#gotta love that Tumblr community lmao
ssshh-im-a-secret · 3 months
Me, watching the clock turn from 11:59 March 14th, to 12:00 March 15th: *maniacal laughter* ITS TIME
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svtskneecaps · 3 months
listen in the grand scheme of things i'm glad i let myself get back into minecraft content for this. like i haven't touched a minecraft series since like 2014, on purpose, but i saw clips of qsmp in march 2023 and thought, screw it. maybe it's time. and i don't regret it yknow? i saw multilingual server and thought 'that looks AWESOME' and it certainly didn't disappoint. my only regret is that everything went crazy and people logged off RIGHT when everyone finally started relying on the live translations more, which was something i've been dreaming of for months lmfao. all in all, just happy to be here. this stuff gave me new reasons to use my blog.
but yeah i'm glad i allowed myself to get invested in this server. i think y'all are cool, and i think the admins did amazing with everything they were given even though they shouldn't have been given it the way they were, and the ccs were cool and i'm glad everything happened yknow. maybe things will keep happening and maybe not but yknow what. i became All Powerful. i started watching as someone who knew english and some french and now i am someone who knows english (100%), slightly more french (like 70%), a workable understanding of spanish (like 40%) and a slightly less workable understanding of portuguese (like 20%) they added german to nerf me specifically. they knew i was getting too powerful. yeah, i spent some time as a kpoppie, i have a tiny miniscule understanding of korean (5%) german i have 0 experience with they added german to nerf me and then this happened to nerf me further. make no mistake they cannot stop me. i will become all powerful.
like cmon. if it ends here it was never all bad. i don't even have to use google translate to understand roier shittalking in the chat. i can just read it. i couldn't do that before :D and i can make my chilean friend keysmash bc she's not used to me knowing any spanish at all
we've grown strong over the year, haven't we? i hope we will continue to, no matter what :D
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whmp · 9 months
I just wanted to say that your video game looks really cool! I'm a (fairly beginner) game developer and overall it just looks really great. I love the graphics and style. I do not consider myself a sadistic person and I can confidently say I have never had any urge to hurt somebody, but I'm still super hyped to play your game.
Anyways, I guess I'm just curious on how you're making it/ any details of the process so far you'd like to share.
hehe thank you so much anon!!! don't worry, the "have you ever wanted to keep someone in your basement" was (mostly) a joke, being a sadist is by no means a prerequisite. : ) the process itself is a bit chaotic - such is life of a solo developer. i'm spread a bit thin between animation, modelling and programming so when making the game i'm trying my best to stick to my strengths: for example, when you look at characters and items, most of them have only very basic textures, but they do have a neat little shader on top which makes them look cel shaded. there's also a hefty dose of VHSesque post processing on top of everything! i left for a bit of a vacation recently, hence the lack of updates, but i YEARN to go back to work. on top of the to-do list is to finish up the time-simulation system. originally i wanted the game to be in real-time like animal crossing or something, but i've since shifted focus to a different approach with a simulated time, kind of like in stardew valley or minecraft or pretty much any game with a day/night cycle. the two tasks i dread the most are going to be fixing whumpees hair and his skeleton. god. take a look at how this smug fucker's hair look like:
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if you know anything 3d you're probably getting a headache just from looking at this terrifying thing. stop. stop looking at it now, please, avert your gaze and don't make fun of my topology skills. if you don't - on the left there's a wire frame of polygons that when painted gives us the poor little meow meow on the right. as you can see, his hair is SUPER DENSE when it comes to polygon distribution. basically, a good 95% of whumpee's geometry is concentrated in his hair. i have since changed it (it's an old screenshot) but his hair still is a bit too dense for my liking - this is the sort of thing that WILL cause performance issues further down the line. i should just shave him bald i swear.
the second thing is his skeleton (or rig, or armature or """avatar""" if you go by unity's terminology). there's no nice way of putting it, his bones are fucked up. i rigged him in blender and upon being transported to the game engine environment, his spine just sort of left his torso. i managed to shove it back in, but it's far from ideal. here's how he looked like prior to the Bone Surgery:
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scary. think of the back pain.
to summarize, gamedev is hard, bones are bad, but i really want to get back to work. hopefully i'll post a major update post within a week or so! no taglist on this post since it's not really an update, but @fanboy-enby-undead mentioned wanting to see bloopers/glitches so here's an @. : )
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dekusleftsock · 8 months
Dekus no good, very bad, faceplant into masculinity and internalized homophobia
I made this a thought post from chapter 402 originally, but I can’t let these thoughts fester any longer. Gotta be correct about it 🫶🫶🫶
Alright so when I originally talked about this on a couple of platforms (not just tumblr, tiktok too and a bit on Twitter that has no connection to this account lmao) I feel like people told me that I was “stretching” with my assumptions.
But then Toga’s backstory being told to Ochako was… directly referenced to a queer allegory. And in 394, she directly says that she likes girls. It’s the thing said last, implying it’s something she’s still ashamed of feeling.
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This chapter basically confirmed in my mind that Himiko’s blood quirk was the equivalent to the homophobia that was probably in her own household. And in my mind, that means that blood quirk = metaphor on her queer experience.
And then suddenly, the pieces clicked into place.
In 348, Izuku disagrees with Himiko and Ochako’s ideals—not only at the idea of girly romance, but also at unconventional romance.
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Ochako has distanced herself due to Izuku’s inability to confront his own feelings. Shown both physically and metaphorically.
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Ochako took all the steps to walk away because from Izuku. Because Izuku held her back.
Or more rather, she realized that Izuku was no allmight, but rather just an average boy in need of saving as anyone else. He is someone who’s flaws cannot align with Ochako’s own ideals for a relationship.
Because ochako is weird.
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Izuku holds her back. She can’t be everything she needs to be while around him.
And that’s something Izuku’s not going to understand, not like how she needs him to understand.
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And Himiko knows who Ochako is on a more fundamental level than Izuku ever will, and that’s okay.
I feel like whenever I talk about these character flaws having to do with Izuku, it almost sounds like I’m bashing him? I swear, I’m not, it makes complete sense as to why he is this way. And there are people (Katsuki) in the world who can have this in a relationship under the right communication, and some people can’t. And that’s just how we exist. That’s okay. We don’t all have to be compatible with everyone.
Back to the main point, the pieces and the people putting those pieces together were starting to see their parallels.
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Even the manga placement parallels them, especially with how clever I feel horikoshi can be with his paneling.
Looking down, looking up. Both three quarter angles. Small mouth expression, big mouth expression. And that blush.
Fake smile when unhappy. Falling for someone who is dying, who you’d do anything for, even toe the line of death defending them, fixing them—just because you can’t help but love someone you wish had walked into your life sooner (or in Izuku’s case, accepted into your life sooner).
Someone you’d sacrifice for. Someone you’re violent for. Someone you’d kill for.
Someone you’d rather let an entire population of people die for than live without.
Someone you’re undeniably, unequivocally, selfish for.
And yet Izuku doesn’t recognize his same symptoms of love through Himiko Toga as Ochako does.
Himiko must be dehumanized to Izuku, because if she’s a person, then she is him.
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(What’s even more interesting about this panel, is that if the characters were reversed and it was about Izuku’s violent feelings over protecting Katsuki, danger sense would be going off constantly. So toga is the perfect counter, but Izuku is the ultimate weakness.)
