#gwen tozier daughter
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So this is a vampire Eddie Munson blurb. It’s a crossover between my fanfics Dimensions Of The Heart and Beauty Has Her Way. It’s my Stranger Things/IT crossover and The Lost Boys story. That’ll explain the mention of my OC Cheryl because she’s the main OC in Beauty Has her Way. So it’s a crossover within a crossover 😂 I do plan on introducing Eddie in Beauty Has Her Way but that’ll happen later, after I cover The Lost Boys story-line.
Anyways this blurb features my OC Alexandra Uris who is my other OC Gwen Tozier’s daughter. It takes place years later after Stranger Things Season 4 when everyone thought Eddie died. In this crossover story he turned into a vampire. He’s been living in Santa Carla with our favorite vampires and is a part of their group.
In the blurb Alexandra is eighteen and is at Santa Carla for summer vacation. Eddie runs into her and finds out who she’s related to.
Short but sweet. Enjoy! It was fun to write! If you guys like it maybe I’ll write another blurb.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Alexandra Uris (Gwen and Stan’s daughter). This was supposed to read as a start of friendship between them but uh...I don’t know anymore. I’m a sucker for a vampire x human relationship. And also it’s Eddie! But it does complicate things since in post IT: Chapter Two, Alexandra is paired with Oliver (Ben and Beverly's son). But who’s to say Alexandra won’t have another potential love interest in her life?I mean Gwen did xD Sorry not sorry. 
It took Eddie longer than he liked to admit to locate where that alluring scent was coming from. 
Paul and Marko would have definitely given him major shit about it. Thankfully Paul was with David and Dwayne, and Marko was off somewhere with Cheryl doing things Eddie would rather not know, let alone, think about. 
This new scent for some reason was familiar to Eddie but he couldn’t figure out why that was. Why did the scent (of citrus?) make him walk around the boardwalk like a mad man on a mission. The people around him were giving him odd looks as he lifted his nose into the air, deeply inhaling. Eddie didn’t give a fuck with how he was being looked at though. All he cared about was that tantalizing scent. 
There was a slight floral taste in his mouth after each inhale he took. Despite not being a huge fan of floral scent, this one in particular made him determined to find the source of where it came from. It was borderline intoxicating and Eddie wondered if this was what Marko meant when he told him about meeting Cheryl for the first time when she had been human years ago. 
Cheryl’s scent had caught Marko’s attention, and the reason why was because she ended up being Marko’s true mate. Was this now happening to Eddie? Was he smelling his true mate’s scent or was this just a person with mouthwatering blood, waiting to be feed on by him?
Eddie would only know once he’d locate the scent, and locate the scent he very well did. Of all places on the boardwalk the person’s zesty scent was coming from the vinyl shop. Vinyls to this day happened to still be popular with people, and he was glad about that. Even with all the new ways to listen to music, Eddie preferred listening to music as he did when he had been a human in the eighties. 
Call him old fashioned but it was his preference. He wasn’t the only one who felt this way when it came to his vampire family. 
The vinyl shop was familiar territory for Eddie and he felt ridiculous for not checking the place sooner. He walked in as if he owned the place, the employees already recognizing and leaving him be. After living so long in Santa Carla it sure felt like he was the owner. 
Eddie nearly closed his eyes from bliss. The delightful tangy scent was so strong in the shop that there was no way of escaping it. Not that he wanted to do that, quite the opposite actually. 
His eyes soon found the owner of the scent he’d been drawn to. 
A dainty looking blonde girl around eighteen or so stood in between the aisle, going through the vinyls in front of her. She was wearing a black headband, pushing her hair away from her face revealing her beautiful dark brown eyes. Eddie noticed that there wasn’t a single blemish on her fair skin. 
The girl’s hair only reached her shoulders, and yet there was still some bounce. Her outfit did indeed let him know that she wasn’t from Santa Carla. Eddie already figured this to be the case from her scent. It was a huge give away because had she lived in Santa Carla Eddie, him or one of his brothers, would have scoped her out already. 
Her scent was too captivating to ignore. Now that Eddie was looking at her he realized that not only did she smell like sunshine in a bottle, she also looked the part. 
As Eddie approached closer he saw just how much taller he was than her. Eddie stood at five feet ten inches. She must have been five feet two inches, at least. To his amusement Blondie here was shorter than Cheryl. He along with the rest of the guys liked teasing her about it. 
