#giant white mosquito
i will fuck gale on an altar to mystra. i will fuck shadowheart on an altar to shar. i will fuck lae’zel on an altar to vlaakith. i will fuck wyll on an altar to mizora. i will fuck karlach on an altar to zariel. and i will fuck astarion in front of cazador’s decaying corpse. let this be my solemn prayer.
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madamecaos · 4 months
Sun and Rain
Where Ghost x Witch fem!Reader are Soulmates
Tag: Angst, lil gore, trigger S. Assault
He should’ve known this wouldn’t be a normal mission. He should’ve had a clue, recognizing that everything was all wrong from the beginning.
The intel, the secrecy of whom he was hunting had been cloaked, even from his superiors. But alas, a good soldier only follows instructions.
If only his precarious situation wasn’t annoying. Ghost had experienced the world through the missions he’d been sent to. Deserts frying him with scorching heat or skies blinding with white blizzards. And yet, the humid mild heat of the jungle was the most uncomfortable.
Mosquitos were the bane of his existence, since even batting them away, they would still somehow bite him through the mask. The sweat sticking to the back of his neck made him itch. And Soap noticed.
“You a little twitchy there, Lt,” said Soap, eyeing him, gun pointed to the front as he trekked through the shade of tall trees. A sea of trunks surrounded them, too many possibilities of an enemy hiding.
“Mosquitos,” he said, nothing more to explain.
“Even through the mask?” Soup asked, genuinely surprised like an inquisitive kid.
“The things are monsters.”
From the back they heard a slap, and all turned around in sharp alarm, pointing. Only, to reveal Captain John Price grumbling about the ‘bloody beasts.”
“Keep walking straight, less than a meter away.” Laswell instructed through the comms.
“Roger.” Price answered.
Ghost’s neck prickled in anticipation. He wondered how dangerous was the enemy, since they have them walking in the unamed jungle, with unspecified instructions, step by step directions. Odd.
But the trust in his captain was enough to put him in this position. He promised the intel was good. To trust him, or whatever that means.
And the instructions had come loud and clear. Kill the rising druglord in said coordinates, somewhere in Columbia. But no name was given, no information, no concrete intel. The information found of their own investigation and scouting lead to believe the new druglord was pairing with the top dog, Ignacio “El Brujo”. The new addition in the Colombia cartels had the government nervous, but they had no clue why.
Soap’s money is on technology. Gaz bet it was terrorism, pushing drugs not being enough to move Special Forces into Colombia. Serbia was more his pace.
The pink and orange sky glared upon them as they reached a peak in a jagged hill, giving away downhill to a beautiful mansion. Capital was spent on the vast of its structure. It was a wonder how NASA hadn’t just only seen them from the sky. It was huge.
Even with the sun shining, droplets peppered from the sky, some of it gray clouds.
“Would you look at that,” Soap muttered, the expanse of the rest of the property, a blanket of green and plantain crops in the middle of the sea of mountains. They were literally nowhere he recognized, the tropical sight taking his breath away, pink and orange glowing.
“There’s a saying about this,” Gaz pointed to the still sunny raining sky. “Here in Columbia I think, that a witch is getting married.”
“That when its raining and still sunny, a witch is getting married.”
Laswell interrupted. “Approach with caution, we need the target in our hands. Keep conversation tight, over.”
Price answered on their behalf.
And to think, this wouldn’t even be more weird. The mansion was empty.
Only when they broke the entrance, there realized it wasn’t necessary to break in. The door was open, no guards at the entrance.
Until they got to the living room and and saw a sea of dead bodies… dead parts of dead people. The body guards or… and their families. He even had to blink away from the image and its carnage. Some blood on the curtains.
“What the fuck,” Soap spoke out of turn, Price giving him a reproach look, as they had already shut them up.
But as he stepped to the sight, getting in front of the two muscle giants, he realized he would’ve said the same. A whole dinner room that had seemed like a regular family gathering, only bloody with someone’s arm without its owner.
“Ok then,” Price braces himself, steps through to limbs and corpses, acting as normal as possible. Their steps left bloody footsteps on the carpet, a red river in one direction.
They scouted every room, even found one in the bathroom, head banged to death in the mirror, as if he had gone insane.
If he were asked, he would’ve confirmed he felt nauseous. Not himself. Yet, he said nothing.
Room after empty room received the Special Task Force, no other soul in sight. Until they got to the master bedroom.
He couldn’t help but notice the bloody cuffs at the corner of each four post of the bed. Dread curled in his stomach, sweat going through his uniform.
“You ok there, Lt?” Soap asked at his paused posture, not registering.
“Intel finds there might be a secret basement.” Laswell says as if they could do something with that. It was secret.
“Any clue whatsoever?”
“Do you hear that,” Gaz said from the left, heading for the bathroom, gun raised. He pushed the door open, and in the middle, a middle aged man had a gun pointed upwards, pressed to his chin.
“Sir?” Price said, placating. “Put the gun down. We only just want to talk.
“I did it.” He sobs, index finger shaking at the trigger. “I did it.”
He repeats, eyes hazed, over and over again.
“I think he’s high.” Gaz commented, standing the closest.
“Grab him”, Price instructed, and Gaz did so with a side kick to the gun. Slipping the weapon away from the suspect.
“On the floor!” As Gaz brought the suspect for questioning into the bedroom, Ghost offers to check the perimeter for said basement.
Soap invites himself to the exploration.
It was more obvious than not, the only door heading a uncared for pair of stairs, leading into darkness.
“Lights on.” Ghost instructs Johnny from the front. Ghost with a head light, and Soap pointing with a flash light. Gun in the other hand
But nothing was amiss, except Ghost was cold as ice. As if he couldn’t help but shake, jaw trembling inside his mask. He fought through the shakes as they headed down and down, until they reached a normal basement. Walls recently painted white, except the floor. The modern decor was severed by the seven star pointed pentagram spray painted red smack in the middle of the center.
“Look down.” Ghost says.
“What the fuck, “ Soap repeats.
“Soap.” Price commands.
“Found the basement. Two doors to the left. A pentagram drawn in the middle of the room.” Ghost informs, heading closer to the infinite back. It seemed to go on and on, the space beneath the whole mansion. Empty like a parking lot.
“Roger that, see what else is there.” Price says nothing else.
As they get closer to the back, the see a set of doors, turning left to the kitchen.
His ears started ringing enough to be annoying, but not enough to hinder him. His heart started to pound, set on heading a certain direction.
It was sudden and electric, like a fast acting energy drink. The need to be somewhere else.
And he followed the trail. Back to the wall, driven, not knowing where’s he’s heading.
Soap followed silently, not understanding Ghost shift in direction.
Another left, another stairs to a lower floor.
“Damn,” Soap the commented. “Stairs to hell.”
At a sound from bellow, they raise their guns higher.
They were at a disadvantage, the lower floor being darker and not knowing what’s expecting them, Ghost throws a flash grenade, being answered with multiple screams.
Girl screams, and some might be children.
“Price, we got a situation.”
“Possible civilians down in another floor. Might be hostages.” Ghost adds.
His rapid heartbeat hadn’t decreased.
A curious pair of eyes, greeted them, scrunching at the flashlights.
“Special Task Force, put your hands up.” Soap intervenes, being the people person.
Everyone sitting on the floor did so, except one at the back. A girl, head lolled back on the lap of a woman, worrying a cold towel to her forehead.
