place. 
He looked around again. Once again he drank in the view and recalled all the dusty memories. 
Breathing in the bliss, his chest expanded into exhilaration.
It finally sunk in. He was home. He was home. 
Ram was overjoyed. After searching for his place in this world for years, he was finally where he belonged. 
"Beta, I've called Adikavya over today." Before he could object, Babai added, "I'm not asking you to marry her today itself. Meet her, don't write her off just yet. Who knows she might strike something in your heart? Ha?" 
The new found joy made Ram agree. He had found where he belonged but he wasn't ready to be tied off with responsibilities so soon. 
"Babai, you know-" 
"All I'm asking is for you to talk to her, she's a nice girl." 
He supposed there was no harm in talking to her. "Alright." 
Since last night, he had been thinking about the ghats of ma Ganga which is why he called Adikavya there. 
Behind the shade of an ancient looking peepal, he sat, not caring if his clothes would get dirty. 
His ears were solely focused on the melody from a distance. It was as if the wind carried the notes over the attractive scent. 
"I could have never pegged you for someone who'd find hidden pockets and rest there." 
A striking feminine voice fell on his ears. He didn't feel like opening his eyes, the sun was too bright. 
"Did you try to understand me before today?" He almost snickered. Things society made women do. 
"Can I sit here?" 
He shifted slightly to say yes. Still not finding the will to open his eyes, he continued his previous query, "did you?" 
"Whispers from the ladies around me did give me an image of you." 
The sound of her bangles was muted. He only heard the fabric brushing against her skin. Her voice was soothing like the water gurgling beside them.
"Don't believe them. I'm not the kid they knew." 
He felt a slight annoyance. The need to hold onto the memories was all he understood. He couldn't fathom why people won't let that image go and let him be free to grow and change. 
"I can see." 
A small huff made its way to his ears. She was laughing. 
Overcome by curiosity he finally saw her. She was a pretty girl. He wasn't sure if he preferred those locks tamed or if he wanted to see them flow like a river. 
His gaze fell on her wrists, single gold bangles adorned them. 
"Was it you who said yes to the proposal?"
"Well yes. My words. Just the words. The decision? Theirs. The desire? Theirs. The doom? Mine alone."
Ram was struck. The rose in her hair spoke of a life he couldn't find in her eyes.
"I've been away for so long. I need time to settle, you- you unders-" cutting off his words, he stared at her.
Perplexed he gaped as her body shook with humor. The curls fell forward as she hunched and hid her face as if saving her from nazar.
Finally she seemed to calm down, "sorry just-" She tried to suppress the snorts and breathed deeply. "It's just the duality. Usually girls get short end of the stick but it seems to be happening to you."
He sighed, seeing why this would be funny to her. "Mhm."
"You are a slap in the face of dualistic society but not in a good way."
Ram found her sweet and- and bright. Bright, that is what she felt like. She seemed to possess brilliance of the sun.
Riding on the slow waves of Ganga's waters, their conversation  flowed. 
He questioned, inquired and sometimes tried to poke fun at her and she hit back with equal fire in her words. 
The only little task left was to convince Babai that he liked her, she was nice but not someone he would spend his life with. It wouldn't be a lie, he did find her charming and pretty.
He agreed to meet her but he wasn't going to give into the ridiculous haste his Babai had. He wasn't ready to.
Ram looked on as the azure saree disappeared from his view completely. She seemed to be a girl with a sense of the world. He prayed she would understand. He knew he didn't have to.
In their short getaway from the world he realized that she would accept his wishes, she might even thank him.
So, um it's short but i hope you like it. If anyone wants to be tagged let me or rishita know.
My taglist : @thewinchestergirl1208 @budugu @yehsahihai @vaijayantheee @chaanv @rishi-sita @ronnoxandlumoss @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin @mizutaama @jeonmahi1864 @bromance-minus-the-b @ronaldofandom @sabi5 @saanjh-sakhi @maraudersbitchesassemble @whyismynamecommon @nyotamalfoy @rambheemlove @lite-teesko @jjwolfesworld @shreyalokesh @amnmich
Series taglist : @ramayantika @bishh-kanya @obsessedtoafault @phoenix666stuff
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Raghuvan, teri raah nihare
Chapter 1
co-writing with @dumdaradumdaradum
The carriage came to a halt from the train station, right outside of the Alluri house. The place looked more beautiful than a bride on her wedding, as if the stars were shining in sunlight. As if flowers from Indra’s garden were used to decorate the edges of the house itself. A sweet smoky aroma spread around the house, camphor used to make the air pure for his arrival. For someone who lived alone, Ram’s uncle sure did a lot on Ram’s arrival. Despite the echoes bouncing off the pillars and walls, Ram and his uncle never felt the loneliness- the entire village was their family, and helped Babai to make the place pretty. 
As Ram stepped down the carriage, he was welcomed with a bright face of his uncle and his arms open. Ram hugged the old man, bending down to touch the elderly’s feet. Babai took a good glance at his nephew, taking in the ten years in one sight. 
