#h; inside the hollow word i can only hope this will do some good
kits-ships · 2 months
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
Before I Leave You (Pt.4)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Yoongi makes his choice, so does Moonbyul.
Pairing: Beta! Yoongi, Omega! Reader, Omega! Jungkook, Omega! Seokjin, Alpha! Namjoon, Alpha! Hoseok, Alpha! Taehyung, Alpha! Jimin,
Tags: Graphic material, Death, Murder, Dead bodies and dying described in detail, brief suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, depression, DARK THEMES, guilt, blood, a touch of blood kink? drugs, murder/crime themes, guilt, kinda fuck or die vibes? finally fluff at the end, mating marks, 
W/c: 7.1k
A/n: here is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! the big d word moment!!! my carpal tunnel is acting up, I will probably not be able to get the next chapter out for a few days or until next week. Chronologically the next chapter continues after part 1. 
Previous part — Masterlist
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Part 4: If I Have You 
Pulling the trigger is the easiest thing you’ve ever done. 
Geumjae’s body flinches back from the force of the bullet. The ceiling splattering with the spray of his blood. It hits the side of your face too, your white shirt crested with red at the shoulders, dripping down your throat along with the blood from your mating bite. It’s a percussive splatter, noisy as it hits the wall.
People never talk about how blood gets everywhere during a murder. Yoongi is unable to stop his flinch when Geumjae’s brain matter and viscera splatter against him, just a little. 
Yoongi didn't think you'd actually do it. 
He watches you shove the body away from you, hard, what's left of his head, an empty vessel, hitting the floor with a hollow thud. His hands leave you for the last time, but the pain isn't finished. 
Yoongi barely has the forethought to lunge forward, knees scraping, wrestling the gun out of your hand before you can turn it on yourself. The barrel of the gun is hot when Yoongi's hands close around it and yank it away from your own temple. The smell of burning skin joins the metallic scent of murder. Your scent is a mess- it’s barely had a chance to mix with Geumjae’s burning wood-burning bread and wrath, rainstorms, and gunpowder. 
He shouts your name but you don't respond. 
Yoongi yanks the gun from your hands, probably hurting your fingers but panicked when he hurls the gun to the other side of the room and takes your hands in his, wrestling with you and screaming your name until the fight goes out of you. 
You’re hyperventilating when you stop struggling. Both of your wrists pinned above your head in both of Yoongi’s hands, his knees pressing your legs to stillness in a way that could be sexual but isn't- it's the easiest way for him to restrain you- both sprawled on the bloody floor. Yoongi’s crying, tears dripping down his nose, every other drop shines pink from what's on his face.  
“Yoongi please- please just let me go- I don’t want to become a ghost- I don't wanna become a walking corpse.” The way you look breaks his heart, your neck so bruised and bloody, your face swelling too from Geumjae’s hits. The way your eyes hold only darkness and no warmth as you look at him and beg- beg him to let you take your life. Your pupils are so small he can't see them at all. 
“Let me die Yoongi- please just- if you do one thing for me- let do this. let me go."
Yoongi looks at your mating mark and can already see the thin tracery of ink spreading under your skin- inky blackness spreading from your mating bite and up your throat. A piece of someone who’s dead inside of you, shot through with silver to make it stand out more. 
It’s like some silly zombie bite in a bad horror movie but it’s so much more haunting, The veins in your eyes are even starting to discolor. You have maybe a few minutes before the mating bite takes you over completely and you’re mated to someone dead.
Zombie movies were nothing more than fear of this taking root in common culture, everyone fears losing their mate. What else is more terrifying than something that takes your humanity in the way that this has taken yours. This is every person’s worst nightmare- a death sentence.  
‘Ghosts’ are what society has dubbed the women and men who live after losing their partners. Most of the time they live without alpha or a pack- unable to bond to anyone else ever again once their mates are dead. Mating bites are a one-time thing. 
When one-half of a mated pair dies- a person's body has a peculiar way of letting outsiders know how to treat them gently- The mating mark turns black like a brand. A mark to let everyone know that they would never have another person to take care of them- to love them.
But you aren’t alone- you’re not alone because you have Yoongi and he’s right here with his wide palms on you. Hands that where always made to fix things, but you aren’t just some broken toy that needs a bit of glue.  He’s too late, just seconds too late and only inches away. 
He grips both of your forearms in either of his palms hands, pulling you closer. Making you sit up, dragging you into his lap like carrying your weight in his arms will fix this. Anything to hold onto you- to not lose you too soon. 
"Stop- just stop, I've got you- I've got you," Yoongi repeats it more for himself than he does for you.
But there are wounds in your body that can’t be fixed by simple hoping. There is a limit to what one person can take. Despair is one hell of a drug and while Yoongi fights and fights there is no undoing what Geumjae has done to you.
But maybe…
Yoongi dares to hope; “It’s only a half bond if we-“ he falls silent as the idea settles over him like a bucket of cold water. His brain rushing over everything he’s ever learned about mating bites and beta’s; all of the statistics and articles that Namjoon had shoved down his throat when Jungkook had first stopped having seizures. 
The medical mystery that betas were; how they were able to heal unseen hurts and maybe- maybe this was like that. Maybe the solution to this problem lays in Yoongi’s veins, in his mouth. 
His jaw aches at the very suggestion of it.  “I’m a beta- and betas don’t usually mark- because- because they’re stronger than alpha and omega bites.” 
It’s the only truth that makes sense. All of the stories of omegas and alphas going crazy after being bitten by betas, not being able to move from them too far, extreme clinginess- a bond that was too close, too strong, stronger than anything else in their life. You weren’t supposed to bond with someone so deep, the bite almost seemed to do more harm than good. 
But you’re already dying and there isn’t much worse that could happen to you.
You don't have anything to lose but Yoongi does. You shake yourself free from his arms and pull back. Recoiling from what he’s offering to do for you; tether him to you forever when you might not make it. 
You can already feel the mating mark taking hold- It's already starting to cloud your judgment, deep down, the part of you that cares if you survive this is already winking out. The blankness sinking through your every inch, The emptiness. You’d be surprised if you lifted your hand to your chest and found your heart still beating. 
“Yoongi- No- you don’t have to- you’ve already got a pack and don’t- don’t bind yourself to someone like me.”
It’s the same argument that you had before but there’s no force behind it- every stupid excuse you had for him not to love you is moot now that your husband is dead next to you. But you're done; Every breath takes more effort than it should and you feel so heavy. You look down at your lap and feel the lethargy sinking beneath your bones like lead. Hidden hands gripping around your throat cutting off your words.
You feel like you’re choking on something. 
You’ve felt depressed before (how could you not have given what your life was like before Yoongi). And having a mating mark from someone deceased feels like that but worse, like it's turned up by a factor of three. A weird mixture of dizzy, absent, and dissociative. You have never felt less connected to your own body, it feels foreign.
You are nothing but a soul inside a body, craving release. A thread of black that wants to tug you down to where ever Geumjae is now. 
The sinking sadness says to you with gentle hands- this is a fine spot. You can just sit here, It’s okay. You don’t have to move, you can just sit here until you die. As long as no one bothers you and hurts you again, you could just sit here, as long as it was quiet and peaceful. Things don't even have to be good, you don't need good things, you just need it to not hurt anymore. Until the earth reclaims you like it takes abandoned buildings. 
 A sharp pain that goes through your heart, an ache so deep that it speaks to cavernous places, wakes monsters that you didn’t know where there. 
You’ve never really wanted to die before, maybe as a passing thought- but didn’t everyone think that way? it’s so different now- where the thoughts are all consuming, running over your words in your head like oil spreading and staining cloth. 
Die- want to die- want- want- want die- wanna go- wanna be quiet- wanna fall asleep and not wake up- want to- 
But if you decided to lay here and not get up again, Yoongi would stay too.
He would try and get you to move, probably beg and try to get you to live. Even if he never bit you, he’d stay next to you until the end, just to hold your hand so that you didn’t have to be completely alone. You thought dying would feel more lonely,  But maybe it doesn't feel that way because Yoongi’s here. 
His hand closes around yours, his thumb rubbing soothing circles as he cries. And you think if you want one thing; it's for him to stop crying. Out of all people- Yoongi doesn't deserve the hurt (but maybe you're biased because you love him).
That tips the scale in his favor.
Geumjae’s blood is pooling on the floor. His body gives a twitch, the last remnants of his misfiring nerves as he dies. You feel the painful jerk in your mating bond. Yoongi watches the muscles of your neck twitch. 
Neither you nor Yoongi pays him any mind. 
"You don't have to do this Yoongi." Yoongi’s hand on your cheek- is like a balm to those words, pushing them out of your head. “You can’t take it back. If I die- you could die too.”
“But I want to” he kisses your cheek- and the contact lights a flame down your neck to your touch starved heart. The heat flares to light and the next second your body and your mouth are aching to bite. Your instincts an avalanche around you begging you to complete the bond that’s tearing through you making you shake. He kisses a little closer to your lips, cheeks wet and cool against your skin.
Geumaje and Yoongi were related by blood at all, maybe your instincts can’t tell the difference. 
“I don’t care if it does- I can’t- I’m not going to just let you die” his voice breaks on the last word. Not when it was me who was too slow to save you; He won’t say the words or whisper his guilt into the open air. 
“Please sweetheart- let me.” He kisses your lips. So soft- achingly soft, Your first kiss, you wish it had happened under better circumstances.
You hate that the first kiss you and Yoongi share tastes like blood.
But there would be more- there could be more kisses if Yoongi manages to do what he’s saying he can. The mark on your shoulder is already healing, the blackness stretching to scar treacherously fast. Normal mating bites usually take a day or so to heal, but not yours, it’s already scabbing and sealing in the poision.
If you’re going to try this- if it’s going to work- it has to be now. The bond is advancing, regardless of the fact that Geumjae is barely dead, barely cooling beside the two of you.
It’s barely been 10 minutes since you shot him. And if you listen carefully- you can hear sounds in the rest of the house, maybe someone else from the gang here- about to come upstairs and discover the mess of you three. muffled voices and heavy footsteps grow louder by the second. 
Yoongi is safe but you’re not. “Yoongi,” you say, his name a broken hymn on your mouth. Musical- and Yoongi can’t think of a time when he wouldn’t want to hear it. Hoping for more of this closeness and maybe one day, a love that doesn’t hurt.
You get the feeling that even if you are broken beyond repair, this man could fix you. Wide hands and careful fingers that rub the blood away from your skin, hands made for making things and mending things when they break. And maybe you’re selfish enough to let him bind himself to you- broken as you are.
You press your forehead to his, you have to ask one more time. "Are you sure Yoongi?"
He nods, quick and small, "I'm sure." there isn’t anything in his eyes that makes you doubt him.
"Okay," you say softly, tugging him closer, tilting your chin up to the sky, your skin stings where it stretches around the mating mark. "okay. Come here then."
Your hands tangle in Yoongi’s hair as you guide his mouth to your throat, and his mouth sliding into the space where Geumjae was just minutes ago. He lingers for just half a breath before sinks his teeth over the mating mark, a little deeper- his mouth a little wider. He makes the bite a tiny bit offset.
Your breath hitches, back arching. His hands-on your waist go hard, holding you closer to him, as close as he can get you. Unlike before when Geumjae’s bite was agony, this feels like heroin- like every drug mixing together sending you up and up.
If you looked down and saw your hands were tipped in gold you wouldn’t be surprised. For a second you think you can taste colors, and then the chocolate sea salt of Yoongi settles over your tongue delicious, like ambrosia- fuck it’s so strong, it’s halfway between a headache and a high. You gasp when you feel it, feel Yoongi all over, Goosebumps rising on your arms as he touches you. The smell of ocean breeze and chocolate filling you in a way that Geumjae’s scent didn’t.
Geumjae’s bite was nothing compared to this, a whisper to a symphony. 
This must be what a mating bite feels like when you want it. You cry out. Gripping the lapels of his coat. Yoongi’s heartbeat thunders in your ears, the only thing you can hear, until the beat matches to your own, heartbeats pumping in sync.
Your blood tastes sweet and he wonders what it says about him that he likes the taste. He gulps at it- once- twice- and then a third time just to make sure the mark sticks, maybe he could suck a little bit of Geumjae out of you.
His kisses get feverish, lapping up your blood with wide laves of his tongue, moaning a little. and this time when you kiss- with your blood in his mouth, they get hurried and rushed like he can consume you, each one sweeter than the last. There is one moment of nausea, only one moment where Yoongi sees the black tracery receded and feels it dim. 
Maybe it’s not gone, but at least it's buried.
Yoongi can almost feel you, can almost feel the bond, but not yet. Your scent, it's all cake-sweet now. You kiss him until your jaw aches until your lips feel bruised. Until you know the sounds below actually are people, rushing around trying to find Geumjae. Calling out your names. 
Yoongi is the first to break apart, the room spinning. “Do me” he lifts the edge of his shirt, picking out a spot that he likes, the meat just above his hip. A spot is half-hidden by his shirt and his pants.
Not everyone likes to have their mating marks on their neck (you certainly would have chosen to have yours another place had you been given the chance). And Yoongi stretches out so that you can get your mouth on him, your mouth on the spot he wants to bind your soul to his.
He holds one of your hands in both of his hands so gently as you cup his hip and bite down, even as you begin to make out the noise of gang members coming up the attic stairs. Yoongi bites down a moan, lets you take one gasp of blood into your mouth before your teeth leave his skin.
The high rushes over him and he knows his pupils are mirrors of yours, black and dilated. He just has time to wipe his blood from your mouth and get you as close as he can, before the attic door creaks, the barrel of a gun pushing it open. And the gangsters enter the room with practiced steps.
Yoongi pulls his shirt back down just before they have a chance to see.
You play the part, slumping against him and letting him take the reigns. the people must take it for pain even though you’re shaking not with sobs, but from the feeling of Yoongi’s soul intertwining with yours. Full body shivers and something solidifying between the two of you. 
Together you shake, Yoongi is barely aware of the gangsters clearing the room. 
You feel like you can taste his thoughts, though you can’t actually hear what he's thinking. You can feel the way they tumble like small waves over each other. You feel concern and something else, something that feels an offal lot like love shoot down the fledgling bond as Yoongi’s arms pull you up, firmer against him.
It makes shivers rise on every inch of your skin, the pleasure he feels when he touches you that you're now hyper-aware of. It's what your body has been craving- the completion of the bond.
You both bleed- your blood dripping onto the floor. One part sacrament and sacred love and another part poisonous longing for a man you hated so much more than you ever loved him. This feels strange, it feels wrong, and that you have one part of you reaching out for something that’s not there. And then this- with Yoongi, right and front of you and inside of you. Completely occupying your heart and your mind and your body.
Accept for that one poisoned inch; you might not be completely his, but it's enough now, the bond with yoongi occupying those thoughts you'd had minutes before.
The gangsters don’t touch Geumjae, at least until Moonbyul enters the room, unarmed. Yoongi’s cousin eyes Yoongi from the door. There isn’t enough room in this torture room for the 12 or so gangsters and the three of you, they press against the walls, guns at the ready.
Moonbyul approaches Geumjae’s corpse, turning him over with her foot to see his blankly staring face, turning it towards the heavens instead of hell. For a moment, Yoongi thinks she might actually kick him. She plucks her pink handgun from the floor. Someone passes her a rag and she wipes it free of blood and fingerprints.
Her eyes on Yoongi are hard; a bit of mirth playing on the edge of her mouth as she plays her hand. A queen in a room full of pawns and knights, and the king underfoot. Her hand of aces. 
Betting it all on a simple game of roulette- red or black- will Yoongi challenge her or not. Yoongi doesn't miss the way her finger hovers on the trigger. 
“I suppose this entire situation would be concerning to me- if you hadn’t already named me as Don.” she nudges Geumjae's body again with her foot. "I guess he didn't take it well?"
She lies effortlessly, taking the moment to seize power. So this was what she was waiting for. Yoongi doesn’t challenge her words for fear of what she might do right now, not that he really would anyway. 
Yoongi tips his head forward in difference, “No he didn’t,” 
Moonbyul tucks her gun back into her waistband, and holds out her hand to pull yoongi to his feet. 
Yoongi takes you with him, small and still a little high in his arms. You hide your face in Yoongi’s shoulder, Holding onto him tight. You don’t know if you could take it if they tried to separate you now. 
Yoongi has to swallow to continue, struggling to think before he speaks with so many new sensations shocking his body. He's intimately aware of the way you shift in his arms, arms tightening around you at the very idea of you moving more than an inch away from him right now as you settle onto your own two feet. still a little unsteady. 
“He- he mated her against her will, and then he tried to kill us when I told him I wouldn’t- and- and after-” It’s not a lie- not really, but it still feels that way. Moonbyul doesn't need to do anything more than that to nod to call her men off, and they all relax around the room. 
They instantly fade from engaged concern to understanding. The other heads of household will probably grill Yoongi more. But you’ve both got time to get your story straight. For now, they need to clean up the body.
It helps that threatening the beta is a punishable offense; no one will question Yoongi killing him- especially since they’re brothers. Most of the families tend to think that inner house spats that family's business. Yoongi doesn’t know which of his relatives will inherit the title of head of the Min family, but it won't be Yoongi.
You’re small and silent in Yoongi’s arms, so vulnerable, he keeps you a few paces away from any of the mobsters, bites down a growl whenever any of them come too close to his mate. It’s just the mating bond making it’s self-known. You are his. No one can touch you.
Yoongi has never been a possessive man, but now he is. The mating mark tearing through him and screaming at him to protect, to provide, to nurture, and keep safe. He strokes down your back as his cousin quietly orders the others to clean up the mess and Geumjae’s body. The family has cleanup crews on call for this very reason.
They quietly offer to burn the house down to stage the death but Yoongi doesn’t care. He guesses it belongs to him now or maybe you. It depends on which bond the family will consider more important; the bonds of a half mating or the bond of brotherhood.
“I’ll handle it-“ his cousin has the good grace to offer comfort to Yoongi that way when he gets you into her car. she doesn't say anything about the dents in the side.  
Yoongi doesn’t quite hate her for any of this, but he doesn’t trust her the same way he did before either. She’s gotten what she wanted- the Don position. Plucked it from Yoongi’s hands.
“You haven’t had a chance to call the heads of house and tell them about your decision yet, but after that, you should be free to go” she reads him easily as always, The only other manipulator up to par with Yoongi himself in the gang. She knows that not an inch of Yoongi wants to stay in this house or this city a second longer.
At the idea of leaving you to straighten up in Yoongi’s lap to listen in a little more, you share a look with Yoongi. Your mate, your body sings the eye contact makes you shiver in your seat. Yoongi pulls you closer, stroking up to your arm mistakenly thinking you’re cold. You pull yourself closer to him- but it feels like you can’t get close enough, He makes a dissatisfied noise in his throat.
Yoongi will have to get used to this feeling. Like his soul is walking outside of his body. It feels incredibly vulnerable and intimate- He can feel your panic, how physically you’re being torn apart right now, every few minutes you shake. Yoongi puts your legs over his and holds you close. Watching your face closely for every twinge of pain as the lights of the city flicker over you two.
The meeting with the heads of house is tense, though the usual group of is two short now, standing only at eleven members now that Geumjae is gone and Moonbyul is named Don. You cannot be Don and a head of house at the same time.
It takes every bone in Yoongi’s body to let you be taken into the other room by Moonbyul’s mate to check over your injuries. He stops her with a hand on her shoulder. He catches Moonbyul’s nostrils flare, but she doesn’t say anything. “Would you look at her bruises for me?”
Later Yoongi will check them himself, again and again until he's sure you're all right. But the sooner you get ice on the nastier bruises the better off you’ll be. Someone should look at your ribs and your head too- he has half a mind to take you to the hospital before you leave the city. He doesn’t know how long it will be before you’re stationary again. He’d stay in the city tonight if you needed to. But he can feel your panic down the bond, The sooner you both get out of here the better.