The girl was still, clothes bloody, beaten to a pulp. Barefoot, naked west down.
Ghost thought her dead, until she moved. With trouble, she turned her neck, carrying a heavy head, curious at the sudden silent.
Lazily looked side ways, eyes barely open.
Eyes made contact briefly before the others closed with exhaustion.
But it was enough for Simon to see something drove him here, and that something was you.
Electricity zapped him from the spine, bringing him to his knees. And in a second, he lost consciousness with Soap’s worry echoing in his ears.
A/n: Sorry for any mistakes, here’s a balloon 🎈.
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Spring Fishfly - Chauliodes rastricornis
The lakes and forests of cottage country always have so many surprises when it comes to insects. I thought the Hudsonian Whiteface Dragonfly was going to be the highlight, but then I saw this large-winged individual trying to phase his way through a screen door to get inside. When I first saw the wingspan and flight pattern, I expected to see a giant Moth. Instead found an elusive Fishfly to photograph! However, he sure does fly like a Moth, and even rests like one with the wings folded backward. Furthermore, it was drawn by the porchlight, and greatly dwarfed all other nearby insects! While an insect like this appears large and intimidating, rest assured that he is perfectly harmless and can be handled with care. According to Bugguide and other identification sources, this specimen is more likely to be a Spring Fishfly rather than a Summer Fishfly (C. pectinicornis), but not just because he was found flying in May instead of July. Given habitat ranges and differing timeframes of adult emergence from the water, seasonality cannot be the sole factor for identification. Apparently, the best way to distinguish between the 2 species are to examine the two parallel markings on the back of the insect's head, just behind their ocelli.
As can be seen from Pictures 5 and 7, our Spring Fishfly friend has dark-colored head marks contrasting with its lighter shell. The Summer Fishfly's head markings and body are the reverse of that (bright markings, darker shell). This identification however doesn't take into account other species of Fishfly that may call lakes home, so examine your Megalopteran carefully. As if net-veined wings and yellow highlights along the head's mouthparts, thorax and wing-bases weren't enough of an allure, there are the elongated and feathered antennae, no doubt used to locate the enticing pheromones of females (also similar to the function of feathered Moth antennae). The feathering designated this individual as a male; a female Fishfly would have had serrated antennae with saw-like grooves. At a passing glance, with their slight curvature they resemble grand mandibles! However, that's for this genus, as other genera may have other types. For example, Neohermes Fishflies have antennae that resemble balls on a string (moniliform). Mileage may vary, but if you're looking to find out for yourself, approach the water in spring (or summer) and see which Fishflies come to the light. Have some bug repellent handy to keep the Mosquitoes away, as adult Caddisflies aren't going to eat them.
Pictures were taken on May 27, 2024 in Muskoka with a Google Pixel 4. The instances of white ocelli seen in the images here are due to the camera's flash.
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casinotrio1965 · 11 days
Disney Descendants : Scene From Freddie's Shadow Cards
  As Freddie waded through the murky water, listening to Ally list off more imaginary illnesses, she made a mental note of all of the creatures of the swamp her father had told her about over the years.
  Obviously there were the gators. Those were dangerous. The egrets—tall white birds with pointy beaks—were only a problem if you were a frog. Crayfish could pinch you under the water, but nothing deadly. And she wasn’t even going to think about the scorpions and anacondas.
  But as she ticked off the animals on her fingers, she had the feeling she was forgetting something. Something important. Something big. Something…
  Freddie heard a vicious snarl and froze in her tracks.
  Something like that.
  Jordan, who clearly failed to notice that Freddie had stopped, ran right into Freddie’s back, nearly knocking her down in the knee-deep water.
  “What’s the deal?” Jordan griped. “Why are we stop—” But she never finished her question, because suddenly she saw the thing too.
  It was standing on a rock in the middle of the swamp, like a king of a small island, completely blocking their passage.
  It was huge. It was terrifying.
  And it was angry.
  The beast opened its mouth and let out a roar, showing off its humongous fangs.
  “What is it?” Jordan whispered, her voice trembling.
  “I think it’s a—” Freddie started to say, but she was interrupted by Ally, who was excitedly moving toward the terrifying creature.
  “Aww! It’s a big kitty!”
  Freddie tried to grab Ally to pull her back, but Ally was already too far ahead and approaching the giant cat, which snarled and hissed at her.
  “Come here, pretty kitty!” Ally cooed.
  “Ally!” Freddie whispered frantically. “Come back! That’s not a kitty. It’s a cougar!”
  But Ally ignored her and kept moving forward, her hand outstretched.
  Freddie couldn’t watch. Ally was about to get her hand chomped off by a vicious cougar!
  The cat roared again and lashed out at Ally with an angry swipe of its paw. Ally yelped and jumped back, landing on her bottom in the swamp water. After a moment, she pushed herself back to her feet and placed her hands on her hips. “How rude!” she scolded the cat. “Naughty kitty! Naughty, naughty kitty!”
  The cougar hissed in response, shaking its head.
  “Ally,” Jordan warned, “I think we need to turn back. That is not a kitty. That is a very angry cougar and—”
  “No,” Ally retorted. “We came this far. I’m drenched in muddy swamp water. I’m covered in mosquito bites. I am not turning back just because this kitty doesn’t remember its manners.”
  “Ally,” Freddie said, her wide eyes pinned on the cat, “it’s a wild animal. It doesn’t know any manners.”
  “Nonsense,” Ally insisted. “That’s no excuse. Mum says everyone should have good manners. I’ll just have to explain that to him.”
  Freddie was starting to lose her patience. She would’ve liked to just grab Ally and drag her away, but she didn’t want to get any closer to that ferocious cat. “Ally, you can’t explain anything to a wild cougar.”
  But Ally ignored her. She placed her hands on her hips and in a stern yet patient voice said to the cougar, “Now, you listen here, kitty. Just because you live in a swamp, that does not give you an excuse to be rude.”
  The cougar hissed and spat, clawing at the air with its mighty paw.
  “That’s a good point,” Ally said, as though actually responding to something the cat was saying. “We are strangers walking through your home. So why don’t we all get to know each other. My name is Ally. And this is Freddie and Jordan.”
  Jordan gave a weak, petrified wave, but Freddie refused to move.
  “Freddie,” Ally admonished. “Say hi to the kitty so you’re not strangers anymore.”
  This is ridiculous! Freddie thought.
  Freddie had always suspected Ally was a little peculiar, but now she was sure of it. In fact, this girl had to be mad as a hatter. And she was about to get them all eaten because of it.
  “Freddie,” Ally warned again.
  “Hi, kitty,” Freddie said reluctantly.
  “Very good. Now what is your name?” Ally asked the cougar.
  The cat roared and crouched low, looking like he was ready to pounce.
  “Ally,” Freddie said. She was terrified now. “He’s about to attack.”
  “Biscuit!” Ally exclaimed. “Well, that’s a lovely name.”
  Biscuit? Freddie thought. Is she serious? Where does she get this stuff?
  “Now, Biscuit,” Ally went on. “I would like you to be a good little kitty and lie down so I can pet your belly.”
  The cat couched lower, narrowing its dark vicious eyes at Ally and flicking its tail. It was definitely going to attack.
  Freddie readied herself to run. Ally could do what she wanted, but Freddie was not going to get mauled by a swamp cougar.
  “All the way down,” Ally commanded, pointing toward the ground with her finger.
  Then, just when Freddie swore it was about to spring into the air and make a delicious lunch out of Ally, the cougar lay down instead. Freddie’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
  Was that a coincidence?