So, okay, how exactly do these things matter? How does this have to do with Izuku’s own personal struggle over his masculinity?
I think what’s important to clarify here is that when I say “internalized homophobia”, I don’t mean that he necessarily is beating himself up over the fact that he likes a boy instead of a girl.
I think it’s connected to his fear of rejection, and his own personal issues having to do with remaining a “strong man” instead of a “weak man”.
Izuku may not believe that liking men is anyone’s business but his own, but does Katsuki think that?
Izuku has called his feelings of admiration gross. Not that he himself is an awful person for feeling them, but that Katsuki will be the one to think they’re gross. And he’s worked so hard to get to this point in their relationship, he doesn’t wanna let it go over some stupid feelings.
And this is where toga comes into the picture, his parallels between her, because just how is Toga supposed to know that Ochako isn’t judging her for her feelings? Technically, all of the things she’s said before the final fight between them have only proved the inevitable. That Toga is gross, a freak, a predator, a danger, because she loves a woman.
How is Izuku supposed to interpret being called a stalker by Katsuki? How is he supposed to interpret when people call him creepy for his muttering and analyzation? How is he supposed to interpret being called a crybaby by his idol, Katsuki, and everyone else when he cannot control that?
How can he handle feelings that are out of his control, and still believe that they’re okay?
And at the very least, even if homophobia doesn’t exist in mha, heteronormativity does. Especially shown through Ashido, a straight girl.
None of that is necessarily Allmight, Katsuki, or even Ochako’s fault, because of course they’re just teasing him—but it doesn’t change the fact that it affects how he perceives himself.
So when I say that Izuku has problems with internalized homophobia, I mean that he is afraid of how the people around him will perceive him, than a constant feeling of self hatred due to not liking women.
And when I say that his internalized homophobia is an extension of his masculinity, I mean that because he has no confidence in himself and his more vulnerable emotions, he is unable to accept what or who he is. This ofc affects the people around him, like saying that Ochako CANT be weird because she’s just “so amazingly normal” without realizing that he’s just downplaying who she is and what she thinks, or dehumanizing the most openly queer character in the series because it benefits the perception he has of himself, or even silently rejecting Katsuki’s feelings simply out of a need to “control his heart and control his quirk”.
In Izuku’s mind, the only way to keep Katsuki is to not be the weird kid he was in his childhood. In a way, Izuku is still performing for Katsuki.
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valve3nthusiast · 5 months
Octomer Ratchet is so good. I can imagine any chromatophores he might have going wild while pursuing Drift, if he has any natural camouflage abilities.
Perhaps he plays a game with Drift, hiding among coral and rock formations in order to "sneak up" on him, his usual brights reds and whites distorting to match their environment-- Maybe arousal causes some colour changing as well?
IDK I just really like the idea of Ratchet changing colour (or at least hues) like a mood ring lmao maybe it even frustrates him a bit, like oh no my fucking chromatophores are going to give away this huge crush I have -- he might try to hide in corals or swirl up a bunch of sand with his tentacles initially
If Drift is a land dweller, then maybe they figure out Ratchet is interested in him by studying how Ratch's colours change, and what patterns/colours only appear when Drift is around...
...and maybe Ratchet's attempts at hiding/playing hide and seek (lol) are mistaken for aggression at first, because they don't know why he's doing it
and then they guess it's some kind of broody behaviour, like maybe he's trying to defend a nest or egg clutch that he doesn't really have?? Because Ratchet's grumpy but not usually aggressive and it's weird behaviour from him as far as they're aware. So then he gets a little pity from the facility staff but it's hilarious because he does want to Do It but all the guessing isn't quite right. Like yes it's about Doin It and Eventual Eggs but not in the way they think. Communication Issues lol
"stop giving me extra companion fish out of pity and just give me Drift, do you not see my cream and burgundy-red colouring, is this somehow not clear enough? Oh god here he comes, sand sand sand I need more sand why is this coral so small" no it is not clear to them, Ratchet. lmaooo
Anyway this is earthstellar but Tumblr will only let me send asks from my main blog and not my TF blog lol so ayyy just wanted to say, loving this mer AU situation 🐙💖
This is such a good concept,,, besotted Ratchet accidentally telling on himself with his own colors is genius. Also blushy Ratchet is adorable <3
Hmm a really clear concept just came to me... Security guard Drift at the marine research facility, Ratchet is the only mer there who constantly avoids him, so he just disappointedly assumes he gives Ratchet bad vibes
One night when he's on a skeleton shift, he passes by Ratchet's tank and suddenly notices that something is fucked up with the filtration pumps (or whatever I don't know how aquariums work)
He immediately makes an emergency call to the aquarium techs who are at home. They tell him to get Ratchet moved till someone arrives to fix it. So he's hesitantly going up to the tank like, "hey buddy I know you dont like me, but I gotta pull you out of here for a bit, it's not safe" Ratchet quickly pulls himself right into Drifts arms... and now he's carrying a big squirming octomer. Drift's pretty surprised, but he brushes it off as Ratchet wanting out of his tank
When Drift finally gets to the temporary tank he expects Ratchet to jump from his arms and signal for him to basically fuck off... instead, he goes to put Ratchet down, only to get pulled into the tank with him. Now he's sitting in chest high water, pinned by a heavy wiggling octomer in his lap
For Ratchet, life is good 😎👍
Drift, meanwhile, is mentally repeating "don't get hard" like a mantra, while a purring Ratchet's tentacles caress every inch of his plating. Since it was the middle of the night, they have to wait a good bit for someone who can fix the pumps to get there and make Ratchet's tank safe again...
Maybe, as the hours go on, Ratchet gets a bit friskier... or maybe he just leaves it at intimate exploration, because he's too busy watching Drift whimper and twitch underneath his tentacles <3
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and now a special message from the man himself.
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"Well, Well, Well... look how far we've come huh? Genuinely, honest... And Truly."
"Five years ago I was made and cursed the world of tumblr with my presence, time sure does fly! I've lost a few friends, but gained plenty more in return!"
"I wouldn't even be here today without them, now granted I'm not gonna name EVERYONE! But I am gonna name a select few and tell you how they've impacted me... AHEM..."
"First and foremost the man the myth and the legend the one who is the reason behind everything, the man where if he didn't exist I wouldn't exist!"
"Henr- ... we all know I don't mean him we're talking about real people."
"If your name isn't listed, it isn't because the mod dosen't care but it's because he's a dumbass and these are the ones that came up at the top of his head when writing this post, totally not a forth wall break."
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"The Creator of the DSAF/Dayshift At Freddy's Series Direct Doggo himself, sure okay I was a late edition to the fandom.
but it is fully thanks to DSAF 3 and him that I even exist, what can I say about doggo other then what has been said before one thousand times? He is a man of many skills and many talents."
"He is creative, smart and genuinely an inspiration to everyone in the community of both DSAF and Dialtown... no matter how much time has passed, I will personally continue to respect the man I owe everything to him. So thank you doggo genuinely for your support and your amazing games."
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"One of my oldest friends in the community, I've known you since almost the start! we have alot of memories together, some laughs, some cries! you also created my blue prints
(though in lore they were written by henry and will) let's look past that! You remind me of how things used to be a long time ago, and I'm glad to still know you even now."