With Geumjae dead there is no true opposition against his cousin's rule. She stands at the head of the table like she’s meant to be there. And still- the heads of the families talk through the night, kicking the non-proverbial dead horse into the ground. There is little mourning for Geumjae, one granny who cries faintly in the other room while the heads argue. Yoongi supposes he should look more upset, but no one pays attention to him now that he’s made his choice.
No, what they spend most of the time discuss is you. Sat in the other room, able to hear all of this, the men and woman weighing your fate and deciding what to do with you. If Yoongi listens, he can hear Hyejin’s quiet voice. Can feel your discomfort as the ice hits your ribs, maybe broken, definitely badly bruised.
Yoongi flinches every time he feels the pain pulse down the bond. Maybe in time, it will feel less sensitive but right now- Yoongi can feel your hurts just as bad as he can feel his own. A part of him is reaching out into the other room, screaming in his ear to go comfort his mate.  
He has a mate. Yoongi can scarcely believe it.
The gangsters around the table remain blissfully unaware of that fact. Most of the heads are on the same page, and he won’t reveal his mating mark unless he absolutely needs to, he will let that secret stay secret unless necessary. It’s a good bargaining chip. They wouldn’t kill you if they knew it was going to kill him too. But still- it’s hard to hear them argue over your fate when he can’t intervene.
“You know the rules- no divorces and no separations,” one alpha says, he’s older- nearing 60, but Yoongi can’t excuse that cruelty with age. The youngest, the head of the Ahn house does the rebutting for Yoongi, and he bites his tongue.
“But it wouldn’t be a divorce; she’s his widow now and his ex-mate technically.”
“Yes but that’s only a half bond.” There is only one omega head, and the woman snubs her long cigarette out on the table leaving an ashy circle 
“It’s only the alpha bite that matters- or have you forgotten?”
To her credit, the omega doesn't back down. “Chances are she’ll die anyway why are we even talking about her, we should start transitioning already.”
“That’s easy to say- if she’s got nothing left to lose what’s to stop her from going to the police.”
“I can keep an eye on her,” Yoongi volunteers, jumping at the chance to turn the discussion to his favor. They can all go fuck themselves if they ever dare to try and hurt you. “You say she’s as good as dead anyway. So you shouldn't mind if she comes with me.” 
The likelihood of anyone living after their mate dies is in the teens. Yoongi knew that and even then he bonded to you anyway. He can only hope that with his bite coursing through your veins and your body confused that you’ve got better odds than that. Yoongi did what he promised to do, now your odds are both 50/50. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t go to the police.”
Through the bond he can feel your curiosity and a little bit of fear too, you’re listening in. And he does his best to let his calmness comfort you too. Your panic instantly relaxes and he senses you reaching out. If you were next to Yoongi you’d be holding hands, and it kind of feels that way. If you could ever hold hands with someone’s soul.
“You realize that if you make her your responsibility, anything bad that happens will fall on your head as well” their betas might be sacred- but they aren’t free from the rest of the laws of the gang.
“I understand.” The Don lifts her head, regarding Yoongi with a heavy look. “She’s his widow and whether we want to address it now or not, the law says she’s inherited his wealth.”
It's met with immediate opposition, several heads of house start speaking over each other at once,  but Yoongi speaks up again, shouting over them. A beta raising their voice is about as strange as one giving or getting a mating bite, everyone falls silent. “Give it to me or her- I don’t care.”
another few minutes and they’re ready to let you go. they vote on it, and only 3 out of 11 heads vote to have you killed. Moonbyul gives the all clear, “Then you’re free to go.” Yoongi doesn’t even say goodbye, going to you in the other room just as quickly as he can without outright running. The Don’s mate is crouched in front of where you sit. Your body is mostly clean of blood and you’ve been put in other clothes; a pair of sweats and a baggy shirt.
Yoongi can see all the bruises on the side of your face turning purple and Yoongi wants to cup your face and bring it to his, kiss away the pain coloring your skin like watercolors, but can’t do it here. “Do we need to go to the hospital?” 
“Not for her but maybe for you, no ones checked you over yet, have they?”
yoongi grits his teeth, seconds away from snapping at hyejin, he wants her to get away, get as far from you as possible. “i asked if she needed the hospital.” 
Hyejin stands when Yoongi crouches. shaking her head when it becomes clear yoongi isn’t to be argued with right now. “There’s something wrong with her- but I think you know what” her eyes hover on Yoongi’s hip.
 So at least she’s figured it out. She has the good sense to utter the words quietly. Though the people in the other room aren’t concerned with Yoongi anymore, they’ve already launched into discussions about transitioning power and re-defining responsibilities. It seems Moonbyul had a plan on how she wanted the family to run from the beginning.  
He shakes off his annoyance, “Thank you,” he says to the omega, holding out a hand to you, which you take, still not saying anything. Tiredness holding you down to the chair. The same kind of look you’d had when Geumjae had died. The mating mark has been taped over but some of the blackness is still there. Yoongi wonders when it will fade, if it ever does.
“I wish I could say I’ll see you soon but I don’t think I will.” You and Yoongi nod, your hands twined between the two of you. She knows that neither you nor Yoongi has a love for the gang. No one stops you and Yoongi when you leave the house. Immediately hailing a taxi. You stop only at Yoongi’s safe house for a spare 20 minutes, while he packs up a fraction of his belongings in a hurried rush, anything to get out before someone tries to change their mind.
If Geumjae had any hidden loyalists the beta that killed him and his runaway wife would be the first targets. Let alone their reaction if they knew who had really killed Geumjae. The quicker the two of you get away from the city the better.
You end up at the train station, Yoongi breaks the bracelets off of your wrist- the same ones that he saw you wear on you the first night- and the ones that he’s always thought looked like shackles. He yanks at them as hard as he can until they snap; kissing your wrist after each one is off. You throw them over the side of the chain-link fence and into the darkness- to be lost forever you hope. The symbols of all you’ve lost.
When you get on the train, you cuddle close under Yoongi’s jacket and into his warmth. He’s a protective barrier between you and the third seat that thankfully remains empty this late into the night it’s so late it’s nearly early morning. Most of the train is empty besides an elderly couple at the front. Regardless, the two of you sit behind them. Yoongi can’t take his eyes off of the potential threat. Actually flinches when the conductor comes around to stamp your tickets.
You head off into the night- your little box of light in a sea of street lamps and hidden dangers. You almost fall asleep a few times, head bobbing as you catching yourself before it hits his shoulder. After the third time this happens he pulls you in close, tucks your head close to his scent gland, and commands “sleep” in a voice that you cannot disobey.
Eventually, you wake, the car is bright with the midday sun and the car is half full. Yoongi’s eyes are bloodshot as they train on every passenger who comes in and leaves your train car. Yoongi holds your hand, rubbing his thumb up and down the back in an endless trail. A conductor opens the door of your train car to pass through, bunching a few tickets here and there from the new passengers who have boarded the train.
He passes by where you're bundled and Yoongi flinches so hard it wakes you fully. his shoulder accidentally nudging a bruise on your cheek, He murmurs his apologies, panicked hands fussing over you. He could feel that he hit one of your bruises and the horror of hurting you make him wide-eyed and worried. You catch his hands, pressing the pads of them to your lips. Yoongi's hands shake as they touch you, hours later, he's still high on adrenaline. 
“You need to sleep Yoongi” it’s been a long few days for both of you.
He doesn’t answer with more than a grunt. But you get off the train at the next stop and it’s nearing noon by the time the two of you stumble across the street to a motel, and it’s shitty and smells like cigarettes and the lady at the front desk asks if you need the hourly rate or the daily rate. Though she does give you a discount because Yoongi’s a beta. Eyeing the blood-soaked collar of his jacket and the bloody bandages on your neck.
You should be holed up somewhere safe away from prying eyes to adjust to your new mating bite- not in a hotel where the smells of other people assault your nose. Making you press close to Yoongi because everything smells so new and scary. Like your senses have been turned up and only Yoongi can quell their sensitivity.
you don’t realize that the attendant gave you two beds until you get to the room. you both stare blankly before you cough and separated. the closeness too much now that you’re alone and free from threats. Though it doesn't feel that way. 
you hate it- you don’t want to curl up across the room from Yoongi- you want to be next to him. you almost whimper when he He steps away to the other bed to set down his backpack. You want to cry, your skin feels irritated and itchy without his pressed to yours. You want him to touch you but you can’t stay it. Don’t know how to ask around the thickness in your throat.
He gets a clean shirt from his black backpack and helps you put it on so that you don’t irritate the mating bite. You can’t lift either of your arms much and neither can he but he pushes through the pain for you. He only has 2 or three sets of clothes that he grabbed from the cottage, and it’s all you’ve got.
“We’ll get some more clothes for you tomorrow.” He doesn’t say that you should have grabbed some of your clothes- because you both know you couldn’t handle staying in that house a second more than was necessary. You barely thought to linger long enough to grab your purse, which thankfully had everything you really need in it. 
Somehow he has athletic tape in his bag, and he spends a few minutes changing out your soaked through bandages, bundling up toilet paper, and taping it over your mating bite. Only after yours is taken care of does he let you do the same for his bite on his hip, and the burns on his hands. 
You pull his pants off and then his boxers down just enough so that you can get at it, small from your mouth, the skin around it irritated and pink. You try not to let your eyes hover on the small happy trail that traces from his belly button downwards. The band on his boxers is stained with blood- and you wonder how much it hurt to have it dig into it all day.
You curl up in separate beds, and only when you’re under the covers do you slide off your pants. leaving you only in a large shirt that smells like yoongi.  Yoongi does the same, says “goodnight” and shuts off the light but doesn’t turn away from you, keeping his eyes on you in the darkness. 
You’re silent for a few minutes, but you can tell that neither of you is falling asleep. Your bed feels cold and you wonder if he feels the same, you let the distance hurt for a minute before you give in.  
"Thank fucking god-" He peels back the blanket for you the second you make the move and dash across the cold room. you scoot into his warmth and he lets out a little ‘oof’ when you collide. Letting him pull you closer, put the blanket over your back, and make sure all of your skin is covered.
It’s not enough for Yoongi and he pulls you sideways so that he can get some of his weight on top of you. A growl building in his chest at the thought of anyone walking through the door right now.
He needs to check the lock, make sure that no one can possibly disturb you. Needs to- the instinct filling him so harshly he can’t breathe. He tries to pull away, but your hands tighten on him, and you let out a whine so heartbreaking that instantly has him releasing comforting chocolate, flopping back on top of you nuzzling under your chin, you feel like you’re drowning in it. 
Your love with Yoongi is still too new and raw to be close like this without feeling shy- and yet you can’t resist, your mating bond is like a fresh burn that you can’t stop picking at because it hurts. (Like there’s something dead there that you need to get rid of, you can’t heal around, you need to tear it out so that it feels more like bleeding rather than something that was carved out by hungry heat.) You fiddle with the bandage at your neck before Yoongi takes your hand in his, lacing your fingers together.
For a moment, you crave the release that blood might give you- and like he can feel it. Yoongi presses a kiss to the back of your hand. “Couldn’t sleep?” Yoongi says. You shake your head. The motel creeks and overhead you can hear someone else moving in an adjacent room. Yoongi gets his head on your pillow and adjusts his hand around your waist so that he’s not hitting the vicious bruise that Geumjae left with one of his kicks.
The last 24 hours have been such a tangle. It feels weird to not move now. Yoongi’s heart is still hammering; you can feel it under your palm. You’re both unwilling to relax and close your eyes even for a second even though you’re both exhausted.
You’re worried if you close your eyes you’re going to see Geumjae's face.
Yoongi left the light in the bathroom on for you. Sensing that the shadows would be too thick with nightmares for you to handle for long. You look at each other in the darkness before Yoongi lets out a shaky little giggle.
“Do you know what I just realized?” he says, the words quieted against the too scratchy bedspread. “We could have gotten a better hotel, we easily have enough money for it now” and that’s true.
If Yoongi’s orders were followed and the gang's accountant really did transfer all of your inherited wealth to your name then- fuck- both of you saw the bank statements. Both of you know how much money Yoongi’s family had amassed- the same wealth that Geumjae had inherited and now you.
“Fuck you’re right,” you say, ducking in so that you don’t have to meet Yoongi’s eyes. Geumjae used to hit you sometimes if you did that- and trained habits die-hard. 
yoongi kisses your brow, slow little pecks that travel down your cheeks, as unhurried as they are sweet. It's strange to be close to him now when it’s all you’ve wanted for the last few months. You never thought you’d get this. It feels like a daydream and a nightmare all at once.
“We could buy a whole house- or three” and even then you’d have more than enough money to live on after. For the rest of your days, comfortable and cozy even if you were foolish with the money. Yoongi still gets his stipend from the gang. No doubt to be greater now that he’s the only beta.
He stops his kisses, mouth hovering on your cheek, “We could do that.” he sounds like he’s barely containing his excitement. 
You’ll both be fine. Neither of you will ever have to worry about money again and it makes you feel sick and happy with something that feels a terrible lot like grief.
Even if you got that- the last 24 hours haven’t been worth it. You’re not entirely out of the woods yet. The mark on your shoulder is scabbing over and inky. But every few hours of closeness that the two of you have- Yoongi think’s he sees the color fade- just a little bit.
You don’t know where the giggle comes from but one moment it comes out of your mouth and you laugh, and Yoongi joins in the sound startling out of his chest. He presses his forehead tight against yours and sighs at the sound. You see the moment clarity falls on him and an idea settles into his mind the second it hits. And dim happiness settles over your bond.
Yoongi lifts your hand to his mouth and kisses your bruised knuckles. “Let's buy a house.”
You smile- tired from today but still willing to placate him. “Okay Yoongi, we can do that.”
Now finally, his eyes are starting to droop, every few seconds he tries to keep them open, but you know he's seconds away from sleep. His words slurred when they whisper, his sweet chocolaty breath tickling your cheeks. “Goodnight sweetheart- love you.”
“Love you too,” it’s the first time you’ve ever said those words to each other. It feels like the first of many times you’ll say it. Forever- you and Yoongi will be mated together until you both die. And who cares if that happens tomorrow or months from now. Who cares? Because you have him and that’s all that matters.
Yoongi holds you and knows- that he will love you- as long as he can.
He watches you sleep, waits until your eyes are closed. Until he can make sure you’re safe and warm. A gentle purring fills the hotel room, soft and peaceful. yoongi hears it louder when he presses his ear to your chest. He tries to keep his eyes open, but somewhere around the second hour- they fall closed.
Neither of you dream.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
stepcest with dom!george x transgirl! reader where they’re doing a stream together and suddenly george has to go off camera to do something but hes actually sucking off his step sister off screen
-🧝🏼‍♀️ anon
*°:⋆ₓₒ  ₓₒ⋆:°*
Title: ᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ ꜰᴜʟʟ
Warnings: NSFW (Minors DNI), stepcest, humiliation if you squint
Pronouns: she/they , amab
Synopsis: George sucks off the reader whilst they try to behave on stream.
Word count: 1.3k
Note: deez nutz. I fucken love women <3
- I couldn't think of a good title so shut up, this is also rlly bad tbh but like idk...
*°:⋆ₓₒ  ₓₒ⋆:°*
George glanced at you through the camera every so often, eyes studying your perfect face. "George? What're you looking at?" you gave him a small smirk "I was just looking at the camera, not everything is about you!" he playfully rolled his eyes at you before trying to continue the game.
Your hand slipped and you let go of the mouse which caused your game to crash "Aw shit! George, can you help me out?" you called out to him "Oh yeah, sorry stream but I gotta go- my sister needs me" George then quickly ended his stream and came over to your room to help you fix things up.
You had paused your stream so that you could get George to fix up your game for you, He clicked a few things on your monitor before pausing for a moment "Just click that in a moment and the game should be back" he explained. You were about to click but stopped when you watched him crouch down and get under your desk "hm? What're you doing?" you thought he might just be fixing your wires for you but his intentions were more prominent when you felt his hands crawling up your legs.
"H-Hey! Don't do that, I'm about to unpause the stream and I don't want anything.. Y'know.. bad to happen?" you hesitated "Don't worry about it darling, just try to keep quiet and play the game for me.." George winked at you from between your legs. You gulped nervously and clicked the button so that now your stream could see you, you brought the game back up and started to play by yourself.
You winced as you felt yourself harden, a bead of sweat already starting to form on your forehead. Your face was turning darker and there's no way you didn't look like a mess right now! George leaned forward and started to leave little kisses on the inside of your thigh, pulling your skirt up to give him more room between your legs.
George ran his hand over your thigh before palming your crotch, you squeaked softly before shutting your mouth and holding your breath. He slowly pulled your underwear to the side and stuck his tongue out, the tip of your cock pressing against his soft lips. God, he looked so good like that.
'where did Gogy go?' the chat would ask. Shit. Shit. What were you meant to say?? "Sorry chat but he's got his mouth full- SCHEDULE. He's got his schedule full, he had to leave and stop streaming!" you exclaimed. Your breathing started to become very heavy as you tried to focus on not making any sound.
A part of you thought it was really funny to be in a situation like this but another part of you felt embarrassed and ashamed, imagine if you guys actually got caught! It's not just some thing where you two are dating- you two are stepsiblings and getting caught would put you guys into deep shit!
"Ah!" you froze in your seat, hips shuddering against George's tongue 'WHAT WAS THAT' Chat was now going crazy with people talking about your little moan "A-Aw yeah, when Dream does it its fine but when its me its not?" you tried to cover it up by blaming Dream. You assumed that chat believed you and tried to go back to your game, falling in game every so often due to your body shaking in pleasure.
You turned your mic off for a moment to speak to George "G-George stop! I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that!" you whispered loudly in a scared voice "That's the plan, darling" George shrugged your pleas off and tuned out to your words. The only thing George was responding to at the moment was your moans "W-We're gonna get caught! At least let me end the stream!" you moved forward to end your stream but George grabbed onto your legs roughly.
You stopped and fell back a bit "h-huh??" you cried out "No, keep streaming or I won't let you cum" George growled "What??? B-But!!" you pleaded "Be a good girl and unmute yourself, I bet your chat is wondering what's going on" George shushed you up and continued his work between your legs.
His hand groped at your shaft, moving up and down as he sucked on the head of your aching penis. You bit down on your finger and tried to make it look like you were just getting frustrated at the game, you banged your knee on the table when George took your full length in his mouth which made you let out a loud groan "AH! Shit- sorry chat, hit my knee.." you knew you wouldn't be able to get away with using that excuse again and you'd need to actually shut up.
George bobbed his head even faster and it was hard not to cum right there in your seat, your eyes started to well up with tears as the pleasure was getting too much and you weren't able to show how good you were feeling. You blinked the tears away but the look of desperation and frustration was still evident on your face.
"This stream has been going on for 3 hours, I should be ending soon, right guys?" Although your question seemed directed to the audience it was really for George. You had hoped that he'd let you end the stream and allow you to cum, you looked down at him quickly to see what he'd say about that and he looked slightly pissed.
Your eyes widened slightly at the corners as you thought he might be actually angry with you, you muted for a quick second and asked what was wrong "If you're planning to cum then you'll cum on stream, you can mute all you want but I want to see you try to keep it under control" George took my penis out of his mouth and gave it a few quick strokes.
"F- Fine.." You knew you were gonna get him back for this. You unmuted again and held your head in your hands, you were for sure gonna lose it! The stream will know and then the whole internet will find out and then your parents will kill both of you! I mean- At least that weird side of twitter would be happy.
You played around on your monitor, letting out a soft breathy moan when George fondled your balls and ran his finger along your vein. You bit down on your lip as you felt it about to happen, finger switching your mic off to save you from what was about to happen. You put your hand over your mouth and hoped to fucking god that everything would be okay "G-Gonna cum!!" you warned George.
He didn't respond but instead starting going faster, hollowing his cheeks to squeeze around your cock "Ah fuck! Fuck! George!" you closed your eyes, your knees shaking below the table. Your cock twitched before releasing your sperm into George's mouth, his tongue lapping every last bit of it up to drink.
You were left panting and sweaty, switching your mic back on for a moment to tell everyone you were now leaving "Goodbye guys! Thank you for joining me on stream!" you gave them a small wave goodbye before turning the whole thing off. You leaned back in your chair and looked down at George who was on the floor smirking up at you.