  “Good kitty,” Ally commended. “Now roll over.”
  The cat rolled onto its back, his legs sticking straight into the air.
  Freddie couldn’t believe what she was seeing!
  “There you go,” Ally said, approaching the cougar. She slowly extended a hand and scratched its stomach. The cat began to purr.
  “Is this for real?” Jordan murmured to Freddie out of the side of her mouth, keeping her gaze locked on the scene in front of them.
  “I’m not sure,” Freddie admitted.
  “Good Biscuit,” Ally trilled, reaching up to scratch the cat’s neck.
  The cat purred louder and let his head hang back.
  “Pretty kitty.”
  The cat licked its paw and rubbed its ear, grooming itself. Ally laughed. “Yes, you are a pretty kitty. Yes, you are!”
  Careful not to scare the creature, Freddie slowly approached and gaped at Ally in wonder.
  “What?” Ally asked, seeing Freddie’s astonished expression.
  “ So you really can talk to cats?”
  Ally tilted her head like she didn’t understand the question. “You can talk to anyone.”
  “No, I mean, they can actually understand what you’re saying,” Freddie clarified.
  Ally stood up and wiped her slightly dirty hands on her dress. “Of course they can, silly.”
  Then she walked around the rock, where the subdued cougar was still lying, and continued wading through the swamp. Freddie just stood there, still in shock, as she glanced back and forth between Ally and the wild cat, which right then looked no scarier than a stuffed animal.
  Maybe she’s kind of a genius.
  “Hey, slowpokes!” Ally called back to them. “Are you guys coming or not?
  Freddie looked at Jordan, who looked back at Freddie.
  “Uh, did Ally just save us from a swamp cat?” Jordan asked.
  Freddie nodded, still completely stunned by the recent turn of events. “I think she did.”
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niyogreatandsmall · 3 days
ID pack, tips and fun facts about the Arctic Tundra? <3 if it's not too much to ask ♡ i'm conceptkin of the arctic tundra!
One of my previous asks could help!
In the tundra, the sun can play tricks on you! In summer, the sun never sets, so it’s bright all day and night. But in winter, the sun doesn’t come up for months, and it’s dark all the time.
The ground is frozen solid most of the year, and it’s called permafrost. But in summer, the top layer of soil thaws just a little, making it a squishy, muddy playground.
You might think there’s not much life here, but the tundra is full of surprises! Tiny plants called lichens can grow on rocks, and some flowers bloom with bright colors to soak up the sun during the short summer.
The tundra is home to some amazing animals like the Arctic fox. This clever creature changes its fur color with the seasons—white in winter to blend in with the snow, and brown in summer to hide among the rocks and plants.
In the tundra, there’s a special kind of wind called a katabatic wind. It’s super cold and rushes down from the mountains, sometimes at incredible speeds, making it feel even chillier!
Even though it’s so cold, there are insects here too! In summer, you might see lots of mosquitoes and tiny flies buzzing around. They love the wet, muddy ground when the ice melts.
The Arctic tundra is like a giant, natural refrigerator. Things that get buried in the permafrost can stay frozen for thousands of years, almost like they’re trapped in time.
Guardian of the Tundra
Keeper of the North
Frost Herald
Arctic Sentinel
Snow Sage
Icebound Voyager
Glacial Protector
Polar Seer
Northern Watcher
Winter's Emissary
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deusvervewrites · 8 months
Heroes & Pokemon x Others: So, I clearly recall a combo of this resulting in Izuku getting exclusively the really out-there Pokemon (e.g Bakugo now producing Blacephalon). I assert the following:
Uraraka produces an Enamorus (pink and white, fairy/flying just like Togekiss)
All Might would produce a Buzzwole (huge muscleguy, giant mosquito correlates to him frequently coughing up blood. also that one scene of TerminalMontage's ultra beast video specifically references all might's skinny form with Buzzwole lol)
Kaminari produces Regieleki. I don't think I need to explain this one honestly
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danco110 · 8 months
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“Burn their fleet to the waterline, and sink whatever’s left.”
Angrath turned away from both his captives and his own crew, shocking both groups with his orders. The bound vampires kneeling on the deck trembled in fear, and one particularly brazen deckhand even stepped forward in their defense.
“Er, don’t that seem a bit much, Cap’n?”
The minotaur turned back to face the others, his arms folded across his chest and his face twisted into an angry snarl.
“I can only use my chains to control so many prisoners at a time. And any one of em I don’t lasso could stick me in my sleep. It’s the safest way.”
“But, Cap’n,” pleaded the goblin, her confidence waning, “we can watch the dogs for ya. I’ll do it myself if ya’d just-”
Angrath clenched his fists, causing the already glowing chains wrapped around his chest to glow white with heat.
“You, I trust. The rest of you…”
Angrath glared out at the rest of his crew, causing them to shudder just as much as the vampires.
“…I could throw further. I’ve got half a mind to use the chains on y’all, as well. Just to make sure.”
The goblin took a daring step forward. “Cap’n…we’re loyal. All of us.”
“Are you, now?”
The rest of the crew nodded frantically as the deckhand continued speaking. “Yessir. These mosquitos…I’ll admit, I dunno…”
Before the captive vampires could profess their loyalties, truthful or otherwise, Angrath waved a giant hand in their direction.
“Tie em up in a dinghy, and send em back to what’s left of their ships.”
“Yer makin the right decision, Cap’n.”
Angrath let out a sad laugh. “I know for sure that I am not. They’ll be back, on some other ship, some other crew.”
As the rest of the crew carried the prisoners to a nearby skiff, the deckhand closed the rest of the distance between her and Angrath, solemnly patting the minotaur on his pants leg. “Don’t worry, Cap’n. We’ll get you home.”
“No you won’t,” Angrath snapped instinctively, before immediately softening. “But…thanks.”
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[Headcanon: Angrath’s spark ignited from being backstabbed, sold out by a friend in classic spaghetti western fashion.]
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wondrous-art · 1 year
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Some concept art for characters in Smallscale. Particularly those from the small miinu village known as The Grotto. I'll explain what bugs everyone are below.
Dr. Leif - A Giant Leaf Insect. He is the local physician in the village and uses his ability to commune with plants to make powerful medicinal herbs.
Queen Pono - The Queen of the Carpenter Ant Colony. Her workers are smaller than her and work hard to keep the village save and upkepts.
Papilo - A Marbled White Butterfly. He's the local rune keeper and one of the oldest Miinu in the village. No one knows where he came from. Mrs. Coco - A Ladybug. She's the towns clothes seamtress and makes clothes for the village with whatever she can find.
Corrix - A Water Boatman. He is the local fisherman and Aniso's adoptive father. Sabbeth - A Sabethes cyaneus Mosquito. She is a dancer and can tell the future by drinking blood. She likes to squat in human homes to be close to her supply. Greg - A Cockroach. A free spirted soul who often scrounges around human settlements to find free food. Is often with his partner Sabbeth. Zell - A carpet moth caterpillar. A young feral miinu with no family who was found wandering around the Grotto and stealing food.
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marta-bee · 1 year
Let’s talk about Pepper. Because I’ve been reading Good Omens again, and the book-specific bits are just too much fun not to share.
First, she’s a girl obviously, but a girl named Pippin (for a start), and a girl with that precise blend of hippie optimism and commonsense no-nonsense attitude that makes her such a force to be reckoned with. She is vicious, but in a truly fun way.