Eddie licked his lips before speaking, and when the girl set her eyes on him he felt a slight burn in his throat from how close he was to her now. 
“You looking for anything in particular?”
Blondie narrowed those beautiful dark brown eyes of hers. Unlike most of the girls he chatted up she wasn’t falling so quickly. There was no fluttering of the eyelashes, or even a blush coating her cheeks. She wasn’t even smiling at him. No instead she appeared guarded, and Eddie was finding that to be intriguing. 
“Do you work here?” Blondie asked evenly, though Eddie could detect a bit of sharpness in her tone. 
“Nah, just a regular customer.” Eddie told her with a grin. “Though I do like to help people with finding good tunes. You know? Lead them in the right direction. Some people just don’t know good music.”
Blondie stared at him, and he could tell she still didn’t trust him. Her dark brown eyes however did lessen a bit from harshness. “I think I can manage on my own.” She went on to say and then continued going through the vinyls in front of her. 
“Yeah?” Eddie’s eyes wondered to her neck, taking another inhale. He tried being discreet about it. He wondered what it would take in order to convince her to follow him to a more secluded area in order to get a taste from her.  
The girl’s answer was short. “Yup.” 
“Why’s that?” Eddie asked hoping to get more out of her. 
She let out a sigh, directing her eyes onto him again. “My mother’s a singer. I know my music.”
Eddie wasn’t expecting that but he went along with it. “Oh? Who’s your mom?”
Blondie kept her gaze steady on him as she answered. “Gwen Tozier.” 
Eddie’s mouth almost dropped open like in a cartoon. 
The girl saw his reaction and must have thought he was a fan. Her lips quirked, not quite a smile. “You’ve heard of her?”
“I sure have.” Eddie answered with a far away voice. 
He knew exactly who Gwen Tozier was. He hadn’t seen Gwen in years and he hadn’t been in contact with her or anyone from his past life. Not even his Uncle Wayne. And why would he? Eddie was supposed to be dead. 
Any information he did know about his past loved ones was minimal. He did know about Gwen’s singing career but nothing about her personal life. He didn’t like digging because it just brought sadness, and why be bummed when he was going to live on forever?
Eddie was considered to be dead by everyone in Hawkins after the battle with Vecna. As much as he wanted to tell everyone in Hawkins he hadn’t kicked the bucket, he knew he couldn’t. Because the truth was he wasn’t alive, not like them. He wasn’t human anymore. He was a vampire now. And he’s been living as a vampire for quite some time now. 
It hurt but leaving Hawkins had been the best and smart move on Eddie’s part. He thought he left everything from his old life behind but now here he was talking to Gwen’s daughter. 
Was Gwen also here in Santa Carla? What about Gwen’s husband? If there was one, Eddie just assumed she was married. And if so to who?
Who did Gwen decide to settle down and have a kid with? Was it Harrington? It had been years since Eddie set foot in Hawkins but he remembered how head over heels Steve had been for Gwen, and he remembered how Gwen felt for Steve. The two were in a bit of a rough patch during their battle with Vecna but not enough to officially end things between them in Eddie’s opinion. 
So did they reconcile and marry? Eddie had so many questions. 
The girl in front of him would give answers. Eddie was sure of that. And even though it probably was a bad idea to get involved with her he just couldn’t seem to stop himself. 
“My name’s Eddie.” He introduced himself, sticking out his hand. When all she did was blink at him he laughed. “Come on, it’s just a hand. It’s not like it’s gonna bite you or anything.” He probably shouldn’t have made that joke considering he’d been planning on sinking his teeth into that soft neck of hers earlier.  
Blondie stayed quiet for a long time. Eddie really thought she was just going to continue standing there, staring at him with those dark brown eyes of hers. Eyes, that he now realized, were like Gwen’s. But then Blondie let out a sigh, not exactly an annoyed sounding one. She briefly shook his hand. “Alexandra.” 
Eddie repeated the name in his hand. Alexandra seemed like a fitting name for the daughter of Gwen Tozier. The girl he once considered like a sister. He certainly did love her like one. 
“So Girlschool?” Eddie brought up after their handshake ended. He gestured to the vinyl Alexandra was now holding. “That’s who you were looking for?”