"I hope you're really proud of yourself, that was horrible!" you told him off for it "Really? It looked like you were having so much fun though!" George laughed "That's not what I mean!" you crossed your arms "Anyways, better clean up before we meet back up with Mum/Mom and Dad" George crawled out from beneath your table and walked off which left you to clean up yourself.
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burberrybaby · 3 years
تخفيف التوتر- takhfif altawatur
Tumblr media
pairing: ceo!andy x woc!reader
summary: andy barber asks you to be his stress reliever after a long days work.
warnings: SMUT, kinda slow burn, oral (m receiving, implied f receiving,) no established relationship, daddy kink, praise if you squint, sex with your boss, minors DNI.
a/n: this is for @chanelfaerie’s 2k writing challenge! the prompt is “come in, and close the door behind you.” sorry i’m so late in writing this, i know it’s past the deadline, but i hope you like it regardless !! as always, reblogs are appreciated! not my gif.
word count: 1.1k
Andrew Barber. CEO of the most renowned company in New York. Your boss. Oh how lucky you are to have finally landed your dream job, and of course, your employer just so happened to be very very attractive.
Your head rested in your hand as you daydreamed about Andy, “y/n!” your head snaps up to look at your coworker blankly, “Have you finished the report yet?”
“Uhm,” it takes another second for you to collect your thoughts, “yes, sorry, just dotting some i’s and crossing some t’s.”
She nods, “Alright… just shoot me the email when you’re done, my shift’s over.” She starts walking away but pauses, turning back to you, “by the way, the boss asked to see you before you head out.”
“Wait, what?!” your heart skips a beat but your friend is gone before you can question her further.
You shake your head, pushing your curls out of your face as you finish up your work. Grabbing your belongings and heading to the elevator, you couldn’t help but question why Mister Barber had summoned you. It was almost midnight. Had you done something wrong? Something right?
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of elevator ding, and you walk up to Andy’s office door. You take a deep breath and are about to knock before you hear a voice from inside, “come in.”
Gripping your purse tightly, you enter, staying standing in the doorway. He repeats, “come in, and close the door behind you.”
So you follow his words, closing the door quietly behind you and standing in front of his desk, “H-hello Mister Barber.” he was dressed in a finely tailored suit, handsome as ever.
He gives you a warm smile and motions for you to sit, “Hi, y/n.” and you give him a small smile in return.
“So,” he begins, “you started working here not too long ago, yet you’re climbing the ranks faster than any other employee.”
You were more than elated at his words, “really? I- I mean thank you! I wasn’t aware you even knew who I was. You have so many other workers.”
“You’re… different.” Andy leans back in his chair, unbuttoning the first button of his dress shirt to get more comfortable, “allow me to be frank.”
He pauses and you nod, “of course, speak freely, Mister Barber.”
Andy sighs, ���you have caught my eye. In more ways than one. And I‘d like to ask if you’re interested in providing further service to this company. With a handsome raise as well.”
You bite your lip to stifle a giggle, “Th- that would be amazing!” You completely forget what he has said prior to his offer; Andy liked you. “What’s the service?”
“Well, you can assume how stressful my position can be sometimes. I struggle sometimes to find any kind of comfort, really, which can, in fact, affect my work and therefore my company. I’d like for you to be a sort of reliever for me.”
Your brows furrow and your head tilts to the side. At first, you thought he meant an actual job, but now remembering what he had said, your eyes widen. He didn’t mean sex… did he?
Andy continues, “every now and then, I’ll call you in to help me find release.” you stare blankly at him and he looks curiously at you, “was I too frank?”
“N-no not at all. I think I’d enjoy that, but, uh, is that allowed? Or proper? Having a relationship with my boss?”
“I know I’d enjoy it just as much as you,” he chuckles deeply, “I mean, it is my company. I get to make the rules.”
“Right.” You look down at your lap and chew on your lip, “so when do we start?”
Andy stands from his chair and rounds his desk to lean against it in front of you, “I’ve had a pretty rough day, so now. If you’re up for it, that is.”
You finally regain your confidence and look up at him, “I’m ready.” he holds your chin softly and leans down to place a kiss on your lips before unbuttoning his dress pants, “just one rule. From now on, only in this room, you will address me as ‘daddy.’”
You smile and correct yourself, “I’m ready, daddy.”
His cock is already hard when he slips down his boxers and you marvel at the sight. The mushroom tip was red, already leaking precum.
Andy chuckles as he watches you admire his cock, “perfect. Now then, on your knees.” you follow his command without a second thought, rubbing your thighs together to relieve the ache at your core.
Looking up at him briefly, “c-can I… daddy?” he gives you a small nod as you take his cock in your hand, pumping it slowly. Andy moans quietly as your lips kiss the tip, and soon enough you’re sucking softly on the head of his cock. You haven’t done much else before Andy’s hand is tangled into your hair.
You pull away for a moment to rub the remaining precum and your saliva across his length before diving back down. The bobbing of your head starts off slow, and your cheeks hollow, gradually taking Andy’s cock further and further down your throat. Going down as far as you can, you take his remaining length in your hand.
He groans and his free hand grips the edge of the desk, his knuckles turning pale. In the other hand, andy tugs your hair, begging for you to go faster, and of course you listen.
Andy looks down at you, and almost as if on cue you look up at him. Your innocent doe eyes filled with lust. Your blouse now hanging down, exposing your cleavage. Your hair tousled and messed up.
He was in love with that sight, and it drove him closer to his release. He thrusts his cock faster and rougher, abusing your poor throat. Finally, his head lolls back and his mouth falls open from the pleasure with a loud moan as he comes down your throat.
By the time he’s done, your face is smeared with tears and mascara, a bit of Andy’s come fallen from the corner of your mouth. Both of you covered in a sheen of sweat from your endeavors.
You pant, “did I do good for daddy?”
“You did wonderfully, kitten, thank you.”
Andy helps you stand and kisses you, humming as he tastes himself on your lips. He lifts you easily onto the desk, pushing your skirt up and pulling your panties down, throwing them onto the ground.
Your arousal was evident and Andy groans when he sees how wet you are, “your turn, love.”
mutuals: @uncensored-steve-the-platypus @worksby-d @fairyevans @walkitoffsoldier @lokistoriesblog @sapphireplums @my-divine-death @witchysoldier @planetofawe @eun-dadplease @thesecretwriter @bucksgoat @sheisapoet @idontwannachill @gingerwriter97 @danneelsmain @titaniumstark @chanelfaerie @honeychicana @sharoncartier @darlingsteve @a-little-counter-esperanto @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @writersbuck @cherryflavoredchapsticck @balenciagabucky @brattycherub
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luckyasfuck · 3 years
maybe i just wanna be yours [k. bakugou]
A CAMBOY AU SERIES - PARTS 1, 2, 3, 4, [5]
pairing // katsuki x female reader
tw // cussing, smut
warnings for this part // oral (m and f recieving), hair pulling, face-fucking, exhibitionist kink, spanking, praise, dacryphilia
theme // enemies to lovers au, camboy!katsu au, college student!katsu and reader au, no quirk au
keys // y/n
words // 1.8k
a/n // IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG I DONT DESERVE YALL. pt 6 at 250 likes and 20 reblogs btw!
previous part
y/n has been alone in the library for about an hour now. she didn’t notice katsuki’s absence until she had to change subjects to study, too indulged in the textbook to look up. no messages were given by katsuki about him being late and she grumbled, rolling her eyes. she writes the name of the textbook on top of the page in her notebook and the library door swings open. 
a calm katsuki walks towards her, ash blonde hair kinda messy and his black hoodie all over the place. with an eyeroll, y/n went back to writing on her notebook while handing the textbook she just used to him. “you’re la-”
“why’d you block me?”
the sentence made the girl look at him with a glare. her hand stops writing, her body stiffens and her hands start to sweat. “what the fuck are you talking about?” she avoids his strong gaze, looking back down on her notebook. katsuki fumes at this, pulling out his phone as she started to write again.
the notebook is closed harshly, a phone being slammed down on it as it displayed her account and the block message. she looked up at the fuming boy as he gripped his phone tight, gazing down at her. “none of your fucking business.” she replied, putting the cap on her ballpoint pen. about to glare at him again, a gasp erupts from her throat when he grips the collar of her shirt, pulling her towards him.
“why’d you block me?” katsuki’s breath fanned right on her lips, his eyes locked right into hers. she sends a death glare his way, grabbing his wrist and detaching it from her collar. “it was the right thing to do and you know it.” the blonde rolled his eyes as y/n dusted her shirt off, fixing her collar. “great, now it’s loose.”
heavy steps make the h/c turn her head to the sound, only to be grabbed by the shoulders and sat down harshly. katsuki towered over her, “unblock me now.” 
“i see no reason to.” stray students walked inside the library and y/n is quick to shove katsuki away from her, they chatter and sit on a table near the front. they don’t acknowledge the two students who were here before them as they laughed loudly. 
y/n sighs, mood completely ruined by the dumb blonde and class skippers. speaking of the dumb blonde, he eyes the students as well, dragging a chair and sitting down beside y/n right before she got up to return the textbook. vermillion eyes stare right into her ass before they’re torn away by her voice, “go get a fucking textbook.” 
the math section is where it all goes downhill.
hands show up either side of y/n as she’s reading through the contents of the math book. about to turn around, she stiffens when a warm, sculpted body presses up against her back. 
katsuki’s crotch brushes up against her rump, his pecs right against her back. “what the fuck are you doing?” the pressed up girl returns the textbook to its original place, trying to even out her breaths. the blonde moves back a little, a hand gripping y/n’s shoulders to turn her around. “will you stop pushing me around?! you- mhmp!” 
a pair of lips slams against hers mid-sentence, a tongue instantly prodding against her lips asking for entrance. the hands encaging her roam her body, one staying put on her hips. “don’t you ever shut the fuck up?” katsuki slurred against her lips as y/n put her hands on his chest, “says you.” 
the next thing the blonde knows, he’s pinned to a shelf. the shelf falters slightly but this doesn’t bother y/n, instead she presses herself against him while connecting their lips once again. 
now that was definitely unexpected. 
“you want it or nah?” katsuki pulls away, hands disappearing underneath her shirt. “i’m afraid you’ll be too loud.” he smirked, groping her left boob. “me? too loud?” y/n tilts her head to the side, her hand traveling downwards to squeeze the males evident bulge, making him whine out quietly. “says you.”
“i’ve watched enough of your stupid lives to know how loud you can be.” the students chatter loudly in the distance, making the both of them aware of their presence. for some reason, the librarian wasn’t here to check up on the shelves every now and then. perfect, y/n thought as she got on her knees, grazing her fingernails along the side of katsuki’s bulge. his cock twitches under her palm as he covers his mouth, breathing heavily. 
his cock was pretty. of course, she’d seen it on multiple lives, but seeing it right infront of her, his pink tip leaking and his veins throbbing. it hit different. without warning, her lips encage his cock head, licking at his the pre-cum dripping down his slit. a beautiful moan escapes from katsuki’s parted lips as he threw his head back onto the shelf filled with books. chatter and footsteps approach the both of them, growing louder by the second. 
“hey, sto-” katsuki warns, trying to push the girl away from his cock. the students walk to the section of shelves right behind them, laughing about getting a book named whatever that was. ignoring the statement, y/n pushes his cock deeper into his mouth, hollowing her cheeks and swirling her tongue around. the weight of it felt amazing against her tongue as she slowly fit all of him in, struggling and gagging. she pulls away, a thin string of saliva connects her to his cock. 
“oh don’t stop now.” katsuki glared, grabbing the back of her head and pushing her back. “fucking suck it, so these students right behind us knows whose cock you’re choking on, yeah? it’s my cock.” for reasons unknown, the students behind them didn’t hear a thing, probably too busy being idiots. y/n only nods, continuing her job, stroking the places she can’t reach. “poor girl, you need help?” 
a harsh grip on her hair and she gags audibly again, hoping the idiots behind katsuki didn’t hear it. slowly, he started fucking himself with her mouth, admiring the way she looked up at him, saliva drooling down her jaw and onto the floor. the tip of his cock hits the back of his throat and he groans. “did you hear that?” a slightly muffled voice asks and the laughter and noise ceases. y/n and katsuki’s hearts drop, but she can’t stop now, could she?
with a faster pace, she starts sucking again, looking up at katsuki with a smirk. “we should go check.” they hear and y/n’s heart pace picks up, licking at the prominent vein of the blonde’s cock. “fucking filthy exhibitionist.” he mouths as the group of students start to investigate. right about to catch the dirty doings of the duo, they’re called by the remnants of their friend group to go get food. “too bad,” he threw his head back, hard footsteps and chatter slowly disappearing in the distance until the library door finally closes, leaving the room silent. “they didn’t see me fill your throat with cum.” he says, finally shooting his load into your mouth. 
the library consists now of katsuki’s moans and y/n audibly gagging here and there. “your turn.” the next thing she knew, she was bent over the desk they were studying at. “we were supposed to study, weren’t we? okay.” he let out a deep chuckle, opening the textbook she used to study. “page 357, what is knowledge?” the cold breeze of the air-conditioned library made her shiver as he hoisted her skirt up, groping her ass and thumbing her clit. “i... i haven’t gotten to that page ye-”
“ow, fuck!” the slap stung, and katsuki chuckled, kneading her ass cheek with the same hand he used to spank it. a thumb grazing the wet patch in her panties. “page 17, what is psychology?” y/n gulps, legs quivering. “scientific study of... of mental process and behavior...” the tension is thick when he doesn’t speak, she tries to look back at him to see what he’s doing only to be cut off by a moan when one of his fingers dig inside her, slowly moving in and out. “the more correct answers you give, the faster i go. the more wrong answers you give, the slower i go. understood?”
“page 137, when was behaviorism introduced?” fuck, y/n didn’t like numbers. katsuki stops moving his fingers and she whines, trying to pry her brain for the answer. “1913...?” a sigh leaves her lips when he starts moving again, a little faster now. “good girl.” this went on for ten more questions, her ass stinging, legs giving up, and tears rolling down onto the table. she had already cum twice, mind becoming hazier and hazier with each question. “that’s it baby, one more question. page 270, which theory of abnormal behavior stresses the importance of current experiences and the persons view of themselves?”
y/n felt his cock prodding at her entrance and she whines, thrusting back to try and get it inside of her. katsuki puts the book down, gripping her hips and pinning her wrists above her head. “nope, answer the question first.” he teases, rubbing her slit up and down with his cock. “existential theories.” she answered proudly, a small oh, yes leaving her lips when he slowly bottoms out inside of her. “good girl, you like being fucked out here? when anyone can walk in and see you?” 
the size of his cock was amazing, it felt amazing. the females eyes lull shut, gripping down at the table with her fingers as katsuki picked up his pace, heavy balls slapping her clit with each thrust. y/n can only nod, face contorting in pleasure as skin slapping, her whines and his grunts bounced off the four walls of the library. “good girl.” he says for the millionth time, bending over to give her shoulder blade a kiss. “fuck! g-gonna cum again!” she warns, legs shaking and sobs leaving her lips. 
“so pretty when you cry,” katsuki whines out, thrusts growing sloppier and faster. “so. fucking. p-pretty.” a loud moan escapes both of their lips and his hips stutter, shooting his load inside her. he thrusts a few more times, prolonging their orgasm. soon, he pulls out and they’re both panting. with a swift movement, he spanks her ass one last time before pulling her panties up, keeping his cum inside. 
y/n is still fucked out, drool and tears all over her face as she got up from the table. katsuki grabs a chair and moves it to her, slowly sitting her down. “you hurt anywhere?” he tried to act cool while snatching her phone, offering her his jug. “fuck off, i see you taking my phone. unblock yourself if you want, i don’t plan on watching your stupid lives anyway.” she choked out, wiping the thin layer of sweat on her forehead. katsuki rolls his eyes at this, unblocking himself and unfollowing all the other camboys you had. 
“we’ll see about that, pretty face.”
next part [ not yet available! ]
@princesspeach-00 @tamakisropebunny @bakugous-mamas @ll379333 @j1-914 @gazelle-des-pres @trashpandainahat @dickinson-67 @victoriaestein @graybabyxx @apex-legends-dreams @bokuwhorez @karicho @marinwestward @fondontinta @ambi0311 @aghase-nct91312 @toxicempath @katsukichu 
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hongism · 4 years
all about t(h)rust - c. san + j. wooyoung 18+
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day 8: threesome - choi san & jung wooyoung warnings: double penetration in two holes, explicit smut, unprotected sex, oral sex m, threesome: mmf, fingering/anal fingering, anal, oral sex f, grinding, lube, creampie, facesitting, dirty talk wc: 2.2k genre: pwp, smut, 18+
“Wait, hold on. You – you want to what?” You can hardly believe that you’re having this conversation in the living room of your shared apartment with your roommate and best friend of all people. Said best friend blinks back at you with wide and pleading eyes, hands clasped over his chest as he silently begs you to give in to the proposal. On the other hand, your roommate, San, maintains the same flat and unreadable expression that he’s had throughout this entire conversation.
“We want to know who has better thrust game!” Wooyoung explains, letting his hands fall to his lap. “And we’re too biased to do anything together because even if we do fuck, we’re still gonna be at the same conclusion.” You squeeze your eyes shut and try to ignore the mental image Wooyoung has just given you. “So, we need an outside opinion. From someone we trust. Aka you!”
“So what you’re telling me is…” You start, waving a hand in front of your face before cracking an eye open to peer at Wooyoung. “You want to fuck you, my best friend, then fuck him, my roommate? Just to tell you who is better at fucking?”
Wooyoung and San exchange a glance, brows raising a bit, then they return to looking at you.
“Yes!” Wooyoung says through a grin. There is no reason why you should agree to this – you’re certain you could come up with at least a hundred reasons why it would be a bad idea and ruin your relationship with your best friend and your roommate.
“Is there no one else you can ask?” You huff out without looking at either of them. You know that you can only see them in a sexual light at the moment; their request lingers at the edge of your thoughts and fills your mind with nothing but dirty images.
“No one else we trust the way we trust you,” San speaks up at long last, and you can’t resist the urge to look him in the eye as he talks. You aren’t sure why you actually decided to consider their proposal, but that’s how you find yourself straddling your best friend’s chin with his tongue pressed between your folds.
You aren’t wholly unoccupied in this position; San has a knee on either side of Wooyoung’s hips, his deceptively thin cock between your lips. You weren’t expecting the two of them to want to do this together. Yet, here you are on the creaky and dingy couch of your all too small apartment, all fully nude and in compromising positions. San has Wooyoung’s leaking member in one hand, fisting it in rhythm with the small bobs of your head. Wooyoung dips his tongue further into you, and his hands come up to spread you further apart for his wet muscle to penetrate deeper. You could lose yourself in the feeling, and you’ve already almost done so multiple times. San keeps bringing you back with a soft tug to your hair, pulling you deeper onto his cock.
“Fuck, you should feel how good her mouth is, Woo,” San grunts out. You accentuate his words by hollowing your cheeks around him. The groan that falls from his lips is heavenly in your ears, and it encourages you to do the same thing a few more times before pulling off with a loud pop of air. “Can’t believe I was missing out on this all this time.” San brings his free hand forward to grip your chin. A giggle escapes you, tongue peeking out to tease the corner of your lips. The smirk is wiped in an instant because Wooyoung hums against your clit. The vibrations send a tingle down your spine and your back arches.
“I don’t need her mouth on me when I can make her move like this,” he teases. Hot breath cascades over your clit, and you tighten your thighs around Wooyoung’s head.
“This isn’t about what your tongue can do,” San hisses between gritted teeth. You trace the head of his cock with your tongue, collecting a few beads of precum and tasting the saltiness with a shy smile.
“Then what are you waiting for?” You ask as you tilt your head to the side. San runs his fingers through your hair and pushes you further back, eyes stuck on the way his cock brushes your bottom lip.
“Hmm, you can get to work on Woo’s dick first,” San orders, arching a brow at the man under you. “You’ll need more prep for what we have planned.” You tilt your head in question, but Wooyoung slips out from under you and distracts your thought process.