"and with any hope I'll curse you for many years more."
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@lazy-charlie / @chuck-the-fanboy
"I remember how we met, you found me and we both realized we had the same name, and so I decided to charge you extra for like a pizza party lmao."
"But ever since that day we have only grown closer and closer... to the point your apart of the roomba fazbender family [no you will get no discounts] ..."
"You've done so much for me over the years though, you helped create the Roomba's we have here today, you drew some of our lovely walrus friends!"
"AND ... ough... Okay Okay I'll be honest you made Chuck The Fanboy originally a joke just to tease me with, but over the years he's grown on me... DO NOT LET HIM HEAR ME SAY THIS, but he's like a lil bro... and if anything happened to him I'd be devastated."
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@clownsuu / @not-robert
"... well well well if it isn't the shadow in black and the big buff zombie, what can I say about both of you?"
"and yet life wouldn't be the same with out him, jack is... an anomaly someone I met because someone thought he was stealing me! HA no one can steal this perfect face~"
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"Gotta say though, all jokes aside... life just wouldn't be the same without him, alot more boring you know? I must admit he is someone I will never forget, you've also drawn photos of a few of my walrus I still have hung up in my office, I appreciate you for absolutely everything you've done."
"And don't get me started on Robert that big buff baby, I've put him in just about every costume under the sun, and yet he still puts up with me and stays still no idea why. But it's because of him my restaurant has expanded so much, from a bowling alley, a karaoke bar and dumpsters full of meat."
"Don't tell Robert this he'd likely call me an idiot, but guy's one of my best friends genuinely thankfully he's immortal so I'll never worry about losing him but ... the thought still scares me."
"Never change Robert."
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"You turned me into a furry... I got nothin else to say I just had to point that out."
"Okay, fine you did alot more then that, you introduced me to bedlam someone who can FINALLY truly be a sponge to my cursed and chaotic behavior, honestly I'd hope so considering he's the god of chaos."
"I only met him recently but I'd fuken fight his version of god for him ... seriously don't tempt me I will kick that old man's ass."
"I'm glad to have bedlam in my life and hope I know him for many years more."
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"you simp for the evil version of me I..."
"I have no words for you..."
"I just question... why?"
"though honestly? never change, I care for you just the way you are, your amazing."
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"Alright, Alright enough of the mushy stuff and forth wall breaks it's messing with my circuits and servo's ahem..."
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"The most important thing about this day is one..."
"I'm so fucking cool"
"and three... and most important lore wise"
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"... thank you... genuinely out of pocket with full seriousness..."
"thank you everyone for sticking around none of this would be possible without you, and I HONEST AND TRUELY can't wait for another five amazing years."
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Moderator Monnie: And happy anniversary to everyone from me to all of you!
Have a fantastic day! and thank ya'll for reading!
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
they're wearing their raincoats so for me this is already a 10/10 episode. love when they wear their raincoats!!
not big bob and tina going on the toddler rides at amusement parks together. LESS THRILL MORE CHILL. truly two autistic peas in a pod <3
big bob is seventy five (at least according to louise) this is important lore. also this means bob's dad is the same age as his gayass old man landlord who flirts with him every other day FJDMDJDKSMS according to my caculations big bob would've been 29ish when he had bob which means he met lily when they were in their early twenties. that also means (assuming that lily was the same age as big bob) lily would have been around 43 when she died although the math doesn't add up 100% if you consider her being born in 1941 because it would mean this episode takes place in 2016 which it doesn't. am i overthinking this one-off line where louise guestimates big bob's age??? yes i am thank you VERY MUCH.
big bob making conversation while spending the day with his very young grandchildren: so have you considered that the world is terrible and people are awful and we should all kill ourselves? thoughts?
(im sure that isn't what bob meant its just funny to imagine big bob depression posting circa 2013 tumblr @ his grandkids all day)
ALSO this implies bob has been talking to big bob more regularly lately which is great. they're working on their relationship. a little bit :)
BIG BOB FOR REAL BEING A QANON TRUTHER EXCUSE ME???? THE FUCK. ohh he's literally a doomer he's watching videos about the upcoming apocolypse and how to ration food. HE'S A CLIMATE CHANGR DOOMER ITS SO OVERR im sorry thats so funny im obsessed w/ him
also our first time ever seeing (what im assuming is) bob's childhood home!! very cute. and he made them cookies
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why is big bob calling bob randomly to talk about how the world is ending and tigers are going extinct what is GOING on. at least he believes in climate change??
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"like he's getting ready to..... leave the party. so he doesn't feel bad about telling everyone how much the party stinks" DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT if there's an episode where big bob dies its over for me. like its done <- there won't be but i would be very very sad IF THERE WAS. to be fair we gotta kill off linda's parents too though
aww they're texting regularly <3 i like how you can ALREADY see how much bob and big bob's relationship has improved since the start of the show where bob Literally thought his dad hated him and that he was a disappointment. see what actual open communication can do for you!! im happy bob has at least one parent he can talk to kinda sorta? HE SHARES HELPFUL TIPS SO THAT BOB CAN SAVE HIS FAMILIES LIFE HES TRYING TO HELPP :(
"and today its just gonna be him. and them. and the giant cloud of darkness that follows him wherever he goes" funnily enough thats also what people say when talking about me :3
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"pop pop how much cotton candy is TOO MUCH cotton candy" "i dont know. three??"
LMAO FOR SOME REASON THAT REMINDS ME OF THIS FUCKIGN QUOTE. big bob when gene comes out to him as genderfluid like
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wharf day with pop-pop!!! wharf day with pop-pop!!!!!
grandpa needs a little bench time. im ALWAYS saying this tbh
"don't get any tattoos that your parents can see" FUN GRANDPA he's definitely a better grandpa than he is a dad bcuz he was not doing this shit w/ bob when he was young i can tell you that much
OMG I LOVE TEDDYS RAINJACKET?? sorry i live in a rainforest its my god given right to comment on people's rainy day fashion. its like my one job
"i need to ask you guys A HUGE favor. can you try to take a good picture of me" teddy u are literally always hot this shouldn't be a problem. you're DRIPPING sex appeal. except this is for a handyman website so maybe less sexy?ANY PICTURE I TRY TO TAKE OF MYSELF I LOOK LIKE A MURDERER FJFMDNFJDKDNDJXHXH
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louise shows up whenever she goes and figured out the best way to Cause Problems and i respect that about her. that takes real talent and dedication
one thing about the belcher kids they WILL end up locked inside a fortune telling clam in wonder wharf
he's sooo baby
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everything is so okay bob dont even WORRY. big bob is asleep on a bench and the kids are stuck inside a giant clam they've done more dangerous stuff like twice this week already. at least they're inside??