Alexandra nodded her head.  Now that they introduced themselves she found it a bit easier to talk to him. Although her guard still remained up. It didn’t matter how good looking he was, she wasn’t about to end up on the news. 
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to buy another one of their vinyls. Girlschool is such an underrated band.”
Eddie smiled. Gwen used to say the same thing. In his mind he could picture them smoking together after classes, and talking about music. 
Girlschool being one of the many bands mentioned by her. Eddie recalled her owning a Girlschool t-shirt. It had been loose on Gwen because unlike most of the girls at Hawkins High she liked dressing more for comfort. In Eddie’s opinion Gwen could have dressed in a potato sack back then and she’d still be considered cool by him. 
Eddie looked over Alexandra, eyes gleaming. The same thing could be said about her if she ever decided to wear a potato sack too. 
“Are you a fan of their music?” Alexandra asked him.
Eddie’s smile widened. “Actually yeah, a good friend of mine got me into them.”
Alexandra hummed. “Your friend must have good taste in music then.”
This time Eddie answered in a softer tone. “She does.” 
Alexandra picked up on the softness as she stared at him. Eddie was taken back in time yet again.  
Those dark brown eyes, they were so Gwen. Especially under the shop’s light. Eddie knew right then and there that no harm would come to Alexandra. Not by him, and certainly not by his brothers. He’ll have to make that perfectly clear to them.
Eddie already knew that Cheryl would at least help him if any of the guys would cause trouble. He could count on Cheryl with about anything really. She was kind like that. Honestly it was hard for Eddie to think of her as a vampire because of how much love she held in her undead heart. 
Actually, and this wouldn’t be the first time he thought it, even telling Cheryl, but his vampire sister did have a lot of qualities that made Eddie think of Gwen...and now here he was conversing with Gwen’s daughter. 
Eddie’s tongue traced the inside of his teeth, glad his fangs were currently hidden. Alexandra’s scent hadn’t lost its allure whatsoever. 
Yeah, on the downside Eddie lost a meal but it wasn’t like he could drink her blood.  Eddie could already picture an older looking Gwen scolding him. That would be a huge no and Eddie would feel guilty, something he tended not to feel a lot these days. Thanks vampirism. But even though he just met Alexandra, Eddie already knew he wouldn’t harm a single strand of her beautiful blonde head. 
Now on the upside finding someone else to feed from would be easy. This was Santa Carla after all. But he’d look for a meal later. Right now Eddie wanted to focus on Alexandra. 
Talking to her made Eddie think back to the times he spent with Gwen all those years ago. 
It made him feel human for a moment there. And it was a feeling he missed more than he thought. 
Okay Blondie...
Eddie let out a low laugh when Alexandra tilted her head at him, finding her puzzled expression to be cute. 
What else are you going to make me feel?
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wolfanddragon98 · 2 years
Eddie: Gwen, you know that I love you, but what's this Tozier allure that I'm constantly hearing about? I mean don't get me wrong you're a beautiful girl, but I find it impossible to believe that every single being is falling for you and your genes. I mean look at me. We're good friends, but am I throwing myself at you? No.
*cut to many years later where Eddie comes across Alexandra and finds out that she's Gwen's daughter*
Eddie: Jesus Fucking Christ.
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venomlion3 · 4 years
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Shiptober 2020 Entry #30 - Polyam!Losers Club! More info under the cut!
"This is stranger than I thought Six different ways inside my heart And every one I'll keep tonight Six different ways go deep inside" ----------------------- Here I am again, pushing the Polyam!Losers agenda So I obviously have my main IT ships that I love and adore, but y'know what else I adore? Polyam ships! Especially polyam ships involving a group of childhood best friends! There's just something very special about the concept of the Losers being together, idk if I even really have the words to explain it. Just...they have gone through so much shit together, and the fact that these 7 kids took down an eldritch murder clown by themselves, had a whole blood pact afterwards and are just always connected in some form is just. GOD The song I used is "Six Different Ways" by The Cure, which was playing during the bathroom cleaning scene in Ch1. Because my brain is Like That, it started connecting it to this ship in the form of Bill listening to the song and thinking about his best friends. Considering the fact that there are 6 other members, and the "six different ways inside my heart" line, it just clicked, and now this is Their Song. In Venomverse, while they're not in a huge polyamorous relationship, they dated each other (and others, in the case of Bill/Audra, Bev/Kay and Stan/Patty) for a bit until settling with their current partners. Everyone has been with everyone as some point (save for Eddie and Bev, for obvious reasons). Currently, Richie and Eddie are married with two kids, Gwen Kaspbrak and Seth Tozier (although Eddie had a daughter from his previous marriage with Myra, Delilah Kaspbrak), Ben and Beverly are married with twins, Cosette Hanscom and Toby Marsh, and Mike, Bill and Stan are married with 3 kids, Harper Denbrough (Stan/Bill), Noel Hanlon (Mike/Bill) and Eileen Uris (Mike/Stan).