Ram’s hair was black and soft, curling upwards and bouncing like waves of the ocean, yet his haircut was short and boyish. His height was tall, and he built muscular power like a volcano. But the brown eyes held gravity stronger than earth, pulling you in. His eyelashes longer, reminding one of rivers that flow. Ram’s arms looked like they held power enough to divert the directions of the world, a fire in his heart. Fighting a mighty beast would closely resemble fighting Alluri Ramaraju. Despite the screams of violence in his demeanor, his attire leaned more to dark academia. Suspenders hooked to the trouser loops, a chain with a watch attached in his pocket. His shirt was loose. His pants were checked, even in the 1900's.  
Ram reached in his newly cleaned room, keeping his suitcase down. The jangu after him arrived too, carrying other stuff and waited for Ram’s next instruction. The room was definitely better than his Delhi hostel. It was very spacious, and homely. He looked outside the window, the flowing currents of Ganga visible from his balcony. The sweet music of her waves sent Ram in a salvated state as he peered at the young boys taking a bath nearby and having fun. He remembered his time in Delhi, when often his anxious heart took him near the shore of the Yamuna and he’d sit there, lost in the flowing water. 
Ram’s daydream broke when he heard a sweet voice across one of the small tributaries. He called for the jangu. “Haan anna?” Yes, brother? the jangu said, standing next to Ram. “Wahan kya hai?” What's there? Ram asked, pointing at the glass dome building near the edge of the tributary. “Sita Mahal” the jangu said and Ram was surprised. “Sita Mahal?” he asked, looking back at the building. 
“Haan. Acchi jagah nahi hai, ladkiyan naachti hai wahan. Wahan pe har shanivaar raat ko sirf aadhe ghante ke liye Sita naachti hai, bolte hai ki jaise apsara dekh li ho. Unhi ne Sita Mahal shuru kiya tha, 5 saal pehle. Par bahaut ladkiyo ko unke gharwaale ghar se nikaal dete hai, kyuki woh shaadi nahi karna chahti. Sita unhe apne paas rakh ke kathak aur sangeet padhati hai. Fir bhi, jis tarah ke log wahan ghoomte hai, shareef log nahi jaate wahan.” yes. It’s not a good place, girls dance there. Every Saturday night, Sita dances there for only half an hour and it’s as if you’ve seen a fairy. She built up the place herself, around 5 years ago. But many times, families of young girls disown them for not wanting to get married. Sita gives them shelter and teaches them the art of dance and music. Still, the crowd isn’t good, and definitely not fit for nobles. 
Ram looked at his jangu, squinting. “Tu gaya hai?” Have you been there? ram asked, smirking. His jangu stuttered and Ram laughed, swinging an arm around the young boy. “Aaj raat chalenge hum.” we’ll visit her tonight. 
It was about 9 pm when Ram started leaving for the infamous place with the jangu. Before he could even step out of threshold, Babai called for him. “Where are you going so late?” Babai asked, to which Ram turned around and smiled. “Uh, just nearby for a stroll” he lied. Babai was confused, nothing was open this late. He looked at the jangu. “Where are you going?” he asked, sternly. jangu stuttered again “si-sita m-” “SITA MAHAL?” Babai exclaimed, shocked. Ram closed his eyes in frustration. “You do know that us nob-” “us nobles don’t go there i know” Ram finished babai’s sentence. “But Babai, it’s just one night. How doe-” 
“No,” Babai said firmly and walked towards Ram, keeping a hand on his shoulder. “Ramaraju, I know I can’t control your decisions- I don’t have the right to. But this is for our reputation, if you weren’t getting married soon, I would have let you go” Babai said and Ram nodded, soon catching the end of what Babai said. 
“Wait, marriage?” Ram exclaimed and babai smiled. “Yes, I have tied your marriage with a girl from this village only. Her name is Adikavya, and she would be a good match for you.” He said, patting Ram’s back. “But babai, i’ve just come here! I need time to settle-” “Ram, you will change your thoughts once you meet her. She is the prettiest girl in the whole Banaras, and the most cultured. She comes from a family like ours, and she will make a great wife for you. I’ve just let them know that they can send Adikavya here tomorrow to meet you. She has heard a lot about you, and she didn’t say no to the wedding. Now go upstairs and go to sleep, I won’t hear anything from you” Babai completed and left Ram alone in the hall. 
“Kaisi dikhti hai woh?” How does she look like?  Ram laid on the bed, the gentle wind and waves from ganga lulling him to relaxation. From the distance, he could hear another gentle voice of sita mahal, where he should have been. 
“Kaun? Sita?” Who? Sita?  his jangu replied, doing something in the corner of the room. 
“Nahi, adikavya” No, Adikavya Ram said, feeling her name on his lips. It wasn’t usual that he came to know a name so auspicious everyday. 