“Turn around, baby.” He grips your hips tight enough to bruise, but the pressure isn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. You let him maneuver you into whatever position it is he’s wanting.
Before you know it, San is somewhere by the foot of the couch, and you’re the one who straddles Wooyoung’s hips. You press down hard on his twitching member, letting it slide between your folds with ease, thanks to the slick of your arousal. He groans at the sensation, a noise that swiftly devolves into a high-pitched whine when you repeat the motion a second time. The weight behind you disappears, and you glance back to see that San is no longer on the couch.
“Pay attention to me,” Wooyoung whines, reaching up to grab hold of your face. He pulls you down to his level, and his hands snake around the back of your neck until your lips meet. You greet him with a kiss full of tongue and spit; your teeth graze his lower lip in a way that has him gasping for more.
“Where did San go?” You ask, pulling away to catch your breath.
“Lube,” Wooyoung answers without hesitation. “Wanna take you at the same time.” It’s evident that he isn’t interested in talking; rather, he eyes your lips over and over until you grant him another kiss. You hover over his cherry pink lips though.
“This isn’t all about thrust, is it?” Wooyoung’s gaze flits up to meet yours. He opens his mouth to respond, but the surprised gasp that falls from your lips interrupts him. You aren’t expecting the sudden slap that comes down on your ass, and it signals San’s return to the couch.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable,” he mutters. The way his hand lingers on your ass, lube in hand, tells you all you need to know, and it isn’t hard to figure out what he wants. It’s something you’ve done on occasion with exes, although you’ve never had the pleasure of taking two cocks at once, but of all people to try it with, you would trust Wooyoung and San the most.
“No, no, I – let’s do it. I’m… y-yeah, I’m c-clean if that’s–”
“Shh, shh, you’re thinking too hard,” Wooyoung coos, running his fingers over your scalp gently. The motion calms you without a problem, and he brings you back down to his lips. The cap of the lube clicks open, and a wet squirting sound follows. Wooyoung distracts you with his tongue, dragging the muscle over your bottom lip a few times so that when San presses a single digit against your ringed hole. He pushes it in at a languid pace. Even the faint touch is enough to have your hips rolling forward, grinding down against Wooyoung’s cock where it lays hard on his stomach. San wiggles his finger around inside you but doesn’t add a second one just yet to let you grow used to the stretch.
“Can you fuck me while he fingers me?” You whisper, eyes finding Wooyoung’s dark ones. His pupils dilate a bit more, and the lust behind his irises is clearly evident. He rushes to comply, sliding a hand between your legs. Gnawing at your lower lip, you shift to let him align himself with your hole. You sink down on his member without warning. The movement draws a choked out of Wooyoung, his head tipping back and exposing the long column of his neck. Sweat glistens across the skin there, and you can’t keep from leaning over him to drag your tongue along it.
“Starting all the fun without me,” San tsks, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. He slips a second finger beside the first. The stretch isn’t enough to hurt, but it’s nothing unpleasant. As much as you want his cock in you right this instant, you don’t want him to rush it either, so you settle for sitting perched on Wooyoung’s member without moving as San works you open from behind. “I wonder how long Wooyoung can be patient, hm?”
Said man squirms a bit under you; he wants to move already and fuck up into you, that much is more than obvious. He doesn’t do anything though, eyes squeezed tight and brows drawn so close together that you can barely see the skin between them. His willpower is strong – you’ll give him that, because as San continues to work you open and scissor his fingers inside you, Wooyoung doesn’t move a muscle.
“I’m ready, Sannie,” you whine, looking back over your shoulder at the man. “I need your cock in me now.” You bat your lashes in the hopes that it’ll convince San to move faster, and he groans at your insistence. He grabs for the lube again and squirts some more onto his palm, fisting his cock a few times before guiding his tip to your fluttering hole.
“No need to be so demanding, princess.” He pushes in just a bit with his hands gripping hard at your hips. The stretch isn’t unbearable, but it is more than you initially expected. Wooyoung eyes your expression with a sudden seriousness, watching for any signs of pain. “Tell us if it’s too much,” San murmurs before sinking further into your heat.
“No, it’s – ah, it’s so nice,” you stammer, breath already labored without either man having to do much. San bottoms out with a moan, and your walls squeeze him and help pull him all the way in.
“Can I move?” Wooyoung asks. He pulls your attention back to him, and you offer a quick nod. Wooyoung lifts you a bit, then pistons his cock all the way into you again. The motion has you moaning loudly into the open air, pleasurable sensation filling your body from head to toe. The loud noises quickly fall into quiet whimpers as the breath is knocked out of you, and San joins in the rhythm of Wooyoung’s thrusts. They stagger their blows so that as one pulls out, then other fucks into you harder than before. You haven’t even reached an orgasm, yet they’ve already ruined sex for you and you’ll never be able to go back to having regular sex knowing how good this feels.
“You like that? Being stuffed with two dicks?” San hisses, leaning over you to whisper the words in your ear.
“G-God, yes, yes, Sannie, fuck – feels so good!” He catches hold of your hair and tugs you back, letting you press flush against his chest as he rocks his hips into you. Wooyoung’s thrusts stutter a bit, his breath hitches, and you think he’s gonna cum right then and there, but he holds out a bit longer to grit out his next words.
“Your pussy takes my cock so well, baby girl. I’m go-gonna cum if you keep squeezing me like that.”
“Cum in me, fuck, cum in me, Woo,” you babble. Wooyoung stills deep in you, and you feel his cock twitch inside your walls a few times before cumming with a breathless whine. It’s enough to bring you to an orgasm as well. San’s member is still thrusting in and out of your ass when you cum, and you collapse on top of Wooyoung’s chest, whimpering quietly from the overstimulation.
“Want you in my pussy too, Sannie,” you mewl. San glances down at your pleading expression and relents in an instant. “Fuck me full of cum.” He all but pushes Wooyoung away from your used cunt, replacing your friend’s cock with your own as quickly as he can.
“Such a dirty whore wanting two loads in her pretty little cunt. I suppose I can give you that, princess.” He only lasts for a few thrusts, but the sensation is better than you could have imagined, his cum filling you up alongside Wooyoung’s and leaving you with a lasting warmth. San’s head falls between your shoulder blades. His breath leaves your sweat-slick back cold, and you tuck yourself further into Wooyoung’s grasp.
“That was…”
“Yeah,” San exhales, a small laugh following.
“So,” Wooyoung starts as he pushes himself onto his elbows. “Who has better thrust game?”
“You’re insufferable.”
“Does that mean me or…?”
“I think it means she needs round two to figure it out, Woo.”
“That’s not what I said!”
San chuckles and drags his lips over your skin. “You didn’t have to say it.”
“Make me dinner first then we can talk about round two.”
a/n: hi this is a mess again but it’s okay it’s okay we vibing
link to kinktober masterlist
taglist: @noonawriter @daniblogs164 @felixity @okokokok123-45 @jeonartemis @crescent-hwa @km-98 @wheresmymoniat @nlost21 @lonely10vely @atletino @monbecaratstayarmy @hello-its-ya-boi @onyxblade01 @kimnamshiks @poutychangbinnie @toothlessshiber @xxbluestrifexx​ @lokihoeforhyunjin @ice-cold-taeyong @essantial @blueish-sun @etaerealboy @notbeforelong @wideawakeficrecs @adestinyuwu @simpforhyunjin​ @naajix​ @lilyliline21 @leaz-kpop-life @hyunjinsicedamerican0 @marigold-bebee @changbinswifu @xcookiemonsteer @ddalgi-yong @nightshade-minho @seoha @singjiries
unable to be tagged: @sailing-goddess-of-ateez @gingerale-addict
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krxideprnz-archive · 3 years
Hai hai! Question there- do ya write for choso? Can you like, do smthn where the reader basically spoils him rotten and is just very soft and gentle with him? It's fine if not, really, and thankyou-
Omg Choso is so cute I want to spoil him like he deserves 😩💕
Thank you for requesting! It actually helped me calm down a bit since yesterday, I hope you enjoy this! 👀
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Sub! Choso x Soft! Dom! Reader
This includes content not suited for minors
Includes - unprotected sex / blowjobs
This is very soft 👉👈
You were currently playing with the soft hair of your partner, Choso.
His eyes were closed and he was relishing in the quiet moments he shared with you.
He still couldn’t believe that you accepted his confession a few years ago.
The memory of your smiling face when you told him you feel the same was still etched in his mind.
He was reminiscing in the moments you shared together during the last years.
The jokes you both shared, the times where you comforted him during harsh times, the way you kissed him and the nights you shared.
The way he was screaming in pleasure when-
“C-h-o-s-o” you lightly pinched the tip of his nose.
He was startled and opened his eyes, being met with your face hovering over his, concern etched across your features.
You giggled and lightly traced the mark across his nose.
“You were completely spacing out, you okay?”
His eyes closed and he let a small smile spread across his features.
“I’m alright.. just thinking” he murmured, his mind was still playing the pleasurable nights you had on repeat.
“Thinking about what?”
He knew he could tell you everything, he was sure that if he told you, you’d never laugh at him, ever. You promised him that he could tell you everything that was on his mind without worrying.
But this was different- he never explicitly told you that he was aroused, Choso always found a way to discreetly show you through his actions until you took the initiative, much to his appreciation.
“I was thinking about you” you couldn’t stop the grin from appearing on your face.
“Ooh? But I’m right here, babe”
His mouth opened multiple times, but no words came out, he couldn’t bring himself to speak out the thoughts that were on his mind.
“You feel kind of hot, are you okay, babyboy?” He whimpered quietly at the use of one of his favorite nicknames, the one you always used in the many nights you pleasured him until the only word he could say was your name.
“It’s okay.. I just-“
“Shhh baby... I know what you need” you winked at him, then you told him to stand up so you could lead him to your shared bedroom, where he now waited in the corner of the bed.
“Let me take care of you~” you whispered, licking over the sensitive skin on his ear before lightly biting down on it.
He grabbed your hips , moving your body on top of his.
You pressed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss, the both of you falling backwards in the bed, your form now hovering over his, not once breaking the kiss.
After a while, you broke the kiss, looking into Choso’s eyes, that were looking at you in equally pure adoration.
“You’re always so good for me” you pressed another kiss to the mark on his nose.
He could feel your hips press against his, adding some much needed friction to the growing erection restrained by his pants.
“Tell me, what do you want me to do? I’m willing to do everything for you babyboy, since you’ve been so good” your statement made his blush deepen, and he looked to the side.
He couldn’t really from the words, but he realized he didn’t even need to when he felt your mouth kiss over his clothed bulge, parting his lips to let out a breathy moan.
“Or I can just make you feel good” you continued, enjoying the way his chest moved up and down in heavy pants.
He nodded quickly at your last statement, and you removed him the clothing covering his erection.
With a satisfied hum you took him into your mouth, coating his hard cock with your saliva. You started moving up and down his length, sucking at the tip and swirling your tongue around his cock.
Choso’s hand wrapped in your hair, the other steadied his shaking body on the bed.
He could feel the tip of your nose hit the area above his dick, your mouth taking him in even further.
You hollowed out your cheeks around him, feeling his cock hit the back of your throat, and you could feel your throat tighten around him.
“gah! You’re so- hngh! so amazing..” he stuttered out, gripping your head even tighter, his mind was clouded with pleasure, chest heaving up and down rapidly.
Sweat was dripping down his flushed face, he could feel the familiar sensation of his approaching orgasm.
“I’m gonna- gonna cum!” He warned before shooting ropes of cum down your throat.
You looked up at him in satisfaction, swallowing the last drops of his cum, licking your lips when you let go of him.
“You taste so good, babyboy~ let me pleasure you further” his mouth hung open, trying to get his breathing to even, and you took the chance to kiss him, pressing your tongue into his mouth.
One of your hands held his face while the other pulled down the underwear under your skirt.
“Mmm~!” The both of you moaned at the feeling of his hard cock stretching you out, adjusting to his size.
He could feel your velvety walls pulsating against him and he buried his head in your neck, letting out a pleasured sigh.
After the pain subsided and turned into pleasure, you started to move, bouncing up and down on his cock, pulling almost completely out before slamming back down on him.
His hands went to grab your hips, but you stopped him.
“Let me take care of you” you pushed his hands back “trust me.. just enjoy it” you moaned, pressing another sloppy kiss to his parted lips.
He nodded, watching your body bounce on top of him, and he tugged at your shirt.
“I want to see you... please (Y/N)”
You took of your shirt and Choso made quick work of your bra, watching as your tits bounced with each thrust.
His mouth watered at the sight, eyes unfocused because of the intense pleasure he was experiencing.
“H-Hnngh! (Y/N)!!” Your walls clamped around him, adding even further to his pleasure.
His hands flew to grab your hips, pushing you even further down on him, your back arching, mouth hanging open in a gasp of his name.
The new angle made him go insane, he was so deep inside of you, your walls clenching around him so tightly, and he let out repeated moans and gasps of your name.
“So c-close-Ah!” His eyes were pressed shut and sweat was dripping down his red cheeks and collarbone.
“Come inside of me, babyboy~” was the only thing he needed to hear before he bottomed out inside of you once more, releasing his warm seed deep inside of you, the feeling caused you to reach your high as well.
You muffled your moans with a kiss to his neck, sucking a purple hickey to the sensitive skin.
Both you and Choso were trying to catch your breath, he was still buried to the hilt inside of you, his strong arms wrapped tightly around you.
“Thank you (Y/N)..” he whispered, brushing your dampened hair out of your face.
“Everything for you, Choso.
I love you”
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newkyus-void · 3 years
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Neither his, nor mine.
◡̈ 영훈 // 김 영훈
⁂ smut, angst
⁂ warnings: friends with benefits relationship, jealousy, one-sided love, bondage, edging, oral (m. Receiving), choking, unprotected sex, cumming inside, aftercare
⁂ sub! Fwb! Younghoon x dom! Fwb! Fem. Reader
⁂ wc.: 1.1k
A/N: thank you so much @nanadreamies! It means a lot to me. 🥺 of course it's not a problem, dear. Hope this turned out good. :D
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You laugh at something Hyunjae says, hand flying up to cover your mouth and eyes crinkling cutely. The man chuckles along and softly nudges you. "Was it really that funny?" 
"Well obviously! Otherwise I wouldn't be laughing!" You shoot back, still snickering. Your heart was beating out of your chest with the close proximity of him, your crush, and joking around. 
Hyunjae laughs along and playfully rolls his eyes before they land on a clock. "Oh shit, I gotta go! It was nice talking to you again y/n! See you next week!" He waves and jogs away. 
A disappointed sigh escapes you, eyes following his retreating figure until he's out of sight. "Can't wait…" 
"What was that all about?" Younghoon's voice suddenly appears beside you, startling you and making you jump. 
"Fucking Hell! Do you always have to scare me like that?!" You hiss and hit him in the chest. "Why do you ask?" 
He frowns and plays with the sleeve of your shirt. 
"Hoonie, you gotta talk to me, you know? I can't read your mind" You joke and turn around to fully face him now. 
His bottom lip slightly juts out and he gives you his famous puppy eyes. Of course you guessed he got jealous, but also needy? 
"Aw, are you needy baby?" You tease him. "Come on, I'll take care of that" 
Younghoon blushes, but obediently follows you back into your apartment. To say he's nervous would be an understatement, but he tries not to let it show. 
"I want you on my bed in just underwear in five minutes, you hear me?" You tell him and he quickly nods before scurrying off into said room. 
In the meantime, you go and grab two pairs of handcuffs and make your way into your bedroom, finding him sitting on your bed just like you told him to. 
"Good boy" You praise him with a satisfied smile and make your way over to him. "Back against the headboard, hands to the bedposts" 
He gulps but does as he's told and watches as you cuff him to the bed, pulling on the cuffs to test them out. "D- Did I do something to upset you?" He asks softly and looks at you with big eyes. 
You chuckle and cup his face in your hands. "Oh no baby, I just want to have some fun with you… and teach you your place" 
Younghoon feels his heart skip a beat, breath hitching. "W- What do you mean?" His voice audibly trembles. 
"Oh please, do you really think I wouldn't notice it when you're jealous?" You taunt and run a finger down his chest to the band of his underwear. "What was the reason, hm? Tell me, baby" 
He shivers under your touch and words, trying to find the right words. "I- I just… Just don't like to think of- of having to share you…" 
You coo and move to situate yourself on his lap, your right hand moving to grip his hair and the left to hold yourself up on his chest. "Aw my poor, poor baby… let's forget about it and let me make you feel good, how's that sound?" 
Younghoon nods with pleading eyes, although it's all he can think about. After all, he knows you have a crush on Hyunjae and only stay with him because the sex is good. But to him, you're more than just someone he sleeps with. 
He gets pulled out of his thoughts when he feels you slide down his underwear and toss it on top of the pile of clothes on the floor. His erection stands proud and you look into Younghoon's eyes when you move to lick a stripe up his shaft. 
A deep moan rips through his throat and you hum against his dick before taking him into your mouth. He squeezes his eyes shut at the feeling and tries to keep his hips still, resisting the urge to buck up. 
You concentrate solely on riling him up, sucking him off skillfully and hollowing out your cheeks. "F- Fuck! I'm gonna-" 
And then you pull off. "Nuh-uh, baby. Not yet" 
A distasteful scowl overtakes his soft featured face and you snicker. "Don't pull such a face, Hoonie. You'll get to cum soon enough" 
He sighs and obliges, now just looking forward to what you had in store for him. He watches you strip, your clothes joining his on the floor and soon enough you're naked too. 
You place kisses onto his neck, feeling him squirm underneath you when you suck a mark into his sweet spot. "Baby you're so sensitive" 
Younghoon whines and looks up at you with teary eyes. "P- Please" 
"Please what? C'mon Hoonie, use your words" you tease him and yourself by positioning your cunt right on top of his dick, slowly moving forward and backwards on it. "If you won't tell me what you want, I'll just keep doing this" 
He whimpers and tugs on his restraints. "Please- Please fuck me properly!" 
"Good boy" You smirk and lift yourself up a little to align his dick with your entrance, slowly sliding down on it, both of you moaning at the feeling. 
When he's fully sheathed inside of you, you start to slowly grind down on him. Both of your breaths are ragged and you're covered by a sheen of sweat, but none of you care. 
"F- Feels so good!" Younghoon cries, hips moving along with yours. "I- Won't last long!" 
You exhale heavily and pick up your pace a little, slowly but surely working both of you towards your high. "Are you gonna cum, baby? Gonna make a mess out of my pussy?" 
His moans go higher in pitch and you know he's close, but so are you. "Y- Yes! Gonna- Gonna cum!" He replies and thrusts his hips up roughly, making you moan loudly and also trigger your orgasm. 
You cum at the same time, both of you shaking at the feeling and you flop down on his chest for a second to catch your breath with him still inside of you. 
First you remove his handcuffs and rub over his wrists gently. "You okay?" You ask him while stroking his tear stained cheeks. 
Younghoon sleepily nods against your palms with a small, content smile. "Was good.." 
"Okay baby, I'll get you cleaned up a bit yeah?" You reply and peck his nose before moving off of him, both of you hissing when his dick slips out of you. 
You wipe both of you down with a wet washcloth, cover the two of you under the blanket and pull him against your chest. "Sleep well, Hoonie" 
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robbyswayzekeenes · 3 years
i swear it━ demetri (cobra kai) imagine
demetri x female!reader
some more demetri angst/fluff, this one takes place in s3e5 so major spoilers, also when they broke demetri’s arm my heart shattered THAT’S MY BABY LEAVE HIM ALONE
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“Get the fuck off of him!” Y/N screamed, watching as Hawk held his former best friend in a pin, his arm outstretched behind him. The girl surged forward in an attempt to get to Demetri, but was restrained by three Cobra Kai’s— one on each arm and one round her waist. The teenagers jeered and coaxed Hawk on, and he pulled Demetri’s arm tighter at their cheers. Tory, of course, was the ringleader, jeering “Do it, Hawk!” as Demetri whimpered and pleaded with the one person he had once cared about most in the world.