Previous Entry: https://venomlion3.tumblr.com/post/634433908591771648/shiptober-2020-entry-29-olufloch-more-info
Next Entry: 
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“Your mommy’s a singer, isn’t she? I bet I can sing as good as her.” 
“I seriously doubt that.”
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Wentworth wasn’t a bad father. He never hit Richie or her, never yelled at them, or even discouraged them when it came to what they wanted to do with their lives. 
The problem was that although Wentworth was there physically, he wasn’t there emotionally. If that made any sense. For instance, if the Tozier siblings were asked what their father’s favorite color was they would be able to answer, after some fair time of thinking. A simple question to most but to others it would be astounding that they wouldn’t know the answer right away. 
It was safe to say that there was a missing link. And that missing link is what made Gwen in particular unable to connect with her father fully. She still loved her father (and got along with him way more than her mother), there was no denying that. Which was why his death added into her already there depression. 
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“I know I don’t say it as much as I should, but I do love you mom.” 
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We've been bombarding you with questions about Uris/Tozier kids but can you tell us a little bit more about Beverly and Ben's kid, Oliver? Who does he get along with? Will he know about Alexandra's abilities? What is his relationship like with his parents? Do Gwen and Stan approve of him dating their daughter? Although Stan is a softie at heart I can totally see him interrogating anyone who happens to be interested in his daughters. Oliver included. 😂😂😂😂
Oliver, Oliver, Oliver, oh dear Oliver. I can tell you about him because just thinking of Ben and Beverly’s kid reminds me of their love, and who doesn’t love them together? 
Oliver is Ben and Beverly’s only kid.  Oliver has a great relationship with both of his parents. I will say though that he’s a total mamma's boy like Georgie is with Gwen. He also takes more of Beverly’s soft features. 
When he starts high school he becomes self-conscious because he’s not as built up as the other guys at his school. He’s more on the lanky side. He wants to be as strong looking as his dad, and because of that Ben and him eventually have a talk about loving oneself, and getting in shape the right way. Just sayin’ I love their father-son relationship. 
As I mentioned before Oliver’s born after Georgie, and because of that they become close friends, best friends even. Alexandra will come to wonder why Oliver and Georgie are friends since Oliver isn’t a total fool like Georgie. 
Eventually Alexandra will start to develop feelings for Oliver, which he’ll return. Regarding Alexandra’s abilities, Oliver will learn about them. 
Gwen will have no problem approving of Alexandra and Oliver’s relationship when they start dating. Stan though....well.....he’ll have trouble accepting their relationship at first because of how overprotective he is with his oldest daughter. He’ll come to accept their relationship because he has to admit that Oliver is a good kid. Stan does give him long talk though about what would happen if he were to ever break his daughter's heart. 
Which Richie will learn about and then try to do an impression on him. Stan and Alexandra won’t think it’s funny but Gwen and Georgie will think its’ freakin’ hilarious. 
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Gwen Tozier + 1, 18 and 35?
1) Gwen’s full name is Gwendolyn Tozier. Her mother Maggie chose the name Gwendolyn because the name means fair and blessed. She also thought it was fitting after the harsh pregnancy she had when carrying her daughter. Obviously, Gwen doesn’t prefer her full name. She likes Gwen, as does everyone else. 
18) Gwen’s favorite genre of books is adventure/fantasy. For music it’s obviously classic rock from the 70s, 80s, and of course grunge music from the 90s. She doesn’t have a fave when it comes to movies because she loves a lot of genres. For video games I’d say also fantasy.