"its fun when your dad shows up to. check on your grandpa"
do you not trust me with the kids :( noo big bob they literally (kinda) trusted GAYLE with the kids for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND u cant be worse than her at taking care of them. she was making them do some shit that Kids should not be doing. anyone remember the pretty paws
??? why was he just randomly like oohh we should win that gorilla for the kids. he loves them SO MUCH im gonna cry <3 he literally loves them and wants them to be happy. he SPOILS them. he's such a good grandpa and such a terrible dad lmfao
"are we being punished? for being helpful and delightful??"
if i was walking around an amusement park and i heard a robotic fortune telling clam SCREAMING for somebody to help it escape i would get the fuck outta there so fast sorry kids. you might be on your own w/ this one
i dont know why bob is acting like he doesn't lose the kids four times a week MINIMUM those mfs will run off anywhere if given half the chance. they live for the thrill
"we lose 'em and then we find them. that's our thing" ?? what did he mean by this
WHY ARE THEY LOOKING FOR "CUTE" TOOLS this subplot is so funny im kinda obsessed. mechanics for the girlies
teddy is scaring the hoes nooo. its okay teddy i would hire you maybe(??) well. yknow
IM A GENTLE PERSON :( teddy i will always be your biggest fan wtf he's literally so sweet. he wouldnt hurt a fly
silly <33
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LMAO not louise just lying there and saying help us. help us. help us into the microphone she's so cute and SOOO over this whole situation
he's a good grandpa :(
if you keep saying stuff like that around your grandkids they're gonna believe you.... and then it might actually come true. so maybe don't say horrible stuff about the future to people who will have to live in that future </3
IM NOT ALWAYS WORRIED ABOUT THE FUTURE AND THATS **BECAUSE** OF MY GRANDKIDS what if i cry right now. he literally loves them so much he's such a good grandpa!!! wtf Anyone else thinking about amelia right now. the ending
AAWWW THIS EPISODE WAS SO CUTE IM OBSESSED WITH BIG BOB he was such a terrible father but he's the best grandpa and he loves these kids SO MUCH. genuinely. and im so happy that his relationship w/ bob is getting better and that they're on better terms. also the subplot with teddy was adorable i always love teddy and linda subplots. they're BESTIES. maaaybe my favorite episode from this season so far but honestly they've all been so great that there's like five different episodes competing for that spot. and we're still only eight episodes in!!! absolutely everything i wanted from an episode with big bob (even if lily wasn't mentioned. SAD!! oh well there are other episodes) and i loved learning more abt his relationship with his grandkids and that dynamic ^_^ <33
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never watched iasip but i need convincing to watch it. sell it for me.
(I hope doing that is a big enough of a distraction)
this is a great distraction thank you!!! I have many talking points so Buckle Up.
(TL;DR: watch sunny, you won’t regret it! it’s super funny and has tons of amazing elements. 10/10 recommend)
since you are a community fan on tumblr I’m assuming you like trobed. that’s just math. so! I will introduce you to The Sunny Ship™: mac and dennis
I legitimately think they will become canon, and soon. (you might not know that sunny is Not over yet, they are still making seasons. there are 16 seasons right now (169 episodes) and I believe they’re renewed for at least 2 more seasons which is awesome.) anyway, as much as I love trobed, I do not think they will be confirmed romantically in the canon. I’m not sure I trust that to be written correctly anyway. (but that’s another conversation) the point is I Genuinely Believe that this one will happen. if you want more reasons I’m glad to provide but it would include some spoilers, and I’m not sure how okay you are with that, so I’m omitting my full reasoning. you just gotta trust me on this one lmao
besides that they’re just really entertaining to watch and their dynamic is genuinely so important to me. it is very different from trobed but it makes me equally feral 👍🏻
here’s some gifs and pictures to kind of introduce you to wtf I’m talking about. (keep in mind they are pathetic men that are like 26 in season 1 and like 46 in season 16)
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2. characterization
even if that’s not your vibe there’s a ton else this show has to offer. just thought I’d start off with the gay people bc what is a sitcom without 2 codependent men?
sunny genuinely has great character work. even though the entire premise of the show is that the main characters are Terrible People (one of the original working titles for the show was literally just “Jerks”) they are genuinely great characters. the classic sitcom “funny on the outside but dig a little deeper and you uncover hella trauma and depth” which is awesome I love a sitcom that does that. all of the individual and group dynamics are amazing. obviously mac & dennis tend to stand out but all 5 members of the gang have very individualized relationships with each other, and their dynamic as a whole is so funny. they’re all generally horrible to each other but they really do mean the world to each other. it’s very “found family but they’re all literally the worst people you’ve ever met.” they cannot sustain relationships with anyone outside their own little group and I think that’s beautiful (it wouldn’t be, irl, obviously, but in a tv show it is so funny and awesome)
3. continuity
this one’s pretty short, but the continuity in this show is so awesome, which is pretty important to me. throughout all 16 seasons (and 18 years!) I can only think of a couple logistical continuity mistakes. other than that, the story stays straight, all their past anecdotes line up, and they reference the old episodes all the time. I love community but, in the continuity category, sunny reigns superior
4. RCG
the guys themselves!!! RCG (rob mcelhenney, charlie day, and glenn howerton) are the team that created sunny. they created the premise, adapted it for network tv, literally play the three main guys (mac mcdonald, charlie kelly, and dennis reynolds respectively), are VERY involved in the writing, editing, directing, etc of the show, and are constantly promoting it. they embody this show and they genuinely have So Much love for it.
they’ve been best friends for decades, and their bond really takes the show to the next level. all the dialogue is really natural, they have so much control over the show (as I said, being at least involved in, and oftentimes in charge of, the writing, directing, and editing), and you really can tell that they put their entire souls into making this show.
and they’re still making it, they’re still best friends, rob met his wife (kaitlin olsen, the woman who plays dee) through the show, their family members constantly make cameos, they take experiences from their actual lives and dramatize them for arcs in the show, they literally started a whole podcast where they talk about the show (and other things too), and… ugh. this show is so solidly theirs, and you can just really feel how real and raw it is. super un-commercialized, especially in the earlier seasons. it’s such a special vibe that a lot of tv shows just don’t have, and it’s super unique and cool and ugh. I love it. I love them
(they also hired megan ganz, who wrote for community, writes for and helped create mythic quest, along with a bunch of other stuff, during season 12. and she’s awesome. she is also on the sunny podcast with the three of them)
(oh yeah. idk if you’ve seen mythic quest, but rob mcelhenney plays ian grimm on that show, and also is one of the creators. charlie day also helped create mythic quest, but he hasn’t really been involved in it other than that.)
5. danny devito
self-explanatory. danny devito is on the show (starting s2ep1). what else do you need.
6. comedy gold
this might go without saying, as it is a sitcom, but this show is SO funny. all of the actors are so talented, the jokes are so well written, the deliveries are golden, the physical comedy is great, and so much more. I’m going to put some screencaps of popular memes you might have seen around that originated from this show to give you some idea of its comedic impact
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there’s obviously hundreds of other amazing lines but I can’t very well list Everything right here right now, but. the point is there’s a lot of really good stuff.
7. neurodivergent-coded
another sitcom staple! except this one is pretty special, in that RCG are all neurodivergent. we don’t know rob and charlie’s specific diagnoses, but we know that glenn has adhd (recently diagnosed), and has talked about mania and depression before. rob recently said he has “been diagnosed with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders” but hasn’t clarified yet. charlie has just casually mentioned being neurodivergent. but, anyway. I’m not sure their projected neurodivergence onto the show is noticable to the untrained (neurotypical) eye, but as an autistic person I can definitely see it lmao. also, a lot of the fans agree that dennis and charlie are both on the spectrum, with a lot of other fans headcannoning the entire gang as autistic, which is awesome. dennis has also canonically been diagnosed with BPD.
if you’re interested, here’s a silly youtube video with a bunch of autistic coded moments from the show lmao. it’s kind of long but it’s very entertaining to me
final thoughts & disclaimers
but yeah! hope you enjoyed this unnecessarily long post. I did want to say a couple more things real quick:
1. if you want to give the show a shot without fully committing, I suggest you start with season 5. this is a rob mcelhenney-approved gateway, it’s a really great season, s5ep1 is a great episode to start off with, and it works relatively well out of context.