The rest of the Miyagi-Do students were nowhere to be seen; probably beaten into unconsciousness or forced to flee. It was only Demetri, with his face pressed to the floor, and Y/N, unable to move an inch, who remained in the battle. “Eli, do not fucking do it. That’s your fucking best friend!” Y/N called, hoping to get through to the boy she had once considered a close friend, but her pleas were drowned out by Tory kicking her in the stomach, winding the h/c haired girl, and replacing her words with “Hawk, finish him!”
Eli contemplated for another moment or two before his muscles tensed. Y/N only had time to scream “No!” before a harsh snap and the cries of a broken boy filled the room. The Cobra’s hollered and jeered as Demetri writhed in pain, and tears spilled from his eyes. “Pussy,” Tory scoffed, watching the dark haired boy scream in agony, and the teenagers holding back Y/N finally let her go in order to congratulate Hawk. Instantly, she rushed forwards, rolling Demetri gently onto his front and taking his head in her lap. “Get the fuck out of here you assholes!” The e/c eyed girl seethed, lacing her fingers with those of Demetri’s good hand, allowing him to squeeze in a hope it would alleviate some of the pain. Watching as the other Cobra’s turned to leave, Y/N noticed Hawk lingering for just a second too long, but she had no patience for his regret. After a second or two of eye contact filled with hatred and rage, Y/N broke it and turned all her attention to Demetri.
Demetri sobbed into the girl’s lap, the pain excruciating, and it hurt the h/c’s heart to hear. “I’ve got you, D,” Y/N whispered, running a hand through his hair and wishing she could do more to soften the pain. “They can’t hurt you anymore.” “It hurts,” Demetri sobbed, his grip tightening around the girl’s hand as he winced, thrashing in agony. “Y/N, please, it hurts.” “Someone call an ambulance, please!” The h/c called into the abandoned lazer zone arena, and her words echoed through the hollow walls. “Please, Demetri’s hurt!” Looking down, Y/N noticed the pale blue of her jeans darkened by tears from Demetri’s eyes, and she felt her own eyes begin to sting. The dark haired boy continued to sob in her lap, crying out in agony as the pain wracked through his body.
Chris and a few other Miyagi-Do students rounded the corner, looking beaten, battered and sluggish, but they were sparked back into action as soon as they noticed Demetri. “Shit, what happened?” Chris asked, and Y/N finally let the tears spill over as Demetri cried out again. “Call an ambulance, please. Eli broke his fucking arm.” “Holy shit,” Chris breathed as one of the others rushed to pull out his phone and dial 999. “Go find Sam, please,” Y/N ordered, and Chris and the others nodded, darting off to go find the LaRusso girl, and the other to take the call. “Shit, Y/N, it hurts. It hurts so bad,” The dark haired boy cried again, still writhing in agony in her lap, though shock was beginning to set in. “I know, baby, I know,” The girl soothed, taking Demetri’s face in her hands and wiping his tears. “But the ambulance will be here soon and then you’ll be okay, I swear it, Demetri.”
The boy stopped shaking as much as the shock set in, but he was still sobbing, and the dark patches his tears created kept getting bigger. “How-” He hiccuped lowly, “How could he do th-this to me? He was m-my—” another hiccup “—best friend.” “I don’t know, baby. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Y/N whispered, wiping his tears and pushing wisps of his dark hair behind his ears. The h/c haired girl pressed soft kisses to Demetri’s forehead as she kept his hair back, and Chris came rounding the corner with Sam and the others. “Oh, god, Demetri,” Sam gasped as she saw him, but one look from Y/N told her to stay back, and she obeyed. “Where’s the ambulance?” The girl questioned, and Chris answered with, “It’s on it’s way, we should carry Demetri outside.” The boy whimpered a little, causing Y/N to lean down. “You think we can move you outside, D?” Her voice was a soft whisper, and she pressed another kiss to the top of Demetri’s head. He nodded, wincing again, and Y/N called Chris and Sam forwards to help lift Demetri to his feet.
She kept hold of his good hand as Sam stabilised the other, causing the boy to let out another sob. Together, they managed to haul a still crying Demetri out of the lazer zone arena and into the main of Golf ‘N’ Stuff, earning many looks from employees and customers alike. Y/N knew Demetri hated being the centre of attention, especially looking like this, bruised and broken, so she kept a tight hold on him, so he knew he wasn’t alone. When they made it outside, the ambulance was just pulling up, and medics were quick to pull Demetri from the others and load him into the ambulance. “C-Can Y/N come w-with me?” The dark haired boy managed, trying to ignore as a nurse injected pain killers into his shoulder. “Of course,” She answered, and Y/N was quick to hop in beside Demetri, taking his hand in her own again. “We’ll meet you at the hospital,” Chris promised as another nurse closed the door and they began the journey to the hospital.
The dark haired boy’s pain subsided, but his tears never lessened. Y/N wound her arm around his good arm, pressing a kiss to the tall boy’s temple. “Still hurting?” She asked, causing the boy to nod. “A little. More inside than out.” “I get it,” The e/c eyed girl sighed, allowing Demetri to rest his head on her shoulder despite the height difference. “Maybe it’s best just not to think about it.” “And think about what else?” The brown eyed boy exclaimed, attempting to accentuate with his arms but only causing himself to wince in agony. Y/N thought for a moment, before using her hand to turn Demetri’s chin up and pressing her lips to his. He was quick to kiss back, though it was softer than usual, Y/N being afraid to cause the boy any more pain.  “Think about that,” Y/N whispered after pulling away, and Demetri was quick to nod before pulling the girl back in. “I can do that.”
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kits-ships · 3 months
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knuffled · 3 years
Just Practice - Chapter 18
it’s finally over. here’s the last chapter. important notes at the end for those that are interested. thank you all so much for your support. it’s been a wild ride, and i’m glad i got to see it through to the end. 
ao3 link
It was perhaps the first time that Annabeth had ever felt nervous standing in front of the Jackson residence. She shifted uneasily on her heels and wiped her palms on her jeans before knocking on the front door. Usually, she felt more at home here than anywhere else in the world, but she felt entitled to a little anxiety given the circumstances. Not long after, Sally opened the front door and showed her inside with a smile.
“Hi, honey. It’s been a while, huh?” Sally said.
Annabeth nodded and offered her a small smile. “Yeah. It has. Things have been pretty hectic lately.”
“Percy told me you were in the hospital for a while. Are you alright?” Sally said, closing the door behind her.
“Yeah, I just injured my leg at a meet,” Annabeth said.
“Oh no, what happened?” Sally asked, furrowing her brow.
“I, um, tore my ACL,” Annabeth mumbled. “It’s still recovering, but I can walk on my own now. It’ll be a while before I can start running again, though.”
“I am so sorry to hear that. I would have visited, but I’ve been out all month doing more of those goddamned book tours,” Sally huffed.
“Oh, it’s no problem,” Annabeth said. “I appreciate the thought though.”
There was a pause and Annabeth looked around the living room without meaning to. Sally gave her a smile and said, “If you’re looking for Percy, he’s upstairs in his room.”
Annabeth flushed and nodded. “Thanks. I’m gonna head on up then.”
“I’ll be taking Estelle out shopping, and Paul won’t be home until later today,” Sally informed her.
Annabeth blinked, somewhat confused. “Oh, alright. I’ll see you later then.”
“You should have plenty of time to yourselves,” Sally said, giving her a knowing look. “I’m guessing that you’ll need it judging by the sorry state that my son has been in the past few weeks.”
Annabeth’s face turned even redder and she nodded and made her way up to Percy’s room. She paused in front of his bedroom door and screwed her eyes and took a deep breath. Annabeth heard him in the shower, which diffused her nervousness before she stepped inside his room.
Percy’s bedroom hadn’t changed much, if at all, over the years. The room was sparsely decorated - almost nothing adorned the cream colored walls. There was still a full sized bed nestled against one corner of the room, draped with a fluffy blanket he hadn’t bothered to fold. Blue curtains framed a window overlooking the willow tree in his backyard, the one they used to climb when they were kids. On the other end of the room was an office chair, piled high with messy clothes, sitting in front of a well worn cherrywood desk. The desk was littered with stray homework papers, half-empty energy drinks, and a bobble head of some athlete Annabeth didn’t recognize.
Annabeth wandered over and looked at the four photos he had taped to the wall above the desk. One of them was with his mother at the beach in Montauk from back when he was a freshman. Another was one of the entire family at an amusement park. There was one with him and all of their friends sitting in front of a bonfire at Piper’s birthday party that past summer. And the final one was one of him with her, his hand thrown carelessly around her shoulder as she leaned into the crook of his neck, a contented smile on her face. The soft look on his face, like she had just hung the moon for him, brought a lump to her throat.
Annabeth jumped back and turned to see Percy standing in the doorway, towel drying his hair. He was wearing an old swim team shirt from middle school and his penguin pajamas. The familiar scent of his body wash clung to his skin, unmasked by the cologne he usually wore. There was a careful expression on his face, like she had caught him unawares.
“H-Hey,” Annabeth said breathlessly.
“I, uh, wasn’t expecting you for another hour,” Percy said cautiously.
“Sorry,” Annabeth said, rocking on her heels. “Should I leave?”
“No, it’s fine,” Percy said quickly. “Why don’t you sit down?”
Annabeth nodded and sat on his bed. Percy rushed over to gather the clothes that had piled on top of the chair and hurriedly stuffed them in his closet. He hung the towel from his open window sill to dry and sat across from her in the office chair.
There was an uncharacteristically nervous look on his face, but it actually comforted Annabeth. She would have felt awkward if she was the only one feeling apprehensive.
“I, um, didn’t see you at school this week,” Annabeth said.
Percy rubbed the back of his neck. “Needed some time off. I haven’t been feeling very good.”
Guilt bubbled in the pit of Annabeth’s stomach. She knew that was her fault, but that he was too nice to tell her that.
She cleared her throat and said, “Sorry to hear that. Are you doing better now?”
Percy breathed a laugh and shrugged. “More or less.”
There was an awkward pause before Percy gestured to her leg. “How’s your knee?”
Annabeth glanced down at it and quickly looked back at him. “Oh, um, it’s fine. I had surgery done a few weeks back and it went well. I’ve started doing physical therapy now, but it’ll still be a while before I can start running again.”
“But you should make a full recovery, right?” Percy asked tentatively.
Annabeth nodded and stared down at her lap, playing with her fingers. “Yeah, the doctors said there shouldn’t be any issues since it was only a partial tear, but we won’t know for sure until I finish therapy.”
“That sounds like good news,” Percy said carefully.
Annabeth mustered a smile and said, “Yeah. About as good as I could hope for anyways.”
There was another brief pause and then Annabeth said, “I, um, also talked to the coach at Berkeley and told him about my injury.”
Percy’s leg bounced up and down. “And what did he say?”
“Well, he wasn’t happy about it,” Annabeth began. “But they’re not rescinding my scholarship.”
Percy made to move out of his seat and give her a hug, a grin splitting across his face, before he thought better of it and sat back down. A crushing sensation formed in the hollow of her chest as his grin waned into a sheepish smile.
“That’s wonderful, Annabeth,” Percy said softly. “I’m sure that’s a huge relief-”
“I’m sorry for how I acted at the hospital,” Annabeth blurted.
The smile slid off Percy’s face, but Annabeth powered through anyways. “You were only trying to help, and I lashed out at you for no good reason. That was awful of me, and I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for that.”
Percy nodded in a clipped manner and said, “Apology accepted.”
Annabeth was surprised that Percy hadn’t tried to downplay the whole thing by saying it wasn’t a big deal. A lump formed in her throat - her words must have cut deeper than she realized.
“It really hurt, hearing all that, but you had every right to say it,” Percy continued.
Annabeth shook her head and said, “No, I- I was just being cruel.”
He offered her a strained smile and shrugged helplessly. “You were still right though. About all of it. There’s no excuse for me not telling you about Kara, for hiding so much from you.”
Annabeth pursed her lips and resisted the urge to argue with him.
Percy hunched forward in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair violently. “I’ve been thinking about it non-stop, trying to figure out why I did that, but I still don’t really get it. I want to tell you, so badly, but there’s a part of me that just can’t. It’s really fucking frustrating and confusing.”
He paused and exhaled forcefully. “Honestly, the only thing it’s made me realize is how fucked up I am.”
The pain and bitterness in his voice tore up Annabeth inside. “That’s not true.”
“It is,” Percy said, shaking his head insistently. “I wish I could just show you somehow. Make you understand-”
“Percy, good person,” she stressed. “Maybe you can’t see it, but I can-”
“Well, you don’t actually know me,” Percy snapped.
Annabeth must have looked as devastated as she felt because Percy’s eyes immediately swelled with guilt and repentance.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that,” he said quietly.
“No, you’re right,” Annabeth admitted shakily. “I don’t really know you. I thought I did, but I was wrong.”
“That’s not your fault,” Percy insisted. “I’m just- it’s fucking impossible for me to ever let anyone actually see me.”
Then who have I been seeing this entire time?
The thought hung heavily in her mind but she forced herself to ignore it. Still, she found it hard not to let despair swallow her whole. She couldn’t help thinking about how Reyna had said that at a certain point, you had to accept that there was really nothing that you could do. She was clearly out of her depth here. Honestly, she stood a snowball’s chance in hell of actually saying something helpful.
She sat there in silence and watched the conflicted look on Percy’s face. His lips were pressed in a thin line and his eyes shone with focused intensity, like he was at a swim meet. If this was only going to cause him so much pain, she never should have told him she wanted to talk. At the same time, she couldn’t help feeling like she needed to do something for him. Whatever he was holding inside was clearly eating at him. She couldn’t just leave it alone and act like it wasn’t her problem. Percy never would have done so if their roles were reversed.
Percy surprised her by punching his leg in frustration and releasing a shuddering exhale before he looked at her and spoke.
“No- No matter what, I can’t help thinking this all points back to Gabe.”
Annabeth furrowed her brow. “Your step-father?”
Percy nodded and said, “I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately. It’s weird, but he’s wrapped up in all this. I just know it.”
Annabeth dug her fingernails into her palms. Percy never talked about Gabe, but Annabeth had more than an inkling of what he did - how some days Percy came to school with a sullen look, wincing when he sat down, and gingerly probed parts of his body when he thought nobody was watching; days when he hardly smiled or even said a word to her and she would wordlessly slide him her homework at lunch to copy.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Annabeth said.
Despite what Piper said about needing to press Percy, Annabeth knew there were some wounds that were better left untouched.
Percy balled his hands into fists and shook his head. “No, I have to. Otherwise, I’ll lose you for good.”
Annabeth’s heart squeezed in her chest, so she took his hands in hers and said, “Look Percy, I don’t want to pressure you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with. It’s fine if there are things you can’t talk about. You have nothing to prove to me. No matter what, you’re still my best friend, and you’re never going to lose me. Okay?”
“Really?” Percy asked quietly.
The way his voice sounded, raw and bleeding, made self-loathing fester in the pit of her stomach.
“Yes, really,” Annabeth said tersely. “I’m so sorry that I forced you into a corner like this. I was wrong about what I said at the hospital. I did something terrible to you.”
“Don’t say that, Annabeth,” Percy said tightly. “It’s not your fault. At all. You’ve been nothing but endlessly patient with me. I- I’m just not strong enough.”
Annabeth shook her head. “You’re the strongest person I know, but you don’t have to do this all on your own. There’s probably not a whole lot that I can do to help, but at least I can help share your burden and listen.”
Percy was quiet for a minute before he looked at her with a hard gaze. “Are you sure about this? It’s not a very fun story to listen to.”
“Yes,” Annabeth said immediately.
“If it ever gets to be too much, let me know,” Percy said sternly.
Annabeth took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “Don’t worry about me. I’m here for you.”
Percy exhaled forcefully and nodded before staring down at his lap. A minute or two passed before he was ready to speak again, and Annabeth could see conflict and pain swirl in his eyes like whirlpools of emotion.
“He was nice at the start, you know?” Percy said quietly. “He wasn’t all that bad the first few months after they got married. Sometimes he’d get me some candy on his way home from work. Teach me how to throw a baseball. Normal stuff like that. But then, at some point, things changed. Still can’t figure out why. Like, was he just hiding how awful he was the entire time or did something change in him? Guess it doesn’t matter now.”
He paused for a moment and said, “The first time I remember him hitting her, I was eight years old. He was really tearing into me about getting in trouble at school, telling me how much of a fuck up I was, how I was a stupid kid who couldn’t do anything right, and mom defended me.”
“At some point, he got so pissed he chucked a plate at my head and barely missed. It shattered on the wall and gave me this,” Percy said, tugging down his shirt sleeve to reveal the crescent shaped scar on his shoulder.
Annabeth traced the scar with trembling fingers and tried to stomach the nausea and rage she felt brewing inside her.
“Mom went ballistic after that, but that just pissed him off,” Percy said slowly. “Gabe hit her so hard her head hit the wall and started bleeding. You can still see the dent downstairs in the living room. Then, he grabbed me by the hair and forced me to look at her, crumpled on the floor. I can still remember the stink of cheap cigarettes on his breath and him whispering in my ear, ‘This is all your fault, kid.’”
“Christ,” Annabeth whispered.
“Yeah, I know right,” Percy said, smiling wryly. “And that’s just one story - I have hundreds of them. Like, remember how I forgot my field trip form to the zoo in 5th grade?”
When Annabeth nodded, Percy said, “Well, they had to send me home because there weren’t any teachers at school that day. Mom was at work, so Gabe had to pick me up. He was super pissed that I made him miss his poker game, so he was bitching at me the entire ride home. At some point, I snapped and told him to fuck off. Next thing I know, he punches me in the stomach so hard that I puked all over the floor of his Camaro. Of course, that only made him even angrier, so he beat the shit out of me and made me clean up the mess.”
Annabeth tried to keep her voice steady. “Tell me you told somebody.”
Percy smiled humorlessly and said, “And who would I tell? My mom? The woman working three jobs, married to an abusive piece of shit that hits her, with a kid who only ever seems to fuck up at school and embarrass her? No, she had enough on her plate as it was. I couldn’t add more.”
“Then the teachers-”
“Annabeth, you remember how it was for me in school. The teachers hated me,” Percy said bitterly. “To them, I was just a trouble-maker. How could I turn to them? And besides, even if I did, what good would it do? Gabe would just deny it and take it out on me or mom later.”
Percy leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Eventually, I just got used to it. He was smart about it too. Always made sure my mom wasn’t around and that the wounds wouldn’t show anywhere someone might see. And over time, it just become something normal, and I got used to never telling someone about it.”
He paused for a moment and clutched at the fabric of his shirt, over his stomach. “Even telling you right now is like physically painful for me. Like my stomach is in knots and every cell in my body is telling me to run. A part of me keeps whispering, no matter how much I try and ignore it, that I’m not allowed to ask for help, that I- that I deserve this because it’s my fault.”
Annabeth took a sharp inhale and bit her quivering lower lip to keep from crying. She had always known Percy had had a troubled life, but she had never expected that it would be this horrific. He was the best person that she knew and he deserved so much more than this. It was profoundly unfair and tragic and wrong and she didn’t know how to fix it or if it was even possible to fix it.
“None of that was your fault, Percy,” Annabeth said tersely. “He was a sick, twisted piece of shit, and you shouldn’t believe a single word that came out of his mouth.”
“I’ve been telling myself that for the past five years, Annabeth, but there’s some part of me that doesn’t believe it,” Percy said softly. “That fucked up shit he did and said to me is still there, rattling around in my head, and I can’t make it stop.”
He balled his hands into fists. “He sort of beat into me that I was responsible for everything. It was always my fault because I was a bad kid or a fuck up. And he was kind of right too. Mom was having such a hard time back then and I never made things easier for her either, always getting into trouble at school. I tried to be a good kid. I really did. It just wasn’t ever good enough. I just kept letting people down and that hasn’t ever stopped.”