If it had been Wensley who had said that, there'd have been a half-hearted scuffle, as between friends. But the other Them had long ago learned that Pepper did not consider herself bound by the informal conventions of brotherly scuffles. She could kick and bite with astonishing physiological accuracy for a girl of eleven. Besides, at eleven years old the Them were beginning to be bothered by the dim conception that laying hands on good ole Pep moved things into blood-thumping categories they weren't entirely at home with yet, besides earning you a snake-fast blow that would have floored the Karate Kid.
But she was good to have in your gang. They remembered with pride the time when Greasy Johnson and his gang had taunted them for playing with a girl. Pepper had erupted with a fury that had caused Greasy's mother to come round that evening and complain.
[Greasy Johnson was a sad and oversized child. There's one in every school; not exactly fat, but simply huge and wearing almost the same size clothes as his father. Paper tore under his tremendous fingers, pens shattered in his grip. Children whom he tried to play with in quiet, friendly games ended up getting under his huge feet, and Greasy Johnson had become a bully almost in self-defense. After all, it was better to be called a bully, which at least implied some sort of control and desire, than to be called a big clumsy oaf. He was the despair of the sports master, because if Greasy Johnson had taken the slightest interest in sport, then the school could have been champions. But Greasy Johnson had never found a sport that suited him. He was instead secretly devoted to his collection of tropical fish, which won him prizes. Greasy Johnson was the same age as Adam Young, to within a few hours, and his parents had never told him he was adopted. See? You were right about the babies.] Pepper looked upon him, a giant male, as a natural enemy.
She herself had short red hair and a face which was not so much freckled as one big freckle with occasional areas of skin.
That red hair bit is interesting, because it makes such an interesting visual connection to War, doesn’t it? Also it would have had me picturing a white, practically Irish or Scottish child with flaming red locks blowing in the wind, like Merida from Brave. Or maybe Molly Weasley taking on Beatrix Lestrange in the final Harry Potter book. Having her played by a black child actress is really interesting; not that black characters can’t have red hair -- Halle Berry’s Ariel, for instance -- but unconscious biases being what they are, that’s not where my brain went. Kudos to the Good Omens fandom for this not being much of a thing, at least to the extent I was involved back in 2019.
Also, I hope I’m not being insensitive to describe her as black. Most of my more PC descriptors come with an -American hyphenate, which obviously isn’t right; and a quick search for Amma Ris’s background just describes her as Welsh. Which of course she is; and somehow simply Welsh is like a breath of fresh air.)
Anywho. Getting back to the chapter.
Pepper's given first names were Pippin Galadriel Moonchild. She had been given them in a naming ceremony in a muddy valley field that contained three sick sheep and a number of leaky polythene teepees. Her mother had chosen the Welsh valley of Pant-y-Gyrdl as the ideal site to Return to Nature. (Six months later, sick of the rain, the mosquitoes, the men, the tent-trampling sheep who ate first the whole commune's marijuana crop and then its antique minibus, and by now beginning to glimpse why almost the entire drive of human history has been an attempt to get as far away from Nature as possible, Pepper's mother returned to Pepper's surprised grandparents in Tadfield, bought a bra, and enrolled in a sociology course with a deep sigh of relief.)
There are only two ways a child can go with a name like Pepper Galadriel Moonchild, and Pepper had chosen the other one: the three male Them had learned this on their first day of school, in the playground, at the age of four.
They had asked her her name, and, all innocent, she had told them.
Subsequently, a bucket of water had been needed to separate Pippin Galadriel Moonchild's teeth from Adam's shoe. Wensleydale's first pair of spectacles had been broken, and Brian's sweater needed five stitches.
The Them were together from then on, and Pepper was Pepper forever, except to her mother, and (when they were feeling especially courageous, and the Them were almost out of earshot) Greasy Johnson and the Johnsonites, the village's only other gang.
“Pepper was Pepper forever.” She sure as heck is, isn’t she? I do believe I’m in love. She also has a little sister who’s as fair game for punching down on as any tomboyish eleven year old ever was; and just as unskilled at it. (Though she does get away with it in the end; just not with quite as much dignity as she might have preferred.)
"Art thou a witch, oh lay?" said the chief Inquisitor.
"Yes," said Pepper's little sister, who was six and built like a small golden-haired football. "You mustn't say yes, you've got to say no," hissed the Head Torturer, nudging the suspect. "And then what?" demanded the suspect.
"And then we torture you to make you say yes," said the Head Torturer. "I told you. It's good fun, the torturin'. It doesn't hurt. Hastar lar visa," she added quickly.
The little suspect gave the décor of the Inquisitorial headquarters a disparaging look. There was a decided odor of onions.
"Huh," she said. "I want to be a witch, wiv a warty nose an' a green skin an' a lovely cat an' I'd call it Blackie, an' lots of potions an'-"
The Head Torturer nodded to the Chief Inquisitor.
"Look," said Pepper, desperately, "no one's saying you can't be a witch, you jus' have to say you're not a witch. No point in us taking all this trouble," she added severely, "if you're going to go round saying yes the minute we ask you."
The suspect considered this.
"But I wants to be a witch," she wailed. The male Them exchanged exhausted glances. This was out of their league.
"If you just say no," said Pepper. "You can have my Sindy stable set. I've never ever used it," she added, glaring at the other them and daring them to make a comment.
"You have used it," snapped her sister, "I've seen it and it's all worn out and the bit where you put the hay is broke and-"
Adam gave a magisterial cough.
"Art thou a witch, viva Espana?" he repeated.
The sister took a look at Pepper's face, and decided not to chance it. "No," she decided.
This whole scene has such an air of childish logic that’s quite logical to the child. There are squabbles and meanness but also camaraderie, and an appeal to reason that seems to make good sense to them. And, in addition to reminding me of how well these authors wrote other children and gave weight to their emotional realities (I’m thinking of Coraline in particular), it also drives home just how young eleven really is. This is the cohort of our feared antichrist. Reality shapes itself according to his whims; and look how whim-like those whims really are for all of them. They’re real to them, though, which is probably enough. Terrifying, if frightfully real.
I’m a bit rushed today but couldn’t quite resist sharing all these book-specific bits with all of you. So fun! But so... telling.
This section also includes Adam’s first meeting with Anathema, which is just an utterly fascinating look at how our expectations blind us to the reality of the situation. But that’s worth its own post, and needs more time than I have to give just now anyway. Hopefully in a day or two.
For now: “Pepper is perfection and really my kind of character” is conclusion enough for one day. She really, really is.
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Book Review: Modern Witch: Spells, Recipes & Workings
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TW: Appropriation, mentions of sexually transmitted diseases.
This is: Modern Witch: Spells, Recipes & Workings by Devin Hunter
Rating: 4/10 for the first 100 pages then 1/10 for the rest.
Pros: The author covers a ton of correspondences, from spirits, to protection, and anything else in-between. He focuses a lot on vibrations, but insists on cleansing and protection which is very good! The author also uses a lot of more folk-based workings, which would help new witches understand that you don't need a giant fancy ritual and a jar to do a spell!
The author also includes options for LGBTQ+ individuals with the workings that would normally require a male and female attribute or focus in more gender balanced/Wiccanized practices. It has three and a half pages of a bibliography, which is fine for a 200 page book.