2. season 1 is my second to least favorite season. it is only 7 episodes long, but just keep that in mind. it’s general regarded as one of the worse seasons. if you want to start with season 1 that’s fine, it’s still good and I do genuinely enjoy it, but just keep that in mind. it only gets better
3. this is a very explicit show! it is rated tv-ma and is significantly more risque than community. there are also a lot of really offensive jokes (s3ep9 is basically unwatchable for me) but this goes along with the premise that the characters are genuinely bad people. the comedy theoretically comes from the ridiculousness of how out of touch the characters are, and I think it really does land about 95% of the time. some of the topics they joke about probably could have been approached with a bit more grace than RCG granted them, (there are five episodes that were removed from hulu because of use of blackface. yikes) but the show is meant to be blunt, extremely unserious, and somewhat cynical. it gets better with this stuff as it goes on, and it did start in 2005, so yeah. there’s just some stuff you have to take with a grain of salt I guess. RCG have grown a lot since 2005.
anyway! I genuiely love this show more and more each time I watch it. it just gets funnier and funnier, and listening to the sunny podcast, and watching the special features on the dvds my dad got me for my birthday (lmao), has just been so much fun. a ton of fuel for a great hyperfixation.
if you have any other questions let me know! I’m always down to talk, my dms are open etc etc. sorry for the literal essay but this has been a great distraction from the end-of-semester Bad Feelings, so thank you!
if you do end up watching let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, if you decide to watch. have a great one and thanks for reading 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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goofy-art-stone · 5 months
(new Solarballs episode spoilers)
(Gotta Yap my opinion😭)
DANG THIS EPISODE IS 10 MINUTES LONG.. But anyway I love this episode! But for me though it's kinda..not that bad I guess because this episode has so much potential but it looks like it doesn't have good life to it for me.
BUT STILL I love this one! Still worth it for that 2 weeks wait.
Now look at these clown couples manipulating crap and misunderstanding stuff😭
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(Insert Oberon in the background)
I like how Titan finally accept that Earth changed and now protected him as he finally understand. This is kinda shocking if you ask as me.
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Though Europa in the background when the others started protecting Earth at the second attack is funny asf LOOK AT HER
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BLUD what are these 2 going on😭 these 2 finally be fighting meanwhile with Ganymede being stupid asf.
But to be honest am more concerned and disappointed that my expectations aren't here. Like the gas giants still went missing and we haven't seen the others for a long time. Though am expecting the sun too😞.
This episode had a big drama here yet a bit of life it's so easy of how it ended so probably why I don't like the episode that much but yeah it's still good.
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But at least Pluto and Charon are back to help! They save the day! They even managed to convinced every other moons of how all of them are already equal yet different. (Well this sound stupid but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
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AWWW LOOK AT SATURN'S MOONS.. I hope to see more of them in the future! I heard the creator of SB is planning to put more characters outside of the solar system!
Am very excited REALLY.
And Neptunes moons though THEY'RE SO CUTE. Am happy it's not that big for the war zone to be that horrifying for them. they don't understand because they're just children.
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AND I JUST LIKE EARTH AND MOONS FRIENDSHIP. they're brothers it's canon/hj
But there's more pictures of what am going to say but tumblr limits the pictures of the new episode☹️ I won't blame them tbh it's a 10 minute episode IT'S SO LONG. yet I love it!
But am going to say my words for the other pictures of my opinion.
One. The episode of the moon revolution is done so easily. I was expecting it to be done in another way.
Two. I was expecting the drama to end but no there's more drama going on. There's a sequel and Ganymede is still planning to do something MORE STUPIDLY EVIL like what beef Ganymede and Europa had? WHAT??
Three. Even if the gas giants or the others aren't here at least Ceres came back! WOOO HE'S BACK more screen time for Ceres I guess.
Am excited to other new episodes for Solarballs now since the moon revolution ended. I guess they will go back to the education thing or other stuff. But am more excited for new future episodes too! Even the other celestial objects episode like outside of the solar system! THAT is the one am excited about after seeing the SB communication post on YouTube.
So this was a fun ep I love it.
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I just finished the Button House Archives and it's SPECTACULAR. Here are some personal highlights:
I love Alison's additions and comments in lots of places. She is fighting tooth and nail to stay on those hinges, and we love to see a character with spunk!
Mick's facial reconstruction could be the most horrifying thing I have *ever* seen
Mary's bits are some of my absolute favourites. Her speaking/writing voice is just delicious
Pat was just a terrible group leader wasn't he XD the arrow was really just a matter of time. He should have gone orienteering with them first, then he might have lost the kids before they could kill him
HAH I unwittingly picked Kitty's "character quote" to use in my video edit :P I feel validated
Thomas with his painfully literal complaints about other people's poems OMG rip bestie you would have loved tumblr (I haven't listened to the audiobook yet but I swear I can hear his "counted them, did you?" through the page)
I really like the way you can glimpse parts of later documents around the edges of earlier ones (like with Pat's folder, where the layers are removed one at a time, p. 22-23, 40-41, etc)
Hang on, just gotta go put on One Night in Bangkok for Robin (wait, now I need to hear him say that out loud)
Cap's munitions requests and personally penned operations with their TERRIBLE hand drawn maps that he keeps sending to actual Southern Command; I am fascinated by your mind sir. I believe he suffers from the same affliction I had in school where a combination of the dunning-cruger effect regarding general knowledge and teachers not talking to you in person about what you write in hand-ins causes you to just sort of assume everything you do is brilliant and that then it simply disappears into an unknowable void, and therefore you feel basically free to confess to murder in writing without ever thinking of the consequences. Embarrassment and second thoughts are very much face-to-face kinds of emotions (as he. ahem. would come to find out). Like, is written communication even real? Did it ever really leave your head?
Also: his war diaries were published? 1) who chose to publish them and 2) did Havers ever come across them by any chance? (plus: love to see a fellow tiny handwriting person. Cheers!)
The hand lettering on everything is so well made!!! I know a little (heavy emphasis on 'little') about palaeography, and the writing styles are recognisably of their eras, if many of the letter forms have indeed been updated to be readable for modern audiences. Compare for example Arthur Pinhoe's writing from 1575 (p. 8-11) with this actual letter from 1547. Also this actual 1700s writing to Kitty's diary entries from 1779 (p. 70-71 etc). (These samples are in Swedish but minus åäö they're all the same letters.) The writing also follows the pattern of older script being generally more rigid and standardised, while the closer to present day we get the more individual the handwriting becomes, which is a great opportunity for additional characterisation—which has also been very well implemented I think. I'm devouring every page of this, line by line!
REST IN BRIEFS (also the sly tail of the 'y' from the Daily Mail title just visible above the only compassionate headline lmao)
The reason I cannot talk to people is that Fanny's etiquette rules on conversing take over my entire mind from the moment I see another person.