35) Gwen’s guilty pleasure is watching trashy reality TV. Also she is a secret Madonna fan. She wouldn’t loudly admit that she actually somewhat likes pop music. However, the only other person to know this information is Richie. One of her unguilty pleasures is watching/listening to ASMR videos. They help relax her. 
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wolfanddragon98 · 5 years
The Losers Babysitting Baby Uris!
Gwen and Stan were quite skeptical at first when it came to Richie babysitting their child on his own. It took a lot of convincing but Richie somehow won them over. Firstly it shouldn't be a surprise that Richie loves babysitting baby Uris! He sometimes makes a show that he can't stand the kid but deep down he loves his niece/nephew deeply. One time when Gwen and Stan returned from their date earlier than expected they quietly sneaked into their child's room only to find Richie reading Harry Potter to a very sleepy yet interested looking baby Uris and they were amused that Richie always found a different voice for each character. His basilisk impression was oddly accurate.
When it comes to Ben he absolutely adores baby Uris. He often brings baby Hanscom with him as well (two's a crowd and three's a party!) because he knows how much baby Uris and baby Hanscom love playing together! When it's Ben's turn to babysit he, baby Uris and baby Hanscom spend most of the time on the carpet building a tower out of blocks. Kids tend to have a short attention span but he manages to keep both kids entertained due to his architectural knowledge. He often points to something and says in a serious tone; "We should make sure that the roof is stable." or "Let's set traps around the tower just in case our enemies plot against us to try to overthrow us!" Needless to say both kids adore spending time with him.
When Beverly comes over to babysit she typically brings bags full of designer clothes she created. After divorcing her abusive husband Beverly cut ties with him completely and created her own fashion brand. So after having baby Hanscom she came up with an idea to create baby clothes collection. Do you know what that means? Yes, that's right. Baby Hanscom and baby Uris are her first test subjects! Beverly dresses them up and takes pictures of them only to post them on 'The Losers' group chat Richie created to read everyone's feedback. One time Beverly created a custom made, limited edition t-shirt (not available in any store) just for baby Uris. The t-shirt had bold letters that said; "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I AM GWEN TOZIER'S DAUGHTER/SON YOU PEASANT!"
Baby Uris is super excited whenever 'Uncle Bill' comes over to babysit because this can only mean one thing... DISNEY MOVIE MARATHON! They both lay on the comfy couch, snuggle into their cozy blankets and quietly eat snacks. When baby Uris finds out that Bill wrote books and there's even movies inspired by his books he/she pleads Bill to watch one of his movies with him/her. Bill tells her/him gently; "When you're a little bit older I promise we will watch them all together." The pout baby Uris sent his way was adorable but that didn't change his mind. He didn't want baby Uris to have nightmares. He/She was far too precious to face horrifying things (similar things Losers had to face in their childhood). Besides Gwen and Stan would have been furious with him. Instead they mute the movie they're currently watching only to create their own funny dialogues.
Mike has done his fair share of traveling when he left Derry so he whenever he comes around to babysit baby Uris he brings a lot of souvenirs he obtained whilst on the road. He also never forgets to bring a cool gift for baby Uris! This is probably one of the reasons why baby Uris is so excited to see Mike in the first place. Little baby Uris is also very curious of the world so he/she often asks about the souvenirs and Mike placing baby Uris on his lap explains in full detail how he obtained certain items. Sometimes to make himself look like a cool uncle he makes some stories up saying; "I got this rock from the Moon." or "These Mickey ears were given to me by Mickey Mouse himself." That last one wasn't entirely a lie. Mike visited Disneyland recently. He even took a picture with Mickey Mouse!
Sometimes when Richie comes over to babysit he wonders what Eddie would have done if he had lived long enough to babysit baby Uris with him. He imagined Eddie holding baby Uris in his arms swaying him/her gently back and forth whilst glaring at Richie whispering harshly; "You didn't wash your hands! I will not allow you to hold him/her until you wash your hands! We were just outside! Do you know how many bacteria's and germs are roaming outside?!" Once Richie returns to reality he smiles through his tears and walks straight into the bathroom to wash his hands, because that's what Eddie would have wanted.
(Once again full credit goes to Winchestergirl123 the original creator of Gwen, future baby Uris and the story she created titled Floating On Air!)