Cons: Unfortunately that's about all the 'good' this book has. The author uses a lot of items which are very not minor friendly. He also advocates for the use of white sage, sweetgrass, smudging, honey jars, proper voodoo dolls without initiation, working with closed deities, love spells, and...quite frankly the worst part?
The author very specifically mentions something in the protection section that...boils me up. He says that Java Citronella, the plant commonly used for avoiding mosquitos...when used on a person specifically a member of the LGBTQ+ community...it'll protect them from...very particular STDs. The type that has haunted the LGBTQ community as an epidemic called AIDS. A plant will keep you from getting this beyond horrific disease. It's absolutely irresponsible to make a claim like that, and insulting to those that have suffered with AIDS, not to mention that the LGBTQ+ community isn't the only humans capable of getting these, to make it seem otherwise is crude, rude, and derogatory if you ask me. I did not finish this book after reading that.
Overview: In my personal opinion please avoid this book, save your time, energy, and money. I found a couple of spells I liked, but nothing in this book is worth dealing with someone who thinks this way, regardless of his personal orientation. And he writes Fortnite books. Just saying if you want extra ooh no tacked onto your witchcraft author listing. Witch...and Fornite official author. At least use different pennames for different genres or something.
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archive-of-artprompts · 9 months
🐝Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit or as a creature based on that insect🦋
Allotopus Beetle
Apollo Butterfly
Assassin Bug
Atlas Moth
Bald-Faced Hornet
Banded Darter
Banded Demoiselle
Beautiful Demoiselle
Bhutan Glory Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Bullet Ant
Butterfly Dragonfly
Cabbage Butterfly
Cattlehearts Swallowtail
Common Batwing
Common Bluebottle Butterfly
Common Brimstone
Common Rose Swallowtail
Conehead Mantis
Cream-Spot Tiger Moth
Cuckoo Wasp
Death's-Head Hawkmoth
Devil's Flower Mantis
Differential Grasshopper
Drain Fly
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Eighteen-Spotted Ladybird
Elephant Hawkmoth
Elephant Mosquito
Emerald Bee
Emperor Dragonfly
European Hornet
European Mantis
Eyed Ladybug
Fire Ant
Five-Spotted Hawkmoth
Fork-Horned Stag Beetle
Fourteen-Spotted Ladybird
Ghost Mantis
Giant Leopard Moth
Giant Long-Legged Katydid
Giant Malaysian Leaf Insect
Glasswing Butterfly
Goliath Beetle
Golden-Ringed Dragonfly
Great Black Wasp
Green Grasshopper
Green June Beetle
Green Snaketail
Green Stag Beetle
Halyzia Sedecimguttata (aka orange ladybird)
Hercules Beetle
Honey Bee
Hummingbird Clearwing
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Impatiens Hawkmoth
Jerusalem Cricket
Jewel Beetle
Lime Hawkmoth
Long-Legged Fly
Luna Moth
Monarch Butterfly
Mosaic Darner
Mud Dauber
Oleander Hawkmoth
Orchid Mantis
Painted Lady Butterfly
Paper Wasp
Peacock Butterfly
Pharaoh Ant
Picasso Bug
Pipevine Swallowtail
Poplar Hawkmoth
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Question Mark Butterfly
Red Admiral
Rosy Maple Moth
Ruddy Darter
Scorpion Fly
Small Tortoiseshell
Southern Hawker
Southern Flannel Moth
Spicebush Swallowtail
Spiny Leaf Insect
Sunset Moth
Tailed Jay Butterfly
Tarantula Hawk
Thorn Bug
Tiger Mosquito
Twentytwo-Spot Ladybird
Ulysses Butterfly
White-Lined Sphinx
White Witch Moth
Yellow Jacket
Zebra Swallowtail
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panzershrike-pretz · 3 months
PRETZ! can i ask 💤, 🐉, and 🎶 for fiona?
HEY BLU!!! ABOUT FIONA!!! I love her so much!!
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Fiona's a light sleeper, more so because of her autism and anxiety. She's constantly somewhat overwhelmed, so falling asleep itself is already a battle for her - so, staying asleep, is even harder.
With the tecnologies of the modern days, she learned to use happy hoodies (for grooming dogs), noise concealing earplugs and sleep masks, but they aren't really a hundred percent effective. Any sudden movement is still enough for her to wake up.
She's normally the first to go to bed and first to rise, of all the crew :3
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
Her favorite mythical creature is the Anhangá! Although she is German, not Brazilian, she learned about them from Madam Iraci Troupial, one of the Brazilian Ymbrynes.
Anhangás are white deer with blood-red eyes and a soft glow around them. They live alone and their mission is to protect the Amazon and its inhabitants, killing whoever hurts the forest with their giant antlers!
Anhangás where a lot more common before Brazilian colonization, but as the Portuguese explored the resources and the population started to shrink the Amazon, their numbers went down due to loss of habitat and poaching (their antlers and blood can be used in potions; eating their eyes is said to strengthen people and cure most mosquito-born diseases). Now, they are a protected species under the International Magical-Beast Protection Act (IMBPA) and are slowly but surely comming back!
(And as a disclosure, I made my own twists to the actual Anhangá folklore! They are common in some indigenous communities and their stories differ here and there; this version is made to fit my universe and is based in more than one versions of the legend)
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Fiona's favorite is classic music, but she's also a big fan of operas and anything-ballet! Those are the ones she's been exposed the longest to, but as she came into the modern world, she found passion for musicals!
They are like therapy for her and she actually loves to be able to sing and act - although she's mostly nonverbal, when she's on the stage, she feels way more confortable.
Natasha turned her into a theater kid 💀✨️
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Tag Game-Summer Goth Aesthetics
Thanks @therealnightcity for the tag! <3 This is a lovely list! Warms my ghost goth heart...
Rules: bold what applies to your character and their aesthetics; italicise those that somewhat apply; and strikethrough whatever doesn't apply
(I altered the formatting into lists, rather than paragraphs. I think it's easier to read? It's no longer a giant wall of words with a mish-mash of different formatting... idk, I tried. My eyeballs are still not happy.)
Valerie Hye-jin Li
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rickety ferris wheels
carnival lights through fog
saltwater taffy and popcorn
tarot card readings
childhood best-friends
thunderstorms over the sea
tear-streaked face paint
chipping animatronics partially submerged in brackish water
ill-fated games of truth or dare
vintage circus posters boasting mermaids and wolf-men
underwater caves marked with a skull and crossbones
darts that are a little too sharp
twinkling lights in the dark
distant and ghostly laughter
blue and pink cotton candy
sunburnt shoulders
cherry flavored sno-cones
switchblades tucked into costumes
a bloody trail into an old tent
the yellow eye shine of an unseen animal
circling turkey vultures
unnatural fluctuations in the passage of time
daddy long legs in rotting logs
distorted backwards speech through a walkie-talkie
unexplainable antler shrines
coniferous mountain horizons
star-like bonfire sparks whirling in an indigo night
nests of infant barn owls
claw marks in tent fabric
soft and distant howls
unexplained lights darting through trees
clawed footprints in the dirt
bomber jackets and hiking boots
an old and well-used shotgun
thunderstorms that darken the sky
a rusted and reliable truck
the smell of petrichor
a voice calling your name from the trees 
magnolia blossoms
chipping white porch swings
spanish moss
suffocating humidity
faded photographs of lacy weddings
tire tracks in mud
mausoleum angels
family trees
the yellow-green eyes of alligators
repressed childhood memories bubbling to the surface
broken porcelain dolls
legs covered with mosquito bites
barbed wire
dark family secrets
stained white button downs
sweat drops down your spine
marshy swamp lands
weeping willow trees
rusted iron gates
cicadas in the summer
moss covered gravestones with fresh dirt
cursed family jewelry
old patina rosaries
fireflies at dusk
bloodshot eyes
flickering neon motel signs
aviator sunglasses
magic 8 balls
recurrent dreams of grey aliens
beaded curtains
dusty denim and incense smoke
sepia desert vistas
playlists of 1960s rock songs
coded messages in television static
comets in the night sky
fake ids
gas station snacks
jesus bobble heads
split lips
paranoia between friends
ice cold diet coke
ripped jeans and converse
cigarette smoke drifting out of a car window
a 1960's white ford mustang
evergreen air fresheners
thousand yard stares
a gas station attendant who knows too many secrets
something dark following alongside your car
abandoned rest stops
rickety road signs that lead nowhere
No pressure tags, I know it's a long one: @shimmer-like-agirl @vox-monstera @fly-amanitaa @ladykatie512 @maimaiapologist
And anyone else who'd like to do it!