Before Annabeth could interject, he looked at her and said, “You asked me at the hospital why I never told you about Kara. The truth is that I hate myself for being so shitty to her. Like, I drove her into a corner and made her feel so insecure and alone that I forced her into cheating on me. I should’ve been a better boyfriend to her-”
“Percy, what Kara did was her own decision,” Annabeth interrupted. “Maybe you could have done a better job, but you can’t force someone to cheat on you. Kara even admitted that it was her fault and said she wanted to apologize to you for it.”
He stared at her for a few beats and a myriad of conflicted emotions flashed in his eyes before he shrugged noncommittally and turned away. Annabeth ground her teeth together and moved off the bed before she even realized what she was doing. She framed his face with her hands and forced him to look into her eyes.
“Listen to me, you are a good person,” Annabeth said tightly.
Percy averted his gaze. “I’m really not, Annabeth. I’m just trying to make up for the fact that I’m- well, me.”
“And I’m telling that it’s okay not to be perfect! Because that’s the standard you’re holding yourself to! We all hurt and let each other down, Percy. That’s fucking normal!” Annabeth fumed.
“What’s the fucking point if nothing ever changes?” Percy shouted, his voice cracking. “I try and try and try, and I still keep hurting the people I care about, and I’m just- I’m so fucking sick of it, Annabeth.”
“People hurt each other all the time, Percy, sometimes just by existing! You’re looking at a prime fucking example of that,” Annabeth shouted, jabbing a thumb at herself.
“Like, how many times have I hurt you through my own carelessness? And yeah, it breaks my heart sometimes knowing how awful I’ve been to you, but I’m trying to be better because you’re the most important person in the world to me and I don’t want to lose you. And I learned that from you! Because isn’t that what you’ve always done? Tried to be better?” she demanded.
At this, Percy was silent, and Annabeth sat back on the bed, sighing. “That’s what actually matters, Percy: the fact that you’ve never stopped trying. You don’t always have to nail yourself to the cross anytime you fail.”
There was a pause before Percy quietly said, “I- I don’t know how not to.”
“Well, it starts by acknowledging that it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes,” Annabeth said, softening her voice. “Your mom once told me that you would rather put yourself in pain to ease someone else’s suffering, that you feel responsible for how others feel. Like, I know that Gabe was the one that taught you that, but that’s really fucking unhealthy. You need to see a professional therapist or counselor to help you process all the shit he put you through and teach you a better way to handle it.”
“And what if that doesn’t work? What if it’s too late to help me?” Percy asked.
“Then we’ll figure it out when the time comes,” Annabeth said, repeating what he had told her at the hospital.
“I’m not sure I’m worth all that effort,” Percy said tightly.
“Well, I’m your best friend and I think you’re the sweetest, kindest boy there ever was and that you’re worth the whole world,” Annabeth said.
She thought he would argue with her again, but she was surprised when Percy scrunched up his face and looked away from her, blinking back tears. He rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand and nodded with a sniffle. Her heart welled up inside her chest and she felt a sense of fond exasperation rush through her, making her smile to herself.
Oh, you dumb, stupid boy.
“Thank you,” Percy mumbled.
Annabeth shook her head, even though he couldn’t see her. “There’s nothing to thank me for.”
It was a while before he looked at her again, and when he did, he looked up at her shyly through his stupidly long eyelashes.
“D-Did you mean what you said in the hospital?” he whispered.
Percy’s face turned a gentle shade of vermilion. “Um, about being in love with me?”
Annabeth’s face turned serious. “Yes. I should have chosen a better time, but I meant it. One hundred percent.”
She couldn’t help the way her lips curled upwards. “That’s all you have to say to me? ‘Oh’?”
Percy’s face turned even redder. “Um, I’ve been dreaming about this moment for like seven years, so you’ll have to forgive me for the fact that my brain is kind of fried right now.”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow and tried not to look smug. “Seven years, huh? That is a long time to hold your peace.”
“In my defense, you always hated it when people said anything about us dating, so I tried to kill off that part of myself and fully commit to just being friends,” Percy said.
“I’m sorry about that,” Annabeth said seriously. “I must have hurt you a lot.”
“It was painful,” Percy admitted. “But I was happy enough staying by your side.”
“The whole fake dating thing was super tone deaf then on my part, huh?” Annabeth said quietly.
“I should have refused, but I couldn’t help myself,” Percy said, grimacing. “I wanted to pretend, even if it was just for a little while, that you actually liked me back. It was a pretty bad idea, but I even tried dropping a bunch of hints since I couldn’t tell you how I felt, in the hopes that it might change something, I don’t know.”
“Well, it wasn’t all bad,” Annabeth said. “It got me to realize a whole bunch of things. Without that whole fiasco, I don’t think we’d be where we are right now.”
Percy cleared his throat and said, “And where is that exactly?”
Annabeth sat up straighter and folded her hands on her lap. “Well, for starters, I’d like to start dating you. For real this time.”
“Are you sure?” Percy asked, furrowing his brow. “We’ll have to be long distance once the fall rolls around.”
“I’m sure,” Annabeth said firmly. “Besides, we’ll be in the same state.”
“Would be nice if we were closer instead of on opposite ends,” Percy said, sighing.
Annabeth shrugged and said, “It’s a five hour and forty-two minute drive, so not all bad.”
“And you know that off the top of your head?” Percy asked, grinning.
“I, um, checked on Google maps.”
Percy gave her a smarmy look and raised an eyebrow. “Hmm, so you came here today planning expecting to ask me out, huh?”
Annabeth shoved him and bit back a smile. “I checked back in December, you jerk.”
Percy made a show of wincing and said, “Alright, alright, take it easy.”
There was a pause before Annabeth folded her arms over her chest and said, “You still haven’t properly answered me, by the way.”
“I thought it went without saying that I would say yes,” Percy said, blinking.
Annabeth’s face turned a little pink. “I- I still want to hear you say it.”
Percy ducked his chin for a moment and looked at her shyly. “Yes, I would love to go out with you.”
Her heart beat a little faster in her chest and exhilaration washed through her. “Nice.”
Percy blinked for a moment and nodded sagaciously. “Yes, nice.”
Annabeth shoved him again and ended up tackling him off his chair and fell on the floor with him. He wrapped an arm around her and laughed, and the sound reverberated through his skin and warmed her right through her bones. They lay like that for a while, tangled in each other, while he played with her hair.
Eventually, she looked up at him and cleared her throat. “So what happens next?”
Percy raised an eyebrow. “Why are you asking me?”
“You’re the one with all the dating experience,” Annabeth protested hotly.
Percy tried for a shrug and said, “Beats me. We could go get some celebratory shakes at Martha’s maybe?”
When Annabeth was quiet, he looked down at her and said, “Did you have something else in mind?”
“Well, um, if you were open to it, I would like to kiss you now,” Annabeth mumbled.
A beat passed before Percy bit back an enormous grin. “Sounds agreeable to me.”
“Don’t make me deck you again,” Annabeth warned.
“Alright, you absolute terror.”
“Always so mean, Chase.”
“Shut up, Jackson.”
“Are we gonna kiss or what?”
“You’re supposed to be the one leading, dumbass. I’ve never done this before, remember?”
“Okay well, for starters, don’t bash your nose into mine like that.”
“Oh my god, I actually hate you.”
“What you have a problem with the way I’m ‘leading’?”
“Just shut up and kiss me, you idiot.”
“Alright, no need to get so testy.”
“U-Um, yeah. Could we, uh, do it again? You know, just for practice?”
“Sure. Just for practice.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“Just so you know: it’s too late for take backs.”
“Too late?”
“Yeah, way too late.”
“I love you.”
“I know. Now, can we go back to the kissing, please?”
“You’re not gonna break my heart, are you, Annabeth Chase?”
“I won’t.”
“And I love you too.”
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hi enjoy this random snippet of a sad ysijwa extra that has to do with Niall coming over to Harry’s place one night when he’s feeling particularly emotional about missing his family
They sit in silence for a while on Harry’s elegant couch, listening to his record player churn out songs from an era long lost, the music notes duller than usual. The duo takes turns drinking from the bottle of bourbon, which Niall had fetched from his cabinet before wandering down to Harry’s flat, staring out at the city with all its twinkling lights coming from surrounding buildings and the traffic down below.
Niall speaks first, his voice low and heavy and thick from the alcohol, which is so unlike him since his accent is usually so airy and full of joy. “I miss them, H.”
Harry takes a long swig from the bottle, his mother’s opal ring clacking against the glass. The small stone feels like a metal barbell on his finger, as it always does whenever he gets in such a somber headspace. He extends the glass container towards Niall, his face remaining neutral as he watches a car run a red light, a chorus of angry honking and distant yelling following the risky move.
His voice is just as dense as Niall’s. “I do, too.”
His friend takes the bourbon, setting it on his knee and studying the amber liquid hollowly, watching it swish around along the sides of the bottle. “I miss my sisters.”
Harry exhales slowly, a prickling sensation washing across the backs of his eyes. “I miss mine, too. And my parents.”
His eyes slide over to the liquor in Niall’s possession, an ancient memory surfacing in the murky fog in his mind, clearing its way through the clouds created by the liquid in his system. The burning in his eyes gradually funnels towards his sinuses, making his nose sting with longing dread as he recalls his past. “Bourbon was my dad’s favorite.”
Niall looks over at him with sympathetic curiosity reflecting across his dim eyes. The icy blue that is usually present has faded away, replaced by a sad grey that Harry rarely ever witnesses. Over the years, Niall and Harry have come to an unspoken agreement that whenever they are hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia and pain regarding the people they had lost, the person they will come to for comfort will always be each other. Despite the fact that the lives they had led back in the 19th century were somewhat different, they can both relate to the notion of having been the head of their respective families, both emotionally and literally, and it’s a commonality that all of their other friends are lucky enough not to share. They were both the sole, eldest sons bared by their parents, which meant the weight of their loved ones’ futures had rested on their shoulders alone.
Niall was the main father figure for all his sisters growing up, considering their actual father was constantly slaving away in the fields of their farm, breaking his back in order to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. He and his mother raised his siblings to be as strong and independent as they could, since one day they would be married and have to take care of a household of their own. Niall was meant to take over the family farm when the time came, and pave his own route to a brighter future where he would have a wife and children to help him get by. When the famine worsened, all of their dreams crumbled to dust right along with their only means to survival, and Niall sacrificed his own rations and well-being towards his sisters in an effort to aid them in making it out alive. It was a futile attempt, unfortunately, since malnutrition weakened their immune systems and left them vulnerable to diseases that very few women ever survived. In the end, he and everyone he cared for died due to the terrible conditions set upon them by the famine, and all of his life’s work perished right along with his beating heart.
When it came to Harry, his story of being the leading man of his family was almost just as tragic. He was set to inherit his father’s blacksmith business, which was the only source of income his family had ever known, and since owning the shop would be vital to his success in society, he sacrificed his youth in preparation for the responsibility that would be set on his shoulders once he came of age. He very rarely allowed himself any free time to relax or intermingle with people of his own age, which resulted in his stunted social skills and lack of romantic suitors. He was nearly thirty when he finally began looking for a lifelong partner, at his mother’s concerned behest, and the one he found turned out to be the first and last he’d ever have in a manner he never expected. With his disappearance from the family lineage, all of the obligations he’d carried were passed on to his sister instead, which was a burden he had hoped she’d never have to bear. Ownership of the business shifted to Gemma’s husband, and though it was saved from being abandoned, it no longer belonged to the people who founded it, and the sentimentality behind its creation was therefore lost to a great extent.
In the end, both young men felt like they had failed the people they loved the most, and they never got to say a proper goodbye before being torn away by a cruel reality neither had asked for.
No matter how many times they’ve been in this same position, Harry will never get used to seeing this dampened version of the lively Irishmen. It’s like he’s looking at a shell of the person he so well knows, hollowed out by the debt of the people and connections he left behind. It feels like he’s looking at the corpse his friend was meant to be.
“He always managed to get a bottle around Christmas time.” Harry continues, his sight still trained on the bottle in his friend’s grasp, as if he can see the clips from his past replaying across the reflective surface of the beverage inside. The edges of his lips twitch as a happier recollection dawns on him, the dark circles around his eyes seeming to sink deeper into his skin as fond melancholy settles across his features. “I remember the first drink I ever had was bourbon, actually. It was at a Christmas ball the town was holding, and it was open to the general public. My dad pulled me aside and offered it to me; told me not to tell mum or that she’d skin him alive. I was fourteen.”
Harry releases a tight laugh, his vision growing blurry with tears. “He said he’d had his first drink with his dad, as well, and that he wanted to uphold the tradition.”
“How was it?” Niall murmurs gently, his tone encouraging instead of prying. He wants to guide Harry through his feelings, just as Harry always does with him.
Harry’s chapped lips crack into a full smile now, another strained laugh vibrating in his chest. “It was fucking rank. I spit it out the second it touched my tongue and nearly threw up my dinner.”
Niall joins his friend in laughing, instilling some much needed humor into the dark ambiance of the room. “Pussy.”
“I’d never drank before!” Harry defends, giving him a flat scowl. “And bourbon is a pretty brutal alcohol to lose your liquor virginity to.”
“I suppose. Still doesn’t change the fact that you were a sissy.”
The vampire narrows his eyes pettily. “How old were you when you had your first drink, then?”
Niall squares his shoulders proudly, puffing out his chest a tad as he answers the question haughtily. “Twelve. It was scotch, and I downed it like a fucking champ.”
“And now you’re a raging twat with severe alcoholic tendencies. A lot of good that did you, huh?”
“At least I didn’t embarrass myself in front of all the girls at that ball. No wonder you didn’t get laid.”
“I was waiting for marriage!”
“Tell that to the psychotic blonde with nice tits and murderous intentions.”
Harry snorts, kicking one foot off his coffee table and shoving Niall’s knee with the heel of his boot. “Piss off.”
The pair remain quiet for a moment, the comical atmosphere gradually fading away. With a shaky breath, Harry continues his story.
“Dad said it was okay. He said he’d reacted the same way, and that I would eventually develop a taste for it the older I got. He said that one day, he wanted me to—” His voice cracks with sudden emotion, and he sniffles roughly to get himself back in order. But despite his best efforts, he can’t stop his accent from quivering as he lets out his next sentence, the words sour and painful on his tongue. “He said that one day, he hoped I would do the same with my own son.”
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kaijime · 4 years
edging and overstimulating
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@vosiro. Ok but female reader edging kuroo till he begs then riding him till he’s overstimulated 🌝🌝 please fuel my demons 🙄💯
includes. kuroo tetsurou
cw. straight up smut
a/n. Your demons have been fueled (at least I hope so) now here🥤some water for our thirsty ass.
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Its only been a few minutes since you touched him but it feels like hours, the way your hands are wrapped nicely around the base of his cock was a lovely sight for an excited Kuroo, yet not enough to get him off. He put a hand on your head, urging you to use your mouth on him and give him the relief he needed. You stopped all your movements and he hung his mouth open at the lack of friction where he most needed you
“Ah, Kuroo... don’t be impatient” you hold your hand on his cock and thrust it up and down, making him feel the oh so good warmth he needed. Leaning your head to his crotch area you give the tip swollen tip an experimental lick, watching it twitch with need. “So good for me”
“Please (Y/n)” He whines. And maybe it was the way your name rolled off his tongue but in that moment you wanted to watch him become putty in your hands. So when you felt him twitch in your hand again, a sign of his close release, you stopped all your movements, every thrust of your hand, every rub on his pretty pink tip. Which led to him sighing a moan as a sign of defeat. “No- please, I didn’t want to stop. It felt so good! Wh-why’d you stop?”
“Where’s the fun in makin you cum so easily?” The air was filled with his want; his need for you to do something, anything to relieve the pain of his aching cock. He puts a hand to your arm, squeezing it tightly in desperation.
You look up to him, his eyes are frustrated and conflicted, the word ‘please’ written all over them. You played along and leaned down to kiss the tip, a quick peck before taking him in your mouth completely. You grabbed with your hands what couldn’t fit in your mouth and the familiar pleasure left him defenseless to your touch. He looked so vulnerable, throwing and kicking his feet in ecstasy, pleading silently for anything to happen. The way you hollowed your cheeks around him drove him closer to his climax.
“Baby pl-please! Don’t stop, I need it please” he grabbed your hair, holding it tightly and thrusting his hips up to meet your lips, desperate gasping sounds echoed in the room until you pulled yourself off of him. “No, not again! Please b-babe I wanna cum- I need to cum! I’ll do anything, just- please”
“You seem so frustrated, don’t worry, I’ll give you what you need” you slid off your shorts and underwear, positioning yourself on top of him and rubbing your folds with his tip. You sink yourself down on him, your walls fluttered around him and he lifts his head from the sunken position in the pillows to watch closely where your bodies connected.
You had to admit, he did feel bigger than usual as he kissed your cervix with the tip, and feeling him stretching your walls always made you feel dizzy. Finally tired of the how slow you were lowering yourself on him he grabbed you and pushed you down. You gasped at the pain as he let out a relieved sigh. “I’m sorry... I just really need you”
“Such a needy boy, pushing me because he can’t wait to feel good”
“Don’t tease me (Y/n), y-you know I could easily turn you around and rearrange your guts” you chuckle and bounce on him, giving him a small taste of what he wanted.
“If you can do that why haven’t you?” You balance yourself by putting your hands on his chest and resumed your bouncing, feeling him hit your cervix everytime you sunk down on him. His overwhelmed expression brings a smile to your face. “You can, but you won’t because you’re feeling too good. Having me bounce on your cock makes you weak, doesn’t it?”
He nods his head, his mind is too clouded to process anything he’s doing, he just knows he wants to feel good. He puts his hands on both your thighs, looking for something to hold onto.
“Weak boy, holding onto me. Can’t handle it?” He doesn’t answer, embarrassed by your dirty, humiliating words but feeling too good to care.
“Please-... J-just make me cu-uh” his words got cut short when he felt you clench down on him. It was all intentional, but the way you enveloped him in your warmth and wetness felt so good. Too good, almost milking him of all his cum. Which is exactly why he paints your insides with his white seed.
You could’ve cum along with him but you wanted to hold it in a little longer, just long enough to see how much you could make him whine. He notices the way you keep bouncing on him, as if he hadn’t just came inside, as if you were only chasing your own release.
“(Y/n)? H-hah (Y/n) please-...” watching him writhe beneath you was a lovely sigh, one you would inscribe in your mind for future reference. “Pl-please”
His back is lifted from the bed, arched forward while his eyes had small tears that gathered in the corner of his eyes.
“It feels s-so good-... It’s too much but- h-ah... I can’t cum, it h-hurts”
“What’s the matter? Little boy can’t take it?” His eyes are. Closed shut and his mouth is agape, trying to say all the things he wants to say. How good he feels, how he wants more but at the same time he wanted you to stop. All those thoughts were irrelevant as he felt you tighten around him again, this time you were just as close as he was. “Cum for me”
“I already t-told you-...! I can’t”
“Of course you can” he gave a few final thrusts upwards, matching his hips with yours as he came for a second time, blowing his load inside your already full pussy. You throw our head up at the immense feeling and creamed around his cock. A few more of his needy, unconciously given thrusts and he gave up, his body slumped in the bed. You lean closer to his face and place a kiss on his lips.It was a tired kiss, yet you could feel he really meant it.
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©️ kaijime | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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captainsdolly · 4 years
Steve punishing you (hc)
Alternatively: Steve spanking you and making you swallow his cum (hc)
I was drinking beer out of a coffee cup while writing this, this hoe is a mess today
18+ only!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: Spanking, face fucking, leg riding, daddy kink, dom Steve, name calling (like once...or twice?)
Requested by @donutloverxo​
Not proof read, sorry for any fuck ups
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First of all, Steve doesn’t punish you that often because you’re his sweet little baby girl so he lets you get away with shit more often than not
You just gotta pout, look at him with your big doe eyes and say “I’m sooo sorry daddy” and  he’s a goner
He’s whipped
So basically you’re: spoiled as fuck
So is it your fault that you act out sometimes just because you’re pretty sure you won’t get punished?