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I was in the mood to write some Tozier sibling scenes today and came up with this one. Probably will use in IT: Chapter Two....so slight spoilers, I guess. Enjoy :)
"What if you had a girl but she was the total complete opposite of you?" Richie asked her. "I'm talking about her being the dream child our mom would have wanted."
"I'd still love her, if that's what you're asking." Gwen answered honestly. "If she likes wearing dresses and playing tea party, then so be it. I'll buy her dresses and a damn tea party set."
Richie grinned as he imagined his older sister with a daughter playing dress up and organizing tea parties. That was something young Gwen would have never done. It was beyond amusing. "Oh man, if you ever had a kid and it was a girl and she was the complete opposite of you, I would totally annoy the shit out of her."
Gwen wasn't the least bothered. She knew what Richie said was not to be taken negatively. What he said left a good feeling within her because it just showed how much he cared, even with his teasing. "I have no doubts that you would do that. And she'd probably hate you for it."
Richie scoffed. "She wouldn't hate me. I'd be her Uncle Richie after all. A niece can't hate her uncle. That's like a rule."
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Love the uris/tozier kids! But can you tell us something about ben and bevs child/children ?
Beverly and Ben are going to have a son named Oliver. Oliver is going to be born after Gwen and Stan’s first child Georgie. Oliver will become the eventual love interest to Gwen and Stan’s daughter Alexandra. 
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“You’re Danny Torrance, right?”
“Just Dan, but yes....who are you?”
“My name’s Gwen Tozier and I need your help.”
Title: TBD
Release date: Probably way after Doctor Sleep is released in theaters. I would need to finish the IT: Chapter Two part for Floating On Air as well. Consider the Doctor Sleep story a Spin Off/AU from Floating On Air. It’s going to be an interesting story to write.   
Summary: Gwen Tozier seeks Danny Torrance's help when her oldest daughter Alexandra starts showing psychic abilities. Teaching her daughter how to control her psychic abilities turns out to be the least of Gwen's worries. There's a group called the True Knot that feeds on children's psychic abilities. Now Gwen has to fight evil again, only this time to save her daughter's life.
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I loved reading about Georgie. Is there anything you can share with us about Alexandra and/or Auggie?
Alexandra is Gwen and Stan’s second child. She’s born two years (I might change it to one -still debating) after Georgie. Unlike Georgie who takes after both his parents in the looks department, Alexandra mainly resembles Stan. Her personality is also a lot like Stan’s. The only thing that she inherits from the Tozier side of the family is the eye color and the blonde hair color which is a trait that was passed down from Maggie Tozier.
Alexandra is a very serious individual. She doesn’t kid around in the same way as her older brother. Her humor is more dry and sarcastic. Hardly ever really smiles except when around her family but even then it’s her father who sees her smile the most. She excels in her studies (unlike her older brother Georgie) and is very guarded with her emotions. The only people that sees her vulnerable side is her family members and Ben and Beverly’s son Oliver, who she starts to like romantically as they get older. Oh and she also finds her older brother Georgie very annoying since he tends to pick on her xD She has a banter like relationship with her Uncle Richie as well, who teases her because she reminds him a lot of her father. 
Alexandra is also a lot closer to her father than her mother. They are so different from one another that it affects their mother/daughter relationship. Gwen realizes that Alexandra really is the daughter Maggie Tozier wanted. The strain on Gwen and Alexandra’s relationship also has to do with how difficult the pregnancy was. It was as bad as the one Maggie had with Gwen. Stan and Gwen even had to wait four years until they could have another child because of how weak it left Gwen. It’s not until the events of the Doctor Sleep sequel that their relationship starts to change for the better because that’s when Alexandra’s powers (you can call it the shine if you want) start to develop.
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Now for August, aka Auggie, gosh he’s a cutie pie. He is the twin of Suzanne and the youngest of the two. He and his twin sister are close to one another. They have the same bond that Richie and Gwen had as kids. Auggie though is on the Autism Spectrum and because of that he has a hard time interacting/befriending others aside from his family.
Auggie loves nature. He loves all kinds of animals. He prefers to be around animals than around other people besides his family. He and Suzanne get along with Georgie the most because he always finds ways to make them laugh. He’s protective of his twin sister. He dreams of becoming a vet that mainly treats exotic animals.
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