“Bahaut sundar” Ram turned to the jangu now. “Unke baal lambe hai, aur sone ki chudiyaan pehenti hai. Hari ya neeli saari bahaut pehenti hai, kehti hai unhe pasand hai. Woh jab bhi aati hai, unki paayal se pata chal jaata hai. Babai aur mere liye kuch meetha leke aati hai hamesha. Unhe shaastron ke baare mein bhi bahaut pata hai, hamein padhaya bhi tha. Aur unke baalon mein gulaab laga hota hai. Bindi ekdum chamakti hui, aur maangteeka bhi lamba sa. Madhur boli, sabka khayal rakhti hai. Par didi tang bhi bahaut karti hai, ek baar mere kapde geele kar diye the saare! Mujhe toh woh acchi lagti hai, aap kal unse milna, aapko bhi bahaut acchi lagengi” Beautiful. Her hair is long, she wears golden bangles. She wears blue or green saree alot, she says she likes them. Whenever she comes here, the whole house chimes with her anklets. She always brings something for Babai and I. She is very knowledgeable about scriptures and taught us too. And, she always has a rose in her hair tucked. Her bindi shines like the moon, forehead jewelry is very long. Her voice is sweet, and she takes care of everyone. But she is very annoying- once she soaked my clothes in water! I really like her, and when you meet her tomorrow, you will like her too. He finished his little essay on her, turning to now a lost Ram. 
Ram’s mental image for Adikavya was someone so dear, he couldn’t help but keep repeating the name. He fell asleep still thinking about her, Sita's songs in the background luring him to sleep. 
tagging- @budugu @sabi5 @thewinchestergirl1208 @rambheemlove @ramayantika @bromance-minus-the-b @bishh-kanya @chaanv @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @phoenix666stuff
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vedparkash-das · 8 months
By the grace of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, the follower of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj don't give or take Dowry and fighting against Dowry system that taking thousands lives of girl daily. Let's know complete mission against Dowry by reading Gyan Ganga.
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freezegirl · 6 months
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verses (more to be added at a later date):
SKY HIGH: set during and after the movie. see here for the lore.
SKY U: main timeline. (sky high & sky u have been folded into the marvel continuity on this blog and i will write a post on that later.) khione has graduated from sky high and is now enrolled in sky u. but of course the life of a hero in training is never easy. it wasn't in high school and it won't be in college slash university, either.
THE BOYS / GEN V: khione has been injected with compound v much like her parents before her. she's got access to cryokinesis and hydrokinesis, though. she's currently enrolled in god u and, due to her parents, chose the crimson countess track despite the fact that she's got what it takes and actually wanted to try her hand at getting into the lamplighter track. while people called her freeze girl in high school, these days, her chosen hero name is frostbite.
INVINCIBLE: third gen with hydro/cryo abilities. goes to the same school as mark and samantha. declined an invitation to join the teen team and joined up with the stronghold six, which then turned into the stronghold seven.
MARVEL: main universe. mutant with hydro/cryo abilities. think iceman. (she wants to meet iceman so bad.) her parents wanted to send her to xavier's but ended up relenting when khione made it clear that she wanted to go to sky high and sky u (but that win came with a price).
the gifted: a mutant with hydro/cryo abilities. she's with the mutant underground and has made a sizable donation (it's not like her parents will miss the money.)
DC: metahuman with hydro/cryo abilities. think caitlin snow. except khione's had hers since birth. she has an undisputed love for ice heroes and ice villains.
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: has hydro/cryo abilities. her parents - who have similar powers - run in the same affluent circles as allison.
DESCENDANTS: a well known auradon born. daughter of two retired heroes (permafrost and ganga) who have been planning out her entire life. her parents are
TEEN WOLF: third gen ice (and water) elemental who has lived in beacon hills since forever. it doesn't take her that long to figure out that werewolves are a thing. she's not part of any pack but wouldn't balk at helping out if need be. has a soft spot for scott mccall and the mccall pack as a whole.
TWILIGHT: vampire who has a combination of hydrokinesis and cryokinesis as her special ability. comes from a long line of vampires with similar abilities.
FIRST KILL: legacy who comes from a long line of vampires with extra abilities: her dad is a cryokinetic and her mom is a hydrokinetic. khione has inherited both powers, which is great. she's also inherited their enemies, which is not so great.
TVD: third gen ice (and water) elemental who is around jeremy's age and has been posing as an ice witch so far. not really part of the mystic falls gang but wouldn't say no to helping them either.
THE ORIGINALS: third gen ice (and water) elemental who is wandering around new orleans in search of her friends.
LEGACIES: third gen ice (and water) elemental, starts out at mystic falls high but ends up transferring to salvatore's when her powers get exposed. thinks malivore is a dumb name. not part of the super squad or the anti squad but helps both out if need be. she mostly hangs out with the stronghold six (and when she joins the group as their seventh and final member, the name changes from the stronghold six to the stronghold seven).
COBRA KAI: khione is trying her best to stay out of the karate war, lest anyone finds out that she actually has powers. but her parents want her to get lessons from daniel, specifically, because he's so well known. khione would really rather not, though.
ONCE UPON A TIME: khione arrives in storybrooke much like elsa did in season four, turning storybrooke into a winter wonderland. the young elemental is only here for one thing and one thing only: finding her friends.
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skylerrose664 · 9 days
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I feel so lucky rn ✨️
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