No, it’s his fault. Obviously
So here you are, at Stark’s party, flirting with Bucky, touching his arm, laughing at his jokes and all that flirty shit you do when you want free drinks (they’re already free though so like...why?)
You’re playing with your hair, biting your lip and he’s getting more and more confident
He circles his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to whisper something in your ear and you’re like uh oh
But he just tells you that “your Stevie keeps staring at us, doll”
You look over your shoulder and sure enough, he’s standing on the other side of the room, squeezing his beer bottle so tight you feel sorry for it
And his jaw is clenched, oh god
You turn back to Bucky to tell him that you’re gonna go talk to Stevie but before you can open your mouth you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you
That’s the moment you’re supposed to say “I’m soo sorry daddy” but you shut your mouth as soon as you hear a low, dangerous sounding fucking growl
Bucky backs away because you’re Steve’s territory and like he doesn’t want to get punched for getting handsy with you
“You’re in so much trouble”, he whispers against your neck, and next thing you know you’re being dragged out of the room
He then hauls you over his shoulder and carries you to his bedroom while you’re helplessly kicking your legs and slapping his butt
“Please put me down, Stevie, I promise to be good, I’m so sor-“
“No”, he drops you on his bed as soon as the door closes behind you, “none of that. Not this time”
You look up at him and your eyes get wide because he looks FUCKING PISSED
He’s rolling his sleeve’s up to his elbows, not even looking at you and you’re just sitting there quietly, fumbling with the hem of your dress
“What are you waiting for, dumb pup? Strip”
You both know that’s not a request, that’s a command, but you still try and plead with him
You kneel on the bed, reaching for him and he’s still not looking at you even when he lets you pull him closer by his belt
“I’m sorry Stevie, we were just talking and you know how I get after a couple of drinks”
That’s when he looks at you, grabbing your wrists and pushing you back onto the bed
He may be pissed but you’re still the love of his life so he needs to make sure you’re not too drunk for this shit
“How much did you drink?” he crosses his arms and you’re silent for a second because damn those muscles, is it possible to ride a fucking arm?
“Just one cosmo”
He just chuckles, shaking his head and sits down on the bed, patting his thigh
“Clothes off, baby. You know daddy doesn’t like it when you flirt with other men. I wanted to break his fucking arm when I saw him touching you”, you’re about to argue but then you see THE VEIN
So you get naked as fast as you can but apparently, you’re not fast enough and he straight up drags you over to him and puts you into position over his thick thighs
“Am I not good enough for you baby girl? Do I not spoil you enough?”, he asks thorough gritted teeth as he lands the first strike on your bare ass, “Count, baby”
You cry out and weakly say “one”, it already hurts and he’d just started
Also, what’s that between your legs? Oh, you’re wet? Shocker
“Is my cock not enough for you? You want two super soldier cocks to stretch you? Oh baby, you wouldn’t be able to take that”, he lands five more and you count each of them
Tears are streaming down your cheeks and you’re trying to cover your ass but he grips your wrists with one hand while the oder lands on your ass once again
“You’re more than enough for me, Stevie, Daddy... please, I won’t flirt with him anymore, I promise, I won’t flirt with anyone”, you hope your sniffling is enough to soften him but he’s nowhere near done with you
You can feel his hard cock right beneath your chest and you try to move around to wake the beast but he presses his hand on your back, keeping you still
“Five more, baby. Tell daddy who you belong to”, he growls as he lands two more and you cry out, your pussy is throbbing at this point and you want nothing more than to feel his monster cock inside you
“I’m yours, daddy”
“Tell daddy you love him”
“I love you, and only you, daddy”
You’re squirming and writhing under his hand and he’s not letting you move, you bite into the sheets beneath you
He lands the last three and then stops, moves his hand away and just stays still, his palm still holding you down
You’re sobbing into the sheets and your hips start moving, trying to gain some friction
He shakes his head and spread your legs to make sure you get absolutely nothing, what a mean daddy, am I right?
“Daddy... are we done?” his heart breaks when he hears your small voice but he’s gotta be tough
His hand massaging your red, aching ass before he manhandles you into another position and now you’re kneeling between his legs on the ground
He grips your jaw and makes you look at him, your trembling lip and tears in your eyes are not making it easier for him
“No, sweetheart. You need to know your place. You belong to daddy and what did daddy tell you about flirting with Bucky who, may I add, tries to get in your panties every chance he gets?”
“He knows I’m yours, daddy”, you whisper as he leans back to unbuckle his belt and pull his cock out, it’s rock hard and aching to slide inside your cunt but he can’t do that yet
“Yeah? Well, we need to make sure he remembers that, so here’s what’s going to happen,” he doesn’t let go of your jaw, making sure you look him in the eyes and listen to every word he says
“Daddy is going to fuck your beautiful face and you’re going to get off on daddy’s leg. If you don’t make yourself cum before daddy shoots his load into your throat, you’re not getting daddy’s cock for a week. Are we clear, baby doll?”
“Daddy...”, you whine but he tightens his grip on your jaw and you nod quickly
“Then we’re going to go back upstairs and you’re going to tell Bucky what a slut for daddy you are. You’re going to tell him that this tight little cunt is mine”, he growls out the last word, his hand moves to the back of your neck as he pushes you closer to his cock
(That’s probably not the best time to ask him for a threesome with Bucky...)
You straddle his leg and your cheeks heat up because that’s new
“Awww is my baby embarrassed? Come on, ride daddy’s leg. I thought you were desperate for a cock. Or were you desperate for Bucky’s cock exclusively?”
You open your mouth to respond but he pushes his cock between your parted lips and bucks his hips, his tip already hitting the back of your throat
You gag, your fingers clenching on the material of his jeans and he’s holding your head still, not letting you pull back
“Grind that wet pussy on daddy’s leg or you know what happens,” he reminds you as his hips snap up, making you gag and choke around him
You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing your throat to relax and you start moving against his leg, the rough material of his jeans making you gasp
“Ahh, there it is, feel good, pretty baby?” He asks in a condescending tone of voice and you hollow your cheeks around his cockhead as he lets you breathe for a second before slamming his cock back into your throat
He sets a brutal pace, his leg pressing into your core to make you cum quicker because he doesn’t want you to lose this game
His balls are wet from your spit and are slapping against you with every thrust, you can feel his muscles flex under your palms
Your eyes roll back and you feel like you’re about to faint because you can barely breathe at this point and he keeps fucking
“Don’t pass out on me now, daddy’s getting close”
Your hips speed up and you can feel yourself getting closer as well, your juices are soaking Stevie’s jeans
He lifts his leg off the ground, basically lifting you with it and that’s when your orgasm hits you, because oh fuck he’s so strong
You shake and moan, the vibrations making Steve’s cock twitch
“Oh fuck, my cute little baby is gonna make daddy cum”, he chokes out, yanking your head back by your hair, ”shit, shit. Look at me, fucking look at me when I cum in your mouth, dirty little cum slut”
You can see the tiny droplets of sweat running down his forehead, his neck and face red as he pulls back a bit, only his red pulsing tip stays between your parted lips
He’s jerking himself, his other hand gripping your hair tightly and you force yourself to stay upright, the last waves of your orgasm already fading
You’re a weak, drooly mess and the only thing holding you up is his strong grip
“Yeah, baby, such a pretty little girl. Gonna make you swallow it all,” he growls, his  thick creamy cum shoots right into your mouth and you make sure to swallow it all
But it never ends, he keeps cumming and it’s too much, it’s leaking out of the corner of your mouth so you reach up and push it back into your mouth as he shoots a couple more times until his balls are milked dry
“Suck on the tip,” he breathes out, his muscles visibly relaxing and you do as he says before he pulls out completely
“Open up,” he tips your chin up and you open your mouth obediently, showing him you’d swallowed every last drop of his load, “that’s a good girl. Next time you do shit like that, I’ll put my cock in your ass”
He lifts you off of the floor and sits you on his lap, wiping your cheeks with his thumb as his lips leave small little kisses all over you cheeks
“It’s done, it’s over. I’m so proud of you, my little baby, ‘m so fucking proud, daddy loves you”, he whispers, pecking your lips, once, twice, three times until you start giggling
He smiles softly and gives you a couple minutes to come down from your high
“Did you learn your lesson, pup?”
“Yes, daddy”
“Good. Now, get dressed. There’s something you need to tell Bucky”
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firerose · 3 years
The sea
Feedback is apprechiated ;)
Percy was happy. The giant war was over, he was studying with Annabeth so
they could move to new Rome soon. He was happy….. until it happened. 
The thunderstorm should have been a warning, a sign that the lord of the sky was angry but unfortunately Percy was tired of having to deal with the gods so he chooses not to notice it. He cursed himself for that later. 
He had stood up early that morning, awoken by another dream about the hell he and Annabeth had gone through. His mom had already been in the kitchen and he was greeted by her with a warm smile.“ Bad dreams?“, She had asked softly. Percy had only needed to nod and she pulled him into a warm hug. He loved her hugs, he loved that she had forgiven him for being away for so long, he loved his mother for everything. She was the reason the sea inside him was calm.
“Thanks, mom I just wanted to get some fresh air.“, He had told while departing carefully. Percy was grateful for her but he still did not want her to worry too much. If he had only known that this was the last time his mom would hug him, he would have stayed in her arms forever. 
Percy had taken his jacket and walked outside and then………
Thunder, a white light crashing down behind him throwing him forward with the price.
He lay still on the street while people around him ran out of their houses screaming in panic. 
Percy‘s body was burning, he felt blood running down his forehead but all he could think about was his mom who had been exactly where the explosion went off.
The police later assumed that a lightning strike had hit the apartment by accident but Percy knew better. He was brought to a hospital even though his burns were only small. 
He had insisted that he wanted to stay.“Please I have to see if my mom and my stepdad are okay!“, He had begged the paramedics but they did not stop their attempts to get him on the stretcher.“The fire brigade will find them kid. Everything is gonna be okay“, One of them promised but Percy saw in her eyes that it was a hollow promise. His heart ached in despair and when the doors of the ambulance closed tears fell down his cheeks. 
The proof came when the police visited him after the doctors had checked him. They looked devastated, of course, no one wants to tell a son the message that his pregnant mother was dead. Percy took the news with a small nod. He could not do more not even cry. He had been through so much that maybe this last thing had broken something inside him. He could not believe that they would do this, that they would kill his mother after he saved them. His thoughts wander to Paul and his unborn baby sister that he has lost as well and the sea in him slowly starts rising. 
Annabeth soon heard about his suspicion  She stormed into the small hospital room, her face tear-stained. He immediately wrapped her in a hug like it is her that is going through this tragedy.“Percy…...I…..I‘m so sorry.“, She sobbed.“It is not you fault wise girl….he did this.“, Percy claimed and he is surprised by the deadly calmness in his voice.
Annabeth looked at him in confusion but then she understood. Her eyes widened in shock.“No…... Percy……..he wouldn‘t……..“ She tried to say but her unbelieving in her own words stopped her. They both know Nico Di Angelo and they both know his mother died. Percy felt the waves crashing again his chest, he felt them threatening to burst out and so did his rage.“ Come on Annabeth you know Zeus. He is an arrogant asshole who just cares about himself! I fought years for the gods, I went through hell for the gods and now they… they.“, he wasn‘t able to speak anymore, there was too much rage boiling up inside him. He finally processed what happened and the sea in him roared with a desire. A desire for revenge. Annabeth pressed herself closer to him in comfort. She is scared, Percy‘swords scare her and yet she knows that there is nothing she can say to help him. She just hoped that she wasn‘t about to lose him. 
Percy was grateful for his girlfriend but he knew that he couldn‘t stay. The longer he stayed, the more his body was trembling and the sea roared louder.“ I want to talk to Zeus. Now.“, He told Annabeth could. She let him go her eyes full of something he never saw in them before.
“ No Percy that is not a good idea! If he is targeting you then yelling at him would be a great excuse for him to…….. hurt you.“, She answers logically as always but her tone fearful. Percy can‘t help but feel angry at her words.
“I‘m not scared of Zeus and if he wants to kill me he is welcome to try! My mom did not deserve this you know that as well as I so don‘t try to stop me!“, He nearly yells and he departs from her quickly. The storm in him screams in agreement and he looks forward to setting it free, Annabeth hated herself for making him angrier. She loved Sally too so why doesn‘t she support Percy? What did Zeus or any other god ever do for her? A small voice whispers that she just wants to keep him safe but she can also do that against the gods. She gently grabbed his hand and gave him a weak smile.“Okay just let me come with you.“, She pleads and Percy feeling a warm thankfulness for her calming his waves a bit, smiled back. 
The man behind the desk looks at them in shock when they enter the building..“You shouldn‘t be here.“, he claims, his voice sounding a bit concerned. Percy felt cold amusement washing over him.
He killed scarier monsters than this old man. He takes out his sword without a second thought.“ We are exactly where we need to be now let us talk to Zeus or I will try my sword out on you.“, He threatened and did not notice Annabeth‘s worried glance.“You should listen to him! He once took down giant you are no match for him!“, Annabeth‘s voice sounded just as dark as his but she just wanted to keep Percy from doing something he would regret later. The man‘s eyes were stuck on the blade then wandered to Percy‘s eyes as if those could burn him.
He moved back a bit uncomfortable.“ Alright I‘ll let you up.“
Percy felt a sense of victory letting the water rise again. It pushed through his veins and when they entered the small elevator his body tensed from the power it made him feel. The gods would pay for taking his family. They would see what happened if someone pushed him too far. Maybe some days ago he wouldn‘t have felt this darkness but a few days ago he also had a mother. He was overtaken by memories, of her soft voice, her laugh and her hugs. He wondered if it would make her sad to see how angry he was but she certainly was also sad to be killed there was no difference anyway. The memories hurt but they also foiled his anger. 
Percy and Annabeth walked down the way to the god's council in silence. The minor gods and nymphs whispered and pointed at them, their eyes worried some even pitiful. They all knew Percy‘s story and they all feared him.
Only Zeus and Hera were in the throne room  When Percy walked in his eyes immediately landed on Zeus who glared at him in outrage.“HOW DARE YOU COM HERE?!“, The Lord of the skies shouted in fury but Percy did not even wince.  Instead, he glared back.
"How dare you kill my mom?!." Percy spat back. Zeus only looked annoyed but the others gods looked at each other uneasily. Zeus shook his head like he wanted to get rid of a nasty fly.
" My boy, there are things that you don't understand. I'm sorry about your mother but sometimes cruelty is necessary to prevent worse.", Zeus explained and Percy felt as if he had been punched in the gut. How could this all immortal god talk about an innocent woman death like that? He felt disgusted at Zeus rising and Annabeth spoke it out.
"Sally Jackson was a mortal woman! How could she have been any danger to you?", Annabeth asked her voice full of angry disbelief."Well it was more about her child than her, "Hera responded and maybe there was a hint of regret in her voice.
" Silence wife!", Zeus told her harshly but Percy's blood already froze."You.....you killed her because of me?", He asked fear numbing his fury. He hoped that he had just heard wrong but he was the only child of Poseidon so they could only mean him. Zeus sighed as if this whole situation bored him."Apollo gave me a prophecy that said that she would have a child with Poseidon that could end my sign that is all you need to know." Zeus said defensively and a dam in Percy that held back the growing stormy sea finally broke. Zeus had killed his mother because of a prophecy? 
Of course, gods always sed prophecies to harm others,
Percy balled his hands into fists his ears ringing." That is your excuse? you were scared so you just killed my pregnant mother in front of me? She was going to have a baby. She was happy and you killed just because of your god complex!" Percy accused Zeus, his voice trembling with anger. The waves were rushing through his veins and he can feel it in the veins of Zeus and Hera as well  Not as much but it was there flowing through their veins like calm waves. "I told you you would not understand now leave before I make you Perseus.", Zeus commands but that only makes Percy turn to him. 
His mother called him that because she wanted him to have a happy life...
Percy slowly opens his hand his senses searching for a certain source of water. When they find it Percy feels a tug in his fingers. He smiles darkly at Zeus."I think you underestimate what I'm capable of my lord. you really should have killed me instead of my loved ones.", Percy muses and he follows the tug by moving his hand forward, pushing back the waves in Zeus body. The god looked stunned for a moment even confused but then his body god thrown back so that his head smashed against his thrown. The stone cracked and Annabeth gasped in shock together with the other gods." Percy!" Annabeth yelled terrified at her boyfriend's power. Percy couldn't hear her. He could only focus on Zeus and how he was held in place by an invisible force his force. He wondered how much he could hurt a god.
He moved his hand to the side and Zeus growled in anger as he tried to resist the painful control he was under. Percy took a deep breath he was not sure what too now should he let Zeus go? Should he show the gods mercy? Then he remembered his mother and how she had died in a fiery explosion. He looked into Zeus blue angry eyes and he calls for the water in the god's throat, His hand makes a gesture like he was strangling someone and immediately Zeus grasps his own his gasps for breath was music in Percy's ears. He feels Annabeth shaking him begging him to stop with sobs in her voice. Hera watches the situation as if it was a very interesting movie. She was not at Percy's side but seeing the man who cheated on her so often be choked to please her too much to interfere.
Percy loved seeing Zeus so helpless, he loved when his other hand made the gods nose bleed with golden blood. Zeus looked in much pain and Percy loved every second of it." Now you know what it feels like to be a demigod. It's painful and you wish that the suffering would end but it never does. How do you like that?", Percy jokes and closes his hand a bit more. Zeus face turned red his eyes nearly popping out of his skull."Percy stop....please stop." Annabeth pleads and there is something in her voice that makes him hesitate." Sally would not want you to do this!", Annabeth said her voice shaking in horror. The words echo in Percy's mind and painful guilt helps to dim his inner flame. What would his mother say if she could see him right now? He was harming others with his powers just like Zeus had. 
His rage dies down like the sea after a long storm. He opens his hand and lets go of Zeus blood. The god nearly fell off his throne as he gasps for air. Percy still felt satisfaction at that sight. He turned to Annabeth who held onto his arm, her face pale from what she had seen." I'm sorry Annabeth.", He said and he really meant it. He shouldn't have scared her like this, he should have just told her not to come with him. Annabeth gently squeezes his hand. She understood Percy#s anger and she even shares it but she still prays that he will never lose himself to his power ever again. Zeus had regained his strength and his eyes blazed with electricity." YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS!", Zeus yells but Percy only felt a surge of frustration at those threats. After all that had happened to Zeus, he was still a god that was full of himself and would not learn anything from this. Percy looked at him coldly." No, I will not. Haven't you learned what happens when you make me angry?" Percy asked dangerously calm. He felt tired of all this talking and especially Zeus. He took Annabeth's hand and left as he suspected no one tries to stop them. The sea in his body has calmed down again but Zeus who is watching him from his throne can tell that he has changed. The sea can start raging again any moment and maybe it was Percy that the prophecy referred to. Maybe he  will be the end of the gods after all.
@emilydaughterofapollo @perseusjackson-jasongrace @incorrectinfinity, @reading0mens @fictionalnormalcy
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modernpaw · 3 years
It's a Beautiful Day for a Wedding (Part 3)
Charlie Barber x Female Reader
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Summary: When your ex-husband shows up at your cousin’s wedding, old wounds can’t help but resurface. Lucky for you, a certain theater director is also in attendance.
Notes: I had to write this whole thing twice because right after finishing it the first time, I accidentally pressed something and deleted much of the text, with no way to undo it. My last draft had been hours ago and so much had already changed in the scenes. You guys have no idea how much I wanted to cry, so I'm just glad someone's reading this. SNIFF. Lesson learned.
CW: N S F W, SMUT, swearing, unwanted advances, PIV sex, divorce, painful breakup, implied past infidelity, unprotected sex, AFAB reader
Words: 4.3k
Read Part 1 here
Read Part 2 here
The sound of knocking brings you back to your senses, and you push Charlie away in alarm. A look of hurt crosses his face, but it only lasts for a second. Before you can even open your mouth to apologize, however, the knocking starts again, and your attention returns to the door.
"Hellooooo," the person on the other side calls out. "Anyone there?"
"Sorry, occupied!" you shout, voice hoarse.