Oh Kitty, I am coming to pick you up—you can be my sister instead of Eleanor's. It was nice to read her final entry though; finally the trick backfired and she got something good out of it while Eleanor suffered. Bieetch.
FANNY. SINCERELY. YOU ARE INSANE. I already knew about the letter where she demands reimbursement for the unsunk 7/8 of the Titanic's journey that she was cheated out of, but to SIGN IT OFF WITH "Would be survisor/victim of the RMS Titanic". Unbelievable.
Pat write a legible word challenge
I have a slight suspicion Julian might have had something to do with the designs for the Boys Adventure Club badges...
The "pictures of the ghosts" will make excellent reference photos for the various rooms, I appreciate them very much (should we make a game out of copying them and filling in the ghosts? There is a lot of potential there)
Humphrey, my guy... do you need a hug? (Sorry.)
Robin's constellations are impeccable I say we officially replace the zodiac with these no more superstition only bum
Julian's final email was really well written; a single page yet it's oozing with character and story
The behind the scenes pictures at the end are heartwarming. I am slightly alarmed at my ability to pinpoint the precise scene in the specific episode many of them are from though... is it maybe time for a break?
No. Never!
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chonidale · 1 year
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this has gotta be one of the most unserious, irrational things i’ve ever seen. i know this person has a weird hatred for toni because they have no tumblr etiquette (as seen by putting this shit in a nice gifset about a beautiful moment) and always has to mention they don’t like her when they reblog anything of mine that involves her, but to find something to criticize about her locker room conversation with cheryl this episode is beyond.
toni didn’t offer cheryl advice until cheryl was one afternoon away from running away from home, moving across the country and marrying a boy she’d never love. what kind of person would just sit there, see someone struggling alone, about to make a life ruining mistake, and not say a thing? toni didn’t force cheryl to do a damn thing. the only people forcing cheryl to do anything were her parents and toni was the only one telling her that she doesn’t have to do what they want because she’s the only one that can see what cheryl is actually struggling with. all she did was relate to her and tell her why she would regret doing what she was planning, and it was cheryl that decided what toni said resonated with her and followed her advice not to go through with running away from herself. and then sought toni out to ask for more advice, which toni answered by simply suggesting she read a book. where exactly does op imagine toni gave her literally any steps to follow at any point, even when cheryl literally asked her?
and lmao at “i’ve decided you’re gay”, cheryl IS gay and it was painfully obvious over the course of their interactions (you know, the flirting, the dancing, the gay panic, the freaking out at her performance and suddenly parading a boy around the next day). just like clay could tell kevin was gay when he came out to him. things were like that in the 50s, you recognized people like you in many different ways and you’d find subtle ways to communicate safely and be there for each other.
the people that hate choni are really desperately trying to find things to bitch about this season and it’s so pathetic.
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turquoisesea01 · 8 months
~ Welcome to TurquoiseSea ~
This is an 18+ Art Account.
Which means this account does not want minors interact with this blog. Any ageless blogs will be blocked immediately. If you’re an adult who hasn’t put their age in their bio yet, I advised you to do that immediately, especially to the people who are new to tumblr. People will think your are just a bot and will block you immediately if they don’t see anything written on your bio.
Anyways, once again, NO MINORS ARE ALLOWED TO INTERACT NOR FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. THIS IS AN ADULT SPACE. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. And no. I do not care if you’re turning 18 this month or 3 days or a week early, you’ll have to wait to interact this blog until you’re actually 18.
Another thing, I don’t want any, pedos, zoophiles, homophobic/transphobic content interact with me, keep that shit away from me.
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Who Am I?
Hello! I am TurquoiseSea! But that’s just my username for art. My actual name is Jocelyne, but I usually go as Yoshi!
Why Yoshi? It’s just a nickname I had since childhood and I prefer that more than my actual name ^v^!
This is my sona Yoshi! ^v^
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I am 21 years old, I am a pansexual Demi romantic cis girl and my pronouns are she/her! I am Salvadoran and Peruvian! However my Spanish isnt my best language to
Im an artist that loves to draw Yan characters, drawing fanart of anime and video game characters I like! I usually draw self inserts and my ocs, especially Virgil Evans!
Just a heads up, in this account I’ll also be venting through text posts and vent arts and will let you know that I’m okay. I just only want to get something off of my chest.
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Who is Vigil?
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Virgil Evans is an oc I had since childhood. At first he was roleplay character I use for, well, roleplay! Until when I stop roleplaying, I ended up making him his own character and eventually grew up with me throughout the years! He played a huge role throughout my life so expect to see much Virgil content in this blog.
To those who have gotten to this blog through my VN blog of Yan Virgil, Would You Stay, I’m not posting any Yan Virgil content in this blog. So please do not ask me any Yan Virgil or my VN related questions in my inbox. Those questions goes to my VN blog.
Yan Virgil in WYS is just an alternate version of my Og Virgil if things gone wrong in his world. Think of it as an alternative timeline.
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Which fandom I’m currently in?
Yandere Visual Novels (more like a community than a fandom lol) : Such as See Thru Need A Friend? , Restart Heart, YOU and HIM, MINE VN, You Guardian Angel, My Ange, Camp WillowPeak, Drop In The Ocean, Favor, etc. ^v^ Im practically everywhere lmao (although I try my best to make fanart ;v; )
Degrees Of Lewdity : You can expect artwork of Kylar. I am a Kylar girlie lmao, I love that stinky icky lil skrunkly <3 My disgusting lil meow meow.
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All/ Obey Me! Nightbringer : Oof currently I’m burning out of the two games but I still lurks around in the fandom and sometimes draw fanart with my Mc :3, however! I have an AU about Lilith, if she were alive! So feel free to check out my side blog if you’re interested! Also I am a Barbatos simp! <3
Genshin Impact : The only time I draw fanart is Wanderer and a sketch of Nahida. And my ocs if they were Genshin playable characters lmao. But either way, RAAAAA I WANT TO PULL FOR NEUVILLETTE BUT I GOTTA WAIT A LITTLE MORE TILL I GET AT LEAST 50 PULLs PLEASE COME HIME NEVU—
Twisted Wonderland : I’m currently hyperfixated on the game for like since the English release came out lmao, I already have like two ocs! And two are basically based on the live action of Alice in Wonderland characters! Fior Rosehearts (based off of the White Queen) and Jasper Woods (based off of the Jabberwocky!) but eeee I’m so excited for the Glorious Masquerade event!
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What Are My Boundaries?
Please don’t sexualize or be weird about my ocs who are minors. Such as Kota, Miski, Irvin, etc. Or even when I drew my adult ocs as their young version, do not be weird about it.
I do not mind playful flirting, virtual smooches, cuddles, hugs are okay with me! I don’t mind nicknames as well! Sexual flirting is ok as well, usually as jokes lol. But please keep in mind that I am also a human behind the screen, I have feelings and thoughts. I will feel uncomfortable if you go out of your way to my inbox to threaten me for sexual purposes, you will be blocked
I absolutely don’t mind if you shipped yourself or ocs with my ocs! As long it’s not problematic! I also don’t mind if my sona is also being shipped lol.