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 40 // All Alone, Are You? // Day 25
Contents (Warnings): Results of the Exam and Lev being...Lev... (safe soft unwilling vore, some angst, meany bobean moments, and as always character/monster info).
Wordcount: 3421 (editing process, undergoing)
(Oct. 10th, Monday)
The place was on the way between his Dad's house and his apartment. A small hovel-looking store next to a pet groomers and a barbershop, "Peti's Herbals." 
He found a place to park, got out, and sucked in a deep breath. The farther he was, the better he felt, but the idea still lingered in the back of his mind like a mosquito he couldn't quite see. 
He pushed the door open, getting the rush of pine and cinnamon. It usually had a floral scent that he disliked, but the woodsy one he enjoyed more. Walking inside, there was a human or two, but at the counter, he noticed Bella. 
She perked up, "hey, Alexander." She held a warm smile, "medical?"
He nodded, "please."
She allowed him to move past the counter and into the more extensive backroom with a few empty chairs lined along some of the edges of the walls. He stepped up to the second front desk, which had two beings, one that looked human and another with a human body and a wolf head, similar to Elliot's, five eyes at its face. He recognized as CJ.
"Hey," CJ swiveled around in the chair next to the woman. "Seeing me a little early, aren't you? Don't we have an appointment next month?" The five colorful, swirling eyes going down the front of his head studied Alexander. 
"I-yeah, but I have a problem..." 
"Let me get your file," He swiveled back in the chair and pushed off toward the cabinets. He got out a thick book labeled Alexander Chase and looked over it. CJ stood up and walked out and away from the counter to take Alexander to a more private room.
CJ opened the rather giant white wooden door for him. Then he got some gloves on his hands and adjusted his black coat. He sat in a clean yet big room with an array of cabinets of various different drinks, bottles with tablets, and books on various monster anatomy. 
As Alexander sat on the examination table, he kept his hands in his lap, trying to contain his bouncing legs.
The doctor looked over him, "what seems to be the problem? Your body looks tense." 
He hadn't thought of how to word it. He brought up his hands and explained with them, "I-I don't know. I've been very possessive with humans-or a human lately."
CJ looked over the book cradled in his arm and then back at Alexander, "hmm, are they in your life prominently?" 
"I work with them, so I can't avoid them." And I annoyingly can't eat her most of the time either.
The medical expert tapped near his lower two eyes, "Your energy looks fine, but have you been eating well before that change? And have you gone into your wendigo form recently?"
"I eat other humans, and I had a Wendigo shift a week and a half ago. It was over a fight. Nothing happened. Or that's when really started getting possessive over them."
CJ tapped down on his second row in the middle, focusing on it. "Possessive? What do you think spurred on that event? Have you been possessive with them before?"
"Not really," Alexander felt his stomach groan thinking about it. "No. Other people could eat them, I didn't care except when we were at work...I-" He huffed, "and now I want to have them to myself. It feels like I have a curse on me. Even when I eat others, I can't get them out of my head."
"It sounds like you have a bind with them."
The word struck him and he couldn't hold himself back.
The metal bent under the fist he slammed downward. CJ had jumped up from his seat. Alexander lurched forward and snarled, "What the HELL are you talking about? I'd never do something that STUPID."
Alexander scanned over CJ, seeing a mixture of honesty and worry over his face and with his slightly risen hands. He then followed his own fist that he embedded in metal. He pulled it back and his eyes glowed, regretfully. He worked on repairing it and CJ spoke again.
"As you know," CJ waited to see Alexander's expression before continuing. He tapped at his eye at the center of his head, "binds are serious matters, especially with Wendigos..." His gentle voice reached out to Alexander. "I can see the remanence of a deal like Bind. If you made one with this human for what I'm assuming is consumption given your urges, your bodies trying to finish off the deal." 
CJ turned around, shifting down the cabinets to the last one with bottles.
Did I really do that? I must have- His left hand unconsciously stroked the old sore tissue of the scar at his back, near his spine. His eyes traced the examination table he fixed, quietly.
While his focus was transfixed on the table, CJ made his way next to him. It spooked Alexander because he hadn't been paying attention.
He saw the tablet held out to him. It was about the size of a quarter and twice as thick.
"Do you remember these craving subsiders?" CJ held it up along with a bottle containing five others. "Use them sparingly and do not take more than one a day, or the problem could worsen." He warned. "Also, do not neglect to eat because of its effect."
"Take this one now."
Alexander plucked it from CJ's palm. He inspected the black tablet. He lifted it by his nose, taking a whiff, then distain scrunched his face. "Is it better tasting this time?" He asked between grit teeth.
CJ ignored that question, "I'd recommend you finish your Bind with the human as soon as possible. You know your body's much more sensitive to some things than others." 
He nodded, putting the disk in his mouth. His tongue tried to recede as soon as it rested on it. It wasn't as disgustingly rust tasting as the blood, but it still had a pungent soapy linger as it fizzed away on his tongue. He refrained from bite it, because he knew he shouldn't.
He kept his lips together and moved his head from side to side to bide his time until it was gone.
"Do not exceed one a day; if you finish the deal sooner, DO NOT take anymore unless absolutely necessary," CJ tapped at the label of the bottle. "If you take them too frequently or to much your body may develop an immunity, and sometimes upping the dosage to fight that immunity causes your natural instincts to subside." His eyes stared up into Alexanders, "If that happens, you'll most likely die due to starvation." 
When Alexander was younger, he remembered he had less than an eighth of the tablet.
"I'll be careful." He nodded with assurance. Then, he glanced back down at the table. "And-I'm sorry I yelled- and-"
"You should be; you scared the living daylights out of me." CJ joked but shifted sternly like a ship that found balance after a storm, "besides, I don't want an apology. I wanted two things from you with that outburst. One, you did; you fixed what you broke. Now secondly, I want you to control your temper. You're a strong monster; you can seriously damage someone if you snap to quickly."
Alexander lowered his head, "I understand."
"If, for whatever reason, that happens again, I'm going to send you off to therapy."
Alexander clutched the bottle and shook his head, "got it." He got up and off the table. Walked out by the doctor. 
"Oh, and tell Pete's I said hi!"
Alexander nodded, not taking it in thoroughly. He returned to the main counter, paid what he owed, and stepped into his car. He placed the bottle in the cup holder, eyeing it. His craving was near nonexistent, enough for him to think far too well. 