Aren't there other bathrooms in the house?
"Oh, honey! Are you okay?" You now recognize the speaker as one of the bridesmaids. "We haven't seen you since the reception began!"
"Y-Yes!" you answer, looking around for an alternative way out. Your eyes land on the frosted glass window on one side of the wall, which you know for a fact faces the back of the house.
You look back at Charlie. You may need him to climb out that way, but you're not sure how you can ask him to do so without offending him more than you probably already have.
"Are you sure? You sound like you're coming down with something!" the bridesmaid replies. "Let me in! Maybe I can help!"
The doorknob jiggles.
Panic surges in you, and you feel like throwing up. You're going to have to choose between making Charlie leave, knowing full well that you're the one who pulled him in here in the first place, or getting caught in a compromising situation. Either way, you're going to have to deal with the fallout.
Fortunately, Charlie seems to have come to the same conclusion. He taps you on the shoulder and points wordlessly to the window.
You nod at him before opening the faucet, hoping that the running water will help mask the sound of his escape. As he slides the glass up, you flush the toilet and slam the seat down, trying to make as much noise as possible.
For good measure, you shout back at the bridesmaid. "Uhm, on second thought, you might be right. I think I might have caught a bug or something."
"Oh dear!" she cries out. "You know, there's a stomach bug going around! Half my family is coming down with it!"
You say something in reply, rambling on and on about how sick you feel, while leaning your forehead against the door. Much of what you're saying probably doesn't make sense, but it only helps sell the idea that you're not feeling quite like yourself.
"Do you think you're well enough to come out? Perhaps you need to drink some water," she says helpfully.
You look behind you to check if it's safe to open the door. Charlie is nowhere to be seen, the open window the only indicator that he was ever there in the bathroom with you.
Aside from the taste of his lips on yours, of course.
You let out a sigh as you look at yourself in the mirror, recomposing yourself as best as you can. You fix the smudge of your makeup and rearrange your dress, all the while thinking about how his absence doesn't make you feel relieved, only hollow.
From experience, you know that you need to talk to Charlie right away. So many things have been left unsaid, and the longer you leave things unresolved, the harder it will be to sort out later.
You open the door abruptly, surprising the bridesmaid waiting on the other side. She takes one look at you and shakes her head. "Honey, you look so pale. I think you need to lie down."
You admit that you feel faint, but you also know that you need to go back to the reception to find Charlie. "I'll be fine," you say with a placating smile. "I just need to get something to eat."
She doesn't look like she believes you, but escorts you back to the garden anyway. You station yourself right by the dessert table, so you can nibble on a slice of cake while you scan the crowd for any sign of Charlie.
The party is still in full swing. From your vantage point, you can see your cousin and her husband engaged in an animated conversation with another couple. Everyone else is either talking, laughing, or eating, all having a good time.
There's no sign of the theater director anywhere though, and you blink your tears back, trying not to let your emotions get the best of you.
It's very likely that he's already left the party.
He probably doesn't want to see you again.
You really fucked this up.
Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice your ex-husband approaching you until he's right by your side.
"Look, I'm not really in the mood for you, Steve," you say when he calls your name. You keep your face turned away, eyes still searching the crowd for Charlie. Maybe if you don't look at him, he'll go away.
"I just want us to talk, sweetheart," he says, using his pet name for you.
The urge to vomit returns in full force. "D-Don't call me that," you say, putting your plate down when you feel a cold chill seep through your bones. Your hands turn cold and clammy, and it feels like you've actually caught a bug.
"You used to love it when I called you that," he continues, moving closer to you, lips brushing against your ear. "Remember the first time I called you sweetheart?"
You know where this story is going, but you don't want to hear it. "You lost the right to call me that a long time ago," you say as firmly as you can, finally looking him in the eye, and pushing him back. "Please just leave me alone."
Steve doesn't seem to know how to take no for an answer. "That wasn't the case a few months ago," he presses. "Weren't you my sweetheart when we spent that whole weekend in bed?"
You feel a dizzy spell coming on, and you sway a little where you stand. You steady yourself, trying to block Steve out as he recounts the details of your time together. Does he really think that reminding you of that weekend would make you want to jump back in his arms? If anything, it only reinforces your decision.
You've just about had enough, but when you try to walk away, he takes your hand and pulls you back. "Let me go, Steve," you hiss quietly, not wanting to call any attention by struggling harder, not that you have the energy to.
At this point, a stiff breeze would blow you over.
Before he can answer, you feel a strong arm curl around your waist, freeing you from Steve's grasp.
"Baby, here you are," Charlie says, putting himself in between you and your ex-husband. "I couldn't find any meds for your nausea, but maybe this watermelon drink will help."
On instinct, your body curls around Charlie's, one hand resting on his back, the other on his chest. He holds the glass before you and gently lets you sip from it, much to Steve's bewilderment.
Improvisation isn't necessarily your strongest suit, but it's not difficult to play along when your partner is Charlie.
"Better?" he asks.
You nod. "Can we go?" you ask in a small voice.
Charlie deposits the glass on the table. "Of course, babe," he says, before giving Steve a smile. "If you'll excuse us," he says before gently walking you back to the house.
You don't spare your ex-husband a second glance, choosing instead to focus on Charlie's arms around your waist and the feel of his body so close to yours. His presence is warm and comforting, and you feel the symptoms of what might have been a panic attack recede.
As you lean closer to Charlie, you think you feel his arm tighten around you, but you're not certain. It might have just been your imagination. You keep your hands on him anyway until you're safely inside the house, only letting go when he breaks away from you.
"There's a guest bedroom upstairs where I'm staying," you say as soon as you're out of anyone else's earshot. You don't want to risk getting interrupted or Charlie leaving before you get a chance to explain. "Do you think we can talk there?"
Charlie considers you for a second. "That depends. Am I going to have to climb out of a window again? Because I don't know if I can manage it quite as easily as from the second floor."
Guilt floods you and you look down on the floor. "No, it's my room. No one will—" You cut yourself mid-sentence, realizing that you couldn't, shouldn't, impose this conversation on him if he doesn't want it. "But if you don't want—"
Charlie sighs and gently cups your face. "I'm sorry. I meant it as a joke, but I think it came out the wrong way."
You blink up at him in surprise. "So you're not... you know...angry?" you ask.
He bops his forehead gently to yours. "No, c'mon. Let's talk."
Upstairs, in your room, you sit on the side of bed, while Charlie, after unbuttoning his coat with one hand, takes the desk chair right beside it.
You take a deep breath, not really sure what to say first.
Do you say that you're not normally that promiscuous? That that thing in the bathroom was your first time acting on your desires so indiscriminately? Do you apologize for pushing him away earlier? For making him leave through the window as if you're embarrassed to be caught in the bathroom with him?
Once again, however, Charlie beats you to it. "I'm sorry if I overstepped," he says.
"No!" you say, quick to contradict him.
You don't want him to think that you didn't want any of it or that he was alone in his actions. You're just as responsible for what transpired. "I wanted it," you say. "And I'm sorry for pushing you away. I was just surprised."
He studies your face for a moment, wanting to make sure he doesn't miss any important non-verbal cues from what you're saying, that it's not just wishful thinking on his part. "I understand," he finally says.
And he does. While he did feel hurt earlier, it was more of a reflex than a conscious emotion, and it wasn't something he would allow to take root without talking to you first. After escaping through the window, he went in search of another bathroom where he could compose himself and make himself more presentable before rejoining the reception.
That was when he saw you standing by the dessert table with whom he assumed was your ex-husband. As a director, Charlie is very used to reading body language, and he could tell within a second of watching you that you were very uncomfortable in the other man's presence.
He had already been on his way over, but when Steve pulled your hand, Charlie had to stop himself from making a scene. He grabbed a drink on the way, so he wouldn't accidentally break your ex-husband's nose for putting his hands on you, knowing that that last thing you wanted was to call any attention to yourself.
Now that he has you all to himself, all sorts of thoughts are running through his head, such as the fact that he probably should have asked you to dinner first, and he says so as much.
"But I can't say that I regret what I did either, unless, of course, you do," he says, watching your face carefully.
You stare back at Charlie in awe. "I-I don't regret it either," you say. "I like you Charlie."
Charlie smiles as he holds his hand out to you. "Well, just in case it's not obvious, so do I."
You reach out to place your hand in his, returning his smile. "It's been quite a day, hasn't it?"
He squeezes your hand. "I think we deserve a break."
The break is apparently a nap, which, according to Charlie, you desperately need. You don't have the energy to argue, especially not when you know he's right. Your emotions have been running on high since earlier this morning when you heard that your ex-husband was attending the wedding.
Charlie admits that he may have exacerbated the situation.
"Exacerbated," you yawn, "is one way of putting it."
Now, lying on your side, you feel your eyelids start to get heavy. The bed is so soft, and Charlie is so warm. He's taken his coat off and is positioned right behind you, one arm slung over your body, pulling you close to his chest.
You put a hand over his and hum in contentment. Charlie smiles when he hears it, likening it to a cat's purr.
He drapes one leg over yours. "Sleep now," he commands, and you find yourself obeying without question. His weight is a welcome anchor for your frazzled emotions, and soon, you find yourself dreaming.
You're on a boat, bobbing up and down, in the middle of the ocean. There's nothing but water for as far as your eye can see, no other person around you, not even land on the horizon, but you don't feel scared or alone. You just feel at peace.
When a large wave rocks the boat gently, you rush over to the side of the craft, only to realize that the wave is actually a blue whale. Its sheer size should have been overwhelming, but its presence only calms you.
Then the dream changes, and you feel lips pressing against the back of your neck and hear sweet nothings whispered in your ear.
You're gorgeous.
Stay here.
I'll be right back.
You try to shift closer to the warmth behind you, and that's when you wake up.
Blinking your eyes open, you register the fact that you're alone in bed, alone in the room, in fact. You push yourself up on your forearms. Charlie's side of the bed is still warm, so he probably hasn't been gone for long.
Before you can even speculate about his whereabouts, however, the door opens to reveal the man himself with a plate of food in one hand and two bottles of water in the other. "Hey," he says, placing them all on the desk. "Thought I left you sleeping."
You crawl over to the edge of the bed before standing on your knees before him. While you appreciate him taking the time to bring you food from the reception, it's not exactly what you're hungry for. You reach for his belt, pulling him towards you, before laying gentle kisses on his stomach.
Charlie swallows. "Are you sure about this?" he asks, cradling your face.
You look up at him and nod. "Very sure."
Charlie leans down to kiss you softly on the lips before joining you on the bed. You move back to make room for him, until your head hits the pillow and the entire length of his body covers yours.
"You look so beautiful," he says, before gently parting your legs. He nudges your left leg to the side, and slides his hands up the smooth expanse of your skin, bringing your dress up as he does.
Your breath hitches in anticipation when he raises it to your waist, revealing your seamless underwear. A new wet patch is already forming on the crotch.
Charlie gives you a heated gaze before devoting his attention back to your core, his undivided attention making you feel even more aroused.
"Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted earlier?" he asks softly. Before you can even comprehend his question properly, however, he leans down to sweep his tongue across your slit through the jersey fabric.
"Oh f-fuck," you whimper as soon as you feel him on you, the panties barely a barrier from the warm, wet, and firm assault of his tongue. The soft, sensual motions of his mouth make you hotter and wetter, and one of your hands lands on his head, while the other clutches wildly at the sheets.
As he proceeds to lick long stripes up and down your core and lap at your clit through your panties, your desperate pants and gasps redirect blood flow to his cock, filling it up even more. He groans against you as he palms himself through his trousers. He can't wait to be inside you, to plunge himself in so deep, he'll never find his way out again.
Charlie moans against your pussy and wonders if you know just how much more depraved his thoughts about you can get. He's never felt this way before, has never wanted to give in to his desires as much as he does with you.
Leaving one last kiss on your pussy, he pulls away to make quick work of his pants and his shirt.
Despite feeling lightheaded, you sit up to follow his lead, pushing the straps of your gown down until the entire dress slides off your body. Without breaking eye contact, you stand back on your knees, and reach behind you to unclasp your strapless bra. Before you completely release the band, however, you hesitate for a moment, suddenly feeling self-conscious. It's ridiculous, you know, but even though he's already had his lips on your most intimate places, this is the first time you're going to be baring yourself to him.
Will he like what he sees?
Before you can back out, you remove your bra and lower yourself to sit on the backs of your legs, hands on your lap, inadvertently squeezing your tits together.
Charlie is silent for a moment, staring at you unabashedly, and you wonder if you're not what he expected.
Finally, he kneels down on the bed before you. "How are you even real?" he whispers, reaching out to touch your chest. Your hands fall to your sides, as he caresses your tits up and down, over and under, tracing their natural shape, letting them bob against his palms. At his ministrations, your breasts start to swell. They become heavier and seemingly fuller in response to the largeness and roughness of his hands. You arch your back, offering yourself up to him, as your pussy quivers and flutters in anticipation.
He has yet to touch your nipples, but he doesn't have to, they're already hard and swollen, waiting for him to lavish his attention on them. Charlie licks his lips. You can tell—or maybe you hope—that he wants to lick them, suck them, but that can wait another time. There's something else that needs attention.
You reach for the waistband of his boxer briefs, tugging them down. Charlie helps you pull them off, and you barely contain your excitement when the head of his cock slips out and the rest of his length is finally unsheathed.
It's big, bigger than what you're used to, and it looks—fuck—it looks so hard and heavy, the head barely managing to lift itself. The tip is shiny with pre-cum, the balls drawn tight and large. Your mouth waters at the sight. You've always had a bit of an oral fixation if you're being honest, and you can't wait to have his cock between your lips.
Charlie groans as he watches you watch him with undisguised desire. He gives himself a few strokes, but you stop him before he could get anywhere, pulling him down to the bed. He soon finds your positions reversed, him with his back against the headboard, you right between his legs, kneeling down on all fours.
Seeing your ass up in the air and hearing your delicate moans as your nipples rub against the sheets—it's all nearly too much for Charlie, and more pre-cum gathers at his tip. He stops breathing altogether when you hover your mouth over his cock and raise your head to look up at him. He feels like he knows what you're about to do, and he's not disappointed when you hold his gaze as you give his head several experimental licks.
"Ungggggh!" he moans, his hands digging into his thighs at the sensation. He doesn't want to rush you, not yet, but god does he want to thrust up into your mouth.
"That's it—fuck—take it," he groans when his cock finally slips between your lips. Holding the base of his erection with one hand, he pulls your head down with the other, gently feeding you his length one inch at a time.
"C'mon, baby girl," he groans encouragingly as you take in more of him. "You can do it."
You close your eyes in pleasure, and you take him in further, sucking softly as you do. You're not a world champion at deep-throating, but you do enjoy giving head. In fact, you enjoy it so much, your pussy's already salivating.
"You feel—fuck—you feel so fucking good," Charlie says. You moan in reply, and he involuntarily tightens his fist in your hair when it sends vibrations through his cock. You hardly feel it, however, focused as you are on the singular task of taking in as much as you can of his length and the sheer pleasure you get out of servicing his cock.
Charlie nearly loses it when he looks down to see your eyes half-lidded and strands of saliva around your mouth. You look so thoroughly debauched, so fucking dirty and unrestrained in your pleasure, that he can't help himself. He begins to face-fuck you, hand urging your head to keep up with his thrusts.
You gag slightly, eyes tearing up immediately when Charlie's dick hits the back of your throat, but you try to relax your muscles, taking what you're given. You love how he sounds above you, his groans raw and broken, his growls bordering on animalistic.
Just as you think he's about to come, however, he pulls his dick out and pulls you onto his lap. You place your hands on his shoulders, moaning when you feel the full extent of his hardness against your core. You feel your cunt throb, swelling up at the prospect of having his cock inside.
"Y-You want my cock?" Charlie asks with a hiccup, still breathless after nearly coming in your mouth.
"Mmmhmmm," you answer, as you lean back, hands on either side of his hips, indulgently rubbing yourself against him. Charlie allows it for several seconds, knows how much you deserve it, before lifting you back up on your knees. You're still wearing your panties, but he doesn't care. He simply pulls the crotch of the fabric, wet as it is, to the side. As he positions his cock right under your pussy, he inhales sharply at the sight if your glistening folds. Slick. Sopping. Dripping. He can't wait to get inside you, can't wait to feel your wet pussy ride his dick.
Slowly, you sink yourself on him, and although he's larger than what you're used to, your cunt instinctively makes room for his cock. Not enough that he can just slide all the way in, but just so that you're taking more of him with every move. It's a tight fit, but it's comfortably snug, and you can't stop yourself from moaning at how good it feels.
"Mmmm... yeah," you cry out. "F-Feels so good."
Charlie groans as he watches your pussy swallow him down. "Fuckkkkkk," he swears. One of his hands hovers just over your shoulder, resisting the urge to push you down. "So damn greedy for this cock."
He's not wrong. You gasp when you finally seat yourself fully on his lap. You've never felt this full or this close to bursting before.
While he waits for you to get used to his size, Charlie distracts himself by running his hands all over your body and leaving feather-light kisses everywhere—on your shoulders, your neck, your ears, your breasts.
"Oh, Ch-Charlie!" you cry out when he catches one nipple in his mouth, the suction of his wet warmth making the already sensitive bud ache. The delicious throbbing causes your walls to contract, which then squeezes his dick in a solid grip.
Charlie lets your nipple go with a raspy plea. "Baby, need you to move now," he says urgently.
You lift yourself back up and try to find a rhythm, but when Charlie sees how much of your slick is covering his dick, he decides that you can go a bit faster. Grabbing you by your waist with both hands, he takes over the pace and starts bouncing you on his dick, the constant fwap-fwap-fwap sound of your fucking filling the air.
"L-Look at how well you're taking me, baby girl," he groans, watching as his cock disappears in and out of your pussy.
"Ahh, ahh, ahh!" you moan as his thrusts repeatedly hit your g-spot and your clit rubs against his pelvic bone. "Ch-Charlie, Charlie, Charlie!" you chant his name as if it's the only name you've ever known.
"Th-That's right—fuck!" Charlie exclaims, thrusting upward frantically now. He wants to leave his mark in you, wants to ruin you for any other man, wants you to know only his touch.
He's so, so close, he can taste it. "So fucking good!" he groans.
You're not that far off yourself, but then Charlie lets out a deep, rumbling growl and bites down on your shoulder.
Oh fuck.
You let out a high-pitched whine as pleasure sweeps through every cell in your body. You feel yourself literally crying out in ecstasy. Without a doubt, this is the best orgasm you've had in a long time.
Charlie grits his teeth when he sees the tears in your eyes and feels the exact moment you reach your peak. His balls draw themselves up, and his cock prepares to ejaculate. He wants to come in you, but you haven't had the chance to discuss anything, so he lifts you up and pulls out at the very last minute.
As soon as his hand touches his dick, it spurts out gobs of semen, painting your pussy, your stomach, and even his chest and your breasts white. Some even land on your face.
Charlie groans when he sees you slip your tongue out to lick the spot near your lips where a bit of come landed. He doesn't have it in him to get hard again, but his dick still twitches at the sight.
"Come here," he says, pulling your head close, so he can kiss you. Chest still heaving, you part your lips for him, letting his tongue in. Charlie kisses you tenderly and lovingly, and then pulls you closer so he's cradling your body on his lap sideways. You two remain like that for some time, kissing away the aftermath of your orgasm, oblivious to the rest of the world.
When you two eventually break apart, it's not because you two get tired of kissing, but because your tummy finally makes its hunger known.
"Looks like someone's finally ready to eat," he says, chuckling.
You smile back at him. "Well, I'd say we deserve it."
Tagging: @cornmousequeen, @fizzywoohoo, @paper-n-ashes, @morby, @shygirl268
Tagging (for this story): @clydesfavoritegirl, @alpha-lobito, @gurl-ly, @boltonbritreads
If you would like to be tagged in future adcu stories or only those for specific adcu characters (which I cannot promise will actually happen), let me know! :) Otherwise, thank you for reading!
Likewise, if you want to be untagged, feel free to let me know! No need to explain and I won't be offended! :)
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