Feel free to ask me any questions! However do keep in mind that I might respond late due to me thinking carefully of what to answer or I get distracted lmao or if the question has gone too personal for me to answer, I’d rather not answer.
Once again if you came from my VN blog, do not ask me questions related about Yan Virgil. That’s for my WYS VN blog.
Please don’t ask me to draw for you unless I am taking art requests. I usually draw for the people I’m close to or my moots!
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Sooo that’s pretty much it! I’ll add more if I remembered something! ^v^ I’ll have to add tags later but that requires me to organize my tags! So it will take awhile!
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quinloki · 2 months
Omg Quin the Marco brainrot is heavy rn
This whole weekend!! I listened to the new tswift album and every love ish song I thought of him even if it didn’t quite fit
I’m so down bad lmao
Omgggg but also it’s a lot of heartbreak/breakup songs and it got me thinking of like one piece dudes reactions to you listening to that kinda stuff. Heartbreak OR love songs
Marco I feel would be super unbothered if it’s like a new something coming out or just something catchy that’s on the radio. More concern if you’re listening after a tiff >>
Meanwhile the love songs if you’re coming up and singing it to him he would love and maybe twirl you in a dance. or if he catches you singing along to it he’d just listen and watch as quietly as possible. Maybe a lil smug
Poor puppy dog ace would be super concerned I feel like and it’d be like aww baby dw it’s not about YOU
Gotta counter it with singing cheesy love songs at him he’d def also grab you to dance but be a lot more clumsy about it but it’s really too cute
Sabo and Law I think would be somewhat similar for both in that they have a lot of trust issues deep down so you singing some heartbreak/breakup songs would make them a little sus. I think Sabo would let it roll off and ask about it maybe and law would sulk 💀💀
But the love songs! Law would def roll his eyes but enjoy it internally and Sabo would smile at you and pull you close
There’s a song rn called stupid in love stuck in my head and I just think of singing it to Marco and the amused look he’d have on his face and just
Send help
Marco forcibly booted Law out of my top spot
Sorry for the rambley 2am thoughts. I didn’t have time to reread birds of a feather but I hit some chapters up >> I was searching for some new stuff of the bird and came up empty 🫠🫠
You left 41 new comments XD I had a feeling I was going to come onto tumblr and see just how wild your brainrot had gotten. You tore through a lot of my short stories on here too <3 None of this is a complaint by the way, it made for a great morning when I got up =3
I like the songs idea that's so sweet. Marco would definitely dance with you, regardless of his opinion on the song, knowing it's something you're enjoying. If you're listening to the breakup songs after a little spat, he'd check in, communication isn't an issue for him, but barring any other signs he'd probably assume it was just a way to release any lingering pressure. Cathartic more than concerning.
I feel like Sabo would dance with you a little too, more smoothly than Ace, but less elegant than Marco. Sabo learned all the proper moves and steps, but would rather be silly with it. Ace never really learned anything "proper" but does enjoy dancing, and that's where the differences come from.
I can see him enjoying that song too /nod nod/ this one, yes?
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nothing-but-paisley · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers! ✨
tagged by @monstersinthecosmos and @hekateinhell thank you! 🖤
1. How many works do you have on A03? 28, all public
2. What’s your total A03 word count? 70,744
3. What fandoms do you write for? Vampire Chronicles & AMC IWTV. I also write Hannibal fic and dabble in Star Trek (need to get into some ds9 fic one of these days.) I also have a twitter account (@murdertherapy) where I give advice as Hannibal Lecter, but I've back burnered it for the time being due to The Horrors. Might make a tumblr for it one day.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Touching and Touched, Only a Name, That Essence Rare, Amnesiac, By Any Other Name
5. Do you respond to comments? Absolutely, they make me so happy! But I get a little self-conscious about how to respond to them since I don't know how to take compliments, so I'm always just like, thanks 🙂
But I really do cherish all of them 😭
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Gotta be Gethsemane, the fic where I did what Anne maybe ultimately wished she did and killed Daniel. This is one of my favorite pieces I've written in fandom or otherwise and it really helped me process some things.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm sure it's my spirk fic Touching and Touched, they are so fuckin sappy I love them.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I've been pretty lucky in that I've never gotten a mean comment on ao3 or any shade about any of my fics (that I've seen lol).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Listen, I think that horniness is the engine of all drama. All fiction is inherently erotic. What is a Greek tragedy but a super drawn out communal orgasm?
But yes, I write smut almost exclusively lol. People are (usually) at their most vulnerable and raw during sex, and this is an incredibly powerful way to explore character dynamics as well as their inner lives, traumas, and hidden drives. I'm especially drawn to BDSM/kink in general.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes! I just wrote a VC/X-Files crossover called Amanuensis in which Mulder and Scully investigate the Night Island that was tons of fun, but it's not something I make a habit of for whatever reason.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it's something I would definitely be open to!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Devil's Minion, Hannigram, Garashir, Spirk, Mulder/Scully. They all make me insane in unique ways! I'm also partial to Armand/Marius/Daniel--any Armand ship really! Super normal about him :)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I WANT to finish my Knight of Swords series one day, but I'll try keep plugging away at it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, 100%. I want everything to be a screenplay lmao. I have written multiple fics that are just text conversations, transcripts, etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I can be impatient when it comes to writing descriptions/actions, so a lot of that stuff is as bare bones as possible. I would like to become better at creating a sense of depth and scale and grandeur rather than just sketching things out (and writing longer fics instead of just oneshots all the time).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Neutral, I think it can work when used sparingly (but then I've dropped a few caro mios in my time).
19. First fandom you wrote for? Doctor Who in the ancient pre-ao3 times.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Apart from Gethsemane, I was really happy with how By Any Other Name turned out (the fic where Armand roleplays that Daniel is Marius without his knowledge). Basically anything that's a combination of heavy angst and smut with an optional lil sliver of comfort--that's the good stuff.
tagging: @fofoqueirah and @butchybats and @desertfangs (feel free to ignore if you've done this already lol)
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stillwinterair · 5 months
Howdy kids
My name is Dee! It's not the name I went by for most of my years on Tumblr, but it's the one everyone knows me as. You might remember my url as nyriad, visovari... I went by a bunch of others too, but those are the only two I seem to remember now 😅
The last time I was on Tumblr, I was in the middle of a very difficult period of my life that I didn't really have the tools or support to navigate. But sometimes you gotta go a lil wacky and make some fresh new regrets so you can grow up a lil bit wiser and sexier
I quit the internet pretty much cold turkey for a while and it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I spent a year pretty much focusing on nothing but my immediate surroundings, living in my own skin, learning how to love myself. I've gotten a lot more comfortable being myself, and have grown a lot more connected to the earth.
In my time away, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which even just the diagnosis has significantly improved almost every facet of my life. I've gotten so many new tools and so much new language to express myself and my needs. I've stopped feeling like there is something wrong with me and let go of a lot of shame that I held around myself, my work flow, my ability to focus, my needs for rest, etc. As I've met more people with ADHD, I've grown a lot more empowered and confident. I'm still figuring out what medication works for me (Adderall and Concerta are hell incarnate; Ritalin and Vyvanse are the bee's knees). It's been revolutionary and healing, honestly. Reading the book "Driven to Distraction" was an important first step that I recommend to everyone who's ever thought they might have ADHD, or if you were like me, always felt stupid and slow and always wondered why you never could quite get around to doing all the things you want to do.