The word, Bind, wouldn't leave his head, and the deeper he dwelled, the more it burned. He was so entranced that he sat in his car for an hour, staring at the dirt-covered mat at his feet. 
He slipped his hand into his vibrating phone. He saw the text in the group chat about him leaving early. He saw a text from his Dad.
Dad: Wanna do some dinner tonight? I can make those Uyo's and get Sasha some special cat feast. Yah or Nah? 10:35 a.m.
He went to type, and another burn at his scar made his thumbs tremble. He exited the message and went to call Drake. 
It rang once before he answered. 
"Hey, what's up, dude?"
Alexander tapped his thumb on the steering wheel. "Can I come over so we can play something?" 
Drake laughed, "like saying no would stop you from barging in." 
A sympathetic ring flowed into Alexander's ears, "use your key and meet me upstairs, and remember you don't have to call. I'm almost always home."
"Right. Be there soon."
"Good Afternoon, Lynette," Sandra said.
I laid in the familiar bed and thought it was comfortable. The reason I knew it still made me upset. "Afternoon," I muttered. I worked up.
"How are you feeling?"
"Physically fine," I replied with a snail curl of a smile.
"Not that," I said. 
"If you'd still like to-"
"No, no…no." I hunched off the edge of the bed with my feet near the floor. I swung them back and forth. I wish I could get bigger, then they wouldn't be able to eat me. Can I get Claudia to help me with that? Would she? 
"You're welcome to stay here until your next shift if you'd like." Sandra offered. 
"Thank you," I said. My eyes scanned over the room and fell to the board. It seemed Tristan and here were engaged in another game, "guess the species." Why do I have the feeling Claudia will spring that up on me soon.
"Hey, Sandra. Is there a way you could make me taller?"
She sat at her new white desk, writing over a few notes. She looked up as it oversaw the beds.
"Taller?" She thought of the implications and then agreed, "I could, but given that you don't have magic like the others, I'd have to put a lot of conditions over your body for size growth, not that it's impossible, just tedious." She hummed, "that's why I was surprised Claudia did it so well."
"Okay..." I lowered my head again.
"If you'd like, I could check a few resources and see if you can have it custom-made for a price."
It'll be too complicated, wouldn't it? I'd be taller, and they wouldn't eat me, but I'd also have to go home, and if Wicks sees me or other humans see me? Then what? I sighed.
"No, thank you, it was a thought." I said. "is there anything that'll make me smell gross to them?"
Sandra nodded, "yes, but you'd most likely burn your nose in the process, and I'm sure it won't be good for customers to smell you a mile away."
"Right..." I lifted up my phone and looked over the messages. One was from Wicks telling me to have a good day and that he'd be home late. The next was from Charletta.
Charletta: I know this is silly of me to ask, as my sweet, lovable, best sister ever who already asked to be off the week of my Wedding. November 5th to the 12th. Because you know the Wedding is on the 11th, you need to be here to hang with your family. Anyway, call me after you get outta work later. Love ya! 1:27p.m.
I glanced back at the desk, "hey, Sandra-"
She raised her head again. "Hmm?"
"I have a wedding coming up in November. I have to be off the 5th through the 12th...is that okay?" I asked nervously.
"A wedding? Aw, I didn't know you were engaged."
"HUH!?" I felt the embarrassment harass me. "No! I haven't even really ever been on a successful date! It's for my sister." 
Sandra smiled, "OH, sorry!" 
The only thing I'm engaged in is trying to survive this job.
"Sandra typed at her computer and raised a brow, "it's a popular time to be off, it seems, but yes, I added you in. Tell me if you need to change it for whatever reason later."
"Thank you!"
A few minutes before my next shift, I wandered out. And found it weird to only see Lev.
"Hey, Lynette~." 
I glanced around. "Where's Xander?"
"You didn't read the group chat; Edgar put that he left early," Lev said. "Sooo," he tapped my nose, "it's just you and me today.~"
Not that I thought both of them were better, but for some reason, I dreaded being alone with Lev even more.
I timidly spoke, "I had a rough morning. Can you please, relax today."
He sniffed near me, "I can tell. You smell like Beatrice." He gave me a light pat on my head, "I'll change that for you."
There's no point pleading with him. I saw the narrowness of his eyes, accompanied by his grin. That's what he wants…
I wasn't working with him today. They needed him back in the kitchen to make up for Alexander. And because of our days off, business was hectic for a Monday. It certainly made the time go by faster.
During Break, I sat in the far corner near the fridge, eating my sandwich. I tried to remember what had happened to the one I had earlier.
I heard the door from across the room. Lev. He made his way over to me and sat at my table.
"Why do you look so defensive? It's yet to be lunch.~" His tease twisted around me.
And you wonder why I'm defensive?! I exclaimed in my head. I was halfway through my sandwich and started to feel sick. What can I even do? Maybe make a deal with Zilla? If I can get to her, I can text her-
He leaned over on the table, "I have a little proposition for you, Lynette." 
"What is it?"
"Since Alexander's not here, let me play a game today and Friday."
I was about to retort, but he spoke again, "or we could skip all that, and I can eat you before you can send Zilla after me." Lev warned.
"That's not much of a choice."
Lev led one of his hands to his abdomen, "hey, I was good all through the festival with you.~"
"It seems our definitions of many words are very different!"
Lev chuckled, "what will it be, Lynette? Do you want to play a game and possibly win or…lose indefinitely."
I exhaled, "you know what I'd choose!"
"Do I?" His eyes trailed me, "who knows, you might have really missed my insides," he flashed a grin, "they surely missed you.~" 
I held my ears, "NO, no, no-AH!" I squeaked, held my ears, and bounced up. I turned my back to him and fumbled to put my sandwich back in the plastic bag. I lost my appetite. "The game! The game! I'll play your game!"
I got my lunch box and zipped my lunch up. Lev sat back in the chair, purposefully tracking my movements.
I muttered, "why do you like doing this, Lev?"
Lev sat up, "do you really want to dive into this topic again?"
I hadn't forgotten the first time I asked. How freely he replied.
"I remember what you said...like I could forget that..." I gripped the lunchbox while facing him. I didn't like his body fully facing me. "but doesn't it bother you or-"
He interrupted me, "there's so much you don't understand."
His antagonist stare solidified, almost turning me to stone. "Then tell me what I don't get!" I had to turn away from him and put my lunch away.
"It won't change anything, Lynette." His flame-colored hue almost looked like it burned, "I don't see a point playing catch up with you. A year is nothing to me." A chuckle lifted from his throat. It sounded close to me, "I'll probably outlive twenty of your generations. There's no point."
I closed the fridge door and saw him at the counter. I didn't even hear his chair scoot back.
"I don't think that matters, Lev-" I felt much smaller with him so close to me. But I didn't want to back up. "With anyone, it doesn't mean you should be mean because they don't live as long as you!"
Lev slid his hand along the counter near me. I still didn't move, but my heart tried to pull away. "then do something about it, Lynette." He showed his fangs, "you and I-"
The bell for me rang, and he snickered and pulled back. He allowed me passage. 
20 generations? Let's say the average life span is 75 years. 75 x 20 equals 1,500 years. Does he seriously live that long? I almost forgot what he was. He's a dragon. Of course, he does. I can only imagine how big his family reunions are. 
I tried to think lightheartedly about everything, but I still couldn't help my shakiness. Especially once Lev joined me on Break. I didn't know I had a choice.
I sat across from Lev. He brought out a deck of cards he had in his pants pocket. He undid the plastic.
"We'll be playing higher or lower. Do you know the rules?"
"I-I've played, yeah."
Lev smiled and removed the jokers. "great." He passed the deck to me after, so I could shuffle.
I put them down on the table and messily put them together. Wicks was a lot better at shuffling than me. 
He eyed how I shuffled, "do you really not know how to shuffle a deck?"
I compiled them together, "you asked me to shuffle." I placed the deck in the middle of the table. "You don't have some cheating way to win this, do you?"
Lev smirked deviously, "I wouldn't want to ruin our little fun.~"
Your sick fun. I thought in my head. 
"Ladies first." He said. He flipped the card over. The first card is over.
I went on. And my stack was shorter. We were going through the whole deck to make things "interesting." We had a few cards left.
I flipped to the next, worried. "Are you sure this is worth it?"
Lev chuckled, "if I left you alone, I'd have a problem with Zilla later."
He guessed lower. He was right.
I wish I had texted her and told her to meet back here. But Lev might punish me again. I flipped up the next card; it was a two.
"Higher." He said.
It was an Ace. It finally flipped back to me.
"Did you ask about it being worth it because you wanted to make a plea with me again?" Lev asked, a hand under his chin, flipping another card.
"Lower," I said. I keep hoping he'll tell me he's been joking with me this whole time.
We finished, he had 29 cards, and I had 22. 
"Tell you what…how about I make it quick for you this time? I won't linger as usual."
He saw her eyes flick to his abdomen nervously. And the tenseness at her tender shoulders.
"Are you sure you'd rather not eat anything else…"
He bit his tongue lightly with his fangs, feeling the vigor of her voice. "Slowly, it is."
"WAIT, NO!" She cried out, and he got her wrist.
He tugged her arm toward him and broke his case. She bumbled into his now giant open hand. He clutched around her frail body, firm yet gentle. His other clawed and scaled hand knocked her hat back. 
It allowed him to easily lick over her face. He pressed her against his tongue like a lollipop. 
When he pulled her back, she coughed out. His saliva getting into some of her mouth. "Lev-please don't prolong it more-"
He brought her close again, feeling her flinch. 
He held his tongue, instead letting his warm breath coat her. "Since you asked nicely~" He let out a soft "ahh~" sound as he awaited to get more of her. She does have a unique taste, doesn't she?
He questioned. He still abided by what he promised, working the poor helplessly girl down his throat. His hand gripped the bump she made at his throat as if he could hold her there. He swallowed the excess taste in his mouth, and his belly reverberated with laughter. 
Lev had a reason he offered to be quick with her, not out of simple pity, but unlike several times before she had passed out before she could really give him a nice struggle from deep within him. 
And she didn't know that his stomach worked much slower at taking energy than other predators. It's one of the other reasons they ate a large amount of prey. 
So, unlike with the others, Lynette would be awake and suffering much longer in his extraordinarily humid, groaning, dark cavern.
Thank you for reading! :D Have a gouda day! (Nonnegotiable, if you're lactose intolerant, you're about to be in a lot of pain, sorry, not sorry. Lol).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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risustravelogue · 5 months
(Take him back, I beg you. Plz. /joking)
A single crack is all it takes for an iceberg to break into pieces.
Wriothesley narrowed his eyes on the opponents in front of him. A Pyro Fatui Agent and Two Cicin Mages. One purple and one white.
While the thought did occur to him that going deeper into the hideout would be a trap, he thought he could handle whatever came his way. Then, he saw a white blast headed towards him, and dodged it- right into one of the weapons spinning around the Fatui Pyro Agent.
He was knocked to the floor as he felt the cold metal slash at his skin. He was able to protect his face, thankfully, but he brought his thumb to the corner of his mouth, and felt liquid. He smelled metal.
Blood. His blood.
From his years breaking up fights at the Fortress of Meriopede, Wriothesley reacted on instinct. With an eagle eyes, he swiftly got up and closed the difference between himself and the Fatui Pyro Agent.
One uppercut to the Pyro Agent's jaw was enough to send the agent flying through the air and land unconscious with a thud.
Next, he turned his attention to the annoyances known as the Fatui Cicin mages. With their mosquito "pets" flying around, Wriothesley needed an answer. He found it in the nearby river.
With the mosquitos and mages in his sights, he dodged the attacks they threw at him, until the river was right behind the mages and the mosquitos.
Wriothesley flicked his wrists and his gauntlets activated. The bright glow of the Cryo Vision on his hip intensifies as he releases a giant whirlwind of Cryo at the mages and their mosquito minions.
The corner of his lips turned upwards in triumph as he saw the mages try to run backwards from his cryo blast. They stepped into the water.
Exactly where he wanted them.
The mages and their pests tried to scramble away from the cryo blast and kicked up water. Small water droplets froze in midair as the Cryo Hurricane caught up to the mages and mosquitos, freezing them in place.
Wriothesley ran up and eliminated the now frozen mosquitos. He ran up to both frozen mages and placed a powerful punch. The ice shattered, and the mages were no longer there.
Unbridled anger seemed to radiate off of Wriothesley, as he came up to the unconscious Fatui Pyro Agent. He tore delusion from the Fatui Agent's clothes and crushed it under his foot. The sounds of cracking glass echoed in the quiet forest.
Wriothesley turned the agent over and handcuffed them to a nearby tree. He knew that the Fatui agent would be coming back to their senses soon.
Wriothesley didn't have to wait long for the Fatui agent to stir. He walked over to the handcuffed agent and crouched down in front of him. Little spots of ice began to form on his jacket, and on his gauntlets.
Wriothesley's voice was calm, but firm, as he looked straight into the Fatui Pyro Agent's eyes. Wriothesley's eyes held a ferocity befitting a predator.
"If you're looking for your friends, they're long gone.
Now, will you answer my questions, or will you be joining them?"
Risu. Where are you?
(Saw words and this happened. Take him back. Plz.)
tw. murder
"—You bumbling idiot. Had you read the label correctly, we wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place!"
"I'm sorry, I'm so—"
Blood sprayed from the Electro Fatui Cicin Mage's neck as her arteries were severed. With a gagging sound, she fell onto the ground, deep red seeping into her purple robe as her body twitched, twitched, and went still.
"Master Scapino."
"What is it?"
"We have her age. It's 20."
"Tsk. How bothersome."
"What do you want us to do?"
"We don't have much time. Drop the Vision at Point O and monitor her condition. Your previous order regarding the letters still stands."
"Yes, Master!"
The sound of footsteps faded as the Fatui Pyro Agent left the lab.
"Kurisu... heh... heheh..."
The sound of maniacal laughter split through the night's silence.
"... you're going to wish you recovered your memories sooner."
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
This is going to be such a silly question, but if the CQ Mimes were animals, what would they be?
Not silly at all! It sounds so fun :3. Some of these are blatantly obvious, since they're already tied to animal themes. I'm counting bugs as animals in this case.
Uppsulka- Red Knee Tarantula Foxglove- Red Fox Maggie- White Tailed Deer Rede- Angler Fish Twiddle- Green Tree Python Chickenstab- Leghorn Chicken Holly- Giant Forest Scorpion Weepy- Shetland Sheep Jarna- Great White Shark TyV- Carpenter Ant Ching- Mosquito Calamea- Wolverine N&O- Spider Monkeys El Ganso- Sebastopol Goose Atrox- Poodle
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