I am also currently pursuing a diagnosis for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, as per my doctor's suggestion. I won't get into it too much here, but it is a chronic illness that has made the last year pretty difficult. I have a lot of severe chronic joint pain and lethargy, and it's been... a lot. I'm starting physical therapy soon. This part isn't fun to talk about, but it's becoming an important part of my identity.
I've also met the love of my life, my soon-to-be fiancee, Nathalie! We were inseparable pretty much from the day we met, and spent a year as best friends. And then after that year the sexual tension became too much to handle, and now another year later, here we are, stupidly in love, utterly obsessed with each other, turning every single day into a fun, wacky, new adventure lmao. We've built the most beautiful, trusting, communicative, intimate relationship I've ever experienced and I am so filled with pride and joy and love and happiness every day. We're still best friends -- no force on this earth could ever get us to shut up when we're in the same room. She just fills me with butterflies and glee and light. Nat has this burning desire to create in whatever the most tactile medium she can find is. She loves mechanisms and fibers and all of the ways different materials interact with each other. She inspires me every day to be more open and honest and to pursue whatever creative venture has caught my interest, and I do the same for her. We dance together, create together, and share big emotions and life goals and it's just the most beautiful thing I've ever felt, and this paragraph could go on forever if I don't end it right now
I've also finally started to settle into my writing flow. I've got a space opera that's really beginning to take shape and I'm pretty proud of what it's turning into :) I also have a fantasy saga that's following a few steps behind. Both are things I've been working on for nearly a decade in fits and spurts, but I've done more work on them in the last year than in all previous years combined. I've gotten into more artistic mediums as well: oil painting, photography, beading, and so on. And very into fashion, kind of. Y'all should see my wardrobe these days -- bright colors, crazy patterns, wacky silhouettes. I feel like I finally look like myself. I'm currently rocking a purple mullet and a mustache, so... yeah, I'm having fun with it
I'm not sure how many of my old friends and mutuals are still hanging around, but I wanted to say hey, track a few of you down, and give a little update on how things are going for me post-Tumblr. I am alive, and I'm pretty happy these days. Some days I miss it here, and while I'll never come back in the same capacity as I used to, I wanted to reconnect with some of my old friends that I used to talk to and hang around with every day! I'm gonna poke around over the next while and see who's still around :) honestly I still think about some of y'all on the daily, and I got too curious about how my old friends were doing.
If you want to keep in touch, I'm on Instagram as deehollandaise. I'm on Discord much less often, but if you want to connect there, shoot me a message and I'll share the deets. Warning that I am just straight up not involved in any fandom stuff these days. It's just not for me anymore.
I will be retiring this blog in the new year, setting the whole dang thing to private and probably starting a new one with which to share some of my creative projects. I'll let y'all know about it before that happens.
I don't know, this is all kinda word vomit, I guess I just wanted to let all my old friends know that I'm still here and that I'm finally figuring myself out. I've got a lot to be proud of and grateful for and I've barely scratched the surface, so I'll leave off with some recent photos. Have a hot & sweaty 2024, you sexy things 😘
- Dee
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justjstuff · 1 year
Babes. I really appreciate all the asks about Daughter of Fire! It makes me happy to see that people love it as much as I do, I just gotta ask something of y’all. Please leave a review before sending an ask here! I noticed a lot of you don’t do that (not to mention the anon asks that I can’t possibly know if they did comment or not) and I just wanna explain a bit why it matters. I don’t know if u guys have been around here for as long as I have but the fandom culture changed a lot over the years, not all of it for the better. Five, ten years ago, it used to be the norm to comment on almost every single fic you read, in every chapter. There used to be discussions in the comment section, readers answering readers and sparking conversation… just genuinely a lot more interaction than nowadays. I’ve mentioned this before but I felt like writing another post about it.
Please notice that I’m not saying “don’t ever send me an ask about DoF again” or “you should be giving me comments NOW!!!”. I’ve just been scrolling through my endless unanswered asks and noticed that there were a lot like those I mentioned.
Now, I know sometimes it’s hard to send a review. I, myself, sometimes get so anxious just by the thought of writing a comment that I just don’t even read the fic/chapter. But notice how this is aimed towards the people who already took the time off their day to sit down on Tumblr and send me an ask. It would take the same amount of time to drop a review! And you can even do it anonymously too!
Anyways, this isn’t a complaint, I’m just always a bit sad to see that this is the way we led fandom culture? I know it might seem a bit disingenuous to be saying that when DoF has the reach it has but keep in mind that I also write other fics and most of them only get a little bit of engagement. It’s honestly disheartening because while I don’t write fanfiction for the comments, I do share it for them. I could just write them and satisfy that need and keep it to myself, never putting myself out there so others might judge me but I do because I love the fanfiction community and I love interacting with it.
I also noticed that authors who don’t have their social media linked tend to have more engagement in the comment section and that’s kinda what this post is about. Although we don’t comment as much as we did back in the days, it’s still the way some people choose to give fics their time of day, they see if there’s a lot of hits/kudos/comments before even giving it a try. So it does matter in a way that the engagement gets through other media only like some of the asks here! I’m not saying stop interacting with me here and keep only to the comment section, even because I chose to link all my social media because I love interacting w y’all in a deeper level here and on twt and other platforms but like. If you do choose to reach out to me, don’t forget to leave a review!
As I’m writing this I’m already regretting it lmao I don’t want to seem ungrateful and nitpicky but in the end I’m forcing myself to post this because it might spark some conversation and I do know a lot of authors feel like I do. We’re seeing how much writing isn’t being valued in our society and that’s kind of the same in fandom culture imo and I dunno. What do y’all think?
Love u to bits and I’ll see you soon 🖤
Oh, btw! Regarding the next DoF update!!! I can’t, and really it’s more like I don’t want to, give you guys a precise date. I struggled for quite some time with feeling like DoF was a chore, a job I had to keep up otherwise I would let everyone down and that (and some other stuff) led me to the biggest writer’s block I’ve ever had in my life. I’m just now trying to reconnect with that part of me that loves writing and finds actual enjoyment in tackling this huge and complex fic (and any and all writing tbh), so I don’t want to slip back into that same pattern I had before. I don’t like the term hiatus for fanfiction because it gives me this notion that the author is obligated to go back to the fic when in fact they’re not (unless the fic has a set update schedule and the author is letting u know when they’ll be back). No one is getting paid for this and most of us study and work full time jobs before coming and sharing something that can be really personal with strangers on the internet. If an author wants to drop their fic and never come back to fandom life than that’s their prerogative. We as fanfic readers kinda sign that unwritten contract that when we start reading an unfinished fic we might never get to see the end of it. However, I like the term hiatus because it illustrates my point with this which is: I’m not done with Daughter of Fire. I just don’t know when I’ll update next. Rest assured that if I ever decided to let it go, I would let everyone know. I would release all the chapters I have written, I would give y’all all of my notes and unfinished drafts and lone scenes, I would give you the document where I tell you step by step what would happen until the very end of the fic (and the sequel I have planed for it 👀). And I would also leave it open to anyone who wants to continue it to pick it up and give it a try. As it stands, I’m nowhere near done with Daughter of Fire 🖤
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